
马克·吐温《貂皮大衣》阅读答案(2) 马克·吐温《貂皮大衣》阅读答案(2)文章来自:貂皮大衣马克·吐温收到通知接受遗产的信后,阿曼达的快乐简直无以形容。

第2 2卷第 l 期
20 06年 2月
雁 北 师 范 学 院 学 报
Vo . 2 NO.1 12
F b 2 0 e. 0 6
种斗 争的结果导致其晚年挥之不去 的犯罪感 , 尽管他 自己 将其 归咎于他儿 时加尔文上帝 的作祟或 者晚年 相信决定 主义的结果 。 就像 16 8 5年他写 给哥哥俄 莱思 的一封信 中 所表达的那样 , 马克 ・ 吐温的确想做 一名传教 士 。 那封信 中说 :
麦哲 学 观 的形 成 。
的空 间。 密西西比河上 广阔的夜 空 , 内华达广 阔、 冷漠的沙 漠都 使他认识到人类 的渺小 , 使他接受 了牛顿 的观点 : 宇 宙不过是一台 由一 名无 限遥远 的工程师创造 并督视 的巨
大机 器罢 了。 接受 了 自 神论 的上帝 , 对人类祷 告 他 然 一个
1 世纪 自 神论 的理 性主义 为核 心 , 应包 括其有关 幽 8 然 还
默与讽刺 的认识论 以及其强烈 的历史感 。 他的心理中心是 其 自我声称 的“ 隐蔽道德 家” 的高姿态 以及其渴望 说教的 冲动 。 这两个 中心 的共 同作用下 , 在 马克 - 吐温 开始 了自
己与神学 的斗争 , 与神学 塑造人类 的方式展开 了斗争 。 这
但是考虑到自己缺乏信仰和天赋 。 不得不放弃这一雄心。
这难道是 马克 ・ 吐温 的又一个玩笑? 我们 再来看他 写给妹 夫墨菲特 的一封信 : 亲爱的 萨米 , 坚持你 的努 力 。 总会有 一天你会 成 为伟
大的福音传教 士 , 到那时我就 满足 了。 自己本来 想做传 我 教 士——那是我 曾经唯一 的雄心 。 但是 , 不管怎样 , 了雄 除 心之 外我缺乏做传教士 的资格。 总是在牧 师职业 方面不 我
Mark Twain

马克·吐温(Mark Twain)简介马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens),是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。
他只有两个兄弟姊妹可以在童年过后幸存下来,他的那两个兄弟姊妹就是哥哥奥利安·克列门斯(OrionClemens)(1825年7月17日- 1897年12月11日)和姊姊帕梅拉(Pamela)(1827年9月19日- 1904年8月31日)。
他的母亲玛格丽特(Margaret)在他四岁时死去,而他的哥哥本杰明(Benjamin)(1832年6月8日- 1842年5月12日)在三年后亦死去了。
他的另一个哥哥Pleasant(1828年- 1829年)只活到吐温出生前三个月。
继这班年龄较马克·吐温大的兄弟姊妹之后,吐温又有一个弟弟--亨利·克列门斯(Henry Clemens)(1838年7月13日- 1858年6月21日)。


《 跳 蛙 》 应 该 成为 第 一 候 选 者 。确 实 , 吐温 在 他 毕 生 的
含 在 情 节 和 描述 中 ,看起 来似 乎 是 无 意 的 ,事 实 上 却 是 事 业 中 多 次玩 弄 了这 一 主 题 ,而 且 这 对他 作 为 一 个 新 的
四个 因 素 ,其 中三 个 源 自沃 德 。1 8 4 3年 7月 , 《 格 雷 汉 姆 杂志》 ( 2 2 , 3 3 . 5 ) 曾发 表 过 一 篇 名 为 《 如何 讲 故 事 》
在 《 如 何 讲 故 事》 里 , 吐温 列 出 了 口述 短 篇 小 说 的 讲述 本 地 历 史 时 ,我 们 就要 上 准 备 好 听 一场 冗 长 而 天 马行 空 的高谈 论 阔 了 。将 斗狗和 跳 蛙分 别 命名 为 安德 鲁 ・
扩 展 是 其 中 一个 显著 的特 征 。对 社 会 和 人 的种 种 讽 刺 暗 这 个 幽 默 故 事 的核 心 。虽然 这 个 标 题 吸 引着 读 者 的 注 意 待。 实 际上它 是 吐温 讲述他 钟 爱的 《 金 手臂 》的一 个手 段 。 将 它 呈现 给 大 众 就 需 要更 多的 辅 助 技巧 了。 他 的讲 故 事
国 幽默 短 篇 小 说 中将 这 个 特 点 发挥 到 了极 致 。我 们 刚 刚
那什 ・ 斯 密 斯将 语 言和 价值 观 英 国人 注 意 到 了吐 温 幽 默 的 “ 无 章 性 ” ,吐 温 在 美 藉 充 当搞 笑 的角 色 。亨利 ・
证实 了的 特 点 就 是促 使 英 国人 如此 反 应 的原 因 。就 像 哈 音 和 乡 土 。这 篇 作 品 是 吐温 如鱼 得 水 地运 用词 语 和 短 语 克・ 芬 的大 杂 罐 ,所有 的元 素都 混合 在一 起 :从低 俗到 普 的 典 型代 表 。 天使 之 园变 得 不 朽 ,作 品 呈 现 出 既根 植 于

