LINKSYS EA6700-6400-6500-WRT1900AC通用配置教程

闪存天线802.11ac系列R6300Broadcom BCM4706(600MHz)128MB 128MB 内置6天线型号CPU 内存Wireless-N 900系列WNDR4500Broadcom BCM4706(600MHz)128MB 128MB 内置6天线Wireless-N 750系列WNDR4000Broadcom BCM4718 (453MHz)64MB 8MB 内置5天线128MB 16MB Wireless-N 600系列WNDRMAC Atheros AR7161 (680MHz)128MB 16MB 内置6天线64MB 16MB 内置6天线WNDR3700v1Atheros AR7161 (680MHz)64MB 8MB 内置8天线WNDR3800Atheros AR7161 (680MHz)64MB 8MB 内置6天线WNDR3700v3Broadcom BCM4718 (480Mhz)64MB 8MB 内置4天线WNDR3700v2Atheros AR7161 (680MHz)128MB 32MB 内置4天线WNDR3300Broadcom BCM4704 (300MHz)16MB 4MB 内置5天线WNDR3400Broadcom BCM4718 (453MHz)128MB 内置4天线Wireless-N 300系列WNR3500Lv1Broadcom BCM4718 (453MHz)64MB 8MB 内置3天线DGND3700Broadcom BCM6368 (400MHz)内置2天线WNR3500v1MARVELL 88F5180N (500MHz)32MB 8MB 内置3天线WNR3500Lv2Broadcom BCM47186 (480MHz)128MB NETGEAR 无线路由器:4MB WNR3500v1MARVELL 88F5180N (500MHz)32MB 8MB 内置3天线4MB 内置3天线WNR2200Atheros AR7241-AH1A(360MHz)64MB 16MB 内置2天线WNR3500v2Broadcom BCM4718 (453MHz)32MB 4MB 内置2天线WNR2000v2Broadcom BCM4716 (300MHz)32MB 4MB 内置2天线WNR2000v1Atheros AR9130-BC1A(400MHz)32MB 8MB 内置4天线JNR3210Realtek RTL8198 (630MHz)128MB 8MB 外置2根2dBi可拆卸天线WNR2000v3Atheros AR7241-AH1A(360MHz)32MB 4MB 内置2天线JWNR2010v3Realtek RTL8196C(400Mhz)32MB 4MB 外置2根5dBi不可拆卸天线JNR3000Realtek RTL8198 (630MHz)64MB 4MB 外置2根2dBi可拆卸天线JWNR2000v1Realtek RTL8196B (330MHz) +RTL8192B 32MB 4MB 内置2天线JWNR2000T Realtek RTL8196C (400MHz)+RTL8192CE 32MB 内置2天线Wireless-N 150系列WNR1000v2h1Atheros AR7241-AH1A(360MHz)16MB 4MB 内置1根、外置1根不可拆卸天线JWNR2000v2Realtek RTL8196C (400MHz)+RTL8192CE 32MB型号芯片A6200Brcm43526, 两天线WNDA4100RALINK,RT3573WNCE3001REALTEK RTL8192DE,RTL8196C WNDA3100v1ATHEROS AR9160,AR9106WNDA3100v2BROADCOM BCM4323WN111v1MARVELL 88W8362,88W8060WN111v2ATHEROS AR9170WN121TMARVELL 88E8362,88W8060WN311BBROADCOM BCM4321,BCM2055WN311TMARVELL 88W8361,88W8060WN511BBROADCOM BCM4321,BCM2055WN511T MARVELL 88W8361,88W8060内置2天线WPN824N Atheros AR7241-AH1A(360MHz)32MB 4MB 内置2天线WNR1000v2h2Atheros AR7241-AH1A(360MHz)16MB 4MB 内置1根、外置1根不可拆卸天线WNR612Atheros AR7240 (400MHz) +AR928532MB 4MB 内置2天线WGR614v10Broadcom BCM5356 (333MHz)16MB 4MB 4MB 外置1根5dBi不可拆卸天线WNR500Realtek RT8196C (400MHz)+RTL8188RE 32MB 4MB Wireless-802.11ac 系列Wireless-N 900系列Wireless-N 600系列Wireless-N 300系列NETGEAR 无线网卡:外置1根不可拆卸天线JNR1010Realtek RTL8196C(400Mhz)32MBWN711ATHEROS AR5418,AR2133WNA3100BROADCOM BCM4323-1WNA3100MREALTEK,RTL8192CU WNCE2001RALINK,RT3052WNA1000M REALTEK,RTL818CUS WNA1100ATHEROS AR9271WG111T ATHEROS AR5523,AR2112WG311T ATHEROS AR2414WG511T ATHEROS AR2414WPN111ATHEROS AR5523,AR2112WPN311ATHEROS AR2414WPN511ATHEROS AR2414WG111v1PRISM54 INTERSIL 3886,NETCHIP NET2280WG111v2REALTEK RTL8187L WG111v3REALTEK RTL8187B WG121INTERSIL PRISM GT WG311v1ATHEROS AR5001X+ ,AR5212WG311v2TSENG LABS (No info on this ver.)WG311v3MARVELL 88W8335,88W8010WG511v1INTERSIL PRISM GT WG511v2MARVELL 88W8335Range MAX 108系列Wireless-G 54系列Wireless-N 150系列Super-G 108系列。

以下配置在淘宝,或者电子城均可买到★带机量80-150台经济型配置:478针赛扬1.7G-2.4GMHz 均可DDR 128M-512M均可采用256M-512M电子盘装系统(也可用硬盘,但硬盘耗电高,故障率高)采用品牌的845GL-865GL集成显卡主板(集成显卡主板PCI插槽较少,一般为2个,只适合双线)采用品牌的845PE-865PE的非集成显卡主板(可有3-5个PCI插槽,适合多线用户)网卡采用intel 82559 网卡(可在淘宝买2手的非常便宜,有条件可以上双口的)也可采用RTL8139等廉价网卡,但带机量最好不超过50电源不低于230W(最好大品牌的,比如:长城、金河田等)★带机量100-200台中端型配置:478针奔腾1.8G-2.4GMHz 均可DDR 128M-512M均可采用256M-512M电子盘装系统(也可用硬盘,但硬盘耗电高,故障率高)采用品牌的845GL-865GL集成显卡主板(集成显卡主板PCI插槽较少,一般为2个,只适合双线)采用品牌的845PE-865PE的非集成显卡主板(可有3-5个PCI插槽,适合多线用户)网卡采用intel 82559 网卡(可在淘宝买2手的非常便宜,有条件可以上双口的)也可采用RTL8139等廉价网卡,但带机量最好不超过50电源不低于230W(最好大品牌的,比如:长城、金河田等)★带机量200-500台775针赛扬双核2G 以上内存512M-1G均可采用256M-512M电子盘装系统(也可用硬盘,但硬盘耗电高,故障率高)采用品牌的G31-G41等集成显卡主板(集成显卡主板PCI插槽较少,一般为2个,只适合双线)采用品牌的P31-P43非集成显卡主板(可有3-5个PCI插槽,适合多线用户)网卡采用intel 82559 网卡或者1000M(可在淘宝买2手的非常便宜,有条件可以上双口的)电源不低于230W(最好大品牌的,比如:长城、金河田等)以上配置的服务器均在千元以内,电子盘均可装ROS、海蜘蛛、wayos、流控大师、Monowall 等路由器系统软件。
TP-Link R系列企业级路由器主要功能配置实例说明书

声明Copyright © 2021 普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。
目录第1章前言 (1)1.1 目标读者 (1)1.2 本书约定 (1)1.3 适用机型 (1)第2章基础联网设置 (3)2.1 企业路由器基本设置指南 (3)2.1.1 应用介绍 (3)2.1.2 需求介绍 (3)2.1.3 设置方法 (3)2.1.4 注意事项 (7)2.2 企业路由器IPv6上网配置指导 (8)2.2.1 应用介绍 (8)2.2.2 需求介绍 (8)2.2.3 设置方法 (8)2.2.4 疑问解答 (15)第3章设备管理 (17)3.1 如何在外网远程管理(控制)路由器? (17)3.1.1 应用介绍 (17)3.1.2 需求介绍 (17)3.1.3 设置方法 (17)3.1.4 注意事项 (20)3.1.5 疑问解答 (21)3.2 如何设置自动重启? (22)3.2.1 应用介绍 (22)3.2.2 需求介绍 (22)3.2.3 设置方法 (22)3.2.4 注意事项 (23)第4章负载均衡 (24)4.1 多WAN口路由器负载均衡的设置指南 (24)4.1.1 应用介绍 (24)4.1.2 需求介绍 (24)4.1.3 工作原理 (24)4.1.4 设置方法 (25)第5章路由转发模块 (27)5.1 策略路由设置指南 (27)5.1.1 应用介绍 (27)5.1.2 需求介绍 (27)5.1.3 设置方法 (28)5.1.4 疑问解答 (31)5.2 ISP选路设置指南 (33)5.2.1 应用介绍 (33)5.2.2 需求介绍 (33)5.2.3 设置方法 (34)5.3 静态路由设置指南 (36)5.3.1 应用介绍 (36)5.3.2 需求介绍 (36)5.3.3 设置方法 (37)5.4 线路备份设置指南 (38)5.4.1 应用介绍 (38)5.4.2 需求介绍 (38)5.4.3 设置方法 (38)5.4.4 注意事项 (40)5.5 虚拟服务器设置指南 (41)5.5.1 应用介绍 (41)5.5.2 需求介绍 (41)5.5.3 设置方法 (42)5.5.4 疑问解答 (43)5.6 NAT-DMZ功能设置指南 (44)5.6.1 应用介绍 (44)5.6.2 需求介绍 (44)5.6.3 设置方法 (45)第6章AP和易展管理 (47)6.1 AP管理设置指南 (47)6.1.1 应用介绍 (47)6.1.2 需求介绍 (47)6.1.3 设置方法 (47)6.2 易展AP设置指南 (53)6.2.1 应用介绍 (53)6.2.2 需求介绍 (53)6.2.3 设置方法 (54)6.2.4 注意事项 (58)第7章行为管控 (59)7.1 连接数限制设置指南 (59)7.1.1 应用介绍 (59)7.1.2 需求介绍 (59)7.1.3 设置方法 (59)7.1.4 疑问解答 (60)7.2 访问控制设置指南 (61)7.2.1 应用介绍 (61)7.2.2 需求介绍 (61)7.2.3 设置方法 (61)7.2.4 疑问解答 (67)7.3 应用限制设置指南 (68)7.3.1 应用介绍 (68)7.3.2 需求介绍 (68)7.3.3 设置方法 (68)7.4 网址过滤设置指南 (71)7.4.1 应用介绍 (71)7.4.2 需求介绍 (71)7.4.3 设置方法 (71)7.4.4 疑问解答 (75)7.5 网页安全设置指南 (76)7.5.1 应用介绍 (76)7.5.2 需求介绍 (76)7.5.3 设置方法 (76)第8章安全防护 (78)8.1 ARP防护设置指南 (78)8.1.1 应用介绍 (78)8.1.2 需求介绍 (78)8.1.3 设置方法 (78)8.1.4 疑问解答 (84)8.2 MAC地址过滤设置指南 (86)8.2.1 应用介绍 (86)8.2.2 需求介绍 (86)8.2.3 设置方法 (86)第9章VPN模块 (88)9.1 IPSec VPN设置指南 (88)9.1.1 应用介绍 (88)9.1.2 需求介绍 (88)9.1.3 设置方法 (89)9.2 L2TP VPN设置指南 (96)9.2.1 应用介绍 (96)9.2.2 需求介绍 (96)9.2.3 设置方法 (97)9.3 PPTP VPN设置指南 (105)9.3.1 应用介绍 (105)9.3.2 需求介绍 (105)9.3.3 设置方法 (106)9.4 L2TP VPN代理上网设置指南 (115)9.4.1 应用介绍 (115)9.4.2 需求介绍 (115)9.4.3 设置方法 (115)9.5 PPTP VPN代理上网设置指南 (120)9.5.1 应用介绍 (120)9.5.2 需求介绍 (120)9.5.3 设置方法 (120)第10章认证管理 (125)10.1 一键上网设置指南 (125)10.1.1 应用介绍 (125)10.1.2 需求介绍 (125)10.1.3 设置方法 (126)10.2 短信认证设置指南 (130)10.2.1 应用介绍 (130)10.2.2 需求介绍 (130)10.2.3 设置方法 (131)10.3 Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和内置认证服务器 (136)10.3.1 应用介绍 (136)10.3.2 需求介绍 (136)10.3.3 设置方法 (137)10.4 Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和外部认证服务器 (141)10.4.1 应用介绍 (141)10.4.2 需求介绍 (141)10.4.3 设置方法 (142)10.5 Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和内置认证服务器 (146)10.5.1 应用介绍 (146)10.5.2 需求介绍 (146)10.5.3 设置方法 (147)10.6 Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和外置认证服务器 (150)10.6.1 应用介绍 (150)10.6.2 需求介绍 (150)10.6.3 设置方法 (151)10.7 免认证策略的使用方法 (154)10.7.1 应用介绍 (154)10.7.2 需求介绍 (154)10.7.3 设置方法 (155)10.8 Portal认证中,外部WEB服务器建立规范 (158)10.8.1 应用介绍 (158)10.8.2 流程规范 (159)第11章工业级特性 (163)11.1 如何使用工业级路由器? (163)11.1.1 产品介绍 (163)11.1.2 需求介绍 (163)11.1.3 设置方法 (164)第12章其它功能 (168)12.1 地址组的设置与管理 (168)12.1.1 应用介绍 (168)12.1.2 需求介绍 (168)12.1.3 设置方法 (168)12.1.4 疑问解答 (170)12.2 带宽控制设置指南 (172)12.2.1 应用介绍 (172)12.2.2 需求介绍 (172)12.2.3 设置方法 (172)12.2.4 疑问解答 (175)12.3 PPPOE服务器应用设置指南 (177)12.3.1 应用介绍 (177)12.3.2 需求介绍 (177)12.3.3 设置方法 (178)12.3.4 疑问解答 (181)12.4 网络唤醒功能使用指南 (183)12.4.1 应用介绍 (183)12.4.2 需求介绍 (183)12.4.3 设置方法 (183)12.5 诊断工具使用指南 (186)12.5.1 应用介绍 (186)12.5.2 需求介绍 (186)12.5.3 设置方法 (187)第1章前言本手册旨在帮助您正确使用R系列企业级路由器。
夜鹰AC1900宽带VDSL ADSL模块路由器D7000说明书

Nighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem RouterData SheetD7000WIFI VDSL2/ADSL MODEM ROUTER• Two-in-One—DSL Modem + AC1900 WiFi Router• Auto Detection for Universal DSL Support• Compatible with VDSL, VDSL2, ADSL, ADSL2, & ADSL2+• Gigabit Ethernet WAN port provides universal compatibility with any Internet service• DSL Internet service provider voice/telephone services not supportedSTREAMING & GAMING• Extreme combined WiFi speed—Up to 1900Mbps †• Dual Core processor boostsperformance for gaming & streaming • Uninterrupted video streaming with advanced QoS• Implicit & Explicit Beamforming for whole home HD coverage across all your devices• Find & play stored media on TVs & game consoles via DLNA ® server • Secure remote access to your home network via VPNMOBILE• Beamforming+ boosts speed & range for new and legacy mobile devices• Amplifiers & external antennas increase range for mobile devices throughout your home• Print from an iPad ® or iPhone ®—NETGEAR genie ® makes any printer AirPrint ® compatible• EZ Mobile Connect—Scan QR code on your smartphone to connect to your home network• NETGEAR genie ® provides device-level parental controlsThe NETGEAR Difference - D7000• Beamforming+—Faster, more reliable connections• High-power amplifiers & antennas to extend your WiFi coverage • USB storage access & faster connections using USB port• Gigabit Ethernet WAN port provides universal compatibility with any Internet service• NETGEAR genie App®—Easily manage, monitor, & control your home network from PC, tablet, or smartphoneNighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem RouterData SheetD7000Get the fastest WiFi currently available & enjoy a blazing-fast, lag-free WiFi experience for gaming, video streaming or surfing.SpeedWORLD’S FASTEST WIFI—Up to 600+1300 Mbps †GIGABIT WIFI—Next-generation WiFi now at Gigabit speeds GIGABIT WIRED—Ideal for HD gaming & videoDUAL CORE PROCESSOR—Dual Core processor boosts wireless, wired & WAN-to-LAN performanceWiFi RangeULTIMATE RANGE—WiFi coverage throughout very large homesANTENNAS—High-power amplifiers with 3 external antennasGot range? Homes come in all shapes and sizes and the Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router provides WiFi coverage no matter where you connect in your home.With NETGEAR, sharing across your network is fun and easy, anything from accessing stored photos & music to wireless printing. And make sure you keep it safe by using the included ReadySHARE Vault application for backing up Windows-based PCs.SharingDLNA ®—Find & play your media o n DLNA TVs & game consolesREADYSHARE PRINTER—Wirelessly access & share a USB printerREADYS H ARE ® USB ACCESS—Wirelessly access & share USB hard drive & printer via USB portVDSL MODEM—Compatible with VDSL, VDSL2, ADSL,ADSL2, & ADSL2+CABLE OR FIBRE—Also connects to cable modem via Gigabit Ethernet WAN portNighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem RouterData SheetD7000Start enjoying your new device faster than ever. NETGEAR wants to make sure installation and management is simple & easy, so you can connect quickly & make sure you stay that way!Ease Of UseEASY INSTALL—Easy setup for iPad ®, tablets, smartphones & computersPUSH ‘N’ CONNECT —Easy push button WiFi connectionsWIFI & POWER ON/OFF —Convenient power savingsMaintain high security across your network to helpensure your privacy & family is safe while online. Whether it’s preventing phishing & spyware or just limiting access for kids & guests, NETGEAR has you covered. SecurityPARENTAL CONTROLS—Web site filtering for all yourconnected devicesVPN SUPPORT —Secure access to your home network VPNGUEST NETWORK ACCESS—Separate & secure access for guests SECURE WIFI CONNECTIONS—High level wireless security with WPA/WPA2PERSONAL FTP SERVER—Customized free URL to create FTP serverThere’s nothing more frustrating than lost connections! With NETGEAR’s advanced features & best-in-class technology, you’ll reduce interference & enjoy more reliable WiFi connectivity.Reliable ConnectionsSIMULTANEOUS DUAL BAND—Reduces interference for better connections to more WiFi devicesADVANCED QoS—Downstream & upstream QoS automatically recognizes & prioritizes streaming & gaming applications BEAMFORMING+—Boosts speed, reliability, & range of WiFiconnections for 2.4 & 5GHzNETGEAR GENIE ® APP—Personal dashboard to monitor, control & repair your home network. Includes remote access to manage your network away from homeNighthawk® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Data SheetD7000 NETGEAR genie®—HOME NETWORKING SIMPLIFIEDNETGEAR genie makes getting the most out of your home network fun & easy. NETGEAR genie allows you to easily monitor, connect & control your home network from an iPhone®, iPad® or Android® devices. With NETGEAR genie you can share & stream music or videos, diagnose & repair network issues, set up parental controls & more.• N etwork Map—Allow or block access to your network using real-time map of connected devices• Traffic Meter—Track your Internet data usage• MyMedia®—Find & play media files in your network• EZ Mobile Connect—Scan QR code to connect to your home network• For iPhone®, iPad® or Android® devices• R emote access to manage your network away from home. View the network map, block WiFi devices, set up guest WiFi & manage Parental Controls—anytime, anywhereBEAMFORMING+—FOR MORE RELIABLE CONNECTIONSUnlike typical WiFi routers that just blast the WiFi signals in all directions, with Beamforming+ the router & device communicate with each other, so the router can directly beam the WiFi signal to the device. Boosting speed, reliability, and range for both Implicit and Explicit 2.4 & 5GHz WiFi devices, the result is a stronger, faster, more reliable connection that is locked in even when the device is moved around the home.• W iFi Signal Focus—Focuses signals from the wireless router to WiFi devices like smartphones, tablets & laptops• A utomatic Signal Management—Checks with your device to keep WiFi signal at its optimal strength• D evice Connections—Designed for home environments to support multiple WiFi device connections for highest quality• WiFi Coverage—Reduces dead spots, & boosts signal strength• I mplicit & Explicit Beamforming boosts speed, reliability & range for both 2.4 & 5GHz WiFi devices—an industry firstNighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem RouterData SheetD7000Connection DiagramGigabit WiredGigabit Ethernet Connects to Cable or Fiber ModemPush ‘N’ Connectwith WPS(front)USB WiFi On/O(front)USBConnects to Telephone Line(built-in modem)Nighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem RouterData SheetD7000This product comes with a limited warranty that is valid only if purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.*90-day complimentary technical support following purchase from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.** Does not support bonded VDSL†Maximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE 802.11 specifications. Actual data throughput and wireless coverage will vary and may be lowered by network and environmentalconditions, including network traffic volume and building construction. NETGEAR makes no representations or warranties about this product’s compatibility with future standards.‡Up to 1300 Mbps wireless speeds achieved when connecting to other 802.11ac 1300 Mbps devices. 2.4GHz performance mode requires 256QAM support on WiFi client.NETGEAR, the NETGEAR Logo, ReadySHARE, ReadySHARE Vault, and NETGEAR genie, are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Any other trademarks herein are for reference purposes only. ©2017 NETGEAR, Inc.NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, /supportD-D7000-5Package Contents• Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router (D7000)• Ethernet cable • Phone cable • DSL filter • Quick start guide• Power adapter, localized to country of salePhysical Specifications• Dimensions: 11.22 x 7.26 x 1.97 in (285 x 185 x 50 mm)• Weight: 1.65 lb (750 g)Standards• Two (2) USB ports • One (1) VDSL/ADSL port • IEEE ® 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz + 256 QAM support• IEEE ® 802.11 a/n/ac 5.0GHz• F our (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps—(4 LAN) Gigabit Ethernet portsTechnical Specifications• H igh-speed VDSL2/ADSL2+ modem built-in • Simultaneous Dual Band WiFi—Tx/Rx 3x3 (2.4GHz) + 3x3 (5GHz)• Implicit & Explicit Beamforming • Powerful Dual Core processor• WiFi Boost with high-powered radio amplifiers • Memory: 128 MB flash and 256 MB RAM • Advanced Quality of Service (QoS)• ReadySHARE ® USB—Share your USB hard drive and printer• R eadySHARE Vault—Software for automatic PC backup to USB hard drive connected to the router • IPv6 Support (Internet Protocol Version 6)• Push ‘N’ Connect—Easy push button WiFi connectionsSupport• 90-day complimentary technical support*Broadband Internet Service• VDSL/ADSL broadband Internet service**• G igabit Ethernet WAN provides broadband connectivity options to cable, DSL or fibre modemsSystem Requirements• Microsoft ® Windows 7, 8, Vista ®, XP ®, 2000, Mac OS ®, UNIX ®, or Linux ®• Microsoft ® Internet Explorer ® 5.0, Firefox ® 2.0, Safari ® 1.4, or Google Chrome ™ 11.0 browsers or higherSecurity• Customized free URL to set up personal FTP server• VPN support—secure remote access • Guest network access—separate & secure • WiFi Protected Access ® (WPA/WPA2—PSK)• Double firewall protection (SPI and NAT)• Denial-of-service (DoS) attack preventionWarranty• /about/warranty。
快速启动指南:NETGEAR AC1900 WiFi Mesh扩展器基本版(模型:EX6400)说明

