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中文:纪念唐山大地震 1976年7月28日凌晨,唐山市遭受了一场强烈地震,震级达到了7.8级。这场地震给唐山带来了巨大的灾难,数以万计的人失去了生命,数十万人无家可归。但唐山人民并没有被打倒,他们凭着坚韧的毅力和顽强的精神,自救自强,逐渐走出了灾区,重建了家园。唐山抗震精神成为了中华民族不屈不挠、勇敢前行的象征。今天,我们在这里矗立这座唐山抗震纪念碑,是为了铭记那场灾难,缅怀那些逝去的英雄和无辜的遇难者,也是为了表彰唐山人民在灾难中所展现的英勇和坚强。

英文: In Memory of the Tangshan Earthquake On the early morning of July 28th, 1976, Tangshan city was hit by a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8. This earthquake brought great disaster to Tangshan, and tens of thousands of people lost their lives, with hundreds of thousands homeless. However, the people of Tangshan were not defeated. They relied on their tough perseverance and indomitable spirit, self-reliance and self-improvement, and gradually emerged from the disaster area, rebuilding their homes. The spirit of Tangshan earthquake resistance has become a symbol of the Chinese nation's indomitable spirit and brave progress. Today, we stand here to erect this Tangshan earthquake commemorative monument to commemorate that disaster, mourn the fallen

heroes and innocent victims, and to commend the bravery and strength of the people of Tangshan in the face of disaster.
