牛津初中英语8A Uint 4 Wild animals教学设计案
【范文】《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals 教案

《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wildanimals 教案《牛津初中英语》8AUnit4wildanimals教案comicstrip&welcometotheunit一、教学目标了解对话内容,掌握重点词组及初步了解if句型的用法2.熟悉学习更多有关野生动物的词语二、教学重难点学生讨论表达对动物的喜好三、教学流程Step1comicstripHoboandEddiehaveanewproblemnow.Listentothetapeandan swerthefollowingquestions.whatdoesHobowanttodo?2IsEddiewillingtosharehisfood?Languagepoints:lookdelicioustalkto/withsblookafter/takecareofAskstudentstopayattentionto‘if’clausesStep2VocabulariesAskstudentstolookatthepicturesandlearnnewwordsabout wildanimals.beardolphingiantpandakangaroosquirreltigerStep3GuessinggamesLetstudentsplayaguessinggame.onestudentdescribesand theotherguess‘whatanimalisit?’Step4makeasurveypletethesurveyformonP59 Step5DiscussionA:whichanimaldoyoulikebest?B:Ilike……best.A:why?B:Becausetheyare…...A:whichanimaldoyoulikeleast?B:Ilike……least.A:why?B:Becausetheyare…...Step6HomeworkRememberallthewordsaboutwildanimalsandtrytodescribe them.教后记:《牛津初中英语》8AUnit4wildanimalsReading1一教学目标.知识目标.)知识并运用本课时的四会单词。
八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Wild Animals教案 牛津版

8A Unit4 Wild animals课案Teaching & Studying Plan8A Unit 4学案 (Checkout)【学习目标】语言知识:1. 掌握 because, because of的用法。
2. 掌握if引导的条件状语从句。
3. 掌握与野生动物有关的词汇和短语。
【学习重难点】1. if从句时态的使用。
2. because+句子, because of +a noun(a noun phrase)/a pronoun课前延伸课前导学练习一、根据中文、英语解释及句意写出单词。
1. If farmers keep taking the land, wild animals will have ________(no place)to live.2. Tigers are in danger because people like their fur and make _________ from their bones.3. Do you know the importance of __________(保护)wild animals?4. We can ___________ (support) the farmers to leave the reserve.5. If you ____________ (go on) to play games all day, you will fail in the exam.6. When Xi Wang was born, she just __________ 100 grams.Keys: 1.nowhere; 2.medicine; 3.protecting; 4.encourage; 5.continue; 6.weighed二、收集野生动物资料,并能通过声音、动作、文字、图片等进行描述。
8a unit4 wild animals 英语 教案

8A unit4 Wild animals—Vocabulary教学设计说课稿一、设计理念(Teaching Theory):本节课的设计思想是从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,采用任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高人与自然的意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。
二、教材分析本课选自[牛津英语]教材8A Unit4 Wild animals。
三、教学目标(Teaching Aims):1、认知目标(Knowledge Aims):(1)理解、掌握和运用野生动物的词汇。
2、技能目标(Skill Aims):(1)能够描述野生动物的外表、能力、特点等。
牛津8A Unit 4 Wild Animals 第一课时教案

牛津8A Unit 4 Wild Animals第一课时教案By Shi Qinfen from Shajiabang Secondary School一、设计的基本理念构建以人为本,以学生的学、练、测为主线的优化课堂教学模式,通过实施任务型、活动性教学,夯实学生语言基础,提高语言运用能力,培养学生参与、合作、探究的创新精神。
二、教学内容:《牛津初中英语》8A unit 4 Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit三、教学目标:1、知识目标------话题功能:谈论喜欢的动物。
词汇:本课时的7个新单词+有关补充的词汇New words: wild, delicious, bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo,squirrel补充的词汇: poor; polite; shy; beautiful; dangerous; brave; strong; careful;clever; poisonous; like doing…;can do…If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you.句型:If I don’t have food, I die.2、能力目标:培养学生就动物选择话题的口、笔头表达能力。
To describe different animals according to personal preferences3、策略目标:(1)词汇的图片联想记忆法(2)合作探究法四、教学重、难点:to use words and expressions to describe animals1、词汇识记运用,重点句型的运用。
五、教学方法与策略 (Teaching methods: task-based approach )Teaching task:1. Make a survey------Find the name of animals2. Bingo------understand animals through the game3. Writing------write something to the chairperson of the AnimalsClub about the animal you like best or least and why六、教学流程(Teaching steps & ways)Step 1: (6 minutes) Warm-up and learn new words on the pictures( sing →look →say →ask & answer →recite ) (T-S S-S) Step 2: (15 minutes) Make a survey Topic: find the names of animals1. Pre-task activities1)内容2)要求3)方法2. While-task activities指导学生选择恰当的词汇、句型进行表达。
八年级英语8A Unit4 Wild animals全英文教案牛津版

Unit 4 Wild animalsPeriod One Welcome to the unit【Aims and demands】1. Use correct vocabulary to describe animals2. Identify vocabulary for describing animals.3. Designing activities offer opportunities for students to consider. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some posters and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionRevise vocabulary for animals.Step 2.presentationIntroduce the new words in Part A, using some pictures or flashcards. Step3. exercise1. Get the students to complete Part A.2. Then check answers orally with the class.Step4. Discuss1. Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to do the survey in Part B12. Get the students to work in pairs and tell why they like or do not like the animals. Ask them to write down their ideas on their exercise books.Step5. A guessing gamePlay the computer and show the sentences to the students. Then ask them to guess what animal it is.Step6.ConsolidationSome language pointsLook delicious, If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you.,no one, in danger, a report on giant pandasHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2. Preview the Reading Part.Period Two Reading A【Aims and demands】1. To guess general meaning from context.2. To infer meaning from students’ own background and knowledge.3. To identify specific meaning by scanning the text.