1. 内心冲突与犹豫不决:主人公哈姆雷特面对父亲的死和母亲与叔父的婚姻,内心充满矛盾与痛苦。
2. 外在干扰与阴谋:剧中有多个角色在进行复仇与权谋的计划,他们通过欺骗、暗杀等手段,不断向哈姆雷特施加压力。
3. 人性的弱点与缺陷:哈姆雷特身上显现了多个人性的弱点,如犹豫不决、怀疑、嫉妒等。
4. 命运与悲剧的注定:无论哈姆雷特的选择如何,似乎都注定了悲剧的发生。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-17--01引言:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部戏剧的悲剧性质,是非常明显的,因为两位主人公为了爱情双双自杀。
关键词:人物悲情;矛盾冲突;人文主义;情节悲剧;王权斗争The Tragedy Aspects in HamletAbstract:As one of Shakespeare’s the four famous tragedies, Hamlet is the most remarkable one. It is also the sign of the maturation in the art of Shakespeare’s play. With abundant connotation of the time, vivid characters, complicated conflict and varied story, Hamlet gives people deep impression and moves them to appreciate it. This article aims to analyze the tragedy aspects in Hamlet from all the aspects of plot, character, conflict, and so on, according to which it reveals more information about England in the period of Renaissance. Based on the complicated plots, Hamlet reveals the confusion of England in 16th. In this play, there are many characters. With different character, each one reflects different feature of different stage and their social status, and also their value of life, which decide their final sufferance. The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius is about the conflict between the newly emerged capital humanists and the feudal evil force, which reflects the humanists’ h ardship for their dreams to come true. As the essence of Renaissance, humanism is a newly emerged thought at that time, but unfortunately, it failed. On behalf of humanists, Hamlet confirms human’s value and dignity, and also the wisdom and power, but in front of the evil reality, all his dreams are destroyed completely. He just gets the spiritual victory with the cost of his life. As the mitigation of the time, Hamlet shows that it is destined to fail for humanists.Key Words:Tragedy of Characters; conflict; humanism; tragedy of plots; fighting for throneIntroductionIt is known that Hamlet is the most remarkable works of Shakespeare in his dramas. It describes a story of a prince’s revenge for his father’s death in Denmark, during which, it reveals human-being different conflicts. With abundant connotation of the time, vivid characters, complicated conflict and varied story, Hamlet gives people deep impression and moves them to appreciate it. There are three simultaneous plots of revenge, from which, the tragedy of characters is described more complicated. There is also some description of characters: Hamlet represents the few number of the advanced person emerging in the feudal society; Claudius, who is the head of the reactionary force, is also a schemer, the model character of double-dealer. He is dissolute, insidious and sham. But finally, such unforgivable man bears what he should do; Ophelia, who is one of the loveliest girls Shakespeare has described, is also a tragedy character in this play. She is kind, but because of her innocent and tenderness, she became the tool which her father used topleasant the King.As one of the four famous tragedies, Hamlet is full of tragedy aspects: it described a disordered world, and also a world with strong self-consciousness, which reflected the modern main parts uncertainness and complication in the period of Renaissance. In such a special time, there are all the kinds of formation: Claudius’s schemes to seize the state power; the ethics between the ghost and his s on; the sincere feelings between Hamlet and Ophelia; friendship’s forsaking with old classmates; simultaneous revenge action; the failure of humanism, and so on. With all the formation organized, it forms Hamlet’s special artistic charm and literal achieve ment, which reveal human-being the tragedy aspects of Hamlet incisively and vividly.I. The General Introduction of the StoryIt is a story of a prince’s revenge for his father’s death in Denmark. The King of Denmark died, young prince Hamlet who was making further education abroad came back to his country. Out of his imagination, his mother married his uncle Claudius just after the old King’s death. A ghost who looked like the old King emerged one night, and told Hamlet that it was Claudius who killed him, so Hamlet vowed to revenge. He began to pretend to be mad, and left his lover Ophelia. To spy upon the reflection of Claudius, Hamlet arranged a play which was drawn by him. Claudius realized it, he sent Hamlet to England, and asked the man who kept watch on Hamlet to give letter to the king of England to have Hamlet died. But Claudius failed; Hamlet came back to his country again. Meanwhile Ophelia was drawn because of her father’s death and her lover Hamlet’s drifting apart of her. Her brother Leartes was very angry; he asked to fight with Hamlet. Then Claudius arranged a sword match for them, in which Hamlet was killed by the poison sword, Laertes was wounded to die. The Queen (Hamlet’s mother) died from the poison wine which was prepared for Hamlet by Claudius. Before death, Laertes told the truth. Finally Hamlet killed Claudius with the cost of his life.II. Three Simultaneous Plots of RevengeIn Hamlet, there are three simultaneous plots of revenge, which give more details to help us learn the tragedy aspects in it. There are three characters: Hamlet, Laertes andFortinbius,all of whose father are killed. Based on the concept of the time, all the three persons should revenge for their relatives. As the same task, because of their own character and outlook of life, there are three different ways. Of the three persons, thereare two groups of comparison: Laertes and Hamlet are both comparatively young men in a court dominated by the Middle Aged; both are described as being popular with the people in Denmark; their common love for Ophelia units them thematically in the fourth act; and the ensuing swordfight which result in both their death makes clear the extent to which they are each other’s opposites; both give themselves the task of revenging the death of a relative; both are spied on by their parents. Young Fortinblas, who has a few similarities to Hamlet: he too is the nephew of a King; he too is any enemy of Claudius; he too is seeking some sort of vengeance following the death of his father.A. Laertes’s Simple Idea to RevengeOf Laertes’s idea to revenge, it can be described as “simple”. He is noble and dignified in his appearance, while in fact there is nothing in is mind. He is impulsive, narrow minded. Though he realizes his error and reveals the evil plot of the King, he loses his life. As he learns the news that his father Polonius was killed, without asking anyone about the reason, hurriedly he comes back to Denmark and arouses the asses to action. Thinking that the King is the sinner of his fathe r’s death,Laretes leads his masses rush into the court and fight with Claudius. We see Laretes does like that, but in fact, he does not love his