PCR is used in forensic analysis
VNTRs: Variable Number Tandem Repeats
STRs: short tandem repeats •4 to 40 repeats in various positions (loci)
“DNA fingerprint”
– Conserves energy
• Don’t make what you don’t need!
• Multicellular
– Allows specialization of cell types
– Allows growth and development
• How do we know that
Fig 10-23, 10-24
How can we change DNA information?
Make site specific changes
Transform into a strain that has no
DNA repair
Fig 10-34
Reporter Genes
Fig 10-29
organism • Mechanisms to determine the sequence of DNA • Ways to alter and change DNA sequences • Ways to put DNA back into organisms
• And if we can do all that: use stem cells to alter/repair damage
• What are some of the specialized proteins produced in these cell types?
– Recent evidence indicates that prokaryotes are more diverse and numerous than previous thought.
Basic Properties of Cells (6)
• Types of Eukaryotic Cells: Cell Specialization
– Genes encode information to build each cell, ad the organism.
– Genes encode information for cellular reproduction, activity, and structure.
Levels of cellular and molecular organization
Pathways of cell differentiation
composition and metabolic features that have been conserved throughout evolution.
Basic Properties of Cells (2)
Basic Properties of Cells (3)
• Cells Posses a Genetic Program and the Means to Use It
– Cultured cells are an essential tool for cell biologists.
Basic Properties of Cells (2)
• Cells Are Highly Complex and Organized
– Cellular processes are highly regulated. – Cells from different species share similar structure,
Basic Properties of Cells (6)
• Types of Eukaryotic Cells: Cell Specialization
– Genes encode information to build each cell, ad the organism.
– Genes encode information for cellular reproduction, activity, and structure.
Levels of cellular and molecular organization
Pathways of cell differentiation
composition and metabolic features that have been conserved throughout evolution.
Basic Properties of Cells (2)
Basic Properties of Cells (3)
• Cells Posses a Genetic Program and the Means to Use It
– Cultured cells are an essential tool for cell biologists.
Basic Properties of Cells (2)
• Cells Are Highly Complex and Organized
– Cellular processes are highly regulated. – Cells from different species share similar structure,
细胞生物学Introduction of cell biologyPPT课件
![细胞生物学Introduction of cell biologyPPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/36bf828b1ed9ad51f11df272.png)
Cell organelle (Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Endomembrane
system, nucleus etc.)
Cytoskeleton System
Cell proliferation and regulation
Cell differentiation and gene expression Cell apoptosis and cellular aging
molecular mechanisms of the intricate activities of cells
细胞生物学是: 研究细胞基本 生命活动规律 的科学,它从 不同层次上主 要研究……
The structure of cells
The course mainly covers:
Suggestions to Study Cell Biology
Fundamental Concepts and theories Experimental approaches and ideas (As you read this
text, think like a researcher)
Reductionist (knowledge of the parts of the whole can
explain the character of the whole) Don’t accept everything you read as being true. Remain skeptical! English is just a tool! Take notes when you listened especially what I have emphasized
Nucleosomes condense DNA three-fold: what else condenses DNA?
Fig. 5-22
Final levels of chromatin packing: heterochromatin & chromatids
Euchromatin (less condense)
Chromatin organization within a nucleus
Fig. 5-19
Nucleolus: rRNA transcription!
Special parts of chromosomes:
Fig. 5-16
How is the intervening DNA packed & packaged?
What part of the cell contains genetic material?
Fig. 5-4
What part of the cell contains genetic material?
T2 virus (bacteriophage): contains only DNA and protein Injects the genetic material into the host cell (E. coli)
Fig. 5-7
Fig. 5-6
Genome: complete set of DNA/genetic information
Human cells: ~two meters, ~3.2 x 109 nucleotides, ~25,000 genes
Fig. 5-22
Final levels of chromatin packing: heterochromatin & chromatids
Euchromatin (less condense)
Chromatin organization within a nucleus
Fig. 5-19
Nucleolus: rRNA transcription!
