1/ 1。
All about you:– Why do you want to teach at our school? Why should we hire you?– What has been your most positive teaching experience?– What has been your most negative teaching experience? What would you change?– What is your philosophy of education?–What have you recently done in education of an interesting or innovative nature?– What motivates you?– What professional books, blogs, or journals have you read to keep abreast of educational news and best practices?– How would your students describe you?– What is your greatest strength/weakness as a teacher?– What are 3 words that your students/admin/close friends would use to describe you?– Describe a typical lesson in your classroom. (Going through the step by step overview)– Describe a successful lesson and how you knew it went well.– Why did you want to be a teacher?– What is a difficult situation you faced and how did you deal with it? –What do you want to teach__________(grade level) students? What do you like about them?– How do you use technology in your classroom?–How do you use assessment in your classroom? Describe how you used the information you gained from an assessment in your instruction.– How do you address the needs of English language learners?– How do you integrate other subjects into your units?– How do you approach classroom discipline?– What is your favorite essential question (UBD model)?Parents– How do you communicate student progress to parents?– How do you normally communicate with parents?– How have you involved parents in the learning process?Students– How do you handle the different abilities of students in your class? – What techniques have you found useful in individualizing learning in your class?-Describe one or two techniques you use to motivate students. How do you motivate a student to learn a concept they do not do well in?– Describe a difficult student you had and how you handled it.– How do you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your class?– If you met your students 20 years from now, what would you want them to remember about you?School– Why do you want to teach at __________ (school)?–How have you contributed to the development of the total school program in your current position?– How do you structure your classroom to achieve maximum benefit from teacher/student contact?– What kind of extracurricular activities would you be interested in being part of?– What are the talents/expertise you can bring to your team?– Why are you leaving your current school?– What did you like the most about your current school?– What was the most difficult thing about your current school?–How would you implement the school’s core values into your classroom?– What are your thoughts on collaboration with other staff?Country/City Specific– Why do you want to live in __________ (country)?– Tell me what you already know about the country and culture.– What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school?– Do you have any concerns about moving to this country?The End of the Interview– Is there anything else you feel that you want me to know about you, that we haven’t had a chance to talk about?– Do you have any questions for us?Questions to ask during the interview:What are the nationalities of the student body? What is the percentage of each nationality?How many students are in the school and what are class sizes? How many current foreign teachers are working for them?Are students admitted with little or no English skills? What percentage of the teachers renews their contract for a third or fourth year?What expectations are there for teacher participation beyond the regular school day?What is the frequency of faculty meetings, committee meetingsand other meetings teachers must attend on a weekly basis? How long is the school year? When are holidays/breaks? (you should be able to find this on the school website, but if you can’t, then ask).Are teaching materials readily available? Technology? Internet?What are the classrooms like? Desks for every student? Do teachers use chalkboards or a projection system?How involved are parents and the PTO?Do teachers work together?Does the administration side with teachers or parents?Is the curriculum open or closed? Do teachers have freedom in the classroom when approaching the lessons?How much time do I get with my students?What is the dress code at the school for teachers and students? What support