






2004年,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在哈佛大学的宿舍里创建了Facebook。















Facebook 案例分析

Facebook 案例分析
的流媒体直播频道,该频道将主要面向Facebook用户直播该公司的名人 访谈、新产品发布及其他一些特别活动,并鼓励用户与访谈佳宾展开互 动交流。
6 .业务拓展。例如物联网就是一个很好的例子。
F a c e b o o k 隐 私 政 策 的 问 题 。 提 问 程 序 十 分 简 单 : 用 户 只。 要 点 开 Facebook“隐私页”(Facebook Privacy Page),单击“时间轴”功能 下面的“向依根提问”信箱,然后填写问题即可。
地),在 Adam D'Angelo 和 Sean Parker(译者:著名的第一代
P2P 音乐分享网站 Napster 的创始人)的帮助下继续 Facebook 的发 展。同年 9 月,另一个社会化网络站点 ConnectU 的合伙人 Divya Narendra,Cameron Winklevoss 和 Tyler Winlevoss 把 Facebook告 上法庭。他们称 Zuckerberg 非法使用了他们在让他帮助建站时开发的 源代码。 与此同时,Facebook 获 得了 PayPal 创始人 Peter Thiel 提 供的约五十万美金 的天使投资。到 12 月时,Facebook 的用户数超过 100 万。
Mark Zuckerberg 在 Andrew McCollum 和 Eduardo Saverin 的 支持下,于 2004年 2 月创办了“The Facebook”。当时他是哈佛大 学的学生。月底的时候,半数 以上的哈佛本科生已经成了注册用户。 其时,Dustin Moskovitz 和 Chris Hughes加入进来,帮助网站的推 广,将 Facebook 扩展到麻省理工学院、波士顿大学和 波士顿学院。 扩展一直持续到 2004 年 4 月,包括了所有长春藤院校和其他一些 学 校。之后的一个月,Zuckerberg,McCollum 和 Moskovitz 搬到加 利福尼亚州 的 Palo Alto 市(译者:斯坦福大学所在地,硅谷的发源



Facebook:一个商业帝国的崛起 与逆转
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 精彩摘录 06 作者介绍
帝国 伦理

这本书讲述了Facebook从一个大学社交网络转变为全球商业巨擘的跌宕历程,深入挖掘了这家改变世界并面 临后果的公司背后的故事。现在,Facebook市值超过8000亿美元,月活用户数直逼30亿,它旗下的全资子公司包 括Instagram、WhatsApp等社交领域的新星。毫无疑问,Facebook的商业帝国已经建成。然而,这家公司正面临 着一个窘境:在财富疯狂增长的同时,被越来越多的人口诛笔伐。近年来围绕在它头顶的丑闻如同阴云密布:隐 私泄露、操纵选举、假新闻、仇恨言论……扎克伯格和他的Facebook帝国正面临着前所未有的考验。这本书直击 Facebook内幕,讲述了它传奇的崛起与惊人的逆转,它的目标、愿景、产品、计划,它的失败与成功。作者历时 3年,数次专访扎克伯格,与公司内外的300多名相关人士对谈,搜集关于Facebook真相的无数碎片,还原出一个 商业帝国的全貌。这本书告诉我们,赋予一家年轻鲁莽的公司改变世界的权力,将会带来什么样重大的后果。
这本书是是一部基于官方授权采访、作者自己调查的半传记,整体信息量很大,值得推荐。让团队达成共识, 是一项非常重要的管理能力 3、ins、snapchat创始人,基于更大的发展空间同意被收购,基于价值观不同而离 开 4、详细fb一定能走出当前危机,期待meta。



Main Paebook简介
Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to it by American universities students.
search site Google.
• From 2010 March Facebook's market share has more than Google advertising industry to become the leading.
Main Page
CEO introduce advert
Main Page
CEO introduce advert
Facebook's various interface
Main Page
CEO introduce advert
wall and group
Main Page
CEO introduce advert
As the world's largest social networking site, Facebook is still moving forward at an alarming pace.In the eyes of many people, such a website to make money easily, and advertising is the main way of profit Facebook.

facebook介绍 英文版

facebook介绍 英文版
• Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg in
his dorm room at Harvard
What is Facebook?
Developed in 2004 by then Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is a social networking site used by more than 500 million people in every country on the planet, so far in 70 languages. The site’s minimum age is 13, but teens represent only a minority population on Facebook. It’s used by a lot of adults, certainly including parents. But not just individuals – Facebook’s also used by businesses, organizations and governments all over the world, to send marketing messages, seek charitable funding and communicate with customers and constituents. Facebook is certainly not the only social networking site. There are thousands of them, based all over the world, some general-interest social sites for people in a specific country and some for specific interest groups in many categories – students, sports fans, film aficionados, cooks, travelers, gamers, music lovers, etc. Some social sites are designed for use on computers, some just for mobile phones. Facebook is accessed by both.



