
例如,How do Chinese people spend their holiday? 由于考官大都比较关心的情况,所以这类题目出现的频率很高。
但是,人口众多,我们应该如何分类呢?根据不同情况,我们可以从以下三个角度进行分类:(1)按年轻人和老年人分类我们来看一道题目:What’s the most popular music in China? 这道题目显然不能只讲自己喜欢的音乐,也不宜只提供一种音乐类型。
我们都知道,年轻人和老年人喜欢的音乐类型可能完全不同,因此我们可以这样回答: For most young people, they like rock or pop music. But for most old people, they like opera or folk music.(2)按男人和女人分类再来看一道题目:What’s the most popular sport in China? 这道题如果只讲自己喜欢的运动,则显得太主观,且不够全面。
对于运动,男人和女人的喜好稍有不同,因此我们可以依次进行分类:For most men, they like basketball or football. But for most women, they like table tennis or badminton.(3)按大人和小孩分类雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:Do Chinese people like to celebrate birthday?对于喜不喜欢过生日,大人和小孩各有不同,因此我们可以这样回答: For children, birthday is everything, and they enjoy celebrating it. But for some adults, they think birthday isjust a normal day and don’t like to celebrate it any more.(4)一般分类雅思口语Part1中还有这样一题:Is teaching a popular job in China? 对于教师在到底是不是流行的工作,真是公说公有理,婆说婆有理,每个人的意见都可能出现分歧。

例如:Where are you from?(你来自哪?)Why are you studying English?(为什么学英语呀?)Have you visited any English speaking countries?(去过说英语的国家吗?)Do you play any sports?(你参与什么运动吗?)建议:这个时候,你应当给考官一个比较全面的回答,这是给对方留下第一好印象的时刻。
Where are you from?Im from Shanghai in China. Its the largest city in China.Its a modern city but with a lot of history and a lovely place to live. 我来自中国上海(到这不能停),上海是中国最大的城市,是一座现代化的大城市,历史也很悠久,是一个特别适合居住的地方。
Why are you preparing for the IELTS exam?Because I need it for my studies. Ive been offered a place at a university in England to study on an MBA but I need to show my level of English is good enough.为了学习(到这不能停),我已经被英国一家高校的MBA录用了,但是我需要证明自己的语言水平足够好。

雅思口语Part 1是雅思口语考试中的第一部分,也是最容易的部分。
下面是关于雅思口语Part 1的重要性及备考方法:
1. Part 1是雅思口语考试的开场部分,考官会通过这一部分来热身和了解考生,其目的是让考生逐渐适应口语考试环境,消除紧张情绪。
2. Part 1的题目相对简单,考生可以展示自己的英语基础,提高分数。
3. Part 1的问题都比较常见,准备充分可以避免临时慌乱,保证回答流利和准确。
1. 多听多说:多听英语口语材料,尤其是和日常生活相关的话题,加强英语口语的输入。
2. 关注常见题目:整理雅思Part 1常见问题的题库,做好答题准备。
3. 模拟练习:找到一位熟悉雅思口语考试的人,进行模拟口语练习。
4. 注意语音语调:练习口语时,注意语音语调的准确性和自然流利性。
总之,雅思口语Part 1虽然比较简单,但是也需要充分准备才能发挥出自己的水平,重点是多听多说、关注常见题目、模拟练习和注意语音语调,这样可以在雅思口语考试中取得更好的成绩。


What is famous about your hometown?
commonly used adjs:
interesting---intriguing,amusing,hilarious happy---delighted,overjoyed,pleasant
Do u like rainy days? How does rain affect people's mood? What types of weather do chinese people usually like? Is weather important in traveling ?
