听力真题 V07145
听力真题 V07147
听力真题 V07148
听力真题 V070901
听力真题 V07102
听力真题 V070922
听力真题 V07107
听力真题 V070109
听力真题 V07111
听力真题 V07112
听力真题 V07114
听力真题 V111105
听力真题 V111119
听力真题 V111126
听力真题 V111201
听力真题 V111203
听力真题 V111210
听力真题 V111217
听力真题 V100109
听力真题 V100114
听力真题 V100123
听力真题 V30078
听力真题 V30079
听力真题 V30080
听力真题 V30081
听力真题 V30083
听力真题 V30084
听力真题 V30085
听力真题 V30086
听力真题 V30090
听力真题 V31
听力真题 V32
听力真题 V100130
听力真题 V100206
听力真题 V100211
Mike:Yes,I'd like to speak to Ms Paula Kent,please.
Station Employee:Next,please!
S:Certainly,who shall I say is calling?
Passenger:Hello,I'd like to get a return ticket to
P:And what time will it arrive in Cambridge?
for Bath Spa calling at Swindon.This is the
SE:Urm,arriving in Cambridge at 13:01.
14:48 service from London,Paddington.
M:Mike Davison.
Cambridge.What kind of tickets are available?
Listening 3 Phoning for Directions
42 分發車, 如有造成任何不便, 大西部第一鐵路公司在此向 ( RRR)
Secretary:Hello,London Life Agency.Can I help you?
Listening 2At a BRTicket Counter
3 號月臺下一班停靠的是 15 點 20 分開往巴斯溫泉的列車, 乘客:呃,下一班車是幾點?
中途停靠史雲頓。本次列車於 14
站員: 11 點 52 分
點 48 分由倫敦派丁頓發車。
第一月臺現在停靠的是 15 點 05 分由瑞丁開往牛津的列車。 站員:呃, 13 點01 分抵達劍橋。
08版本一个女的打去旅游公司问那些不同旅游package的information1.几个住处一个叫rose garden,第二个是blue bay,第一个填空问blue bay 离海滨多远,男士先说了it isn’t far away from the beach, not far, 300 meters away from the beach.2.第三个地点是Sun shade,第四个地点是grandSun shade 这个词是根据男的读音拼的,女的在前面说了一个shine后来男的纠正了她,听男士的口型真的不像shine,只好填了Sun shade。
3.Sun shade 这个套餐房间的价格$319,不是619 确定。
4.每个房间都有satellite TV,还有overlooking (great)painting in every room5.Sun shade 的娱乐项目是has a view over forest下面的是那女的问关于这间公司的insurance和她手上另一张的比较6.如果cancellation,要付多少钱,女孩先说1000,男士水不行,至少10000 (价钱6000,8000为干扰)7.为航班延时误点missed departure投的保险。
8.还有一项保险不记得是什么了,但是在某个情况下允许亲戚出游,答案填al relative9.丢失物品的情况,整件怎么赔,要赔:$500. a single item 另行处理。
10.女的又询问了这个男的名字:Ben Ludlow 女孩夸男士服务真是耐心细致呀,能不能留个名字以备下次再找他,男士开始说了名(印着的),女孩再问了姓,他就再拼了一遍姓Ludlow.,Bee optic蜜蜂视力应用于人类31 C brain太小32 C 是对contrast color…33 body34 选distance35 warning36 radar37 speed39 the earth40 water新加版本Section4是讲蜜蜂(bee flying),还有科学家对蜜蜂飞行的研究,并将其用于道路的监控前面是三个选择31. 选项C是蜜蜂脑子太小了C brain太小head is too small32. 哪方面不足好像答案中C是对颜色辨认不清C是对contrast color (我听到说optic flow 要靠different shades of grey, 这样的话其实他和COLOUR是两回事,只有LIGHT 才能改变SHADE OF GREY,所以我选A,和光有关的那一个)33. 选那个科学家在蜜蜂身上加了个信号物a sign applied to their bodies34. 选要测那蜜蜂能飞多远选distance表格题: 有关各种道路检测手段的current problem,advantages等等35 是盲人棒lack of enough warning36 然后说是驾驶员可以发现仪器通过个什么? radar雷达37然后是可以measure speed38 urban area39再下来填earth40最后个空是waterSection 3SUVs车,关于这个车的调查研究1.suv广泛应用于cities(过去多数用在比如remote areas)2.mother seen the suv as:saferger engine capacity4.Drivers prefer the higer seats(还是讨论优势,我听到的像是这个)mercial6.purpose下面6-8我的题目顺序可能反了,是在讨论这部车的劣势:7.reliable to roll over easily(容易翻车)8.damaged because of its weight(这个是第8题)(7是所有题目中我最不确定的一个,这里是一个动词的被动语态,这里太多废话了,所以精神一时没有集中,是这个意思,但可能具体的词我没有听对。
雅思听力机经词汇表雅思听力机经词汇表abscess abstract academic accept acceptable accessaccommodation accord account accountant accuracy achieve aching acid acquire across act action active activities activityaddicted-free addiction addition additional addressadministration admission adopt adult advance advantage advertise advertisement advice advise advisor affect Africa agency agreeagriculture aidairport alarm Alexander Alexandria allergy allow alonealternative although altitude am amber America American among amount analysis analyze ancient angry animal Annaannouncement annual antibiotic antibiotics apartapartment ape appealappearance applicant application applyappointment approach approximate Aprilarcheological architecture area argue arise arrangearrangement arrival arrive art article artist artistic Asia Asian aspirin assessassessment assignassignment assistance assistantship asthma Athensatmospheric attachattachment attack attempt attend attendance attention attitude attract attractive audio August Australia Australian author availability available avenue average avoid aware back wall backgroundbadminton balance balloon bandage bank barbecue barrier base basicBathroom beach bear beat beautiful beauty become bedbedroom bedsit beebeginner behavior behind believe belong benefit Berlin besides best better between bibliography bicycle bill biology birdBirmingham birth birthday bit blackBlackstone Blake雅思听力机经词汇表blind block blood blueblue-book board boat Bob body bone book booklist bookshop boot borrow both bottle bottom bowl box boy branch branch brand Break breakfast breaks down breath-taking breed brick bridge brief Bring Britain British broadcast brochure brother Brunel budget budgeting build building buried business cable cafe cage cake callCambridge camel camera camp campaign campus Canada cancel capacity capital capsule card career carry carve case cash cashier cassette castle catalog catalogue catch catering cathedral cause cave CD centercentral century ceremony certificate chain chair challenge chapter character characteristic charcoal charge charity chart chat Cheap checked date cheese chemistry chequechequebook child mind childcare chilly chin China Chinese chocolates choice cholera choose church Churchill cinema circulation citizen Clark class classic classical classification classifying classmate classroom clean cleaner client climate clinic clockclub coast cocktail code coffee coldcolleague collect collection college color colorcombination comedy comercomfortable commercial commission common communicate communication community commuter company compare compete complaincompositions compulsory computer concentrate concern concert conclusion condition conference confidence confident confirm confuse conjunct connectconnecting-flight雅思听力机经词汇表construction consulates consult consultant consumed consuming contact containcontaminants content context control convenient conversation cook co-operate cop copy corner cosmetics cost cost costly cough councilcounseling countries country coursecoursework cover craft cramp cream create credit crime crocodile crocodiles crop crowd cultivation culturecurly currency current customer cut CV cycle daily damage damaged dangerous dark data date deadline deal debtDecember decide decision decoration decrease deeper definitely degree delegate deliverydemonstration dentist departdepartment department departmental departure depend dependant deposit describe desert design designer deskdestination detail developdevelopment diabetics diarrhea diary die dietdifference different difficult difficulty dine Dinner dinnertime dinosaur dinosaur museum Diploma direct director disabledisadvantage disappear disco discount discuss discussion disease dish disposal distance distinguish distribute disturbance divide division dizzy doctor document documental dollars domestic dominateDonna doordoor-to-door double double-grill downhill downtown draft drake drama draw dress drink drive drop drop-out drown drowsiness drug dry due duration during dust duty DVD eager early earth easier east eat economics economy ecotourism editor education educational effecteffective effort Egyptian elder雅思听力机经词汇表elementary email embassies embassy emergency Emma emphasis employ employee employer employment empty encourage encyclopedia end energy engine engineer engineering England English engraving enhance enjoy enough enroll enterentertainment entrance envelop environment environmental equipment especially essay estimate Europe European evening event evidence exactly exaggerateexample exceed excellent except exception excess exchange excite exercise exhibit exhibition exhibitors exist existent expect expense expensive experience experiment experimental expert explain explosion export extension extensive extra extract extremely eyeeye drops eyesight facefacilities facility fact factor factors factory faculty fail failure fair familiar family famous fantastic fare farm farmer farming fashion faster fat fat-free father fax fear feature febrifuge feefeedback fees female ferry festival fever fiber fieldfield works figure fill filling film finalfinal-examination finance financial fine firm first fish fit fitness fixflexibilityflood floor flow flower flufluctuated fly focus fold food foot football force foreign forest forget form formal former forthfortunately fossil found France fraud free freedom frequency frequent Friday fridge friend front fruit fullfully-booked full-time fully fund furfurniture future gallery雅思听力机经词汇表garage garden gas gate gear gender general genetics geographical geology German gift girlgirlfriend glass global goal goat gold golf goose Gorgegovernment grade graduate graduation graingrandfather grandmother grant grasp grass Greece green Greenway group grove grow growth guest guidance guide guitarhabit hairhalf-placement hallhandbook handcrafts handle handout hard-working harmful hatheadache heading headmaster head-teacher health healthcare hear heart rate heat heater Heathrow heating Helen helpdesk helper hero higher highhighly-trained hiking hill hire historian historical history hobby hold holiday homehomework hope hormone hostel hosting hotel house hovercraftHowells human hundred hungry hunt hurt ice ID ideaidentification identify ignorance imageimmediately immune impact import important impossible inch include income increaseindependence index India individual Indonesian industrial industry infect infectious inflectional influence information injection injury innovationinspirit instead institute institution instruction instructor instrument insurance intelligence intensive interestInter library loan intermediate international internet interview interviewee introduce introduction investigate investigation Involve Ireland iron island issue item itself Jack jacket jam Jane Janet January Japanese jazz jeans job John join joint journal juggling雅思听力机经词汇表jump June junior Jupiter kangaroo kettle Kevin keykeywords kid killkilogram kindkindergarten king kitchen knowknowledge lablaboratory laboring lack ladies lake lamp land landlady landscape language largelarge-scale late laundry law lawyer layout lead leaf learn least leatherleave lectureLee leg legal leisure length leprosy lesson letter level library license life lifestyle lift light limit line link list listen literliterature live liver loan local locate location lock logistical London look lord lose loss luck lucky Ludlow luggage lunch machine magazine magic main hall major Malaysia male mallmammals managemanagement manager man-made manufacture map march margin mark market married marshes Mary master match matching material mathematic mathematics matter mature maximum mayor meal mean measuremeasurement meat medal media medical medication medicine medium meetMelbourne membershipmetal meter method Michelle microbiology mid-day middlemid-morning midnight mid-semester mid-term migration mile mill million Milton mind mineral minimum minutemiscellaneous miserable miss mission mistake mixture mobile model modern module moment Monday money monkey mood moon more motivation motorcycle mountain move moviemulti-choice雅思听力机经词汇表multimedia Murray muscle museum music musical mystery narrator nationality native natural nature nauseate neck negative neighboring nervous network networker New Zealand newnewspaper noise noisynon-drinker non-medicine non-observation non-smoker non-stop normal north northern nose notenotebook note-taking notice November nowadays number nurse nursery nut objectobservation obtain occasional occupation October oculist office officer oilointment old older once online open operation opinionopportunities opposite optic option optional oralorchestra order organicorganization organize orientation origin original outline outside over overhead overseas overview ownparticipants participate part-time party pass passage passenger passers-by passion passport password past patience patient Patricia pattern Paul paypayment peasant pedal penpenicillin pension perpercentage perform performance perfumes period Perks permit person personal personalitypersonnel pet peter petrol PhDphilosophy phone photo photocopy photograph physical physician pick picture pie piece pigeon pill pink pipeplacement plane planner plant plastic plate player plenty plus pmpneumonia pocket point polar police policy polish pollution pool poor pop popular population position雅思听力机经词汇表postcard postcode posterpostgraduate pottery power practical practice predict prefer preference pregnancy prepare prescription presentpresentation press pressure prevent preventive previous previously price primary print priorities priority private problem procedure process produce product production professional professor profit profitable program programer project promote propertyprovidepsycholinguistics psychological psychology publicpublishing pulse pump punctual purpose pursequalification quality quarter queenQueensland question quick quite radio railway rain raincoat rainforest rainwater raise random range rank rapid rare rarely rate reach reader re-adjust real reason rebuilt receive reception recommendrecommendation recreation recruit recycle red reduce re-enter referreferee reference refreshment refund regard region register regular regulationreimbursement reinforce relationship relatively relax reliable religion remember renew rent report reporter request requirerequirement research