



俄勒冈州立大学留学攻略大学简介美国俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)的校史可追溯至1858年,1961年则正式定名为俄勒冈州立大学。


学校共有19000 名学生其中1000 名是国际学生,丰富了学校的文化差异性和综合性。

学校的1800 名教职员工都是经过专业的教育培训的各行各业的专家,他们都是研究生以上的学历,其中不少人在国内外享有极高的声誉。



















俄勒冈大学University of Oregon申请要求及学费
SAT Total 1480–1840,SAT Reading 490–610,SAT Math 500–610,SAT Writing 490–600
俄勒冈大学University of Oregon院系专业设置
俄勒冈大学University of Oregon下设7所专业学院,分别是:建筑与应用艺术学院、文理学院、商学院、教育学院、新闻与传媒学院、法学院、音乐舞蹈学院,可提供270多种专业。































我之所以选择俄勒冈大学,主要有以下几个原因:1. 学术实力:俄勒冈大学是一所享誉全球的顶尖学府,拥有丰富的教学资源和一流的研究设施。


2. 教育理念:俄勒冈大学秉持“卓越、创新、包容”的教育理念,致力于培养具有全球视野和社会责任感的人才。


3. 地理位置和环境:俄勒冈大学位于风景秀丽的尤金市,毗邻太平洋海岸和Cascade Mountain,自然环境优美。


4. 国际交流:俄勒冈大学拥有一流的国际交流项目,为学生提供了丰富的海外学习机会。


在学术方面,我在高中阶段取得了以下成绩:- 高中阶段GPA为[您的GPA],位列年级前[您的排名];- 参加了[竞赛名称],获得了[奖项];- 参加了[活动名称],担任了[职务]。

此外,我还具备以下特长和爱好:- 具备良好的英语听说读写能力,曾在[英语考试名称]中取得[分数];- 具备一定的编程能力,熟练掌握[编程语言];- 热爱运动,曾多次参加[运动项目],获得优异成绩。




美国留学指南:俄勒冈州立大学特色专业Major type:新闻与传媒视觉艺术与设计商科/经济类工程类专业科学/数学托福成绩TOEFL score:80SAT成绩SAT score:1380 - 1750雅思成绩IELTS score:6.5每年学费Annual fee:$23540学校简介支持雅思成绩申请;学校简介:俄勒冈州立大学建于1858年,是一所百年名校,该校由当时的美国总统亚伯拉罕?林肯亲自主持建立。









学术信息Top 5:俄勒冈州立大学位于波特兰市以南 90 英里,是一所一流的研究性大学。






俄亥俄州立大学本科申请材料清单美国俄亥俄州立大学主校区(The Ohio State University-Main Campus)坐落于美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布市,是一所历史悠久,享有盛名的美国研究型公立高等学府,同时也是本州排名第一的公立大学。




申请表: 在线填写/邮寄
附加申请表: Yes
奖学金申请方式: 单独申请
成绩单要求: 申请时提供影印件
推荐信: No reference requirement
申请Essay: 要求一篇
Mid-year Report(高三上学期成绩):不要求




















一、关于俄勒冈州立大学Oregon State University (OSU) is a coeducational, public researchuniversity in the northwest United States, located in Corvallis, Oregon. Theuniversity offers more than 200 undergraduate degree programs along with avariety of graduate and doctoral degrees. It is also the largest university inthe state, with a total enrollment exceeding 28,000. More than 230,000 people have graduated from OSU since its founding.[5] The Carnegie Foundationdesignates Oregon State University as a "Community Engagement" university andclassifies it as a doctoral university with a status of "Highest researchactivity". This same designation is shared by 114 other top U.S. academicinstitutions.俄勒冈州立大学(OSU)是位于俄勒冈州科瓦利斯(Corvallis)的美国西北部的一所公立研究型大学。



Linus Pauling学院













学校名称:美国俄勒冈州立大学(科瓦利斯) Oregon State University (Corvallis)



录取条件:录取条件为GPA 2.5,托福60,雅思5.5.一般需要学习的时间为3-4个学期(9-12个月).在所有学期结束后学校会组织相应的语言或者课程考试,考试合格后即可继续读专业课。



录取条件:研究生录取的要求一般为GPA 3.0,托福70,雅思6.0。















州内公路四通八达,除了6.6万公里主要公路之外,还有8.4万公里的森林公路和乡村公路。铁路总长约为 8000公里。水运一向居重要地位,有23个港区。
位于哥伦比亚河畔的波特兰 (Portland)是深水良港,海轮可以直达,为全州的交通和贸易中心,也是该 州最大城市。全州各类飞机场100多座,国际机场在波特兰市。
该州有6.5%的人口在5岁以下,24.7%的人口在18岁以下,以及12.8%的人口在65岁以上。女性约占全人口比 例50.4%。
贸易状况:2011年出口总额为182.9亿美元,同比增长3.5%,全美排名第24位。主要出口市场包括中国、加 拿大、马来西亚、日本、韩国、中国台湾等国家和地区。主要出口产品包括高科技电子产品、农产品、林产品、 交通运输、金属制品、塑料制品、渔业产品和通讯产品等。
美国俄勒冈州海岸线位于该州的博物馆包括波特兰艺术博物馆、俄勒冈州立大学菲尼斯博物馆、波特兰视觉 艺术中心、奥勒冈历史中心、儿童博物馆、波特兰科学及工业博物馆、广告博物馆、奥瑞冈海事中心暨博物馆; 以及波特兰警察历史博物馆。该州其他的博物馆还有∶位于奥勒冈大学校园内的艺术博物馆、位于班德(Bend) 附近的沙漠博物馆、位于克莱蒙斯瀑布市的菲佛博物馆、位于约翰日市(John Day)的锺侃华博物馆、以及位于 捷克森维尔(Jacksonville)的捷克森维尔博物馆。
据美联社当地时间2022年11月20日报道,美国俄勒冈州州长凯特·布朗与其丈夫新冠病毒检测呈阳州至2011年俄勒冈州有340个州立公园及休闲区,14座国家森林,以及一个野生生物及景观河流系统。 除此之外,奥瑞冈还有一个国家公园-火山口湖国家公园(Crater Lake National Park)。在该州受欢迎的活 动有钓鱼、游泳、划船、滑水、泛舟、高尔夫球、滑雪、溜冰、以及雪上摩托车等。奥瑞冈州值得一看的地方还 有∶邦尼维尔水坝、地狱峡谷、溶岩地、胡德山、以及位于波特兰的庀达克大宅。



