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一、篇章结构——Main idea of the text

1、You can take fish oil supplements.You can invest in a language class There are countless methods to improve your memory and cognitive functioning 36. It’s called reading. It is amazing how such an ordinary activity can improve your brain in so many ways.

The most the basic impact occurs in the brain area associated with language and reception. Compared with processing spoken language, reading encourages the brain to work harder and better. 37 A study also found that some of these benefits lasted for five days.

Reading also energizes the region responsible for Motor activity. That’s because the brain is a very lively play actor. When it is reading about a physical activity, the neurons that control that activity get busy as well. You may not actually be riding a horse when you are reading Sea biscuit, but your brain acts as if it is.38, the better it is for your overall cognitive performance.

What if you are a poor reader who feels as if you’ll never be able to read enough to harvest these benefits?39 Scientist studied the children aged the 8 to 10 who were below-average readers. 100 hours of reading classes significantly improved the quality of their brains’ white matter—— the tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter,where information is processed.

40 Results from the study indicate that close literary reading gives your brain a better workout than leisurely reading. The ability to read it closely needs to be developed. So turn off your phone and your computer set aside a good hour or two and just read.

A Reading is good for your health.

B A book can fix that problem too.

C If you read books on the regular basis

D Not all reading is actually created equal

E And the benefits continue long after reading

F The more parts of your brain that gets a workout

G But the most effective way to sharpen your brain is right here


Main idea of the text:

2、Is Fresh Air Really Good for You?

We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” ____36____ According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES, if the air quality in your camping area is good.

___37___ If the air you’re breathing is clean—which it would be if you’re away from the smog of cities—then the air is filled with life-giving, energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors, your
