
读后续写好词、好句、好篇01表人物喜乐难以形容地开心:indescribably wild joy极为感动:be overwhelmingly moved几乎无法掩饰他的兴奋的心情:can hardly conceal既兴奋又开心:a mixture of excitement and joy激发某人的激情:kindle sb. with passion显示出极大的意愿:show a greater readiness 被强烈地吸引:be powerfully attracted to... 心情愉快:in cheerful spirits振作精神:keep up one’s spirits满意的表情:a satisfied look对...感到满意:be content with...对...很高兴:be delighted at...为成功而欣喜:be excited with joy at the success被...场面所吸引:be fascinated by the spectacle of...被她的美貌所吸引:be fascinated with her beauty因...而高兴:be joyful over/about...喜爱,对...着迷: be keen on...快乐至极:be overwhelmed with高兴地跳起来:dance/jump for joy欣喜若狂:be wild with delight/joy—个令人鼓舞的表情:an encouraging expression过一个愉快的假日:have a pleasant holiday 心满意足,非常幸福:on the top of the world 对...感到非常高兴:overjoyed at/to do流下幸福的泪水:tears of happiness flowing down乐得大叫:yell with delight使某人心情愉快:brighten one’s heart使某人安心:set one ‘s heart at rest感到鼓舞的:feel inspired/encouraged精神高涨:be in high spirits02表人物悲忧消沉强烈的失落感:a strong sense of loss陷入绝望:fall into despair让他很伤感:put him into a sentimental mood避免陷入消极的旋涡:avoid getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity哭泣释放苦闷情绪:crying gives some emotional release减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼:ease sb of his pain/trouble因某人的死亡而痛心:break one's heart over sb.’s death使某人悲痛:make one’s heart bleed伤心而死:die of a broken heart悲痛欲绝:cry one’s heart out 怀着沉重的心情:with a heavy heart沮丧的:with a sinking heart忧郁的:with sorrowful heart惊慌失措:be at a loss有点惊讶:come as something of a surprise 感到极度疲劳和难以招架:feel exhausted and overwhelmed很可能引发一阵挫败感:be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration感到一阵悲伤:a flash of grief came upon sb. 情绪低落:be down in spirits垂头丧气:lose one’s spirit心里悲伤:be sad at heart意志消沉:a broken spirit03表人物怨怒引起某人的不快:arouse one’s displeasure 对某人的行为感到不满:be displeased at one's conduct易为琐事而恼火:be easily annoyed at trifles 气得说不出话:be speechless with indignation不断地抱怨:complain constantly对某人大发脾气:rage at sb.怒火万丈:flame high气得满脸通红:flame with anger勃然大怒:fly into a rage对某人生气:get irritated at对某人勃然大怒:get mad/cross at sb.愁眉苦脸:have a worried look对抱怨不予理会:ignore/disregard a complaint 对...表示不满:express/voice a complaint about怒气冲冲地跑出房间:run out of the room in anger愤怒地跺脚:stamp one’s foot in anger 感到尴尬的:feel embarrassed感到困惑的:feel puzzled/confused感到沮丧:feel frustrated/depressed 感到恶心的:feel disgusted/sickened 感到恼怒的:feel annoyed感到愤怒的:feel irritated感到泄气的:feel discouraged充满怨恨的眼神:a resentful look04表人物其他情绪激发兴趣:find...highly stimulating宽容的精神:a forgiving spirit以和蔼可亲的态度:with a kindly and good-humored spirit他一点儿也不感兴趣:not in the least is he interested in...混合着焦虑与希望的情绪:mixed with the emotion of anxiety and hope引起强烈的情感:set off strong feelings in the hearts of...对……彻底上瘾:be hopelessly addicted to...在这些情绪的控制下:under the domination of these emotions05必备好词、好句动词伸懒腰;逗某人;快回来;急匆匆地走出去;穿过浅水河;Stretched one’s tired back; teased sb; hurry back; hurried outside; go /walk across the shallow river;走进去;艾伦冻僵了;一动不动地躺着;挤出来;停下来;出发去做某事;靠边停车;stepped inside; Alan froze; lay still; squeeze out; paused; set off to do sth; pulled over;抓住某物;跳下车;摇头;习惯了做;grabbed sth; hopped out of the car; shook one’s head; got accustomed to doing;用纸巾包起来;放在我的电脑旁边;把它扔到垃圾桶里;wrapped them in a tissue; placed them beside my computer; dropped it into the rubbish bin;大叫;翻白眼走开;大声笑出来;摆出灿烂的笑容;yelled; rolled one’s eyes and walked away; laughed out loud; put on a bright smile;艾伦的胃绷紧了;喃喃自语;说话;换班;皱眉头;Alan’s stomach tightened;Muttered sth; Spoke up; Take a shift; Frowned;发现沿河的动物足迹;低声说;Spot animal tracks along the river; Whispered;她伸手在口袋里掏出一个白色的小信封。

