Unit 2中英语言差异之主语与主题
Unit 2 英汉对比和翻译 共18页
Ø 红茶
Ø Take off
Ø The new dictionary has really taken off. (popular)
Ø Take off your wet shirt
Ø The doctor took off his wounded left leg. Ø They had to take off (取消) the show because
Ø 某些以-ible 或-able结尾的形容词用作定 语时,与every,the only,或形容词最高级 连用来修饰名词时,也常放在名词后
Ø We must help them in every way possible (every possible way). 我们一定要用一切可 能的办法来帮助他们。
of poor audience.
Ø You can take only one day off.
Ø The officer leading the inquiry has been taken
Collocation (continued)
Ø看 Ø 看电视 watch TV Ø 看黑板 look at the blackboard Ø 看电影 see a film Ø 看地图 study a map Ø 看小说 read a novel Ø 看朋友 visit a friend
5)set phrases:
Ø To make a monkey of
Ø To burn the boat
Ø To fish in the air
Ø To call a spade a spade
英汉主语差异现象对比及其翻译策略主语作为句子中不可或缺的成分,其在英汉句子结构与意义中担当不等程度的角色,英汉主语之间有什么差异,而我们又能总结归纳出哪些翻译方法呢?Part 1 英汉主语的差异(一)主语显著与话题显著英语是主语显著性的语言,汉语是话题显著性的语言。
英语是偏重形合的语言,句子以主谓结构为纲, 勾连,节外生枝,叠床架屋,句子复杂而不流散。
这种一致关系决定了主语不管起不起语义作用,总得有一个,哪怕是it, there等做“假位”主语。
综上所述,主语与话题的差别可以概括如下:形合的英语是主语显著的语言(subject- prominent),主题往往就是句子的主语;而意合的汉语是主题显著的语言(topic-prominent),其主题往往并非就是句子的主语例如:英语必须有主语a语法上的一致:She is a student.They are students.My family are all fond of playing table tennis.Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else knows the answer.The girl has seen her mother.Sent to zoos in Tokyo and other cities, the pandas are reported to have settled down very well. b逻辑上的一致你的教学科研都取得了长足进步,但不能因此而骄傲自满.原译:Your teaching and research have made progress,but you should not get conceited and arrogant.改译:You have made good progress in teaching and researching,but you should not get conceited and arrogant.(二)物称主语与人称主语英、汉语主语的另一差别是英语的物称倾向和汉语的人称倾向。
Unit two 英汉语言文化对比
Subject-prominent vs. Topicprominent
A subject-prominent language (eg English) is a language in which the grammatical units of subject and predicate (SV) are basic to the structure of sentences and in which sentences usually have subject-predicate structure.
We can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself.
P41 主语的转换(汉语主语是非名词) 采用新工艺大大降低了产品的成本。
The adoption of the new process has greatly cut the cost of production.
Why do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn’t want to be considered for an administration position. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.
Unit 2 Making a difference单元分析单元主题:人与社会社会服务单元内容分析主题语境内容是优秀品行与社会责任感。
1.Starting out &.Understanding ideas 旨在帮助学生初步了解中外的助人主题日及对社会有突出贡献的人物,激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生与单元主题意义相关的语言知识和文化知识,为开展整个单元的学习活动进行铺垫和预热,激活学生与主题意义相关的语言知识和文化知识,为开展整个单元的学习活动进行铺垫和预热。
2.Using language该语法部分旨在讲解过去分词作定语的相关内容。
3.Developing ideas 该板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为人物介绍。
教师引导学生通过阅读Nicholas Winton的生平,了解他的国际主义精神和对社会的贡献,通过问题引导学生深入思考他的事迹及其影响,并启发学生联想和搜集有类似事迹的中国人的故事,在全班分享。
4.Presenting ideas 该板块训练学生表达技能,请学生推选出“年度人物”,可以选择名人或者身边熟悉的人。
W2 L2 英汉语言差异 W 2 English – Chinese Translation (Lecture 1) 英语笔译教学课件
(三)VERB/NOUN: 汉语重动词,英语重名词 汉语:可以连用几个动词,中间没有关联词语 英语:主语和谓语是句子的骨干,其他成分围绕主谓展 开。名词和介词使用较多。
(二)SUBJECT: 汉语无主句多,英语主语突出 Examples: 1. 实事求是地说,解决中国人的吃饭问题, 任务艰巨,
困难不少,但潜力很大,前景广阔。 Truly speaking, China has had great difficulty in solving her problem with food provision. But she also has great potential and prospects in having her people well fed.