researcher reservation reserve residence resident resin resist resource respectrespondents responserestaurant result retails retire return review revolution reward richrich-colored ride riders ring rise risk river road rob rock role Roman roof route rubber rule run rural rush Russia safe safety sail saint sale sales Salinger same samplesandwiches Sanford satellite satisfaction Saturday雅思听力机经词汇表scale scarsceneries schedule scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist score Scotland sea seafood season seatsecessionist second secondary secondly secretary sector security seek select selectionself-employment sellsemester seminar send senior sense sentence September servant serve service session setsettlement several shamesheet shelf shell shift shipship-building shirt shoe shopshop-chain shopper short shortage short-answer show shrink shuttle sick side sight signsignature silver similar simple simulation since single sit site size skate skill skin skirt sleep sleepy slim slip small smell Smith smoke snack snake social society sock softsoftware soil solar solders solution solve song sore sort source south space Spanish spare speak speaker specialspecial chemicals specialist specialized specific specifically speech speed spend spider sportsportswear spot sprain square staff stage stair lift standard standards starstatestatement statewide station statistics stay steal steamsteamships steel step Stephen stethoscope stiff stock stomach stomachache stone stop storage storestore house straight forward strategy street stress stressful strike strong student stuff style subject submit subtopic suburb successful suggest suggestion suit suitable summarizing summary雅思听力机经词汇表sunlight supersupermarket supply support surgeon surname surprise survey sweat sweater swim Sydney symptom syringe syrup system table tablet tank tape target task taste tax taxi tea teach teacher team technical technique technology teenager telephone telescope television temperature temple tend tennis term testtheatre thefttheoretical theory therapist therapy thief thousand throat through throw Thursday ticket tie timber timetable tire title toaster today together tomorrow tone tool tooth toothache top topic total touch tour tourism tourist tower towntown center trace track tradetraditional traffic train transfer travel travelers traveling treattreatment tree trend tribe tribute tried trip tripe tropical trouble trousers Tuesday tuition tune tunnel tunnels turn tutor tutorial TV twice twist type tyre UKuncertainuncomfortable unconvincing undergoundergraduate underground understand unemployed unhealthy unhurt uniform unit unite universityunusual updated urban useless user vacancy vacation validation value variety various varyvegetable vegetarian version vet video view village visa visit visitorvisual vitamin vocabulary vocational voice volcano volunteer vote wait waiter walk wall warn warrants wash waste watch water waterfall water-proof water-skiing雅思听力机经词汇表wear weather weave website wedWednesday weed week weekday weekend weekly weight welcome welfare west western westerner wetland whale wheel whereas whether while white wife wildlife willow win wind window wing winter wish without woman wonder wood worker workforce workload workshop world wretchedwriter wrong year yellow yet York young youth Zealand zone zoo。
供大家参考准备!雅思听力机经专有名词汇总表人名街道名号码(粗体部分给出拼写的)Mrs. Waddell18 Kays Street Code number: 7338Yuchini Keiko West Street Telephone number:7901000 Helen Harbour (Harbor) Road Passport number: JO6337 Kevin Forest Street Client number: AL2980 Mary 11 Lake Avenue Sea Watch Line: 0845656543 Sally Junction 6 Ticket number: Q4932Mike New Street Post code: WS62YHJohn Smith Church Street Tel: 016 74553242Ian 2 Red House Post code: London E11 Mehta 2 Gold Street Credit Card Number: Sarah Green Banks 3303 8450 2045 6837 Rigby48 North Avenue Expires: 0904Bhatt Central Avenue Tel: 634096/Extention: 54 Dave Cowper14 Hill Road Post code: NW33NTMr.John Whitton42 South Street Post code: 254EUJohn Lee21 Eagle Road Tel: 793225Howells 15 Station Road Post code: RT125CZJerry Northwaite Park Street Post code: S142RTAnna Grieg Green Road Post code: GW432HAJanet Thomson 6 Devon Road Post code: C029LURobin Whitworth32 Bank Street Post code: PL239PURoala 15 Compton Street Post code: CX194RU Walsham University Drive Product No. R242Andy Kahn 14 North Land Tel: 633 43887Collins 8 North ParkPaul Smithers West Avenue/Main RoadSerima Mangue40 Long RoadSusan Braddle27 Bank RoadBen Ludlow Hilldunne RoadPeter Smith Greenwood GardenPeter Wisrough Upland RoadMills 16 Bridge RoadMurray GreenwayMr. Hewitt Park SquareJean Simpsom Fox LaneMrs.Beecroft11 Bridge StreetWoodside Road以上表格应该更方便正在备考雅思听力的你掌握好这些雅思听力机经专有名词,希望环球雅思整理的汇总表能帮助到大家。
雅思听力 机经全部打印资料
![雅思听力 机经全部打印资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ad3220d626fff705cc170a12.png)
S1—S3的常见单词分类总结!娄晗老师提示各位同学,以下每个单个词都有可能跟别的单词进行混搭出现,因此在填写答案时要注意“宁多勿少”,围绕中心词,尽量多写单词,但是这些单词必须挨在一起,连续念出哦!(不注中文是想让大家把注意力放在单词的拼写和发音上)常见联系方式:call/telephone不到人,一般要留messages或者email; 也有可能写在notice board;常见的钱的表达:fee, annual fee, cost, money, cash, donation(donate), insurance, investment, invest(in),常见人类:Mayor(市长),administrator, manager, leader, staff, clerk(以上为企业场景), relative(亲戚);employer, employee, referee(推荐人),education officer, brother in law, teenager(可数)adult(可数);president, customer, receptionist, craftsman(craftsmen 复数),head, lawyer, client, agent(agency), secretary(容易忘记拼写),accountant, representative(代表),players,assistant(注意连读), artist, producer, director,常见学校里的人:tutor, student advisor, counselor, coordinator, lecturer, professor, mentor, president,常见地址地点:North Road, Northern Road, High Road, Upland Road, Bank Road,River Avenue, Newtown, Beach Road, 14 North Lane 62 Queen Avenue Park Square 124 Green Street, Middle Street, King Street, Northeast Coast,常见日常生活用品:laptop, printer, laundry, souvenir, basement, garden,常见公共建筑物,公共场所(较大):library, car park/car lot, museum, central park , supermarket,Post office, art gallery, college, formal garden, tower, town hall(注意与house发音区别), primary school, market, supermarket, business area, city garden, castle, cathedral,theme park, theatre, shopping mall/center, opera house, club, pub, central station, cabin, cottage常见野外农村地点:viewpoint, farm, field, village, watermill, footbridge, campsite, desert,desert habitat, insects, waterfall, cottage,常见户外旅游活动:guided tours(经常有S),camping, go skiing, go fishing, fishing trip, climbing the tower/mountain/viewpoint, viewing shelter, hiking, diving, field trip, fire, local culture,food chain, outdoor activities,常见单位部门地点(较小,非校园):lab, library, education department, seminar room, international house, lecture room, seminar room, common room,classroom , information desk, reception desk, health department, computer center, computer office; sports center, studio(常考,且不孤独!), town hall, city center, suburb, rural/urban, gym, sports center, fitness center, visitor center, market, supermarket, club, pub,learning zone, science center, public house/room,常见食物:breakfast, snacks, drinks(这两个一般都有S) ; refreshments; salad; nuts; tomatoes;fast food, tea and coffee, hot meal, buffet lunch, pizza, chocolate, crop, potatoes, carrots, vegetarian,diet, vegetable burger, seafood, seaweed, chips, French fries, diet, chewing gum, mineral water(minerals表示矿物质,不可数),常见吃饭场所:restaurant(前面有时会加些单词,比如tower, staff等等),common room, cafe, dining room, college dining room, staff canteen,table (有桌子就能吃!),cafeteria常见日子:national holiday, christmas day(这两个日子一般都是放假,不开门之类的),常见时间段:coffee break , leisure time, midnight,常见时间点:end of term, deadline常见证明身份资料:(gym)pass; passport; passport photos, ID card, bank statement, social security number, bank account, driving license, student card, comment card,常听错数字加字母:21A,201A, 180, 1882-1883, 8常见学科:business(study), art, science, economy, economic history, politics, philosophy, law,engineering, (future)medicine, history, academic English,常见学术讨论单词: group discussion; discussion group; essay; essay plans; (give) feedback; summarize/summary; draft; questionnaire; dissertation=essay; Sales注意英式发音,profit, marketing,interest rates(以上分析商业案例时常用)research; survey; investigation, interview, telephone interview, document, calculating/calculate, Reference, products(可数,复数),data=statistics; student support(容易听成sport,不可数);Technical/technology; fieldwork, laboratory report, Index card, topic, diploma,report writing, written work, assignment; (offer)solutionfill the worksheet, practice/practical , academic record; sample(可数);application(可数);常见学校,课程单词:assessment, tutorial, seminar, training session; presentation; module, course, modular course, primary education, secondary schools, compulsory(必修的),orientation, overseas student(注意要加s) College, institute, university, undergraduate, postgraduate,master degree, Primary/intermediate/advanced(低中高等级); standard, temporary, negative/positive, A plus, B minor,常见学校服务:student service, counseling (心理咨询)service;senior advisor; multimedia material, library, information desk; XXX department; lab; common room , reception desk, laptop(可数), printer(可数),submit/submission, register/registration ;想要使用电脑,一般要有(electronic)card; software; internet service; media room , resources room, blue folder, pink slip, enquiry desk, application form, enrollment, enroll, hardware/software, camera, future career;常见体育运动:golf(club, local golf club), cycling(recycle), hiking, padding pool(潜水池),swimming pool, tennis, table tennis(注意拼写), diving, chess(chess club), horse riding,Go sailing(航海),outdoor activities, racing car, 常见材料:metal, leather, wood, silver, gold, copper, bronze, paper, plastic, fur,常见交通工具:hovercraft, plane, cab/taxi, ferry, ship, public transport, wheelchair, horses, bus, airport shuttle, coach, minibus, rent a car/hire a car/car hiring/car renting, helicopter, boat, carriage, underground/tube/subway/metro,常见职业:dentist, engineer, project manager, waiter/waitress, baseball coach, client engineer,常见可以阅读的东西:magazine, student newspaper, journals, periodicals,常见动物:killer whale, elephant, crocodile, reptile, swan, lion, fox常见等级:primary/elementary/beginner, intermediate, advanced,常见单音节短词(牢记以便构词):check, list, form, slip, brake, break, sign, signed, note,give(feedback), heat, leak(water), bar, code, shelf, south, joint,sand(英式发音注意),view,collect, use, give, leave(注意不要漏了以上短音节动词) water tap(水龙头),general health,note the sex(注意Note发音很短), bottle top/bottle of water; select/selection;一些乐器要注意:Piano,violin, cello, instrument(可数),band, music drama,music and lighting, street music, circus,常见租房住宿词汇:tent, cottage, motel, hotel, student hostel, double room, single room, en suite, landlord, tenant, homestay, halls of residence, flat/apartment(注意跟department区别),monthly, electric stove, fridge, kitchen, microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioning, heating, heater, yard, garden, deposit, rent, phone bill, power bill, water bill, gas bill, internet bill, heating bill, sign a contract, view of ocean, basement, carpet, shower常见图书馆场景:information desk, student card,overdue, due date, be due, 7 working days, renew,CD-ROM database, periodical, back issue, currentissue, magazine, journal,Pink slip, photo copy, printer, catalog难度偏高的听力答案单词:distortion, intact, variation,permission, souvenir, furniture,Nutrition, science, investment scheme, multimediamaterial, subtitle, micro-chip,Acknowledgement , comedy, literature, attachment,attach(动词),luxury, navigation,(low)impact, intact,温馨Tips:Experience跟experiment 的区别;direction 为可数名词;telescope注意拼写,结合S4场景;volcano(复述可加es), modern(容易拼错) item(容易连读), sign作为动词和名词都经常考到,reserve几乎必考(名词为reservation),common这个单词很不容易重读,因此有时难以找到; disease容易拼错;accommodation 容易拼错; train/training不要混了;industry常考,前面往往有单词;一般听见will重读,实际上是单词wheels; 英国的一楼是ground floor; local newspaper/nationalnewspaper; local/national; rock 这个单词的k音经常由于后面的单词而被吞掉:rock salt, rock pool, rock band;注意Safety的拼写;防晒霜(sun cream)的等级:total block;annual这个词很难辨识;piano/pianist; balcony是阳台的意思,注意拼写;edit,edge容易连读Firewood/firework/workplace/written workThe outside容易连读,outside经常考; low income连读;temperature容易拼错Access和assess的区别(都考过);sport 和support的区别2000-2007雅思机经填空题大全(辛苦整理,希望同学们用心去钻研!)Section 1Version 30032 S11.Uniform: blue sweater2.外套: black overcoat3.Where to buy tie? Shop: store called Howells in town, in Park Street4.The price of tie :5.99 pounds5.How to get the school? Transportation: take bus number 9**** to Green Road6.The type of lunch: hot meal7.First date of progress meeting: 14th September8.Note: homework must be check regularly9.Purpose:1.to meet teachers/ progress meeting regularlyVersion 30034 S11.surname: Jerry Northwaite2.date: 23rd January3.item: bicycles4.garden tools5.clock: hands broken6.curtains: torn in several places7.curtains 值:250pounds8.Videos9.Videos 值: 144poundsVersion 30036 S11.Address: 6 Devon Road2.Tel no: 634096,分机号:543.Garage C 和garage D: 共有:mileage D. tax E. music equipment4.When should the man do when he return the car key of car: C. before 8’ clock Sunday night7. Why should the man do when he return the car key?C. put it in the letterbox8. Why should the man get discount?A. 某人works in a special company9.