
高考英语3500词汇A.abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃,遗弃;抛弃。
- 例句:They had to abandon the car and walk.(他们不得不弃车步行。
)ability [əˈbɪlətɪ] n. 能力;才能。
- 复数:abilities。
- 例句:He has the ability to solve the problem.(他有解决这个问题的能力。
)able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够;有能力的。
- be able to do sth. 能够做某事。
- 例句:I am able to speak English fluently.(我能够流利地说英语。
)abnormal [æbˈnɔːml] adj. 反常的,不正常的。
- 例句:This is an abnormal phenomenon.(这是一种反常现象。
)aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车)adv. 在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车)- 例句:All passengers aboard fell into a panic.(车上所有的乘客都陷入了恐慌。
)abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ] vt. 废除;废止。
- 例句:They decided to abolish the old rules.(他们决定废除旧的规定。
)abortion [əˈbɔːʃn] n. 流产,堕胎。
about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在……周围adv. 大约;到处;在附近。
- be about to do sth. 即将做某事。
- 例句:I was about to leave when he came.(他来的时候我正要离开。
)above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面;超过;胜过adv. 在上面;以上adj. 上面的;上述的。

高考英语3500词汇解析A1.●abandon v.放弃,遗弃,抛弃abandon the baby/ child/ friendabandon the plan/ idea/ effort/ hopeabandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于He abandoned himself to despair.2.◎ability n. 能力;才能the ability to walk 行走的能力to the best of one’s ability 竭尽全力He completed the job to the best of his ability.3.●abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的They thought his behavior was abnormal.反义词:normal4. ◎aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船)all the people aboard 机上的人5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处a) be about to do sth…(when) I was about to go out when it began to rain.b) look about/around/round c) How/What about…询问情况或建议6 . above prep在…上面above all 首先;尤其7. abroad ad.到(在)国外a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外8. ●absence n. 不在,缺席absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence.in the absence of 在缺少…条件下The case was dismissed in the absence of proof.9. ◎absent adj. 缺席的,不在的be absent from absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的10. ◎absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等)2) 理解,掌握absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energyabsorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in专注于,聚精会神于…11.●abuse v / n. 滥用,谩骂abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒/嗜毒abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权12. accept vt.accept the gift /invitation /plan accept sb/sth as…13.●access n.方法,通路,机会The only access to the farm was a narrow bridge.Only high officials have access to the emperor.We students have access to the school library.accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的Such information is not easily accessible to the public.14. accident n.事故,意外的事by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心15.●accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏accompany sb. to the school/ supermarketaccompany the singer on / at the piano Lightening usually accompanies thunder.16. ●accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现accomplishment n. 成就,成绩accomplish the task/ purpose/ goal17. according to根据According to the law, he should be sentenced to death.18. ◎accuse vt. 指控,指责accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告…19.●accustomed adj. 习惯的,适应的,惯常的be/ get/ become accustomed to doing He was soon accustomed to getting up early.20. ache vi./n headache / toothache My back aches so much.21. achieve vt 达到;取得achievement n 成就achieve success/victory/one’s goal;22.◎achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等)make great achievements23.●acknowledge v. 承认,致谢It is generally acknowledged that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases.Yaoming is acknowledged as/ to be the best player in China.I acknowledged financial support from the local government.24. across prep cross v. I walked across the street.; cross a street; come/run across碰到25. act n.法令,条例vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事act as 充当;扮演act out 把…表演出来26. action n. 行动take action to do sth put sth into action 把…付诸实施27. active adj. 积极的;主动的take an active part in /be active in 积极参加28.◎activity n. 活动outdoor activities 户外运动29.actual a.实际的actually adv. in (actual) fact 实际上30●adapt vi. 适应,适合,改编vt. 使适应adapt to change /the city lifeadapt oneself to the new surroundings adapt the novel for a film adaptation n. 适应31. add vt 添加,增加,补充说(that)add(…)to 添加add up 把…加在一起add up to总计为; 总数为a) His illness added to our trouble. b) He added that he would come again.c) Please add these figures up. d) These numbers add up to 100.e) He added some salt to the water.32. address n.地址vt.写地址;向…讲话(尤指演讲)address the letter to sb. 给某人寄信The letter was wrongly addressed.The president addressed the public.33.●adjust vt. 调整,调节,适应adjust your speed /the volume/ the cameraadjust to the dark/ the single life adjust yourself to the student life adjustment n. 调整,调节34.admire v 钦佩.;羡慕admire sb for sth I admire John for his courage.35. admit vt(admi tt ed ,admi tt ed)1) 承认admit one’s mistakes; admit doing/having don eHe admitted having stolen the money.2) 准许(入场,入学,入会)admit sb to /into→sb be admitted toHe has been admitted to Beijing University.36.●adopt v. 收养,采用,采纳adopt a child the adopted son/ daughteradopt a new policy/ a suggestion/ a plan/ an attitude37. advance vi推进,促进;前进adj. advanced先进的/ 高级的in advance预先,事先an advanced worker38. advantage n. 优点,好处(可数名词) 反:disadvantagetake advantage of 利用have an advantage over 优于… to sb’s advantage 对(某人)有利39. ◎advertise vt. 为…做广告1)为…做广告advertise a product / things2)登广告征求/寻找… advertise for a new sales manager40. advice n/u. advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议take/follow/ accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议ask sb for advice 向某人寻求建议 a piece of advice 一条建议give sb some advice on sthadvise sb (not) to do; advise doing; advise that …(should)+doOur teacher advised that we should study hard.41. ●affect vt. 影响, 深深打动,使悲伤等Smoking affects health. People were deeply affected by the death of Jin Zhengri.42. afford vt. 负担得起,抽得出(时间); 提供can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sth I can’t afford a book/to buy the book43. afraid a. 害怕的;担心be afraid to do 因为害怕不敢做…; be afraid of doing 害怕…She was afraid to go out alone at night. She was afraid of waking him up.44. against prep对着,反对, 靠着,迎着,衬着stand against the wall (靠墙站着) go against nature; be against sth 反对They are strongly against the plan. The pine tree were black against the morning sky.45. age n.年龄;时代vi. 变老for ages 多年; at an early age; at the age of … ;of the same age=of an age After his wife’s death he aged quickly.46. agree vi. 同意;应允1)agree with ①agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.②表示一致;“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。

