一、 26 个英文字母及发音音标以下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [?u]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:]U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧ blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:] [zed]二、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素 [ei]: 字母 : Aa Hh Jj Kk音标 : [ei] [eit ∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素 [i:]: 字母 : Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标 : [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素 [e]: 字母 : Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标 : [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素 [ju:]: 字母 : Uu Qq Ww音标 : [ju:] [kju:] [`d ∧blju:]5) 含元音音素 [ai]: 字母 : Ii Yy音标:[ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1./i:/1 / 5ea tea eat teacher please ice-cream peach jeans sneakers readmeal seal seat beatee meet see green coffee three thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen jeep queen feed teen sheep sweetbeef weekend Halloween tree sleep need week feel seed deepbetween bee feet2. /au/ow brown how wow cow flower down ou mouth mouse out house ournow town crown playground cloudy soundsourhousework cloud about count bounce mountain south accountantsprout loud3./?u/ow yellow rainbow window snowy snow snowman know tomorrowrow show growoa boat coat raincoat goat road goal load coach float throat4./ /or morning orange short more for fork shorts New York horsepork sports bookstore store north report reporter shorter sorebored storm tomorrowaw draw law strawberry oor floor doorall /l/ ball small tall wall basketball baseball fall taller smallercall5./ ?: /ir bird squirrel birthday shirt skirt T-shirt thirteen thirty firstthird girl2 / 5ur purple hamburger nurse Thursday Saturday fur turn returncurtain6./ ? /or doctor actor work homework housework factory vistor authormirror our colour favourite colourful7.th/e/ the this that that's father grandfather mother grandmotherbrother they they're them there either then other togetheranother with those these /?/ thank thanks mouthweatherbirthdayclothesthree thirteen thirtyfourthfifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth nineteenthtwentieth thin Thursday healthy third north south month thinktheme thinner thing something bathroom path8./ei/ai rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight again paint trainpainay birthday play may May day way stay away holiday alwayssay today subway 9./ /air ear air chair stair hair bearwear swearpairpearair-conditionerere therefairwhere10./i /ear ear hear dear near cleareer deer cheer beerere here3 / 511./u:/oo school afternoon too balloon zoo cool room classroom washroombedroom bathroom goose boots noon soonou soup group coup12./a:/a afternoon after banana dance last class glass grass grandmagrandpa mama plant askar sharpner farmer farm garden art artist warm park shark arecard car hard market supermarket13./ai/y sky why spy sly fly cry try buy byeigh light right high night might fight14./ /ch much French chicken teach teacher watch peach chair childrenChina Chinese which each match catch chopsticks15./ /sh fish she short shorts English shirt shoes ship shop shoppingwash washroom dishes shelf16./ts/ ts shorts rabbits kites17./tr/ tr tree18./dr/ dr dress hundred 18./kw/qu question queen quiet19./tw/ tw twenty twelve twelfth twentieth20/i/4 / 5oy boy toyoi choice point21/u/sure poor22./dz/ ds birds woods23./?/ ng thing answering24./w/ wh why where who what when25./i/i thin thinky happy worry every country really sorry funny strawberrylovely library ready rainy windy snowy sunny cloudy pretty seventytwenty thirty forty many any healthy salty happy angry studyay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday/j/ y yellow yo-yo yeah yes5 / 5。
