
花木兰英文故事介绍Hua Mulan is a legendary Chinese heroine whose story has been passed down through generations. The tale of Mulan has been adapted into various forms of media, including movies, books, and plays, making her a well-known figure both in China and around the world. The story of Mulan is set in ancient China during the Northern Wei dynasty. Mulan's story begins when the emperor issues a decree that one man from each family must join the army to defend the country against invading forces. Mulan's father, who is elderly and frail, is the only male in their family. In order to save her father from having to go to war, Mulan decides to disguise herself as a man and take his place in the army.Mulan cuts her hair, dons her father's armor, and sets off to join the army. Despite the challenges she faces as a woman in a male-dominated environment, Mulan proves herself to be a skilled warrior and gains the respect of her fellow soldiers. Throughout her time in the army, Mulan goes togreat lengths to keep her true identity hidden, even forming close bonds with her comrades without revealing her secret. Mulan's bravery and loyalty are put to the test when the army is called upon to face the enemy in battle. Despite the odds being against them, Mulan and her fellow soldiers fight valiantly to defend their country.Mulan's true identity is eventually discovered, but instead of facing punishment for her deception, she is praised for her courage and sacrifice. Mulan's story highlights themes of loyalty, courage, and filial piety, as she risks her life to protect her family and country. The story of Mulan has been celebrated for its portrayal of a strong, independent woman who defies gender norms and societal expectations to follow her own path. Mulan's character has inspired countless people around the world, and her story continues to be retold and reimagined in different ways.The legend of Mulan has been adapted into various forms of media, most notably Disney's animated film "Mulan," which was released in 1998. The Disney version of Mulanstays true to the core elements of the original story while adding its own magical twist. The film showcases Mulan as a determined and courageous young woman who defies tradition to protect her family and country. The character of Mulan has become a beloved figure in popular culture, with her story serving as a source of inspiration for many. In addition to the Disney film, Mulan's story has been retold in various books, plays, and television shows, eachoffering their own unique take on the legendary heroine.Mulan's story continues to resonate with audiences today, as her journey of self-discovery, bravery, and sacrifice transcends time and culture. The tale of Mulan serves as a reminder of the power of individual agency and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Mulan's legacy as a symbol of strength and resilience endures, making her a timeless icon of female empowerment and heroism. Through her actions and deeds, Mulan embodies the values of honor, integrity, and selflessness, making her a role model for people of all ages and backgrounds. The story of Mulan will continue to inspire and captivate audiences for generations to come, asher tale of courage and determination remains a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of the human heart.。

花木兰儿童英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,。
I am honored to stand here today to talk about the inspiring story of Mulan, the legendary Chinese heroine. Mulan is a character who has been admired and celebrated for centuries, and her story continues to resonate with people of all ages around the world.Mulan was a brave and courageous young woman who disguised herself as a man to take her father's place in the army. She did this out of love for her family and a strong sense of duty and honor. Mulan's story teaches us the importance of courage, determination, and sacrifice. She faced many challenges and obstacles, but she never gave up. Instead, she persevered and ultimately succeeded in her mission to protect her family and her country.One of the most important lessons we can learn from Mulan's story is the value of standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult or risky. Mulan defied traditional gender roles and societal expectations to do what she believed was the right thing. Her actions remind us that we should always follow our hearts and have the courage to pursue our dreams, no matter what others may think.Mulan's story also teaches us the importance of resilience and adaptability. She had to endure grueling training and face the dangers of war, all while maintaining her disguise and concealing her true identity. Despite the many challenges she faced, Mulan remained strong and focused, never losing sight of her goals. Her determination and resilience are qualities that we can all aspire to.Furthermore, Mulan's story highlights the power of love and the strength of family bonds. She was willing to risk her own life to protect her father and bring honor to her family. Her selflessness and devotion serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of cherishing and supporting our loved ones.In conclusion, Mulan's story is a timeless tale of bravery, sacrifice, and the triumph of the human spirit. Her example continues to inspire people of all ages, and her legacywill live on for generations to come. As we reflect on Mulan's remarkable journey, let us be inspired to embrace courage, stand up for what is right, and cherish the bonds of love and family. Thank you.。

TempleSຫໍສະໝຸດ atueThe Chinese movies
The America cartoon movies(1998)
xiè xiè!! 谢谢
As a famous Chinese heroine, her story spread across China, encouraged the latter women. If you love enough and have courage enough, you can accomplish anything, no matter how impossible it might seem.
The story of Hua Mulan
• 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,惟闻女叹息。问女何所思,问女何所忆。女 亦无所思,女亦无所忆。 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿 为市鞍马,从此替爷征。 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,不 闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头,不闻爷娘唤女声, 但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。将军百战死,壮士十年归。 归来见天子,天子坐明堂。策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎; 愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。 爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将;阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳(cháng),当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花 黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙:同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。 雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌? •
Mulan fought for many year. In all that time, no one knew that Mulan was a woman.
丽声经典故事屋第九级 Mulan花木兰 教学设计

Mulan 教学设计

介绍花木兰的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! I am honored to stand here today to deliver a speech about one of the most amazing and inspiring characters in Chinese folklore – Mulan.Mulan is a legendary figure who has been widely recognized and admired for her courage, patriotism, and exceptional talent. Her story has been told for centuries, cherished by people all over the world. Mulan embodies the values of fortitude, loyalty, and determination, making her a timeless symbol of empowerment.In ancient China, during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the country was invaded by the Northern tribes. In order to protect their homeland, the emperor issued a decree that every family must send one male from their house to join the army. Hua Mulan, a young girl, took the momentous decision to disguise herself as a man and take her aging father's place in the army.Mulan's decision was not only unprecedented but also potentially life-threatening. She faced numerous challenges: the harsh training, the constant danger on the battlefield, and the pressure of keeping her true identity hidden. However, Mulan persevered through all difficulties, displaying incredible strength and determination. Mulan's struggle was not only physical but also internal. She constantly questioned her own ability to live up to the expectations placed upon her. Yet, she ultimately overcame her self-doubt, proving to herself and others that a woman can be just as capableand brave as any man on the battlefield.The story of Mulan is not just about military prowess but also about the power of love and family. Mulan's love and devotion to her elderly father were the driving force behind her decision to take his place in the army. She risked her own life to protect him and honor her family. Mulan's actions remind us of the indomitable bond between family members and the sacrifices we are willing to make for them.Mulan's adventures and achievements were not without recognition. After years of brave service and winning decisive battles, Mulan was eventually honored and invited to meet the emperor. However, in a typical selfless gesture, Mulan declined the offer and instead requested to return home to her family.The story of Mulan has transcended time and culture, becoming an inspiration to people of all ages and nationalities. Her bravery, determination, and unwavering loyalty continue to strike a chord with individuals facing their own challenges. Mulan teaches us that gender should never be a determining factor of one's ability and that true heroes can be found in unexpected places.In conclusion, the tale of Mulan serves as a reminder that the qualities that define a hero are not limited to physical strength or gender. It is one's character, bravery, and willingness to sacrifice that truly make a difference. Mulan's story resonates with audiences worldwide, reminding us all of the importance of standing up for what we believe in and the power of self-belief.Thank you.。