services are provided to students? Is the curriculum aligned with particular standards?I’m very interested in building my ski lls as a teacher. What staff development opportunities are offered?How is the reading program organized?What new programs or activities are being considered for the coming year?How would you describe the atmosphere and culture at your school?Why do people like to work at your school?Is there a yearly budget provided for continuing education/professional development?Person Questions:How safe is the area where you will be living and how safe is the city in general?What will housing be like?What is the level of health care in the country?How long will it take to get to school?What do teachers do weekends and after school?Does the teacher salary cover all living expenses?Are foreign employees welcomed?What is the social life like both at the school and local community?Is the mail system reliable? Can I easily send and receive packages?How easy is it to travel within and out of the country?Be Prepared for ToughInterview QuestionsCredentials, enthusiasm and a burning desire to teach overseas describes nearly 100% of recruiting-fair candidates. So, how do you set yourself above the bar with so many high caliber candidates competing for the same positions?A Director’s gut feeling about how you’ll fit into and adapt to their school and geographical location certainly plays a big part in the decision-making process. For some hardship locations, a “good fit” may be more important than actual years of teaching experience and advanced degrees. But when it comes to competing for the most desirable schools, your answers to some unexpected interview questions can easily make or break the deal:Tell me about yourself. What’s your greatest contribution to your last school? If I walked into your classroom, what would I see? How will your past or current Director describe you when I dial them up? How would your students describe you? Teach me something right now! What’s the last article or book you read on teaching? Which educational journals do you subscribe to? Tell me about a conflict you resolved.Answering t ough interview questions is something you definitely don’t want to do impromptu. Of course, if you’re thrown a curve ball you have to swing at it, but anticipating and honing your answers to possible interview questions is obviously the best way to prepare for a successful interview. You just might be Teacher of the Year material but if you can’t convince the interviewer of that, all is for naught.10 things international schools look for when hiring new teachersPublished on 17th November, 2014 by Andrew Wigford. Published in For Candidates/ TIC Newsour list of the top 10 qualities schools look for in theirThere are many international schools considered to be amongst the most progressive and well-respected schools in the world. But don’t be dauntedby that. They need great teachers, and good schools will support theirteachers to become part of their learning-focused ethos. So what dothese schools look for when hiring new teachers? Here are the top 10qualities that most international schools look for in the teachers theyhire:Enthusiastic teachers who love working with young peopleNothing compares with your passion for learning and teaching. So if you’re enthusiastic and committed to meeting the learning needs of each and every student, you’re half way there.Responsible teachers who do their researchFinding the right school is important, for both you and your employer. Show that you have done your research, that you know the school, its focus, its philosophy. Demonstrate that you have thought seriously about the location, how you’ll respond to the move, and how you’ll cope with leaving home. Be prepared to explain why you want to move abroad.Teachers who are internationally mindedYou may be choosing to live and work in a location very different to your home country, and within a culture very different to your home culture. You will be working with students and families from many different countries and backgrounds, and with teachers and school staff who have very different training and experience to what you may be used to. You must be willing to accept and value differences, to respect the country you are living and working in and to be truly internationally minded, in and out of work.Flexible teachers who are able to adaptInternational