3. The insect nibbles the green leaves. The toad eats the insect that nibbles the green leaves. The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green grass.
(四)汉语的四字词组 汉语四字词组使用率极高 固定(成语)+ 自由词组 Examples: 1. 忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。 Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply. 2. 我没想到他对同志们的批评充耳不闻。 I didn’t expect him to turn a deaf ear to the comrades’ criticism.
Lecture 2 英汉对比
Do you really understand it?
She is a cat.
她像猫一样温顺? 她是个包藏祸心的女人!
Dragon lady
Four little dragons of Asia?
Four little tigers of Asia!
1. 英汉语言对比
2. 英汉文化对比
3. 英汉思维对比 4. 英汉语法对比
1. 英汉语言对比
◘ 主语与主题
主题显著 (topic-prominent) 主语显著(subject-prominent) 汉语 英语
“主语---谓语”结 构
“Chinese never seem hungry when they come round to my place. Whenever I ask callers if they‟d like a bite to eat they always say no.” 大多数外国人都是实在人。当他们问你要不要 吃点什么的时候,如果你谢绝了,他们会尊重你的决定,真的 不给你东西吃哦。所以说,饿了就喊出来吧。 “I„m often taken aback by the way visitors come round to my flat and seem to feel free to take the place over, pulling down books from my shelves, even peering at letters I‟ve left lying around on the desk.” 虽说宾至如归,但外国人还是忌讳你在 做客的时候东逛西逛,甚至偷窥他们的隐私的。 To little 如此待遇谁的错? Can you imagine how many dishes I had? Only one--a stew with meat and vegetables. I was very much disappointed at British hospitality.
第二单元 英汉对比
英汉对比2.1 英汉语言对比▪吕叔湘先生曾经指出:―只有比较才能看出各种语文表现法的共同之点和特异之点。
2.1.1 主语与主题▪中国传统哲学主张―天人合一‖、―万物与我为一‖,反映在语言上就是施事主体可以蕴含在行为事件的主观表现中。
▪你能找出―千里寻亲‖、―活到老,学到老‖中的主语吗?为什么?你能找出其中的主题吗?▪试译以下这个简单的句子:A dialect is known by every linguist in this room.[参考译文1] 一种方言被这间屋子里的每一个语言学家所懂得。
[参考译文2] 有一种方言这间屋子里的每一个语言学家都懂得。
(例句参考郭丽君、邓鹂鸣,2005)课内练习现在请大家通过翻译以下的简单句子熟练掌握这一技巧1.I would not believe what he said.2.I did not remember a single point discussed at the meeting.3.I know Mr. Wang.4.He is the best singer.1.他的话,我可不信。
• Tact must be used in requesting permission; and unless it is given willingly and cordially, the patrol shall not be landed. • 征求意见,应注意方式方法;同意如果不是出于 自愿真诚,巡逻队就不得登陆。
• A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it is good, it can not last too long; if bad, you can not get rid of it too early.