高中英语读后续写好词好句积累1. Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.露丝犹豫了,她不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。
(be uncertain of ...不确定;不知道;combine...and/with...把...与...结合起来; 既...又...; diplomacy外交手腕 dɪˈpləʊməsi)2. a dazzling array of flowers一大片绚丽多彩的鲜花(dazzling 光彩夺目的;灿烂的ˈdæzliŋHe gave Alberg a dazzling smile.他冲着阿尔伯格粲然一笑)3. There was a vast array of colours to choose from.有各种各样的颜色可供选择。
(a vast array of...大量的əˈreɪ)4. Susan flushed deeply and looked away.苏珊脸涨得通红,目光转向别处。
(sb flush deeply脸涨得通红fl ʌʃ; look away看别处)5. He flushed angrily.他气得满脸通红(flush angrily气得满脸通红)6. She felt a sudden flush of anger.她突然感到一阵愤怒。
(a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement相当于 a sudden feeling of ...一阵愤怒、尴尬、兴奋等)7. I was overcome by an urge to cry.我控制不住想大哭一场。
(if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 感情上使人感到不能自持,使不知所措)8. Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness.哈丽雅特心中充满思乡之情,不能自已。

读后续写小词好句积累素材(一)好句1 .Powerful shocks exploded up through the underground layers of dirt and rock. All across the city, streets ripped(撕裂)open. Buildings swayed. Walls crumbled(坍塌)and houses came crashing down. Broken glass, hunks of wood, and piles of bricks tumbledd到塌)into the streets.强烈的冲击通过地下的泥土和岩石层爆炸。
2.Blood dribbled(滴落)from Leo's mouth. His head throbbed(抽动).But the worst was the searing pain from somewhere deep inside, like something had been ripped out of him.血从Leo的嘴里滴落。
这两句话出自于I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906o第一句话是环境描写,生动形象地写出了地震发生时候,整个城市的场景,冲击波爆炸,建筑物摇晃,房屋墙壁坍塌,各种碎块木头等砸到街上。
小词Consume英[kon' sju: m]美[k^n, su: m] v.消耗;吞噬;充满(感情);吃喝;烧毁;变形过去分词:consumed过去式:consumed现在分词:consuming第三人称单数:consumesConsume这个单词我们一般都学了它消耗,吃等基本释义,但其实还有别的意思。

高考英语作文读后续写好词好句背诵资料3.悲伤:①Tears streamed down her face.她的脸上泪流满面。
②Her voice was choked with sobs.她的声音因哭泣而哽咽。
④She XXX grief.她被悲痛压倒。
⑤Her XXX crying.她因哭泣而眼睛红肿。
⑥A heavy XXX XXX沉重的悲伤压在她心头。
⑦She was mourning the loss of her loved one.她在悼念她所爱的人的离去。
⑧Her heart XXX.她的心因悲伤而破碎。
⑨The room was filled with a palpable sense of grief.房间里弥漫着一种明显的悲伤气氛。
⑩She couldn't hold back her XXX any XXX.她再也忍不住哭泣了。
⑪The weight of sadness was too much to bear.沉重的悲伤让人无法承受。
⑫She felt like her world had come crashing down.她感觉自己的世界已经崩塌了。
⑬A sense of loss consumed her.一种失落感笼罩着她。
⑭Her heart ached with sorrow.她的心因悲伤而疼痛。
⑮She was drowning in a sea of sadness.她淹没在悲伤的海洋中。
⑯The pain of loss was too much to bear.失去的痛苦让人难以承受。
⑰She felt like she would never be happy again.她感觉自己永远不会再快乐了。
⑱The XXX.眼泪止不住地流淌。