花木兰电影解析-英文Instructor’s NameJune 5, 20The Adaption of ChineseTraditional Legend MuLanAbstractMuLan is a legend story from ancient China back to Bei Dynasty. The original story is telling a girl called Mu Lan, she disguised herself as a man to join the army on behalf of her sick and old father. As the legend is influential in history, there are lots of adaptions came to the market, and the most influential one is the classic movie from Walt Disney. This assay will be focus about the points of view which different from original legend and the movie. By the character Mu Lan, the adaption version changed the Chinese traditional woman future into a girl who is more western and vivid and she has more friends in movie than legend ; The movie also added the element of love with Li Xiang; Also, the description of war in detail has been added than original. The theme of the movie portrayed a girl who is self-fulfillment, chasing for freedom and love which the original legend did not tell this part. That is the reason Walt Disney’s culture background entitled this change.There are 3 parts of my essay :The exploration of the original legend and the adaption movie, what are the changed parts ; The analysis of why these adaption happened; My understanding of the adaption, which version I prefer and why.Part I The Chinese Legend Mu Lan & The Walt Disney Mu LanThe original legend story was wrote in ancient China. To say the background of that time, during the war, every family in her country need to contribute a male person to jointhe army. In Mu Lan’s family, there is only a man there, her father who is really sick and old. So the story starts :“jiji (the sound of loom), there is no sound of the loom but only heavily sigh from Mu Lan. Ask she what is she thinking, she said yesterday I saw the military conscription. There is no brothers in my family ,I have only a old father. I am willing to go instead of my father. Mu Lan bought all the things need and farewell to her parents, join the war until few years later, the military won the war, the king asked she what do HE want after the war, Mu Lan said she doesn't want any trasure, she want a horse and get back home. So she get back home as a girl eventually, which surprise all her friends because no one knows she is a girl.” This is a short and complete story of Mu Lan in original.The movie adapted lots of part as well as kept some parts of original. Here I will point out two parts in difference .First Adaption :The outline of Mu Lan. In the original legend, there are only 2 part of word described what Mu Lan looks like: at the beginning of the legend, “she sighed.” and she back home she took of she clothing and change it back to female dresses with flowers on her head.. You can tell Mu Lan is a traditional Chinese girl, weak and pretty—a sigh, isn't she soft and need protection? In the movie, Mu Lan talk loudly, laugh loudly. She is not a weak and soft girl in the movie. The movie starts the same point as the original, the motivation is the same : she joint the army on behalf of her father. But she is not a girl who suits her original living environment. She does not want to stay in her little valley for the rest of her life, she want to be some one who have her own life in hand. she also had a boyfriend which she loved instead of by arrangement. There is no love relationship mentioned in original legend; Third part is about the war description :in the legend, Mu Lan heard when she was in the war-she about the people are killing each other, she can not hear anything from her home, she is away from home. She was very brave because she was missing her home and she also behaved very good to be promoted as a big general and she is thanked by the king by her outstanding performance in the army; In the adaption version of movie, Mu Lan was encouraged by her boyfriend and she is a solider instead of a general by the war end. No king gave her any word by her outstanding behavior during the war. In all , Mu Lan is a soft and weak in heart girl in the original legend:She may not have her willing to control her destiny such as a love relationship but she works hard for gaining reputation and hoping to do something good for her parents. The Mu Lan in the movie is cute and alive, she is willing to control her life and she adores love and hope to be loved. She follows her heart instead of been obedience to her parents for the rest of her life.Second Adaption: The Core Storyline. The original legend is telling a story that a daughter tried to join the army on behalf of her father. The motivation of Mu Lan is to be a dutiful daughter to her father and nothing else matters.“If it not because of her father, Mu Lan herself doesn't have any motivation of join the army, in spite of try to be equal with men”. She is doing housework home and satisfy her life; During the time she was in army, she is always missing her parents; so all these can be said Mu Lan is a dutiful girl and she is not willing to take big challenge for fitful her own willings. That is why after the war, she doesn't want anything from the king, high titles , career, money, she just wants go home and doing her obligation. The movie is somehow different of why Mu Lan goes to army. Mu Lan was arranged by their parents to see someone and prepare for a arranged marriage which she doesn't like it at all. So her motivation is more aboutherself. She is girl full of self-fulfillment, so when the woman matchmaker complained about Mu Lan is not a bride who can honor her family, Mu Lan tried to look inside herself and find the value in her heart. Once there is a chance for her (her father need to join army by the call of duty) So the real motivation for Mu Lan, original is for her family duty, the adaption is for herself. When it comes to the war, Mu Lan was found she is a girl, she said she want to prove herself. Mu Lan here in adaption version is a girl with American Dream.Part II The analysis of the adaptionAssume that the background changed, if Mu Lan’s father is not requested to join the army, the adapted Mu Lan may also try to find other opportunities to prove herself. Help her father to join the army is just one of those opportunities: she used her dog to feed her chicken, write the “should be” on her arm when she arranged to see the matchmaker,she is not traditional Mu Lan. Disney used this feature to describe Mu Lan to cater to mainstream of US value : Individualism.This value is the opposite ofcollectivism.Individualism deem the person in society is independent. So everyone have their independent ideas, rights and freedom. So the personal value is the most important part than obligations.From the legend , the man priority is the mainstream value in traditional China but movie changed it.In the legend, Mu Lan is using the loom at home we can tell she is kind of girl who will not stand out her family and change the tradition. But the adaptionversion of Mu Lan , she is not obey what other people told her should to, she should be quiet when she was in the bride test, she said loudly “I am here.” When her father was sent to army, her traditional female mother said nothing at the house gate but crying. Mu Lan rushed out and drag her father’s hand and did not allow her to go.The reason caused these adaption is because the culture difference between Chinese and American. The value difference is the core. In China, the value of collectivism is the most important part in society, in long run of history, the agriculture is the economic base, so the collectivism could help people survive in the society, the unit is family. The family organization influent most the Chinese family, so do the duties to the parents is the most important part. The right of succession is by family blood, male to female, older to young, so this succession tradition influenced women’s position and the limit of people will be influenced by their economic position.To be different, the American was influenced by individualism. The American Dream saying that no matter your background, who you are, if you have a dream you should reach and grab it by yourself. This value is developed by Renaissance world view, the Declaration of Independence also mentioned that people are born fair, the rights are all equals to people. American people raise up their children by a individual person and respect their personality; their child who is over 18 years old should try to raise up themselves instead of living together; when you become adult , you don't have to share your money your parents. The original Mu Lan is try to praise Chinese traditions so do the adaption version, that is why the difference come.Part III My UnderstandingA tradition story and a movie are two symbols. Legend is using the words, so the audience will use their imagination to image their own version of hamlet. For Mu Lan, it is a short story, i.e. there are only 30 words to describe the detail of the war, but the movie put two more characters and used more than 10 mins to draw how a brave girl Mu Lan is. That is to say, movie has to be adapted.Personally I love more the adaption movie. I have to the the way with visual and real words will attract me more than ancient Chinese words. The description of Mu Lan, a lovely girl compare with the one from the legend, she is alive and I can really image who she is instead of legend Mu Lan because she is too control herself. The reason I think is because the value inside me is that I buy in American Dream instead of born duties. I think most of the audience who love this movie more than the legend is because of that. Walt Disney is selling this movie to mostly western countries so they must know the value in people’s minds which can create the sympathetic response to the audience which I think is smart. In all its a commercial company, they should know better of the market. That is why this movie achieved big success in box office till now, people can recall the detail easily. In all, the adaption is a successful adaption which attracts audience.Work Cited1)Zheng Wei, The banana Mu Lan—Adaption of Mu Lan in the movie, 《Chang AnLiterature》 20082)Brosten,G, Pers Soc Psychol Review, 2003;7(2):129-45. Individual Group andIndividual Interest.3)Ronald Inglehart , Daphna Oyserman , Ronald Inglehart , Daphna Oyserman,1999,INDIVIDUALISM, AUTONOMY AND SELF-EXPRESSION: THEHUMAN DEVELOPMENT SYNDROME。