高考英语重点短语及例句1. Keep in touch 保持联系Example:A: I'm going to study abroad next month.B: That's great! Don't forget to keep in touch with us. 例句:A: 我下个月要出国留学了。
B: 太棒了!不要忘记和我们保持联系。
2. Make progress 取得进步Example:A: How's your English study going?B: I'm making progress, thanks for asking.例句:A: 你的英语学习怎么样了?B: 我在进步,谢谢你的问候。
3. Face challenges 面对挑战Example:A: Are you ready for the new job?B: I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready to face the challenges.例句:A: 你准备好新工作了吗?B: 我有点紧张,但我准备好面对挑战。
4. Deal with pressure 应对压力Example:A: How do you deal with the pressure of exams?B: I try to stay organized and take breaks when I need them.例句:A: 你是怎么应对考试压力的?B: 我尽量保持有条不紊,并在需要时休息。
5. Pursue dreams 追求梦想Example:A: What are your plans for the future?B: I want to pursue my dreams and become a successful entrepreneur.例句:A: 你对未来有什么打算?B: 我想追求梦想,成为一名成功的创业者。

高考英语词汇与例句1.amaze v.惊奇,惊叹,震惊The old lady amazed everyone by her passing the driving test.老太太通过了驾驶考试使大家都吃惊不小。
I'm amazed that the young girl should get the post.我很惊奇那个小姑娘竟然得到了那个职位。
2.appreciate v.①欣赏You have to be able to know Chinese well to appreciate Peking Opera.要欣赏京剧你得通晓汉语。
My English teacher appreciates fine arts as well.我们英语老师还很懂得欣赏美术。
②感激Your kind answer will be highly appreciated.倘蒙赐复将不胜感激。
3.athlete n.运动员The athletes have been sent to a new training center.运动员们被送到新的新的训练中心。
4.avoid v.避免,躲开,逃避She was getting tired of him and trying her best to avoid him whenever possible.她厌倦他了,正尽可能躲避他。
You should avoid being late for school. 你应该避免迟到。
5.ban n.禁令Haven't you seen the ban on the wall that smoking is not allowed here?你没有看到墙上不准抽烟的禁令吗?6.bare a.裸露的The dancer was bare to the waist.那个舞蹈家上身赤裸。
They were walking about on the sands with bare feet.他们正赤脚在沙滩上四处漫步。

以下是一些高考英语高频词汇的例句和解释:1. 高频词汇:give out例句:The store gave out free samples.(这家商店提供免费样品。
)解释:give out 表示“分发、赠送”。
2. 高频词汇:go over例句:I need to go over these plans again.(我需要再把这些计划仔细看看。
)解释:go over 表示“复习、查看”。
3. 高频词汇:hang up例句:Don"t hang up yet, we still have a few more questions. (不要挂断电话,我们还有几个问题要问。
)解释:hang up 表示“挂断电话”。
4. 高频词汇:hold on例句:Can you hold on for a minute? I need to grab a quick drink.(你能等一下吗?我要找一下饮料。
)解释:hold on 表示“暂停、等待”。
5. 高频词汇:keep up例句:Please keep up with me, I don"t want to lose you. (请跟上我的步伐,我不想失去你。
)解释:keep up 表示“持续、保持”。
6. 高频词汇:leave out例句:He left out a crucial step in the process.(他在过程中忽略了一个重要的步骤。
)解释:leave out 表示“遗漏、忽略”。
7. 高频词汇:live up to例句:He is determined to live up to his potential.(他决定发挥出自己的潜力。
)解释:live up to 表示“实现、符合”。

1.Ameliorate改善,提升例句:The new policy aims to ameliorate the living conditions of the underprivileged.2.Conundrum难题,谜题例句:The conundrum of climate change has perplexed scientists for decades.3.Ephemeral短暂的,转瞬即逝的例句:The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral,yet it leaves a lasting impression.4.Inevitable不可避免的例句:As the seasons change,the arrival of autumn is inevitable.5.Nuance细微差别例句:Understanding the nuances of a language is crucial for effective communication.6.Paradigm范例,模式例句:The invention of the internet has shifted the paradigm of communication.7.Pinnacle顶峰,最高点例句:Winning the championship was the pinnacle of her athletic career.8.Prolific多产的,丰富的例句:The prolific author has written dozens of bestselling novels.9.Resilient有弹性的,能迅速恢复的例句:The community has shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity.10.Substantiate证实,确证例句:The research findings were substantiated by further experiments.11.Ubiquitous无处不在的例句:Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.12.Volatile易变的,不稳定的例句:The stock market can be volatile,with prices fluctuating rapidly.13.Zeal热情,热忱例句:Her zeal for learning new languages is contagious.14.Aesthetic美学的,审美的例句:The museums collection is appreciated for its aesthetic value.15.Catalyst催化剂,促进因素例句:The new technology acted as a catalyst for economic growth.16.Erudite博学的,有学问的例句:The erudite professor shared his vast knowledge with his students.17.Hypothesis假设,假说例句:The scientist formulated a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.18.Innovative创新的,革新的例句:The company is known for its innovative approach to product development.19.Malleable可塑的,易改变的例句:Young minds are often malleable and receptive to new ideas.20.Ostentatious炫耀的,浮华的例句:He disliked the ostentatious display of wealth at the party.21.Parsimonious节俭的,吝啬的例句:She was known for her parsimonious spending habits.22.Quixotic不切实际的,幻想的例句:His quixotic dream of becoming a knight errant was charming but impractical.23.Reverent尊敬的,敬畏的例句:The audience listened with reverent silence as the pianist played.24.Sagacious睿智的,明智的例句:The sagacious leader made decisions that benefited the entire community.25.Tenet原则,信条例句:Freedom of speech is a fundamental tenet of democracy.26.Unorthodox非传统的,不按常规的例句:The unorthodox teaching methods sparked a lively debate among educators.27.Vindicate证明...正确,为...辩护例句:The courts decision vindicated the defendants innocence.28.Waver犹豫,动摇例句:He wavers between his desire for adventure and the need for stability.29.Xenophobia仇外,排外例句:The rise in xenophobia has caused concern among human rights activists.30.Yoke结合,连接例句:The two countries were yoked together by a common enemy.。