高三英语读后续写好句必背动作描写1. Mary felt her heart race玛丽感到她的心跳加速。
2. A great silence surrounded them.《歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera 》周围一片寂静。
3. He stormed out and slammed the door shut.他怒气冲冲地跑了出去,把门重重地关上4. I ran back home, smiling and skipping along .我蹦蹦跳跳地笑着跑回家心理描写1. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤2. He felt the warmth surging through his body.他感到身体里涌动着一股暖流。
3.The loneliness and grief comes in waves. 孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。
神态描写1. 关于“笑”的表达:--Alee became happy now and a gentle smile spread over her face. 整张脸洋溢着温和的微笑。
--His face split into a wide smile. 他的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容。
2. 有关“看”的表达:He gazed at the ...., unbelievable. 他难以置信地盯着..看。
He turned to her with a frightened air. 他害怕地看着他。
3. With tears streaming down her face, words failed her .眼泪顺着她的脸流下来,她说不出话来。
读后续写好词必背动词伸懒腰;逗某人;快回来;急匆匆地走出去;Stretched one’s tired back; teased sb; hurry back; hurried outside;走进去;挤出来;停下来;出发去做某事;靠边停车;stepped inside; squeeze out; paused; set off to do sth; pulled over;抓住某物;跳下车;摇头;习惯了做;grabbed sth; hopped o ut of the car; shook one’s head; got accustomed to doing;大叫;翻白眼走开;大声笑出来;摆出灿烂的笑容;yelled; rolled one’s eyes and walked away; laughed out loud; put on a bright smile;某物吸引了我的注意Sth caught my eye;形容词我珍藏的戒指my treasured rings;惊人的amazing;退休的经理a retired manager;凯利感到一阵温暖的光辉Kelly felt a warm glow.好句当威廉看到…时脸色苍白William’s face paled when he saw…丽贝卡的脑子一片混乱,试图想出一种做某事的方法。

在续写过程中常见的情绪有:生气,害怕,悲伤、羞愧,后悔,开心,感动,好奇,希望等(一)感到悲伤【好词好句积累】[好词]a strong sense of loss 强烈的失落感fall into despair 陷入绝望be down in spirits 情绪低落[好句]1.Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣)2.A ripple of sadness welled up inside him 涌起阵阵悲伤3.I sobbed bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.我痛苦地抽泣着,品尝着从我脸上流下的咸咸的泪水。
4.I felt so sad that I found myself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back my tears.我感到很伤心,我发现自己不知不觉地哭了,无法抑制我的眼泪。
(二)感到害怕【好词好句积累】[好词]with a pounding heart and cold 心砰砰直跳,浑身冰凉chew one’s lip 咬嘴唇toss and turn all night. 彻夜难眠[好句]1.At the sight of …, I was sei zed by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.(被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)2.At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)(三)感到生气【好词好句积累】[好词]stamp one’s foot in anger 气得直跺脚run out of the room in a burst of anger怒气冲冲be red with rage 面红耳赤boil with rage 怒火中烧be filled with fury(愤怒)怒气冲冲[好句]The reply of the man again fueled the foolish officer’s anger(火上浇油、更加愤怒).She threw the invitation on the table with annoyance, murmuring...My teacher’s eyes were shining with anger.His friend, whose patience had worn thin(耐心被消磨光了), phoned to complain.(四)感到羞愧【好词好句积累】[好词]feel the blood rush to her face 满脸涨红drop one’s eyes 垂下眼[好句]My throat was dry and my face was burning up.My face flushed radish red and I stared at my feet, hoping no one would notice how embarrassed I was.我的脸涨得像萝卜一样红,盯着脚,希望没有人会注意到我有多尴尬。

心理描写好词好句快乐1. He felt the warmth surging through his body.他感到身体里涌动着一股暖流。
2. It was a welcome relief once again, Stanley felt that destiny was on his side.这又是一次令人欣慰的解脱,斯坦利感到命运站在他一边3. A bright smile appeared on/spread across his face.他脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。
4. Her face lit up/ brightened /glowed when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出光彩。
5. Everyone was in a good mood.每个人的心情都很好。
6. I'm in good mood at the moment, just like the white clouds in the blue sky.我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天白云那样自在。
7. My heart is as sweet as honey.我的心情像吃了蜜一样甜。
8. A thrill of joy filled her heart.她心中充满了喜悦。
9. She was overflowing with happiness.她内心洋溢着幸福。
10. He was grinning from ear to ear.他笑得合不拢嘴。
悲伤1. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤。
2. The loneliness and grief comes in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。
3. Grief comes in waves. 悲伤如潮水一般涌来。
4. The last word went like a bullet to my heart.最后一句话像一颗子弹击中了我的心。