schools vary dramatically – in location, size, student intake, staffing, curriculum, philosophy, and more. The bestinternational teachers are willing and eager to adapt, and to embrace new circumstances and unexpected challenges.Teachers who have much to offerIf you can teach a range of subjects or age groups, and have specialist skills, you’ll stand out from the crowd and be a real asset.Teachers who want to be fully involved in the life of the schoolInternational schools are more than just places of education. Manystudents and staff are expatriates and turn to the school as their‘family’. It is the social hub and the source for extra-curricularactivities; for the students, staff and their families. Schools arelooking for teachers who are happy to get fully involved in school lifeand its community.Teachers who can lead extra-curricular activitiesMost after school activities for international school children happenthrough the school. This means that extra-curricular activities are an important aspect of international school life. Being able and willing tolead or support an extra-curricular activity is expected of internationalschool teachers. It shows you have true commitment to the school, and more importantly to the children, outside of the classroom.Teachers who are loyalInternational schools are renowned for their short-term contracts,meaning that teachers can often move on to another school in anothercountry after two years. However, international schools also value loyaltyand often look for teachers who have commitment and staying power, whohave extended their contracts in previous jobs and value the benefits thata more established teaching staff can bring.Teachers who can work with second or third language learnersMany students at international schools speak English as a second or third language. This means adapting your teaching methods to help students fullyengage in the learning. Teachers who have EASL or Mother Tongue trainingor good experience are valued.Teachers who want to develop professionally and are lifelong learnersInternational schools offer great opportunities for both career andpersonal development and love teachers who show a desire to keep learning.Actively seeking professional development opportunities and sharing your learning and specialist experience with your colleagues is valued by schools, especially those that are isolated and where external training opportunities may be restricted.You don’t need all of these qualities to become a teacher at an international school, but having some of them will help, particularly enthusiasm and international mindedness, and don’t forget to work with TIC who will help you find the best job for you!。
一、口试部分(时长5分钟左右)1.自我介绍What is your name? 【你叫什么名字?】My name is_______. 【我的名字是_____】解析:本题内容基于自我介绍,旨在确认考生身份,常规回答正常中文姓名即可。
基础较好的考生可以在此基础上向考官说明:My name is ________, and you can call me________.考题扩展:Could you please introduce yourself first? 【你能否先进行一下自我介绍?】My name is______. I come from_______. 【我的名字是____,我来自_____。
】I'm a student. I'm studying in__________ junior school and I will graduate in __________ months.【我是一个学生,我在_____中学上学并且我将在____月之后毕业。
】I'm a teenager. I like__________, especially _______, and I'm interested in _______.【我是个青少年,我喜欢______, 尤其是______,同时我对________有兴趣。
2.教育话题2.1学科What is your favourite subject? 【你最喜欢的科目是什么?】My favorite subject is ______, since the teacher of this subject_______. 【我最喜欢的科目是_____, 因为这个科目的老师______。
第1篇一、面试题目1. 请简要介绍一下自己。
2. 为什么选择报考我们学校的国际班?3. 你认为与国内教育相比,国际教育有哪些优势?4. 你了解国际班所提供的课程体系吗?请谈谈你对这些课程的理解。
5. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?为什么?6. 你在初中阶段取得过哪些学术成就?请举例说明。
7. 你在课外有哪些兴趣爱好?请谈谈你是如何平衡学习和兴趣爱好的。
8. 你认为自己的性格特点有哪些?请举例说明。
9. 你如何看待团队合作?请谈谈你在团队合作中的角色和经验。
10. 你在初中阶段遇到过哪些困难?你是如何克服的?11. 你对未来的职业规划是什么?为什么?12. 你认为自己在哪些方面需要提高?请谈谈你的努力方向。
13. 你对我们学校的校园文化有何了解?请谈谈你对校园文化的看法。
14. 你如何看待国际交流与合作?请谈谈你的观点。
15. 请谈谈你对“国际化人才”的理解。
16. 你认为国际教育对个人成长有哪些影响?17. 请谈谈你对教育公平的看法。
18. 你在初中阶段有哪些难忘的经历?请谈谈这些经历对你的影响。
19. 你如何看待网络成瘾问题?请谈谈你的观点。
20. 你认为如何培养学生的创新精神和实践能力?二、解析1. 请简要介绍一下自己。
2. 为什么选择报考我们学校的国际班?解析:这道题目旨在了解学生对国际教育的认知和选择原因。
3. 你认为与国内教育相比,国际教育有哪些优势?解析:这道题目考察学生对国际教育的了解程度。
4. 你了解国际班所提供的课程体系吗?请谈谈你对这些课程的理解。
