2015_11_6 16款凯迪拉克ATS-L技术参数及配置表
![2015_11_6 16款凯迪拉克ATS-L技术参数及配置表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9994719c84868762cbaed507.png)
型号 市场指导价格 (RMB) 25T 舒适型 288,800 28T 时尚型 318,800 技术参数 发动机 排量(cc) 变速箱 发动机启停系统 最大净功率[kw/rpm] 最大额定功率[kw/rpm] 最大扭矩[Nm/rpm] 综合工况油耗[L/100km] 最高车速(km/h) 加速性能 [(0~100 km/h)s] 燃油和排放 悬架系统(前/后) MRC主动电磁感应悬挂 转向系统 轮胎规格 制动系统 车身参数 长× 宽× 高(mm) 轴距(mm) 轮距前/后(mm) 最小离地间隙(mm) 整备质量(kg) 油箱容积(L) 安全系统 ESS II第二代强化安全策略 车道偏离预警系统 侧方盲区报警 后方交通报警 碰撞预警系统 碰撞缓解系统 全车速自适应巡航系统 安全振动警示座椅 前排正面安全气囊 前排侧面安全气囊 前后贯穿式侧安全气帘 前排双膝部气囊 后排侧面安全气囊 ABS四轮独立制动防抱死系统 EBD电子制动力分配系统 TCS牵引力控制系统 ESC电子稳定控制系统 TPMS智能胎压监测系统 后倒车雷达 泊车辅助(前后雷达) 倒车影像带导引辅助线 EPB电子驻车制动系统 自适应前大灯 自适应HID氙气大灯带高度调整和清洗功能 AFL智能随动转向大灯 LED日间行车灯 LED直列式飞翼尾灯 LED高位刹车灯 电动天窗 门把手水晶迎宾灯 外后视镜电动调整/电动折叠/加热 外后视镜电动调整/加热 外后视镜电子防眩目(驾驶员侧) 真皮座椅 驾驶员8向电动座椅(座椅6向+腰托2向) 驾驶员12向电动座椅(座椅10向+腰托2向) 驾驶员座椅记忆功能 副驾驶员8向电动座椅(座椅6向+腰托2向) 副驾驶员10向电动座椅(座椅8向+腰托2向) 前排座椅头枕4向调节 前排座椅座椅加热功能 自动防眩目后视镜 多功能方向盘 方向盘加热功能 方向盘拨片换挡功能 全自动双区空调系统 定速巡航系统 一键式启动系统 无钥匙进入系统(pass entry) 前排车窗一键升降带防夹功能 感应雨刷 前置8寸彩色高精度显示屏,带触摸功能 前置4.2寸彩色显示屏 彩色驾驶员信息中心 车载蓝牙电话功能 人声识别系统 GPS卫星定位车载导航系统 Apple CarPlay手机映射 无线充电 豪华CD播放器 Bose®音响系统,带7个扬声器 Bose Centerpoint®环绕音响系统,带10个扬声器 Bose ANC主动降噪静音系统 OnStar安吉星信息通讯系统 4G LTE Wi-Fi s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 外观配置 s s s s s s 内观配置 s s s s s s 舒适配置 s s s s s 移动互联体验 CUE s s s s s 影音娱乐系统 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 118 1535/1578 117 1600 62 4730× 1824× 1421 2860 1535/1558 118 4730× 1824× 1426 4730*1824*1429 225/45R17 四轮通风刹车碟; Brembo前轮刹车系统 7.1 6档手自一体自动变速箱(6L45) 164/5500 169/5500 353/2000-4000 8.6 215 6.2 *国V(京V)号排放标准/京95号或其他地区97号或以上无铅汽油 双球节麦弗逊悬架 / 五连杆悬架 EPS电子助力转向系统 前:225/40RF18,后:255/35RF18 s 2.0T SIDI直喷涡轮增压发动机 1998 8档手自一体自动变速箱(8L45) Start&Stop 200/5500 205/5500 400/2900-4600 7.8 240 28T 精英型 338,800 28T 豪华型 368,800 28T 领先型 428“-”无 (标准配置以实车为准,上海通用汽车保留解释权) 声明:本产品样本尽可能在现有资料的基础上做到全面详实,但上海通用汽车有限公司对价格、色彩、材料、装备、参数、车型等信息保留修改的权利,不再另行通知;凯迪拉克商标(Cadillac®) 受到中国及国际商品法律保护,未经上海通用汽车明确批准,不得擅自更改或使用凯迪拉克著作产权之任何部分或全部。
2014款凯迪拉克ATS作者:朱峥来源:《汽车与运动》2013年第12期在美国人看来,ATS的目标很明确,就是BMW 3系,他们毫无顾忌地在WORKSHOP中多次提起这件事情,不要保守的以为希望渺茫,ATS的确带着诚意姗姗而来了也许这是我从业以来第一次,也是至今为止惟一一次,仅凭一辆新车在技术说明会上的讲解,便进出了强烈的购买欲望。
既然剑指BMW 3系,那这下可有凯迪拉克ATST程师忙的了,他们需要做太多的改进和调校了。
现在,让我们忘记那些商人在乎的市场效应吧,如何把ATS 打造得能够和BMW 3系抗衡,才是目前的重中之重。
”智利:空气动力学VS风力矛头指向BMW 3系意味着什么?意味着凯迪拉克ATS必须拥有更加完美、更加优秀的运动性能,那又意味着它在整体设计感方面的考虑,以及空气动力学的演绎。
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凯迪拉克SRX 用户手册
![凯迪拉克SRX 用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4443815bde80d4d8d15a4f69.png)
凯迪拉克SRX 用户手册忠告《用户手册》和《保修及保养手册》明确了通用汽车有限公司与用户之间就有关产品的质量保证责任、售后服务方面权利与义务设立和终止的约定。
凯迪拉克SRX 用户手册感谢您选择了由通用汽车为您精心制造的汽车。
通用汽车有限公司2009 年9 月零件号:9004087目录 1目录引言 (3)钥匙,车门和车窗 (5)座椅和保护装置 (23)储物区 (63)仪表和控制装置 (71)照明 (105)信息娱乐系统 (111)温度控制系统 (163)驾驶和操作 (169)车辆养护 (207)维修和保养 (273)技术数据 (277)客户须知 (281)2 目录引言 3引言危险、警告、告诫和注意危险标有“危险”警告标志的内容表明有致命伤害的危险。
警告GENERAL MOTORS ,GM ,GM 标标有“警告”标志的内容表明有事识, CADILLAC ,CADILLAC 花冠和故或伤害的危险。
无视这些信息可盾牌以及 SRX 名称是通用汽车公司能导致受伤。
4 引言钥匙,车门和车窗 5钥匙,车门和车窗车内后视镜.............................19 钥匙和门锁自动变光车内后视镜 (19)车窗........................................19 钥匙钥匙和门锁...............................5 电动车窗................................20 警告钥匙.........................................5 遮阳板 (21)遥控门锁系统(RKE)............6 车顶........................................22 将儿童留在带有遥控门锁发射器的遥控门锁系统(RKE)的操作7 天窗.......................................22 车上是非常危险的,原因有很多,儿童或其他人可能受到严重甚至致遥控车辆起动 (10)命的伤害。
