
表表五(WBB-36B D型装置通道配置)5.1装置的启动元件启动元件作为所有保护功能的开放元件,起着重要的作用,本装置设有两个启动元件:突变量启动元件及电流辅助启动元件。
突变量启动元件利用相电流差突变量来计算,判据为:I =|(l (k)-l (k-N))-(l (k-N)-l (k-2N))|>IQD(N=12);其中为A,B,C中的任一项。
辅助启动元件为过流启动元件或零序过流启动元件,具体判据为:I >min(IL1 , IL2定值)(在相应的保护功能压板投入情况下);3IO>IJO定值(在相应的保护功能压板投入情况下);(C型)3I0>min(101,102,103定值)(在相应的保护功能压板投入情况下);(D型)其中为A,B,C中的任一项。
装置在执行两段过流判别时,各段判别逻辑一致,其动作条件如下:1)I >Idn ; Idn为n段电流定值(n=1,2), I为最大相电流2)T>Tdn ; Tdn 为n 段延时定值(n=1,2,3)3)相应于过流相间的方向条件及复合电压条件满足(根据控制字的设置)过流I段可选择带方向,方向可选择指向变压器或母线.5.4两相式、三相式电流元件装置可根据控制字的设置,实现两相式或三相式保护方式,区别在于:两相式保护方式:弓I入IA , IC两相电流及假B相电流IB = -(IA+IC)到本装置,装置电流保护I段、II段均为两相式(只反映IA、IC两相电流),山段为三相式,主要是为了提高在经Y/ △变压器,在△侧故障III段保护的灵敏度。
Honeywell EX 防爆限位开关 说明书

电路 电气额定值单刀单掷 A UL/CSA 额定值15A 125250或480VAC; 1/8Hp, 125VAC; 1/4Hp,250VAC; 1/2A 125VDC; 1/4A 250VDC单刀双掷 B UL/CSA 额定值20A 125250或480VAC 10A 125VAC “L”1Hp 125VAC; 2Hp 250VAC; 1/2A 125VDC; 1/4A 250VDC单刀双掷 C UL/CSA 额定值10A 125或250VAC0.3A 125VDC; 0.15A 250VDC单刀双掷 D UL/CSA 额定值10A 125或250VAC0.3A 125VDC; 1/4A 250VDC单刀双掷 E 额定值1A 125VACSingle-Conduit Connect Switch*EX 开关带有列入UL 的用于危险环境的最小外壳外壳中的火焰能道冷却爆炸气体使其在到达外壳外部爆炸气体的环境之前温度低至燃点温度以下打开前盖可以看到用螺相紧固的开关单元EX 开关具有一个或两个导线也在开关体的单侧或双侧EX 开关对液体不密封不建议用于室外或有水浅的环境如果需要这类一茁壮成长可选用CX 或LSX系列特点:• NEMA179• 紧凑坚固的外壳 • 高达20A 的负载能力 • 宽敞的接线空间 • 可从四个侧面固定 • 滚轮摇杆位置360°可调 • 不产生火花的执行杆 • 附带在盖上的螺钉 • ULCSA 认证 • 接地螺钉NEMA 标准: 17和9UL 和CSA 认证: Class1Div.1GroupsB(仅限于800EXH 系列和EXD 系列)C 和D; Class II Div.1GroupsE,F 和G温度范围: -40~71°C电气额定值电气额定值型号Q.F NP.T.max. mm O.T. minD.T. max. mm 顺时针15A SPDT A EX-AR 2.22-5.56 5.56 (8°)90° 0.18 (0.25°) 顺时针20A SPDT B EXA-AR 3.34-8.90 5.56 25° 0.3 (4°)逆进针15A SPDT A EX-AR30 11.1 2.65 25° 0.18(0.25°)顺时针或逆时针15A 低操作力(无回复弹簧)不带安装支架SPDTA EX-AR160.56-- -附加转杆订EX-AR20时需从下图中选择转杆顺时针, 15A SPDT A EX-AR800 2.22-5.56 5.56 90° 0.18(0.25°)逆时针 15A SPDT A EX-AR83011.1 1.65 25° 0.18(0.25°)顺时针 10A DPDT C EX-D-AR-3* 2.22-6.67 6.35 25° 2.77(4°)逆时针 10A DPDT C EXD-AR30-3* 12.2 5.56 25° 2.77 滚轮转杆 6PA5-EX表铜滚轮6PA127-EX尼龙滚轮顺时针1A**SPDTE EXH-AR3 2.22-6.67 5.56 25° 0.64附加 UL,CSA 认证用于 Class1Group B,(氢气环境)逆时针 1A**SPDTE EXH-AR3311.1 1.65 3.525° 0.64不带转杆(选择转杆参见左图)顺时针SPDTA EXH-AR20 0.22Nm 5.56 90° 0.18(0.25°)正交滚轮转杆 6PA131-EX青铜滚轮逆时针其余同上A EXH-AR230 0.22Nm 5.56 90° 0.18(0.25°)单向滚轮转杆 顺时针6PA130-EX 青铜滚轮 逆时针6PA142-EX青铜滚轮顺时针或逆时针的转动方向为从商标面看过去的方面 *带3英尺引线**内部开关单元为真空密封开关带3.2米引线工作特性: O.F.操作力; P.T.-预行程; O.T.过行程; D.T.差动行程可调长度滚轮转杆6PA138-EX尼龙转杆棒式转杆6PA136-EX铝棒可调长度12.5英寸棒式转杆 带1英寸尼龙滚轮滚轮转杆开关选型表形式电气额定值型号 O.F.max. N P.T. max. mm O.T. min D.T. max. mm 顺时针15A SPDT不带安装支架A EX-AR1613 0.56 18° 90° -正交滚轮转杆开关选型表过行程柱塞式开关手动操作开关低力扫描仪转杆开关单向滚轮转杆开关形式电气额定值型号 O.F. N P.T.max. mm O.T. min D.T. max. mm 顺时针15A SPDTA EX-CR 2.22-5.56 5.56 90° 0.18选型表形式电气额定值型号 O.F. N P.T.max. mm O.T. min D.T. max. mm 顺时针15A SPDTA EX-AR128 2.22-5.56 5.56 90° 0.18选型表选型表形式电气额定值型号 O.F. N 3×3.5英寸踏班 SPDT不带安装支架A EX-AR50 11.1选型表形式 电气额定值型号 O.F. max. N P.T.max. mm O.T. min D.T. max. mm O.P.* mm 15A,SPDT A EX-Q 13.34 2.98 4.78 0.1 47.22 20A,SPDT B EXA-Q 8.9 1.27 3.18 0.23 46.0215A, SPDT A EX-Q800 13.34 1.98 4.78 0.1 47.22 附加ULCSA 认 证用于 Class1, Group B, (氢气环境)10A, DPDT C EXD-Q-3** 13.34 3.96 3.58 1.52 46.02 带密封靴10A,SPDTD EX-N15 13.34 1.98 4.78 0.1 52.32公差为±0.06毫米**带3英尺电缆操作特性: O.T.-操作力; P.T.-预行程; O.T.-过行程; D.T.-差动行程形式 电气 额定值 型号O.F.max.N P.T. max.mm O.F. min D.T. max. mm 两个1/2英寸的出线孔 顺时针15A SPDT A 1EX1 2.22 5.56 5.56 0° 0.18 两个1/2英寸的出线孔 顺时针20A SPDT B 1EX1 3.618.90 5.56 25° 0.3 两个3/4英寸的出线孔 顺时针10A DPDT C 4EX13* 2.22 6.67 6.35 25° 2.77双出线孔开关 本页所示的开关为双出线孔式开关便于穿过式接线用户还可利用这一特点将DPDT开关的两路接线分别从不同的出线孔引出外壳尺寸比单出线孔的EX 开关大一些提供了附加的接线空间NEMA双出线孔的EX 开关具有与单出线孔开关相同的密封防爆等级选型表滚轮转杆开关*带3英寸长电缆操作特性: O.F.-操作力; P.T.-预行程; O.T.-过行程; D.T.-差动行程安装支架安装尺寸15PA85EX 用于从顶部底部 15PA86EX 仅用于从顶部固定柱或后部固定EX 塞式开关滚轮转杆式EX 开关也可直接固定用1032UNF 螺钉不带滚轮转杆安装尺寸正交滚轮转杆单向滚轮转杆低操作力棒式手动操作式柱塞式带密封靴柱塞式带双出线孔的开关滚轮转杆。

