
2017年广州白云广附实验学校招生数学真卷(五)(满分:120分 时间:60分)一、计算题(共40分)1.直接写出得数。
(每小题1分,共8分)(1)10.1372+=2713=88- 112=216-⨯ (2)218.7=11⨯130.91=5÷ 5511=772-⨯ (3)172.450%=12⨯⨯ 365418=511⎛⎫-÷ ⎪⎝⎭2.计算下面各题。
(能简算的要简算,并写出必要的简算过程,每小题4分,共24分)(1)2213.5593⎛⎫÷⨯+ ⎪⎝⎭ (2)711120.2 1.52043⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫+÷-⨯ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦(3)14320.1620.16423⨯-⨯(4)131321325115141514⎛⎫-+- ⎪⎝⎭(5)24.1684 2.08540.158320.03⨯-⨯-⨯÷()()(6)1000999998997996995994993204203202201+--++--+⋅⋅⋅++--(1)23325x x +=+ (2)11111303034534x x x x x ⎛⎫+++++= ⎪⎝⎭二、填空题(每小题4分,共24分)1.在-19,11,0,7.63和12-中, 是质数; 是小数; 是整数; 是负数。
2.如图,平行四边形ABCD 和三角形ADF 的面积的最简整数比是 。
3.把一个正方体切3刀,最多能把它平均分成 份,把它切6刀,最多能把它平均分成 份。
4.将23分成几个自然数的和,再求出这些数的乘积,要使得到的乘积尽可能大,这个乘积是 。
5.如图,平行四边形ABCD 的一边AB=12厘米,AB 上的高等于8厘米,四边形EFOG 的面积等于8平方厘米,则阴影部分的面积与平行四边形的面积之比是 。
6.有一个四位数,它的个位数字与千位数字之和为10,且个位数字既是偶数又是质数,去掉个位数字和千位数字,得到一个两位质数,由知道这个四位数能被72整除,则这个四位数是 。

2017广州小升初数学试卷及答案把握知识注重于平时多思考多做题,在题目中感受到知识的运用,今天为大家带来2017广州数学试卷及答案,希望对你有所帮助!一、填空题(20分)1.一个数由5个千万,4个十万,8个千,3个百和7个十组成,这个数写作( ),改成用“万”作单位的数是( )万,四舍五入到万位约为( )万。
2.480平方分米=( )平方米 2.6升=( )升( )毫升3.最小质数占最大的两位偶数的( )。
4.5.4:1 的比值是( ),化成最简整数比是( )。
5.李婷在1:8000000的地图上量得北京到南京的距离约为15厘米,两地实际距离约为( )千米。
6.在,0. ,83%和0.8 中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。
7.用500粒种子做发芽实验,有10粒没有发芽,发芽率是( ))%。
8.甲、乙两个圆柱的体积相等,底面面积之比为3:4,则这两个圆柱体的高的比是( )。
9.( )比200多20%,20比( )少20%。
10.把4个棱长为2分米的正方体拼成长方体,拼成的长方体的表面积可能是( )平方分米,也可能是( )平方分米。
( )2.求8个与8的列式一样,意义也一样。
( )3.有2,4,8,16四个数,它们都是合数。
( )4.互质的两个数一定是互质数。
( )5.不相交的两条直线叫做平行线。
( )三、选择题(将正确答案的序号填入括号内)(5分)1.如果a×b=0,那么 ( )。
A.a一定为0 B.b一定为0C.a、b一定均为0D.a、b中一定有一个为02.下列各数中不能化成有限小数的分数是 ( )。
A. B. C.3.下列各数精确到0.01的是( )A.0.6925≈0.693B.8.029≈8.0C.4.1974≈4.204.把两个棱长都是2分米的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积比两个正方体的表面积的和减少了( )平方分米。

(12分)húlún tǎn tèwù( )吞枣 ( )不安 恍然大( )rǎng rǎng jūcǎi 熙熙( ) 不( )一格 兴高( )烈同音字:q uán:()愈()缩 ()势2.根据前面的提示,把下列带“手”的成语补充完整。
(3分)形容极为兴奋( ) 形容医术高明( )形容重归于好( ) 形容十分喜爱( )形容情深如兄弟( )形容做事机警、敏捷( )3.下列选项恰当的一项是( )(2分)A.“返璞归真、亭亭玉立、形色匆匆”这三个词中有两个错别字。

A. a ;/B. the ;/C. a ;the D ・ the; the)2. —thereon the plate?—Yes,only a little.A. Is ; any meats ; andB ・ Are ; meat ; butC. Are; any meats ; andD. Is ; any meat ; but)3.useful mobile phone it is!A. What aB. How aC. What anD. What)4. Mrs. Smith asked her sontoo many candies.A. lo not eatB. dorft eatC. not to eatD. don't to eatA. more carefulB. as carefully)6・一 _________ I finish this project this week? C ・ most carefullyD. more carefully— No, you _____ _____ hand it in next week.⑨2017年广州白云广附实验学校招生英语真卷(一)(満分"20分时间:50分仲)I. 辨音題(每小题1分■共10分)第一节:谓找出下列的单词中括号部分的发音与其他不同的单词。
( )1. A. come B. sock C. from D. long ( )2. A. yellow B. twenty C. yourself D. you( )3. A. children B ・ driver C. drop D ・ fridge()4. A ・ short B. dollar C ・ answer D ・ color ()5. A. FrenchB. lunchC. muchD. school第二节:请选出单词■音与其他三个选项不同的一个选项。