![CADILLAC ATS-L俏女朗与肌肉男](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afe942bcb0717fd5360cdc30.png)
俏女郎与肌肉男CadillaC ATS-L064065文:李文斌 图:袁晓晔 事实上,它们相遇纯属偶然,本来只预定了阿尔法·罗密欧Giulia 一款车,不曾想第二天主编开来了凯迪拉克ATS-L。
alfa RomeogiuLiA 我猜想绝大多数人应该都会对阿尔法·罗密欧Giulia 更加心存好感,原因很简单,意大利人在设计方面的造诣简直令人发指。
Giulia 全身充满了曼妙的线条,没有一丝多余。
CadillaCATS-L067 不过阿尔法·罗密欧何许车也,法拉利的员工曾经半开玩笑地说过阿尔法·罗密欧就是可以日常开的法拉利。
作为Giulia中的入门车型,这台低功CadillaCATS-L 068022凯迪拉克ATS-L 28T领先型车辆规格长、宽、高/mm 轴距/mm 整备质量/kg 最小离地间隙/mm 行李厢容积/ L 动力系统发动机型式L4、涡轮增压4 730、1 824、1 4292 8601 600118-大扭矩,看上去非常令人兴奋。
更令人感到意外的是,ATS-L 居然搭载了一台由通用集团研发,代号为8L45的8挡自动变速器。
070 同样,虽然轴距经过加长,但凯迪拉克ATS-L依然有着丰富的运动细胞。
这套主动电磁感应减振器号称是阿尔法·罗密欧Giulia车辆规格长、宽、高/mm 轴距/mm 整备质量/kg 最小离地间隙/mm 4 643、1 860、1 4362 820--符合运动型车的风格。
伊顿 ATS 型号安全说明说明书
![伊顿 ATS 型号安全说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/485098bbf71fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a27b7.png)
• 维修此设备时,可能需要拆下其保护盖并连接公用电源。请在执行这些步骤的过程中十分谨慎。 • 检查电源线、插头和插座是否状况良好。 • RAL 设备:“设备适合安装在限制接近的位置”。
1. 简介 .................................................................................................... 4
ᆿ㻻 ૂ⭞ᡭᢁ߂
⡸ᵳᡰᴹ © 2014 EATON ⮉؍ᡰᴹᵳ࡙DŽ ᵃࣗૂ᭥ᤷφ 䈧㠤⭥ᛘᖃൠⲴᴽ࣑ԓ㺘 ATS-01_CH
请妥善保存这些说明。本手册包含一些重要说明,在安装和维护 ATS 过程中应加以遵循。
本手册中介绍的伊顿 ATS 型号适合安装在温度介于 40°C/104°F(EATS30H、EATS30P)到 35°C/95°F (EATS30N) 之间且不存在导电污染物的环境中。
• 安规:UL (US) (UL 60950) CE (EU) (IEC 60950) PSE (JP) • EMI:CISPR 22 A 类和 FCC A 类 • EMS:
5. 操作 .................................................................................................... 9
5.1 用户界面.........................................................................................................................9 5.2 通讯卡 .......................................................................................................................... 10
Product NO. 3616A02-020A0 3617A02-020A0
quantity 1 1
remark 3系统控制 3 system control
包含于线束总成内(Include in wiring harness) 1 包含于线束总成内
Introduction of Elion Technology and ATS products 1.3 ATS产品系统部件 Product System Components
二、安装要求及布置匹配需注意事项 Installation requirements and notes
2.1 安装要求 installation requirements
(1)、ECU安装环境要求:务必安装在整车隔热、防水、透气的电器仓内,环境温度不超过60度为宜。 ECU installation environment requirement :must be installed in the electrical compartment of vehicle which is insulation, waterproof and breathable, the environment temperature could not exceed 60 degrees (2)、ECU安装注意事项:ECU installation notice 1)、接ECU线束之前,必须切断整车总电源。 Before access ECU wiring harness please cut off main vehicle power 2)、每条线束均有明确的中(英)文标签,指明接线位置。 Each wiring harness has a clear Chinese and english label and specifies the terminal location 3)、整车如果要电焊作业,则需切断电源,拔下线束航插。 If vehicle need welding work , you need to cut off the power and unplug the wiring harness aircraft plug (3)、ECU主线束安装:ECU wiring harness installation 将线束的航空插件与ECU总成连接,线束总成上两个针的航空插件对应旁边有个小的航空插件分别对应的与ECU 模块上的接口连接并旋紧。 Aircraft plug of wiring harness connected with ECU assembly, with the two-pin plug of wiring harness assembly next to a small plug-ins corresponding to the respective air plug-in module interfaces with the ECU connected and then tightened
迎宾,来宾签到,领取试驾序号 影像播放:循环播放凯迪拉克品牌视频(徽标背后的故事)暖场 开辟专区提供香槟、饮品、自助点心提供 1. 来宾自由在休息区观看全新ATS产品介绍 2. 所有来宾:可预约登记试车活动;并向销售顾问了解ATS并可现场预定
1. 2. 3. 4.
