Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,31(2):388-391(A pr.,2006)动物分类学报ISSN 1000 0739This study was supported by the Hundred Talent Pro gram from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (A 2903077,to APL)and the National Science Fund for Fo stering Talents in Basic Research (N S FC J 0030092).*Correspo nding autho r;E mail:liangap @ Received 20Feb.2006,accepted 10Mar.2006.388TAXONOMIC STUDY OF THE ISSID GENUS FLAVI NA ST L (HEMIPTERA,FULGOROIDEA,ISSIDAE)RA N Hong Fan 1,2,LIA NG Ai Ping 1*1 Institute of Zoology ,Chinese A cad emy of S ciences,Beij ing 100080,China2 G raduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beij ing 100039,ChinaAbst ract The Oriental planthopper genus Flavin a St l (H emiptera,Fulgoroidea,Issidae)is reviewed.Two new species,Fla vin a acuta sp.nov.(Laos and Vietnam)and F la vin a quadr isp in a sp.nov.(Thailand),are described and illustrated.Key words Hem iptera,I ssidae,Flavin a ,new species.The planthopper genus Flavin a St l (Hemiptera:Fulgoroidea:Issidae )was erected by St l in 1861(type species: an ulata St l,1861)(India,Musso oree).Distant (1906)described a second species of the genus, F.stri ata Distant,1906,from Burma.Since then,no reports on this genus have been published.In this paper,we describe two new species o f the genus from Lao s,Vietnam and Thailand.The specimens studied are from the Bernice P.Bishop Museum,Honolulu,Hawaii,USA (BPBM).Flavina St l,1861Fl avin a St l,1861:209;1866:206;A tkinson,1886:44;Distant,1906:356 Ty pe species:Flavi na granulata St l,1861.Head including eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum;vertex subquadrate,lateral margins ridged;frons about one and a half times as long as broad,centrally carinate,but the carination obliterated before clypeus and with a subbasal transverse angulated ridge,between which and basal margin are two foveations;clypeus ecarinate;pronotum angularly produced behind vertex,the base truncate;meso notum slightly longer than pronotum,less than twice as long as broad;legs lo ng,posterior tibia with 3 5spines;tegmina with costal margin slightly convex,radial vein bifurcate near base,the upper longitudinal vein bifurcate near apex,the seco nd lo ngitudinal vein bifurcate before middle,the two latter united before middle by a distinct transverse veinlet;longitudinal veins prominent,between them with a number of obscure veinlets,rendering the whole surface faintly reticulate.Key to species of Fla vina St l1.Vertex with median carina only present at base 2 Vertex with co mplete median carina 32.Pro notum with distinct median carina;meso notum with median carina and lateral carinae F.qu adrispina sp.nov. Pro notum withou t median carina;mesonotum withou t median carina,with a l o ngitu dinal carina between middle line and lateral carinae F.acu ta sp.nov.3.Po sterio r ti bia with 5lateral sp ines F.granu lata St l Po sterio r ti bia with 3lateral sp inesF.s tr iata D istantFla vina gra nulata St lFlavina granu lata St l,1861:212;A tkinson,1886:45;D istant,1906:357Pale dull yello wish testaceous,above with a slight dull virescent tint;anterior angles of vertex and basal angles of face piceo us;frons with lateral margins minutely spotted with pale o chraceous;pronotum granulate,especially on lateral margins and po sterio r area;mesonotum with a central carination,on each side of which is an oblique,elongate,fo veate,tubercular line;tegmina with basal halves of inner margins o n each side o f lo ngitudinal suture closely and pro minently spotted with black,other distinct black speckles or spots are found principally on outer and inner longitudinal veins;medial and apical annulations to anterior and middle femora,subbasal annulations and apical areas of anterior tibiae,and streaks to po sterio r femora fuscous brown (Distant,1906).Length incl.teg.7 8mm.Distribution.India,Mussoo ree.Remarks.This species was recorded fro m India.No specimens were available fo r the present study.Fla vina striata DistantFlavina st riat a Distant,1906:357Dull o chraceous with a strong virescent tint;vertex with margins ridged and with a distinct central carination;frons with carinations very distinct,a piceous spot on each side of central carination immediately beneath fusion of the sublateral carinae,both the sublateral and central carinae have a central piceous line which renders them duplex in appearance;pronotum crossed by a number of longitudinal granulose striations;meso notum with central carination distinct and with a brownish raised carinate line on each lateral area;tegmina with veinspro minent,for the most part fuscous,and here and there ornamented with small piceous spots;po sterio r tibia with 3spines (Distant,1906).Length incl.teg.5mm.Distribution.Burma,Tenasserim;Myitta.Remarks.This species was recorded fro m Burma.No specimens were available fo r the present study.Fla vina acuta sp.nov.