All about you:– Why do you want to teach at our school? Why should we hire you?– What has been your most positive teaching experience?– What has been your most negative teaching experience? What would you change?– What is your philosophy of education?– What have you recently done in education of an interesting or innovative nature?– What motivates you?– What professional books, blogs, or journals have you read to keep abreast of educational news and best practices?– How would your students describe you?– What is your greatest strength/weakness as a teacher?– What are 3 words that your students/admin/close friends would use to describe you?– Describe a typical lesson in your classroom. (Going through the step by step overview)– Describe a successful lesson and how you knew it went well.– Why did you want to be a teacher?– What is a difficult situation you faced and how did you deal with it?– What do you want to teach__________(grade level) students? What do you like about them?– How do you use technology in your classroom?– How do you use assessment in your classroom? Describe how you used the information you gained from an assessment in your instruction.– How do you address the needs of English language learners?– How do you integrate other subjects into your units?– How do you approach classroom discipline?– What is your favorite essential question (UBD model)?Parents– How do you communicate student progress to parents?– How do you normally communicate with parents?– How have you involved parents in the learning process?Students– How do you handle the different abilities of students in your class?– What techniques have you found useful in individualizing learning in your class?-Describe one or two techniques you use to motivate students. How do you motivate a student to learn a concept they do not do well in?– Describe a difficult student you had and how you handled it.– How do you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your class?– If you met your students 20 years from now, what would you want them to remember about you?School– Why do you want to teach at __________ (school)?– How have you contributed to the development of the total school program in your current position?– How do you structure your classroom to achieve maximum benefit fromteacher/student contact?– What kind of extracurricular activities would you be interested in being part of?– What are the talents/expertise you can bring to your team?– Why are you leaving your current school?– What did you like the most about your current school?– What was the most difficult thing about your current school?–How would you implement the school’s core values into your classroom?– What are your thoughts on collaboration with other staff?Country/City Specific– Why do you want to live in __________ (country)?– Tell me what you already know about the country and culture.– What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school?– Do you have any concerns about moving to this country?The End of the Interview–Is there anything else you feel that you want me to know about you, that we haven’t had a chance to talk about?– Do you have any questions for us?Questions to ask during the interview:What are the nationalities of the student body? What is the percentage of each nationality?How many students are in the school and what are class sizes?How many current foreign teachers are working for them?Are students admitted with little or no English skills?What percentage of the teachers renews their contract for a third or fourth year?What expectations are there for teacher participation beyond the regular school day?What is the frequency of faculty meetings, committee meetings and other meetings teachers must attend on a weekly basis?How long is the school year? When are holidays/breaks? (you should be able to find this on the school website, but if you can’t, then ask).Are teaching materials readily available? Technology? Internet?What are the classrooms like? Desks for every student? Do teachers use chalkboards or a projection system?How involved are parents and the PTO?Do teachers work together?Does the administration side with teachers or parents?Is the curriculum open or closed? Do teachers have freedom in the classroom when approaching the lessons?How much time do I get with my students?What is the dress code at the school for teachers and students?What support services are provided to students? Is the curriculum aligned with particular standards?I’m very interested in building my ski lls as a teacher. What staff development opportunities are offered?How is the reading program organized?What new programs or activities are being considered