签到台 背景音乐 徽标背后的故事 来宾休息区
墨舞开场 主持人宣布主持人宣布典礼开始 14:00 主持人介绍到场领导、嘉宾和新闻媒体等 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 新车发布: 经销商总经理发言,介绍凯迪拉克品牌和全新ATS; 凯迪拉克厂方代表/ 嘉宾致词, 阐述全新ATS对于当地市场意义 播放全新ATS视频,以加强现场期待看到新车的心情; 激情动力秀,灯光音响全息,听ATS的心跳 灯光突然打在展车上,车上的揭幕布徐徐拉起,模特POSE烘托 1. 2. 主持人串词 到场嘉宾名单
场地布置分为以下几个区域:“签到区(室外)”“精品红酒展示区”“室内高尔夫模拟果 岭”“现磨咖啡茶饮区(冷餐区)”“仪式区”“赏车区” 各区域所有座位均采用小圆茶几,营造闲适的生活氛围,使得人们心情得到放松。让各位来 宾在放松中,融入整个活动,以达到推广产品,凝聚厂商客户向心力的作用。
中国古典舞和太极的完美融合,通过 表演者似飞腾狂草、和刚柔并进的太 极描画丹青般的一招一式的精彩表演 ,营造了一个恬静、雅致、高远的意 境。具有无限的超越美,又有不设不 施的自然美,最后舞者写出八个大字 尊贵享受 致臻生活。引出本次活动的 主题。
时间安排 内容 活动道具
Enjoys the vehicle to meet Cadillac ATS
ATS-1音频分析仪操作手册操作方法概述: 对比度旋钮操作方法概述前面板控制器可分为以下各部分:图4-1前面板按键组成CONTRAST对比度旋钮对比度旋钮用于调整亮度及液晶显示器的视角。
P1PA用户手册Pg 4-1概述: 仪器模式键——面板导航操作方法下图表示各主面板之间的切换关系:捷径:按任何功能键将进入主面板,甚至测量功能不变。
图4-2 面板导航Pg 4-2 P1PA用户手册操作方法概述: 仪器模式键——面板导航本机一开机时,将进入默认的主面板。
其外观如下:图4-3 选择主面板顶部一行的是分析区,通常显示为一、二、或三个实时的读数。
按下BARGRAPH键进入条形面板,其外观如下:图4-4 条形面板这个面板的三个实时的读数,顶部一行如同主面板顶部。
P1PA用户手册Pg 4-3概述: 仪器模式键——面板导航操作方法按SWEEP键可进入扫描面板,其外观如下:图4-5 扫描面板扫描面板用于测量一定范围内的频率或幅度的每一步的值,并读取每步读数。
当扫描面板显示完毕后按下PRINT键,显示屏将会切换到打印面板,其外观如下:图4-6 打印面板或者表格数据。
凯迪拉克 全新一代流媒体后视镜用户手册说明书
![凯迪拉克 全新一代流媒体后视镜用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8353218009a1284ac850ad02de80d4d8d15a019d.png)
注意事项:1.本产品不包含SD卡,用户需自行购买SD卡方可使用(支持8G~128G C10 以上的品牌高速SD卡,建议历时6个月更换一次新卡)。
2.本产品不支持Micro SD卡。
一、特别说明 (2)二、内后视镜面板功能 (4)三、MyCadillac APP功能说明 (5)3.1扫码绑定 (5)3.1.1 下载MyCadillac APP (5)3.1.2 绑定步骤说明 (5)3.2MyCadillac APP功能说明 (7)四、实时自检 (8)4.1屏幕显示关闭 (8)4.2屏幕显示开启 (9)4.2.1 停车实时自检 (9)4.2.2 行车实时自检 (11)五、屏幕显示关闭操作 (13)5.1锁存/终止锁存 (13)5.2屏幕显示开关 (13)六、屏幕显示开启操作 (14)6.1停车时操作 (14)6.1.1 锁存/终止锁存 (14)6.1.2 亮度调节 (14)6.1.3 角度调节 (14)6.1.4 回放 (15) 回放列表 (15) 回放中 (16)6.1.5 系统设置 (17)6.2行车时操作 (18)6.2.1 锁存/终止锁存 (18)6.2.2 亮度调节 (18)6.2.3 角度调节 (18)6.2.4 提示停车操作 (19)附录1故障排除 (20)附录2 有害物质声明 (21)附录3 保修服务 (22)一、特别说明1.说明书中有用矩形图片表示,图像显示实际是在异形框内。
永不冷却的糖衣炮弹 车主详说上海通用凯迪拉克ATS
![永不冷却的糖衣炮弹 车主详说上海通用凯迪拉克ATS](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/58e8cde277a20029bd64783e0912a21614797fc8.png)
Holding CabinetFL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 1 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833Cabinet model number:Cabinet serial number: Authorized Service Agency:Ph:Fax:Keep this manual for future reference.OPERATING and MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSModels: H138NPSCLCMC5QRL Merchandising Hot CabinetsHolding Cabinet FL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 2 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS:Model No.VoltsWattsAmpsHertzPhaseNEMAH138NPSCLCMC5QRL 120200016.6601L5-20PINSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION:1. Remove all paper and packing material from inside of cabinet.2. Remove protective paper and vinyl material from outside surfaces of cabinet.3. For shelf installation, see page 8.4. Place the cabinet in a well-ventilated area.5. Place cabinet on level floor.6. Plug cord end into proper wall outlet.7. See page 4 to reverse the door openings.FIRST TIME START-UP:1. Push the POWER switch to “ON”, and run the unit for one hour.NOTE: DO NOT PUT FOOD INTO CABINET!This step is to burn off manufacturing oils and excess adhesive.2. Let the cabinet cool and wipe inside clean with detergent and hot water before first use.Blower inlet guard must be in place before operating cabinet.HOW TO HOLD:1. Push POWER switch to “ON.” POWER LIGHT will come on.2. The control is preset to maintain an averagetemperature of 160°F. Displayed temperatures will change during loading and unloading of product.3. Preheat cabinet for 45 minutes.4. Put product into cabinet.NOTE: Proper food holding temperature is140°F/60°C or higher.Air is VERY HOTwhen door is opened.Holding CabinetFL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 3 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833BEFORE cleaning the cabinet:1. Unplug the cabinet from the wall.2. Allow cabinet to cool.1. Do NOT use abrasives (steel wool) or harshchemicals (chlorine, bromine, iodine or ammonia).2. Do NOT use a water sprayer (pressure sprayer) to clean the cabinet.CLEANING HINTS:1. Wipe up spills as soon as possible.2. Clean cabinet daily to avoid heavy dirt build-up.3. Make a test spot with cleaner:a) Follow manufacturer’s directions on cleaner.b) Do not mix cleaners.c) Avoid drips and splashes.HOW TO CLEAN WIRE RACKS:1. Remove all items from shelves.2. Place towels under the area you will be cleaning.3. Spray shelves with a degreasing cleaner and wait two minutes.4. Scrub the shelves with a brush. Use a toothbrush to get between the wires.5. Wipe off with a damp sponge and warm water. Dry with towels.HOW TO CLEAN THE UNIT:SoilCleanerMethodCABINET Inside and Outside (Stainless Steel)DAILY CLEANINGMild detergent and hot water.1. Sponge on with cloth.2. Rinse with water.3. Wipe dry.STUBBORN SPOTS ANDSTAINSMild abrasive made for stainless steel.1. Apply with damp sponge or cloth.2. Rub lightly.3. Rinse with water and wipe dry.BURNT-ON FOODS OR GREASEChemical oven cleaner for stainless steel.Follow oven cleaner manufacturer’s directions.HARD WATER SPOTS and SCALEVinegar1. Swab or wipe with cloth.2. Rinse and dry.*Mild detergents include soaps and non-abrasive cleaners.Note: Gaskets are removable for cleaning.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSHOW TO REVERSE THE DOOR OPENING: 1. Open the door 180°, lift it up and off. Lay it downwith the outside up.2. Pop off the hinge covers with a regularscrewdriver.3. Unscrew the hinges and pull handle and remountthem to the opposite sides of the door (make sure the hinge pin is down).4. Remove the cabinet hinges with door stopbrackets. Remove the screws plugging the mating hinge holes on the opposite side of the cabinet. 5. Lift out and turn the plastic cam in each cabinethinge 180°. Use a screwdriver to pop them out,if necessary (see Figure 1). Mount the hingesand door stop brackets onto the opposite side ofcabinet (see Figure 2).6. Put the door back onto the cabinet and adjust/tighten the hinges as shown on page 5.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1Right Hand Hinge (as shipped)Note the position of curved dwell on the cam afterturning it 180°Figure 2Left Hand HingeHow to adjust/tighten the double door hinges:1. Open the door 180°, lift it up and off. Lay it down with the outside up.2. Pop off hinge covers with a screwdriver.3. Loosen the screws that hold hinges to the door. Those holes are slotted for adjustment.a) Push the hinge back for the door to close easier; or b) Pull the hinge forward to close the gap between the door and the cabinet.4. Tighten the screws and then test the door.How to adjust /tighten the full door hinges:1. Loosen the screws holding the hinge to the door.2. Push or pull the hinge per instructions above.