提供的服务: road map, sun sheet10. first-aid kit and a flash lightVersion 30037 S1: GRIEI Anna2.Date of birth: 15th March 19803.Address: Ellendale postcode:4.5.6.How long … property … in UK: 8 months7.Number of occupant: 1; previous experience: none 8.Robbers came from: back door9.Serial computer number:10.Purse的材质: Silver ClothVersion 30038 S11.bring student card and bank statement2.open at: 9:00am – 6:30 pm3.will open a little late on 6:00pm at Thursday4.Video type: television drama5.书籍外借: two days6.复印每件: 5 pence7.多选提供的信息:book restoration, reading roomrules, …. Location ,cataloguesVersion 30039 S11.Location: in central2.How long prefer to rent? 2 years3.最高价位: 600 pounds4.Advantage: provide garage5.Without bathroom6.garden7.too noisy8.study room9.595 pounds10.Present available facility: A. centre hall; D. sports centerVersion 30044 S11.Cab but too expensive2.Greyhound bus direct to the city center3.Air shuttle bus door-to-door service4.But need to reserve a seat5.Date: 17th October6.Time: 12:30: Janet Thomson8.Flight no: AC9349.Credit card number: 330384502045683710.Expires: 0904Version 30049 S11.surname: Robin Whitworth2.Address: 32 Bank Street3.Tel no4.在Office边上: fast food shop5.在office上,右:laundry6.Office正上: **cycling7.最左边: paddling pool8.Camp 允许的活动: B. fishing C. hiking E. tennisVersion 30061 S11.width: 140cm2.265 poundswood finished3.材料: natural4.Fitted light table5.glass door of cup board6.SHELF有锁:drawer: Roala8.Postcode: 254EU9.Deliver time morning10.放在: garageVersion 30072 S11.Man ask women “work number”: 946355502.Apartment: Clerk House and street name :UniversityDrive3.Packing day: Monday 11th4.Given answer: Tuesday 12th5.Moving cleaning: 14th Thursday6.Length time of storage luggage booked: 1 month7.Kitchen and dish: A. emergency packing8.Kettle: C. storage9.Alarm clock: B.本人自带的随身行李10.CD player: C. storageVersion 30074 S11. Surname: Walsham2. Postcode: RT125CZ3. Policy Number: YQ1814. 证件类型:technical5. 表弟的initials: J.R.6. 表弟年龄:237. Address: 14 North Lane8. 从August 1st开始9. one month生效10. 价钱:35.70Version 30076 S11.theme: Travel2.适合的(9-12岁):juniors3.适合12岁以上的: young teenagers4.Deadline: 29th August5.Size: 80cm*60cm: Andy Kahn7.Postcode: 8.Application form, by FAX9.On the top of envelop: YCP10.价值:50 poundsVersion 30078 S11.表格: have a swimming pool2.Have a lovely garden3.For no charge off-street4.welcome children5.City bus 的颜色?Red6.How long …. Boat trip? 50 minutes7.Where id Mike … Bike Hire … hiring cycle? Behind thestationVersion 30080 S1 : Paul Smithers2.14th July3.Coach: E.车厢中部4.Feature: two pockets5.Items: a leather jacket and6. a note book7.location: by the door8.total value: 280+70=350 pounds9.address: Kierke10.postcode: GW432HAVersion 30081 S11.address: 8 Hill Road2.North Park3.Postcode:4.Number:5.Subject: Politics6.工作:B. book keeping7.no washing stuffnguage: advanced level9.Tuesdays to Saturdays10.25th SeptemberVersion 30086 S11.第一门课: sense2.第二门课: exciting skills3.自己制作卡片因为: C. seem expensive4.访问罗马: A. France: Herbs6.Address: 40 Long Road7.Postcode:8.IT course9.Reference No:10.Pay by:Version 50106 S11.answering the phone2.branch: Hillsdunne Road3.salary:4.45 pounds per hours4.job starts from: 22nd Oct5.招聘要求: clear voice6.Ability to think quickly7.national holiday有extra payment8.free transport to home if working after 11.00 pm9.bus station is near to the library10.look for : Serima ManujaVersion 06110 S11.商店位置:Greenwood Garden2.Sports Centre3.时间延长了是:9:00-4:304.Sunday Monday5.stair lift6.wall wheel7.armchair8. 2 hours9. 6 weeks10.personal alarmVersion 06134 S11.health centre: Five2.以前医生的优点: Personal care3.Health centre 的优势: more space4.Health centre 的位置: on a road off the High Road5.亲自送回中心: Susan Braddle7.Address: 17 Upland Road8.Postcode:9.预约时间: Thursday10.Nurse SmithVersion 06144 S11.newspaper will be collected at every second week: Peter XXX3.address: No.16 Bridge Road4.E-Mail: helpline@5.Postcode:6. A yellow box of newspaper collection is free of charge7.Nearest rubbish collect centre: Central Park8.METAL可回收9.MAGAZINES可回收 of a booklet “SAVVY”Version 07141 S11.租金802.Car的停车位:garage3.Share petrol4.Telephone 在kitchen里5.heater6.建议男生带:micro-wave Owen7.Move in: 1st June8.在exam后搬进来9.Friday evening看电视10.一周super market打两次工Version 07142 S11.第3次来这个地方2.最喜欢: weather3.又喜欢: Town Hall4.喜欢这里的FOOD 因为:variety5.想坐train,但是这次plane来的6.年纪: over 407.旅游的种类:mid-range8.以前是business,这次是tourism9.对accommodation 的看法:good value10.职业: computer programmerVersion 07143 S11.地址:59 Franklyn Avenue2.Postcode:3.Telephone :4.房子样式: traditional style5.租房条件:central heating; village; garage6.最高租金: 102,0007.Bank: Park Square8.collectVersion 07147 S11.产品号: R2422.89.99 dollars3.Which branch: City Centre Branch4.哪坏了?escaping steam: Mr. Hewitt6.Address: 84 Park Road7.信用卡号: BG241DJ8.Expire date : April 20089.补偿: refund10.多久光顾一次:once a monthVersion 07148 S11.number:99281444 of company: Advance Insurance co3.保险类型: building insurance4.保险等级:super level5.风把kitchen door 吹坏了6.middle 的窗坏了7.是他的son看见的8.Next Wednesday来修9.8:00AM10.10th FebVersion 08129 S11.radio2.postcode:3.Email:4.2years5.49 pounds6.Union Bank7.joint8.VideoSECTION 2Version 30020 S2 旅游景点,Building的历史11.Castle built in? B. mid of 1700s12.It has only been used for? C. 150 years13.Walking start point? C. idles gate14.Place is famous for its? C. wildlife15.为一个地方选择遗迹?B. wretched boat16.Bi** is set of?17.Form hill you can see? A. Church or B. factory18.Where is unpleasant? C. Spinoza plant19.Wear? C. trousers and boot20.**in which type of fish?Version 30038 S2 剧本的故事11.x戏的作者同时也是actor12.x戏发生在a room in an island13.x人们无法离开小岛因为boats were destroyed14.x在戏中午夜,主人公想****out money15.x后来some people were killed16.性格配对: 不谙世事: heroine17.满脸惊恐: butler18.预言家一样的maid servant19.上演时间: 7:30pm20.地点Town Hall instead the***as usual Version 30044 S2 失眠产生的原因和解决方法11.inability to sleep due to worries about exams orjob interviews12.Domestic factors13.Occupational factors(working irregular hours,too much travelling, high stress.etc)14.Illness and physical discomfort( may need painkillersor sleeping pills)15.Relax before go to bed16.Watch diet, avoid cola, coffee, drink herb tea or fruitjuice17.If chance permits, try a sleep in the early afternoon18.Take a warm bath after exercise19.Cut down on number of cigarettes in the evening20.Close your eyes and take deep breathVersion 30049 S2 蒸汽时代的交通工具11.coaches12.northern of UK opening hour in winter: 10am to 4pm13.family ticket cost: 18 pounds14.public transport可以discount15.yellow steam16.两个优惠: magazines17.Date: 29th May18.有什么玩的: quiz19.Children’s dayVersion 30059 S2 服装行业竞争,服装公司招聘11.竞争的重点: B. new product12.designers13.accountants14.engineers15.clever16.loyal17.hard-working18.Pay for free transportation19.为他们家属提供: fitness centre20.员工在哪接受培训work placeVersion 30061 S2 小镇市容改革11.Idea 来自A. local people12.Pool的独特之处: D. water treatment13.担心的东西: C. size of the pool14.在开幕那天还有什么没有决定?A. figure, decide what statue will be set up at the door15.X Asia: local animals16.X Antarctica: mountain17.X South America: volcanoes18.X North America: Film19.X Europe: Ancient Forts20.X African: waterwaysVersion 30062 S28.谁买了第一件藏品?B. state9.Museum 的特点: quality10.Darke Wing 是A. new part of the building11.什么guide? C. donation12.Museum 一星期关门时间: A. 6:00 pm13.Victoria museum is build with recycled materials14.Top floor 可以看见harbor15.Collect works from local artists16.17.Museum以前用来做?WarehouseVersion 30078 S2 介绍student union11.the membership is automatic for registered12.学生会组织的election held every year13.学生会办公室地方在Union House14.针对哪3个问题给出advice? legal problems, financialproblems, academic problems15.The number of non-sports club: over 10016.M movie programme, B. all over the world17.M travel shop18.M radio stationVersion30080 S2 冰上运动ice curling11.一个队的四个人:the Lead, the Section, the Third, theSkip12.the length of ice …is called: sheet13.the target area is called: house14.the Scotish brushes are made of horse hair15.a shoe made of a sole of rubber16.the team captain carries a stop watch17.X champions: B. it is the oldest club in the region18.X why was this club established? C. to fix regulationsfor the game19.X in the 16th century, the curing game was not bannedbecause:B. it can train ppl for the battle20.X 加拿大最早什么时候用的器材是什么?C. castironVersion30081 S2 一个女science centre speech11.The centre is open except for 2 days a year12.The best time to visit the place is after lunch and before the opening time. 13.14.The centre offers special facilities to the disabled, suchas wheelchairs and special buses.15.For children between the age of 5 and 16 the fee is 4pounds.Version30085 S2 旅游公司介绍关于canoe 的trip 11.Why people do not have to be very fit to join the trip:move with the current?12.Special feature of the canoe: alarming system13.For unaccompanied and underage children: specialroute14.建议带: washable shoes & sweater15.建议带: high energy snacks & bottle water16.双人canoe 14 pounds17.20 pounds deposit paid by cash or credit card18.网址: Version30086 S2 关于一年一度长跑11.date: next week12.距离: 7 miles13.Young people ( under 16) 不能参加14.有奖品是: sport equipment15.Town hall报名16.终点: station17.不要忘记: jacket18.X compete with a friend19.X time yourself20.X Run all kinds of pathVersion30090 S2 dinosaur museum11.周一:1:30 pm 关门12.一年中25th December不开13.学生团与导游在Car Park见面14.Guide tour time 45 minutes15.There are tables for dinner16.X camera17.X pencils18.X worksheets19.X built model dinosaur20.X play computer gamesVersion50233 S2 学生在机构找工作11. it’s up to you to telephone the employer12. Attend full time vocational course13-16. 找工作注意: type of jobs, hours, telephone the employer, domestic work17. X B. childcare18. X C. laboring work19. X D. Restaurant work20. Closed only on New YearVersion06108 S2 WETLAND 的club的分布11. wetland society 遭到破坏多少年? C. last 100 years12. 关于wetland的展览点centreC. 是说有很多education facility13. 在一个wetland的展览点,你要支持wetland preservation 可以先make a donation14. 另外的措施就是Adopt 一种animal like duck swan15. popular with children16. Send out information17. High quality magazine18. joint membership的会费多少19. 对于retired people有优惠20. family with low income的家庭有discountVersion06110 S2 旅游岩洞11. An individual child’s ticket 6.50 pounds12. 最早于1813发现cave13. group over 8 persons才可以免费14. lookout points a place for good view15. Until railway station was built16. Rounding bus up and down17. Climbing course: qualification instructorsRemoval of plants from cliffs18. House and** also has reconstruction of kitchen area inside the cave19. 除了卖apple juice还有fruit cake20. 联系电话:066956462Version06141 S2 一个男的自己开了theme park11. Where did his inspiration come from?C. visit another similar theme park12. When is the park open to children? A. good weather13. How many people visit the park a year? D. 150,00014. X Speaker Simon G. engineering15. X Speaker’s wife H. manage the staff16. X Speaker’s daughter Sarah E. drink & food17. X Speaker’s son Duncan B. building18. X Speaker’s daughter-in-law F. sale19. Size: 120m20. Target age is five to twelve years old childrenVersion06144 S2 wood platter restaurant11. 成立于1998年12. 房间数24313. 入会费35 pounds 14. 会员专享pre-booking 服务15. as their birthdays的礼物16. 会员可以得到免费的scholarship(不定)17.18, 19, 20.Version07134 S2 Jone 如何学习动物相关知识的presentation,他从事的动物园工作11.小时候做过什么事? C. look after a baby kangaroo12. First paid job with animals? C. collects food with animals13. john所学的动物知识来自哪里?A. learn from colleagues14.X 最喜欢的任务? Save wilds injured15. 在一个活动里的任务? B. training the animals16 在动物园最重要的工作? C. educate the visitors17. 学习期间可做a part-time job18. native animals19. 最好学business courses20. 有疑问找senior staffVersion07138 S2 介绍一个社团11. Hot drinks and cakes12.中午提供食物lunch( mainly salads)13. parent and tutor14. Story15. 运动: stretching movements16. Bring your own mat17. Mrs. Waddell tale no. 636781218. X 小孩: A. book in advance19. X 体育: C. pay at the door20. X ***: B. Free EnterVersion07141 S2 Stanford 的Open day的介绍11. 8:55 am 开始12.中午食堂提供hot meal13. poster14. 早上和下午课间两个15 minutes的break15.孩子们能参加: sports16.关于test, every month 一次17.提供clubs给孩子们18. head office19. music room20. gym16. 一年交费: 140 pounds17. 多交25pounds 是为了new shirt18. 选一个new club president19. 3rd April20. 家长volunteers 是为了transport Section 3V21 S3 关于文学理论课21. Dina 以前的考试得几分?A plus22. 为什么Dina 没去上课? It’s cancelled23. Which book did Dina advise against?D. wall**那个小X的24. 你可以用recall system and a pink slip25. 进入图书馆需要登记你的name & depart address26. 哪里还有书Hand to where 或者咨询问题:information desk27. 违反固定要罚款?25 pence28. 用图书馆的目的make essay plans29. 写essay 要列出documental***30. 总结你的阅读,make summaries of your readingV26 S3 学习方面的讨论21. for every subject , ….. on tropic and decide onenjoy your courses22. learn well23. 考试之前学生要做好一个plan , 需要提前6 weeks24. 还要revision 要求: immediately and regularly25. 制定plan 要考虑到emergencies 和breaks26. 若24小时不复习, 80% 会忘记27. cramming the test 的坏处:added panic28. causes: lack of sleep29. 科技课程还包括: biology30. 持续学习多久会累?How often 75 min for revision sessionsV37 S3 一个老师向学生介绍学校日常课程规定21. 市场计划topic:A. study aids22. 市场规划地点: B. subjects offered23. 市场计划group人数: C. group sizesThe teacher recommended Which university guideThere is information about :24. sports25. entertainment26. accommodation27-30. X The students may ask the following FOUR questionsB. the dropout rateD. the failure rateF. assessment methodsG. academic teaching staffV66 S3 关于学校选课21. 选择journalism的原因: C. freedom22. 在课程结束前找到工作: B. 88%23. 女生为什么选项journalism? B. work placement24. 男生学science 中computer 的原因:easy to understand25. challenging26. 女生学校的社会活动多,有a cinema and lots of clubs28. 