新编英语教程6练习册翻译 高英6

新编英语教程6练习与答案高级英语(二)教与学指南Practice TestsforAdvanced English(2)主编张华鸿第五、六册本书的主要特点:1.2.前言编写本书的目的:目前英语专业三年级所使用的由上海外国语大学李观仪教授主编的〈新编英语教程〉紧扣精读课文编写练习,实用性、针对性强。
编者2021年1月于华南师范大学外文学院ContentsUnit One: *****S ERUPTSUnit Two: THE FINE ART OF ***** THINGS OFFUnit Three: WALLS AND *****SUnit Four: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?Unit Five: THE LADY,OR THE TIGER?Unit Six: DULL WORKUnit Seven: BEAUTYUnit Eight: *****EUnit Nine: A RED LIGHT FOR *****WSUnit Ten: *****T-A *****ACYUnit Eleven: ON *****ING *****IPTS TOFLOPPY DISCS AND *****S TO *****NUnit Twelve: GRANT AND LEEUnit Thirteen: *****SMUnit Fourteen: THAT *****ING *****---NATUREUnit Fifteen: *****G AS **********3 16 28 40 53 65 74 84 98 114 131 147 163 175 191TEXT I Unit One*****S ERUPTSI. Paraphrase the parts underlined in the following:So the letter which you asked me to write on my uncle s death has made you eager tohear about the terrors and also the hazards I had to face 12I took a bath, dined, and then dozed 3had been earth 4Campania: but that night the shocks were so violent that everything fell as if it were notonly shaken but overturned.I don t know whether I should call this courage or 5on my part (I was onlyseventeen at the time) but I 6 and went on reading as if I hadnothing else to do.Up came a friend of my uncle s who had just come from Spain to join him. When hesaw us sitting there and me actually reading, he scolded us both ―me for my 7and my mother for allowing it.By now it was dawn [25 August in the year 79], but the light was still dim and 8The buildings round us were already 9and the open space we were in was toosmall for us not to be in real and 10danger if the house collapsed. This finally 11to leave the town. We were followed by a panic- stricken mob of peoplewanting to act on someone else s decision 12looks like 13who 14in a densecrowd.We also saw the sea sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquake: at anyrate it receded from the shore so that 1516sand. On the landward side a fearful black cloud was 17of flame, and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified insize.At this point my uncle s friend from Spain 18still more urgently: “If yourbrother, if your uncle is still alive, he will want you both to be saved; if he is dead, he wouldwant you to survive him so why put off your escape?”Soon afterwards the cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already 19Capri and hidden the promontory of Misenum from sight. Then my mother 20I looked round: a dense black cloud was coming up behind us, spreading over the earthlike a flood. “Let us leave the road while we can still see,” I said, “or we shall be knockeddown and 21in the dark by the crowd behind.”You could hear the shrieks of women, the 22some were calling their parents, others their children or their wives, trying to recognize them by their voices. People 23were some who 2425gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that the universe was plungedinto eternal darkness forevermore. There were people, too, who 26inventing 27part was on fire, and though their tales were false they found others to believe them. A 28than daylight.I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear 2930dying with me and I with it.We returned to Misenum where we 31and then spent an anxious night alternating between hope and fear.II. Rewrite the followingFor each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to1. We were followed by a panic-stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else sdecision in preference to their own, who hurried us on our wayby pressing hard behindin a dense crowd.2. We replied that we would not think of considering our own safety as long as we wereuncertain of his.3. There were people, too, who added to the real perils by inventing fictitious dangers: somereported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and though theirtales were false they found others to believe them.4. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me in these perils, had I not derivedsome poor consolation in my mortal lot from the belief that the whole world was dyingwith me and I with it.5. Several hysterical individuals made their own and other people s calamities seemludicrous in comparison with their frightful predictions.Compared with several individuals frightful predictions, the calamities____________III. Translate the following into English1. 还未等我们坐下来喘息,夜幕已经降临,这黑暗使你觉得不是在无月色或多云的夜晚,而像是在灯火熄灭的紧闭的房间里。
新编英语教程6词汇. 高英6 txt

16. command from a superior official to an inferior one; authoritative command
17. voters
18. undermine the principle of
6. chattering; hence, noisy
7. rank, level
8. encourage; support
9. re-evaluation
10.the academic community; academics
11.psychoanalyst or psychiatrist
3. foreboding imminent disaster or final doom
4. an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers
5. go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly
5. profusion; abundance; great quantity
6. authoritative law; command
7. shameless; notorious
8. tormenting disgrace
9. laws
10. something offensive or annoying to the community, especially in violation of others’ legal rights
13. irritable, complaining

34. cardboard [5kB:dbC:d] n. thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models 硬纸板
35. bitterly [5bitEli] adj. very; violently 强烈地;非常 bitterly upset 极其难 过
24. perverse [pE(:)5vE:s] adj. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. (行为)任性的,蛮不讲理的 e.g. She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble. 她制造麻烦,还乐在其中,真是反常。
14. long since—long ago很久以前
15. cease [si:s] v. come or bring (sth.) to an end; stop停止,中止
16. at some length—in some detail详细地
17. melancholy [5melEnkEli] adj. very sad; depressed悲哀的;沮丧的; n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思(sadness , doldrums)e.g. Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。
的,专注的;e.g. She looked from one intent face to another. 她看着一张 张专注的面孔。 adj. 坚决的;e.g. The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.反叛分子显然决心继续施加压力。 n. 意图,目 的;But it is our intent that they learn something. 但是我们的目的就是让他 们学到东西。



U7释义:1、The reason why Barbie appeals so much to little girls is that she looks just like a real person inreal life who can be dressed up in the way they wish.2、There are many more natural objects than man-made physical objects in the world.3、There has been a tremendous increase in machine-produced things in terms of their actualamount as well as their physical size in proportion to our natural environment.4、This difference seems most noticeable between the modern throw-away-oriented girls who, onthe one hand, are delighted in replacing their out-of-date Barbies for up-to-date ones, and their old-fashioned counter-parts, on the other hand, who like their mothers and grandmothers, are reluctant to part with their dear little dolls until they are timeworn and broken/until they fall apart.5、The practice whereby people use a product and then quickly discard it may readily be rejectedby those accustomed by scarcity to holding on to their old possessions.翻译:1、His peculiar behaviour runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct2、What is certain is that few people in history have created a greater impact than Newton on thedevelopment of both science and mathematics.3、You are not supposed to deride children for their failures; you should encourage them to tryagain, instead.4、On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and aunt.5、With respect to his past record in the firm, no one has anything to complain about.6、Their freedom is inextricably bound to ours. We cannot act alone.7、My aged great aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.8、His name was immediately eliminated from the list of candidates after he was caught cheatingin the exam.U8释义:1、--- It is not a good idea to begin thinking of pursuing a hobby when you have already grownold.2、It is no good believing that you are in a position to enjoy at a moment's notice any pastimewhich happens to catch your fancy; pleasure comes from exerting one's talents in a hobby suited to one's circumstances.3、4、Peo ple are paid as a reward for their long hours’ work in the office or factory, benefiting, in themeantime, by a strong wish for pleasure that a hobby, even a petty hobby, may offer.5、In actual fact, those who regard work as the only source of their pleasure are in more urgentneed of a periodic adjustment from the strain of mind.翻译:1、His attempt at insinuating that John was the culprit turned out to be futile.2、He is very clever at improvising excuses each time he fails to do what is expected of him.3、His trip to Tibet may well gratify his desire to see the Potala Palace.4、This corporation commands distinguished human resources, rich enough to meet challengesfrom other big corporations.5、I don't think that could be an acceptable alternative for both of us. Can't we come up with abetter one for this problem?6、It is harmful to indulge in whims and caprices.7、Try not to lay your hands on anything that you are not entitled to.8、He did not come to the competition. It may well be that he had forgotten all about it.U9释义:1. The ability to arrange and control over events and actions to achieve desired results is aquality that is most required of a leader.2. He should be good at exercising his power/ authority where desired (that’s a quality a leadermust have), and he should demonstrate himself to be equal to such function.3. The leader should be quick at noticing what people are in need of, and get ahead to meettheir demands while guiding and delegating them toward a specified direction.4. Strength, determination and courage are most important qualities we must acquire, withoutwhich we can hardly hope to make a good leader of ours. We cannot deceive ourselves by making him appear what he is not, no matter how skilled we are in improving his public image. We are well aware that he is the representative of all of us.