美国俄勒冈州立大学硕士申请指南学校名称:美国俄勒冈州立大学(科瓦利斯) Oregon State University (Corvallis)所在位置:美国创建时间:1868录取率:0.81想要进入到美国数一数二的高校,并不是所有的留学生都能够达成的目标,大家不妨考虑门槛稍低的大学。






























Student Guide Quarter Version 2012 University Exploration The Ohio State University 352 Denney Hall164 West 17th AvenueColumbus OH 43210614-292-0646TABLE OF CONTENTS1GENERAL INFORMATION (5)1.1Exploring Majors (5)1.2Making an Appointment with Your Academic Counselor (5)1.3Student Responsibilities (5)2MAJORS, PRE-MAJORS AND UNIVERSITY EXPLORATION STANDING (7)2.1Majors at Ohio State (7)2.2Pre-Majors at Ohio State (7)2.3University Exploration Standing (7)3ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES (10)3.1Honors Program (10)3.2Combined Curricula (10)3.3Personalized Study Program (10)3.4Graduate Study (10)3.5Pre-Professional Programs (11)3.6Diversity Services (11)3.7Exploration Living-Learning Community (11)4OHIO STATE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (12)4.1Freshman Forgiveness (12)4.2Repeating a Course (12)4.3Auditing a Course (12)4.4Viewing Your Grades (12)4.5How to Calculate Your Cumulative Grade Point Average (13)4.6Dean’s List (14)4.7Academic Difficulty (14)4.7.1 Academic Warning (14)4.7.2 Academic Probation (15)4.7.3 Probation by Special Action (15)4.7.4 Academic Dismissal (15)4.7.5 Reinstatement (15)4.7.6 Fresh Start (15)4.7.7 How to Calculate Deficiency Points (16)4.8Code of Student Conduct & Committee on Academic Misconduct (17)4.9Plagiarism (17)5TRANSFER CREDIT INFORMATION (19)5.1 Overview (19)5.1.1Direct Equivalency (19)5.1.2General Credit (19)5.1.3 Special Credit (19)5.1.4Technical Credit (20)5.1.5Deferred Credit (20)5.2Transfer Credit Evaluations (20)6SCHEDULING CLASSES (21)6.1Scheduling Considerations (21)6.2Planning Your Schedule (21)6.2.1 Steps to Take Before Scheduling (21)6.2.2 Scheduling Resources (22)6.2.3 Class Search (22)6.3Scheduling for Classes When Enrollment Appointment Opens (25)6.3.1 Scheduling in My Student Center (25)6.3.2 Waitlist Instructions (26)6.3.3 Adding and Dropping Courses (27)6.3.4 Withdrawal from the University (28)7RESOURCES (29)7.1How to Be a Successful Student (29)7.2Time Management (29)7.3Handy Phone Numbers (30)7.4Useful Websites (30)This Student Guide is for use by students enrolled in University Exploration at Ohio State. While many of the policies and procedures apply more widely across the university, you should consult with your college or department of enrollment if you have questions.As a result of semester conversion in Summer 2012, this is the last quarters-based iteration of the University Exploration Student Guide. For students who will be continuing and transitioning on semesters, and for those who begin at Ohio State on semesters, please consult the semesters version of the guide. The guide is typically updated on an annual basis at the start of the regular academic year (Autumn).1General Information1.1 Exploring MajorsOne of your goals as a student in University Exploration (EXP) is to determine the major you want to pursue. A good place to investigate the wide range of undergraduate majors offered at Ohio State is by talking to your academic counselor in EXP. An additional tool you can use is the EXP website. From this site, you will find a comprehensive list of OSU majors, links describing each major in detail, and exercises to prepare you for meetingwith your counselor. Consult with your academic counselor as you evaluate majors ofinterest, along with related opportunities.1.2 Making an Appointment with Your Academic Counselora. Your academic counselor can be seen by appointment only. Counselors book upquickly during certain periods of the quarter. Plan to schedule an appointment aweek or two in advance.b. Call (614) 292-0646 or stop by 352 Denney Hall to make an appointment.Appointments cannot be scheduled via email. If necessary, phone appointmentsscheduled in advance are also available.c. You should request to see your assigned counselor, but if your counselor is notavailable and you have urgent business, you can request to see the first availablecounselor.d. If you know you cannot make it to an appointment, call as soon as possible (614)292-0646 to cancel. This will give another student the chance to use your spot.Tips for Meeting with Your EXP advisor♦Arrive a few minutes before your appointment so you can begin on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late for an appointment, the counselor may not be able to seeyou.♦Be sure to check in at the front desk of 352 Denney Hall.♦Know the name of the academic counselor with whom you are meeting.♦Come prepared to ask questions. Write them down so that you don't forget to ask something.1.3 Student Responsibilities♦You are responsible for knowing your current schedule at all times, including call numbers. You can find this at BuckeyeLink.♦You are responsible for knowing the requirements of the curriculum you are considering or pursuing.♦You are responsible for knowing whether or not you are on a waitlist. You can find this at BuckeyeLink.♦You are responsible for checking your schedule regularly to see if you have been added to a class from the waitlist. You will not receive notification from the registrar'soffice if you are added to a class and it does not change your fees. (Note: The waitlist will not add you to any classes after the first Friday of the quarter.)♦You are responsible for getting updated General Education and major information.The information sheets are updated frequently; requirements can be changed at any time. You must be aware of the changes. Information sheets are typically available on College websites. You can also obtain a copy by meeting with your EXP academic counselor.♦If you are eligible for an exemption from student health insurance, you are responsible for providing the documentation required to demonstrate your eligibility for theexemption. Please call the Student Health Insurance Office at (614) 688-7979 for information.♦You are responsible for checking your campus e-mail regularly. The university and its colleges and departments send official notices and information to your “name.#@”e-mail account. EXP advisors can only send advising information to your OSUaccount. If you choose to have your e-mail forwarded to another e-mail account, you may not receive official Ohio State mail, including scheduling, academic progress, andgraduation information. You are responsible for ensuring your e-mail account is capable of receiving “” e-mail and for checking your e-mail account frequently. If you are having problems, contact OCIO at 688-HELP.♦You are responsible for knowing the repercussions of schedule changes (for example, the effects of changes on your eligibility for Financial Aid, your projected graduation date, your athletic eligibility, etc.)♦You are responsible for checking the prerequisites to ALL classes for which you sign up. The web registration system is not programmed to enforce all prerequisites.♦You are responsible for officially dropping courses you have stopped attending.Instructors cannot drop you from a course.♦You are responsible for understanding your fees (tuition, health insurance, etc.) and resolving issues with the appropriate office (financial aid, fees and deposits, etc.).♦You are responsible for knowing the university's policies, regulations, and procedures.You should be familiar with the Course Offerings Bulletin, the quarterly MasterSchedule of Classes, and this handbook. The Course Offerings Bulletin and theMaster Schedule are available on BuckeyeLink.