26个英文字母的发音和归类、5个元音字母:Aa Ee li Oo Uu二、26个英文字母的发音和归类学英语真好玩, 一百符号要记全;字母共计五十二,大写、小写各一半;音标共计四十八,元音二十,辅(音)二十八;学英语,很容易,听说读写和翻译;早读晚听别忘记;只要坚持有毅力, 考试定得好成绩;理想大学属于你, 将来必定成大器。
1.概述汉语是象形文字,英语是拼音文字.英语共有26个字母,这些字母按一定的顺序排列在一起便组成字母表,英语中称之为"Alphabet", 这26个字母可以组成千千万万个单词,英语字母是学习英语的基础,所以对英语字母的学习与掌握非常重要1)英语字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式;2)书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;3)读音形式有两种:升调和降调.2.字母的读音英语26个字母按一定的顺序排列起来,就构成了英语字母表, 词典里的词就是按字母表的顺序排列的3、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:] [di:][i:]F f [ef]G g [d? i:]H h [eit /] [ai] J j [d?ei]K k [kei] [el] M m [em] [en][? u][pi:] [kju: R r [ a :] S s [es][ti:][ju:] [vi:] W w [ ‘d? biju:][eks][wai]或[zed] [zi:]4、字母发音归类以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音曰丿元曰曰糸1)含元立立妾[ei]AaKk ei]2)BbTt标音:[b i:] [zi:]3)Hh Jj音标:[ei] [eit/] [d ?[k ei]含元音音素[i:]Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Vv Zz[si:] [di: [i:[d3i: [pi: ] [t i:] [v i:]含元音音素[e]母: FfXx标: [ef][zed]4)5)Ll Mm Nn SsZz[el][em] [en] [es] [eks]含元音音素字母:音标: 含元音音素字母:音标: [ju:]Uu Qq Ww[ju:][ai]Ii[ai][kju:][wai]['d ? biju:]Yy。
26个英语字母音素归类摘要:一、引言二、26 个英语字母的元音和辅音分类1.元音2.辅音三、具体分类与音素列举1.五个元音音素2.21 个辅音音素四、总结正文:【引言】英语是一种使用广泛的语言,其发音对于学习和掌握英语至关重要。
英语字母有26 个,这些字母的发音可以分为元音和辅音两大类。
本篇文章将对26 个英语字母的音素进行归类。
【26 个英语字母的元音和辅音分类】【元音】元音是构成音节的基本音素,其发音时声带振动,气流不受阻碍地通过口腔。
英语中有21 个辅音字母,即b、c、d、f、g、h、j、k、l、m、n、p、q、r、s、t、v、w、x、y、z。
【总结】本文对26 个英语字母的音素进行了归类,分为元音和辅音两大类。
元音包括五个字母,辅音包括21 个字母。
请试着根据字母的发⾳来了解⾳标,希望对你有帮助⼀、26个英⽂字母及发⾳⾳标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [?u]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:] [zed]⼆、英语字母中有⼀些含有共同的元⾳⾳素.如:1)含元⾳⾳素[ei]: 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk⾳标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元⾳⾳素[i:]: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv⾳标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元⾳⾳素[e]: 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz⾳标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元⾳⾳素[ju:]: 字母: Uu Qq Ww⾳标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元⾳⾳素[ai]: 字母: Ii Yy ⾳标: [ai] [wai]字母组合发⾳归类1./i:/ea t ea ea t t ea ch er pl ea se ice-cr ea m p ea ch j ea ns sn ea k er s r ea d m ea l s ea l s ea t b ea tee m ee t s ee gr ee n coff ee th r ee th irt ee n f our t ee n fift ee n sixt ee n sevent ee n ei gh t ee n ninet ee n j ee p qu ee n fee d t ee nsh ee p sw ee t b ee f w ee kend Hall ow ee n tr ee sl ee p n ee d w ee k f ee l s ee d d ee p betw ee n b ee f ee t2. /au/ow br ow n h ow w ow c ow fl ow er d ow n n ow t ow n cr ow nou m ou th m ou se ou t h ou se ou r pl ay gr ou nd cl ou dy s ou nd s ou rh ou sew or k cl ou d ab ou t c ou nt b ou nce m ou ntain s ou thacc ou ntant spr ou t l ou d3./?u/ow yell ow rainb ow wind ow sn ow y sn ow sn ow man kn ow tom or r ow r ow sh ow gr owoa b oa t c oa t rainc oa t g oa t r oa d g oa l l oa d c oa ch fl oa t th r oa t4./ R: /or m or ning or ange sh or t m or e f or f or k sh or ts New Y or k h or se p or k sp or ts b oo kst or e st or e n or th rep or t rep or ter sh or ter s or e b or ed st or m tom or r owaw dr aw l aw str aw b er ry oor fl oor d oorall /R:l/ b all sm all t all w all basketb all baseb all f all t all er sm all er c all5./ ?: /ir b ir d squ ir rel b ir th day sh ir t sk ir t T-sh ir t th ir t ee n th ir ty f ir st th ir d girlur p ur ple hamb ur g er n ur se Th ur sd ay Sat ur d ay f ur t ur n ret ur nc ur tain6./ ? /er rul er eras er sh ar pn er fing er aft er n oo n wat er t ea ch er fa th er mo th er grandmo th er grandfa th er bro th er sist er wat er melonc er tainly comput er f ar m er driv er pl ay er dinn er sw ea t er w ea th ermatt er sn ea k er s slipp er s rememb er sing er