男生学校还组织很多活动lots of activities29. 女生打算住one year30. 女生搬到哪里?Move to an apartmentV30020 S3 关于找工作21. X What should the secondary student emphasis?Motivation22.X 同上desire to learn23.X妇女生完小孩后再找工作难的原因lack confidence 25.X用人单位不愿雇佣什么人?Sacked from the former job26. X 同上unemployed for a long time27. X 为什么不愿意雇佣retired worked?所从事的行业已经过时28. X 同上hard to train29. X 年龄偏大30. The presentations and appearance of applicant is more important.24. very satisfied or unsatisfied :C. 最高的那种25. 什么办法来present result? D. computer26. 问presentation 时男的认为可能会遇到什么麻烦?A. too little time27-29. Boy’s suggestion: 不确定C. cloth shop E. cinema G. minibusV30033 S3 做Presentation 一男一女交流想法21. presentation 针对40人的first year studentswith a tutor22. 14th November Thursday23. 老师对同学的要求: content summary24. must plan time carefully25. be careful about beginning26. presentation 的全过程be filmed27. 20 minutes28. 做presentation时, mustn’t read aloud, 学生可用: white board29. Presentation Skills 占15 marks30. 男人选书的目的A. photojournalismV30034 S3 男人confirm presentation时间和要带的东西21. date: 14th to 24th June22.time: early evening23. you need to do a report to the seminar group24. items you have to take: C. list of objectives25. project outline26-28?29. the things you get A. a check list30. get information from: V30036 S3 学校工作人员对学生经济问题的访谈21. What is the student news about? D. various problem22. What % does the student has for finical problem?A. 25%23. What is the problem most students suffer?B. can not hand in homework on time24. financial 主要靠什么解决?B. loans25. 花钱方面需要: financial goals26. 接着制定: spending plans27. fixed expenses28. 用来购买books29. money diary30. optional expensesV30037 S3 reading habits 的lecture21.Research topic Title: Reading Habits22. reach method: interview23.a chart showing the efficiency of study:B. 早上开始缓慢上升,mid day下降,晚上又上升,后drop dramatically24. Method: Interview25. 选取受众方式: at Random Selection26. Books和magazine 并列27.Books 分类:leisure和study book28. Group selections to most read materials A. Fictionand 29. C. newspaper.30. 饼图关于occupationEmployed50%Unemployed 5%Retired people20%V30038 S3 全填空21. farming22. See environmental damage23. interview with tourists24. sample25.the area covers 21000 km(平方)26. 10.527. on site measurement28. analyze soil from site29. study photographs to check the changes30. borrow *map from the department Dr. K***V30039 S3 关于recycling的采访21. focus on glass and 22. green waste23. 男的想让女的帮他介绍谁接受采访?senior manager24. 他想去找谁?Education Officer25. employee26. 通过什么方式研究?statistics tutor27. 什么时候采访?end of term28. 女的叫男的资料通过email发给?His tutor29. research approach30. 采访的时候要带?tape recorderV30044 S3 女生和老师谈presentation21. check the accuracy of reference in the last section22. need to give examples23. when will she give her presentation? next seminar24. what will she do during the presentation?explain the experiment25. By which date will she submit an abstract:26th November26. Where does the presentation take place:in Chemistry Lab27. Who will grade her presentation: the presentation willbe graded by professor28. X A. communication skill29. X C. intercourse analysis30. X F. psycholinguisticsV30049 S3 鸟的迁徙和进化21. because of dangerous and shortage of 22. food23. lifestyles24. 他们的翅膀have joined togetherV30062 S3 男人向女人咨询怎样教小孩全选择21. 男人在学什么B. a talk22. 男人觉得现在的小孩sure of themselves23. 男人想教什么A. adult24. ?25. 男人觉得自己不足:A. old fashioned26. 女人说自己什么时候读大学?27. 女人说自己第一学期的时候B. stressful28. 男人说自己的报告C. uninteresting29. 男的开始在大学学language and literature 选arts30. 要谈关于changes in university lifeV30072 S3 核对教学安排表格:需要咨询有University Career Office,University SupermarketFinance Officetopic 是student loansattitude to smokingnatural medicine第一个时间段里要做data analysis把计划作为email attachment mail 给老师时间5th November最后一阶段工作presentationV30074 S3 学生选课21-22 有tutorials 3-4 years lectures and ?25-26 填空field worklibrary report学期评估assessment 里要求poster design 和presentation接着group talks其他答案还有:practical skill, diplomaV30076 S3 关于insects 的参考书目21. 第一本title: Files in Colour22. comment: 198 photographers23. 第二本Publisher: Australian Museum24. comment: outstanding photographers25. 第三本title: Common Spider26. writer: editor27. 第四本: 有一本书很Excellent的organisation28. 有一本书没有color pictures29. 那本书better for identification30. comment no indexesV30080 S3 出海看鲸鱼observation of whales21. watch time22. the state of sea, eg: clam, or choppy 23. visibility: nearest 100 meters24. the presence of fishing boats25. behavior26. group size27. X minke whale: B28. X northern right whale: C29. X sperm whale: A30. X blue whale: DV30081 S3 课题讨论,Self employment21. part-time job22. risk23. conferencesV30085 S3 音乐对进食影响的研究21. X A. music’s effect on customers22. X in XXX 餐馆,music is played: B. uniform level23. X调查问卷的第一题目的在于:disguise the purpose of the survey24. 问卷问题来源于form a previous study25-26. 选则餐馆考虑因素competitor nearby & seat capacity27. X jazz music: people spent more money28. X no music: people didn’t think the restaurant worth the price29. X classical music: people left right after eating30. X pop music: people came back againV30086 S3 男的问女的马上交的assignment21. note system22. 有种reference 一般用在scientific research23. 数据来源journals24. information from Internet25. 正文double spacing26. title 要用Italic27. 文章typed28. 页码在top right29. margin 是3.25 pixel 30. ?V30090 S3 关于考古的课程21. 考古可可以和其他课一起上,除了Classical History22. 第一学期3个compulsory courses23. 课程1的名字:Object Matters24. classification25. assessment by course work26. 课程2的名字Towns and Cities27. 研究的是:Origins and development of29. 课程3 assessment :50% by lab work, 50% by seminars30. 有一个field trip 还是work,location 等待通知。
雅思听力机经词汇-Section12013年1.场景:Renting1)parking space, balcony, September 30th, a shared gym, Thursday, café, bridge2)Bright and large and a good view, a small garden, a minimum of 30 people, at thebusiness centre of the city, any Saturday, 65°2.场景:Enquiry1)language skill: Chinese, bring old to shopping, socialize with people, license todrive, South of river, Wednesday, Date to start: 13th June, put the mail on the stairs in front of the house, get the information on the radio2)radio, children, evening, 4.00, discount, piano, candles, Tuesday, donation, singer3)Ticket available: £15, outdoor venue: the park, music from different parts ofAfrica, a market for people making and selling international food, Sunday evening: music from India, at the library, film festival, literature events of discussion about Russian poetry, Website: International @ beaumond. com4)golf court, blue, 12:40, swimming, breakfast, piano, Spanish, Wednesday, 10:15,science3.场景:Traveling1)caravan (大篷车),snow boarding(滑雪),make a reservation, confirm areservation, book a room / table, cancel one’s reservation, first come, first serve, round-trip/ round-way ticket, one-way ticket2)At the end of the month, orange in color, the location is to the east of the garden,for security, people are recommended to wear trousers, in state park, general tour, You should prepare at least 1 hour for visiting; 5.30 am, museum; For visiting the garden, people are suggested to bring zoom lens.3)fish market, free tour, sailing, every room has a balcony, pottery factory, near thebeach, local birds, free intranet, Television: cookery lessons, new gym4)30th March, Northern, train, farm, insurance, internet café, passport4.场景:Customer Service1)(买了一个vacuum cleaner, 不满意要退货) Name: Ruddick, telephone: home,Address: Garden Avenue, Date of bought: 31st July, problem: handle, price of the old one: $104, solution: offer free repair, New: reusable dust bag, price of new: 180, color of new: silver2)Size: top mount, 12th January, sandwich shop, manager, door, close to station,color: silver, temperature: 10°,$180, alarm sounded5.场景:Hotel ReservationNationalities: Canadian and Australian, don’t ask for kitchen, need a restaurant, hope to have good sea view, don’t mind to shared bathroom, guests can watch the birds, special requirement of the helicopter trip6.场景:Job huntingrecruit, 29th October, basic requirements: English and math, occasional night shifts, good vision, helping customers, preparing food, cultural awareness, the training lasts6 months7.场景:Festival ActivityStarting date: 1960s, university art fair, international artists, car-park, use clay to make models, animals, free park near the university, the color of free bus: purple, bus near entrance2012年1.场景:剧院订票Surname: Bittens; the number of adults: 3; group booking discount; Ticket for adults: 23; Ticket for children: 12.50; seat choice: the back row; one child sitting: need a wheelchair; close to lift; they are vegetarians; food: pizza2.场景:医保卡办理Name: Prenay; Date of birth: 17th March; Address: 34 Market Road; Race: European; the citizen; type of cards: the New Zealand high user; Former company: the Castlehill; Location: north island; Hours: full-time; Specialist: sports3.场景:租场地Tythe, fashion, January 1st, top floor, phone, photo, £150, café, 3 months, station4.场景:租房By post; $39 per day; special requirement in room: an extra bed; equipment: kitchen;a heater and a microwave; license issued in Australia5.场景:咨询1)旅游咨询Time: Thursday morning; Date: 22nd November; purpose: wedding;special requirement: no cheese; India; for business; too slow; e-mail: XXX@2)旅游咨询125, a certificate, book online, 1,800m, autumn, night, thunderstorms, hat, 9 years old, stand position3)Thursday, side gate, café, 138, Lossely(地名), sleeping bag, windsurfing, passport, radio4)旅游咨询moderate, museum, park, pool, flowers, history, map, café5)电话咨询Address: Library in Skellran Street; located next to a park; open at 9am until 4.30pm; drama club; singing; local artists club; various magazines; you can borrow films & CDs; card number; can also buy maps6)女的给孩子咨询课程报划船班library, signature, jeans, security, reception, rubber, cotton7)关于驾校的咨询:Address: 67 King’s Road; in the city centre and in the north of the city; Coach’s name: Allen Suffel; an automatic car; practice in enough daylight;condition of different weathers; a driving license; fee: $50; duration: spending 40 minutes; keep a driving diary8)退休男士咨询业余戏剧社:Address: the club house; No experience required, but especially want actors and male singers; Really need someone who can drive;Meeting opens at 6-8 pm, every Tuesday; Close time: August; Membership includes a dinner; Membership fee: £40 and £60, unemployment and retired £25;age of 16 and under; people involved are mainly modern authors; Charity –money raised from this event will go to children’s hospital9)咨询课程:town, plastic, software, distance, hill, soup, shop, £14.40, free parking10)咨询参加running clubName: Circhton; place: sports center; time: Thursday; time: 6.15; bring: vest; 800; road runners, North Park, reception, July6.场景:Select a gift for sister’s childrena model wooden truck; technology, bird feeder’s; price: 8.99; many small boxes of chocolates; temperature; website: ; offer free post; free package; leave with a message7.场景:Travelling1)Tour type: group trip / self-drive; maximum days stay: 13; month: November;Address: Liberty; adventure; visa; see dolphins and whales; offer free pick at the airport to hotel; extra travel please inform in: at the end/ beginning of holiday 2)旅游定酒店:garden lounge; double room, basic price: $10.50, gym adults only,include salads, all prices include coffee; sunset room2011年1.场景:Enquiry1)男子咨询鸟类保护协会入会问题:fees and donations, record, guard bird’s breeding, $54 a year, competitions and outdoor games, guide, poster, by post or by phone, 25th August, gift membership2)咨询课程:safety, Tuesday, 1 hour, wall, 25, Thursday, summer, transports, prevention, supervision3)预定旅馆咨询:available: July; price in high season:$77.50; 1 month; meal: breakfast; towels; booklets; game room; Internet; collecting shells; hire bicycles 4)酒店咨询:Central Hotel; address; pool; view; reception; Spanish; red print; July;Cliffton5)咨询展览会:workshop, discussion, library, biography, short stories, writing for children, crime fiction, new novel, 24 River Lane6)课程咨询:morning, French class, first, bring money for food ingredient, girls club, painting class, bring own brushes, 15th June, parking: next to station7)$37.5, 20, playground, primary school, report, family photo, September, apron(围裙), certificate, Collipe2.场景:场地选择1)野营宿营地的选择,三个宿营地点的对比First accommodation: near thesupermarket, second one called studio, second one has facility: microwave, near sports centre, third one : outdoor table, fee 219, salad with fruit, children can play XX and table tennis, barbecue at picnic area, dance with a band2)Wedding ceremony 场地预定27th February, park, 70, reception, grass, view, parking, catering, Long Beach3.场景:租房1)swimming pool, dining room, garage, supermarket, park, $980, include themaintenance of gardens, 23rd April, 10.15am, Spring Street2)holidays, home welcome, studio, water, transportation, deposit, two references,arrangement are flexible3)联系搬家公司: 21st August, electricity supply, free booklet, energy saving,protection policy for a cooker, credit, 3 days, E-mail, central heating4.场景:求职1)Part-time job: In a warehouse section; in supermarket office; work in a bakery;advertisement; buy a newspaper; agency; can use a tutor as a referee; feedback form2)France, director, Family name: Kellar, driving, 2.5 km, Sunday, sailing, own club, more details, insurance5.