♦You are responsible for the manner in which you interact with members of the university community. Be courteous and respectful in class, meetings, activities and when communicating via phone and email.♦You can also access advising resources on your own. Through BuckeyeLink you can: Run a degree audit reportRun an advising report (an unofficial transcript)Check gradesSchedule classesCheck the Web for open coursesFind your status on a wait listReport a change in your address or phone numberOrder a transcript or request an enrollment/degree verification2 Majors, Pre-Majors and University Exploration Standing2.1 Majors at Ohio StateWhat majors are offered at Ohio State?View the Majors List to view the current undergraduate majors.How can I find more information about these majors?♦See your University Exploration academic counselor♦Visit the websites provided for each major/college♦Visit the Colleges & Schools site for an alphabetical list of departments and majors and links directly to their websites♦Visit What Can I do with this Major? for information and the career options available for specific majors2.2 Pre-Majors at Ohio StateOnce you’ve narrowed your major options, learn the requirements for the Pre-Major. Ifyou are eligible to declare, please do so as soon as possible.2.3 University Exploration Standing: Your Timeline Towards Declaring a MajorAs a student in University Exploration, you are encouraged to take active steps to explore majors of interest and to make an informed decision regarding major and career goals. It is important that you spend designated time to take targeted classes, review websites,and talk to academic counselors regarding your interests and options.Why do I have a limited amount of time to explore majors and make a selection?Most students want to graduate in a timely manner. Students who declare a major nolater than the end of their second year of college will usually be able to graduate in atimely fashion. The sooner you declare your major, the sooner you will be able to obtain specialized advising, make connections with faculty, and begin exploring academic and internship opportunities.How does the Program Standing system work?Each student in University Exploration is allotted a specific amount of time to exploremajors based on the number of credit hours they have earned when they enter EXP. You will be notified of your standing routinely via e-mail. Students are placed on ProgramWarning, Program Probation, and Program Dismissal (also see below) based on thenumber of available quarters remaining to explore majors.It is important to note that you are responsible for knowing your program standing at all times. It is your responsibility to check your e-mail. Failure to view yournotification does not change your standing.Program Standing DefinitionsExploration Program Warning♦Serves as notice that time is moving quickly and that you should work with your counselor to choose and declare a major.♦ A student is placed on Program Warning when the student has two more quarters to explore majors after the quarter of placement on Warning.Exploration Program Probation♦Serves as notice that little time is left to choose a major, and you need to consult immediately with your counselor.♦ A student is placed on Program Probation when the student has one more quarter to explore majors after the quarter of placement on probation.Exploration Program Dismissal♦Student can no longer continue in University Exploration and must declare a pre-major or major in a degree granting college immediately.♦ A student placed on Program Dismissal is unable to register for classes until enrolled in a degree-granting college.♦Program dismissal is not the same as academic dismissal from Ohio State.Program dismissed students must declare a major or pre-major to continue atOSU.Exploration Program Standing TimelineStudents are given a limited number of quarters to explore majors based on their status as a new student or a transfer/re-deciding student. See your EXP advisor to understand how your remaining quarters will translate to semesters when we convert in Summer 2012.New First-Quarter Freshmen **Students who start in University Exploration as new first-quarter freshmen are allowed six (6) quarters to explore majors and move to a degree-granting unit.Regional Campus Students, Transfer Students, and Re-Deciding StudentsThe amount of time allowed for regional campus students, transfer students, and re-deciding students is based upon the number of hours earned upon entry into University Exploration. See chart below:Entering with <30 earned hours 6 quarters to declare Entering with 30-44 hours 4 quarters to declareEntering with 45-74 hours 3 quarters to declareEntering with > 75 hours 2 quarters to declare** Student Athletes in EXP are on a different time table—please consult with your EXP academic counselor for assistance.Important Notes about Exploration Program Standing•Exploration Program Standing refers to the amount of time a student can utilize to explore majors and enter a degree-granting unit.•Classes taken Summer Quarter at OSU do not count towards the total number of quarters•If you are not enrolled in any classes or do not pay fees for a particular quarter, that quarter will not be counted towards the number allotted.•Exploration Program Standing is completely different from university academic standing. Exploration Program standing refers to time while academic standingrefers to academic performance and grade-point average.o For example, Exploration Program Dismissal means a student has zero (0) remaining quarters in University Exploration. University dismissalindicates that a student is dismissed from the university and cannot takeclasses.Please consult with your Exploration Academic Counselor if you need assistance interpreting the Program Standing system.3 Academic Opportunities3.1 Honors ProgramHonors students at The Ohio State University are expected to engage in rigorouscoursework and challenge themselves academically while maintaining a competitiveCPHR. In order to apply to the University Exploration Honors program, students musthave a minimum CPHR of 3.5 and an interest in developing a strong undergraduateprogram that involves honors courses, as well as other enriching experiences such asinternships, community involvement, leadership and study abroad. Students interested in the University Exploration Honors program should meet with an honors advisor as soonas possible to discuss program requirements and expectations.3.2 Combined Curricula & MinorsSome students wish to pursue two degrees through two different colleges. It is important to recognize that these programs often take more than four years to complete because you need to meet the degree requirements for two different majors and two different colleges.If you are interested in pursuing this option, meet with an Exploration Counselor. Keep in mind that the colleges you are interested in may be competitive and you must meet admissions requirements for each college.If you are interested in adding a minor:♦Go to the Minors List for information on the minors offered and the courses required to complete these minors.