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDEHINGE COVERFAILUREPOSSIBLE CAUSE1. POWER LIGHT (Yellow) does NOT light.1a. Switch is “OFF”.1b. Cord unplugged from wall outlet.1c. Circuit breaker/fuse to wall outlet tripped/blown.2. Unit does not heat.2a. Temperature control is set too low.2b. Switch is “OFF”.3. Unit gets too hot or won’t shut off.3a. Defective electrical parts.UNPLUG UNIT FROM WALL OUTLET.4. Blower does not work or makes noise.4a. Defective blower.5. GFCI device trips.5a. The insulation inside the heating element may have absorbed some moisture. This may have occurred if the cabinet has not been used for a long period of time or during shipping and storage of the cabinet. Plug the cabinet into a non-GFCI outlet and set the temperature control to its maximum. Let the cabinet run for about 1 hour to dry out the heating element from any moisture may have been absorbed. If the circuit breaker trips, call the factory Authorized service agent. After drying the heating element, plug cabinet into the GFCI receptacle; the cabinet should run properly. If the GFCI device continues to trip, call the factory Authorized service agent.GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter): A GFCI receptacle is a device that de-energizes a circuit when it detects an unsafe flow of current to ground. The intention of a GFCI device is to minimize the potential for an electrical shock.If cause is none of the above, refer to our list of Authorized Service Centers, FL-1400Holding CabinetFL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 6 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833REPLACEMENT PARTSInclude all information on nameplate when ordering partsITEM DESCRIPTION120V1Blower Kit0769-180-K-LC 2Heater Kit, Air 1850 Watt 0811-022-K 3High Limit 0848-0604Power Switch 0808-116-K 5Power Light0766-094Relay - Solid State (not shown)0857-1347Temperature controller0848-075-LCK 8Transformer (used with Temp controller)0769-1599Terminal Block (4 pole)0852-093Terminal Block (2 pole)0852-09110Vent Fan0769-165Power Cord (not shown)20 Amp 0810-065-14-LK11Fan Guard 0769-16712Cord Bracket 0553-75713Strain Relief 90°0818-095Holding Cabinet FL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 7 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833REPLACEMENT PARTSInclude all information on nameplate when ordering partsCABINET REPLACEMENT PARTS:ItemDescription Part No.ItemDescriptionPart No.1Caster0569-306-K 10Door, front, solid 1221-534-LCK 2Caster with brake 0569-306-BK 11Door, back, window 1221-629-LCK 3Gasket, front doors 0861-245-K 12Handle, door0911-115-LCK 4Gasket, back door 0861-246-K 13Hinge Kit, lift off, set of 20519-114-LCK 5Wire shelf1170-00514Hinge, butt type 0519-089-K Display Rack (upper)See Page 815Air tunnel0546-1206Rack insert (lower)1170-213-LCK 16Light Display, Complete 0820-0588Wire blower inlet guard 1170-21117Light Bulb Kit, set of 50820-059-019Door, front, window1221-616-LCKHolding CabinetFL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 8 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833DISPLAY RACK INSTALLATION (Recommended)Front 4th Hook6th HookBottomDISPLAY RACK REPLACEMENT PARTS Item DescriptionPart No.1Post, Left 1170-2392Post, Right1170-2403Post, Right Rear 1170-2374Post, Left Rear 1170-2385Wire Shelf 1170-2236Wire Shelf 1170-236HALOGEN BULB REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS:1. Turn PWR switch OFF, UNPLUG unit from wall outlet and allow unit to COOL to prevent SHOCK or BURN.2. Insert small screwdriver between lens and mounting screwat a 45 degree angle and apply pressure while pulling down the lens. DO NOT DROP GLASS LENS!3. Pull bulb STRAIGHT out. If necessary, gently pry at the base of bulb using a wiggling motion.NOTE: For longest bulb life, do NOT handle a new bulb with bare hands. Use clean glove or cloth to install.Holding CabinetFL-2371-LCRev. 3 (5/14)Page 9 of 95925 Heisley Road • Mentor, OH 44060-1833WIRING DIAGRAM*F O R T W I S T L O C K O P T I O NBLACKWHITET E M P E R A T U R E C O N T R O LW A CA C N OBC t °T R A N S F O R M E R 110V /220432815B L O W E R M O T O RV E N T F A NV E N T F A N B L O W E R M O T O R5-20P 120V , 20A O R L 5-20P *WHITEBLACKGH I G H L I M I TH E A T E R A I R5-15P 120V , 15A O R L 5-15P *G10594S O L I D S T A T E R E L A YL1 T1A2 A1H I G H L I M I TP W R S W I T C H112210121314131415162526152512162697820192265378193204F R O N T L IGH T FI X T U R E SR E A R L I G H T F I X T U R E SM C C A B I N E T O N L Y。
autel 智能汽车ats100 gps用户手册说明书
![autel 智能汽车ats100 gps用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b0c1e8830d22590102020740be1e650e53eacf50.png)
ATS100 (With GPS) Intelligent Turn Assist System User ManualAutel Intelligent Automobile Co., Ltd.TrademarksAutel®, MaxiSys TM, MaxiDAS®, MaxiScan®, MaxiTPMS®, MaxiVideo TM, MaxiRecorder TM, and MaxiCheck TM are trademarks of Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., Ltd., registered in China, the United States, and other countries. All other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.Copyright InformationNo part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Autel Intelligent Automobile Co., Ltd.Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of LiabilitiesAll information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of printing.Autel Intelligent Automobile Co., Ltd. will not be liable for any direct, special, incidental, or indirect damages, or for any economic consequential damages (including lost profits) as a result of using the product.IMPORTANTBefore operating or maintaining this unit, please read this manual carefully, paying extra attention to the safety warnings and precautions.For Services and SupportWeb: Email: *********************Hotline: 0086-755-2267-2493 (China HQ) / 1-855-AUTEL-US (288-3587) (North America) / 0049 (0) 6103-2000520 (Europe) /+045 5948465 (APAC) / +971 585 002709 (IMEA)For technical assistance in all other markets, please contact your local distributor.This product holds the approval of German ABE for Abbiegeassistent. Any modifications to the product will result to an automatic cancelation of this approval. The user is also obliged to observe the product in accordance to it’s legal requirement.Table of