
12年6月英语四级作文June 2012 CET-4 Writing Test。
In June 2012, the CET-4 writing test was held across China. This test is an important part of the College English Test (CET), which is a national English proficiency test for college students in China. The writing test is designed to evaluate the students' ability to express their ideas in English and to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary.The test consisted of two parts. In the first part, students were given a topic and asked to write an essay of about 150 words within 30 minutes. The topic was "The Importance of Time Management". Students were required to discuss why time management is important and provide some tips on how to manage time effectively.In the second part, students were given a choice of two writing tasks and asked to write an essay of about 300words within 60 minutes. The first task was to write a letter to a friend who is going to study abroad, giving advice on how to adapt to the new environment. The second task was to write an essay on the topic of "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites".The writing test was challenging for many students, especially those who have not had much practice in writing in English. However, it was also an opportunity for students to demonstrate their English proficiency and to improve their writing skills.In conclusion, the June 2012 CET-4 writing test was an important event for college students in China. It tested their ability to express their ideas in English and to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Although it was challenging, it was also an opportunity for students to improve their writing skills and to demonstrate their English proficiency.。


2012年12月大学英语四级作文真题及答案【作文一】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese。
1. 你的基本情况your basic information12. 你申请贷款的原因、数额及用途you reason for the loan, the amount and purpose3. 你如何保证专款专用以及你的还款打算2012年12月英语四级作文范文—高分版(沪江)考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。
Education PaysAs is shown in the table, the unemployment rate decreases steadily as the education level increases. The fact revealed by the statistics is obvious: graduates with a degree are less likely to be unemployed.What has brought about this effect? I believe there are three main reasons. To begin with, the education level is still the top factor that employers would take into account when selecting job candidates. It is believed that people with a college degree tend to be more intelligent and qualified. In addition, as a result of good learning habit formed during college, job hunters with high education background are also more efficient in acquiring and processing job hunting information. Finally, college education equips graduates with specialized skills, leading to greater attachment to the company they are employed and higher possibility to be reemployed even if they leave their previous company.In conclusion, it is the qualifications, learning habit and specialized skills that high education equip a graduate that make one distinctive in labor market.。

2012年12月大学英语四级真题答案与解析Part I Writing参考范文:第一种图表(即我们试题部分的图表)Education PaysThe bar graph describes the unemployment rates in 2010 for social groups with different education degrees in theUnited States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the better you are educated, the more likely you are to get employed. For example, there are only about 1.9% and 4% of people with doctoral degree and master s degree respectively who are unemployed, while people with only a high school diploma or less suffer a much higher unemployment rate (14.9% and 10.3% respectively).These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market.It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.第二种图表(这也是本次考试的另一份试卷的图表)(见图表2)Education PaysAs is shown in the bar chart above, the social groups with higher degree are not only more likely to be employed in the first place, but they are also better paid later in the workplace. Those with doctoral and professional degrees enjoy a much higher weekly median earning ($1551 and 1665 respectively) and suffer a much lower unemployment rate (2.5% and 2.4%). On the other hand, those with less education suffer a considerably higher unemployment rate and have a much lower weekly income. For example, there are a total of 23.5% (9.4%+14.1%) of people unemployed with high school diploma or less, who have only a median weekly income of $545,as compared with the average $797.These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market and a competitive edge for workplace promotions.It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity and higher salary. In order to succeed in the career,people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.概述四级考试主要的作文命题形式是“文示”提纲作文,但不时也考应用文(书信、演讲词等)和图表作文,图表作文曾在1991年6月(表格: Changes in People s Diet)和2002年6月(柱状图: Student Use of Computers),似乎是10年考一次,但不排除今后会更频繁地考到。

正保远程教育旗下品牌网站 美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)外语教育网 外语学习的网上乐园 大学英语四级考试辅导讲义大学英语四级写作一、命题形式: 1.提纲作文 2.图表作文二、命题重点: 1.大学生话题 (学习、生活、择业)2.社会热点现象3.价值观话题2012-12Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings in 2010). Please give a brief description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Education: A Worthy InvestmentWeekly earnings in 2010($)Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics2012-6Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Excessive Packaging following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1. 目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象2.出现这一现象的原因3.我对这一现象的看法和建议2011-12Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it hundreds of time." You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.。

