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trachea. 6. palpate for tenderness.
7.Breasts. 8.Evaluate posterior chest excursion. 9.EvaIuate Anterior Chest excursion. 10.Palpate for pleural friction rubs. 11.Check for tactile fremitus. 12.Percuss supraclavicutar fosiae. 13.Percuss the posterior chest. 14.Percuss the lower margin of the lungs. 15.Percuss to detect diaPhragmatic movement at
Vertical lines
Anterior middle line(前正中线) Mid-clavicular lines(锁骨中线) Spinal line(后正中线) axillary lines (anterior,middle, posterior)
(腋前、中、后线) Scapular lines(肩胛线)
The boundary of lung & pleura
Lung apex Upper boundary of the lung Outer boundary Inner boundary Lower boundary:
Midclavicular line Midaxillary line Inferior line
Bone landmark
suprasternal notch(胸骨上切迹) clavicle(锁骨) Manubrium sterni(胸骨柄) Sternal angle(胸骨角) Louis angle suprabdominal angle(腹上角) xiphoid process(剑突) Ribs & interspaces scapula(肩胛骨) spinous process(棘突) costolspinal angle(肋脊角)
(3)叩诊:了解直接和间接叩诊法的检查方 法与应用、影响叩诊音的因素。熟悉胸部叩 诊音的分类,肺下界移动度的叩诊方法。掌 握肺部叩诊音和肺下界移动度改变的临床意 义。
(4)听诊:了解胸膜摩擦音的听诊特点和临 床意义。熟悉正常呼吸音的种类、特点及分 布。啰音的发生机制、分类和听诊特点,语 音共振的检查法及临床意义。掌握病理性呼 吸音听诊的特点和临床意义。干、湿啰音产 生的临床意义。
1.胸部的体表标志 熟悉胸部常用体表标志, 包括骨骼标志、自然陷窝、人工划线和分区。
胸壁、胸廓和乳房 了解异常胸壁、胸廓的临 床特征,熟悉其发生原因。
(1)视诊:要求了解呼吸运动的类型、各类 呼吸困难的特征、呼吸频率和深度改变及意义。
(2)触诊:熟悉肺部触诊内容。掌握肺部触 诊的检查方法,胸廓扩张度改变和触觉语颤异 常的临床意义。
6th interspace 8th interspace 10th interspace
Chest wall
Vein : Blood flow direction Subcutaneius emphysema(皮下气肿) Tenderness Interspace
scapular lines. 16.Percuss the anterior and lateral chest.
Mention of Conduction
Exposure/warmth/lighting /easy air Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation Anterior-lateral-posterior Top- base Comparison: top to base/ left to right
C.叩诊 10.叩诊锁骨上窝, 11.叩诊后胸部; 12.叩诊肺下界(肩胛下线); 13. 肩胛下线叩诊肺下界移动度: 14.叩诊前、侧胸部; D.听诊 15.听诊锁骨上窝; 16.听诊前、侧胸部; 17.听诊后胸部; 18.检查有无胸膜摩擦音; 19.检查听觉语音。
1.Review skeleta1 1andmarks. 2.topographic description of location for any
positive physical findings:normal or abnormal.