father at all. He laughs at his father’s weakness, hates that his father asks someone to keep watch on him. Fo r the reason of his father’s death, he has no interest. Suppose Laertes is willing to learn the reason, he would know that the death of Polonius is caused by himself, for he is so positive to interfere the conflict between Hamlet and the King. What’s more, he supports the King. Hamlet is meaningless to kill Polonius, to which Laertes dose not care about, so he decides to revenge without any doubt. He understands the moral from the point of formalism, according to which he takes action. His principle is measure for measure. What Laertes revenges for is the reputation of his relevant and his family. In the face of such requirement, even the King’s order, it should be delayed. Besides, what Laertes revenges for is his ambitions. When he leads his masses to kill the King, he advocates them support him as the King. It is available that Laertes’s revenge is divorced from the essence, he has ulterior motives.B.Fortinblas’s Abandonment to RevengeFortinblas gives up to revenge. In this drama we do not see the Norway prince somany times. Just because of his uncle’s several words, he abandons to revenge for his father’s death. When the Denmark is frightened to wait for Fortinblas’s attack for his father’s death and the lost land, Fortinblas attacks Poland. No matter what causes Fortinblas to give up revenge, we can regard that his father once provoked to his enemy (the King of Denmark) and gave no choice to him. If the King of Denmark did not kill Fortinblas’s father, the person who would be in death now is himself. Fortinblas realizes that he has no ability to fight with Denmark, so he gives up. But what if he is willing to try his best? He abandons absolutely.Leartes and Fortinblas have their own attitude on revenge. One is to obey the requirement of revenge without any conditions, and the other one is to give upabsolutely. Either of them takes hasty action, and also lacks consideration.C. Hamlet’s Hesitation to RevengeSince the ghost of Hamlet’s father tells Hamlet the truth of his death, the task to revenge is en graved on Hamlet’s mind deeply, he vows to revenge. He loves his father so sincerely and deeply. In his mind, his father symbolizes the top of human virtue. What a base action to keep his father in death! Compared with Leartes and Fortinblas, his motive for revenge is stimulated by his love to his father. While it takes along time for him to complete his task, why? There are three main stages:First of all, he puts off all his action until he has positive proof of Claudius’s guilty, during his process, Haml et arranges a play to spy upon Claudius’s response to prove the truth of the ghost’s words. Secondly, he passes up the opportunity to stab Claudius in the back preferring to wait for chance to kill him in a way more fitting. Because of the religion and superstitious belief, killing the enemy who is repenting is to send the evil person to the heaven. It means that he returns good for evil. Thirdly, however, he gets side-tracked. Forced into confrontation with his mother, he kills the eavesdropping Polonius, thinking that it is Claudius he is stabbing. The fact that Hamlet misfires Polonius has two main effects: it makes Hamlet’s own homicidal campaign lose energy---as if some sort of blood lust had been sated. It also forces Hamlet finally out into the open. Rather than suspects, Hamlet is a threat to Claudius. On the excuse of Polonius’s death, Claudius has opportunity to move against Hamlet, which is sending him off to England to be put in death.III. The Tragedy of CharactersA. The Tragedy of Hamlet1. Thr ee Stages of Hamlet’s TragedyOf the character of Hamlet in this drama, it is not still, but changeable as the struggles go on. According to the development of the character, Shakespeare shows us the tragedy of Hamlet, which is described in three stages logically.The first stage is about his happiness time, during which he studies in Wittenberg. In that period, he has wonderful dream on humanism. To him the world is so bright, charming. In his mind, his father is on behalf perfect man. He also believes that the harmonious relationship between human would come true sooner or later. The second stage of Hamlet is about his dejection and hesitation. Hamlet is so puzzled by the conflict between humanism idea and the gloom reality. When we firstly see the prince, Hamlet appears as a dejected person. He is shrouded by sadness; he does not know where to look for happiness of life. When he realizes all the crimes in the court of Denmark, all his wishes of life have been changed. He decides to change the society, but in action he hesitates. The third stage is about his decision to take activities, which is after the play arranged by Hamlet himself. He can not bear the crime of reality any more. In his own words, he would fill his mind with bloody thoughts. Althoug h Hamlet revenges for his father’s death in the end, he does not achieve the purpose to remove the evil force thoroughly, even he loses his life.2. Hamlet’s DeathHamlet’s death is also his tragedy. It is destined for Hamlet to end with his death, which i s caused by both internal and external course; it is not comprehensive to emphasize either of them. As one of his challengeable enemy, Claudius is on behalf of the evil force; his crime is collected with all the society’s darkness. Hamlet is eager to wipe out such evil force and revenge for his father’s death. But it can not be solved only by having Claudius died, of course to achieve which is not easy. To remove the evil force which is commonly existed in the society and reverses the situation is more diff icult. What Hamlet is hesitating “is not what he should do, but how to do it.” Judging from the objective aspect, Hamlet’s enemy is not only Claudius, and also some villains. As a new style of thought of a newly emerging capitalist class, humanism just exists as a power of thought at that time, which is far away to match with the feudal evil force. The bourgeoisie revolution in England happened in 17th century, judging from the feature of the time, Hamlet’s death is destined. Judging from the character of him, Hamlet has the most weakness which dominates his action. Because of his prince social position, there is no communication with people. Although he has sympathy to them, he also learns people are angry to the evil force, and they also keep hope on him, he is unwilling to corporate with people. What he believes is his own ability; what’s more, in his mind he is the only person who can complete such hard task, which is the root of Hamlet’s social tragedy. So Hamlet’s tragedy is of an advanced humanist’s fa ilure to struggle with powerful evil force of him, of the time, which has strong classic meaning.B.he Tragedy of ClaudiusClaudius, who is the head of the reactionary force, is also a schemer, the model character of double-dealer. He is on behalf of the feudal evil force. He kills his older brother, becomes the new King of Denmark, and marries his sister-in-law. What a dissolute gay! He indulges in creature comforts. Although he is so pleased with himself, when he meets Hamlet, who is in mourning apparel, he is frightened, even it is in his new wedding banquet, he can not conceal the fear which is from his inner heart.Claudius lies that the old King (Hamlet’s father) died of a poisonous snake, and then he takes the place of Hamlet’s succeeding to the thro ne. While on the surface, he pretends to care Hamlet very much, treats Hamlet as his own son. He also promises Hamlet that he would let him inherit in the future. In the reply to Hamlet’s outburst, Claudius uses language which seems to be calculated to tak e into account both sides of a question. On one hand, He tells Hamlet that it is ‘sweet and commendable’ of him to be so obviously affected by his father’s death. On the other hand, he continues mourning must end sooner or later, and life must go on. Thus, Claudius’s answer to Hamlet appears at first sight to be the epitome of reasonableness, a balanced combination of sensitivity and down-to-earth common sense.‘Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet,To give this mourning duties to your fatherBut you must know your father lost a father,That father lost, lost his-and the survivor boundIn filial obligation for some temTo do obsequious sorrow. But to persevereIn obstinate condolement is a courseOf impious stubbornness, ‘tis unmanly gr ief,It shows a will most incorrect to heaven,A heart unfortified, a mind impatient,An understanding simple and unschool’d,For what we know must be, and is as commonAs any the most vulgar thing to sense---Why should we in our peevish oppositionTake it to heart? Fie, ‘tis a fault to heaven,A fault against the dead, a fault to nature,To reason most absurd, whose common themeIs death of fathers, and who still hath cried?From the first cores till he that died today,‘This must be so’. (Hamlet, 87-106)When people actually look at the different weight which Claudius gives to the two opposite parts of his argument as his speech develops, it can be realized that Claudius’s ‘balance’ is actually nothing of kind. It is just because that he is under a great deal of strain, and that he is far less in control of the situation than he wants his audience to believe. In another words, Claudius, because he is in a public situation, needs to be a little tactful towards Hamlet, and thus compliments him on his swee t and commendable nature, and assures him that he regards him ‘with no less nobility of love/Then that which the dearest father bears his son’. (Hamlet, II, 110,-II). But Claudius is, after all, King, and his power is absolute. He tries all the ways to eliminate Hamlet, who is regarded to treat him very much. Because Hamlet is deeply loved by people, even pirate is willing to help him, Claudius could not kill him by any reason, he should be very careful. To spy whether Hamlet is mad or not, Claudius asks tw o of Hamlet’s classmates to keep watch on him. Meanwhile, as bait, Ophelia is used to spy upon Hamlet’s inner secrets. After the play, which is arranged by Hamlet, Claudius exposes his guilty conscience thoroughly. Then he plans to murder with a borrowed knife to remove Hamlet for another try. On the excuse of Hamlet’s safety, Claudius sends him toEngland, in secret he asks the man who keeps watch on Hamlet to convey his requirement of having Hamlet died to the King of England. But finally he failed. Then he incited Laertes to revenge for his father’s death, because of which, Hamlet dies from the poison sword.Claudius is dissolute, insidious and sham, while on surface he pretends so kind. Of his character, Shakespeare shows us all the kinds of hideous features of feudal tyrant and the careerist of capitalist class during the time of original accomplishment. But finally, such unforgivable man bears what he should do.C. The Tragedy of OpheliaOphelia, who is one of the loveliest girls Shakespeare has described, is also a tragedy character in this play. She is kind, but because of her innocent and her tenderness, she became the tool which her father used to pleasant the King. She is the victim of feudalism. Her thoughts is tightly bounded it. She believes truth, beauty and kindness, she really loves Hamlet, but she also becomes the tool of Claudius to spy uponthe inner secret of Hamlet when Hamlet is mad. When her father tells her to left Hamlet,she promises him without words. Ophelia is drawn at the end of this drama. It is eventually Ophelia whose madness leads to her actual suicide. But it is clearly that the person who caused Ophelia’s death is the King and her father. Ophelia is also the v ictim of the political. Is there any other reason? Of course that is the feudalism. Ophelia’s death stimulates people to detest the hateful power, and also evokes people’s sympathy for good things, which people have destroyed. IV. The Failure of HumanismA. The Conflict between Humanism and RealityThe Renaissance reached its high tide in 16th century, so did the Humanism. As the fundamental key of Renaissance, the essence of humanism is that human have the right to seek for freedom to advocate the rationa lism and to gain people’s position and development in the world. The elements of humanism are to establish the central status, of human beings, their dignity value, to advocate the spirit of rationalism and science, to protest the super role of God admired during the Middle Ages. In the literature of 16th in England, it was play got the best achievement, so there are so many good works. To some extent, a play is the reflection of the society. The history of 16th century is filled with struggle and conflict, which between the capitalism and feudalism.Hamlet is a humanist, a man who is free from the medieval prejudices and super station. He has an unbounded love for the world instead of the Heaven. As one of humanists, Hamlet cherishes a profound reverence fo r man, and he believes in human’s power and destiny:What a piece of work is human; how noble in reason;How infinite in faculty, in form and movingHow express and admirable; in action how like an angel;In apprehension how like a god! (Hamlet,85-96)From such ebullient words, vivid figure of speech, it is clear that Hamlet confirms human’s value and dignity, and also the wisdom and power, wherever exists humanism. He believes that human is valuable, energetic. He regards that the relationship between human being should be equal, and everyone should be respected. He takes “love” to instead of people’s loyalty to him, and the principle of equality and love to the relationship of feudal grade. According to his thought, character, appearance and expression, either of which shows us that he is the model of a perfect humanist. In his mind, his father (the old Hamlet) is a model of human. To love, friendship and life, Hamlet has his own humanism view. And he himself, just as Ophelia’s description, is a youngprinc e of humanism, such a lovely prince, there’s no doubt that anyone would not love him. Even Claudius, his enemy, has to admit that he is loved by the “silly” people, and the ordinary people would have good opinion to him. While at the beginning of the play, Hamlet is covered by the misfortune of his family. He adores and loves his father very much, but he died; he also loves his mother, while very quickly (“A little month, or ere those shoes were old, with which she follow’d my poor father’s body,”) she marr ies his uncle (the new King). The faithful love, friendship, and all a humanist’s valuable dreams began to be destroyed. He laments: “Fraity, thy name is woman!” To find out the reason of his father’s death, Hamlet pretends to be mad. Out of his imaginatio n, his old classmates and friends, even his lover, Ophelia, become Claudius’s accessories. In front of the evil reality, his humanism dream is destroyed completely. He even thinks about “to be or not to be”:To be, or not to be, that is the question:Whet her ‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die---to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heartache and the thousand natural shocksTh at flesh is heir to: ‘tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream---ay, there’s the rub……(Hamlet, 152-180)B. The Failure of Hamlet’s TaskWhat Hamlet is able to do is to reveal the reality that the society is not reasonable and it must be changed, not how to solve such fundamental question; to move the crime existing in the world, not how to wipe out it. Because of the limitation of time and class, humanist does not have the ability which is needed to change the society, wipe out the social crime. It is one of the reasons that the reactionary force is powerful, because of which Hamlet fails to complete his task. Hamlet represents the few number of the advanced person emerging in the feudal society. The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius represents that between the newly emerged capital humanist and feudal reactionary force, which reflects the conflict between the advanced people and evil force in Renaissance. However, it is a complicated time, with the social crime of feudal force and the capital accumulation, it is a gloom time, and it is destined to fail for the advanced people.ConclusionWith abundant and vivid plots, Hamlet reveals an important thought: in the later of Renaissance, the central state power was stable, the system of government was charged by the King. The King abandoned the capitalist class, arbitrarily and dictatorially, he forcibly occupied all the benefit; in political, he went against the progressive measure, then the feudal force had the chance to state a comeback, all the country was filled with foul, and each trying to cheat the other. Under such background, the capital humanists were angry with it. All the ordinary people even could not bear the exploitation coming from the feudal and original accumulation, but they could do nothing to help themselves. Such phenomenon was just about which happened before the bourgeoisie revolutionary in 1645. Humanists had the thought to remove the unforgivable King and reverse the situation, but they fell into hesitation, because the responsibility for them was hard to complete.Taking the court of Denmark in the Middle Ages for the background, according to the story of Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s death, Hamlet describes the truth England and th e Europe society in the later Renaissance. It reveals the author’s self-questioning on Renaissance movement and his carelessness on people’s life and future. The Renaissance promotes Europe into the time human beings awakening. People’s belief to God began to shake, under the flag of “personality liberation”; it was the custom to do what you like to. For one side, people’s thought liberated, which promoted the development of the social civilization. In the other side, especially in the later of Renaissance, it was full of overflow of selfish desire and social’s confusion. Encountering such an enthusiasm and confused time, instead of the optimistic and romantic brought by the humanism, Shakespeare shows us the hidden danger which hided in the ideal and progress. It is destined to fail for humanists. Hamlet is the reflection of such social phenomena.AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor—Chen Shunjiang, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. His encouragement and help are worthy of high acknowledgement. During the learning of my paper, Mr. Chen gives me much good and valuable advice on my course, and provides me many opportunities to do practice. Because of those opportunities, I can accumulate much practical experience and precious theories for this paper. In the process of composing this paper, he helps me correct this paper and make it more perfect.I would like to express my thanks to those who spend their time in reading my paper, and I will be grateful if you could give me your advice, and I will appreciate them very well. Because I know that will be beneficial and helpful in my life. Meanwhile, I’d like to say thanks to my dear friends, Tang Xuejin, Li Jiangtao, Shu Qing, and so on, who give my ideas in my work, so that I can complete my paper on time.I hope I can apply my knowledge to my practical job in the future, and make some achievements during my career.Bibliography[1] Bradley. A C. Lecture IV: Hamlet. London: Macmillan, 1922.[2] Cartwright Kent. Remembering Hamlet, University Park, Penn: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.[3] Michael Mangan. A Preface to Shakespeare’s Tragedy. Peking University Press, 2001.[4] William Shakespeare. Hamle, Prince of Denmar.. The Oxford Standard Authors Edition. 1601.[5] Zhang Longxi. 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正如亚里士多德规定 的那样 ,故事在 两个世仇不共戴天的 “ 大家 族” 蒙太古家族和凯普莱特家族之间展 开。 主人公在封建礼教的桎梏 中 长大 , 尚自由追求纯真 的爱情。 却崇 这种个体追求与社会体制的剧烈 冲 突是悲剧 的深层成因。 3 . 2剧情的突转 剧情 的安排十分严密 , 中有三次重要的突转。 其 剧情 的第一次突转发生在二人相识的第二天。原本罗密欧与朱丽 叶二人敢于 冲破封建礼法束缚大胆结合 , 其勇气和魄力让人钦佩 , 但罗 密欧由于年轻气盛 , 在交手 中刺死了提伯尔特 。 罗密欧犯错导致情节 的 短暂平衡迅速被打破。 深爱 中的二人尚且 只能偷偷幽会 , 失去罗密欧后 朱丽叶以一人之力如何能与家族势力抗衡?这为朱丽叶被迫答应与帕 里斯举行婚礼埋下祸根 。 第二次突转由神父一手导演。罗密欧畏罪潜逃 、 朱丽 叶孤独无助 的 时候 , 神父的妙计让朱丽 叶在黑 暗中看到 了希望 , 剧情峰回路转 。观众 不禁感叹有情人终成眷属 。神父这个人物在剧中扮演十分重要 的牵线 搭 桥的作用 , 二人两情相悦时 , 父主持了他们的婚礼让他们结合 ; 神 两 人处在危难之时 , 又是神父为他们 出谋划策 , 力图挽救 他们的命运 。他 的角色很好地推动了剧情 的发展。 第三次突转仍然与神父密切相关。 神父想好假死真逃之计后 , 即 立 派人通知罗密欧 , 无奈命运捉弄 , 性情冲动的罗密欧先得 知了朱丽叶的 死讯并信 以为真 , 刺死帕里斯之后即 自杀 , 令人扼腕。如果 罗密欧早知 真相 , 或者没有马上服毒 自杀 , 二人 的缘分均有可能延续 。但莎翁没有 成全二人 的美满姻 缘, 反而利用一点时间差安排了两人先后殉情。 悲喜 转 换之快 , 让剧情产生 了巨大的张力 , 达到强烈的戏剧效果 。 罗密欧与朱丽叶相识是悲剧 的开端和起源 ,相爱并 私定终身是悲 剧的发展和铺垫 ,与封建礼法激烈斗争到双双以身殉情 是悲剧 冲突的 最高潮 , 两家和解是悲剧 的尾声和落幕 。 各个情节环环相扣 , 前后铺垫 , 共同烘托 出冲突达到最高潮 时的强烈 的悲剧效果 , 有情节是一个有 所 机整体 , 缺少任何一个都是不完整的。 4罗密欧和朱丽叶的性格分析 . 朱丽叶从天真到成熟 , 犹豫到坚强 , 追求爱情的坚贞和牺牲精神让 人感 动。罗密欧独立、 勇敢 、 意志坚定地对抗封建礼教, 性格十分鲜 明。 两人性格当中积极因素早 已被反复歌颂 ,但造成 他们悲剧命运的 消极 因素有哪些呢? 罗密欧的性 格中 , 勇敢但也不乏鲁莽 , 坚定 同时有些 冲动 , 缺乏理 智 。 是 交 手 中 刺死 提 佰 尔 特 , 又末 加 确 认 朱 丽 叶 的死 讯 即 匆 忙赶 至 先 后 墓旁 , 杀死帕里斯 , 自杀殉情 , 都说明了这一点 。 如果他性格中多一份冷 静, 悲剧就有可能避免 。 朱丽叶看到罗密欧的误死 , 随即殉情 , 这也说明她对 爱情 的认识是 简单的爱情至上主义。 从羞涩不懂爱情到爱情就是一切 , 从一个极端走 向另一个极端 , 造成了朱丽叶的悲剧 。 虽然他们的悲剧有深刻 的社会基础 ,但性格 中的消极因素也是不 可忽视 的原 因, 他们都是亚里士多德所说的“ 有过失” 的好人。 正是他们 在观众无 比期待的时候犯下 的过失造成 了无法逆转的后 果 ,从而让观 众陷入深深 的悲痛之中, 悲剧意义厚重而深远。 《 罗密欧与朱丽叶》 的悲剧至今仍然散发 的经久 不息的艺术魅力 , 经常被误认为是莎翁四大悲剧之一更加说明其影响力之广 ,从不同的 角度去读去看 , 都能有新 的感悟和收获 。幸运的是 , 的悲剧很少在 他们 今 天的世界里重演。
莎士比亚的悲剧作品及其主题研究莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家之一,他的作品涵盖了各个文学体裁。
1. 莎士比亚悲剧作品的概述莎士比亚的悲剧作品包括了《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《麦克白》等。
2. 人性的探讨莎士比亚在他的悲剧作品中深刻地揭示了人性的复杂性和多面性。
3. 命运的力量莎士比亚相信命运的力量,他在悲剧作品中常常以命运的安排来解释人物的灾难和悲剧。
4. 道德的边界道德是莎士比亚悲剧作品中一个重要的主题。
5. 爱与死的冲突莎士比亚的悲剧作品中,爱和死常常构成了冲突和矛盾。
6. 总结莎士比亚的悲剧作品通过深入探讨人性、命运、道德和爱与死的冲突,展示了人类的痛苦和无奈。
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关键词:人物悲情;矛盾冲突;人文主义;情节悲剧;王权斗争The Tragedy Aspects in HamletAbstract:As one of Shakespeare’s the four famous tragedies, Hamlet is the most remarkable one. It is also the sign of the maturation in the art of Shakespeare’s play. With abundant connotation of the time, vivid characters, complicated conflict and varied story, Hamlet gives people deep impression and moves them to appreciate it. This article aims to analyze the tragedy aspects in Hamlet from all the aspects of plot, character, conflict, and so on, according to which it reveals more information about England in the period of Renaissance. Based on the complicated plots, Hamlet reveals the confusion of England in 16th. In this play, there are many characters. With different character, each one reflects different feature of different stage and their social status, and also their value of life, which decide their final sufferance. The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius is about the conflict between the newly emerged capital humanists and the feudal evil force, which reflects the humanists’ h ardship for their dreams to come true. As the essence of Renaissance, humanism is a newly emerged thought at that time, but unfortunately, it failed. On behalf of humanists, Hamlet confirms human’s value and dignity, and also the wisdom and power, but in front of the evil reality, all his dreams are destroyed completely. He just gets the spiritual victory with the cost of his life. As the mitigation of the time, Hamlet shows that it is destined to fail for humanists.Key Words:Tragedy of Characters; conflict; humanism; tragedy of plots; fighting for throneIntroductionIt is known that Hamlet is the most remarkable works of Shakespeare in his dramas. It describes a story of a prince’s revenge for his father’s death in Denmark, during which, it reveals human-being different conflicts. With abundant connotation of the time, vivid characters, complicated conflict and varied story, Hamlet gives people deep impression and moves them to appreciate it. There are three simultaneous plots of revenge, from which, the tragedy of characters is described more complicated. There is also some description of characters: Hamlet represents the few number of the advanced person emerging in the feudal society; Claudius, who is the head of the reactionary force, is also a schemer, the model character of double-dealer. He is dissolute, insidious and sham. But finally, such unforgivable man bears what he should do; Ophelia, who is one of the loveliest girls Shakespeare has described, is also a tragedy character in this play. She is kind, but because of her innocent and tenderness, she became the tool which her father used topleasant the King.As one of the four famous tragedies, Hamlet is full of tragedy aspects: it described a disordered world, and also a world with strong self-consciousness, which reflected the modern main parts uncertainness and complication in the period of Renaissance. In such a special time, there are all the kinds of formation: Claudius’s schemes to seize the state power; the ethics between the ghost and his s on; the sincere feelings between Hamlet and Ophelia; friendship’s forsaking with old classmates; simultaneous revenge action; the failure of humanism, and so on. With all the formation organized, it forms Hamlet’s special artistic charm and literal achieve ment, which reveal human-being the tragedy aspects of Hamlet incisively and vividly.I. The General Introduction of the StoryIt is a story of a prince’s revenge for his father’s death in Denmark. The King of Denmark died, young prince Hamlet who was making further education abroad came back to his country. Out of his imagination, his mother married his uncle Claudius just after the old King’s death. A ghost who looked like the old King emerged one night, and told Hamlet that it was Claudius who killed him, so Hamlet vowed to revenge. He began to pretend to be mad, and left his lover Ophelia. To spy upon the reflection of Claudius, Hamlet arranged a play which was drawn by him. Claudius realized it, he sent Hamlet to England, and asked the man who kept watch on Hamlet to give letter to the king of England to have Hamlet died. But Claudius failed; Hamlet came back to his country again. Meanwhile Ophelia was drawn because of her father’s death and her lover Hamlet’s drifting apart of her. Her brother Leartes was very angry; he asked to fight with Hamlet. Then Claudius arranged a sword match for them, in which Hamlet was killed by the poison sword, Laertes was wounded to die. The Queen (Hamlet’s mother) died from the poison wine which was prepared for Hamlet by Claudius. Before death, Laertes told the truth. Finally Hamlet killed Claudius with the cost of his life.II. Three Simultaneous Plots of RevengeIn Hamlet, there are three simultaneous plots of revenge, which give more details to help us learn the tragedy aspects in it. There are three characters: Hamlet, Laertes andFortinbius,all of whose father are killed. Based on the concept of the time, all the three persons should revenge for their relatives. As the same task, because of their own character and outlook of life, there are three different ways. Of the three persons, thereare two groups of comparison: Laertes and Hamlet are both comparatively young men in a court dominated by the Middle Aged; both are described as being popular with the people in Denmark; their common love for Ophelia units them thematically in the fourth act; and the ensuing swordfight which result in both their death makes clear the extent to which they are each other’s opposites; both give themselves the task of revenging the death of a relative; both are spied on by their parents. Young Fortinblas, who has a few similarities to Hamlet: he too is the nephew of a King; he too is any enemy of Claudius; he too is seeking some sort of vengeance following the death of his father.A. Laertes’s Simple Idea to RevengeOf Laertes’s idea to revenge, it can be described as “simple”. He is noble and dignified in his appearance, while in fact there is nothing in is mind. He is impulsive, narrow minded. Though he realizes his error and reveals the evil plot of the King, he loses his life. As he learns the news that his father Polonius was killed, without asking anyone about the reason, hurriedly he comes back to Denmark and arouses the asses to action. Thinking that the King is the sinner of his fathe r’s death,Laretes leads his masses rush into the court and fight with Claudius. We see Laretes does like that, but in fact, he does not love his father at all. He laughs at his father’s weakness, hates that his father asks someone to keep watch on him. Fo r the reason of his father’s death, he has no interest. Suppose Laertes is willing to learn the reason, he would know that the death of Polonius is caused by himself, for he is so positive to interfere the conflict between Hamlet and the King. What’s more, he supports the King. Hamlet is meaningless to kill Polonius, to which Laertes dose not care about, so he decides to revenge without any doubt. He understands the moral from the point of formalism, according to which he takes action. His principle is measure for measure. What Laertes revenges for is the reputation of his relevant and his family. In the face of such requirement, even the King’s order, it should be delayed. Besides, what Laertes revenges for is his ambitions. When he leads his masses to kill the King, he advocates them support him as the King. It is available that Laertes’s revenge is divorced from the essence, he has ulterior motives.B.Fortinblas’s Abandonment to RevengeFortinblas gives up to revenge. In this drama we do not see the Norway prince somany times. Just because of his uncle’s several words, he abandons to revenge for his father’s death. When the Denmark is frightened to wait for Fortinblas’s attack for his father’s death and the lost land, Fortinblas attacks Poland. No matter what causes Fortinblas to give up revenge, we can regard that his father once provoked to his enemy (the King of Denmark) and gave no choice to him. If the King of Denmark did not kill Fortinblas’s father, the person who would be in death now is himself. Fortinblas realizes that he has no ability to fight with Denmark, so he gives up. But what if he is willing to try his best? He abandons absolutely.Leartes and Fortinblas have their own attitude on revenge. One is to obey the requirement of revenge without any conditions, and the other one is to give upabsolutely. Either of them takes hasty action, and also lacks consideration.C. Hamlet’s Hesitation to RevengeSince the ghost of Hamlet’s father tells Hamlet the truth of his death, the task to revenge is en graved on Hamlet’s mind deeply, he vows to revenge. He loves his father so sincerely and deeply. In his mind, his father symbolizes the top of human virtue. What a base action to keep his father in death! Compared with Leartes and Fortinblas, his motive for revenge is stimulated by his love to his father. While it takes along time for him to complete his task, why? There are three main stages:First of all, he puts off all his action until he has positive proof of Claudius’s guilty, during his process, Haml et arranges a play to spy upon Claudius’s response to prove the truth of the ghost’s words. Secondly, he passes up the opportunity to stab Claudius in the back preferring to wait for chance to kill him in a way more fitting. Because of the religion and superstitious belief, killing the enemy who is repenting is to send the evil person to the heaven. It means that he returns good for evil. Thirdly, however, he gets side-tracked. Forced into confrontation with his mother, he kills the eavesdropping Polonius, thinking that it is Claudius he is stabbing. The fact that Hamlet misfires Polonius has two main effects: it makes Hamlet’s own homicidal campaign lose energy---as if some sort of blood lust had been sated. It also forces Hamlet finally out into the open. Rather than suspects, Hamlet is a threat to Claudius. On the excuse of Polonius’s death, Claudius has opportunity to move against Hamlet, which is sending him off to England to be put in death.III. The Tragedy of CharactersA. The Tragedy of Hamlet1. Thr ee Stages of Hamlet’s TragedyOf the character of Hamlet in this drama, it is not still, but changeable as the struggles go on. According to the development of the character, Shakespeare shows us the tragedy of Hamlet, which is described in three stages logically.The first stage is about his happiness time, during which he studies in Wittenberg. In that period, he has wonderful dream on humanism. To him the world is so bright, charming. In his mind, his father is on behalf perfect man. He also believes that the harmonious relationship between human would come true sooner or later. The second stage of Hamlet is about his dejection and hesitation. Hamlet is so puzzled by the conflict between humanism idea and the gloom reality. When we firstly see the prince, Hamlet appears as a dejected person. He is shrouded by sadness; he does not know where to look for happiness of life. When he realizes all the crimes in the court of Denmark, all his wishes of life have been changed. He decides to change the society, but in action he hesitates. The third stage is about his decision to take activities, which is after the play arranged by Hamlet himself. He can not bear the crime of reality any more. In his own words, he would fill his mind with bloody thoughts. Althoug h Hamlet revenges for his father’s death in the end, he does not achieve the purpose to remove the evil force thoroughly, even he loses his life.2. Hamlet’s DeathHamlet’s death is also his tragedy. It is destined for Hamlet to end with his death, which i s caused by both internal and external course; it is not comprehensive to emphasize either of them. As one of his challengeable enemy, Claudius is on behalf of the evil force; his crime is collected with all the society’s darkness. Hamlet is eager to wipe out such evil force and revenge for his father’s death. But it can not be solved only by having Claudius died, of course to achieve which is not easy. To remove the evil force which is commonly existed in the society and reverses the situation is more diff icult. What Hamlet is hesitating “is not what he should do, but how to do it.” Judging from the objective aspect, Hamlet’s enemy is not only Claudius, and also some villains. As a new style of thought of a newly emerging capitalist class, humanism just exists as a power of thought at that time, which is far away to match with the feudal evil force. The bourgeoisie revolution in England happened in 17th century, judging from the feature of the time, Hamlet’s death is destined. Judging from the character of him, Hamlet has the most weakness which dominates his action. Because of his prince social position, there is no communication with people. Although he has sympathy to them, he also learns people are angry to the evil force, and they also keep hope on him, he is unwilling to corporate with people. What he believes is his own ability; what’s more, in his mind he is the only person who can complete such hard task, which is the root of Hamlet’s social tragedy. So Hamlet’s tragedy is of an advanced humanist’s fa ilure to struggle with powerful evil force of him, of the time, which has strong classic meaning.B.he Tragedy of ClaudiusClaudius, who is the head of the reactionary force, is also a schemer, the model character of double-dealer. He is on behalf of the feudal evil force. He kills his older brother, becomes the new King of Denmark, and marries his sister-in-law. What a dissolute gay! He indulges in creature comforts. Although he is so pleased with himself, when he meets Hamlet, who is in mourning apparel, he is frightened, even it is in his new wedding banquet, he can not conceal the fear which is from his inner heart.Claudius lies that the old King (Hamlet’s father) died of a poisonous snake, and then he takes the place of Hamlet’s succeeding to the thro ne. While on the surface, he pretends to care Hamlet very much, treats Hamlet as his own son. He also promises Hamlet that he would let him inherit in the future. In the reply to Hamlet’s outburst, Claudius uses language which seems to be calculated to tak e into account both sides of a question. On one hand, He tells Hamlet that it is ‘sweet and commendable’ of him to be so obviously affected by his father’s death. On the other hand, he continues mourning must end sooner or later, and life must go on. Thus, Claudius’s answer to Hamlet appears at first sight to be the epitome of reasonableness, a balanced combination of sensitivity and down-to-earth common sense.‘Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet,To give this mourning duties to your fatherBut you must know your father lost a father,That father lost, lost his-and the survivor boundIn filial obligation for some temTo do obsequious sorrow. But to persevereIn obstinate condolement is a courseOf impious stubbornness, ‘tis unmanly gr ief,It shows a will most incorrect to heaven,A heart unfortified, a mind impatient,An understanding simple and unschool’d,For what we know must be, and is as commonAs any the most vulgar thing to sense---Why should we in our peevish oppositionTake it to heart? Fie, ‘tis a fault to heaven,A fault against the dead, a fault to nature,To reason most absurd, whose common themeIs death of fathers, and who still hath cried?From the first cores till he that died today,‘This must be so’. (Hamlet, 87-106)When people actually look at the different weight which Claudius gives to the two opposite parts of his argument as his speech develops, it can be realized that Claudius’s ‘balance’ is actually nothing of kind. It is just because that he is under a great deal of strain, and that he is far less in control of the situation than he wants his audience to believe. In another words, Claudius, because he is in a public situation, needs to be a little tactful towards Hamlet, and thus compliments him on his swee t and commendable nature, and assures him that he regards him ‘with no less nobility of love/Then that which the dearest father bears his son’. (Hamlet, II, 110,-II). But Claudius is, after all, King, and his power is absolute. He tries all the ways to eliminate Hamlet, who is regarded to treat him very much. Because Hamlet is deeply loved by people, even pirate is willing to help him, Claudius could not kill him by any reason, he should be very careful. To spy whether Hamlet is mad or not, Claudius asks tw o of Hamlet’s classmates to keep watch on him. Meanwhile, as bait, Ophelia is used to spy upon Hamlet’s inner secrets. After the play, which is arranged by Hamlet, Claudius exposes his guilty conscience thoroughly. Then he plans to murder with a borrowed knife to remove Hamlet for another try. On the excuse of Hamlet’s safety, Claudius sends him toEngland, in secret he asks the man who keeps watch on Hamlet to convey his requirement of having Hamlet died to the King of England. But finally he failed. Then he incited Laertes to revenge for his father’s death, because of which, Hamlet dies from the poison sword.Claudius is dissolute, insidious and sham, while on surface he pretends so kind. Of his character, Shakespeare shows us all the kinds of hideous features of feudal tyrant and the careerist of capitalist class during the time of original accomplishment. But finally, such unforgivable man bears what he should do.C. The Tragedy of OpheliaOphelia, who is one of the loveliest girls Shakespeare has described, is also a tragedy character in this play. She is kind, but because of her innocent and her tenderness, she became the tool which her father used to pleasant the King. She is the victim of feudalism. Her thoughts is tightly bounded it. She believes truth, beauty and kindness, she really loves Hamlet, but she also becomes the tool of Claudius to spy uponthe inner secret of Hamlet when Hamlet is mad. When her father tells her to left Hamlet,she promises him without words. Ophelia is drawn at the end of this drama. It is eventually Ophelia whose madness leads to her actual suicide. But it is clearly that the person who caused Ophelia’s death is the King and her father. Ophelia is also the v ictim of the political. Is there any other reason? Of course that is the feudalism. Ophelia’s death stimulates people to detest the hateful power, and also evokes people’s sympathy for good things, which people have destroyed. IV. The Failure of HumanismA. The Conflict between Humanism and RealityThe Renaissance reached its high tide in 16th century, so did the Humanism. As the fundamental key of Renaissance, the essence of humanism is that human have the right to seek for freedom to advocate the rationa lism and to gain people’s position and development in the world. The elements of humanism are to establish the central status, of human beings, their dignity value, to advocate the spirit of rationalism and science, to protest the super role of God admired during the Middle Ages. In the literature of 16th in England, it was play got the best achievement, so there are so many good works. To some extent, a play is the reflection of the society. The history of 16th century is filled with struggle and conflict, which between the capitalism and feudalism.Hamlet is a humanist, a man who is free from the medieval prejudices and super station. He has an unbounded love for the world instead of the Heaven. As one of humanists, Hamlet cherishes a profound reverence fo r man, and he believes in human’s power and destiny:What a piece of work is human; how noble in reason;How infinite in faculty, in form and movingHow express and admirable; in action how like an angel;In apprehension how like a god! (Hamlet,85-96)From such ebullient words, vivid figure of speech, it is clear that Hamlet confirms human’s value and dignity, and also the wisdom and power, wherever exists humanism. He believes that human is valuable, energetic. He regards that the relationship between human being should be equal, and everyone should be respected. He takes “love” to instead of people’s loyalty to him, and the principle of equality and love to the relationship of feudal grade. According to his thought, character, appearance and expression, either of which shows us that he is the model of a perfect humanist. In his mind, his father (the old Hamlet) is a model of human. To love, friendship and life, Hamlet has his own humanism view. And he himself, just as Ophelia’s description, is a youngprinc e of humanism, such a lovely prince, there’s no doubt that anyone would not love him. Even Claudius, his enemy, has to admit that he is loved by the “silly” people, and the ordinary people would have good opinion to him. While at the beginning of the play, Hamlet is covered by the misfortune of his family. He adores and loves his father very much, but he died; he also loves his mother, while very quickly (“A little month, or ere those shoes were old, with which she follow’d my poor father’s body,”) she marr ies his uncle (the new King). The faithful love, friendship, and all a humanist’s valuable dreams began to be destroyed. He laments: “Fraity, thy name is woman!” To find out the reason of his father’s death, Hamlet pretends to be mad. Out of his imaginatio n, his old classmates and friends, even his lover, Ophelia, become Claudius’s accessories. In front of the evil reality, his humanism dream is destroyed completely. He even thinks about “to be or not to be”:To be, or not to be, that is the question:Whet her ‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die---to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heartache and the thousand natural shocksTh at flesh is heir to: ‘tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream---ay, there’s the rub……(Hamlet, 152-180)B. The Failure of Hamlet’s TaskWhat Hamlet is able to do is to reveal the reality that the society is not reasonable and it must be changed, not how to solve such fundamental question; to move the crime existing in the world, not how to wipe out it. Because of the limitation of time and class, humanist does not have the ability which is needed to change the society, wipe out the social crime. It is one of the reasons that the reactionary force is powerful, because of which Hamlet fails to complete his task. Hamlet represents the few number of the advanced person emerging in the feudal society. The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius represents that between the newly emerged capital humanist and feudal reactionary force, which reflects the conflict between the advanced people and evil force in Renaissance. However, it is a complicated time, with the social crime of feudal force and the capital accumulation, it is a gloom time, and it is destined to fail for the advanced people.ConclusionWith abundant and vivid plots, Hamlet reveals an important thought: in the later of Renaissance, the central state power was stable, the system of government was charged by the King. The King abandoned the capitalist class, arbitrarily and dictatorially, he forcibly occupied all the benefit; in political, he went against the progressive measure, then the feudal force had the chance to state a comeback, all the country was filled with foul, and each trying to cheat the other. Under such background, the capital humanists were angry with it. All the ordinary people even could not bear the exploitation coming from the feudal and original accumulation, but they could do nothing to help themselves. Such phenomenon was just about which happened before the bourgeoisie revolutionary in 1645. Humanists had the thought to remove the unforgivable King and reverse the situation, but they fell into hesitation, because the responsibility for them was hard to complete.Taking the court of Denmark in the Middle Ages for the background, according to the story of Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s death, Hamlet describes the truth England and th e Europe society in the later Renaissance. It reveals the author’s self-questioning on Renaissance movement and his carelessness on people’s life and future. The Renaissance promotes Europe into the time human beings awakening. People’s belief to God began to shake, under the flag of “personality liberation”; it was the custom to do what you like to. For one side, people’s thought liberated, which promoted the development of the social civilization. In the other side, especially in the later of Renaissance, it was full of overflow of selfish desire and social’s confusion. Encountering such an enthusiasm and confused time, instead of the optimistic and romantic brought by the humanism, Shakespeare shows us the hidden danger which hided in the ideal and progress. It is destined to fail for humanists. Hamlet is the reflection of such social phenomena.AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor—Chen Shunjiang, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. His encouragement and help are worthy of high acknowledgement. During the learning of my paper, Mr. Chen gives me much good and valuable advice on my course, and provides me many opportunities to do practice. Because of those opportunities, I can accumulate much practical experience and precious theories for this paper. In the process of composing this paper, he helps me correct this paper and make it more perfect.I would like to express my thanks to those who spend their time in reading my paper, and I will be grateful if you could give me your advice, and I will appreciate them very well. Because I know that will be beneficial and helpful in my life. Meanwhile, I’d like to say thanks to my dear friends, Tang Xuejin, Li Jiangtao, Shu Qing, and so on, who give my ideas in my work, so that I can complete my paper on time.I hope I can apply my knowledge to my practical job in the future, and make some achievements during my career.Bibliography[1] Bradley. A C. Lecture IV: Hamlet. London: Macmillan, 1922.[2] Cartwright Kent. Remembering Hamlet, University Park, Penn: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.[3] Michael Mangan. A Preface to Shakespeare’s Tragedy. Peking University Press, 2001.[4] William Shakespeare. Hamle, Prince of Denmar.. The Oxford Standard Authors Edition. 1601.[5] Zhang Longxi. 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