• 一本书可以比作邻居;如果是好的,结识愈久 愈好;如果是坏的,分手愈早愈好。(钱歌川)
• Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. • 独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。
• They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally. • 但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得 好。
• Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business. • 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于 独处幽居之时;其博彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才 也,最见于处世判事之际。 • 读书为学的用途是娱乐、装饰和增长才识。在娱乐上学问 底主要的用途是幽居养静;在装饰上学问底用处是辞令; 在长才上学问底用处是对于事物的判断和处理。
Unit 2 英汉语比较
Unit 2 Macro-contrastive study of English and Chinese授课时间:Week 4授课类型:理论课、练习课授课题目:Unit 2 Macro-contrastive study of English and Chinese本授课单元教学目标:Students will be able to:1. become aware of the differences between English and Chinese from a lexical perspective.2. become aware of the differences between English and Chinese from a s yntactic perspective.3. become aware of the differences between English and Chinese from a c ultural perspective本授课单元教学重点和难点:Syntactic Differences between English and Chinese本授课单元教学过程设计:Warm-up Activities (15 m’)Group Discussion: What differences do you find between the Chinese version and the English version respectively? (10 minutes)Ss read quotations from classical Chinese literature and their corresponding version of English translation. T is to elicit from the students their understanding of the differences between English and Chinese.1.凤姐还欲问时,只听二门上传来云板,连叩四下,将凤姐惊醒。
新人教版英语必修第二册课文翻译与英汉学习差异Unit 1 Cultural heritageReading and ThinkingFROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS从问题重重到迎刃而解Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.社会进步需要经济发展。
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in1959.然而,巨大的挑战有时会带来伟大的解决方案。
Unit 2 英汉差异
III What is the translation process?1、理解理解(comprehension)背景了解(Background)How’s this for a coincidence? Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born in the same year, on the same day: Feb. 12, 1809. As historical facts go, it amounts to little more than a footnote. Still, while it’s just a coincidence, it’s a coincidence that’s guaranteed to make you do a double take the first time you run across it. Everybody knows Darwin and Lincoln were near-mythic figures in the 19th century. The scientist and the politician each touched off a revolution that changed the world.Both men were private and guarded. Most of Darwin’s friendships were conducted through the mail, and after his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle as a young man, he rarely left his home in the English countryside.Lincoln, though a much more public man, carefully cultivated a bumpkin persona that encouraged both friends and enemies to underestimate his considerable, almost Machiavellian skill as a politician.语法分析、语义分析、语体分析和语篇分析(grammatical analysis, semantic analysis, stylistic analysis and text analysis)How’s this for a coincidence? Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born in the same year, on the same day: Feb. 12, 1809. As historical facts go, it amounts to little more than a footnote. Still, while it’s just a coincidence, it’s a coincidence that’sguaranteed to make you do a double take the first time you run across it. Everybody knows Darwin and Lincoln were near-mythic figures in the 19th century. The scientist and the politician each touched off a revolution that changed the world.Both men were private and guarded. Most of Darwin’s friendships were conducted through the mail, and after his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle as a young man, he rarely left his home in the English countryside. Lincoln, though a much more public man, carefully cultivated a bumpkin persona that encouraged both friends and enemies to underestimate his considerable, almost Machiavellian skill as a politician.权谋政治家Three years later, Qassem spent six months in a Jericho prison due to depicting Arafat in a book as a Machiavellian ruler who maintains control by pitting his underlings against oneanother.3年后,卡西姆在杰里科的一所监狱被关押了6个月,因为他在一本书中称阿拉法特是个玩弄权术的统治者,通过让手下的人互相争斗来维持自己的统治。
Unit 2 汉英对比与翻译(一).
We can solve the problem. ( This problem can be solved in many ways.)
或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(如动词 不定式、动名词、名词性从句>一般指主语 从句等)来充当。例如:
To solve this problem needs patience.
3) 新的景点不断出现,观光人数不断 增加,地区经济也有了很大发展。
The emergence of one new scenic spot after another and the influx of more and more tourists have also boosted the economy.
2) 健康不佳就无法有效工作。
Poor health may cause one’s inefficiency at work.
One’s poor health will incapacitate him for efficient work (from efficient work).