(F igs 1 8)Body length (incl.teg.): 6 0 6 8mm;tegmina length: 5 0 5 7mm.Figs 1 8.Flavin a a cuta sp.nov. 1.H ead and thorax,dorsal view.2.Frons and clypeus.3.tegmen.4.Malegenitalia ,lateral view.5 A nal segm ent,dorsal view.6 Genital style,lateral view.7 A edeagus,lateral view.8.A edeagus,ventral view.General colo r yellowish brown.Vertex slightly broader than long,with black markings at anterolateral angles;anterior margin angularly produced,posterior margin anterio rly angularly produced;disc concave;with median carina onlypresent at base (F ig 1).F ro ns dark bro wn,with a row of yellowish bro wn spots along lateral margins;with distinct median carina and an inverse V shaped carina between eyes (Fig 2).Clypeus dark brown in middle area,yello wish brown in lateral and basal389A pr.,2006冉红凡等:黄瓢蜡蝉属分类研究(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,瓢蜡蝉科)areas.Rostrum pale yellow.A ntenna dark brown.Pro notum with anterior margin acutely pro duced between eyes;with distinct,fine protuberance on disc;with a dark pit beyond median line near posterior margin .Mesonotum dark brown,triangular;with a lo ngitudinal carina between middle line and lateral carina.Tegmina with black markings at humeral angle,costal margin,apex and claval suture;with yellow brown o r red brown veinlets among longitudinal veins (Fig 3).Legs yellowish brown,femora and tibiae with blackish brown annulatio ns,posterior tibia with 3lateral spines.Spinal formula of hind leg: 8 (8 9) 2.Male genitalia.A nal segment in dorsal view broad apically,narro w at base;anal foramen in middle (Fig 5).Genital styles subtrapeziform in lateral view,apex convex like a ho ok (Fig 6).Aedeagus with lateral lobe bifurcate;with two postero dorsally directed processes in middle (Fig 7).Holotype ,Laos,Wientiane Pro v,Ban Van Eue,14 15A pr.1965(J.L.Gressitt)(BPBM).Paratypes.Vietnam:1 ,Dalat,6km,S.,1400 1500m,9June 7July 1961(N.R.Spencer);1 ,ngbian,1500 2000m,19May 8June 1961(N.R.Spencer)(all in BPBM).Remarks.This species is similar to F.g ran ula ta and F.stri ata but differs from the F.gran ula ta in the posterior tibia with 3lateral spines (po sterio r tibia with 5lateral spines in F.gra n ulata ),and mesonotum without median carina (mesono tum with median carina in F.gra n ulata ),and from F.str iat a in vertex with median carina only present at base (vertex with complete median carina in F.str iat a ),and mesonotum without median carina (mesonotum with median carina in F.str iata ).Etymolo gy.The species is named after its anterio r margin of pro notum acutely produced between eyes.Fla vina quadrispina sp.nov.(Figs 9 16)Body length (incl.teg.): 7 0 7 2mm,!7 5mm;tegmina length: 5 8 6 0mm,!6 2mm.Figs 9 16 Flav in a quadr isp in a sp.nov. 9.Head and thorax,dorsal view.10.Frons and clypeus.11.Tegm en.12.Male genitalia,lateral view.13.A nal segment,dorsal view.14.Genital style,lateral view.15 A edeagus,lateral view.16 A edeagus,ventral view.390 Acta Zootax onomica Sinica 动物分类学报 Vol.31 N o.2General colo r yellowish bro wn.Vertex longer than broad,with black stripes along lateral margins; anterio r margin angularly produced,posterior margin anterio rly angularly produced;with median carina only present at base(Fig 9).Frons dark brown,with yellowish brown spots along lateral margins near frontoclypeal suture;with distinct median carina and an inverse V shaped carina between eyes(Fig 10).C lypeus yellowish brown,with dark brown,transverse stripes beyond middle line.Ro strum yellowish brown.A ntenna black brown.Pronotum dark brown,with anterio r margin produced between eyes;with distinct, fine protuberance on disc;median carina distinct,with a dark pit beyond median carina near posterior margin.Mesonotum dark brown,triangular;with distinct median carina and lateral carinae;with darker spots o n disc.Tegmina yellowish bro wn,with black markings at claval suture,humeral angle,co stal margin and apex;with yellow brown or red bro wn veinlets among longitudinal veins(F ig 11).Legs yellowish brown,femora and tibiae with black annulatio ns,po sterio r tibia with4lateral spines. Spinal formula of hind leg:8 (10 13) 2;!8 (11 13) 2.Male genitalia.A nal segment in dorsal view broad apically,narro w at base;anal foramen in middle (Fig 13).Genital styles subrectangular,apex convex like a hook(F ig 14).A edeagus with lateral lobe bifurcate;with two antero ventrally directed pro cesses in middle(Fig 