英语电影赏析 最新版本






1. The Shawshank Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》


2. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》


3. The Godfather 《教父》





本课程分为两部分: 第一部分阐述电影的分析方法和解读;
第二部分对经典的英语电影文本进行深 度解读。
Chapter I History and Genre (电影史与电影类型)
1. Early Cinema;
2. Classical Hollywood Cinema;
3. Post-classical Hollywood Cinema.
The Ideology of Classical Hollywood Cinema
1.Property, Enterprise, Initiative; 2. The Work Ethic; 3. Marriage, Family and Home; 4. Progress, Technology, the City; 5. Success and Wealth; 6. America As a Land of Happiness; 7. The Ideal Male; 8. The Ideal Female.
Appreciation Cinபைடு நூலகம்ma 《英语电影赏析》
100多年以来,电影一直是人类旅途 中的精神伴侣。人们在电影中寄托光荣和 梦想,在电影与许多伟大或者平凡的灵魂 交流,在电影中获得心灵的慰藉,在电影 中得到情感的滋润,在电影中寻求生活的 力量,在电影中体验人生的欢乐,也在电 影中获得感官的愉悦……



•As audiences, we are listeners, we‘d like to feel, to appreciate some of the directors own feeling which we will never feel about, and to fill some vacancies in our hearts. •So that is probably the greatest charm of the film is. It can get people to stand in another perspective to look at, to heal their emotions.
• In fact, it is rare to find a film that belongs exclusively to one type; • that is to say, almost no film will possess all of the characteristics of a single type and none of the characteristics of any other.
Slapstick (Classical Comedy) 丑角喜剧、经典喜剧
•It is a type of comedy involving exaggerated (夸大的)physical violence or activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense.
Noir Film (黑色电影 )
A movie characterized by low-key lighting, a bleak urban(荒凉的城市) setting, and cynical (悲 观的)characters. Scenes will be filmed at night, actors will be positioned with shadow, and it may be raining outside



英文电影赏析5篇第一篇:英文电影赏析《危情谍战》与《亡命天涯》比较分析电影简介 1.1《危情谍战》简介特工罗伊·米勒将茱恩的平凡生活搞得一团乱,但是茱恩也闯入罗伊的生活。





















二、英语电影片名佳译赏析1. 《泰坦尼克号》——原片名Titanic这个片名翻译充分体现了原作的精髓,直接且具有震撼力。


2. 《阿甘正传》——原片名Forrest Gump这个翻译巧妙地保留了原片名中的“正传”二字,使得中文观众能够感受到这是一部正统的、有深度的作品。


3. 《星际穿越》——原片名Interstellar这个翻译通过“星际”二字准确传达了原片名的科幻色彩,而“穿越”则让人联想到时空旅行等元素,为电影增添了神秘感。

三、电影翻译对译者的要求1. 准确传达原意译者需要准确理解原片名的含义,确保翻译与原片名在意义上保持一致。


2. 考虑文化差异由于不同文化之间的差异,同一电影在不同的国家和地区可能会有不同的受众群体和市场反应。


3. 艺术性电影片名的翻译还需要具有一定的艺术性,以吸引观众的注意力。


4. 市场需求导向译者在翻译时还需要考虑市场需求,根据目标市场的特点和观众的需求进行有针对性的翻译。





Continuity Editing
• • • • • Eye-1ine match/Shot—reverse shot / Match on action (or match-cut) The 180-degree rule The 30-degree rule Shot progression
Cinematic effects
Creates sense of distance between subject and audience Gives audience a “bird’s eye view” and thus creates a sense of omniscience(无所不 知,全知)
sets,flaming, lighting, symbols/motifs, and costumes,make-up,and props.
The Function of Set
• The fulfillment(实现,完成 of certain generic 实现, 实现 完成) expectations • The achievement of verisimilitude(逼真 逼真) 逼真 • The expression of the overall mood and tone of the film • The expression of the subjective mood of a certain character at a certain time • The expression of symbolic values • The expression of certain cinematic contrasts or structural oppositions