翻译:1. The outcome of the game depends not just on the skills of individual players but also on thetiming of all the players of the team.2. What I want to ask next is how we could sustain a constant self-identity.3. He felt ashamed of himself for the foolish things he had done when his infatuation was over.4. Skin doctors warn people to be careful with direct sun exposure because of the risk of skincancer.5. Her head was seriously injured, but she eventually managed to climb out of the window.6. How can we make our exhibit booth stand out from the others?7. He tried to pass for a gentleman; but everyone knew he was just an upstart.8. He stresses that both politicians and commentators in the media need to cool their rhetoric.U101、John Dewey has pointed out seriously that how far a social habit can impact an individualbehavior as compared with how far an individual behavior can impact a social habit can be likened to how far a native language can affect the entire vocabulary of a family dialect as compared with how far the entire vocabulary of a family dialect can affect a native language.2、The result from a serious study of various cultures that are allowed to grow with no influencefrom outside proves to be in complete conformity with the reality3、No scientific study of people and their cultures can be expected to achieve any fruitful end,where we still strongly believe that ours is superior to other cultures, which we have traditionally considered as underdeveloped, uncivilized or irreligious.4、We should accept that these cultures, which are like ours created by God, must be treated asequals to our own culture and included in our study of social customs.翻译:1、Conventions are different from tradition in that the former are the generally acceptedstandards of behaviour in a society, whereas the latter refers to the customary way of thinking or behaving that has been passed down from the past to the present.2、For a long time the teachings of Confucius and Mencius held sway over the Chinese society.3、His scribbling is unintelligible to anyone but himself.4、We must act on the premise that the worst can happen.5、Long before children are capable of using and understanding verbal language, they possessthe ability to differentiate between objects with visual differences.6、One of the predominant features of the botanical garden is its spaciousness.7、Do you believe that human beings have evolved from apes?8、It is incumbent on teachers not only to impart knowledge but also to teach the students moralprinciples.U11翻译:1、Don't expect to be remunerated for every minor thing you do. In the long run, all the effortsyou have made will be duly rewarded.2、Planting is the most important part of creating a beautiful environment, replenishing natureand developing the national economy3、It was the Tree-planting Day. All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willowtrees.4、Unlike his sweet-tempered sister, he has a quick temper and fulminates at people easily5、In the fight against corruption, it is more helpful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it.6、Before you take part in a debate, you are advised to ascertain that all your arguments aresound and well-grounded.7、They should learn to solve problems and resolve conflicts, and to brainstorm and thinkcritically.8、All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend.。
新编英语教程6 7、8、9、13、15练习册中译英

Unit71从你的话中我猜想你准备辞职. I assume from your remarks that you are going to quit your job.2.我们应该努力区分真实与虚假 We should try to distinguish between truth and falsehood.3.他总是小心翼翼的不得罪人 He is always wary of giving offence.4.作为一名法官,你不应该做出武断的决定 As a judge, you should not make arbitrary decisions.5.他是一个具有国际声望的艺术家 He is an artist of international prestige.6. 他任务自己的成功有好几个因素 He attributed his success to several factors.7. 这些断壁残垣是诺曼人征服英国时期留下的遗迹 The fragments of walls are vestiges of the Norman Conquest.8.他抽烟喝酒甚多,损害了健康 He smoked and drank a lot, to the detriment of his health.9. 你最好缩短你那冗长的演讲稿You’d better cut your interminable speech short.Unit81.我们反对无休止的探求权利的欲望 We are opposed to an insatiable lust for power.2.我们的一些观念正在不知不觉的发生变化 Some of our notions are changing imperceptibly.3.不必要的开支减少了我们的储蓄Unnecessary spendings diminished our savings.4.这是蓄意的侮辱,我气得发抖 It was a deliberate insult, so I trembled with rage.5. 对于浪漫主义诗人来说,自由高于一切 To the romantic poets, freedom is supreme.6. 沉溺于寻欢作乐之中有害你律师的生涯 Indulgence in pleasure will ruin your career as a lawyer.7.我们对传统美德表示敬意 We pay homage to the traditional virtues.8.我认为我们的职责是神圣的 I consider our duty sacred.9.一些革命者看到了政府的无能 Some revolutionists saw the impotence of the government.Unit91他组不起房子,更不要说买房子了 . He can’t even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one.2.编辑没有权利对一部文学作品的原文进行随意处理 The editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work.3.我十几岁的时候开始迷上文学 I began to take literature in my teens.4.我是已经改装成书房 The bedroom has been converted into a study.5.多年来这个错误使他烦恼不堪 The mistake has plagued him for many years.6.上海被认为是世界最大的城市之一 Shanghai ranks as one of the largest cities in the world.7.工地不断的传来噪音,我们彻夜无眠 The incessant noise from the construction site kept us awake all night.8.她为自己即将不得不独自一人生后而感到沮丧 She felt depressed at the prospect of having to live on her own.9.他们决定取消合同 They have decided to mollify the contract.Unit 131. 菲兹杰拉德的小说家生涯有一个吉祥的开端。