把一个底面直径 分米的圆柱体截去一个高 分米的圆柱体,原来的圆柱体表面积减少________平方分米。
找规律填数: 、 、 、 、________.
小兵和小华主办学校第 期黑板报,两人合作 天可以完成。小兵做了 天后小华接着做了一天,这时共完成了黑板报的 .如果小华一个人办这期黑板报,需要多少天?
布袋里有黄、蓝、红三种颜色的筷子各 根,它们除了颜色不同外完全相同,现在从中至少摸出________根筷子,才能保证有 双不同颜色的筷子。
边长为 厘米的正方形纸上剪下一个最大的圆,这个圆与正方形的面积比是________,周长比是________.

8、用铜丝围成一个边长 8 分米的正方形,如果把它拉成平行四边形,面积减少
了 16 平方分米,则这个平行四边形的高是
9、有一项工作,甲单独做 16 天完成,乙单独做 12 天完成。现在甲先做了几天,
乙接着又做了几天,共用 14 天完成。则甲一开始做了
本文来源于互联网,如需所有资料,可添威 信 :zhangying_1316
2017 年广州白云广附实验学校招生数学真卷(二)
满分:100 分 时间:80 分钟
一、填空题 (每题 2 分,共 30 分)
1、a 和 b 都是整数,并且 a×b=48,那么 a+b 的最大值是 2、已知 A+1=111000+211001+311002+···+1111100,则 A 的整数部分是 3、棱长是 4 厘米的正方体可以截成棱长是 2 厘米的正方体
1< 10 + 10 +···+ 10 <1.1
100 101
A+1 的整数部分是 66+1=67,A=67-1=66】
3、8 【(4×4×4)÷(2×2×2)=64÷8=8 个】
4、4 【16÷5=3(个)······1(个)】
5、 7 【23+19=42,42÷(1+5)=7, 1×7 = 7 】
100 101
100 101
1 × 11<( 1 + 1 +···+ 1 )< 1 ×11
100 101

(25分)( ) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today.A. withB. put onC. inD. wear( ) 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken.A. What is itB. What is wrong with youC. Where is itD. Whose is this( ) 3. -- _______ are his football clothes?-- Under the bed.A. WhereB. WhoC. WhoseD. What( ) 4. -- Thank you very much!-- ________.A. You're rightB. All rightC. You are welcomeD. OK.( ) 5. -- She must be in red.—— No, _____. She wears a green coat.A. she isB. she must notC. I don't think so.D. I am not( ) 6. The coat _____ the wall isn't Kate's. It's ______.A. on; hisB. to; mineC. in; heD. under; him( ) 7. There are _____ students in our class.That is 19 boys and 21 girls。
A.forty B.forty C.fourteen D. forth( ) 8.Juice and water are healthy drinks,_____ Coke isn't healthy drink. A.and B.but C.Or D. so( ) 9.Can I have _____ water?A.these B.some C.one D.those( ) 10.Lingling is in __________.A.Class Four,Grade One B.Grade One,Class FourC.Class four,grade one D. class Four , Grade One( ) 11.What's your _____ fruit?A.very like B.favourite C.much like D. too like( ) 12.She can't ________ in the lake.A.swimming B.swimming C.swim D. swam( ) 13. There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home.A.be B.is C.are D. am()14. He _____ hamburgers.A.like eat B.likes eating C.like to eats D. liking eating ()15. The office building _____ the classrooms.A.Behind B.behinds C.is behind D. are behind()16.__________ there any apples in the kitchen?A.Have B.Be C.Are D. Has()17. They often take walk after dinner.A. aB. ∕C. theD. an()18. ——What’s your ? ——I like swimming.A. jobB. ageC. hobbyD. number()19. —— are you going to the airport. ——By taxi.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Why()20.—You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs. — .A. Sorry,you don’tB. Thank youC. It’s OKD. That’s all right( ) 21.——How many gold medals did China at the 2010 Winter Olympics?——Five.A. winB. to winC. winningD. won( ) 22. girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.A. Hundred ofB. Many hundred ofC. One hundred ofD. Hundreds of( ) 23. ,is there a restaurant in the neighborhood?A. SorryB. YesC. Excuse meD. Pardon me( ) 24. She had a stomachache she ate something bad.A. soB. becauseC. orD. although( ) 25. _____worried about me,Mom. I’ve grown up.A. Don’tB. Don’t beC. NotD. Not be二、用所给词的正确形式填空。