♦See the departmental advisor for more specific information on a minor.3.3 Personalized Study ProgramIf you cannot find a particular Ohio State major that suits your academic and careergoals, you can speak with an academic counselor about doing a Personalized StudyProgram (PSP). With the approval of a faculty advisor and an Arts and Sciences Dean,you can create a special major to focus on your particular goals.3.4 Graduate StudyStudents planning to pursue graduate study should consult early and often with faculty in the discipline of their major. Academic success in a rigorous major and exposure toresearch are essential qualifications for admission to competitive graduate programs.Students hoping to compete successfully for such programs, as well as for graduatescholarships and fellowships, should begin early in their undergraduate careers tocultivate faculty with whom they will work. Frequent consultation with faculty will connectyou with intellectual mentors, and participation in research will help you to identify anddefine your own research interests. Such immersion in a discipline is critical preparation for the focus on research central to graduate study.3.5 Pre-Professional ProgramsExploration Counselors can help you to work on pre-professional requirements (such as pre-law or pre-health) while you are deciding upon your undergraduate path. Once you have declared your undergraduate major, advisors will be available to assist you inapplying to professional programs.Students who are interested in pursuing pre-law, pre-health, or pre-education as an area of interest in addition to their undergraduate major should speak with a pre-professional advisor for more information.3.6 Diversity ServicesOhio State recognizes the importance and richness of a diverse campus and a diverseglobal economy. We want all of our students to feel at home on our campus. And wewant all of our students to have every opportunity to fulfill their academic potential. AtOhio State, diversity means choice, opportunity, and a learning environment thatcultivates respect. Diversity Services provides Exploration students with activities andprograms that educate, support and contribute to their personal and academicdevelopment.3.7 Exploration Living-Learning CommunityWhether you have a couple of majors in mind but aren’t completely sure which to choose or you don’t even know which classes to start with, the Exploration Living-LearningCommunity is a great place for you to begin during your first quarter at Ohio State.Becoming a part of the Exploration Living-Learning Community will not only pair you with other students who are discovering their academic and career aspirations, but it will also give you access to unique resources.Through collaboration with the Exploration Advising Office, an academic counselorprovides walk-in office hours in the residence halls on a weekly basis, beyond theirregular office hours in Denney Hall. In addition to the convenience of academic advising, you would have access to an Exploration Resource Room that has career resources,computer software that helps you consider different careers and majors, and additional study space in your building.The program also sponsors specific activities designed to expose you to a variety ofdifferent majors and career options for you to consider. The focus is on helping yousucceed personally and academically during your time at Ohio State.Benefits of this program include:♦In-hall academic advising hours ♦Free tutoring services in math, chemistry and physics♦Availability of major and career decision resources ♦Activities designed to introduce students to a variety of differentmajors and career opportunities♦Connection to faculty and staff from many different areas of campus4 Ohio State Policies and Procedures4.1 Freshman ForgivenessIf you receive a D+, D, or E in a class during your freshman year (before you haveearned 45 quarter credit hours), you may retake the course, and the first grade will bedropped from your cumulative grade point average (the record of the original grade will remain on your transcript.) You may retake the course only once, and you must retake it before you earn 90 quarter hours. If you earn a worse grade the second time around,that grade counts, not the higher grade, and if you earn an E in place of a D or a D+, you will lose credit for the course. You can use the forgiveness rule for up to 15 credit hours.It is best to retake the course(s) as early as possible.Please note that hours of examination (EM) credit do not count in calculating earnedhours for purposes of the Freshman Forgiveness Rule; however, transfer credit hours do count. If the transfer credit hours were earned before you invoke FreshmanForgiveness, they also count towards the 45 and 90 hour markers regardless of whenthe hours were transferred to Ohio State. Transfer credit includes Post-SecondaryEducation Option (PSEO) coursework taken through a college while in high school.Keep in mind that if you are considering applying to graduate or professional schools, or even to other colleges at Ohio State, all of your grades will be considered (includingthose forgiven under the Freshman Forgiveness Rule) in the admissions process, andthe other unit may recalculate the original grade(s) into your cumulative GPA.4.2 Repeating a CourseYou may repeat any course once, regardless of the grade you received when youcompleted it the first time. If you do not qualify for the Forgiveness Rule, both grades will count in your cumulative grade-point average. Credit for the course may only be counted once in the minimum total hours required for graduation. If you wish to repeat a course more than once, you will need to meet with your academic counselor to petition for this request.4.3 Auditing a CourseYou may choose to audit a course in order to refresh yourself on the material or to learn more about a subject without wanting to earn a letter grade. Fees are assessed forauditing a course, but no credit hours are awarded. You cannot audit a course and then later take the course for a grade. Auditing a course requires the permission of theinstructor and the permission of your college office, through your academic counselor. 4.4 Viewing Your GradesThe Registrar does not mail or e-mail grades to students. You can check your gradeson BuckeyeLink.4.5 How to Calculate Your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CPHR) It is essential for you to know how to calculate your quarter point-hour ratio (QPHR) andyour cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR.) In order to set academic goals, which help leadto success, it is important to understand how success is measured.Ohio State, like most universities, grades on the four-point scale. An A is worth 4 points,a B is worth 3 points, a C is worth 2 points, a D is worth 1 point, and an E is worth 0points. Ohio State also has a plus and minus grading system to help make finerdistinctions within the A, B, C, D, E scale. The entire scale can be found below.A student's point-hour ratio is calculated by taking the total number of pointsearned and dividing it by the number of hours attempted for a grade. First, multiplythe credit hour value of each course by the point value of the grade. For example, a five-hour course in which you earn a B (3.0) is worth 15 points. Second, total the points youhave earned in all your courses. Finally, divide by the number of hours you haveattempted for a letter grade. Example:Course Hr Grade PointsEnglish 110 05 A- (5 x 3.7) 18.5Psych 100 05 B+ (5 x 3.3) 16.5Math 148 04 B (4 x 3.0) 12.0EXP 100 01 A (1 x 4.0) 4.015 51.0This student's quarter point-hour ratio (QPHR) would be 3.40 (51 points divided by 15hours attempted.) The student's quarter point hour ratio and cumulative point-hour