航空气象 keywords 关键词汇




1、地面气象观测surface meteorological observation气象观测的重要组成部分,它是对地球表面一定范围内的气象状况及其变化过程进行系统地、连续地观察和测定,为天气、气候、气候变化、人工影响天气、生态气象等业务、科学研究和服务提供重要的依据。


2、气象要素 meteorological element表征大气状态的基本物理量和基本天气现象。

3、代表性 representative观测记录不仅要反映测点的气象状况,而且要反映测点周围一定范围内的平均气象状况。



4、准确性 accuracy观测记录要真实地反映实际气象状况。


5、比较性 comparative不同地方的地面气象观测站在同一时间观测的同一气象要素值,或同一个气象站在不同时间观测的同一气象要素值能进行比较,从而能分别表示出气象要素的地区分布特征和随时间的变化特点。


6、时制 time system以一定的时间间隔作为时间单位,并以一定的起始瞬时计量时间的系统。


7、日界 day boundary地面气象观测中划定一日开始和结束的时间界限。


8、天气现象 weather phenomenon发生在大气中、地面上的一些物理现象。


9、地面凝结现象surface Coagulatephenomenon在地面或地物上产生水汽凝结或凝华的天气现象。

10、视程障碍现象 visibility obstaclephenomenon影响能见度且其强度与能见度直接相关的天气现象。


RWY-Runway 跑道 RVR- Runway Visual Range跑道视程 SIGMET-significant meteorology information 重要气象情报 WS-wind shear风切变 APCH-approach-进近

2017/12/28 第12页
SKC-sky clear碧空(0/8) FEW-少云(1/8 -2/8) SCT-scattered cloud-疏云 (3/8- 4/8) BKN-broken-多云(5/8 -7/8) OVC-overcast-阴天(8/8) *ISOL-isolated个别CB *OCNL-occasional完全分离的CB *FRQ-frequent很少或不分离的CB *EMBD-embedded in a layer隐嵌在其它云层或霾里 的CB
2017/12/28 第16页
HYY-heavy强的 SEV-severe严重的 MOD-moderate中等的 WKN-weaken减弱 NC-no change 无变化 INTSF-intensfy加强 INTSTY-intensity强度 OBSC-obscure模糊不清 FZ-frozen冰冻的
ICAO –international civil aviation organization国际民航组织 FCST- Forecast 预报 OBS-Observe 观测 FIR-Flight Information Region 飞行情报区 TAF-Terminal Aerodrome Forecast机场预报 METAR -Meteorological Routine Weather Report