经济学人双语对照补充13 鬼谷一喵 #翻译硕士#2016-06-02 22:35 姚洋阅读 8930FacebookImperial ambitionsMark Zuckerberg prepares to fight for dominance of the next era of computingFacebook帝国野心马克·扎克伯格准备为争夺下一个计算时代的统治地位而战NOT since the era of imperial Rome has the “thumbs-up”sign been such a potent and public symbol of power. A mere 12 years after it was founded, Facebook is a great empire with a vast population, immense wealth, a charismatic leader, and mind-boggling reach and influence. The world’s largest social network has 1.6 billion users, a billion of whom use it every day for an average of over 20 minutes each. In the Western world, Facebook accounts for the largest share of the most popular activity (social networking) on the most widely used computing devices (smartphones); its various apps account for 30% of mobile internet use by Americans. And it is the sixth-most-valuable public company on Earth, worth some $325 billion.Even so, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s 31-year-old founder and chief executive, has even greater ambitions. He has plans to connect the digitally unconnected in poor countries by beaming internet signals from solar-powered drones, and is making big bets on artificial intelligence (AI), “chatbots”and virtual reality (VR). This bid for dominance will bring him into increasing conflict with the other great empires of the technology world, and Google in particular. The ensuing battle will shape the digital future for everyone.自罗马帝国时代以来,“竖起大拇指”这一手势就成为了公开且有力的权力象征。



Facebook创始人扎克伯格英文演讲稿We're designing stuff, we look not necessarily just about what any given users going to experience,but what's going to be better for the whole coummunity and the whole product. And I mean, it's gonna be a lot of trade-off going all over the place in a product. Probably the most that you see every day is that you can't see the profiles of people at other schools. That's a really a major trade-off in the application. 当我们设计应用程序的时候,我们并不注重单一用户的使用体验,而更关注其是否有意与整个社区和产品。




For those of you who aren't familiar with this, we spilt up the user base by what school they go to and we make it so that people at a given school can only see the profiles and contact information of people at their school. And the reason for this was mostly to, because we realized that the people around you, at your school, are the people who you want to look at mostly anyway. And if we made the space too broad and let anyone see your information. then that probably fine. I mean, look up some people, but you also probably won't put up your cellphone.你们有些人对此不太了解,我们将用户按照学校分类,所以只有来自相同学校的人才能互相看到对方的信息和联系方式。






1. 苹果(Apple)苹果是一家全球知名的科技公司,其英文名为Apple。


2. 谷歌(Google)谷歌是一家全球率先的互联网技术公司,其英文名为Google。


3. 脸书(Facebook)脸书是一家全球最大的社交网络公司,其英文名为Facebook。


4. 亚马逊(Amazon)亚马逊是一家全球最大的电子商务公司,其英文名为Amazon。


5. 耐克(Nike)耐克是一家全球著名的运动品牌,其英文名为Nike。


6. 麦当劳(McDonald's)麦当劳是一家全球最大的快餐连锁企业,其英文名为McDonald's。


7. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)可口可乐是一家全球率先的饮料公司,其英文名为Coca-Cola。


