Unit 1 In China PPT-人教版新起点英语六上PPT优选课件
人教版(新起点)英语六年级上册unit 1《in china》(let’s spell)课件

A. Listen, point and repeat.
A. Listen, point and repeat.
pear bear wear
A. Listen, point and repeat.
在一系列水波的传播过程中,凸起 的最高处,叫做波峰;凹下最低处,叫 做波谷。相邻的两个波峰(或波谷)的 距离叫做波长。
在某个确定位置,1s内有多少次波峰 或波谷通过,波的频率就是多少。水波不 停地向远处传播,用来描述波的传播快慢 的物理量叫做波速。
跟水波类似,电磁波也有自己的频 率、波长和波速。
声音的传播靠固体、液体、气体等 介质,电磁波的传播需要介质吗?
把一个移动电话放在真空 罩中,并给这个移动电话打电话 。这个移动电话能够收到此信号 吗?
由实验可以看到,放在真 空罩中的移动电话可以收到罩 外传给它的电磁波。这说明电 磁波在真空中可以传播。
月球上没有电磁波,声音无法传播。 但是电磁波可以在真空中传播。所以宇航 员在月球上可以用电磁波通信。
电磁波频率的单位是也是赫兹。因为 电磁波的频率很高,所以常用的单位还有 千赫(kHz)和兆赫(MHz)。
电磁波是个大家族,通常用于广播、 电视和移动电话的是频率为数百千赫至数 百兆赫的那一部分,叫做无线电波。
电磁波是个大家族,通常用于广播、 电视和移动电话的是频率为数百千赫至数 百兆赫的那一部分,叫做无线电波。
月球上没有电磁波,声音无法传播。 但是电磁波可以在真空中传播。所以宇航 员在月球上可以用电磁波通信。
最新人教版新起点英语小学六年级上册《unit 1 In china》公开课课件 (1)

snow-capped mountains
They are in Tibet. Tibet is in the west of China.
The Potala Palace
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Yunnan province. Yunan is in the south of China.
•station •collection •invitati
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Anhui province. Anhui is in the east of China
Yellow Mountain
What place is it? Where is it?
It’s in Guangxi province. Guangxi is in the south of China.
泼水节 首都 文化
capital— 人口 culture— local— Beijing opera— Beijing duck—
本地的 京剧 北京烤鸭
1. Where is China in the world map? 2. What is the tallest mountain in the world? 3. What is the population in China? 4. What rivers do you know in China? 5. Where is the capital in China? 6 .What is Beijing famous for?

Guangzhou soup
Suzhou garden
Sanya seafod
Hangzhou West lake Longjing tea
Xining temples
This is Hangzhou.It is in the east of China. It’s famous for West Lake and Longjing tea.
1. Finish off the exercises in the textbook. 2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
Unit 2 Around the World
Lesson 2
Unit 1
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 4
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 2
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 5
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 3
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 6
Unit 2 Around the World
Lesson 3
Eiffel Tower
France is in the middle of Europe. Paris is the
biggest city in France. There you can see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, a very famous museum. French people love cycling. Every year there is a very big bicycle race around France. Many people like to travel to France for their holidays.
Guangzhou soup
Suzhou garden
Sanya seafod
Hangzhou West lake Longjing tea
Xining temples
This is Hangzhou.It is in the east of China. It’s famous for West Lake and Longjing tea.
1. Finish off the exercises in the textbook. 2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
Unit 2 Around the World
Lesson 2
Unit 1
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 4
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 2
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 5
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 3
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3
Unit 6
Unit 2 Around the World
Lesson 3
Eiffel Tower
France is in the middle of Europe. Paris is the
biggest city in France. There you can see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, a very famous museum. French people love cycling. Every year there is a very big bicycle race around France. Many people like to travel to France for their holidays.
人教新起点版英语六年级上册Unit 1 In China Lesson 1课件

3.你最想去哪里旅游呢?上网搜索你最喜欢 的地方的信息以及那里的风土人情。
春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 1、三人行,必有我师。
What did you do there? It’s in Xi’an?
I saw the Terracotta Army.
You’re right.
C. Let’s write.
went to Lhasa visited the Potala Palace
Beijing the Summer Palace
Suzhou garden
Xi’an the Terracotta Army
Listen and repeat.
B. Let’s play.
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Sunday, July 5, 2020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/2020 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。2时47分2时47分5-Jul-207.5.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。2020年7月5日星期日二〇二〇年七月五日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。14:4714:47:527.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020
春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 1、三人行,必有我师。
What did you do there? It’s in Xi’an?
I saw the Terracotta Army.
You’re right.
C. Let’s write.
went to Lhasa visited the Potala Palace
Beijing the Summer Palace
Suzhou garden
Xi’an the Terracotta Army
Listen and repeat.
B. Let’s play.
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Sunday, July 5, 2020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/2020 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。2时47分2时47分5-Jul-207.5.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。2020年7月5日星期日二〇二〇年七月五日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。14:4714:47:527.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020
人教版(新起点)小学六年级上册英语Unit 1 In China 第六课时 课件

Let's read
At midnight, the monster came to the village. He saw the old woman's house. There was red paper on the door and windows.The monster hated the colour red. There was also a bright light. The monster hated bright lights.
True or False
( F )Long ago there was a animal called Nian. ( T )Nian went to small villages in the south of China. ( F )The wise man stayed at an old man's house.
( T )The monster came at midnight. ( F )The monster loved the colour red. ( T )The monster hated the loud noise. ( T )The monster was afraid and ran back to the sea.
Let's read
Now, every New Year, Chinese people put red paper on their doors and windows. They put up bright lights and light firecrackers. They also say "Guo Nian Hao!" And now, the monster never comes!
人教新起点英语六年级上册-Unit1 In China lesson 1 课件

New words.
Lhasa the Potala Palace
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
I went to Guangzhou with my parents.
What did you do there? We ate seafood, had morning tea and tasted
New words.
Beijing the Summer Palace
New words.
Suzhou garden
New words.
Xi’an the Terracotta Army
Listen and repeat.
B. Let’s play.
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
What did you do there? It’s in Xi’an?
I saw the Terracotta Army.
You’re right.
C. Let’s write.
went to Beijing visited the Summer Palace
Let's review the words and phrases.
Lhasa the Potala Palace
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
I went to Guangzhou with my parents.
What did you do there? We ate seafood, had morning tea and tasted
New words.
Beijing the Summer Palace
New words.
Suzhou garden
New words.
Xi’an the Terracotta Army
Listen and repeat.
B. Let’s play.
Where did you go on your summer vacation?
What did you do there? It’s in Xi’an?
I saw the Terracotta Army.
You’re right.
C. Let’s write.
went to Beijing visited the Summer Palace
Let's review the words and phrases.