读后续写好句积累He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.他有时间反思他的成功和失败。
(reflect on...反思;仔细思考...)Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.不断加重的污染引起环保人士的担忧。
(be alarmed at/by...对...感到担忧;惊慌)He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.他惊慌地发现自己的车不见了。
(be alarmed to see /hear...惊慌地看到;听到...)Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。
(bump into sb/sth撞到...)I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom.我吃力地下床走进浴室。
(drag yourself to /into /out of...费力地走到/进/出某处)He paused for breath, then continued up the hill.他停下来歇口气,然后继续上山。
"No," he replied, without pausing for thought."不是的。
" 他不假思索地答道。
Charles was overcome with grief.查尔斯悲痛欲绝。
His eyes fell on her bag. "Are you going somewhere?"他的目光落在她的包上。
"你是不是要去什么地方?"(sb's eyes / gaze / glance fall(s) on sth 某人的目光落在某物上)Only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked on in silence.只有一个人尽力帮助我们,其余的人都只是一声不吭地袖手旁观。

(tremble withanger/rage愤怒地颤抖)13.The sun was setting。
(XXX投射出光芒/阴影)14.The sound of the XXX.海浪拍打着海岸,发出震耳欲聋的声音。
(the sound of。
的声音)15.The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air.新鲜出炉的面包香气弥漫在空气中。
(the XXX。
弥漫在空气中)16.She felt a pang of guilt as she liedto her XXX.她对朋友说谎,内心感到一阵内疚。
(a XXX内心的愧疚)17.The old man XXX.老人缓缓地拖着步子走在街上。
(shuffle one's XXX慢慢拖着步子走)18.The baby'XXX.婴儿的哭声划破了夜晚的寂静。
(XXX silence打破寂静)19.The wind howled through the trees。
making them XXX.风呼啸着穿过树林,使得树木猛烈地摇晃着。
呼啸/尖叫/吹哨)20.The sun was XXX。
(illuminate/light up照亮)Forrest XXX.XXX XXX.His face XXX red with anger.The child was quivering in her arms.As she XXX。
XXX.I was lying there。
quivering with fear.His voice was XXX.Luck had finally come her way.XXX。
XXX.XXX his face.Bill realized he was still holding his glass.He had time to contemplate his successes and failures.XXX XXX.25.He was startled to find that his car was missing。

