Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改涉外商标代理委托书范文2篇Model of foreign trademark agency power of attorney 编订:JinTai College涉外商标代理委托书范文2篇前言:委托书是委托他人代表自己行使自己的合法权益,被委托人在行使权力时需出具委托人的法律文书。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:涉外商标代理委托书范文2、篇章2:商标代理委托书范本篇章1:涉外商标代理委托书范文我/我公司 i/we,是国籍/依 a citizen of/a corporation organized and existing国家/地区法律组成。
现委托 under the laws ofxxx有限公司 , hereby entrust在中华人民共和国代理fang’s zhuoyue intellectual property agency商标在第类的在如下事宜: to act as my/our agent in p.r. china for:□ 商标注册申请□ registration□ 商标异议申请□ opposition□ 变更商标申请人/注册人名义/地址申请□ change of name/address of applicant/registrant□ 删减商品/服务项目申请□ deletion ofgoods/services□ 变更商标代理人申请□ change of trademark agent□ 更正商标申请/注册事项申请□ modification of application/registration□ 转让申请/注册商标申请□ assignment of application/registration□ 商标续展注册申请□ renewal of registration□ 撤销连续三年停止使用注册商标申请□ cancellation against 3 year non-use registration□ 商标注销申请□ removal of registration□ 注册人死亡/终止注销商标申请□ removal of registration of dead registrant□ 补发变更/转让/续展证明申请□ reissuance of modification/assignment/renewal certificate□ 补发商标注册证申请□ reissuance of registration certificate□ 提供商标注册证明申请□obt aining trademark registration certificate□ 提供优先权证明文件申请□ obtaining convention priority documents□ 商标使用许可合同备案申请□ recordal of trademark license contract□ 商标使用许可合同备案变更/提前终止申请□ change/termination of trademark license□ 商标专用权质押登记申请□ recordal of trademark mortgage□ 撤回商标注册申请申请□ withdrawal of application□ 撤回商标异议申请□ withdrawal of opposition□ 商标评审事宜□ trademark review and adjudication□ 其他□ other mattersin relation to the trademarkin class .委托人: name:地址: address:签章: signature:日期:年月日 date: , 20篇章2:商标代理委托书范本【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】商标代理委托书是表明在申请人和商标代理组织之间成立委托代理关系,适用于外国个人或企业来我国申请商标注册。
简单授权委托书范本____公证处:我作为 (单位) 的法定代表,委派(姓名、性别、出生年月、工作单位、职务、住址)为全权代表,与我单位的公派出国留学人员签订《出国留学协议书》,并代表我单位处理该协议书中的一切事宜。
双方本着互信互利的原则,达成如下协议:第一条代理范围及内容1. 甲方委托乙方代理以下具体事项,并授权乙方进行处理:(1)___________________;(2)___________________;(3)___________________;(4)___________________。
2. 乙方在代理过程中,须秉承诚实守信的原则,恪守法律法规,代表甲方进行相关事务处理。
第二条权限限制1. 甲方特此授权乙方代理上述具体事项,但在代理过程中,乙方需严格遵守以下权限限制:(1)不得超出合理权限,未经甲方书面授权,不得代理其他事项;(2)不得违反法律法规的有关规定;(3)不得泄露甲方的商业秘密或其他保密信息。
2. 甲方明确声明,乙方超出授权范围所产生的相关事项,甲方将不承担任何法律责任。
第三条委托期限1. 本授权委托书自双方签署之日起生效,并持续有效期为_______年/月/日至_______年/月/日。
2. 如甲方需要终止委托关系,应提前_______天书面通知乙方,并在终止之日起不再受乙方代理。
第四条委托手续及费用1. 甲方应向乙方提供必要的资料和证明文件,以便乙方进行代理。
2. 乙方代理甲方所产生的费用由甲方承担,费用包括但不限于:律师费、公证费、印花税等。
第五条文件和资料1. 乙方应将与受托事项相关的文件和资料以及处理结果报告及时提供给甲方。
法定代表人授权委托书英文版篇一Bank of China, Beijing BranchPower of Attorney by Legal Representative (or Principal)To a branch of Bank of China:This is to certify that the following persons are the employees of our company who are authorized to do transactions under our company's bank account (account # ) as set forth below:1. Account Opening issues, to authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile2. For daily transactions and account change or cancellation, authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile3. For the daily payments which meets Bank of China requirements, please confirm with the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile4. For the online banking transactions, or collect E-Token and envelopes with pins, authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone MobileThis authorization is □ for the first time, which will become effective upon execution and such authorization is not allowed to be transferred.□ the change of prior authorization, which will come into force on the next day after it's delivered to the bank. The prior Power of Attorney will be terminated automatically. The authorized items are not allowed to be transferred.Grantor's Signature:Grantor's ID Type Number: Company Seal:Date:请假条中英文版篇二请假条中英文版敬爱的马老师:I apologize that I cannot go to school today. Last night my mother had a high fever and coughed badly. I think that she has got flu. She didn t have a good sleep and is very weak today, so I will go to Tiantan Hospital with my mother, and then stay at home to attend her. Because of this I have to ask for leave. I will appreciate you very much if you can allow my leave.很抱歉我今天不能去上学了。