3. Examiner should stand facing the patient and observe the shape and symmetry of the chest.
4. Measure respiratory rate. 5. palpate trachea and ev1uate position of the
骨性标志包括:胸骨角、腹上角、胸 骨剑突、肋骨、肋间隙、肩胛骨、肋脊 角。
自然陷窝 :锁骨上窝、锁骨下窝、
人工划线包括;前正中线、左、右锁 骨中线、腋前线、腋中线、腋后线、后 正中线、肩胛线。
A.视诊 1.检查者应面对病人站立,观察胸廓外形和对称性; Biblioteka Baidu.观察呼吸形态; B.触诊 3.触诊腋下淋巴结; 4.触诊胸壁有无压痛; 5.触诊乳房; 6.在前胸检查呼吸动度: 7.在后胸检查呼吸动度; 8.触诊胸膜摩擦感; 9.检查触觉语颤;
Natural fossa & anatomic region
Axillary fossa Supraclavicular fossa Suprasternal fossa Infraclavicular fossa Suprascapular region Infrascapular region Interscapular region
7.Breasts. 8.Evaluate posterior chest excursion. 9.EvaIuate Anterior Chest excursion. 10.Palpate for pleural friction rubs. 11.Check for tactile fremitus. 12.Percuss supraclavicutar fosiae. 13.Percuss the posterior chest. 14.Percuss the lower margin of the lungs. 15.Percuss to detect diaPhragmatic movement at
Vertical lines
Anterior middle line(前正中线) Mid-clavicular lines(锁骨中线) Spinal line(后正中线) axillary lines (anterior,middle, posterior)
(腋前、中、后线) Scapular lines(肩胛线)
The boundary of lung & pleura
Lung apex Upper boundary of the lung Outer boundary Inner boundary Lower boundary:
Midclavicular line Midaxillary line Inferior line
Bone landmark
suprasternal notch(胸骨上切迹) clavicle(锁骨) Manubrium sterni(胸骨柄) Sternal angle(胸骨角) Louis angle suprabdominal angle(腹上角) xiphoid process(剑突) Ribs & interspaces scapula(肩胛骨) spinous process(棘突) costolspinal angle(肋脊角)
(3)叩诊:了解直接和间接叩诊法的检查方 法与应用、影响叩诊音的因素。熟悉胸部叩 诊音的分类,肺下界移动度的叩诊方法。掌 握肺部叩诊音和肺下界移动度改变的临床意 义。
(4)听诊:了解胸膜摩擦音的听诊特点和临 床意义。熟悉正常呼吸音的种类、特点及分 布。啰音的发生机制、分类和听诊特点,语 音共振的检查法及临床意义。掌握病理性呼 吸音听诊的特点和临床意义。干、湿啰音产 生的临床意义。
1.胸部的体表标志 熟悉胸部常用体表标志, 包括骨骼标志、自然陷窝、人工划线和分区。
胸壁、胸廓和乳房 了解异常胸壁、胸廓的临 床特征,熟悉其发生原因。
(1)视诊:要求了解呼吸运动的类型、各类 呼吸困难的特征、呼吸频率和深度改变及意义。
(2)触诊:熟悉肺部触诊内容。掌握肺部触 诊的检查方法,胸廓扩张度改变和触觉语颤异 常的临床意义。
6th interspace 8th interspace 10th interspace
Chest wall
Vein : Blood flow direction Subcutaneius emphysema(皮下气肿) Tenderness Interspace
scapular lines. 16.Percuss the anterior and lateral chest.
Mention of Conduction
Exposure/warmth/lighting /easy air Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation Anterior-lateral-posterior Top- base Comparison: top to base/ left to right
C.叩诊 10.叩诊锁骨上窝, 11.叩诊后胸部; 12.叩诊肺下界(肩胛下线); 13. 肩胛下线叩诊肺下界移动度: 14.叩诊前、侧胸部; D.听诊 15.听诊锁骨上窝; 16.听诊前、侧胸部; 17.听诊后胸部; 18.检查有无胸膜摩擦音; 19.检查听觉语音。
1.Review skeleta1 1andmarks. 2.topographic description of location for any
positive physical findings:normal or abnormal.
3. Examiner should stand facing the patient and observe the shape and symmetry of the chest.
4. Measure respiratory rate. 5. palpate trachea and ev1uate position of the
骨性标志包括:胸骨角、腹上角、胸 骨剑突、肋骨、肋间隙、肩胛骨、肋脊 角。
自然陷窝 :锁骨上窝、锁骨下窝、
人工划线包括;前正中线、左、右锁 骨中线、腋前线、腋中线、腋后线、后 正中线、肩胛线。
A.视诊 1.检查者应面对病人站立,观察胸廓外形和对称性; Biblioteka Baidu.观察呼吸形态; B.触诊 3.触诊腋下淋巴结; 4.触诊胸壁有无压痛; 5.触诊乳房; 6.在前胸检查呼吸动度: 7.在后胸检查呼吸动度; 8.触诊胸膜摩擦感; 9.检查触觉语颤;
Natural fossa & anatomic region
Axillary fossa Supraclavicular fossa Suprasternal fossa Infraclavicular fossa Suprascapular region Infrascapular region Interscapular region