
腕表的使用说明: 1、任何非专业人士请勿掀开手表后盖以防止损坏。
建议您每天佩戴该手表 2、机械表的上链与调校时间为了保证自动上链手表(自动机械表)持续运行。
请将手表稳当保存于表盒内 3、长久闲置腕表的保留如果长时间不佩戴手表。
应避免沾水 30米(3A TM即 3个大气压)防水表 4、防水机能腕表的防水凭借表镜、后盖、把头等处的防水胶圈而达到响应的尺度。

\# 手表的基本功能及操作指南手表作为一种常见的时间显示工具,已经成为了人们日常生活中不可缺少的物品之一。
手表的基本功能1. 时间显示手表最基本的功能就是显示时间。
2. 日期显示许多手表还具备日期显示功能。
3. 闹铃功能手表上的闹铃功能可以帮助我们在特定的时间点提醒自己。
4. 秒表功能有些手表还配备了秒表功能,可以用来测量时间的流逝。
5. 计时器功能手表上的计时器功能可以帮助我们设定一个特定的时间段,并在倒计时结束时发出提示。
6. 防水功能许多手表都具备一定的防水功能,可以抵御汗水、雨水甚至一定深度的水压。
手表的操作指南1. 调整时间和日期要想手表显示准确的时间和日期,我们需要定期进行调整。
2. 设置闹铃大多数手表都具备闹铃功能,设置闹铃非常简单。
3. 使用秒表和计时器要使用手表上的秒表和计时器功能,通常需要找到相关的按键,并按照说明书进行操作。
4. 注意防水性能手表的防水性能需要根据不同的手表来决定。
Omega 时尚手表产品说明书

An OMEGA Te c h n o l o g ie s Co m p a n yMECHANICAL DIMENSIONS, mm (in)45+0.6 mm W x 22.2+0.3 mm H (1.772" x 0.874")MHD0496HAB5BDPM35A SeriesMiniature 1/32 DIN Process IndicatorFeatures a decimal point that can be set independently of signal range.For instance : 1 Vdc. signal on a ±2 Vdc meter can be displayed as 1.000, 10.00, 100.0, or 1000 for different engineering units. (in this example 1.000 V 10.00 mA.100.0% or 1000 mV)Fig.4a b c1 XX . X 1X . XX 1 . XX XDecimal pointposition Close Solder PadDisplay Board Components ViewDECIMAL POINT SELECTIONSignal Input Impedance ΩClose Jumpers0/4...20mA 182 1 & 20/10...50mA 68 1 & 30...2/10Vdc 200 K 10...10/200Vdc1 MNone*lower table, in function of signal input.Offset course : from -1000 to +1000To know the maximum negative Offset value, according to the Span value to be displayed apply this formula :((R3/S3) x S1) -1000.Span course for signal input :in Current, minimum 100 counts and maximum 3000 countsin Voltage, minimum 100 counts and maximum 2000 counts*Standard signal input for all orders unless specified otherwise.Display is adjusted to read 100.0WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and to give satisfactory service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase.OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR)number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, this WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current; heat; moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. These include contact points, fuses and triacs..OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products.However OMEGA neither assumes responsability for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written.OMEGA only warrants that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRE-SENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EX-CEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-POSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no even shall OMEGA be liable for consequential,incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used:(1) as a "Basic Component" under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used in humans, or misused in any way. OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmlees from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.Servicing USA and Canada: Call OMEGA Toll FreeUSA CanadaOne Omega Drive, Box 4047976 BergarStamford, CT 06907-0047Laval (Quebec) H7L 5A1Telephone: (203) 359-1660Telephone: (514) 856-6928FAX: (203) 359-7700FAX: (514) 856-6886Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA SM Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST SM Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN SMTELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGAServicing Europe: One OMEGA Drive, River BendThecnology CentreNorthbank, Irlam, ManchesterM44 5EX , EnglandTelephone: 44 (161) 777-6611 FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA ENGINEERING Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PUR-CHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS).The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BE-FORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number under which the product was PURCHASED.2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number to cover the COST of therepair,2.Model and serial number of product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improve-ment is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 1998 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.ADJUSTMENT AND CALIBRATION PROCEDUREDetermine the lowest input (S1); highest input (S2); lowest reading (R1) and highest reading (R2).S3 = S2 - S1R3 = R2 - R11.-Select the Signal Input type installing the Jumpers according to Table2.2.-Connect a calibrator to the signal input terminals.3.-Power up the instrument with the appropriate power supply.4.-Adjust the calibrator until it generates 0 mA. or 0 Vdc.5.-Turn the "ZERO" trimmer (P1) until the display shows "0000".6.-Adjust the calibrator until it generates the S3 value (difference between the highest and lowest signal).7.-Turn the "SPAN" trimmer (P2) until the display shows the R3 value (difference between the highest and lowestreading).The adjustment procedure is finished, but if the lowest signal is different of 0 then follows with the next point.8.-Adjust the calibrator until it generates the low signal S1. (i.e. 4 mA).9.-Turn the "ZERO" trimmer (P1) until the display shows the lowest reading R1. The reading for lowest signalcan be modified as much times as wanted. The value of R3 will not be affected.10.-Close the jumper for the decimal point, according to the required decimals, see table 1.Example :Signal Input : 4...20 mA; Display Reading : 0...125.0Determine the value of S3 and R3.S3 = 20-4 = 16 mA R3 = 1250-0 = 12501.-Close Jumpers 1 &2.2.-Connect the calibrator and power up the instrument.3.-Adjust the calibrator at 0 mA and turn the trimmer P1 until the display shows "0000"4.