欢迎参考阅读!委托书英文范本篇一I,___,of____,hereby appoint___,of____, as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until____or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party我,__(姓名),__(地址等),在此指g 定__(姓名),__(地址或律师事务所名称等),为我的律师,以我的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。
Dated____日期:__STATE OF____ (签名处)地址:__COUNTY OF____州名和县名:__委托书英文范本篇二Letter of AttorneyConsigner: Hu Fang, female, ID Card No.: Trustee: Fu Zhihua, male, ID Card No.:The consignor Hu Fang and the trustee Fu Zhihua was registered to marry on Sept.7, 19xx. On August 25, 20xx, their son Fu Pengyuan was born. Now, the consignor Hu Fang entrust her husband Fu Zhihua being fully responsible for all the affairs regarding their son Fu Pengyuan during his staying in foreign country from August 2, 20xx to August 19, 20xx.The period validity of the letter of attorney is from signing the letter of attorney to the son gets back to China.The Trustee has no entrustment transferring right.Consigner: Hu FangJune 27, 20xx译文:委托人:胡芳,女,公民身份号码:受托人: 付志华,男, 公民身份号码:委托人胡芳和受托人付志华于一九xx年九月七日登记结婚,二0xx年八月二十五日生育一子付鹏远,现委托人胡芳委托丈夫付志华全权负责儿子付鹏远在国外期间的一切事务。
1. 委托内容:委托人授权受托人代表委托人进行以下事务处理:- 代表委托人与相关合作火伴进行商务洽谈,并签署相关合作协议;- 代表委托人参加国际会议、研讨会等活动,并进行相关演讲或者展示;- 代表委托人与相关机构或者个人进行合作项目的洽谈和签署合作协议;- 代表委托人参加相关行业展览,并进行产品推广和销售。
2. 权限与义务:2.1 委托人授权受托人代表委托人行使与委托内容相关的一切权力,并代表委托人签署相关文件和合同。
2.2 受托人应遵守委托人的指示并积极履行委托事务,维护委托人的利益,确保委托事务的顺利进行。
2.3 受托人应及时向委托人报告委托事务的发展情况,并在必要时征求委托人的意见。
2.4 受托人在代表委托人进行商务洽谈和签署合同时,应尽职调查和风险评估,确保合作火伴的信誉和合法性。
2.5 受托人应保护委托人的商业机密和个人信息,不得泄露给任何未经授权的第三方。
3. 期限与费用:3.1 本委托书自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为[有效期限],期满后自动失效,除非双方另有约定。
3.2 受托人在履行委托事务期间发生的必要费用,由委托人承担,包括但不限于差旅费、住宿费、交通费等。
4. 争议解决:双方在履行本委托书过程中如发生争议,应通过友好商议解决。
5. 法律适合:本委托书适合[适合法律]法律。
6. 其他约定:6.1 本委托书的任何修改、补充或者终止应以书面形式经双方商议一致后生效。
英文版委托书(12篇)英文委托书篇一致任何有关人员:本人(身份证号码:id, 护照号码:passport) 自愿同意我的孩子(身份证号码:id, 护照号码:passport) 自20xx 年09 月至20xx 年08 月在中国广西玉林学习。
委托人签名:年月日英文委托书篇二This is to authorize ____________to be the attorney of me (“__________”)toexecute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of ______________________ in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business license of ________________is issued. I recognize the documents executed by theAttorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization.Company: __________Signed by: ________________Date:____________________英文委托书篇三xxx center:Comrade I unit [XXXXX] because [XXXXX] x mission, will be in (XXXXX) in x x month x country (region),stay outside xx days, pay cost of xx. Because of the comrade of the personnel archives check your center, entrust the relevant foreign affairs formalities.(name of the entity and affix one's seal)In x x month x day英文委托书篇四兹全权委托xxx先生(女士)和xxx先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的'合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。
委托书英文范本4篇精选模板导读:本文是关于委托书英文范本4篇精选模板,希望能帮助到您!委托书英文范本篇一I,___,of____,hereby appoint__我,__(姓名),__(地址等),在此指g 定__(姓名),__(地址或律师事务所名称等),为我的律师,以我的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。
Dated____日期:__STATE OF____ (签名处)地址:__COUNTY OF____州名和县名:__委托书英文范本篇二Letter of AttorneyConsigner: Hu Fang, female, ID Card No.: Trustee: Fu Zhihua, male, ID Card No.:The consignor Hu Fang and the trustee Fu Zhihua was registered to marry on Sept.7, 19xx. On August 25, 20xx, their son Fu pengyuan was born. Now, the consignor Hu Fang entrust her husband Fu Zhihua being fully responsible for all the affairs regarding their son Fupengyuan during his staying in foreign country from August 2, 20xx to August 19, 20xx.The period validity of the letter of attorney is from signing the letter of attorney to the son gets back to China.The Trustee has no entrustment transferring right.Consigner: Hu FangJune 27, 20xx译文:委托人:胡芳,女,公民身份号码:受托人: 付志华,男, 公民身份号码:委托人胡芳和受托人付志华于一九xx年九月七日登记结婚,二0xx年八月二十五日生育一子付鹏远,现委托人胡芳委托丈夫付志华全权负责儿子付鹏远在国外期间的一切事务。