Lesson 6 Mark Twain – Mirror of AmericaWords and Expressions to Learn1.Nounsfrailty [`frєltI; ˋfrєilti]名词1 (U)a. 脆弱b. 短暂性c. 虚弱d. 易受诱惑2 (C)弱点,短处; 过失frailty/ˈfreɪl.ti/ US /-ţi/noun1[U]weakness and lack of health or strength:Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working.2[Cor U] moral weakness:Most of the characters in the novel exhibit those common human frailties - ignorance and greed.Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged peopletramp,[træmp; træmp]不及物动词1 迈著沉重的脚步行走,重步行走; 践踏We heard him ~ing about overhead.我们听到他在楼上脚步沉重地四处走动He ~ed up and down the street waiting for his friend to come. 他在街道上步伐沉重地走来走去,等待朋友的到来2 a. 行走 (某一段距离) ,步行; 徒步旅行; 流浪I can't bear to ~ ten miles in this heat.在这大热天要行走十哩路我受不了b. 步行; 徒步漫游We ~ed through the Lake District.我们徒步漫游英格兰西北部湖泊区3 践踏[…][on, upon]He ~ed on the flowers.他践踏了花及物动词1 a. (脚步沉重地) 走,步行于…; 徒步旅行于…We ~ed the hills.我们漫游了山丘b. [~ it](口语)走路去I missed my bus and had to ~ it.我没有赶上公共汽车,只好走路2 践踏~ grapes for wine为酿造葡萄酒而踩踏葡萄名词1 [用单数; 常 the ~]沉重的脚步声, (军队行进等的) 踏步声[of] the heavy ~ of the night watchman巡夜者的沉重脚步声2 (C) (长程的) 徒步旅行go for a ~ through the country去乡间徒步旅行3 (C)a. 徒步旅行者; 漂泊者; 流浪乞丐,游民; 流动工匠b. (俚)水性杨花的女人4 (C) (保护鞋底用的) 金属板5 (又作 tramp steamer) (C)不定期货轮on (the) tramp漂泊著,到处流浪著Confederate, [kən`fZdərIt, -drIt; kənˋfєd3rət]形容词1 同盟的,联合的 (allied)2 [C~] (美国南北战争时代的) 南部联邦的[cf. Federal 3 a)the C~ army南军可数名词1 共谋者[in]2 同盟国,联合国 (ally)3 [C~] (美国南北战争时代的) 南部联邦的支持者(kEn`fZdE9ret; kEn5fedEreit]及物动词使…结成同盟,使…共谋不及物动词结成同盟,共谋noun, adjectivenouna person who helps sb, especially to do sth illegal or secret Synonym: ACCOMPLICERokovssky was his confederate in the assassination plot. guerrilla(also guerilla)nouna member of a small group of soldiers who are not part of anofficial army and who fight against official soldiers, usually to try to change the government: urban guerrillas (= those who fight in towns) ◆ guerrilla war / warfare (= fought by guerrillas on one or both sides) ◆ a guerrilla group / movement / leaderCompare:FREEDOM FIGHTERprospectornouna person who searches an area for gold, minerals, oil, etc. optimistnouna person who always expects good things to happen or things to be successful: He's an incurable optimist.Antonym: PESSIMISTfathom, fathomverb, nounverb~ sb/sth (out) to understand or find an explanation for sth: [VN]It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death of a child.◆[V wh-] He couldn't fathom out what the man could possibly mean.nouna unit for measuring the depth of water, equal to 6 feet or1.8 metres: The ship sank in 20 fathoms. ◆ (figurative) She kept her feelings hidden fathoms deepkeelboat [`kilˈbot; ˋki:lbout]名词内河平底货船(一种有龙骨,有蓬,但无帆)flatboat可数名词(内陆水路运货用) 平底船lumbernoun, verbnoun[U](especially AmE) = TIMBER: a lumber company / mill (BrE) pieces of furniture, and other large objects that you do not use any more: a lumber room (= for storing lumber in)verb[V +adv./prep.]to move in a slow, heavy and awkward way: A family of elephants lumbered by. ◆ The huge convoy of trucks lumbered out of the city.[VN][usually passive]~ sb (with sb/sth) (informal) to give sb a responsibility, etc., that they do not want and that they cannot get rid of: When our parents went out, my sister got lumbered with me for the evening. ◆ She might say 'Yes'. Then you'd be lumbered.vi.缓慢地移动 vt.拖累 n.废旧杂物;木材molasses [mə`læsIz; məˋlæsiz]不可数名词(美)糖蜜( (英)treacle)(在精制沙糖的过程中所产生的暗褐色黏液)cosmos [`kɑzməs, -mɑs; ˋkɒzmɒs]《源自希腊文“秩序,宇宙”的意思》名词(pl. ~,~.es)1 (U)[the ~] (表现秩序与和谐的) 宇宙 (the universe)(←→ chaos)2 (C)‘植物’大波斯菊(在秋季和夏末开白色,粉红色,紫色或黄色花)pilothouse可数名词(船上的) 驾驶室lynching [`lIntʃIŋ; ˋlintʃiŋ]名词处私刑feud [fjud; fju:d]名词(两家或两族间长年流血的) 争执,不和,宿仇; (长期的) 反目,斗争a deadly ~ 不共戴天之仇,世仇at ~ with ? 与…不和不及物动词1 <两家等> 反目2 相争[with]可数名词(封建时代的) 封地,采邑 (fief)flotsam [`flɑtsəm; ˋflɒtsəm]不可数名词1 a. (遇难船只的) 残骸 [漂流货物]b. 破烂物2 [集合称]流浪者flotsam and jetsam(1) 遇难船只的残骸或漂流货物(漂浮于海上或被浪冲到岸边的货物)(2) 破烂东西,不值钱的东西(3)[集合称]流浪者hustler可数名词1 行动家; 活跃人物; 有才干的人He's a real ~.他是个真正有才干的人2 (美俚)a. 骗子b. 妓女thug [θʌg; θʌ^]可数名词1 恶棍,凶汉; 刺客,杀手; 强盗2 [T~] (十三至十九世纪间) 印度宗教性暗杀团中的一份子stagecoach可数名词(从前的) 驿马车by ~ 坐驿马车nouna large carriage pulled by horses, that was used in the past to carry passengers, and often mail, along a regular route Sacramento [ˈsækrə`mZnto; ˈsækrəˋmєntou]名词萨克拉门托 (美国加州 (California) 的首府)valley[`vælI; ˋvæli]可数名词1 (指山与山之间宽广的) 谷,山谷【同义字】valley 两侧有山的平地,其间常有溪流gorge 比 valley 深而狭窄,两侧常为绝壁ravine 比 valley 深而狭窄,两侧常为绝壁canyon 比 valley 大的峡谷2 (河流的) 流域, (流域中的) 盆地a river ~ 河的流域the Mississippi V~ 密西西比河流域Mississippi River密西西比河( 美国中部大河,起自明尼苏达州西北部 Itasca 湖,全长2,350公哩,向东南流注入墨西哥湾)notation [no`tєʃən; nouˋtєiʃn]名词1 a. (U) (使用特殊文字、记号的) 表示法,标记法the broad [narrow] phonetic ~ ‘语音’简略 [精密] 标音法decimal ~ 十进法b. (C) 记载,标示2 (美)注释; 备忘录,记录milestone可数名词1 (石制的) 哩程标,哩程碑2 (历史上、人生中的) 划时代 [重大] 的事件travelogue(AmE also travelog)nouna film/movie, broadcast or piece of writing about travel,n.旅行见闻,流记ingenuity [ˈIndʒə`nuətI, -`nju-; ˈindʒiˋnju:əti] 不可数名词发明的才能; 设计的才能; 巧妙,精巧exercise ~ = use one's ~ 动脑筋,运用智慧show ~ in 在…方面表现创意Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》pariah [pə`raIə, `pærIə; ˋpæriə, pəˋraiə]可数名词1 贱民(印度南部最下层的民众; cf. untouchable)2 为社会所摒弃者pneumonia [nu`monjə, nju-; nju:ˋmounjə]《源自希腊文“肺的疾病”的意思》不可数名词‘医’肺炎acute ~ 急性肺炎catarrh ~ 卡他肺炎single [double] ~ 单 [双] 肺炎epileptic [ˈZpə`lZptIk; ˈєpiˋlєptik]《epilepsy 的形容词》形容词癫痫的,患癫痫的an ~ fit [attack]癫痫症的发作可数名词癫痫症患者meningitis [ˈmZnIn`dʒaItIs; ˈmєninˋdʒaitis]不可数名词‘医’脑脊髓膜炎,脑膜炎massacre[`mæsəkL; ˋmæsəkə, -sik-]《源自古法语“屠,宰”的意思》可数名词1 大屠杀2 (口语) (比赛等的) 惨败the Massacre of St. Bartholomew (法国的) 圣巴托罗缪大屠杀(在 1572年的圣巴托罗缪节,天主教徒对巴黎的胡格诺教徒展开大屠杀)the Massacre of the Innocents希律王 (Herod) 残杀伯利恒 (Bethlehem) 的婴孩(出自圣经新约“马太福音”)及物动词1 屠杀 <许多的人、动物>(→kill【同义字】)2 贬低教训,打败<人>3 (口语) (在比赛中) 大胜<对方>ingredient [In`gridIənt; inˋ^ri:djənt]《源自拉丁文“进入的东西”的意思》可数名词1 [混合物的] 成分,组成分子,原料, (烹饪的) 原料[of, for] the ~s of [for (making)] a cake (制) 蛋糕的原料2 构成要素,因素The chief ~ in the making of a criminal is avarice.造成犯罪的主要因素是贪婪cynic [`sInIk; ˋsinik]《源自希腊文“似狗的”的意思》名词1 (C)愤世嫉俗者,讽世者; 性情乖戾的人,玩世不恭的人2 a. [C~](C)大儒学派的人(为希腊哲学的一派,提倡自由独立的人格,由于实践禁欲性的消极主义,过著如行乞的生活)b. [the Cynics] 大儒学派energy-saving形容词节约能源的an ~ device节约能源的装置clamor for :大声的要求clamour ['klæmə]n. 喧闹v. 喧哗, 大声地要求= clamor(英)例句:The public are clamouring for a change of government. 公众大声疾呼要求撤换政府。