常用航空气象符号及缩写词汇编重要天气符号SYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER雷暴Thunderstorms毛毛雨Drizzle地形波Mountain waves冻雨 Freezing precipitation热带气旋Tropical cyclone雨 Rain大片雾 Widespread fog大片烟Widespread smoke严重飑线 Severe squall line雪Snow大片吹雪Widespreadblowing snow严重沙或尘霾Severe sand or dust haze中度颠簸Moderate turbulence阵雨 Shower火山喷发 V olcanic eruption严重飞机积冰 Severe aircrafticing严重颠簸 Severe turbulence雹 Hail大片轻雾 Widespread mist大片霾 Widespread haze轻度飞机积冰 Slight aircrafticing中度飞机积冰Moderate aircraft icing大片沙(尘)暴Widespread sandstorm or duststorm实时和预报重要天气代码表CODE TABLE FOR SIGNIFICANT PRESENT AND FORECAST WEATHER限定词QUALIFIER天气现象WEATHER PHENOMENA强度或趋势INTENSITY or PROXIMITY1说明摘要DESCRIPTOR2降水PRECIPITATION3视程障碍OBSCURATION4其它 OTHER5- 小(轻)的 Light中常的Moderate (无须说明) (No qualifier) + 强的 Heavy VC 在附近 In the vicinityMI 浅的 Shallow BC 散片的Patches PR 部分的 Partial DR 风吹起的低的 Low driftingBL 风吹起的高的BlowingSH 阵性的 Shower TS 雷暴 ThunderstormFZ 冻结的(过冷却的) FreezingDZ 毛毛雨 Drizzle RA 雨Rain SN 雪Snow SG 米雪 Snow grains IC 冰晶Ice Crystal钻石尘(Diamon dust) PE 冰粒(冰丸) Ice pellets GR 冰雹HailGS 小冰雹和/或霾Small hail and/or雪丸snow pellets BR 轻雾Mist FG 雾Fog FU 烟SmokeV A 火山灰V olcanic ash DU 浮尘 Widespread dust SA 沙Sand HZ 霾HazePO 尘/沙旋风 Dust/sandwhirls (尘卷风)(dust devils) SQ 飑SquallsFC 漏斗云 Funnel cloud(s)(海、陆龙卷)(tornado or waterspout) SS 沙暴Sandstorm DS 尘暴Duststorm锋线和辐合线FRONTS AND CONVERGENCE LINES ETC冷锋Cold front at the surface对流层顶高度Tropopause Level最大风的方向、速度及所处高度Position,speed and level of max.wind准静止锋Quasi-stationary front at the surface 暖锋Warm front at the surface对流层顶高点Tropopause High辐合线Convergence line零度等温层高度Freezing level锢囚锋Occluded front at the surface对流层顶低点 Tropopause Low热带辐合带Intertropicalconvergence zone标准等压面图例CHARTS FOR STANDARD ISOBARIC SURFACES压力等高线(高度以米为单位)Pressure isohypse(altitude in meters)等风速线(以节计)Isotachs of wind speed in knotsH等压面高压中心Centre of high altitude of the isobaric surface最大风速区Zone of maximum wind所选点的风速(短线5节,长线10节,黑三角50节)Wind at selected points(half abarb=5 knots, full barb=10 knots and atriangle50 knots)L 等压面低压中心Centre of low altitudeof the isobaric surface等温线(以摄氏度计)Isotherm(degrees Celsius)所选点的温度(以摄氏度计)Temperature atselected points(degree Celsius)重要天气图所用的其它符号OTHER SYMBOLS FOR PROGNOSTIC OR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER晴空颠簸区边缘Boundary of area of CAT零度等温线高度指示(若需)Height indication of 0℃ isotherm(if required)重要天气区边界Boundary of area of significant weather缩写(ABBREVIATIONS)CU 淡积云Cumulus SKC碧空Sky Clear(0/8)BECMG渐变Becoming EMBD隐藏的E,bedded FM起始时间FromTCU浓积云Toweringcumulus FEW疏云Few(1~2/8)TEMPO短时Temporary OBSC遮蔽的Obsured TL直到……TillCB 积雨云Cumulonimbus SCT少云Scattered(3~4/8)ISOL孤立的Isolated SQL飑线Squall Line CNS连续的ContinuousNS 雨层云Nimbostratus BKN多云Broken(5~7/8)OCNL偶然的Occasionally WDSPR广阔的Widespread COT海岸的CoastalAS 高层云Altostratus OVC满天云Overcast(8/8)FRQ频繁的Frequent PROB概率Probability LOC局部的LocallyAC 高积云Altocumulus CS 层积云Cirrostratus SC 层积云Stratocumulus LYR层状的Layer MON山区的MountainousCI 卷云Cirrus ST 层云Stratus DUC高空浓云Denseupper cloud NOSIG无重大变化No significant changeCC 卷积云Cirrocumulus CUF积状云Cumuliform STF层状云Stratiform CAT晴空颠簸Clear Air Turbulence。



民航气象缩略语TAF:民航预报TAF(Terminal Aerodrome Forecast)是民航气象预报的一种重要形式,用于预报机场附近区域未来一段时间的天气情况,以帮助飞行员和航空公司做出准确的飞行决策。








METAR:机场实况报告METAR(Meteorological Aerodrome Report)是一种标准化的机场实况报告,用于向飞行员和航空公司提供机场当前的天气情况。





能见度和云量的表示方式与TAF 预报中的相同。



SIGMET:重要气象警报SIGMET(Significant Meteorological Information)是一种重要的民航气象警报,用于向飞行员和航空公司提供关于可能对飞行安全产生重大影响的天气现象的信息。