电源AC 电源※直流电源必须使用绝缘变压器,请勿使用自耦变压器;※电力线、动力线通过开关引线附近时,为防止开关误动作和损坏,请使用金属配管线。
电源AC 电源×错误接法√正确接法※接近开关的引线长度请在200米以下,以免电压降过大。
五、电容式接近开关的使用说明※电容式接近开关不仅能检测金属,而且能检测塑料、玻璃、水、油等物质,因各种检测体的导电率和介电常数、吸水率、体积的不同 故相应检测距离也不同,对于接地的金属可获得最大的检测距离。
施耐德电气 CA-Series 带 2 个和 4 个滑轮的带电锁自动门限位器 说明书

CA-40-6� 40"
55 lbs. / 35 lbs. UPS
CA-48-2� 48"
35 lbs. / 20 lbs. TRUCK
CA-48-4� 48"
45 lbs. / 25 lbs. TRUCK
CA-48-6� 48"
Manual Carousels
The Carousel rotates materials 360° with the assistance of an operator. Now loading and unloading operations can be done more efficiently; minimizes fatigue and risk of back injury. The carousel may be added to an existing work bench, scissor table, or simply placed on the floor. Constructed from two pieces of rolled structural angle (3/16" thick). A series of roller bearings transfer the load smoothly and evenly to the supporting surface. Four guide rollers keep the rings aligned.

1、技术参数1.1 产品型号意义注:※前的项目选型时必须标注,※后的项目为选择项目,不要时可省略,但顺序不可颠倒。
表1.11.2 结构1.2.1 361普通型结构图图1.11.2.2 361防爆型结构图图1.21.3 主要技术参数表1.21.4 安装尺寸图1.3注:表中h1是输出轴位于最下端时的尺寸,H2是拆卸护罩所必须的尺寸,R是手动曲柄操作所必须的尺寸,在设计安装时应予以考虑。
2、工作原理3610系列电子式执行器是以220V单相交流电源作为驱动电源,接受来自计算机、调节器或操作器4~2 OmAd·c、或1~5 Vd·c输入信号来工作的电子式执行机构。
当控制模块接受的变化输入信号4~2OmAd·c(或1~5 Vd·c)和来自反馈机构的开度信号进行比较、放大后,向消除其差值的方向驱动和控制电机。
3、接收、搬运及保管3.1 接收、搬运警告执行器系重量物体,使用时应注意以下事项,否则可能导致重大人身伤害事故。
3.2 保管●在安装之前最好在原包装状态下保管。

LX电动单梁悬挂起重机说明书目录一·产品概况-----------------------------------1二·外形总图与主要技术参数--------------2三·安装、调试--------------------------------3四·使用与维护--------------------------------4五·电器控制原理图--------------------------5六·易损件--------------------------------------6一、产品概述1.1 主要技术条件LX型电动单梁悬挂起重机的设计制造遵循《电动单梁悬挂起重机》JB2603-94标准,与CD1、MD1等电动葫芦配套使用,成为一种有轨运行的轻小型起重机。
1.2 使用范围LX型起重机工作级别为A3~A5,工作环境-25℃~45℃,相对湿度≤85%,适用在无易燃、易爆物品及腐蚀介质条件工作。
该起重机工作电源:AC 380V 50Hz,也可以根据客户要定制。
1.3 基本结构LX型起重机主要由主梁、横梁、电动小车、电器、起升结构组成。

1、起重机的试运转包括试运转前的检查、空负荷试验、静负荷试运转和动负荷试运转.在上一步 骤末合格之前,不是进行以下步骤;
2、起重机试运转前,应按下列要求进行检查: A)电气系统、安全联锁装置、制动器、控制器、照明和信号系统应符合要求,其动作应灵敏和准 确; B)钢丝绳的固定及其在吊钩、滑轮组和卷筒上的缠绕应正确可靠; C)各润滑点和减速器所加的油、脂的性能、规格和数量应符合设备技术文件的规定; 3、起重机的空负荷试运转,应符合下列要求: A)操纵机构的操作方向应与起重机的各机构运转方向相符; B)分别开动各机构的电动机,其运转应正常,大车和小车运行时不卡轨;各制动器能正确、及时的动 作,各限位开关及安全装置动作准确、可靠; C)当吊钩下放到最低位置时,卷筒上网丝绳的圈数不少于两圈; D)起重机防碰撞装置、缓冲器等装置能可靠的工作; E)A、B两项做两次试验,其余各项试验不少于五次,且动作准确无误; 4、起重机的静负荷试验,应符合下列要求: A)起重机停在厂房柱子处;
公司架构完善,设有销售部、技术部、生产部、检验部、售后服务部及行政管理部。公司 的生产厂房、工艺流程、生产设备完全参照科尼起重机公司的模式。优良的产品性能为机械制 造、电力、钢铁、造纸等行业的客户提供了满意的服务。
我们拥有资深的专业行车销售人员,力争为客户提供最优化的设计方案,打造高性价比的 起重行车设备,并将在第一时间为您提供完善的售后服务,解决您的后顾之忧。
一、在用起重机械的自行检查至少包括以下内容: (一)整机工作性能; (二)安全保护、防护装置; (三)电气(液压、气动)等控制系统的有关部件; (四)液压(气动)等系统的润滑、冷却系统; (五)制动装置; (六)吊钩及其闭锁装置、吊钩螺母及其放松装置; (七)驱动装置; (八)钢丝绳磨损和绳端的固定; (九)链条和吊辅具的损伤。 起重机械的全面检查,除包括以上要求的自行检查的内容外,还应当包括以下内容:

