
传统的维多利亚文学批评方法是一种社会—历史批评的方法,以实证主义为哲学基础,将文学作品视为作者思想感情的表现或流露,以作者身世及其社会背景的研究为中心,展开对作品的渊源、作品与作家、作品与社会等方面的关系的研究。在这种偏向史学的研究中,作品的审美特性被遮蔽,因此文学作品失去了赖以成其为自身的根据。新批评拒绝这种实证主义的社会———历史方法,美国文论约·兰塞姆在其论文集《新批评》 (1941)中,明确提出以文字分析为主的批评方法,与维多利亚文学批评划清界限。
莫泊桑《项链》 小说的主人公马蒂尔特,是一位漂亮的女士,她的丈夫是一个普通职员,们地位低下,却迷恋豪华的贵族生活,渴望参加贵族上流社会的交际活动,为出席一场盛大晚会,她用积攒的400法郎做了一件礼服,还向好友借了一串珍珠项链。马蒂尔特以她超群的风姿出尽风头,她的虚荣心得到了满足,却在兴奋之余将珍珠项链丢了。她只好隐瞒好友,慢慢来赔偿。从此,夫妇俩节衣缩食度过十年的还债生涯,艰难生活中,马蒂尔特年老色衰,后来,她偶然得知那项链只是价格低廉的人造钻石,她白白辛方法,主要分为“印象式”细读和“潜入式”细读两大类,主要目的是综合我国古代“知人论世”的传统和英美新批评派的读书方法二者之长,而作出这样的划分。“印象式”细读包含诵读法、体验法、想象法,着重对人的情感、意志、经验等感性因素对细读的影响,“潜入式”细读包含推敲法、比较法、还原法、空白法,着重理性因素、工具性因素对细读的影响。二者并不是完全分裂的,对立的,它们是相互补充,相互影响和渗透的。当然还有很多其它的变形方式,比如调换字词顺序等,这些方式方法是在充分考虑到文学阅读教学的特性,以及借鉴新批评和我国古代文论对现代文本细读理念的有益成分的基础上形成的。文学阅读教学是关系到语文教学有效性的重中之重,打破文学阅读教学现有的藩篱,保证文学阅读教学发展的正确方向,“文本细读”的研究任重道远。
13.第十二章 英美新批评文论(课堂PPT)

一、英美新批评 (一)英美新批评,也被称为“本体论批
评”“文本批评”“客观主义批评”等, 是20世纪20年代肇始于英国、30年代至60 年代兴盛于美国的文学理论与批评流派。 (二)它将文学批评的重点由时代和作者转 向作品,认为文学作品是一个独立的整体, 倡导对文本的形式结构和意义进行细读, 推崇“科学化的”解读和客观主义批评。
(四)评价 艾略特的“有机整体观”和诗歌创作的非
个性化理论,要求文学研究重点关注文学作品内 部过程而非作者意图和读者反应,重视对文本客 观性、语言复杂化和情感结构的研究,摒弃了实 证主义和印象主义的主观批评,这种批评观成为 新批评的“细读”“本体论”等理论的支3
1、细读是指对作品词语进行封闭的、细致的阅 读和分析,它要求批评者排除和作品无关的杂 念,对作品文本进行客观谨慎的阅读与考察。
2、瑞恰慈认为所有的好诗都要求细读,它鼓励 要恰到好处地注意它的字面意义,这要靠读者 的鉴赏力来发现。
3、细读方法是瑞恰慈在剑桥大学进行的文学教 学实验的成果和总结。隐去诗人名字让学生阅 读。
瑞恰慈指出应该运用细读方法对文学语言的 四种意义进行辨析。这四种意义分别是:
1、字面意义,是指作者运用语言所谈到的事物, 实际发读者感受和思考的契机;
2、情感意义,是作者对自己所谈到事物的情感态 度。
3、语气,是作者对于读者的态度,它往往能反映 初作者对于自己和读者之间关系的看法;
3、浪漫主义文论主张作者决定论,认为了解作者 的身世和性情是理解作品的前提。
第十二章 英美新批评文论 (《西方文学理论》PPT课件)

第一节 艾略特、瑞恰慈和燕卜逊
为了做到“逃避感情”和“逃避个性”,艾略特在《哈 姆雷特》一文中,提到了著名的“客观对应物”的观点, 认为应该寻找客观对应物来表达作者的感情,借以成为 诊治浪漫主义情感放纵的药方。
客观对应物是指,诗人寻找到的把自身情感外在转化后 的某种媒介。
艾略特提出“客观对应物”的概念,是试图克服19世纪 文学中出现的主观主义与客观主义的对立,也是浪漫主 义与现实主义的对立。
英美新批评,也被称为“本体论批评”“文本批 评”“客观主义批评”等,是20世纪20年代肇始于英国、 30年代至60年代兴盛于美国的文学理论与批评流派。
它将文学批评的重点由时代合作者转向作品,认为文学 作品是一个独立的整体,倡导对文本的形式结构和意义 进行细读,推崇“科学化的”解读和客观主义批评。
四、【英美新批评的代表人物】 英国: 艾略特、瑞恰慈、燕卜荪。 美国: 兰色姆、退特、布鲁克斯。
第一节 艾略特、瑞恰慈和燕卜荪
艾略特是20世纪最有影响的诗人和批评家之一,出生于 美国,定居于英国。
注重对具体诗人的评价和鉴赏,也注重对文学全面、整 体的思考。
“张力”是新批评用来进行文本意义结构分析的一个概 念,由退特在《论诗的张力》一文中提出,用来概括诗 的突出性质和考察、评价诗的意义创造。
推特所说的张力是逻辑术语,是逻辑术语的外延和内涵 去掉前缀形成的,外延和内涵原本分别指概念的适用范 围和在概念中反映出的对象的本质属性。在退特的引申 中,外延指的是诗的一项之间概念上的联系,内涵指的 是诗歌的感情色彩或联想意义等,

英美文学默认分类2010-05-02 16:15:36 阅读334 评论0 字号:大中小订阅0.英格兰和苏格兰民谣,叠句(refrain)和递增重复是主要特点。
多关于Robin Hood and his partners.Iambic tetrameterIambic trimetreIambic tetrameterIambic trimetre1.中古传奇文学:中世纪封建社会忠告贵族的骑士所经历的冒险生活和浪漫爱情,反应骑士阶层的思想情感。
主题: 冒险,爱情,宗教关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士代表作sir Gawain and the green knight 用了alliteration2. Geoffrey Chaucer 英国诗歌之父the Canterbury Tale 英国中世纪第一部完美的现实主义作品。
3. Thomas More 英国早期人文主义者代表作Utopia 世界文学史上第一部空想社会主义小说,开创这里幻想小说的先河。
4. Edmund Spencer 英国杰出诗人代表作长诗The Faerie Queen 歌颂伊丽莎白女王,宣扬人文主义。
斯宾塞诗体5. Francis Bacon 17世纪英国杰出散文家第一部Essays : Of Studies Of Truth Of BeautyThe Advancement of Learning6. Shakespeare 人文主义杰出代表37部戏剧三个时期:1 : 以历史剧:Richard III,Henry IV喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It,Twelfth Night2: 悲剧为主:四大悲剧3:浪漫主义传奇剧:Cymberline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest.157首sonnet 四,四,四,二编排:abab, cdcd, efef, gg.最后两句为总结性语句。

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•Ernest Jones points out t hat Hamlet as a psychoneur otic may be traced to the
Freud’s Theories
• Like iceberg, the hum an mind is structured so that its great wei ght and density lie b eneath the surface (b elow the level of con sciousness)
• Since the 1920s, a very widesprea d form of psychological literary criticism has come to be psychoan alytic criticism, whose premises and procedures were established b y Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
• The foundation of Freud’s contr ibution to modern psychology is his emphasis on the unconscious aspects of the human psyche.