第1篇This Personal Power of Attorney (hereinafter referred to as the "Power of Attorney") is executed by [Name of Principal], hereinafter referred to as "Principal," of [Principal's Address], who is of legal age and sound mind, to [Name of Agent], hereinafter referred to as "Agent," of [Agent's Address], who is of legal age and sound mind, as follows:1. General PowersThe Principal hereby grants to the Agent the general power of attorney to act on the Principal's behalf in all matters listed below, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Power of Attorney.2. Specific PowersThe Agent is hereby authorized to:a. Financial Matters:- Open, maintain, and close bank accounts in the Principal's name.- Withdraw funds from the Principal's bank accounts.- Pay the Principal's bills, including but not limited to utilities, rent, mortgages, and credit card bills.- Make investments on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.- File and manage the Principal's income tax returns.- Apply for and receive government benefits on behalf of the Principal.b. Real Estate Matters:- Enter into contracts to purchase, sell, lease, or rent real property on behalf of the Principal.- Execute deeds, mortgages, and other legal documents related to real estate transactions.- Manage the Principal's real estate properties, including but not limited to collecting rent, maintaining the property, and dealing with tenants.c. Legal Matters:- Engage in legal proceedings on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to filing lawsuits, appearing in court, and negotiating settlements.- Sign legal documents on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to contracts, wills, and trusts.- Hire and discharge legal counsel for the Principal.d. Healthcare Matters:- Make healthcare decisions on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to selecting healthcare providers, authorizing medical treatments, and consenting to surgery.- Obtain medical records and other healthcare information on behalf of the Principal.- Communicate with healthcare providers on behalf of the Principal.e. Other Matters:- Attend to the Principal's personal affairs, including but not limited to managing the Principal's personal effects, pets, and property.- Make decisions regarding the Principal's residence, including but not limited to hiring household staff and making repairs.- Make gifts on behalf of the Principal, subject to the Principal's wishes and financial circumstances.3. Limitations and ConditionsThe Agent shall act in good faith and in the best interests of the Principal at all times. The following limitations and conditions apply to the Agent's powers:a. The Agent shall not act on behalf of the Principal in any matter that is illegal or unethical.b. The Agent shall not make any gifts on behalf of the Principal that could be considered a misuse of the Principal's funds.c. The Agent shall provide the Principal with a detailed account of all transactions and decisions made on the Principal's behalf.d. The Agent shall not delegate any of the powers granted hereunder to any other person without the Principal's prior written consent.e. The Agent shall immediately inform the Principal of any change in the Principal's financial or healthcare condition that may affect the Principal's well-being.4. Revocation of Power of AttorneyThis Power of Attorney may be revoked by the Principal at any time, provided that the Principal gives written notice to the Agent and any third parties that the Power of Attorney is being