15).Female is darker than male.Holotype,T hailand(SE),C hanthaburi, Prew,45m,21A pr. 1May1958(T. C.Maa) (BPBM).Paratypes.Thailand:1,Chiangmai Prov,Doi Suthep,1A pr. 5A pr.1958(T.C. Maa);1,Chiengmai,1100 1500m,1966(J. and J.H.Sedlacek,J.and M.Sedlacek);1!,Doi Sutep,7Apr.1952(D.and E.Thurman)(all in BPBM).Remarks.This species is similar to F.g ran ula ta and F.stri ata but differs from the F.gran ula ta in the posterior tibia with4lateral spines(po sterio r tibia with5lateral spines in an ulat a),and fro m F. st ria ta in vertex with median carina only present at base(vertex with complete median carina in F. st ria ta),and the po sterio r tibia with4lateral spines (posterior tibia with3lateral spines in F.stria ta).Etymolo gy.The species is named after its po sterio r tibia with four lateral spines. Acknowledgem ents We thank Mr.David Preston and Dr.Gordo n Nishida(BPBM),for providing the specimens used in this work.REFERENCESAtkinso n, E.T.1886.Notes on In dian Rhy ncho ta,No.5 J.Asi atic S oc.Bengal,55:12 83.D istant,W.L.1906.The Fauna of British Indi a,Including Ceylo n andBu rma.Rhynchota3(Heteroptera H omoptera).Taylor&Francis, London.pp.175 491.St l, C.1861.N ova methodu s famili as qu asdam Hemiptero r u m dispo nendi(Bidrag till H emipterernas S y stematik). f v.S venska V et.Akad.F rh,18:195 212.黄瓢蜡蝉属分类研究(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,瓢蜡蝉科)冉红凡1,2 梁爱萍11.中国科学院动物研究所 北京 1000802.中国科学院研究生院 北京 100039摘 要 对东洋区黄瓢蜡蝉属Flavin a St l(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,瓢蜡蝉科)的种类进行了分类研究,描记2新种,即尖胸黄瓢蜡蝉Flavin a acuta sp.nov.(Laos,Vietnam)和四刺黄瓢蜡蝉Flav in a quadrispin a sp.nov.(Thailand)。
新种和新记录种如下:新记录属:特里飞虱属Trichodelphax Vilbaste, 1968新种:叉突扁角飞虱Perkinsiella furatua sp. nov.,单突新叉飞虱Neodicranotropis monoprocessis sp. nov.,无刺星飞虱Hadeodelphax nonspinois sp. nov.,腹弯长跗飞虱Kakuna venterocurva sp. nov.新记录种:等突芋飞虱Tarophagus persephone (Kirkaldy, 1907)、奇异扁角飞虱Perkinsiella miriamae Emeljanov, 1987、三裂叉飞虱Garaga trifurca Guo et Liang 2004、普思黎氏飞虱Ribautodelphax pusilla Emeljanov, 1972、卢氏
特里飞虱Trichodelphax lukjanovitshi (Kusenzov, 1929)。
山 地 农 业 生 物 学 报 37(2) :033 ~ 040ꎬ2018 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
பைடு நூலகம்
( 半翅目:蜡蝉总科:瓢蜡蝉科)
赵正学1ꎬ 2 ꎬ常志敏1ꎬ 2ꎬ 3 ꎬ陈祥盛1ꎬ 2ꎬ 3∗
( 1������ 贵州大学 昆虫研究所ꎬ贵州 贵阳 550025ꎻ2������ 贵州大学 贵州昆虫资源开发与利用特色重点实验室ꎬ 贵州 贵阳 550025ꎻ3������ 贵州大学 动物科学学院ꎬ贵州 贵阳 550025)
收稿日期:2017 - 11 - 18ꎻ修回日期:2018 - 04 - 03 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31601886、31060290) ꎻ贵州省高层次创新型百人才项目( 黔科合人才 20154021) ꎻ贵州省科技创新人才团队建
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ,30(4):857-858(Oct.,2005)动物分类学报ISSN 100020739Received 27May 2005,accepted 22J uly 2005.857A TA XO N OMIC S TUD Y O N T H E PL AN T HO P P ER GEN US PAL EGO FEN NA H(H EMI P T ERA ,FUL GO RO ID EA ,D EL P HACIDA E )FROM C HINAQIN Dao 2ZhengK ey Laboratory of Pla nt Protection Resources a nd Pest Ma nagement of Mi nist ry of Education ,Entomological M useum ,Northwest A &F University ,Ya n 2gli ng ,Shaa nxi 712100,Chi naAbst ract In the p resent paper ,one new synonym of Palego Fennah is reported :Pa rathriambus Kuoh ,1982is a junior synonym of Palego Fen 2nah ,1978,two new combinations :Palego spi no sus (Kuoh )comb.nov.and Palego lobat us (Kuoh )comb.nov.are p roposed ,and Palego sim 2ulator Fennah is recorded for the first time f rom China.A key for separation of Palego is also p rovided.Ke y wor ds Hemiptera ,Delp hacidae ,Palego ,new synonym ,new combination ,new record ,China. The planthopper genus Palego was erected by Fennah in 1978for Palego simulator Fennah ,1978f rom Vietnam ,belon 2ging to the tribe Delp hacini ,Delp hacidae.Kuoh (1982)eastab 2lished the genus Pa rathriambus for two species of Southern China and designated Pa rathriambus spinosus as its type species.Kuoh noted “this genus resembles Thriambus Fennah and Euidastor Fennah ”.When examining the specimens deposited in the Ento 2mological Museum ,Northwest A &F University (N WAFU ),the author find the type species of Palego Fennah ,and the generic characters of Pa rathriambus described by Kuoh (1982)is the same as Palego Fennah (1978).So ,a new synonym is reported in this paper ,i. e.Pa rathriambus Kuoh is a junior synonym of Palego Fennah ,and the two species which included in Pa rathri 2ambus have been transferred to Palego as new combinations ,Palego simulator Fennah is firstly recorded f rom China.A keyfor the separation of Palego is p rovided.The description is based on dried specimens mounted on cards.The methods and termi 2nology used in this work follows Yang and Yang (1986).Palego Fe n na h ,1978Palego Fennah ,1978.Annales Zool.Wa rsz.,34(9):234.Typespecies :Palego simulator Fennah ,1978.Pa rathriambus Kuoh ,1982.Acta Zootaxon.Si n.,7(2):175.newsynonym.Head including eyes narrower than p ronotum.Vertex mo 2derately p roduced beyond level of eyes ,slightly narrower at apex than at base ,apical margin truncate ,in p rofile vertex rectangu 2lately rounded into f rons ,submedian carinae originating near base of lateral carinae ,not uniting at apex ,basal compartment longer at base than greatest length about 118∶110and than mid 2dle length about 210∶110,Y 2shaped carina distinct.Frons inFigs 11210.Palego simulator Fennah.1.Head and thorax ,dorsal view.2.Frons and clypeus.3.Tegmen.4.Malegenitalia ,posterior view.5.The same ,left side.6.Diap hragm of pygofer.7.Male anal segment ,aedeagus and geni 2tal styles ,lateral view.8.Aedeagus ,dorsal view.9.The same ,lateral view.10.Suspensorium.middle line longer than wide at widest part about 210∶110,widest at apex ,wider at apex than at base ,lateral margins slightly sinuate between eyes ,thence nearly straight and slightly divergent toward apex ,median carina forked above level of ocelli.Post 2clypeus as wide as f rons at apex ,longer than broad at base ,with three distinct carinae.Ocelli distinct.Rostrum reaching meta 2coxa.Antennae cylindrical ,nearly reaching middle of f ronto 2clypeus ,basal segment longer than wide about 210∶110,shorter than second about 115∶110.Pronotum slightly longer in middle line than broad at anterior margin between lateral carinae ,lateral carinae not quite attaining hind margin.Mesonotum longer in middle line than vertex and p ronotum together ,median carina reaching end of scutellum.Forewing long and narrow ,transverse vein located about 1/3f rom apex.Spinal formula of hind leg 52724.Post 2tibial spur with about 30teeth.Male genitalia.Anal segment of male short and broad ,lat 2eroapical angles each p roduced ventrad into a long lobe ,widely separated.Pygofer in p rofile longer ventrally than dorsally ,with a medioventral margin comp rising two separate spinose p rocesses.Diap hragm with dorsal margin concave ,incised medially.Aedea 2gus with p hallus long and slender ,reflected cep halad at apex in a moderately long flagellum.Suspensorium “Y ”2shaped ,arms long and slender ,longer than stem.Genital styles broad and di 2vergent.Distribution.Southern China (Aedeagus Yunnan ,Hainan ),Vietnam.Ke y t o sp ecies of Palego1.Flagellum of p hallus terminating in three rather long spinose p rocesses2………………………………………………………………………Flagellum of p hallus terminating in three short lobes P.lobat us (Kuoh )comb.nov.………………………………………………2.Body length including tegmen 3192412mm (♂).Pygofer in posterior view with opening wider than long.Frons with median carina forked atbasal 2/5.Vertex longer submedially than wide at base about 111∶ mulator Fe n na h rec.nov.……………………………………Body length including tegmen 418mm (♂).Pygofer in posterior view with opening longer than wide.Frons with median carina forked at basal third.Vertex shorter submedially than wide at base about 110∶111P.spi nos us (Kuoh )comb.nov.…………………………1 Palego spi nos us (Kuoh ,1982),comb.nov.Pa rathriambus spi no sus Kuoh ,1982.Acta Zootaxon.Si n.,79(2):175.Distribution.China (Yunnan ).2 Palego lobat us (Kuoh ,1982),comb.nov.Pa rathriambus lobat us Kuoh ,1982.Acta Zootaxon.Si n.,7(2):176.Distribution.China (Hainan ).3 Palego simulator Fe n na h ,new recor d (Figs 11210)Palego simulator Fennah ,1978.Annales Zool.Wa rsz.,34(9):235.Specimens examined.8♂♂,4♀♀,Hainan ,Bawan 2gling ,28May 1983,coll.ZHAN G Ya 2Lin ;3♂♂,1♀,Hainan ,Jianfengling ,18May 1983,coll.ZHAN G Ya 2Lin ;Distribution.China (Hainan );Vietnam.R EFER EN CESFennah ,R.G.1978.Fulgoroidea (Homoptera )f rom Vietnam.AnnalesZool.Wa rsz.,34(9):2072279.Kuoh ,C 2L 1982.A new genus and two new species of Delp hacidae (Ho 2moptera ).Acta Zootaxon.Si n.,7(2):1752178.[动物分类学报]Kuoh ,C 2L ,Ding ,J 2H ,Tian ,L 2X and Hwang ,C 2L 1984.Economic In 2sect Fauna of China.Fasc.27.Homoptera Delp hacidae.Science Press ,Beijing.70272.Yang ,J 2T and Yang ,C 2T 1986.Delp hacidae of Taiwan (I )Asiracinaeand the tribe Tropidocep halini (Homoptera :Fulgoroidea ).Taiwa nM us.Spec.Publ.,6:1279.中国帕飞虱属分类研究(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,飞虱科)秦道正西北农林科技大学植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室,西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆 陕西杨凌 712100摘 要 Fennah (1978)根据分布于越南的标本建立了帕飞虱属Palego,仅包括其模式种Palego simulator Fennah ,1978;葛钟麟(1982)根据分布于中国南部的标本建立了披突飞虱属Pa rathri 2ambus ,并指定刺披突飞虱Pa rathriambus spi no sus 为其模式种,该属现在包括2种。
aedp se eIs tt o no oo , u huU i ri , hn I G . r eoi di t ntue f tm l t nh i E y g G i o n esy C ia(E U) z v t
S io ascu p o . Fg 1—1 ) a n ac ss .n v ( i. g 1
