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1.It's necessary for us English well.

A. to learn

B. learning

C. learn

D. learns

【答案】 A

【解析】【解析】句意:对我们来讲,学好英语是必需的事。表达“做某事……”就是动词短语作主语,动词短语作主语时,常用it作为形式主语放在句首,而将真正的主语用带to的不定式跟在后面,即:It's+adj +for sb+to do sth(对某人来讲,做某事怎么样。)本句动词用不定式:to learn。故选A。

2.To my surprise, Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me.

A. to visit

B. visiting

C. visit

D. visits

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:让我吃惊的的,戴尔的父母允许他和我去上海迪士尼乐园。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,固定短语,故选A。

【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语allow sb. to do sth。

3.When you leave, please turn off the lights energy.

A. save

B. to save

C. saving

D. saved

【答案】 B


4.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience.

A. relaxing

B. relaxed

C. relax

D. relaxes

【答案】 A


5.一What should we take when going birdwatching? 一 We should take a pair of binoculars ____________the birds clearly.

A. see

B. seeing

C. to see

D. sees



6.—What does the sign mean?

—It tells us ____________ in public.

A. didn't smoke

B. don't smoke

C. not to smoke

D. not smoke

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——这个标志是什么意思——它告诉我们在公众场所不要吸烟。根据短语tell sb not to do sth“告诉某人不要做某事”,故此处为动词不定式not to smoke。故选C。

【点评】考查固定搭配tell sb not to do sth。

7.The workers were made from morning to night in the past.

A. worked

B. to work

C. work

D. working

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:在过去工人们被迫从早晨工作到晚上make sb do sth让某人做某事,其被动语态形式sb be made to do sth所以选B。

8.— Please stay with me this weekend.

—I'm sorry, but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago.

A. visit

B. visiting

C. to visit

D. visited

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末请和我呆在一起吧。——我很抱歉,但是我父亲和我很久前就计划去参观北京了。plan to do sth.,计划做某事,动词不定式作宾语,故选C。

【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语plan to do sth.

9.—So beautiful flowers! I can't decide _____ for my mom.—For Mother's Day, it can't be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).

A. when to choose

B. which to choose

C. how to choose

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——如此漂亮的花。我无法诀定为我妈妈选哪一些。——为母亲节,没有比康乃馨更好的了。when to choose何时选,指时间,which to choose选什么,指事物,how to choose怎样选,指方式。本题表示“不知道为妈妈选什么花”,指事物,故选B。

10.We are looking forward to _______ Hollywood in America。()

A. visit

B. visited

C. visiting

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我们期待看参观美国好莱乌。期待(盼望)做某事:look forward to,短语中的加是介词(不是不定式符号),后跟名词、代词或动名词形式。即:look forward sth/ doing sth。故选C。

11.I remember ______ to Beijing when I was a child.

A. to take

B. taking

C. to be taken

D. being taken

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我记得小时候被带到过北京的。Remember to do sth记得要做某事(事情未做);remember doing sth记得做过某事(事情已做)。小时候被带到北京去过,事情已做,用remember doing,A、C错。记得我被带到,用被动语态,故选D。


12.Bruce practices basketball every day so that he can be a better player.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:Bruce每天练习打篮球以便他能成为一位更好的运动员。practice + doing sth练习做某事。故选C。

13.Young people are encouraged to work hard ____their own dreams.

A. achieve

B. achieves

C. to achieve

D. achieved

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:鼓励年轻人努力工作,实现自己的梦想。根据句意可知their own dreams是workhard的目的,常用动词不定式来表示目的,故选C。