revoked.5. Duration of Power of AttorneyThis Power of Attorney shall remain in effect until terminated by the Principal or until the death of the Principal. In the event of the Principal's incapacity, this Power of Attorney shall remain in effect until such time as the Principal recovers and revokes the Power of Attorney.6. Notices and CommunicationsAll notices, communications, and requests to the Agent shall be made in writing and shall be sent to the Agent at the address specified above. All notices, communications, and requests to the Principal shall be made in writing and shall be sent to the Principal at the address specified above.7. Wavier of NoticeThe Agent waives any notice of any action taken by the Agent on behalf of the Principal.8. Acknowledgment of ReceiptThe Agent acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Power of Attorney and agrees to comply with all its terms and conditions.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal has executed this Power of Attorney as of the date first above written.[Principal's Name][Principal's Signature][Date of Execution][Agent's Name][Agent's Signature][Date of Execution]Witnesses:[Name of Witness 1][Signature of Witness 1][Date of Witnessing][Name of Witness 2][Signature of Witness 2][Date of Witnessing]This Power of Attorney shall be binding upon the Principal, the Agent, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.第2篇[Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]To Whom It May Concern,I, [Your Full Name], hereby write this Personal Proxy Authorization to entrust [Name of Proxy] with the authority to act on my behalf in the following matters:1. Purpose of the Proxy Authorization:The purpose of this proxy authorization is to grant [Name of Proxy] the legal authority to act as my agent in handling the following tasks and responsibilities:- Financial Matters:- To manage my banking transactions, including depositing, withdrawing, and transferring funds.- To pay my bills and manage my credit cards.- To invest my funds in accordance with my investment strategy and goals.- Legal and Business Matters:- To sign contracts, agreements, and other legal documents on my behalf.- To attend court proceedings and represent me in legal disputes.- To negotiate business deals and enter into agreements.- Personal Affairs:- To make healthcare decisions on my behalf in case of an emergency.- To handle my personal correspondence and communicate with my family and friends.- To manage my personal property and assets.2. Scope of the Proxy Authorization:This proxy authorization is granted with the following limitations and conditions:- Exclusivity: This proxy authorization is exclusive, and no other person or entity shall act as my proxy without my express written consent.- Duration: This proxy authorization is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until [specific date or condition], unless terminated earlier by either party.- Revocation: I reserve the right to revoke this proxy authorization at any time by providing written notice to [Name of Proxy] and any other relevant parties.- Authority: [Name of Proxy] is authorized to perform all acts necessary to carry out the purposes of this proxy authorization, including, but not limited to, executing documents, making decisions, and incurring liabilities on my behalf.3. Responsibilities of the Proxy:As my proxy, [Name of Proxy] is expected to:- Act in good faith and with due diligence.- Maintain confidentiality regarding all matters related to this proxy authorization.- Provide me with a full and accurate account of all actions taken on my behalf.- Not delegate any of the authority granted to them without my prior written consent.4. Rights and Obligations of the Principal:I, as the principal, have the following rights and obligations:- To review and approve all actions taken by [Name of Proxy] on my behalf.