常用航空氣象符號及縮寫辭彙編重要天氣符號SYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER雷暴 Thunders torms毛毛雨 Drizzle地形波 Mountain waves凍雨 Freezing precipitat ion熱帶氣旋 Tropical cyclone雨 Rain大片霧 Widesprea d fog大片煙 Widespre ad smoke 嚴重颮線 Severe squall line雪 Snow大片吹雪Widesprea d blowing snow嚴重沙或塵霾 Severe sandordust haze中度顛簸Moderat e turbulenc e陣雨 Shower火山噴發 Volcanic eruption嚴重飛機積冰 Severe aircraft icing 嚴重顛簸 Severe turbulenc e雹 Hail大片輕霧 Widesprea d mist大片霾 Widespre ad haze輕度飛機積冰Slight aircraft icing 中度飛機積冰Moderateaircrafticing大片沙(塵)暴Widespread sandstorm orduststorm即時和預報重要天氣代碼表CODE TABLE FOR SIGNIFICANT PRESENT AND FORECAST WEATHER 限定詞QUALIFIER 天氣現象WEATHER PHENOMENA強度或趨勢INTENSITY or PROXIMITY1 說明摘要DESCRIPTOR2降水PRECIPITATION3視程障礙OBSCURATION4其他OTHER5冷鋒Cold front at the surface 對流層頂高度Tropopause Level最大風的方向、速度及所處高度Position,speed andlevel of max.wind准靜止鋒Quasi-stationaryfront atthesurface暖鋒Warm front at the surface 對流層頂高點Tropopause High輻合線Convergence line零度等溫層高度Freezinglevel錮囚鋒Occluded front at the surface 對流層頂低點Tropopause Low熱帶輻合帶Intertropicalconvergence zone標準等壓面圖例CHARTS FOR STANDARD ISOBARIC SURFACES 壓力等高線(高度以米為單位)Pressure isohypse(altitude in meters) 等風速線(以節計)Isotachs of wind speedin knotsH等壓面高壓中心Centreof high altitude of theisobaric surface最大風速區Zone ofmaximum wind所選點的風速(短線5節,長線10節,黑三角50節)Wind at selectedpoints(half a barb=5knots, full barb=10knots and a triangle50knots)L等壓面低壓中心Centreof low altitude of theisobaric surface等溫線(以攝氏度計)Isotherm(degreesCelsius)所選點的溫度(以攝氏度計)Temperature atselected points(degreeCelsius)重要天氣圖所用的其他符號OTHER SYMBOLS FOR PROGNOSTIC OR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER晴空顛簸區邊緣Boundary of area of CAT零度等溫線高度指示(若需)Height indication of 0℃isotherm(ifrequired)重要天氣區邊界Boundary of area of significant weather縮寫(ABBREVIATIONS)CU 淡積雲CumulusSKC碧空SkyClear(0/8)BECMG漸變BecomingEMBD隱藏的E,beddedFM起始時間FromTCU濃積雲ToweringcumulusFEW疏雲Few(1~2/8)TEMPO短時TemporaryOBSC遮蔽的ObsuredTL直到……TillCB 積雨雲CumulonimbusSCT少雲Scattered(3~4/8)ISOL孤立的IsolatedSQL颮線SquallLineCNS連續的Continuous。



民航气象常用缩略语及符号含义天气现象名称、简语及符号类别种别记录完型符号雷电雷暴/雷雨TS/TSRA thunderstorm/ thunderstorm降水雨 RA rain 冻雨 FZRA freezing rain 阵雨 SHRA shower rain 毛毛雨 DZ drizzle 冻毛毛雨 FZDZ freezing drizzle 雨夹雪 RASN/SNRA rain and snow 阵性雨夹雪SHRASN/SHSNRAshower rain and snow雪 SN snow grains 阵雪 SHSN shower snow米雪SG now小冰雹/雪丸(霰)GS small hail and/or snowpellets冰雹 GR hail 冰粒 PL ice pellets 冰针 IC ice crystals 吹雪高吹雪BLSN blowing snow低吹雪 DRSN low drifting snow雾雾 FG fog 轻雾 BR mist冻雾FZFG freezing fog 浅雾 MIFG shallow fog 碎雾 BCFG patches fog 部分雾PRFGpartial fogSYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER 重要天气预告图中的天气现象及符号符号含义符号含义freezing precipitation 冻降水* tropical cyclone 热带气旋shower 阵雨 hail 雹drizzle 毛毛雨 severe squall line 强飑线**rain 雨 moderate turbulence 中度颠簸snow 雪severe turbulence 严重颠簸widespread fog 大范围的雾 moderate aircraft icing 中度积冰widespread mist 大范围的轻雾severe aircraft icing 严重积冰widespread haze 大范围的霾mountain waves 地形波widespread smoke 大范围的烟mountain obscuration 山体朦胧widespread blowing snow 大范围的吹雪volcanic eruption 火山喷发***widespread sandstorm or duststorm大片沙暴或尘暴radioactive materials in the atmosphere大气中的放射性物质***severe sand or dust haze 严重沙或尘霾*“冻降水”不是指在很低的温度下由于接触降水而引起的航空器积冰。