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some pictures and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionReview key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Step2 Presentation1 On the Bb, write the following list of sentences on the Bb:* Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda.Step2.presentation* Baby giant pandas are very small when they were born.* They grow very quickly.* Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old.* Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.2 Divide the class into three groups and allocate one part to each group. While students skimthe text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. Then go through the words students have underlined. Ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the Bb are true by identifying and listing key facts in the text.Step3 Practice & Discuss1. Ask the students to read the text after the recorder.2. Get the students to skim the text quickly on their own. Then divide the class in pairs and ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the board are true by identifying and listing the key facts in the text.Step4 ConsolidationGet the students do the exercise that is showed on the screen. Homework.1. Recite the text.2. Finish off the workbook exercise.Period Three Reading B、C、D&E【Aims and demands】1. Use correct vocabulary to describe animals2. Identify vocabulary for describing animals.3. Designing activities offer opportunities for students to consider. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some posters and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1. Ask students to retell something about giant pandas.2. Ask some general questions about the report in Part Reading.3. Have a dictation of the new words the students learned last class. Step2 Part BIn part B, students focus on specific meanings of words.Step3. Part CGet students do part C in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class.Step4 Part D1. Revise the words listed in the box in Part D.2. Ask students to complete Part D. Then ask some students to read the sentences aloud to check their choice of words.Step5 ConsolidationLanguage pointsKeep sb ./ sth. Safe from danger, large areas of land with trees, special areas for wild animals, stay aliveHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Vocabulary Part.Period Four Vocabulary【Aims and demands】1. To recognize the names of different animals.2.To consolidate the words that learnt.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some pictures and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1.Ask students to retell something about giant pandas.2.Ask some general questions about the report in P art Reading.3.Have a dictation of the new words ss learned yesterday.Step2 A guessing game1 Create an interest in animals. Try to extend the context by asking Ss if they would like to adopt an animal and, if they do, which one they would choose.e the task to check Ss’ knowledge of name of animals. Ask Ss to guess the names individually first and then compare with a partner.Step3 ReadingGet the students to read all the words under the pictures and ask them to give definitions.Step4 consolidationLanguage pointsPolar bear---North Pole, wolf----wolvest he story of Xi Wang, only 10 days old, it means…, was born, weigh just 100 grams, at four months, for the first time, eight months later, not…any more, grow into, at the very beginning, up to 14 hours a day, bamboo shoots, have to look after herself, have another baby, It is adj. (for sb.) to do, some of the problems, kill it for its fur, nowhere to live, on their own, need help, in danger, take the following actions todo, protect giant pandas, make giant panda reserves bigger, encourage sb. to do, there will beHomework1. Learn the language points by heart.2. Do the exercise in the exercise book after class.3.Preview the Grammar Part.Period Five Grammar A【Aims and demands】1. To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about possible situation.2. To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about repeatedand predictable situation and events.3. To use conditional sentences in a report about conversation issues. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionGet the students to make some sentences with the phrases they learnt last class.Step2. Presentation (Grammar Part A)Try to elicit the conditional structure by asking questions such as What will happen if you come to school late? What will happen if you break your favourite toy? Try to think of sentences which reflect Ss’ own experience.Write the most interesting answers on the Bb.Step3 PracticeWrite some more open “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask Ss to finish the sentences with their own ideas. Help Ss reformulate their ideas into correct sentences and write them on the BbStep3 Exercise1.Ask Ss to match the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner. Invite a more able student to read the sentences aloud for the rest of