Contents1.ATS100 Turn Assist System Introduction (1)1.1ASR100 Radar Introduction (2)1.2Warning Display (3)1.3GPS&IMU Module (6)1.4System Connections & Wire Harness Description (7)er Guide (10)2.1 Radar Installation (10)2.2 Radar Wiring (13)2.3 Input Signal Access (14)2.4 Power Access (15)2.5 GPS&IMU Module Installation (15)2.6 Display Screen Installation (16)1.ATS100 Turn Assist System IntroductionATS100 is a turn assist system with accurate target detection and warnings for vehicle blind spots. The system components are as followes: a millimeter-wave radar with operation frequency 76-77GHz and max RF output power 12dbm, a spirit level, a mounting bracket (optional), a warning screen, a GPS&IMU module and the cable. The millimeter-wave radar can accurately measure the target distance, speed, angle, and other information through the difference in echoes between the transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. It is an all-weather and all-day operational turn assist system with working temperature from -40℃-85℃. The warning screen warns the driver of a dangerous target in the blind spot and reminds the driver to make timely adjustments to the driving trajectory, to avoid accidents.The ATS100 turn assist system covers 180° on one side, ensuring no blind spots, with target detection range up to 80 x 4.5 m. With a compact structure, it comes with collision pre-determination and graded alarm function, can integrate with external CAN (Controller Area Network) and CAN FD (Flexible Data) interfaces, and supports 12 V or 24 V supply voltage.Figure 1-1 ASR100 radar coverageWarning targets of ATS100 turn assist system include:∙Dynamic vulnerable road users, moving at speeds greater than 3 km/h, including pedestrians, bicycles, electric bicycles, etc.∙Dynamic cars, moving at speeds greater than 10 km/h.Note: The safe use distance of the system needs to be greater than 4cm.1.1ASR100 Radar IntroductionThe ASR100 77 GHz Millimeter-Wave Radar is a compact, rugged radar sensor designed and manufactured by Autel Intelligence Vehicle® in China for side blind zone warnings for heavy trucks/buses, etc. The ASR100 meets automotive grade standard for professional commercial vehicles and has an IP69K rating, in line with the commercial vehicle use environment.Figure 1-2 ASR100 dimensions1.2Warning DisplayThe ATS100 turn assist system employs a precision sensing system to predict future collision probability with the target and provides users with dynamic sensing and display-based intelligent warnings, to remind drivers to take preventative measures in time to reduce the possibility of accidents. The warning display screen supports adaptive brightness control, enabling the screen’s brightness to adjust based on the brightness of the surrounding environment, thereby reducing eye-fatigue for drivers during the night.Figure 1-3 Display sizeThe warning function is divided into three levels as follows: (Note: Prerequisites for enabling the warning function: the speed of the vehicle is <30km/h)●Level 1 warning: The steering wheel angle is less than 30°, , and the target entersthe warning range, then a section of warning light LEDs, displayed in Figure 1-4, light up.●Level 2 warning: The vehicle is turning to the right, the steering wheel angle isgreater than 30° or turn on the turn signal (when the turn signal is connected), and it is expected that the vehicle and the target will collide within a certain amount of time, then a section of warning light LEDs start flashing.●Level 3 warning: The vehicle is turning to the right, the steering wheel angle isgreater than 30° or turn on the turn signal (when the turn signal is connected), and the vehicle and the target collision is imminent within a short amount of time, then the warning light will start flashing and a warning sound is generated.The driver can get the approximate location of the target based on the section of warning light LEDs that are on or are flashing.The detailed description of each warning light on the display is as follows:Figure 1-4 Description of warning light①Warning module power and status indicator: lights up when the status of the warning module is normal.②Brake indicator: This light flashes when actively braking. (Currently this function is not available).③GPS fault indicator: on when GPS sensor has no signal (temporary), flashing when GPS sensor has faulty signal.④Warning light: provides early warning of dangerous targets. The warning area is divided into three different priorities: Zone top (2-5 m in front of the front of the vehicle), Zone central (2 m in front of the front of the vehicle- 7 m behind the front of the vehicle), and Zone bottom (7-30 m behind the front of the vehicle), If there are multiple targets in Zone top, central or bottom at the same time, give priority to Zone central, then Zone bottom, and then Zone top.⑤Vehicle model: for reference; is in a steady on state after power on.⑥Radar status indicator: steady on state indicates a temporary radar failure, usually caused by factors such as radar being blocked, bad weather conditions; flashing indicates a permanent radar failure, requiring professional repair.⑦System fault indicator: The indicator light is on when there is a fault in the entire system.1.3GPS&IMU ModuleThis module integrates high-precision gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS module, adopts high-performance microprocessor and advanced dynamic solution and Kalman dynamic filter algorithm, which can quickly solve the current real-time motion attitude of the module. Using advanced digital filtering technology can effectively reduce measurement noise and improve measurement accuracy. The module integrates an attitude solver and cooperates with the dynamic Kalman filter algorithm to accurately output the current attitude of the module in a dynamic environment. The attitude measurement accuracy is 0.05 degrees static and 0.1 degrees dynamic, with extremely high stability and performance even better than some professional inclinometer.1.4System Connections & Wire Harness DescriptionConnect each port of the radar, display, GPS&IMU module wiring harness as shown below.Figure 1-5 System connections diagramRadar Harness DescriptionIn the figure below, the P1 connector is connected to the radar; it has 8 pins and the pin order is shown as below. The pin number in the figure corresponds to the pin definition in Table 1-2. The P2 connector is connected to the GPS&IMU module; it has 