高考英语常考词语和例句一、动词be (是)[例句]I am a student. 我是一名学生。
have (有)[例句]She has a beautiful garden. 她拥有一个美丽的花园。
do (做)[例句]What do you do in your free time? 你闲暇时做什么?say (说)[例句]He said he would come tomorrow. 他说他明天会来。
make (制造,做)[例句]She made a cake for her daughter's birthday. 她为女儿的生日做了一个蛋糕。
take (拿,取)[例句]Don't forget to take your umbrella. 别忘了带上你的雨伞。
see (看到)[例句]I saw a movie last night. 昨晚我看了一部电影。
go (去)[例句]I want to go to the beach this weekend. 我想这个周末去海滩。
get (得到,获得)[例句]I finally got my driver's license. 我终于拿到了驾驶证。
know (知道)[例句]Do you know the way to the station? 你知道去车站的路吗?think (想)[例句]I think it's going to rain. 我认为天要下雨了。
come (来)[例句]Are you coming to the party tonight? 今晚你来参加聚会吗?want (想要)[例句]I want a new phone. 我想要一部新手机。
look (看)[例句]Look at that beautiful sunset. 看看那美丽的日落。
use (使用)[例句]I use my computer every day. 我每天使用我的电脑。

1. achieve [əˈtʃiːv] - v. 达到;完成;成功。
例句:He achieved his goal after years of hard work.(经过多年的努力,他实现了自己的目标。
)2. affect [əˈfekt] - v. 影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动。
例句:The bad weather affected our travel plan.(恶劣的天气影响了我们的旅行计划。
)3. attract [əˈtrækt] - v. 吸引;引起……的注意。
例句:The beautiful scenery attracts a lot of tourists every year.(美丽的风景每年吸引大量游客。
)4. benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] - v. 有益于;得益 - n. 利益;好处。
例句:Regular exercise benefits your health.(经常锻炼有益于你的健康。
)5. challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ] - v. 向……挑战;质疑 - n. 挑战;难题。
例句:He challenged me to a game of chess.(他向我挑战下一盘棋。
)6. consider [kənˈsɪdə(r)] - v. 考虑;认为;体谅。
例句:You should consider all the factors before making a decision.(在做决定之前,你应该考虑所有因素。
)7. contain [kənˈteɪn] - v. 包含;容纳;控制(感情)例句:This box contains a lot of books.(这个盒子里装了很多书。
)8. create [kriˈeɪt] - v. 创造;创作;造成。
例句:Artists create beautiful works.(艺术家创作美丽的作品。

一、名词(Noun)1. apple (n.) - My favorite fruit is the apple. 我最喜欢的水果是苹果。
2. book (n.) - I borrowed a book from the library. 我从图书馆借了一本书。
3. cat (n.) - My sister has a black cat. 我妹妹有一只黑猫。
4. dog (n.) - I take my dog for a walk every evening. 我每天晚上带狗散步。
5. elephant (n.) - Elephants are the largest land animals. 大象是最大的陆地动物。
6. friend (n.) - John is my best friend. 约翰是我的最好朋友。
7. guitar (n.) - She plays the guitar very well. 她弹得很好。
8. horse (n.) - The horse runs fast in the race. 马在比赛中跑得很快。
9. internet (n.) - I use the internet to search for information. 我用互联网搜索信息。
10. job (n.) - What's your dream job? 你的梦想工作是什么?二、形容词(Adjective)1. beautiful (adj.) - She looks beautiful in that dress. 她穿着那条裙子很漂亮。

1. abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;抛弃;放纵。
- 例句:Don't abandon your dreams easily.(不要轻易放弃你的梦想。
)2. ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;才能。
- 例句:He has the ability to solve this difficult problem.(他有能力解决这个难题。
)3. able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够的;有能力的。
- 例句:She is able to speak three languages.(她能够说三种语言。
)4. about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在……周围 adv. 大约;附近;到处。
- 例句:I'm reading a book about history.(我正在读一本关于历史的书。
)- They are walking about in the park.(他们正在公园里四处走动。
)5. above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面;超过;高于 adv. 在上面;以上 adj. 上文的;上述的。
- 例句:The plane is flying above the clouds.(飞机正在云层上方飞行。
)- The temperature is above zero today.(今天的温度在零度以上。
)6. abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外;到国外。
- 例句:He wants to study abroad.(他想要出国留学。
)7. absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 没有;缺乏;缺席。
- 例句:His absence made the meeting less interesting.(他的缺席使得会议没那么有趣了。
)8. absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的。

上海市高中英语教学•基本词组及参考例句(共518个词组)A (41 个)1. a great drain on sth 对……巨大的消耗The cost of his children’s education is a great drain on his money. 他孩子的教育费用造成他极大的负担。
2.account for 说明,解释How do you account for his change of attitude? 你怎样来解释他态度的变化?3.accuse...of 指控……, 谴责……I don't think anyone can accuse him of not being frank. 我看谁也不能说他不坦率。
4.act as 担任;充当We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly. 有时候,眼睛看得见的人也做出同样的蠢事。
5.adapt (...)to... 使适应You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。
Young animals adapt quickly to a new environment. 幼小动物很快就适应新的环境。
6.add to 增添This lesson adds to the value of the book. 这一课增加了这本书的价值。
7.add up to 合计达For a hit show, profits can add up to millions of dollars. —场热门演岀的利润可达数百万美元。
8.adjust (...) to (使)适应My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。