-Adjust the calibrator at 16 mA and turn the trimmer P2 until the display shows "1250"5.-Adjust the calibrator at 4 mA and turn the trimmer P1 until the display shows "0000"6.-Close the Solder Pad "a".GENERAL CONSIDERATIONSINSTALLATIONPRECAUTIONS.- The installation and the future use of this unit must be done by suitable qualified personnel. The unit has not DC(mains) switch, neither internal protection fuse, it will be in operation as soon as power is connected. The installation mustincorporate an external mains switch with a protection fuse and also the necessary devices to protect the operator andthe process when using the unit to control a machine or process where injury to personnel or damage to equipment orprocess, may occur as a result of failure of the unit.SAFETY PRESCRIPTIONS.- The unit has been designed and tested under UNE 20553 rules and is delivered in good condition. This data sheet contains useful information for electrical connections. Do not make wiring signal changes or connections when power is applied to the unit. Make signal connections before power is applied and, is reconnection is required, disconnect the DC (mains)power before such wiring is attempted.Install the unit in a places with a good ventilation to avoid the excessive heating. And far from electrical noise source or magnetic field generators such as power relays, electrical motors, speed controls etc...The unit cannot be installed in open places. Do not use until the installation is finished.POWER SUPPLY.- The power supply must be connected to the adequate terminals (see the connection instructions). The characteristics of the power supply are showed on the side label. Please make sure that the unit is correctly connected to a power supply of the correct voltage and frequency.Do not use other power supply otherwise permanent damage may be caused to the unit. Do not connect the unit to power sources heavily loaded or to circuits which power loads in cycle ON-OFF or to circuits which power inductive loads.WARNING.- The power supply is dc voltage, be careful with the polarity indicated for each terminal.SIGNAL WIRING.- Certain considerations must be given when install the signal input wires. If the wires are longs can act like an antenna and introduce the electrical noise to the unit, therefore :Do not install the signal input wires in the same conduit with power lines, heaters, solenoids, SCR controls etc...and always far from these elements.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSPRESCRIPTIONS.- Before starting any operation of adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repair, the unit must be disconnected from any kind of power supply.Keep the unit clean , to assure good functioning and performance.To prevent electrical or fire hazard, do not expose the unit to excessive moisture.Do not operate the unit in the presence of flammable gases or fumes, such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard. The unit is designed to be mounted in a metal panel.If the unit shows signs of damage, or is not able to show the expected measures, or has been stored in a bad conditions or a protection failure can occur, then do not attempt to operate and keep the unit out of service.IN CASE OF FIRE1.- Disconnect the unit from the power supply.2.- Give the alarm according to the local rules.3.- Switch off all the air conditioning devices.4.- Attack the fire with carbonic snow, do not use water in any case.WARNING : In closed areas do not use systems with vaporized liquids.Signal Input :Lowest (S1) = 4 mAHighest (S2) =20 mAReading :Lowest (R1) =200Highest (R2) =1700S3 = S2 - S1 = 20 - 4 =16 mA R3 = R2 - R1= 1700 - 200 = 1500Signal Input 4...20 mAEXAMPLES OF ADJUSMENT AND CALIBRATION PROCEDUREA.- Without offsetSignal Input :Lowest (S1) =0 mAHighest (S2) =20 mAReading :Lowest (R1) =0Highest (R2) = 1700S3 = S2 - S1=20 - 0 = 20 mA R3 = R2 - R1=1700 - 0 = 17001700200020 mAD i s p l a yInput Signal Input 0...20 mA Display Reading 0 (1700)B.- With Negative OffsetSignal Input :Lowest (S1) = 4 mAHighest (S2) =20 mAReading :Lowest (R1) =0Highest (R2) =1700S3 = S2 - S1= 20 - 4 =16 mA R3 = R2 - R1= 1700 - 0 =1700Signal Input 4...20 mA Display Reading 0 (1700)C.- With Positive Offset。

Suunto Ambit 中文说明书

9.2 配對模式與活動 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9.2.1 設定模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9.2.2 設定參考值 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
8.1.1 取得 GPS 訊號 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 8.1.2 GPS 網格和定位格式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8.2 確認您的位置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8.3 新增中途點 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8.4 導覽至中途點 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 8.5 刪除中途點 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 9 使用 Alti & Baro 模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9.1 高度計和氣壓計的運作方式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9.1.1 獲取正確讀數 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 9.1.2 讀數不正確 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
航海仪器 操作说明



SEIKO Cal. 6M25 6M26 手表说明书