英语电影赏析英语作文带译文Here's an example of an English essay on movie appreciation that fulfills the given requirements:I gotta say, that movie was just epic! The visuals were stunning, every scene a masterpiece of cinematography. You could feel the energy and emotion jumping off the screen.The acting was top-notch, too. The lead actor really brought the character to life. I felt like I was right there, experiencing the story with him. The chemistry between the cast was just perfect.And the music! It elevated the movie to a whole new level. Every time the soundtrack kicked in, I was transported to another world. It was so powerful and moving.The story itself was captivating. It kept me on theedge of my seat, never knowing what would happen next. The twists and turns were brilliant, and I couldn't stopthinking about it after the credits rolled.Plus, the setting was just incredible. The filmmakers really did their homework, capturing the essence of the place perfectly. It felt so real and immersive.Overall, it was an absolute joy to watch. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves movies that are visually stunning, emotionally charged, and tell a compelling story. It's a must-see!Translation:我得说,那部电影简直太震撼了!视觉效果惊人,每一幕都是摄影艺术的杰作。



电影赏析英文作文In the heart of Hollywood, where dreams are made and celluloid stars twinkle brighter than the California sun, there lies a gem of a film that's as captivating as asizzling summer blockbuster. Let's dive into the cinematic experience that is "Cinema's Finest: A Tale of Lights and Shadows."Picture this: the velvety darkness of a movie theater, the anticipatory hum of an eager audience, and the soft glow of the screen as it comes to life. Our story unfolds like a masterful painting, each frame a testament to the artistry of the filmmakers.The film opens with a sweeping panorama of a bustling city, a symphony of lights and sounds that set the stage for our protagonist, a charming rogue with a heart of gold. He's the kind of guy who can talk his way out of a speeding ticket and into a free coffee, all with a twinkle in his eye and a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts.As the plot thickens, we're introduced to a cast of characters as colorful as a box of crayons. There's the wise-cracking sidekick, the love interest with a secret, and the villain who's as cunning as a fox and twice as slippery. Each character is crafted with such finesse that you can't help but feel a pang of empathy for even the most nefarious of them.The dialogue is sharp and witty, with lines that bounce off the screen like a tennis match at Wimbledon. It's the kind of script that makes you want to hit pause, jot down your favorite quotes, and recite them at your next dinner party.But it's not just the characters and the dialogue that make this film a masterpiece. The cinematography is a visual feast, with shots that are as breathtaking as the Grand Canyon at sunset. The camera work is nothing short of poetic, capturing the essence of each scene with a finesse that speaks volumes.The score, a harmonious blend of orchestral grandeur and jazzy undertones, is the cherry on top of this cinematic sundae. It's the kind of music that makes you tap your foot, hum along, and wish you could dance to it in the aisles.In conclusion, "Cinema's Finest: A Tale of Lights and Shadows" is a film that transcends the ordinary and takes us on a journey through the magic of storytelling. It's a love letter to the art of filmmaking, a testament to the power of imagination, and a reminder that sometimes, the best stories are the ones we see on the big screen. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and let this film transport you to a world where dreams are made and stories are spun with the flicker of a projector's light.。