for the coming year? How would you describe the atmosphere and culture at your school?Why do people like to work at your school?Is there a yearly budget provided for continuing education/professional development?Person Questions:How safe is the area where you will be living and how safe is the city in general?What will housing be like?What is the level of health care in the country?How long will it take to get to school?What do teachers do weekends and after school?Does the teacher salary cover all living expenses?Are foreign employees welcomed?What is the social life like both at the school and local community?Is the mail system reliable? Can I easily send and receive packages?How easy is it to travel within and out of the country?Be Prepared for Tough Interview QuestionsCredentials, enthusiasm and a burning desire to teach overseas describes nearly 100% of recruiting-fair candidates. So, how do you set yourself above the bar with so many high caliber candidates competing for the same positions?A Director’s gut feeling about how you’ll fit into and adapt to their school and geographical location certainly plays a big part in the decision-making process. For some hardship locations, a “good fit” may be more important than actual years of teaching experience and advanced degrees. But when it comes to competing for the most desirable schools, your answers to some unexpected interview questions can easily make or break the deal:Tell me about yourself. What’s your greatest contribution to your last school? If I walked into your classroom, what would I see? How will your past or current Director describe you when I dial them up? How would your students describe you? Teach me something right now! What’s the last article or book you read on teaching? Which educational journals do you subscribe to? Tell me about a conflict you resolved.Answering t ough interview questions is something you definitely don’t want to do impromptu. Of course, if you’re thrown a curve ball you have to swing at it, but anticipating and honing your answers to possible interview questions is obviously the best way to prepare for a successful interview. You just might be Teacher of the Year material but if you can’t convince the interviewer of that, all is for naught.10 things international schools look for whenhiring new teachersPublished on 17th November, 2014 by Andrew Wigford. Published in For Candidates / TIC NewsThere are many international schools considered to be amongst the most progressive andwell-respected schools in the world. But don’t be daunted by that. They need greatteachers, and good schools will support their teachers to become part of theirlearning-focused ethos. So what do these schools look for when hiring new teachers?Here are the top 10 qualities that most international schools look for in the teachers theyhire:Enthusiastic teachers who love working with young peopleNothing compares with your passion for learning and teaching. So if you’re enthusiastic and committed to meeting the learning needs of each and every student, you’re half way there.Responsible teachers who do their researchFinding the right school is important, for both you and your employer. Show that you have done your research, that you know the school, its focus, itsphilosophy. Demonstrate that you have thought seriously about the location, how you’ll respond to the move, and how you’ll cope with leaving home. Be prepared to explain why you want to move abroad.Teachers who are internationally mindedYou may be choosing to live and work in a location very different to your home country, and within a culture very different to your home culture. You will be working with students and families from many different countries and backgrounds, and with teachers and school staff who have very different training and experience to what you may be used to. You must be willing to accept and value differences, to respect the country you are living and working in and to be truly internationally minded, in and out of work. Flexible teachers who are able to adaptInternational schools vary dramatically – in location, size, student intake, staffing, curriculum, philosophy, and more. The best international teachers are willing and eager to adapt, and to embrace new circumstances and unexpected challenges.Teachers who have much to offerIf you can teach a range of subjects or age groups, and have specialist