高英翻译Unit21. 富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要勤俭。
Franklin Franklin exhorted exhortedexhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography. readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography. 2. 谁能证实这签名无讹?Who can Who can attest to attest toattest to the genuineness of the signature? the genuineness of the signature? 3. 人们给他起了“小家伙”的绰号,因为就他年龄而已,他上看去长得很小。
He is He is dubbed dubbed“Tiny ” because he looks so small for his age. 4. 他仕途为自己拒绝这一劝告辩解。
He tried to He tried to rationalize rationalizerationalize his refusal to take the advice. his refusal to take the advice. 5. 他的一番话引起了我们的不满。
His words His words incurred incurredincurred our displeasure. our displeasure. 6. 要我们在这么短的时间内完成这一工作几乎是不可能的It is It is virtually virtuallyvirtually impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time. impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time. 7. 他反复思考这个手术可能产生的后果。
新编英语教程6练习册翻译 高英6

Unit 9 A Red Light for Scofflaws
1. He can’t even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one.
2. The editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work.
2. You should apply for a post you are suited for.
3. Feeling tired of the busy life in the city, he craves for peace and quiet in the
4. He was immersed in Shakespeare’s sonnets.
3. I began to take literature in my teens.
4. The bedroom has been converted into a study.
5. The mistake has plagued him for many years.
6. Shanghai ranks as one of the largest cities in the world.
8. The film has a great impact on the young people.
9. The little girl’s immaculate behavior in the film left a favorable impression

新编英语教程6Unit6DullWorkUnit Six: TEXT IDull WorkThe organization of the essay: Dull WorkThe first section (Para. 1): beginningBrilliant people should live a more varied and exciting life and therefore should not take dull jobs.The second section (Paras. 2-5 ): developmentPara. 2: Peaple who achieve do not necessarily live eventful lives.Para. 3: What is essential for creative work is a man’s ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way.Para. 4: An eventful life does more harm than good to a creative man.Para. 5: How he himself has been benefited from his dull work experience.The third section (Para. 6): conclusionPeople (the adolescent) who find dull jobs unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure.Unit 6 Key Pointsassumption :something taken for granted; supposition; something that is believed to be true without proof 假定crave for :long for; desire eagerly 渴望;追求.: crave for good food 追求美食 crave for mercy 恳求怜悯let alone : not counting; not to mention.: We can’t afford a bicycle, let alone a car.stonemason (= stoneman) :a person whose job is cutting stone into shape for building 石匠humdrum :monotonous; dull; lacking variety.: a humdrum job (life) 单调的工作 (生活)immerse :be completely involved in some particular activity; be absorbed in something It is often used in the phrase be immersed in.: The graduate student immersed himself in classical philosophy.men well immersed in study 潜心钻研学问的人们be immersed in debts 负债累累muleteer : a man who drives one or more mules 赶骡人transmute : vt & vichange from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform.: We can transmute water power into electrical power. 我们能将水力变成电力。

13 他那绝望的眼神和声音让我充满了内疚, “我会停下的”,当要注射止痛剂时我告 诉他。
14 我坐在病床上握着麦克的手。他用他 那枯瘦如柴的指头压了压我的手,喃喃道, 谢谢。然后耳边传来一声轻轻的叹息,我 感觉到被我握着的手在渐渐变凉。“麦克?” 我低语道,我在等着他的胸膛再次起伏。
mumble murmur mutter [语言学]弱元音;低语元音 /~vowel [医药科学 ] (心脏等的)杂音 /heart ~ mumble ['mʌmb(ə)l] vt. 含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼 vi. 含糊地说话 n. 含糊的话;咕噜 He could hear the low mumble of Navarro‘s voice.他能听到纳瓦罗的低声咕哝。 Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep. 她祖母睡觉时咕哝了。
mutter ['mʌtə] vi. 咕哝;喃喃自语 vt. 咕哝;抱怨地说;低声含糊地说 n. 咕哝;喃喃低语 They make no more than a mutter of protest. 他们不过是小声抗议了一下。 She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration. 她能听见这老妇人低声说要考虑考虑。
It was snowing when he arrived at the construction site. 他到达工地时,天正在下雪。 He wasng. 他母亲做饭时他在看电视。 You will grow wiser as you grow older. 你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。
His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks . 他的竞选活动充满了指责和人身攻击。 The path to success is one that is going to be riddled with lots of uphills and downhills. 通往成功的路将会是崎岖不平的 Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire. 不明来路的袭击者用枪把两座房屋打得千 疮百孔。
新编英语教程6 课文翻译