Cal. 6M25, 6M26INSTRUCTIONS(P.3) INSTRUCTIONS(P.30) INSTRUCCIONES(P.58) BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG(S.86) ISTRUZIONI(P.114) INSTRUÇÕES(P.143) (171 )E n g l i s h2You are now the proud owner of a SEIKO Analogue Quartz Watch Cal. 6M25/6M26. For best results, please read the instructions in this booklet carefully before using your SEIKO Analogue Quartz Watch. Please keep this manual handy for ready reference.Vous voici l’heureux propriétaire d’une montre quartz analogique SEIKO Cal. 6M25/6M26. Pour obtenir d’excellentes performances de cet article SEIKO, veuillez lire attentivement cette brochure que vous conserverez pour toute référence ultérieure.Enhorabuena por su adquisición de un reloj SEIKO analógico de cuarzo Cal. 6M25/6M26. Para óptimo resultado, lea detenidamente las instrucciones de este folleto antes de usar el reloj. Guarde este manual para consulta posterior.Sie sind jetzt Besitzer einer SEIKO Analog-Quarzuhr Kal. 6M25/6M26. Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedie-nungsanleitung vor Verwendung der Uhr sorgfältig durch und heben Sie sie gut auf.Siete ora in possesso di un orologio SEIKO Analogico al Quarzo Cal. 6M25/6M26. Per ottenere i migliori possibili risultati dal Vostro orologio, leggere attentamente le istruzioni di questo manuale prima di utilizzare il Vostro orologio SEIKO analogico al quarzo. Conservare poi il manuale stesso per ogni qualsiasi eventuale futuro riferimento.Você pode sentir-se orgulhoso de possuir um Relógio SEIKO Quartz Análogo Cal. 6M25/6M26.Para obter os melhores resultados, leia atentamente as instruções contidas neste opúsculo antes de usar o seu Relógio SEIKO Quartz Análogo. Queira conservar este manual para referências futuras.6M25/6M263CONTENTSPageFEATURES ..................................................................................................................4MODES AND DISPLAYS ............................................................................................5ADJUSTING THE HAND AND DATE POSITIONS.......................................................7TIME SETTING............................................................................................................9CALENDAR .................................................................................................................10ALARM .......................................................................................................................11TIMER .........................................................................................................................13STOPWATCH ..............................................................................................................15TACHYMETER ............................................................................................................18NECESSARY PROCEDURE AFTER BATTERY CHANGE ............................................20NOTES ON OPERATING THE WATCH.......................................................................22BATTERY LIFE INDICATOR ........................................................................................24BATTERY CHANGE.....................................................................................................24TO PRESERVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR WATCH......................................................26SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................29E n g l i s h4SEIKO ANALOGUE QUARTZCal. 6M25, 6M26FEATURESq Hour, minute & second handsq Up to 60 minutes can be set inminute increments.q Date displayed in numerals q Month indicated by handsq Calendar adjusts automaticallyexcept February of leap years.q Can be set to ring on a 12-hourbasis.q Measures up to 60 minutes in 1/10second increments.English5MODES AND DISPLAYS[Cal. 6M26]There are two buttons and a crown.a: Normal positionb: Extended position[Cal. 6M25]E n g l i s h6MODE CHANGE Turn at normal position clockwise or counterclockwise.Time setting¬Pull out CROWN .¬Adjusting hand & date positions Pull outCROWN .¬Pull outCROWN .¬Time settingPull out CROWN .Calendar settingTIME mode(Alarm disengaged)TIME mode (Alarm engaged)STOPWATCH modeALARM SETTING modeCALENDAR mode TIMER modeEnglish7ADJUS TING THE HAND AND DATE POS ITIONSq Before setting the time and calendar, be sure to use STOPWATCH mode to checkthe positions of Hour, Minute and Second hands and the date numeral.Turn to set MODE INDICATOR to “CHRONO.”.*If the stopwatch is counting, first press Button B to stop measurement and then press Button A to reset the hands.HOW TO RESET THE HAND AND DATE POSITIONSq If the hands do not return to the 12 o’clock position or the date numeral does not appear at the center of the calendar frame, reset them following the procedure below. If they do not need resetting, go on to the next section (“TIME SETTING”).Pull out.E n g l i s h8Press to select what is to be ad-justed (hands or date) in the fol-lowing order (See *1 on page 22) :Push back in to normal position .Press to reset the selected hand to the 12 o’clock position or put the date to the center of the cal-endar frame. (See *2 on page 22)English9TIME SETTINGTurn to set MODE INDICATOR to “TIME” or “ALM.ON”.Pull out.Push back in to normal position in accordance with a time signal.Press to set Minute hand. (See *2and *3 on page 22)Press to set Hour hand. (See *2and *4 on page 22)*Second hand automatically returns to the 12 o’clock position.E n g l i s h10CALENDARq The month is indicated by the hour marker that all three hands point to.q The date is indicated by the numeral shown in the calendar frame.qThe calendar automatically adjusts for odd and even months except February of leap years.Turn to set MODE INDICATOR to “DATE”.CALENDAR SETTING Pull out.Push back in to normal position .Press to set the month (Ex. De-cember). (See *2 on page 22)Press to set the date (Ex. 10th).(See *2 on page 22)English11ALARMALARM SETTINGqThe alarm can be set to ring on a 12-hour basis.Turn to set MODE INDICATOR to “ALM.ON” or “TIME” to engage or disengage the alarm. (See the following section)Turn to set MODE INDICATOR to “ALM.SET”. (See *5 on page 22)Press to set Minute hand. (See *2and *3 on page 22)Press to set Hour hand. (See *2 on page 22)E n g l i s h12ALARM ENGAGEMENT/DISENGAGEMENT • Alarm engagement•Alarm disengagementTurn to set MODE INDI-CATOR to “ALM.ON”.