ratio(CPHR) would be the same, given that this is the student's first quarter of enrollment atOhio State.After subsequent quarters at Ohio State, you must calculate the cumulative pointhour ratio (CPHR) by dividing total points earned by total hours attempted for a Grades Number of Credit Hours per Class 1 2 3 4 5 A 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 A- 3.7 7.4 11.1 14.8 18.5 B+ 3.3 6.6 9.9 13.2 16.5 B 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 B- 2.7 5.4 8.1 10.8 13.5 C+ 2.3 4.6 6.9 9.2 11.5 C 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 C- 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.8 8.5 D+ 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 D 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 **Incomplete grades change to a final grade that will be part of your QPHR/CPHR calculation in the 6thweek of the quarter. It is your responsibility to work with your instructor to understand what needs to be done to complete the course and to establish a timeline for turning in late work. Notes about grades: ♦Ohio State does not offer the grades of "A+” and “D-" ♦You earn no points for an "E," but the hours are calculated into the point-hour ratio.♦Additional marks which are not included in GPA calculation are: •S/U = Satisfactory/ •Unsatisfactory •PA/NP = Pass/Non-Pass •EM = Examination Credit •K = Transfer Credit •R=Audit •I=Incomplete** •letter grade (not including S/U, PA/NP, EM, or K credit*.) Using our previousexample, consider the following grades as the student's second quarter at Ohio State:Course Hr Grade PointsHistory 151 05 B (5 x 3.0) 15.0Math 150 05 C (5 x 2.0) 10.0Theatre 100 05 B+ (5 x 3.3) 16.5ASC 120D 02 A- (2 x 3.7) 8.117 49.6Remember, last quarter the student earned a 3.40. The QPHR for the second quarterwould be a 2.91 (49.6 points divided by 17 hours equals 2.91.) The student's cumulative point hour ratio (CPHR) would be found by dividing the total number of points earned(51.0 + 49.6 = 100.6) by the total number of hours attempted (15 + 17 = 32.) The CPHRwould then be 3.14.By earning these grades and maintaining a cumulative point-hour ratio well above theminimum standard of 2.00 required for graduation, the student in our example isconsidered to be in academic "good standing.”4.6 Dean’s ListStudents completing a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a point-hour ratio of 3.50 or higher for any given quarter will be named to the Dean’s List for that quarter in the college in which they are enrolled. Courses graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (“S/U”) or Pass/Non-Pass (“PA/NP”) do not count toward the minimum of 12 graded hours and a grade of “U” or “NP” will disqualify you from making the Dean’s List even if you meet the numerical criteria. Dean’s List letters are emailed to the student’s OSU email account. 4.7 Academic DifficultyWhen your cumulative grade-point average falls below a 2.0, or if you are not makingsatisfactory progress toward a degree, you are considered to be in academic difficulty.This can lead to academic warning, probation, special-action probation, or evendismissal.If you are in academic difficulty (even if your CPHR is above a 2.0), you should see your academic counselor as soon as possible to discuss the issues that may be affecting your academic performance and for advice on how to get back on track. It is yourresponsibility as a student to know your academic status. Below are descriptions of thedifferent levels of academic difficulty.Note that students moving from other academic units become subject to the conditionsused in University Exploration for each academic action and will receive notification oftheir academic standing and conditions.4.7.1 Academic WarningGenerally, you will be placed on academic warning when you have initially accumulated between 0.1 and 14.9 deficiency points. You will receive an e-mail informing you of your status and should consult with your assigned academic counselor. Once your CPHRreaches a 2.0, you will again be in good academic standing.4.7.2 Academic ProbationYou will be placed on academic probation when you have accumulated 15 or moredeficiency points. You will receive an e-mail informing you of your status and specifyingthe conditions of probation, including the minimum grade-point average you mustachieve in the following quarter to avoid academic dismissal. You should consult with an academic counselor. Once your CPHR reaches a 2.0, you will again be in goodacademic standing and will be removed from Probation.4.7.3 Probation by Special ActionYou may be placed on Special Action Probation, even if you have no cumulative deficiency points and a CPHR above 2.0, when your college has determined, by a review of your grades, that you are not making satisfactory progress toward a degree. You will be sent an e-mail informing you of your status and specifying the conditions of probation, including the minimum grade-point average you must achieve in the following quarter to avoid academic dismissal. Special action probation is also used for University Exploration students who have earned failing grades (E, EN, U, UEN) in 7 or more credits of coursework in one quarter, regardless of cumulative CPHR.4.7.4 Academic DismissalAny student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. Thereis no specific CPHR or number of deficiency points that warrants a dismissal. Thesedecisions are made on a case-by-case basis and given serious thought. You are a likely candidate for dismissal if you are on academic probation or probation by special actionand continue to accumulate deficiency points, or if you do not show significant andsteady academic progress, especially in your intended major. Dismissed students will be notified of their status by letter and by e-mail.4.7.5 ReinstatementAfter being academically dismissed from the university, students can petition for reinstatement to the university after waiting for a period of three quarters. Reinstatementis not guaranteed, and simple desire to return is not sufficient support for a petition.Petitioning students need to prove they are now ready to succeed if they are allowed toreturn to the university. It is advisable to take academic course work at anotherinstitution during your time away from Ohio State, to demonstrate that you are capable of succeeding in quality college-level work. See an academic counselor if you areinterested in attending another institution to help guide your course decisions for transferback to Ohio State. Under the majority of circumstances, students cannot be reinstatedinto University Exploration. As part of their time away from Ohio State, students are encouraged to choose an attainable major of interest. Reinstatement petitions should be discussed with the college that offers the major you intend to pursue.4.7.6 Fresh StartIf you have not been enrolled at the university 20 or more consecutive quarters (5 ormore years), you may petition for the Fresh Start Rule. Students who have a CPHRunder a 2.0 or who have been dismissed from the university may want to petition to useFresh Start. This will eliminate any deficiency points that you may have earnedpreviously and will let you start at Ohio State with a clean CPHR (0.00.)While all courses will remain on your permanent record, only courses in which youreceived a C- or higher will be counted for credit. Other course work will not be countedfor credit, towards any requirement, or toward graduation. You will return to Ohio State。