花木兰英文演讲稿Title: The Legend of Mulan - A Story Beyond TimeLadies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,Today, I stand before you to share a tale that transcends time and borders, a narrative that has inspired generations with its message of courage, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. This is the story of Hua Mulan, a heroine whose name resonates through history not only in her native China but across the globe, thanks to her remarkable journey from an ordinary girl to a legendary warrior.In ancient China, during a period marked by constant warfare and upheaval, a young girl named Mulan lived with her aging father and two younger brothers in a small village. Despite being born into a family of scholars, where traditional gender roles dictated women to tend to household affairs while men pursued military glory, Mulan's heart yearned for something more. She was a skilled archer, horseback rider, and strategist, qualities that set her apart in a society that seldom recognized female valor on the battlefield.When the emperor issued a decree demanding one man from each household to serve in the army to defend their homeland against northern invaders, Mulan's world wasturned upside down. Her father, old and frail, volunteered despite his physical limitations, driven by a sense of duty and honor. Unable to bear the thought of losing her father, Mulan made the audacious decision to disguise herself as a man and take his place, risking not just her life but also her very identity.This act of bravery, though born out of love and necessity, set off a chain reaction of trials and tribulations. Mulan's journey was fraught with danger, deception, and self-discovery. On the battlefield, she proved herself to be not just equal but superior to many of her male counterparts, earning the respect and admiration of her comrades. Through guerrilla tactics, cunning strategies, and unwavering resolve, Mulan emerged victorious in countless battles, ultimately leading her troops to triumph over the enemy and securing peace for her country.But Mulan's greatest victory lay not in her martial prowess but in shattering societal norms and challenging the perception of what it meant to be a hero. Her story became a symbol of filial piety, self-sacrifice, and the belief that true strength lies within the heart and mind, regardless of one's gender or appearance. It was only after her true identity was revealed, following a visit from the emperor himself, that herfull impact on Chinese culture and beyond began to unfold.Today, Mulan's legacy endures through various adaptations in literature, film, and art, most famously Disney's animated film "Mulan," which introduced her story to a global audience. Yet, beneath these modern retellings lies a profound truth: Mulan represents the power of individuality, the importance of breaking free from constraints imposed by society, and the enduring human capacity for courage and compassion.In sharing Mulan's story, we are reminded that heroes come in all forms, often defying expectations and defying the odds. We are encouraged to look beyond the surface, recognizing that true strength is multifaceted and can manifest in acts of kindness, intelligence, and the willingness to fight for what is right, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.Ultimately, Hua Mulan's tale is a testament to the universal values of love, sacrifice, and perseverance, values that continue to inspire us to this day. As we navigate our own challenges and strive towards a future where equality and understanding prevail, let us remember the lessons of Mulan: that courage knows no gender, that greatness lies within us all,and that even in the darkest of times, a spark of light can ignite change.Thank you.。

花木兰替父从军演讲稿英文Ladies and gentlemen, 。
Today, I am honored to stand before you to share the inspiring story of Mulan, a legendary figure in Chinese history. Mulan, also known as Hua Mulan, is a courageous and determined young woman who disguised herself as a man to take her aging father's place in the army. Her selfless act of bravery and loyalty has been celebrated for centuries, and her story continues to inspire people around the world.Mulan's journey begins when the Emperor issues a decree that one man from each family must join the army to defend the country from invasion. Despite her father's frail health and inability to fight, Mulan decides to take his place to protect her family and honor. With unwavering determination, she cuts her hair, dons her father's armor, and sets off to join the army, leaving behind her worried mother and the comfort of her home.In the army, Mulan undergoes rigorous training and proves herself to be a skilled and dedicated soldier. She earns the respect and admiration of her fellow soldiers, all the while keeping her true identity a secret. Mulan's courage and resilience are put to the test as she faces the challenges of war and the burden of maintaining her disguise. Despite the hardships, Mulan remains steadfast in her commitment to serve her country and protect her family.Mulan's bravery and quick thinking ultimately lead to her victory in battle, earning her the admiration of her comrades and the recognition of the Emperor himself. Her selfless sacrifice and unwavering determination exemplify the true spirit of heroism and patriotism. Mulan's story is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that one individual can have on the world.As we reflect on the story of Mulan, let us be inspired by her courage, determination, and selflessness. Let us strive to emulate her unwavering commitment to honor, duty, and family. Mulan's legacy reminds us that the strength to overcome adversity lies withineach of us, and that our actions have the power to shape the world around us. Let us honor her memory by embodying the same spirit of bravery and selflessness in our own lives.In conclusion, Mulan's story is a timeless tale of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Her unwavering dedication to her family and her country serves as a powerful example for us all. Let us carry her legacy with us and strive to make a positive impact on the world, just as she did. Thank you.。