LX电动单梁悬挂起重机说明书目录一·产品概况-----------------------------------1 二·外形总图与主要技术参数--------------2 三·安装、调试--------------------------------3 四·使用与维护--------------------------------4 五·电器控制原理图--------------------------5 六·易损件--------------------------------------6一、产品概述1.1 主要技术条件LX型电动单梁悬挂起重机的设计制造遵循《电动单梁悬挂起重机》JB2603-94标准,与CD1、MD1等电动葫芦配套使用,成为一种有轨运行的轻小型起重机。
1.2 使用范围LX型起重机工作级别为A3~A5,工作环境-25℃~45℃,相对湿度≤85%,适用在无易燃、易爆物品及腐蚀介质条件工作。
该起重机工作电源:AC 380V 50Hz,也可以根据客户要定制。
1.3 基本结构LX型起重机主要由主梁、横梁、电动小车、电器、起升结构组成。
一般情况0.5t跨度3~16m:1t跨度小于12m:2t跨度小于等于7.5m 时可不配备横梁,也可根据用户需要配备横梁。
Honeywell CX系列限位和封闭式开关 说明书

杠杆类型 目录号 1.5 in 杠杆,无滚轮, .75 in 前滚轮 .75 in 后滚轮 LSZ51 LSZ51A LSZ51C 1.5-3.5 in 可调式杠杆 .75 in 滚轮 1.0 in 滚轮1.5 in 滚轮 LSZ52CLSZ52J LSZ52K1.5 in 轭滚轮.75 in 后滚轮.75 in 每一侧滚轮LSZ53S LSZ53E 5 in 控制杆杠杆 仅有毂 LSZ54M LSZ541.5 in 偏置杠杆,无滚轮.75 in 后滚轮.75 in 前滚轮LSZ55 LSZ55A LSZ55C Honeywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器1 不受天气影响的密封式防爆开关CX 系列特 点密封-符合NEMA 1,3,44X,6,6P,7,9和13的适用部分 防水,防尘,适合户外使用 可提供4-20mA 的模拟输出 UL 认证,文件号为E14274 技术UL 认证,文件号为E68247 CSA 认证,文件号为LR57324 坚固的铸铝外壳不需用工具就能在现场调节预行程,超行程和致动程序(都是一个一个单独的基准)转动方式以秒为单位作顺时针,逆时针或双向操作转换旋转致动开关CX 开关是特别为危险环境条件下户外使用而制造的。
模拟输出:或提供电阻输出的或提供4-20mA 电流输出。
NEMA 标准: 1,3,4,4X,6,6P,7,9和13。