黄埔广附真题精选1、为绿化城市,某街道栽种一批树苗,这批树苗的成活率是75%~80%,如果要栽活2400棵树苗,至少要栽种( )棵。
2、在8x(x 为自然数)中,如果它是一个真分数,x 最大能是( );如果它是假分数,x 最小能是( )。
3、右图中的阴影部分面积占长方形的 ( )4、甲、乙两人各走一段路,他们的速度比是3:4,路程比是8:3,那么他们所需时间比是( )(A )2:1 (B )32:9 (C )1:2 (D )4:35、一个容器正好装满10升纯酒精,倒出3升后用水加满,再倒出4.5升后,再用水加满,这时容器中溶液的浓度时多少?6、客车和货车分别从甲乙两站同时相向开出,5小时后相遇,相遇后两车仍按原速度前进,当他们相距196千米时,客车行了全程的53,货车行了全程的80%。
(1)全程是多少千米?(2)货车行完全程需要多少个小时?7、 127小时的74是 分。
8、一种电脑降价了,第一次比原价7000元降低10%,第二次又降低了10%,则电脑的现价为 元。
9、.如图ABCD 是一个长方形,AB=10厘米,AD=4厘米,E 、F 分别是BC 、AD 的中点,G 是线段CD 上任意一点,则图中阴影部分的面积为。
10、(5)201320122014201320141+⨯⨯- (6)3762÷38+82917÷8311、唐老鸭用一个圆锥形容器装满了2000克香油,米老鼠趁唐老鸭不在,在容器的中间咬了一个洞,然后开始偷油,一直偷到油面与小洞平齐为止(如图)。
问:米老鼠共偷得香油多少克(容器的厚度不计)?(本题10分)12、 如图,E 为平行四边形AD 边上的一点,已知线段AE 与ED 的比是1:2,阴影部分的面积是24cm 2,那么平行四边形的面积是( )cm 2。
13、 下列图案均用长度相同的小木棒按一定的规律拼搭而成的:拼搭第一个图案需4根小木棒,拼搭第二个图案需10根小木棒……依此规律,拼搭第10个图案需小木棒( )根。

数学试卷时间:100分钟 总分:150分第一部分 加深理解,打好基础(100分)一、 填空题(每小题2分,总计26分)1. 2010后4月,为了表彰2009届中考优秀学子,某校共计颁发中考资金为2584800元,这个数读作( 二百五十八万四千八百 ),改写成以“万元”为单位并保留一位小数是(258.5)万元。
2. 在О里填上“〉”、“〈”或“=”。
1÷127 〉 1×127 —4 〈 —π 3. 中华人民共和国国旗上五角星有( 5 )条对称轴。
每个小尖角是( 36 )度。
4. 一个滴水的龙头每天白白流掉12千克水。
照这样计算,2010年第一季度要浪费掉(1080 )千克水。
5. 把73的分母扩大4倍,要使分数的大小不变,分子应增加( 9 )。
6. 小华身高1.6米,在照片上他的身高是5厘米,这张照片的比例尺是( 1:32 )。
7. 小明在第一次数学考试中得76分在第二次数学考试中得92分,请问在第三次数学考试中至少的 87 分,才能使平均分不低于85分。
8. a=2×3×m,b=3×5×m (m 是自然数且 0),如果a 和b 的最大公约数是21,则m 是( 7 ),a 和b 的最小公倍数是( 210 )。
9. 如图,将标号为A 、B 、C 、D 的正方形沿图中的虚线剪开后得到标号为P 、Q 、M 、N 四组图形,试按照“哪个正方形剪开后得到哪组图形”的对应关系,填空:A 与 M 对应,B 与 Q 对应,C 与 P 对应,D 与 N 对应。
10. 甲乙丙三个数的平均数是70,甲:乙=2:3,乙:丙=4:5,乙数是( 72 )。
11. 把棱长6厘米的正方体木块,削成一个最大的圆锥,这个圆锥的体积是( 56.52平方厘米 )。
12. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥等底等高,它们的体积之差是3立方分米,圆柱的体积是( 45 )立方分米,圆锥的体积是( 15 )立方分米。

A.>选出画线部分读音与其他不同的单词(5*1)( ) 1. A. close B. hobby C. problem D. not( ) 2. A. always B. caps C. makes D. hopes ( ) 3. A. bright B. like C. English D. shinesB>请选出单词重音与其他三个不同的一个选项。
( ) 1. A. spring B. enjoy C. guitar D. pollute ( ) 2. A. practice B. hobby C. grammar D. protect二、语言知识及运用。
(20*1)() 1. He wants to write down something, so he asks me for .A. a paperB. some papersC. a piece of paperD. some pieces of papers () 2. My mother is office worker. She works in big company.A. a, theB. an, aC. the, aD. a, an() 3 -- orange juice do you want?--A little, thanks.A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How old() 4. There still some milk in the fridge. We don’t need to buy any.A. wasB. isC. areD. has() 5. is important for us English well.A. It; to learnB. It, learnC. This , to learn C.This swim() 6. Mary often half an hour to school.A. spend, to walkB. spends, walkingC. spends, to walkD. spend, walking ()7. My house is far away the mountains.A. toB. atC. fromD. with()8. -- do you play computer games?--Every Sunday morning.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How many()9. Where Lucy from?A. is; comeB. do, comeC. does, comeD. are,come()10. Lily very well.A. enjoy play the violinB. enjoy playing the violinC. enjoys to play the violinD. enjoys playing the violinPeter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes playing football and watching football matches. And he often 1 newspapers. He does his best to know where and when a 2 will be.Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy 3 there is going to be a 4 football match on TV at four this afternoon. He 5 to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. He think hard and finds a 6 .“Hello, Mrs Black,”Peter says to his 7 on the telephone. “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to 8 half a day’s leave.”“Oh, I’m 9 to hear that,” says Mrs Black. “But 10 is that?”“It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”( ) 1. A. sees B. looks C. watches D. reads( ) 2. A. P.E. lesson B. football match C. famous newspaper D. new TV( ) 3. A. so B. because C. and D. however( ) 4. A. wonderful B. different C. lucky D. bad( ) 5. A. thinks B. wants C. says D. goes( ) 6. A. telephone B. C. way D. friend( ) 7. A. mother B. C. teacher D. classmate ( ) 8. A. ask for B. C. take part in D. think of( ) 9. A. happy B. C. afraid D. sorry( ) 10. A. what B. C. where D. who四、阅读理解。