- To provide [Name of Proxy] with all necessary information and instructions to carry out the purposes of this proxy authorization.- To monitor and oversee [Name of Proxy]'s actions to ensure compliance with the terms of this proxy authorization.5. Consent and Acknowledgment:I hereby consent to the appointment of [Name of Proxy] as my proxy and acknowledge that [Name of Proxy] has been properly informed of the terms and conditions of this proxy authorization.6. Affidavit of Execution:I, [Your Full Name], hereby affirm that I am of sound mind and competent to execute this Personal Proxy Authorization. I further affirm that the information provided in this document is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.7. Witness and Notary Acknowledgment:In witness thereof, I have had this Personal Proxy Authorization notarized by [Name of Notary Public] on this [Date]._________________________[Your Signature][Your Printed Name][Notary Public's Name][Notary Public's Title][Notary Public's Seal][Notary Public's Commission Number][Notary Public's License Number]_________________________[Notary Public's Signature][Notary Public's Seal]Additional Clauses (if applicable):- Any disputes arising from this proxy authorization shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution].- This Personal Proxy Authorization shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country].- This Personal Proxy Authorization constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written.[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]---Please note that this is a sample Personal Proxy Authorization and should be customized to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the principal and the proxy. It is also advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the document is properly drafted and complies with all relevant laws and regulations.。
四、委托范围1. 代为处理与本次委托事项相关的一切事宜;2. 代为签署必要的文件和合同。
五、义务和责任1. 乙方必须按照甲方的委托,完成所承担的任务;2. 乙方在处理事务时必须维护甲方的利益,不得私自泄露甲方的商业机密;3. 乙方因故意或过失造成甲方损失的,应承担相应的责任。
六、解除委托1. 甲、乙双方一致同意解除本委托书的,应当书面签订解除书;2. 解除书生效后,乙方应立即停止履行委托事项。
八、法律适用和争议解决1. 本委托书适用中华人民共和国法律;2. 因本委托书引起的争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院处理。
九、其他条款1. 本委托书一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,均具有同等法律效力;2. 本委托书未尽事宜,由双方协商决定。
授权委托书的范本2篇Model power of attorney编订:JinTai College授权委托书的范本2篇前言:委托书是委托他人代表自己行使自己的合法权益,被委托人在行使权力时需出具委托人的法律文书。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:授权委托书的范本2、篇章2:房产授权委托书格式样本授权委托书的范本一委托人:xxxxxxx法定代表人:xxxxx受托人:xxxx 身份证号:xxxxxxx联系电话、地址:xxxxxxxx兹有xx年xx月xx日上午xx时在xxx(地点)由四川xxx有限公司举行的xxxxxxx拍卖一事,特委托xxxx为我公司(个人)的委托代理人,代理权限如下:1、办理竞买报名手续,包括:按要求提交相关证明、交纳履约保证金、签订《竞买协议》、签领《竞买须知》等拍卖相关资料、领取《竞买资格通知》。
委托人:xxx 受托人:xxx法定代表人:xxxxx年xx月xx日篇章1:授权委托书的范本委托单位:________________法定代表人:________________受委托人:姓名:________,工作单位:________________职务:________,职称:________________姓名:________,工作单位:________________职务:________,职称:________________现委托上列受委托人在我单位与________________________因________________纠纷一案中,作为我方诉讼代理人。
代理人____________的代理权限为:____________________委托单位:________________(盖章)法定代表人:________________(签名)____年____月____日委托人:___ 身份证号码:___________ 联系电话_____________受托人:_____身份证号码:__________ 联系电话_____________概念股东委托他人(其他股东)代表自己在股东大会上行使投票权的书面证明。
第1篇中文版:授权委托书兹有本人(以下称“委托人”),因本人工作繁忙,无法亲自处理以下事项,特授权以下人员(以下称“受托人”)代为办理以下事宜:一、受托人姓名:________二、受托人身份证号码:________三、受托人联系电话:________四、委托事项:1. 代表本人签署与本次委托事项相关的所有文件;2. 代为处理与本次委托事项相关的所有事宜;3. 代为收取与本次委托事项相关的所有款项;4. 代为支付与本次委托事项相关的所有费用;5. 代为处理与本次委托事项相关的所有争议;6. 代为行使与本次委托事项相关的所有权利。
五、授权范围:1. 受托人在授权范围内,有权以委托人名义进行一切必要的法律行为;2. 受托人有权根据实际情况,自行决定采取何种措施以完成委托事项;3. 受托人在授权范围内,有权以委托人名义签订、变更、解除合同;4. 受托人有权以委托人名义参加与委托事项相关的所有会议、谈判等活动;5. 受托人有权以委托人名义处理与委托事项相关的所有税务、审计等事宜。
七、受托人义务:1. 受托人应严格遵守法律法规,维护委托人的合法权益;2. 受托人应恪守职业道德,保守委托人的商业秘密;3. 受托人应尽最大努力完成委托事项,确保委托事项的顺利进行;4. 受托人应定期向委托人报告委托事项的进展情况。