skills, you’ll stand out from the crowd and be a real asset.Teachers who want to be fully involved in the life of the schoolInternational schools are more than just places of education. Many students and staff are expatri ates and turn to the school as their ‘family’. It is the social hub and the source for extra-curricular activities; for the students, staff and their families. Schools are looking for teachers who are happy to get fully involved in school life and its community.Teachers who can lead extra-curricular activitiesMost after school activities for international school children happen through the school. This means that extra-curricular activities are an important aspect of international school life. Being able and willing to lead or support an extra-curricular activity is expected of international school teachers. It shows you have true commitment to the school, and more importantly to the children, outside of the classroom.Teachers who are loyalInternational schools are renowned for their short-term contracts, meaning that teachers can often move on to another school in another country after two years. However, international schools also value loyalty and often look for teachers who have commitment and staying power, who have extended their contracts in previous jobs and value the benefits that a more established teaching staff can bring.Teachers who can work with second or third language learnersMany students at international schools speak English as a second or third language. This means adapting your teaching methods to help students fully engage in the learning. Teachers who have EASL or Mother Tongue training or good experience are valued. Teachers who want to develop professionally and are lifelong learners International schools offer great opportunities for both career and personal development and love teachers who show a desire to keep learning. Actively seeking professional development opportunities and sharing your learning and specialist experience with your colleagues is valued by schools, especially those that are isolated and where external training opportunities may be restricted.You don’t need all of these qualities to become a teacher at an international school, but having some of them will help, particularly enthusiasm and international mindedness, and don’t forget to work with TIC who will help you find the best job for you!。
我现在学校的名字是**international school.——不过我没有这么说,我说:有,我现在就职的就是一个国际学校。
国际高中面试题及答案1. 请描述一下你最喜欢的一门课程,并解释为什么它对你来说很重要。
2. 你如何看待团队合作?请举例说明。
3. 描述一次你面对挑战并成功克服的经历。
4. 你认为国际视野对于一个学生来说有多重要?答案:国际视野对于一个学生来说至关重要。
5. 你如何平衡学业和课外活动?答案:我通过制定详细的时间表和优先级来平衡学业和课外活动。
6. 描述一下你的理想职业,并解释为什么你选择它。
7. 你如何看待失败?请给出一个你失败后如何重新站起来的例子。
国际学校面试知识题库1. 数学1.1. 一辆小汽车从A地出发,以每小时60公里的速度行驶,经过4小时到达B地。
这辆小汽车返回A地所需的时间是多少?1.2. 若 a + b = 10,且 a^2 + b^2 = 58,求 a 和 b 的值。
1.3. 一张正方形纸片的面积为64平方厘米。
2. 英语2.1. 请用英语介绍一下你自己。
2.2. 请用英语描述你最喜欢的一本书,并解释为什么喜欢它。
2.3. 请用英语描述一次难忘的旅行经历。
3. 社会科学3.1. 请解释一下什么是民主制度,并简述其优点和缺点。
3.2. 请解释一下什么是全球化,并列举一些全球化的利与弊。
3.3. 请简要介绍一下中国的传统节日春节,并解释为什么春节在中国如此重要。
4. 自然科学4.1. 请解释一下什么是地球的自转和公转,并解释它们对地球上的现象有什么影响。
4.2. 请解释一下什么是生态系统,并举例说明一个生态系统中的物种相互作用。
4.3. 请解释一下什么是人类的基因,并解释基因在遗传中的作用。
5. 文化艺术5.1. 请介绍一位你欣赏的艺术家或作家,并解释为什么你欣赏他/她的作品。
5.2. 请解释一下什么是西方古典音乐,并列举一些著名的西方古典音乐作品。
5.3. 请介绍一种你喜欢的传统手工艺,并解释为什么你喜欢它。
一、口试部分(时长5分钟左右)1.自我介绍What is your name? 【你叫什么名字?】My name is_______. 【我的名字是_____】解析:本题内容基于自我介绍,旨在确认考生身份,常规回答正常中文姓名即可。
基础较好的考生可以在此基础上向考官说明:My name is ________, and you can call me________。
考题扩展:Could you please introduce yourself first?【你能否先进行一下自我介绍?】My name is______. I come from_______。
】I'm a student。
I’m studying in__________ junior school and I will graduate in __________ months.【我是一个学生,我在_____中学上学并且我将在____月之后毕业。
】I’m a teenager。
I like__________,especially _______,and I’m interested in _______。
【我是个青少年,我喜欢______, 尤其是______,同时我对________有兴趣。
1学科What is your favourite subject?【你最喜欢的科目是什么?】My favorite subject is ______, since the teacher of this subject_______。
【我最喜欢的科目是_____, 因为这个科目的老师______。
国际高中面试问题第一篇:国际高中面试问题一、口试部分(时长5分钟左右)1.自我介绍What is your name? 【你叫什么名字?】My name is_______.【我的名字是_____】解析:本题内容基于自我介绍,旨在确认考生身份,常规回答正常中文姓名即可。
基础较好的考生可以在此基础上向考官说明:My name is ________, and you can call me ________.考题扩展:Could you please introduce yourself first? 【你能否先进行一下自我介绍?】My name is______.I come from_______.【我的名字是____,我来自_____。
】I'm a student.I'm studying in__________ junior school and I will graduate in __________ months.【我是一个学生,我在_____中学上学并且我将在____月之后毕业。