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Mark Twain:from humor to satireAbstract:Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature. His humor had great impact on the following men of letters; critics also attached significant importance to it and put forward various interpretations. However,humor could no more be found in Twain's later works. On the contrary, it was replaced by bitter satire. Why did Twain change his writing style as well his attitude towards life?What was the cause of this sharp conversion? Focusing on these questions, the paper tries to analyze the basic elements which affected Twain from social influence and personal encounters respectively, aiming at offering rational analysis of this shift as well as making Twain's works readily understood.I IntroductionMark Twain, the pseudonym of SamuelLanghorne Clemens, is the foreruner andReputed realist in the arena of Americanliterature. Because of his remarkable contribution to thenation, literary critics spoke highly of his achievements.For instance, these venerable titles‖the Lincoln ofAmerican literarure‖,‖the true father of our nationalliterature ,‖‖Mark Twain –mirror of America‖ areused to highlight his pinnacles in literature. His faithfuldisciple, Ernest Heming way, more over, onve put it,―all modern literature comes from one book by MarkTwain ,called Huck lebury Finn..‖As far as a literatry giant is concerned, Twain wasremembered by men of letters firstly as a mastermindof hunmor and then as bitter satiric writer. In otherwords, Twain in his writing career experienced achange from being cheerful and optimistic to despairingand pessimistic But what cause his shift from humorto satir? Personally, both social influence andpersonal encounters play critical roles in changing hiswriting from humor to satire and his attitude towardlife as wellⅡSocial influencesBoth the American Civil war( happened in 1861and lasted till1865) and the re-construction after thewar greatly affected Twain‘s writing style. MarkTwain was born in Florida, Missouri, on30 NovemberIn 1835,into a lawyer family.With the advent ofthe civil war, young Twain in 1856 became a steam- boat pilot, a profession about which he wrote thirty years later in the book Life on the Mississippi. Generally speeking, the American people enjoy regardingwar experience as their cherished and valuable forture, and Twain was also no exception. As a pilot he actively participated in the civil war in 1857.The cast of characters set before hin in his profession was rich and varied—a cosmos. He took abundantly part in this life, listening to pilothouse talk of feuds, piracies, lynchings,medicine shows, and savage waterside slums, namely, he made himself very much familiar with all walks of life and each coner of the society.Twain, atthe very begainning,was actually optimistic about what he saw and what he did .However,he had to leavethe river country in the wake of the end of the civilwar after four and a half years in the steamboat.In other words, the end of civil war put an end to his life as a pilot. Then he tried soldiering once again for two weeks with motley band of confederate guerrillas who diligently avoided contact with the enemy.Twain quit after deciding,‖I knew more about retreating thanthe man that invented retreating‖.After that, he made his mind to estabilish his fame by writing. It was proved that his pen was really mightier than his pickax . In 1861 he became a joumalist and adopted―Mark Twain‖ as his pen name. Four years later,The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Coutrywas published ―Coleman with his jumping frog-bet stranger$50—stranger had no frog, and C got him one—in the meantime, stranger filled C‘s frog fullof shot and he couldn‘t jump.The stranger‘s frog won.‖This sucessful story firmly established his reputation as a humorist and storyteller.In fact, the civil war was a turning-point inTwain‘s literary career, and it was also a watershed between his hunmor and satire.Thus, the war experience For him was an epoch-making event and it hadfar-reaching influence upon his writing .We know, Twain fully and diligently embraced into the steamboat pilot on the eve of the civil war . Presumably his orginal pursuit was fight for peace, freedom,and reunification of the nation and happiness of American people.At that time, Twain‘s eyes were filled with hops and opportunities as well as conflicts and fights. He firmly upheld that he could be self-made and made a fortuneby immersing in the war . However ,only the opposite was in fact true. It turned out to be that he took everything for granted at first . Shortly after the war came to an end, it left nothing but cherished remembrances, which made him extremely upset and disheartened fortunately, this four and a half years in the steamboat made himself educated and acquainted with every possible type of human nature , and most of which made him ulimately recognized that his pen would mightier than his weapons.Without hesitation any more, he began digging his way to regional fame as a corrspondent and humorist with rich war experience. Dueto his phonographic memories and dsecriptive geniushe made all happened in the war vividly resurfaced. Scores of successful works gradually set him apart from the commom men of letters and it eventually made him a reputed spokesperson for the realism and aworld-wide remarkable humorist in particular.As a witness of the civil war, Twain saw clearlythe great changes in nation‘s economic developmentand political life .With the final victory over the South the North once again enjoyed its wielding power inthe nation‘s administration. Now the acute confilt at home was undermined and the American people again.focused their full attention on re-construction after the war.Because majority of the slaves were emancipated, the slave-based economy of the defeatedSouth had its prosperity became rootless.in this case, clusters of groundless southern poor whites and the newly freed slaves headed directly or indirectely for the newly-liberated cities to seek opportunities.It may be called the ―Gold Rush‖ rejuvenated, or rather,it wasso-called the ―American Dream‖ by some critics.Twain also could not help rushing to the west to willhis American dream.He once believed the idea of development and industrialization since it would modernize the young country and encourage the enterprising spirit of American who had long been famous for it. He was firmly enthralled by such fever,so once again he held an optimistic attitude towardsthe post-westward expansion. He drew much inspiration from the unparalleled and magnificent event and spoke highly of its decision-makers and its people.Social consciousness roots in social being. As a kind of social consciouness literature should reflectthe then social reality in which it firmly roots. Being a realistic literati, Twain gradually noticed the darkness and he finally found the difference between what he saw superficially and what they really were