writ er rep or t ercl ea n er yest er d ay tall er sh or t er strong er old er young ercentimet er funni er bigg er small er h ea vi er long er thinn erlobst er kill er fev er matt er bett er und er ov er cucumb erexc er cises summ er wint er Septemb er Octob er Novemb er Decemb erair-condition er cent er str aw b er ry sup er answ er answ er ingclimb er howev er ev er forev er tig er riv er fl ow eror doct or act or w or k homew or k h ou sew or k fact or y vist or au th or mirr or our col our fav our ite col our ful7.th/e/ th e th is th at th at’s fa th er grandfa th er mo th er grandmo th er bro th er th ey th ey’re th em th ere ei th er th en o th er toge th er ano th er wi th th ose th ese w ea th er clo th es/?/ th ank th anks m ou th b ir th d ay th r ee th ir t ee n th ir ty four th fif th six th seven th eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf th ninet ee n th twentie th th in Th ur sd ay h ea l th y th ir d nor thsou th mon th th ink th eme th inn er th ing some th ing ba th roompa th8./ei/ai r ai n r ai nb ow w ai t r ai ny e-m ai l str ai ght ag ai n p ai nt tr ai n p ai nay b ir th d ay pl ay m ay M ay d ay w ay st ay aw ay holid ay alway s s ay tod ay subw ay9./ Z[/air air ch air st air h air p air air-condition er f airear b ear w ear sw ear p ear ere th ere wh ere10./i[ /ear ear h ear d ear n ear cl eareer d eer ch eer b eerere h ere11./u:/oo sch oo l aft er n oo n t oo ball oo n z oo c oo l r oo m classr oo m wa sh r oo m be dr oo m ba th r oo m g oo se b oo ts n oo n s oo nou s ou p gr ou p c ou p12./a:/a a ft er n oo n a ft er ban a na d a nce l a st cl a ss gl a ss gr a ss grandm agrandp a m a m a pl a nt a skar sh ar pn er f ar mer f ar m g ar den ar t ar tist w ar m p ar k sh ar k ar ec ard c ar h ar d m ar ket sup er m ar ket13./ai/y sk y wh y sp y sl y fl y cr y tr y bu y b y eigh l igh t r igh t h igh n igh t m igh t f igh t14./ tF/ch mu ch Fren ch ch icken tea ch tea ch er wat ch pea ch ch air ch ildren Ch ina Ch inese whi ch ea ch mat ch cat ch ch opsticks15./ F/sh fi sh sh e sh or t sh or ts Engli sh sh ir t sh oes sh ip sh op sh opping wa sh wa sh r oo m di sh es sh elf16./ts/ ts shor ts rabbi ts ki t e s17./tr/ tr tr ee18./dr/ dr dr ess hun dr ed 18./kw/qu qu estion qu een qu iet19./tw/ tw tw enty tw elve tw elfth tw entie th20/R i/oy b oy t oyoi ch oi ce p oi nt21/u[/ s ure p oor22./dz/ ds b ir ds w oo ds23./?/ ng th i ng a nsweri ng24./w/ wh wh y wh ere wh o wh at wh en25./i/i th i n th i nky happ y worr y ever y countr y reall y sorr y funn y str aw b er r y lovel y librar y read y rain y wind y snow y sunn y cloud y prett y sevent y twent y thirt y fort y man y an y h ea l th y salt y happ y angr y stud yay Mond ay Tuesd ay Wednesd ay Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sund ay/j/ y y ell ow y o-y o y eah y es。
请试着根据字母的发音来了解音标,希望对你有帮助一、 26 个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit ∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [ ? u]P p [pi:] Qq [kju:] R r [ ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [ ′d∧ blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:] [zed]二、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素. 