Book 6练习册E-C translationUnit 1That wintryafternoonin manhattan, waitinginthe little French restaurant,I was feelingfrustrated and depressed. Because pfseveralmiscalculations on mypart, a projectof considerable importance in my life had fallen thro ugh. Even the prospectof seeinga dear friend (theold man, asI privately and affectionately thought ofhim)failed tocheermeas it usually did. I sat there frowning atthe checkered table-cloth,chewing thebittercudof hindsight.He came across the street, finally, muffledin his ancientovercoat, shapel ess felt hat pulleddown overhis baldhead,looking more like anener geticgnome than an eminent psychiatrist.His officeswere nearby;I knewhe hadjust left his last patient of theday.He was closeto 80,but he still carried a full caseload, still acted as director of a large foun dation, stilllovedto escape to the golf course whenever he could.一个寒冷的冬天下午,在曼哈顿,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。

新编英语教程6词汇.高英6txtDictionary WorkUnit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off1. be forced to wait; be kept waiting2. testify to; serve as an evidence to affirm/to be proof of3. foreboding imminent disaster or final doom4. an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers5. go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly6. chattering; hence, noisy7. rank, level8. encourage; support9. re-evaluation10.the academic community; academics11.psychoanalyst or psychiatrist12. existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness13.an undoubted or self-evident truth14.to mellow is to become ripe or fully developed, and to marinate is to steep(meat, fish) in a savory sauce to enrich its flavor; here, ripen and matureUnit 3 Walls and Barriers1. substantially real; material2. business patronage; regular support given to a tradesman by those who buy his goods3. unassailable, unattackable; sturdy4. trust in a person’s ability and intention to pay at a later time for goods,etc. supplied5. vigour in style and action6. ingenuity and vitality7. freedom from harm or attack8. arrangement into proper proportion or relation and especially into artistic form9. deceptive10. make impossibleUnit 6 Dull Work1. something taken for granted; supposition2. long for; desire eagerly3. lacking variety; dull4. involve deeply; absorb5. change; transform6. irritation; annoyance; affliction7. illnesses; discomforts8. having possibilities of future development; highly original and influencing the development of future events9. excessive10. able to exist together11. enjoy and do well as a result of12. keep off; prevent in timeUnit 7 Beauty1. weakly, unsatisfactorily2. seemingly self-contradictory; incongruous; puzzling3. attractive; charming4. teaching5. heedful; careful6. prepared for disapproval or attack7. implications of humiliation8. traces that have once existed but exist no more9. to the harm of10. a condition of agonizing struggle or effort; upheaval11. excessive admiration of oneself12. duty; social requirement that compels one to follow a certain course of action13. irritable, complaining14. be accepted as satisfactory15. a disparaging or a belittling act or instance16. an expression of blame or disapproval17. adorn or trim (oneself) carefully18. endlessUnit 8 Appetite1. very numerous, existing in great numbers2. overwhelming desire or craving3. excessive indulgence in any activity; wild festivity4. point, level, degree5. quality; structure of a substance6. eating little or no food on purpose7. force somebody into (doing something); beat8. (slang) a large, usually lavish, meal9. great satisfaction; gratification of desires10. honour or respect; reverence paid11. stuff/fill oneself completely with food12. powerlessness; ineffectualnessUnit 9 A Red Light for Scofflaws1. misinterpret; distort; violate2. heedlessly; without thought or regard3. deliberate neglect; negligence4. not subject to an obligation5. profusion; abundance; great quantity6. authoritative law; command7. shameless; notorious8. tormenting disgrace9. laws10. something offensive or annoying to the community, especially in violation of others’ legal ri ghts11. treating with contemptuous disregard12. a depression in a surface, as from a blow; hence, damage13. shameless; impudent14. hit hard, especially with the fist15. avoid; keep distant from; go around the edge of16. command from a superior official to an inferior one; authoritative command17. voters18. undermine the principle of19. institute; levy20. insignificant21. declare legally void22. official (court) decisions on desegregation23. upsetting24. fatallyUnit 11 On Consigning Manuscripts to Floppy Discs and Archives to Oblivion1. a category of organism; a kind, variety; or type2. arrival; coming into being3. regret deeply or strongly4. shaky5. pale6. the storage unit of a computer7. error in printed or typewritten matter8. feeble, weak9. having an odour suggestive of mould10. scribblings11. a written and signed paper that is an official record of an agreement, especially an agreement concerning ownership of property12. discourse conveying urgent advice or recommendations13. flow out in large quantities like a stream14. a printing device using a rectangular pattern of small dots to print characters15. books or document written in the author’s own handwriting16. free from fault or flaw; free from error。