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Theory 2 Psychoanalysis

一、英美新批评派英美新批评派是 3 o一 4 o年代形式主义流派的代表,是由俄国形式主义派生出来的。
前后经历三代批评家,其早期代表人物是英国人休姆,美国诗人庞德及诗人 T· S·艾略特;第二代批评家有英国的燕卜荪,美国的兰色姆,泰特,布鲁克斯等;而第三代批评家主要是第二次世界大战后在美国出现的一些学者,主要代表人物是韦勒克和沃伦。
新批评派认为2 0世纪以前的文论家机械地运用社会“起因研究法”,因袭生物学或病理学的概念、范畴来研究文学作品终归是“隔靴搔痒”,不得要领。

英美新批评(Anglo- American New Criticism)1.概述在20世纪英美文学批评领域,新批评是最重要的学派之一,它吸收、借鉴、运用并发展了形式主义的概念和方法,一度在英美文坛成为批评的基本范式。
(郭宏安, 1997, 353)它是二十世纪欧美第一个倡导形式研究的文艺文化理论。
(Loris Tyson,1999,117)1.1 发展历程英美新批评(以下简称“新批评”)的历史延续了近半个世纪,批评家一般把新批评的理论划分为三个阶段:起始(1910-1930),成形(1930-1945),鼎盛(1945-1957)。

• 在心理图谱上的这些基本 区块里头,存在一般性和 特殊性结构。一般性结构
有两类:原型形象( archetypal image)和情 结。心灵中属于个人部分 (包括意识和潜意识在内 )的特殊结构有四种:自 我(ego)、人格面具( persona)、阴影( shadow)、以及阿尼姆斯 (animus)∕阿尼玛( anima)之融合体( syzygy)(二联对应)
• 1)《金枝》(Thegooden bough) :现代人类学的奠基之作, 一部严肃地研究原始信仰和巫术活动的科学著作由于该书搜集了 丰富的人类学资料,被称为人类学的百科全书。
• “金枝”是从古罗马作家所叙述的神话传说中转引而来的。本 书由一早已不复存在的古老习俗而引起的,作者对此进行了全面 深入的分析、研究和诠释
C G 荣格(Carl Gustav Jung,)(18751961),瑞士著名心理学家、精神分析学家,在世 界心理学界都得到了很高的评价,是现代心理学的 鼻祖之一。著有文集20卷,书信集2 卷及其它共 1000万字。 代表作包括:《无意识过程心理学》 、《心理类型》,《分析心理学与梦的释义》、《 记忆、梦、思考》等。在第二届国际精神分析学大 会上当选主席。
• 感染(接触)巫术—接触律(曾经接触过的事物就是 永远联结的事物)
• 原始人对巫术的内在逻辑是无意识的。
• 3)巫术的内在逻辑是人与自然(动物、植物、大地、星 体、潮汐)之间的神秘的沟通。
• 1)以祭祀仪式表现出的社会无意识的象征。 • (弗罗依德的《图腾与禁忌》,古希腊神话) • 轼父主题与金枝的故事。(哈剧出自斯堪的纳
《西方文学理论》 西方文艺理论家库 11.第十二章 英美新批评文论 12.1瑞恰兹


英国:The Canterbury Tales:It is a masterpiece by Geoffrey Chaucer.It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The pilgrims cover a wide range of characters in the England of the time, from noblemen to peasants. They represent the whole range of 14th century society except the very top and the very bottom.This kind of a collection of tales put together was not rare in history. However, in The Canterbury Tales, stories are cleverly woven together by links between the stories. Most of the stories are related to the personalities of the tellers. The personality of each character, his private life and habits, his mood and social status are revealed in the prologue and in the story he tells, as well as by his behavior along the road and his remarks on the way. The links between the tales are of great interest. Most important is the part played by the host. He draws the shy ones out , smoothes over the differences, and keep the company generally in good spirits.The Faerie Queen:It is Edmund Sensor’s masterpiece. It was a long poem planned in 12 books, of which only 6 were finished. The book was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.The plan of the whole poem is this: The faerie queen(signifying Queen Elizabeth I) holds a feast of 12 days, and on each day a stranger in distress(不幸)appears, claiming help against a dragon or giant or tyrant. A knight was assigned to each guest, and the 12 books were to describe 12 adventures. Moreover, each knight represents a virtue, as Holiness, Temperance(温和), Chastity(纯洁), Friendship, Justice and Courtesy; and his warfare(战争)represents the strife(冲突)against a contrary vice, as pride or Despair. So the long poem is a continued allegory(寓言). The knights represent England and the devil figures stand for her enemies.Tamburlaine:It is a play by Christopher Marlowe. It is about an ambitious and pitiless(冷酷无情的)Tartar conqueror in the 14th century who rose from a shepherd(牧羊人)to an overpowering king. By flouting(嘲笑)the given order and trampling(践踏)on despairing princes, Tamburlaine displayed a high-aspiring mind that was self-created and carried by love and dreams beyond the limits of moral existence. His victories were a triumph(胜利)of immense natural energy and of ruthlessness over equally cruel but weak and decadent civilizations. By depicting a great hero with high ambition and sheer brutal force in conquering one enemy after another, Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.Being a cruel conqueror, he finds consummate(至上的)happiness in subduing(征服)other Kingdoms.Hamlet:Hamlet is the most popular and the most discussed of Shakespeare’s tragedies. It bears strong resemblance to a lost earlier Hamlet and to The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd.The greatness of the play lies in the fact that in it Shakespeare expressed his praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived. Hamlet’s revenge is not only a personal matter. What troubles him most is the injustice, conspiracy(阴谋), and the betrayal in the society. His father is murdered by his uncle and his mother is married to his uncle right after his father’s death.The marriage of his mother is the first blow(打击)to him as he had regarded her as a virtuous woman. Then, his former friends are dispatched by the king to spy on him. This is a second blow, for as a humanist he sets great store by friendship(以友谊为重). Then his girlfriend Ophelia is sent as a tool to find out whether or not he is really mad. This is something he can no longer endure.One incident after another seems to reveal to him that the time is “out of joint” and man is not so good as he had imagined. Hamlet would have been a tragedy of “blood and thunder”(充满凶杀情节)if Shakespeare had not imbued(使渗透)the play with the sort of philosophical thinking, this humanistic search for the value of man and the disappointment of such ideals.Of Studies:It is the most popular of Francis Bacon’s 58 essays. It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character. Being forceful and persuasive, compact(紧凑的)and precise, it reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.Paradise Lost:Milton’s masterpiece, it is a long epic divided into 12 books. It is about Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. The original story is taken from Genesis3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fall of Man”, i.e. man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause——Satan.The poet, through depicting incurrence(遭受)of character in the poem, implied that the British Bourgeois Revolution is doomed to end in failure.The Pilgrim’s Progress:The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by John Bunyan,is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also bears much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor——life is a journey——is simple and familiar.There are some main themes. First, knowledge gained through travel: The Pilgrim’s Progress demonstrates that knowledge is gained through travel by portrayingChristian and his companions learning from their mistakes on their journey. The pilgrims must advance spiritually as he or she advances geographically. Second, the importance of reading: The importance of reading is emphasized throughout the book because the pilgrims reach salvation and happiness by understanding the Bible. Third, the value of community.Moll Flanders:It was written by Daniel Defoe. It is written in an autobiographical form called memoirs.In Moll Flanders, Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature. And it anticipates many later novels that take women as the center of attention in order to expose how the social system has victimized those like Moll. At Defoe’ s time, there are many popular novels and stories about the lives of villains or rogues(流氓). However, Moll’s life story is a departure from those, because those novels indulge in dramatizing(使戏剧化)the tricks and immortal schemes the anti-hero or anti-heroine adopts in order to achieve his or her purposes. Therefore, those works remain at the level of mere entertainment literature. Moll Flanders, on the other hand, has entered serious literature with a grave social theme.Tom Jones:Tom Jones is a masterpiece of Henry Fielding on the subject of human nature. There are 18 books divided into 3 parts with 6 in each. The first part describes Tom’s childhood in Mr. Allworthy’ s home; the middle one contains adventures on the road to London; and the last tells what happens in London to Tom and Sophia.To Fielding, the countryside represents the basic goodness of human race, whereas the city stands for evil and sin. Therefore, Tom, growing in the countryside under the care of good Mr. Allworthy, is basically an upright young fellow, brave and honest and full of sympathy for the poor and weak. The farther he proceeds to London, the worse he becomes morally, spiritually, and even physically. In London, he degenerates into a kept man of a rich woman, ends up in prison, and is shocked by his alleged (声称的)incestuous crime(乱伦罪).The School for Scandal:It is Sheridan’ s masterpiece. It is written in the tradition of Comedy of Manners.It is a story about two brothers: Joseph Surface and Charles Surface. Charles falls in love with a rich heiress Maria and his love is returned. Joseph, his elder brother is also counting Maria for her fortunes. The play ends with the union of Charles and Maria and the exposure of Joseph’s hypocrisy.It is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy(堕落)of the aristocratic-bourgeois(贵族资产阶级) society in the 18th century of England.Sons of Innocence:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.The poems collected in Songs of Innocence express the poet’ s delight in life, even in the face of sorrow and suffering. The world is seen through the eyes of a child’s imagination. Blake’ s vision of innocence is not that of a child’s only. It is a world that can be attained by the adults if they cast away(丢掉) the follies(罪恶) and deceits(欺骗) of the hostile world and seek a visionary world through their imagination. In this collection we can have the first glimpse of Blake’ s mysticism(神秘主义), which will develop in his later poems.Songs of Experience:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.Songs of Innocence is a collection of poems and songs in which the atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy. Evil is found everywhere in this world. Through the loss of imagination, man has become a slave to the falsehood(谎话) and hypocrisy of religion and society, and thus has lost the Heaven of Innocence and gained the Hell of Experience.