花木兰英语简介简短1.花木兰英文简介带翻译HuaMulanisaheroinewhotooktheplaceofherfatherandjoinedthearm y,describedinafamousChinesepoemknownastheBalladofMulan.Itis unknownwhetherthestoryhasanyfactualbasis.Thepoemwaswrittend uringtheNorthernWeidynasty,andfirstrecordedintheMusicalReco rdsofOldandNewfromSouthernandNorthernDynasties. AccordingthedescriptionoftheBalladofMulan,thekhanofNorthern dynastyorderedtorecruitforthearmytowardoffincursionsbytheRo urannomads.Herfatherneedtoperformobligation.Howere,herfatherissooldthathecouldnotbearsufferingfromthebi tterness,andshehasn'tanelderbrothertogoandfight.SoMulandeci dedtodisguisedherselfintoamantojointhearmyinsteadofherfathe r.Manyyearslater,thebattlewasover.Inviewofhermilitaryexploit, theKhanofNortherndynastyofferedMulanahighofficialposition,b utsheturneddownthepositiontoreturntoherfamily.Shemadeuphers elfaftercomingbackhome.Whenherformercomradesvisitedherathom e,theywereshockedtoseeherdressedasawoman. HuaMulanhasbeenhighlyrespectedasafilialdaughterbytheChinese peopleforhundredsofyears,eventhoughherstorymightbenomorethanalegend.In1998,herstorywasadaptedforananimatedcartooninaDi sneyamusementcenterintheUnitedStates,totheacclaimofallovert heworld.花木兰是中国著名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位代父从军的巾帼英雄,其真实性不详。

一、花木兰的人物品质1. 勇敢(Bravery)在《花木兰》故事中,花木兰为了替父从军,冒着千辛万苦,最终以女扮男装的身份投身军营。
2. 忠诚(Loyalty)花木兰对家庭和国家的忠诚感也是她的重要品质。
3. 智慧(Wisdom)在战场上,花木兰的智慧也得到了充分展现。
七年级英语Module 12 Hua Mulan外研社知识精讲

初一英语Module 12 Hua Mulan外研社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Module 12 Hua Mulan二. 教学重点1. 读懂全文,让学生从木兰身上认识一些优良传统2. 实意动词一般现在时态的陈述句be going to 结构3. 讲述一个完整的故事,评论一个历史事件三. 内容的讲解与分析1. One day ,a young Chinese girl named Hua Mulan hears that the emperor wants lots of young men to join the army.一天,一个叫花木兰的中国姑娘听说皇上要招募年轻男子去参军。
a young Chinese girl named Hua Mulan意为“一个叫花木兰的中国姑娘”,named Hua Mulan作后置定语,修饰a young Chinese girl. named 还可以用called 代替。
或with the name of 代替。
如:Do you know the boy named /called /with the name of Tom ?你认识那个叫汤姆的小男孩吗?2. After travelling for many weeks, Hua Mulan finally reaches the army.走了许多个星期之后,木兰终于到了军营。
arrive at/in, get to 与其同义。
如:The train reaches / arrives in /gets to Beijing at 2:00 .火车在两点到达。
3. She takes off her soldier’s clothes.她脱下她的士兵服。
take off是一个“动词+副词”型的短语,意为脱下,摘下。
其反义词是put on 意为穿上,戴上。