2017年广州白云广附实验学校招生真卷(一)语文答案一、炙 峙 掷 致 涸 河 酬 筹【点拨】考查学生对词语的准确书写。
3.阻碍 阻止 阻挠4.虽然 但是 所以【点拨】考查学生对关联词的灵活运用,选择关联词时注意结合语境,“虽然……但是……”表示转折含义。

2017年广东省广州市小升初数学试卷(解析卷+学生卷)2017年广东省广州市小升初数学试卷一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1.甲数比乙数少25%,甲数比乙数的最简整数比是()A.1:4 B.4:1 C.3:4 D.4:32.把底面积是18平方厘米,高是2厘米的圆柱形零件削成最大的圆锥,削成的圆锥体积是()立方厘米.A.12 B.18 C.24 D.363.一列数1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,…中的第34个数为()A.6 B.7 C.8 D.94.一件西服打“七五折”出售,售价600元,这件西服原价()元.A.150 B.450 C.800 D.24005.如图:一个三角形的三个顶点分别为三个半径为3厘米的圆的圆心,则图中阴影部分的面积是()A.π平方厘米 B.9π平方厘米 C.4.5π平方厘米 D.3π平方厘米二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6.12=15÷(0.75)=20,七五折。
21.3.2×1.25×5.81+2.1÷0.25-42×2.09=39.512522.x=423.(1) 乙数为112 (2) 积除以0.5再减去1.5,商为乘积除以1.5.24.甲比乙的面积少16平方厘米。

2015 年-2017 年广州小升初真题集锦(古诗词与文学常识)2017 年广东实验中学附属天河学校招生语文真卷( 一) 五、默写诗句(每空1分, 共8分)1.,何人不起故园情。
( 李白《春夜洛城闻笛》)2.,吾将上下而求索。
( 屈原《离骚》)3.待到山花烂漫时, 。
( 毛泽东《卜算子·咏梅》)4.江南几度梅花发, 。
( 刘著《鹧鸪天·雪照山城玉指寒》)5.独出前门望野田, 。
( 白居易《村夜》)6., 梅花香自苦寒来。
( 佚名《警世贤文·勤奋篇》)7.;敬亲者, 不敢慢于人。
( 《孝经》)8.常恐秋节至, 。
( 汉乐府《长歌行》)2017 年广东实验中学附属招生语文真卷(二)7.在正确的选项后打“√ , 在错误的选项后打“ X”。
(8 分)(1)向别人介绍自己的父亲称为“家父” , 介绍自己的姐姐称为“家姐” , 那么介绍自己的弟弟称为“家弟” ( )(2)《水浒传》中大闹野猪林的是武松。
( )(3)元曲四大家指的是关汉卿、郑光祖、马致远和白朴。
( )(4)成语“退避三舍”的主人公是晋文公重耳, 围魏救赵”的主人公是韩信,“破釜沉舟”的主人公是项羽。
( )8. 按要求补全诗句、名句及歇后语。
(1), 江船火独明。
(2)学而不思则罔, 。
(4)近朱者赤, 。
(5)周瑜打黄盖, 。
2017 年广州育才实验学校招生语文真卷6.“晓看红湿处, 花重锦官城”中的“锦官城”指的是( )A.北京B. 杭州C. 成都D. 重庆7.“冬天到了, 春天还会远吗?”这句话是下列哪位诗人说的?( )A.徐志摩B. 席勒C. 舒婷D. 雪莱8.文学名著《水浒传》栩栩如生地塑造了梁山好汉形象, 下列书中人物与绰号对应有误的一项是( )A.青面兽杨志B. 浪里白条燕青C. 小李广花荣D. 及时雨宋江三、积累与运用: 按要求填空(共10 分)1.将古诗、名句补充完整( 每空1 分,共5 分)(1)横眉冷对千夫指, 。