Robust safety limit switch with metal housing Slow-action and snap-action contact with certified direct opening operation•Direct opening mechanism (NC contacts only) added to enable opening contacts when faults occur, such as fused contacts.•Safety of lever settings ensured using a mechanism thatengages a gear between the operating position indicator plate and the lever.•Equipped with a mechanism that indicates the applicableoperating zone, as well as push-button switching to control left and right motion.•Head seal structure strengthened to improve seal properties(TÜV: IEC IP67, UL: NEMA 3, 4, 4X, 6P, and 13).•Wide standard operating temperature range: –40 to 80°C (standard type).•Certified standards: UL, CSA, EN (TÜV), and CCC.Model Number StructureModel Number Legend 1.Conduit size2:G1/2 (PF1/2) (1-conduit)4:M20 (1 conduit)2.Built-in Switch1:1NC/1NO (snap-action)5:1NC/1NO (slow-action) A:2NC (slow-action)3.Actuator11:Roller lever (resin roller)15:Roller lever (stainless steel roller)16:Adjustable roller lever 17:Adjustable rod lever 70:Top plunger71:Top roller plungerFor the most recent information on models that have been certified for safety standards, refer to your OMRON website.Be sure to read the “Safety Precautions” on page 9.Ordering InformationSet Model NumbersConsult with your OMRON representative when ordering any models that are not listed in this table. Safety Limit Switches (with Direct Opening Mechanism)General-purpose Limit SwitchesNote:Consult your OMRON representative for products.SpecificationsStandards and EC DirectivesConforms to the following EC Directives:•Machinery Directive •Low Voltage Directive •EN50041•EN60204-1•EN1088Certified StandardsSnap-action ModelsSlow-action ModelsCertified Standard RatingsTÜV (EN60947-5-1), CCC (GB14048.5)Note:As protection against short-circuiting, use either a gI -type or gG -type 10 A fuse that conforms to IEC60269.UL/CSA: (UL508, CSA C22.2 No. 14)A600ItemUtilization category AC-15Rated operating current (I e ) 2 A Rated operating voltage (U e )400 VRated voltage Carry currentCurrent (A)Volt-amperes (VA)MakeBreakMakeBreak120 VAC 240 VAC 480 VAC 600 VAC10 A 60 30 15 126 3 1.5 1.27,200 720RatingsNote:1.The above values are continuous currents.2.Inductive loads have a power factor of 0.4 or higher (AC) or a time constant of 7 ms or lower (DC).mp loads have a inrush current of 10 times the normal current.4.Motor loads have a inrush current of 6 times the normal current.CharacteristicsNote:1.The above values are initial values.2.The above values may vary depending on the model. Consult your OMRON sales representative for details.*1.The degree of protection is tested using the method specified by the standard (EN60947-5-1). Confirm that sealing properties are sufficient forthe operating conditions and environment beforehand.*2.The durability is for an ambient temperature of 5 to 35°C and ambient humidity of 40% to 70%. For further conditions, consult your OMRONsales representative.*3.The above values may vary depending on switching frequency, environmental condition, and relativity level, consult your OMRON salesrepresentative.Rated voltage (V)Non-inductive load (A)Inductive load (A)Resistive load Lamp loadInductive loadMotor loadNCNONCNONCNONCNO125 VAC 250400101010321.5 1.510.810103531.5 VDC 1430125250101060.80.46640.20.13330.20.1101060.80.46640.20.1Inrush current30 A max.Degree of protection *1IP67 (EN60947-5-1)Durability *2Mechanical 30,000,000 operations min. (snap-action)10,000,000 operations min. (slow-action)Electrical500,000 operations min. (10 A resistive load at 250 VAC)Operating speed 1 mm/s to 0.5 m/s Operating frequency Mechanical 120 operations/minute Electrical 30 operations/minute Contact resistance25 m Ω max.Minimum applicable load *3General load 180 mA resistive load at 5 VAC Gold-clad contact 20 mA resistive load at 5 VAC (N-level reference value)Rated insulation voltage (U i )600 V (EN60947-5-1)Rated frequency50/60 HzProtection against electric shock Class I (with ground terminal)Pollution degree (operating environment)3 (EN60947-5-1)Impulse withstand voltage (EN60947-5-1)Between terminals of same polarity2.5 kV (snap-action)/4 kV (slow-action)Between terminals of different polarity4 kV (slow-action)Between eachterminal and ground4 kVInsulation resistance 100 M Ω min. (at 500 VDC) between terminals of the same polarity and between each terminal and non-current-carrying part Contact gap 2 × 2 mm min. (slow-action)2 × 0.5 mm min. (snap-action)Vibration resistance Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 0.75 mm single amplitude Shock resistanceDestruction 1,000 m/s 2 min.Malfunction300 m/s 2 min.Conditional short-circuit current100 A (EN60947-5-1)Conventional enclosed thermal current (I the )20 A (EN60947-5-1)Ambient operating temperature –40 to 80°C (with no icing) Ambient operating humidity 95% max.WeightApprox. 250 gEngineering DataElectrical Durability (Snap-action)(Ambient temperature: 5 to 30°C, ambient humidity: 40 to 70%)Structure and NomenclatureStructure250 V AC 125 V AC1,0001,000500500300300100100505030301010480 V AC 250 V AC500 V AC(cos φ = 1)(cos φ = 0.4)O p e r a t i o n s (x 104)O p e r a t i o n s (x 104)S w itching c u rrent (A)S w itching c u rrent (A)Operating fre qu encies: 30 times/min., cos φ = 1Operating fre qu encies: 30 times/min., cos φ = 0.4selection of operation on only oneDirect Opening Mechanism1NO/1NC Contact (Snap-action)1NC/1NO Contact (Slow-action)2NC Contact (Slow-action)Contact FormNote:Terminal numbers are according to EN50013; contact symbols are according to IEC60947-5-1.AMo v a b le contactPl Safety camFixed contact (N C)le contact Safety cam directly p mo b lled apart.Dimensions and Operating Characteristics(Unit: mm)Note:Omitted dimensions are the same as those for the Roller Lever Type ModelsD4B-2@@@N have a G1/2 conduit opening. D4B-4@@@N have a M20 conduit opening.SwitchesNote:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of 0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.*1.The lever can be set to any desired position by turning the operating position indicator.*2.In terms of construction, the Switch is a General-purpose Limit Switch rather than a Safety Limit Switch.Note:Variation occurs in the simultaneity of contact opening/closing operations of 2NC contacts. Check contact operation.*1.The operating characteristics of these Switches were measured with the roller level set at 31.5 mm.*2.The operating characteristics of these Switches were measured with the rod level set at 140 mm.*3.Only for slow-action models.*4.Only for snap-action models.*5.Reference values.*6.Must be provided to ensure safe operation.Model Operating characteristics D4B-@@11N D4B-@@15N D4B-@@16N *1D4B-@@17N*2Operating force Release force PretravelOvertravelMovement differential Direct opening travel Direct opening force Total travelOF max.RF min.PTPT (2nd) *3 *5OT min.MD max. *4DOT min. *3 *6*4 *6DOF min. *6TT *59.41N1.47N 21°±3°(45°)50°12°35°55°19.61N (75°)9.41N 1.47N 21°±3°(45°)50°12°35°55°19.61N (75°)9.41N 1.47N 21°±3°(45°)50°12°35°55°19.61N (75°)2.12N 0.29N 21°±3°(45°)50°12°35°55°19.61N (75°)131.325 to Adjustable Roller Lever D4B-@@16NAdjustable Rod Lever D4B-@@17NNote:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. Operating characteristics Model D4B-@@70N D4B-@@71NOperating force Release force PretravelOvertravel Movement differential Direct opening travel Direct opening force Total travel OF max.RF min.PT max.PT (2nd) *1 *3OT min.MD max. *2DOT min. *4DOF min. *4TT *318.63 N1.96 N2 mm(3 mm)5 mm1 mm3.2 mm49.03 N(7 mm)18.63 N1.96 N2 mm(3 mm)5 mm1 mm3.2 mm49.03N(7 mm)Note:Variation occurs in the simultaneity ofcontact opening/closing operations of2NC contacts. Check contactoperation.*1.Only for slow-action models.*2.Only for snap-action models.*3.Reference values.*4.Must be provided to ensure safeoperation.Free position Operating position FP max.OP38 mm35±1 mm51 mm48±1 mmApplication PrecautionSafety PrecautionsBe sure to read the precautions for All Safety Limit Switches in the website at:/.Indication and Meaning for Safe Use•Do not use the Switch submerged in oil or water, or in locations continuously subject to splashes of oil or water. Doing so may result in oil or water entering the Switch interior. (The IP67 degree of protection specification for the Switch refers to water penetration while the Switch is submersed in water for a specified period of time.)•Always attach the cover after completing wiring and before using the Switch. Also, do not turn ON the Switch with the cover open.Doing so may result in electric shock.MountingUse four M5 screws with washers to mount the standard model. Be sure to apply the proper torque to tighten each screw. Mounting Dimensions (M5)•To change the angle of the lever, loosen the Allen-head bolts on the side of the lever.•The operating position indicator plate * has protruding parts which engage with the lever, thus allowing changes to the lever position by 90°.•The back of the operating position indicator plate * has noprotruding parts. If this plate is turned over and attached, any angle within a 360° range can be set. Do not turn over the plate, however, when using the D4B-@N as a switch with a certified direct opening mechanism. For an SUVA- or BIA-certified application, make sure that the lever engages with the operating position indicator plate securely so that the lever will not slip.*The operating position indicator plate: Refer to page 5. Changes in Head Mounting PositionBy removing the screws on the four corners of the head, the head can be reset in any of four directions. Make sure that no foreign materials will penetrate through the head.Changing the Operating Direction Switches with Roller LeversThe operating direction of the lever can be easily changed without using any tools. It can be set toclockwise operation (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) operation.Use the procedure given at the right to change the operating direction.Head Co OperatingPrecautions for Safe Use Supplementary comments on what to do or avoid doing, to use the product safely.Precautions for Correct Use Supplementary comments on what to do or avoid doing, to prevent failure to operate, or undesirable effect on product performance.Precautions for Safe Use Precautions for Correct UseD4B-@NWiringDo not connect the bare lead wires directly to the terminals but be sure to connect each of them by using an insulation tube and M3.5 round crimp terminals and tighten each terminal screw within the specified torque range.The proper lead wire is 20 to 14 AWG (0.5 to 2.5 mm 2) in size.Make sure that all crimp terminals come into contact with the casing or cover as shown below, otherwise the cover may not be mounted properly or the D4B-@N may malfunction.Conduit Opening•Make sure that each connector is tightened within the specifiedtorque range.The casing may be damaged if the connector is tightened excessively.•Use an OMRON SC-series Connector (sold separately) that is suited to the cable in diameter.Others•The load for the actuator (roller) of the Switch must be imposed on the actuator in the horizontal direction, otherwise the actuator or•@@17N, theSwitch may telegraph. To avoid telegraphing, take the following precautions.1.Set the lever to operate in one direction.2.Modify the rear end of the dog to an angle of 15° to 30° as3.signals.D dia.dz dia.CasingCo v erT erminal scre wCrimp terminalT erminal scre wCasingT erminal scre wCo v erCrimp terminalCorrectCorrectIncorrectIncorrectCrimp terminalCrimp terminalCrimp terminalCorrectIncorrectRead and Understand This CatalogPlease read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions orcomments.WARRANTYOMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYOMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY.In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted.IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY, REPAIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESSOMRON'S ANALYSIS CONFIRMS THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERLY HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOTSUBJECT TO CONTAMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR.SUITABILITY FOR USEOMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use.The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses listed may be suitable for the products:∙Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or uses not described in this catalog.∙Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate industry or government regulations.∙Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products.NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCTS ARE PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.PROGRAMMABLE PRODUCTSOMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof.CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONSProduct specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons.It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made.However, some specifications of the products may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actualspecifications of purchased products.DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSDimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown.PERFORMANCE DATAPerformance data given in this catalog is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON’s test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and Limitations of Liability.ERRORS AND OMISSIONSThe information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical,typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions.2012.10In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation Company/(c)Copyright OMRON Corporation 2012 All Right Reserved.。
Honeywell HDLS 重载限位开关 说明书