读后续写万能词汇加句子一动作篇短语nod one’s head up and down with a big smile on his faceShake one’s head from side to sideLift\raise one’s head and give sb a determined nodBow\droop one’s headpuff and pant 气喘呼吁clear one’s throat 清嗓子talk in whispers 低声说话stare at sb with one’s month wide openglare at 怒视widen one’s eyes 睁大眼睛Eyes fall on sth 目光落在clap one’s hands 拍手hold sth. tight in one’s hand 手里紧紧拽着slap sb. on the back 拍某人的背stamp one’ s feet 跺脚slip upstairs/ shoot downstairs 溜到楼上/飞奔下楼Slip into...偷偷溜进Force a smile 强颜欢笑A wide smile appears on one’s faceShed tears of joy\sadness\shameTears roll down one’s cheeksHold back one’s tearsThrow oneself into sb’s arms 投入某人的怀抱Drag one’s legs 拖着疲劳的双腿Rush into 冲进dashed(冲向) toward the finishing lineQuicken one’s steps 加快脚步句子his face.Curious to know what was happening inside, Tom pushed the door carefully and slipped into the room. Depressed and low-spirited, he walked at the end of the line with his head drooping.He listened with close attention,biting his lips and staring at the floor.Feeling unbearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as how to cope with the terrible situation.Immersed in a strong sense of scare\embarrassment\shock, Ronny couldn’t utter a single word.So shocked was I that I was dumbfounded with my eyes wide open.Everyone started to clap their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening.A thunderous applause burst out.she slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea came to him,which f illed his mind with a great bright light. After he knew what the problem was, his mind began to race, trying to think of a good solution.She was deep in thought and heard little of what was being said around herTaking a glimpse of the note, I was speechless with my tongue stuck in my mouth.二心里描写短语In high\low spiritsTo one’s delight\surpriseWear a shinning smileFlush with anger \embarrassed气得脸通红Stamp one’s feet in angerTremble from head to toeHis face turns paleBe immersed in sorrowMind goes blankEyebrows knot together 眉头紧锁A warm current rises in one’s heart 一股暖流涌上心头Tears well up in one’s eyes 眼泪夺眶而出With one’s mouth wide openBe numb with shockPace up and down 踱来踱去A determined look 坚定的神色句子Depressed and discouraged, his eyes are wet and his head is drooping.She bi t the lower lip to stop it from trembling and then tears filled her eyes and started running down herwrinkled face. 她咬了咬下唇,以防止它抖,然后眼泪充满了她的眼睛,开始从她布满皱纹的脸上流下来Hearing the news, so desperate was he that his throat tightened and his knees felt weak.So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.(血液涌上脸類)His eyes danced with joy and sweetness(欢欣雀跃) and his face lit up with pleasure.面露喜色Her eyes were shining and her heart was thundering with excitement at the exciting news.Her eyes twinkled with excitement/pleasure 她激动得两眼放光He was seized by anger that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.(怒气冲冲地冲出房间;狠狠摔门I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.(嗓子发紧,膝盖发软)Jenny took long breaths and her tongue felt thick and heavy in her mouth 珍妮做了深呼吸,舌头感到又厚又沉He breathed a sigh of relief.他松了一口气。

1. shame washed over her face.(涌入,涌上)突然一个新念头涌进我的脑海。
Suddenly, a new idea washed over/occurred to me.2. 她听到这个消息很激动,说不出一句话。
Thrilled at the good news, she couldn’t say a word。
3. 当他来到他父亲的家时,他突然感到悲伤和懊悔。
when he arrived at his father’s house, suddenly sadness and regret filled his heart.4.年轻人怒气冲冲地向父亲大喊道:“你有那么多钱,却只给我一本《圣经》?Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said,"With all your money you give me a Bible?"5. 然后他丢下《圣经》,愤怒地冲出房子。
He then stormed/dashed out of the house, leaving the Bible.6.年轻人好奇地,但有些失望地打开了盒子。
Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man’s name embossed in gold.7. 他站着不说一句话,眼泪从脸颊上滚下来。
He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks8. 不能为了别人的梦想而活着。
never live someone else’s dream.9. 假如你的选择权仅限于似乎可能或合理的范围内,你将远离自己的真心。

I felt hot on my face, cold sweat in my hands and thousands of ants crawling through my heart.2.牙齿咬得“格格”作响,眼里闪着一股无法過制的怒火,好似一头被激怒的狮子。
The teeth were bitten "gritty" and there was an irrepressible anger in his eyes, like a lion being enraged.3.他在一昼夜里积压的怒气如火山一样爆发了。
His accumulated anger erupted like a volcano all day and night.4.他怒不可過地吼叫着,这声音像沉雷一-样滚动着,传得很远很远。
He roared furiously. The sound rolled like a thunderstorm and spread far and wide.5.他脸上的肌肉在愤怒地颤抖着,眼睛里迸出火般凌厉的目光。
The muscles in his face were trembling angrily, and the fierce eyes burst out.6.他气得张口结舌,两只手直颤抖,半天才喊出话来。
He was tongue-tied with anger, his hands trembled and he shouted for half a day.7.我胆怯地低着头,不敢看爸爸那张阴云密布的脸。
I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my father's cloudy face.8.他两眼发直,连连自语,又惊又怕,双腿也不听使唤像筛糠似的乱颤起来。

高中英语作文积累-读后续写好词好句读后续写好句积累(1)1. She tried to hide her anger.她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。
(hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...)2. She laughed to hide her nervousness.她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。
3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。
(a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明)4. Rays of light filtered through the trees.一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。
(透过?f?lt?)5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger.他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。
(be greeted with /by sth被报以...)6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room.走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。
7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived.她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。
(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...)8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her.她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。
(妒忌?d?el?si)9. The smoke hung in the air.烟在空中缭绕。
(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town.小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。