○112017年广州白云广附实验学校 招生数学真卷(三)(满分:100 时间:80分钟)一、 填空题(每小题1分,共6分)1、音乐课,聪聪坐在音乐教室的第4列第2行。
用数对(4,2)表示,明明坐在聪聪正后方的第一个位置上,明明的位置用数对表示是( )。
这两种纸币的张数相同,那么小明可能有( )元钱。
A. 50B. 51C. 75D. 1003、大圆的半径等于小圆的直径,那么大圆的面积与小圆面积的比是( )。
A. 2:1B. 1:2C. 1:4D. 4:14、把一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长83米,第二段占全长的83,那么两段比较( )。
A.第一段长 B 第二段长 C 一样长 D 无法确定5、一个三角形,三个内角的度数比是2:3:4,这个三角形为( )。
A.锐角三角形B.直角三角形C.钝角三角形D.无法确定6、一个钟表的分针长10cm ,从2时走到4时,分针走过了( )cm 。
A. 31.4B.125.6C.314D. 628二、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)7、把3米的绳子分成每段31米长,可以分( )段,每段是这根绳 子的()()。
8、长方形有( )条对称轴,等边三角形有( )条对称轴。
9、30吨比( )吨多20%;比30吨少20%是( )吨。
10、商场开展“买七送三”活动,作为顾客享受到最大的优惠是( )折。
11、( )%=85=( ):24 12、83的分子加上6时,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上( )。
13、在一个周长为16厘米的正方形里画最大的圈,这个圈的面积是( )平方厘米。
14、男生人数比女生人数少41,那么男生人数与全班人数的比是( )。
15、文艺书比科技书多41,文艺书是科技书的( )%,科技书比文艺书少()()。
16、a ×53=b ×89=c ×55(a 、b 、c 都不等于0),那么请将a 、b 、c 的大小用大于号连接起来。

1. A. close B.hobby C.problem D.not2. A. always B.caps C.makes D.hopes3. A. bright B.like C.English D.shines (二):找出重音位置与其他三个不同的单词。
4. A. spring B.enjoy C.guitar D.pollute5. A. practice B.hobby C.grammar D.protect二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)6.He wants to write down something, so he asks me for __________.A.a paperB.some papersC.a piece of paperD.some pieces of papers7.My mother is __________ office worker. She works in __________ big company.A.a, theB.an, aC.the, aD.a, an8.--__________ orange juice do you want?-- A little, thanks.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How old9.There __________ still some milk in the fridge. We don’t need to buy any.A.wasB.isC.areD.has10.__________ is important for us __________ English well.A.It, to learnB.It, learnC.This, to learnD.This, swim11.Mary often __________ half an hour __________ to school.A.spend, to walkB.spends, walkingC.spends, to walkD.spend, walking12.My house is far away __________ the mountains.A.toB.atC.fromD.with13.-- __________ do you play computer games?-- Every Sunday morning.A.How muchB.How longC.How oftenD.How many14.Where __________ Lucy __________ from?A.is, comeB.do, comeC.does, comeD.are, come15.Lily __________ very well.A.enjoy play the violinB.enjoys playing the violinC.enjoys to play the violinD.enjoys playing the violin三、完型填空(共10题,每题1分,共10分)Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes playing football and watching football matches. And he often 16 news papers. He does his best to know where and when a 17 will be.Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio. He is very happy 18 there is going to be a 19 football match on TV at four this afternoon. He 20 to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. He thinks hard and finds a 21 .“Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his 22 on the telephone. “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to 23 half a day’s leave (请半天假).”“Oh, I’m 24 to hear that,” says Mrs. Black. “But 25 is that?”“It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”16. A. sees B.looks C.watches D.reads17. A. P.E. lesson B.football match C.famous newspaper D.new TV18. A. so B.because C.and D.however19. A. wonderful B.different C.lucky D.bad20. A. thinks B.wants C.says D.goes21. A. telephone B.book C.way D.friend22. A. mother B.friend C.teacher D.classmate23. A. ask for B.wait for C.take part in D.think of24. A. happy B.angry C.afraid D.sorry25. A. what B.why C.where D.who四、阅读(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)(A)Ann lives in Edinburgh. It is a beautiful old city. About 500,000 people live in Edinburgh. Ann is thirteen yearsold. She has long brown hair and wears glasses. Her sister, Aileen, is always happy. She is ten. Their mother is very kind. She is an office worker. Their father is a policeman. He is very tall.In school holidays, Ann likes to go to France, Spain or Canada. She also likes doing exercise.On weekdays, Ann gets up at 7 o’clock. She goes to school at about 8 o’clock. She usually goes to school by bus. On Thursday and Friday, she comes home on foot. There is no underground in Edinburgh. She always does her homework for one hour after dinner.At the weekend, she usually gets up at 9 o’clock. She plays the piano for one hour. She likes going to her classmates’ house. They talk and listen to music. She likes staying at her classmate’s house for one night.26.How many children are there in Ann’s family? There are __________.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four27.Where does Ann study?A.In China.B.In the UK.C.In France.D.In Canada.28.When does Ann go home on foot?A.On Thursday and Friday.B.On Friday and Saturday.C.On Saturday and Sunday.D.On Monday and Tuesday.29.What does Ann do at the weekend?A.Does her homework.B.Does exercise.C.Goes shopping with her mother.D.Plays the piano.30.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Ann’s father is an English policeman.B. Ann’s sister is younger than her.C.People in Edinburgh can go to work by underground.D.Students in England are free at weekends.(B)We are Zuzia and Sara from Poland. Both of us are 11 years old. We started school when we were 7. We will finish primary school when we’re 13 and secondary school when we’re 16. Then we will go to high school for three or four years. And after the final exams-matura, we can continue studying at college or university.We go to school from Monday to Friday. We start school at 8:00 a.m, and usually finish at 14:30 p.m. The school year has 2 terms. The autumn term starts on October 1st, and we finish it at the end of January. We have a holiday about two weeks at Christmas and a two-week winter holiday in February. The second term starts in Febuary and finishes at the end of June. In March or April we have a six-day holiday at Easter. The summer holiday is about 9 or 10 weeks long. We like the holidays very, very much!!!31.If Zuzia and Sara finish school, how old are they at least?A.13B.16C.19D.2132.What does the word “matura” mean?A.The final exams.B.A college.C.The name of a university.D.The name of their high school.33.When do the students in Poland have holidays according to the passage?A. At Christmas and on Thanksgiving Day.B. At Easter and Christmas.C. At Christmas and the Spring Festival.D. At Easter and on Mid-autumn Day.34.How long does the summer holiday last?A.Two weeks.B.A month.C.More than two months.D.Half a year.35.Which is the best title for this passage?A.School Year in PolandB.Primary Students in PolandC.Famous Schools in PolandD.Sports in Polish schools.(C)Sam is an American. He is now living in China. Every day he gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school. He gets there at five to eight.Morning classes finish at ten past twelve and he has lunch ten minutes later. After lunch he plays with his friends.Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are two classes in the afternoon. They finish at half past three. Sometimes he plays games or does other things at school and he gets home at about five. He has supper at six, and then does homework and watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten.36.Sam comes from __________.A.the USAB.ChinaC.EnglandD.Canadaually Sam goes to school __________.A.by bikeB.by carC.by busD.on foot38.Sam usually has lunch __________.A.at about half past twelveB.at about twenty past twelveC.at about ten past twelveD.at about ten to twelve39.How long is Sam at school in the afternoon? About __________.A.less than three and a half hoursB.more than six hoursC.two hoursD.four or five hours40.Sam usually __________ in the evening.A.does his homeworkB.watches TVC.A and BD.does sports五、根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)41.Let’s i__________ our teachers to our party. They’ll be very happy to be with us.42.This computer is too e__________. I want to buy a cheaper one.43.I like staying at home at weekdays to play c__________ games.44.Guangzhou has a h__________ of more than 2,000 years.45.Please hurry up. You have only one m__________ left.46.The girl wants to c__________ her hair style.47.His house looks very big while mine is very s__________.48.The kitchen is m__________. We have to clean it now.49.Jay Chou is one of the most p__________ singers in China.50.In autumn, many l__________ fall down onto the ground from the trees.六、根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