如 :1) 含元音音素 [ei]:字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标 : [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2)含元音音素 [i:]:字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标 : [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3)含元音音素 [e]: 字母 : Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标 : [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4)含元音音素 [ju:]:字母: Uu Qq Ww音标 : [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧ blju:]5)含元音音素[ai]:字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1./i:/ea t ea ea t t eacher pl ease ice-cr eam p each j eans sn eaker s r ead meal s eal s eat b eatee meet see gr een coff ee th r ee th irt een f ourt een fift een sixt een sevent een ei ght een ninet een j eep qu een f eed t een sheep sw eet b eef weekend Hall oween tr ee sl eep n eed week f eel seed d eep betw een b ee f eet2. /au/ow br own h ow w ow cow fl ower d own n ow t own cr ownou mouth mouse out h ouse our pl aygr ound cl oudy s ound s our housewor k cl oud ab out c ount b ounce m ountain s outhaccountant spr out l oud3./ ? u/ow yell ow rainb ow window sn owy sn ow sn owman kn ow tom or r ow r ow show gr owoa boat c oat rainc oat g oat r oad g oal l oad c oach fl oat th r oat4./ R: /or mor ning or ange sh or t m or e f or f or k shor ts New Y or k h or seaw por k sp or ts bsor e b or ed stdr aw l aw strookst or e st or e n or th repor m tom or r owawber ry oor fl oor d ooror t rep or ter shor terall / R:l/ball sm all t all w all basketb all baseb all f all t all er sm all er c all5./ ? : /ir bir d squ ir rel b ir th day shir t sk ir t T- shir t th ir t een th ir ty f ir st th ir d girlur pur ple hamb ur ger nur se Thur sday Sat ur day f ur t ur n ret ur n cur tain6./ ? /er rul er eras er shar pner fing er aft er noon wat er t eacher fa th er moth er grandmo th er grandfa th er bro th er sist er wat er meloncer tainly comput er f ar mer driv er pl ayer dinn er sw eat er weath er matt er sneaker s slipp er s rememb er sing er writ er rep or t er cl eaner yest er day tall er shor t er strong er old er young ercentimet er funni er bigg er small er h eavi er long er thinn erlobst er kill er fev er matt er bett er und er over cucumber excer cises summ er wint er September October November December air-condition er cent er str awber ry sup er answer answer ingclimb er however ever forev er tig er riv er fl oweror doct or act or wor k homewor k h ousewor k fact or y vist or auth ormirr or our col our fav ourite col our ful/ e / th e th is th at th at ’s fa th er grandfa th er mo th er grandmoth er bro th er th ey th ey’re th em th ere ei th er th en oth er toge th er ano th er wi th th ose th ese w eath er clo th es / ? / th ank th anks m outh bir th day th r ee th ir t een th ir ty four th fif th six th seventh eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf th ninet eenth twentie th th in Thur sday h eal th y th ir d nor thsouth mon th th ink th eme th inn er th ing some th ing ba th room path8./ei/ai r ai n r ai nbowpai nay bir th day pl ay tod ay subway wai t r ai ny e-m ai l strmay May day way st ayai ghtawayag ai n p ai nt trholid ay alway sai nsay9./ Z[/air air ear bear chairwearst airswearhairpearpair airere-condition erth ere wheref air10./i[ /ear ear hear dear near cl eareer deer cheer beerere here11./u:/oo school aft er noon t oo ball oon z oo cool r oom classrbedr oom ba th r oom g oose b oots n oon s oonou soup gr oup coupoom washr oom 12./a:/a a ft er noon a ft er banana d ance l ast cl ass glgrandpa m ama pl ant askar shar pner f ar mer f ar m g ar den ar t ar tist w car d c ar har d mar ket sup er mar ketass gr ass grandm a ar m p ar k sh ar k ar e13./ai/y sky wh y igh l igh t r sp y sligh t hyighfl y cr y tr y bu y b yen igh t m igh t f igh t14./ tF/ch much French ch icken tea ch tea cher wat ch pea ch chair children China Chinese whi ch ea ch mat ch cat ch ch opsticks15./ F/sh fi sh sh e sh or t sh or ts Engli sh shir t shoes ship shop shopping wa sh wa shr oom di shes shelf16./ts/ts shor ts rabbi ts ki t es17./tr/tr tr ee18./dr/dr dr ess hun dr ed 18./kw/qu question queen quiet19./tw/ tw twenty twelve twelfth twentie th20/Ri/oy b oy t oyoi choi ce p oi nt21/u[/ s ure p oor22./dz/ ds bir ds woods23./ ? / ng th i ng answeri ng24./w/ wh why where who what when25./i/i th i n th i nky happy worr y ever y countr y reall y sorr y funn y str awber r y lovel y librar y read y rain y wind y snow y sunn y cloud y prett y sevent y twent y t hirt y fort y many an y heal th y salt y happy angr y stud yay Monday Tuesd ay Wednesday Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sunday/j/ y yell ow yo- yo yeah yes。