实用文档文案大全Aability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his abilityabsent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years.achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watchingadvanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year.adventure冒险,奇遇;1- I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.advantage优势;1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need.2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads. advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper.affect影响;This will affect our mood.afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can't be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition.anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard.apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did.appearance出现,外表;1-It was the president's second public appearance to date2-She care about her appearance very much.appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us.astronaut宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft.atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our companyattract 吸引;1-In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes. audience听众;All the audience were attracted by his performance. Average平均;The yearly average income of individual in China is 8000 USD 实用文档文案大全appetite食欲He has very good appetite recently.attitude 态度;The waiter in the restaurant has very good attitude to the customers.★Bbalance 平衡;The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balancebargain 讨价还价;We always bargain with the sellers in the market.basic基本的;基础的We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipmentbenefit 利益;Both parties have benefited from the project. beyond 超过;This is beyond our capability.1-The situation is beyond her control. Or out of control.biology 生物学;Biology is one of the most important basic subject. bitter苦的;The leaves taste rather bitter.branch分支,部门;the company has many branches in the world. broadcast广播,播送;1-In a broadcast on radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiationsbehavior行为;His behavior is not suitable in this important occasion. belief信仰,信念;We need to insist our belief.★Ccamera 照相机;Camera is used to take pictures.capital 首都,省会;Beijing is the capital of China.captain 队长,船长;John used to be the captain in U.S.Aceiling天花板;It is difficult to touch the ceiling because it is too high. celebrate 庆祝;We will celebrate the birthday of company.century 世纪;chain链子;连锁;Wal mart is the biggest chain shop in the world.challeng e 挑战;It is big challenge for his to climb the high mountain. channel 航道,海峡,频道;Please adjust the channel to receive the signal that we send.character 特征;Her behavior last night revealed a lot about her character charge 收费,索价;1- free charge, 免费2- We need to charge my mobile phone.chat聊天;Would you like to chat with me by the phone.Christmas圣诞节;Christmas is the most important date for the western.实用文档文案大全citizen公民;All the citizens have the right to vote for president electioncigarette 香烟; A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.climate 气候;The climate has been becoming hotter obviously in recently years.coal 煤炭;The price of coal has reduced dramatically since last year. collar衣领;Some new designed jacket has no collar.Comfortable舒适的; A home should be comfortable and friendlyThis sofa is very comfortable for the fat man to sit on.Communication 交流,通讯It is very important to communicate with friendscompetition竞赛;He will be banned from international competition for four years. complete完全的,彻底的;I have done the homeworkcompletely.composition作文;There is going to be the composition in the English exam.concert音乐会I've been to plenty of live rock concertsconductor售票员,(乐队)指挥,导体;The train conductor punched (打眼)our tickets. Wood is a poor conductor导体of heat and electricity.confident自信的;John is very confident that he will win the race. congratulation祝贺;construction建设;The road construction is in progress. continent大陆,大洲;She loved African continent.convenient方便的;Is it convenient for you to come to my office right now? conversation交谈;We had a good conversation last night.cough咳嗽;started coughing blood so they transferred me to a hospital. course过程,课程,一道菜;English coursecourage勇气;He is short of courage to face the difficulties.cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;crowd人群;curtain窗帘;The curtain is used to prevent the light from entering the room.culture 文化;curious好奇的;Children are naturally curious 孩子天生就好奇custom习俗;The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuriescustomer消费者;顾客All the waiters need to respect the customers. Conclusion结论;He made the final conclusion that Peter had passed the exam.contribution贡献;John made great contribution to the country.Ddaily每日的;The daily price has increased by 50%.实用文档文案大全decade十年;British Rail has become more commercial over the past decadedefinitely明确地,肯定地;I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people deliver 投递;All the packages of rice have been delivered to my house.Declare 宣布;John declared that he would give up the competition. deserve 应受,值得;It's your money, you work very hard, so you deserve it.description 描述;Please describe what you saw last night. design 设计;The company has designed a beautiful building.devote 专心,致力于;He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigationdetermine 决心,决定;The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking timedialogue/dialog对话;They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities direction 方向;指导;Langfang city is located in the opposite directiondisaster 灾难;It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two monthsdisappear 消失;John drive the car very fast, the car disappeared in two minutes.discussion 讨论;we will discuss about this issue tomorrow.disturb 打扰;Don't disturb him, he is studying in his room.diary日记;He insist on writing the diary.digital 数码的;Digital camera is very popular in recent years. download 下载;You need to download some software to run it. dustbin 垃圾箱;We need to put more and more dustbin in the yard. decrease 减少;Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year department部,科;系;We are working in the same department. dynasty 王朝,朝代;The Ming dynasty of China was founded hundreds years ago.★Eeconomical经济的,节约的;It is more economical to wash a full load educate 教育;He was educated at No.3 middle Schooleffective 有效的The new rules will become effective in the next few days efficient 效率高的;you need to be more efficient when you do your homework.effort 努力;John made great effort to finish his job on time. electricity 电;Electricity was invented by a famous scientist. equality 平等;They live and work together in complete equality encourage 鼓励;Peter encouraged Steven to study hard.energy 能量;精力;He always has enough energy.entrance 入口;There are five entrances in this building.envelope信封;environment环境;we need to take measures to protect our environment实用文档文案大全escape 逃避;It is very difficult to escape from the prison. especially 尤其,特别;exhibition 展览会;There are many different cars in the car exhibition. Expert 专家;He is petroleum expertExtremely 极端地;My mobile phone is extremely usefulEventually 最终地;Eventually, the army caught up with him in Langfang city. ★FFamiliar 熟悉的;We are very familiar with Europe Failure 失败;Failure is the mother of success.Finger 手指;flour 面粉;Bread is made of flourfluently 流利地;He can speak English very fluently.forbid禁止;Smoking is forbidden in this room. foreigner 外国人;Perter is a foreignerforgive 原谅;Please forgive me for forgetting your name.fortunately 幸运地;Fortunately, He passed the English exam.freedom 自由;freedom is most important right for the human being.frequent 频繁的;He makes mistake frequently.fresh 新鲜的;I like to eat fresh fruits.fruit水果;friendly 友好的;He is very friendly to mefuel 燃料;The plane was running out of fuel.furniture 家具;We need to buy furniture for the new house.Festival 节日;October 1st is most important festival day.★GGeneration 一代;the new generation has different idea about life.Generally 一般地;Generous 慷慨的;大方的;He has been very generous to his friends.Geography 地理;We need to know some knowledge about geography.Glove手套;Government 政府;The government shall be responsible forgraduation 毕业;I graduated from Beijing University.gradual 逐渐的;Losing weight is a slow, gradual processgrammar 语法;You need to master the grammar.Guest 客人;We need to respect our guests.Guide导游;He has been a guide for 10 years.实用文档文案大全★Hhabit习惯;I have a good habit, I get up very early.Handkerchief 手帕;Handwriting 书法,笔迹;harvest 收获;There were 3 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest. height 高度;The height of this mountain is 600 meters.honor尊敬;it is my great honor to see you.hunger 饥饿;Hunger is very common in Libya.humourous 幽默的;Peter is very humourous when he teaches me English.★IIsland岛;He lives in a small island.Imagine 想象;You can't imagine how beautiful the island is.immediately 立即,立刻;He will come immediately if you call him.increase 增加;My salary has increased dramatically.Income 收入;Industry 工业,勤劳;Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economyLight industry is closely related to agriculture.Inform 通知;I was informed to come to the office immediately.Internet 因特网;Interview 采访,面试;When Iwent for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely earlyInterrupt 打断,打扰;Don't interrupt other people when they are talking.Inventor 发明者;Edison is the inventor of electric lamp.Insurance 保险;We need to buy insurance for our new car.★JJournalist 记者; A journalist interviewed me yesterday.Judge 审判,判断,法官;I judged him to be about fortyJustice 正义,公正;法官He has a sense of justice. 他有正义感。