二、英语电影片名佳译赏析1. 《泰坦尼克号》——原片名Titanic,翻译为“泰坦尼克号”准确地传达了影片的背景和主题,同时简洁明了,易于记忆。

2. 《阿甘正传》——原片名Forrest Gump,翻译为“阿甘正传”保留了原片名的主语和故事感,同时也具有中国文化的特点。

3. 《致命魔术》——原片名The Prestige,翻译为“致命魔术”恰当地传达了影片的神秘感和悬疑氛围。

4. 《盗梦空间》——原片名Inception,翻译为“盗梦空间”抓住了影片的主题和核心概念,使得观众可以轻易地联想到电影内容。


三、电影翻译对译者的要求1. 准确理解原片内容:电影翻译首先要准确理解原片的内容、主题和风格。


2. 考虑文化差异:在翻译过程中,译者需要考虑到中西方文化的差异,避免出现文化冲突或误解。


3. 保持翻译的一致性:在翻译系列作品或同一导演的作品时,要保持翻译的一致性,以便观众能够轻松识别出作品的系列或导演风格。

4. 考虑观众心理预期:电影片名的翻译还需要考虑到观众的心理预期。


5. 追求审美价值:电影片名的翻译不仅要准确传达原片的内容,还要具有审美价值。





A Chinese film shot completely on location in St. Louis, this is an off-beat hybrid that never quite works, even though it has a worthy and intriguing central premise. A young, successful Chinese immigrant couple (Tony Leung Ka Fai and Jiang Wenli) give their 5-year-old son (Dennis Zhu) a painless, ancient Chinese treatment called gua sha, which leaves marks on the boy's back. This alerts the authorities, who take the child away and charge the parents with abuse and neglect. Numerous court hearings ensue, followed by lots of overwrought melodrama, which will probably please Eastern audiences
"The Professional" is a surperficial yarn about a hitman(French star Jean Reno) who is befriended in his New York apartment building by an abused 12-year-old girl(newcomer Natalie Portman).When her family (to include her father,stepmother and two half-siblings-a teenage sister and 4-year-old brother) are killed by a vicious government agent(Gary Oldman),he reluctantly takes her in.