in-depth;he also found the difference between what people claimed to be and what they really were. He realized that people became amoral and the ruling classbecame impotent in the course of material prosperity. Althogh both the civil war and the re-construction afterthe war (aftermath of the westward expasion) enable him to familiar with people from all walks oflife,to be rich in writing materials which led him to become American ambassadoralt large, and to acquire an international reputation ashumoristcum-frontier-philosopher; on the otherhand ,it also tallked him into observing deliberately the side-effect of industrialization and the darkness of the ly, the material fulfilment only brought about spirit vacancy. Because his deep sorry and increasing dissatisfactiontoward these phenomena,Twain could not be humorous and opptimistic any more. On the contrary,Twain in his later works shifted from anoptimist to a misanthrope,from humor to satire.For instance,in his later works, The Glided Aged andPudd‘ndiead Wilson, he intensely and fiercely satirized the rampant evills and darkness of the society. Unlike the experiences of war and the westward expasionthat made him became quite optimistic, the corruption and in justice made him became extremely pessimistic He failed to find ways to eradicate the exacerbated Social disease; he held a helpless ande elusive attitude towards life.Thus, Twain became doubtfull about the idea of development and skeptical of the goodness of human nature. In Following the Equator and To the person Sitting in Darkness ,he severely condemned the nation‘s imperia and aggressive behavior to other countries, especially the Spanish-American War.sincethe publication of The Mysterious Stranger in 1916until his death in 1910,he maintained a bitter satire and Skepticism to large degree. The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and What is the Man are representativesof this sort.ⅢPersonal encountersAs I mentioned foregoing,social influence assered predominat significance over Twain‘s coversationfrom humor to satire. It is no exaggeration that social influence of his day,dominantly affected his attitude towards life, his outlook of society, his writing styleand so on and so forth .However, there is another element, his personal tragedies which also can‘t be ignored when we tried to analyze his writing style. Regarded as a giant in both American literatureand world literature, Twain encounted countless personal hardships and sufferings.It is likely that Twain is more famous for his personal tragedies than as a humorist and a representative of realism. It is no wander that he had to change his humor into satire after ex- periencing unexpected personal sufferings and tragedies . In the firstly place, his father died when he was only twelve and which directly brought about the end of his found education. However ,Twain wekown was born in a period that the two sides were fighting at throat and when the confilt ended the west was still wide open. The nationwide aftermath ofwestward movement once again full of chances and opportunites and he therefore was utterly delightedwith the fresh land and invigorated by the poineering spirit.Chances are that his father‘s death did not make difference upon hin emotion.Life was bright for hin, filled with its mysteries alarmed by its terrors,and amused by its contrast. Thus he was able to laugh with lightness as great humorist in the Pacific slope. However,when the aged Twain ultimately realizedthat the material wealth only resulted in corruption and injustice instead of man‘s morallity improvement,his humor and laugh were replaced by bitter sneer and satire .In the second place,When he bacame sophisticated he was once again haunted in the consistent deaths of his loved ones;his borther Henry was killed bya steamboat explosin; his eldest daughter Susy died of spinal meningitis; Mrs Clenments succumbed to a heat attack in Florence; and youngest daughter Jean an epileptio drawned in an upstairs bathtub.Such trgic encounters Twain experienced is really like the de-cription in Mark Twain Mirror of A merican ―Bit-terness fed on the man who had made the worldlaugh .The moralizing of his eariler writing had beenwell padded with humor .Now the gloves came offwith bitter satire‖ .The last but not the least reasonwhy Twain turned humor into satire in his later worksis that the total failure of his type-setting and pub-lishing company in 1894 .The failure in bussiness andthe deaths of loved ones made Twain maintained abitter skepticism in his later part life .Twain felt so de- spaired and frustrated that he was deeply invovled in skepticism and predestination .Just as he put in hisown autobiogrph;‖…they vanish from a worldwhere they were of no consequences;where theyachieved nothing ;where they were a mistake and afailure and foolishness,where they have left no signthat they have existed-a world which will lamentthem a day and forget them forever.‖In the word ,Mark Twain ‗s later years was full oftotal failure in frequent fiinancial speculation-the speculation both in type-setting and publishing companiesand his personal bereavement-the beloved ones diedone after anther.Unlike Shakespeare still could writeout some comedies after his forur greatestworld-known trgedies Twain changed his writingstyle into bitter satire after making the worle laugh byhis humor .his last years were filled with acute pessimicm,strong skepticism and bitter staire.Twain diedon April 21,1910, at age of sevety-five.ⅣConclusionTo sum up , fundamentally ,Twain is a greathumist.He once said ―there are several kinds of stories‖But only one difficult-the humorous,. So to behumorous in his writing I venture to say is his lifelong pursuit .it is also undeniable that Twain is the onlygiant who had brought both local colorism and humorto world fame. Meanwhile he once claimed that hewas a serious writer and was actively concerned withmoral ideas in many ways. On this point, Twain wasby no means shallow or frivolous and we can‘t simplycall him a humorist or an ironic writer .in fact, mostof Twain‘s works are the combination of both humorand satrie and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnwas a case in point.On the one hand ,it is his master-piece as a humorist while the novel also can be eyed asa satire on sentimentality and Romanticism on theother.Roughly speaking Twain‘humor deeply rootedin social changes and his personal sufferings .Whenhe thought life was bright for him and full of chancesand if everything went smoothly , he was quite optimistic and hunmorous . However ,when he found thedarkness corruption, injustice and personal tragic encounters he had to withstand in paticular , he becamefirstly serious and the bitter ironic.It followstherefore that we should take these elements into considerations when analyzing Twain‘s writing characteristics reality and the unpredictable personal tragedies directlyand eventually resulted in his change from humor to satire。
高级英语史上最全最炫 马克吐温 第二部分讲解