2012年12月大学英语四级考试真题第一套Part I Writing【标准版点评】这次四级作文出了图表题,可能让大家有些意外,但是四六级考察图表作文已经并不是第一次,早在2002年的时候就已经出现过,是图表+提纲的形式,图表反应的是大学生使用计算机的情况。
题目都是Educational Pays(教育回报),一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,收入越高,另一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,失业率越低。
先一句话引出图表总体内容The above bar chart clearly shows us … 然后具体描述现象We see that…。
最后用for instance引出一些具体数据来例证现象。
先是总结这个现象This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.(教育值得投资)。
【高分版点评】本次四级作文围绕着同一个话题,education pay(教育回报),出现了两个版本,一个是教育和失业率的关系,另一个是教育和收入的关系。

2012年6月英语四级作文如下:On Excessive PackagingIn recent years, the excessive use of packages has become quite a serious problem in China. As for the reasons of excessively packaging, there are many factors contributing to it.It is conceivable that the excessive packaging has mainly arisen from the two following factors. For one thing, people in mounting numbers are inclined to send a variety of gifts to their relatives and friends, especially during the holidays, and decorated gifts sometimes are a symbol of good taste. For another, the dealers are in the purpose of making more money by packaging the products to the largest extent.Taking all the above-mentioned factors into consideration, it is quite urgent for us to take effective measures to cope with it. We consumers should basically concentrate more on the quality of the commodities rather than the packages; meanwhile, the government should also put restrictions on the excessive packaging. Only in this way can we guarantee the harmonious development of the market as well as ourselves.。

【例】四级考试中,只浮现过一次特意的记叙文体裁的写作,即“An Early Morning Walk”(1988.6.),2003年6月浮现过包含记叙文的作文,即“An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident”。
关于“An Early Morning Walk”,懂命题要求后,我们就要开始构思了。
参考范文An Early Morning WalkOne morning I got up very early, and everything around was very quiet.The sun had just risen, shining brilliantly and everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk. There were only some birds singing occasionally in the tall trees. I strolled along the street toward the park, breathing the fresh air and feeling extremely happy.When I arrived at the park, I found, to my surprise, that there were so many people there. Men and women, boys and girls, all were enjoying themselves in their various activities. Some were doing morning exercises, some were playing badminton and some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfully.I wandered around the park. To my delight, I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in one corner of the park. I went up and spoke to them in English. We soon became friends. I was very glad to find another opportunity to practice my spoken English. On the way home, I realized that an early morning walk really was good and healthful. Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise.【点评】文章按照时刻顺序(in chronological order),第一句话点明时刻(One morning)、人物(第一人称“I”),并简要描述了凌晨的特点(What was the setting),继续第二段第一句话交代地方(in the park),然后介绍公园里人们及作者的活动(What was happening),最终在文章结尾点题,即,归纳中心思想——Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise. 仅仅189个单词既满脚了记叙文的“六大要素”,又有明确的中心思想和生动的细节,行文方式符合要求。


课时:2课时教学目标:1. 帮助学生了解大学英语四级考试的基本情况,明确考试要求和评分标准。
2. 提高学生在写作、听力、翻译和阅读四个方面的英语应用能力。
3. 培养学生良好的应试技巧,提高四级考试通过率。
教学内容:1. 大学英语四级考试概述2. 写作技巧3. 听力技巧4. 翻译技巧5. 阅读技巧教学过程:一、导入(10分钟)1. 介绍大学英语四级考试的基本情况,包括考试时间、题型、分值等。
2. 强调四级考试对学生英语学习的重要性,以及通过四级考试对学生未来发展的影响。
二、写作技巧(20分钟)1. 分析写作题型,讲解写作评分标准。
2. 讲解写作模板和常用句型,提高学生写作速度和准确性。
3. 分析典型作文,讲解写作思路和技巧。
4. 学生练习写作,教师现场点评。
三、听力技巧(20分钟)1. 分析听力题型,讲解听力评分标准。
2. 讲解听力技巧,如:快速浏览选项、预测听力内容、抓住关键词等。
3. 播放听力材料,学生练习听力,教师现场点评。
四、翻译技巧(20分钟)1. 分析翻译题型,讲解翻译评分标准。
2. 讲解翻译技巧,如:理解原文、表达准确、保持原文风格等。
3. 分析典型翻译题,讲解翻译方法和技巧。
4. 学生练习翻译,教师现场点评。
五、阅读技巧(20分钟)1. 分析阅读题型,讲解阅读评分标准。
2. 讲解阅读技巧,如:快速定位信息、理解文章主旨、把握文章结构等。
3. 分析典型阅读题,讲解解题方法和技巧。
4. 学生练习阅读,教师现场点评。
六、总结(10分钟)1. 总结本次讲座的主要内容,强调学习方法和技巧。
2. 鼓励学生积极备考,提高英语水平。
教学评价:1. 学生对四级考试的基本情况、题型和评分标准的掌握程度。
2. 学生在写作、听力、翻译和阅读四个方面的英语应用能力。
3. 学生对讲座内容的满意度。
教学反思:1. 优化教学内容,提高教学效果。
2. 关注学生个体差异,因材施教。
3. 营造良好的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。