内部接地标志便于识别,符合OSHA 和其它机构的标准。
独特的坚固适当片保证适当的扭矩: 当其不能活动时表明招待杆紧固螺母已足够紧,防止力矩过大。
双重轴密提供了特别的防护: 内部氟碳橡胶O型环密封,外部丁腈橡胶密封,也有全部氟碳橡胶密封型可选侧旋转式开关中采用氟碳橡胶密封轴和膜片。
附加的特性和任选项•各种操作头•操作模式现场可调,以降低库存•便利的就地调节指示•电路和电气参数选项的全套选择,包括固态的开关•拔插式和非拔插式具有统一的操作参数,在安装尺寸上可互换• NEMA1,3,4,6,6P和13• UL和CSA认证•防爆型参见第63页•低温型(可达-40°C)参见第44页•不锈钢型(NEMA4X)参见第47页•预接电缆型或接插件型参见第44页•环氧填充防水型参见第45页•完全氟碳橡胶密封参见第44页LSH-低力矩、低差动行程型最小过行程68°,最大操作力矩0.19Nm 。
LSL-顺序动作型 在每一方向上,两刀的动作相互间有一延时,最小过行程68°。
Honeywell GLS 系列全球通用型限位开关 说明书

GLS系列全球通用型限位开关Honeywell前排从左至右: GLH、GLC、GLD、GLE后排从左至右: GLB、GLA、GLA概述GLS系列限位开关是针对全世界范围的应用而专门设计,由霍尔韦尔遍及全球的销售和服务机构提供便捷的支持。
标准GLS开关电路包括双电路或四电路快速动作开关,带着触点强制断开的机械结构; 两个双电路慢速动作型式; 双电路分叉触点可以和PLC直接接口。
典型应用□机床: 金属加工设备、压机、传送机械和专用设备□物料搬运设备: 传送带、电梯、吊车和起重机械□包装机械和过程处理设备□纺织机械□建筑机械和设备,运载车辆和特点□按最新的IEC标准设计,为世界各国广泛接受。

• High mechanical resistance • Degree of protection IP66• Zinc alloy (Zamack) body • Positive Opening Operation• Minimum Force to achieve Positive Opening Operation • Precise operating points (consistency)• Immune to electromagnetic disturbances• Zb type contact blocks • Current Ith = 10A• Rated insulation voltage Ui = 500V • UL, CSA, CE• Conform with IEC 947-5-1 (EN 60947-5-1)They are developped in order to be used for following operations:• Presence/Absence• Positioning and travel limit• Objects passing/countingLimit Switches - Limit Type Metal Body IP66Product DescriptionDescription of the key codesRated insulation voltage U i-according to IEC 60947-1 and EN 60947-1 400V (PS21, PS42), 500V (PS31, PS43) (degree of pollution 3)-according to UL 508, CSA C22-2 n°14A 300 Q 300 (PS21, PS42),A 600 Q 600(PS31, PS43)Rated impulse withstand voltage U impkV 6(according to IEC 60947-1 and EN 60947-1)Conventional enclosed thermal current I theA 10(according to IEC 60947-5-1 and EN 60947-5-1) (θ≤40°C)Short-circuit protection - gG type fuses A 10Rated operational current I e / AC-15- acc.to IEC 60947-5-124Vac (50/60 Hz)A 10130Vac (50/60 Hz)A 5.5230Vac (50/60 Hz)A 3.1240Vac (50/60 Hz)A 3400Vac (50/60 Hz)A 1.8- acc.to UL 508, CSA C22 n°14A 300 (PS21, PS42), A 600 (PS31, PS43)I e / DC-13- acc.to IEC 60947-5-124Vdc A 2.8110Vdc A 0.6250VdcA0,27- acc.to UL 508, CSA C22 n°14Q 300 (PS21, PS42), Q 600 (PS31, PS43)Electrical durability (according to IEC 60497-5-1 annex C)Utilization categories AC-15 and DC-13 (see curves and value below)- max. switching frequency Cycles/h 3600- load factor0,5Connecting data of contact blocks Connecting terminalsM3,5 (+,-) pozidriv 2 screw with cable clamp Connecting capacity 1 or 2 x mm2 / AWG 0,5mm2 / AWG 20 to 2,5mm2 / AWG 14Terminal marking According to EN 50013PositivityContacts with positive opening operation as per IEC 60947-5-1 chapter 3StandardsIEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-5-1, EN 60947-1, EN 60947-5-1, UL508 and CSA C22-2 n°14Certifications – ApprovalsUL – CSAAir temperature near the device - during operation °C -25 … +70- for storage°C -30 … +80Climatic withstand According to IEC 68-2-3 and salty mist according to IEC 68-2-11Mounting positionsAll positions are authorized Shock withstand (according to IEC 68-2-27 and 60068-2-27)g 50g*(1/2sinusoidal shock for 11 ms) no change in contact positionResistance to vibrations (acc.to IEC 68-2-6 and EN 60068-2-6)g25g (10…500Hz) no change in position of contacts greater than 100µs Protection against electrical shocks (acc.to IEC 536)Class I Degree of protection (according to IEC 529 and EN 60529)IP66Consistency (measured over 1 milion operations)0.1 mm (upon closing point)Technical DataElectrical Data* except for PS21/PS42 with head type W0, W1: 25g.Limit Switches - Limit Type (PS21)Metal Body IP66A M 1Cable GlandConformity /Limit Switches - Limit Type (PS21)Metal Body IP66Cable GlandA M 1Utilization precautionsUtilization precautionsElectrical connection and mountingCorrect Incorrect Incorrect AdjustementPosition adjustement of lever and head。