答题思路:表达观点+内容展开 表达观点时常用副词: 语气较强的副词开句:undoubtedly, unquestionably,absolutely, definitely, Obviously, apparently, certainly, surely, etc. 语气较平缓的副词开句:normally,actually, generally, frankly, honestly, basically, theoretically, technically, currently, and etc. 表达观点时常用词组: in my opinion, from my point of view, in my view, from my perspective,etc. 句首可用的词组:as a matter of fact , off the top of my head, as far as i'm concerned , 展开技巧: 举例子、列原因、表达感受

About yourself1.What’s your full name?2.What’s your English name?3.Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?Literally:Lean on a sailing boat to see in the distanceMake a good wish that Everything is going smoothly4.Do you want to change your name?Smoothly & successfullyHometown and cities1.Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / Where is your hometown?Wuhan, a large-sized city in the middle of china, and it is also a crucial city during revolution period in the history2.Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live in?3 aspects:@.local delicious food snack street : hot dry noodles , fried bread stick ,stinky tofushrimp balls ,spicy hot noodles, hot hot hot, hot pot, spring rolls@shopping malls & amusement parks 国广&欢乐谷@university city, esp.Wc district relatively high education standard3.What aspects do you like best in your hometown?4.What aspects do you dislike in your hometown?Larged-sized city large population crowded in the station competetion is fierceIn the process of contruction of infrustracture ==road traffic jam5.What landscapes surround your hometown?In the middle of chinait is located in the jianghan plainthe long river flows through crossover point of han river—tributaryriver viewa place covered with lakes “city with thousand lakes” ---the east lakenext to a basin named SICHUAN basin ---in the west of WHsouth direction ---old forest SHEN NONGJIA –tourist spot6.What are the differences between your hometown and Beijing?Capital well-known boast of its long history political centerMore urbanized well-developed transportantion system\**On the contrary, less modern , infrustractures are not completedin the middle snacks of north and south abundant choice tediousless stressed7.What are the characters of local people in your hometown?Friendly and warm-hearted talkative esp. senor citizensStraightforward express feeling loudly and directlyBad-tempered quarrel on the streetBe fond of food and drinksEnjoy themselves entertainments MAJIANG POKER8.What is the main food /special snack in your hometown?9.Are there any changes in your hometown?During city constructiontransportation facilities skyscapers dapartment stores environment greenbeltricher more cars on the road traffic congestion more sever10.Do you prefer to live in a big city or a small one? Why?Big cityConvenient shopping more optionswell-developed transportationmore choices to have funhigher standard of edu, open-minded11.What are the differences between living in a big city and in the countryside?Less poplulationMore quietGood envirnment less populationLess stressedA good place for holidayWork and study1.Are you working or studying?2.Where do you study?3.Could you describe your college/university/school?4.What’s your major?5.Why did you choose the major?Inspired by mother journalist cool job go to different places visit different people see lots of things interested inPsychology interested as well read many books psychoanalysis Freud seminars programs rural areas to help children with mental issues6.Do you think your college/university is a good place to study in?Equipped with teaching facilities &Excellent teachersBautiful place lakeside ---the east lake good environment morning readingOlympics Champions training diligent surroundingsHandsome guys good stress reducer by looking at them training7.What aspects do you dislike in your college/university?Library is too small dorm cannot find a seat lateBathroom in the dorm public inconvenientShower room is too far away esp. winter freezing cold on the way back8.What’s your plan in the near future?UK maters degree translater english teaching institutionLead my band do more performances make extra money9.What’s your ideal job?Spy Translator or an english teacherCool job bridge the cultural gap high paymentPsychologist10.Which subject is your favorite?11.What’s your opinion about changing jobs? \Good to change but not too often maybe it means what do