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收稿日期:2011-07-27 修回日期:2011-09-21




中图分类号:R541 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-2084(2012)01-0121-03



Brief Int roduct ion of Common Animal Models for Pulmonary Hypertension L I Yan-chuan,L I Xin-xin.(Tasly Ins titute of Tianjin,Tianjin300410,C hina)

Abst rac t:Pulmonary hypertension(PH)is a disease with the main characteristics of pulmonar y a r-tery vasospasm,intmial hy per plasia and r emodeling lesions,micr othr ombosis formation and increased pulmonary vascular resistance,which leads to right-sided hear t failur e,functional limitations,and ulti-mately death.The methods for anim al models construction including:chronically hypoxic,monoerotatine injection,surgica l shunt and so on.Her e is to describe the pr inciple of each model,production methods,

a dvantages and disadvanta ges to pr ovide r eferences for selection of the appropriate animal model.

Key words:Pulmonar y hypertension;Anima l models;M odel char acteristics

肺动脉高压(pulmona ry hypertension,PH)是以肺




心衰竭。美国国立卫生研究院规定PH诊断标准:右心导管测定静息状态下平均肺动脉压>25mm Hg(1mm Hg= 0.133kPa),或运动后平均肺动脉压>30mm Hg[1]。由于人运动后肺动脉压力数值差别很大,肺动脉压力的正常值界定非常困难,为了利于临床和实践的统一,在2008年第四次PH会议上取消了运动后肺动脉压的诊断标准,只以静息状态下右心导管测定的肺动脉平均压≥25m m Hg