Historic documents and ancient tombstones all attest to the fact that this is a historic battlefield.
Page 13
Group 5
Detailed Study of the Text
Part 2
Confederate guerrilla: a fighter on the 22222Detailed study ofside Confederate the text:
prospector: a person who examines
the land in order to find gold, oil, etc.
Page 9
Group 5
Part 2
adopt: to take and use as one’s own采取, 接受,收养
The US government decided to adopt a hard line towards terrorism.
Having no children of their own they decided to adopt a dog. adopt a name, a custom, an idea, a style of dress
第十六节 马克-吐温

密 西 西 比 河
马 克 · 吐 温 故 居
哈克的父亲找哈克要他在一次冒险中得来的钱, 得知哈克被道格拉斯寡妇收养,并上学时,就把 他关在一个小木屋里。哈克伪造成他被杀死的假 象,并用一个小筏逃走。这时他遇到了吉姆。吉 姆是道格拉斯寡妇的妹妹的奴隶,他因为无法忍 受沉重的工作而逃到杰克逊岛。他们两个人就躲 在岛上。后来有人来搜索,他们就乘着竹筏逃到 对岸的自由区。航行到半途之时,他们的竹筏和 蒸汽轮船撞上了。哈克和吉姆掉到河里。哈克后 来被一位富有的商人救起,但是随而卷入纷争和 枪击事件,在这一片混乱中他和吉姆再次见面。
不过他们很不幸地被“年轻的公爵”和“老国王”两个骗 子所骗。他们教哈克和吉姆到各城市去传教骗钱,或是耍 宝、愚弄乡民以骗取他们的金钱,或是遇到有人死亡便到 他家中诈骗钱财,这两位骗子对哈克和吉姆无所不用其极。 后来哈克好不容易才逃回到船上,但是他却没找到吉姆。 原来吉姆被“老国王”卖到菲尔富士农夫家。而菲尔富士 的太太刚好是汤姆的叔母。哈克知道这件事后就和汤姆商 量如何救出吉姆。经过一番惊险的行 动,他们三个人终 于逃出菲尔富士家。逃亡途中,汤姆的脚被枪击中,伤势 很严 重。由吉姆陪他到镇上治疗,一不小心吉姆又被捉 走了。这个时候汤姆的叔母玻莉到镇上来。她带来消息说: 道格拉斯寡妇的妹妹已经死了。她在遗嘱里恢复吉姆为自 由身。而哈克的父亲也死了,他也恢复自由身。不过这次 他要由波莉姨妈收养。哈克曾经在道格拉斯寡妇那儿吃过 苦头,对于这种被文明人士教养的经验,他实在受不了。 所以,他再一次逃走,与汤姆踏上历险的旅程……
• 1886年1月 马克· 吐温开始写《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国 佬》。 • 1889年12月 《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》由惠勃斯特 出版公司出版。 • 1894年4月16日 《汤姆· 索亚在国外》由惠勃斯特公司出版。 1894年11月 《傻瓜威尔逊》由美国出版公司出版。 • 1896年5月 《冉· 达克》由哈泼公司出版。 • 1896年1月1日 《侦探汤姆年索亚》由哈泼公司出版。 • 1897年1月1日 《赤道游记》由美国出版公司出版。 • 1901年2日 《致坐在黑暗中的人》在《北美评论》上发表。(这 是马克· 吐温反对帝国主义在世界各地实行侵略的名篇) • 1909年4月 《莎士比亚死了吗?》 Harper& Brothers 公司出版, • 1910年冬春 马克· 吐温狭心症病情开始恶化。 • 1910年4月21日 马克· 吐温因狭心症不治逝世。