LED DescriptionsNo arrow LEDs are lit. The extender is in a good location.Client Arrow LED blinks. Move the WiFi-enabled computer or mobiledevice closer to the extender.Router Arrow LED blinks. Move the extender closer to the router.Use the Extender in Extender ModeIn extender mode, the extender repeats the signals from an existing WiFi router or access point.Set the Access Point/Extender switch, place the extender, supply power, and connect it to your WiFi network.Set the Access Point/Extender SwitchAccess Point/Extenderswitch to Extender.Place the Extender and Supply Power1. Place your extender in the same room as your WiFi router.Proximity to the WiFi router is required only during the initial setup process.2. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.Wait for the Power LED to light green. This might take up to 100 seconds. If the Power LED does not light, press the Power On/ Off button on the side of the extender.Connect to an Existing WiFi NetworkTo extend the range of your WiFi network, you must connect the extender to your existing WiFi network. You can do this in one of two ways:• Connect with WPS. For more information, see the following section.• Connect with the NETGEAR installation assistant. For more information, see Connect With the NETGEAR Installation Assistant on page 9.Connect With WPSWi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) lets you join a secure WiFi network without selecting the network name and entering the password.Note: WPS does not support WEP network security. If you are using WEP security, follow the instructions in Connect With the NETGEAR Installation Assistant on page 9.1. Press the WPS button on the extender.The WPS LED blinks.2. Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your router or accesspoint.The WPS LED on the extender lights solid green, the Router Link LED lights, and the extender connects to your existing WiFi network.If the Router Link LED does not light, try again. If it still does not light, see Connect With the NETGEAR Installation Assistant on page 9.3. If your WiFi router supports the 5 GHz band, repeat Steps 1 and 2 to connect the extender to the 5 GHz band.Note: If your router supports the 5 GHz band, your extenderattempts to connect to the router’s 5 GHz band the first time you press the WPS button. If your extender did not connect to the router’s 5 GHz band the first time, repeat the WPS process.4. Unplug the extender and move it to a new location that is about halfway between your router and the area with a poor router WiFi signal.existing WiFi router network.5. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet and wait for thePower LEDto light green. 6. Use the Router Link LED to help you choose a spot where the extender-to-router connection is optimal.7. If the Router Link LED doesn’t light amber or green, plug the extender into an outlet closer to the router and try again.Keep moving the extender to outlets closer to the router until theRouter Link LED lights amber or green.8. Connect your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device to the WiFinetwork.Note: Your extender uses the same WiFi network settings as yourrouter for its 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz extended networks.For example, if your extender connects to the router’s 2.4 GHz WiFi band, your extender uses your router’s 2.4 GHz WiFi settings for both its networks:• Router 2.4 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample• Router 5 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample-5G• Extended 2.4 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample• Extended 5 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExampleIf your extender connects to the router’s 5 GHz WiFi band, yourextender uses your router’s 5 GHz WiFi settings for both its networks:• Router 2.4 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample• Router 5 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample-5G• Extended 2.4 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample-5G • Extended 5 GHz WiFi network name. MyWiFiExample-5GNote: Since your router and extended networks share the same WiFi network name, only one WiFi network name is broadcast. Connect With the NETGEAR Installation Assistant1. Connect your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device to theextender using a wired Ethernet or WiFi connection:• To connect with a wired Ethernet connection, use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port on the extender to anEthernet port on your WiFi-enabled computer.• To connect with WiFi, on your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device, open the WiFi connection manager and locate andconnect to the extender network called NETGEAR_EXT.After the connection with your WiFi-enabled computer or mobiledevice is established, the Client Link LED lights.2. Launch a web browser and visit .The NETGEAR installation assistant displays.3. Follow the prompts to connect your extender to your existing WiFinetwork.4. Unplug the extender and move it to a new location about halfwaybetween your router and the area with a poor WiFi signal.The location that you choose must be within the range of your5. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet and wait for thePower LED to light green.6. Use the Router Link LED to help you choose a spot where theextender-to-router connection is optimal.7. If the Router Link LED doesn’t light amber or green, plug the extenderinto an outlet closer to the router and try again.Keep moving the extender to outlets closer to the router until theRouter Link LED lights amber or green.Connect an Ethernet-Enabled Device After the extender is connected to your existing WiFi network, you can connect a wired device to the extender using an Ethernet cable. That device can then access your existing network through the WiFi connection.Use the Extender in Access Point Mode You can set up your extender as a WiFi access point. Tri-band WiFi is available when your extender is in access point mode.¾To use the extender in access point mode:1. Set the Access Point/Extender switch to Access Point2. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.The Power LED lights green.If the Power LED does not light, press the Power button.3. Connect a computer or mobile device to the extender using a WiFi orEthernet connection:• WiFi. On your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device, open the WiFi connection manager and locate and connect to the extendernetwork called NETGEAR_EXT.When your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device is connectedto the extender, the Client LED lights.• Ethernet. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port on the extender to an Ethernet port on your computer.Note: If you want to use an Ethernet connection, you must dothis before you connect your extender to your modem router orrouter.4. Launch a web browser and visit .The NETGEAR installation assistant displays.5. Use an Ethernet cable to connect your router to an Ethernet port onthe extender.Note: Do not connect your extender directly to your DSL or cable modem. The extender does not function as a router. If your network includes a DHCP server, you can connect the extender to a switch or hub that is connected to the DHCP server.6. Return to the NETGEAR installation assistant and follow the promptsto finish setting up your extender as an access point.Log In to Access Extender SettingsAfter installation, you can log in to the extender to view or change the extender’s settings.¾To log in to the extender:1. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that isconnected to your extender network.2. Log in to your extender:• If you did not enable the One WiFi Name feature, enter http://mywifiext.local in the address field of the browser.• If you enabled the One WiFi Name feature, enter one of the following URLs:-Windows-based computer. http://mywifiext orhttp://mywifiext.local-Mac computers, iOS devices, and Linux devices.http://mywifiext.local-Android devices. http://<extender’s IP address> (forexample, find your extender’s IP address, do the following:a. Log in to your router.b. Find the page in your router web interface that lists thedevices connected to your router.c. Find your extender in the list and note your extender’s IPaddress.d. Enter your extender’s IP address in the address field ofyour web browser.A login page displays.3. Enter your admin email address and password and click the LOG INbutton.The Status page displays.Frequently Asked QuestionsYou can find more information about your product in the user manual, which is available at /support.The NETGEAR installation assistant keeps asking me for my network password (passphrase) or security key, and I am sure that I entered the correct password. What can I do?The extender is probably placed at the borderline of the range covered by the router or access point. For more information, see Place the Extender and Supply Power on page 5. If you are using WEP security, make sure that you are typing the network password in the correct field.Can I set up the extender in extender mode if I connect it to the router or access point with an Ethernet cable?No. The extender is designed to connect wirelessly to the router or access point if it is in extender mode. If the extender is in access point mode, you can connect it to the router or access point with an Ethernet connection. For more information about access point mode, see Use the Extender in Access Point Mode on page 11.I forgot my login email and password. What can I do?On the login page, click the Username & Password Help link to answer the security questions you set up during the initial setup.If you forgot the answers to your security questions, do the following to set up your login credentials again:1. Restore the extender to its factory default settings.2. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that isconnected to your extender network.3. Log in to your extender:• If you did not enable the One WiFi Name feature, enter in the address field of the browser.• If you enabled the One WiFi Name feature, enter one of the following URLs:-Windows-based computer. http://mywifiext orhttp://mywifiext.local-Mac computers, iOS devices, and Linux devices.http://mywifiext.local-Android devices. http://<extender’s IP address> (forexample, login page displays.4. Click the NEW EXTENDER SETUP button.When prompted, complete the fields on the page to set up your login credentials again.How do I restore the extender to its factory default settings?1. Use a sharp object such as a pen or straightened paper clip to pressand hold the Factory Reset button on the extender for at least five seconds until the Power LED blinks amber.2. Release the Factory Reset button and wait for the extender toreboot.The extender resets and returns to the factory default settings.I enabled a WiFi MAC filter, wireless access control, or access control list (ACL) on my router. What should I do when installing the extender?When a device connects through the extender to your router, the MAC address of the device shown on the router is translated to another MAC address. If your router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL is enabled, the device connects to the extender but cannot get an IP address from the extender and cannot access the Internet.To allow your device to receive an IP address from the extender and access the Internet, you must provide the translated MAC address to the router.1. Log in to your router and disable the MAC filter, wireless accesscontrol, or ACL.For more information about how to disable your router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL, see your router’s documentation. 2. Power on the extender and connect all of your devices to theextender network.3. Make sure that the Router Link LED remains lit.4. Log in to your extender:• If you did not enable the One WiFi Name feature, enter in the address field of the browser.• If you enabled the One WiFi Name feature, enter one of the following URLs:-Windows-based computer. http://mywifiext orhttp://mywifiext.local-Mac computers, iOS devices, and Linux devices.http://mywifiext.local-Android devices. http://<extender’s IP address> (for example, login page displays.5. Select Settings > Connected Devices.The Connected Devices page displays the MAC addresses and virtual MAC addresses for the extender, wired devices, and WiFi devices that are connected to the extender.6. On the router, add the extender’s virtual MAC addresses and all thevirtual MAC addresses of the devices connected to the extender to your router’s MAC filter table.7. Enable the router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL.I am connected to NETGEAR_EXT and launched a browser. I can’t see the NETGEAR installation assistant. What can I do?Try these troubleshooting steps:• Make sure that your WiFi-enabled computer is set up to use DHCP (most are).• Make sure that the Client Link LED is green and that you are using a valid IP address.• Relaunch the web browser and type in the address field. Type your email and password and click the LOG INbutton.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, USA April 2018NETGEAR INTL LTD Building 3, University Technology CentreCurraheen Road, Cork, IrelandSupportThank you for purchasing this NETGEAR product. You can visit /support to register your product, get help, access the latest downloads and user manuals, and join our community. We recommend that you use only official NETGEAR support resources.Trademarks© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Any non-NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes plianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/regulatory/.See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.。

Go Wireless, FastJump into the connectivity fast lane. Simply install the Wireless-N PCI Adapter in your desktop computer and get ready to enjoy today’s fastest wireless speeds and widest coverage.Speed is PowerEasily upgrade your tower or desktop computer with the power of today’s most advanced wireless technology, W ireless-N, and experience ultra-fast connectivity and expansive, rock-solid coverage throughout your wirelessly networked home. Offers optimal performance when connecting to Wireless-N networks, but works with Wireless-G and -B networks as well.Easy SetupInstalls easily in your computer’s PCI slot. Step-by-step Setup Wizard makes it easy to configure to your network’s settings.Powerful ProtectionRest secure – industrial-strength encryption helps keep your communications and information private.DATASHEETHigh-speed Wireless-N (draft 802.11n) networking for your desktop computerMIMO technology uses multiple radios to create a robust signal that travels up to 4 times farther and reduces dead spotsUp to 12 times faster than W ireless-G, but can also connect to Wireless-G and -B networksAdvanced wireless security: Wi-Fi Protected Access™ (WPA2) with upto 256-bit encryptionModel: WMP300N (EU)Features•Increases Range up to 4X, and Speed up to 12X, over Wireless-G (802.11g) Standard•Performance Investment Protection: Compatibility with Wireless-B (802.11b) and Wireless-G (802.11g) Standards •Easy-to-Use Setup Wizard•Supports up to 128-bit WEP, WPA and WPA2 Encryption Security •32-bit PCI Interface•Plug-and-Play Operation Provides Easy SetupCompatible with Microsoft•Windows 2000 and XP。

Nighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router Performance & Use• AC1900 WiFi—up to 1.9 Gbps• 1.6GHz processor speed boosts performance for streaming & gaming• Two-in-One—Cable Modem + WiFi Router • Save up to $120 a year 1—No rental fees• I deal for XFINITY ® Blast/Extreme, Spectrum ® data plans • Beamforming+ for whole home HD coverage • 24x8 Channel Bonding enables up to 960 Mbps ‡ download speeds• W orks with cable Internet providers like XFINITY ® from Comcast, Spectrum ®, Cox ®, Cablevision & moreFastest Cable SpeedUp to 960 Mbps ‡24x8CHANNEL BONDINGWIFI CABLE MODEM ROUTER• Two-in-One—Cable Modem + WiFi Router• Save up to $120 a year—No rental fees • Required for the fastest Internet speed tiers from Cable service providers • Highly reliable—Maintains download speeds during peak Internet usage hours • 24x8 Channel Bonding technology enables up to 960 Mbps ‡ download speeds•S upports XFINITY ® from Comcast, Spectrum ®, Cox ®, Cablevision & moreSTREAMING & GAMING• Max WiFi speed up to 1.9 Gbps with AC1900• P owerful 1.6GHz processor boosts performance for streaming & gaming • E njoy uninterrupted HD video streaming with AC1900 WiFi and 24x8 channel bonding • Beamforming+ for whole home HD coverage• Access & share stored media via USB port• Find & play stored media on TVs & game consoles via DLNA ® server • Parental Controls for safer web surfingMOBILE• Beamforming+ boosts speed & range for all your mobile WiFi devices • High-powered amplifiers increase range for mobile devices throughout your home• Print from an iPad ® or iPhone ® with NETGEAR genie ® making any printer AirPrint ® compatible• EZ Mobile Connect—Scan QR code to connect to your home Network1Nighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem RouterData SheetC7000Get the fastest WiFi currently available on WiFi cable modem routers & enjoy a blazing-fast, lag-free WiFi experience for gaming, video streaming or surfing.SpeedEXTREMELY FAST WIFI—Up to 1.9 Gpbs combined WiFi speed for extreme gaming and streamingAC WiFiGIGABIT WIFI—Next-generation WiFi now at Gigabit speeds GIGABIT WIRED—Ideal for HD gaming & videoPROCESSOR—1.6GHz processor speed boosts wireless, wired, and WAN-to-LAN1.6GHzWiFi RangeULTIMATE RANGE—WiFi coverage throughout very large homes Homes come in all shapes & sizes & Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router provides WiFi coverage no matter where you connect in your home.With NETGEAR, sharing across your network is fun & easy, anything from accessing stored data, media, photos & music to wireless printing.SharingDLNA ®—Find & play your media on DLNA TVs & game consoles READYSHARE ® USB—Share your USB hard drive & printerBEAMFORMING+—Boosts speed, reliability, & range of WiFi connectionsANTENNAS—High-powered amplifiers & three dual band internal antennasDOCSIS ® 3.0—Up to 24 times faster cable Internet speeds than 2.0CHANNEL BONDING—Extremely fast cable Internet speeds during peak hours 24x8Nighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem RouterData SheetC7000There’s nothing more frustrating than dropped connections! With NETGEAR’s advanced features & best-in-class technology, you’ll reduce interference & enjoy more reliable WiFi connectivity.Reliable ConnectionsSIMULTANEOUS DUAL BAND—Reduces interference for better connections to more WiFi devicesBEAMFORMING+—Boosts speed, reliability, & range of WiFi connectionsNighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem RouterData SheetC7000BEAMFORMING+—FOR MORE RELIABLE CONNECTIONSNETGEAR genie ®—HOME NETWORKING SIMPLIFIEDUnlike typical WiFi routers that just blast the WiFi signals in all directions, with Beamforming+ the router & device communicate with each other, so the router can directly beam the WiFi signal to the device. The result is a stronger, faster, more reliable connection that is locked in even when the device is moved around the home.• Focuses WiFi signals from the wireless router to WiFi devices like smartphones, tablets & laptops• Automatic signal management checks with your device to keep WiFi signal at its optimal strength• Designed for home environments to support multiple WiFi device connections for highest quality• Extends WiFi coverage, reduces dead spots, & boosts signal strength • Beamforming+ boosts speed, reliability & range for WiFi devicesNETGEAR genie makes getting the most out of your home network fun & easy. Installation is almost effortless - just by opening a browser, genie helps you setup your NETGEAR WiFi Router & connect all of your WiFi devices. Genie also allows you to easily monitor, connect & control your home network from a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone. With NETGEAR genie you can share & stream music or videos, diagnose & repair network issues, set up parental controls & more.• Home network manager• Makes any printer AirPrint ® compatible to print from an iPad ® or iPhone ®• MyMedia—Find & play media files in your network• EZ Mobile Connect—Scan QR code to connect to your home network • Turbo Transfer—Quickly transfer files within your home network across various devices 40% faster than normal file transfers • For PC, Mac ®, iPhone ®, iPad ®, & Android ® devicesNighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router Data SheetC7000 Connection DiagramUSB 2.0 portGigabitEthernetCoaxNighthawk ®—AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem RouterData SheetC7000This product comes with a limited warranty that is valid only if purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.*90-day complimentary technical support following purchase from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.†Maximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE standard 802.11 specifications. Actual data throughput and wireless coverage will vary.Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, interference, and building construction may lower actual data throughput and wireless coverage. NETGEAR makes no express or implied representations or warranties about this product's compatibility with any future standards. 802.11ac 1900 Mbps is approximately 3x faster than 802.11n 450 Mbps. Up to 1900 Mbps wireless speeds achieved when connecting to other 802.11ac 1900 Mbps devices.‡Maximum rate is derived from DOCSIS® 3.0 specifications and actual throughput will vary depending on your Internet subscription with your provider. NETGEAR makes no express or implied representations or warranties about this product's compatibility with any future standards.Customer-owned modems may not be compatible with certain cable networks. Please check with your cable provider to confirm this NETGEAR modem is allowed on your cable network. This product is not compatible with Cable bundled voice services.For indoor use only.NETGEAR, and the NETGEAR Logo, ReadySH ARE and genie are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Mac, Mac OS, the Mac logo, iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc. Any other trademarks mentioned herein are for reference purposes only. ©2017 NETGEAR, Inc.NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, /supportD-C7000-5Package Contents•N ighthawk ® AC1900 WiFi Cable Modem Router (C7000)• Ethernet cable • Quick install guide • Power adapterPhysical Specifications• Dimensions: 9.66 x 8.31 x 1.7 in • Weight: 1.6 lbWarranty• /warrantyTechnical Specifications• Built-in high-speed DOCSIS ® 3.0 Channel Bonding Cable Modem • 24 downstream & 8 upstream channels • AC1900(************************ support +1300 Mbps @5GHz 11ac)†• Simultaneous Dual Band WiFi—Tx/Rx 3x3 (2.4GHz) + 3x3 (5GHz)• B eamforming+—For more reliable connections on 2.4 and 5GHz bands • Powerful 1.6GHz processor• Memory: 128 MB flash and 256 MB RAM • ReadySH ARE ® USB—Share your USB hard drive and printer• IPv6 support (Internet Protocol Version 6)System Requirements• Microsoft ® Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista ®, XP ®, 2000, Mac OS ®, UNIX ®, or Linux ®• Microsoft ® Internet Explorer ® 5.0, Firefox ® 2.0, Safari ® 1.4, or Google Chrome ™ 11.0 browsers or higherSecurity• C ustomized free URL to set up personal FTP server • Guest network access—separate & secure • WiFi Protected Access ® (WPA/WPA2—PSK)• Double firewall protection (SPI and NAT)• Denial-of-service (DoS) attack preventionStandards• USB 2.0 port• IEEE ® 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz + 256 QAM support • IEEE ® 802.11 a/n/ac 5GHz • Four (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps—(4 LAN) Gigabit Ethernet ports。