you want 12.How many languages do you speak?Two France 93%\13.Do you think it important to learn a foreign language?Yes bingual smarter sensitiveGlobalization more communication to foreignors understand each other Bridge culture gapStudy abroadCompetitive busniess opportinuties14.What do you think is the most difficult in learning a foreign language?Gammar fixed patterns rulesTechnical terms academic words15.What do you think is the most interesting in learning a foreign language?Progress processBegin limited words gammar sentence patterns accentTalk for a short timeFreerExpress yourself bettermake people understand you betterHobbies and leisure activities1.What do you usually in your spare time?Just like many otherMy band get together discuss rhythm guitarist2.Do you think it important to have some hobbies?Routine daily life colorfulEg: sining playing instrumentsCannot imagine stress reducer3.What do you think of extreme sports?Good & specialAdventurous&ambitiousParadise more optionsDangerous safety4.Do you think people nowadays have enough leisure time?Since the level of development in china developping country standard of living not high busy with making money work extra hours5.What’s the importance of holidays?The best stress reducer for peopleSuffer from huge pressure work on the weekends extra moneyHoliday stop the works slow down the paces relax their bodies ease minds10.1 7.4 national dayholiday can trigger the tourism good for6.What are the differences between people’s way to spend their leisure time nowadays and inthe past?Development of technology and internet& transportation systemOld games play chess do some sports visit old friendsStress work extra hours7.Do you think people will have more leisure time in the future?Development of economy in our country strandard of livingPay the house and pay the carExtra hours more leisure travel golf go fish on the sea8.How do young people around you spend their leisure time?Go shopping internet moviesChurch play the band9.How do your parents spend their leisure time?Church movies yoga gym10.How do you spend the weekends?11.What do you usually do in evenings?Finish homeworkReading on couchDiary pray12.Do you often spend your leisure time with your family?Sometimes drive to suburbs to have trip&picnicGo shopping togetherMost I spend with friends and band13.Do you collect anything? What’s that?Perfumes I believe fragrance can refresh my memory remind me of the past a particular gragrance can wake up a particular memory that I have gone throughStand in front choose fragrance every dayExquisite bottles14.What are the benefits of collecting?Have more knowledge about the fieldEnjoy yourself by fun by doingMake life colorfulTrigger for hard work15.Do your friends have the similar hobbies to you?16.What do you usually do to relax yourself?17.What do the people around you do to relax themselves?18.What are the differences between the young and the old in relaxation method? Old: dance with folding fan taiji chess TV radioYoung : internet movies shopping yogo gymSports and exercises1.What sports do you usually do?Swimming good way to keep fitTemperatured pool twice a wkFree shower handsomesstreet dance jazz hiphop cooler2.What sports are popular in your city?Swimming table tennis general national3.How do you keep fit?Do physical exercisesControl my diet : more vegetable less junkTraditional chinese medicine clean intestines4.Do you think it important to do physical exercises?Keep fit keep body in good shapeImprove the function of immunity system5.What are the benefits of playing sports?Having fun+above6.Why do some young people love extreme sports?Adventurous ambitious personalitiesNormal sports too light heavy flavorNot easy challenage confident brave enough differnenceStimutating crazy enjoymentAir slide bungee rock climbing surfing drifting7.Do you think the government should ban extreme sports?No regulation to protect participators safty8.Do you think it necessary for school teenagers to have P.E. class?Yes obesity junk food & lack of exercises good for healthMovement skills good for study9.How do you think to develop children’s interest in sports?Watch games play with them participateDig talent encourage experience of victory10.What are the differences between men and women in playing sports?More likely aggressive sports football boxing hockyExtreme sportsGentle sports yoga badminton