花木兰简介篇一Mulan (412 years - 502 years), the story of Mulan spread so far, the ancient Chinese heroes, loyalty filial piety, on behalf of the father defeated the invasion of the nation and spread through the ages, the Tang Dynasty emperor chase as Xiaolie general.Mulan story of the spread, should be attributed to the Mulan this folk song, but Mulan#39;s surname, place of origin, history books are not sure.Mulan is a variety of literary and artistic works by the performance of the film, drama, opera and opera.花木兰历史背景篇二During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the northern nomadic people Rouran family continue to harass the south, the Northern Wei regime provides for a man on the front line. But Mulan#39;s father is old and frail and sick, can not go to the battlefield, the younger brother is still young, so, Mulan decided to father for the army, from the beginning of her more than ten years of military life. To go to the border to fight, for many men are hard things, and Mulan both to conceal the identity, but also with the partners to fight the enemy, which is more difficult than the general people of the army! Fortunately, Mulan eventually completed Own mission, in a few decades after the triumphant home. The emperor because of her meritorious, pardoned the crime of bullying, and that she has the ability to serve in the court, served as an official half-time.However, Mulan because the father needs to take care of the refusal, ask the emperor to let himself back Township, to compensate and honor their parents.For thousands of years, Mulan has been a respect for the Chinese women, because she is brave and simple. In 1998, the United States Disney company will Mulan story adapted into a cartoon, by the world#39;s welcome.Mulan poetry was included in the middle school textbooks, was tens of thousands of people chanting generations. Mulan deeds and the image was put on the stage, lingering. Her spirit inspired thousands of Chinese children to defend the country, can be weeping.Historical controversyMulan#39;s surname, place of origin, etc., history books are not sure, therefore, Magnolia dispute on behalf of the past. Where is her hometown in history?Xu Peng in 1962 published in the 97th issue of Chinese space selection in the article Mulan pointed out: on the Mulan#39;s surname and place of origin ... ... Some people say that she is Qiaojun people, some people say that she is Songzhou people, Some people say she is Huangzhou people, some people say she is Shangqiu people.Sui Gong Emperor Yi Ning years, the Turkic side, Mulan disguised as men, on behalf of the father, the battle of the battlefield twelve, repeatedly built meritorious service, no one found that she is a woman, back to the post, the seal for the book. Tang Dynasty chase as general Xiaolie, set the temple to commemorate.Magnolia Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty Taihe years (AD 1201 - 1208), Dun Wu Wei Wei Guodu Guoli County camp Guozhen wine are supervised Wulin Aso and then rebuilt the hall, Between, and created a magnolia like flowers. To the Yuan Dynasty two years (AD 一叁34), the monument existing Magnolia Temple Hall. Suiyang government Yin Liang thinking of the initiative, fund-raising 2,500 well, rebuilt expansion. Qing Jiaqing eleven years (AD 1807), the monument existing Magnolia Temple Hall, by the temple monk Kennedy, Kennedy Branch and its deity field, Tian Zhen, Tian Song, etc., and fundraising repair temple monument. As the ancient rebuild, Temple Yu covers an area of 10,000 square meters, the temple of more than four hundred acres, living monks more than ten people.Unfortunately, this ancient temple, destroyed in 1943 war. Surviving temple monument two pass. First, the Yuan Dynasty, filial piety general like mind monument, standing in the temple on the eastern side of the door. Monument for the bluestone, through the high 3.6 meters, 1 meter wide, the monument is both before and after the deep relief of the two dragon clouds in the play beads, symmetrical layout, generous shape. Zhuanzhang title filial piety general hall like to distinguish in mind, monument engraved on both sides of the pattern, the top with exaggerated wave temperature of the way, engraved with two dragon opera beads, leading large and realistic, dragon Jane Jane and small, into the clouds, vivid and wonderful The Both sides of the carved peony pattern, lively and lively lines, simple and impressive. Inscription is 31 lines, full 68 words, the book fine, vigorous and vigorous. Turtle seat high 0.7 meters, turtle-shaped straight tail, limbs half song, seems like lying, lifelike. Inscription under the paragraph: Yuan Dynasty Yuan two years, ancestral home to Germany Tang De Li stone, Hou made the author, Caozhou Li Kejun, Li Ying carved stone. This monument by the expert identification, is indeed the real thing of the Yuan Dynasty stone. In 1982, by the provincial bureau funding, but also rebuilt the monument, the top for the car, steeple spine, the tile angle, 一⑦ layer eaves, front and rear garden door, simple and elegant, monument built around the wall. Another pass is the Qing Dynasty, Xiaolie general identification of the name of mind monument, stand in the temple outside the door on the west side. Height 2.14 meters, width 0.78 meters, square seat, monument engraved with deep relief Panlong, seal character title, inscription is the book, return to the government Shangqiu County Xiang Sheng Meng Yuqing author, owned by the government Shangqiu County students Meng Yuhe book Dan, Work Zhang holding jade carving stone. In 1993, Yucheng County held the first session of China Mulan Culture Festival. China#39;s famous historian gathered in Shangqiu, together with the analysis of the Mulan speech content and the remaining records of the monument. Agreed that the hometown of Mulan in Yucheng, has been conclusive no doubt.Historical recordsYuan Hou Hou made filial piety General Temple as a symbol of the monument on the text is still clearly visible.Filial piety General Temple as a symbol of stone, inscriptions with Mulan full poem. The inscription began to say: General Wei, the son of the name of Mulan ... ... Suiyang territory south, east of eighty miles said the profile, that is, the ancient Bo domain, filial piety of the ruins also. To be on April 8 to worship, is the military students. According to Shangqiu County, the eleven records: Mulan surnamed Wei, the son of the child. Khan Khan recruiting, Magnolia#39;s father to win, brother and sister All over the ages, read the eight war, people Mo know the. After the Kay also, the emperor Jia Qi Gong. In addition to the book is not subject, the performance of the song And the proprietress, and the maids, and their servants, and their servants. In accordance with the Shangqiu County Zhili female Volume 11 records: Mulan Wei name, the child also. Khan Khan recruiting, Magnolia#39;s father to win, brother and sister are Juzhi stay. Generous on behalf of the line, take armor arrows. Jumping horse and go, over the years, read the eight war, people Mo know. After the Kay also, the emperor Jia its power. In addition to the book is not subject, Its gifted clothes, the clothes of the old Sang. Peer who hack, then the matter in the DPRK.Magnolia TempleRecall to Que, want to accommodate the palace. Mulan said: #39;Chen no comparable to the ceremony#39; to swear to swear, forcing from, then commit suicide. The emperor know the truth and then want to call her into the harem, but Mulan Ning death from suicide Death, the emperor was shocked, so the pursuit of Mulan generals title. Henan Yucheng still built Magnolia Temple, Temple in the Mulan like, and survived two temple monument, one is the Yuan Dynasty, filial piety, , The second is the Qing Dynasty, filial piety general name correct mind monument, the local folklore and songs also left the story of Mulan army.Sui Dynasty, China appeared a woman disguised as a heroine hero, which is well-known Mulan. Descendants in order to sacrifice her, in its hometown Yucheng County camp Guo town built Mulan Temple. The temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, and after repeated rebuilding expansion. To the Qing Dynasty, an area of more than 10,000 square meters. The original temple has the door, the hall, offering the temple, after the building and the room, monks living room and so on more than one hundred rooms. Inside and outside the wall, planted with tall Tanghuai cypress. Gate aisle, there are statues of the magnolia of the magnolia, according to the statue of flowers Mulan family. There are more than ten generations of celebrities inside and outside the ancestral hall, officials praise the Mulan poetry, calligraphy and painting inscriptions. Tang Dynasty famous poet Du Muhua poem: bow bow for men, the dream had with the thrush. A few days to return to the wine, whisk clouds on the blessing. Qing Dynasty Zhaqi Chang poem reads: Pa bow bow out of the post, roll Zhang camp Guo mind monument. Girl left the flower name, the age of spring breeze was blowing.The original temple destroyed in 1943 war. Now stone two pass. First, the Yuan Dynasty filial piety general temple as proof monument, standing in the temple on the eastern side of the door, 3.6 meters high, wide l meter, in 1982 and rebuilt the monument, the top for the car, steeple, Pick angle, seventeen layers of eaves, front and rear garden door, simple and elegant. First, the Qing Dynasty, filial piety general hall of the fame of the name of the name monument, stand in the temple on the west side of the door, 2.14 meters high, 0.78 meters wide, monument Square team two monument is the main content of the examination of the era of magnanimous, home , Deeds and Magnolia Temple, Magnolia and so on.According to the inscription, return to the government and the Tang Dynasty since the literature analysis, Mulan no surname flowers, but surnamed Wei, named Mulan, was born in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, died in the Sui Dynasty. Hometown in Yucheng Camp Guo North Wei Zhuang (this waste). Northern Zhou Dynasty can be raised soldiers, this is the Mulan father was levy, but he was frail, difficult to apply. And the only one can replace his magnolia brother and young. Helpless, Mulan disguised as men, on behalf of the father from the army. Battle of the battlefield for twelve years, repeated legislation exploits. Since the border back, the Northern Zhou Dynasty has died, met with the Sui Dynasty Emperor. The emperor sealed her for the book, she refused to grant. After returning home, take off the military uniform, put on old clothes, and now the daughter really face. After the court heard the smell, call her people Beijing, want to accept her as Princess, Magnolia to death refused.According to today#39;s people still have research and development, spread through the ages, well-known Mulan poetry, the Department of Mulan according to their own experience written. Tang Dynasty Mulan for the generals, posthumous filial piety, and in its former residence to commemorate the temple.Burial groundMulan Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, Kim Tae-tai years (1201 years - 1208 years), Dun Wu Wei Wei to the government (now Valley County (now Shangqiu City Yucheng County) camp Guozhen wine supervision Wulin (一叁34), Suiyang government Yin Liang Siwen initiative, fund-raising two thousand five hundred, rebuilt expansion. Qing Jiaqing. Eleven years (1807 years), by the temple monk Kennedy, Kennedy Branch and its field of deed, Tian Zhen, Tian Song, etc., and fund-raising repair temple monument.As the restoration of the past, Temple Yu covers an area of 10,000 square Meters, temple to more than four hundred acres, more than ten people living monks.。