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一、Intel Core i5-9400FIntel Core i5-9400F是一款六核心六线程的CPU,主频为2.9GHz,最高可达4.1GHz。
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三、Intel Core i7-9700KIntel Core i7-9700K是一款八核心八线程的高性能CPU,主频为3.6GHz,最高可达4.9GHz。
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LINKSYS EA6700-6400-6500-WRT1900AC通用配置教程

[CISCO通用] LINKSYS EA6700/6400/6500/WRT1900AC通用配置教程如果192.168.1.1网址显示等待,可以使用下方的地址试试:路由器默认会使用一个域名替换内网地址,实际IP地址为192.168.1.1http://以下几点注意事项:•配置之前不要连接外网(internet接口)的网线,否则会可能使用云账号模式,而云账号位于国外,会导致一些不必要的问题!已经配置了的,请在路由器正常运行的情况下按复位键,直到电源指示灯闪烁。

版 权 申 明是深圳市吉祥腾达科技有限公司注册商标。
本手册中的所有图片和产品规格参数仅供参考,随着软件或硬件的升级会略有差异,如有变更,恕不另行通知,如需了解更多产品信息,请浏览我们的网站:目录第1章产品简介 (4)1.1包装清单 (4)1.2面板指示灯及接口说明 (4)第2章产品安装 (6)第3章如何设置上网 (7)3.1正确设置您的计算机网络配置 (7)3.2登录路由器 (12)3.3快速上网 (12)3.4快速加密 (13)第4章高级设置 (14)4.1系统状态 (14)4.2WAN设置 (15)4.3LAN口设置 (18)4.4DNS设置 (19)4.5WAN介质类型 (20)4.6带宽控制 (21)4.7流量统计 (23)第5章无线设置 (24)5.1无线基本设置 (24)5.2无线安全设置 (28)5.3无线访问控制 (29)5.4连接状态 (31)第6章 DHCP服务器 (32)6.1DHCP服务设置 (32)6.2DHCP客户列表 (32)第7章虚拟服务器 (34)7.1端口段映射 (34)7.2DMZ主机 (35)7.3UPNP设置 (36)第8章安全设置 (37)8.1客户端过滤 (37)8.2MAC地址过滤 (38)8.3URL过滤 (39)8.4远程WEB管理 (41)第9章路由设置 (42)9.1路由列表 (42)9.2静态路由 (42)第10章系统工具 (43)10.1时间设置 (43)10.2DDNS (43)10.3备份/恢复设置 (44)10.4恢复出厂设置 (45)10.5升级 (46)10.6重启路由器 (46)10.7修改密码 (46)10.8系统日志 (47)10.9退出登录 (47)附录一:常用无线名词解释 (48)附录二:产品特性 (50)附录三:常见问题解答 (51)附录四:清除无线配置文件 (53)附录五:产品有毒有害物质清单 (55)第1章产品简介感谢您购买腾达 11N无线宽带路由器(以下简称路由器)。
Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender 说明书

Numerous factors can affect the signal strength going from a high-performance router to certain areas of your home. Building materials, interference from appliances, and even a house’s structure can hinder Wi-Fi coverage. The Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender strengthens and extends your Wi-Fi signal to eliminate dead spots and increase the wireless range throughout your home.Thanks to dual bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), the Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender can deliver data transfer speeds of up to N300 Mbps + N300 Mbps* so you can stream videos and play online games without interference. Now with Cross-Band technology, the dual wireless bands can simultaneously receive information on one band, while transmitting on the other, effectively reducing dropped data packets and delivering a stronger, more consistent signal throughout your home. Using any mobile device, Spot Finder T echnology shows you where to place your range extender for optimal performance. Then simply follow the prompts for a quick and easy setup. With Wi-Fi Audio, you can connect a stereo system or speakers to the Range Extender to instantly stream favorite playlists and songs from a smart device or computer.The Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender features one Ethernet port to supply Internet access to your wired devices—from any appropriately located, active power outlet. Key Features and Benefits • Universal Compatibility Wireless-N technology is compatible with all a/b/g/n devices • Works With Any Router No need to modify router settings. Works with all Wi-Fi routers, including those from service providers.• Simultaneous Dual Band 2.4 and 5 GHz bands reduce traffic and maximize speed Up to 300Mbps* data transfer on each band • Cross-Band T echnology Maximizes the simultaneous use of both bands for faster data transfer speeds • Spot Finder T echnology Provides easy setup on any mobile device for optimal placement and performance. No CD required.• Wi-Fi Audio Connect a stereo system or audio speakers to the N600 PRO to wirelessly stream your favorite music from a smart device or computer • Fast Ethernet Port Wired Internet access for one device • QoS Prioritizes bandwidth for smoother media streamingRange ExtenderSPOT FINDER TECHNOLOGYUsing any mobile device, Spot Finder Technology shows youwhere to place your range extender for optimal performance.Simply follow the prompts for a quick and easy setup.DescriptionN600 PRO Wi-Fi RANGE EXTENDERPart NumberRE4100W-MEUPC 745883683222EAN 4260184665488PACKAGE CONTENTS• Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender, RE4100W• Quick Installation GuideMINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS• AC power outlets• P C: Wi-Fi enabled running Windows® XP SP3, Windows 7,or Windows 8Mac: Wi-Fi enabled running Mac® OS X Leopard v10.5.8 orlater, Snow Leopard v10.6.1 or later, Lion v10.7, or MountainLion v10.8• Wireless: Existing a/b/g/n wireless router or access pointWireless Operating Spectrum:Simultaneous Dual-Band2.4 GHz and 5 GHzWireless Security:Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ buttonWPA®/WPA2® encryptionSPI firewallWEP encryptionWi-Fi RANGE EXTENDERPorts:1 Fast EthernetAntenna Type:InternalAntenna Gain:Antenna 1: 2.4GHz - 1.00dB,Antenna 2: 2.4GHz - 1.00dBAntenna 1: 5GHz - 2.00dBAntenna 2: 5GHz - 2.00dBEIRP output power:2.4GHz: 18.99 dBm5GHz: 18.93 dBmOperating Frequencies:2.4GHz: 2412-2472 MHz5GHz: 5150-5250 MHzElectrical Rating:100-240V~ 2.0A, 50/60HzProduct Weight (kg): 0.15Product Depth (cm): 3.3Product Width (cm): 9.19Product Height (cm): 15.5Unit Weight (cm): 0.49Unit Depth (cm): 8.8Unit Width (cm): 15.8Unit Height (cm): 21Case Pack Quantity (*PL): 4Case Pack Weight (kg) (*PL): 2.52Case Pack Length (cm) (*PL): 29.57Case Pack Width (cm) (*PL): 34.62Case Pack Height (cm) (*PL): 25.4Linksys Pte. Ltd. c/o Belkin BVTupolevlaan 1, 1119 NW Schiphol-Rijk, The NetherlandsMade in T aiwanBelkin, Linksys and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Protected Setup are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup Identifier Mark are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Mac, Mac OS, and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. 14PB032 Specifications are subject to change without notice. An active, customer-purchased Internet Service Provider broadband account is required for connection to the Internet.*Maximum performance derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specification. Actual performance can vary, including lower wireless network capacity, data throughput rate, range, andcoverage. Performance depends on many factors, conditions, and variables, including distance from the access point, volume of network traffic, building materials and construction,operating system used, mix of wireless products used, interference, and other adverse conditions.†Range specifications are based on performance test results under normal use case conditions. Actual ranges will increase or decrease depending on wireless obstructions, operatingenvironments and building material. Wireless coverage claims are used only as reference and are not guaranteed as each wireless network is unique.Secure push-button setup works with devices that support Wi-Fi Protected Setup like Linksys Wireless-AC routers and others.May require a software/firmware update available for download at /supportWarranty2-Y ear Limited WarrantySpeakers connect directly to the range extender to enable wireless sound that can becontrolled from anywhere in and around your home, using a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.STREAM MUSIC WIRELESSLY FROM ANYWHERE IN YOUR HOME.Audio Jack。
思科 CISCO EA2700 N600千兆无线路由器上网设置步骤

思科CISCO EA2700千兆无线路由器N600上网设置步骤
Linksys Atlas Max WiFi 6E系列AXE8400 MX8500系列用户指南说明书