Special parts of chromosomes:
Fig. 5-16
How is the intervening DNA packed & packaged?
What part of the cell contains genetic material?
Fig. 5-4
What part of the cell contains genetic material?
T2 virus (bacteriophage): contains only DNA and protein Injects the genetic material into the host cell (E. coli)
Fig. 5-7
Fig. 5-6
Genome: complete set of DNA/genetic information
Human cells: ~two meters, ~3.2 x 109 nucleotides, ~25,000 genes
Figure 17-16 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Generic walking mechanism of a two-headed molecular motor
Different motor proteins transport cargo along microtubules
Figure 17-7a Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
• Organized inside cells
Figure 17-8 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Keratin intermediate filaments(green)
Three major types of protein filaments
Intermediate Filaments
(diameter of 10nm)
(diameter of 25nm)
Actin filaments (microfilaments)
• IFs have great tensile strength, the toughest and most durable of the three types of cytoskeletal filaments
• IFs can survive after treatment with concentrated salt solutions and nonionic detergents
13 protofilaments
Generic walking mechanism of a two-headed molecular motor
Different motor proteins transport cargo along microtubules
Figure 17-7a Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
• Organized inside cells
Figure 17-8 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Keratin intermediate filaments(green)
Three major types of protein filaments
Intermediate Filaments
(diameter of 10nm)
(diameter of 25nm)
Actin filaments (microfilaments)
• IFs have great tensile strength, the toughest and most durable of the three types of cytoskeletal filaments
• IFs can survive after treatment with concentrated salt solutions and nonionic detergents
13 protofilaments
结合激光扫描和共聚焦技术,实现三 维重建和动态观察,用于研究细胞内 分子定位和相互作用。
利用电子束代替光束,通过电磁透镜 成像,可观察细胞的超微结构,如透 射电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜。
通过体外操作DNA片段,实现基因克隆、表达和调控研究,用于 解析基因功能和调控网络。
细胞周期调控异常可能导致细胞增殖失控和肿瘤发生。因此,深入研究 细胞周期调控因子和机制对于理解细胞增殖、分化和癌变等生物学过程 具有重要意义。
细胞分化类型 多能干细胞分化
利用质谱技术、蛋白质芯片等方 法,研究细胞内蛋白质组成、相 互作用和修饰等,揭示蛋白质在
运用生物信息学方法对基因组学 和蛋白质组学数据进行挖掘和分 析,发现新的基因、蛋白质和调 控网络及其与细胞生物学过程的
The translocon
• Multimeric protein complex that creates an aqueous channel in the ER membrane
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 11 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 11 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
Mechanism of protein translocation into the ER
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 11 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
Two mechanisms of protein
(Yeast) Involves additional proteins such as Sec62/63 and BiP to pull protein through translocon
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 11 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
The topology of a membrane protein is determined during its insertion into the ER
An Overview of Membrane Functions
3.1 An Overview of Membrane Functions (1)
• Compartmentalization – Membranes form continuous sheets that enclose intracellular compartments.
– Channel proteins have hydrophilic cores that form aqueous channels in the membranespanning region.
The Structure and Functions of Membrane Proteins (3)
– Glycoproteins have short, branched carbohydrates for interactions with other cells and structures outside the cell.
– Glycolipids have larger carbohydrate chains that may be cell-to-cell recognition sites.
• Membrane proteins can be grouped into three distinct classes
The Structure and Functions of Membrane Proteins (2)
• Integral Membrane Proteins
– Are amphiphatic, with hydrophic domains anchoring them in the bilayer and hydrophilic regions forming functional domains outside of the bilayer.
Why should we study cell biology?
• Provides insight into the mechanism of how cells work • We have to understand the details of a single cell in order to understand a complex, multi-cellular organism. • Fascinating Essential for the understanding of human diseases and their treatments.
Comparing the size of biological objects
Electron microscope
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Light microscope
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 1 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
W2011 D103 Cell Biology - lecture 1 © Suetterlin and MacGregor - all rights reserved.