2017年广大附中黄埔学校招生真卷语文答案一、1.(囫囵)吞枣 (忐忑)不安 恍然大(悟) 熙熙(攘攘)不(拘)一格 兴高(采)烈 (痊)愈 (蜷)缩 (权)势【点拨】考查学生词语的准确书写,注意“痊”的写法,区分“嚷(叫嚷)”和“壤(攘敌)”的写法,“不拘一格”的意思是:不局限于一种规格或一个格局。
2.手舞足蹈 妙手回春 握手言和 爱不释手 情同手足 眼疾手快3.B【点拨】A中只有一个错别字,“行色匆匆”。
4.①家庭是保护孩子的一把伞; ②据2012年调查显示,广州市学生体质情况不理想。
5.除了……还有 只要……就【点拨】考查学生对关联词的运用,作答时可以从句子的内容和句子所表达的关系上着手。

( )2.50比40多41。
( ) 3.六年级有99人,有一天全部到齐,这天的出勤率是99%。
( )4.成为互质数的两个数没有公约数。
( )5.一个数增加25%后再减去25%,结果不变。
( )二、选择题(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1.投掷3次硬币,有2次正面朝上,一次反面朝上,那么,投掷第4次硬币,正面朝上的可能性是( ) A.41 B.21 C.31 D.32 2.在含糖率20%的糖水中加入5克糖和20克水,这时的糖水比原来( )A.更甜了B.不那么甜了C.一样甜D.不能确定3.下列字母是轴对称图形的是( )A. SB. FC. TD. P4.一个圆的周长等于一个正方形的周长,那么这个圆的面积和正方形的面积比较,圆的面积( )正方形的面积。
A. 小于B. 大于C. 等于D. 约等于5.有13个乒乓球,其中12个质量相同,另一个较轻一点,如果用天平秤,至少( )次保证能找到这个乒乓球。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4三、填空题。
4.规定A*B=A ×B+A-B ,那么5*6=____________。
7.在边长为a 厘米的正方形上剪下一个最大的圆,这个圆与正方形的周长比是____________。