gymnastic11.Do you like watching sport events?12.Do you prefer to watch sport events on TV or on the spot?On the spot, exciting ,circumstances focus more on the game cheer for the team sports stars in person signitureLower patota chips coca less attantion less stimulating13.What are the differences between doing sports and watching sport events?Pay full attention lose pointsWatching : concentrate potato chips soda make comments while watching the gamesTravel and holiday1.Do you like traveling?Yes travel every year as long as I have extra moneyHave been to many places in china with my friends macaoMeet people local snacks no idea what is going to happen find out2.When did last travel and where?This summer HK3.What kind of place is it?Tiny with dense population modern covered with all kinds of buildingWalking on the street is just like walking in the forest of skyscapersTransportation systemShopping centre in china cheap and good4.What impressed you the most?Dense population spacious like main contient crowded bathroom is tiny5.Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?With friends talk to friends to kill the time on the wayUnexpected situations solve togetherTake photos split/ share the bill cheaper6.What type of tour do you like best?Travel with friends without travel agency no package tourSomewhere you don't want to go buy sth wait for othersFriends free options when to get up/go to bed/ where to eat /what to buy7.What are the benefits of joining a package tour?No bother with train/plane tickets visaCheaper hotel motelTourist guide learn more about8.What are the benefits of solo travel?9.Do you think it good to take children to travel?Good for children to travel to different places to see world &meet peopleBroaden horizon experience good for their studiesChildren are too small to understand what he/she is doing inappropriateNoisy Take care mood depends10.What are the differences in the means of transportation before and nowadays?More efficient then before more confortable and expensiveBike horses train ship bus more environmental friendly safty guaranteedNow: airplane high-speed railway cars world villege accompanied with potential dangers 11.What’s the place you want to travel to the m ost?If I have chance travel to Eroupe Beautiful continent different cultures & landscapes Royal england romantic france italy with rich renaissance cultureIreland folk musicTransportation1.What are the main forms of transportation in your city? Bus /bike/ cars/ subway/lightrailway(not available)2.Which form do you use the most? Bus cars cheaper cars are convenient3.Which form is your favorite?4.What are the benefits of this form of transportation?5.What are the disadvantages of this form?6.What problems do you think lie in the traffic situation in your city?7.What are the causes of the problems? Time money richer8.What do you think the government should do to solve the problems?Collect taxes fromcar-buyers lower the bus fee encourage improve the bus condition comfortableMake a good city construction plan broaden the roads9.What changes will happen in the form of transportation in the future? Well-developed systemS ubway the number cars on the ground will decrease10.What changes will happen in the traffic situation in your city?Food1.What’s your favorite type of food?Junk food & seafood potato chips hot wings pizza clams2.What’s healthy food?3.Is your diet healthy? I am afraid not4.Are there any changes in your eating habit?5.What are the changes in Chinese eating habit?6.What are the traditional foods in China?7.What’s the staple food in China?8.Do you often eat out?9.What are the benefits of eating out?10.What are the disadvantages of eating out?11.What aspect do you think is the most essential to a good restaurant?12.What aspect do you pay the most attention to when you choose a restaurant to eat at?13.Do you enjoy cooking? Why or why not?14.Who usually cooks in your home?15.What are the differences between eating out and cooking at home?16.What are the differences between ready-to-eat food at restaurant and home-cooked food?Living place1.Where do you live? In a house or a flat?2.Could you describe your living place?3.What are the differences between a house and a flat?4.Do you want to change your living place?5.What’s your favorite living place?6.Do you like the arrangement and decoration in your home?7.Do you prefer to