立思辰留学360介绍,申请攻读俄勒冈州立大学的本科需要提供:推荐信,个人简历、个人陈述,IELTS 成绩6.5(卡斯卡德校区6分)、托福成绩和SAT成绩以及其它相关材料。






专业:哲学、人类学、天文学、古典文学、飞行器设计、离子物理学、航空航天工程、计算机工程、计算机科学、核能工程,信息安全、卫星通信、激光制导、原子能科学、火箭与推进科学、高分子材料、空间物理、地球物理、地球与大气科学、数学、物理及统计、特殊材料学、内科学,外科学,神经科学、脑科学、人类发展学、建筑工程管理、电力电子工程、工程物理学、环境工程学、工业工程、制造工程、机械工程、森林工程、森林工程 / 土木工程、森林管理、农艺商业管理、动物科学、农作物学和土壤学、环境经济,美非研究、农业应用经济学、农业扩展教育学、农业交流学、农业系统管理、动物科学、人文学、阿拉伯语、建筑学、艺术、艺术教育、运动训练、航空学、生化科学、生物学、化学工程、化学、中文、循环技术、文明环境工程、沟通学、比较文学研究、计算机信息科学、建筑系统管理、犯罪学、农业科学、舞蹈、牙科卫生学、牙科、餐饮营养学、经济学、电子计算机工程、政治学、工程学、物理工程、英语、昆虫学、环境科学、生态学、锻炼科学教育、课程研究、金融学、家庭消费科学教育、家庭资源管理、食品农业生物工程、食品经济管理、食品科学营养、法语、林业野生动物学、地理、地理科学、地球数学工程、德语、健康科学、希伯来语、历史学、健康信息管理系统、人文史、客服管理、人类发展以及家庭科学、家庭营养学、人力资源、工程设计、工程系统工程、信息系统、内部设计、国际商务管理、国际学、伊斯兰学、意大利语、日语、爵士研究、犹太研究、记者学、韩语、景观建筑、景观园艺、法律、读写和沟通技巧、物流和材料管理、管理信息系统、营销与营销管理、材料科学、统计数学、数学、机械工程、医学营养师、医学影像技术、中世纪与文艺复兴研究、微生物学、现代希腊语言学、音乐历史理论、音乐表演、音乐师范教育、音乐理论以及作曲、音乐、音乐以及相关、自然资源法执行以及保护服务、自然资源管理与政策、自然资源管理与养护、营养科学、职业治疗、业务管理和监督、公园娱乐休闲设施管理、腰脊穴、哲学、哲学与宗教、体育教学辅导、物理学、物理及相关科学、植物遗传学、植物病理学、植物科学、政治学以及政府、葡萄牙语、家禽科学、心理学、房地产、呼吸治疗、俄语、雕塑、社会工作、社会学、西班牙语、特殊教育学、体育和健身管理、统计学、测量、科技科技师范教育、科技工程师范、工商教师教育、物流运输、农学研究、视觉艺术表演、自然生物科学以及管理、妇女研究、动物学、心理学、社会学语、西班牙、服装设计、锻炼和运动学、健康管理和政策、健康升级和健康行为、住宅研究、人类发展和家庭研究、生物化学和生物物理学、生物学、植物学、化学、计算物理学、地球科学、地理学、地质学、数学科学、数学、医学、微生物学、核工程、高能物理学、动物生态学、生物工程学、化学工程、土木工程/林产工程、政治愈发管理、渔业和野生动植物学、食品科技、常规农业、园艺、美国研究、人类学、艺术、英语、种族研究、法语、德语、历史、音乐、新媒体通讯、旅游资源管理、生物流变学研究、环境学、经济学、药剂学、生化科学等。