马克·吐温(1835—1910) 美国文学史上划时代的语 言巨匠和幽默大师,“美 国文学之父”、“文学中 的林肯”。
1、早期(1867—1870)短篇小说,轻松嬉笑 的外表下严肃的社会批判。
2、中期(70年代—90年代)创作的鼎盛时期, 多为长篇小说。轻松的幽默转向辛辣的讽刺。
重要作品:《镀金时代》、《汤姆·索亚历险 记》、《哈克贝利·芬历险记》、《傻瓜威尔逊》 等
3、晚期(年代后期)创作了大量的游记、 杂文和政论,内容大多为揭露和抨击侵略扩张。 民主理想破灭后的悲观厌世。
1、大智若愚—马克·吐温式的幽默 美国文学的幽默分两类:(1)紧随英国的古典传统;
3. 采用对比、衬托的艺术手法刻画人物。
作者通过哈克和吉木的历险,给“自由、 民主、文明”的美国社会,留下一幅色彩暗 淡、阴沉凄惨的真实图画。
种族偏见盛行,蓄奴制的残暴;宗教害人; 市民生活庸俗无聊,二流子成堆;流氓无赖 横行不法,任意杀人;贵族习性野蛮,甘洁 弗和雪富生两个家族时代残杀;江湖骗子耍 尽花招,冒名顶替骗取财产……
(2)土生土长的西部幽默。 “以一种心不在焉而且往往漫无目的方式把不调和与