如果音标隐现是治码,请下载金山词汇霸.之阳早格格创做请试着根据字母的收音去相识音标,期视对于您有助闲一、26个英笔墨母及收音音标如下:A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:]U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:] [zed]两、英语字母中有一些含有共共的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]:字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]: 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]: 字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:] 5) 含元音音素[ai]: 字母: Ii Yy 音标: [ai] [wai]字母拉拢收音归类1./i:/ea tea eat teacher pleaseice-cream peachjeans sneakers read meal seal seat beatee meetsee green coffee threethirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen jeep queen feed teen sheepsweet beef weekend Halloween tree sleep need week feel seed deep between bee feet2. /au/ow brown how wow cow flower down now town crownou mouth mouse out house our playground cloudy sound sour housework cloud about count bounce mountain southaccountant sprout loud3./əu/ow yellow rainbow window snowy snow snowman know tomorrow rowshow growoa boat coat raincoat goat road goal load coachfloat throat4./R: /or morning orange short more for fork shorts New York horse pork sports bookstore store north report reporter shorter sore bored storm tomorrowaw draw law strawberry oor floor doorall /R:l/ ball small tall wall basketball baseball fall taller smaller call5./ ə: /ir bird squirrel birthday shirt skirt T-shirt thirteen thirty first third girlur purple hamburger nurse Thursday Saturday fur turn return curtain6./ ə /er ruler eraser sharpner finger afternoon water teacher father mother grandmother grandfather brother sister watermeloncertainly computer farmer driver player dinner sweater weathermatter sneakers slippers remember singer writer reportercleaner yesterday tallershorter stronger older younger centimeter funnier bigger smaller heavier longer thinner lobster killerfever matter better under over cucumber excercises summer winter September October November December air-conditioner center strawberry super answer answering climber howeverever forever tiger river floweror doctor actor work homework housework factory vistor author mirror our colour favourite colourful/ð/ the this that that’s father grandfather mother grandmother brother they they’re them there either then other toge ther another with those these weather clothes/ө/ thank thanks mouth birthday three thirteen thirty fourth fifth sixthseventh eighthninth tenth eleventh twelfth nineteenth twentieth thin Thursday healthy third north southmonththink theme thinner thing something bathroom path8./ei/ai rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight again paint train painay birthday play may May day way stay away holiday always say today subway9./Z[/air air chair stair hair pair air-conditioner fairear bear wear swear pear ere there where10./i[ /ear ear hear dear near cleareer deer cheer beerere here11./u:/oo school afternoon too balloon zoo cool room classroom washroom bedroom bathroom goose boots noon soonou soupgroupcoup12./a:/a afternoon after banana dance last class glass grass grandmagrandpa mama plant askar sharpner farmer farm garden art artist warm park shark are card car hard market supermarket13./ai/y sky why spy sly fly cry try buy byeigh light right high night might fight14./tF/ch much French chicken teach teacher watch peachchair children China Chinese