连 贯 性! ( c o h e r e n c e)。
除此 之外 , 因 为本 次作 文 的要 求都 是 英语 , 也 给有些 同学 可 乘 之 机 。 所 以很 多 学 生 把 要 求 抄 写
遍 , 这 种作 文 一 目了然 在 字 数 上 肯 定 是 不 达 要
2 0 1 3年 1 0月
哈尔滨金融学 院学报
J o u na r l o f Ha r b i n F i n a n c e U n i v e r s i t y 总第 1 2 1期
第 5期
从 语 篇 角 度浅 析 大 学 英语 四级作文高 分策略
以2 0 1 2年 1 2月英 语 四级 作 文 为例
3. 影 响 意 连 的 几 种 因素 : 语 篇 中旬- 3 : 的排 列会 影 响 到句 与 句之 间 在语 义 t5 的连贯 , 句 子 的排 列 如 果 违 反 逻 辑 那 就 会 影
收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 3— 0 8—0 6
求 的 , 跟谈 不上 到达大 纲要 求 , 从 语 篇 的角 度更 达 不到连 贯 , 通顺 、 表 意 所 以是 不 能 给 分 的 ; 更 有 甚 者在抄 写作 文 要 求 的 中 间夹 杂 阅读 部 分 的原 文 ,
定 语 境 下 表 示 完 整 语 义 的 自 然 语 言 ”。 一 个 语 篇 必 须 具 有 语 篇 特 征 , 根 据 Be a u g r a n d e、 Dr e s s i e r和 Ne u be r t 、 S h r e v e的 研 究 , 一 个 典 型 的 语 篇 具 有 七 个
替代 、 省 略 等 ) 和 词 汇 手 段 ( 复 现关 系 、 同 现 关 系

大学英语四级作文指导The Importance of Learning English。
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it has become the global language of communication in many fields such as business, science, and technology. Therefore, learning English is of great importance for college students.First and foremost, mastering English can greatly enhance our career prospects. In today's globalized world, many multinational companies require their employees to have a good command of English. By being proficient in English, we can improve our chances of getting a better job and advancing in our careers. Moreover, English is the language of the internet, and many online resources, such as academic journals, research papers, and educational websites, are written in English. Therefore, being able to understand and communicate in English can significantly expand our knowledge and opportunities for personal andprofessional growth.Furthermore, learning English can also broaden our cultural horizons. English is not only a language, but also a window to the world. By learning English, we can access a wealth of literature, films, music, and art from English-speaking countries, which can enrich our understanding of different cultures and perspectives. Additionally, being able to communicate in English allows us to connect with people from different countries and backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.In addition, English proficiency can also facilitate our academic pursuits. Many academic papers and textbooks are written in English, and being able to read and understand them can greatly benefit our studies. Moreover, English is often the language of instruction in international conferences and seminars, and being able to present and discuss our research in English can enhance our academic reputation and networking opportunities.In conclusion, learning English is essential forcollege students due to its practical, cultural, and academic significance. Therefore, we should make every effort to improve our English skills, whether through formal education, self-study, or immersion in English-speaking environments. By doing so, we can open up new opportunities, broaden our horizons, and become more competitive in the globalized world.。