1. The Way, Way BackIt’s a story about a boy who is incommunicative ,however ,break the situation and find himself .One summer, 14-year-old juvenile Duncan (Liam James Liam James) with Pam mother, his mother's boyfriend Trent and Trent daughter go to Trent's hut on holiday at the seaside. Like most of the div orced parents and children, Duncan doesn't like mum's boyfriend. Duncan found himself and Trent friends, taciturn he already become unhappy. Until he met Owen in a bicycle trip (Sam Rockwell Sam Rockwell). Owen is the job of the local water park, on the recommendation of a Owen; Duncan became a part-time staff of Water Park. There, he met a new friend, had a happy time, and at the same time and same neighborhood girl suffered from family problems troubling Susanna (Anna Sophia ·Robert Anna Sophia Rob) closer. In one night, Duncan, discover the secrets of Trent, he and his family’s contradiction are becoming more and deeper...here are some movies which sound so simple that it's hard to convey to people just how good they are. The Way, Way Back is one of those movies. It's simply a coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy over the course of his summer break. There are no big action scenes or special effects here, just really good writing with actors who can bring such a realistic story to life.The movie begins with the boy, Duncan, riding in a car with his family to his mother's boyfriend's beach house. As the mother sleeps in the passenger seat, the boyfriend asks Duncan to rate himself on a scale of 1 to 10. After replying with a 6, the boyfriend insists that he's just a 3. What's surprising is that this seemingly heartless guy that the mother is dating is played by Steve Carl. Carl is known for playing lovable and funny characters. But he switches it up with this role. That scene sets the tone for how little Duncan is looking forward to this summer trip. And it doesn't help that his mother doesn't really set her boyfriend straight even when she is awake.To escape the annoyances at his new temporary home, Duncan takes a bike to ride around town with. When he finds a way into the local water park, he meets one of the middle-aged operators there named Owen. Duncan seems fascinated by Owen (played by Sam Rockwell) and how he uses humor in almost everything he says. It seems like he's never met anyone like him who's so worry-free and exudes such confidence all the time. (Sam Rockwell is perfect at playing this care-free kind of man-child.) Owen manages to get Duncan a job at the park where he tries to instill some of that same confidence in him as well. It becomes clear that as they bond with each other, Duncan wishes this would be the kind of guy his mother would date instead. The job at the water park also opens up a whole new fun side that this 14-year-old kid didn't even know he had in him.If not for the occasional Google or iPad reference, this movie could easily have taken place in the 1980's. The setting as well as the way people dress and talk to each other is right out of an 80's film - is it a coincidence that all of the music played in the movie is from that era? There's a very natural and wholesome vibe to it, especially in the water park scenes - nothing looks too modern or high-tech; it's just a place where people go to have an old-fashioned good time. While Steve Carl may be the most popular name on the poster, the movie has a great cast altogether. Toni Collet (The Sixth Sense, Little Miss Sunshine), in particular, does an amazing job as the mother torn between defending her son and trying to make things work with the arrogant boyfriend who doesn't always treat them right. But it's the scenes between Duncan and his new older friend Owen that arethe heart of the movie. Sometimes it just takes the right person to bring out someone else’s true colors and help them be comfortable in their own skin. And sometimes it takes the right movie to make you feel like a kid again. This one will have you yearning for the days when things were a little simpler.2. the Pacific OceanNear future, the earth's environment gradually deteriorated. Mysterious alien colonists through the wormhole "gap" at the bottom of the ocean will be large and residual cold fast, concealed venomous beasts were sent to the earth, methodically implementing their colonial destruction plan. Therefore, human beings to create "scubas plan", create a shape with a monster macho play quite a bit, but gradually evolved as a monster, macho rout, dignitaries trying to build a defensive wall "of" life to stop the footsteps of the invaders, but soon a setback. In this crisis, secretly still push the scuba program, pant, Mr. General (driver, el Paso Iris Elba) back five years ago has suffered a major blow "dangerous wanderer" driver (Charlie Hannah's Charlie Hungnam), and through strict selection for he chose new partner's pockmarked (chrysanthemum -). Resurrection "homeless" with the other three face more powerful monsters remaining mocha invaders, at the same time looking for the opportunity to completely wipe out the enemy.The boundless sea, defending the battle unfolds in the human...For years, Earth is repeatedly attacked by giant monsters called Kaiju that emerge from a portal beneath the Pacific Ocean. The only effective defense is the Jaeger program, massive complex robots that require pairs of neural-linked pilots. However, as each Kaiju attack becomes more powerful and frequent, Humanity must change its tactics. To that end, former Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket is reactivated as part of a desperate plan to destroy the portal. As Raleigh strives to heal his inner scars and help his new partner conquer hers, an intrepid scientist discovers a way to link to the Kaiju's mind to learn about them. Unfortunately, that proves a mixed blessing as vital information of both sides is inadvertently shared and the stakes rise for a final battle.When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.3.SupermanA young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.A young itinerant worker is forced to confront his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race. After a long visit to the lost remains of the planet Krypton, the Man of Steel returns to Earth to become the people's savior once again and reclaim the love of Lois Lane.White house downSon well-armed gang of terrorists occupied the White House, alone the super agent (chinning atropine’s) reimbursing, wide disparity in the battle of miraculously saved the hijacked President, defended the highest dignity of the United States.Atropine’s agent for the White House's new work, but I didn't think just took office in big problem: reimbursing to defend the President. Terrorists firearms ammunition wham was menacing, the White House the hijacked or shot, the White House full of order moment to chaos, tattooing, turns into a lone ranger stood up fireworks terrorists, the terrorist attacks, the frequent explosion of smoke, even the White House on behalf of the United States supreme rule vanishes, car damaged aircraft we picture has almost nothing.Agents and he needed to protect the President the spark is the most interesting film between paragraphs. Jamie fox as President of the United States is not a weak delicate vase, since meet with tower's beginning, two men fought all the way, and the length of enterprising President axing mood also can hold up the rocket launchers to it arise, occasionally with a few action without feet a vent for terrorists. Is such a pair of good partner agent + President, in the wide disparity in repelled the terrorist, defend the American spirit, in the dog blood still plays a fundamental American action movie is playing.4.The heatSara Yang domineering FBI agents (Sandra Bullock, Sandra Bullock) always or somniferous, repeated evidence, she detached style of the work attitude, however, many colleagues to can not stand, the status of the complain again hindered the promotion of her, Sarah's boss decided to send it to Boston, and arranged for a new partner mulling (Melissa Maxine Melissa McCarthy), common to hunt down a Russian drug group, on the one hand play Sarah wit, on the one hand is to test whether she has the ability to collaborate with people. However the new partner must also not fuel-efficient lamp, but Boston a maverick foul-mouthed policewoman, two strong women, never cooperation started screaming period, however, they work together to hunt down the drama of the criminal has only just begun...We are the milersThe story from Jason Bruce family Sue deice, as marijuana dealer opening - he is single and natural and unrestrained, selling marijuana to the individual to earn commission enough to meet his daily spending, but when he was a group of robber robbed and empty still owe drug after tens of thousands of toxic debt, things get complicated. In order to repay the toxic debt again earn hundreds of dollars, he had to go to Mexico for a drug. Now, a city living small dealer has become an international drug traffickers, much larger risk immediately. To not in prison life, he had formed a fake family design, by way of driving a car to travel to Mexico to smuggle marijuana. Obviously, the family members are not fuel-efficient lamp, Jennifer Aniston’s wife is a stripper, and daughter is a don't want to go home, wandering on the streets of bad girl, and the son is a bit autistic otaku... In an embarrassing cabin dispute, the fake family trip to the drug, Allison stayed began.。