1. and [ænd] - 连词。
- 例句:I like apples and bananas.(我喜欢苹果和香蕉。
)2. but [bʌt] - 连词。
- 例句:He is young but very clever.(他很年轻但非常聪明。
)3. or [ɔː(r)] - 连词。
- 例句:You can choose this book or that one.(你可以选择这本书或者那本。
)4. in [ɪn] - 介词。
- 例句:There are some pens in the box.(盒子里有一些钢笔。
)5. on [ɒn] - 介词。
- 例句:The book is on the table.(书在桌子上。
)6. at [æt] - 介词。
- 例句:I meet him at the school gate.(我在学校门口遇见他。
)7. to [tuː] - 介词(也可作不定式符号)- 例句:I go to school every day.(我每天去上学。
)- 例句(不定式):I want to drink some water.(我想要喝点水。
)8. is [ɪz] - 系动词(be动词的第三人称单数形式)- 例句:He is a student.(他是一名学生。
)9. are [ɑː(r)] - 系动词(be动词的复数形式)- 例句:They are good friends.(他们是好朋友。
)10. am [æm] - 系动词(be动词的第一人称单数形式)- 例句:I am a teacher.(我是一名教师。
1. boy [bɔɪ] - 名词。
- 例句:The boy is very naughty.(这个男孩非常淘气。
)2. girl [ɡɜːl] - 名词。
- 例句:The girl is beautiful.(这个女孩很漂亮。

135个"一词多义""熟词生义"重点词汇(用法+例句)!A:①事故(n.)I saw an accident when I walked in the street.②意外、偶然的事(n.) (accidentally):①出现 (vi)A ship appeared on the horizon. (disappear消失)②好象, 似乎(vi)She appears to have many friends.:①申请(for)(vi)decided to apply for the job.②运用、应用(to)(vt.)Our teacher applies this teaching method to his class.:手臂 (n.)武装 (v)Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了!Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous.警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。
:①地区(n.)Do you like the area where you are living?②面积(n.)The city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer.(熟义:问)vt.要求The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom.老师要求所有学生呆在教室(熟义:出席)vt.参加;vi.看护,治疗Mr.Park attended a summer course.帕克先生参加一个暑期课程。
If you go out,who'll attend to the baby如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿B:①打破、打碎(vt.)The boy broke the windows of the house.②休息 (n.)We have been working all the morning,let`s have a break. :①帐单(n.)Have you paid the bill?②钞票(n.)a ten-dollar bill(熟义:书)v.预定,预购I would like to book three seats for tonight’s concert. 我想预定今晚音乐会的三个座位。

高考必备单词及例句1.about 熟义:关于We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到处=(美)around2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she's much abused at home. v. 虐待4.accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受)Tom accepted her explanation.汤姆同意她的解释。
②认可,领受,认为I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。
5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供6. ache 熟义:v/n 疼痛He was aching for home. v. 渴望7.act vi.熟义:行动It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。
8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼9. across 熟义:prep. 越过The two roads cut across each other. prep. 与...交叉,与...成十字10. advance 熟义:v/n 前进,推进she asked me for an advance on her salary. n. 预付(款)Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加11.add 熟义:加“They don't know.”he added.vt.接着说,又说;补充说12.address vt.①称呼(熟义:地址,写地址)The president should be addressed as“Mr President.”总统应称为“总统先生”。