后, 再 落笔 行 文 。无论 C E T 一 4 考试 要求 写 哪种 体 裁 的作文 , 应 试 者认 真 审题 是关 键 。在 动 笔之 前 认 真 阅读 题 目要 求 , 在仔 细 推 敲题 目后 确 定文 章 的类型 、 主题和 中心思想 , 进而积极 组织材料 。 在此 基础 上 才 能拟 定 出作 文提 纲 , 确保 文 章结 构
能力 。作 为一项 由教育部高教 司和教育部考试
中心 共 同实 施 的一 项 大 规 模 、 标 准 化 的考 试 , 这 项 考 试 的权 威性 不 容 置 疑 , 相 当数 量 的 学生 若 想
上 述命题 要求看 似不难 却值 得深入分 析 。 笔者通过搜集近几年 C E T 一 4 写作部分 的真题发 现, 首先就命题形式而言 , 通 常要求考生依据考 试 中所给题 目及要求写出符合题意 的文章 , 这一 形式与修完大学英语相应 阶段课程 的在校大学 生知识掌握水平 的 目的相吻合 。其次 , 就其题材
作技能 , 研究写作对策具有一定的现实意义。
C E T - 4 作 文命题 要 求分 析
根据 2 0 0 6 年最新修改的《 高校大学英语四级 考试大 纲》 要求 , C E T 一 4 的写作分值为 1 5 分 。写
作部分选用考生所熟悉 的题材 , 考生根据规定 的
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 — 0 5 — 1 0
b e I n d e p e n d e n t ? ( 父母 应 如何 帮助 孩子 独立? ) ;
2 0 0 9 年: C r e a t e a G r e e n C a mp u s ( 创造绿色校园) ;
2 0 0 8年 : L i mi t i n g T h e U s e o f D i s p o s a b l e P l a s t i c

2012年4级英语作文范文:Studying abroad has become a popular trend in recent years. Many students choose to study in foreign countriesin order to broaden their horizons and gain new experiences. However, studying abroad also has its advantages and disadvantages.One of the main advantages of studying abroad is the opportunity to learn a new language. Living in a foreign country allows students to immerse themselves in the local culture and practice their language skills on a daily basis. This can be a great advantage for those who want to work in international business or pursue a career in diplomacy.Another advantage of studying abroad is the chance to experience a different way of life. Students can learnabout different customs and traditions, and gain a better understanding of other cultures. This can help them tobecome more open-minded and tolerant, and to appreciate diversity.However, studying abroad also has its disadvantages. One of the biggest challenges is homesickness. Being away from family and friends can be difficult, especially for those who have never been away from home before. In addition, students may experience culture shock, which can be overwhelming at times.Another disadvantage of studying abroad is the cost. Tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs can add up quickly, and many students may find it difficult to afford. In addition, students may need to work part-time jobs in order to support themselves, which can be stressful and time-consuming.In conclusion, studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can be a great opportunity to learn new skills and gain valuable experiences, it can also be a challenging and expensive endeavor. Students shouldcarefully consider their options and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.。

2012年12月英语四级考试真题及答案超详解汇总Part I Writing标准版:The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010. We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones. For instance, the college students with no degree get paid$712 per week whereas those with a Bachelor‟s degree can earn $1038.Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phenomenon. To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essential to a high-income work. Also, the higher one‟s education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.This phenom enon tells us that education is a worthy investment. Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.高分版:Education PaysJudging from the table, we can see that people‟s income increases along with their education levels. Above all,the average college graduates earn much more than the typical high-school graduates.The fact revealed by these data is obvious: a degree does bring distinctive financial benefits to its holders. But is it true that a degree alone can ensure a bright future? I don‟t think so because, on the one hand, the financial value of high education depends heavily on what skills graduates can gain from it instead of the degree itself. After a ll, an employer only pays for your ability and performance, not for your certificate. On the other hand, the most valuable bless high education brings to graduates is the ability to learn quickly and efficiently. People received more education tend to keep lifelong learning habits after their graduation, which would help them gain more opportunities in their career path.In conclusion, what accounts for education pays is not the degree alone, but the graduate‟s ability and leaning habit.作文B:标准版:Education PaysThe above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010. We see that unemployment rate of those with higher education background is much lower than those with lower education degree. For instance, the unemployment rate of college students with no degree is as high as 14.9% while that of those with doctoral degree is only 1.9%.The followingreason, in my opinion, is the most important one to account for this phenomenon. Compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which make them more qualified and competent for their task. Thus, they are less likely to lose their jobs.This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment. Therefore, education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to avoid unemployment.高分版:Education PaysAs is shown in the table, the unemployment rate decreases steadily as the education level increases. The fact revealed by the statistics is obvious: graduates with a degree are less likely to be unemployed.What has brought about this effect? I believe there are three main reasons. To begin with, the education level is still the top factor that employers would take into account when selecting job candidates. It is believed that people with a college degree tend to be more intelligent and qualified. In addition, as a result of good learning habit formed during college, job hunters with high education background are also more efficient in acquiring and processing job hunting information. Finally, college education equips graduates with specialized skills, leading to greater attachment to the company they are employed and higher possibility to be reemployed even if they leave their previous company.In conclusion, it is the qualifications, learning habit and specialized skills that high education equip a graduate that make one distinctive in labor market.【标准版点评】这次四级作文出了图表题,可能让大家有些意外,但是四六级考察图表作文已经并不是第一次,早在2002年的时候就已经出现过,是图表+提纲的形式,图表反应的是大学生使用计算机的情况。