场景:看病1)Address: 95 Cross Street; sprains in his knee, cannot go upstairs, Sprain knees,pain in his back; painkillers; 10th January; don’t use sticks; do regular exercise2)nurse, frequent headache, occasional cold, seafood, eyes, 30 minutes, park, yoga,Sports Centre6.场景:旅游1)订票:opera; £30, theatre, library, town hall, studio2)birds, tent, mountains, cave, waterfall, swim, back problems, walking boots, discount, insurance company2010年1.场景:求职Date of birth: March 8th 1988; hopes to travel North Europe; wants to by train; find work in a hotel; recommend to do farm work; better to have a European pass; provide a booklet of information; apply an insurance from agency; Internet Café to communicate2.场景:租房1)Accommodation: area: northeast coast; high seasons; a weekend; quiet; near beach; restaurant; garden for children; Mrs Cheffins; Country Living(杂志名字) 3.场景:家具保险Type of insurance: Standard; Length: 2 years; Name: Galoway; occupation: student; broken window; by a smash; camera: $2000; antique ring: $2100; carpet4.场景:旅游1)cash, 4 days, caravan, museum, went sailing, snow boarding, White mountain,cakes, car, map2)咨询旅行社旅游项目use ropes; fees include: equipment; do: safety check; fees:include guide; area: forest; skills: navigation; fees: include lunch; group deposit: 20% of total fee; bring own shoes; contact person: Arkwright5.场景:公共设施调查Address: 103 Fowler Road, waiter, street, Health service, police, parks, schools, suggestion, local, swimming pool6.场景:调查问卷,询问男子喜好Current occupation: salesman; length of time: nine years; area: Spring Park; a shared apartment; public transport: trains and taxis; eating out: once a month; go to concerts and clubs; go to cinema; go sailing; a Japanese language course7.场景:健身中心入会Address: Wickford; membership package: silver package; discounted fees: 40; joiningfees: £30;start time: 7.30; tennis; dance classes; café; hire towel; forms8.场景:一个男的对一个机场的complaint以及机场的解决办法33 Hillcrest, security, entertainment, hotel, phone card9.场景:预定1)打电话为了party预定restaurant:garden room; round tables; candles on table;Construction; bunch of flowers, 4th July; 25%2)生日晚会预定:27th April; museum; 93; cold; fish; nuts; cake; paper; flowers。
IELTS Listening 雅思听力机经 完全版
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雅思听力考试常考题型 题型分类?
Multiple Choice 选择题 Table Completion 表格题 Completion 填空题; Map 地图题 Short - answer Question 简答题 Matching 搭配题; Labeling 标签题
题型一: 填空题
填空题在雅思考试中是一个非常重要的题型,从 Section 1到Section 4都会考到,是每次考试的主打 题型,范围非常广泛.
Section 2
Section 3
课上/下听力 Before & Off Class 讲座 Lecture &presentation
环境科学、生 自然科学、人 物科学、商科、 文科学 天文学、考古 学、历史学
雅思听力概况 难度?
雅思听力的难度是分级别的,从 Section1 到 Section4, 难度逐级上升。而难度不同,考场任务也 就不同。 Section 1 是保分, Section 2 & 3 是争分, Section 4 则是挑战
• Section 4 是谓 Lecture & Presentation (课上听力). S4 题型有雅思拿手的 Paraphrasing, Indirect & Distractive Information, Keyword postposition。S4 由于场景扩充的可能范围太广-自然科学 + 人文科学,预测势必难以为之。
The focus of the lecture is ( ) A. Campus food B. Course requirement C. Sport facilities 如果B换成课程介绍,那么此题就无法排除选项只 能去听说的方向,或者根据下面题说的方向去猜答 案。
雅思机经听力试题--向保险公司索赔(总分:21.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、电话号码(总题数:1,分数:4.00)Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the phone numbers mentioned.Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the phone numbers mentioned. (分数:4.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:99281444)解析:1 If you need to know more information about insurance policies, please feel free to contact us at 99281444. 2 We will send our employee to your department in five working days. If you have any problem, please call me at 88385009. 3 Please make sure you will be at home next Monday when we send our repairman there. If there is any change, please call my office. The number is 99339007.4 If you want to claim for compensation, please call 88385438, which is the number of our Claims Department.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:88385009)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:99339007)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:88385438)解析:二、保险公司名称(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:2.00)(1).How would the man get to know the top 4 insurance company?(分数:1.00)A.from newspaperB.through Internet √C.from other friends解析:man: Hey! Have you decided where to buy your house insurance? woman: Not yet, it is too hard for me to make such decision, since I know little about this. It nearly drives me crazy these days. I have searched all the local newspaper these days. man: Don't be so upset. Maybe I can give you a hand. I accidentally find that the top 4 insurance companies this year have been freshly baked according to the settlement of claims while I was surfing on the Internet. woman: Wow, wonderful. So what are they? Maybe I can just choose one from the four. That would be much easier! man: Exactly! Well, the one ranking first is Longevity Insurance Co., followed by Honor Insurance Co., Advance Insurance Co., and Utopia Insurance Co.... woman: Oh, The longevity insurance Co. must be the best in this area. Done! man: Wait! I have not finished my words. However, Advance Insurance Co. has gained a very good reputation for its house insurance service. woman: OK. That would be a good choice.(2).Which insurance company would the woman finally choose?(分数:1.00)A.Longevity Insurance Co.B.Utopia Insurance Co.C.Advance Insurance Co. √解析:三、保险类型(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Listen to the statement and fill out the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each(分数:5.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:(any) natural calamity)解析:Here are some introduction to four common insurances, namely property insurance, health insurance, home insurance and auto insurance. Property insurance helps you to prevent losses against theft, fire, burglary, or any natural calamity like earthquakes, floods and many more. Health insurance consists of a package of various types of insurance related health. For example medical insurance is one major part of health insurance in most of the cases. A home insurance policy typically includes coverage for da mage to the home and the owner’s belongings, and even a small amount of coverage for medical expenses of guests who are injured on the owner's property. Auto insurance protects the policyholder against financial loss in the event of an incident involving a vehicle they own, such as in a traffic collision.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:medical insurance)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:belongings)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:medical expenses)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:financial loss)解析:四、保险级别(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter(分数:2.00)(1).Which of the following is not the reason the man chose National Insurance Company?(分数:1.00)A.The company is famous across the country.B.The company provides good service.C.The company’s premium is low.√解析:woman:I have heard that you bought an automobile insurance a few days ago. I am considering buying one, too. Which company have you chosen? man:Actually I consulted many insurance companies. And finally I chose National Insurance Company because the company does well in the settlement of claim and has achieved good brand awareness. woman:That’s reasonable. It is the biggest insurance company in our country. And just because of this, the premium is relatively high as far as I know. man: But I think good service deserves high premium. woman: Sounds reasonable. Oh, by the way, which level have you chosen? man: I intended to apply for a medium level one, but my wife wanted to have a super level. You know, she is the boss. woman:Yeah, totally understand.(2).Which level has the man chosen?(分数:1.00)A.super level √B.medium levelC.low level解析:五、损坏情况(总题数:1,分数:5.00)5.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the (sudden) storm)解析:man:Hello! This is National Insurance Company. Can I help you? woman:Oh, Hi! Yesterday, because of the sudden storm, some of the windows and the door in my house were broken. I wonder if I can get compensation from your company. man: OK. May I have you name, please? I need to check our records. woman: Oh, right. My name is Jenny Crowley, and the insurance is conducted under the name of my husband Robert Crowley. We bought the house insurance in your company last November. man:OK. Crowley...I find it. So, Mrs. Crowley, can you describe the damages in detail please? woman:I went to work yesterday but my son has viewed the whole course. He said the windblew all the three windows in our kitchen open and it was so strong that it broke the kitchen door, and now the door was lying on the floor. man: That is terrible. And are there any other damage? How about the window? woman:It was broken into pieces, too, but not that serious, only the one in the middie was broken. man:OK. I got it. We will send someone to identify the situation tomorrow and then make a compensation scheme as soon as possible. woman: Thank you very much. man: You are welcome.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Robert Crowley)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the owner's son)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:kitchen)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:middle)解析:六、维修时间(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and answer the questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (分数:3.00)(1).When will the repairman come to repair the doors and windows?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:next Monday)解析:MAN:Hello! This is National Insurance Company. Can I help you? woman: This is Jenny Crowley speaking, and I called to claim compensation of the damage of my house last week. And you sent someone to check the damage a few days ago, but no one came to my house to repair them. May I know why? MAN:Oh, Mrs. Crowley, I am terribly sorry. Actually we have received a lot of claims, so we had to push it off till next Wednesday. woman: Next Wednesday? Can you make it a little earlier? MAN: I am very sorry. Because of the storm, many houses have suffered some kind of damage and many people rush to repair. Oh, wait a minute! We can arrange your repair two days earlier, since another client has withdrawn his claim. woman: That is great! When will you arrive at my house that day? man: About eight o'clock in the morning. Is that OK? woman: That's good. And when can all my doors and windows be fixed? man: About on February 10th. woman: OK. Thank you very much. man: You are welcome.(2).When will the repairman arrive that day?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:8:00 a.m.)解析:(3).When will everything be repaired?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:February 10th)解析:。
V08120 S1=V06141 S1一个女的打电话问旅游公司不同旅游package 的information1---10)填空题1)几个住处,第一个叫Rose Garden第二个叫Blue Bay, Blue Bay 离海滨多远?300 meters away from the beach.2)第三个住处名字Sun Shade, 第四个是Grand3)Sun Shade这个套餐房间的价格是$3194)每个房间里都有Satellite TV, 还有overlooking great paintings in every room5)Sun Shade娱乐项目是has a view over forest6)如果cancellation, 要付多少钱,男士说至少$10,0007)为航班延时误点missed departure 投的保险8)还有一项保险是在某个情况下允许relative出游9)如出现丢失物品的情况,整件要赔$500, a single item 另行处理10)女的又询问了这个男的名字:Ben Ludlow机经细致解析:话题背景=旅游度假咨询必须认识的单词: package tour 全包游 Rose Garden 玫瑰园 Blue Bay 蓝色港湾cancellation 取消departure 离开 insurance 保险注意事项: Sunshade专有名词要首字母大写Ludlow 专有人名,首字母大写.另外请同学们注意红色的单词,一定要会拼写.V08120 S2比较每个农场的特点.11) A. individual12)B. gift13---16 填表题13) kids favorite; donkeys14) apples15) fig is $616) tomatoes17---20 填地图17)右上角B18)左下角河对岸G19)左下角有树林F20)右下角H机经细致解析: 话题背景=农场果园对比介绍必须认识的单词: barren 贫瘠的 fruit 水果 farmland 农场 orchard 果园 fig 无花果17---20题是选项填地图题. 注意填表题大部分单词都用的复数形式.V08120 S4蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类31---34)选择题31)选C small head32)辨认个体蜜蜂的方法,选B 在蜜蜂身上不同colour的标记33)选: 科学家在蜜蜂身上加了a sign applied to their bodies34) 选: distance35---40) 填空题35) lack of enough warning36) urban37) radar38) speed39) the earth40) water机经细致解析:话题背景=蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类请大家将选择题的答案进行记忆,有时间的话可以看下跟此有关的文章,一可以增加知识量,第二如果将来遇到这种考题可以更加容易理解.V08126 S3墨西哥沙漠实习考察21---25选择题21.参加该项目应该? 选CA. inform tutorB. register in administrationC. fill in an application form22. 学校支持该项目的费用选AA. 450B. 1000C. 2000 (这个题目选的不是中间那个,大家特殊记一下)23. 如何确定沙漠的标准? 选AA. evaporation is more than rainfallB. more than 40 cm rainfallC. rare rainfall24. 他们要去什么地方? 选BA. desert grasslandB. marine forestC. desert…25. 为什么他们选择区沙漠作为课题的研究? 选BA. plantsB. 因为那里有its birdsC. *******26---30 填空题26.this trip available for life science undergraduate students27. 要带上laptop, 每天要写报告journal28. ship作为一个base29. 最古老的植物12,000 years old30. 老师推荐给同学一本书,名字named “ Baked Earth.”(专有的书名,必须大写)机经细致解析: 话题背景=在墨西哥沙漠调研实习的介绍必须认识的单词:application form 申请表scholarship 奖学金loan 贷款evaporate 蒸发rainfall 降雨desert 沙漠grassland 草原marine 海的forest 森林undergraduate 尚未获得学士学位的大学生最容易错的单词, Life Sciences: 生命科学,专有学科名称需要大写,而且都是用的复数形式. laptop 笔记本电脑这个词上课的时候讲过而且考过拼写,希望各位同学引起高度重视.V08121 S2介绍一个老房子博物馆11---14 填空题11.这个人买这栋大房子前这里是: farm12. 关于Chinese wallpaper 的什么是哪个世纪的? 18th13. 