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在俄勒冈州立大学,你会找到大量的支持服务 去帮助你达到学术成功。
山谷图书馆 山谷图书馆是俄勒冈州的主要图书馆,坐落在 大学校园的中心。图书馆提供学生、教员和员 工参考及研究所需的信息。
图书馆的收藏包括超过一百四十万册书 籍,一万四千本期刊,超过五十万张地图和 政府文件。从校园以外,你还可进入图书馆 的网上数据库,电子期刊和电子书籍。
250多个本科课程,80多个研究生课程 你可在大学以下十一个学院享负盛名的课程里 修读学士学位、硕士学位或博士学位:农业科 学院、商务学院、教育学院、工程学院、森林 学院、健康与人类科学院、人文学院、海洋与 大气科学学院、药学院、兽医科学学院。
除了教室,俄勒冈州还向学生提供获奖 的图书馆和其它出色的研究设备,如世界 最大的波浪箱——用来模拟海啸和测试波 能量的系统。你并且有无数的机会去发展 的领导才能和接触真实的世界,通过不同 的实习获得工作经验。
俄勒冈州立大学在综合出色学术表现和甲级 运动项目的评定中,排名在全美前三十名以 内。
环境健康科学中心(EHSC) 作为六间最初的国立环境健康科学核心中心 (NIEHS)之一,EHSC在扩展解释环境压力的 影响可如何被调制去改善健康的基础科学上 一直非常成功。EHSC由最先进的研究设备和 服务组成,包括综合保健科学设施的核心、 水生生物医学模型细胞成像与分析和生物分 子质谱。
关于俄勒冈州立大学 • 于1868年获得赠地而建立的学院,并且于
1870年颁发了第一个学位。 • 是美国仅有两家获得政府赠地及参与海
洋、航空、能源资助计划的大学之一。 • 在保护生物学、森林学、海洋学、核工
程、公共卫生学、生物化学、食品科学、 动物学和生态学学科中,全美名列前茅。 • 被卡内基基金会评级为“极高水平的研究 活动”,只有96所美国大学获此珍贵评 价。 • 在2008-09年度获得两亿五千两百万美元 的赞助,超过俄勒冈州其它所有公立大学 的赞助总和。 • 在综合出色学术表现和甲级运动项目的评 定中,为全美最好的三十所大学之一。 • 拥有全美最大的25所工程专业之一,是美 国西海岸大学里工程专业最齐全的大学。 • 拥有更多在研究和教学上盛名的教授教学 的本科课程 • 拥有全美大学最大电量系统的实验室和世 界最大和最先进的海啸研究设备。 • 在卡普兰大学指南中被评为2009年25所绿 色大学之一,肯定了俄勒冈州立大学在环 保实践中的领导地位。 • 拥有全美最大的25所工程专业之一,是美 国西海岸大学里工程专业最齐全的大学。 • 商学院是奥斯丁家族企业项目的基地,是 全美大学教授的第二古老的家族企业项 目,同时也是最活跃的项目之一。 • 在全美三十个大学海洋资助计划中名列前 茅。 • 大学的荣誉学院是全美屈指可数的能够授 予荣誉文凭学位的其中一所荣誉学院。
欢迎致辞 来自俄勒冈州立大学校长
较之上一个时代,世界比以前更小了、更加紧密联系了。今天,所有行 业都是国际化的,而且几乎每一样工作都涉及到跟来自不同文化背景的 人一起交流。俄勒冈州立大学致力与外界紧密联系,让我们的学生与学 系融入国际化的教学、学习、研究和服务中。而通过招收来自全球的学 生、欢迎参观学者、促进国际研究计划和创造充满活力的国际环境,我 们把世界带到了俄勒冈。 没有一个地方能和俄勒冈州立大学媲美。这是一个在特别时代里令人惊 叹的地方。我们的学生和教授提供出解决问题、改善生活和创造出更美 好世界的知识。我邀请您利用在这里的机会,并相信您会发现我们的大 学以培养商务、科学、工程、自然资源、艺术和各类行业的新一代领导 人为己任。 Edward Ray 博士 俄勒冈州立大学校长
俄勒冈BEST 俄勒冈建筑环境与可持续发展技术中心(俄 勒冈BEST)作为一个经济催化剂, 把该州的 商务与它的大学实验室网络联系起来,把环 保建筑和可再生能源的研究转化成实在的产 品、服务和就业机会,以激励俄勒冈的绿色 经济。
学生参与 校友生活如此丰富,在这里结交朋友很容易。 在俄勒冈州立大学,你可在三百多个学生组织 里挑选,范围从运动和专业方面到文化和精神 方面的,你也可参加从学生会到体育、戏剧社 或音乐社各的活动。
热情好客 安全舒适 俄勒冈州立大学主校区坐落于科瓦利斯市。该 市位于俄勒冈威拉梅特山谷中心地带,人口约 53,000人,是一个友好且充满活力的文化城 市。科瓦利斯在环境资源管理、自然资源可持 续利用、优质生活以及长远的城市规划方面处 于俄勒冈州的领先地位。因此,在独立调查中 科瓦利斯市连续名列美国“最佳居住城市”之 一,同时还获选全美“最注重环境及最安全城 市”的称号。科瓦利斯持有学士及以上学位的 成年人所占比例在全美排名前五位,另外富比 斯网上杂志评出科瓦利斯为2008年“全美最聪 明城市”的前五名。