前者阳茎基宛如一套子包裹在 阳茎外 面 ; 后者 阳茎基从侧 面看 , 端部 背面有一背部 延伸 的叶状 突起 , 面具有小 的 腹 叶状 突起 。详细描述 了新种 的外 部形 态特征 , 绘制 了雄虫 鉴别 特征图 。模式标本保存在贵州大学 昆虫研究所 。
关键词 : 蜡蝉 总科 ;象 蜡蝉 科 ;鼻象蜡蝉属 ;新种 ;中国
n u b rd c dd ra yi l e l i n pc l v nr , m rn u b ma n e —l oei v n a v w . o s o epo u e osl tr e a d a i , e t l me ba o s o es l a dsmi o s e t l i ) l l na avw a a l l gb n r e
四川动物 2 1 0 1年 第 3 0卷 第 4期
D I1. 9 9ji n 10 7 8 .0 0 . 1 O :0 3 6 /. s.0 0— 0 3 2 1 .4 0 3 s 1
Sc u nJ u n l f o lg V 13 N . 2 1 i a o r a o o y o.0 o 4 0 h Z o 1
B d e gh: 6 7 3~1 . o y ln t 1 . 7 7 mm, 早 1 . 7 6~1 . 8 3 mm.
T i nw sei i lr oS ioa ug r ds( le,15 ) u a eesydsn use r h t rb hs e pc si s a t ag n lo ie Wa r 8 ,btcn b ai iigi df m tel t y e s mi f o k 8 l t h o ae caat s f eegs p a oae i pclact me ba os(ntel t , hl bs i pcl dr l m m r— hrc r o dau : hl bs t aia sca m rnu i h t r p ao ae t a i , os , e ba e a l wh e ae l wh a a
新种11个:曲带广翅蜡蝉Ricania curvatua sp.nov.,叉脊广翅蜡蝉Ricania forka sp.nov.,片突广翅蜡蝉Ricania flaka sp.nov.,长刺广翅蜡蝉Ricania longispina sp.nov.,三刺宽广蜡蝉Pochazia trispina sp.nov.,榕江宽广蜡蝉Pochazia rongjiaensis sp.nov.,雷山类广蜡蝉Ricanoides leishanensis sp.nov.,凯里曲广蜡蝉Ricanula kaliensis sp.nov.,环刺曲广蜡蝉Rcianula annulata sp.nov.,罗甸钩广蜡蝉Hooka luodianensis sp.nov.,环带疏广蜡蝉Euricania circinata sp.nov.。
新组合1个:暗带钩广蜡蝉Hooka fumosa(Walker)comb.nov.(移自广翅蜡蝉属Ricania)。
2 ( ) 5 7~ 5 ,00 9 6 :4 5 12 1
J u a o Mo nan Agiutr a d B oo y or l f n u ti r l e n ilg c u
中 国象 蜡 蝉种 类调 查初 报 木
( 翅 目: 蝉总科 : 蜡蝉科 ) 半 蜡 象
象 蜡蝉科 Dc o hr a 隶 属 于半翅 目 H m pe 头 喙亚 目 A c eory ca蜡蝉 总科 F loo e , 蜡 iy p ai e t d e itr uh n r nh h ugri a是 d
蝉 总科 中较大 的一个类 群 。 目前全 世界 大约包 括 10属 70余种 , 5 0 广泛分 布 于世 界各 动物地 理界 ] 。
Ab ta t I h sp p r rmay c e kito cy p a ia rm — hiawa r vd d,w c n l d st sr c :n ti a e ,ap i r h c ls fDito h rd e fo C n s p o ie hih icu e wo
有关 中国象蜡 蝉科 昆虫 区系 , 究 者不 多 。F n a - 编制 了 中 国象 蜡 蝉 l 属 的检索 表 , 对 其 中 研 en h3 0个 并
的 5个 种进行 了描述 ; 周尧等 … 在《 中国经 济 昆虫 》 第 3 ( 6册 , 同翅 目: 蝉总科 ) 蜡 中描 述 了 5属 8种 。近年 来 , 内从 事 象 蜡 蝉 分 类 研 究 的主 要 有 梁 爱 萍 、 志 顺 等 人 — ]此 外 还 有 一 些 零 星 的 种 类 和 分 布 记 国 宋 l, o
录 。 目前 国 内对 中 国的象蜡蝉 科 的区 系分类研 究相 对滞后 , 尚有大量 物种 未被 发现 。本 文 根据 文献 资料 和近几年 的野外 采集标 本 、 鉴定整理 出中 国象蜡 蝉科 名 录计 2亚科 l 0属 3 4种 , 加 了 7种 的新分 布 增
新分类单元、新纪录如下:新属:拟瓢蜡蝉属Pseudodarumara,gen.nov.、镊瓢蜡蝉属Forcepsus,gen.nov. 新种:五斑圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus quinquemaculatus,sp.nov.、大棘圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus spinotus,sp.nov.、螯突圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus chelatus,sp.nov.、栅纹圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus cancellatus,sp.nov.、星斑圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithusstellulatus,sp.nov.、拟龟纹圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus pseudotesselatus,sp.nov.、云南圆瓢蜡蝉Gergithus yunnanensis,sp.nov.、周氏镊瓢蜡蝉Forcepsus choui,sp.nov.、瘤拟瓢蜡蝉Pseudodarumara tubercula,sp.nov.、三瓣球瓢蜡蝉Hemisphaerius trilobulus,sp.nov.、双斑球瓢蜡蝉Hemisphaerius bimaculatus,sp.nov.、犬牙球瓢蜡蝉Hemisphaerius caninus,sp.nov.。
一、新分类单元、新记录属种1.新属:隐突菱蜡蝉属Couvertus gen.nov.。
2.新种:闭室安菱蜡蝉Andes clusa sp.nov.、大刺安菱蜡蝉Andes magnispina sp.nov.、三叉安菱蜡蝉Andes trifurcata sp.nov.、双突贝菱蜡蝉Betacixius bispinus sp.nov.、鞭钩贝菱蜡蝉Betacixius flagellihamatus sp.nov.、册亨圆口菱蜡蝉Discophorellus cehengensis sp.nov.、横突圆口菱蜡蝉Discophorellus transispinus sp.nov.、鹿角隐突菱蜡蝉Covertus cervicornus sp.nov.、香格里拉库菱蜡蝉Kuvera xianggelilaensis sp.nov.、双斑同线菱蜡蝉Neocarpia bimaculasp.nov.、黑脉同线菱蜡蝉Neocarpia nigriveina sp.nov.、举钩同线菱蜡蝉Neocarpia hamata sp.nov.。
3.中国新记录种:卵圆孟菱蜡蝉Myndus ovatus Bll,1933、刻点菱蜡蝉Cixius stigmaticusGermar,1818。
1 1 种。该属 种类主要分布于古北 界和东洋界 , 贵 州省 目前 只 记 录 五 斑 圆 瓢 蜡 蝉 ( G e r g i t h u s q u i n —
圆瓢蜡 蝉属 ( G e r g i t h u s ) 隶 属 于半 翅 目( He mi p — t e r a ) 蜡 蝉总 科 ( F u l g o r o i d e a ) 瓢蜡蝉科 ( I s s i d a e ) , 主
种 。近 年来 , 车艳 丽 引, 张 艺 , 孟 瑞 m 及 张争 光l 】 等对 中国 圆瓢 蜡蝉 属 昆虫 种 类 进行 了研 究 报
道, 发表 了采 自海 南 、 云南 、 广 西等地 的该属 新 种共
要分布在热带 和亚热带地 区 , 少数 在温 带也有分 布, 是瓢 蜡蝉 中较大 的一 个属 。该 属 目前 世 界 已知
5 8种 , 中 国分 布 有 3 5种 , 主要 分 布 在 海 南 、 云南 、
广 西及 台湾 等省 份 , 少 数 种类 在我 国中部 地 区也 有
Ab s t r a c t : Ac c o r d i n g t o l i t e r a t u r e s a n d s p e c i me n s,3 5 s p e c i e s i n G e r g i t h u s we r e r e c o g n i z e d,a n d o n e n e w r e -
Ge r g i t h u s f r o m Ch i n a a n a l y z e d h e r e i n .
Ke y wo r d s : Gu i z h o u Pr o v i n c e;G e r g i t h u s ;M o r p h o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r s ;M a le g e n i t a l ;Di s t r i b u t i o n
中国菱蜡蝉科分类研究(半翅目:蜡蝉总科)本文记述中国菱蜡蝉科Cixiidae 2亚科、4族、17属、108种,其中包括1新属、36新种、1中国新记录族、3新记录属、15中国新记录种;编制了分亚科、族、属、种检索表;所有新种绘制了外生殖器特征图。
对属级单元之间的系统发育关系进行了探索分析,结果表明,菱蜡蝉科Cixiidae安菱蜡蝉族Andini、正菱蜡蝉族Eucarpiini、五胸菱蜡蝉族Pentastirini三个族为单系群;菱蜡蝉族Cixiini为并系群;迪菱蜡蝉属Dilacreon与巴菱蜡蝉属Bajauana为姊妹群;Kirbyana与(Eucarpia + Neocarpia)为姊妹群。