His life
Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, the sixth of seven children. •At the age of 4, he and his family moved to the small frontier town of Hannibal, Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi River. • In 1865, his first “big break” came with the publication of his short story, “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” in papers across the county. •In 1867, he met Olivia (Livy), and they fell in love at first sight and married her in 1870. •In 1873, his focus turned towards social criticism. Cowrote The Gilded Age with Charles Dudley. •By 1900 Twain had become America’s foremost celebrity.
Mark Twain2 马克吐温

Mark Twain is one of the most frequently quoted writers in American literature, having commented on almost every issue of his time. Much of what he said over nine decades ago remains relevant today. A diverse collection of his quotes are carved in the sandstone walls throughout the new Museum Center. – Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. Following the Equator, Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar
35 years old, he got married, and his wife was a very wealthy man’s daughter unfortunate investments in a typesetting machine and a publishing house kept him in financial difficulties. 59 years old, everything came crashing down. His health was broken down and his investment failed Twain had to declare himself a bankrupt, had to sell his house. He moved with his family to Europe, where living could be cheaper and they could spend less.

• 2.下列各组词语中书写无A误的一项是 ()
• A.打嗝 灼热 巍峨 纷至沓来 • B.浮燥 逗留 妩媚 名附其实 • C.雇车 穹顶 潦绕 一如即往 • D.斑澜 蔓延 沟壑 轻歌漫舞
3.下列句中加点词语使用不正确的一项是( B ) A.我国东西向最长的沪昆高铁已全线通车,沿途风景美.不.胜.收.。 B.进出城的车辆纷.至.沓.来.,很快就在收费口排成一条长龙。 C.市场环境瞬.息.万.变.,企业只有不断创新才能求得发展。 D.只有让自己真正强大起来,命运才会对我们和.颜.悦.色.。
• A.俯看 回首四望 目不暇接 B.远眺 环顾四周 美不胜收
• C.俯瞰 环顾四周 美不胜收 8 D.张望 转身环顾 目不暇接
• 3.下列语句所用修辞手法判B 断有误的一项是 ()
• A.有些顶端尖峭,并微微倾向一旁,宛如 美女的纤指……(比喻)
• B.五光十色中的粉红嫩绿,尤为妩媚动 人……(夸张)
• 7.“山间的曲径幽路全被青苔染绿,茸茸的、 毛毛的、蒙蒙的”一句,突出了景物怎样的
23 特征?试作简要分析。
• 8.作者以生花妙笔为我们展现了阿里山的风 光,怎样理解作者的思想情感?
• 作者把阿里山写得美不胜收,融入了自己对 美好山川的喜爱,也表达了作者对台湾人民 的生态意识和利用生态发展旅游的理念的赞 美。
• 【推介太白楼】
• 太白楼乃任城古八景之一,名传于世千余载, 现为山东省重点文物保护单位。诗人李白曾 居住在任城(今济宁),常在此与朋友一起饮 酒。太白楼作为中国历史文化名楼之一,其 悠久的历史见证着诗仙李白文化在济宁的传 承。
• (2)请参考以上资料,写一句生动的宣传语, 吸引更多同学走进太白楼。

哈克贝利 ·费恩 汤姆 吉姆
道格拉斯寡妇 华森小姐 ”国王“与”公爵 “ 莎莉姨妈
小说描述了哈克与吉姆在密西西比河上的 漂流历险经历。
? 1、反对蓄奴制度,追求民主自由是小说的基本主题。 小说以南北战争之后的密西西比河沿岸为背景,通过 白人孩子哈克和黑奴吉姆沿密西西比河顺流而下,追 求自由故事,表达了反蓄奴制的思想和对民主、自由 的真诚向往。
? “我在报上读到一段新闻,一开头便说:‘俄国准 备实行节约'。我倒是没有料到会有这样的事。我 当即想,要是俄国实行了节约,能把眼下派到满洲 去的三万军队召回国。让他们在和平生活中安居乐 业,那对俄国来说是多大的好事。”“义和团主张 要把我们赶出他们的国家。我也是义和团。因为我 也主张把他们赶出我们的国家。”
? 马克·吐温的幽默, “他的幽默流动在全书的字里行 间,不断地涌现和更新,给人丰富的感受,如同血液 的循环流动,既不炫耀也不喧嚣。”
? 幽默,是马克·吐温创作的灵魂,是他最显著的艺术 特色和最杰出的艺术才能。在他看来, “谁能讲笑话 谁就能得到尊重”。
? 首先,幽默作品的一个重要目的是引发读者的笑声,而 又不仅仅是笑声而已。
? 他是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基 人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。他 经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到 帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创 作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺 再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。
? 本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯 。马克·吐温是其笔名。出生于 密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的一个 乡村贫穷律师家庭 ,从小出外拜 师学徒。当过排字工人,密西西 比河水手、南军士兵,还经营过 木材业、矿业和出版业,晚年巡 回演讲,但有效的工作是当记者 和写作幽默文学。马克· 吐温 这个笔名取自水手的行话,意思 是“12英尺深”,指水的深度足 以使航船通行无阻。