交通便捷 市内拥有几英里长的自行车道和城市公交
车的免费服务,方便学生游览整个城市。 在市中心有许多进餐和方便社交的地方。
餐厅的选择多样,有提供传统美式食物的,更 有一系列的国际餐厅提供意大利餐、中餐、墨 西哥餐、日本餐、韩国餐、泰国餐甚至黎巴嫩 餐。另外在周六的农夫市场里,餐馆和酒吧提 供当地的产品给客人尝试,包括著名的俄勒冈 葡萄酒和小酿酒厂产的限量啤酒。
哈特菲尔德海洋科学中心(HMSC) 作为一个面向驻校科学家和研究生的独特实验 室和海洋学研究的基地,中心在海洋和河口的 研究和教导方面起了不可或缺的作用。通过它 的合作伙伴,HMSC提高了对海洋系统、沿海 变化过程和资源的科学认识,并把这种知识运 用到社会、经济和环境问题上。
网上学习及电脑设备 是面对面教育的补充,你可通过“黑板”—— 一种在线虚拟的教学环境进入网络支持服务。 它让导师可管理测验、评分、课堂笔记和主持 讨论板。通过“黑板”,你可联系导师和同 学,制造日历和地址记录。
户外活动的天堂 科瓦利斯和俄勒冈地区气候温和,适合各类户 外活动。在附近的喀斯喀特山脉和太平洋或者 大片的公园和森林里,每个人都能找到合适的 运动,有滑雪和雪上滑板,徒步旅行和自行车 运动,坐船漂流与皮划艇、冲浪及垂钓。
在俄勒冈你会发现总有事可做。你可以参 加世界级的高尔夫活动;沿着数百英里的自行 车道骑车而行;通过公路前往酿造葡萄酒的工 厂;寻找化石或者在俄勒冈莎士比亚节上恢弘 的戏剧表演中流连忘返。
• 根据“科学指南”,农学院的研究论点被 同行评议的文章引用次数为全美第一。
• Linus Pauling,1922年在俄勒冈州立大学 毕业,是诺贝尔化学奖和和平奖的获得 者。作为二十世纪一个赫赫有名的科学 家,Pauling在1994年去世时把他无价的论 文集和他的诺贝尔奖赠给了俄勒冈州立大 学。
运动和娱乐 作为美国大学运动联盟(NCAA)甲级Pac-10 联赛的一员,俄勒冈州全年提供令人兴奋的运 动,包括足球、篮球、垒球和排球。你也可参 与超过三十种的校内运动和无数的运动俱乐 部。
校内的迪克森娱乐中心里,可以打篮球、排 球、羽毛球、壁球和软式墙网球;设有团队练 习项目、举重训练场地;有八道标准游泳池和 跳水池、水疗、日光桌和桑拿,还有太平洋西 北岸大学里最大的攀岩中心。
协作学习中心以同伴导师和研究生辅导的 形式向学生提供辅导和一对一的帮助。一系列 的科学课程都可提供辅导服务,包括生物、数 学、化学和物理。
写作和学习中心 写作和学习中心对在任何写作阶段所遇到的写 作作业提供免费的服务,服务对象包括俄勒冈 州立大学的学生,科瓦利斯社区的员工、教员 和成员。写作协助对写作的各方面都能提供帮 助,包括集思广益、组织、语法问题和词汇用 法。你可通过在线写作实验室向写作辅导员发 出写作作业,他们可帮助你组织、发展和修改 你的文章。
Linus Pauling 学院 以俄勒冈州立大学最出色的校友命名——唯一 的两次诺贝尔奖获得者和二十世纪最具影响力 的化学家之一,Linus Pauling 学院是美国最 早的两间以研究补充和替代医学的卓越中心之 一。主要研究范围包括心血管疾病和代谢性疾 病、癌症、老化、免疫功能和神经退行性疾病 等。
• 根据“保护生物学”杂志,在315所被评级 的大学里,俄勒冈州立大学在保护生物学 项目中名列第一。
欢聚之地 在俄勒冈州立大学,你将见到来自美国五十个 州和将近一百个国家的学生。此外,学校还建 立了超过十五万人的校友联络网。你将会有很 多机会联络你的教授和同学,与他们交流思 想、观点和经验。
俄勒冈州立大学 续
这里还有各类风景名胜。 除了未遭破坏的 公共海滩、高地荒漠区如画的群山、盛产葡萄 的山谷,俄勒冈还拥有北美最深的河谷——地 狱谷、全美最深的湖泊——火山湖及攀爬人数 为世界第二的山峰——胡德山,这里是唯一终 年开放的滑雪圣地。

“ 科瓦利斯和俄勒冈的人对国际学生非常友善,我 可以问任何问题并且享受谈话的乐趣。 - Haruna Negishi,来自日本,学术英语课程
俄勒冈没有营业税,并且有许多著名品牌 的大卖场,包括耐克、阿迪达斯、哥伦比亚运 动服饰、香蕉共和国等。
驾车从科瓦利斯出发,不久便可见到太平 洋,喀斯喀特山脉以及壮美的哥伦比亚大峡 谷。俄勒冈州最大的城市及文化中心——波 特兰,距离科瓦利斯仅九十分钟路程。通过坐 车、飞机、巴士或火车等交通工具,你能轻松 到达美国西海岸的其它城市,包括西雅图、旧 金山和洛杉矶。
俄勒冈聚集了来自各地的现实理想主义 者,他们一起解决具挑战性的问题,在生活 质素和保护自然环境之间保持健康的平衡。在 这个友善、紧密联系的社区,你会发现无论教 员、学生、校友和学校员工,都在为世界做出 积极可见的变化一起努力。在这里,你、你的 思想、你的贡献、你的才华都受欢迎。
这就是“橙色能量”所代表的信念。快来 到俄勒冈州立大学并进行充电吧!