live in the big city or in the countryside?8.What do you think of the high-rise buildings?9.Do you think it difficult for people in high-rise buildings to communicate?10.Why do many people buy flats in high-rise buildings?11.What are the differences between residential buildings and office buildings?12.How do the building styles influence people?13.What are the differences between building style in the north and in the south?14.What do you think is the most important to a good building?Fashion and clothing1.What type of clothes do you like best?2.Do you like fashionable clothes?3.What type of clothes do young people like in your city?4.Do you like name brand clothes?5.Why do a lot of young people like name brands?6.How do you get the information about fashion?7.What are the differences between people’s clothing now adays and before?8.Do you think clothing is important to one?9.Where do you often shop? And how often?10.Do you enjoy shopping?11.What do you usually buy when going shopping?12.Are there any shopping places near your home?13.Whom do you usually go shopping with?14.What are the differences between men and women in shopping?15.What do you pay the most attention to when you shop?16.Photo and photography1.Do you like photography/picture -taking?2.What type of pictures do you like taking/watching?3.When do people take photos?4.Do Chinese people like taking photos?5.How do you keep old photos?6.What are the values of old photos?7.What are the differences between digital cameras and film cameras?Weather and season1.What’s the weather like in your hometown?2.Do you like the weather in your hometown?3.What are the differences between the weather in your hometown and in Beijing?4.What’s your favorite season?5.Can weather influence your mood?6.What influences does the weather bring to your mood?7.What changes have happened in climate in China recently?8.What’s the difference between the south and north in rainfall?9.What is the season in which it rains most?10.What influence does rainy days have on people’s life?11.What do people usually when it rains?Media1.Do you prefer to contact your friends by letters or e-mails?2.What are the differences between letters and e-mails?3.When do you send e-mails?4.What do you think of e-communication?5.Who use the telephone most in your home?6.Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to radio?7.What type of TV/radio program do you like best?8.What changes do you hope to take place in TV/radio programs?9.Do you prefer to watch DVD at home or go to the cinema?10.What type of film do you like best?11.What changes have happened in film-producing in China recently?12.Where do you get information?13.Do you often read newspapers?14.Do you often surf the Internet?15.When do you watch TV?16.What are the differences between the news on line and on TV?17.What do you usually on line?18.Do you like writing?19.What type of books do you like reading?Music and dance1.Which type of music do you like best?2.Why do you like this type of music?3.Which type of music is popular nowadays?4.What influence does music have on people’s life?5.Which type of music do elderly people like?6.What instruments can you play?7.Do you think it good for kids to learn playing an instrument?8.Do you think it necessary for school children to have music class?9.Do you like dancing?10.Do Chinese people like dancing?11.Does dance play important role in people’s life?12.When do people usually dance?13.Which type of dance is popular?14.What’s the difference between the young and the old in dancing?Birds and flowers1.What birds can be seen in your city?2.What birds have special meaning in Chinese culture?3.Do people like birds in your city?4.Do you think it necessary to protect birds?5.Do you often send flowers to your friends?6.What flowers do you like?7.What flowers have special meaning in Chinese culture?8.Do Chinese people often send flowers?9.Noise1.Is there any noise around you /near your living place?2.How do you think the noise should be controlled?3.What influence does noise h ave on people’s life?4.What are the harms of noise?5.Is there any park or garden in your neighborhood?6.How often do you go to the park?7.Do you think it important to have a garden in the neighborhood?8.What do people do in the park?9.Why do people like going to the park?。
雅思口语part1 观点类解题思路

雅思口语part1 观点类解题思路嘿,考雅思口语Part1的小伙伴们,你们是不是一想到观点类的题目就有点头疼呢?就像我那朋友小明,他之前考雅思的时候,看到观点类题目就懵圈了,感觉自己的脑子像一团乱麻似的。