新编英语教程(高英)6练习册3,6,7,8,11单元选择题答案Unit 31. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely scattered.2. Sand is to glass as clay is to bricks.3. His test results for the whole term were not very consistent. He did well one week and badly the next.4. The novelist is a highly imaginative person with great talent.5. Mary is so sentimenta l that she cried for days when her pet died.#6. The rainbow dissolved as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.7. Now Norman has put himself into the patient contemplative state of mind of a chess player.8. I t’s a good thing to spend some time seeing your own country from the outside; it helps you to get a sense of proportion.9. Mary gave a long and stagy laugh, wiping away imaginary tears.10. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.11. Away from the busier roads, the prevailing atmosphere remains one of calm meditation and contentment.12. The cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in architectural interest in England, was erected in 1382.—Unit 61.What the student told me about dull work was a pack of lies.2.The clerk in the patent office said to his boss:” L ook, I am not drunk. I’m as sober as ajudge.”3.I am afraid I know nothing about Machiavelli because he was before my time.4.Einstein, who worked out his theory of relativity, lived to a ripe old age.5.In a fit of rage, the muleteer killed his own mule which he had just bought at the market.6.I regret to tell you that your application for a job on the assembly line was turned down bythe owner.7.The crucial question about this assumption is that it does not hold water.8.~deserts in 9.Fortunately, all the brilliant people who could stand routine obtained their justtheir lifetime.10.Winston Churchill thought that the politician or the professional or businessmen shouldtake up golf or cultivate some hobbies to provide themselves with some relaxation.11.The shepherd was warned never to associate with the members of the nobleman’s family.12.Machiavelli’s portrayal of the prince was acclaimed as one of the best by literary critics.13.Some people do not like to have their daily routine upset.14.It is embarrassing for a teacher to be walking into the classroom just as his students arediscussing him.15.You are being thoroughly unreasonable in refusing to allow your son to be anapprentice to the stonemason.16.When Machiavelli played cards with muleteers at the inn, he shuffled the cards before hedealt.17.}snoring kept the other workmen awake at night during my ten years as a 18.My continualworkingman.19.Martin is considered one of the geniuses in our school but I think his paintings are quitemediocre.20.The new office layout seeks to achieve good communication and information flow by thecorrect juxtaposition of departments.Unit 71.As we all know, houses are assumed to be at rest with respect to the earth but the earthitself is not motionless.2.Smoke particles and other air pollutants are often trapped in the atmosphere, thusforming smog.3.The nucleus of an atom is composed of swiftly moving protons and neutrons that are heldtogether by very strong forces.4.?principal characters of her book Little Women on her sisters 5.Louisa May Alcott based theand herself.6.We believe that women as well as men should be given jobs in accordance with theirability and intelligence.7.All living creatures have some attributes that are passed on from one generation to thenext.8.Over the years,countless stories have been written about women who are in leadingpositions in politics and business.9.Robert Smith’s reputation was established with the publication of his first poem in 1938 andwas enhanced by his splendid short stories for children.10.Far worse are the sufferings of the dependents of gambling addicts because they are usuallydeprived of all material comforts.11.Germination of seeds begins with the absorption of water, the swelling of the whole seed,and the cracking of the seed coat.12.As a result of his pioneering work with Louis Armstrong in the late 1920’s, Earlhines hasbeen called the father of modern jazz piano.13.