电影赏析 英语作文

电影赏析 英语作文

电影赏析英语作文Title: Delving into the Depths of Cinematic Excellence.Movies have always been a powerful medium to evoke emotions, tell stories, and present ideas. They are notjust a form of entertainment but also a mirror reflecting the society, culture, and values of a particular time. This essay aims to delve into the depths of cinematic excellence by exploring various elements that contribute to making a film memorable and impactful.Firstly, the story is the backbone of any film. It is the foundation upon which the entire film is built. A compelling story can captivate the audience, taking them through a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. The plot should be engaging, unexpected, and thought-provoking, keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats. The characters, whether protagonists or antagonists, should be well-developed and have depth, allowing the audience to empathize with them and connect with their journeys.Secondly, the direction is crucial in realizing the vision of the filmmaker. The director's choices in camera angles, lighting, shot composition, and editingsignificantly contribute to the overall tone and feel of the film. They help create the desired mood, set the pace, and enhance the emotional impact of the story. Thedirector's ability to bring out the best from the cast, create a cohesive narrative, and execute innovative ideas is what makes a film stand out.Thirdly, the actors and their performances are the heart of any film. Their ability to bring life to the characters, convey emotions, and tell the story through their actions and dialogue is paramount. Great actors not only memorize lines but also understand the psychology of their characters, their motivations, and the subtext of their words. Their performances should be natural, believable, and engaging, making the audience care about the characters and their journeys.Fourthly, music and sound design play a crucial role inenhancing the emotional impact of a film. The score, whether it's orchestral, electronic, or experimental, should complement the story and create a specific emotional response in the audience. Sound effects, dialogue delivery, and the mix of music and sound are all integral in creating an immersive experience for the viewer.Moreover, cinematography is another essential aspect of cinematic excellence. The visuals should be stunning, whether it's the grandiose landscapes, intimate close-ups, or innovative camera techniques. The cinematographer's choices in color palette, lighting, and framing contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic of the film, setting the tone and mood, and enhancing the emotional impact of the story.Lastly, the themes and messages a film conveys are what make it timeless and relevant. Films that explore universal themes such as love, loss, redemption, and the human condition are more likely to resonate with the audience and leave a lasting impact. The film's ability to spark discussions, provoke thoughts, and启发 insights is whatmakes it more than just entertainment but also a piece of art.In conclusion, cinematic excellence is achieved through a harmonious blend of various elements, including a compelling story, skilled direction, outstanding performances, engaging music and sound design, stunning cinematography, and profound themes and messages. It is a collaborative effort between the filmmaker, cast, and crew, resulting in a memorable and impactful cinematic experience that resonates with the audience and stands the test of time.。