英语讲述中国故事花木兰There is a famous Chinese story about a brave young woman named Hua Mulan. The story has been passed down through generations and has been adapted into various forms of media, including movies and television shows. It tells the tale of a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to take her father's place in the army during a time when all men were required to serve.Mulan's story begins when the emperor issues a decree that one man from each family must join the army to defend the country from invasion. Mulan's father, being elderly and frail, is the only male in their family, so she decides to take his place in order to spare him from the dangers of war. She cuts her hair, dons her father's armor, and sets off to join the military.In the army, Mulan proves herself to be a skilled and courageous warrior. She earns the respect of her fellow soldiers and her superiors, all the while keeping her true identity a secret. Throughout her time in the army, she faces many challenges and dangers, but she never wavers inher determination to serve her country and protect her family.Eventually, Mulan's true identity is revealed, and she is hailed as a hero for her bravery and sacrifice. She is honored by the emperor and is offered a high-ranking position in the military, but she declines, choosing to return home to her family instead.The story of Hua Mulan is a timeless tale of courage, sacrifice, and honor. It has inspired countless people throughout the centuries and continues to be a symbol of female empowerment and resilience.花木兰是中国古代著名的女英雄,她勇敢地代替父亲参军征战,以保家卫国。

Mulan is a brave and tenacious female warrior in Chinese history. She disguised herself as a man and went to the front to fight in the place of her father. With her outstanding military skills, she gradually became a heroic figure in the eyes of her comrades. Finally, after the war, she was praised and rewarded by the emperor for her outstanding contributions to the country. She has become an iconic figure in Chinese history and is respected and admired by the people.

英语花木兰阅读教学设计Part 1: IntroductionIn this section, we will introduce the theme of the English reading lesson based on the story of "Hua Mulan," a legendary Chinese female warrior. The reading lesson aims to promote students' reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.Part 2: Warm-up ActivityBefore diving into the story, it is important to engage students and activate their prior knowledge. In this section, we will introduce a warm-up activity where students will brainstorm words associated with bravery, courage, and gender roles. This activity will help students connect their prior knowledge with the theme of the story.Part 3: Pre-reading ActivityTo prepare students for the reading, we will design a pre-reading activity that focuses on predicting the content of the story. Students will be given a set of pictures related to Hua Mulan, and they will work in pairs or small groups to discuss and predict what they think the story will be about. This activity encourages students to make educated guesses and piques their interest in the upcoming reading.Part 4: Reading ComprehensionIn this section, we will provide the actual reading text of Hua Mulan in English. The text will be divided into smaller sections, allowing students to read and comprehend the story in manageable portions. Alongside the text,we will include questions and exercises that assess students' understandingof the story. The questions will cover different levels of comprehension, from literal to inferential, encouraging students to think critically and analyze the text.Part 5: Vocabulary ExpansionExpanding students' vocabulary is an essential part of any reading lesson. In this section, we will introduce a vocabulary expansion activity where students will identify and define key words from the story. They will use context clues and the text itself to infer the meanings of unfamiliar words. This activity will enhance students' word recognition and aid in their overall understanding of the story.Part 6: Post-reading Discussion and AnalysisAfter completing the reading comprehension and vocabulary expansion activities, students will engage in a post-reading discussion and analysis. In this section, they will reflect on the themes and messages conveyed in the story of Hua Mulan. Students will share their interpretations, discuss the cultural significance of the story, and make connections to their own lives. This discussion promotes critical thinking, cultural awareness, and language development.Part 7: Extension ActivitiesTo further consolidate students' understanding and provide opportunities for creativity, extension activities will be introduced at the end of the lesson. These activities may include writing a brief summary of the story, creating a dialogue between two characters, or even role-playing scenes from the story.The extension activities aim to foster students' language production skills and encourage them to apply what they have learned.Part 8: ConclusionIn this final section, we will summarize the key points of the English reading lesson on Hua Mulan. The lesson plan incorporates various activities and strategies that cater to different learning styles and promote active student participation. By exploring the story, engaging in discussions, and completing extension activities, students will enhance their reading comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking, and language production skills.*Note: The above format is a suggestion for structuring the teaching design for English reading based on the story of Hua Mulan. The actual content and details can be adjusted according to specific teaching objectives and students' proficiency levels.。

与教 第 六
反学 章 馈评
学生对花木兰故事 的理解程度
学生英语阅读能力 的提升情况
学生对于英语学习 的兴趣和积极性
学生对于教学设计 的反馈和建议
反思教学目标: 是否达到预期 的教学效果, 是否符合课程 要求和学生实 际需求
反思教学内容: 是否合理安排了 知识点和技能训 练,是否符合学 生认知规律和学
教第 五
学 过 程
教学目标:明确本节课的教学 目标和重点难点,引导学生了 解学习内容。
复习旧知:通过提问或小测验 的方式,复习已学过的与本节
背景介绍:简要介绍花木兰的 故事和文化背景,引起学生的 兴趣。
引入新课:通过引导学生思考 或创设情境,自然地引入新课
学生能够通过阅读实践,提高阅读 速度和理解能力
学生能够通过阅读,培养英语阅读 的兴趣和习惯
教第 三
学 内 容
故事背景:花木兰 代父从军的古代中 国背景
人物特点:花木兰 的勇敢、聪明和忠 诚
主题思想:强调个 人价值和平等,反 对性别歧视
语言特点:英语表 达的准确性和生动 性