10.The moment he finished his speech in a magnetic voice, a wave of applause erupted from the audience.他用磁性的嗓音完成了演讲,观众席中暴发一阵掌声。
11. He stood leaning against the wal l, unable to speak. 他靠着墙站着,说不出话来。
(表达伤心)12. She hugged them to her chest, and at last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile.她把它们紧紧地抱在胸前,终于抬起头来,泪流满面地微笑着。
13. He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down through the orchard.他先是蹦跶了一下,原地转了几圈,再跑上几步,又停了下来,四下望了望,嗅了嗅午后暖洋洋的空气,然后一路跑进了果园。
(开心的场景)14. Even as I was digging into my pocket to get out my revolver, I made a running step back.当我在口袋里掏出左轮手枪的时候,我后退了一步。
(描写恐惧)15. Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen such a rabbit,and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it.爱丽丝跳了起来,因为她突然想到她从来没见过这样的兔子。
高考英语读后续写小词好句积累素材 讲义--高考英语写作备考

高考英语读后续写小词好句积累素材讲义(一)好句1.We should live each day with gentleness, vigor(活力) and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama(全景) of more days and months and years to come.我们每天都应该以优雅的姿态、充沛的精力、高度珍惜之心来生活,但当时间以无休止的日、月和年在我们面前展现时,我们却常常没有了这种(生活态度)。
2.In stories the doomed(命中注定的) hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke(成功的举动,高明的举措)of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed.在故事中,注定失败的英雄通常在最后一刻被命运的举措拯救,但他的价值观几乎总是改变。
这两句话出自海伦·凯勒的《假如给我三天光明》(Three Days to See)第一句话表现了作者对如何度过生命最后几天或几个小时的回答,应该以优雅的姿态、充沛的精力和高度珍惜之心来面对,表现了作者的积极乐观。
小词Linger英[ˈlɪŋɡə(r)] 美[ˈlɪŋɡər] vi.逗留,徘徊; 缓慢消失;变形过去分词: lingered 过去式: lingered 现在分词: lingering 第三人称单数: lingersLinger这个单词虽然不是考纲内的单词,但是在读后续写中十分常见,其中西湖景点断桥残雪有很多种翻译,其中一种可以为lingering snows on broken bridge.1.~(on) to continue to exist for longer than expected 继续存留;缓慢消失Exhilarated giggles and exchanges lingered in the peaceful woods.欢声笑语和交流声在宁静的树林中回荡。
好词好句积累 高中英语读后续写

好词好句积累高中英语读后续写1.Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer. 露丝犹豫了,她不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。
(be uncertain of ...不确定;不知道;combine...and/with...把...与...结合起来; 既...又...; diplomacy外交手腕 dɪˈpləʊməsi)2.a dazzling array of flowers 一大片绚丽多彩的鲜花(dazzling 光彩夺目的;灿烂的ˈdæzliŋ He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.他冲着阿尔伯格粲然一笑)3.There was a vast array of colours to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。
(a vast array of...大量的əˈreɪ)4.Susan flushed deeply and looked away. 苏珊脸涨得通红,目光转向别处。
(sb flush deeply脸涨得通红flʌʃ; look away看别处)5.He flushed angrily. 他气得满脸通红(flush angrily气得满脸通红)6. She felt a sudden flush of anger. 她突然感到一阵愤怒。
(a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement相当于 a sudden feeling of ...一阵愤怒、尴尬、兴奋等)6.I was overcome by an urge to cry. 我控制不住想大哭一场。
(if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 感情上使人感到不能自持,使不知所措)7.Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness. 哈丽雅特心中充满思乡之情,不能自已。

金句一:“His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he heard the good news.”(当他听到这个好消息时,他的脸像圣诞树一样亮了起来。
当他收到那封录取通知书的时候,His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he heard the good news. 周围的人都能感受到他那股从心底散发出来的喜悦。
金句二:“She was as busy as a bee all day long, preparing for the big event.”(她一整天像蜜蜂一样忙碌,为这个大型活动做准备。
She was as busy as a bee all day long, preparing for the big event. 她跑来跑去,没有一刻停歇,就像蜜蜂在花丛中忙碌地采蜜一样。
金句三:“The words were like a warm breeze on a cold winter day, soothing his troubled heart.”(这些话就像寒冷冬日里的温暖微风,抚慰着他烦乱的心。
The words were like a warm breeze on a cold winter day, soothing his troubled heart. 小刚听了之后,感觉自己又充满了力量。
金句四:“A big smile spread across his face as if the sun had broken through the clouds.”(一个大大的笑容在他脸上展开,就好像太阳冲破了云层。