(See also *6 on page 22)Turn to set MODE INDI-CATOR to “TIME”.[TIME mode with alarm engaged][TIME mode with alarm disengaged]q Alarm rings at the designated time for 20 seconds.*To stop it manually, press Button A or B .q To check the designated alarm time, set MODE INDICATOR to “ALM.SET”.English13q The timer can be set to count down up to 60 minutes in minute increments.TIMERTurn to set MODE INDICATOR to “TIMER”.q Before setting the timer, check that the three hands are at “0” position.TIMER SETTINGPress to set the desired amount of time in minutes. (See *2 on page 22)*To set the timer for 60minutes, set Minute hand at “0” position.E n g l i s h14TIMER OPERATION ¬STARTSTOP¬RESTARTSTOP¬RESET*Restart and stop of timer can be repeated by pressing Button B .q When the set time is up, a warning sound beeps for approximately 5 seconds.*To stop it manually, press Button A or B .*See also *7 on page 22.English15q Stopwatch measures up to 60 minutes in 1/10 second increments.STOPWATCHTurn to set MODE INDICATOR to “CHRONO.”.q In the following cases, the stopwatch operations cannot be made:1)While the timer warning sound is beeping (for about 5 seconds).2)While the hands are moving quickly to catch up with the accumulated elapsed time after the split time is released (less than 5 seconds).*See also *8 on page 23.HOW TO READ THE HANDSq In STOPWATCH mode, each hand indicates the elapsed time as follows:E n g l i s h16• For the first 1 minute Ex.: 20 and 7/10 seconds • After the first 1 minuteEx.: during measurementEx.:when measurement isstopped or split time is measured Minute hand1/10 second hand**Minute hand 1/10 second hand***Minute hand*1/10 second hand moves from 0 to 9 (minute markers)repeatedly.**1/10 second hand stays at “0” position while the stopwatch is counting.***When the measurement isstopped or split time is measured, 1/10 second hand indicates the 1/10seconds measured.When the measurement is restarted or split time is released, it returns to “0”position.1/10 second hand*English17STARTSPLIT RELEASESTOPSPLIT*Measurement and release of split time can be repeated by pressing Button A .RESETSTARTRESTARTSTOPSTOPRESET*Restart and stop of stopwatch can be repeated by pressing Button B .STOPWATCH OPERATIONq Before using the stopwatch, be sure to reset the hands to “0” position.RESETE n g l i s h18TACHYMETER(for models with tachymeter scale on the dial)Use the stopwatch to determine how many seconds it takes to go1 km or 1 mile.Tachymeter scale indicated by Second hand gives the averagespeed per hour.Ex. 2:If the measuring distance is extended to 2 km or miles or shortened to 0.5 km or milesand Second hand indicates “90” on tachymeter scale:“90” (tachymeter scale figure) x 2 (km or mile) = 180 km/h or mph“90” (tachymeter scale figure) x 0.5 (km or mile) = 45 km/h or mph*Tachymeter scale can be used only when the time required is less than 60 seconds.English19Use the stopwatch to measure the time required to complete 1job.Tachymeter scale indicated by Second hand gives the average number of jobs accomplished perhour.Ex. 2:If 15 jobs are completed in 20 seconds:“180” (tachymeter scale figure) x 15 jobs = 2700 jobs/hourE n g l i s h20NECES S ARY PROCEDURE AFTER BATTERY CHANGEq When the battery is replaced, the information stored in the IC does not correspond with the time and date actually displayed. Before using the watch, therefore, be sureto reset the hands and date, following the procedure below.Turn to set MODE INDICATOR to “CHRONO.”.*If the stopwatch is counting, first press Button B to stop measurement and then press Button A to reset the hands.¬Pull out.ORPress and hold at the same time for 2 seconds.*A beep sounds when the buttons are released, and the h a n d s s t a r t t o s h o w demonstration movement.Press to stop the hands.English21Press to select what is to be ad-justed (hands or date) in the fol-lowing order (See *1 on page 22):Press to reset the selected hand to the 12 o’clock position or set the date to “1”. (See *2 on page 22)*After resetting the hands and date as explained above,set the time and calendar.(See “TIME SETTING” and “CALENDAR”)Push back in to normal position .E n g l i s h22NOTES ON OPERATING THE WATCH*1When a hand is selected, it will move back and forth and return to where it was.When the date is selected, it will advance one day and return to the current date.*2The hand(s)/date move(s) quickly if the corresponding button is kept pressed for 2seconds.*3As Minute hand moves, Hour hand also moves correspondingly.*4When setting Hour hand, check that AM/PM is correctly set.•Press Button A to turn Hour hand past the 12 o’clock marker to determine whether the watch is set for the A.M. or P.M. period. If the date changes, the time is set for the A.M. period. If the date does not change, the time is set for the P.M. period.While the date is changing, Hour hand stops on the 12 o’clock position even if Button A is kept pressed.*5The alarm time can be set with the CROWN both at the normal position and at theextended position.*6Alarm test: With the CROWN at “ALM.ON”, press and hold Buttons A and B atthe same time.*7Remarks on timer operation:•In TIMER mode, Hour hand stops at the 12 o’clock position.•With each press of the buttons, a beep sounds for confirmation.•Even if the mode is changed from TIMER to another while the timer is counting down, it continues counting. If the timer is stopped, however, the hands will be reset to “0” position by changing the mode.English23*8Remarks on stopwatch operation:•With each press of the buttons, a beep sounds for confirmation.