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A 组

一、 单词拼写(2015 -永康)


Health is very important for us. Can you look after your health? Do you have a 1

(健康的)habit? Doyou know 2 __________ (如何)to keep in good health? Here 3

有)some advice for you. First, you n eed to have some good eat ing habits. You should eat fruit and vegetables four or five times a week. And you need to eat tofu or drink

(牛奶) every day. Oh, don ' t forget to sleep 5 ______________ (九)hours every night.

6 _________ (足够的) sleep can help you feel much better. Doing some exercise is also

necessary for you. We think the 7

___________ (最好的) way to relax is doing exercise. is healthy for the brain and the 8 _________ (身体).Exercise such as playing sports is fun. But don ' t 9 ____________ (使) yourself too tired. It ' s important to 10 持) happy and be friendly to others. I

' m sure you can be strong.

二、 选词填空(2015 -永康) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

12. Tomorrow is my mother ' s birthday. I want to

____ ial gift for her.

13. The bus was so that we had no space to sta nd.

14. The populati on of the city is about 3.9 . _________ 15. Liste ning to the radio in En glish is a good way to our English. ____________

三、 语法填空(2015 -永康)

_ (是; 4 Havi ng It



It ' s always a 16 (surprise )to receive gifts from family membersand friends.

Different countries have different 17 (way)of life. In China, we usually 18

(accept )a gift with both hands and open it 19 ______________ (late ). But in the West, people usually do not pay atte nti on 20 ____________ hat. They can ope n the gift 21 __________ During the Spring Festival, there are also many 22 (tradition ). For example, on the first day, we mustn ' t do any cleaning because we don ' t want to sweep away good

luck. And we mustn ' t break anything, which means _23 _______________ luck. We ' d better not 24 (cut)our hair duri ng the Spring Festival mon th. And we can only use red paper for hon gbao because red 25 ____________________ (mear)good luck. Do you know more about the Spring Festival or

other ways of life in China? If you know, please share (分享)w ith us.


一、单词拼写(2016 -临海)


Jon Pritik in is a Guinn ess world record holder (吉尼斯世界纪录保持者).He is the fastest

man who can roll (卷)two frying pans (煎锅)with his han ds!

On November 6, 2014, we were lucky to 1 ___________ (邀请)Jon to our school. He gave

us a report and showed his skill to us. 2 ________________ (每人)was excited to see it. And two

girls 3 __________ (甚至)came to the front to have a look. 4 __________ (然而),Jon was quite differe nt whe n he was young. As a 5 ________ (青少年),he had many problems with