which each match catch chopsticks15./F/sh fish she short shorts Englishshirt shoes ship shop shopping wash washroom dishes shelf16./ts/ ts shorts rabbits kites17./tr/ trtree18./dr/ drdress hundred 18./kw/ququestion queen quiet19./tw/ twtwenty twelve twelfth twentieth20/Ri/oy boy toyoi choice point21/u[/ sure poor22./dz/ ds birds woods23./ŋ/ ngthing answering24./w/ wh why where who what when25./i/i thin thinky happy worry every country really sorry funny strawberry lovely library ready rainy windy snowy sunny cloudy pretty seventy twenty thirty forty many any healthy salty happy angry studyay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday /j/ yyellowyo-yo yeah yes。
首先,我们来看第一个字母A,顺口溜中描述为鹅在唱,发音为 /eɪ/。
接着,顺口溜中描述的是字母B,蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡,发音为 /bi:/。
顺口溜中的字母C,描述为海洋蓝,发音为 /si:/。
接下来是字母D,描述为小狗在叫,发音为 /di:/。
顺口溜中的字母E,描述为大象很大,发音为 /i:/。
接着是字母F,描述为小鸟在飞,发音为 /ef/。
英语二十六个字母的名称读音Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc[si:] Dd[di:] Ee[i:] Ff [ef] Gg [d3i:] Hh [eit∫]Ii[ai]Jj[d3ei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo[əu] Pp [pi:] Qq [kju:]Rr[ɑ:]Ss [es] Tt[ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww [`d∧blju:] Xx[eks] Yy [wai] Zz [zed][zi:]英语二十六个字母读音归类1) 含元音音素[ei]字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]元音组合ai /ei/ wait paintay /ei/ may play day sayair /εə / air hair chairal /ɔ:/ tall small ballar /α: / farther farm ca r arm ea /i:/ meat please tea read /e/ head bread ready/ iə / theaterear / iə / ear hear near / εə / bear/ ə: / earthee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep eir / εə / theirer / ə / worker teacher / ə: / herere /i ə / here/εə / where thereew /ju: / new few/u: / flew grewight /ai / right high bright ir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty oa /əu / boat coatong / ŋ / long song oo /u/ book foot good/u:/ moon balloonor / ɔ: / short fork port /ə: / word world work oor / ɔ: / door floor ore / ɔ:/ more store sore ou / au / out house mouth our / ɔ: / four your/auə / ourow/ əu / bowl window /au / now cow flower oy / ɔi/ boy toyur / ə: / turn辅音组合th /θ/ thank mouth/ ð]/ this that withtr /tr/ tree train truckdr /dr/ dress driversh /∫/ shirt wash shortch /t∫/ child chair catch / k / school Christmas / dз/ sandwichtw /tw/ two twin twenty wh /w/ white wheel what /h/ who whose whom ts /ts/ jackets kitesds /dz/ birds英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。
相同的字母构成国际标准化组织基本拉丁字母(ISO basic Latin alphabet)。
按音标归类,具体如下:[ei]:A H J K
[i:]:B C D E G P T V
[e]:F L M N S X Z
[ai]:I Y
[ju:]:Q U W
英语二十六个字母的名称读音Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc[si:] Dd[di:] Ee[i:] Ff [ef] Gg [d3i:] Hh [eit∫] Ii[ai] Jj[d3ei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo[əu] Pp [pi:] Qq [kju:] Rr[ɑ:] Ss [es] Tt[ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww [`d∧blju:] Xx[eks] Yy [wai] Zz [zed][zi:]英语二十六个字母读音归类1)含元音音素[ei]字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]元音组合ai /ei/ wait paintay /ei/ may play day sayair /εə/ air hair chairal /ɔ:/ tall small ballar /α: / farther farm car arm ea /i:/ meat please tea read /e/ head bread ready/ iə/ theaterear / iə/ ear hear near / εə/ bear/ ə: / earthee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep eir / εə/ theirer / ə/ worker teacher/ ə: / herere /i ə/ here/εə/ where thereew /ju: / new few/u: / flew grewight /ai / right high bright ir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty oa /əu / boat coatong / ŋ/ long song oo /u/ book foot good/u:/ moon balloonor / ɔ: / short fork port/ə: / word world work oor / ɔ: / door floor ore / ɔ:/ more store sore ou / au / out house mouth our / ɔ: / four your/auə/ ourow/ əu / bowl window /au / now cow flower oy / ɔi/ boy toyur / ə: / turn辅音组合th /θ/ thank mouth/ ð]/ this that withtr /tr/ tree train truckdr /dr/ dress driversh /∫/ shirt wash shortch /t∫/ child chair catch / k / school Christmas / dз/ sandwichtw /tw/ two twin twenty wh /w/ white wheel what /h/ who whose whom ts /ts/ jackets kitesds /dz/ birds英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。