honeywell micro switch ls 通用限位开关 datasheet说明书

MICRO SWITCH™ LS General Purpose Limit Switches Datasheet2What makes our switches better?Small size and universal mounting footprint may allow for use inconstricted spaces IP67 and NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6 and 13 ratings available provide adependable solution in most demanding environmental conditions Rugged die-cast metal construction with a wide variety of headsand actuators provides long life across numerous applications MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 55 years ofengineering excellence and experience with industrial limit switchesMICRO SWITCH™ LSGeneral Purpose Limit SwitchesThe Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™ Compact LS Limit Switch Series offers products that have a long record of successfulperformance in a diverse range of industrial applications. Under severe conditions, its durable and dependable design provides longevity, precision, and consistent repeatability over millions of operations.The compact size and adjustable features propel the LS Series to flourish in a variety of settings under space constraint without sacrificing reliability. Its construction is oil-tight, water-tight and dust tight, and includes die-cast housing, heads and actuators. An assortment of heads and actuators provides a solution for a variety of applications.QUALITY, RELIABLE RUGGED, GLOBALRugged, metal housingpackaged for industrial indoor and outdoor applications3Features and BenefitsENHANCED PERFORMANCE COMPACT DESIGNAlong with industry standard mounting dimensions, the LS Series compact design allows installation in applications under space constraint while still providing reliable switching performanceTWO CIRCUIT DOUBLE BREAK CONTACTSWith an AC15, A300 or 10 A electrical rating, the LS Series provides dependable and consistent switching, giving the end users control of two circuits in one switchACTUATORS FOR YOUR APPLICATIONWith many actuators available such as side rotary, plunger, wobble stick and roller plunger, the LS Series is adaptable and has the ability to be applied in a variety of applicationsSEALED CONSTRUCTIONIn demanding environmental conditions, IP67 or NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6, and 13 sealing protects against oil, dust and water making the LS Series a dependable solution in a variety of conditions for both indoor and outdoor applicationsOne switch controls two circuits!MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENTPart presence, machine slide/table position, panel and door presenceMATERIAL HANDLINGSensing in overhead doors, door interlock, dock locks, conveyance, storage retrieval, carousels, conveyors, and assembly linesVALVE ACTUATIONPosition sensing of electric valves for waste water treatment plants, power plants, refineries, and pipelinesFOOD AND BEVERAGESensing during bottling, canning, and packagingSPECIAL MACHINERYAssembly, packaging and testing applicationsPotential ApplicationsLS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES PRODUCT NOMENCLATURENot all combinations are available. Please contact your Honeywell provider/representative for assistance. MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit SwitchesTable 2. Electrical Ratings5LS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. *Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.Table 4. Side Rotary (Maintained), Standard Fork Roller Lever7 8LS SeriesTable 6. Side Rotary, Adjustable Rod Lever1MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit Switches O.T. • Operating torqueO.F. • Operating forceR.P. • Release pointP.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travel910LS Series*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.11*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.2 Operating position in any direction except pull.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Terminal block is base receptacle.1Terminal block is base receptacle.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 17. Top Pin PlungerTable 18. Top Roller Plunger1* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.1Contact closed n ; Contact open o . NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 20. Wobble, Coil Spring1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads. 2Operating position in any direction except pull.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.¹ Any auxiliary lever listed can be used² LSZ54M, 6PA63, 6PA71 or 6PA121 levers only recommended for these catalog listings * Furnished without actuator3 Fork lever actuators recommended for two position side rotary main-tained21Note: Operating head includes lever where appropriate and internal plunger.* Because of low operating force, 6PA43-4, 6PA71-4, or 6PA78-4 auxil-iary actuators only are recommended for these listings.23DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS14,27 [0.562 ] min. depth (4)Figure 2. 1LS3 DimensionsFigure 3. 1LS10 DimensionsFigure 4. 2LS1 Dimensions1,65Figure 5. 3LS1 Dimensions54,10 ±0,762Figure 6. 4LS1 Dimensions40,64 ±0,762[1.60 ±0.03]24Figure 6. 6LS1 DimensionsFigure 7. 7LS1 DimensionsFigure 9. 8LS3 Dimensions25Figure 11. 8LS152 DimensionsFigure 15. 202LS1 DimensionsFigure 16. 203LS1 Dimensions40,64 [1.60]54,10 ±0,762Figure 18. 205LS1 Dimensions1,65 [0.065]Figure 19. 206LS1 Dimensions27Switch will operate byFigure 21. 208LS3 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 23. 208LS152 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 25. 1LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 27. 2LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 28. 4LS1-4 Dimensions29Figure 31. 8LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 33. 206LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 34. 201LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 36. 202LS1-4 Dimensions26Figure 37. 204LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 38. 205LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 39. 208LS1-4 Dimensions26002403-1-EN IL50 GLO June 2015Copyright © 2015 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Aerospace range guide • Transportation range guide• Limits and Machine Safety range guide • Product application-specific information– Application Note: Automated Storage and Retrieval System – Limit and Enclosed Switches Application Information – Limit and Enclosed Switches Operating Characteristics – Limit and Enclosed Switches Reference Standards – Limit and Enclosed Switches Typical ApplicationsWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing.However, we assume no responsibility for its use.。

LX36-82系列起重机用限位开关主要用于交流50-60Hz E 额定电压380 伏, 直流额定工作电压220 伏的控制电路中, 用以限制起重机旋转运动机构的工作角度和进行顺序控制。
额定工作电压A C380V D C220V 额定工作电流0.8A0.045A

Hermetically Sealed, High Temperature Limit SwitchesHR SeriesDESCRIPTIONWhen the application requires a hermetically sealed switch with high temperature capability, Honeywell delivers the HR Series limit switches for the most severe of environments. The HR Series is well suited for commercial and military aircraft applications where high temperatures are encountered. The switch design incorporates a choice of an integral pin plunger or roller plunger with a 3/4 inch diameter threaded bushing for ease of installation into a panel. With stainless steel material construction for the external package and high temperature rated components, the HR Series switches are capable ofwithstanding continuous temperatures up to 315 °C [600 °F] and suitable where corrosive environments are present. HR Series limit switches are designed to MIL-PRF-8805 standards with select catalog listings qualified to the MIL-PRF-8805 standards.VALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Honeywell HR Series hermetically sealed high-temperature switches drive solutions for precise position indication ofcritical applications on commercial/military aircraft and military systemsFEATURES• Exceptional wide temperature range of -65 °C to 315 °C [-85 °F to 600 °F]• Select HR Series catalog listings are qualified or compliant to MIL-PRF-8805• Hermetically sealed to MIL-PRF-8805 symbol 5• Stainless steel housing and threaded bushing• Different styles of integral actuators: pin plungers and roller plungers• Several different styles of electrical termination: 4-48 terminal screws, end or side exit #20 AWG wire leadsPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS• Thrust reverser actuation system (TRAS) for jet engines • Cowl-lock indication during thrust reverse actuation for jet enginesDIFFERENTIATION• Only manufacturer with a bushing mount high-temperature hermetically sealed limit switch• Threaded bushing facilitates ease of installationPORTFOLIOIn addition to the HR Series hermetically sealed switches,Honeywell offers a complete range of sealed switches for aircraft and military systems. The sealed switches include the EN Series , HM Series , HE Series , HS Series , SE Series , and XE Series .Sensing and Productivity Solutions003127Issue 1HR SERIES SWITCHESThe HR Series high-temperature hermetically sealed switches are designed with a threaded bushing for panel mount applications. The HR Series has a threaded bushing which is 0.75 (3/4) in diameter.The options for the electrical termination for the HR Series switches are generally end exit wire leads or screw terminals integral to the switch; however, military style connectors integral to the HR switch are also available.MOUNTINGPlunger actuator switches bushing mount through 0.75 inch (19,1 mm) diameter holes. Lock washer, keying washer, and wire lock hexagon mounting nuts lock the switches in their mounting. ACTUATORSPlungerFor in-line actuation. An ice scraper ring clears the actuator with each operation. Material is stainless steel.Roller plungerFor cam and slide actuation not to exceed 20° rise. Roller adjusts laterally in 45° increments. An ice scraper ring cleans the actuator with each operation. Material is stainless steel.TYPICAL CIRCUITRY1PDT2PDT2PDT with connector2 ELECTROMECHANICAL SWITCHES Array Definitions below explain the meaning ofoperating characteristics. Characteristicsshown in tables were chosen as mostsignificant. They are taken at normal roomtemperature and humidity. These may varyas temperature and humidity conditionsdiffer. Sketches show how characteristicsare measured for in-line plunger actuation.Linear dimensions for in-line actuation arefrom top of plunger to a reference line.Differential Travel (D.T.) – Plunger oractuator travel from point where contacts‘‘snap-over’’ to point where they ‘‘snapback.’’Free Position (F.P.) – Position of switchplunger or actuator when no external forceis applied (other than gravity).Full Overtravel Force – Force required toattain full overtravel of actuator.Operating Position (O.P.) – Position ofswitch plunger or actuator at which pointcontacts snap from normal to operatedposition. Note that in the case of flexible oradjustable actuators, the operating positionis measured from the end of the lever orits maximum length. Location of operatingposition measurement shown on mountingdimension drawings.Operating Force (O.F.) – Amount of forceapplied to switch plunger or actuator tocause contact ‘‘snap-over.’’ Note in thecase of adjustable actuators, the forceis measured from the maximum lengthposition of the lever.Overtravel (O.T.) – Plunger or actuatortravel available beyond operating position.Pretravel (P.T.) – Distance or angletraveled in moving plunger or actuator fromfree position to operating position.Release Force (R.F.) – Amount of forcestill applied to switch plunger or actuatorat moment contacts snap from operatedposition to unoperated position.Total Travel (T.T.) – Distance from actuatorfree position to overtravel limit position.Sensing and Productivity Solutions 3PRODUCT DIMENSIONSFigure 1. 12HR1-S mm [in][0.10] max.4 Figure 3. 22HR1-S mm [in][0.10] max.Sensing and Productivity Solutions 56 Figure 4. 22HR80-RB mm [in]Ø 12,7 [0.5] x 4,6 [0.18] wide stainless steel rollerRoller guide lock ring2X Hex nut 23,8 [0.94] across ats x 3,0 [0.12] thickInternal tooth lock washer. Ø 26,9 [1.06] x 0,56 [0.022] thick Keying washer, Ø 24,9 [0.98] x 0,079 [0.031] thick, tab 2,8 [0.11] wide0.75-20 UNEF thread to within 3,8 [0.15] of shoulderConnector (bottom view)Warranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’sstandard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.003127-1-EN IL50 GLO July 2016© 2016 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifica-tions, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office. To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL MATERIALSThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Aerospace range guideHoneywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 。