Limitation of microscopy
Rule of thumb for the resolving power of a microcsope: 1/2 wavelength Light microscope: Visible light serves as the source of illumination (wavelength of 700 to 400 nm) Light microscopy can resolve details that are at least 200 nm apart
Fluctuations of cyclin and MPF levels during the cell cycle
The Cell Cycle (6)
• The role of protein kinases (continued)
– MPF-like, cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) occur in yeast cells.
The Cell Cycle (12)
• The pairing between individual cyclins and Cdks is specific, and only some combinations are found.
• As in yeast, Cdk1 is the only Cdk required to drive a mammalian cell through the cell cycle.
Combinations between various cyclins and Cdks at different stages in the mammalian cell cycle
The Cell Cycle (13)
• Checkpoints, Kinase Inhibitors, and Cellular Responses
exist mitosis and enter a new cell cycle.
The Cell Cycle (11)
• Subcellular Localization
– Movement of cyclins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus is another point of control.
Fluctuations of cyclin and MPF levels during the cell cycle
The Cell Cycle (6)
• The role of protein kinases (continued)
– MPF-like, cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) occur in yeast cells.
The Cell Cycle (12)
• The pairing between individual cyclins and Cdks is specific, and only some combinations are found.
• As in yeast, Cdk1 is the only Cdk required to drive a mammalian cell through the cell cycle.
Combinations between various cyclins and Cdks at different stages in the mammalian cell cycle
The Cell Cycle (13)
• Checkpoints, Kinase Inhibitors, and Cellular Responses
exist mitosis and enter a new cell cycle.
The Cell Cycle (11)
• Subcellular Localization
– Movement of cyclins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus is another point of control.
《细胞生物学》教学课件:01 cell introduction
![《细胞生物学》教学课件:01 cell introduction](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/58de1dfdb0717fd5360cdc79.png)
• 儿童早老症(Hutchinson-Gilford综合征)的患者表现出极其明显 的衰老特征,例如9岁的儿童早老症患者外貌看起来像70多岁的 老人,其组织中有老年色素的沉积,秃发、老年容貌、早发性 动脉粥样硬化等症状,通常在20岁前死去
(1.4)细胞死亡 (cell death)
细胞终末分化与衰老最终都要导致 细胞死亡,细胞死亡包括两种主要类型: 一为细胞坏死(necrosis),另一为编程 性细胞死亡(programmed cell death)或 细胞凋亡(apoptosis)。
2.医学上的疑难杂症往往也需 要在细胞水平的研究上才能找 到答案
在本质上是精子细胞与卵细胞的结合 干预(生育控制、
The process whereby an unspecialized early embryonic cell acquires the features of a specialized cell such as a heart, liver, or muscle cell.
疾病是细胞病变的综合反映,而细 胞病变则是细胞在致病因素的作用下, 组成细胞的若干分子相互作用的结果; 生物的理化的和遗传的因素都可能通过 这种或那种途径影响到细胞内的分子存 在,而导致细胞病变
cell damage------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------↗
Medical Cell Biology
The Light Microscope (2)
• Resolution
– Resolution is the ability to see two nearby points as distinct images.
• The numerical aperture is a measure of the lightgathering qualities of a lens.
A comparison of the lens system of a light and electron microscope
Transmission Electron Microscope (3)
• Specimen Preparation for Electron Microscopy
• Visibility
– Visibility deals with factors that allow an object to be observed.
• It requires that the specimen and the background have different refractive indexes.
The Feulgen stain
The Light Microscope (4)
• Preparation of Specimens for Bright-Field Light Microscopy
– A whole mount is an intact object, either living of dead.
– A condenser lens is placed between the electron source and the specimen.
10.Cell differentiation细胞生物学英文课件
![10.Cell differentiation细胞生物学英文课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/23e958b79b6648d7c0c74609.png)
Cell differentiation occurs through changes in gene expression
Ultimately, determination and differentiation occur due to differential gene expression, which results from signal transduction.
Human has about 5 billions cells, More than 400 cell types.