the class to check answers.2.For Part A2, Ask Ss to complete the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner. Check answers with the whole class.3.Ask Ss to complete “Work out the rule” at the bottom of page 61. Homework1. Learn the language points by heart.2.Do more exercise about this key point carefully.Period Six Grammar B【Aims and demands】1. To recognize and use adverbial clause of cause.2. To recognize and use “because of”【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1 Ask Ss to read through the rules and the sample sentences on their own.Then check understanding by asking them to think of other examples.2 Write several “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask more able Ss to complete them with their own ideas. Remind them to write about repeated and predictable situations instead of possible results.3 Explain the context of Part B1. Revise the words in the box.Step2 PresentationGiving reasons with “because”Xi Wang had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.Why did you go to Beijng Zoo ?Why didn't you take any food for animals?Why did you stay in the zoo for so much time ?Why must we protect wild animals ?Giving reasons with “because of”Main clause n./ pron. /phraseIt is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild because of many reasons.All the people cheered / the wonderful showLots of people know about the show/the ads.The dolphins were really tired/the performanceThe Some students couldn't go to the show/the examStep 3 PracticeRewire the following sentences according to the model Model: Why is the ground all wet? (flood)The ground was all wet because of the flood.1. Why is he so happy? (got an A for English)2. Why is she so sad? (lost her pen)3. Why is the baby crying? (hunger)4. Why didn’t you go to the show? (the maths exam)Step 4 CheckoutAsk Ss to read the report on their own to make sure that there are no unfamiliar words. Then Ss complete the sentences individually and compare them with a partner. Check answers with the whole class. Homework:1 Learn the language points by heart.2.Do more exercise about this key point carefully.3.Make up some sentences which contain “because” or “because of”Period Seven Integrated skills【Aims and demands】1. To identify specific characteristics, appearance, abilities, eating habits and danger in the context of animals.2. To identify vocabulary for describing animals.3.To infer general meaning from context and keywords.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionGet the students talk about some characteristics of tigers and wolves. (If they have any difficulties, they can say that in Chinese)Step2 presentation1. Invite students to talk about what they like about tigers and wolves.Brainstorm any information and general knowledge about the two animals.2 Ask Ss to study the two fact files in pairs. Check the meaning of some of the words.Step 3. Listening and answering1. Help Ss focus on the general context by asking general questions they may be able to answer while listening for the first time. Write them on the Bb:* What is the name of the largest living cat?* What is Millie’s favourite animal?2.Play the tape. Students listen carefully for keywords to answer the questions.3. Play the tape again and ask students to find out the missing facts in the fact sheets.Play the tape for the third time for Ss to check the answers.Step4: consolidation1. Ask Ss to read the letter in pairs and discuss any words they do not understand. Complete the letter without looking at the fact sheets on page 64. Then ask them to look at the fact sheets to check the answers and make corrections if necessary.2. Ask more able Ss to read aloud the letter.Step5 Presentation (Integrated skills B)1 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. Identify any words or phrases they do not know.2.Ask students to create their own conversation using information from the fact sheets.Step6 practiceGet the students to read the dialogue in pars. Then invite some pairs to act out.Step7SummeryLanguage pointsLive as a family, good at hunting other animals, make medicine, friendly towards each other, loss of living areas, make medicine from their bones, buy clothes made of animal fur, look lovely on me, lose one’s life, someone else,Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Pronunciation, Main task & Check out Part.Period eight pronunciation【Aims and demands】1. To identify intonation patterns in conditional sentences.2. To read the conditional sentences in correct Pronunciation. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionWrite the following sentences on the blackboard and invite the students to read them.1. If tigers are hungry, they will attack people.2. If giant panda have no food, they will die.3. If polar bear id hungry, it catches fish from the water.4. What do male wolves do if there is danger?Step2 Presentation1. Remind Ss of communicative purpose of conditional sentences.2. Play the recording for Part A and ask Ss to listen carefully. Ss imitating the rising and falling voice patterns.3. Ask students to read Simon’s presentation with correct the rising and falling voices.4. Ask students to read Millie’s presentation in Part B quietly on their own. Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen carefully and mark where Millie’s voice rises and falls with the co rrect arrows5. Tell students to read them again, and answer the ‘Wh-’questions. Students work in pairs.Step3 SummaryLanguage pointspeaceful animals, live in family groups, continue to build roads, have suitable homes,make new farmland, make a lot of money, sell elephants’ tusks, train them,Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Review the whole key points in this unit.Period nine Main Task【Aims and demands】1. To present factual information in a report2. To express opinions about animals in danger.3. To produce a particular text-type for an audience using a given model.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1. Invite students to talk about what they like about giant pandas.2. Brainstorm any information and general knowledge about the animals. Step2. Presentation1 Talk to Ss about the purpose of writing reports. Elicit from the different reports. Explain that in reports, we do not normally say ‘I feel…’or ‘I like…’ and do not include personal comments.2 Read the title of the report in Part A. Create an interest in the topic by asking what they have learnt about giant panda in this unit. Step3 SkimmingAsk students to skim through the report quickly and give each paragraph.Step4 exerciseGet Ss to complete Simon’s report in Part C on their own. Ask more able Ss to read it aloud to check the answers.Step5 SummarySome language pointsSpend a lot of time drinking their mums’ milk, at a time,get smaller and smaller,become farmlands,keep taking the land,what action can the club take?Sharp paws,walk uprightHomework1. Do more exercise about this key point carefully.2. Write a report for any wild animal you are familiar with.Period Ten Checkout【Aims and demands】1. To assess students’ ability to use conditional sentences.2. To revise vocabulary related to wild animals.3. To raise Ss awareness of categorizing nouns into different word families.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionHave a revision of the unit.Step2. Presentation1. Set a time limit for reading the sentences in Part A and for filling the blanks. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own.Step3. Practice1. Ask students to Proceed to Part B after completing Part A.2. Ss complete Part B on their own and then compare answers in pairs. Step 4 SummaryLanguage points (Checkout)climbing, what about playing football?, a friend like Alan, answer questions correctlyStep5.ExerciseGet the students to do some supplementary exercises.Step6 A quiz (See a test paper)Homework:1. Finish off the workbook.2. Prepare for the new lesson.。

精选教课教课设计设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教课设计[ 20–20学年度第__学期]任教课科: _____________任教年级: _____________任教老师: _____________xx市实验学校《牛津初中英》 8A Unit 4 Wild animalsComic strip& Welcome to the unit一、教课目1 认识内容,掌握要点及初步认识if 句型的用法2.熟习学更多相关野生物的二、教课重点学生表达物的爱好三、教课流程Step1 Comic stripHobo and Eddie have a new problem now. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1 What does Hobo want to do?2 Is Eddie willing to share his food?Language points:look delicioustalk to/with sblook after/ take care ofAsk students to pay attention to ‘ if ’ clausesStep2 VocabulariesAsk students to look at the pictures and learn new words about wild animals. bear dolphin giant panda kangaroo squirrel tigerStep3 Guessing gamesLet students paly a guessing gane to engage them.One student describes and th e other guess ‘ Whatanimal is it? ’Step 4 Make a surveyAsk stuents to work in pairs. Complete the survey form on P59Step5 DiscussionA:Which animal do you like best?B:I like ⋯⋯best.A:Why?B:Because they are ⋯ ...A:Which animal do you like least?B:I like ⋯⋯ least.A: Why?B:Because they are ⋯ ...Step 6 HomeworkRemember all the words about wild animals and try to describe them.《牛津初中英》 8A Unit 4 Wild animals Reading1 一教课目1.知目1.)知并运用本的四会。
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Unit 4 Wild animalsPeriod One Welcome to the unit【Aims and demands】1. Use correct vocabulary to describe animals2. Identify vocabulary for describing animals.3. Designing activities offer opportunities for students to consider. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some posters and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionRevise vocabulary for animals.Step 2.presentationIntroduce the new words in Part A, using some pictures or flashcards.Step3. exercise1. Get the students to complete Part A.2. Then check answers orally with the class.Step4. Discuss1. Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to do the survey in Part B12. Get the students to work in pairs and tell why they like or do not like the animals. Ask them to write down their ideas on their exercise books.Step5. A guessing gamePlay the computer and show the sentences to the students. Then ask them to guess what animal it is.Step6.ConsolidationSome language pointsLook delicious, If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you.,no one, in danger, a report on giant pandasHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2. Preview the Reading Part.Period Two Reading A【Aims and demands】1. To guess general meaning from context.2. To infer meaning from students’ own background and knowledge.3. To identify specific meaning by scanning the text.