某人去世时所在的房间名称: The Birds(专门表示房间的名字,要大写)14. dining room 中有许多什么古董? chairs15---17 选择题15. rare trees16. geese(goose的复数形式,注意积累)17. swan18---20 配对题18. history----gallery19. books---gift shop20. trails---woodland机经细致解析: 一个老房子博物馆必须认识的单词wallpaper 墙纸antique 古董swan 天鹅goose 鹅gallery 画廊woodland 林地trail 小径本题考到了一些动物的名称以及其实平时生活中可以积累的单词,希望同学们继续保持上课时要求的习惯,注意生活中的单词的积累以及场景单词的积累.V08124 S2关于所得税21. provide evidence of information22. penalty up to 3000 pounds23. bank statements24. April25. easy to do calculating26. don’t need any storage space27. the government will assume you make a mistake28. down the form from the website29. health department30. Sports Centre机经细致解析:关于所得税的经济类话题,上课在讲到商业场景的时候提到过这类题目,只要是经济有关的单词不需要记的非常专业,但是一些基本的单词必须要掌握住, 像bank statement 这个词相信大家已经不是第一次见到了吧! 本题在听的过程中还有一些词希望大家可以掌握住income 收入tax 税penalty 惩罚download 下载V08125 S4介绍一种新的水处理系统sea water purify(SW40)31---36 填空题31. 一些地下水可以使用, 而海水因为有太多的salts所以不能使用(salt 在这里表示化学盐,是可数名词, 如果表示食盐的时候就是不可数名词,对于这类单词大家一定要特别注意)32. SW40 可以使用在sea water净化上,甚至是hospitals(曾经一个很幽默的同学跟我讲口语的时候一激动就说成了house potato, 虽然是口误,但是说明了很多同学在背诵多音节单词的时候还是需要稍微注意下,呵呵)33. 虽然这个SW40比较好用,但是他purify water 的速度too slow(这里too必须要加上, 表示程度的)34. 这个设备的推广使用得到了哪个组织的协助: Health International35. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(liters 写成这个写法也可以了)36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family37—40 图解标签题37. 盖子is made of glass38. UV 射线can destroy germs39. SW 40 和水平面的夹角是12.5°40.water tank collect containing water.机经细致解析:太阳能水净化系统,必须认识的单词output 产出clip 夹子UV 紫外的radiation 放射线purify 净化plastic 塑料creature 生物container 容器V08129 S1讲一个人加入俱乐部1. radio program2. 邮箱地址: mj@(电子邮箱的注意点上课已经说过了,标点符号的英文读音,@的读音. 最近非常喜欢考网址和电子邮件的,这里要注意的地方是co 代表的是company不要写成com3. 选择type最小的那种,也就是2年的(数字题目还是写数字会保险很多,因为不占字数要求.)4. Union Bank(专有名词,一定要大写)5. £49(一定要加单位的符号)6. joint account(相信大家对这个词不陌生吧! 讲到银行场景的时候说过,表示联名账户的意思)7. 15th Oct8. reference number(reference 再怎么样都要会拼写.)9. JW142(字幕和数字的组合)10. video机经细致解析: 个人信息表格题---参加俱乐部必须认识的单词subscription 会员费membership 会员资格annual 每年的V08129 S4介绍company ethic31. four decades 40年32. philosophers 哲学家33. Private Property 私有制(书名,首字母大写)34. accountable 负有责任的35. health36. young37. corrupt 腐败的,不道德的38. morality39. global perspective40. issues机经细解:背景=商业道德发展史由于本机经回忆内容有限,题目并不是很清楚,大家要做到以上10道题中的单词拼写必会掌握。
1月5号雅思A类大作文reading for pleasure can be better developed in imagination and language skills than watching tv. to what extent you agree or disagree. 小作文是pie charts-离开和留在英国的不同原因。
雅思写作G类大作文Task 2 Some people Believe Children should do what their parents tell them to do. Others think children must learn thinking themselves. Discuss both and give your opinion!1月10日小作文:比较音乐,时尚,体育杂志六年间的销量,只有一张曲线图。
大作文:工作不满意人生就没意义,赞成不赞成1月12日A类task1——Bar——The bar charts show the different birth rate in five countries in 2 years. task2——教育——In some countries, the parents expect children tospend long time in studying both in and after school and have less freetime. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children andthe society?G类task1——申请信task2——育儿——Some people believe children should do what theirparents tell them to do. Others think children must learn thinkingthemselves. Discuss both and give your opinion.1月19日A类小作文饼图大作文题目:childcare is an important task for nations. it is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare courses. to what extent do you agree or disagree2月2日A类task1——Bar charts——the percentage of boys and girls getting high grades in a country in 1960 and 2000.task2——育儿——Some people think it's all bad for children to watch TV, others believe watching TV can bring positive effects on children when they grow up, discuss both and give your own opinion.G类G类大作文为预测中的生活与社会类的结合。
雅思机经听力试题--找工作(总分:28.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、工作及工作职责(总题数:1,分数:4.00)Listen to the statements and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Listen to the statements and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:4.00)(1).The obligation of a Human Resources Manager is to execute the 1 and to perfect relevant policies.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:People-Management system)解析:1 Human Resources Manager is required to implement the People-Management system and develop company guidelines, HR policies and legal compliance. 2 As a Project Management Assistant, you should work in Project Management Office to provide help for all projects. 3 Your job is to answer the phone and you have to work from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. 4 Now, you are required to be responsible for all the translation work for your title is Manager Interpreter.(2).Working as 1 , you need to offer assistance to all projects. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Project Management Assistant)解析:(3).Your responsibility is to 1 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:answer the phone)解析:(4).As a 1 , you need to be responsible for all the translation work. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Manager Interpreter)解析:二、工作地点(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Listen to the report and fill out the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.(分数:6.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:2299 Queen Road)解析:Good morning everyone. Today, I will offer you some information about new jobs. The CPC Limited Company located at 2299 Queen Road plans to employ 13 sales-operators aged from 18 to 25 on November 1st. If one is interested in selling, please contact the company with phone-number 23629169. A travel agency named BEYOND is in need of 4 tour conductors this month. People majoring in tourism management could go to the interview at its office addressed at Hillsdonne Road.The telephone number is 87336327. OK, the next is the last information today. One with more than 3 yeas' experience of softwaredesigning, should pay attention that EP Group, a famous company on IT will hold an interview to employ 4 software-designers at 3p.m. next Monday at its head office situated at 15 Great Street. For more details, please reach EP by the phone-number 63524531. 填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:23629169)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Tour conductor)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Hillsdonne Road)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Software-designer)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:63524531)解析:工资Listen to the conversation and match each job with the right wage. A—Telemarketer B—Housekeeper C—Sales-person(分数:3.00)(1).9 pounds each time(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.解析:A: Good morning, welcome to our agency. I am Dean, what can I do for you? B: Good morning, Dean. My name is Boris and I am here in hope of finding a part-time job on weekends. A: OK, It's my great pleasure to serve you. Uh, let me see, I am glad to tell you that there are three employers who have just registered here to search for part-timers. Weil, would you like to do something related to marketing? B: You mean there is a position as a salesman? Uh, could you tell me some more details? A: Yes, of course. The Center Store is recruiting salesmen working on weekends. The daily wage is 13 pounds. B: Well, how about the other two jobs? A: The second job is to be a telemarketing worker on every Saturday at sales department of BG GROUP. This company will pay you 4.45 pounds per hour if you can work from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at night. And the last job is much easier. Mr. Green, a HR manager of a joint venture, wants to employ a housekeeper .You only have to tidy his room on every Sunday, then you will be paid 9 pounds each time. B: OK, thank you for your information.(2).13 pounds a day(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:(3).4.45 pounds per hour(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:四、面试时间(总题数:1,分数:4.00)Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with interview time mentioned.(分数:4.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:2 p.m.,Friday)解析:1 We have rearranged the interview from Thursday to Friday, and time unchanged at 2 p.m.. Please confirm that. 2 Applicants with good command of both spoken and written English please come to an interview at 22nd October. 3 Mr. Galet, the general manager of my company will meet you at 3 p.m. of November 3rd, please be on time. 4 Please be here at 10 a.m. of September 1 st for the second round of this interview.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:22nd October)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:3 p.m.,3rd November)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:10 a.m.,September 1st)解析:五、必备素质(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and choose the right answers.(分数:3.00)(1).What qualifications are required as a telemarketing worker?(分数:1.00)A.higher education backgroundB.good communication skills √C.clear voice √D.teamwork spiritE.patience √F.soft voice解析:Today, I'd like to talk about some qualifications for several jobs. First, the qualifications you should have as a telemarketing worker. Usually, most companies choose young people aged from18 to 26 with clear voice and talented speechcraft and full of patience to complete the job becausea telemarketing worker often needs to talk with a large number of people with varied personalities over the telephone. The next topic is how to be a good consultant. A consultant should be responsible for converting occasional and variable environment. As a result, quick thinking is the essential qualification as a consultant. Additionally, the companies employing consultants always require that all the applicants should possess excellent communication skills and related working experience in the field. Now, finally, I will tell you the basic capabilities an accountant should obtain. Strong logical thinking and fast learning capability are of course the necessary abilities beyond suspicion. On the other hand, self-motivated under minimum supervision are also very important qualifications to an accountant.(2).What qualifications are required as a good consultant?(分数:1.00)A.self-motivatedB.quick thinking √C.clear voiceD.excellent communication skills √E.related working experience √F.handsome appearance解析:(3).What qualifications are required as an accountant?(分数:1.00)A.youngB.teamwork spiritC.strong logical thinking √D.self-motivated √E.learnedF.fast learning capability √解析:六、相关福利 (总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.What are the welfares provided by the company?(分数:1.00)A.meal supplement and transportation allowance √B.extra pay for working on weekendsC.free commute for late workers after 11 p.m. √D.life insurances and housing fundE.free trip abroad for every staff each year解析:We firmly believe that only when excellent performance is acknowledged and rewarded can employees be motivated and work efficiently. We provide the employees meal allowance and commuter travel allowance and double or triple their pay for their overtime work on national holidays. Besides, there will be a free bus to send the staffs who work after 11 p.m. back home. We also offer all local government mandatory benefit programs and supplemental benefits such as life ormedical insurances. Those who serve the company more than two years will enjoy a free trip abroad each year.七、车站所在地(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and answer the questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).When will the final interview begin next Sunday?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:at 9:30 a.m.)解析:Attention please. Are we all here now? Well, first, I want to express my congratulations on all of you for you are the finalists surviving our paper test. Here I want to tell you something that you must keep your eyes open in the final interview. Everyone needs to arrive at our CEO's meeting room no later than 9:30 a.m. on 23rd July, that is to say, next Sunday. I guess some of you are wondering where the CEO’s meeting room is. You can take the NO.8 or NO.532 bus at the sunshine bus stop near the library and get off at the stop of the Paradise Street which is opposite to the town hall. The General Headquarters office building of our company is just 50 miles away from the bus stop. OK, wish you guys good luck and I am looking forward to working with you. Thanks!(2).Where is the sunshine bus stop?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:near the library)解析:(3).How far is the company’s General Headquarters office building from the Paradis e Street bus stop?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:50 miles)解析:人名Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with names mentioned.(分数:4.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Hilary)解析:1 Sorry, I am afraid you've dialed the wrong number. My name is Hilary, H-l-L-A-R-Y. 2 Would you please kindly help me fill the blanks? My name is Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y. 3 Please contact Manuja to ask for the details of the interview. Manuja, M-A-N-U-J-A. 4 Please contact the winner of this competition and ask her to come to our office. Look up her number in the registers, her name is Sherry, S-H-E-R-R-Y.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Kelly)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Manuja)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Sherry)解析:。