新分类单元及新记录如下:新属:秦脊菱蜡蝉属(新属)Chinoliarus gen. nov.新种:宽安菱蜡蝉(新种)Andes euryoides sp. nov.、鳞安菱蜡蝉(新种)Andes scalatus sp. nov.、环刺安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes annulatus sp. nov.、阿安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes arus sp. nov.、棒安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes cobiformis sp. nov.、叉贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius bifurcus sp. nov.、双角贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius bicorneus sp. nov.、峨眉贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius emeinus sp. nov.、南方贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius australis sp. nov.、基钩贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius basiuncatus sp. nov.、户县库菱蜡蝉(新种)Kuvera huxiana sp. nov.、三刺库菱蜡蝉(新种)Kuvera trispina sp. nov.、藏菱蜡蝉(新种)Cixius tibetus sp. nov.、双尖菱蜡蝉(新种)Cixius bicuspidatus sp. nov.、卷刺三轴菱蜡蝉(新种)Trirhacus tortispinatus sp. nov.、莫巴菱蜡蝉(新种)Bajauana mena sp. nov.、满迪菱蜡蝉(新种)Dilacreon (Dilacreon) manus sp. nov.、岚皋迪菱蜡蝉(新种)Dilacreon (Eluzalmon) langaoensis sp. nov.、鸟头克菱蜡蝉(新种)Kirbyana avicephaliformis sp. nov.、长克菱蜡蝉(新种)Kirbyana elongata sp. nov.、云正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia yuna sp. nov.、彩正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia poecilata sp. nov.、红滩正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia hongtanensis sp. nov.、金秀正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia jinxiuensis sp. nov.、磨镜台正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia mojingtaiensis sp. nov.、五齿秦脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Chinoliarus pentaserratus sp. nov.、三齿秦脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Chinoliarus triserratus sp. nov.、雅安莹脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Indolipa yaana sp. nov.、巨脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus enlarginatus sp. nov.、杯脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus cupulatus sp. nov.、小脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus nanus sp. nov.、拟端斑五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius pseudoapicalis sp. nov.、拟兔五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius paraleporinus sp. nov.、永兴五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius yongxingensis sp. nov.、叶刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Reptalus foliprocessus sp. nov.、顺溪坞瑞脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Reptalus shunxiwuensis sp. nov.中国新记录族:正菱蜡蝉族Eucarpiini Emeljanov rec. nov.中国新记录属:三轴菱蜡蝉属Trirhacus Fieber rec. nov.、巴菱蜡蝉属Bajauana Distant, rec. nov.、迪菱蜡蝉属Dilacreon Fennah rec. nov.中国新记录种:齐安菱蜡蝉Andes truncates Fennah rec. nov.、半安菱蜡蝉Andes hemina Fennah rec. nov.、麦巴菱蜡蝉Bajauana mestra Fennah rec. nov.、斯巴菱蜡蝉Bajauana smaragus Fennah rec. nov.、半支迪菱蜡蝉Dilacreon (Dilacreon) semiramis Fennah rec. nov.、威氏库菱蜡蝉Kuvera vilbastei Anufriev rec. nov.、珂立库菱蜡蝉Kuvera kurilensis Anufriev rec. nov.、帕库菱蜡蝉Kuvera pallidula Matsumura rec. nov.、半亮库菱蜡蝉Kuvera semihyalina Distant rec. nov.、黄库菱蜡蝉Kuvera flaviceps Matsumura rec. nov.、亚单菱蜡蝉Cixiussubsimplex Vilbaste rec. nov.、褐带脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus cingalensis (Distant) rec. nov.、印度脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus indicus Distant rec. nov.、莫拉脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus mlanjensis Van Stalle rec. nov.、葩脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus pundaloyensis Van Stalle rec. nov.新种模式标本全部保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWAFU)。
叶蝉科生物地理学研究(半翅目:头喙亚目)CHINESE ABSTRACT本文应用历史生物地理学的方法,结合大陆漂移过程中的重大地质事件,探讨了叶蝉科昆虫起源与演化关系。
本文以Metcalf(1964)和Oman 等(1990)的世界叶蝉名录、1956~2002年的《Zoological Record》及Young (1968, 1977, 1986)、张雅林(1990、1994、1997)有关于叶蝉科研究专著及其它有关叶蝉分类研究资料,采用Office系统提供的Access数据库软件建立叶蝉科昆虫种级以上单元的数据库,并与McKamey建立的叶蝉科名录作了对比和适当修正。
起源于200Ma前联合古陆时期的有:麦尔叶蝉亚科Myerslopiinae、角顶叶蝉亚科Deltocephalinae、小叶蝉亚科Typhlocybinae、大叶蝉亚科Cicadellinae、铲头叶蝉亚科Hecalinae、圆痕叶蝉亚科Agalliinae和广头叶蝉亚科Macropsinae;在中侏罗纪联合古陆分裂为劳亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆之后,起源于冈瓦纳古陆的有:无片叶蝉亚科Acostemminae、离脉叶蝉亚科Coelidiinae、缘脊叶蝉亚科Selenocephalinae、叶蝉亚科Iassinae、耳叶蝉亚科Ledrinae、窄颊叶蝉亚科Ulopinae、隐脉叶蝉亚科Nirvaninae、褐点叶蝉亚科Xestocephalinae、片角叶蝉亚科Idiocerinae和乌叶蝉亚科Penthimiinae;匙头叶蝉亚科Eupelicinae和聂叶蝉亚科Nioniinae于135Ma印度次大陆与马达加斯加从冈瓦纳古陆分离之起源于冈瓦纳古陆;宽头叶蝉亚科Eurymelinae、尖颊叶蝉亚科Euacanthellinae、锥胸叶蝉亚科Tartessinae和澳痕叶蝉亚科Austroagalloidinae起源于45Ma澳大利亚从冈瓦纳古陆分离之后的澳洲区;圆筒叶蝉亚科Adelungiinae、脊冠叶蝉亚科Aphrodinae和迈叶蝉亚科Megopthalminae起源于45Ma北美大陆从劳亚古陆分离之后的古北区;窄唇叶蝉亚科Koebeliinae起源于北美大陆从欧亚大陆分离之后的北美洲;扁叶蝉亚科Gyponinae、新离脉叶蝉亚科Neocoelidiinae、多彩叶蝉亚科Neobalinae、凸缘叶蝉亚科Phereurhininae、短头叶蝉亚科Bythoniinae、角冠叶蝉亚科Arrugadinae和网脉叶蝉亚科Evansiolinae起源于45Ma澳大利亚从冈瓦纳古陆分离之后的南美洲;杆叶蝉亚科Hylicinae、横脊叶<WP=6>蝉亚科Evacanthinae和莫卡叶蝉亚科Mukariinae起源于北美大陆从欧亚大陆分离后的东洋区;长胸叶蝉亚科Signoretiinae和长板叶蝉亚科Phlogisinae起源于第三纪的非洲大陆;宽额叶蝉亚科Makilingiinae起源于第三纪的东洋区;淡叶蝉亚科Tinterominae和额冠叶蝉亚科Drakensbergeninae 分别起源于第三纪的中美洲和南美洲。