8 pins, and the pin number of P2 in the figure corresponds to the pin definition in Table 1-3. The P3 connector is connected to the vehicle and power supply, it has 6 pins, and the pin number of P3 in the figure corresponds to the pin definition in Table 1-4. The end of each cable has a printed label. Please check it carefully during installation. Do not turn the power on if the connectors are improperly connected.Figure 1-6 Radar wiring harness diagramRadar interface P1 definition table:GPS interface P2 definition table:Vehicle power interface P3 definition table:Display Harness DescriptionIn the figure below, the left P4 connector of the display harness is connected to the GPS module; it has 8 pins and the pin order is shown as below. The pin number in the figure corresponds to the pin definition in Table 1-5.Figure 1-7 Dispaly wiring harness diagramGPS interface P4 definition table:Table 1-5 Definition of GPS interface P4er Guide2.1 Radar InstallationNotes on Installation∙The radar should be installed on a component with little vibration. Strong vibration will negatively affect its detection function.∙The radar should be installed on the most protruding plane on the side of the truck to prevent it from being blocked by other parts and its detection performance from being compromised.Installation position: The radar should be installed on the right side of the truck. For right rudder country please install on the left side of the truck. We recommend you install it on the side guard plate, side guard rail of the truck.Figure 2-1 Radar installation position diagramInstallation range:When the radar is used, the reference coordinate origin is the center of the rear axle of the vehicle. The default installation position parameters of the radar are shown in Table 2-1 which only suitable for vehicles with a wheelbase of about 3.5-5m.Lateral distance X: the longitudinal distance of the radar installation position relative to the center of the rear axle of the vehicle;Longitudinal distance Y: The lateral distance of the radar installation position relative to the center of the rear axle of the vehicle;Installation angle: the rotation angle of the radar installation position relative to the center of the rear axle of the vehicle;Warn_dx: the distance from the center of the rear axle to the front edge of the vehicle.Trailer lengthFigure 2-2 Radar installation location calibration parameters diagramRecommended sensor location is shown in Figure 2-2 below. The radar can be installed at a distance of 230-430cm back from the front edge of the vehicle and a height of 30-120cm from the ground.Figure 2-3 Recommended installation location diagramIf your vehicle’s wheelbase is not within 3.5-5 meters, using the above default radar installation position parameters will cause excessive errors. At this time, the user needs to measure the distance between the actual installation position of the radar and the center of the rear axle of the vehicle to calibrate the installation position of the radar. For the calibration of the radar installation position, please use our customer's host computer AutelRadarCfgTools. The operation steps are shown in Figure 2-4 below:(1) Click the Open button to open the CAN device;(2) Click the Close button to close the CAN device;(3) Select the baud rate of channel 2, the current default value is 250K(4) Click the Start button to open channel 2;(5) Click the Stop button to close channel 2;(6) Select whether the Install Position is facing the left or right side of the front of the vehicle;(7) Enter dx, dy, theta and warn_dx values.dx: the longitudinal distance of the radar installation position relative to the center of the rear axle of the vehicle. Unit: meter;dy: The lateral distance of the radar installation position relative to the center of the rear axle of the vehicle, generally 1.25 m.Installation angle: the left side is -90°, right side is 90°Warn_dx: the distance from the center of the rear axle to the front edge of the vehicle. Unit: meter.Figure 2-4 AutelRadarCfgTools Interface IconInstallation deviations: To ensure detection accuracy, the radar installation horizontal angle error should be at best within ±1°. Installation vertical angle error should be t best within 2°.Figure 2-5 Radar installation deviations diagramExample of InstallationIn order to control installation deviations, an optional auxiliary mounting bracket can be used to adjust the direction and angle during installation.1. With the front of the radar (the side with the plastic casing) facing the detection area, fix the radar to the mounting bracket using the screws.2. Place the spirit level in the middle of the upper plane of the radar and adjust the mounting position adjustment screw until the bubble overlaps the ring in the middle.3. Secure the mounting position adjustment screw, and then connect the cable.Figure 2-6 Radar installation and calibration diagram2.2 Radar WiringInstallation Vertical Angle 30-120cmAfter the radar cable is connected to the radar, it should be routed into the cab together with the chassis cable, as shown in the image below.The entry for the chassis cable into the cab is at the bottom of the cab. Therefore, you need to lift the cab during wiring, as shown in the image below.In front of the front passenger seat (where the main fuse and the main ECU are located), connect the power supply, the display screen and the other parts of this product, as shown in the image below.2.3 Input Signal AccessThe Autel ATS100 requires the 5 interior signals below for its normal operation. The radar automatically reads these CAN J1939 signals by default, The baud rate is 250KB:1.Vehicle speed2.Steering wheel angle3.Yaw rate4.Longitudinal acceleration2.4 Power AccessThe radar has to be powered via KL15 or Clamp 15 (24V). We recommend you find KL15 on the main fuse board and connect the radar to it.2.5 GPS&IMU module InstallationThe GPS/IMU Module can be placed anywhere inside the driver cabin, the preferred position is behind the windshield glass and somewhere in the middle of cockpit.a. Place the GPS&IMU module horizontally, and note that the X-axis direction is consistent with the vehicle's forward direction.b. The module can be fixed using screws or double-sided tape.c. Connect the two wire harnesses at the end of the GPS&IMU module to the radar and display respectively.Note: GPS&IMU module installation angle tolerance<30°2.6 Display Screen Installationa. Remove the A-pillar cover and drill holes: Referring to Figure 1, take the mounting holes on the bracket back plate as reference points, and drill two 4.5 mm mounting holes and one 12 mm hole to route the cable through (30-40 mm below the mounting holes).b. Referring to Figure 2, use two M4*14 screws to fix the bracket back plate to the A-pillar cover.Note: 3M adhesive on the bracket back plate allows the bracket to be stuck on the A-pillar cover.c. Referring to Figure 3, route the cable on the screen assembly through the cable hole on the A-pillar cover.d. Referring to Figure 4, place the screen assembly on the corresponding position on the bracket back plate, as shown in view V and view VI. You can rotate the screen around the axis to adjust its angle, and then fix the screen assembly with M4*14 screws.e. Install the cover back to the A-pillar.17。