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》It is a lengthy narrative poem by George Gorgon Bryon.It tells a story of a pilgrim’s journey in Europe. The hero was called Childe Harold. He got tired of the meaningless and empty life of pleasure and escaped to seek a spiritual rebirth.Byron reflected the historical events and lamented on the sufferings of people, by which he showed his political and philosophical views.In the poem, Childe Harold was the poet himself; they both lamented over the corrupted reality and wanted to make a change; they loved freedom and were eager to build a marvelous career.The poem is an imaginative and romantic presentation of the poet’s disturbed emotions and eagerness for freedom. It also emphasizes individualism. This marvelous work exhibits Byron’s creative power and prepares him for a more powerful literary breakthrough.Don Juan:It is Byron’ s masterpiece. The poem reveals the poet’s attacks on social injustice and political intrigue, on moral degeneracy and personal vices(恶习), as well as his philosophical reflections on his own life and on abstractions.Byron puts into Don Juan his rich knowledge of the world and the wisdom gained from experiences. It presents brilliant depictions of life in his various stages of love, joy, suffering, hatred and fear. The unifying theme in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality. And the diverse materials and the clash(冲突) of emotions gathered in the poem are harmonized by Byron’ s insight into the difference between life’s appearance and its actuality. All these constitute the poet’s unique style. Ode to the West Wind:This poem is most representative of Shelley’ s feelings and thoughts at the time.It is a mixture of death and rebirth. Shelley is concerned with the regeneration of himself spiritually and poetically and of Europe politically. He is appealing to the west wind to effect this regeneration. In this poem, Shelley considers wind as “ destroyer and preserver”. It will destroy the old world and herald(通报,预示来临) in a new one.He abhorred(痛恨) the unjust and decayed society and conveyed his hope to build a bright world after wrecking(破坏) the old one through the power of the west wind. He would like to live in a harmonious society. Shelley showed his belief that the wind can destroy the old world and build a new one. He looked forward to the coming of Spring and had an optimistic feeling.On First Looking into Chapman’s HomerIt is the most important of Keats’ early sonnets, where with his inimitable(独特的) poetic imagery and concise but rich language Keats first found his ideal world in poetry and art, by exulting over the great epic poetry of the ancient Greek poet Homer. He appreciated Homer’s rich imagination and passion very much.Tess of D’ UrbervillesIt is Hardy’ s masterpiece.It is the most pastoral(田园生活的)of Hardy’ s novels. Its plot centers on the tragic occurrences of its heroine Tess’ s life.It is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and the destruction of English.peasantry towards the end of the 19th century.Dr Faustus:Dr Faustus is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the Faustus’s story, in which a man sells his soul to the devil in return for power and knowledge. It is adapted by a popular old German legend.The play’s dominant moral is human rather than religious.It celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness; it also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspirations in a hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man’s condition.The play ends with Faustus’ forced surrender(交出)of his soul to the devil after a lapse(消逝)of 24 years. Though the tragic ending suggests that the writer conforms with the orthodox teachings(正统的说教)of the church, the towering figure of Faustus is eloquent(雄辩的)evidence that the author has a will to search the infinite knowledge of life and to express his atheism(无神论) and patriotism.Julius Caesar:Julius Caesar is a historical play written by William Shakespeare.The play is a great one because it is concerned with several themes.One of them is whether one’s life is determined by his fate or by his free will. InCaesar’s case, he recognizes that some things like death are beyond human control, but to live passively(顺从的)is not a hero’s choice. The best course for him is to face death head-on, to die bravely and honorably.Another theme is inflexibility(不屈性)versus comprise. To gain one’s goal, sometimes one need to make some concessions and compromises. If one is as stubborn and inflexible as Caesar and Brutus, one has to pay a heavy price. On the contrary, if one is like Antony who can act according to the circumstances, he would win in the end. On the whole, the play is very enlightening because it provides multiple interpretations.A Modest Proposal:A Modest Proposal is a famous satire written by Jonathan Swift. Assuming the cool tone of an impartial outsider, the author suggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one years old as food for the English nobles. Written with much conciseness and terseness, the “proposal”is by far the most consummate(完美的)artistic expression of Swift’s indignation(愤怒)toward the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the English ruling class.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud:It is written by William Wordsworth.This poem is about nature. With his pure and poetic language, Wordsworth brings us into a beautiful world where there are daffodils(水仙花),trees and breeze. We follow the poet at every turn of his feelings. We share his melancholy(忧郁的) and his delight. We come to realize the great power of nature that may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poem.The poem’s main brilliance lies in the reverse personification of its early stanzas. The speaker is compared to a natural object, a cloud——“I wandered as lonely as a cloud”, and the daffodils are personified as human beings.This technique implies an inherent unity between man and nature, making it one of Wordsworth’s most basic and effective methods for instilling(逐渐灌输) in the reader the feeling the poet so often describes himself as experiencing.Ivanhoe:Ivanhoe is one of the best known historical fictions of Walter Scott.The background of Ivanhoe was set in the 12th century England. Since England was conquered by French Norman conqueror William, Anglo-Saxons lived a hard life under the rule of Normans. Richard, the protagonist, was portrayed as a knight. John, Richard’ s brother, planned to seize the throne from Richard. Ivanhoe helped Richard to defeat John and restore Richard’ s Kingship.The plot here is well constructed, and in the clever interweaving of complex events involving numerous characters we see Scott’ s masterly skills in narrative art which has made this novel extremely engrossing(引人入胜的).In a whole, it is a great work of art for here we find the novelist’s truthful representation of the cruelty and inhumanity of feudalism and his sympathy for the people as well as his skills inpresenting vivid portraits of characters and ingenious(独创的) arrangement of plots. Bleak House:It is one of Charles Dickens’ representative works.Bleak House is chiefly aimed at the abuse of the Chancery courts with its interminable(无止尽的) delays and huge costs. The novel is not merely a attack on the Chancery courts, but also fierce satiric thrusts(刺) at the whole political system in England, particularly at the parliamentary system. The author shows that the legal procedure is the source of profit for the few and the cause of misfortune for the many. Asides from such satires on the law courts and on the parliamentary system, the novel contains an intricate(复杂的) story of an aristocratic woman Lady Dedlock. And through the story the terrible inside of this aristocratic family is also exposed to view, which constitutes a penetrating satire on the aristocratic families whose parasitic (寄生的)existence is described with much contempt by the author,So in the novel there is a distinct note of bitterness and the novel shows the author’s loss of hope for the English society of his age.V anity Fair:It is William Makepeace Thackeray’ s masterpiece. The title Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, in which the protagonist Christian passes a Vanity Fair, where are sold all sorts of vanity. The writer’s attention is not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.My Last Duchess:It is one of the most representative of Robert Browning’ s dramatic monologues. The poem is based on the true history. The poem is a monologue of the Duke. It comprises rhyming pentameter lines.The nonchalance(冷淡) in the Duke’s tone fully reveals the arrogance and cruelty of an Italian tyrant in the age of the Renaissance.Wuthering Heights:Wuthering Heights is a poem by Emily Bronte.It can be interpreted into a criticism on the bourgeois matrimonial(婚姻的) system. It tells the tale of the passionate, yet thwarted(挫败的) love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them.It is generally considered one of the most original works. In many aspects, it is unique and has no counterparts in mode as well as in manner of writing. For example, the novel contains many Gothic and supernatural elements, which adds