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1. 当你想告诉别人Mike 有大眼睛、小嘴巴时:( )

A. Mike is big eyes and a small mouth.

B. Mike has big eyes and a small mouth.

C. Mike is big eyes and a small mouths.

2. 当你想告诉大家你们的新老师又高又瘦时:( )

A. Our new teacher is tall and thin.

B. Our new teacher is short and thin.

C. Our new teacher is tall and strong.

3. 当你向别人表示感谢时:( )

A. Right.

B. Thank you.

C. Sure.

4. 当你想告诉你妈妈你有一个新朋友时:( )

A. Mom, I have a new friend.

B Mom, I have a friend.

C. Mom, I has a new friend.

二、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词) ( ) 1. A. study B. kitchen C. sofa

( ) 2. A. sister B. brother C. fish

( ) 3. A. vegetable B. noodles C. shelf

( ) 4. A. strong B. sports C. quiet

( ) 5. A. window B. wall C. water


()1.A. long B. short C. shirt

()2.A. black B. teacher C. student

()3.A.friends B.strong C. thin

()4.A.she B. he C.its

()5.A.long hair B. quiet C. short hair


()1.A. phone B. desk C. chair D.bed

()2.A. room B. kitchen C. bedroom D.bathroom ()3.A. key B. he C. she D.they

()4.A. in B. on C.under

()5.A. fridge B. table C. sofa D.shelf


()1.A. uncle B.aunt C. grandma D. man ()2.A. near B.under C. for D. on

()3.A. chicken B.desk C. chair D. door ()4.A. spoon B. chopsticks C. classroom D. fork ()5.A. door B. board C. desk D.chair

()6.A. TV B. fan C. canteen. D. computer 六、找出下列单词中不属于同一类的词。

()1. A. fridge B. knife C. home D. table

()2. A. thin B. strong C. phone D. tall

()3. A. me B. we C. they D. I

()4. A. cut B. pass C. fork D. wash

七、Read and choose.(读问句选答句,把序号填在横线上)

()1.Is she in the bedroom?

A No, they aren’t.

B Yes, she is.

s job?

()2.What’s your father’

A He’s a doctor..

B Yes, he is.

()3. How many people are there in your family?

A. Three B They’re my parents and me.

()4.What’s his name?

A .His name is Zhang Peng. B. He is tall and strong.

()5. What colour is it?

A .It’s an orange. B. It’s orange.


( ) 1. --Is this _________ classroom? --Yes, it is.

A. your

B. you

C. you's

( ) 2. She ____ my friend. She _____ long hair.

A, is; have B, is; has C, are; has

( ) 3. What ______ is it?

A,many B, are C,colour

( ) 4. Let ________ clean the classroom.

A. I B, me C, we

( ) 5. How _______ books do you ______ ?

A. many; has

B. many; have

C. much; have

( ) 6. The ball is ___________.