•Even if the mode is changed from STOPWATCH to another while the stopwatch is measuring, it continues counting. If the split time is measured, however, it will be released and counting will be continued by changing the mode.E n g l i s h24BATTERY LIFE INDICATORBATTERY CHANGEThe miniature battery which powers your watch should last approximately 2 years . However, because the battery is inserted at the factory to check the function and performance of the watch, its actual life once in your possession may be less than the specified period. When the battery expires, be sure to replace it as soon as possible to prevent any malfunction.For battery replacement, we recommend that you contact an AUTHORIZED SEIKO DEALER and request SEIKO SR927W battery.*The battery life may be less than 2 years if:•the alarm is used more than once a day,•the timer is used for more than 5 minutes a day, and/or •the stopwatch is used for more than 5 minutes a day.2Yearsq The battery needs to be replaced when you see the Second hand moving at two-second intervals instead of normal one-second intervals.*The watch will, however, remain accurate while Second hand is moving at two-second intervals.English25E n g l i s h26TO PRESERVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR WATCHCondition of uses WATER RESISTANCEWATER RESISTANT 5 BAR WATER RESISTANT No indication Indication on case backNon-water resistant Degree of water resistance*Accidental contact with water such as rain and splashesSwimming,yachting and taking ashowerNo No No NoYes No No NoYes Yes No NoYes Yes Yes NoWATER RESISTANT 10/15/20 BARScuba diving**and saturation divingTaking a bath and shallowdiving 3 bar5 bar 10/15/20 barEnglish27q Non-water resistantq Water resistant 5/10/15/20 bar•If the watch becomes wet, have it checked by an AUTHORIZED SEIK O DEALER or SERVICE CENTER.•Before using in water, be sure the crown is pushed in completely.•Do not operate the crown and buttons when the watch is wet or in water.If used in sea water, rinse the watch in fresh water and dry it completely.•When taking a shower with a water resistant 5bar watch, or taking a bath with a water resistant 10, 15 or 20 bar watch, be sure to observe the following:*Do not operate the crown or push the buttons when the watch is wet with soapy water or shampoo.*If the watch is left in warm water, a slight time loss or gain may be caused. This condition, however, will be corrected when the watch returns to normal temperature.*Pressure in bar is a test pressure and should not be considered as corresponding to actual diving depth since swimming movement tends to increase the pressure at a given depth. Care should also be taken on diving into water.**We recommend that you wear a SEIK O Diver’s Watch for scuba diving.s TEMPERATURES°C (140°F) or below –10°C␣(+14°F) may cause a slight time loss or gain or battery leakage or shorten the battery life.However, the above conditions will be corrected when the watch returns to normal temperature.5 bar WRYour watch works with stable accuracy within a temperature range of 5°C and 35°C (41°F and 95°F).10/15/20bar WRE n g l i s h28s CARE OF CASE AND BRACELETTo prevent possible rusting of the case and bracelet, wipe them periodically with a soft dry cloth.s PERIODIC CHECKIt is recommended that the watch be checked once every 2to 3 years. Have your watch checked by an AUTHORIZEDSEIK O DEALER or SERVICE CENTER to ensure that the case, crown, buttons, gasket and crystal seal remain intact.sSHOCKS & VIBRATIONBe careful not to drop your watch or hit it against hard surfaces.s MAGNETISMYour watch will be adversely affected by strong magnetism.Keep it away from close contactwith magnetic objects.s CHEMICALSBe careful not to expose the watch to solvents, mercury,cosmetic spray, detergents,adhesives or paints. Otherwise,the case, bracelet, etc. may become discolored, deteriorated or damaged.s PRECAUTION REGARDING CASE BACK PROTECTIVE FILMIf your watch has a protective film and/or a sticker on the case back, be sure to peel them off before using your watch.2 - 3YearsEnglish29SPECIFICATIONS1Frequency of crystal oscillator...........32,768 Hz (Hz = Hertz ... Cycles per second)2Loss/gain (monthly rate)....................Less than 15 seconds at normal temperature range (5°C ~ 35°C) (41°F ~ 95°F)3Operational temperature range .........–10°C ~ +60°C (14°F ~ 140°F)4Driving system ..................................Step motor, 4 pieces5Display system“TIME”........................................TIME mode (hour, minute and second hands)“ALM.ON”..................................TIME mode (hour, minute and second hands)“ALM.SET”.................................ALARM SETTING mode (hour and minute hands)The alarm is set on a 12-hour basis.“TIMER”.....................................TIMER mode (minute and second hands)Up to 60 minutes can be set in minute increments.“DATE”.......................................CALENDAR mode (month indicated by the threehands and date displayed in numerals)“CHRONO.”................................STOPWATCH mode (minute, second and 1/10second hands)The stopwatch can measure up to 60 minutes in 1/10 second increments.6Battery...............................................SEIKO SR927W, 1 piece7IC (Integrated Circuit)........................C-MOS-LSI, 1 piece and Bipolar IC, 1 piece*The specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.。



指针腕表中文带有日期扫描的回拨腕表 VD86A / VD85J时间和日期设置1. 将表冠拉出至位置 3,顺时针旋转以设置星期。
2. 将表冠保持在位置 3,旋转指针以设置时间(确保上午/下午的正确设置)3. 将表冠推回至位置 1。
4. 将表冠拉出至位置 2,逆时针旋转以设置日期。
5.将表冠推回至位置 1。
VD86AVD85J日历型日期设置1. 将表冠拉出至位置“2”。
2. 顺时针或逆时针转动表冠,并将日期设置为前一天的日期。