广州黄埔广附小升初英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Guangzhou Huangpu District Primary School English Entrance ExamHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 6th grade student at Guangzhou Huangpu District Primary School. Today I'm going to tell you all about the crazy English entrance exam I had to take to get into a good middle school. Let me just say - it was no walk in the park! But I studied really hard and did my best. I'll share some of the questions with you so you can get an idea of what it was like.The exam had five sections: listening, reading, writing, grammar, and oral. Each part was pretty challenging in its own way. I'll go through them one by one.ListeningIn this section, we had to listen to recordings and answer multiple choice questions about what we heard. There were conversations between people as well as lectures and news reports. Ugh, the accents were so hard to understand sometimes!One conversation was between two friends making plans for the weekend. I had to identify things like what activity they decided to do, where they were going, and what time they would meet up. Definitely had to listen super carefully.Another recording was a lecture about the history of the Lion Dance in Guangzhou. I had to summarize the main ideas and identify specific details like the materials used to make the lion head. There were also some tricky inference questions where I had to interpret tone and implied meanings. Not easy at all!ReadingThen we had the reading section which was probably my favorite part since I'm a bookworm. The passages covered all kinds of interesting topics - everything from Chinese mythology to current environmental issues. We had to answer comprehension questions, define vocabulary words based on context, and identify the author's purpose and opinions.My favorite passage was about a 12-year-old girl who started her own bakery business. It talked about her inspirations, the challenges she faced, and her future goals. The questions asked about characteristics that allowed her to be successful and lessons other young entrepreneurs could learn from her story. I love reading about empowering kid heroes like that!WritingWriting has always been one of my weaker areas, so I was pretty nervous for this section. First we had to write an essay responding to a quotation about the importance of teamwork. We had to state our opinion, provide reasons and examples to support it, and address potential counterarguments. Putting together a structured, cohesive argument on the spot is hard!Then we had a more creative writing task where we were given a few lines of a story and had to continue it in an engaging, descriptive way. Developing characters, setting the scene, guiding a logical plot - my brain was working overtime! I tried my best to craft a compelling narrative with vivid imagery and natural dialogue.GrammarThis section struck fear into the heart of every student. It mercilessly tested our knowledge of English grammar rules through difficult multiple choice questions. We had to identify errors in sentences, determine proper word usage, and show mastery of complex tenses, clauses, and structures. Definitely went through all those grammar drill books my mom made me do!Some of the questions would give you a blank sentence and you'd have to fill in the blank with the word that made the most sense grammatically. Others asked you to combine two sentences into one coherent new sentence. There were even stress patterns and pronunciation rules we needed to know. My brain melted a few times, not going to lie!OralLast but definitely not least was the feared oral section. We had to respond to prompts and answer questions verbally to test our English speaking and listening abilities. The examiner would ask us opinion questions on random topics and we had to think on our feet and have a mini-conversaion with them.One prompt was "describe a place that is special to you and explain why it is meaningful." I talked about my grandma's vegetable garden that inspired my love of nature. The examiner asked me follow-up questions and I had to continue the flow and elaborate.We also had to retell stories that the examiner read aloud, using correct grammar and details. And we had to look at pictures and describe what we saw happening in a clear, organized way. Trying to be coherent and fluent while your mind is racing is no joke! My palms were sweating like crazy.Phew, that's a recap of the different sections on the exam! As you can see, it challenged us in every possible way - listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and speaking. My brain was fried by the end!I'm just relieved I prepared as much as I could and tried my very best. No matter how I did, I know I worked incredibly hard and can be proud of that. Wish me luck - I'll hopefully get into a good middle school! If you're taking an exam like this, make sure to start practicing way in advance. It's going to take a lot of time, effort, and determination篇2The Dreaded English Exam for Middle School EntranceThe day of the English exam for entrance into my desired middle school had finally arrived. My classmates and I had been feverishly preparing for months, drilling vocabulary, practicing reading comprehension, and agonizing over proper grammar usage. The pressure was immense as a strong performance on this test could make or break our dreams of attending the prestigious Guangzhou Huangpu Guangfuxiao Middle School.As I took my seat in the exam room, nervous energy crackled through the air like static electricity. Friends who had been jokingand laughing together just moments ago were now stone-faced and laser-focused. The harsh fluorescent lights beating down only amplified the severity of the situation. I gave my pencils one final anxious tap on the desk before the proctor began distributing the test booklets.The first section was vocabulary, which was my strongest area. As I blazed through the multiple choice questions defining SAT-level words like "dilettante" and "apocryphal," I felt a sense of cautious optimism building. Granted, I stumbled briefly on the meaning of "solipsistic," but overall I was confident I had nailed that portion. My mind drifted for a moment, fantasizing about making a strong first impression on my future English teachers.The reading comprehension passages up next quickly dashed those fleeting daydreams. Intense didn't even begin to describe the difficultly and nuanced analysis required to properly dissect excerpts ranging from ancient Greek philosophy to contemporary bio-ethics writings. Sweat began beading on my forehead as I desperately tried rekindling those close reading skills my teachers had worked so diligently to instill. With time dwindling, I rapidly bubbled in semi-educated guesses for the remaining questions and silently hoped the section wouldn't be overly weighted.If those first two sections had represented the deep woods, the grammar section was the unforgiving, rock-strewn mountain path leading out. Differentiating between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses, maintaining consistent verb tenses despite convoluted phrasing, and identifying misplaced modifiers was a formidable set of tasks made all the more challenging by fatigue setting in. I chewed constantly on the tip of my pencil, grimacing at the occasional distracting whirring sound of the proctor's electric fan.Just when I feared my brain couldn't possibly handle any further complex linguistic concepts, we turned the final page to see the daunting writing prompt staring back. The basic gist seemed simple enough: "Describe a significant technological advancement and how it has impacted the world." It was deceptively open-ended though. Should I take the utilitarian route and discuss the monumental life-saving potential of vaccines and penicillin? Veer toward the metaphorical and wax poetic about the internet's ability to shrink our world and connect disparate cultures? Or perhaps lean into the dramatic and craft a cautionary tale about nuclear energy and humanity's cataclysmic potential for self-destruction?In the end, with the proctor's warning that there were only fifteen minutes remaining, I opted for a relatively safe middle ground and wrote about the印ensed pros and cons of artificial intelligence. I ticked through all the typical arguments - how AI could automate mundane tasks and increase productivity while simultaneously posing an existential threat by rendering human cognition irrelevant. Whether my linguistic flourishes and balanced perspective impressed would be anyone's guess. The only certainty was that I had given every ounce of mental energy I could muster.At long last, the proctor declared time was up and instructed us to place our pencils down. A few students looked crestfallen, undoubtedly regretting their time management. Others wold bravely confident smiles, though those facade cracked slightly when catching a glimpse of their classmates'Despondently walking out, most of us simply looked emotionally drained and remained haunted by incessant self-doubt over whether our performance had been adequate.Over the ensuing weeks leading up to the results being posted, my imagination ran wild conjecturing over how I had fared. In quieter moments, feelings of angst would bubble up about whether my English skills truly measured up. Duringboisterous moments with friends, I projected unwavering confidence in having aced the exam. Ultimately, there was nothing to do but try distracting myself by preparing for the upcoming Chinese literature and math entrance assessments while perpetually refreshing the admissions website.When the pivotal day finally arrived and those results went live, I could scarcely allow myself to look with how much now rested on my English exam score. Hands trembling, I mustered every ounce of courage and slowly revealed my fate - and borderline rebellious euphoria washed over me. Not only had I performed exceedingly well, she totally crushed that test like a....well, like only a true English prodigy could!篇3An Experience to Remember: The English Entrance Exam at Guangfu PrimaryAs an anxious 6th grader, the upcoming English entrance exam for middle school loomed large in my mind. Attending the prestigious Guangfu Primary School in Guangzhou meant the expectations were high, and this exam would determine so much of my future academic path. Little did I know just how challenging and memorable this experience would become.The Weeks Leading UpIn the weeks prior, our English classes shifted entirely to exam preparation mode. We drilled vocabulary, grammar rules, reading comprehension strategies, and practice tests until I thought my brain might explode. The pressure was immense, with our teachers reminding us daily of just how important this exam would be. I began having vivid dreams about forgetting how to conjugate verbs or misidentifying parts of speech. The stress was very real.My parents also ramped up the intensity at home. They hired an expensive English tutor who came twice a week and assigned even more practice materials. Some nights I would study until well past midnight, desperately trying to memorize idioms and model essay structures. I loved English but this level of intensity began sapping my passion for the language.The Big Day ArrivesFinally, the dreaded exam day arrived. I remember laying out my sharpened pencils and freshly printed test papers the night before, saying a little prayer that I would remain calm and focused. My parents made me a special breakfast of my favorite foods in the hopes it would help energize me. We left extra early to avoid any delays in arriving at the exam site.Upon entering the large auditorium reserved for the testing, I was struck by the deathly silence and looks of determination on my classmates' faces. We all knew how much rested on this one exam. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. I took a few calming breaths and tried to clear my mind as the proctors began distributing the test booklets.The English Entrance GauntletThe first。