委托人(签字):委托人身份证号码:________委托人联系电话:________委托人地址:________受托人(签字):受托人身份证号码:________受托人联系电话:________受托人地址:________授权委托书签署日期:____年__月__日英文版:Authorization LetterThis is to certify that the undersigned (hereinafter referred to as the "Principal"), due to his/her busy schedule, is unable to personally handle the following matters, and hereby authorizes the following person(s) (hereinafter referred to as the "Agent") to act on his/her behalf in the following matters:1. Name of the Agent: __________2. ID Number of the Agent: __________3. Contact Number of the Agent: __________4. Matters to be handled:1. To sign all necessary documents related to the aforementioned matters on behalf of the Principal;2. To handle all matters related to the aforementioned matters;3. To collect all payments related to the aforementioned matters;4. To pay all expenses related to the aforementioned matters;5. To handle all disputes related to the aforementioned matters;6. To exercise all rights related to the aforementioned matters.5. Scope of Authorization:1. The Agent shall have the right to perform all necessary legal acts on behalf of the Principal within the scope of this authorization;2. The Agent shall have the right to decide on appropriate measures to complete the matters entrusted to him/her according to the actual situation;3. The Agent shall have the right to enter into, modify, or terminate contracts on behalf of the Principal;4. The Agent shall have the right to participate in all meetings, negotiations, and other activities related to the aforementioned matters on behalf of the Principal;5. The Agent shall have the right to handle all tax, audit, and other related matters on behalf of the Principal.6. Duration of Authorization:This authorization letter shall take effect from the date of signature and shall remain in effect until the matters entrusted are completed. Within this period, the Agent shall have the right to exercise all the rights and obligations stipulated in this authorization letter.7. Obligations of the Agent:1. The Agent shall comply with laws and regulations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Principal;2. The Agent shall adhere to professional ethics, keep the Principal's business secrets confidential;3. The Agent shall make every effort to complete the entrusted matters and ensure the smooth progress of the matters;4. The Agent shall regularly report to the Principal on the progress of the entrusted matters.8. This authorization letter is executed in duplicate, one for the Principal and one for the Agent. Both copies shall have equal legal effect.Principal (Signature):ID Number of the Principal: __________Contact Number of the Principal: __________Address of the Principal: __________Agent (Signature):ID Number of the Agent: __________Contact Number of the Agent: __________Address of the Agent: __________Date of Execution: ______ Year __ Month __ Day第2篇[日期]授权人:(全名)身份证号码:____________________住址:____________________被授权人:(全名)身份证号码:____________________住址:____________________鉴于授权人因工作、学习或其他原因,无法亲自处理以下事项,现授权被授权人全权代表授权人处理如下事项:一、授权范围1. 代表授权人签署、提交、领取与以下事项相关的所有文件、证明、凭证等:(1)与房屋买卖、租赁、抵押、贷款等相关的文件;(2)与车辆买卖、登记、过户等相关的文件;(3)与公司、企业注册、变更、注销等相关的文件;(4)与股票、基金、债券等证券交易相关的文件;(5)与银行账户、信用卡等金融业务相关的文件;(6)与税务申报、缴纳等相关的文件;(7)与劳动、社会保障等相关的文件;(8)与知识产权、商标、专利等相关的文件;(9)与合同签订、履行、解除等相关的文件;(10)其他授权人认为需要被授权人代为处理的事项。