时间设置1. 将表冠拉出至位置“3”。
2. 逆时针转动表冠使时间向前变化,继续转动直到日期变为当天日期。
3. 然后设置正确的时间。
4. 将表冠按回到位置“1”。
弦上满后,您的手表所储备的动力,大约可维持 38 个小时。
自动型手表 TY2723 / TY25421. 要让手表开始运行,可在位置“1”上顺时针旋转表冠 15 至 20 次。
2. 将表冠拉出至位置“2”并顺时针旋转设置时间。
TY2723revised 03 / 12旧款机芯请直接联系您当地的客服中心。
模拟-数字型 FL1331A正常时间显示1. 按 A 或 B 切换到 EL。
2. 按住 A 或 B 长达 2 秒钟关闭数字显示屏。
3. 按 C 按钮切换 12/24 小时格式。
显示屏会显示 12 小时格式的“AM”(上午)或“PM”(下午)。


SUUNTO表中文说明书SUUNTO探险计算机使用手册ALTIMAXNAVITECVECTORX-LANDER▲S U U N T O欢迎您选择了SUUNTO探险计算机,在之后的使用中,事实会证明您的选择是正确的也是明智的。
服务支持SUUNTO CN 中国TEL/电话: 0086 10FAX/传真: 0086 10SUUNTO USA 美国TEL/电话: 1(800)543-9124SUUNTO Canada 加拿大TEL/电话: 1(800)776-7770WWW: WWW。
comSUUNTO Euroope 欧洲TEL/电话: +33 3 90 20 74 30FAX/传真: +33 3 90 20 74 40WWW: WWW。
comSUUNTO Oyj 公司TEL/电话: +358 9 8524 050FAX/传真: +358 9 8524 0592WWW: WWW。
MIDO 机械表使用手册说明书

Analogue MechanicalWatchesUser's ManualDisplay and functionsSeconds handMinute handHour handDate*Day** According to modelCongratulationsWe congratulate you on choosing a MIDO® watch, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned in the world. Meticulously designed, using only the highest quality materials and components, your watch is protected against shocks and impacts, variations in temperature, water and dust.To ensure that your watch operates with perfect precision for many years to come, we recommend that you pay careful attention to the advice provided hereafter.This user manual applies to all MIDO® mechanical watches (hand-wound or automatic). Please refer to the explanations relating specifically to your watch model.Important informationMIDO® has always been one of the pioneers of waterresistant watches. Before changing any settings, please read and follow the instructions given below:If you have selected a Commander Ocean Star model, you have chosen a watch with a one-piece case (monocoque) which ensures complete water-resistance. This concept comprises a two-section winding shaft. As a consequence, you must carefully pull th e crown into setting positions II and III because it can be pulled out completely if too much force is applied. If this problem arises, please contact your sales agent who will reinstall the crown for you and check over the water-resistance.If you have selected a model with the Aquadura system, you have chosen a unique system capable of assuring complete water-resistance thanks to a gasket made of cork which fully encircles the crown shaft.Before pulling out the crown, rotate it by two or three turns.WindingModels with screwed crownTo ensure even better water resistance, certain models are fitted with a screwed crown. Before setting the time, winding or setting the date* or day*, you must first unscrew the crown into position IB. Important: After every operation, th e crown must be screwed back in to maintain the water-resistance of the watch.Hand-wound mechanical watchesHand-wound watches must be wound regularly by hand in order to remain in continuous operation (e.g. every morning before putting the watch on your wrist). To do so, pull the crown into position I and turn it forward until it locks. The power reserve of fully wound mechanical movements varies from 36 to 80 hours, depending on the models. Automatic mechanical watchesYour watch must be wound manually if it has stopped or not been worn for several days, in order to ensure that your watch remains in continuous operation during periods of low activity (e.g. during sleep). In these cases, turn the crown through 30 revolutions forward in position I. T he automatic winding system will then ensure that the movement is fully wound if the watch is on your wrist. It is also possible to fully wind an automatic watch manually by means of the winding crown. However, please note that automatic movements have a slipping spring, which disengages the winding system (the crown can be turned infinitely) once the movement has been fully wound. Generally speaking, 80 revolutions of the crown are enough to fully wind most automatic mechanical watches.The efficiency of the automatic winding system of a mechanical movement depends on th e wrist movements of th e person wearing th e watch. Do not deliberately sh ake your automatic watch to wind it; this has no effect and could damage the watch. SettingsNB: Please take account of the information above if your watch is fitted with a screwed crown.Setting the timePull the crown out to position III and turn it in either direction until the desired time is displayed.On certain models with a seconds hand, you can synchronize it with an official time signal (radio/ TV/Internet). When the crown is pulled out to position III, the seconds hand is stopped. Once the time is synchronised, push the crown back into position I (and screw it back in on models with a screwed crown).Note: certain calibres do not have a “stop seconds” mechanism. To synchronise them, you need to turn the crown backward slightly and hold back the tension, thereby stopping the seconds hand. You then need only release the tension when the display matches the time signal. Rapid correction of the date* and day*NB: Do not perform a rapid date correction between 22:00 and 02:00.Pull the crown out to position II and turn it clockwise until the desired date is displayed, or counterclockwise to correct the day. During this operation, your watch will keep operating, so you will not need to adjust the time.Technical informationPower reserveMIDO® Automatic watches draw their energy from an oscillating weight which is activated in response to the natural movements of your wrist. This weight keeps the watch wound. Automatic watches do not need a battery. Depending on the model, the power reserve varies from 36 to 80 