8. 宝马(BMW)宝马是一家德国汽车创造商,其英文名为BMW(Bayerische Motoren Werke)。


9. 路易威登(Louis Vuitton)路易威登是一家法国奢靡品牌,其英文名为Louis Vuitton。


10. 雅诗兰黛(Estée Lauder)雅诗兰黛是一家美国化妆品公司,其英文名为Estée Lauder。



扎克伯格表示,现在的互联网只是由一堆网页间毫无组织的链接所组成。 这只是互联网的开端。“开放图谱”将让所有人都位于网络的中心。我们将赋 能于人们,让他们能创建一个更智能更个性化的网络。
扎克伯格有两套名片,一套只写着‘CEO’, 另一套则写着‘我是CEO,混蛋!’”。 他的办公室门上则贴着“我没时间,滚蛋。” “如果你是鬼,进来。那么你是白痴,滚远 点。”
“Different from the social networking website MySpace”, Zuckerberg said, “Usually an ordinary user can only see less than Facebook group in the others information 0.5%, this is because the Facebook took the information protection mechanism, not let the information disaster caused by flooding water, ensure user privacy safe and sound. In contrast, MySpace registered users as long as they wish, you can browse all other user data."
Facebook 就像是时尚 时尚永远都不会终结。 —— 扎克伯格
We are a private company, has no obligation to disclose the company ownership structure. The elder Bill Gate, personally I quite successful example of respect, he is also in the IT industry. If the outside to give me plus' Gates second 'hat, this is your wishful thinking. Why should I be Bill Gate? Microsoft is on the Windows and Office fortune, carrying my dream is the Internet, more specifically Facebook."



By now it should be clear that Facebook is a giant social networking site providing a large, diverse array of services and features. It is also a reflection of and platform for the thoughts, actions, creativity, and learning of a large and learning of a large and learning of a large cross-section of humanity. How people use the site is very individual, and keeping their experiences on the site positive depends a great deal on how they use it and interact with others on it. This is just as true for young Facebook users as it is for grownup ones.
For users, the announcement could mean many more ads on Facebook. For advertisers, the effort offers a chance to reach more users in more places.
A lot of people have Facebook! Look!!
More Advertising, More Dollars (盈利模式)



• dilute his share of the company from 34 percent to 0.03 percent
announces his intention to sue mark
• (a party celebrating Facebook‘s one millionth member), Sean are arrested for possession of cocaine.

•Leabharlann 第9届旧金山影评人协会奖:最佳影片、导演、改编剧本三项;









• Known by many as the Facebook movie, "The Social Network" has made waves as the supposed retelling of the creation of Facebook and the subsequent lawsuits against its creator, Mark Zuckerberg. However, to simply shrug off this movie as another misunderstood genius tale would completely miss the point. The Social Network transcends any stereotypes thrown its way by being a movie not about the mere creation of Facebook, but in itself a social commentary on the frail relationships one builds on this website and how much we strive to make them seem real.



Facebook资料搜集一、facebook 的基本信息(百度百科)名称由来网站的名字Facebook来自传统的纸质“花名册”。













在之后的两个月内,注册扩展到波士顿地区的其他高校,波士顿学院Boston College、波士顿大学Boston University、麻省理工学院、特福茨大学Tufts,以及罗切斯特大学Rochester、斯坦福Stanford、纽约大学NYU、西北大学和所有的常春藤名校。







– 100mm users worldwide, 44mm US
• Facebook:
– 175mm users worldwide
• Twitter:
– 200mm users worldwide
That’s great for the industry, but why am I utilizing Social Media?
• Showcasing skill set:
– publishing your resume or establishing expertise for potential clients
or employers to view
• Work your network, make yourself visible:
WNet Presents: Social Media
Webinar Description
Social Media is now available on all sorts of platforms. This webinar addresses the most effective way to utilize social media, in regards to different types of sites and interactive communication tools. The webinar will focus on professional benefits in using social media, specific to the financial services industry. Learn not only how to reach your target audience, but where people go for industry updates, how to effectively market a new product, and how networking is a necessary skill for your career.