英语版中国故事简短花木兰Title: The Brief Tale of Hua Mulan: A Chinese Story in EnglishIntroduction:From ancient China comes the inspiring tale of Hua Mulan, a story of courage, filial piety, and gender equality.In this brief retelling, we delve into the life of a young woman who defied societal norms and became a legendary warrior to protect her aging father and family honor.The Brief Tale of Hua Mulan:In the northern part of ancient China, there lived a young woman named Hua Mulan.She was the eldest daughter of an aging warrior, Hua Hu, who had fought valiantly in previous battles but was now too old and frail to take up arms again.When the emperor called for soldiers to defend the nation against invading forces, Mulan knew her father would not survive the ordeal.With a heavy heart, she made a daring decision.Disguised as a man, Mulan embarked on a perilous journey to take her father"s place in the army.She traded her silk robes for armor and her makeup for a sword.Her family was unaware of her intentions until she had already left, leaving behind a poem for her parents, expressing her love and determination to bring honor to the family name.For over a decade, Mulan fought alongside her fellow soldiers, hertrue identity hidden from all.She endured the harsh realities of war, displaying unwavering bravery and skill in combat.Through her determination and resilience, she ascended the ranks, earning the respect and admiration of her comrades.The final battle against the invaders was fierce and challenging, but Mulan"s strategic acumen and valiant efforts led her army to victory.Her courage and loyalty did not go unnoticed, and when the war ended, the emperor offered her a position in the imperial court.However, Mulan declined the offer, choosing instead to return to her family.Upon her return, Mulan"s family and village welcomed her with open arms, astonished by her extraordinary deeds.Her father, filled with pride, stated that his daughter had brought more honor to the family than any son could have.The tale of Hua Mulan serves as a reminder of the strength and capabilities of women, challenging traditional gender roles and celebrating the power of courage and love.Her story has transcended time and continues to inspire people around the world, reminding us that heroes come in many forms.Conclusion:The brief tale of Hua Mulan showcases the depth of Chinese culture and the timeless power of a woman"s determination.Her story remains a shining example of selflessness, bravery, and the pursuit of equality,making her a legendary figure in Chinese history and beyond.。

花木兰电影解析-英文————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2Instructor’s NameOctober 17, 19The Adaption of ChineseTraditional Legend MuLanGEOLOGY 101 REPORT 3AbstractMuLan is a legend story from ancient China back to Bei Dynasty. The originalstory is telling a girl called Mu Lan, she disguised herself as a man to join the army onbehalf of her sick and old father. As the legend is influential in history, there are lots of adaptions came to the market, and the most influential one is the classic movie from Walt Disney.This assay will be focus about the points of view which different from originallegend and the movie. By the character Mu Lan, the adaption version changed theChinese traditional woman future into a girl who is more western and vivid and she hasmore friends in movie than legend ; The movie also added the element of love with LiXiang; Also, the description of war in detail has been added than original. The theme ofthe movie portrayed a girl who is self-fulfillment, chasing for freedom and love which the original legend did not tell this part. That is the reason Walt Disney’s culture background entitled this change.There are 3 parts of my essay :The exploration of the original legend and theadaption movie, what are the changed parts ; The analysis of why these adaptionhappened; My understanding of the adaption, which version I prefer and why.Part I The Chinese Legend Mu Lan & The Walt Disney Mu LanGEOLOGY 101 REPORT 4The original legend story was wrote in ancient China. To say the background ofthat time, during the war, every family in her country need to contribute a male person tojoin the army. In Mu Lan’s family, there is only a man there, her father who is really sickand old. So the story starts :“jiji (the sound of loom), there is no sound of the loom butonly heavily sigh from Mu Lan. Ask she what is she thinking, she said yesterday I sawthe military conscription. There is no brothers in my family ,I have only a old father. I am willing to go instead of my father. Mu Lan bought all the things need and farewell to her parents, join the war until few years later, the military won the war, the king asked shewhat do HE want after the war, Mu Lan said she doesn't want any trasure, she want ahorse and get back home. So she get back home as a girl eventually, which surprise allher friends because no one knows she is a girl.” This is a short and complete story of MuLan in original.The movie adapted lots of part as well as kept some parts of original. Here I will pointout two parts in difference .First Adaption :The outline of Mu Lan. In the original legend, there are only 2part of word described what Mu Lan looks like: at the beginning of the legend, “she sighed.” and she back home she took of she clothing and change it back to femaledresses with flowers on her head.. You can tell Mu Lan is a traditional Chinese girl, weakand pretty— a sigh, isn't she soft and need protection? In the movie, Mu Lan talk loudly,laugh loudly. She is not a weak and soft girl in the movie. The movie starts the samepoint as the original, the motivation is the same : she joint the army on behalf of herfather. But she is not a girl who suits her original living environment. She does notwant to stay in her little valley for the rest of her life, she want to be some one who have GEOLOGY 101 REPORT 5her own life in hand. she also had a boyfriend which she loved instead of by arrangement. There is no love relationship mentioned in original legend; Third part is about the war description : in the legend, Mu Lan heard when she was in the war-she about the peopleare killing each other, she can not hear anything from her home, she is away from home.She was very brave because she was missing her home and she also behaved very good tobe promoted as a big general and she is thanked by the king by her outstandingperformance in the army; In the adaption version of movie, Mu Lan was encouraged byher boyfriend and she is a solider instead of a general by the war end. No king gave herany word by her outstanding behavior during the war. In all , Mu Lan is a soft and weakin heart girl in the original legend:She may not have her willing to control her destinysuch as a love relationship but she works hard for gaining reputation and hoping to do something good for her parents. The Mu Lan in the movie is cute and alive, she is willingto control her life and she adores love and hope to be loved. She follows her heart insteadof been obedience to her parents for the rest of her life.Second Adaption: The Core Storyline. The original legend is telling a story that a daughter tried to join the army on behalf of her father. The motivation of Mu Lan is to bea dutiful daughter to her father and nothing else matters.“If it not because of her father,Mu Lan herself doesn't have any motivation of join the army, in spite of try to be equalwith men”. She is doing housework home and satisfy her life; During the time she was in army, she is always missing her parents; so all these can be said Mu Lan is a dutiful girland she is not willing to take big challenge for fitful her own willings. That is why afterthe war, she doesn't want anything from the king, high titles , career, money, she justwants go home and doing her obligation. The movie is somehow different of why Mu GEOLOGY 101 REPORT 6Lan goes to army. Mu Lan was arranged by their parents to see someone and prepare fora arranged marriage which she doesn't like it at all. So her motivation is more aboutherself. She is girl full of self-fulfillment, so when the woman matchmaker complainedabout Mu Lan is not a bride who can honor her family, Mu Lan tried to look insideherself and find the value in her heart. Once there is a chance for her (her father need tojoin army by the call of duty) So the real motivation for Mu Lan, original is for herfamily duty, the adaption is for herself. When it comes to the war, Mu Lan was found sheis a girl, she said she want to prove herself. Mu Lan here in adaption version is a girl with American Dream.Part II The analysis of the adaptionAssume that the background changed, if Mu Lan’s father is not requested to jointhe army, the adapted Mu Lan may also try to find other opportunities to prove herself.Help her father to join the army is just one of those opportunities: she used her dog tofeed her chicken, write the “should be” on her arm when she arranged to see the matchmaker,she is not traditional Mu Lan. Disney used this feature to describe Mu Lan tocater to mainstream of US value : Individualism.This value is the opposite ofcollectivism.Individualism deem the person in society is independent. So everyone havetheir independent ideas, rights and freedom. So the personal value is the most importantpart than obligations.GEOLOGY 101 REPORT 7From the legend , the man priority is the mainstream value in traditional China butmovie changed it.In the legend, Mu Lan is using the loom at home we can tell she is kindof girl who will not stand out her family and change the tradition. But the adaptionversion of Mu Lan , she is not obey what other people told her should to, she should bequiet when she was in the bride test, she said loudly “I am here.” When her father wassent to army, her traditional female mother said nothing at the house gate but crying. MuLan rushed out and drag her father’s hand and did not allow her to go.The reason caused these adaption is because the culture difference betweenChinese and American. The value difference is the core. In China, the value ofcollectivism is the most important part in society, in long run of history, the agriculture isthe economic base, so the collectivism could help people survive in the society, the unit is family. The family organization influent most the Chinese family, so do the duties to the parents is the most important part. The right of succession is by family blood, male to female, older to young, so this succession tradition influenced women’s position and thelimit of people will be influenced by their economic position.To be different, the American was influenced by individualism. The American Dreamsaying that no matter your background, who you are, if you have a dream you shouldreach and grab it by yourself. This value is developed by Renaissance world view, the Declaration of Independence also mentioned that people are born fair, the rights are all equals to people. American people raise up their children by a individual person andrespect their personality; their child who is over 18 years old should try to raise up themselves instead of living together; when you become adult , you don't have to shareGEOLOGY 101 REPORT 8your money your parents. The original Mu Lan is try to praise Chinese traditions so dothe adaption version, that is why the difference come.Part III My UnderstandingA tradition story and a movie are two symbols. Legend is using the words, so theaudience will use their imagination to image their own version of hamlet. For Mu Lan, itis a short story, i.e. there are only 30 words to describe the detail of the war, but themovie put two more characters and used more than 10 mins to draw how a brave girl MuLan is. That is to say, movie has to be adapted.Personally I love more the adaption movie. I have to the the way with visual and realwords will attract me more than ancient Chinese words. The description of Mu Lan, alovely girl compare with the one from the legend, she is alive and I can really image whoshe is instead of legend Mu Lan because she is too control herself. The reason I think is because the value inside me is that I buy in American Dream instead of born duties. Ithink most of the audience who love this movie more than the legend is because of that.Walt Disney is selling this movie to mostly western countries so they must know thevalue in people’s minds which can create the sympathetic response to the audience whichI think is smart. In all its a commercial company, they should know better of the market.That is why this movie achieved big success in box office till now, people can recall thedetail easily. In all, the adaption is a successful adaption which attracts audience.GEOLOGY 101 REPORT 9Work Cited1)Zheng Wei, The banana Mu Lan—Adaption of Mu Lan in the movie, 《Chang AnLiterature》20082)Brosten,G, Pers Soc Psychol Review, 2003;7(2):129-45. Individual Group andIndividual Interest.3)Ronald Inglehart , Daphna Oyserman , Ronald Inglehart , Daphna Oyserman,1999,INDIVIDUALISM, AUTONOMY AND SELF-EXPRESSION: THEHUMAN DEVELOPMENT SYNDROMEGEOLOGY 101 REPORT 10。