¥spliced and viewed in 14.The motion picture is only a series of still photographs which arerapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.15.Squirrels often use their tails to keep their balance while they are leaping and climbing.16.The whole area of national an local governments was subjected to a thorough financialscrutiny, and inefficiency and waste were attacked.17.You can rest assured that the talented young secretary has been able to confirm what hesaid in the original report.18.David was renounced by his family because he worked hand in glove with a gang ofcriminals to rob the commercial bank of jewellery.19.When the Titanic was hit an iceberg during her maiden voyage, the captain was forced toabandon it.20.Is a woman to be more highly esteemed for her talent or for her beauty《Unit 81.The whole house was in a dilapidated condition: the door squeaked on its hinges and thefloorboards were nearly rotten.2.Nicholas wanted to be a student of theology and hoped to become a priest in the futurejust like his grandfather.3.Salzburg is sacred to Mozart-lovers.4.To Christians, churches are the guardians of their faith.5.We can hurt people’s feelings if we are too blunt.6.Susan doesn’t even know that angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.7.Ancient manuscripts were written on parchment.8.(9.It is important to boost the morale of the soldiers as low morale can render an armyimpotence.10.The soldiers in the platoon shined their bayonets in anticipation of the inspection by thegeneral.11.The oracles were expected to divine the future.12.Her guardian warned her never to associate with the members of that disreputable family.13.Monica rang off as I did not invite her to the long-awaited wedding feast.14.I have promised Susan that I shall play the piano at the reunion, but I’m a little out ofpractice.15.As the children were gorging themselves silly after a day’s outing, they did not take in asingle word I was saying to them.16.Emma would rather not eat too much at the banquet: she is sick of putting on weight.17.$indication that a day of fasting has been in any way detrimental to our health.18.There is no19.Nobody could give me a rough estimate of what the feast might cost.20.Nothing is better than a cup of tea to quench my thirst after playing ping pong for threehours.21.Time after time we are told that appetite can keep our expectations alive.22.Morgan asked me to carry the preservation of appetite to the extent of deliberate fasting butI turned him down.UNIT 111. Under certain conditions of stress, these people revealed qualities they had never known they possessed.…2. Around Caracas, the fertile farmland of the valley floor, originally used for growing sugar cane and coffee, was soon absorbed by the expansion of the city.3. The town maintains very many Chinese traditions which are among the highest achievements of those who created the heritage we now enjoy.4. Many of the newly-built hotels are conveniently situated for sightseeing, business and shopping.5. The very idea of your taking part in the beauty competition is futile6. In deploring the time wasted in school by saying the meaningless “er”, the writer usedstatistics to illustrate his point.7. Why did the last sentence make a very appropriate ending for the passage8. “I can’t only tell you the approximate number of refugees crossing the border at the moment,” the chief of the police department said to me.9. Our firm regrets to inform you that the world processors you ordered last month are out of stock.…10. The congregation, a few of whom are would-be writers, listened attentively to every word the bishop said in his sermon.11. Had he realized the consequences of his action, he would never have contemplated throwing her manuscripts away.12. We believe that the that the importance of the pen-scratched, scissored, yellowed manuscripts will surpass expectations.13. There is a growing trend nowadays to used word processors in writing.14. Learning how to used the Apple Writer Program is by far the most rewarding experience I have ever had.15. To some people in the west, marriage is an ancient institution.16. Although it is only a small business dealing with computers and microwave ovens, its turnover is surprisingly high.17. I am afraid his speech on the increasing simplicity of word processors may have misled you as to his true aims.18. Prior to the invention of word processors, writers left us manuscripts, a priceless heritage.19. With time, the memory of childhood quarrels and frictions among family members will fade into oblivion.20. The UNDP has the obligation to consign funds to the poverty-stricken areas in developing countries.。

新编英语教程第三版第六册练习册答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit1 Translation1.The whole plan fell through for want of fund.(fall through 失败)2.He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.(invariable 总是,不变地)3.The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.(berate 指责)4.The yong customs officer spotted the counterfeit passport at one glance(spot 发现)5.Upon realizing the servertity of the situation, leaders of the department concerned acted promptly.(promptly 敏捷的)6.Please substitute your name for hers on waiting list.(substitute 代替)7.She found that her intership in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience.(rewarding 有益的)8.Don't lament your past misfortune .Keep your chin up and look to the future.(lament 感叹) Translate the pargraphs below into chinese.在曼哈顿一个寒冷的冬天的下午,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