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some pictures and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionReview key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Step2 Presentation1 On the Bb, write the following list of sentences on the Bb:* Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda.Step2.presentation* Baby giant pandas are very small when they were born.* They grow very quickly.* Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old.* Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.2 Divide the class into three groups and allocate one part to each group. While students skimthe text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. Then go through the words students have underlined. Ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the Bb are true by identifying and listing key facts in the text.Step3 Practice & Discuss1. Ask the students to read the text after the recorder.2. Get the students to skim the text quickly on their own. Then divide the class in pairs and ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the board are true by identifying and listing the key facts in the text. Step4 ConsolidationGet the students do the exercise that is showed on the screen. Homework.1. Recite the text.2. Finish off the workbook exercise.Period Three Reading B、C、D&E【Aims and demands】1. Use correct vocabulary to describe animals2. Identify vocabulary for describing animals.3. Designing activities offer opportunities for students to consider. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some posters and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1. Ask students to retell something about giant pandas.2. Ask some general questions about the report in Part Reading.3. Have a dictation of the new words the students learned last class.Step2 Part BIn part B, students focus on specific meanings of words.Step3. Part CGet students do part C in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class. Step4 Part D1. Revise the words listed in the box in Part D.2. Ask students to complete Part D. Then ask some students to read the sentences aloud to check their choice of words.Step5 ConsolidationLanguage pointsKeep sb ./ sth. Safe from danger, large areas of land with trees,special areas for wild animals, stay aliveHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Vocabulary Part.Period Four Vocabulary【Aims and demands】1. To recognize the names of different animals.2.To consolidate the words that learnt.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】Some pictures and a tape recorder.【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1.Ask students to retell something about giant pandas.2.Ask some general questions about the report in P art Reading.3.Have a dictation of the new words ss learned yesterday.Step2 A guessing game1 Create an interest in animals. Try to extend the context by asking Ss if they would like to adopt an animal and, if they do, which one they would choose.e the task to check Ss’ knowledge of name of animals. Ask Ss to guess the names individually first and then compare with a partner.Step3 ReadingGet the students to read all the words under the pictures and ask them to give definitions.Step4 consolidationLanguage pointsPolar bear---North Pole, wolf----wolvesthe story of Xi Wang, only 10 days old, it means…, was born, weigh just 100 grams, at four months, for the first time, eight months later, not…any more, grow into, at the very beginning, up to 14 hours a day, bamboo shoots, have to look after herself, have another baby, It is adj. (for sb.) to do, some of the problems, kill it for its fur, nowhere to live, on their own, need help, in danger, take the following actions to do, protect giant pandas, make giant panda reserves bigger, encourage sb. to do, there will beHomework1. Learn the language points by heart.2. Do the exercise in the exercise book after class.3.Preview the Grammar Part.Period Five Grammar A【Aims and demands】1. To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about possible situation.2. To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about repeated andpredictable situation and events.3. To use conditional sentences in a report about conversation issues. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionGet the students to make some sentences with the phrases they learnt last class. Step2. Presentation (Grammar Part A)Try to elicit the conditional structure by asking questions such as What will happen if you come to school late? What will happen if you break your favourite toy? Try to think of sentences which reflect Ss’ own experience.Write the most interesting answers on the Bb.Step3 PracticeWrite some more open “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask Ss to finish the sentences with their own ideas. Help Ss reformulate their ideas into correct sentences and write them on the BbStep3 Exercise1.Ask Ss to match the sentences on their own and then compare answers witha partner. Invite a more able student to read the sentences aloud for the rest of the class to check answers.2.For Part A2, Ask Ss to complete the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner. Check answers with the whole class.3.Ask Ss to complete “Work out the rule” at the bottom of page 61. Homework1. Learn the language points by heart.2.Do more exercise about this key point carefully.Period Six Grammar B【Aims and demands】1. To recognize and use adverbial clause of cause.2. To recognize and use “because of”【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1 Ask Ss to read through the rules and the sample sentences on their own. Then check understanding by asking them to think of other examples.2 Write several “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask more able Ss to complete them with their own ideas. Remind them to write about repeated and predictable situations instead of possible results.3 Explain the context of Part B1. Revise the words in the box.Step2 PresentationGiving reasons with “because”Xi Wang had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.Why did you go to Beijng Zoo ?Why didn't you take any food for animals?Why did you stay in the zoo for so much time ?Why must we protect wild animals ?Giving reasons with “because of”Main clause n./ pron. /phraseIt is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild because of many reasons.All the people cheered / the wonderful showLots of people know about the show/the ads.The dolphins were really tired/the performanceThe Some students couldn't go to the show/the examStep 3 PracticeRewire the following sentences according to the modelModel: Why is the ground all wet? (flood)The ground was all wet because of the flood.1. Why is he so happy? (got an A for English)2. Why is she so sad? (lost her pen)3. Why is the baby crying? (hunger)4. Why didn’t you go to the show? (the maths exam)Step 4 CheckoutAsk Ss to read the report on their own to make sure that there are no unfamiliar words. Then Ss complete the sentences individually and compare them with a partner. Check answers with the whole class.Homework:1 Learn the language points by heart.2.Do more exercise about this key point carefully.3.Make up some sentences which contain “because” or “because of”Period Seven Integrated skills【Aims and demands】1. To identify specific characteristics, appearance, abilities, eating habitsand danger in the context of animals.2. To identify vocabulary for describing animals.3.To infer general meaning from context and keywords.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionGet the students talk about some characteristics of tigers and wolves. (If they have any difficulties, they can say that in Chinese)Step2 presentation1. Invite students to talk about what they like about tigers and wolves.Brainstorm any information and general knowledge about the two animals.2 Ask Ss to study the two fact files in pairs. Check the meaning of some ofthe words.Step 3. Listening and answering1. Help Ss focus on the general context by asking general questions they may be able to answer while listening for the first time. Write them on the Bb: * What is the name of the largest living cat?* What is Millie’s favourite animal?2.Play the tape. Students listen carefully for keywords to answer the questions.3. Play the tape again and ask students to find out the missing facts in the fact sheets.Play the tape for the third time for Ss to check the answers.Step4: consolidation1. Ask Ss to read the letter in pairs and discuss any words they do not understand.Complete the letter without looking at the fact sheets on page 64. Then ask them to look at the fact sheets to check the answers and make correctionsif necessary.2. Ask more able Ss to read aloud the letter.Step5 Presentation (Integrated skills B)1 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. Identify any words or phrases they do not know.2.Ask students to create their own conversation using information from the fact sheets.Step6 practiceGet the students to read the dialogue in pars. Then invite some pairs to act out.Step7SummeryLanguage pointsLive as a family, good at hunting other animals, make medicine, friendly towards each other, loss of living areas, make medicine from their bones, buy clothes made of animal fur, look lovely on me, lose one’s life, someone else, Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Pronunciation, Main task & Check out Part.Period eight pronunciation【Aims and demands】1. To identify intonation patterns in conditional sentences.2. To read the conditional sentences in correct Pronunciation.