its uniqueness. Wuthering Heights is characterized for its poetic language, exaggerated plots and the simple, naked statement of violent emotions. It is like a musical or poetic transcription(抄本) of the violent spirit of Emily Bronte herself.The story is also characterized by its structure. It is told in a paired point of view——the third person and the first person. In this way, everything seems more truth-like. Heart of Darkness:The novel , written by Joseph Conrad, is based on his trip in Africa up to the Congo River in 1980. The story begins with Marlow telling his story to the other passengers while the ship is lying in anchor(抛锚) at the mouth of the Thames River.Major Barbara:Major Barbara is an important play by George Bernard Shaw.It touches on the fundamental issues of capitalism. Major Barbara is a play about two conflicting ideas. Major Barbara is the daughter of a millionaire named Andrew Undershaft, who was a foundling and a poor boy when young but has become a munition(军需品)magnate(富豪). Barbara wants to save the soul of the poor, and she has joined the Salvation Army(救世军),a kind of religious faction, which is organized like the army.In the character of Undershaft are exposed the essential characteristics of monopoly capitalists with bitter satire. This is Shaw’s chief contribution in his play. But beyond the satire there is nothing. In spite of the satire on capitalism, Shaw suggests no way out and seems to get confused about what to do next. As a conclusion, he suggests a certain kind of compromiseUlysses:Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce.The title parallels and alludes to Odysseus, the hero of Homer’s Odyssey. The useof stream of consciousness, careful structuring, puns, allusions, as well as its rich characteristics and broad humor, made the book a highly regarded novel in the modernist pantheon.(名流群)The novel tells of the wanderings and “adventures” of Leopold Bloom, a modern Ulysses, during 24 hours of a single day.The whole novel is divided into 18 episodes in correspondence with the 18 hours of the day. With great many varieties and minute details, Ulysses embodies a symbolic picture of all human history, which simultaneously tragic and comic, heroic and trivial, magnificent(华丽的) and dreary.Look Back in Anger:It is a play by John Osborne. The play spawned(造成) the term “ angry young men” to describe Osborne and those of his generation who employed harshness(严肃) and realism in the theater in contrast to the more escapist fare previously seen. Waiting for Godot:It is Samuel Beckett’s masterpiece.In the play Beckett is discussing the absurdity of human life. He is exploring an answer to such question as “Who am I?”, or “What am I living for?” but in this world of absurdity he cannot find the answer.The play told that two tramps waited for Godot. Godot’s absence, as well as numerous other aspects of the play, has led to many different interpretations since the plays premiere.What is the meaning of the play? Who is Godot? Why are they waiting? All these questions puzzle the reader.The message of the play may be like this. At the bottom, life is cynical. It is spiraling(盘旋的) downward. In either case life seems repetitious(重复的), empty, boring, with no meaning in the sense of “purpose” or “progress”.Lord of the Flies:It is a novel by William Golding, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.It tells the story about the fate of a group of English schoolboys who are marooned(放逐) and become isolated on an island, which is an allegory about the tragedy of human nature.The Picture of Dorain Gray:It is Oscar Wilde ‘s masterpiece.This is the representative work which reflects his artistic view, especially the principle of “art for art’s sake”. It touches upon a typical Victorian subject——the divided self(自我分裂) . The symbolic significance of the story is self-evident.美国:The Autobiography:It could be seen as the representative work of Franklin,which has great impact on American literature.From the content, it is probably the first kind of autobiography in the history of American literature.It records the author’s rising from poverty or humble beginnings to success, including his studying in his young age and his experiences of work. And his achievement in politics, science and economy are also mentioned in this book. It is an early example of American dream. And from then on, people can think that they may write a book about his own life and make it useful to others.The whole book is filled with the style of Puritanism. The moralities of hard-will, self-education, self-retrospect, self-analysis and self- reliance are clearly seen from The Autobiography. And all these are the characteristics of Puritans. It teaches people how to be self-cultivated, how to be self-reliant and how to serve the God well.The Wild Honey Suckle:It is one of Philip Freneau’s most important works.This poem gives the reader of a simple and ordinary image——the wild honey suckle.It grows in the remote place and nobody even notices it.The poet is sorry for the short life of the honey suckle which even can not be traceable when it dies.The diction used in the poem is simple and direct. The imagery is sensuous.This poem celebrated the beauty of the countryside of the new continent by appreciating the common flower which grew up in America, contrasting the usual flower images in the Britain literature ever before.From then on, many writers found some useful materials in the American history and their eyes did not always focus on the Britain and European continent.The Raven:The Raven is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe.This poem depicts the scene that the speaker talks to a raven. The raven can speak a word “nevermore” which interests the speaker.The speaker’s mind wanders back to his lover. All of the questions he intended to ask the raven indicated the speaker’s loss. And at last the speaker’s nerve can not handle grieve of the loss of his lover and breaks down. From the poem we can feel that the speaker’s anxiety and the trend of suddenly going to outbreak.The poem is pervaded with the atmosphere of the speaker’s dreamy imagination. It is more likely that the speaker is talking to the raven in his semi-stupor mental state (半昏迷状态)than in his sober mental state(清醒状态).The poem makes use of a number of folk, mythological(神话的), religious, and classical references.Poe claimed to have written the poem very logically and methodically(有方法的), intending to create a poem that would appeal to both critical and popular tastes.The American Scholar:The American Scholar was a speech given by Ralph Waldo Emerson in Cambridge, Massachusetts.He was invited to speak in recognition of his work Nature, in which he established a new way for America's fledgling(羽翼未丰的)society to regard the world. Sixty years after declaring independence, American culture was still heavily influenced by Europe, and Emerson, for possibly the first time in the country's history, provided a visionary philosophical framework for building a new, distinctly American cultural identity.Emerson uses Transcendentalist and Romantic views to get his points across by explaining a true American scholar's relationship to nature.In The American Scholar, Emerson is trying to say that “we Americans should stop imitating other countries in literature and we ought to create a way of our own”. It is a sign that American is trying to be away from the British or Europe influence and at the same time makes their own literature style——to be more specific——and set up their own American national characteristics.The Scarlet Letter:It is the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which established him as the leading American native novelist of the 19th century.The letter A initially is a sign of adultery(通奸)and penitence(赎罪), as the community sees the letter as a mark of just punishment and a symbol to deter(阻止)others from sin. Hester is a fallen woman with a symbol of her guilt. Later, when she becomes a frequent visitor in homes of pain and sorrow, the A is seen to represent “Able” or “Angel”. It has rejuvenated Hester.Its immortal enchantment(魅力)lies in not only its condemnation of the negative impact of Puritan society on people’s spirit, but also its affirmation of goodness. The novel aims at criticizing severely Puritanical asceticism(苦行主义), suggestingHawthorne’s further thinking over the “original sin”“good and evil”“soul salvation”“total depravity”by analyzing the four main characters in the novel. The novel concerns the consequence caused by the sin and people’s attitude towards sin rather than the sin itself. He believes man can do good deeds to get rid of evil in his heart. Hester Prynne: The writer gives her some symbolic meanings by giving her this name. Hester sounds like Hestier, Zeu’s sister in Greek Mythology, who is a very beautiful goddess. This gives us a sense that Hester is a passionate beautiful woman. In this novel, she is the symbol of the truth, the goodness and the beauty.Arthur Dimmesdale: He is a well-regarded young minister, who initials are AD, which also stands for adultery. The author obviously tells us Arthur Dimmesdale is the pratner in sin of Hester Prynne by giving him this name. The word Dimmesdale also has symbolic meanings. Dim means dark and weak, and dale means valley, so the dimdale here is actually a symbol of the dim-interior of the lergyman. He loves Hester deeply, and he is the father of Pearl, but he can only show his passion for her in the forest or in darkness. His response to the sin is to die.A Psalm of Life:It is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s most famous poem that encourages people to persevere(坚持)despite tragedy , to affirm life, to pick up courage from losses and to push ahead for all momentary defeats. It is a poem in which a young man entreats(恳求)a psalmist(and readers) not to be optimistic, but to muster courage in adversity (逆境).Walden:It is Henry David Thoreau’s masterpiece, which is a great Transcendentalist work .The book is full of people waking up: as a matter of fact, he wakes up several times himself in the book. He records how he tries to minimize his own needs on Walden Pond.Thoreau was never tired of staying alone in nature. Walden is a faithful record of his reflections when he was in solitary communion with nature, an eloquent(雄辩的) indication that he not only embraced Emerson’s Transcendentalist philosophy but went even further to illustrate the pantheistic(泛神论的) quality of nature.Walden is a book about man, what he is , and what he should be and must be. Thoreau has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man. He holds that the most important thing for men to do with their lives is to be self-sufficient and strive to achieve personal spiritual perfection. The fact that he moved into his shabby cabin illustrates his desire to be independent and find truth for himself.