Hard to train presentations clotheslocal shop Park/park street Green streetHot meal 14th September homeworkmeet teachers choices drinking machines Photo copy office education program garden tools14th November summary white board beginning read aloud plan time presentation skills filmed oilMoney lender/money loan socialworker/donation unemployed a vote right money giving Cleaning materials drystreet children Workload/flexible working time North Waite 23rd January bicyclesEarly evening 14th to 24th June checking listList of objective project outline wide readinga clear argument design research theory chapters your seminar group student link fireRoad map first-aid kit flash lightsun sheet central seedsFinancial goals spend plans money plans money diary fixed booksoptional budgeting advice 3.6million farming support service financial market Clothing section West Europe South Africa USA Southeast Asian Online shopping corporate loan Reading habits Employed---50% Unemployed---5% Retired ---20 Streets and roads railway line impossible engine Reinforced most experiencedThe problems of bo y’s presentation? (B. be asked questions) Where is Jack live? A. villageWho is the audience? (40 first year students with a tutor)Apart free transport, what other benefits those women get?C. literature training50 minute editor astronomy passengers’ weight no index low cost 5 meters local TV station enthusiasmgreen 3 long tables drinks and flowers background music Smith Brother’s 28th JuneStatus of Sea choppy Watch time weather location behaviorsize less effort 1860ssafer smoother for chaincommonly use Downhill 3 peoplethe back uncomfortable back wheelRate of speed 14th July two pockets leather note book 280 pocketsby the door GW432HA the leadthe Sheet the House rubberstop watch calm State of weather 100 meters fishing boat Group size behavior 8 Hill Road North parkC0290U Politics not washing advanced level Tuesday to Sunday 25th September research professional knowledge designUse new method after lunch book in advanced Special buses part time job risk634093 转 54What are the common equipment of grade C and grade D?B. mileage D. tax E. music equipmentWhy the man get discount? A. he works in a special company What is the student news about? A. student debtHow many percentages of students have the academic problem?A.25%What is the problem of most students?B.can not finish the work on timeChoose two available facilities? D. Sports center E. museumStudent card bank statement Thursday Television drama Two days fiveboat destroyed heroine butlerMaid servant farming environment damage tourists sample 10.5km2measurement soil photographsGlass and green waste senior manager education officer Employee statistics end of termresearch approach tutor Tape recorder summer magazines textureemotion and mood companion July or Augustnamed after a German Village plantingnature/real life Alaska fur tradefell rose flourishmentKiller whales decline again personal tutor student card 455455 70million76million mammals herbivorousjaws tongue stingsself-defense convenient 9 scent10 color chicken fish cakesvegetable burger playground sport’s hallspecial party hats safety regulation reservationcleaning products two adults color container materials imagesan office/ bungalow advertisement doctorFrogs urban areas countThe reason they chose the witherite mine C. the unique importantThe mine firstly became commercial use because of ?A.geology valueThe mine become important because of :B. can be separated from other mineralsjob interview domestic traveling sleeping pills relax fruit juice the day warm bath smoking reference examples next seminar Whitworth 32 Bank Street coaches Teaching none Spain2 months France Uncertainmore than misinterpret relevant virtual learning business science engineers clever loyal fitness centre work place application scientific artistic observationquestions independence learning stylesMayor Suzanne Mubarak Athens government Customer raw materials carsfactory workshop industrial material range textbook media studiesskill focus methods businessactivities visits activities Objectives essays totalnames vegetation undergrounddepth fear hurt/ attacks natural light glassdrawer garage spiderspace decoration skinquality harbor recycled/recycling local artists warehouse sure of themselves 26th, November in chemistry lab the professor18 pounds Public transport monthly magazines29th May quiz Dangerouslifestyles assesseddesigners/Scientists accountants distance learning lack of timehard-working free transportation morning migration patterns explain the experiment have joined together Educationeveryone two weeks administratorsAlexandria City Council foreign governmentsIn order to succeed, clothing firms should? B. sell new product Why does she look for the professors? C. ask about information of master’s degreeCircle three subjects she will choose in next term?A. communication skills C. intercourse analysis F. psycholinguisticswhen the book was found in a shop, the Egyptian government would?C. copy the book and return the original book.The Egyptian king failed to ? B return the original bookJazz: people spend more moneyNomusic: people did not think the…worth the priceClassic: people left right after eatingPop: people came back againuniversity supermarket month University care office 5th /6th November Email attachment mail tobehind the station excellent organizationeasy to understand children are welcomedalarming system move with the currentwashable shoes & sweater high energy snacks & bottle water Scientific research information from internetthe top right corner health departmentchildren and adults teeth, fingers, and bones1.8% 1.3% 30days18th 94635550 Clark House University Drive Monday 11th Thursday 14thone finance office volcanic dust Student loan attitude to smoking natural medicine Presentation insects heat intermediate Honey sunlight building TQ125CZ YQ181technical London Lane 35.70yuan zoology tutorials field work data analysis Library report poster design presentation group talks Part-time diploma in advance microbiology tutorials practical work lab discussion cholesterol circulation Lack of energy travel juniors young teenagers 29th Aug. 80cm by 60cm Andy Kahnfax YCP flies in Color Museum outstanding common spider editor photos/pictures identification organization index water pipers native chewing gum medicines bathroom south water pipes swimming pool a lovely garden no chargefish schools landladyHow many children does the man have? C. three children Which is the problem he met at work is something dealing with?B.technologyHow does the man solve the problem at last? B. pay extra money Who is the men’s hero? A sportsmanWhy is the man late for the lunch? C. traffic jamWho does the man meet? C girlfriendWhy the man says it is a typical day of him?B. a sense of achievement E. happiness of jobWhat does he want to do before retirement?C.contributing to the laws for the disable personsD.improve the voting systemGeographic location ---A. will do in presentation Economics---B. may do in presentationEducation history---A. will do in presentationLanguage---C. will no do in presentationMedia room resources room embassy statistics 220 beats the grassthe loud speakers drama theatre Town hall harbor chest come before then antibioticsPills spoons before mealsconferences joke Social skills shame special offers credit cardOnline games parents scores productivity entertainment queen size West Avenue mirror 1.8 meters Tuesday fridge churchbus stop water meatcheese fifth taste bitterness mineral cigar Communication50 kilometers temperature special route Feed lack of restrictions metal & leather dock England Buildproperty IT course castle7 miles under 16 Sport equipment town hall station jacketDouble Italic typedID number Car park tablecamera pencils worksheets journals Classical history compulsory Object matters classification Course work towns and cities originsoral seminars location food intake eating pattern Vitamin Adrowsiness make you sleepy X-rayreception sick note teacher environmental study gendertones Spanish JapaneseWhat did Hiroko feel about his presentation? B. he is unsatisfiedWhat did Spiro feel about her presentation? C. she found others know each other well.He said that he want to improve the level of reading, because?ck of vocabulary889740 17A water heater fridge lock all windows Play music landlady forest area fishing farms market garden breed fish temple wallsthe big toe homes didn’t move out small stones the ground sugar20 pounds per week insurance adviceonly in weekend a good record reverse the teacher’s test books paid second place to consider after studyInformation technology parental teaching Average ability interview parentsstudent support service three timesall through the year Book loans Australianlooking for food start to fly fully grownfill themselves/leave their parents 60% dieattach identification check sex check/examine general health Malaysia full150 children investigation nest yearWhen doesn’t open to the public? A short period of the year/almost all the yearWhat is the transportation tools used in the park? C. tram, bike, walkWhat you can buy in reception desk?E.books about animalsF. books about organize farming when will classes/courses begin/start? B. in the following daywhere have the class? D. near the student union building the library is a ? A. large buildingThe specialist subjects/courses is ? A. compulsory and regularMicrobiology science course available for? A. full-time and flexible study time/full-time and students onlyThree compulsory courses? C. mathematics E. statistics F. biologyWhat is the advantage for technical institutions? C. many big companies will come to recruit their graduatesThe cost of secondary school includes? A. everything except books fees(but second-hand books in available easily)Families feed animals a person 5 yearsResearch assistant parents NREVE QE Develop disease Unhealthy lifestyles sensible exercise antibiotics DHT tutor 37 pence/minute confidence ideas generalLand marks people good eyesight machine nest idea they do wellIt is dangerous to bring a ? B. knifeG and M want to ? D. give information for a coursewhere is the hotel? C. suburbSkating 16th October one free drink swimming suit casual clothes museum3 cups a lot kitchennot too much lemon tree 6 monthspark top shelf kitchen table double lock newspapers videosTeaching methods accommodation flatsdisco medical centre satellite International evening reading and speaking sectionTV station enquiry desk pink and yellow subjects universities blue folder motivation scientific approach artistic approach distance observation questionslack of time independence learning styles natural subject structure skills work in groupa topic from a range of subjects general English practice presentation with visual aids a topic from individual city central/central soul organizationresponsibility flexible flexibility conversation levels take risks market make decision role culture personal culture bedroom desk and TVmeat and cheese campus fridgetake away incoming call house key garden junction 6 immediatelymid-morning computer breakdown strike express trains ferrieshigh winds sea watch 45pence 08456543 Environmental issues fashion classical cheaper Maintain cost repair fee safety and insurance tutor Subcommittee approval advertisementssufficient details Qualifications 14th November award safety office financeFancy dress family ticket book in advance concert room Check the website reading habits interviewing random Leisure community community based places Nursing Diploma a Master’s degree 13 timesplanned recreation therapy general English practice Sports entertainment accommodation Pigeon room library pigeon holes religion government North Africa varies temperature sand glass sound glass Disappear personalspeed public skills gender subjects Individual visual aids groups Weekend holiday middle weekday a whole week Insurance credit cardwhat kind of job he is doing? C. treat psychological patient what to do at the first stage? B. assessment of patients Which is the town most famous for? A. agriculture fairthe teacher asked the students to read prospectus for?A. study aids C. group sizes E. teaching hoursWhat does the man like most of the meeting? C. accessiblediscussionThe content of the lecture? C. qualification requireF.working range/work objective/ working involveG.why to choose careerWho are the respondents? C. mainly studentsWhat is the project subject? A. between new cars and old cars How many questionnaire collected back? A. 2000What are the other two factors people consider when they buy cars? C. power steeringThis market will be open on? B. this weekendOn which kind of goods this shop focuses? B. sports articles How long should you wait if the item is out of stock? A.less than a weekWhat are selling in the third floor? B. sports shoesIf you answer 10 questions correctly, what you will get?A.a gym membershipThe fitness/sports department is ? B. cheaper in this month Telephone the employer little known local artists vocational courses type of jobs recorderEmployer domestic work proceduretrace