2.分类2.1型号含义2.2限位开关在下列条件下能可靠工作;2.2.1海拔高度安装地点的海拔高度不超过2000米;2.2.2介质温度周围空气介质温度不高于+75℃及不低于-25℃; 2.2.3相对湿度安装地点最湿月平均空气相对湿度不大于90%(该月平均最低温度不大于+25℃);2.2.4环境条件的污染等级环境条件的污染等级为III级;2.2.5安装类别安装类别为III类;2.3限位开关的种类2.3.1结构型式按结构型式分:本产品结构为旋转式,速度比有:80:1、40:1、20:1此3种。
4.参数4.1基本参数限位开关的基本参数见表1 表14.2接通分断限位开关的接通与分断能力见表2 表24.3电寿命限位开关的电寿命在相应于表3所列的使用条件下,不需修理式更换零件的负载操作闪数为10万次。

DESCRIPTIONWhen the application requires an industrial grade limit switch where wet, dust, or corrosive environments may be present, Honeywell offers the LS2 Series of stainless steel limit switches. The limit switch body and actuating heads are cast from 316 stainless steel. These limit switches are available with a wide variety of actuating heads with a one-pole or two-pole snap-action double-break contact block. A threaded conduit isintegral to the switch body with terminal screws for each wiring point on the contact block. Honeywell can provide the switches factory wired for reduced installation. The limit switches can also be factory wired with the limit switch body epoxy encapsulated, minimizing any dust or liquid migrating to the switch contacts. The limit switches can be front mounted with two through holes or rear mounted with two integral threaded holes from the back side.As with the other HDLS Series of limit switches, the LS2 Series have UL, CSA, CE, UKCA and CCC certifications for global acceptance.VALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Harsh-duty stainless steel switch withstands many tough environments including dust, dirt, grime, heat, and washdown areas• Variety of actuator heads and switch options• Threaded conduit or factory wired • Silver contacts or optional gold-plated contacts• Made in the USA FEATURES• 316 Series stainless steel actuating heads and body with stainless steel screws• Designed to IP 65/66/67 and NEMA 1, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, and 13• Diaphragm seal between head and body provides an extra degree of sealing• Fluorocarbon seals standard for chemically harsh environments and/or higher temperature applications (121 °C/250 °F)• Optional fluorosilicone seals for low temperature(-40 °C/-40 °F) applications• Available with 1NC/1NO or 2NC/2NO double break contacts. Same polarity for each pole (Za)• Side rotary head with center neutral or sequential switch design available • Actuator heads can be field rotated to any of four positions 90° apart• Side rotary heads are factory adjusted for CW and CCW actuation of the switch. Heads can be field adjusted for CW only or CCW only to actuate the switch• CCC, CE, UKCA, CSA, and UL certifications for global acceptanceHDLS LS2 SERIESMICRO SWITCH Heavy-Duty Limit Switch (Stainless Steel)002426 Issue 2APPLICATIONS• Food processing plants• Petrochemical plants• Power generating plants• Pulp and paper mills• Shipboard and dockside locations • Transportation hubs and facilities• Water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities DIFFERENTIATION• Stainless steel housing designed for corrosive and adverse environments • All-metal drive chain for consistent operating characteristics• Three different electrical connectivity options; threaded conduit, factory wired, or factory wired with epoxy encapsulated body• Side rotary head incorporates stainless steel shaft with bronze bearing for increased mechanical life of up to 50 million operations• Wide selection of stainless steel levers to compliment the side rotary limit switchFigure 1. Product Nomenclature: Stainless Steel Version LS2Switch Type LS2 Series Limit Switchhousing, fluorocarbonseals,with orwithoutfactory wiringOpt. Factory Wiring(RequiresAActuator Heads(unless noted, all side rotary4KContact Block &TerminationCFigure 2. Product Nomenclature: Low Temperature VersionsFigure 3. Product Nomenclature: Factory Sealed VersionsLS2Switch TypeLS2 Series Limit Switch housing, fluorocarbonseals, and factory sealedNOTE: Not all combinations of model codes are available. Please contact your local Honeywell provider for assistance.Factory SealedAActuator Heads(unless noted, all side rotary4LContact Block &TerminationX-FPLS2Switch TypeLS2 SeriesLimit Switchhousing,with low temp.seals, with orwithoutfactorywiringNOTE: Not all combinations of model codes are available. Please contact your local Honeywell provider for assistance.MActuator Heads(unless noted, all side rotary4NContact Block & TerminationSealsBOpt. Factory Wiring(RequiresMSIDE ROTARY: Available levers provide greater versatility. Actuating heads may be indexed in any of four positions, 90° apart. All are momentary action except maintained head (LSN Series).LSN - Maintained contact: rotation and reset on clockwise rotation, and vice versa. LSH - Low torque, low differential travel: operating torque and narrow differential travel. 68° minimum overtravel.LSL - Sequence action: two poles. 48° minimum overtravel.LSM - Center neutral: TOP PLUNGERS: Available with 4,83 mm [0.19 in] minimum overtravel. Top pin plungers are offered in pin plunger, anadjustable plunger, and a roller plunger.SIDE PLUNGERS: Available with 4,83 mm [0.19 in] minimum overtravel. Side plungers are offered in a pin plunger and aroller plunger.MICRO SWITCH HDLS SERIES ACTUATOR HEADSNOTE: The pre-wired cable or mini-style connector have a temperature rating of -20 °C to 105 °C [-4 °F to 221 °F]. When temperature extremes are involved, the application should be reviewed to ensure cable or connector suitability.Figure 6. 4KC, 4KPC, 4KP-FP 1NC/1NO with 5-conductor cableWIRING DIAGRAMSWhiteGreen = GroundBlack Orange RedSame polarityFigure 5. 3E, 3K, 4K 1NC/1NOGreen internal screw= GroundSame polarityFigure 8. 4LM, 4LX-FP2NC/2NO with 9-conductor cableFigure 7. 4L 2NC/2NOYellow Red Same polarity each poleOrange Brown BlackBlue WhitePinkSamepolarity each poleFigure 10. 4MM, 4MX-FP2NC/2NO sequential with 9-conductor cableFigure 9. 4M2NC/2NO sequentialYellow Red Same polarity each poleOrange Brown Black Blue WhitePink 12nd 12nd Same polarity each poleFigure 12. 4NM, 4NX-FP2NC/2NO center neutral with 9-conductor cableFigure 11. 