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a fiction by Mark Twain. The books relates the escape of Jim from slavery and more important, how Huck Finnm floating along with him and helping him, changes his mind, his prejudice about Black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well.Mark Twain starts the tradition of writing in colloquial way and using the dialect. He prefers simple language and sometimes there are even ungrammatical errors in the。

《英美文学》课程教学大纲(本科)-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN《英美文学》课程教学大纲课程编号:04095、04096课程英文名称:British Literature & American Literature学时数:144 学分数:8适用层次和专业:英语专业本科三年级一、课程的性质和目的《英美文学》是我院英语专业高年级学生的专业选修课,本课程的目的在于:培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英美文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。
二、课程教学内容及各章节学时分配第一部分英国文学第一章盎格鲁撒克逊时期英国文学(1学时)第一节盎格鲁撒克逊时期文学渊源知识点:该时期的文学流派、代表作家、代表作品第二节《贝奥武甫》的艺术特征及其对英国文学的贡献知识点:该作品中的头韵、含蓄陈述、隐喻等艺术特征、第一部民族史诗对英国文学的影响第二章中世纪英国文学(3学时)第一节中世纪文学概述知识点:文学时期划分、文学特点、代表作家第二节杰佛利·乔叟知识点:生平、创作生涯、《坎特伯雷故事集》的情节、内容、主题《坎特伯雷故事集》节选:语言特点、艺术成就第三节英国和苏格兰民谣知识点:内容、形式、语言特点、代表作品《罗宾汉和埃林阿代尔》:寓意、语言特点第三章文艺复兴时期英国文学(12学时)第一节文艺复兴运动知识点:意大利文艺复兴运动的兴起、人文主义思潮、文艺复兴时期的文学渊源、英国的文艺复兴、宗教改革运动及影响第二节英国文艺复兴时期的文学知识点:伊丽莎白时代的历史文化背景、意大利文学对英国文学的影响、伊丽莎白时代的戏剧、伊丽莎白时代的诗歌第三节文艺复兴时期的主要作家知识点:(1)埃德蒙·斯宾塞生平、创作生涯、代表作品的构思、情节、内容、主题(2)克里斯托夫·马洛生平、创作生涯、著名悲剧、思想艺术成就(3)威廉·莎士比亚生平、戏剧创作生涯、代表作品及其故事梗概、情节结构、人物塑造、语言风格、思想意义、诗歌、艺术成就《威尼斯商人》选段、悲剧《哈姆雷特》选段、十四行诗(18)(4)弗兰西斯·培根生平、主要作品、语言特点、杰出贡献《论学习》的结构、内容、语言特点(5)约翰·邓恩生平、玄学诗派、文学创作、诗歌、散文第四章十七世纪英国文学(4学时)第一节十七世纪的文学概述知识点:十七世纪历史文化背景、十七世纪文学三个时期的划分、十七世纪文学特点第二节十七世纪的主要作家知识点:(1)约翰·弥尔顿生平、文学创作、史诗《失乐园》、主要作品、艺术特点(2)约翰·班扬生平、文学创作、主要作品、艺术特点《天路历程》第一章的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点第五章十八世纪英国文学(12学时)第一节启蒙运动知识点:启蒙运动产生的时代背景、启蒙运动的人文观、启蒙运动的理性准则第二节新古典主义知识点: 新古典主义的创作旨意、新古典主义的文学渊源、新古典主义关于散文、诗歌、戏剧创作的标准第三节新古典主义时期的文学知识点:早期新古典主义诗歌、英国现实主义小说的诞生、哥特式小说与伤感主义文学的兴起第四节十八世纪的主要作家知识点:(1)亚历山大·蒲伯生平、创作生涯、文学观、主要作品、语言风格选读《论批评》节选:作品体裁、结构、语言风格(2)丹尼尔·笛福生平、社会观、主要作品、创作特点《鲁滨逊漂流记》第九章、第十章的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点、作者的创作意义(3)乔纳森·斯威夫特生平、创作生涯、人文观、讽刺散文的语言风格《格列佛游记》第一部分第四章的人物性格、语言特点、作品的主题(4)亨利·菲尔丁生平、戏剧和小说创作活动、对英国小说的贡献、语言特色《汤姆·琼斯》第四部、第八章的人物的刻画、史诗特征(5)塞缪尔·约翰逊生平、创作生涯、主要作品、新古典主义的文学观及语言风格、对英国语言的贡献(6)理查德·比·谢立丹生平、戏剧创作生涯、戏剧的主题、主要作品、写作技巧《造谣学校》第三幕第四场的作品的主题、人物性格、语言特点(7)威廉·布莱克生平、政治宗教观点、诗歌创作主张、主要作品、诗歌的主要特点及思想意义、对20世纪英国文学的影响《伦敦》、《老虎》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等(8)罗伯特·彭斯生平、诗歌创作主张、主要作品、诗歌主要特点及思想意义《一朵红红的玫瑰》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色第六章浪漫主义时期英国文学(14 学时)第一节浪漫主义思潮知识点:浪漫主义时期英国社会的历史背景、法国大革命对英国的影响、浪漫主义文学的渊源、浪漫主义文学创作的基本主张、英国浪漫主义文学的特点、浪漫主义文学对同时代及后世英国文学的影响第二节浪漫主义时期的主要作家知识点:(1)威廉·华兹华斯生平及创作生涯、诗歌创作主张、主要作品、诗歌的主要特点及思想意义、诗歌的艺术成就、对同时代及后世英国文学的影响《孤寂的割麦女》、《水仙》、《虹》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等(2)塞•特•科勒律治生平及创作生涯、文学创作主张、哲学思想和文学批评观、主要作品、诗歌的主要特点及思想意义、文学创作及文艺批评思想对同时代及后世英国文学的影响(3)乔治·戈登•拜伦生平及创作生涯、主要诗作、主要特点及社会意义《她行走在美的光影中》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等(4)珀•比•雪莱生平、诗歌创作主张、主要作品、诗歌的主要特点及思想意义、对同时代及后世英国文学的影响《西风颂》、《云雀颂》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色(5)约翰•济慈生平及创作生涯、美学思想、主要诗作、诗歌的主要特点及思想意义、诗歌对同时代及后世英国文学的影响《夜莺颂》、《秋颂》的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色(6)简•奥斯汀生平及创作生涯、小说创作思想、主要作品、小说的主要特点及社会意义、小说对后世英国文学的影响《傲慢与偏见》的故事梗概、主题结构、人物塑造、语言风格及作品的意义第七章维多利亚时代英国文学(12学时)第一节维多利亚时代英国文学及社会思潮概述知识点:早期的经济发展与社会动乱、中期的繁荣昌盛和社会稳定、晚期的势力衰退和社会道德观念的改变、科学发现对传统的社会和宗教观念的影响、功利主义思潮的泛滥第一节维多利亚时期的文学知识点:小说的形式、该时代小说家的共性、散文和诗歌形式、技术方面的实验和创新第三节维多利亚时期的主要作家知识点:(1)查尔斯•狄更斯生平及创作生涯、作品中的批判现实主义思想与社会改良主义倾向、前期作品的思想与艺术特征、后期作品的思想与艺术特征、创作特色与艺术成就《雾都孤儿》第三章、《大卫•科波菲尔》第四章、第五十五章的主题结构、人物塑造、语言风格及作品的意义(2)夏洛特•布朗蒂生平、创作思想和主题、作品的社会意义《简•爱》第二十三章的女主人公形象、在逆境中求自我道德完善的主题(3)埃米莉•布朗蒂生平、、创作主题、对同时代及后世英国文学的影响《呼啸山庄》第十五章的小说的主题、故事的叙述手法、强烈情感的描述(4)阿尔弗雷德•丁尼生生平、诗歌创作生涯、主要作品、艺术特色《渡沙洲》、《尤利西斯》的主题思想、艺术特征(5)罗伯特•布朗宁生平与诗歌创作生涯、主要作品、戏剧独白、艺术特点《我逝去的公爵夫人》、《夜会》、《晨别》的主题思想、艺术特征(6)乔治•艾略特生平及创作生涯、新型小说、女性文学观《织工马南》第二十八章的作品的主题、语言风格(7)托马斯·哈代生平与创作生涯、创作倾向、作品中的“宿命观”、批判现实主义思想、艺术特色《德伯家的苔丝》的作品的主题、人物刻画、语言特色《呼唤》的主题思想、艺术特征第八章二十世纪英国文学(14学时)第一节二十世纪英国文学概述知识点:20世纪英国社会的历史文化背景、两次世界大战对英国的影响、英国20世纪批判现实主义文学、现代主义文学的兴起与衰落、现代主义文学创作的基本主张、英国现代主义文学、英国现代主义文学的特点、现代主义文学对当代英国文学的影响第二节二十世纪的主要作家知识点:(1)乔治·布纳德·萧伯纳生平与创作生涯、政治改革思想和文学创作主张、戏剧创作主张、主要作品、戏剧的特点与社会意义、萧伯纳的戏剧对20世纪英国文学的影响《鳏夫的房产》的主要内容、人物塑造、语言特点、艺术手法(2)约翰•高尔斯华绥生平与创作生涯、创作思想、小说的主要特点及社会意义《福尔塞世家》的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点、叙事手法(3)威廉•勃特勒•叶芝生平及创作生涯、诗歌创作思想、代表作品、诗歌的特点及思想意义、艺术成就、叶芝的诗歌对当代英国文学的影响、戏剧创作《1916年复活节》、《库尔庄园的野天鹅》的语言风格、艺术特色等(4)T•S•艾略特生平及创作生涯、文学理论与文艺批评观点、主要诗歌作品、艺术特色及社会意义、文学创作及文艺批评思想对现当代英国文学的影响《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》的主题结构、思想内容、语言特色、艺术手法(5)戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯生平及创作生涯、创作思想、主要作品、艺术特色及社会意义、劳伦斯的小说对现当代英国文学的影响《儿子与情人》的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点、艺术手法(6)詹姆斯•乔伊斯生平与创作生涯、文学创作主张与美学思想、主要作品、小说的主要艺术特色及思想意义、艺术成就、作品对现当代世界文学的影响《青年艺术家的肖像》所选作品的主题思想、人物塑造、语言特色、艺术手法(7)弗吉尼亚•伍尔芙生平与创作生涯、意识流小说、其作品和小说理论对英国现代主义小说理论与创作的贡献《达罗卫夫人》的主要内容、表现手法、艺术特征、叙事方式(8)迪伦•托马斯生平与创作生涯、超现实主义的表现手法、其独特的诗歌艺术特征对当代英国诗坛的影响《羊齿山》、《不要温雅地步入那美妙的夜晚》的艺术特征、主题思想(9)菲利普•拉金生平与创作生涯、运动派诗歌、其独特的诗风和诗歌主张对当代英国诗坛的影响《去教堂》的艺术特征和主题思想(10)特德•休斯生平与创作生涯、其动物暴力诗的艺术特征和主题思想《栖息之鹰》的艺术特征和主题思想(11)西默斯•希尼生平与创作生涯、其作品纯美的语言风格和鲜明的爱尔兰民族色彩《沼泽地》的艺术特征和主题思想第二部分美国文学Part One (4 periods)The Colonial Period and The17th Century Literature of Puritanism1. Historical Backgroundi. Religious Cause: Puritanism / Puritan thoughtsii. Economic ones:2. Development of Literaturei. Characteristicsii. Authors: William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, Edward TaylorPart Two (4 periods)The Period of Enlightenment1. Historical Backgroundi. American revolutionii. The age of reason2. Development of Literaturei. Benjamin Franklin: Autobiographyii. Philip FreneauPart Three (20 periods)New England Transcendentalism and Romantic AgeA. Period of Pre-Romanticism1. Historical BackgroundTranscendentalism2. Development of Literaturei. Romanticism3.Major WritersWashington Irving: Rip Van winkleB. Period of Post-Romanticism1. Historical Backgroundi. Civil Warii. Anti-slavery movement2. Development of Literature3. Major Writersi. Edgar Allen Poe: To Helenii. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Natureiii. Walt Whitman: Songs of Myselfiv. Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letterv. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: A Psalm of Lifevi. Emily DickinsonPart Four (16 periods)The Age of Realism1. Historical BackgroundThe Gilded AgeNew England Renaissance2. Development of Literaturei. Realism: definitions & Characteristicsii. Realism vs romanticismiii. Practitioners: William Dean Howells, Henry James, Mark Twain 3. Major WritersMark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnPart Five (12 periods)American Naturalism1. Historical Backgroundi. The First World Warii. The Jazz ageiii. Commercialized society2. Development of Literaturei. Naturalism: definitions & Characteristicsii. Practitioners: Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London, etc.3. Major WritersTheodore Dreiser: Sister CarrieRobert Frost: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningPart Six (8 periods)American Modernism1. Historical Backgroundi. Great depressionii. The Second World War2. Development of Literaturei. Modernism: definitions & Characteristicsii. Lost Generation: Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, e. e. cummings etc.3. Major WritersErnest Hemingway: A Farewell to ArmsJohn Steinbeck: The Grapes of WrathWilliam FaulknerPart Seven (8 periods)American Literature Since 19451. Historical Backgroundi. Political Situation: Cold War, Korean War, Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam War etc.ii. Ideological Development2. Development of Literaturei. The Beat Generation: Allen Ginsberg etc.ii. Jewish writers: Saul Bellow etc.iii. Black American Literature3. Major WritersSaul BellowAllen GinsbergAlice Walker三、课程教学基本要求在教学中应该使学生对英美文学形成与发展的全貌有一个大概的了解;通过指导学生阅读具有代表性的英美文学作品,理解作品的内容,从而掌握分析作品的艺术特色和评价文学作品的方法。

• The forbidden, mainly sexual ("libidinal") wishes come into conflict with, and are repressed by, the "censor" (the internalized representative within each individual of the standards of society) into the unconscious realm of the artist's mind, but are permitted by the censor to achieve a fantasied satisfaction in distorted forms which serve to disguise their real motives and objects from the conscious mind.