Cell differentiation involves in wide range of mechanisms
Molecular biology of differentiation (genetics and epigenetic regulation;
• Hedgehog (HH) pathway, • Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway, • Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) pathway, • Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathway, • Epidermal growth factor (EGF) pathway, • Retinoic acid pathway,视黄酸信号通路 • Wingless (Wnt/Wg) pathway, • Notch pathway, • G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) pathway.
国外大学细胞生物学课件-英文 (6)资料
![国外大学细胞生物学课件-英文 (6)资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d7767e20c281e53a5802ff60.png)
D103 - Cell Biology Lecture 16 - Trimeric G-protein coupled receptors © 2011 Grant MacGregor & Christine Sü tterlin All rights reserved
Page 3
Monomericvsheterotrimeric GTPases – Comparison of control mechanisms
• GPCR mediate responses to a wide range of stimuli including hormones and neurotransmitters; ligands include proteins, peptides, amino acids, vitamin derivatives, odorants, fatty acids, light.
proteins convey a signal to other components of the intracellular signaling apparatus. • GTPases participate in many cellular activities:
- Membrane traffic, e.g. Arf, Rab, Sar;monomeric GTPase - Nuclear transport, e.g. Ran;monomeric GTPase - Regulation of the cytoskeleton, e.g. Rho;monomeric GTPase - Protein synthesis, e.g. EF-Tu;monomeric GTPase - Proteintranslocation in ER, e.g. SRP;monomeric GTPase - Signal transduction, e.g. Ras, monomeric GTPase - Signal transduction, e.g. Gaplus, heterotrimeric GTPase
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JAK's / STAT's
• Receptor tyrosine kinasesRas / MAP kinase
• Examples of diseases associated with defects in these pathing: MBOC 5e, pages 921 - 945
• Receptor guanylylcyclases - directly catalyze synthesis of cGMP in cytosol.
sixteen classes of receptors with discrete mechanisms of signal transduction
• The cytoplasmic domain of an enzyme-linked cell surface receptor can have either intrinsic enzyme activity, or may be physically associated with an enzyme.
• ‘Receptor-like’ tyrosine phosphatases - remove phosphate groups from tyrosines. Termed ‘receptor-like’ because no ligand has to date been found for these proteins.
• Receptor tyrosine kinases - have intrinsickinase activity; phosphorylate specific tyrosine (Y) residues on a small set of intracellular signaling proteins.
• Tyrosine-kinase associated receptors - these cell surface receptors don't have intrinsic kinase activity, but instead they associate with proteins that have such activity.
D103 - Cell Biology - lecture 18
© 2011 Grant MacGregor & Christine Sü tterlin - all rights reserved
Page 3
Cell Surface Receptors with Intrinsic or Associated Enzyme Activity
• The enzyme is often a kinase (or phosphatase) with specificity for a tyrosine, serine or threonine amino acid.
D103 - Cell Biology - lecture 18
© 2011 Grant MacGregor & Christine Sü tterlin - all rights reserved
Page 1
There are five major classes of enzyme-linked cell surface receptors
D103 - Cell Biology - lecture 18
© 2011 Grant MacGregor & Christine Sü tterlin - all rights reserved
Page 2
Cell Surface Receptors with Intrinsic or Associated Kinase Activity
intrinsic or associated kinase activity, plus their downstream effectors -
Transduction signaling proteins
• TGFb-family receptors Smads
• Cytokine receptors
• Receptor serine / threonine kinases - have intrinsic kinase activity; phosphorylate specific serine (S) or threonine (T) residues on intracellular signaling proteins.
• As with GPCR, enzyme-linked cell surface receptors are transmembrane proteins, with a ligand-binding domain onthe outside of the cell.
• Unlike GPCR, enzyme-linked cell surface receptors are usually single-pass transmembrane proteins.
Lecture 18 – Signaling V Cell Surface Receptors with Intrinsic or Associated Kinase Activity
• General background on cell surface receptors with intrinsic or associated kinase activity. • Examples of different ways in which cell surface transmembrane receptors can be activated. • Illustration of principles - three different classes of cell surface receptors that have either