zMX8500 SeriesTable of ContentsProduct Overview ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Front/top ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Back ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Bottom _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Where to find more help ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Set Up _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Wi-Fi System Settings ______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Log in to the Linksys app ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Dashboard ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Devices _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11To view or change device details ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Wi-Fi Settings _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Advanced Settings ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Connect a Device with WPS _________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Guest Access _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Speed Check _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Parental Controls ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Device Prioritization _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20 Notifications _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Network Administration __________________________________________________________________________________ 22 Advanced Settings __________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Internet Settings ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Port Settings __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Wi-Fi MAC Filters ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 My Account __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 2-Step Verification _________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 Help ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Feedback _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Connect Directly To Your Router ______________________________________________________________________ 30 Router Password _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 How to restore factory defaults ________________________________________________________________________ 32 Specifications ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 Linksys Atlas Pro ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 Environmental ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 33Product OverviewYour Linksys ATLAS PRO WiFi 6E System is a tri-band mesh Wi-Fi router with 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz radios.Wi-Fi 101:2.4 GHz – for low-demand activities such as web surfing, email, social media5 GHz – for streaming audio and video, downloading and uploading files6 GHz – best for high-demand activities (once you add 6 GHz-capable devices)Front/topThe light on the top of your node gives you Array information about the node’s operation.LightStatusdescriptionBlinking blue Starting upSolid blue Connected to internetBlinking purple Setup in progressSolid purple Ready for setupBlinking red Disconnected•Child node: too farfrom working node•Parent node:unplugged frommodemSolid red No internet from themodemSolid yellow Weak connection•Child node onlyBackUSB 3.0 port—Connect and share USB drives on your network.Ethernet ports—Connect ethernet cables to these Gigabit ethernet (10/100/1000) ports and to other wired devices on your network. If you plan to have more than one node in your mesh Wi-Fi system, you can add child nodes wirelessly or create wired connections using these ports. If the new child node has a port labeled Internet, use that one.Note—For best performance, use a CAT5e or higher rated cable on the Ethernet port.Internet port—Connect an ethernet cable to this 5-Gbps (10/100/1000/2500/5000) port, and to a broadband internet cable/DSL or fiber modem. If you plan to use this router as a child node in your mesh system, you can add it wirelessly or use this port to wire it to an ethernet port on another node that has already been set up.Power port—Connect the included AC power adapter to this port.BottomReset button—Press and hold until the light on top of the node turns red, fades and flashes bright red again to reset the node to its factory defaults.Wi-Fi Protected Setup button—Press to connect WPS-enabled network devices.P ower switch—Slide to | (on) to power on the node.HelpWhere to find more help•/support/MX8500•Linksys app help (launch the app and click Help in the main navigation menu)Note—Licenses and notices for third party software used in this product may be viewed on /en-us/license. Please contact /en-us/gplcodecenter for questions or GPL source code requests.Set UpIMPORTANT—Linksys nodes can be set up as parent nodes or child nodes. A parent node must be connected with an ethernet cable to your modem or modem router. Once set up wirelessly, child nodes can be connected to another node wirelessly or with ethernet cables.If you are adding this new node as parent node to an existing Linksys whole-home mesh Wi-Fi system, factory reset all nodes and add them to the system after the new node is setup and working. Download the Linksys app. You need this app to set up a Linksys whole-home mesh Wi-Fi system.Go to the app store for your device and search for Linksys.Install the app, open it and follow the instructions.You will create a Linksys account so you can use the app to view or change your system settings from anywhere you have an internet connection.Among the many things you can do with your Linksys account:•Change your Wi-Fi name and password•Set up guest access•Connect devices to Wi-Fi with WPS•Block internet with parental controls•Test your internet connection speedNote—During setup we’ll send a verification email. From your home network, click the link in the email.Other than plugging in the power and the ethernet cable, the app-based setup process does the work for you. Once connected, use the app to personalize your Wi-Fi by giving it a name and password. You also can give nodes names based on where they are so you can identify them in the rare case where things need attention.Print this page, then record your Wi-Fi and account settings in the table as a reference. Store your notes in a safe place.Wi-Fi System SettingsUsing your Linksys app, you can view or change your system settings to make your Wi-Fi more secure or to work better with a device or game. You can access settings from anywhere in the world if you have an internet connection. You can also access settings using your router password when connected to your home network even if you do not have an internet connection.Log in to the Linksys app1.Open the Linksys app.2.Enter the email address you used when creating your account.3.Enter your account password.4.Tap Log in.DashboardDashboard is a snapshot of your Wi-Fi. See how many devices are connected to your system, share Wi-Fi password and allow guest access to your Wi-Fi. Dashboard also shows you if any devices have parental controls on them or have been prioritized for Wi-Fi access.DevicesView and change details for all devices connected to your Wi-Fi. You can view devices on your main network and your guest network, or display information about each device.To view or change device detailsFrom the Devices screen you can edit device names and change the device icons. You also can prioritize devices, set parental controls, and see Wi-Fi details. Tap on any device to see details.Wi-Fi SettingsView or change your Wi-Fi name and password and connect devices using Wi-Fi Protected Setup™.Advanced SettingsAdvanced users can change the default security type and Wi-Fi mode. Do not change these unless you have a lot of experience with Wi-Fi networks. Channel Finder will search for the most-open Wi-Fi channels in your area to ensure you get the best performance from your system. If you have more than one node in your system, Channel Finder will find the best channel for each node.Connect a Device with WPSWi-Fi Protected Setup allows you to easily connect wireless devices to your Wi-Fi without manually entering security settings.Guest AccessUse your Guest Access feature to allow guests to get online while restricting their access to other resources connected to your Wi-Fi. Send the password by text message or email.External StorageSee which node an external drive is connected to, check the amount of free space left, and enable authentication by setting a username and password. (Only when a drive is plugged in to a node’s USB port.)Be sure to tap Eject before removing a drive to avoid losing data.Speed CheckRun a speed check to make sure you are getting the speeds you are paying for. Speed check also helps in Device Prioritization because results determine how Wi-Fi is distributed to the prioritized devices.•Download speed is the rate at which internet content is transferred to your mesh Wi-Fi system.•Upload speed is the rate at which you can upload content to the internet.Note—Internet connection speeds are determined by a variety of factors, including ISP account type, local and worldwide internet traffic, and number of devices in your home that are sharing the internet connection.Parental ControlsParental controls allow you to control when your kids are online and what they’re doing there. Pause internet to specific devices, or block specific websites.Device PrioritizationChoose up to three devices for priority usage of your internet connection. Those devices – wired and/or wireless – always will have the best access when connected. The app runs a speed check to determine how to best distribute Wi-Fi to prioritized devices. Other devices will share the leftover capacity. Prioritized devices appear on Dashboard.NotificationsIf you have more than one node, we can notify you when child nodes in your system go offline. Child nodes are any that are not wired to your modem. You have to turn on notifications in your mobile device settings to allow the app to notify you.Network AdministrationUse the Network Administration screen to change the admin password and hint, and check various identifiers (model number, serial number, and IP details) for all nodes in your Wi-Fi.Opt in to automatically report crashes to Linksys and contribute to improving the Wi-Fi experience. You also can manually report specific issues to Linksys.The following information will be sent with your description of the issue:•App version •Login Type (cloud: show email address associated,local: display "Router admin")•Device model •WAN Connection type (display Wi-Fi or ethernet) •Device OS version •Time: date (mo/day/year, time, time zone)Advanced SettingsInternet SettingsYou can choose how your mesh Wi-Fi system connects to the internet. The default is Automatic Configuration – DHCP. Other connection types depend on your internet service provider or how you plan to use your system.Advanced users can use Additional Settings to clone MAC addresses and set MTU (maximum transmission unit).Port SettingsPort forwarding—for a single port, multiple ports or a range of ports—sends traffic inbound on a specific port or ports to a specific device on your network. In port range triggering, your router watches outgoing data for specific port numbers. The router remembers the IP address of the device that requests the data so that when the requested data returns, it is routed back to the proper device.Wi-Fi MAC FiltersEvery network device has a unique 12-digit MAC (media access control) address. You can create a list of MAC addresses and regulate how devices use your Wi-Fi.My AccountChange your Linksys app password and opt in to receive the latest news and deals from Linksys.2-Step VerificationAdd a layer of security to your Linksys account by requiring a verification code delivered to you by email or text when you log in from a new device. You can choose to remember a device for 30 days.HelpHaving trouble with the app? Just need a little more information about a feature? Tap Help for an explanation.FeedbackHere’s your chance to tell us what you think. Rate the app at your app store, send us a suggestion, or report an issue that’s keeping you from a great experience.Connect Directly To Your RouterIf you are not connected to the internet you still can access your mesh Wi-Fi system. Connect to your Wi-Fi name, launch the Linksys app and tap Log in. On the next screen, tap the Use Admin Password tab. You will not be able to access your Linksys account when not online.Router PasswordWe created a secure admin password during setup. You won’t be able to log in with Use Admin Password until you change it. Tap Network Administration and Change Router Password and Hint.To keep your mesh Wi-Fi system secure, we'll send you an email if someone changes the admin password.How to restore factory defaultsYou should never need to factory reset your router—a very disruptive process. A factory reset restores your mesh Wi-Fi system to the state it was when you took it out of its box, requiring you to go through the setup process again. All settings you have customized in setup and since – things such as Wi-Fi name, passwords, security type – will be erased. All wireless devices will disconnect from your Wi-Fi.To restore your router to factory defaults:•With your node connected to power and turned on, press and hold the Reset button on the bottom. The light on top of the node will turn red and fade in pulses. Do not release the button until the light goes out and then turns bright red.SpecificationsLinksys Atlas MaxModel Name Atlas Max WiFi 6E SystemModel Number MX8500Radio Frequency 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz# of Antennas 13 (internal)Ports One 5 Gbps (10/100/1000/2500/5000 Mbps) WAN portFour gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbps) LAN portsUSB 3.0, powerButtons Power switch, WPS, resetLight One, multicolored light for power and statusSecurity Features WPA2/WPA3 Mixed Personal (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands only)WPA2 Personal (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands only)WPA3 Personal (all bands)Enhanced Open Only (all bands)Open and Enhanced Open (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands only)Open (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands only) – anyone can join Wi-Fi system Security Key Bits Up to 128-bit encryptionEnvironmentalDimensions 113 mm x 113 m x 243 mm (4.45” x 4.45” x 9.57”)Unit Weight 1.47 kg (3.25 lb)Power 12V, 4ACertifications FCC, Wi-Fi 6E (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax)Operating Temp. 32° to 104° F (0 to 40° C)Storage Temp. -4° to 140° F (-20 to 60° C)Operating Humidity 10% to 80% relative humidity, non-condensingStorage Humidity 5% to 90% non-condensingNotes:For regulatory, warranty, and safety information, go to /support/MX8500. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Maximum performance derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual performance can vary, including lower wireless network capacity, data throughput rate, range and coverage. Performance depends on many factors, conditions and variables, including distance from the access point, volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, operating system used, mix of wireless products used, interference and other adverse conditions.Visit /support for award-winning technical support.BELKIN, LINKSYS and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.© 2021 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.LNKPG-00802 Rev A00。

Linksys X2000/E1000/E1200配置说明Linksys E系列无线产品,是cisco公司面向家庭用户推出一款经典无线家用路由器,因为cisco公司是全球厂商,它的产品大多数都是英文管理界面。
Cisco 的企业,电信级产品占领了全球50%以上的市场。
LINKSYS X2000电话线和网线接入两种,根据你家的入户状况选择接口。
打开路由器管理界面后,默认用户名和密码均为admin用户名admin 密码:admin网线接入,请参阅以下设置(E1000/E1200也适合)根据你的宽带类型,选择模式,如pppoe连上后的状态如下图,点status以下是E系列路由器,自动配置DHCP的设置方法,和通用无线设置方法3:然后把鼠标拖动到当前页面最后,点save settings 保存设置4:接下来设置无线网络密码然后设置无线加密方式为wpa2/wpa mixed mode.到此路由基本设置完毕。
NETGEAR Insight Managed WiFi 6E AXE7800 三带成品数据表说明书

The WAX638E expands the NETGEAR Insight Cloud managed access point products to offer a next generation tri-band access point that includes a new and ultra wide, ultra fast WiFi frequency band. The WAX638E is a 2.4GHz, 5GHz and 6GHz tri-band design delivering up-to 7.8Gbps total WiFi throughput, supported by a 2.5Gbps Power-over-Ethernet and a 1Gbps Ethernet ports, and industry leader of technology innovation and performance in its product class.The WAX638E enables industry'snext generation WiFi standard, WiFi6 Release 2, or WiFi 6E, operating on6GHz band, delivering unprecedented data throughput speed and available channels for WiFi connectivity with smartphones, IoTs, and computers.The new 6GHz band provides upto 3.5 times more channels for WiFi communication, enabling the WAX638E to deliver faster speed, handling more client devices in a significantly less congested environment. Next Gen 6GHz Tri-Band WiFi 6E Access Point for the Commercial and ResidentialIntegratorsWAX638EInsightWiFi 6 Release 1 operates only in2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, with 80MHz channelization in the 5GHz band. By contrast, WiFi 6 Release 2, or WiFi 6E, operates in 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz bands, with 160MHz channelization in the 5GHz and 6GHz bands. By enabling the 160MHz channels, the WAX630E delivers 100% more speed in the 5GHz band than WiFi 6 Release 1 access points.The WAX638E is ideal in high density client device environments suchas schools, hotels, restaurants and conference centers, and provides enterprise grade WiFi network security. With Insight management, WAX638E works seamlessly with your current NETGEAR Insight managed switches, WiFi access points and network storage, and is compatible with previous generation WiFi devices (WiFi 5 802.11ac for example) and WiFi access points. Enjoy a 4-year Insight subscription plus 4 years of ProSUPPORT, a 24/7 live expert technical support by phone, chat and email.With the updated WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and WiFi 6E (802.11ax) technology such as OFDMA, upstream and downstreamMU-MIMO, and increased speeds, coverage, and capacity, you can feel confident that you’re getting the highest performance WiFi that’s set for years to come! Plus the assurance that you can now add more connected devices on your WiFi network without any slowdowns or blind spots.The WAX638E, a WiFi 6E access point, combined with Insight, helps integrators with a way to remotely manage their client's network, providing seamless WiFi connection and satisfied client experiences. NETGEAR empowers integrators with an all new WiFi 6E access point for high performance and high coverage for the years to come.The WAX638E is compatible with other Pro WiFi Insight managed access points to form a scalable wireless network.Supercharged performance and unbeatable security for WiFi integration projects• Business class WiFi based on nextgeneration 802.11ax WiFi 6 technology on 6.0GHz, 5.0GHz and 2.4GHz bands. (Backward compatible to 802.11b/g/n/a/ac)• Support 160MHz channelization in both5GHz and 6GHz to deliver 200% throughputcompared to previous generation• Tri-band, 2.4GHz, 5.0GHz, 6.0GHz, 8 streams of data for an aggregate throughput of up to 7.8Gbps • Instant WiFi Mesh forming wireless backhaul with other Pro WiFi Insight managed access points to form a WiFimesh network• 100% more throughput in 4-stream 5.0GHz band compared to previous generation • 4 times more client device supported• Enterprise security and Enhanced Open security, such as WPA3, WPA2 Enterprise, WPA3 Enterprise, 8x SSID, Dynamic VLAN and VLAN• Basic Service Set Coloring (BSS Coloring) enabling significant improvement in radio frequency channel effeciency and reduction of interference• Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) allowing simultaneous services to multiple devices in the same channel thus improving bandwidthefficiency and reducing latency• 2.5GbE port, backward compatible with 100/1000Mbps Ethernet, supported by NETGEAR MS510TXUP and other multi- gig Ethernet switches• One additional 1GbE port for networkredundancy or link aggregation to enhance reliability or throughput• Target Wake Time (TWT) allows more efficient power usage resulting inlonger battery life in WiFi 6 client devices • Beamforming+; Advanced 6th generation WiFi technology such as up and downstream MU-MIMO • One 802.3bt 2.5Gbps PoE port. Remote management and monitoring from NETGEAR Insight app or Cloud portal for unrivaled managementexperience of your wireless network.• App managed. Faster installation through NETGEAR Insight app or Cloud portal. No additional hardware needed.• Market leading 5-year warranty with24/7 chat support for peace of mindRadio Patterns for WAX638E Radio Pattern for 2.4GHzRadio Pattern for 5GHzRadio Patterns for WAX638EExample ApplicationWAX638E Deployment ScenarioLaptop PC, Tablet and SmartphoneConnects toInsight Managed or other NETGEAR GigE orMultiGig switchConnects to desktop PCCable/DSL modemPrinter and Surveillance CameraPoE++ LAN port on the access pointWAX638ERadio Pattern for 6GHzProduct Comparison WAX628WAX638EWiFi Standards 5.0GHz: 802.11a/n/ac/ax2.4GHz: 802.11b/g/n/ax6.0GHz: 802.11ax5.0GHz: 802.11a/n/ac/ax2.4GHz: 802.11b/g/n/axWireless Mode (Transmit x Receive) 4x4 in 5.0GHz2x2 in 2.4GHz2x2 in 6.0GHz4x4 in 5.0GHz2x2 in 2.4GHzChannelization5GHz: 20/40/80 /160MHz2.4GHz: 20/40MHz 5GHz: 20/40/80/160MHz 6GHz: 20/40/80/160MHz2.4GHz: 20/40MHzOFDM/OFDMA OFDM and OFDMA OFDM and OFDMA BSS Coloring Yes YesMulti-User MIMO Bi-dir MU-MIMO Bi-dir MU-MIMO T arget Wake Time (TWT) Yes Yes Maximum Theoretical Throughput AX5400 5.4Gbps AXE7800 7.8GbpsMaximum Theoretical Throughput per Band 5.0GHz: 4800Mbps2.4GHz: 600Mbps6.0GHz: 2400Mbps5.0GHz: 4800Mbps2.4GHz: 600MbpsAntenna Gain Internal 2.5/3.0 dBi(2.4GHz/5GHz)Internal 4.4/6.3/3.1 dBi(2.4GHz/5GHz/6GHz)Power over Ethernet (PoE)802.3at/af802.3bt/at Coverage 3,000 sq.ft. (275m2)3,000 sq.ft. (275m2) PoE Power Consumption21.2W27.64W Centralized Management Insight App Insight App Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Yes Yes Wireless Distribution System (WDS)Repeater Yes Yes Bridge Point-to-point/Multi-point Yes Yes Simultaneous Bridge and Wireless Client Association Yes Yes SecurityWiFi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2 WPA3), 802.11i Yes YesMAC address filtering with access control Yes Yes 802.1x RADIUS support with EAP TLS, TTLS, PEAP Yes Yes Neighbor AP detection Yes Yes Block SSID Broadcast Yes Yes VLAN Support Yes Yes Guest Network/Captive Portal Yes Yes Bandwidth management Yes YesLink Layer Discovery Protocol Yes Yes Bandsteering Yes Yes Instant WiFi MeshWireless backhaul to form Mesh Network Yes Yes Product ComparisonTechnical SpecificationsStandards WAX628WAX638EIEEE 802.11ax WiFi 6 standard Yes YesWMM Wireless Multimedia Prioritization Yes YesWDS Wireless Distribution System Yes YesPower over Ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3af Yes, approximately 60% of full throughputperformanceNoPower over Ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3at Yes Yes, max throughput will reduce by 50% on 2.4GHz Power over Ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3bt Yes YesOFDM/OFDMA Yes YesPhysical SpecificationsDimensions W x D x H 241.2 x 239.6 x 51.4 mm(9.5 x 9.4 x 2.0 in)266.6 x 268.3 x 55.5 mm(10.49 x 10.56 x 2.18 in)Weight819g (1.80lb)1050 g (2.31 lb) Environmental SpecificationsOperating temperature 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F) Physical InterfacesInterface One 100/1000/2.5GBASE-T Gigabit Ethernet(RJ-45) ports with Auto Uplink™ (Auto MDI-X)supporting IEEE 802.3af or 802.3at P ower overEthernet (P oE)One 100/1000GBASE-T Gigabit Ethernet(RJ-45) portOne 100/1000/2.5G (IEEE 802.3at or 802.3bt doesn'tsupport IEEE 802.3af) One 100/1000M EthernetPower adapter (not included)12V DC, 2.5A; plug is localized to country of sale12V DC, 3.5A; plug is localized to country of saleLEDFive (5): Power and cloud connection;T wo (2) LAN ports: 2.4GHz status, 5.0GHz statusOne (1): Power and cloud connection;T wo (2): LAN ports;Three (3): Radio (2.4GHz, 5GHz, 6GHz )SecurityWiFi Protected Access® (WPA, WPA2, WPA3)Yes Yes WPA2 and WPA3 Enterprise Yes Yes Wireless access control to identify authorized wirelessnetwork devices Yes Yes MAC address authentication Yes Yes Network ManagementNETGEAR Insight App App management for setup, monitoring and management Advanced WirelessWireless Distribution System (WDS)Bridge mode: Point-to-point wireless Bridge mode: Point-to-multipoint wirelessRepeater mode Adjustable Transmit Power Control (TPC)Device detectionTechnical SpecificationsPackage Contents WAX638EW AX638E Insight managed wireless access pointWall/ceiling mount kitInstallation guideWarranty and SupportHardware Limited Warranty 5 yearsNext-Business-Day (NBD) Replacement 5 yearsT echnical support (online, phone)90 days free from date of purchase*ProSUPPORT OnCall 24x7 Service Packs (This NETGEAR product comes with 4 years of Insight remote management subscription and 4 years of our ProSupport OnCall 24x7 Service Pack.**) PMB0312-10000S, 1 year PMB0332-10000S, 3 years PMB0352-10000S, 5 yearsOrdering InformationWAX638E-100EUS Europe and Asia Pacific WAX638E-111NAS US。
LINKSYS Wireless-N ADSL2+ Gateway 说明书