• Literature and the other arts, like dreams and neurotic symptoms, consist of the imagined, or fantasized, fulfillment of wishes that are either denied by reality or are prohibited by the social standards of morality and propriety.
Theory 2 Psychoanalysis
Psychological criticism
• Psychological criticism deals with a work of literature primarily as an expression, in fictional form, of the state of mind and the structure of personality of the individual author.

Freud on literary criticism
• Freud asserted that many of his views had been anticipated by insightful authors in Western literature, and he himself applied psychoanalysis to brief discussions of the latent content in the manifest characters or events of literary works including Shakespeare's Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and King Lear.
Theory 2 Psychoanalysis
Psychological criticism
• Psychological criticism deals with a work of literature primarily as an expression, in fictional form, of the state of mind and the structure of personality of the individual author.
Hamlet and Oedipus (1949) , by Ernest Jones
• Building on earlier suggestions by Freud himself, Jones explained Hamlet's inability to make up his mind to kill his uncle by reference to his Oedipus complex—that is, the repressed but continuing presence in the adult's unconscious of the male infant's desire to possess his mother and to have his rival, the father, out of the way. (Freud derived the term from Sophocles' Greek tragedy Oedipus the King, whose protagonist has unknowingly killed his father and married his mother.)
英美文学Unit 12 Ralph Waldo Ellison

R.W. Ellison’s Life
grew up in Oklahoma City and attended college
at the Tuskegee Institute as a music major. After graduation he moved to New York City, where he met Richard Wright and was encouraged to pursue his writing career. The publication of Invisible Man (1952) brought Ellison into the national spotlight. After the success of Invisible Man, Ellison began teaching university courses, and from 1970 until retirement he was the Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities at New York University.
Mr. Norton & Brother Jack
Mr. Norton, an old white man and co-founder
of the narrator's college, is the catalyst for the narrator's expulsion and betrayal by Bledsoe. Brother Jack is a local leader of the Communist party who recruits the narrator to be the speaker for and to Harlem.

英国:The Canterbury Tales:It is a masterpiece by Geoffrey Chaucer.It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The pilgrims cover a wide range of characters in the England of the time, from noblemen to peasants. They represent the whole range of 14th century society except the very top and the very bottom.This kind of a collection of tales put together was not rare in history. However, in The Canterbury Tales, stories are cleverly woven together by links between the stories. Most of the stories are related to the personalities of the tellers. The personality of each character, his private life and habits, his mood and social status are revealed in the prologue and in the story he tells, as well as by his behavior along the road and his remarks on the way. The links between the tales are of great interest. Most important is the part played by the host. He draws the shy ones out , smoothes over the differences, and keep the company generally in good spirits.The Faerie Queen:It is Edmund Sensor’s masterpiece. It was a long poem planned in 12 books, of which only 6 were finished. The book was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.The plan of the whole poem is this: The faerie queen(signifying Queen Elizabeth I) holds a feast of 12 days, and on each day a stranger in distress(不幸)appears, claiming help against a dragon or giant or tyrant. A knight was assigned to each guest, and the 12 books were to describe 12 adventures. Moreover, each knight represents a virtue, as Holiness, Temperance(温和), Chastity(纯洁), Friendship, Justice and Courtesy; and his warfare(战争)represents the strife(冲突)against a contrary vice, as pride or Despair. So the long poem is a continued allegory(寓言). The knights represent England and the devil figures stand for her enemies.Tamburlaine:It is a play by Christopher Marlowe. It is about an ambitious and pitiless(冷酷无情的)Tartar conqueror in the 14th century who rose from a shepherd(牧羊人)to an overpowering king. By flouting(嘲笑)the given order and trampling(践踏)on despairing princes, Tamburlaine displayed a high-aspiring mind that was self-created and carried by love and dreams beyond the limits of moral existence. His victories were a triumph(胜利)of immense natural energy and of ruthlessness over equally cruel but weak and decadent civilizations. By depicting a great hero with high ambition and sheer brutal force in conquering one enemy after another, Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.Being a cruel conqueror, he finds consummate(至上的)happiness in subduing(征服)other Kingdoms.Hamlet:Hamlet is the most popular and the most discussed of Shakespeare’s tragedies. It bears strong resemblance to a lost earlier Hamlet and to The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd.The greatness of the play lies in the fact that in it Shakespeare expressed his praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived. Hamlet’s revenge is not only a personal matter. What troubles him most is the injustice, conspiracy(阴谋), and the betrayal in the society. His father is murdered by his uncle and his mother is married to his uncle right after his father’s death.The marriage of his mother is the first blow(打击)to him as he had regarded her as a virtuous woman. Then, his former friends are dispatched by the king to spy on him. This is a second blow, for as a humanist he sets great store by friendship(以友谊为重). Then his girlfriend Ophelia is sent as a tool to find out whether or not he is really mad. This is something he can no longer endure.One incident after another seems to reveal to him that the time is “out of joint” and man is not so good as he had imagined. Hamlet would have been a tragedy of “blood and thunder”(充满凶杀情节)if Shakespeare had not imbued(使渗透)the play with the sort of philosophical thinking, this humanistic search for the value of man and the disappointment of such ideals.Of Studies:It is the most popular of Francis Bacon’s 58 essays. It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character. Being forceful and persuasive, compact(紧凑的)and precise, it reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.Paradise Lost:Milton’s masterpiece, it is a long epic divided into 12 books. It is about Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. The original story is taken from Genesis3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fall of Man”, i.e. man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause——Satan.The poet, through depicting incurrence(遭受)of character in the poem, implied that the British Bourgeois Revolution is doomed to end in failure.The Pilgrim’s Progress:The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by John Bunyan,is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also bears much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor——life is a journey——is simple and familiar.There are some main themes. First, knowledge gained through travel: The Pilgrim’s Progress demonstrates that knowledge is gained through travel by portrayingChristian and his companions learning from their mistakes on their journey. The pilgrims must advance spiritually as he or she advances geographically. Second, the importance of reading: The importance of reading is emphasized throughout the book because the pilgrims reach salvation and happiness by understanding the Bible. Third, the value of community.Moll Flanders:It was written by Daniel Defoe. It is written in an autobiographical form called memoirs.In Moll Flanders, Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature. And it anticipates many later novels that take women as the center of attention in order to expose how the social system has victimized those like Moll. At Defoe’ s time, there are many popular novels and stories about the lives of villains or rogues(流氓). However, Moll’s life story is a departure from those, because those novels indulge in dramatizing(使戏剧化)the tricks and immortal schemes the anti-hero or anti-heroine adopts in order to achieve his or her purposes. Therefore, those works remain at the level of mere entertainment literature. Moll Flanders, on the other hand, has entered serious literature with a grave social theme.Tom Jones:Tom Jones is a masterpiece of Henry Fielding on the subject of human nature. There are 18 books divided into 3 parts with 6 in each. The first part describes Tom’s childhood in Mr. Allworthy’ s home; the middle one contains adventures on the road to London; and the last tells what happens in London to Tom and Sophia.To Fielding, the countryside represents the basic goodness of human race, whereas the city stands for evil and sin. Therefore, Tom, growing in the countryside under the care of good Mr. Allworthy, is basically an upright young fellow, brave and honest and full of sympathy for the poor and weak. The farther he proceeds to London, the worse he becomes morally, spiritually, and even physically. In London, he degenerates into a kept man of a rich woman, ends up in prison, and is shocked by his alleged (声称的)incestuous crime(乱伦罪).The School for Scandal:It is Sheridan’ s masterpiece. It is written in the tradition of Comedy of Manners.It is a story about two brothers: Joseph Surface and Charles Surface. Charles falls in love with a rich heiress Maria and his love is returned. Joseph, his elder brother is also counting Maria for her fortunes. The play ends with the union of Charles and Maria and the exposure of Joseph’s hypocrisy.It is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy(堕落)of the aristocratic-bourgeois(贵族资产阶级) society in the 18th century of England.Sons of Innocence:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.The poems collected in Songs of Innocence express the poet’ s delight in life, even in the face of sorrow and suffering. The world is seen through the eyes of a child’s imagination. Blake’ s vision of innocence is not that of a child’s only. It is a world that can be attained by the adults if they cast away(丢掉) the follies(罪恶) and deceits(欺骗) of the hostile world and seek a visionary world through their imagination. In this collection we can have the first glimpse of Blake’ s mysticism(神秘主义), which will develop in his later poems.Songs of Experience:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.Songs of Innocence is a collection of poems and songs in which the atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy. Evil is found everywhere in this world. Through the loss of imagination, man has become a slave to the falsehood(谎话) and hypocrisy of religion and society, and thus has lost the Heaven of Innocence and gained the Hell of Experience.