★Aability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem.absent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years. achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals. activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to birdwatching.advanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year.adventure冒险,奇遇;I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.advantage优势;1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need.2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads.advertise登广告;They put some advertisement on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood.afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition.anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard.apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did. appearance出现,外表;She care about her appearance very much. appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us.astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. atmosphere 大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围attempt 企图,尝试; We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company.attract 吸引;In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes.audience听众; All the audience were attracted by his performance. average 平均;The yearly average income of individual in China is8000 USD.appetite 食欲;He has very good appetite recently.attitude 态度;The waiter in the restaurant has very good attitude to the customers.★Bbalance 平衡;The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.bargain 讨价还价;We always bargain with the sellers in the market. basic基本的;基础的We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment.benefit 利益;Both parties have benefited from the project. beyond 超过;The situation is beyond her control.biology 生物学;Biology is one of the most important basic subject. bitter苦的;The leaves taste rather bitter.branch分支,部门; the company has many branches in the world. broadcast广播,播送;behavior行为; His behavior is not suitable in this important occasion. belief信仰,信念;We need to insist our belief.★Ccamera 照相机;Camera is used to take pictures.capital 首都,省会;Beijing is the capital of China.captain 队长,船长;John used to be the captain in U.S.Aceiling天花板; It is difficult to touch the ceiling because it is too high. celebrate 庆祝;We will celebrate the birthday of company.century 世纪;chain链子;连锁;Wal mart is the biggest chain shop in the world. challeng e 挑战;It is big challenge for his to climb the high mountain. channel 航道,海峡,频道;Please adjust the channel to receive the signal that we send.character 特征;Her behavior last night revealed a lot about her character. charge 收费,索价;free charge, 免费chat聊天;Would you like to chat with me by the phone?Christmas 圣诞节;Christmas is the most important date for the western. citizen公民;All the citizens have the right to vote for presidentelection.cigarette 香烟; A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.climate 气候;The climate has been becoming hotter obviously in recently years.coal 煤炭;The price of coal has reduced dramatically since last year. collar衣领;Some new designed jacket has no collar. comfortable 舒适的; A home should be comfortable and friendly.This sofa is very comfortable for the fat man to sit on. communication 交流,通讯It is very important to communicate with friends.competition竞赛;He will be banned from international competition for four years.complete完全的,彻底的; I have done the homework completely. composition作文;There is going to be the composition in the English exam.concert音乐会I've been to plenty of live rock concerts.conductor售票员,(乐队)指挥,导体;confident自信的;John is very confident that he will win the race. congratulation祝贺;construction建设;The road construction is in progress.continent大陆,大洲;She loved African continent.convenient方便的;Is it convenient for you to come to my office right now? conversation交谈;We had a good conversation last night.cough咳嗽;I started coughing blood so they transferred me to a hospital. course过程,课程,一道菜;English coursecourage勇气;He is short of courage to face the difficulties.cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;crowd人群;curtain窗帘;The curtain is used to prevent the light from entering the room.culture 文化;curious好奇的;Children are naturally curious 孩子天生就好奇custom习俗; The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes backcenturies.customer消费者;顾客All the waiters need to respect the customers. conclusion结论;He made the final conclusion that Peter had passedthe exam.contribution贡献;John made great contribution to the country.Ddaily每日的;The daily price has increased by 50%.decade十年;British Rail has become more commercial over the past decade.definitely明确地,肯定地;I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people.deliver 投递;All the packages of rice have been delivered to my house. declare 宣布;John declared that he would give up the competition. deserve 应受,值得;It's your money, you work very hard, so you deserve it. description 描述;Please describe what you saw last night.design 设计;The company has designed a beautiful building.devote 专心,致力于;He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.determine 决心,决定;The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.dialogue/dialog对话;They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities.direction 方向;指导;Langfang city is located in the opposite direction. disaster 灾难;It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two months.disappear 消失;John drive the car very fast, the car disappeared in two minutes.discussion 讨论;We will discuss about this issue tomorrow.disturb 打扰;Don’t disturb him, he is studying in his room.diary 日记;He insist on writing the diary.digital 数码的;Digital camera is very popular in recent years. download 下载;You need to download some software to run it. dustbin 垃圾箱;We need to put more and more dustbin in the yard.decrease 减少;Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year. department部,科;系;We are working in the same department. dynasty 王朝,朝代;The Ming dynasty of China was founded hundredsyears ago.★Eeconomical经济的,节约的; It is more economical to wash a full load. educate 教育;He was educated at No.3 middle School. effective 有效的; The new rules will become effective in the next few days. efficient 效率高的;You need to be more efficient when you do your homework.effort 努力;John made great effort to finish his job on time. electricity 电;Electricity was invented by a famous scientist. equality 平等;They live and work together in complete equality encourage 鼓励;Peter encouraged Steven to study hard.energy 能量;精力;He always has enough energy.entrance 入口;There are five entrances in this building.envelope 信封;environment环境;We need to take measures to protect our environment.escape 逃避;It is very difficult to escape from the prison. especially 尤其,特别;exhibition 展览会;There are many different cars in the car exhibition. expert 专家;extremely 极端地;My mobile phone is extremely useful. eventually 最终地;Eventually, the army caught up with him in Langfang city.★Ffamiliar 熟悉的;We are very familiar with Europe.failure 失败;Failure is the mother of success.finger 手指;flour 面粉;Bread is made of flour.fluently 流利地;He can speak English very fluently.forbid 禁止;Smoking is forbidden in this room.foreigner 外国人;Perter is a foreigner.forgive 原谅;Please forgive me for forgetting your name. fortunately 幸运地;Fortunately, He passed the English exam. freedom 自由;Freedom is most important right for the human being. frequent 频繁的;He makes mistake frequently.fresh 新鲜的;I like to eat fresh fruits.fruit 水果;friendly 友好的;He is very friendly to me.fuel 燃料;The plane was running out of fuel.furniture 家具;We need to buy furniture for the new house. festival 节日;October 1st is most important festival day.★Ggeneration 一代;The new generation has different idea about life.generally 一般地;generous 慷慨的;大方的;He has been very generous to his friends. geography 地理;We need to know some knowledge about geography. glove 手套;government 政府;The government shall be responsible for graduation 毕业;I graduated from Beijing University.gradual 逐渐的;Losing weight is a slow, gradual process grammar 语法;You need to master the grammar.guest 客人;We need to respect our guests.guide 导游;He has been a guide for 10 years.★Hhabit 习惯;I have a good habit, I get up very early. handkerchief 手帕;handwriting 书法,笔迹;harvest 收获;There were 3 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.height 高度;The height of this mountain is 600 meters.honor 尊敬;It is my great honor to see you.hunger 饥饿;Hunger is very common in Libya. humourous 幽默的;Peter is very humourous when he teaches me English.★Iisland 岛;He lives in a small island.imagine 想象;You can’t imagine how beautiful the island is. immediately 立即,立刻;He will come immediately if you call him. increase 增加;My salary has increased dramatically.income 收入;industry 工业,勤劳;Light industry is closely related to agriculture. inform 通知;I was informed to come to the office immediately. Internet 因特网;interview采访,面试; When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early . interrupt 打断,打扰;Don’t interrupt other people when they are talking. inventor 发明者;Edison is the inventor of electric lamp. insurance 保险;We need to buy insurance for our new car.★Jjournalist 记者; A journalist interviewed me yesterday.judge 审判,判断,法官;I judged him to be about fortyjustice 正义,公正;法官He has a sense of justice. 他有正义感。