Wireless-NADSL2+ GatewayModel No: WAG325NChapter 1: Product Overview 4 LEDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Back Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2: Wireless Security Checklist 5 General Network Security Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Additional Security Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 3: Installation 6 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 4: Advanced Configuration 7 Setup > Basic Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Setup > DDNS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Setup > MAC Address Clone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Setup > Advanced Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Wireless > Wireless Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Wireless > Wireless Mac Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Wireless > Advanced Wireless Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Security > Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Security > VPN Passthrough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Security > VPN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Access Restrictions > Internet Access Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Applications and Gaming > Single Port Forwarding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Applications and Gaming > Port Range Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Applications & Gaming > Port Range Triggering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Applications and Gaming > DMZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Applications and Gaming > QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Administration > Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Administration > Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Administration > Backup & Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Administration > Factory Defaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Administration > Firmware Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Status > Gateway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Status > Local Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Status > Wireless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Status > DSL Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Appendix A: Troubleshooting 32Appendix B: Specifications 33Appendix C: Warranty Information 34Appendix D: Regulatory Information 35FCC Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Safety Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Industry Canada Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Avis d’Industrie Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Declaration of Conformity with Regard to EU Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) . .36 CE Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 National Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Product Usage Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Technical Documents on /international . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 User Information for Consumer Products Covered by EU Directive 2002/96/EC on WasteElectric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391.filtering enabled, wireless network access is provided solely for wireless devices with specific MAC addresses. For example, you can specify the MAC address of each computer in your home so that only those computers can access your wireless network.Connect the ComputerSetup > Basic SetupThe first screen that appears is the Basic Setup screen. This allows you to change the Gateway’s general settings.IPoARFC 1483 BridgedBridge Mode Only •••Internet Connection Type > RFC 2364 PPPoAInternet Connection Type > RFC 1483 RoutedInternet Connection Type > Bridge Mode OnlyOptional SettingsSome of these settings may be required by your ISP . Verify with your ISP before making any changes.Time SettingsT me Zone Select the time zone in which your network functions.Setup > DDNS > DynDNSUser Name Enter the User Name for your account.your choice.Rad o Band For best performance in a network using Wireless-N, Wireless-G and Wireless-B devices, keepthe default, Wide - 40MHz Channel. For Wireless-G andnetwork MUST use the same security method and settings, or else the wireless devices cannotcommunicate.server.Shared Key Enter the key shared between the device and its RADIUS server.enter a set of values. (Do not leave a key field blank, and do not enter all zeroes; they are not valid key values.) If you are using 40/64-bit WEP encryption, the key must be exactly 10 hexadecimal characters in length. If you are using 104/128-bit WEP encryption, the key must be exactlythe Refresh button. To exit this screen and return to the Wireless MAC Filter screen, click the Close button.With Shared Key authentication, the sender and recipient use a WEP key for authentication. Select Shared Key to only use Shared Key authentication.Bas c Rate The Basic Rate setting is not actually one rate of transmission but a series of rates at which the device maximum size for a packet before data is fragmented into multiple packets. If you experience a high packet error rate, you may slightly increase the Fragmentation Threshold. Setting the Fragmentation Threshold too low may result in poor network performance. Only minorfiltering. Deselect the feature to allow Java usage.F lter Cook es A cookie is data stored on your computer and used by Internet sites when you interact with them. Select F lter Cook es to filter cookies. Deselect the featureto allow cookie usage.Local Secure Group and Remote Secure GroupA Local Secure Group is a computer(s) on your network that can access the tunnel. A Remote Secure Group is a computer (s) on the remote end of the tunnel that can Encrypt on Using e ncryption h elps m ake y our c onnection more secure. The encryption type used must be the same type of encryption that is being used by the VPN device at the other end of the tunnel. You may choose not to encrypt by selecting Disable.and decrypt IP traffic. Both character and hexadecimal values are acceptable in this field. Note that both sides must use the same Encryption Key.Authent cat on Algor thm The Authentication method authenticates the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) Advanced VPN Tunnel SetupThe Internet Access Policy screen allows you to block or allow specific kinds of Internet usage and traffic, such as Internet access, designated services, and websites during specific days and times.SummaryStatus Policies are disabled by default. To enable a policy, select the policy number from the drop-down menu, and select Enable.External and Internal Port Enter the external and internal port numbers.Protocol Select the protocol used for this application,either TCP or UDP.port(s) used by the server or Internet applications. Check with the Internet application documentation for more information.Protocol Select the protocol used for this application, either TCP or UDP, or Both.Enabled Select Enabled to enable port triggering for the applications you have defined.Click Save Sett ngs to apply your changes, or click Cancel Changes to cancel your changes.CategoryThe following categories are available: Applications, Online Games, MAC Address, Ethernet Port, or VoiceDevice. Proceed to the instructions for your selection.Add a New Application (Port Range)Voice DeviceEnter a Name Enter a name for your voice device.MAC Address Enter the MAC address of your voicedevice.Trap Management: Trap to Enter the IP address of the remote host computer that will receive the trapmessages.Log To disable the Log function, keep the default, D sable. To monitor traffic between the network and the Internet, select Enable. With logging enabled, you can choose toview temporary logs.E-Ma l Alerts To enable E-Mail Alerts, select Enable.Administration > DiagnosticsFactory DefaultsRestore Factory Defaults To reset settings to thedefault values, click this button and follow the on-screenMAC Address The MAC address of the Gateway’s local, wired interface is displayed.IP Address The Gateway’s IP address, as it appears onyour local network, is displayed.ARP/RARP Table The DSL screen displays information about your DSLconnection.Enable The number of Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC) is displayed.PVC Status The status of the PVC is displayed.Storage Humidity 5 to 90% Noncondensingou d’un autre émetteur, ou fonctionner avec une autre antenne ou un autre émetteur.In Denmark, the band 5150 - 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendesudendørs.The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP . The EIRP level of a device can be calculated by adding the gain of the antenna used (specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).2.please contact your local sales office or visit www.l / nternat onal7071220NC-BW。
Linksys AC1200智能Wi-Fi路由器用户手册说明书

The Linksys AC1200 Smart Wi-Fi Router features high-speed Wireless-AC technology and SmartWi-Fi software to deliver next-generation home network performance.Engineered for the well-connected household, the Linksys AC1200 Smart Wi-Fi Router brings next-generation wireless speed to all your devices. Featuring USB 2.0 and four Fast Ethernet ports along with the latest Wireless-AC technology, the AC1200 provides fast, reliable speeds for bandwidth-hungry devices. By leveraging dual bands with up to N300 Mbps + AC867 Mbps, data traffic can flow quickly and with minimal buffering—meaning gaming, media streaming and general Internet activities can happen simultaneously, keeping all users happy.The AC1200 comes equipped with Smart Wi-Fi software, allowing users to monitor and control their home network from anywhere, anytime, using a smartphone. The Smart Wi-Fi feature allows users to see what devices are on the network, block devices from Internet access or specific websites, create a password-protected guest network and more.Key Features and Benefits• Up to 2.8 times* faster than Wireless-N technology: Simultaneous dual-band speed up to N300 Mbps (2.4 GHz) + AC867 Mbps (5 GHz)† for media-intense applications• Faster Transfer Rates: USB 2.0 and Fast Ethernet for sharing photos, video, data files or a printer across your network• Linksys Smart Wi-Fi: Monitor and control a home network from anywhere and at any time. Smart Wi-Fi allows users to prioritize devices or websites, gain parental control over inappropriate content, monitor network activity, turn Wi-Fi access on or off, and create select password-protected guest networks.• Smart Wi-Fi apps: A growing suite of apps offers improved opportunities to control one’s home network• Easy setup: Simple installation requires no CDAC1200DUAL BAND SMART Wi-Fi ROUTEREA6100Monitor and control your homenetwork. Anywhere. Anytime.SMART Wi-FiDUAL BAND SMART Wi-Fi ROUTER EA6100AC1200DescriptionAC1200 Dual Band Smart Wi-Fi RouterPart Number EA6100-MEUPC745883654499Warranty 2-Y ear LimitedPACKAGE CONTENTS• Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router AC1200, EA6100• Quick Start Guide• CD-ROM with Documentation • Ethernet Cable • Power AdapterMINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSFor Router Setup and Linksys Smart Wi-Fi access: Internet Explorer 8, Safari 5 (for Mac ), Firefox 8 or Google Chrome™For Printer Sharing and User Documentation:PC: Wi-Fi enabled with CD or DVD drive, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows 7, or Windows 8Mac: Wi-Fi enabled with CD or DVD drive, Mac OS X Leopard v10.5.8 or later, Snow Leopard v10.6.1 or later, Lion v10.7, or Mountain Lion v10.8User Documentation is also available at: /support Specifications are subject to change without notice.An active, customer-purchased Internet Service Provider broadband account is required for connection of this router and other connected computers and devices to the Internet.Some devices may require additional wireless adapters or an Ethernet cable to connect to this router.Specifications:Wireless Standards with Link RateIEEE 802.11ac (draft 2.0) (up to 867 Mbps for 5 GHz†)IEEE 802.11n (up to 300 Mbps for 2.4 GHz/up to 300 Mbps for 5 GHz†) IEEE 802.11g (up to 54 Mbps†) IEEE 802.11a (up to 54 Mbps†) IEEE 802.11b (up to 11 Mbps†)Wireless Operating Spectrum:Simultaneous Dual-Band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHzNext-Generation Wireless-ACT echnology For Powerful NetworkingWi-Fi Radio Specifications:Frequency Band:2.4GHz and 5GHz (simultaneous dual-band)Peak antenna gain:2.4GHz: 2.91 dBi 5GHz: 2.72 dBi Antenna type:External dipoleTransmitted Power (EIRP power):2.4GHz: 19.98 dBm (max.)5GHz: 22.96 dBm (max.)Power Supply Specifications:Input: 100-240V~ 50/60Hz Output12V/1.5AWireless Security:Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ button WPA / WPA2 encryption WEP encryption RADIUSVPN Support:PPTP pass-through IPSec pass-through L2TP pass-through* Up to 2.8x faster physical data rate when compared to 802.11n Wi-Fi routers using two antennas to transmit and receive data. Actual speeds will vary depending on a number of factors. In order to achieve the best performance, router must be used with a compatible AC867 wireless device.†The standard transmission rates—300 Mbps or 867 Mbps (for 5 GHz), 300 Mbps (for 2.4 GHz), 54 Mbps, and 11 Mbps—are the physical data rates. Actual data throughput will be lower and may depend on the mix of wireless products used and external factors.© 2014 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.LinksysTupolevlaan 1, 1119 NW Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands Made in China© 2014 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Belkin, Linksys and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac, Mac OS, Safari, and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc. Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Protected Setup are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. 14PB005Internet USBEthernet Wi-Fi Protected Setup ™ buttonEAN4260184664764Media Specifications:DLNA Media Server Ports:1x Internet4x Fast Ethernet 1x USB 2.0Weights & DimensionsPower Product Weight (kg): 0.3Product Depth (cm): 19.9Product Width (cm): 17.5 Product Height (cm): 2.9 Unit Weight (kg): 0.79 Unit Depth (cm): 31.19Unit Width (cm): 23.80 Unit Height (cm): 6.71Case Pack Quantity (*PL): 16Case Pack Weight (kg) (*PL): 13.99Case Pack Length (cm) (*PL): 56.01 Case Pack Width (cm) (*PL): 34.01Case Pack Height (cm) (*PL): 49.81。