】I'm a teenager.I like__________, especially _______, and I'm interested in _______.【我是个青少年,我喜欢______, 尤其是______,同时我对________有兴趣。
2.教育话题2.1学科What is your favourite subject? 【你最喜欢的科目是什么?】My favorite subject is ______, since the teacher of this subject_______.【我最喜欢的科目是_____, 因为这个科目的老师______。
第1篇一、自我介绍1. 请用英文进行简短的自我介绍,包括你的姓名、年龄、就读学校、年级以及兴趣爱好。
2. 请用中文进行简短的自我介绍,包括你的姓名、年龄、就读学校、年级以及兴趣爱好。
二、学科知识1. 请用英文描述一下你所学的科目中最感兴趣的一门课程,并解释为什么。
2. 请用中文描述一下你所学的科目中最感兴趣的一门课程,并解释为什么。
三、英语能力1. 请用英文回答以下问题:(1)What is your favorite book and why?(2)What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet?(3)How do you deal with stress?2. 请用中文回答以下问题:(1)你最喜欢的书是什么?为什么?(2)使用互联网的优缺点是什么?(3)你如何应对压力?四、逻辑思维与创新能力1. 请用英文描述一下以下场景:(1)假如你是一名科学家,发明了一种能够解决全球能源危机的新能源。
2. 请用中文描述以下场景:(1)如果你是一名科学家,发明了一种能够解决全球能源危机的新能源。
五、团队合作与沟通能力1. 请用英文描述一下你在过去的一个团队项目中扮演的角色以及你的贡献。
2. 请用中文描述一下你在过去的一个团队项目中扮演的角色以及你的贡献。
六、生活与价值观1. 请用英文描述一下你最喜欢的一种运动,并解释为什么。
2. 请用中文描述一下你最喜欢的一种运动,并解释为什么。
七、综合素质与未来发展1. 请用英文描述一下你未来想要从事的职业,并解释为什么。
2. 请用中文描述一下你未来想要从事的职业,并解释为什么。
八、家庭教育与成长环境1. 请用英文描述一下你的家庭教育环境,以及这对你的成长产生了哪些影响。
国际学校面试问题及回答国际学校面试问题及回答1、What’s your favorite book?你最喜欢的书是什么?面试官问你关于书的问题,目的是想要知道你是否在课外有阅读的习惯。
2、What are your hobbies?你的兴趣爱好是什么?学校想要有激情的学生,他们想要知道你可以坚持自己的爱好并且深入下去。
3、Who are your rolemodels?谁是你的榜样?这个问题还有很多其他的问法,比方“Who has the bigges tinfluence on you?“(对你影响最大的人是谁?)回答既可以是熟悉的人也可以是名人。
为什么这个人会对你产生影响?产生什么影响?你有因为他/她而发生改变了吗?什么改变?如果还没有改变的话,那你打算如何向他/她学习?4、What are your goals?你的目标是什么?学校想听到学生关于未来的打算和规划,一方面可以学生的性格和爱好,另一方面也可以借此来判断学生和学校是否合适。
为什么会有这些目标?为了实现这些目标你没有开始行动?最后一定要把一些目标带回到你申请的学校上来说,比如你可以说“I plan to join a math team and I am extremely impressed with yourschool‘scurrentteam!”(我打算加入数学竞赛小组,而你们学校的这个小组给我留下了深刻的印象)这样一来,一方面你说了自己的目标,另一方面还展示了对学校的了解。
第一环节:开场白May I come in?我可以进来么?Hello,everyone. (微笑,鞠躬) 问好第二环节:Introduce yourself介绍你自己Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is xxxx,15 years old this year. I was born in xxxx , zhejiang. I like reading books and playing computer. At the same time ,I love English ,so I want to study here. Thank you for inviting me.第三环节:Question and Answer 问答环节1)Q: What is your name, please? (你叫什么名字?)A: My name is xxxx. (我叫xxxx)Q: How old are you? (你几岁了?)A: I am fifteen years old. (我十五岁了)Q: Why you come here? (你为什么来这里?)A: I hope to study in Australia one day so I come here for interview. (我希望有一天去澳大利亚学习,所以我来参加这个面试)2)Q:Which school are you from? (你是哪个学校的?)A:I’m from No.x middle school. (我来自第x中学)3)Q:What are your hobbies? (你有什么兴趣爱好?)A:I like reading books and playing computer. (我喜欢读书和玩电脑)But I know playing computer too much is bad for me. (但我知道玩电脑太久对我不好)4)Q:What kind of sports do you like most? (你最喜欢什么运动?)A:I love running because I just like the feeling of running.(我喜欢跑步,我喜欢跑步的感觉)Q:What’s your favorite subject? (你最喜欢的科目是?)A:I love Chinese lesson because Chinese teacher is interesting.(我喜欢语文课因为语文老师很有趣)Q:What’s your favorite vegetable? (你最喜欢什么蔬菜?)Q:What’s your favorite animal? (你最喜欢什么动物?)5)Q:What day is today? (今天星期几?)A:It’s Sunday. (今天星期天)Q:What’s the weather like? (今天天气如何?)A:It’s sunny./cloudy/rainy today. (今天是晴天/多云/雨天)6)Q:When do you get up everyday? (你每天几点起床)A:I usually get up at 7 o'clock (我通常7点钟起床)Q:How far is it from your home to the school? (你们家离学校有多远?)A:It's about ten minutes' walk. (走路十分钟)7)Q:What do you do on weekends (你周末都做些什么?)A:I usually read books. (我通常看点书)详细回答例子:Firstly, I usually play computer on Saturday morning, and then I go to the library. Then on Sunday, I get up andusually do my homework.8)Q:How many people are there in your family (你家有多少人)A:My family has four people, father, mother, brother and me.(我家有四个人,爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我)Q:Who do you like best? (你最喜欢谁)A:I love mom best because she is good to me.(我最喜欢妈妈因为她对我很好)Q:Do you help your mother with the housework? (你有帮妈妈做家务么)A:Yes,sometimes I help my mom sweep the floor.Important topic 重要话题1)festival 节日Q: What’s your favorite festival? (你最喜欢的节日是)A:My favorite festival is National Festival. I went to HONGKONG Disneyland with my parents last year. There are many interesting things such as MICKY.(我最喜欢的节日是国庆,去年国庆我和爸爸妈妈去了迪士尼乐园,这里有很多有趣的东西比如米奇。