HOW TO MAKE MONEYWITHBrought to you by:Using Facebook To Drive Massive Traffic To Your WebsiteFacebook is quickly becoming a marketer’s best friend. Not only can you profit off of your profile, Facebook has now made it possible to profit off of what’s called “Facebook Ads”, formally “Facebook Fliers.”We are going to go over how to gain plenty of traffic to your website by using both free and paid techniques on Facebook. This section might seem quite lengthy, but in my view, I see Facebook as becoming larger than MySpace with more and more opportunity for the small guys, us.Facebook AdsFacebook Ads, formally Facebook Fliers are getting a lot of attention around the Internet. Since Facebook started offering advertising solutions, it seems their way of providing value to the marketer has improved with every update. At first, they had a program called Facebook Fliers. The basic concept of Facebook Fliers was you paid for per thousand impressions. While this was a good concept, it didn’t work as well as it was supposed to. The current program being used is called Facebook Ads, which has the option of paying per click or per impression. The targeting, pricing, and setup seemed to improve with Facebooks newest creation. The general consensus found with everyone I have spoke to is they are experiencing much better results using CPC versus CPM.While this may seem simple through Facebooks interface, it amazes me how many people setup Ads that have no relevance or USP. (Unique selling point) One factor that you need to remember is the majority of people you are going to be marketing to are college students. An advertisement that requires the user to purchase a high ticket item or do anything that requires anything too extensive would probably not do well on Facebook. For this reason, I recommend doing heavy research into what a college student needs and wants. I prefer to market for college offers, financing, laptops, iPods, auctions, and jobs. You do not have to be limited to those niches, but that is a good start.Let’s get into how to setup a great Ad, step-by-stepStep 1 – Enter your website – Have a catchy URL - nothing boring.Be sure you don’t use any affiliate links or networks that are banned by Facebook. Doing this could get your Facebook Ad account banned right away! Use affiliate link cloakers or have your subdomain URL redirect to your affiliate link, but don’t use direct affiliate links.Step 2- Choose the audience you want your advertisement to seen byA great thing about Facebook Ads is you can laser target the users that actually see your advertisement. This feature allows for you to send tons of pre-qualified visitors toyour website rather than users that have no interest at all in viewing what your website has to offer.Step 3 – Create your advertisementThis is the most important part in the whole process; this is what will be seen by each one of your prospects. You need to have something that is catchy, flashy, and will grab your user’s attention. The reason why it needs to be this way is because your prospects have no intention at clicking on your ad when they logon Facebook. They are there to simply chat with friends, send messages, and do social networking activities. Your job is to distract them by creating a gripping advertisement.Title:Come up with some type of interesting offer related to your niche. For my niche, low price auctions I choose “Want an iPhone for cheap?” College kids are in a craze over iPhones right now, and on top of that they love low prices.Body: I compared the auction site I am promoting to eBay. I describe that we have the lowest bids and lowest fees. College kids generally hate high fees and high prices, so I figured this line would get their attention.Photo:Who hasn’t seen an iPhone yet? It’s like the universal sign of a fun gadget now. By uploading this photo, I am grabbing their attention to look at my ad right away.Unique Selling Point:You always need to make sure your advertisements has a unique selling point, otherwise it will be hard to achieve a good conversion rate. If you simply would have just said “Come check out this new auction site!! Come sign up today!!” What will convince someone to sign up for the auction site you are promoting? There is really nothing convincing to that statement. By me changing the whole approach of the ad to gear it toward iPhone and picking one up cheap by winning an auction, I’ve put a unique point in the person’s mindset. Creating good advertisements has a lot to do with getting into the person’s mind to figure out what they NEED and highly WANT.Step 4: Setup the right budgetSplit testing:Any professional marketer knows they key to succeeding is by testing their advertisements. This is no difference in what we are doing; you must test your offers! A new marketer might think they have a great offer and set their daily budget to $200-$300, which is a lot of money to them. Well, what if the offer the novice marketer thought was going to do well turned out to do horrible? They are out almost their entire marketing budget. I have seen this happen to many marketers and I hate to see it happen.There is nothing wrong with setting a 5-10 dollar budget the first day with 3 different ads to see which one does best.You also want to be able to have multiple landing pages for your visitor to land on. Put a statcounter code on these pages to see which ones are getting the most hits. You can sign up for free statcounter codes that will be invisible on your landing pages at . I use them for over 50 projects and have had great results. Schedule: I prefer to run my advertisements from Saturday until Thursday. In my tests, I have come to the conclusion that Fridays and Sundays are not the greatest days for Internet Marketing. It seems like many people do not bother poking around the Internet and are out doing other activities. During the week and Saturday’s are generally my best days for profits. Schedule your ads accordingly to your peak times. Budget Management:Be sure to manage your budget across many offers. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Successful marketers have a lot going on that equals them to being successful. Do not be discouraged if one of your offers do not work, just cross it out and move on to the next one.Driving Traffic Using Your Free Profile and Creating Free GroupsThe great thing about Facebook is that the program is always encouraging networking. Whether it is through groups, applications, notifications, messages, or any other process, Facebook is always encouraging its users to get involved. By taking the initiative to creating an interesting and creative profile much like you would on MySpace, you can use your profile to gain thousands of friends from all over. You can then use the power of your profile to create what’s called “Facebook Notes” , “EventInvitations”, “Groups”, and so much more. With just a couple of clicks you can send out notes, groups, and messages to every single one of your friends.For a marketer,Facebook Groups are a dream come true. Now, it does take a bit of work in the beginning, but after a while users will invite their own friends, then those users invite, etc. Groups on Facebook are extremely viral if created properly. Follow me on the next page as I show you a great example of a website using facebook groups to its full potential.Here’s a great example of the webmaster for , a Clemson fan site, using Facebook groups to drive Clemson fans to his website:Now, I posted this group for a couple of reasons:First, notice their website is getting free exposure to thousands of members.Second, notice the group type is open, meaning anyone can join at anytime. Third,notice the group officer and admin – these are the people that can send out a mass message to everyone in the group and change around the content in the group. This part is important because once a week or month you could have a mass “newsletter message” sent out to promote your website or new product.The potential of Facebook groups is huge!Let’s go over the steps to creating a profitable and popular Facebook group:1.Create a good niche group that students will like2.Research other groups to be sure there is a good “market” for your group.3.Fill in the group with good content and pictures4.Be sure to find some activity officers and admins to help promote the group5.Keep the group active in order to keep the members interested6.Promote your website, products, and services gently. Do not force sell yourproduct.That’s it. The potential of Facebook groups is seriously huge and best of all it’s FREE!Facebook is very up with new techniques, technology, and ideas. I highly suggest that if you want to profit from their innovative ideas, that you stay side-by-side with them and keep as up-to-date as possible with their ever evolving Web 2.0 social network that is gaining tens of thousands of new members a day from people of all age, gender, and social classes. There are many people that firmly hold the belief that Facebook will one day grow larger and much more popular than MySpace, only time will tell.Finding Fortune on Facebook Will Show You...How To Build Your Facebook Marketing StrategyFrom The Ground Up!Ways to Understand the Unique Marketing MindSet Involved In Facebook Marketing!How To Use Social Ads To Boost Your Sales!How To Use New Changes To Facebook To YourAdvantage!Find Out What The Real Facebook El Dorado Is!Get Your Copy Now For ONLY $17!"Discover How An 18 Year Old College Drop Out Now Kicks Back & Rakes in a 5 Figure IncomeWhilst Playing on Facebook..."。