2012 年 12 月大学英语四级真题答案与解析Part I Writing参考范文:第一种图表(即我们试题部分的图表)Education PaysThe bar graph describes the unemployment rates in 2010 for social groups with different education degrees in theUnited States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,the better you are educated, the more likely you are to get employed. For example,there are only about1.9% and 4% of people with doctoral degree and master degree respectively who are unemployed,while people with only a high school diploma or less suffer a much higher unemployment rate ( 14.9% and 10.3% respectively ) .These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment.In this IT age especially , when knowledge of science and technology is power , people need tobe well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market.It must be added , however , a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity. In order to succeed in the career , people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication , teamwork and social experience.第二种图表(这也是本次考试的另一份试卷的图表)(见图表2)Education PaysAs is shown in the bar chart above , the social groups with higher degree are not only more likely to be employed in the first place,but they are also better paid later in the workplace. Thosewith doctoral and professional degrees enjoy a much higher weekly median earning($1551 and1665 respectively) and suffer a much lower unemployment rate ( 2.5% and 2.4% ). On the other hand, those with less education suffer a considerably higher unemployment rate and have a muchlower weekly income. For example, there are a total of 23.5% ( 9.4%+14.1% ) of people unemployed with high school diploma or less , who have only a median weekly income of $545 ,as compared with the average $797.These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment.In this IT age especially , when knowledge of science and technology is power , people need tobe well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market and a competitive edge for workplace promotions.It must be added, however , a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity and higher salary. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication , teamwork and socialexperience.概述四级考试主要的作文命题形式是图表作文,图表作文曾在1991“文示”提纲作文,但不时也考应用文(书信、演讲词等)和年 6 月(表格: Changes in People Diet)和 2002 年 6 月(柱状图: Student Use of Computers),似乎是 10 年考一次,但不排除今后会更频繁地考到。



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【例】四级考试中,只出现过一次专门的记叙文体裁的写作,即“An Early Morning Walk”(1988.6.),2003年6月出现过包含记叙文的作文,即“An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident”。
对于“An Early Morning Walk”,知道命题要求后,我们就要开始构思了。
An Early Morning Walk
One morning I got up very early,and everything around was very quiet. The sun had just risen,shining brilliantly and everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk. There were only some birds singing occasionally in the tall trees.
I strolled along the street toward the park,breathing the fresh air and feeling extremely happy.
When I arrived at the park,I found,to my surprise,that there were so many people there. Men and women,boys and girls,all were enjoying themselves in their various activities. Some were doing morning exercises,some were playing badminton and some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfully.
I wandered around the park. To my delight,I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in one corner of the park. I went up and spoke to them in English. We soon became friends. I was very glad to find another opportunity to practice my spoken English. On the way home,I realized that an early morning walk really was good and healthful. Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise.
【点评】文章按照时间顺序(in chronological order),第一句话点明时间(One morning)、人物(第一人称“I”),并简要描述了早晨的特点(What was the setting),接着第二段第一句话交代地点(in the park),然后介绍公园里人们及作者的活动(What was happening),最后在文章结尾点题,即,归纳中心思想——Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise. 仅仅189个单词既满足了记叙文的“六大要素”,又有明确的中心思想和生动的细节,行文方式符合要求。
1. 以“A Most Unlucky Day”为题,想想该怎么写。
根据以下提示叙述一场交通事故:1)用第一人称;2)短语提示:drive home at about 30 kilometers an hour; it was dark; a small girl chased a dog; not hit her but hit a car in the other direction3)写出作者对此交通意外的感想。
Last night I was driving home from work. I had an accident. I was following behind a truck,driving at about 30 kilometers an hour. I was watching the traffic carefully because it was getting dark.
Suddenly a small girl ran onto the road from the left. She was chasing a dog and she wasn’t paying any attention to the traffic. I immediately applied the brakes and turned the steering wheel quickly to the right.
The girl jumped towards the side of the road as soon as she saw my car. Fortunately I did not hit her,but I hit a car coming in the other direction. Luckily I was not driving very fast so the damage was not serious. It is better to damage a car than to injure a young child,I thought to myself.