英文版授权委托书范本5篇英文版授权委托书范本 (1) LETER TOFA UHTORIZTAOINI, he tnmea of egal lrerpesetatinev, th unedesrginde elglarepresntative eo tfh ceopmanyname o fth ebi der, dheeryb uahotrizethe udnrseineg dht eamen fo te dhul auyhotizer drpreesentativeto betr u aednlawufl rpreeesnativteof the oCmpan fyrm ohetda e tfo thsi lteet orfauhoritaztion t oact ofr nd on aehabf lof th eomCpna wiyh lteagllybindigne fect ffr ona idn erpscteo ft sion ghte bdsi. ndAI acnkoledge wlathelcon ettsn cntoaned in tiheb ids igsedn b yht aeuhorizedtrepresenattvie. It i hesreyba uhtorzid.eNameof the Cmpaony (off:cialis eal)Leag lrperseenttiave (:sgnitare)uAuhtroiezdr eprseenttiav: es(gnaitreu)Dat:e英文版授权委托书范本 (2) POWER OF ATTORNEY OF CIVIL ACTION按照组建、总部在意大利的公司,现授权律师事务所执业律师 (执业证号: )代表我公司行使以下权利:.(hereinafter called Corporation), incorporated by the Code andhaving its principal executive office in the city of Bergamo, Italy,hereby appoint and empower Attorney Meredith Lee, who is a Certifiedattorney in LAW FIRM, Guangdong (License No. ), to be my agent ad item.Corporation further appoint and empower the above-mentioned attorney to:1. 根据案件具体情况,向中国有管辖权的法院提起民事诉讼。
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Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改怎样写委托书范文4篇How to write a model letter of authorization编订:JinTai College怎样写委托书范文4篇前言:委托书是委托他人代表自己行使自己的合法权益,被委托人在行使权力时需出具委托人的法律文书。
第1篇【委托书名称】委托书【委托人姓名】:(以下称“委托人”)【委托人身份证号码】:【委托人住址】:【委托人联系方式】:【受托人姓名】:(以下称“受托人”)【受托人身份证号码】:【受托人住址】:【受托人联系方式】:鉴于委托人与受托人之间存在的信任关系,以及受托人具备完成委托事项的能力和意愿,现委托受托人代表委托人处理以下事项:一、委托事项概述1. 委托事项类型:[请选择以下类型之一或自行填写](1)房产交易(2)车辆交易(3)企业事务(4)法律事务(5)其他2. 委托事项具体内容:[详细描述委托事项的具体内容,包括但不限于:交易双方、交易价格、交易时间、交易地点、交易方式、交易目的等。
]二、受托人权利与义务1. 受托人权利:(1)在委托事项范围内,代表委托人与第三方进行协商、签订合同、履行合同等。
2. 受托人义务:(1)按照委托人的指示,认真履行委托事项,确保委托人的合法权益不受损害。
三、委托期限1. 本委托书的期限自签署之日起至[具体日期]止。
2. 如需延长委托期限,委托人需提前[具体时间]书面通知受托人,并经双方协商一致后签署补充协议。
四、报酬及支付方式1. 受托人完成委托事项后,委托人将支付受托人报酬,具体金额为[具体金额]元。
2. 报酬支付方式:[请选择以下方式之一或自行填写](1)现金支付(2)银行转账(3)其他五、违约责任1. 如受托人未按委托人指示履行委托事项,委托人有权要求受托人承担相应的违约责任。
2. 如委托人未按时支付报酬,受托人有权要求委托人支付逾期付款的利息。
六、争议解决1. 本委托书签订过程中及履行过程中发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决。
2. 如协商不成,任何一方均可向[具体法院名称]提起诉讼。
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Sample form of power of attorney in English
编订:JinTai College
i,_____ (name), am the legal representative of henan road & bridge construction group co., ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint yang mei (name) as our agent. the agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for a1, a5 sections of qianfeng farm to nenjiang road, yichun to nenjiang section construction
project, yichun to beian section civil engineering and beian to wudalianchi scenic section bridge engineering (project name). the agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.
commission period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder we don’t authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.
attachment: certificate of identity of the legal representative
bidder: henan road & bridge construction group co.ltd.
(seal) legal representative: _____ (signature)post: general manager, chairman of the board
id card no.: __________
entrusted agent: __________
post: staff of operating department
i.d. card no.: __________
篇章2:英文委托书格式样本【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】i,_____ (name), am the legal representative of henan road & bridge construction group co., ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint yang mei (name) as our agent. the agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for a1, a5 sections of qianfeng farm to nenjiang road, yichun to nenjiang section construction project, yichun to beian section civil engineering and beian to wudalianchi scenic section bridge engineering (project name). the agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.
commission period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder we don’t authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.
attachment: certificate of identity of the legal representative
bidder: henan road & bridge construction group co.ltd.
(seal) legal representative: _____ (signature)post: general manager, chairman of the board
id card no.: __________
entrusted agent: __________
post: staff of operating department
i.d. card no.: __________
-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。