社交媒体介绍英文作文英文:Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has changed the way we communicate, interact and share information with each other. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have millions of active users worldwide.One of the main advantages of social media is that it allows us to connect with people from all over the world. We can stay in touch with our friends and family who live far away, and even make new friends with people we have never met before. Social media also provides a platform for businesses to connect with their customers and promotetheir products or services.However, social media also has its downsides. It can be a source of cyberbullying, fake news, and misinformation.It can also be addictive, causing people to spend too muchtime on their phones or computers, and neglecting theirreal-life relationships.In my opinion, social media is a powerful tool that can be used for both good and bad. It is up to us to use it responsibly and make the most out of it. We should be mindful of the content we share and the people we interact with online. We should also take breaks from social media and spend time with our loved ones in the real world.中文:社交媒体已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。

fb 兴趣词

fb 兴趣词

fb 兴趣词Facebook是全球最大的社交媒体平台之一,拥有数十亿的用户。






















facebook 的发展历程

facebook 的发展历程

一、Facebook的起源1.1 马克·扎克伯格在哈佛大学创建“面子书”(TheFacebook)的初衷1.2 “面子书”最初的功能和定位1.3 “面子书”如何迅速在哈佛大学内流行起来1.4 “面子书”逐渐扩展到其他大学和学院1.5 正式更名为“Facebook”并向公众开放注册二、Facebook的初期发展2.1 Facebook如何在美国大学校园迅速蔓延2.2 Facebook如何吸引越来越多的用户加入2.3 Facebook的初期商业模式和盈利模式2.4 Facebook对社交媒体的影响和改变三、Facebook的全球化进程3.1 Facebook如何打开国际市场3.2 Facebook在全球范围内如何推广自己3.3 Facebook如何适应不同国家和地区的文化和法律规定3.4 我国市场对Facebook的封锁及其应对策略四、Facebook的商业化和上市4.1 Facebook如何通过广告和数据变现4.2 Facebook在商业运作上的特色4.3 Facebook上市的缘由和影响4.4 Facebook上市后的发展和挑战五、Facebook的社会影响和改变5.1 Facebook对社交关系、人际交往的影响5.2 Facebook在政治、文化、传媒领域的影响5.3 Facebook所面临的隐私和信息安全问题5.4 Facebook对用户生活和娱乐方式的改变六、Facebook的未来展望6.1 Facebook如何面对新的社交媒体挑战和竞争6.2 Facebook将如何继续发展和改进自身服务6.3 Facebook在技术创新和全球化上的布局和规划6.4 Facebook对未来社会发展的影响和意义七、结语7.1 对Facebook的历程和发展进行总结7.2 对Facebook在社会、科技和商业领域的重要意义进行展望7.3 共享对Facebook的个人看法和观点Facebook于2004年由哈佛大学学生马克·扎克伯格创建,最初是作为一个专注于大学生社交网络的全球信息湾。