无线设备安装准备清单:1)宽带 Internet 连接.2)无线路由器.3)具有内置无线网络支持或无线网络适配器的计算机.无线路由器路由器将通过 Internet 连接传入的信号转换为无线广播,有点像无线电话基站。
如果需要为台式机购买适配器,那么请购买 USB 无线网络适配器。
如果使用膝上型电脑,那么请购买基于 PC 卡的网络适配器。
应确保网络中的每台计算机上都有一个适配器连接无线路由器首先,找到电缆调制解调器或 DSL 调制解调器,并拔出以将其关闭。
稍后,等一切都连接好之后,计算机将以无线方式连接到路由器,而路由器将通过调制解调器向 Internet 发送通信。
接下来,将路由器连接到调制解调器:注意:以下说明适用于 Linksys 无线路由器为例。
如果您的计算机目前已直接连接到调制解调器:从计算机后部拔出网线,然后将其插入路由器后部标签为 Internet、WAN 或 WLAN 的端口。
如果计算机目前没有连接到 Internet:将路由器附带网线的一端插入调制解调器,将另一端插入无线路由器上的 Internet、WAN 或 WLAN 端口。
如果计算机目前已连接到路由器:将当前连接到路由器上 Internet、WAN 或 WLAN 端口的网线拔出,再将此端插入无线路由器上的 Internet、WAN 或 WLAN 端口。
接着,插入电缆或 DSL 调制解调器并将其打开。
美国网件 ac1900智能wifi路由器用户手册R6900v2 说明书