如果首标显示是乱码,请下载金山词霸请试着根据字母的发音来了解音标,希望对你有帮助一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素 .如:1) 含元音音素[ei]: 字母:Aa Hh Jj Kk音标:[ei] [eit / ] [d3ei] [kei] 2) 含元音音素[i:]:字母:Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标:[bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:] 3) 含元音音素[e]: 字母:Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标:[ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed] 4) 含元音音素[ju:]:字母:Uu Qq Ww音标:[ju:] [kju:] ['dA blju:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:] H hK k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [X x [eks] 丫 y [wai] Z z [zi:] [zed][eit / ] Ii [ai] J j [d3ei] [en] O o [? u][a :]Ss [es] T t [ti:]d A blju:]5)含元音音素[ai]: 字母:li Yy 音标:[ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1. /i:/ea tea eat teacher pl ease ice-cr eam peach j eans sn eakers r ead meal s eal s eatb eatee meet see green coff ee th ree th irt een f ourteen fift eensixt een sevent een ei ght een ninet een j eep qu een f eed t een sheep sw eetb eef weekend Hall oween tr ee sl eep n eed week f eel seed d eep betw een bee f eet2. /au/ow br own h ow w ow cow fl ower d own n ow t own cr ownou mouth mouse out h ouse our pl ayground cl oudy s ound s ourhousework cl oud ab out c ount b ounce m ountain s outhacco untant spr out l oud3. / ? u/ow yell ow rai nb ow wi ndow snowy sn ow sn owma n know tom or row r ow show gr owoa boat c oat rainc oat g oat r oad g oal l oad c oach fl oat th r oatwint er September October Novembr Decemter4./ R: / or morningorange short m ore f or f ork shorts New Y ork h orsepork sp orts b ookst or e st ore n orth rep ort rep or ter shortersore b ored st orm tomorrow all / R:l/ball sm all t allw all basketb all baseball f alltall er small er c all5./ ? : /irbir d squ ir rel b ir th dayshir t sk ir t T- shir tth ir t eenth ir ty f ir st th ird girlur purple hamb urgern urse Thursday Sat urday f urt urn ret urn6./ ? /er rul er eras er sharp ner finger aft er noon wat er t eacher fa th er mdh er grandmo th er grandfa th er bro th er sist er wat er melon certainly comput er f ar mer driv er pl ayer dinn er sw eat er weath er matt er sn eaker s slipp ers remember sing er writ er rep orter cl eaner yest er day tall er shorter strong er old er young er cen timet er funni er bigg ersmall er h eavi er long er thinn erlobst er kill er fever matt er bett er und er over cucumberexcer cises summ eraw draw l aw str aW^erryoor fl oor d oor curtainair-condition er center str awberry sup er answer answeringclimb er however ever forev er tig er riv er fl oweror doct or act or work homework h ousework fact ory vist or auth ormirr or our col our fav ourite col ourful7. th /e / th e th is th at th at' s fa th er grandfa th er moth ergrandmdh er bro th er th ey th ey' re th em th ere ei th er th en oth er toge th er ano th er wi th th ose th ese w eath er clo th es /? / th ank th anks m outh bir th day th ree thir t een th ir ty four th fif th six th seventh eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf thninet eenth twentie th th inThursday h eal th y th ir d nor thsouth month th i nk th eme th i nnerth i ng some th i ng ba th roompathair air chair st air hair pair air -con diti on er fair8./ei/ai rai n rai nbow wai t r ai ny e-m ai l str ai ght ag ai n p ai nt tr ai n pai nay bir th day pl ay may Mby day way st ay away holid ay always say tod ay subway9./ Z[/ear bear