种是 产于 马来 亚 的 Fa b/ Sa。Dia t 17 年 /aa a t t / a l s n 于 89 t
根据 彩 蛾 蜡 蝉 属 的 特 征 将 W1t 14 1e 86年 记 述 的 i Pe ̄tamr o e ai d r a移人 彩 蛾蜡 蝉 属 ;10 年 Meca 在 91 lhr i
物馆 。
半翅 目,蛾蜡蝉科 ,彩蛾蜡 蝉属 ,新种 ,中国 . .5 3
彩蛾蜡 蝉 属
由 Sa 建 立于 16 t l 8 2年 ,模 式
于 复眼 之前 ,侧 缘 脊 状 ,基 部 具 一 横 脊 ,复 眼前 方 有一小 突起 ;额 基部 稍 隆起 ,侧缘 脊 片 状 ;唇 基长 , 其 基部 有 2条 弯 曲 的纵 脊 ;触 角第 1 第 2节 同等 和 延长 ,第 2节 端 部 略 加 粗 。 前 胸 背 板 有 3条 纵 脊 , 脊域 在 2复 眼 问有一 抬高 的 扁平 区 ;中胸 背板 隆 起 , 具纵 脊 3条 。前 翅 略 宽 阔 ,外 缘 较 圆 ;前 缘 膜 宽 , 在基 部 略窄 ,具 密 集 横 脉 并 略 加 厚 ,纵 脉 从 基 室 末
前翅翅面有 3 条线 ………………………………………………… 3 前翅从爪 片端部伸 出 2条相连 的线 …… …… C. 前翅通常绿色 中略带红色 ,前缘膜红色 ,触角绿色
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … 一
bdilr l da ……………
( dd且 ) M i r b
王应 伦 彭 凌 飞
陕西杨凌 720 110 西北农林科 技大学植保资源 与病虫 害治理教育部重点实验室 ,西北农林科技大学 昆虫博物 馆
中国栲颖蜡蝉属1新种记述(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,颖蜡蝉科)作者:龙见坤杨琳陈祥盛来源:《山地农业生物学报》2021年第05期摘要:描记了采自中国广西的半翅目Hemiptera蜡蝉总科Fulgoromorpha颖蜡蝉科Achilidae菲颖蜡蝉族Plectoderini栲颖蜡蝉属Kosalya1新种,即侧突栲颖蜡蝉,新种Kosalya cetua Long & Chen sp.nov.。
该新种与其近似种曲肛栲颖蜡蝉Kosalya curvaeanalis主要区别是:肛节左右对称(后者不对称)和腹中突亚端侧缘具1小突起(后者无)。
关键词:蜡蝉;半翅目;颖蜡蝉科;新种;中国中图分类号:Q969.36 文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-0457(2021)05-0010-05 国际DOI编码:10.15958/ki.sdnyswxb.2021.05.002A New Species of Kosalya Distant,1906 (Hemiptera:Fulgoromorpha:Achilidae) from ChinaLONG Jiankun1,2,YANG Lin2,CHEN Xiangsheng2*(1.College of Animal Sciences,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China;2.Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources of Guizhou,Institute of Entomology of Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China)Abstract:A new species,Kosalya cetua Long & Chen sp.nov.of the planthopper genus Kosalya Distant,1906 (Hemiptera:Fulgoromorpha:Achilidae:Plectoderini) from Guangxi,China was described and illustrated.The new species resembles Kosalya curvaeanalis,but differs from the latter in:anal segment in dorsal view symmetrical (asymmetrical in the latter) and medioventral protrusion of pygofer in ventral view near lateroapical margin with a small protrusion(the latter without).And a key to all species of the genus was given.The type specimens of the new species are deposited in Institute of Entomology,Guizhou University,Guiyang,China.Keywords:Planthopper;hemiptera;achilidae;new species;China基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31601886、31093430、31060290);贵州省高层次创新型“百”层次人才项目(黔科合人才 20154021)和贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合基础[2018]1031);贵州大学引进人才科研项目(贵大人基合字[2017]18)栲颖蜡蝉属Kosalya Distant,1906隶属于半翅目Hemiptera蜡蝉总科Fulgoromorpha颖蜡蝉科Achilidae菲颖蜡蝉族Plectoderini,该属是Distant[1]于1906年以采自缅甸的黄线栲颖蜡蝉K.flavostrigata Distant,1906作为模式种而建立的,主要分布于东洋界和古北界[2]。
新分类单元记述如下:新种:拟斜纹贝菱蜡蝉Betacixius paraobliquus sp.nov、三刺贝菱蜡蝉Betacixius trispinus sp.nov、拟半亮库菱蜡蝉Kuvera parasemihyalina sp.nov、中山寺库菱蜡蝉Kuvera zhongshansiensis sp.nov、腹刺库菱蜡蝉Kuvera ventispina sp.nov、鞭突圆口菱蜡蝉属Tsauria flagellispina sp.nov、内弯三轴菱蜡蝉Trirhacus incurvatus sp.nov、佛坪冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis fopingensis sp.nov、杨凌冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis yanglingensis sp.nov、镰刺冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis drepaniprocessus sp.nov、长刺冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis longiprocessus sp.nov、截突冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis decurtispinus sp.nov、钩刺冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis aduncatus sp.nov、拟举冠脊菱蜡蝉Oecleopsis paraelevatus sp.nov、异脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus anomalus sp.nov、弯刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉Reptalus curvispinosus sp.nov、拟基刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉Reptalus basiprocessus sp.nov、鞭刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉Reptalus flagelliprocessus sp.nov、二齿簇脊菱蜡蝉Siniarus biserratus sp.nov、拟三齿簇脊菱蜡蝉Siniarus pseudotriserratus sp.nov.新记录属:黑脊菱蜡蝉属Atretus Emeljanov rec.nov、簇脊菱蜡蝉属Siniarus Emeljanov rec.nov.。
中国菱蜡蝉科分类研究(半翅目:蜡蝉总科)本文记述中国菱蜡蝉科Cixiidae 2亚科、4族、17属、108种,其中包括1新属、36新种、1中国新记录族、3新记录属、15中国新记录种;编制了分亚科、族、属、种检索表;所有新种绘制了外生殖器特征图。
对属级单元之间的系统发育关系进行了探索分析,结果表明,菱蜡蝉科Cixiidae安菱蜡蝉族Andini、正菱蜡蝉族Eucarpiini、五胸菱蜡蝉族Pentastirini三个族为单系群;菱蜡蝉族Cixiini为并系群;迪菱蜡蝉属Dilacreon与巴菱蜡蝉属Bajauana为姊妹群;Kirbyana与(Eucarpia + Neocarpia)为姊妹群。