facebook基本用法英文回答:Facebook is a popular social networking platform that allows users to connect with friends and family, share photos and videos, and discover new content. It has become an integral part of many people's lives, serving as a platform for communication, entertainment, and information sharing.One of the basic uses of Facebook is to create a personal profile. This profile includes information such as your name, profile picture, cover photo, and a brief bio. You can also add details about your education, work, and interests. This helps others to learn more about you and connect with you based on common interests.Another important feature of Facebook is the ability to add friends. You can search for people you know and send them friend requests. Once they accept your request, youcan see their updates on your news feed and interact with them through comments and likes. Facebook also suggests friends based on mutual connections and interests, making it easier to expand your network.Facebook allows you to share posts, photos, and videos with your friends. You can write status updates, share links, and upload photos and videos directly from your device. This is a great way to keep your friends updated on your life and share interesting content you come across. You can also tag friends in your posts, which notifies them and allows them to see and engage with the content.In addition to personal profiles, Facebook also offers the option to create pages and groups. Pages are used by businesses, organizations, and public figures to connect with their audience and share updates. Groups, on the other hand, are communities where people with common interests can come together to discuss and share relevant content. Joining groups and following pages can help you stay informed and engaged with topics you care about.Facebook also provides a messaging feature, allowing users to send private messages to their friends. This is a convenient way to have one-on-one conversations, share personal information, or make plans. You can also create group chats to communicate with multiple friends at once.Facebook's news feed is a central part of the platform, where you can see updates from your friends, pages you follow, and groups you're a part of. The news feed is personalized based on your interactions, showing you content that is most relevant to you. You can like, comment on, and share posts directly from the news feed, making it easy to engage with the content you come across.中文回答:Facebook是一个流行的社交网络平台,允许用户与朋友和家人保持联系,分享照片和视频,并发现新的内容。

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Facebook的创始人是马克.扎克伯格,他是哈佛大学的学生, 五年前,马克还是一名默默无闻的辍学生,而现在他已经成 为互联网界的风云人物。《福布斯》日前评选出十位最年轻 的亿万富翁 ,2011年11月,权力人物榜福布斯27岁的马克排 全球第九位。
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profile update in obscurity dropout billionaire Incorporated 侧面,简介 更新,校正,修正 默默无闻,被忘记 中途退学;辍学学生 亿万富翁 合并,包含,组成公司
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, incorporated. As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile.
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On February 2010, according to foreign media reports, Facebook is catch up yahoo will become the third large websites, Google and Microsoft led the first three 。 2010年2月,据国外媒体报道,Facebook正赶超雅虎 将成为全球第三大网站,与微软谷歌领衔前三。
脸谱是一个社会网络服务和网站发起于2004年2月,脸谱操 作和私有股份有限公司。公司从2011年1月起,脸谱,有超 过6亿个活跃的用户。用户可以创建一个个人介绍,加上其 他用户作为一个朋友,交流信息,包括自动通知他们当他们 更新资料。
Facebook very international, 70% of users from outside the United States area, and its website offers more than 70 different languages. Denmark has more than 5 million people, half of which use Facebook. Facebook flow in March 2010 has more than Google's flow, become the global flow of the largest website. Facebook 非常国际化,有 70%的用户来自美国以外的地区, 并且它的网站提供超过 70 种不同的语言。丹麦有 500 多万 人,其中有一半使用 Facebook。 Facebook 的流量在2010 年3月已经超过Google的流量,成为全球流量最大的网站。
The Facebook founder is Mark Zuckerburg , he is a student at Harvard University 。Five years ago, Mark was a in obscurity dropout ,but now he has become the most important person in the Internet world. "Forbes" will he voted the world's youngest billionaire, In November 2011, “Forbes” power figure list: 27 years old of mark row global ninth .