【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionWrite the following sentences on the blackboard and invite the students to read them.1. If tigers are hungry, they will attack people.2. If giant panda have no food, they will die.3. If polar bear id hungry, it catches fish from the water.4. What do male wolves do if there is danger?Step2 Presentation1. Remind Ss of communicative purpose of conditional sentences.2. Play the recording for Part A and ask Ss to listen carefully. Ss imitatingthe rising and falling voice patterns.3. Ask students to read Simon’s presentation with correct the rising and fallingvoices.4. Ask students to read Millie’s presentation in Part B quietly on their own.Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen carefully and mark where Millie’s voice rises and falls with the correct arrows5. Tell students to read them again, and answer the ‘Wh-’questions. Studentswork in pairs.Step3 SummaryLanguage pointspeaceful animals, live in family groups, continue to build roads, have suitable homes,make new farmland, make a lot of money, sell elephants’ tusks, train them, Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Review the whole key points in this unit.Period nine Main Task【Aims and demands】1. To present factual information in a report2. To express opinions about animals in danger.3. To produce a particular text-type for an audience using a given model. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.Revision1. Invite students to talk about what they like about giant pandas.2. Brainstorm any information and general knowledge about the animals. Step2. Presentation1 Talk to Ss about the purpose of writing reports. Elicit from the differentreports. Explain that in reports, we do not normally say ‘I feel…’ or ‘I like…’ and do not include personal comments.2 Read the title of the report in Part A. Create an interest in the topic byasking what they have learnt about giant panda in this unit.Step3 SkimmingAsk students to skim through the report quickly and give each paragraph. Step4 exerciseGet Ss to complete Simon’s report in Part C on their own. Ask more able Ss to read it aloud to check the answers.Step5 SummarySome language pointsSpend a lot of time drinking their mums’ milk, at a time,get smaller and smaller,become farmlands,keep taking the land,what action can the club take?Sharp paws,walk uprightHomework1. Do more exercise about this key point carefully.2. Write a report for any wild animal you are familiar with.Period Ten Checkout【Aims and demands】1. To assess students’ ability to use conditional sentences.2. To revise vocabulary related to wild animals.3. To raise Ss awareness of categorizing nouns into different word families. 【Teaching method】Task-based approach.【Teaching aids】A small blackboard & a computer【Teaching steps】Step1.RevisionHave a revision of the unit.Step2. Presentation1. Set a time limit for reading the sentences in Part A and for filling theblanks. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own.Step3. Practice1. Ask students to Proceed to Part B after completing Part A.2. Ss complete Part B on their own and then compare answers in pairs. Step 4 SummaryLanguage points (Checkout)climbing, what about playing football?, a friend like Alan, answer questions correctlyStep5.ExerciseGet the students to do some supplementary exercises.Step6 A quiz (See a test paper)Homework:1. Finish off the workbook.2. Prepare for the new lesson.。
《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals 教案

《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wildanimals 教案《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals 教案 Welunit一、教学目标1 了解对话内容,掌握重点词组及初步了解if句型的用法2. 熟悉学习更多有关野生动物的词语二、教学重难点学生讨论表达对动物的喜好三、教学流程Hobo and Eddie have a new problem now. Lape and answllowing quWhat does Hobo want to do?2 Is Eddie willing to shad?Languag:look delicioustalk to/with sblook after/ take caAsk studay a‘if’clau2 VocabulaAsk studlook aures and learn new words about wild animals.bear dolphin giant panda kangaroo squirrel tigGuessing gaLet students play a guessing gaudent describes andguess ‘What animal is it?’ake asurveyAsk stuwalurvPDiscuA: Which animal do you like best?B: I like ……bA: Why?B: Becauare …A: Which animal do you like least?B: I like…… leaA: Why?B: Becauare …HomewRemember all the words about wild animals anddescrib教后记:《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animalReading1 一教学目标1.知识目标1.)知识并运用本课时的四会单词。
【初中英语】Wild animals教案 译林牛津版

《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Grammar简要提示一、年级:八年级二、教学内容:8A Unit 4 Wild animals三、课型:Grammar四、教学目标1.知识目标1)学习并掌握‘if’引导的条件状语从句。
2)学习并掌握‘because’, ‘because of’ 的用法及区别。
2)能运用‘because’和‘because of’ 。
教学流程Grammar APart One Lead-inIn this unit, we learned a report about giant pandas. We know they are very lovely. But they are in danger. They may have many problems in the future.Do you remember ‘the story of Xi Wang’.Do you remember what problems they may have in the future?Yes. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.Please remember:If we do nothing, there will be no giant pandas in the world.We can also say:There will be no giant pandas in the world if we do nothing.Part Two learning for useStep 1 PresentationWe really need to do something to protect wild animals. Amy also knew a lot about wild animals. Now she is thinking about wild animals. What will Amy do if she sees a snake?Let’s use coditional sentences to talk about the possible result of a possible action.阿梅正在考虑有关野生动物的事情。