⼀、雅思⼝语Part1问题类型之时间频率型 常见问题: How often do you go to cinema? When would you give someone flowers? At what time of a day do you usually read? 下⾯,我们来看学⽣的回答。
例⼦:How often do you go to cinema? Well, I go to cinema once a week, because I am really fond of movies especially the Hollywood blockbuster. 从学⽣的回答中,我们可以感觉到似乎回答了题⽬要求,具体什么时间等,但是从评分标准⾓度来看的话,该答案并不能够拿到⾼分,⽐如在连贯与语法⽅⾯都需加强,该答案为5分。
典型的例句或说法来帮助我们扩充内容,如It depends…./Sometimes…. sometimes…./It varies. If …. , I …., but if…, I ….. 回答范例: Well I think it varies from different situations(典型句型使⽤). If (条件状语从句)I had time, I would go to cinema once a week. For example, when I was in college, I had a lot of free time. But now(与之前相对⽐) I work, so the situation is different. You know, in current times, people are living in the rat race(激烈的竞争), I am no exception, so I have to work harder and harder, which means I do not have much free time. Therefore, I go to cinema maybe once a month. ⼆、雅思⼝语Part1问题类型之假设型 常见问题: Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place?(Why) Would you like to change your name? What would you like to change about your hometown? 学⽣回答⽰例: Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place?(Why) OK, I would like to live in a cold place. I don’t like the hot place because I am apt to sweat. 该回答很简单,同样不会拿⾼分。
15个最常见的雅思口语话题及答案 Part 1

15个最常见的雅思口语话题及答案Part 1Part 1主要问一些日常话题,通常是跟自己有关的。
→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→Q1:What do you do? 你每天都做些什么?如果你是上班族A1:I work as a teacher actually in a local secondary school. I teach English and I’m also responsible for developing the new curriculum there.如果你是学生A1:I’m a full-time student at university and I am studying French and Japanese, and after graduation I really want to get into translating, I think it’s a fascinating field.【讲解】1, work as an engineer:从事…工作的。
2, be responsible for designing the leaflets:负责…的。
3, get into teaching/law/coding:从事…行业。
→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→Q2:Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的职业吗?上班族A2:Yes, I like it most of the time, I mean I really enjoy seeing my students learn and make progress but I must admit the hours are long and work often eats into my personal time.【讲解】1, most of the time后面通常是要表达相反的意见。

2、没听清问题,答非所问有许多考生当面对的问题:没听懂考官说的是什么,但却不好意思提出,只会造成使用简单的Yes或是 No来草率应对,亦或是根本答非所问。
如果是听不懂,那么请用rephrase, paraphrase或是 explain,考官会换一种说法,很可能会尽量采用简单易懂的词汇。
若真的碰到陌生话题如何应对呢,说I don’t know吗?应对策略:一方面,大家所要做的是应变能力来救场。
《阿甘正传》里提出了一个经典句子:Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you'll gonna get. 这句话很好记,也不难说,同时包含了有的人生经历或意义,事实上能够适用到更多的话题卡中。

雅思口语part1-3考察范围及练习技巧雅思口语考试分为三个部分,每个部分都有不同的考察点:1. Part 1:基本情况介绍,如家庭、工作、学习、兴趣爱好等。
2. Part 2:个人陈述,考官会给你一个话题,你需要根据话题进行1-2分钟的陈述。
3. Part 3:深入讨论,考官会根据你在Part 2的表现,提出一些相关问题,考察你的观点、论证能力和语言表达能力。
1. 基础发音练习要想说一口流利的英语,首先要从发音练起。
2. 积累词汇和句型丰富的词汇和多样的句型是口语表达的基石。
3. 模拟考试场景提前适应考试场景,有助于减轻紧张情绪。
4. 提高逻辑表达能力在口语考试中,逻辑清晰的表达能力至关重要。
2(2)使用连接词:如“firstly, secondly, finally”等,使回答更具条理性。
5. 增强自信心自信心是成功的一半。

以下是⽆忧考整理的雅思⼝语part1-3的解题套路,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语part1-3的解题套路 ⼀、雅思⼝语part1答题套路 雅思⼝语part1是给考官留下良好印象的重要阶段,所以能够合理的作答是重要的。
但是⾯对这样的问题,考⽣不能只回答“是”或“否”,⽽是要让考官信服,讲出原因,所以part1的作答套路就是“yes/sure+ reason”or”no+why/reason”.即不管你的观点是怎样的都要讲出能够⽀持你观点的理由。
Do you love to go out for a walk in parks? Explain why. Definitely! I love the feeling of walking in the park in the early morning, listening to the birds chirping in the trees, enjoying the grass sparkled with dew, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the gentle breeze blowing over my face. It can always work its magic to put me in a good mood. It is a fresh start of a perfect day! 这⾥需要注意,⼀般在考试的时候考官很少会直接让你说“Explain why”,所以考⽣不能直接说完definitely就完事了,切记要记得解释。

雅思口语Part1的官方名字叫做Introduction andInterview(介绍与面试),相当于咱们参加面试的时候的做个自我介绍然后做个简单答辩就行了。
2雅思口语Part1答题建议1. 答案不要只是一到两句话。
2. 回答要尽量自然。
3. 尽量对你的答案进行补充说明。
比如上述的第二个问题,大家可以这样说:I like reading very much. I like reading different things such as novels, newspapers and magazines.我喜爱读不同的读物,比如小说、报纸和杂志。
However, most of my time is spent reading novels in order to relax and forget my problems.但是我读得最多的还是小说,因为读小说能让我放松,忘记自己的烦恼。
4. 雅思阅读的Part 1一般有12个左右的问题,时间在5分钟左右。

请大家看清,题目问的是什么种类?而不是你经常用哪个app?什么是种类?scheduling app 时间安排类, information storage app 信息存储类, social networking app 社交软件类, games app 游戏类, lifestyle app 生活类等,这些都是种类,而不是具体的某一个app。
Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet.