Smoking is forbidden in public places. 3) 这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。
பைடு நூலகம்
39、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承 诺,踏 上旅途 ,义无 反顾。 40、对时间的价值没有没有深切认识 的人, 决不会 坚韧勤 勉。
36、“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字 ),只 在愚人 的字典 中找得 到。--拿 破仑。 37、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突 破,不 要嫉妒 要欣赏 ,不要 托延要 积极, 不要心 动要行 动。 38、勤奋,机会,乐观是成功的三要 素。(注 意:传 统观念 认为勤 奋和机 会是成 功的要 素,但 是经过 统计学 和成功 人士的 分析得 出,乐 观是成 功的第 三要素 。
• 中译英时,将汉语“话题+评论”结构转为英语的“主语+谓 语”的结构。 • 1)发现无主语句,要根据语境增补主语。 • 例:出太阳了! • The sun is rising. • 2)发现多主语句,那就要确定一个能够发出谓语动作,统领 全句的主语。 • 例:近二十年的时间已经充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方 向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的 ,取得的成就是巨大的。 • (红色的都是主语) • The practice in the past 20 years has proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in steps… (确定 “我们”作为整个句子的主语) • 3)发现不是名词或者名词短语作主语,那么就要转换成名 词或名词短语。 • 例:能吃能睡不一定就健康。(“能吃能睡”是动词,必须 转换成名词) • Great eaters and sleepers are not always healthy.
中英语言差异 之 主语Vs主题
先请阅读这些中文句子,问问自己 这些句子的主语是什么?尝试自己 翻译成英语?
中文 主语 英语译文
只要用功读书,就能提高 成绩。
国庆节七天我们第一天全 家到北京路购物。
游泳非常消耗体力 刮风了,下雨了。
只要用功读书 ,就能提高成 绩。
国庆节七天我 们第一天全家 到北京路购物 。
隐含主语(我们? 你们?他们?)由 语境而定
多主语(国庆节、 七天、我们、全家 ),翻译时要确定1 个主语哦。
If one studies hard enough, one will …
Grammatical meaning 10
• In 1945, Japan’s industrial capacity was totally destroyed and years later “Made in Japan” was a catch phrase for shoddy, second-rate merchandise. Things have changed.
Grammatical meaning 11
…needed the project. The last time I passed by, the Jewish proprietor was still standing among his shelves, looking sadder and heavier but scarcely any older. Farther down the block stands the shoe-repair store in which our shoes were repaired until reparation became impossible and in which, then we bought all our ‘new’ ones. The Negro proprietor is still in the window, head down, working at the leather.
自沧海变桑田,这还是第一次人们的脸怀着爱心 和渴望朝向它。
自沧海变桑田,这还是第一次有人怀着爱心和渴 望把脸朝向它。
自沧海变桑田,这还是第一次人们怀着爱心和渴 望看着它。
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Subject-prominent language (主语 占突显地位的语言) 英语陈述句只能由以下7种结构组 成: 主谓 The river runs. 主系表 He looks strong. 主谓宾 He painted a picture. 主谓宾宾 He gave me(1) a medical handbook (2). 主谓宾补 They made him their team leader. 主谓宾状 She put the plates on the table. 主谓状 Mary is in her office.
只要用功读书 ,就能提高成 绩。
国庆节七天我 们第一天全家 到北京路购物 。
隐含主语(我们? 你们?他们?)由 语境而定
多主语(国庆节、 七天、我们、全家 ),翻译时要确定1 个主语哦。
If one studies hard enough, one will …
One the first day of National holiday, our whole family .. Swimming is exhausting.
游泳非常消耗 体力 刮风了,下雨 了。
动词(游泳)当主 语,翻译时变成动 名词哦。
零主语,翻译时要 It is windy and 补充it指代(强大的it) rainy.