4N2NC/2NO center neutralYellow Red Same polarity each poleOrange Brown Black Blue WhitePink CW CW Same polarity each poleNote: Wiring diagrams for limit switches with maintained contacts are illustrated with lever/shaft in CW position.ELECTROMECHANICAL SWITCHES Definitions below explain the meaning of operating characteristics. Characteristics shown in tables were chosen as most significant. They are taken at normal room temperature and humidity. These may vary as temperature and humidity conditions differ. Sketches show how characteristics are measured for in-line plunger actuation and rotary actuation.Linear dimensions for in-line actuation are from top of plunger to a reference line, usually the center of the mounting holes. Rotary actuated HDLS limit switches have the characteristics in degrees of angular rotation.Differential Travel (D.T.) – Plunger or actuator travel from point wherecontacts ‘‘snap-over’’ to point where they ‘‘snapback.’’Free Position (F.P.) – Position of switch plunger or actuator when no external force is applied (other than gravity).Full Overtravel Force – Force required to attain full overtravel of actuator.Operating Position (O.P.) – Position of switch plunger or actuator at which point contacts snap from normal to operated position. Note that in the case of flexible or adjustable actuators, the operating position is measured from the end of the lever or its maximum length. Location of operating position measurement shown on mounting dimension drawings.Operating Force (O.F.) – Amount of force applied to switch plunger or actuator to cause contact ‘‘snap-over.’’ Note in the case of adjustable actuators, the force is measured from the maximum length position of the lever.Overtravel (O.T.) – Plunger or actuator travel safely available beyond operating position.Pretravel (P.T.) – Distance or angle traveled in moving plunger or actuator from free position to operating position.Release Force (R.F.) – Amount of force still applied to switch plunger or actuator at moment contacts snap from operated position to unoperated position.Total Travel (T.T.) – Distance fromactuator free position to overtravel limitposition.Bar Chart Description (Inline and Rotary)> Actuation< ReleaseNC = Normally closed contact(s)NO = Normally open contact (s)LS2Z51ALS2Z52A Adjustable RodLS2Z54NMICRO SWITCH HDLS Side Rotary Levers’ Cam TrackingLevers for side and top rotary switches are normally ordered as separate catalog listings. They also may be ordered by including a suffix to the switch catalog listing (see nomenclature tree in this document) and adding the lever price. Figure 13. LS2Z51 Type Levers Cam TrackingFigure 14. LS2Z52 Type Levers Cam TrackingFigure 15. LS2Z54 Type Levers Cam TrackingADJUSTMENTLSZ51 TYPE LEVERS CAM TRACKING adjustment[0.43 in]OR OR adjustmentFigure 16. LS2 Series Side Rotary (mm [in])Figure 17. LS2 Series Side Rotary with Cable (mm [in])Figure 18. LS2 Series Top Pin Plunger (mm [in])Figure 19. LS2 Series Top Roller Plunger (mm [in])8,6 [0.34]31,75 [1.25]across flats31,0[1.22]Ø 5,1 / 0.20MOUNTING HOLES (2)47,81.8839,61.5614,70.5825,41.0036,61.44122,94.8486,63.4159,42.3419,10.7529,51.16)TAPPED FROM REAR ONLY7,9 / 0.31 MIN DEP62,02.4493,73.69MTG. PADSØ 9,6 / 0.38 DIA x 6,4 / 0.25 DEEP COUNTERBORE (2)21,30.8421,30.8438,11.5045,21.7847,8[1.88]29,5 [1.16]across flats8,1 [0.32]Figure 20. LS2 Series Side Plunger (mm [in])45,2FOR MORE INFORMATION Honeywell Sensing and Safety Technologies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit our website or call:USA/Canada +1 302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188 Europe +44 1344 238258 Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152 Singapore +65 6355 2828 Greater China +86 4006396841HoneywellSensing and Safety Technologies830 East Arapaho RoadRichardson, TX 75081 WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufactureas being free of defective materials andfaulty workmanship during the applicablewarranty period. Honeywell’s standard productwarranty applies unless agreed to otherwise byHoneywell in writing; please refer to your orderacknowledgment or consult your local salesoffice for specific warranty details. If warrantedgoods are returned to Honeywell during theperiod of coverage, Honeywell will repair orreplace, at its option, without charge thoseitems that Honeywell, in its sole discretion,finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s soleremedy and is in lieu of all other warranties,expressed or implied, including those ofmerchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose. In no event shall Honeywell beliable for consequential, special, or indirectdamages.While Honeywell may provide applicationassistance personally, through our literatureand the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s soleresponsibility to determine the suitability ofthe product in the application.Specifications may change without notice.The information we supply is believed tobe accurate and reliable as of this writing.However, Honeywell assumes no responsibilityfor its use.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safetyor emergency stop devices or in anyother application where failure of theproduct could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death orserious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OFDOCUMENTATION• The information presented in thisproduct sheet is for reference only.Do not use this document as aproduct installation guide.• Complete installation, operation,and maintenance informationis provided in the instructionssupplied with each product.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death orserious injury.002426-2-EN | 2 | 11/22。

“K”代表开启式,“H” 代表防护式 一对常闭触头 一对常开触头 设计序号 行程开关
二、用途 LX3系列行程开关适用于交流50Hz,
电压至380V,直流电压至200V的控制电路 中,作为控制速度不小于0.1米/分钟的运动 机构之行程或变换其运动方向或速度之用。
本行程开关按GB14048.5标准设计、 制造和检验。 三、结构概述
额定 电压 (伏)
额定控 额定 触头对数 制容量 发热
电流 交 直 交流 直流 流 流 (伏安) (瓦) (安) 常开 常闭
LX3系列行程开关的结构系直动式分 为二种,开启式和防护式。 四、使用条件 行程开关在下列条件 下应正常工作: 1、海拔高度不超过2000米;
3、空气相对湿度:最湿月平均Fra bibliotek大相对湿度为90%,同时该月的平均最低温度为25℃,
额定 操作 频率
LX3-11K 380 220 300 60 5 1 1 300次 /小时
LX3-11H 380 220 300 60 5 1 1
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-25℃; 2.2.3相对湿度安装地点最湿月平均空气相对湿
4.1基本参数限位开关的基本参数见表1 表1
4.2接通分断限位开关的接通与分断能力见表2 表2