The film review about《The day after tomorrow》In the movie《The day after tomorrow》,Dennis Quaid plays a man named Jack Hall who is a pale climatologist ,according to his Observations ,he find that there will have great Disaster soon due to the Greenhouse effect, whose computer models predict that global warming will lead to a new ice age.He issues a warning at a New Delhi conference, but is dismissed by the American vice president (Kenneth Welsh),who doesn’t even try to pretend doesn’t look just like Dick Cheney. "Our economy is so fragile that like the environment "the vice president says ,dismissing jack’s "sensational claims ".After years of warning about global warning, Jack Hall is horrified to find all his predictions coming true much faster than he could have imagined.At the same time ,Jack’s son, Sam Hall, play by Jake Gyllenhal , who want to Participate in global competition in New York with a girl that he loved. Soon, before long, it was snowing in India. what impressed me most is that hailstone had attacked the Tokyo, the street and the house destroyed , people wounded. Birds, which are always wise in matters of global disaster, flied to south. Typhoons destroy Losangeles ,we can see several tornadoes like dragon ravaged the earth in this film. Many people were so scared that can’t see the outside. Doors and windows were stroked by wind and Issued loud sound. In New York ,Sam knew about the disaster. He tried to contact with family, but failed. When he worried about his family, he found that his little brother study in there. He must rescued him, therefore , he walked out with his friends. In the way to find his brother ,he met with Laura . when they across the street, a woman was sad about her bag that left in the car .She want to go back to take the bag to her ,but a wall of water roars into New York ,the flooded towards form the other side to them. Sam shouted,” Laura, quickly” ,but failed to hear it. Sam run to her, and take her to the Library .Dr. Lucy Hall ( Sela Ward), Jack's wife and Sam's mother, struggles nobly in her subplot, she was so worried about Sam ,but in this moment ,she has no way to rescued his son. At the same time ,Sam make a phone call with his family. Jack was happy to hear that, he promised to Sam, he will rescued him.In this film ,the plots impressed most are that the Statue of Liberty was frozen , New York was surrounded by the great typhoon , the Hollywood sign was tear by tornados and the Northern Hemisphere covered by thick ice, spaceman can’t see nothing about thick cloud.Jack is a man who full of love, brave and wise. We know the weather is difficult to predict, but he know about it very accurately ,so, he is a genius. We also know the distance between Washington to New York .It’s difficult to arrivejust on foot. But he didn’t care about it. His only goal was rescued his child, Just as he said, he did it. The factors of his success are love, brave and wise.Sam is brave , wise , Bold and love .He love Laura, so he comes with her participant in competition. He love Laura, so he didn’t care about himself, just rescued her when the flood coming. He love Laura, so he hunt for Drugs when she get Infection and didn’t care Unknown risks, like Wolves attack .Laura is beautiful, cute and clever. She is beautiful, especially her eyes, clear and deep. She is a gentle and quiet girl .She is clever too .This movie was directed by Roland Emmerich , I think this is a good movie .when I see it, I fell the disaster is at hand. The horrible images, such as the huge crack of the ice, which the main colors are white , black and gray. In front and middle of the movie , it give us some nervous screen ,at last, we just find the blue sky.After watching the movie , some strange thoughts in my mind. As we know the greenhouse effect is getting more and more worse, some phenomenon ware evidence. for example, maybe we know the Island nation of Tuvalu, it is swallowed by seawater that cause by Sea-level rise .we are not the only creature in the earth, we can’t exploit resources just take human’s thought in consideration .We also have no right to emission the harmful substance without thinking about others .Not only about that ,we also should developed our economy sustainable and wise. We should take action to prevent our environment rather than only meeting and Publicity!Now, every people in the earth, we should be union and wisely ,pay more attention on our mother-----earth. Take actions Immediately to prevent her !。



Then, Forrest’s mother falls ill. Forrest returns home as quickly as his possible. But Unfortunately, his mother doesn’t recover(痊愈) and dies soon afterward……
perseverance(坚持) and never give up!
must do ─ ─ ─
“perseverance and never give up”
Keep running
If we have this spirit(精神), nothing can stop us, and we will Obtain( the true life
After escaping from the Vietnam, Forrest is sent to the combat hospital(战地医院). During the days in hospital Forrest finds his talent(天赋) for ping pong ball. So he is placed(安排 到) in the All-American(全美) Ping-Pong team, which visited China together with official delegation(代表团) headed by President Nixon(尼克松总统).
Thanks for watching!
After playing football for five years, Forrest joins the army with his college degree(大学文凭). In the army, he meets a black young man called Bubba why does not look down upon(看不起) him and they become good friends. On the battlefield in Vietnam(越南), Forrest saves the lives of many fellow(随从的) soldiers, but he loses his friend Bubba. Among the people saved by Forrest, there is Lieutenant(上尉) Dan, who loses both of his legs and insists that dying on the battlefield is his destiny(宿命).