读后续写好句好词素材积累(一)好句1.Suddenly, we heard a familiar, roaring voice. “Hey, you there! wait!” A figure came lumbering(笨拙地行进) up like a bad-tempered bear. It was Professor Challenger.突然,我们听到一个熟悉的咆哮声。
“嘿,你!等等!” 一个像一只脾气暴躁的熊一样的身影笨重地走了过来。
2.He came swaggering(大摇大摆地走) in, his hands in his pockets, as if he’d just strolled up the street.他大摇大摆地走了进来,两手插在口袋里,好像刚在街上散步似的。
好词Bubble 英[ˈbʌbl] 美[ˈbʌbl] n.气泡; 肥皂泡; 泡沫; v.冒泡; 活跃; 滔滔不绝; 洋溢着(某种感情);变形过去分词: bubbled 复数: bubbles 过去式: bubbled 现在分词: bubbling 第三人称单数: bubblesBubble这个单词我们一开始是在教材中学习它水泡,气泡的意思,然后我们生活中常见的珍珠奶茶也是bubble tea,此外它还有其他丰富的意思。
1.to form bubbles 起泡;冒泡The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.锅里的水开始冒泡。
Add the white wine and let it bubble up.加入白葡萄酒,让它产生泡沫。
2.[usually+副词或介词短语] to make a bubbling sound, especially when moving in the direction mentioned (移动时)发出冒泡的声音A stream came bubbling between the stones.一条小溪沿着石缝汩汩地流过来。

