2013-2014第一学期 More Haste Less Speed

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How to learn English well ——More haste, less speed


by Michael Ken

Haste makes waste. 这句话对于许多急着想学好英语的学生来说是再好不过的建议了。确实,当前许多学生为了想学好英语而心急如焚,甚至盲目相信“偏方”,以为确实存在所谓的捷径可以帮助自己在尽可能短的时间内掌握好这门外语,却忘了语言学习实际上是要脚踏实地,step by step,日积月累,方能真正掌握好这门外语的学习方法。所谓“欲速则不达”也正是这个意思。

那么,我们应该如何做呢?What are we supposed do?

如今,踏入高中阶段之后,周围的英语学习资料也随之增多了:English textbooks,English Weekly, 英文杂志,高考必备词典,高中语法大全,疯狂英语,星火英语,再加上老师推荐的一套套的试题和学习资料等blah blah blah…我们了解到的也不再仅仅只有Lily,Lucy,Wu Yifang等人物,George Washington,Barack Obama,Albert Einstein,Neil Armstrong等各路豪杰也相继登场,在如此多的英语学习资料的重重包围下许多人不知从何下手,找不到攻破英语“城堡”的要害和突破口,愈想要面面俱到,愈容易顾此失彼,进而极易失去方向,也就是get lost and don’t know where to go。

一个人想要学好一门外语,固然需要背单词,懂语法,练听力,读课文,讲口语,学翻译,毕竟听说读写译是语言学习当中不可或缺的成分,然而我们往往容易忽视这些技能很多要求我们先要有一个较充足的语言积累作为前提,否则,你越是想全部都抓住就越是容易竹篮打水一场空,好比猎人朝丛林中飞出的群鸟射击,不可能一枪命中所有的birds,倒不如Aim at one bird, don't blaze into the brown. 因为One bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.(二鸟在林不如一鸟在手)那好吧,就让我们拿起手中的猎枪,子弹上膛,朝其中一只瞄准射击——Bang!!!

由于每个人自身的实际情况不同,所以其英语的学习方法也不尽相同。高中英语学习的开始最理想的情况当然是我们要先把初中阶段的入门知识给掌握好,也就是要先lay a solid foundation,这样学起来才能得心应手,这些知识主要include:

1. 懂得拼读单词;(Pronunciation and Spelling)




【dʒ】这些高难度的辅音你都懂得怎么读的时候,相信你就能够make a change [tʃeɪndʒ]了。那么,何不今天就改变一下学习的attitude【'ætitju:d】呢?

2. 积累了初中阶段的重点词汇;(Vocabulary)

人们在建楼房的时候先要把地基和框架弄好,之后就是一块砖头一块砖头地垒砌起一面面墙壁,也就是brick by brick。一面墙上如果少了一块砖,你看起来觉得舒服吗?——英语单词实际上就好比这些砖块,大厦即将竣工,砖块不够用可不好办,要是成了烂尾楼那不是前功尽弃了吗?所以我们应该不断地积累重要的词汇,适时地加以复习才能把单词记住。并且,平时背单词的时候要多把学过的单词联系起来记忆,如:

altitude和attitude两个单词虽形似意思上却相差十万八千里,前者是“海拔”,后者是“态度”;另外还有如:dessert “甜食”,desert “沙漠”“v.放弃”; angel “天使”, angle “角度”; 这些词看起来是不是像两兄弟一样相似呀?再者还有如:

change “改变”→chance “机会”→charge “指控,充电”→change oneself; never let the chance slip away; charge ourselves with new knowledge all the time…像这样多发挥联想记忆就一定能做到一石二鸟了。


3. 能正确朗读较简单的英文对话和短文;(Dialogue and Reading)


Dick was seven years old, and his sister, Catherine, was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt's house to play while she went to the big city to buy some new clothes.

The children played for an hour, and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, "Now here's a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman."

"Like a gentleman?" Dick asked. "How do gentlemen do it?"

"They always give the bigger piece to the other person." answered his aunt at once.

"Oh" said Dick. He thought about this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her,” Cut this cake in half, Catherine."

4. 明确英语的几种常用时态和被动语态;(Useful Tenses of Verbs and Passive Voice)


1)I have my breakfast at home. I don’t have it at school .我在家吃早餐,不在学校吃。

2) She had her breakfast at home yesterday. 她昨天在家吃的早餐。

3) I will have my breakfast at home tomorrow. 我明天在家吃早餐。

4) I was having my breakfast at home at 6 yesterday. 我昨天六点正在家里吃早餐。

5) I will be having my breakfast at 6 tomorrow. 明天六点我正吃着早餐呢。

6) She is having breakfast at home now. 她现在正在吃早餐呢。

7)I have had my breakfast, but she hasn’t had her breakfast yet.我已经吃过早餐了,但她还没有。


1) English is spoken by many people in the world.

2) A meeting will be held this afternoon.

3) An important meeting is being held right now in the meeting room.

4) The book was written by him in 1998.

5) Our classroom has already been cleaned.

5. 初步掌握状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句的用法;(Different Subordinate Clauses)


That he is an honest man is known to us all. (斜体字部分就是传说中的名词性从句做主语)

I still remember the days we spent together. (定语从句)

When he graduated from school, he found himself already an expert in his major. (____从句)


6. 积累并了解了某些常用句型如There be,not only…but also等结构的用法,(Basic sentence structures)

看似简简单单,就拿not only…but also…来开刀吧。

He is not only a student, but also an actor.

Not only is he a student, but he is also an actor.

He is not only clever, but also kind.

Not only the students, but also the teacher has attended the meeting.

= The teacher as well as the students has attended the meeting.

诸如此类的句型我们在平时的学习中要及时地积累,“不积跬步无以至千里”,或者说是A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 相信大家一定知道这句话的意思,要记住哦。