高考词汇表(音标+词性+中文+英文解释+例句+中文对照+相关词)a (an) [ən] 冠词:一个例句:I have a cat. [我有一只猫。
]构词法:无a.m. [ˌeɪˈɛm] 上午例句:The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. [会议安排在上午10点。
]构词法:p.m.abandon [əˈbændən] v. 放弃,遗弃;to give up or leave with no intention of returning.例句:He abandoned his car and walked home. [他放弃了自己的车,步行回家了。
]构词法:abandoned被遗弃的; abandonment 遗弃ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;the power or skill to do something.例句:She has the ability to solve complex problems. [她具备解决复杂问题的能力。
]构词法:able能做; disabled残疾的; ability能力able [ˈeɪbəl] adj. 能够的,有能力的;having the power, skill, or means to do something.例句:He is able to speak five different languages. [他能够说五种不同的语言。
]构词法:unable不能的; enable使能够;ability能力abnormal [æbˈnɔːrməl] adj. 异常的,反常的;deviating from what is normal or usual.例句:His behavior was considered abnormal by his peers. [他的行为被他的同龄人认为是异常的。

高考英语重点100词汇(带用法例句)1. passage【词义】n. 文章;通道【例句】A dark narrow passage led to the main hall. 一条阴暗狭窄的走廊通向大厅。
2. author【词义】n.作者【用法】【例句】3. change【词义】n.变化;零钱【用法】keep the change 不用找零【例句】Here’s the money, and you can keep the change!4. being【词义】n. 形成【用法】come into being 开始形成【例句】The earth came into being about 4.6 billion years ago.5. difference【词义】n.差别【用法】make a difference 产生影响【例句】Together we will make a big difference to this world.6. through【词义】prep. (内部)穿过【用法】go through 经历【例句】We have gone through a lot lately.7. company【词义】n.公司;陪伴【用法】keep sb. company 陪伴……【例句】Don’t worry, and I will always keep you company.8. information【词义】n.信息【例句】He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information .9. course【词义】n.课程;过程【用法】in the course of 在……的过程中compulsory course 必修课【例句】The unexpected course of events aroused considerable alarm. 意外的事态发展引起了相当的恐慌。
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高考英语重点词汇及例句Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】Aability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his abilityabsent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow.abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years.achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watchingadvanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year. adventure冒险,奇遇;1-I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year. advantage优势;1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need.2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads.advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood.afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition. anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard.apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did.appearance出现,外表;1-It was the president's second public appearance to date2-She care about her appearance very much.appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us.astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft.atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company attract 吸引;1-In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes.audience听众;All the audience were attracted by his performance.Average 平均;The yearly average income of individual in China is 8000 USDappetite 食欲;He has very good appetite recently.attitude 态度;The waiter in the restaurant has very good attitude to the customers.★Bbalance 平衡;The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balancebargain 讨价还价;We always bargain with the sellers in the market.basic基本的;基础的 We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment benefit 利益;Both parties have benefited from the project.beyond 超过;This is beyond our capability.1-The situation is beyond her control. Or out of control.biology 生物学;Biology is one of the most important basic subject.bitter苦的;The leaves taste rather bitter.branch分支,部门; the company has many branches in the world.broadcast广播,播送;1-In a broadcast on radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations behavior行为;His behavior is not suitable in this important occasion.belief信仰,信念;We need to insist our belief.★Ccamera 照相机;Camera is used to take pictures.capital 首都,省会;Beijing is the capital of China.captain 队长,船长; John used to be the captain inceiling天花板;It is difficult to touch the ceiling because it is too high.celebrate 庆祝;We will celebrate the birthday of company.century 世纪;chain链子;连锁; Wal mart is the biggest chain shop in the world.challeng e 挑战;It is big challenge for his to climb the high mountain.channel 航道,海峡,频道; Please adjust the channel to receive the signal that we send. character 特征;Her behavior last night revealed a lot about her character charge 收费,索价; 1- free charge, 免费2- We need to charge my mobile phone.chat聊天;Would you like to chat with me by the phone.Christmas 圣诞节;Christmas is the most important date for the western.citizen公民;All the citizens have the right to vote for president electioncigarette 香烟; A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.climate 气候;The climate has been becoming hotter obviously in recently years.coal 煤炭;The price of coal has reduced dramatically since last year.collar衣领;Some new designed jacket has no collar.Comfortable舒适的; A home should be comfortable and friendly.This sofa is very comfortable for the fat man to sit on. Communication 交流,通讯It is very important to communicate with friendscompetition竞赛;He will be banned from international competition four years. complete完全的,彻底的;I have done the homework completely.composition作文;There is going to be the composition in the English exam. concert音乐会I've been to plenty of live rock concertsconductor售票员,(乐队)指挥,导体;The train conductor punched (打眼)our tickets.Wood is a poor conductor导体 of heat and electricity.confident自信的;John is very confident that he will win the