5. His words incurred our displeasure.
6. It is virtually impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time.
Unit 8 Appetite
1. We are opposed to an insatiable lust for power.
2. Some of our notions are changing imperceptibly.
7. The fragments of walls are vestiges of the Norman Conquest.
8. He smoked and drank a lot, to the detriment of his health.
9. You’d better cut your interminable speech short.
1. I assume from your remarks that you are going to quit your job.
2. We should try to distinguish between truth and falsehood.
3. He is always wary of giving offence.
7. He ruminated over the likely consequences of the operation.
8. The newspaper business in the region is flourishing.
9. It takes assiduous efforts to acquire a good command of English.
5. They switched the conversation to a lighter topic.
6. You are supposed to eliminate slang words from the essay.
7. Efforts were intended to generate interest in the new software.
新编英语教程6练习册翻译 高英6.txt两个男人追一个女人 用情浅的会先放弃。两个女人追一个男人 用情深的会先放弃。╰︶ ̄—你的话,我连标点符号都不信男女授受不亲,中国哪来13亿人口。Unit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off
1. Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography.
2. Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?
3. He is dubbed “Tiny” because he looks so small for his age.
2. I affirmed that the accused was innocent.
3. The defenses there seemed impregnable.
4. War is accompanied by destruction.
5. He remained secluded in his farmhouse.
6. The superstition used to be prevalent in that region.
7. Some people cherish friendship more than anything else.
8. They have got adequate food for the journey.
2. You should apply for a post you are suited for.
3. Feeling tired of the busy life in the city, he craves for peace and quiet in the
4. He was immersed in Shakespeare’s sonnets.
8. He gave a mediocre performance in academic studies.
9. He derives great satisfaction from painting.
Unit 7 Beauty
3. I began to take literature in my teens.
4. The bedroom has been converted into a study.
5. The mistake has plagued him for many years.
6. Shanghai ranks as one of the largest cities in the world.
2. I deplored his lack of good manners.
3. His efforts to get the position were futile.
4. He glowed with pride when he described his adventures on the sea.
6. Indulgence in pleasure will ruin your career as a lawyer.
7. We pay homage to the traditional virtues.
8. I consider our duty sacred.
9. Some revolutionists saw the impotence of the government.
9. What he says is not consistent with what he does.
Unit 6 Dull Work
1. What should we do on the assumption that it is true?
7. The incessant noise from the construction site kept us awake all night.
8. She felt depressed at the prospect of having to live on her own.
9. They have decided to mollify the contract.
3. Unnecessary spendings diminished our savings.
4. It was a deliberate insult, so I trembled with rage.
5. To the romantic poets, freedom is supreme.
Unit 3 Walls and Barriers
1. There is e is guilty./There is no tangible evidence of his guilt.
Unit 9 A Red Light for Scofflaws
1. He can’t even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one.
2. The editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work.
8. The film has a great impact on the young people.
9. The little girl’s immaculate behavior in the film left a favorable impression
on us.
4. As a judge, you should not make arbitrary decisions.
5. He is an artist of international prestige.
6. He attributed his success to several factors.
Unit 11 On Consigning Manuscripts to Floppy Discs and Archives to Oblivion
1. The cuckoo announces the advent of spring.
5. This matter is too trivial to feel upset about.
6. The commencement was a momentous occasion for all of us.
7. A very heavy teaching load exhausted them.