第一环节:开场白May I come in? 我可以进来么?Hello,everyone. (微笑,鞠躬) 问好第二环节:Introduce yourself 介绍你自己Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is xxxx,15 years old this year. I was born in xxxx, Shanghai. I like reading books and playing computer. At the same time, I love English, so I want to study here. Thank you for inviting me.第三环节:Question and Answer 问答环节1) Q: What is your name, please? (你叫什么名字?)有的不会问这一项A: My name is xxxx. (我叫xxxx)Q: How old are you? (你几岁了?)A: I am fifteen years old. (我十五岁了)Q: Why you come here? (你为什么来这里?)A: I hope to study in Australia one day so I come here for interview.(我希望有一天去澳大利亚学习,所以我来参加这个面试)2) Q:Which school are you from? (你是哪个学校的?)A:I’m from No.x middle school. (我来自第x中学)3) Q:What are your hobbies? (你有什么兴趣爱好?)A:I like reading books and playing computer. (我喜欢读书和玩电脑)But I know playing computer too much is bad for me. (但我知道玩电脑太久对我不好)4) Q:What kind of sports do you like most? (你最喜欢什么运动?)A:I love running because I just like the feeling of running. (我喜欢跑步,我喜欢跑步的感觉)Q:What’s your favorite subject? (你最喜欢的科目是?)A:I love Chinese lesson because Chinese teacher is interesting. (我喜欢语文课因为语文老师很有趣)Q: What’s your favorite vegetable? (你最喜欢什么蔬菜?) Q:What’s your favorite animal? (你最喜欢什么动物?)5) Q: What day is today? (今天星期几?) A: It’s Sunday. (今天星期天)Q: What’s the weather like? (今天天气如何?)A: It’s sunny. /cloudy/rainy today. (今天是晴天/多云/雨天)6) Q: When do you get up every day? (你每天几点起床)A:I usually get up at 7 o'clock (我通常7点钟起床)Q: How far is it from your home to the school? (你们家离学校有多远?)A: It’s about ten minutes' walk. (走路十分钟)7) Q:What do you do on weekends (你周末都做些什么?)A: I usually read books. (我通常看点书)详细回答例子:Firstly, I usually play computer on Saturday morning, and then I go to the library. Then on Sunday, I get up and usually do my homework.8) Q:How many people are there in your family (你家有多少人)A: My family has four people, father, mother, brother and me.(我家有四个人,爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我)Q: Who do you like best? (你最喜欢谁)A: I love mom best because she is good to me.(我最喜欢妈妈因为她对我很好)She never complains me.Q: Do you help your mother with the housework? (你有帮妈妈做家务么)A:Yes,sometimes I help my mom sweep the floor.Important topic 重要话题1)festival 节日Q: What’s your favorite festival? (你最喜欢的节日是)A: My favorite festival is National Festival. I went to HONGKONG Disneyland with my parents last year. There are many interesting things such as MICKY.(我最喜欢的节日是国庆,去年国庆, 我和爸爸妈妈去了迪士尼乐园,这里有很多有趣的东西比如米奇。
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1. 学术背景和初中学校
Your Academic Background and School
1) 自我介绍(Can you briefly introduce yourself?)
2) 告诉我一些关于你的课程,你最喜欢的初中课程,为什么?哪一门课程对于你来说最困难或最具挑战性?(Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject in high school? Why? Or why not? Which courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?)
3) 你喜欢你的初中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?)
4) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is your favorite teacher? Why?)
5) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)
令人难忘的经历,原因是什么?失败不要紧,可以就事论事地说,重要的是学会了什么,此处可以用乔丹曾经说过的,You failed, failed and failed, that’s why you succeed.
6) 如果你是校长/有机会做一件事,会如何改变学校?
Personal Life
1) 告诉我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪里长大?(Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?)
2) 你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?
(What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?)
3) 你经常阅读哪一份杂志和报纸?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?)
4)哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influenced you in your life?)
3. 关于课外活动
Your Extracurricular Activities
1) 哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?(What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?)
2) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?)
3) 你如何描述自己的家乡?(How would you describe your hometown?)
4) 你是否出过国?是否有外国朋友?(Have you ever been abroad?)
Question About High School
1)哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要?(What are your most important criteria in looking at High School?)
2)你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么?为什么想来这所学校念书?(What is of the most interest to you about our school? Why do you want to attend this particular High School?)
3)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare time?)
4)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?(What do you like most about our school‘s Academy?)
5)你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think your major will be in college?)
6) 你将来选择的事业目标是什么?(What are your future career goals?)
7) 你还申请了哪所学校?(What other schools are you considering?)
8) 我们为什么该录取你?(Why should we accept you?)此处你可注意了,展示自己的优势,不要像大多数中国人那样内敛,该说就说。
9) 有什么问题吗?(What questions do you have?)你的机会来了,一定要准备2~3个问题,这样会很好。
10)你如何理解成功?(How do you define success?)
11) 就某个社会热点,谈谈你的个人看法。