牛津初中英语8A Uint 4 Wild animals Reading(一)教学设计

牛津初中英语8A Uint 4 Wild animals Reading(一)教
1.情境主线策略在阅读教学中的运用r——以牛津初中英语8A Unit3 A day out(Reading)为例 [J], 薛菊萍
2.牛津初中英语8A Uint 4 Wild animals Reading(一)教学设计 [J], 郑凯
3.基于核心素养的初中英语阅读课教学设计策略——以牛津初中英语8A Unit4 Wild animals教学为例 [J], 袁莉
4.8A Unit4 Wild animals Checkout教学设计 [J], 张晓芳
5.8a Unit 5 Wild animals Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学设计 [J], 吴红

【初中英语】Wildanimals教案1译林牛津版《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Integrated skills简要提示一、年级:八年级二、教学内容:8A Unit 4 Wild animals三、课型:Integrated skills四、教学目标1.知识目标1)掌握并运用描写野生动物外貌、性格、能力、食物以及面临危险的词汇和句型。
教学流程Part One Pre-listening (用时:5分钟)Step 1 Revision (用时:2分钟)In this unit, we learned a lot about wild animals. 在这一单元中,我们学习了许多有关野生动物的知识。
Please look at this picture. We are very familiar with it. It’s a giant panda.. 请同学们看这张图片。
Please have a free talk about giant pandas. Try to say something about their appearance, ability, character, food and the danger they meet.Step 2 Presentation (用时:3分钟)Look at this picture. It’s a tiger. Do you know anything about tigers?Yes. They have black stripes. Hunters hunt them for their fur ans bones. Because they want to make medicine. (教学生词stripe, medicine)This is a wolf. 请同学们注意wolf的复数wolves。
八年级英语上册 Unit4 Wild Animals教案 牛津版

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牛津初中英语教学设计案牛津初中英语8A Uint 4 Wild animals第二课时Reading(一)教学设计设计的基本理念:根据新课标,培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。
3、教材重点、难点教材重点:(1)重点词语:the baby panda look like be borngrow into at the very beginning bamboo shootin the future cut down in dangertake the actions encourage sb. to do sth.(2)重点句型:We called her XiWangWhen XiWang was born, she weighed just 100 grams.XiWang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.(3)重点语法:if引导的条件状语从句教材难点:(1)讨论如何采取措施保护我们的生态环境?(2)给有关部门写一封信,呼吁全社会保护自然生态环境,爱护野生动物,全社会一起来抓好。
阅读设计思路:快读(Fast Reading)——精读(Intensive Reading)——操练(Practising)——巩固(Consolidation)。
四、教学过程:(Teaching Procedures)StepⅠWarming-upT: I’ve a wonderful song, would you like to share it with me ?(理念:课前播放一首欢快的英文歌曲,渲染课堂气氛,营造英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入角色)T: Boys and girls, shall we begin our class now? We know every one of us has many friends and we also have many animal friends. I think animals are usually very friendly to us , we should love them and protect them. If the animals live in the wild , we can call them wild animals. Now , look at the screen ,can you tell me what they are?(理念:用学生熟知的话题导入,能引起学生的共鸣,吸引学生主动参与,积极思索,学生纷纷举手说出了多媒体屏幕上展出的野生动物的名称)StepⅡ.Pre-readingT: Can you tell me which is your favourite wild animal?And can you tell me which is my favourite wild animal?(理念:学生说出了自己和老师所喜欢的野生动物名称,以及喜欢的原因,从而达到了人人动脑,积极表演,反复操练,复习以前所学过的动物名称,激起了学生的表现欲,活跃了课堂气氛)(学生在猜测老师所喜欢的野生动物的过程中,若有人提到了大熊猫,就将大熊猫的图片展示出来)T: Do you know why I like giant pandas best ? Because giant pandas are verylovely. They look like white mice when they were born. They look like bears when they grow up. They are friendly , too. They like eating bamboo leaves and shoots. They seldom eat meat or hurt other animals. But it’s a pity that there are not many giant pandas in the world . They’re in danger . Hunters catch them and kill them for their fur . And farmers cut down trees and forests. So they have nowhere to live. We should take actions to protect them.(理念:教师边讲,边显示出屏幕上的相关图片,并通过图片来进行单词、词组的教学,同时把这些词汇写在黑板上,带领学生朗读这些词汇)Ste pⅢ. While-readingT: Here is a story of Xi Wang, a very lovely giant panda. Would you like to read it with me? Now open your books, turn to P.60. Read it quickly and answer the following questions .1) What’s the story about?2)What will happen to giant pandas if we do nothing?(理念:用快速阅读来培养学生整体获取信息的能力)T: Now , listen to the tape and read after it and then answer the six questions on the screen . Then encourage the students to find the main ideas about this story.(理念:听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力,培养学生精读的能力,符合循序渐进的原理,在精读的同时,鼓励学生将文章分成三部分,写出每一段落的主要意思。
)T: Now Let’s find the main ideas together and put them on the blackboard.T: Look at the screen . Finish the table of “The growth of Xi Wang”. Catch more details about XiWang.Step Ⅳ Post-readingT: Now please read the passage together . Then finish the exercises on P. 61 Part B And Part C.T: Now , We’ve known the giant pandas very well , They are very lovely and we love them very much . But there are fewer and fewer pandas in the world . They’re in danger . Do you know why? Now, work in groups and find out “What problems can agiant panda meet in its life?”(理念:学生以小组为单位,讨论目前大熊猫濒临危及的原因以及采取的措施,充分体现新课程自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。
)Then ask some able students of each group to talk in front of the class. After it . finish the Note-making 2 on the screen.T: Discuss with your partners: What other problems will the giant pandas have? What actions can we take ?And can you have a face to face interview about pandas?(理念:通过教师教学方式的转变引导学生学习方式的转变,突出学生主体,让学生主动思维,发展修改,拓展视野,畅所欲言。