1.MuLANHello,everyone,today I want to talk the story is Mulan2.Once upon a time, a baby girl named Hua Mulan was born in a village .She was a lovely girl.Her father was a retired general who was famous in the army. He taught her how to use a sword and ride a horse.从前,一个叫花木兰的小女孩出生在一个村子里,她是一个可爱的女孩。
3.One day, the military posted scrolls in the village The scroll announced thateach family had to send one man to the army.Mulan’s father was too old to fight, but too honorable not to go . Mulan had no older brother to send in that place. Her baby brother was brave and strong but much too young to be selected.一天,军队在村子里张贴了一些卷轴。
4.Girls did not allow to fight in wars. lf only she were a boy, Mulan thought to herself. An idea grew in Mulan's mind. Could she do it? She had to. Mulan knew her father would die if he went to war again.That day, she boughta horseand dressed up as a man.she was enrolled instead of her father.女孩不允许参加战争。
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Mulan knew her father would die if he went to war again.
That day, she bought a horse.
The next morning, Mulan stole her father’s armor and crept silently from home.
When the war ended, Mulan was called before the emperor to receive an award for her courage. The emperor offered Mulan a job that would make her rich. But Mulan wished to return to her family. She asked for a good horse instead, a request that was granted immediately.
• 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。将军百战死,壮士十年归。
• 归来见天子,天子坐明堂。策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎; 愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。
• 爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将;阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳(cháng),当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花 黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙:同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。
Disguised as a man, she reported for duty to the military leader.
Mulan fought for many year. In all that time, no one knew that Mulan was a woman.
We are win
Her family was happy to see her. Her brother had grown into a fine young man. Mulan gave him her warrior’s clothes.
Mulan dressed herself in woman’s clothes. She wrapped her hair and added rouge to her cheeks.
Mulan had no older brother to send in his place.Her baby brother was too young to be selected.
Girls can not fight in wars. If only she were a boy, Mulan thought to herself.
but the sound of Mulan's sighs 惟闻女叹息
Her father was a retired and famous general.
He taught Mulan to use a sword and ride a horse, which was most unusual.
Mulan had transformed into a beautiful young woman.
Not long after, friends who had served with Mulan came to visit. Their eyes became large when they saw the beautiful woman before them.
One day, the military posted scrolls in the village.
The scroll announced that each family had to send one man to the army.
Mulan’s father was too old to fight.
Information about Mulan
• Family Name: Hua • Given Name: Mulan • Birth of date: 412(Northern
Wei Dinasty)
• Died iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 502 Northern Wei Dinasty
• Achievement: Joined in the army in place of her father
• 雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌?
The Ballad of Hua Mulan 木兰辞
Click click click
Mulan wove cloth in the house
yet we could't hear the sound of the shuttle
唧唧复唧唧 木兰当户织 不闻机杼声
The story of Hua Mulan
• 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,惟闻女叹息。问女何所思,问女何所忆。女 亦无所思,女亦无所忆。
• 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿 为市鞍马,从此替爷征。
• 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,不 闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头,不闻爷娘唤女声, 但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。
As a famous Chinese heroine, her story spread across China, encouraged the latter women.
If you love enough and have courage enough, you can accomplish anything, no matter how impossible it might seem.