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》It is a lengthy narrative poem by George Gorgon Bryon.It tells a story of a pilgrim’s journey in Europe. The hero was called Childe Harold. He got tired of the meaningless and empty life of pleasure and escaped to seek a spiritual rebirth.Byron reflected the historical events and lamented on the sufferings of people, by which he showed his political and philosophical views.In the poem, Childe Harold was the poet himself; they both lamented over the corrupted reality and wanted to make a change; they loved freedom and were eager to build a marvelous career.The poem is an imaginative and romantic presentation of the poet’s disturbed emotions and eagerness for freedom. It also emphasizes individualism. This marvelous work exhibits Byron’s creative power and prepares him for a more powerful literary breakthrough.Don Juan:It is Byron’ s masterpiece. The poem reveals the poet’s attacks on social injustice and political intrigue, on moral degeneracy and personal vices(恶习), as well as his philosophical reflections on his own life and on abstractions.Byron puts into Don Juan his rich knowledge of the world and the wisdom gained from experiences. It presents brilliant depictions of life in his various stages of love, joy, suffering, hatred and fear. The unifying theme in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality. And the diverse materials and the clash(冲突) of emotions gathered in the poem are harmonized by Byron’ s insight into the difference between life’s appearance and its actuality. All these constitute the poet’s unique style. Ode to the West Wind:This poem is most representative of Shelley’ s feelings and thoughts at the time.It is a mixture of death and rebirth. Shelley is concerned with the regeneration of himself spiritually and poetically and of Europe politically. He is appealing to the west wind to effect this regeneration. In this poem, Shelley considers wind as “ destroyer and preserver”. It will destroy the old world and herald(通报,预示来临) in a new one.He abhorred(痛恨) the unjust and decayed society and conveyed his hope to build a bright world after wrecking(破坏) the old one through the power of the west wind. He would like to live in a harmonious society. Shelley showed his belief that the wind can destroy the old world and build a new one. He looked forward to the coming of Spring and had an optimistic feeling.On First Looking into Chapman’s HomerIt is the most important of Keats’ early sonnets, where with his inimitable(独特的) poetic imagery and concise but rich language Keats first found his ideal world in poetry and art, by exulting over the great epic poetry of the ancient Greek poet Homer. He appreciated Homer’s rich imagination and passion very much.Tess of D’ UrbervillesIt is Hardy’ s masterpiece.It is the most pastoral(田园生活的)of Hardy’ s novels. Its plot centers on the tragic occurrences of its heroine Tess’ s life.It is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and the destruction of English.peasantry towards the end of the 19th century.Dr Faustus:Dr Faustus is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the Faustus’s story, in which a man sells his soul to the devil in return for power and knowledge. It is adapted by a popular old German legend.The play’s dominant moral is human rather than religious.It celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness; it also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspirations in a hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man’s condition.The play ends with Faustus’ forced surrender(交出)of his soul to the devil after a lapse(消逝)of 24 years. Though the tragic ending suggests that the writer conforms with the orthodox teachings(正统的说教)of the church, the towering figure of Faustus is eloquent(雄辩的)evidence that the author has a will to search the infinite knowledge of life and to express his atheism(无神论) and patriotism.Julius Caesar:Julius Caesar is a historical play written by William Shakespeare.The play is a great one because it is concerned with several themes.One of them is whether one’s life is determined by his fate or by his free will. InCaesar’s case, he recognizes that some things like death are beyond human control, but to live passively(顺从的)is not a hero’s choice. The best course for him is to face death head-on, to die bravely and honorably.Another theme is inflexibility(不屈性)versus comprise. To gain one’s goal, sometimes one need to make some concessions and compromises. If one is as stubborn and inflexible as Caesar and Brutus, one has to pay a heavy price. On the contrary, if one is like Antony who can act according to the circumstances, he would win in the end. On the whole, the play is very enlightening because it provides multiple interpretations.A Modest Proposal:A Modest Proposal is a famous satire written by Jonathan Swift. Assuming the cool tone of an impartial outsider, the author suggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one years old as food for the English nobles. Written with much conciseness and terseness, the “proposal”is by far the most consummate(完美的)artistic expression of Swift’s indignation(愤怒)toward the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the English ruling class.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud:It is written by William Wordsworth.This poem is about nature. With his pure and poetic language, Wordsworth brings us into a beautiful world where there are daffodils(水仙花),trees and breeze. We follow the poet at every turn of his feelings. We share his melancholy(忧郁的) and his delight. We come to realize the great power of nature that may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poem.The poem’s main brilliance lies in the reverse personification of its early stanzas. The speaker is compared to a natural object, a cloud——“I wandered as lonely as a cloud”, and the daffodils are personified as human beings.This technique implies an inherent unity between man and nature, making it one of Wordsworth’s most basic and effective methods for instilling(逐渐灌输) in the reader the feeling the poet so often describes himself as experiencing.Ivanhoe:Ivanhoe is one of the best known historical fictions of Walter Scott.The background of Ivanhoe was set in the 12th century England. Since England was conquered by French Norman conqueror William, Anglo-Saxons lived a hard life under the rule of Normans. Richard, the protagonist, was portrayed as a knight. John, Richard’ s brother, planned to seize the throne from Richard. Ivanhoe helped Richard to defeat John and restore Richard’ s Kingship.The plot here is well constructed, and in the clever interweaving of complex events involving numerous characters we see Scott’ s masterly skills in narrative art which has made this novel extremely engrossing(引人入胜的).In a whole, it is a great work of art for here we find the novelist’s truthful representation of the cruelty and inhumanity of feudalism and his sympathy for the people as well as his skills inpresenting vivid portraits of characters and ingenious(独创的) arrangement of plots. Bleak House:It is one of Charles Dickens’ representative works.Bleak House is chiefly aimed at the abuse of the Chancery courts with its interminable(无止尽的) delays and huge costs. The novel is not merely a attack on the Chancery courts, but also fierce satiric thrusts(刺) at the whole political system in England, particularly at the parliamentary system. The author shows that the legal procedure is the source of profit for the few and the cause of misfortune for the many. Asides from such satires on the law courts and on the parliamentary system, the novel contains an intricate(复杂的) story of an aristocratic woman Lady Dedlock. And through the story the terrible inside of this aristocratic family is also exposed to view, which constitutes a penetrating satire on the aristocratic families whose parasitic (寄生的)existence is described with much contempt by the author,So in the novel there is a distinct note of bitterness and the novel shows the author’s loss of hope for the English society of his age.V anity Fair:It is William Makepeace Thackeray’ s masterpiece. The title Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, in which the protagonist Christian passes a Vanity Fair, where are sold all sorts of vanity. The writer’s attention is not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.My Last Duchess:It is one of the most representative of Robert Browning’ s dramatic monologues. The poem is based on the true history. The poem is a monologue of the Duke. It comprises rhyming pentameter lines.The nonchalance(冷淡) in the Duke’s tone fully reveals the arrogance and cruelty of an Italian tyrant in the age of the Renaissance.Wuthering Heights:Wuthering Heights is a poem by Emily Bronte.It can be interpreted into a criticism on the bourgeois matrimonial(婚姻的) system. It tells the tale of the passionate, yet thwarted(挫败的) love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them.It is generally considered one of the most original works. In many aspects, it is unique and has no counterparts in mode as well as in manner of writing. For example, the novel contains many Gothic and supernatural elements, which adds its uniqueness. Wuthering Heights is characterized for its poetic language, exaggerated plots and the simple, naked statement of violent emotions. It is like a musical or poetic transcription(抄本) of the violent spirit of Emily Bronte herself.The story is also characterized by its structure. It is told in a paired point of view——the third person and the first person. In this way, everything seems more truth-like. Heart of Darkness:The novel , written by Joseph Conrad, is based on his trip in Africa up to the Congo River in 1980. The story begins with Marlow telling his story to the other passengers while the ship is lying in anchor(抛锚) at the mouth of the Thames River.Major Barbara:Major Barbara is an important play by George Bernard Shaw.It touches on the fundamental issues of capitalism. Major Barbara is a play about two conflicting ideas. Major Barbara is the daughter of a millionaire named Andrew Undershaft, who was a foundling and a poor boy when young but has become a munition(军需品)magnate(富豪). Barbara wants to save the soul of the poor, and she has joined the Salvation Army(救世军),a kind of religious faction, which is organized like the army.In the character of Undershaft are exposed the essential characteristics of monopoly capitalists with bitter satire. This is Shaw’s chief contribution in his play. But beyond the satire there is nothing. In spite of the satire on capitalism, Shaw suggests no way out and seems to get confused about what to do next. As a conclusion, he suggests a certain kind of compromiseUlysses:Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce.The title parallels and alludes to Odysseus, the hero of Homer’s Odyssey. The useof stream of consciousness, careful structuring, puns, allusions, as well as its rich characteristics and broad humor, made the book a highly regarded novel in the modernist pantheon.(名流群)The novel tells of the wanderings and “adventures” of Leopold Bloom, a modern Ulysses, during 24 hours of a single day.The whole novel is divided into 18 episodes in correspondence with the 18 hours of the day. With great many varieties and minute details, Ulysses embodies a symbolic picture of all human history, which simultaneously tragic and comic, heroic and trivial, magnificent(华丽的) and dreary.Look Back in Anger:It is a play by John Osborne. The play spawned(造成) the term “ angry young men” to describe Osborne and those of his generation who employed harshness(严肃) and realism in the theater in contrast to the more escapist fare previously seen. Waiting for Godot:It is Samuel Beckett’s masterpiece.In the play Beckett is discussing the absurdity of human life. He is exploring an answer to such question as “Who am I?”, or “What am I living for?” but in this world of absurdity he cannot find the answer.The play told that two tramps waited for Godot. Godot’s absence, as well as numerous other aspects of the play, has led to many different interpretations since the plays premiere.What is the meaning of the play? Who is Godot? Why are they waiting? All these questions puzzle the reader.The message of the play may be like this. At the bottom, life is cynical. It is spiraling(盘旋的) downward. In either case life seems repetitious(重复的), empty, boring, with no meaning in the sense of “purpose” or “progress”.Lord of the Flies:It is a novel by William Golding, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.It tells the story about the fate of a group of English schoolboys who are marooned(放逐) and become isolated on an island, which is an allegory about the tragedy of human nature.The Picture of Dorain Gray:It is Oscar Wilde ‘s masterpiece.This is the representative work which reflects his artistic view, especially the principle of “art for art’s sake”. It touches upon a typical Victorian subject——the divided self(自我分裂) . The symbolic significance of the story is self-evident.