Nighthawk AC1900Smart WiFi Router Model R6900v2NETGEAR,Inc.350E.Plumeria Drive February2022202-11740-03San Jose,CA95134,USANighthawk AC1900Smart WiFi Router Model R6900v2Support and CommunityVisit /support to get your questions answered and access the latest downloads.You can also check out our NETGEAR Community for helpful advice at.Regulatory and LegalSi ce produit est vendu au Canada,vous pouvez accéderàce document en français canadienàhttps:///support/download/.(If this product is sold in Canada,you can access this document in Canadian French at https:///support/download/.)For regulatory compliance information including the EU Declaration of Conformity,visit https:///about/regulatory/.See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.For NETGEAR’s Privacy Policy,visit https:///about/privacy-policy. By using this device,you are agreeing to NETGEAR’s Terms and Conditions at https:///about/terms-and-conditions.If you do not agree,return the device to your place of purchase within your return period.Do not use this device outdoors.Applicable to6GHz devices only:Only use the device indoors.The operation of6GHz devices is prohibited on oil platforms,cars,trains,boats,and aircraft,except that operation of this device is permitted in large aircraft while flying above10,000feet. Operation of transmitters in the5.925-7.125GHz band is prohibited for control of or communications with unmanned aircraft systems.TrademarksTrademarks©NETGEAR,Inc.,NETGEAR,and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR,Inc.Any non-NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes only.2ContentsChapter1Hardware Overview of the RouterUnpack Your Router (12)Attach the Antennas (13)LEDs and Buttons on the Top Panel (14)Ports,Buttons,and Connectors on the Back Panel (15)USB Port on the Front Panel (16)Router Label (16)Position the Router (17)Cable Your Router (18)Chapter2Connect to the Network and Access the RouterConnect to the Router (20)Connect to the Router Through an Ethernet Cable (20)Join the WiFi Network of the Router (20)Manual Method (20)Wi-Fi Protected Setup Method (21)Types of Logins (21)Use a Web Browser to Access the Router (22)Automatic Internet Setup (22)Log In to the Router (24)Install the Router With the NETGEAR Up App (24)Change the Language (25)Access the Router With the Mobile NETGEAR genie App (25)Chapter3Specify Your Internet SettingsUse the Internet Setup Wizard (28)Manually Set Up the Internet Connection (28)Specify an Internet Connection Without a Login (28)Specify an Internet Connection That Uses a Login and PPPoEService (30)Specify an Internet Connection That Uses a Login and PPTP orL2TP Service (32)Specify an IPv6Internet Connection (33)IPv6Internet Connections and IPv6Addresses (33)Use Auto Detect for an IPv6Internet Connection (35)Use Auto Config for an IPv6Internet Connection (36)Set Up an IPv66to4Tunnel Internet Connection (37)Set Up an IPv66rd Tunnel Connection (39)Set Up an IPv6Pass-Through Internet Connection (40)Set Up a Fixed IPv6Internet Connection (41)Set Up an IPv6DHCP Internet Connection (42)Set Up an IPv6PPPoE Internet Connection (44)Manage the MTU Size (45)MTU Concepts (45)Change the MTU Size (46)Chapter4Optimize PerformanceOptimize Traffic With QoS (49)Manage Default and Custom QoS Rules (50)Add a Custom QoS Rule for a Service or Application (50)Add a Custom QoS Rule for a Device (51)Change a QoS Rule or Change the Priority for a Rule (52)Remove a QoS Rule (53)Remove All QoS Rules (54)Manage Uplink Bandwidth Control (54)Manage Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service (55)Improve Network Connections With Universal Plug-N-Play (56)Chapter5Control Access to the InternetSet Up Parental Controls (59)Allow or Block Access to Your Network (61)Enable and Manage Network Access Control (61)Manage Network Access Control Lists (62)Add Devices to or Remove Them From the Allowed List (62)Add Devices to or Remove Them From the Blocked List (63)Use Keywords to Block Internet Sites (65)Set Up Blocking (65)Remove a Keyword or Domain From the Blocked List (66)Remove All Keywords and Domains From the Blocked List (67)Specify a Trusted Computer (67)Manage Simple Outbound Firewall Rules for Services andApplications (68)Add an Outbound Firewall Rule (68)Add an Outbound Firewall Rule for a Custom Service orApplication (70)Change an Outbound Firewall Rule (71)Remove an Outbound Firewall Rule (72)Set Up a Schedule for Keyword Blocking and Outbound Firewall Rules (73)Set Up Security Event Email Notifications (74)Chapter6Manage the Basic WiFi Network Settings Manage the Basic WiFi Settings and WiFi Security of the MainNetwork (77)View or Change the Basic WiFi Settings and WiFi SecuritySettings (77)Configure WEP Legacy WiFi Security (83)Configure WPA/WPA2Enterprise WiFi Security (84)Use WPS to Add a Device to the WiFi Network (86)Use WPS With the Push Button Method (87)Use WPS With the PIN Method (88)Manage the Basic WiFi Settings and WiFi Security of the Guest Network (89)Control the WiFi Radios (93)Use the WiFi On/Off Button (93)Enable or Disable the WiFi Radios (94)Chapter7Share a Storage Device Attached to the Router USB Device Requirements (96)Connect a USB Device to the Router (96)Access a Storage Device Connected to the Router (97)Access the Storage Device From a Windows-BasedComputer (97)Access the Storage Device From a Mac (98)Map a USB Device to a Windows Network Drive (99)Back Up Windows-Based Computers With ReadySHARE Vault..100 Back Up Mac Computers With Time Machine (100)Set Up a Storage Device on a Mac (100)Prepare to Back Up a Large Amount of Data (101)Use Time Machine to Back Up Onto a Storage Device (102)Manage Access to a Storage Device (103)Enable FTP Access Within Your Network (105)View Network Folders on a Device (106)Add a Network Folder on a Storage Device (107)Change a Network Folder,Including Read and Write Access,on a USB Drive (108)Approve USB Devices (109)Safely Remove a USB Device (110)Chapter8Manage Dynamic DNS and Access Storage Devices Through the InternetSet Up and Manage Dynamic DNS (113)Your Personal FTP Server (113)Set Up a New Dynamic DNS Account (114)Specify a DNS Account That You Already Created (115)Change the Dynamic DNS Settings (116)Access Storage Devices Through the Internet (116)Access Storage Devices From a Remote Computer (116)Set Up FTP Access Through the Internet (117)Use FTP to Access Storage Devices Through the Internet (118)Remotely Access a USB Device Using ReadyCLOUD (119)Create a ReadyCLOUD Account (119)Register Your Router With ReadyCLOUD (119)Chapter9Use the Router as a Media ServerSpecify ReadyDLNA Media Server Settings (122)Play Music From a Storage Device With iTunes Server (123)Chapter10Share a USB PrinterInstall the Printer Driver and Cable the Printer (126)Download the ReadySHARE Printer Utility (126)Install the ReadySHARE Printer Utility (126)Use the Shared Printer (128)Manually Connect and Print (128)Print and Release the Printer (129)View or Change the Status of a Printer (129)Use the Scan Feature of a Multifunction USB Printer (130)Manage the NETGEAR USB Control Center Settings (132)Turn Off Automatic Startup of the NETGEAR USB ControlCenter (132)Change the NETGEAR USB Control Center Language (133)Specify the USB Control Center Time-Out (133)Chapter11Manage the WAN and LAN Network Settings Manage the WAN Security Settings (135)Set Up a Default DMZ Server (135)Manage IGMP Proxying (136)Manage VPN Pass-Through (137)Manage NAT Filtering (138)Manage the SIP Application-Level Gateway (139)Manage the LAN IP Address Settings (139)Manage the Router Information Protocol Settings (140)Manage the DHCP Server Address Pool (141)Manage Reserved LAN IP Addresses (143)Reserve a LAN IP Address (143)Change a Reserved IP Address (144)Remove a Reserved IP Address Entry (144)Disable the Built-In DHCP Server (145)Change the Router’s Device Name (146)Set Up and Manage Custom Static Routes (146)Set Up a Static Route (147)Change a Static Route (148)Remove a Static Route (149)Set Up a Bridge for a Port Group or VLAN Tag Group (149)Set Up a Bridge for a Port Group (150)Set Up a Bridge for a VLAN Tag Group (151)Chapter12Manage the Router and Monitor the Traffic Update the Firmware of the Router (154)Check for New Firmware and Update the Router (154)Manually Upload New Firmware and Update the Router (155)Change the admin Password (156)Set Up Password Recovery (157)Recover the admin Password (158)Manage the Configuration File of the Router (159)Back Up the Settings (159)Restore the Settings (159)Disable LED Blinking or Turn Off LEDs (160)Return the Router to Its Factory Default Settings (161)Use the Reset Button (161)Erase the Settings (162)View the Status and Statistics of the Router (163)View Information About the Router and the Internet and WiFiSettings (163)Display Internet Port Statistics (164)Check the Internet Connection Status (165)Manage the Activity Log (166)View,Email,or Clear the Logs (166)Specify Which Activities Are Logged (166)View Devices Currently on the Network (167)Monitor and Meter Internet Traffic (168)Start the Traffic Meter Without Traffic Volume Restrictions (168)View the Internet Traffic Volume and Statistics (169)Restrict Internet Traffic by Volume (170)Restrict Internet Traffic by Connection Time (171)Unblock the Traffic Meter After the Traffic Limit Is Reached (172)Chapter13Manage the Advanced WiFi FeaturesSet Up a WiFi Schedule (175)Manage the WPS Settings (176)Manage Advanced WiFi Settings (177)Specify How the Router Manages WiFi Clients (178)Manage Airtime Fairness (178)Manage Implicit Beamforming (179)Manage MU-MIMO (180)Set Up a WiFi Bridge Between the Router and Another Device.180 Use the Router as a WiFi Access Point Only (183)Chapter14Use VPN to Access Your NetworkSet Up a VPN Connection (186)Specify VPN Service in the Router (186)Install OpenVPN Software on a Windows-Based Computer (187)Install OpenVPN Software on a Mac Computer (190)Install OpenVPN Software on an iOS Device (191)Install OpenVPN Software on an Android Device (192)Use a VPN Tunnel on a Windows-Based Computer (193)Use VPN to Access the Router’s USB Device and Media From a Windows-Based Computer (195)Use VPN to Access Your Internet Service at Home (195)Set Up VPN Client Internet Access in the Router (196)Block VPN Client Internet Access in the Router (197)Use a VPN Tunnel to Access Your Internet Service at Home..197 Chapter15Manage Port Forwarding and Port Triggering Manage Port Forwarding to a Local Server for Services andApplications (199)Forward Incoming Traffic for a Default Service or Application.199 Add a Port Forwarding Rule With a Custom Service orApplication (200)Change a Port Forwarding Rule (201)Remove a Port Forwarding Rule (202)Application Example:Make a Local Web Server Public (203)How the Router Implements the Port Forwarding Rule (203)Manage Port Triggering for Services and Applications (204)Add a Port Triggering Rule (204)Change a Port Triggering Rule (206)Remove a Port Triggering Rule (206)Specify the Time-Out for Port Triggering (207)Disable Port Triggering (208)Application Example:Port Triggering for Internet Relay Chat.208 Chapter16TroubleshootingReboot the Router From Its Web Page (211)Quick Tips (211)Sequence to Restart Your Network (211)Check Ethernet Cable Connections (212)WiFi Settings (212)Network Settings (212)Troubleshoot With the LEDs (212)Standard LED Behavior When the Router Is Powered On (212)Power LED Is Off or Blinking (213)Power LED Stays Amber (213)Internet or Ethernet LEDs Are Off (214)WiFi LED Is Off (214)You Cannot Log In to the Router (214)You Cannot Access the Internet (215)Check the WAN IP Address (215)Troubleshoot PPPoE (217)Troubleshoot Internet Browsing (217)Changes Are Not Saved (218)Troubleshoot WiFi Connectivity (218)Troubleshoot Your Network Using the Ping Utility (219)Test the LAN Path to Your Router (219)Test the Path From Your Computer to a Remote Device (220)Appendix A Supplemental InformationFactory Settings (223)Technical Specifications (226)1Hardware Overview of the Router The NETGEAR Nighthawk®AC1900Smart WiFi Router Model R6900v2,in this manual referred to as the router,delivers combined WiFi connection speeds up to AC1900 (600Mbps1at2.4GHz802.11n and1300Mbps2at5GHz802.11ac).Both2.4GHz and 5GHz radios can be active simultaneously.Nighthawk,powered by a dual-core processor,is ideal for bandwidth-hungry activities such as online gaming and video streaming.High-powered amplifiers with antennas provide WiFi coverage anywhere around your home,inside or out.For gamers,the router supports upstream Quality of Service(QoS)optimized for online game play with game consoles like Xbox.For uninterrupted HD streaming media,the router features multiuser multiple input,multiple output(MU-MIMO)for simultaneous streaming and downstream QoS to identify and prioritize streaming traffic from websites like Netflix,YouTube,and Hulu Plus.The router provides fast central storage,backup,and streaming to every device in your home with the USB3.0port(10times faster than USB2.0).Sharing content across your network is easy,whether you’re accessing stored photos and music or printing over WiFi.Stream your stored media files anywhere on the network to DLNA screens.Share your music to AirPlay-compatible devices from the USB hard drive connected to the e the free NETGEAR ReadySHARE®Vault app to back up your Windows-based computers to a USB hard drive connected to the router.The chapter contains the following sections:•Unpack Your Router on page12•Attach the Antennas on page13•LEDs and Buttons on the Top Panel on page14•Ports,Buttons,and Connectors on the Back Panel on page15•USB Port on the Front Panel on page16•Router Label on page16•Position the Router on page17•Cable Your Router on page1810For more information about the topics that are covered in this manual,visit the support website at /support.Firmware updates with new features and bug fixes are made available from time to time at .You can check for and download new firmware manually.If the features or behavior of your product does not match what is described in this guide,you might need to update your firmware.In this manual,the terms wireless and WiFi are interchangeable.1.Maximum WiFi signal rate derived from IEEE standard802.11specifications.Actual data throughput and WiFi coverage will work conditions and environmental factors,including volume of network traffic,building materials and construction,and network overhead,lower actual data throughput rate and WiFi GEAR makes no express or implied representations or warranties about this product’s compatibility with any future standards. 802.11ac1300Mbps is approximately2x faster than802.11n600Mbps.2.Up to1300Mbps WiFi speeds can be achieved when you are connecting to other802.11ac1300Mbps devices.Unpack Your RouterThe box contains the following items.Figure1.Package contentsTable1.Legend1.Router2.Antennas(3)3.Ethernet cablePower adapter4In some regions,a CD is included in the package.Attach the AntennasThe router comes with three antennas.To attach the antennas:1.Remove the antenna caps from the antenna posts on the back panel of the router.2.Align the antennas with the antenna posts.3.Attach the antennas on the threaded antenna posts.4.Position the antennas for the best WiFi performance.We recommend that the center antenna be vertical and that you aim the others outward at45-degree angles,as shown.LEDs and Buttons on the Top PanelThe status LEDs and buttons are located on the top of the router.Table 2.LED and button descriptionsDescription LED and ButtonSolid amber .The router is starting.Blinking amber .The firmware is upgrading,or the Reset button was pressed.Solid white .The router is ready.Blinking white .The firmware is corrupted.Off .Power is not supplied to the router.Power Solid white .The Internet connection is ready.Solid amber .The router detected an Ethernet cable connection to the modem.Off .No Ethernet cable is connected between the router and the modem.Internet Solid white .The 2.4GHz WiFi radio is operating.Blinking white .The router is sending or receiving WiFi traffic.Off .The 2.4GHz WiFi radio is off.2.4GHzWiFi Solid white .The 5GHz WiFi radio is operating.Blinking white .The router is sending or receiving WiFi traffic.Off .The 5GHz WiFi radio is off.5GHzWiFi Solid white .The guest WiFi network is operating.Blinking white .The router is sending or receiving WiFi traffic.Off .The guest WiFi network is off.GuestWiFi Solid white .A USB device is connected and is ready.Blinking white .A USB device is plugged in and is trying to connect.Off .No USB device is connected,or someone clicked the Safely Remove Hardware buttonand it is now safe to remove the attached USB device.USB 3.0port The LED color indicates the speed:white for Gigabit Ethernet connections and amber for 100Mbps or 10Mbps Ethernet connections.Solid white or solid amber .A powered-on device is connected to the Ethernet port.Blinking white or blinking amber .The port is sending or receiving traffic.Off .No device is connected to this Ethernet port.Ethernet ports1–4Pressing this button for two seconds turns the 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi radios on and off.If this LED is solid white,the WiFi radios are on.If this LED is off,the WiFi radios are turned offand you cannot use WiFi to connect to the router.WiFi On/Off button withLED This button lets you use WPS to join the WiFi network without typing the WiFi password.TheWPS LED blinks white during this process and then lights solid white.WPS button withLEDFor information about disabling LED blinking for network communications and turning off all LEDs except the Power LED,see Disable LED Blinking or Turn Off LEDs on page 160.Ports,Buttons,and Connectors on the Back PanelThe back panel of the router provides ports,buttons,antenna connectors,and a DC power connector.For information about attaching the antennas,see Attach the Antennas on page13.Figure2.Router back panelIn addition to the three antenna connectors,viewed from left to right,the back panel contains the following components:•Reset button.For information about using the Reset button,see Return the Router to Its Factory Default Settings on page161.•Ethernet LAN e the four Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45LAN ports to connect the router to LAN devices.•WAN e the yellow Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45WAN port to connect the router to a modem.•Power On/Off button.Press the Power On/Off button to provide power to the router.•DC power connector.Connect the power adapter that came in the product package to the DC power connector.USB Port on the Front PanelA USB3.0port is located on the front of the router.B3.0portRouter LabelThe router label on the bottom panel of the router lists the login information,WiFi network name(SSID)and password(network key),serial number,and MAC address of the router.Figure4.Router labelPosition the RouterThe router lets you access your network anywhere within the operating range of your WiFi network.However,the operating distance or range of your WiFi connection can vary significantly depending on the physical placement of the router.For example,the thickness and number of walls the WiFi signal passes through can limit the range. Additionally,other WiFi access points in and around your home might affect your router’s signal.WiFi access points are routers,repeaters,WiFi range extenders,and any other device that emits a WiFi signal for network access.Position the router according to the following guidelines:•Place the router near the center of the area where your computers and other devices operate and within line of sight to your WiFi devices.•Make sure that the router is within reach of an AC power outlet and near Ethernet cables for wired computers.•Place the router in an elevated location,minimizing the number walls and ceilings between the router and your other devices.•Place the router away from electrical devices such as these:-Ceiling fans-Home security systems-Microwaves-Computers-Base of a cordless phone- 2.4GHz cordless phone-5GHz cordless phone•Place the router away from large metal surfaces,large glass surfaces,insulated walls, and items such as these:-Solid metal door-Aluminum studs-Fish tanks-Mirrors-Brick-ConcreteIf you are using adjacent access points,use different radio frequency channels to reduce interference.Cable Your RouterThe following image shows how to cable your router:Figure5.Router cablingTo cable your router:1.Unplug your modem’s power,leaving the modem connected to the wall jack foryour Internet service.If your modem uses a battery backup,remove the battery.2.Plug in and turn on your modem.If your modem uses a battery backup,put the battery back in.3.Connect your modem to the Internet port of your router with the yellow Ethernetcable that came with your router.4.Connect the power adapter to your router and plug the power adapter into an outlet.5.Press the Power On/Off button on the back panel of the router.2Connect to the Network and Access the RouterYou can connect to the router’s WiFi networks or use a wired Ethernet connection.This chapter describes the ways you can connect and how to access the router and log in. The chapter contains the following sections:•Connect to the Router on page20•Use a Web Browser to Access the Router on page22•Change the Language on page25•Access the Router With the Mobile NETGEAR genie App on page25Nighthawk AC1900Smart WiFi Router Model R6900v2 Connect to the RouterDuring and after installation,you can connect to the router’s network through a wired or WiFi connection.If you set up your computer to use a static IP address,change the settings of your computer so that it uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP). Connect to the Router Through an Ethernet CableYou can connect your computer to the router using an Ethernet cable and join the router’s local area network(LAN).To connect your computer to the router with an Ethernet cable:1.Make sure that the router is receiving power(its Power LED is lit).2.Connect an Ethernet cable to an Ethernet port on your computer.3.Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to one of the numbered Ethernet ports.Your computer connects to the local area network(LAN).A message might display on your computer screen to notify you that an Ethernet cable is connected.Join the WiFi Network of the RouterChoose either the manual or the WPS method to add a WiFi device such as aWiFi-enabled computer,an iPhone,an iPad,another mobile device,or a gaming device to the WiFi network of the router.Manual Method On the WiFi device that you want to connect to the router,you can use the software application that manages your WiFi connections.To connect a device manually to the WiFi network of the router:1.Make sure that the router is receiving power(its Power LED is lit).2.On the WiFi device that you want to connect to your router,open the softwareapplication that manages your WiFi connections.This software scans for all WiFi networks in your area.3.Look for the router’s network and select it.If you did not change the name of the network during the setup process,look for the default WiFi network name(SSID)and select it.The default SSID is on the router label.4.Enter the router WiFi password.The default WiFi password(also referred to as the network key or passphrase)is also on the router label.5.Click the Connect button.The device connects to the WiFi network of the router.Wi-Fi Protected Setup Method Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS)is a standard for easily adding computers and other devices to a home network while maintaining security. To use WPS(Push'N'Connect),make sure that all WiFi devices to be connected to the network are Wi-Fi certified and support WPS.During the connection process,the client gets the security settings from the router so that every device in the network supports the same security settings.To use WPS to connect a computer or mobile device to the WiFi network of the router:1.Make sure that the router is receiving power(its Power LED is lit).2.Check the WPS instructions for your computer or mobile device.3.Press the WPS button of the router for three seconds.4.Within two minutes,press the WPS button on your computer or mobile device,orfollow the WPS instructions that came with the device.The WPS process automatically sets up the device with the network password and connects the device to the WiFi network of the router.For more information,see Use WPS to Add a Device to the WiFi Network on page86.Types of LoginsSeparate types of logins serve different purposes.It is important that you understand the difference so that you know which login to use when.Several types of logins are associated with the router:•ISP login.The login that your ISP gave you logs you in to your Internet service.Your service provider gave you this login information in a letter or some other way.If you cannot find this login information,contact your service provider.•WiFi network key or password.Your router is preset with a unique WiFi network name(SSID)and password for WiFi access.This information is on the router label.•Router login.This logs you in to the router interface from a web browser as admin.Use a Web Browser to Access the Router When you connect to the network(either with WiFi or with an Ethernet cable),you can use a web browser to access the router to view or change its settings.When you access the router,the software automatically checks to see if your router can connect to your Internet service.Automatic Internet SetupYou can set up your router automatically,or you can use a web browser to access the router and set up your router manually.The NETGEAR installation assistant launches automatically the first time that you set up the Internet connection for your router and runs on any device with a web browser.Before you start the setup process,get your ISP information and make sure that the computers and devices in the network are using the settings described here.When your Internet service starts,your Internet service provider(ISP)typically gives you all the information needed to connect to the Internet.For DSL service,you might need the following information to set up your router:•The ISP configuration information for your DSL account•ISP login name and password•Fixed or static IP address setting(special deployment by ISP;this setting is rare)If you cannot locate this information,ask your ISP to provide it.When your Internet connection is working,you no longer need to launch the ISP login program on your computer to access the Internet.When you start an Internet application,your router automatically logs you in.Using the installation assistant,basic setup takes about15minutes to complete.。
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[CISCO通用] LINKSYS EA6700/6400/6500/WRT1900AC通用配置教程