Mark Twain
writer and humorist, whose best work is characterized by broad, often irreverent humor or biting social satire. Twain's writing is also known for realism of place and language, memorable characters, and hatred of hypocrisy and oppression.
Mark Twain
writer and humorist, whose best work is characterized by broad, often irreverent humor or biting social satire. Twain's writing is also known for realism of place and language, memorable characters, and hatred of hypocrisy and oppression.
1863 he began signing his articles with the pseudonym Mark Tபைடு நூலகம்ain
Twain!” means “two fathoms deep.”
His main works
The Innocents Abroad (1869) A Tramp Abroad (1880) The Prince and the Pauper (1882)
第十四节 马克·吐温

马克· 吐温
(塞缪尔· 朗荷恩· 克莱门斯)
• 十九世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代 表 • 幽默讽刺作家 • 出在生在密苏里州的弗罗里达镇. • 印刷学徒、送报人、排字工、领航员、去 西部探矿 • 受西部幽默文学的影响.
• 成名作《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》 (《加利维拉县有名的跳蛙》)(1856) • 早期创作(1867-1870) • 中期创作(1874-1900) • 晚期创作(1900-1910)
• 哈克:天真的少年,善良与蓄奴制思想的 矛盾。最终的选择,善良的天性占了上风 • 吉姆:善良、追求自由、感情丰富 • 黑人形象的塑造 • 创作意义:奴隶制废除几十年后的状况
• 长篇小说 《镀金时代》(1874) 《汤姆· 索亚历险记》(1876) 《哈克贝利· 芬历险记》(1884) 《王子与贫儿》(1881) • 中篇小说《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》(1900) • 短篇小说《百万英磅》(1900)
• 赫德莱堡 最大的特点:诚实 已经保持了三代, 成为“不可败坏的市镇” • 斯蒂文森:外乡人 受过赫德莱堡侮辱的人,要称 一称这市镇的荣誉的价值。 • 理查兹:银行出纳员 • 十九位首要公民 你决不是一个坏人,快去改过自新吧 官印上的:请勿让我们受诱惑 改成:请让我们受诱惑
• 小说《哈克贝利芬历险记 》
哈克贝利是聪明、善良、勇 敢的白人少年。为追求自由生活逃 亡到密西西比河上,途中遇到黑奴 吉姆。吉姆为了逃脱被主人卖掉的 命运,从主人家中出逃。他们一起 顺着密西西比河漂流。哈克逐渐认 识到吉姆的勤劳朴实、热情忠诚。 他们最后得知,吉姆的主人已在遗 嘱里解放了他。小说深刻揭露了种 族歧视的反动本质,具有幽默辛辣 的讽刺艺术风格。

作者: 蒋光宇
出版物刊名: 奋斗
页码: 61-61页
主题词: 吐温;马克;美元;募捐活动;著名作家;肢体语言;牧师;星期天

——世界不给他欢乐 他却创造了欢乐给世界
富兰克林·罗斯福 (1882-1945)
41岁时因患脊髓灰质炎 下肢瘫痪„„
是美国历史上唯一蝉联 四届的总统。
5岁时胸部以下完全 失去知觉 高位截 瘫„„ 自学掌握英语 日语 德语等 当代知名作家 翻 译家
4.“水唤醒了我的灵魂,并给予我光 明、希望、快乐和自由”你是怎样 理解这句话?
①因为莎莉文老师用水开启了海伦智慧 和情感的大门; ②“水”让海伦有求知欲望,让她用新 奇的眼光看待每一样东西,获得了生命 的意识和情感体验,也拥有了求知的无 比美妙的感受。
1、理解作者对莎莉文老师 敬爱和感激的情谊;领会 莎莉文老师的爱心和独特 的教育方式。 2、学习海伦坚韧不拔、热 爱生活的精神。
海伦.凯勒,美国著名女作家、教育家、 社会活动家 。她生于亚拉巴马州,出生后 19个月,就丧志了视力和听力,而且变成哑 巴。在波士顿柏金斯盲人学校莎莉文老师的 协助下,海伦10岁时,学会了说话,后来在 剑桥女校求学。1900年,海伦进入拉德克利 夫学院学习,并于1904年荣誉毕业。当年她 和她的老师莎莉文合著的海伦的自传《我的 一生》(又译《我生活的故事》)发表,即 引起轰动,成为著名的英文名著。另著有 《我生活的故事》、《海伦.凯勒日记》、 《走出黑暗》、《老师》。
1、莎莉文老师走进海伦·凯勒的生活后,她的 生活起了怎样的变化?可以根据下列例句,用一 个比喻写出来。 莎莉文老师的到来,就像为我开了一扇厚重的 大门,把我从黑暗引向光明。
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