美国:The Autobiography:It could be seen as the representative work of Franklin,which has great impact on American literature.From the content, it is probably the first kind of autobiography in the history of American literature.It records the author’s rising from poverty or humble beginnings to success, including his studying in his young age and his experiences of work. And his achievement in politics, science and economy are also mentioned in this book. It is an early example of American dream. And from then on, people can think that they may write a book about his own life and make it useful to others.The whole book is filled with the style of Puritanism. The moralities of hard-will, self-education, self-retrospect, self-analysis and self- reliance are clearly seen from The Autobiography. And all these are the characteristics of Puritans. It teaches people how to be self-cultivated, how to be self-reliant and how to serve the God well.The Wild Honey Suckle:It is one of Philip Freneau’s most important works.This poem gives the reader of a simple and ordinary image——the wild honey suckle.It grows in the remote place and nobody even notices it.The poet is sorry for the short life of the honey suckle which even can not be traceable when it dies.The diction used in the poem is simple and direct. The imagery is sensuous.This poem celebrated the beauty of the countryside of the new continent by appreciating the common flower which grew up in America, contrasting the usual flower images in the Britain literature ever before.From then on, many writers found some useful materials in the American history and their eyes did not always focus on the Britain and European continent.The Raven:The Raven is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe.This poem depicts the scene that the speaker talks to a raven. The raven can speak a word “nevermore” which interests the speaker.The speaker’s mind wanders back to his lover. All of the questions he intended to ask the raven indicated the speaker’s loss. And at last the speaker’s nerve can not handle grieve of the loss of his lover and breaks down. From the poem we can feel that the speaker’s anxiety and the trend of suddenly going to outbreak.The poem is pervaded with the atmosphere of the speaker’s dreamy imagination. It is more likely that the speaker is talking to the raven in his semi-stupor mental state (半昏迷状态)than in his sober mental state(清醒状态).The poem makes use of a number of folk, mythological(神话的), religious, and classical references.Poe claimed to have written the poem very logically and methodically(有方法的), intending to create a poem that would appeal to both critical and popular tastes.The American Scholar:The American Scholar was a speech given by Ralph Waldo Emerson in Cambridge, Massachusetts.He was invited to speak in recognition of his work Nature, in which he established a new way for America's fledgling(羽翼未丰的)society to regard the world. Sixty years after declaring independence, American culture was still heavily influenced by Europe, and Emerson, for possibly the first time in the country's history, provided a visionary philosophical framework for building a new, distinctly American cultural identity.Emerson uses Transcendentalist and Romantic views to get his points across by explaining a true American scholar's relationship to nature.In The American Scholar, Emerson is trying to say that “we Americans should stop imitating other countries in literature and we ought to create a way of our own”. It is a sign that American is trying to be away from the British or Europe influence and at the same time makes their own literature style——to be more specific——and set up their own American national characteristics.The Scarlet Letter:It is the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which established him as the leading American native novelist of the 19th century.The letter A initially is a sign of adultery(通奸)and penitence(赎罪), as the community sees the letter as a mark of just punishment and a symbol to deter(阻止)others from sin. Hester is a fallen woman with a symbol of her guilt. Later, when she becomes a frequent visitor in homes of pain and sorrow, the A is seen to represent “Able” or “Angel”. It has rejuvenated Hester.Its immortal enchantment(魅力)lies in not only its condemnation of the negative impact of Puritan society on people’s spirit, but also its affirmation of goodness. The novel aims at criticizing severely Puritanical asceticism(苦行主义), suggestingHawthorne’s further thinking over the “original sin”“good and evil”“soul salvation”“total depravity”by analyzing the four main characters in the novel. The novel concerns the consequence caused by the sin and people’s attitude towards sin rather than the sin itself. He believes man can do good deeds to get rid of evil in his heart. Hester Prynne: The writer gives her some symbolic meanings by giving her this name. Hester sounds like Hestier, Zeu’s sister in Greek Mythology, who is a very beautiful goddess. This gives us a sense that Hester is a passionate beautiful woman. In this novel, she is the symbol of the truth, the goodness and the beauty.Arthur Dimmesdale: He is a well-regarded young minister, who initials are AD, which also stands for adultery. The author obviously tells us Arthur Dimmesdale is the pratner in sin of Hester Prynne by giving him this name. The word Dimmesdale also has symbolic meanings. Dim means dark and weak, and dale means valley, so the dimdale here is actually a symbol of the dim-interior of the lergyman. He loves Hester deeply, and he is the father of Pearl, but he can only show his passion for her in the forest or in darkness. His response to the sin is to die.A Psalm of Life:It is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s most famous poem that encourages people to persevere(坚持)despite tragedy , to affirm life, to pick up courage from losses and to push ahead for all momentary defeats. It is a poem in which a young man entreats(恳求)a psalmist(and readers) not to be optimistic, but to muster courage in adversity (逆境).Walden:It is Henry David Thoreau’s masterpiece, which is a great Transcendentalist work .The book is full of people waking up: as a matter of fact, he wakes up several times himself in the book. He records how he tries to minimize his own needs on Walden Pond.Thoreau was never tired of staying alone in nature. Walden is a faithful record of his reflections when he was in solitary communion with nature, an eloquent(雄辩的) indication that he not only embraced Emerson’s Transcendentalist philosophy but went even further to illustrate the pantheistic(泛神论的) quality of nature.Walden is a book about man, what he is , and what he should be and must be. Thoreau has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man. He holds that the most important thing for men to do with their lives is to be self-sufficient and strive to achieve personal spiritual perfection. The fact that he moved into his shabby cabin illustrates his desire to be independent and find truth for himself.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a fiction by Mark Twain. The books relates the escape of Jim from slavery and more important, how Huck Finnm floating along with him and helping him, changes his mind, his prejudice about Black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well.Mark Twain starts the tradition of writing in colloquial way and using the dialect. He prefers simple language and sometimes there are even ungrammatical errors in the。
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Freud’s Theories
• Like iceberg, the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface (below the level of consciousness)
Theory 2 Psychoanalysis
Psychological criticism
• Psychological criticism deals with a work of literature primarily as an expression, in fictional form, of the state of mind and the structure of personality of the individual author.
• The character of the ghost and Claudius are dramatic projections of Hamlet’s own conscious-unconscious ambivalence toward the father figure. The ghost represents the conscious ideal of fatherhood. His view of Claudius represents Hamlet’s repressed hostility toward his father as a rival for his mother’s affection.
The super-ego contains internalized norms, morality and taboos.
The ego mediates between the two.
• psychoanalyzing a work of literature can give us great insight into the unconscious of the author. (psychological approach)
Freud on literary criticism
• Freud asserted that many of his views had been anticipated by insightful authors in Western literature, and he himself applied psychoanalysis to brief discussions of the latent content in the manifest characters or events of literary works including Shakespeare's Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and King Lear.
• Jones proposes that Hamlet's conflict is "an echo of a similar one in Shakespeare himself," and goes on to account for the audience's powerful and continued response to the play, over many centuries, as a result of the repressed Oedipal conflict that is shared by all men.
Keywords: Oedipus complex
Freud borrowed this term from Greece classic Sophoclean tragedy in which the hero Oedipus unknowingly slew his father and married his mother. In psychoanalytical theory, Oedipus complex derives from the boy’s unconscious rivalry with his father for the love of his mother.
Known for his studies of the repression, sexual desire and the unconscious mind, Freud believed the mind could be divided into 3 categories:
The id contains "primitive desires" (hunger, rage, sex),
severely repressed Oedipal
Talking cure
• Freud’s third premise is that because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses, many of our desires and memories are repressed ( that is, actively excluded from conscious awareness).
• The forbidden, mainly sexual ("libidinal") wishes come into conflict with, and are repressed by, the "censor" (the internalized representative within each individual of the standards of society) into the unconscious realm of the artist's mind, but are permitted by the censor to achieve a fantasied satisfaction in distorted forms which serve to disguise their real motives and objects from the conscious mind.
Hamlet and Oedipus (1949) , by Ernest Jones
• Building on earlier suggestions by Freud himself, Jones explained Hamlet's inability to make up his mind to kill his uncle by reference to his Oedipus complex—that is, the repressed but continuing presence in the adult's unconscious of the male infant's desire to possess his mother and to have his rival, the father, out of the way. (Freud derived the term from Sophocles' Greek tragedy Oedipus the King, whose protagonist has unknowingly killed his father and married his mother.)
Keywords: Libido
• Freud called by this name (Libido) the energy of those instincts which have to do with all that may be comprised under the word “love”. To Freud, “love” consists in sexual love with sexual union as its aim, but he did not separate from this either the self-love or love for parents and children, friendship and love for humanity in general, and also devotion to concrete objects and to abstract ideas.
• Freud had developed the dynamic form of psychology that he called psychoanalysis as a means of analysis and therapy for neuroses, but soon expanded it to account for many developments and practices in the history of civilization, including warfare, mythology, and religion, as well as literature and the other arts.
is that all
human behavior
is motivated
ultimately by
what we would call sexuality.
•Ernest Jones points out that Hamlet as a psychoneurotic may be traced to the hero’s
• The foundation of Freud’s contribution to modern psychology is his emphasis on the unconscious aspects of the human psyche.