buried reinvestedMineral soil exhibitions expensive taking photos soft sediment delicatelocation cinema Italianrunning tunnels cross passage s committeefinancial bridge linkdonation adopt children magazine joint retiredlow income card index ID number methodology housing healthcarepost office sports centre wall wheelstair left materials seatsarmchair 2 hours personal alarm apple juice look-up points railway station kitchen area smaller self-locking shower blanket basement cleaning windows central part government policy mental non-active negative affect concentration intelligence blood flow craft fair fringe stage restaurant exhibitor entrance an exhibition lock-up garage arm badge ambulance yellow ticket central effectively responsibility flexible bed sheetcream desk lamp checktropical diseases bottles of water snakesmonkeys email address modern languages multimedia materials 25th October rugbymultimedia resources red house church road 793225 wedding new street23rd April Q493Z refundrelatively higher less property lowerEvening news six months depositcharge local shops Local schools items protection addition fee easy to understand challenging cinemas clubs activities apartment plastic processing seasoned polished varygrain pattern black velvet 27th March 1972 nursing bedsit theatreno red meat out of town finding a job shared social area modules technology media centerlive with classmates the old library their department building copy laser printing nurserymedical services 23rd April formal garden restaurant Banking center seven-screen Every 20 minutes Green bank city bridge Roman landing Newtown refreshmentCenter manager People’s Bank expensivein advance resist market research advertising changing behavior WS62YH48 North Avenue 016-74553242 pounds includes traveling good shoes a large officelive nearby formal clothes good payGold street drama teacher comedymagic country music by e-mailBook on forbes advertising ideas coffeea senior manager sandwich central Avenue heating dinner instituteteaching children magic half human cutting their food from a distance culturemakes fire touching rocks intactSH121LQ share ideas internetmuch deeper research photocopies of notesfamily relationship pal group relationship communication technology Golf clubLife science undergraduate housing insurancenear the Park Square certain circumstance different ways of thinking man-made damsrecommend by a neighbor pre-booking servicea professor or an expert help for her futurehelp of teaching staff small tutorial classmost experienced specialist engine design administration office telephone the employer dining room and evening meals classroom tourreading material Washing facilitiesvery beautiful formal garden take cassette recorderOld commercial and banking center local history books17th May Mountain building 30-40 minutes questions discussion articlesjournal huge increase internal clock dark and light unsocial hours depression stomach and heart mental ability performancesocial matters help from friend work hardForest temple waterfall village starter project confidence Problems and needs more costly innovation solar power Factories distribution Global listening stop the tape dictationnote taking Eye contacts subtitlesTV chat show for a purpose revolution Problem and needs evolution reporter Colleague look after collect food injured animals Training animals part-time education visitor native senior staffBusiness application form birdsReference number attitude of smoke earthcertain time socks total block Farm chairs rare trees geese swan 15 minutes History-gallery books-gift shop hot mealHeater toaster petrolexam trails-woodland music room Poster head office quality Tourism computer programmer healthy club new shirt President scoringtransport traditional mid-range combination strict controls factoryskills escaping steam frequently refund once a month national park local tribes photographs medicineboat destroyed heroine butlermaid servant job opportunities agricultural domestic industrial paper making food processing waste disposal chemicals every second week bridge road testeda yellow box metal magazines streets and roads engine impossiblerailway line reinforced blue sweater black raincoat local shop 14th September homework meet teachers research presentation interview notes communication system photocopies outlinetwo essays more time case studycity centre branch escaping steam Monday mornings police record reference own car creativity mission statement Augustmission statement academic help good location central location have parking area Wednesdaytwo bedrooms garage business wealthy people vocational courses food prices less crowdlarge-scale housing happier healthierprimary school information sector satisfactions digital store collection attachments preservation marketing literature learning difficulty mathematics low-nutrition noisy by cheque free starter birthdays local artister support daily music comedy courses art exhibition yellow car park oil paintings sculpture secondary school wood carving spiderspace decoration skinreports 5th floor 53 Green Street electronic card Thursday and Friday withdrawWest Lake driving license donkeysWell organized every three months tomatoes individual Locate food warningurban radar speedthe earth Creation living room bathroom machine wash basin Strength mathematics science tea and coffee report January academicsave time networker plan holidays Evidence 3000 pounds bank statement calculation lamp Storage space mistake professional learning website behavior In class simulation diarieshospitals presenting result Video recording salts health international Familygerms water tank radio program Hennings Union bank joint4 decades reference number translated Philosophers private property accountable Corrupt morale globalFreedom public transport shopping mall polluted uncomfortable car taxes lanes Insects feedinglab wings reliable market interview 24th Aug. 1979 Useless crime photographs gym Fox resources chemical machine not too long typed Layout incorrectionpart-time contact number servicesshelf Health service catering service double-grill heat Selectforest traditional traffic safety buried Power company bonesfoot prints permit by boat cleanest Mineral resources artificialearly slide presentation short lecture petrol group discussion environmental battery too expensive to store it engine tide hearingplants animals feedinghealthy loud noises network moderate fish beachseafood waterfall bridgemap elevator engineer seasons traffic flow smaller areas swimming Winter rushrandom Australian cost effective grandmother nuts sciencelake picnic lakeflowers motor art gallery climate concert hall good example flight on the hot balloon dancing classwrite music curtis sparecolored inkshade stress levels traffic noise flooding rural area 63343887wood 11 bridge street garage smoke alarm Alarm system replacement monthly comedy familybirds conference reports Documentary Tutor lecturer wheelchair31st October rare fish coral roof rock pool ships silverIndia police performance fishing knows and expects purposesrelevant opportunities confidence contexts unemployed documents promotion 45 minutes networking economical application forms self-employment camel closed down gapprofit climate infrequent ecosystems living expenses equipmentmap insects Survey methods deserts seasonal Olive oil goatskin palm leaf mats squarecamels slaves herdscattle 124 Green Street dark blueguides bargain printer outstanding challenge healthinterests tutors maturityadvisors online service perfumeswealth exploration moodtoothache ship-building smellstax income roof blue gateback door bushes weedschallenge theoretical approach contentlectures vocabulary personalitygrammar writing backgroundstandard self-centered laboratories traditional drinks bandflowers undeveloped small hotelBig Five local community conservation training range definition disadvantage sport equipments clothespay Saturday letterhigher seats commercial purposeweight use of land farmers insurance workforce primary school reception academic director common room cash longer the time of organized reference deadline weaknesspostgraduate said student report should be shorteditor said student report is not reliablehave opportunities to view sceneriesHow long for charity walking holiday? B. 8 daysIf you cannot study regularly, you have to ? C. inform the school centerThe building is behind the ? E. new libraryHow about the piano? B. rarely playedWhere peter get the information to work at zoo? A. from a friendWhat did peter think about his work? B. challengingWhat made peter feel interesting? B. work with children What will peter do next term? A. won’t take any jobAll people go to the farm can ? A. hear information about organic farmingIf you want to go to the nearest place? C. cycling route According to Dr. Shephen, a supervisor is?B.has an ability to make the student work hard.Why does Patricia feel unhappy? B. she don’t grasp the skills to learn independentlyWhat did Ivan do in the library? B. send emailThe most important factor to assess the assignment ?C.the way to collect the dataWhat is the girl responsible for? A. collect dataWhat will Jack ask help from? C. outside organization。
由于section 3全部采用了笔记完成题而section 4全部为选择类题目,所以总体来说难度还是不小的。
Section 1咨询——儿童绘画比赛,10笔记Section 2介绍——兼职工作介绍,5单选+5配对Section 3师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的,10笔记Section 4社科——计算机对教育的影响, 3单选+7分类二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:50102场景:咨询——儿童绘画比赛题型:10笔记参考答案:1-10)笔记完成题1.Theme of painting is : Travel2.First daughter join different group (9-12 years) : juniors3.For her elder daughter (12 and up)L young teenagers4.Submit painting deadline:29th August5.Painting size: 80cm*60cm of contact: Andy Kahn7.The postcode of address: HB6 2LJ8.Man said will quickly send her application form by fax9.in order to make sending easier, on her envelop, she need to write three capital letters: on the top envelop,: YPCst rewards: 50 pounds/£50(答案仅供参考)解析:本场考试的section1出现了常规的日期、邮编等考点,需要注意邮编是常见的英国邮编,所以L/O, J/G的辨析等,也有可能会出现常见的词汇拼写错误如juniors.Section 2新旧情况:08266场景:介绍——兼职工作介绍题型:5单选+5配对参考答案:11-14) Multiple choice11.Nowadays which population taking more part time job?A. elderly people B. people with children as it increased12.How to comfirm the length of working for part time job?A. make record for everyday duties13.哪种工作最难?A. job requires working in different locations B. too much work14.What effect of taking more part time?A. decrease the quality of formal job B. no time with familyC. healthy suffered15.what skills can learned frm part-time job?A. time management or organisation skills16-20) matching16.(题干待补充)17.(题干待补充)18.(题干待补充,机构名称)19.(题干待补充,工种)20.(题干待补充,obtain a permit)16. different levels of salaries17.list of working requirements and startingpay18.limited working hours19.will be taxed20.only for foreigners working in UK(答案仅供参考)参考练习:C5T3S2, C7T1S2Section 3新旧情况:06322场景:师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的题型:10笔记参考答案:Section 321.In the past, wind powers was used to grind flour, and pump water22.The first wind power was used in carrying out research23.the disadvantages of wind power: much noisy24.blade sometimes harms birds25.produce 50%electricity26.a turbine is a large as a plane27.Most euipments are made in Europe28.Citizens were supported by subsidiary loan form government29.when extreme condition weather appears, they can lowers the speed30.fan was made of fiberglass and timber(答案仅供参考)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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no wind
A.visitor can do all the time
B.visitor can do sometimes
C.visitor cannot do anytime
15. play games on the beach选:B.
16. feed the fish选:B.
17. touch the fish deliberately选:C.
18. take photos under water选:A.
19. climb in the park选:B.
20. use private boat选:A.
Section Three
S1:recruitment department招聘部门
culture awareness文化意识
Section One
剑9 Test1 Section1 Job Inquiry
剑7 Test3 Section3 Ocean Research
剑8 Test2 Section2 Agricultural Park
剑9 Test1 Section3 Course Feedback
21. the reason that the government established the sanctuary
选:the research evidence
25. normal dolphin
选:在New Zealand各地生活
Section Four
法国. …gains of … findings:pottery
32. 1500s, a French founded the remain ofcastle.
33.public square
26. dolphin type 2
选:small social groups
27. dolphin type3
选:swim behind the ships
28. dolphin type 4
29. dolphin type 5
选:northwest coastline
30. dolphin type 6
35. People come to collectwater.
36. Location: face next to the stone:river
38. Location:Western area
39. the sculptures oflions
40. Another sculpture is aRoman emperor.
Section Two
11. Nature Par选:B.
12. What is theNatureParkfamous for?选:water
When is the best time to appreciate the fish?
Job and Interview
剑8 Test4 Section1 West Bay Hotel—details of job
6. Can swim and havegood vision
7. Flight attendant should understand:culture awareness
8-9 Experience needed:
helping customers
preparing food
10. Probation period:6 months
1. Send mail to:Sarah Meehan
2.recruitment department
3.不常有long-distance flight偶尔有night flight
4. Apply before:29 October
5. Basic requirement:EnglishandMaths