新分类单元及新记录如下:新属:秦脊菱蜡蝉属(新属)Chinoliarus gen. nov.新种:宽安菱蜡蝉(新种)Andes euryoides sp. nov.、鳞安菱蜡蝉(新种)Andes scalatus sp. nov.、环刺安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes annulatus sp. nov.、阿安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes arus sp. nov.、棒安菱蜡蝉(新种) Andes cobiformis sp. nov.、叉贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius bifurcus sp. nov.、双角贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius bicorneus sp. nov.、峨眉贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius emeinus sp. nov.、南方贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius australis sp. nov.、基钩贝菱蜡蝉(新种)Betacixius basiuncatus sp. nov.、户县库菱蜡蝉(新种)Kuvera huxiana sp. nov.、三刺库菱蜡蝉(新种)Kuvera trispina sp. nov.、藏菱蜡蝉(新种)Cixius tibetus sp. nov.、双尖菱蜡蝉(新种)Cixius bicuspidatus sp. nov.、卷刺三轴菱蜡蝉(新种)Trirhacus tortispinatus sp. nov.、莫巴菱蜡蝉(新种)Bajauana mena sp. nov.、满迪菱蜡蝉(新种)Dilacreon (Dilacreon) manus sp. nov.、岚皋迪菱蜡蝉(新种)Dilacreon (Eluzalmon) langaoensis sp. nov.、鸟头克菱蜡蝉(新种)Kirbyana avicephaliformis sp. nov.、长克菱蜡蝉(新种)Kirbyana elongata sp. nov.、云正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia yuna sp. nov.、彩正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia poecilata sp. nov.、红滩正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia hongtanensis sp. nov.、金秀正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia jinxiuensis sp. nov.、磨镜台正菱蜡蝉(新种)Eucarpia mojingtaiensis sp. nov.、五齿秦脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Chinoliarus pentaserratus sp. nov.、三齿秦脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Chinoliarus triserratus sp. nov.、雅安莹脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Indolipa yaana sp. nov.、巨脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus enlarginatus sp. nov.、杯脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus cupulatus sp. nov.、小脊菱蜡蝉(新种) Oliarus nanus sp. nov.、拟端斑五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius pseudoapicalis sp. nov.、拟兔五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius paraleporinus sp. nov.、永兴五胸脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Pentastiridius yongxingensis sp. nov.、叶刺瑞脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Reptalus foliprocessus sp. nov.、顺溪坞瑞脊菱蜡蝉(新种)Reptalus shunxiwuensis sp. nov.中国新记录族:正菱蜡蝉族Eucarpiini Emeljanov rec. nov.中国新记录属:三轴菱蜡蝉属Trirhacus Fieber rec. nov.、巴菱蜡蝉属Bajauana Distant, rec. nov.、迪菱蜡蝉属Dilacreon Fennah rec. nov.中国新记录种:齐安菱蜡蝉Andes truncates Fennah rec. nov.、半安菱蜡蝉Andes hemina Fennah rec. nov.、麦巴菱蜡蝉Bajauana mestra Fennah rec. nov.、斯巴菱蜡蝉Bajauana smaragus Fennah rec. nov.、半支迪菱蜡蝉Dilacreon (Dilacreon) semiramis Fennah rec. nov.、威氏库菱蜡蝉Kuvera vilbastei Anufriev rec. nov.、珂立库菱蜡蝉Kuvera kurilensis Anufriev rec. nov.、帕库菱蜡蝉Kuvera pallidula Matsumura rec. nov.、半亮库菱蜡蝉Kuvera semihyalina Distant rec. nov.、黄库菱蜡蝉Kuvera flaviceps Matsumura rec. nov.、亚单菱蜡蝉Cixiussubsimplex Vilbaste rec. nov.、褐带脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus cingalensis (Distant) rec. nov.、印度脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus indicus Distant rec. nov.、莫拉脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus mlanjensis Van Stalle rec. nov.、葩脊菱蜡蝉Oliarus pundaloyensis Van Stalle rec. nov.新种模式标本全部保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWAFU)。
罗颖蜡蝉属一新种记述(半翅目:颖蜡蝉科)1陈祥盛1,2,杨琳21贵州大学山地农业病虫害贵州省重点实验室,贵阳(550025)2贵州大学昆虫研究所,贵阳(550025)E-mail:xschen@, chenxs3218@摘要:记述采自贵州省梵净山国家级自然保护区的罗颖蜡蝉属Rhotala Walker 1新种,即梵净罗颖蜡蝉R. fanjingshana sp. nov.。
关键词:半翅目,蜡蝉总科,颖蜡蝉科,罗颖蜡蝉属,新种,贵州中图分类号:Q969.361. 引言罗颖蜡蝉属Rhotala隶属于蜡蝉总科Fulgoroidea颖蜡蝉科Achilidae罗颖蜡蝉族Rhotalini,由Walker建立于1857年,模式种为产于婆罗洲(印度尼西亚)的Rhotala delineata Walker 1857。
迄今为止该属已报道15种,主要分布于中国(R. nawae Matsumura 1907,R. vittata Matsumura 1907,R. formosana Matsumura 1914)、日本(R. niisimae Matsumura 1905,R. nawae Matsumura 1907,R. vittata Matsumura 1907,R. ibukisana Matsumura 1914,R. jozankeana Matsumura 1914)、印度(R. gravelyi Muir 1922)、印度尼西亚(R. delineata Walker 1857,R. funesta (Walker, 1870),R. depressifrons Muir 1923)、菲律宾(R. philippinensis Distant 1907)、巴布亚新几内亚(R. albopunctata Distant 1914,R. nebulosa Distant 1914)、智利(R. valdiviana Fennah 1965)、巴拿马(R. ambigua Fowler 1905)等国家和地区[1~9]。
【总页数】7页(P97-103)【作者】张争光;张梦博;徐镇超;邓德美;尤云菲【作者单位】[1]井冈山大学生命科学学院,江西吉安343009;[2]江西省生物多样性与生态工程重点实验室,江西吉安343009;;[1]井冈山大学生命科学学院,江西吉安343009;;[1]井冈山大学生命科学学院,江西吉安343009;;[1]井冈山大学生命科学学院,江西吉安343009;;[1]井冈山大学生命科学学院,江西吉安343009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q969.365.8【相关文献】1.中国瓢蜡蝉科(半翅目:蜡蝉总科)r昆虫的地理分布格局 [J], 张争光;张梦博;徐镇超;邓德美;尤云菲2.球瓢蜡蝉族昆虫区系分析(半翅目:蜡蝉总科:瓢蜡蝉科) [J], 赵正学;常志敏;陈祥盛3.中国圆瓢蜡蝉属种类名录及贵州省一新纪录种(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,瓢蜡蝉科) [J], 郭梅娜;陈祥盛4.贵州飞虱科昆虫物种多样性及地理分布格局(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,飞虱科) [J], 李红荣;陈祥盛5.中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫区系分析(半翅目:蜡蝉总科) [J], 赵正学;常志敏;陈祥盛因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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