wear swear pear ere th ere where10./i [/ear ear hear dear near cl eareer deer cheer beerere here11. /u:/oo school aft ernoon t oo ball oon zoo cool r oom classr oom washroom bedroom bathroom goose b oots n oon s oonou soup group coup12. /a:/a a ft ernoon a ft er banana d ance l ast cl ass gl ass gr ass gran dm a grandpamana pl ant askar sharpner f armer f arm garden art artist w arm park sh ark are card c ar hard market sup er market13./ai/y sky wh y sp y sl y fl y cr y tr y bu y b yeigh light r igh t h igh n i ght m igh t f ight14./ tF/ch much French ch icken tea ch tea cher wat ch pea ch chair children China Chinese whi ch ea ch mat ch cat ch ch opsticks15./ F/sh fi sh sh e sh ort sh orts Engli sh shir t shoes ship shopshopping wa sh wa shroom di shes shelf16./ts/ ts shor ts rabbi ts ki tes17./tr/ tr tr ee18./dr/ dr dress hun dred 18./kw/ qu questi on quee n quiet19./tw/ tw twenty twelve twelfth twentie th20/ Ri/oy b oy t oy oi choi ce p oi nt21/u[/ s ure poor22./dz/ ds bir ds woods23./ ? / ng th i ng answeri ng24./w/ wh why where who what when25./i/i th i n th i nky happy worry every coun tr y reall y sorr y funny strawberrylovel y librar y ready rain y wind y snowy sunny cloud y prett y sevent y twent y thirt y fort y mary an y heal th y salt y happyangry stud yay Monday Tuesd ay Wedn esday Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sun day/j/ y yell ow yo-yo yeah yes。
26个英文字母的发音和归类一、5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu二、26个英文字母的发音和归类学英语真好玩,一百符号要记全;字母共计五十二,大写、小写各一半;音标共计四十八,元音二十,辅(音)二十八;学英语,很容易,听说读写和翻译;多模仿,多记忆,早读晚听别忘记;只要坚持有毅力,考试定得好成绩;理想大学属于你,将来必定成大器。
1. 概述汉语是象形文字,英语是拼音文字.英语共有26个字母,这些字母按一定的顺序排列在一起便组成字母表,英语中称之为"Alphabet", 这26个字母可以组成千千万万个单词,英语字母是学习英语的基础,所以对英语字母的学习与掌握非常重要:1) 英语字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式;2) 书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;3) 读音形式有两种:升调和降调.2. 字母的读音英语26个字母按一定的顺序排列起来,就构成了英语字母表,词典里的词就是按字母表的顺序排列的.3、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [dʒi:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d ʒei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:]S s [es]T t [ti:]U u [ju:]V v [vi:]W w [′dʌblju:] X x [eks]Y y [wai]Z z [zi:]或[zed]4、字母发音归类以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]字母: Aa Hh JjKk音标: [ei] [ei t∫] [dʒei] [k ei]2) 含元音音素[i:]字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg PpTt Vv Zz标音:[b i:] [s i:] [d i:] [i:] [d3i:] [p i:] [t i:] [v i:] [z i:]3) 含元音音素[e]字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn SsXx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`dʌblju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]。
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2011-10-17 20:09:02| 分类:默认分类|字号大中小订阅
1. 概述
汉语象形文字,英语是拼音文字.英语共有26个字母,这些字母按一定的顺序排列在一起便组成字母表,英语中称之为"Alphabet", 这26个字母可以组成千千万万个单词,英语字母是学习英语的基础,所以对英语字母的学习与掌握非常重要:
1) 英语字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式;
2) 书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;
3) 读音形式有两种:升调和降调.
2. 字母的读音
A a [ei]
B b [bi:]
C c [si:]
D d [di:]
E e [i:]
F f [ef]
G g [d3i:] H
h [eit∫]
I i [ai] J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [?u] P p [pi:]
Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]
X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]或[zed]
字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk
音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]
2) 含元音音素[i:]
字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv
音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]
3) 含元音音素[e]
字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz
音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]
4) 含元音音素[ju:]
字母: Uu Qq Ww
音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]
5) 含元音音素[ai]
字母: Ii Yy
音标: [ai] [wai]。