You should say:
what it was
whereห้องสมุดไป่ตู้you read it
why you read it
有一次咱们的每日练习题是:What kinds of apps do you often use? 这种问法是雅思口语P1P3的一类高频问法,什么种类。
但咱们同学90%以上的回答都是I often use Wechat, Youdao, Taobao… 考官心里打满问号,然后说:We use What’s app, google and amazon…… 哎,这回答丢分真的好可惜。
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而雅思口语Part 1作为口语考试的第一部分,相对其他两个部分来说还是比较简单的,雅思口语Part 1主要也是针对考生的基本信息,考官也会在雅思口语Part 1部分向学生提一些关于个人的问题,数量大概是4-9个,小编也总结了雅思口语Part 1答题技巧。
例如,How do Chinese people spend their holiday? 由于考官大都比较关心中国的情况,所以这类题目出现的频率很高。
我们来看一道题目:What’s the most popular music in China? 这道题目显然不能只讲自己喜欢的音乐,也不宜只提供一种音乐类型。
For most young people, they like rock or pop music. But for most old people, they like opera or folk music.
再来看一道题目:What’s the most popular sport in China? 这道题如果只讲自己喜欢的运动,则显得太主观,且不够全面。
For most men, they like basketball or football. But for most women, they like table tennis or badminton.
雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:Do Chinese people like to celebrate birthday?对于喜不喜欢过生日,大人和小孩各有不同,因此我们可以这样回答:
For children, birthday is everything, and they enjoy celebrating it. But for some adults, they think birthday is just a normal day and don’t like to celebrate it any more.
雅思口语Part1中还有这样一题:Is teaching a popular job in China? 对于教师在中国到底是不是流行的工作,真是公说公有理,婆说婆有理,每个人的意见都可能出现分歧。
Some people think being a teacher is popular for the high salary, but others don’t think so as they believe it is too tired to be a teacher.
a) A…, but B….
b) While A is…, B is ….
c) On one hand, A….. On the other hand, B….
d) A…. On the contrary, B….
e) A…. In contrast, B….
f) A…. However, B….
我们来看一道关于电影的题目:What is the most popular kind of film in China? 显然,根据以上分析,这题属于中国类的题目,适合用分类法进行回答,并用上相应的对比句型。
我们可以这样回答:Some people like peony, our national flower. In contrast, others may find rose very beautiful.
同样地,对于What is the most popular pet in China? 这样的题,我们也可以用同样的方法回答,如:You know, China has a large population, so we can’t be too generalized. While most people prefer raising dog or cat, a few people may choose animals like bird or fish.
a) Well, it depends.
b) I think it all depends.
c) Well, choices are divided.
d) You know, China has a large population, so we cannot be too generalized.
e) There is a difference in preference between A and B.
f) It may sound too absolute if I don’t go into classification.
雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:Do Chinese people like changing their names?同样地,不同人有不同的喜好,因此我们可以这样回答:
I think it all depends. Most people in China don’t like changing their names. However, some of them prefer doing that.
In China, do women change their names when they get married?
What are the characteristics of schools in China?
What kinds of majors are available in China?