Topic-prominent language (话题占 突显地位的语言) 1、即汉语句子经常不能用主谓结 构进行分析,甚至很多汉语句子都 是无主语句。 食堂今天吃饺子。(主语?) 2、大部分汉语句子是围绕一个话 题展开的,“话题+评论”的结构 。 这本书我已经看过了。 话题 评论 开车没有方向盘不行 话题 评论
• 1. It took him two long months to finish such a think book. • 英式汉语: • 地道翻译: • 2. You are lucky enough to have a united family. • 英式汉语: • 地道翻译:
• 中译英时,将汉语“话题+评论”结构转为英语的“主语+谓 语”的结构。 • 1)发现无主语句,要根据语境增补主语。 • 例:出太阳了! • The sun is rising. • 2)发现多主语句,那就要确定一个能够发出谓语动作,统领 全句的主语。 • 例:近二十年的时间已经充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方 向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的 ,取得的成就是巨大的。 • (红色的都是主语) • The practice in the past 20 years has proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in steps… (确定 “我们”作为整个句子的主语) • 3)发现不是名词或者名词短语作主语,那么就要转换成名 词或名词短语。 • 例:能吃能睡不一定就健康。(“能吃能睡”是动词,必须 转换成名词) • Great eaters and sleepers are not always healthy.
• “话题”便是整个中文句子的主题;“评论”便是对主题 的描述 • 中文句子的“话题主语”特征: • 1)中文句子不是必须要有主语的; • 例:刮风了,下雨了。 • 2)中文句子主语在语法结构上并不一定能够发出动作,统 领整个句子; • 例:食堂今天吃饺子。 • 3)中文句子中可能有多个主语; • 例:国庆七天的第一天我们全家到北京路购物。 • 4)中文句子的主语可以是名词、动词、形容词或者其他任 何结构。 • 例:游泳很费力气。
中英语言差异 之 主语Vs主题
先请阅读这些中文句子,问问自己 这些句子的主语是什么?尝试自己 翻译成英语?
中文 主语 英语译文
只要用功读书,就能提高 成绩。
国庆节七天我们第一天全 家到北京路购物。
游泳非常消耗体力 刮风了,下雨了。
• • • • • • • • • • Subject-prominent language (主语占突显地位的语言) 1.英语句子由以下7种结构构成: 主谓S+V (因谓语动词是不及物动词,后面不能带宾语) 主系表 S+V+C(谓语为系词,只能加形容词当表语。) 主谓状 S+V+A 主谓宾S+V+O (因谓语动词是及物动词后面必须带宾语。 ) 主谓宾状 S+V+O+A (谓语动词为及物动词,后面再加介词 短语做状语。) 主谓宾宾S+V+O+O (因谓语为特殊及物动词,后面必须带 两个宾语) 主谓宾补S+V+O+C (因谓语为特殊及物动词,后面必须带 1个宾语和1个补语词?哪些动词为及物动词?哪些 及物动词后面必须加2个宾语?哪些及物动词后面必须加1个 宾语和1个补语?
• 因此,英译中的时候,要把英语的“主语+谓语”结构转变 成汉语的“话题+评论”结构。 • 1)判断这个英语句子中,到底哪一个成分,才是句子的话 题(要讨论的问题); • 2)把这个主题放在中文译文的前面,后面在描述主题的情 况。 • 例:I have been wondering about something. • 英式汉语:我一直想知道一件事。(判断中文句子的话题是 “有一件事”,对“话题”的表述是“我一直很想知道”) • 地道翻译:有一件事我一直很纳闷。 • 话题 评论 • 例:He offered his car for a million yuan. • 英式汉语:他要卖这辆车,出价一百万。(话题是这辆车) • 地道翻译:这辆车他要价一百万。 • 话题 评论
• 我们这样做都是为了你好 • (无主语句,多主语句还是非名词做主语 ?)
• 没有调查就没有发言权。
Thank you for your attention
• 英语句子“主语”的特征: • 1.英语句子必须有一个主语;(思考我这个英语 句子有主语吗?哪一个是?) • 2.主语是句子的主题也是谓语动作的发出者;( 思考我用这个做主语,它能发出谓语动作吗?) • 3.主语在语法层面要统领这个句子; • 4.主语必须是名词或者名词短语。(这个句子的 主语是名词或名词短语吗?什么是本都是名词,否则 就不是啦。)