2017 年广州黄埔华附招生数学真卷(满分: 70 分时间: 40 分钟)一、选择题。
(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)1、把 5 米长的绳子平均剪成 8 段,每段是这根绳子的(),每段长()。
A. 1米B.1 C.5 D.5 米 8888 2、 7的分母增加 3 倍,要使分数的大小不变,分子应加上()。
8A. 3B.14C.21D.283、只看三角形的一个角,能否判断出它是一个什么三角形?( )A. 能B. 不能C. 不一定4、五年级同学参加科技小组的有 23 人,比参加书法小组人数的 2 倍多 5 人,如果设书法小组有 x 人,则正确的方程是()。
A.2 ( x + 5) =23B. 2x +5=23C.2x=23 -5D.2x -5=235、一个圆柱体,底面直径和高相等,它的侧面积是表面积的( )。
A.1B.2C.33 37二、填空题。
(每小题 4 分,共 20 分)6、一项工程,甲单独要 6 天完成,乙单独要 8 天完成,甲与乙的工作效率之比是。
7、一个数加上 6,减去 2,然后除以 5,得 7,则这个数是。
8、一列火车以每小时 60 千米的速度通过一座长 200 米长的桥,用了 21 秒,则火车的车长是。
9、如图,平行四边形的面积是 20 平方厘米,图中甲、乙、丙三个三角形的面积比是,乙的面积是 平方厘米。
23乙丙甲第 9 题图10、把一个底面半径 2 厘米,高 1.5 厘米的圆柱形钢锭,铸成底面积大小不变的圆锥形钢锭,圆柱的高和圆锥的高的比是。
(每小题 7 分,共 14 分)11、递等式计算: 3.3 ×34+ 0.75 × 5.7 +75%12、解方程: 4x+3× 0.7=6.5四、应用题。
(每小题 7 分,共 21 分)13、商店运来梨 7 吨,比运来的苹果的 3 倍多1吨。
运来梨和苹果共多少吨?414、大象最快每小时能跑35 千米,比猎豹的1少 20 千米。