hours.AccuracyT he accuracy of a mechanical watch depends on the movements and habits of the person wearing it, and so it can vary. A MIDO®qualified watchmaker can adjust the accuracy of a watch within the MIDO® tolerance thresholds. Most watches which are not certified chronometers have an average accuracy tolerance of around -10/+30 seconds per day.A chronometer is a precision mechanical watch which has obtained an official certificate issued by COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres), after its movement has passed several accuracy tests in various positions and at various temperatures, as well as water-resistance tests performed in the laboratory for 15 days and 15 nights. T o be awarded the title of chronometer, the average accuracy of a mechanical movement must be between -4/+6 seconds per day. Water-resistanceMIDO® watches are designed to withstand a pressure of up to 3 bar (30 m / 100 ft), 5 bar (50 m / 165 ft), 10 bar (100 m / 330 ft), 20 bar (200 m / 660 ft) or 30 bar (300 m / 1000 ft), depending on the information shown on the case-back.A watch cannot be permanently guaranteed absolutely water-resistant. It may be affected by ageing of the gaskets or by an accidental impact on the watch. We recommend that you have your watch’s water resistance checked once a year by an approved MIDO® service centre.Care and maintenanceTemperatureDo not expose your watch to sudden temperature changes (exposure to sunlight followed by immersion in cold water) or extreme temperatures (over 60°C (140°F) or below 0°C (32°F).Magnetic fieldsDo not expose your watch to intense magnetic fields such as those generated by loudspeakers, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators or other electromagnetic appliances.Shocks and impactsAvoid thermal shocks or impacts, since they may harm your watch. In the event of a violent impact please have your watch checked by an approved MIDO® service centre.Harmful productsPrevent your watch from coming into any direct contact with solvents, detergents, perfumes, cosmetic products etc., since they may damage the bracelet, the case or the gaskets.CleaningWe would advise you to clean your watch regularly (except for the leather strap) using a soft cloth and lukewarm soapy water. After immersion in salty water, rinse your watch in fresh water and leave it to dry completely.ServicesLike any precision instrument, a watch must be serviced regularly for optimum operation. As a general rule, we recommend that you have your watch checked every 3 to 4 years by your approved MIDO® retailer or service centre. However, please note that depending on the climate and the conditions of use of the watch, a shorter interval may be required. To benefit from the highest standards of service and to ensure your guarantee remains in force, please always contact an approved MIDO® retailer or service centre.Availability of spare partsFrom the stoppage date of the watch production, MIDO® guarantees the availability of its spare parts for a minimum period of 10 years for standard watches, and for a period of up to 20 years for gold watches. If for any reason production of a particular spare part is stopped or deferred, MIDO® reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to offer the customer an alternative solution.。

2INTERNATIONAL WARRANTYL ONGINES is delighted you have chosen a time-piece from its collection, which lives up to the brand’s long-established know-how, based on re-search combined with technical excellence and timeless elegance.La Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A. grants you, with effect from the purchase date, a twenty-four (24) month warranty on all LONGINES ® watches models and a five (5) year warranty on the automatic watches purchased from January 1, 2021, under the terms set out in this warranty. The L ONGINES international warran-ty covers defects in materials and manufacturing that exist at the time of delivery of the L ONGINES watch purchased (“defects”). The warranty takes ef-fect only if the warranty certificate has been dated and fully completed by an official L ONGINES deal-er (“valid warranty certificate”). During the term of the warranty and on presenting the valid warranty certificate, you are entitled to have any defect re-paired free of charge. In the event that repairs can-not restore your L ONGINES watch to full working order, La Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Fran-cillon S.A. undertakes to replace it with an identical L ONGINES watch or another L ONGINES watch with similar characteristics. The warranty for the replacement watch expires on the same date as the warranty for the replaced watch.The warranty does not cover:• battery life;• n ormal wear and tear (such as scratches on the case and/or glass; alteration of the colour and/ or material of cases, straps, bracelets and chains made of leather, textile, rubber or any other non-metallic material; the PVD coating; the colour of bronze);• d amage to any part of the watch resulting from unsuitable/improper use, neglect, carelessness, accidents (knocks, dents, crushing, glass breakage, etc.), incorrect use of the watch, or failure to follow the instruction manual;• h arm of any nature whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from using the L ONGINES watch or from any operational failure, defect or lack of precision in the watch;• a L ONGINES watch having being handled by a non-approved person (for example, for the purposes of replacing the battery or carrying out servicing or repairs) or having been altered from its original state other than under the supervision of La Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Francillon