高中英语读后续写必背优秀词句动作描写1. She shot her a meaningful look.《秘密花园》(Secret Garden)她向他意味深长地看了一眼。
2. Mary felt her heart race.玛丽感到她的心跳加速。
3. A great silence surrounded them.《歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera 》周围一片寂静。
4. His name had completely slipped from my memory.《Wuthering Heights》他的名字,我竟忘得一干二净。
5.He stormed out and slammed the door shut.他怒气冲冲地跑了出去,把门重重地关上。
6.She choked and her eyes brimmed with tears.她喉咙哽咽,眼里满是泪水。
7. He stood leaning against the wal l, unable to speak.他靠着墙站着,说不出话来。
(表达伤心)8. In between sobs I told her the story.在哭的时候,告诉她这个故事.9. I ran back home, smiling and skipping along.我蹦蹦跳跳地笑着跑回家10. Her pulses beat fast, and the blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.她的心跳加快,热血温暖了身体的每个部位,使她感觉到身心完全地放松了。
心理描写1. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤2. He felt the warmth surging through his body.他感到身体里涌动着一股暖流。
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读后续写好句积累(1)1. She tried to hide her anger.她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。
(hide your disappointment/anger...掩饰...)2. She laughed to hide her nervousness.她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。
3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。
(a ray of hope/light 一线希望/光明)4. Rays of light filtered through the trees.一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。
(透过ˈfɪltə)5. His statement was greeted with cries of astonishment and anger.他的这番话被报以一片叫喊声,有震惊,也有愤怒。
(be greeted with /by sth被报以...)6. Complete silence greeted us as we entered the room.走进房间,迎接我们的是一片沉默。
7. I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived.她来到的时候,我感到一阵激动。
(a rush of anger / excitement / gratitude...一阵...)8. A rush of jealousy swept through(over) her.她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。
(妒忌ˈdʒeləsi)9. The smoke hung in the air.烟在空中缭绕。
(mist/smoke/smell hangs in the air在空中缭绕) 10. A thick mist hung over the town.小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。
读后续写好句积累(2)11. Joe's been ill for weeks now - it's really dragging him down. 乔已经病了几个星期了,这使他很沮丧。
(drag sb down 使人感到不愉快) 12. Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage.福里斯特盯着他的汽车,气得浑身发抖。
(trembling / shaking with rage 气得浑身发抖)13. Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital.卡罗尔气得呜呜哭,被送往医院。
14. His face was red with rage.他气得满脸通红。
15. The child was quivering(trembling) in her arms.那孩子在她怀里发抖。
(抖动ˈkwɪvə)16. Her mouth quivered slightly as she turned away.她嘴唇微微哆嗦着,转过头去。
17. I lay there quivering with fear.我躺在那儿,害怕得直发抖。
18. His voice was quivering with rage.他气得声音都打战了。
19. Luck had come her way at the very last moment.好运在最后时刻降临到她头上。
(sth come sb's way意外地落在某人头上) 20. She was aware of a tall dark figure watching her.她发现有个高高的黑影在注视着她。
(be aware of...注意到;察觉到...) 21. He was aware of the wind in his face.他感到风在他脸上吹拂。
22. Bill became aware that he was still holding hisglass.比尔意识到他手里还握着杯子。
(be/become aware that从句注意到;察觉到...)读后续写好句积累(3)23. He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.他有时间反思他的成功和失败。
(reflect on...反思;仔细思考...)24. Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.不断加重的污染引起环保人士的担忧。
(be alarmed at/by...对...感到担忧;惊慌)25. He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.他惊慌地发现自己的车不见了。
(be alarmed to see /hear...惊慌地看到;听到...)26. Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。
(bump into sb/sth撞到...)27. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom.我吃力地下床走进浴室。
(drag yourself to /into /out of...费力地走到/进/出某处)28. He paused for breath, then continued up the hill.他停下来歇口气,然后继续上山。
29. "No," he replied, without pausing for thought."不是的。
" 他不假思索地答道。
30. Charles was overcome with grief.查尔斯悲痛欲绝。
31. His eyes fell on her bag. "Are you going somewhere?"他的目光落在她的包上。
"你是不是要去什么地方?"(sb's eyes / gaze / glance fall(s) on sth 某人的目光落在某物上)32. Only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked on in silence.只有一个人尽力帮助我们,其余的人都只是一声不吭地袖手旁观。
33. He sprang to his feet and rushed after her.他腾地站起身,冲过去追她。
(spring to one's feet一跃而起)34. Tears rolled down her cheeks.泪珠顺着她的脸颊滚落。
35. Thunder rolled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。
36. Lucy rolled her eyes as Tom sat down beside her.汤姆在露西身旁坐下,露西翻了个白眼。
读后续写好句积累(4)37. The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark.他那红红的烟头在黑暗中幽幽发光。
38. She looked exceptionally well, glowing with health .她气色特别好,满面红光。
39. She gazed up at him, glowing with happiness.她抬头凝望着他,脸上洋溢着幸福。
(glow with pride / joy / pleasure由于自豪/高兴等而容光焕发)40. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now," she sighed. "唉,我们现在对此无能为力。
" 她叹口气说。
41. Frankie stared out of the window and sighed deeply(heavily).弗朗基凝望着窗外,深深地叹了口气。
42. He sighed with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.想到自己错过的一个个机会,他绝望地叹了口气。
(sigh with despair 绝望地叹了口气)43. He took a firm grip of my arm and marched me towards the door.他紧紧抓着我的手臂,快步往门口走去。
(take a firm grip /hold /grasp of...紧抓;紧握...紧握,抓牢grɪp)44. A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.她脸上闪过十足的仇恨表情。
45. She was on her knees, weeding the garden.她在花园里跪着除杂草。
(on your knees=kneel跪着)46. Tim fell to his knees and started to pray.蒂姆跪下来开始祷告。
(sink /fall /drop to your knees跪下)47. Tom knelt down and patted the dog.汤姆跪下来轻轻拍了拍那只狗。
48. She knelt on the floor and put more wood on the fire.她跪在地板上,往炉火中添了些木柴。
49. She shot past me into the house.她从我身边飞奔过去,跑进屋里。
(shoot:move quickly飞快地移动)50. The cat shot across the garden.这只猫飞快地蹿过花园。
读后续写好句积累(5)51. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like." Michelle shot him a furious glance."随你爱待多久都行。
" 米歇尔愤怒地瞪了他一眼。
(shoot sb a look/glance=shoot a glance at sb 迅速地看某人一眼) 52. Jack shot an anxious look at his mother.杰克焦虑地看了母亲一眼。