Train/Set/Acceleration/Braking Rate 列车/设置/加速率/制动率
Train/Set/Run Type 列车/设置/运行类型
Train/Set/Memo Pad 列车/设置/记事簿
Train/Display/Detailed Train Information 列车/显示/详细列车信息
2017.08. 04 17:17:55 +08'00'
RM 责任经理
PM/PSE 项目负责人
2017.08.0 4 17:19:18 +08'00'
2017.08.0 4 17:20:00 +08'00'
2017.08.0 4 17:20:29 +08'00'
1.1 Warnings and Notes 警告信息和注意事项
1.2 References 参考
1.3 Abbreviations 缩写
1.4 Colour Use 颜色的使用
上海自仪泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Thales Saic Transportation System Limited Company
青岛市地铁 2 号线一期工程信号系统
ATS 用户指南
上海自仪泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Thales Saic Transportation System Limited Company
2014 LX商品说明书
![2014 LX商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5809f03bb94ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9605de22.png)
1 LX shown in Starfire Pearl // Options shown.3LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.2DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE.AND A FEW MORE THINGS THAT YOU CAN’T. THE UNPARALLELED 2014 LX.4LX shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown.56LX shown in Parchment leather with Mahogany wood trim // Options shown.7EXCEPTIONALL8LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.910LX shown in Parchment leather with Mahogany wood trim // Options shown.11LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.13The available Wide-view Front Monitor 16 captures a broad view of the forward and peripheral surroundings, which then displays on the Navigation15403 lb-ftt orque @ 3,600 rpm 1290% of maximum torqueavailable @ 2,200 rpm7,000-poundt owing capacity 13,14G. Available Wide-view Front and Side Monitor system 4 H. Blackleather interior with Mahogany trim I. Available Rear-SeatEntertainment System (RSES ) J. Electroluminescent instrumentation with multi-information display K. Steering-wheel controls L. USB connectivity1716 A. Transfer case, Crawl Control,11 vehicle height andsuspension controls B. Parchment leather interior with Mahogany trim C. Power open/close rear door D. Subscription-free Lexus Enform App Suite 7 E. Versatile rear seating F. Three-row, eight-passenger seating20Four-zone automatic climate control with smog sensor and automatic circulation mode // Lexus Memory System // Power tilt-and-slide moonroof // Power rear door // Leather-trimmed interior // Mahogany interior trim // 10-airbag system 20 // Navigation System 17 // Lexus Enform 7 one-year trial subscription // Lexus Enform App Suite 7 // Full-timefour-wheel drive // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) with Active Height Control (X-AHC ) // Crawl Control 11 with T urn Assist // 14-way driver’s seat(including dual-function lumbar and cushion extender ) // Power-sliding,60/40-split middle-row seatwith 40/20/40-split seatback // Auto on/off High-Intensity Discharge (HID ) headlamps with Dual-swivel Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS )21 // Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel and shift knob // Smart Stop technology 22 // T railer Sway Control 1820-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 27 STANDARDKEYSTANDARD FEATURESPACKAGES WHEELS For complete list, visit /LX/featuresINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSMark Levinson 19-speaker 450-watt @ less than0.1% THD, 20–20,000 Hz 23 Reference Surround Sound Audio System 1 // Heated and ventilated front seats and heated second-row seats // Dual-screen DVD Rear-Seat Entertainment System (RSES )9 // Wide-view Front and Side Monitor system 4 with Intuitive Parking Assist // Pre-Collision System (PCS )15 and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 24For complete list, visit /LX/options For complete list, visit /LX/packagesFor complete list of Genuine Lexus Accessories, visit /LX/accessoriesLUXURY PACKAGE WITH PRE-COLLISION SYSTEM AND DYNAMIC RADAR CRUISE CONTROLSemi-aniline leather-trimmed interior with contrast stitching // Heated steering wheel // Heated and ventilated front seats // Heated second-row seats // Mahogany-trimmed door switchplates and rear-center armrest cover // Front-seat cool box // SmartAccess 25,26 cardkeyLX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.21HEIGHT 75.6 INKEY SPECS5.7L V87.5S12,28LX 570ENGINEPERFORMANCE12 / 17 / 1429FUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY / HIGHWAY / COMBINED ) 4W D6-SPEEDSTANDARDDRIVETRAINSEQUENTIAL-SHIFT ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED TRANSMISSIONEST MPG0–60 INFor complete specs, visit /LX/specsWIDTH 77.6 INOVERALL LENGTH 197.0 INWHEELBASE 112.2 INHORSEPOWER383HP12TORQUE GROUND CLEARANCECARGO CAPACITY (MAX )TOWING CAPACITY403LB-FT 128.9IN83.1CU FT 57,000LB 13,1423EXTERIORSILVER LINING METALLIC STARFIRE PEARL NEBULA GRAY PEARLSATIN CASHMERE METALLICCLARET MICABLACK ONYX22INTERIOR BLACKLEATHERPARCHMENTLEATHERTRIMMAHOGANYFPOFSC Logo—, NOVEMBER 14, 2012“THE BIGGEST, MOST CAPABLE AND MOST OPULENT SPORT-UTILITY ON THE BLOCK.”WARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the LX Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 2. The LX 570 is designed to meet most off-road driving requirements. Abusive use may result in bodily harm or damage. Lexus encourages responsible operation to help protect you, your vehicle and the environment. Seatbelts should be worn at all times. Please do not allow passengers to ride in the cargo area. Tow hitch receivers/ball mount kits are not intended to provide crash protection. 3. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 4. The Wide-view Front and Side Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the front and side areas of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 5. The Wide-view Side Monitor system does not provide a comprehensive view of the front passenger-side area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 6. Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. 7. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Apps/services vary by phone/carrier; functionality depends on many factors. Select apps use large amounts of data, you are responsible for all charges. Apps/services are subject to change. Apps identified by ™ or ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. For enrollment, cost and more details, see /enform. 8. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 9. A single-disc DVD player is standard. A separate DVD player or game system utilizing the center console’s video/audio inputs is required in order to use the split-screen function of the dual-screen system. 10. Headphones are for passenger use only. Do not use while operating vehicle. 11. Crawl Control is designed for driving on difficult terrain at low speeds. It assists the driver by controlling acceleration and braking, allowing the driver to focus on steering. The LX 570 is designed to meet off-road driving requirements, but off-roading is inherently dangerous. Always wear seatbelts. 12. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher. If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 13. Before towing, confirm your vehicle and trailer are compatible, hooked up properly and you have any necessary additional equipment. If gross trailer weight is above 5,000 lb (2,268 kg ), it is necessary to use a weight-distributing hitch with sufficient capacity. Do not exceed any Weight Ratings and follow all instructions and cautions from your trailer-hitch manufacturer and vehicle Owner’s Manual . The maximum amount you can tow depends on the total weight of any cargo, occupants and available equipment. 14. Please consult your Lexus dealer or Owner’s Manual for towing and load specifications. 15. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. It is not a collision-avoidance system and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors, such as speed, driver input and road conditions. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 16. The Wide-view Front Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the front area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 17. Availability and accuracy of the information provided by the Navigation System or any SiriusXM™ and/or HD Radio™ services mentioned (if installed ) are dependent upon many factors. Use common sense when relying on information provided. Services not available in every city or roadway. Periodic Enform app updates do not include Navigation updates. Navigation updates are available at an additional cost from your local dealer. See Navigation Owner’s Manual or contact SiriusXM for details. 18. Trailer Sway Control (TSC ) is an electronic system designed to help the driver maintain vehicle control under adverse conditions. It is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver steering input can all affect whether TSC will be effective in preventing a loss of control. See Owner’s Manual for details. 19. TORSEN ® is a registered trademark of Zexel Torsen, Inc. 20. All the airbag (AB ) systems are Supplemental Restraint Systems. All ABs are designed to inflate only under certain conditions and in certain types of severe collisions: frontal and knee ABs typically inflate in frontal collisions; side and side curtain ABs in side collisions; Roll-Sensing Curtain ABs at a severe tilt degree, roll or lateral G-force. In all other accidents, the ABs will not inflate. To decrease the risk of injury from an inflating AB, always wear seatbelts, sit upright in the middle of the seat as far back as possible and do not lean against the door. Do not put objects in front of an AB or around the seatback. Do not use a rearward-facing child seat in any front passenger seat. The force of an inflating AB may cause serious injury or death. See Owner’s Manual for further information/warnings. 21. The Adaptive Front Lighting System helps improve vision at night. Situations such as dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 22. Smart Stop Technology operates only in the event of certain simultaneous brake and accelerator pedal applications. When engaged, the system will reduce power to help the brakes bring the vehicle to a stop. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver input can all impact stopping distance. Smart Stop T echnology is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving and does not guarantee instant stopping. See Owner’s Manual for further details. 23. Continuous average power, all channels driven, at less than 0.1% THD; 20–20,000 Hz. 24. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 25. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 26. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key/fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Y ellow Pages or by contacting . 27. 20-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 20,000 miles, depending upon driving conditions. 28. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 29. 2014 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of printing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P4-021 (XX/13) 00217-LXBRO -14 Printed in U.S.A. (XXXM ) ©2013 Lexus.。
插针号 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20
功能说明 市电 A 相电压输入 市电 B 相电压输入 市电 C 相电压输入 市电N零线 继电器常开点(NO) 继电器公共点(COM) 继电器常闭点(NC) 发电 A 相电压输入 发电 B 相电压输入 发电 C 相电压输入 发电N零线 继电器常开点(NO) 继电器公共点(COM) 继电器常闭点(NC) 备用 备用 开机输出点{COM} 开机输出点{N/O} 状态输入信号公共点 市电侧辅助触点信号
Va=220 Vb=220
L2 F=50.0 Va=220 Vb=220 Vc=220
6 西 电 (汕 头 保 税 区 )动 力 设 备 有 限 公 司 SDMO (SHANTOU F.T.Z) POWER CO.,LTD.
按住“TO MAINS”键,转换开关市电侧开关合闸,市电供电, 市电供电指示灯亮。
8 西 电 (汕 头 保 税 区 )动 力 设 备 有 限 公 司 SDMO (SHANTOU F.T.Z) POWER CO.,LTD.
5 秒后,未能使转换开关处于发电供电状态,即发生发电供电失败,故障指示灯发电供电失败亮,报警蜂鸣器响。 市电高电压故障 当市电的任一相高于市电高电压故障设定值时,延时确认,市电高电压故障,市电正常指示灯熄灭,报警蜂鸣器响。 市电低电压故障 当市电的任一相低于市电低电压故障设定值时,延时确认,市电低电压故障,市电正常指示灯熄灭,报警蜂鸣器响。 发电机高电压 控制器检测到发电机的输出电压高于发电高电压故障, 延时确认,控制器即时停止开机信号输出,报警蜂鸣器响。 发电机低电压 在安全监察延时计终止计时后,控制器检测到发电机的输出电压低于发电低电压故障,延时确认,控制器即时停止开 机信号输出,报警蜂鸣器响。
发动机凯迪拉克ATS共有3款发动机可供选择,包括2.0T涡轮增压发动机、2.5L I4发动机以及3.6L V6发动 机。与这几款发动机相匹配的是6挡手动和6挡自动变速器。
01 车型总览
03 基本参数
02 设计理念 04 产品配置
05 国内进口
07 2015款
06 海外试驾
凯迪拉克ATS是凯迪拉克集合产品设计、研发以及性能调教领域的最新成果而打造的一款全新轻量化后驱车 型,于2012年1月在美国底特律北美国际车展中全球首发。
2013年11月21日,ATS在广州车展宣布以全进口方式上市,价格区间为30.8-43.8万元人民币。该车型的主 要竞争对手为宝马3系、奔驰C级以及奥迪A4L等。