S.A.Any other claims against La Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Francillon S.A., for example for any kinds of damage or harm other than those set out in this warranty, are expressly excluded, excepting statuto-ry rights that the purchaser can assert against the manufacturer.This manufacturer’s warranty:• i s independent of any warranty that may be provid-ed by the vendor and for which the vendor accepts sole responsibility;• i n no way affects the purchaser’s rights against the vendor nor any other statutory right the purchaser may have against the vendor.The Customer Service department of La Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Francillon S.A. ensures your L ONGINES watch is perfectly maintained. If your watch needs servicing, entrust it to an offi-cial L ONGINES dealer or an approved L ONGINES Service Centre as listed on our website at www. l : their servicing is guaranteed to comply with the standards of La Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Francillon S.A.* Compagnie des Montres L ongines, Francillon S.A., CH-2610 Saint-Imier, Switzerland.L ONGINES® is a registered trademark.3CONTENTSWe are delighted you have become the owner of a L ONGINES watch. We recommend you read this instruction manual carefully before using your L ONGINES watch for the first time in order to en-sure its correct operation and long life. If you would like more information about your watch or if it is fitted with a complication, you can find detailed in-formation and tutorials by going to our website at www.l /instruction-manual or by scanning the QR code.Precautions concerning water-resistance A watch’s water-resistance can be affected by changes caused by the gaskets drying out, or an ac-cidental shock to the crown. To help maintain your watch’s water-resistance, we recommend rinsing it in soft water after any contact with sea water and having its water-resistance checked once a year by an approved L ONGINES Service Centre. In no cir-cumstances should you open your watch yourself.IMPORTANT! Never activate the time-setting crown and/or push-pieces when the watch is underwater, and ensure that the crown and push-pieces are pushed in or screwed down before any immersion in water.*The water-resistance values given in metres are equivalent to pressure applied in accordance with standard ISO 22810.International warranty 2Water-resistance 3Setting the time 4L ongines warranty card 51 2 3 4 5None Not water-resistant No No No 3 bar Water-resistant to a pressure of 3 bar (30 m)*Yes Yes Yes 5 bar Water-resistant to a pressure of 5 bar (50 m)*Yes Yes Yes 10 bar Water-resistant to a pressure of 10 bar (100 m)*Yes Yes Yes 30bar Water-resistant to a pressure of 30 bar (300 m)*Yes Yes Yes1 indication on the case back2 meaning*3 rain, washing your hands4 showering, taking a bath, washing dishes, doing housework5 swimming, snorkelling35+*4SETTING THE TIME – GENERAL INFORMATIONScrew-in crown Some LONGINES models are fitted with a screw-in crown which must be unscrewed before setting the time, correcting the date or winding. After setting the time or winding, return the crown to position 1, then push it back in and screw it in firmly in order to ensure the watch’s water-resistance.Setting the time Pull the crown out to position 3 when the seconds hand is at 60. Turn the crown forwards or backwards until the desired time is displayed. Once the time is correctly set, push the crown back in to position 1.Quick date correction Pull the crown out to position 2 and turn it forwards to correct the date. While you are doing this, your watch continues to operate and so the time does not need resetting. The date needs correcting after any month with fewer than 31 days. Push the crown back in to position 1. The date changes when the hour hand passes midnight.Do not attempt quick correction of the date between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m.A CrownB HoursC MinutesD SecondsE Date52021L4.805.4.11.649385722You can also access this information via the QR code to be found in the instruction manual, or by going to: www.l /instruction-manualScanning the QR code on your watch’s warranty card with your smartphone’s camera gives you ac-cess to the L ONGINES website. There you will find the specific instruction manual for your watch, avail-able in 33 languages, together with advice for main-taining your watch and the warranty terms.L ONGINES WARRANTY CARD。

海鸥自动机械表M186S使用说明书天时表行/ 2009-04-24★功能中心时分秒针日历(A)止秒/自动上链★使用方法(1)表冠操作方法:①表冠在位置1:手动上条位置,向前转动表冠可上条。
海鸥表具体功能解释说明书天时表行/ 2009-04-27○示能:指表盘上显示手表储存能量的指针指示,如指针指向40,手表可延续走时40小时。
○ 飞返日历、飞返周历:指手表上日历指针、周历指针在160度扇形面上指示,每月末、周末结束,指针飞返月历初、周初。
○ 裸摆:指在表盘面可看见手表的摆轮。
○ 飞轮:指在摆轮上方附加的一个精美的装饰轮,其转一周为60秒。
○ 止秒:手表在拉出表冠至调时位置时秒停走。
○ 自动上链:手表发生位置变化后自动上条补充能量。
敬请注意1. 自动机械表★自动手表是通过手臂的摆动来给手表的能源机构补充能量的,每一天一定要有适当的运动量(不必可以运动)。
2. 带有单历(日历)双历、周历)无24时指示的手表的调时方法:首先将表冠拉至调时位置,顺时针方向拨动时分针至跳日历后止(此时为夜间24时),如在中午12时后调时,请将时分针逆时针方向拨至所需要的时间,(中心有飞返日历指示的手表除外),然后推进表冠至上条位置。
3. 表冠带有锁扣装置的手表,调时后必须推至上条位置后在锁紧表冠。
4. 手动上条表:非自动上条机械表必须手动上条,最好在每日早晨佩戴前上满条,可确保手表走时准确。
5. 由于机械表与石英表计时原理及制造工艺不同,所以机械表计时以日差计算(国家标准中优质表日差为-20秒至+40秒/日)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
天时表行/ 2009-04-24
海鸥表具体功能解释说明书天时表行/ 2009-04-27
○ 飞返日历、飞返周历:指手表上日历指针、周历指针在160度扇形面上指示,每月末、周末结束,指针飞返月历初、周初。
○ 裸摆:指在表盘面可看见手表的摆轮。
○ 飞轮:指在摆轮上方附加的一个精美的装饰轮,其转一周为60秒。
○ 止秒:手表在拉出表冠至调时位置时秒停走。
○ 自动上链:手表发生位置变化后自动上条补充能量。
1. 自动机械表
2. 带有单历(日历)双历、周历)无24时指示的手表的调时方法:首先将表冠拉至调时位置,顺时针方向拨动时分针至跳日历后止(此时为夜间24时),如在中午12时后调时,请将时分针逆时针方向拨至所需要的时间,(中心有飞返日历指示的手表除外),然后推进表冠至上条位置。
3. 表冠带有锁扣装置的手表,调时后必须推至上条位置后在锁紧表冠。
4. 手动上条表:非自动上条机械表必须手动上条,最好在每日早晨佩戴前上满条,可确保手表走时准确。
5. 由于机械表与石英表计时原理及制造工艺不同,所以机械表计时以日差计算(国家标准中优质表日差为-20秒至+40秒/日)。