race.congratulation祝贺;construction建设;The road construction is in progress.continent大陆,大洲;She loved African continent.convenient方便的;Is it convenient for you to come to my office right now conversation交谈;We had a good conversation last night.cough咳嗽;started coughing blood so they transferred me to a hospital. course过程,课程,一道菜; English coursecourage勇气;He is short of courage to face the difficulties.cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;crowd人群;curtain窗帘;The curtain is used to prevent the light from entering the room.culture 文化;curious好奇的;Children are naturally curious 孩子天生就好奇custom习俗;The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuriescustomer消费者;顾客All the waiters need to respect the customers.Conclusion结论;He made the final conclusion that Peter had passed the exam.contribution贡献;John made great contribution to the country.Ddaily每日的;The daily price has increased by 50%.decade十年;British Rail has become more commercial over the past decadedefinitely明确地,肯定地;I'm definitely going to get in touch with these peopledeliver 投递;All the packages of rice have been delivered to my house. Declare 宣布;John declared that he would give up the competition. deserve 应受,值得;It's your money, you work very hard, so you deserve it.description 描述;Please describe what you saw last night.design 设计;The company has designed a beautiful building.devote 专心,致力于;He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation determine 决心,决定;The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time dialogue/dialog对话;They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communitiesdirection 方向;指导;Langfang city is located in the opposite directiondisaster 灾难;It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two monthsdisappear 消失;John drive the car very fast, the car disappeared in two minutes. discussion 讨论;we will discuss about this issue tomorrow.disturb 打扰;Don’t disturb him, he is studying in his room.diary 日记;He insist on writing the diary.digital 数码的;Digital camera is very popular in recent years.download 下载;You need to download some software to run it.dustbin 垃圾箱;We need to put more and more dustbin in the yard.decrease 减少;Population growth is decreasing by % each year department部,科;系;We are working in the same department.dynasty 王朝,朝代;The Ming dynasty of China was founded hundreds years ago.★Eeconomical经济的,节约的;It is more economical to wash a full loadeducate 教育;He was educated at middle Schooleffective 有效的The new rules will become effective in the next few daysefficient 效率高的;you need to be more efficient when you do your homework.effort 努力;John made great effort to finish his job on time.electricity 电;Electricity was invented by a famous scientist.equality 平等;They live and work together in complete equality encourage 鼓励;Peter encouraged Steven to study hard.energy 能量;精力;He always has enough energy.entrance 入口;There are five entrances in this building.envelope 信封;environment环境;we need to take measures to protect our environmentescape 逃避;It is very difficult to escape from the prison.especially 尤其,特别;exhibition 展览会;There are many different cars in the car exhibition.Expert 专家;He is petroleum expertExtremely 极端地;My mobile phone is extremely usefulEventually 最终地;Eventually, the army caught up with him in Langfang city. ★FFamiliar 熟悉的;We are very familiar with EuropeFailure 失败;Failure is the mother of success.Finger 手指;flour 面粉;Bread is made of flourfluently 流利地;He can speak English very fluently.forbid 禁止;Smoking is forbidden in this room.foreigner 外国人;Perter is a foreignerforgive 原谅;Please forgive me for forgetting your name. fortunately 幸运地;Fortunately, He passed the English exam.freedom 自由;freedom is most important right for the human being.frequent 频繁的;He makes mistake frequently.fresh 新鲜的;I like to eat fresh fruits.fruit 水果;friendly 友好的;He is very friendly to mefuel 燃料;The plane was running out of fuel.furniture 家具;We need to buy furniture for the new house.Festival 节日;October 1st is most important festival day.★GGeneration 一代;the new generation has different idea about life. Generally 一般地;Generous 慷慨的;大方的;He has been very generous to his friends.Geography 地理;We need to know some knowledge about geography.Glove 手套;Government 政府;The government shall be responsible for graduation 毕业;I graduated from Beijing University.gradual 逐渐的;Losing weight is a slow,gradualprocessgrammar 语法;You need to master the grammar.Guest 客人;We need to respect our guests.Guide 导游;He has been a guide for 10 years.★Hhabit 习惯;I have a good habit, I get up very early. Handkerchief 手帕;Handwriting 书法,笔迹;harvest 收获;There were 3 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of theharvest.height 高度;The height of this mountain is 600 meters.honor 尊敬;it is my great honor to see you.hunger 饥饿;Hunger is very common in Libya.humourous 幽默的;Peter is very humourous when he teaches me English.★IIsland 岛;He lives in a small island.Imagine 想象;You can’t imagine how beautiful the island is. immediately 立即,立刻;He will come immediately if you call him.increase 增加;My salary has increased dramatically. Income 收入;Industry 工业,勤劳;IndustryandagriculturearethetwoimportantsectorsofthenationaleconomyLightindustryiscloselyrelatedtoagriculture. Inform 通知;I was informed to come to the office immediately. Internet 因特网;Interview 采访,面试;WhenIwentformyfirstinterviewforthisjobIarrivedextremelyearlyInterrupt 打断,打扰;Don’t interrupt other people when they are talking. Inventor 发明者;Edison is the inventor of electric lamp.Insurance 保险;We need to buy insurance for our new car.★JJournalist 记者; A journalist interviewed me yesterday. Judge 审判,判断,法官;IjudgedhimtobeaboutfortyJustice 正义,公正;法官He has a sense of justice. 他有正义感。