电影赏析,英文版(总2页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Review of the Wreck-it RalthCompared with the movies we have seen this semester,Wreck it Ralth is my is the work of the had a lot of fun in this film as well as moving.For this film, I want to write lots and lots, but feel my lack of language. Watched this movie ,Ithink that many people will have the feeling of fondly remembering. Exactly said, I am not a game fan, but it still aroused the memories of my childhood ,the street machine that in childhood played..In addition,I have never played Super Mario and PAC-man, and other classic games of figures I have just that's it, I still love this movie because it has put us in a game which always appears in a dream world. Therefore the angle of view of this movie gives people the fresh feeling At the beginning ,we all know that ralph is a good man but play a bad to this,the story the hero duty,we knew the ralph's ,he overcomed his weakness and gain a sincere friendship.At the end of the film ,Ralth destroies the king with his huge fist,When he used the stone from the top of the volcano hit Coke fountain. his destruction has reached an extreme. And I am looking forward to this destruction, and adored this destruction,And my heart silently said: to make it !Very humorous scene of the film, no matter how hard Felix tried,it only makethe Iron Prison firmer , and Ralth had become a savior. When your heart is full of love, the damage is also with personal happiness. The film is told in the usual frame of thinking, we have hidden things we can not see, such as the identity of the person, people's shinings. Only destructing those which has blinded the human's eye and covering the confines of the people's mind, the new value will appear. The so-called "vulnerabilities" in fact, is not aloophole, so-called "destruction of the king" can also be a hero. With medals, people may or may not be respected; losing medals, but actually be able to win people's hearts. Living in the crowd ,sometimes it may be alone; And if there is love in mind, even if a person living alone in the garbage, it will not feel lonely, because companions will around atall .Meanwhile, Felix and Calhoun's love also gave me a kind of specially warm romantic seem that everything is so simple, there is no concealment and deception. This is where the film touched, do not require on-site modification, simple can be touched.A few days later,l attended our grade assembly,l knew that the word love what you do. Everyone one of us should love what we should everything has its meaning in the stereotype is wrong, everyone has their own wonderful .。



0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011
《 后 窗 》
《 美 人 计 》
0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011
《 深 闺 疑 云 》
《煤气灯下》 《 三 十 九 级 台 阶 》
阿瑟· 佩恩
不仅标志着阿瑟·佩恩个人创作的 高峰,而且是新好莱坞崛起的标志。 本片的特殊之处: (1)首次出现反英雄的英雄形象。 (2)融入了法国新浪潮的艺术观点 和技巧:时空的自由跳接。 (3)突破了好莱坞严格的类型模式,体现了类型融合 的倾向:强盗片、喜剧片、爱情片等。
《淘金记》(1925)、《城市之光》(1931)、《摩登时代》(1936)、 《大独裁者》(1940)、《凡尔杜先生》(1947)、《舞台生涯》(1952)、 《一个国王在纽约》(1957)等。
0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011
斯坦利· 库布里克(1928——1999)
0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011
《光荣之路》 《斯巴达克斯》 《奇爱博士》 《发条桔子》 《2001:太空遨游》 《巴利·林顿》 《全金属铝外壳》 《洛丽塔》 《闪灵》 《紧闭双眼》(《大开眼界》)
0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011
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Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns 4. Historical Issues 5. Nations and National Characteristics 6. Social/Cultural/Technological Changes 7. Social Problems
Chapter 5 Critical Perspectime Typical Thematic Concerns
Auteur Theory Structuralism Feminism and Gender Studies
Film Theory provides an alternative set of critical approaches: Auteur Theory, Structuralism, Feminism and Gender Studies, Psychoanalysis and the Spectator, Politics and Ideology.
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns 4. Historical Issues
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know
what you're gonna get."
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns 4. Historical Issues 5. Nations and National Characteristics
Typical Thematic Concerns
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns 4. Historical Issues 5. Nations and National Characteristics 6. Social/Cultural/Technological Changes 7. Social Problems
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films:
1. Broad Human Concerns 2. Life Philosophies 3. Religious and Ethical Concerns 4. Historical Issues 5. Nations and National Characteristics 6. Social/Cultural/Technological Changes
Nature of love and beauty
Typical Thematic Concerns
Here is an overview of some of the forms in which theme is expressed in Hollywood (and other Englishlanguage) films: