
大学英语三级(A)模拟试题及答案-卷面总分:60分答题时间:100分钟试卷题量:7题一、问答题(共7题,共60分)1.Directions:Thissectionistotestyourabilitytounderstandshortdialogues.Thereare5recordeddialoguesinit.Aftereachdialogue,thereisarecordedquestion.Both thedialoguesandquestionswillbespokenonlyonce.Whenyouhearaquestion,youshoulddecideonthecorrectanswerfromthe4choicesmarkedA,B,C andDgiveninyourtestpaper.Thenyoushouldmarkthecorrespondingletteron theAnswerSheetwithasinglelinethroughthecenter.1、A.Thereisnopaper.B.Themancanusetheprinter.C.Theprinterdoesn'twork.D.Themanhastopayfirst.2、A.Hehasgotanewjob.B.Hehasgotapayrise.C.Hehasbeenpromoted.D.Hehasboughtanapartment.3、A.Sellacar.B.Rentacar.C.Repairacar.D.Buyausedcar.4、A.Hedoesn'tlikethecolor.B.Hedoesn'tlikethestyle.C.Itistoosmall.D.Itisofpoorquality.5、A.Thechiefengineer.B.Thereceptionist.C.Theofficesecretary.D.Thesalesmanager.正确答案:1、C[听力原文]M:Excuseme,mayIusethisprinter?W:Sorry,it'soutoforder.Q:Whatdoesthewomanmean?[解析]推理题题干问女士说话的含义。

大学英语三级(A级)模拟试卷420A.She is wandering.B.She is thinking.C.The man should wash the clothes.D.She has already washed the clothes.2.A.For.B.Against.C.Not mentioned.D.No idea.A.Buy one.B.Borrow one from the man.C.Make one.D.Steal one.He started the library in __________back.A.having tiedB.to be tiedC.tiedD.being tied6. ______the old man's sons wanted to know was ______ the gold had been hidden.A.That, whatB.What, whereC.What, thatD.What, if7. It is high time the childrenA.went to bedB.go to bedC.will go to bedD.should go to bed8. I didn't understand at first why he couldn't pass the test, no matter______hard he had tried.A.whenB.whereC.whatD.how9. Because of her poor health, the manager permitted her ______ early.A.leavingB.to be leavingC.to leaveD.to have been left10. If you can't put your PC ______ good use, sell it to those who really need it.A.intoB.ofC.toD.with11. He hurried to the airport only to find his ticket and passport ______ at home.A.have been leftB.had leftC.had been leftD.were left12. Medical research has shown that the widespread of use of cigarettes contributes ______the increase of cancers.A.towardsB.forC.withD.to13. Jane always enjoys ______ to popular music at home on Friday evenings.A.listeningB.to be listeningC.being listeningD.to listen14. Professor Wang, ______ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.A.knowingB.knownC.to be knownD.having knownwith my company.16. They requested that she ______(sing) a song.17. (hold)______the note in his hand, the fellow stood there dumb-founded.18. Thanks to my early ______ (arrive) at the theatre, I got a ticket for a good seat.19. From his frequent (appear) ______ at the house, Mrs. Johnson judges that he has fallen in love with her daughter.20. Though it wasn't a nice place. I tried to make everyone (feel) ______ comfortable here.21. He remembers______ (take) to Paris when he was a very small child.22. To answer correctly is more important than (finish) ______ quickly in the examinations.23. Most high school students ______ (admire) the star players on the football team.24. It is generally thought to be of necessity to a college student that he _______ (know) at least one foreign language.brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil(不文明的) behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moralrights of others. So the killing on the road may be regarded as a social problem.In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless people. Just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality(道德) that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others. A minority of the killers go even beyond carelessness to total negligence(疏忽).Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents are due to the mental condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can distort drivers'reactions, slow their judgment, and blind them to dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep one's emotions under control.Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers. Street walkers regularly violatetraffic regulations, they are at fault in most vehicle walker accidents; and many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through periodic road- worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have beenlowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to convince people that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the road.25. What is the author's main purpose in writing the passage?A.To show that the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention.B.To promote understanding between careless drivers and street walkers.C.To discuss traffic problems and propose possible solutions.D.To warn drivers of the importance of safe driving.a social problem because ______.A.autos have become most destructive to mankindB.people usually pay little attention to law and moralityC.civilization brings much harm to peopleD.the lack of virtue is becoming more severe27. Why does the author mention the mental condition of the driver in Paragraph 3?A.To give an example of the various reasons for road accidents.B.To show how important it is for drivers to be emotionally healthy.is a problem to nearly everyone at some time. A person may be awake for an hour in the middle of the night and then, next morning, feel that he hardly slept all night. Normally, worrying about notgetting enough sleep is the worst aspect of most insomnia. If insomnia is recurrent, however, it is important to find its possible causes and try to correct them, with the help of a doctor if necessary.A large number of simple factors may make it difficult for someone to fall asleep or remain asleep. His mattress may be toosoft or too hard. The bedroom itself may be overheated or too cold. If it is not dark enough, or too noisy, this may cause difficultyin sleeping. Eating shortly before going to bed may also be responsible for insomnia. Stimulating drinks, such as tea or coffee, can also keep people awake.Inability to fall asleep is sometimes a symptom of emotional or mental disorders. Insomnia may also be caused by pain and, very rarely, it can be a symptom of a physical disease.The cause of insomnia may be easy to correct. The sufferer should check the mattress, bedroom temperature, and make any necessary changes, He should relax for an hour or two before bedtime, perhaps by reading a book, watching television or taking a warm bath. If he wakes during the night, he should try turning on the light and reading for a while. Above all, he should try not to worry about sleeplessness.If necessary, a doctor may prescribe tranquillizers(镇静剂) or sleeping pills. Take only the dosage he prescribes; any more is dangerous.30. What is insomnia?A.A problem nearly everyone has ever had.B.The phenomenon people stay up all night long.C.A physical disease.D.One fails to fall asleep or easily wakes up in the midnight.A.Adjust the temperature of one's bedroom.B.Take some sleepingpills before one goes to sleep.C.Try to turn on the light and do some reading.D.Not to get too worried about sleeplessness.32. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?instructors for posts of one-year duration at the English EducationCenter beginning April 2005.Qualifications:Bachelor's degree, native English proficiency, and teaching experience required; TEFL certification preferred; daily conversational ability in Japanese preferred.Duties:Full-time work teaching communicative English to first and second year students. Twelve 90- minute classes taught each semester. Attendance at occasional meetings for instructors. Salary:Annual salary currently amounts to approximately 3.7 million yen (less tax), based on the university's part-time hourly pay scale. Monthly payments vary depending on the number of hours worked each month.Application Deadline:December 17, 2004.Application Materials:Resume, copy of diploma(s) from universities/graduate schools; recommendation, and passport-size photo to:English Education Center, Ehime University,Matsuyama, Ehime,Japan 790-8577.Phone & Fax: 089-927-8340e-mail: office@eec.ehime-u.ac.jpEmployment AdvertisementPosition: seeking applicants for (46)______Duties: 1) teaching (47)______ to first and second year students 2) attendance at (48)______ for instructorsSalary: annual salary is based on the university's (49)______ hourly pay scaleApplication Materials: resume, copy of diploma(s), (50)______ and recommendation36.37.C—compete for survival D—processing trade E—favorable treatment F—sell offG—technology transfer H—Law of TaxI—system of insurance J—favorable balance of trade K—negative balance L—compensation package M—benefits N—marketing strategies O—restructuring P—compensation payout Q—venture capital R—share optionsS—invoice T—export quotasU—focus of commerce V—high and new tech industry51. ( )经营范围 ( )高新技术产业52. ( )抛售 ( )管理层收购53. ( )税法 ( )市场策略54. ( )技术转让 ( )在竞争中求生存55. ( )商业焦点 ( )企业重组Tender Plus is a highly successful Gold Coast food processing company enjoying a healthy and strong growth in Australia and export markets, and seeking to employ a qualified and experienced person to assume responsibility as the Company Accountant.Applicants should be qualified to CPA(合格职业会计师) status with at least 10 years accounting experience, and be able to demonstrate a proven track record in running a fully integrated accounting system in a manufacturing environment. Strong computer skills and literacy are essential, particularly in advanced spreadsheet(空白表格程序) usage.This position reports to the Manager of Finance and Administration. Your main responsibilities will be to ensure that the accounting function contributes to the overall achievement of corporate strategies and objectives by providing timely, accurate, and informative financial information. At the same time you will be responsible for further developing computerized accounting and information systems to add to overall company effectiveness and profitability.This is a long-term career position offering excellent rewards and challenges. Applicants should forward their details to:Manager of Finance and AdministrationPO Box 2055, Burleigh, MDC 422045. What kind of business is Tender Plus engaged in?______.Advanced ______.47. What qualifications are needed?CPA with at least 10 years ______.48. What is the successful applicant asked to do in addition to providing financial information?Take responsibility for ______.49. To whom must the applicant send his/her personal information? The ______.up, the other half.A.生病都只要一半时间躺在床上,一半时间起来走动,即痊愈了。

v1.0 可编辑可修改大学英语(三)》模拟试题一第一部分:交际用语(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答案题卡上的相应字母涂黑。
1、- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please.- ________, I'm Mark.is Mark speaking.'s me here.is me.2、- Thanks for inviting me, John, but I've already made other plans.- _________. Maybe another time.hope you enjoy it's good! I'm sorry to hear that! I really had a good time3、-Thank you for your help.- _________.doesn't matter're welcome're kinddon't think so4、- Let me help you carry the suitcase. - _________'s OK. I can manage.'s not very light.can help you with it.it down on the ground.5、- Sorry to give you so much trouble.- _________think so., I'm sorry.'s OK.are busy.6、-You speak very good English.-________.'s very kind of you to say so, I can'tare right's all right7、- Would you mind if we asked you for some advice - ________you so much.do you want's all right.. Please go ahead.8、- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight- ________. I'm not using it right now., go ahead.don't know.doesn't matter.cares9、- What do you want, Mary- _______, I want to go home., I plan to go shopping.'d like some red wine, please., I don't care.10、- Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterdayv1.0 可编辑可修改 - ________me, my friend sent me a flower., I never go to birthday parties.…ha, I like swimming., but my wife had a car accident.第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。

大学英语三级(A级)模拟试卷450(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.听力原文:M: Tom. Would you like to tell Miss Jane I’ll hand in my paper next week?W: Sure, but first you should clean the blackboard.Q: Where is this conversation taking place?1.A.In a toilet.B.At the post office.C.In a school.D.In a packing place.正确答案:C解析:可根据后一句“Sure,but first you should clean the blackboard.”中的动作“clean the blackboard”来推出谈话地点在“school”。

大学英语三级模拟试题(三)TEST 3Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are 20incompleete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.13. She is not very ______about money only when it comes spending.A) Sensible B) sensitive C) senseless D) insensitive14. Cold and humid is this ______climate in spring of this west city.A) Common B) general C) usual D) ordinary15. If only I _____about his coming, I would have met him at the station.A) Would know B) had known C) have known D) knew16._____she is in London, she will ring up her old friend Mary.A) As soon as B) As C) No sooner D) While17. The reason why coal is still a very valuable source of power is _____atomic power is not available in sufficient quantity.A) Because B) that C) as D) for18. We moved to the front now ______ we could hear and see better.A) So as B) so that C) because D) such that19. He is very stubborn so asking him to change his mind is ______.A) out of the question B) out of questionC) Out of order D) out of place20. We took ______of the fine weather and spent the evening on the beach.A) Change B) opportunity C) advantage D) use21. After______ for the job ,you will be required to take a written test.A) interviewing B) being interviewed C) interviewed D) having interviewed22. We would have paid______ for the machines, if the company had insisted , because we really wanted them.A) as much twice B) twice as much C) twice much D) twice so much23. Her smile ______ that she had forgiven me.A) applied B) implied C) justified D) supplied24. It is very surprised that the driver was not ______ at all in the car accident.A) injured B) wounded C) hurt D)damaged25. Scarcely ______ one task when he was asked to do another.A) has he finished B)had he finished C) he has finished D)he had finished26. He offered a reward to _____ should return the lost ring.A) who B) whom C) whoever D) whomever27. Look at the clock! It’s time ______ home.A) we’ll go B ) we went C) we’re going D) we should go28. After going to dozens of job interviews , she eventually ______ to get a job.A) gained B) succeeded C) managed D) achieved29. The words of his old teacher left a _______ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. A) long B) lively C) lasting D) wide30. They tried to silence the _____ audience but in vain.A) exciting B) excited C) excite D) being exciting31. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ______ 27%.A) by B) for C) to D) in32. He is _______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A) optimistic B) optional C) outstanding D) obviousPart III. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A B C and D. You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 33 to 37 are based on the following passage.Microsoft Corporation is the leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles and offers electronic mail services. It has sales offices throughout the world but does virtually all of its research and development at its corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, U.S.In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, two boyhood friends from Seattle, converted BASIC, a popular mainframe programming language, for use on an early personal computer (PC) ,the Altair. Shortly afterward Gates and Allen founded Microsoft, deriving the name from the words “microcomputer” and “software”. Dur ing the next few years they refined BASIC and developed other programming languages. In 1980 International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) askedMicrosoft to produce the essential software, or operating system, for its first personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft purchased an operating system from another company, modified it, and renamed it MS-DOS( Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS-DOS was released with the IBM PC in 1981. Thereafter , most manufacturers of personal computers licensed MS-DOS as their operating system , generating vast revenues for Microsoft; by the early 1990s it had sold more than 100 million copies of the program and defeated rival operating systems such as CP/M ,which it displaced in the early 1980s, and later OS/2. Microsoft deepened its position in operating systems with its Windows graphical command program, whose third version, released in 1990, gained a wide following. By 1993, Windows 3.0 and its subsequent versions were selling at a rate of one million copies per month, and nearly 90 percent of the world’s PCs ran on a Microsoft operating system. In 1995 the company released Windows 95, which for the first time fully integrated MS-DOS with Windows and effectively matched in ease of use Apple Computer’s Macintosh OS. It also became the leader in productivity software such as word-processing and spreadsheet programs, outdistancing long-time rivals Lotus and WordPerfect in the process.33. What is the role of Microsoft Corporation in the world of software systems and applications/A) It’s the biggest multinational corporation. B) It’s the founder of personal computers.C) It’s the leading developer. D) It’s the largest bookseller in America.34. Besides software systems and applications, what else dose Microsoft deal in ?A) Publishing books and multimedia titles. B) Offering electronic mail services.C) Inventing program languages. D) Both A and B.35. Who established Microsoft?A) Bill Gates. B) Paul G. Allen.C) Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen. D)A group of computer experts.36. In 1980 IBM asked Microsoft to produce the operating system, they ______.A) invented it alone . B) refused to do it.C) wanted to make a perfect one, but they failed.D) bought one from another company and made a little change.37. What does the passage imply?A) Windows 3.0 fully integrated MS-DOS with Windows.B) By 1990, nearly 90 percent of th e world’s had run on Windows 3.0.C) IBM asked Microsoft to develop Windows 95.D) Microsoft surpassed Lotus and WordPerfect till 1995.Passage 2Questions 38 to 42 are based on the following passage.Sony was incorporated in 1946 as Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering corporation Its founders were Iuka Masaru, whose Japan precision Instruments Company had supplied electronic devices during World War II, and Morita Akio, an applied sciences instructor. Their business, which was funded by Morita’s father, was formed to apply the advanced technology developed during the war to the manufacture of consumer products. The company’s present name was adopted in 1958.At the beginning, the company made voltmeters(伏特计),electrically heated cushions(垫子),and similar devices. The first major consumer item it produced was a tape recorder, introduced in Japan in 1950. Since then the company, which markets its products worldwide under the Sony trademark, has continued to pioneer new technology for consumer products. In 1957 Sony introduced the world’s first pocket-sized, all-transistor (晶体管) radio. In 1960 Sony introduced an 8-inch (20-centimetre) transistorized television set, creating a new market for television.The company was one of the first to recognize the potential of the consumer videotape market, and in 1969 it introduced a color videocassette recorder for both industrial and consumer use.38. When did the company first formed?A) 1946 B) 1950 C) 1958 D) 196839. What was the first name of Sony Corporation?A) Japan Precision Instruments CompanyB) Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation.C) Sony Corporation D) Sony Engineering Corporation.40. When was the name Sony first used?A) 1946 B) 1950 C) 1958 D) 196841. What was the first major consumer article produced by the company?A) V oltmeters. B) Electrically heated cushions.C) Resonator sound generators D) An audio tape recorder.42. Who founded Sony Corporation?A) Ibuka Masaru. B) Morita Akio. C) Morita’s father D) Ibuka Masaru and Morita Akio Passage 3Questions 43 to 47 are based on the following passage.Internet is a system architecture that has revolutionizedcommunications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect. Sometimes referred to as a “network of network,” the Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general public until the early 1990s. By the beginning of the 21stcentury approximately 360 million people, or roughly 6 percent of the world’s p opulation, were estimated to have access to the Internet. It is widely assumed that at least half of the world’s population will have some form of Internet access by 2010 and that wireless access will play a growing role.The Internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information, and it is accessible by every individual who connects to one of its constituent networks. It supports human communication through electronic mail ( e-mail), “c hat rooms,”newsgroups, and audio and video transmission and allows people to work collaboratively at many different locations. It supports access to digital information by many applications, including the World Wide Web. The Internet has proved to be a spa wning ground for a large and growing number of “e-businesses” that carry out most of their sales and services over the Internet. Many experts believe that the Internet will dramatically transform business as well as society.43. What is Internet according to the passage?A) A system architecture that allows various computer networks around the world to inter-connect.B) An architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce.C) “Network of networks”.D) World Wide Web.44. When did Internet first appear?A) 1970s. B) 1980s. C) 1990s. D)2010s.45. What will come true according to the passage?A) Approximately 360 million people will access to the Internet.B) Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population will access to the Internet.C) At least a quarter of the world’s population will have some form of Internet access.D) Wireless access will play a growing role.46. According to the author, who can access to the Internet?A) Anyone.B) The one who has any purpose that depends on information.C) Every individual who connects to one of its constituent networks.D) The people who are skilled in computer.47. If people want to work collaboratively at different locations, what can the do?A) They can use electronic mails.B) They can work through “chat rooms”.C) They can work through audio and video transmission.D) All the above.Passage FourQuestions 48 to 52 are based on the following passage.Mitchell attended Washington Seminary(神学院)in her native Atlanta, Georgia, before entering Smith College in 1918. When her mother died the next year, she returned home. Between 1922 and 1926 she was a writer and reporter for the Atlanta Journal.After an ankle injury in 1926 she left the magazine and, for the next 10 years, worked slowly on a romantic novel about the Civil War and Reconstruction as seen from a Southerner point of view. Scarlett O’Hara is the heroine of novel, and she is a strong-willed woman. The novel had absorbed the tragedy of the war and the romance of the history. Mitchell worked at her novel occasionally, composing episodes(情节) out of sequence and later fitting them together. She apparently had little thought of publication at first, and for six years after it was completely finished, the novel lay unread. But in 1935 Mitchell was persuaded to publish her manuscript.It appeared in 1936 as Gone with the Wind. Within six months 1,000,000 copies had been sold; 50,000 copies were sold in one day. It went on sell more copies than any other novel in U.S. publishing history, with sales passing 12 million by 1965, and was eventually translated into 25 languages and sold in 40 countries. It was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The movie rights were sold for $50,000. The film, starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable and produced by David O. Selznick, premiered in Atlanta in December 1939 after an unprecedented period of advance promotion, including the highly publicized search for an actress to play Scarlett. It won nine major Oscars and two special Oscars at the Academy Awards and for two decades reigned as the top money-making film of all time. Mitchell, who never adjusted to the celebrity that had befallen her and who never attempted another book, died after an automobile accident in 1949. Four decades after Mitchell’s death, a sequel(续集) named Scarlett appeared.48. When did Mitchell begin her novel?A) In 1918. B) Between 1922 and 1926. C) In 1926. D) In 1936.49. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A) When Mitchell mother died, she continued her study.B) After an ankle injury in 1926, Mitchell became disabled.C) Mitchell wrote her novel from a Northern point of view.D) Mitchell didn’t write her novel for publication first.50. The name of Mitchell’s first novel is “_______”.A) Atlanta Journal B) Civil War and ReconstructionC) Lost Cause D) Gone with the Wind51. Who acted in the movie of Gone with the Wind?A) Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable B) Mitchell C) David O. Selznick D) Scarlett O’Hara52. When did the sequel (续集) to Margaret’s Gone with the Wind appear?A) Four weeks after Mitchell’s death. B) Four months after Mitchell’s death.C) Four years after Mitchell’s death. D) Forty years after Mitchell’s death.Part IV. Translations from English to Chinese. (15%)Directions: In this part, there are four items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one sentence. These sentences are all come from Part III of the test paper. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meaning in the context. Write the translation on the Translation Sheet in Test Paper.T1. (Lines1-3, Para.1, Passage1)Albert Einstein was a German-American physicist who developed the special and general and theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ T2. (Line5-7, Para.1, Passage2)In the same room was the “Christmas pyramid,” a triangular construction of wood that had she, elves to hold Christmas figurines and was decorated with evergreens, candles, and a star.________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ T3. (Line10-11, Para.1, Passage3)These difficulties were aggravated by the withdrawal of Soviet aid and technicians, who made a point of taking blueprints with them.________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ T4. (Line9-12, Para. 2, Passage4)When large number of immigrants, including the Irish, went to the United States beginning in the mid 19th century, they took their Halloween customs with them, and in the 20th century Halloween became one of the principal U.S. holidays, particularly among children.________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Part V. Writing (15%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 80 words. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline.Write your composition on the Composition Sheet.Outline: 1.申请人:张燕,女,24岁,出生于成都市,未婚;2.文化程度:1999年7月毕业于四川工商职业技术学院,专业是商务英语,优秀学生;3.经历:曾任某合资企业总经理秘书3年,擅长电脑操作和口译,现得知贵公司欲招聘英语翻译一名,特自荐;4.期望资薪:每月1000人民币;5.爱好:上网,旅游;6.外语:英语优良,日语一般;7.联系地址:成都市红星路520号一楼电话:88103547Words for reference: major in, joint venture, operateResumeJob Objective: _________________________________________________Family Name: _________________________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________________________ Tel No: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Place of Birth: __________________________________________________Age: __________________________________________________________ Sex: ___________________________________________________________ Marriage:_______________________________________________________Foreign Language: ________________________________________________Education:_______________________________________________________Salary Wanted:____________________________________________________Hobby:___________________________________________________________ Experience:_______________________________________________________Keys:Part I.Part II.13-17: BCBAB 18-22: BACCB23-27:BABCB 28-32: CCBAAPart III.33-37: CDCDD 38-42: ABCDD43-47: AADCD 48-52:CDDADPart IV.T1: 艾伯特〃爱因斯坦时一位德裔美国人,他提出了狭义和广义的相对论,并由于他的光电效应阐述而荣获1921年诺贝尔物理学奖。

⼤学英语三级考试模拟题及答案2013年⼤学英语三级考试(CET3)A级模拟试题及答案考试题型: |考试时间:6⽉份下旬周⽇开考(1)PART I Section A B listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B(2)PART I Section C listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C(3)PART Ⅱ Structure(15minutes) Section A(4)PART Ⅱ Structure(15minutes) Section B(5)PART Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B(6)PART Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E(7)PART Ⅳ Translion(25minutes)(8)PART Ⅴ Writing(25minutes)Part I 听⼒略Part II Vocabulary & StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. Although ,he insisted _________going there together with us.A) to B) on C) at D) for17. I’ll ask Mr. Smith to ring you up _________he comes back to the office.A) when B) where C) because D) although18. They regard _________as their duty to provide the best service for their customers.A) this B) what C) it D) that19. Not until the day before yesterday _________to give a speech at the meeting.A) he agreed B) does he agree C) he agrees D) did he agree20. _________up at the clock on the wall,the secretary found it was already midnight.A) Looking B) Look C) To look D) Looked21. The first textbook _________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A) writing B) written C) to write D) to be written22. Young _________he is, an able salesman.A) that B) who C) as D) which23. I don’t doubt _________the stock market will recover from the economic crisis.A) if B) what C) that D) which24. In our company,great changes _________since the new manager came.A) took place B) take place C) will have taken place D) have taken place25. News came from the sales manager _________the new product had been selling well in the local market for three months.A) whose B) what C) which D) thatSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. Sandy made quite a number of(apply) _________for a management position but failed every time.27. The graduates had a(cheer) _________farewell party before leaving the college.28. Karl probably(see) _________“Star Wars” several times for he knows every detail of the film.29. Believe it or not,when first(introduce) _________to Europe,tomato was thought to be poisonous.30. A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and(allow) _________to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.31. I remember(see) _________you somewhere before,but I can’t tell the exact place.32. I don’t think it necessary(discuss) _________the the problem is settled.33. Since five managers are going to give their reports,the meeting(last) _________for at least two hours.34. Although he was(deep) _________hurt by what she said to him,he made no reply.35. It is strongly recommended that teachers(use) _________computers to assist in their classroom teaching.答案:16-20:BACDA 21-25:BCCDD26.applications 27.cheerful 28.has seen 29.introduced 30.be allowed31.having seen 32.to discuss 33.will last 34.deeply /doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.html e/should usePart III Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinishedstatements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Melbourne,with a population of over 3.5 million,is the second largest city in Australia. It is clean,safe,dynamic and exciting,and well known internationally for its universities and other educational institutions.The city has well-planned tree-lined beautiful parks and gardens. It has a good transport system ofroads,buses,trains,and trams(电车). The La Trobe University(拉特罗布⼤学) campus is connected to the Central Business District by trams,express buses,and bus and train connections.Melbourne is a culturally rich city,and is home to large communities of people from all parts of Europe,theAmericas,Africa,and Asia. The city is famous for its restaurants,theatres,music,opera,ballet,art,culture,and shops,and a lively and dynamic nightlife. Melbourne people are enthusiastic about sports,and the city hosts many famous international sports events. Near Melbourne there are beautiful coastlines with excellent beaches,nationalparks,forests,wineries(葡萄酒⼚) ,winter snowfields and summer resorts.The climate is temperate and comfortable,with warm summers and cool winters. In summer,maximum daytimetemperatures range from 26℃to 36℃,and in winter from 12℃ to 18℃.1]he weather inMelbourne can be variable from day to day. In 2002.Melbourne was rated the world’s best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit.36. Melbourne is well-known in the world for its__________________.A) large population B) educational institutionsC) transport system D) beautiful parks and gardens37.According to the passage,Melbourne is a city where_________.A) rich people choose to live B) the best wine is producedC) various cultures exist D) Asian food is popular38. Melbourne people are very interested in_________.A) sports B) sunbathing C) sightseeing D) traveling39. The word temperate in the sentence “The climate is temperate…”(Line 10) ,most probably means ________.A) hot B) mild C) dry D) cold40. The best title for the passage might be_________.A) An Ideal Place for Shopping B) A City with the Best ClimateC) The World’s Best City to Live in D) The World’s Most Beautiful CityTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Terms and Conditions of EmploymentThese terms and conditions should be read before you sign your contract.Salary:Your starting salary is:$15,000.This is reviewed annually.Hours: work are eight hours a day,Monday through Friday. You will start work on Feb.21,2008.On the first morning,report to your line manager John Knight.Health and safety:Please read the safety regulations attached. If you have any questions,contact the health and safety officer,whose name is at the top of the regulation sheet. If you have health problems,please inform the SeniorNurse,Chris Thomas. If you cannot work because of illness,please telephone the factory.Annual leave:During your first year of employment you ale allowed twenty days’ leave. This should be arranged with your line manager.Overtime(加班) :If you work more than forty hours a week,you will be paid at the current overtime rate. Your line manager will keep a record of the overtime you work. If you work on public holidays,you will be paid at the current rates. If you prefer,time can be taken instead of extra pay for public holidays and overtime.Clothing:The Supplies Department provides overalls(⼯作服) .Inform Supplies of your size two days before you need them. You can also order any other equipment you need for your job from Supplies.41. According to the contract,the salary of the employee_________.A) is paid weekly B) is adjusted every quarterC) is re-examined from year to year D) is fixed for the whole contract period42. If employees have any health problem,they should_________.A) telephone the factory B) inform the Senior NurseC) report to t11eir line manager D) contact the health and safety officer43. The line manager is responsible for____________.A) giving a pay raise B) signing a contractC) arranging annual leave D) helping with personal affairs44. If employees work on public holidays,usually they will get_________.A) extra days off B) extra moneyC) a pay raise D) paid holidays45. When they need overalls for their job,employees should inform the Supplies Department of_________.A) the size B) the colorC) the style D) the quantity答案:36-40:BCABC 41-45:CBCBATask 3Directions: The following is part of a job advertisement. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No.46 to No.50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALISTNOTE:Please directly through this website,as well as emailing your resume as an attachment to us atresumes@/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.htmlJOB DESCRIPTION:Establishes and satisfies highly challenging and complex information system security(ISS) requirements based upon the analysis of user,operational,policy,regulatory,and resource demands.Supports thedevelopment,implementation,and operation of ISS-enabling technologies, processes, and procedures into client systems and networks.Also requires an expert understanding of security policy advocated by the U.S Government including Department of Defense and other agencies,e.g.,Treasury,as well as commercial best security practices.EDUCATION:Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields.REQUIRED SKILLS:ISS Policy,Procedures,and Planning,RACF,LAN,LIFE CYCLE,Microsoft NT,Network Security,Office Automation Tools.LOCATION:New Carrollton,Maryland or Falls Church, VirginiaCONTACT US AT:resumes@/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.htmlU.S. Citizenship or U.S. Permanent Resident status required for employment.A job advertisementPosition offered: -46-Responsibilities:to establish and satisfy -47- requirementsQualifications:1. -48- degree2.required skillsCitizenship required:US Citizenship or -49-Way of contact:by -50-答案:/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.html rmation security specialist/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.html rmation system security 48.bachelor's49.Permanet Resident status 50.e-mailTask 4Directions: The following is a list of terms for library signs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—reading,reference and copyingB—staff onlyC—closed shelves for undergraduatesD—information retrieval roomE—inter-library loanF—display&reading room for new booksG—multi-media reading roomH—reference department officeI—novelty researchJ—lecture hallK—reading room for reference booksL—return depositM—reading roomN—title catalogueO—circulation for foreign booksP—card catalogueQ—periodicals and magazinesExamples: (O) 外⽂书刊借阅 (D) 信息检索室51.()员⼯专⽤()多媒体阅览室52.()参考书阅览室()中⽂社科图书阅览室53.()报告厅()书名⽬录54.()卡⽚⽬录()新书展阅室55.()期刊杂志阅览()馆际互借答案:51.B,G 52.K,M 53.J,N 54.P,F 55.Q,ETask 5Directions: The following is an agreement. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 to No.60) that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet. (Website) Visitor Agreement/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.html is provided to you by Cox Texas Newspapers. This visitoragreement is legally binding(有约束⼒的) between you and us. Please read this visitor agreement;by using this service,you accept its terms. The Internet is a fast growing medium;we may change the terms of this agreement from time to time. By continuing to use the service after we post any such changes,you accept this agreement as modified.We reserve the fight to deny access to this website,or any service provided via this website,to anyone who violates(违反) this visitor agreement or who,in our judgment,interferes with the ability of others to enjoy this website,or infringes(侵犯) the fights of others.We invite you to send in your questions or comments about this website,or to any material you believe to be inaccurate. Please send such comments,including a copy of any material you wish to discuss to:Jim SmithGeneral Manager/doc/56b184707e21af45b207a80a.html305 South Congress AvenueAustin,Texas 78704Phone:(512) 912—2510Fax:(512) 912-2926 Or e—mail us.56. Who are the two parties to the agreement?The provider of the website and its __________________.57. What is meant if you go on using the service after changes in the agreement are posted?It means you have __________________the modification.58. What will happen if a visitor breaks this agreement?The visitor will be denied access to this__________________.59. What are visitors invited to do about this website?Send in their __________________about the website.60. What can visitors do when they find materials on the website inaccurate?They can send their comments to__________________.答案:56.visitors 57.accepted 58.website 59.questions or comments 60.Jim Smith/the general managerPart IV Translation -- English into ChineseDirections: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.61. professional hair—care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to their skin.A) 专业护发产品的增加表明消费者既关⼼护发,也关⼼护肤。

四川省大学英语三级考试模拟试题及答案Part I:Listening Comprehension (15%)Section ADirections: In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations. At the en d of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said。
Bot h the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each questio n there will be a pause。
During the pause you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer。
Th en mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line thr ough the center.1。
A)Do some typing。
B)Buy some paper.C)Ask the man to type. D)Want to run with the man。
A)10:50 B)10:15 C) 10:48 D) 10:523. A)Husband and wife. B) A girl and her boyfriend.C) Teacher and student。
D)Old friends。
4. A)Policeman。
C)Car driver. D) Conduct or。
A)In a school。
B) In a theater.C) In a restaurant. D)At home.6. A) She agreed. B) She disagreed。

英语三级模拟试题答案一、听力部分A) 短对话理解1. A. 正确。
2. B. 错误。
3. C. 正确。
4. A. 正确。
5. B. 错误。
B) 长对话理解听第一段材料,回答6-7题。
6. B. 错误。
7. A. 正确。
8. C. 正确。
9. A. 正确。
C) 短文理解听第一段材料,回答10-12题。
10. B. 错误。
11. A. 正确。
12. C. 正确。
13. A. 正确。
14. B. 错误。
15. C. 正确。
二、阅读理解A) 快速阅读16. B. 错误。
17. A. 正确。
18. D. 正确。
19. C. 正确。
20. A. 正确。
B) 深度阅读21. D. 正确。
22. C. 正确。

大学英语3(专升本)模拟考试真题题目及参考答案(选择题)单选题(本部分共90题,每领1分,共90分)1、New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only ( ) , but students became more interested in the lessons.A . saved was teachers' energyB . was teachers' energy savedC . teachers' energy was savedD . was saved teachers' energy参考案: B2、Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ( ) them too hard.A . drawB . strikeC . rushD . push参考: D3、One of the most important questions they had to consider was ( ) of public health.A . whatB . thisC . thatD . which参考案: C4、Everybody was touched ( ) words after they heard her moving story..A . beyondB . without C.of D .in参考案: A5、Now that we've discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ( ) ?.A . takingB . takeC . takenD . to take参考案: C6、His sister left home in 1998, and ( ) since..A . had not been heard ofB . has not been heard ofC . had not heard ofD . has not heard of参考案: B7、I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't ( ) .A . get alongB . get onC . get toD . get through8、She brought with her three friends; none of ( ) I had ever met before..A . themB . whoC . whomD .these参考案: C9、Edward, you play so well. But I ( ) you played the piano..A didn't knowB . hadn't knownC . don't knowD . haven't known参考管案:A10、The children all turned ( ) the famous arms as she entered the classroom..A . looked atB . to look atC . to looking atD . look at参考案: B11、-Are you ready for Spain?-Yes, I want the girls to experience that ( ) they are young..A . whileB . until C.if D . before参考案: A12、In recent years many football clubs ( ) as business to make a profit..A . have runB . have been runC . had been runD . will run参考案: B13、If there's a lot of work ( ) , I'm happy to just keep on until it is finished.A . to doB . to be doing C. done D . doing参考案: A14、As his best friend, I can make accurate guesses about ( ) he will do or think..A . whatB . which C. whom D . that15、Something as simple as()some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure..A . to drinkB . drinkingC . to be drinkingD .drunk参考案: B16、It has been proved ( ) eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life..A .ifB . because C. when D . that参考案: D17、Ideally ( ) for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favorite with many guests..A . locatingB . being locatedC . having been locatedD . located参考案: D18、We went through a period ( ) communications were very difficult in the rural areas.A . whichB . whoseC . in whichD . with which19、So much of interest( )that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.A . offers BeijingB . Beijing offersC . does Beijing offerD . Beijing does offer参考案: C20、( )well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing..A . HoweverB . WhateverC . No matterD . Although参考案: A21、You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel ( ) the coach picks up tourists..A . whoB . whichC . whereD . that参考案: D22、It was his nervousness in the interview ( ) probably lost him the job.A . whichB . sinceC . thatD . what参考案: C23、It is only when you nearly lose someone ( ) you become fully aware of how much you value him .A . whichB . sinceC . thatD .what参考案: C24、The question that puzzled them is how it is ( ) they can get rid of the air pollution in the area.A . thatB . whichC . whereD .how参考管案: A25、His writing is so confusing that it' s difficult to make out ( ) it is he is trying to express..A . thatB .how C.who D . what参考案: D26、When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. ( ) .A.说到教育,大部分人认为它是一个终生的学习B.当人们谈论教育时,有一部分人觉得它是一生的学习C.谈到教育,大部分会认为教育就是学习.参考案: A27、Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. ( ) .A.许多专家指出身体锻炼会帮助人塑造体型B许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康C许多专家指出体能训练能够促进人体发展参考案: B28、In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. ( )A考虑到问题很严重,我们必须在事态失控前解决问题B.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施C考虑到问题的严重性,必须在事态恶化之前解决问题参考案: B29、In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself ( ) .A.事实上,我们不得不承认生活的质量特别重要B.事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量大于生活C.事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要参考案: C30、People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities. ( ) .A.人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会B.人们相信拥有计算机技术可以帮他们找到好的工作和机会C.人们相信拥有计算机技术可以帮他们得到更好的机会参考案: A31、( )you ought to do is to find a job..A .HowB .WhatC .WhichD . That参考案: B32、I checked all my answers ( ) my teacher had suggested..A . likeB . asC . thatD . such参考案: B33、Not until 1868 ( ) made the capital of the state of Georgia..A . Atlanta wasB . was Atlanta C. when Atlanta was D . when was Atlanta参考案: B34、Where did you ( ) the magazine Lily was reading?.A . lay B.lie C . remain D .let参考案: A35、( ) these books to the library, as they will soon be overdue..A . BringB . TakeC . FetchD . Leave参考案: B36、The teacher() a question for discussion.A . arousedB . raisedC . aroseD . rose参考案:A37、The bicycle was repaired but not quite to my ( ) ..A .joyB . pleasureC . attractionD . satisfaction参考案: D38、He is the most ( )singer in the world..A . publicB . popularC . respectingD . referred参考案: B39、All managers ( ) in the meeting room on time..A .joinedB . amassedC . assembledD . collected40、I should say that Bruce is not ( ) a writer as a reporter.A . too muchB . very muchC . that muchD . so much as参考案: D41、He was arrested because the police ( ) him of committing several robberies..A . accusedB . charged C. doubted D . suspected参考案: D42、Biological clocks release a hormone that ( ) complex behavior in human and animals alike.A . switches onB . switches offC . hindersD . filters out参考案: A43、Joy is a school child who is ( ) what she wants from life and desperately needs someone to help her through the confusion..A . aware ofB . unconscious ofC . uncertain ofD . unwilling to know参考案: C44、One of the objectives of modern natural science is to ( ) universal principles or laws from pieces of data..A . developB . work onC . inventD . formulate参考案: A45、Sir George doesn' t eat fish ( ) ..A . So doesn' t JohnB . Nor John doesC . Neither does JohnD . John doesn' t too参考案: C46、Kobe shows everything on his face, ( ) he is angry or pleased.A . whetherB . either C.if D . because参考案: A47、( ) off the main road here and you will come to the lake..A . To turnB . TurningC . TurnD . Turned48、The car is too expensive for me. I can' t ( ) it.A . spendB . costC . affordD . pay参考案: C49、Can you ( ) me to the library, please?.A . instructB . describeC . directD . appoint参考案: C50、The ( ) earthquake left 3 000 homeless..A . violentB . extensiveC . endlessD . furious参考案: A51、i don' t mind her pointing out my weaknesses, but ( ) is how she does it that l am opposed to..A . ThatB . how C.it D . what参考案: C52、Remember the golden rule that it is attitude ( ) matters much in daily work.A . whichB . sinceC . thatD . what参考案: C53、( )that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.A . It was we being lateB . It was our being lateC . It was we were too lateD . It was because we were late54---How was () they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?"-.-Totally by chance..A . it thatB . he thatC . it whenD . he which参考案: A55、( ) was very( )that little Jim wrote the letter.A . It, carefulB . It, carefullyC . He, carefulD . He, carefully参考案: B56、Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts. ( ) .A.极端地说,这个理论认为我们的行为是先天决定的,以至我们几乎完全受直觉支配B.科学家表示,这个理论能够解释为什么我们会在某些情况下有一些过激行为.C.极端的情况是,这个理论违背了人们长久以来所具有的一些观念。

浙江大学英语三级模拟试卷6(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 4. Reading Comprehension 6. Translation from Chinese into English 7. Integrated Testing 8. WritingPart ⅠListening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.听力原文:M: Come on! You have only one circle to run. W: Sorry, I can’t. I’m out of breath and my legs hurt badly. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?1.A.In a shop.B.In a hospital.C.In a playground.D.In a street.正确答案:C解析:男士给女士加油,并说她只需再跑最后一圈了;女士说自己不能再跑了,因为她已经喘不过气来了,而且她的腿很痛。

练习大学英语03总共19题共100分一. 语法(共10题,共40分)1. Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil ()only if their sulfur content is low. (4分)A.to be burnedB. burningC. to burnD. being burned★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:2. () was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. (4分)A.WhatB.ThatC.WhichD.As★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:3. Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, () going to the party this weekend. (4分)A. isB.. amC.areD. will★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:4. Would you mind () the computer game in your room? (4分)A. his playingB. him playingC. him to playD.him play★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:5. By next year he () in New York for five years. (4分)A.will have workedB.worksC. has workedD.has been working★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:6. Henry is often seen () English aloud every morning in the classroom. (4分)A.to readB.readingC.readD.reads★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:7. Without heat and sunlight, plants on the earth () well. (4分)A.would not growB. will not growC.had not grownD. would not be grown★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:8. Only recently () to deal with the environmental problems. (4分)A.has something been doneB.something has doneC.has something doneD.something has been done★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:9. The question () at the meeting tomorrow is very important. (4分)A. to be discussedB. will be discussedC. to discussD. being discussed★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:10. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it ()last night. (4分)A.must have rainedB. may rainC. must rainD.was raining★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:二. 词汇(共7题,共28分)1. I suppose you are not serious, ()?(4分)A. are youB. do IC.don't ID. aren't you★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:2. With the bridge (), there was nothing for it but to swim. (4分)A.destroyedB.destroyingC. was destroyedD.being destroyed★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:3. Having no money but () to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. (4分)A. not wanting anyoneB.not to want anyoneC. wanted no oneD. to want no one★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:4. The teacher, as well as all his students, () by the dancer's performance. (4分)A.was impressedB. had impressedC.impressedD.were impressed★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:5. . () is well known, the key to success lies in hard work. (4分)A. AsB.ThatC. WhichD. What★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:6. Today the police can watch cars () on roads by radar. (4分)A. runningB. runC.to runD. to be run★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:7. Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil ()only if their sulfur content is low. (4分)A.to be burnedB. burningC. to burnD. being burned★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:三. 组合(共2题,共32分)1. The Egyptian kingdom was not self-contained but traded widely with the outside world, using the enormous surpluses of wheat grown on the rich valley soil to profit from high prices resulting from famine in various parts of the Mediterranean world. Relations with the neighboring and in some ways similar civilization of Mesopotamia were always close, though often hostile. Syria and Palestine suffered much in biblical times from the competition of the two world powers of the day. For long, Egypt ruled over Syria but gradually its power declined and it was itself conquered, first by the Assyrians (663 B. C.) and then for a longer term by the Persians (525-332 B. C.). (16分)(答题时限:00:01:00)(1) This passage is mainly about (). (4分)A.the early history of EgyptB. the fall of EgyptC.wheat trade between Egypt and its neighborsD.famine in the Mediterranean world★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(2) Egypt’s relations with its neighbors were (). (4分)A. close but hostileB.close and friendlyC. friendly though sometimes hostileD.hostile but sometimes friendly★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(3) By “the two world powers” the author means (). (4分)A.Syria and PalestineB. Egypt and SyriaC. Egypt and PersiaD.Assyria and Persia★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(4) Which of the following statements is true? (4分)(答题时限:00:00:30)A.Egypt turned out much more wheat every year than its people could eat.B.The famine in the Mediterranean countries brought about damaging results to Egyptian farming.C.Egypt had developed an entirely different culture from itsneighbors.D.Egypt ruled over Assyria and Persia before 633 B. C.★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:2. How men first learned to invent words is unknown. In other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agree upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words. The power of words, then lies in their associations—the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the morethe number of words that mean something to us increase. (16分)(答题时限:00:01:00)(1) How language began is (). (4分)A.a question difficult to answerB.a legend handed down from the pastC. a matter that is hidden and secretD.a problem not yet solved★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(2) The meaning of words comes from their (). (4分)A.associationsB. soundsC.lettersD.differences★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(3) By “association”, the author means (). (4分)A.a joining of ideas in the mindsB. a special qualityC. a strange featureD.an appearance which is puzzling★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:(4) Which of the following statements is true? (4分)(答题时限:00:00:30)A.The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.B.The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.C.The more we read and learn, the more sensitive we become.D.The more we read and learn, the more confused we will be. ★标准答案:A☆考生答案:★考生得分:0 分评语:。

大学英语三级(B级)模拟试卷321(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.听力原文:Mr. Wang is a very good person.1.A.Yes, I think so.B.Yes, he works so hard.C.No, he is a teacher.D.No, he is a doctor.正确答案:A解析:本题目句意为王先生是位好人,提供的四个选项中A“是的,我认为是。
Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.听力原文:M: It’s just ten o’clock. Can’t you stay a little longer?W: I’m afraid I must go now. I have an appointment with Mr. Hopkins at ten thirty.Q: When will the woman meet Mr. Hopkins?2.A.At 10:13.B.At 10:30.C.At 10:00.D.At 12:30.正确答案:B解析:本题考查的是时间表达。

大学英语三级(A级)模拟试卷Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.1.A.$8.B.$7.C.$4.D.$3.5.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.2.A.It's worth visiting.B.She knows a lot about it.C.She's been there many times.D.It's not far from the citycentre.3.A.He is interested in hiswork.B.He is proud of his work.C.He is tired of his work.D.He is keen on his work.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase.4. Which number is considered an unlucky number in the West?5. When was Margaret Thatcher born?6. When did Margaret Thatcher give birth to twins?7. What is special about the year of 1986?The year of 1986 marked the ______ of Margaret Thatcher's marriage to her husband.8. What happened on the anniversary?A.couldn't makeB.wouldn't makeC.will not havemadeD.wouldn't havemade10. The most important question about the computer is ______ it has done and will do to man.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.when11. She had three sons, ______ were doctors.A.whomB.whoC.whichD.that12. ______ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.A.ThatB.ItC.AsD.What13. It was a fine day, ______ we decided to stay at home.A.soB.butC.thereforeD.consequently14. ______ breaks the law will be punished sooner or later.A.WhoB.WhoeverC.AnyoneD.Someone15. They have all got up early to catch the bus, and ______.A.Jack has soB.so has JackC.Jack haseitherD.also hadJack16. Last year, she earned ______ hell husband, who has a better position.A.three times asmuch asB.three times morethanC.three times asmany asD.three times asmore as17. The Human Resources Department, as well as the other departments, will have its budget______to $ 2 million this year.A.increasedB.being increasedC.to increaseD.to have beeninreased18. Don't risk any of your money in the business______you are not afraid of losing it.A.afterB.beforeC.unlessD.when20. The company chiefs have protested (angry) ______ that the21. ( Not received)______ any formal education in medicine, he22. By the end of last week, he______ (finish) his composition.25. Most students (take) ______ sixty credits by the time they26. It is (reason) ______ for parents to pay for their children's27. Once the payment has been made, the goods should (deliver)28. The local government has decided to spend more money on thebook) is a digital version(版本) of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer.Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an ebook, there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook.29. From this passage, we learn that an ebook______.A.can be found in any libraryB.can be read directly from the InternetC.can be read by any one who has a computerD.can be read when special software isinstalled30. The Ebook Reader is used for______.A.reading an ebook you've downloadedB.turning a print book into a digitalversionC.downloading an ebook from the InternetD.copying an ebook onto a portablecomputer31. From this passage, we can learn that______.A.you can read an ebook on a laptop when youtravelB.you can order an ebook using the Ebook ReaderC.the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to youD.it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook32. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.An ebook is ordered in the same way as a print bookis.B.The size of the words in an ebook cannot bechanged.C.The downloading time is decided by the ebook'ssize.D.There is less fun reading an ebook than a printbook.33. The passage is mainly about______.A.a better way to download anEbookB.a new kind of book—theEbooksC.the new version of EbooksD.the fun of reading Ebookshas grown as society has become more industrialized and, therefore, more commercialized. No modem industry or company can survive without advertising; it is the vital link between the producer and the customer. If advertising were abolished(废止), as many people have suggested it should be, the public and the companies that advertise would suffer a considerable loss.Most people think of television as an inexpensive source of entertainment. Television's primary purpose, however; is not to provide an entertainment service except in the case of governmentowned networks. It exists in order to promote products for companies. If the television industry did not receive income from advertising, watching television would be at least as expensive as going to the movies.Like television, many magazines and newspapers exist primarily to sell products. In some cases, the stories, pictures, and editorials(社论) simply attract people to buy a particular product. Once a person begins to read, there is no escaping the advertising. Advertising not only pays for, or helps pay for, much of the mass media; it also provides the consumer with news from industry. This news functions first to influence the buyer to choose one product over another. It also informs people of new products that are important in their lives, for example, the development of salt-free butter for heart patients, or the development of tires(轮胎) that prevent skidding (打滑) on wet pavement (路而;人行道).Advertising does not usually increase the total number of products sold; however, it does help determine which company sells more of which products. Its main function is to relay(转播) news from the manufacturer to the consumer. Since this is a necessary service, advertising will remain a part of everyday fife and a part of every company's budget.34. According to the first paragraph, what attitude do people take towards advertising?A.People think highly of advertising.B.People criticize advertising.C.Some people welcome advertising while othersdon't.D.There are more criticisms of advertising thanpraises.35. Modem industry or companies cannot survive ______.A.if advertising continues to existB.if the link between the customers and manufacturers remains goodC.if "the criticized child" dies outD.if society has become more industrialized36. The main function of advertising is ______.A.to promote products forcompaniesB.to inform the public of newproductsC.to influence buyersD.All of the above.37. Which of the following is NOT true about advertising?A.Advertising does not always increase sales.B.Advertising serves to relay information from buyers to producers.C.Advertising is and will continue to be a necessary part of everyday life.D.It is suggested that advertising should be abolished.38. What is the author's attitude towards advertising?A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Neutral.D.Critical.antipyretic (退热的) substances. Its components are carefully balanced to give rapid relief of pain (e. g. headache, toothache, etc. ) which lasts for several hours.Single dose: adults: 1—2 tablets; children of school age: 1/2—1 tablets. Saridon should not be used by children under 12 unless advised by the doctor.The single dose may be repeated three times in 24 hours.The tablets may be taken whole and washed down with large volumes of water or other suitable liquid. Analgesics (止痛剂) should not be taken for prolonged (持续的) periods of time or in high doses without consulting a doctor.Saridon is usually well tolerated. In some cases occasional sensitive skin reactions have been observed.With Saridon, as with other analgesics, patients should avoid taking alcohol while under treatment, since the individual response cannot be foreseen.The medicine should not be used after the expiry date (EXP) (有效期) shown on the pack.Saridon seems to give (46) which lasts for several hours.(47) are not allowed to use Saridon unless advised by a doctor. The patients should take the medicine three times a (48) . Patients should not drink alcohol (49) with Saridon.basisC—free guided tour D—tourist information E—tourism service F—tourism attraction G—tourist spot H—tourism visaI—tourism safety J—tourism complaint K—tourism warning L—tourism self-protection M tourist camp N—honeymoon resort O—birds preserve P—tourism management51. ( )旅游信息 ( )旅游投诉52. ( )旅游安全 ( )蜜月胜地53. ( )免费导游参观 ( )鸟类保护区54. ( )旅游服务 ( )旅游管理( )旅游须知We are a mid-sized accounting firm. Our staff members are not happy with our current insurance plan, so we are looking into otheralternatives. The insurance company we use now has recently raised its rates, while at the same time the quality of service has gotten worse. Naturally, we are not happy about paying more money for poorer service. Therefore, we are interested in learning more about your Health Care system.Could you please mail a packet of information to me? Also, I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions:First, our employees want to choose their own doctors. Does your program allow this? Second, do your doctors have weekend and evening hours? Our employees have busy work schedules, and it is not always convenient for them to go to appointments during regular business hours.Thank you for your help.Sincerely, Susan Smith Human Resources Manager49. How do the staff members feel about the company's current50. What do the staff members complain about the current insurance51. What information does the writer want to get from Mr. Black?52. What is the first question the writer asks about the new53. Why do the staff members hope that doctors will have weekend and evening hours? Because it is not always convenient for them tosubscribe to the Red Cross.A.几天前,总统极力劝说我们通过广播给红十字会作宣传。

大学英语三级(A级)模拟试卷500(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation-English into Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.There are 5 recorded dialogues in it.After each dialogue.there is a recorded question.Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a questi听力原文:M: I need a ticket for Flight 220 on December 22.W: OK, sir.It takes off at 7:00 am.Q: When does Flight 220 take off?1.A.6:30 am.B.7:00 am.C.7:30 am.D.8:00 pm.正确答案:B解析:男士说他需要一张12月22日航班220的机票,女士说好的,并告诉男士飞机早上7点起飞。
听力原文:W: How about going shopping on Saturday? M: I’d like to.I need a new shirt.But I have to finish my work report on Saturday.Q: What will the man probably do on Saturday?2.A.Write his work report.B.Go shopping with the woman.C.Shop alone for a shirt.D.Do something to relax.正确答案:A解析:女士问周六一起去逛街怎么样,男士说他倒是想去,但是他不得不在周六完成工作报告。
大学英语 3 模拟试卷 4 参考答案

大学英语3模拟试卷4参考答案第一部分:交际用语(满分20分)1-5: ADCDB6-10: BAABC第二部分:词汇和结构(满分20分)11-15:DCADB16-20:CDAAB第三部分:阅读理解(满分20分)21-25:CBBDA26-30:ABDAB第四部分:完型填空 (满分10分)31-35:CBABC36-40:DABCD第五部分:英汉互译 (满分20分)41. 每当不幸降临时,我可以甘当受害者,也可以把它当作一种学习。
43. The likely consequences of the incident need to be reflected on/upon.44.Currently, they are conducting a full investigation to work (find) out what caused the accident. (Or: At present, they are conducting a full investigation into the cause of the accident.)第六部分:写作(满分10分)“High Country Fashions” will offer high-quality fashions for plus size women. It will be established in a major retail center and will be a sole proprietorship. Annual gross sales of $200,000 are projected in the business plan. Total investment capital required is estimated to be $65,000, of which $60,000 is to be borrowed from a financial institution.。

大学英语三级考试模拟试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)Section A1. What is the man going to do this weekend?A) Go to a party.B) Visit his parents.C) Work on a project.2. Why does the woman suggest going to the library?A) To find a quiet place to study.B) To return some books.C) To borrow some new books.(Answers: 1. B, 2. A)Section BListen to the conversation and answer the following question:3. What is the main topic of the conversation?A) Travel plans.B) Job interviews.C) A new course.4. What does the man think about the woman's idea?A) He agrees with it.B) He is unsure.C) He disagrees.(Answers: 3. C, 4. A)二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of online learning has surged. Many students find the flexibility of online courses appealing, as they can study at their own pace and on their own schedule.Questions:5. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The drawbacks of online learning.B) The benefits of online learning.C) The history of online learning.6. Why do students prefer online learning?A) It is more structured.B) It offers more flexibility.C) It is less expensive.(Answers: 5. B, 6. B)Passage 2The environmental impact of single-use plastics has become amajor concern worldwide. Many countries have started to implement policies to reduce plastic waste, such as banning plastic bags and encouraging the use of reusable alternatives.Questions:7. What is the focus of the passage?A) The benefits of single-use plastics.B) The environmental impact of single-use plastics.C) The economic impact of plastic bans.8. What action are countries taking to address the issue?A) Ignoring the problem.B) Encouraging the use of plastics.C) Implementing policies to reduce plastic waste.(Answers: 7. B, 8. C)三、词汇与语法(共20分)Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.9. The company has been ________ a new product line for the past six months.A) developingB) discoveringC) manufacturing10. Despite the heavy rain, they ________ the concert.A) attendedB) missedC) postponed(Answers: 9. A, 10. A)四、完形填空(共15分)[A passage with 10 blanks to be filled with the appropriate word from the options provided.]Example:... He was always the first one to arrive at work and the last one to leave. His dedication was ________.A) remarkableB) ordinaryC) insufficient(Answer: A)五、翻译(共15分)Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.11. The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live and work.12. It is important to maintain a balance between work and leisure.(Answers:11. 技术的快速发展改变了我们生活和工作的方式。
大学英语模拟真题 (3)

大学英语模拟真题Test 4第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?—_________ I’m not using it right now.A. Sure, go ahead.B. I don’t know.C. It does n’t matter.D. Who cares?2. —Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?—_________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.A. I beg your pardon?B. What do you mean?C. You’re welcome.D. Mm, let me think.3. —Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.—_________A. Great, I am very art-conscious.B. Don’t mention it.C. Thanks for your compliments.D. It’s fine.4. —Happy Teacher’s Day to you, Mr. Wang!—_________A. Thank you.B. All the same.C. Me, too.D. The same to you.5. —Hello, may I speak to Mike?—_________A. Who are you?B. Sorry, he isn’t in.C. Thank you very much.D. Yes, here you are.第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。

大学英语三级(B级)模拟试卷136(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.听力原文:How do you like the play?1.A.Better than I expected.B.We went to the cinema last night.C.Sorry, I don’t think so.D.Have you seen it before.’?正确答案:A解析:本题测试考生当别人征询对事物的看法时的恰当回答。

大学英语三级(B级)模拟试卷302(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to ChinesePart II V ocabulary and Structure (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.1.The play was wonderful and I wish I ______ to it with you.A.had goneB.would goC.wentD.have gone正确答案:A解析:本题考查的是动词wish的用法。
如用“would (could,might)+动词原形”,则表示有可能实现的愿望。
又如:(1)—She is a brave woman. —Yes, I wish I had her courage. (2)I wish I had known the answer yesterday.2.Professor White had us ______ compositions every Friday.A.writingB.writeC.writtenD.to write正确答案:B解析:本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。
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Network Education College, BLCU《大学英语(三)》模拟试卷一注意:1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。
I.Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points)Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. There is no_______in insisting on his agreement.[A] meaning[B] sense[C] mine[D] benefit2. We_______to get what we want, anyway.[A] managed[B] believed[C] handled[D] operated3. It is beautiful when many birds_______the island during the autumn months.[A] fly[B] come[C] settle[D] visit4. His mother was laid off last month. As a result, the income of the family was_______more than one-third.[A] increased[B] dropped off[C] cut down[D] come to5. How far was he_______for what had happened?[A] respective[B] respectful[C] reliable[D] responsible6. My father often takes_______of the fine weather to do some gardening.[A] advantage[B] interest[C] charge[D] use7. Don’t_______too much from him.[A] expose[B] expect[C] express[D] experience8. To our great surprise,the building_______mostly undamaged after the terrible earthquake.[A] survived[B] remained[C] lasted[D] recovered9. Honesty is the most important_______a man should have.[A] hobby[B] habit[C] property[D] quality10. Shall we leave him a note_______he’ll know where we are?[A] in case[B] unless[C] now that[D] so that11. The clock_______and we realized that it was already midnight.[A] rang[B] hit[C] beat[D] struck12. Much to our relief, the demonstration_______to be quite peaceful.[A] turned in[B] turned out[C] showed[D] showed off13.Don’t_______that you can succeed without any hard work.[A] dreamed of[B] suppose[C] intend[D] try14. No scientist has yet succeeded in explaining the_______of how life began.[A] reason[B] puzzle[C] cause[D] source15. Hardly_______at the bus stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.[A] did we arrive[B] had we arrived[C] we arrived[D] they had arrived16. I am really surprised at his thinking Beijing a dull place_______.[A] to live[B] to live in there[C] to live in[D] to live it17.I don’t believe you_______you say.[A] no matter whatever[B] whatever[C] whenever[D] what18. That building is said_______in the earthquake in 1976.[A] be destroyed[B] to be destroyed[C] to have been destroyed[D] to have destroyed19. He used to travel a lot in his work, _______?[A] use he[B] used he[C] did he[D] didn’t he20. If I had graduated a month earlier, I_______at a bank now.[A] had working[B] would be working[C] would have been worked[D] had been working21. The Smiths are_______people in the neighborhood.[A]the much richest[B]the by far richest[C]by far the richest[D]by far the rich22. Neither Mary nor her brothers_______to the party.[A] go[B] are going[C] have gone[D] is going23._______is not known what they discussed at the meeting.[A] That[B] It[C] There[D] Such24. The old couple said they_______in this city for over 50 years.[A] have lived[B] have been living[C] had been living[D] lived25. I remember_______to Shanghai when I was about 6.[A] to take[B] to be taken[C] being taken[D] taking26. You look so pale. You_______ill.[A] must be[B] should be[C] ought to be[D] can be27. The sentence is_______complicated that it can not be done without a dictionary.[A]such[B]too[C]very[D]so28. It was only last month_______I met him in Beijing.[A] when[B] where[C] that[D] there29. The man_______was robbed called the police.[A] his room[B] the room of him[C] whose room[D] the room of whom30. I’ll let you know as soon as he_______.[A] comes back[B] will come back[C] is to come back[D] came backII. Cloze (1 point for each, altogether 10 points)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Families have always been changing. For example, once the family was the world. In 31 words,at one time everything a person did took place within the family.The family was the child's only school. The family was the only means to settle a dispute. Nowadays,the family is still the "world" in some cultures. But in many cultures,these 32 functions of the family have largely been 33 by other institutions,such as schools,churches,and governments.In the 34 ,families changed in other ways,some scientists believe that when people obtained food by hunting animals and gathering roots and plants,the family had to be small 35 move around, and when they settled down to 36 to obtain food,they found that they needed more 37 to do the work. Then the new family developed in some cultures. Now 38 to their children,people lived together with their parents and even grandparents.How are families changing today? The number of nuclear families(核心家庭)seems to be increasing everywhere in the world,while that of extended families is 39 . One reason for this seems to be that in many cultures today people are leaving farms and villages to find jobs in the city. Extended families are hard to maintain when people have to be free to move in order to find 40 .31. [A] another[B] the other[C] other[D] others32. [A] former [B] front[C] latter [D] back33. [A] taken in[B] taken off[C] taken over[D] taken down34. [A] present[B] past[C] nowadays [D] recent35. [A] in order to[B] in order that[C] in case[D] provided36. [A] farming [B] do farm[C] farm[D] make farm37. [A] hands [B] feet[C] mouths [D] legs38. [A] in addition[B] in additional[C] in addition to[D] in additional to39. [A] increasing[B] growing[C] declining [D] changing40. [A] farms[B] food[C] work[D] housesIII. Reading Comprehension. (2 points for each, altogether 30 points) Directions: There are three passages followed by questions. Beneath each question there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D.Choose the right answer for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Passage 1Intelligent young people want to go to university, and it is logical for a country to provide university places for them to ensure that there will be good-trained men and women to run the government and industry in the future. So in the 1960s the government set up a number of new universities in Britain to provide everyone with sufficient opportunity to study. But now something has gone wrong. There is still fierce competition to go to university to study arts and other subjects, but many places for scientists are not taken up.The new universities concentrated on science because it seemed practical. They developed new courses so as not to imitate traditional university education. Why have their calculations proved wrong? One reason is that a lot of young people can get enough qualifications to work in industry by going to technical school. They think university courses are too long and too theoretical. But this does not explain why the majority of students still prefer arts subjects to science subjects.41.What is "logical" according to the first paragraph?_______.[A] Intelligent young people want to go to university.[B] The government should set up universities to train young people for the country.[C] People who run the country should be well-trained.[D] University is the place to train young men and women.42.What makes the new universities different from the traditional ones?_______.[A] There are more science subjects in them.[B] There are more arts students in them.[C] Their curriculum is more scientifically planned.[D] They are equipped with more modern facilities.43.What does "their calculations"(par.2)refer to ?_______.[A] Their plan to defeat the traditional university education.[B] Their calculations of how many students study science and how many students study arts.[C] Their thought that science is practical.[D] Their assumption that people are willing to study the practical science subjects in the university.44.Which of the following shows the advantage of technical schools over universities correctly?_______.[A] They have more qualified teachers.[B] They have more qualified courses.[C] The students can be qualified to work within a short time.[D] If the students get qualification in technical schools, they are more well-received by industry.45.Why does the majority of the students prefer to study arts in university?_______.[A] The reason is not clear.[B] The science courses in university are too theoretical.[C] Arts sound nobler than science.[D] The curriculum of science course is not well-arranged.Passage 2Most Europeans want small cars. Many Americans prefer large cars. As a result, European auto-makers produce a wide variety of economical, lightweight cars while American auto-makers tend to build bigger, heavier cars.The price of gasoline has much to do with this. Gasoline is expensive in Europe, so Europeans naturally prefer cars that will go a long way on a small amount of fuel.Other reasons also enter into the big or little car decision. Many Old World cities have very narrow, winding streets. In these cities a small car is more practical and easier to handle than a large one.Some Americans like powerful engines in their cars. They enjoy having roomy cars that are comfortable for large families and long trips. They are prepared to pay higher operating costs to get these advantages.Other Americans, however, have learned to like small, nimble cars. Many visitors to Europe during and after WWⅡ discovered that small cars were fun to drive and easy to park in small spaces. They were delighted to learn how far small cars could go on a few gallons of gasoline.In the 1950s,many Americans began buying European cars. In 1953, for the first time, the United States imported more cars than it exported. The best seller among these imported cars was an odd-looking but dependable small car from Germany. Americans promptly nicknamed it "the bug".Today, American car buyers have a wide choice. There are big cars for people who want elbow room, comfort and power. And there are small cars, mostly imported but some American-made, for people who want easy parking and economical operation.46.Implied but not stated:_______.[A] All Americans buy European cars.[B] No one wants to drive a powerful car.[C] Small cars are not expensive to run.[D] Americans don't like roomy cars.47.What does the word "nimble" mean?_______.[A] cheap[B] beautiful[C] swift[D] foreign48.On the whole, the article tells about_______.[A] parking cars in America[B] the price of gasoline[C] the price of roomy cars[D] big cars and small cars49.Why do some people want to purchase big cars? _______.[A] They want to have elbow room, comfort and power.[B] It is easier to park big cars.[C] They need to make long-distance journey.[D] Big cars cost less than small cars.50.Which statement seems true according to the article?_______.[A] Americans are not accustomed to traveling in Europe.[B] People like to choose cars from many choices.[C] People like to buy European cars without any specific reason.[D] No one drives big cars in Old World cities.Passage 3The bath was invented before the bath plug. The bath plug could not have been invented before the bath, except as a small object with which to play ice hockey. The order in which inventions are made is very important, much more important than has ever been realized, because we tend automatically to think that later inventions are better than earlier ones. A moment's thought will show this is not so. If, for example, a solution to today's urban traffic problems was proposed in the shape of a small man-powered two-wheeled vehicle which would make the motor car look like a cumbersome (笨重的)over-powered device, a space rocket trying to tackle suburban problems, we would greet it as a great technological breakthrough. “Bicycle makes car obsolete!”We would cry. Unfortunately, the bike came first, so we shall always unconsciously see it as a cruder version of the car. Other things which may have been invented too early are the airship, the radio, the railway train, the cuff-link.Consider also the zipper. Zippers represent a technological advance on buttons, being faster and more complete. They are also more liable to come adrift, break, jam, stick and catch. Buttons can only go wrong if the thread is faulty. Even then, buttons can be mended by the user, Zips rarely can.51.If the bicycle were to be invented now, the car would appear_______.[A] unsuitable for its purpose[B] in advance of its time[C] unnecessarily expensive[D] too far for safety52.The railway train and the radio are examples of things which_______.[A] were not fully appreciated at the time of their invention[B] are more suitable for use now than when they were invented[C] are neglected in favor of more recent invention[D] are less suited to their purpose than earlier invention53.According to the author, buttons are preferable to zippers because they_______.[A] are more convenient[B] are more reliable[C] cost less to replace[D] are more complete54.What conclusion can be drawn from the article? _______.[A] Modern technology can't solve our problems.[B] Everything has two aspects, advantages and disadvantages.[C] We should change our usual way of thinking about inventions.[D] Technological innovations do not always mean more benefits55.What does the word "obsolete" mean?_______.[A] outdated[B] slow in movement[C] ridiculous[D] awkwardIV. Blanking filling. (1 point for each, altogether 10 points)Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.56. free Tight clothes don’t allow enough_______of movement.She seem quite_______about the risks she was taking.57.concerned58. strength It is well known that sports will_______ the friendship betweennations.59. enjoy The book tells you how you can live simply and_______.60. night At_______you hear the clock strike twelve.61. perform The first American_______of this opera was in 1926.62. argue They were having an _______about whose turn it was to do thecooking.63. broad The very_______of the subject gives it an added interest.64. permit The students leave the classroom without_______.Many people call the age we live in the age of_______.65.technique56. ____________57. ____________58.____________59. ____________ 60. ____________61.____________62.____________ 63. ____________ 64. ____________65. ____________V. Translation. (2 points for each, altogether 10 points))Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet.66.就人口而论,大纽约城是美国最大的城市中心。