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in front of 在…..前面 be good at 擅长 full of 充满proud of 骄傲 look after 照顾 listen to 听

be different from 与……不同 look for 寻找 a lot of 许多a pair of 一双 play with 与…….玩 at last 最后think about 考虑


1.表示时间前后用 before 和 after

She usually ______ (go) to bed after ten o’clock

2.表示一段时间用介词 for

I’ ve been here for a long time

3.表示一段时间之后用介词 in

I’ll be back in one hour 一周内我会回来

4.用于年,月,日,星期前一般用in, on, at

in 1927 in October on May 3rd at night


1.Don’t read ________ the sun. it’s bad ________ your eyes.

2.Tom is my deskmate. So he is ______________me.

3.Which grade are you ___________? I’m in Grade Three.

4.We don’t go to work ___________Sunday.

5.Today is Amy’s birthday. These presents are _________ her

6.The boy __________blue is my brother.

7.I come here ___________ the book

8.We arrived there the day ___________yesterday

9.My birthday is ______________May 3rd.


1.It is cold on winter here. ___________

2.He plays football at Saturday. ___________

3.I went to school on the age of seven.____________

4.They usually go to school on bus. ______________

There be 句型

1.There be 句型的肯定式

There is a book on the desk.

There are some books in the tree.

2.There be 句型的否定式

否定形式为there be 后加 not,如句中有some, 要变成 any

There aren’t any pens in the box.

There is not a dictionary in the bag.

3. There be 句型的就近原则

在There be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最靠近be 动词的那个名词决定。


There are two kites and a bird in the tree.


There is a bird and two kites in the tree.


3.There be 句型的一般疑问句

There be 句型的一般疑问句是把 be 提到there 的前面

Is there a bird in the picture?

Are there any girls in the room?

4.There will be…. 未来将要有….

You can see the house of the future. There will be radios.

-----will there be stairs? -----yes, there will. / no, there won’t

5. There be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。

There is a pen on the desk.

I have a hat.

1.some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句




1)There _______ seven days in a week.

2) There ________two bookstores and three hospitals in the street.

3)There ________ some water in the glass

4)There _________ many people in the room

5)___________there any delicious food in Shenzhen?

6)__________ there any books in your bags?