BR 轻雾 Mist FG 雾 Fog FU 烟 Smoke VA 火山灰 Volcanic ash DU 浮尘 Widespread dust SA 沙 Sand HZ 霾 Haze
PO 尘/沙旋风 Dust/sandwhirls (尘卷风)(dust devils)
严重飑线 Severe squall line
Moderate turbulence
Severe turbulence
Slight icing
雪 Snow
阵雨 Shower
雹 Hail 中度飞机积冰 Moderate aircraft icing
大片吹雪 Widespread blowing snow
压力等高线(高度以米为单位)Pressure isohypse(altitude in meters)
最大风速区 Zone of maximum wind
等温线(以摄氏度计)Isotherm(d egre es Celsius)
等风速线(以节计) Isotachs of wind speed in knots
CU 淡积云 Cumulus TCU 浓积云 Toweringcumulus CB 积雨云 Cumulonimbus NS 雨层云 Nimbostratus AS 高层云 Altostratus AC 高积云 Altocumulus CI 卷云 Cirrus
CC 卷积云 Cirrocumulus
晴空颠簸区边缘 Boundary of area of CAT
SQ 飑 Squalls FC 漏斗云 Funnel cloud(s)






主题词表English Chinese01. 大气atmospheric science 大气科学meteorology 气象学atmosphere 大气atmospheric impurity 大气杂质atmospheric suspended matter 大气悬浮物atmospheric composition 大气成分atmospheric mass 大气质量atmospheric density 大气密度atmospheric subdivision 大气分层homosphere 均质层heterosphere 非均质层standard [pressure] level 标准层isothermal layer 等温层lower atmosphere 低层大气middle atmosphere 中层大气upper atmosphere 高层大气troposphere 对流层tropopause 对流层顶stratosphere 平流层stratopause 平流层顶mesosphere 中间层mesopause 中间层顶thermosphere 热层exosphere 外[逸]层ionosphere 电离层magnetosphere 磁层ozonosphere 臭氧层free atmosphere 自由大气planetary atmosphere 行星大气standard atmosphere(reference atmosphere) 标准大气(参考大气)homogeneous atmosphere 均质大气isothermal atmosphere 等温大气polytropic atmosphere 多元大气scale height 大气标高meteorological element 气象要素air temperature 气温wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度dry-bulb temperature 干球温度atmospheric pressure 气压standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压station pressure 本站气压sea-level pressure 海平面气压pressure gradient 气压梯度barometric height formula 压高公式pressure gradient force 气压梯度力Coriolis force 科里奥利力water vapor 水[蒸]汽water vapor pressure 水汽压humidity 湿度relative humidity 相对湿度absolute humidity 绝对湿度specific humidity 比湿mixing ratio 混合比dew point [temperature] 露点(温度) depression of the dew point (温度)露点差super-saturated air 过饱和空气saturation specific humidity 饱和比湿saturation vapor pressure 饱和水汽压saturation deficit 饱和差cloud 云low cloud 低云middle cloud 中云high cloud 高云cloud amount 云量cloud height 云高cloud genera 云属cloud etage 云族cloud species 云种cloud variety 云类cloud form 云状cirrus, Ci 卷云cirrostratus, Cs 卷层云cirrocumulus, Cc 卷积云altocumulus, Ac 高积云altostratus, As 高层云cumulus, Cu 积云cumulus humilis, Cu hum 淡积云cumulus congestus, Cu con 浓积云cumulonimbus, Cb 积雨云cumulus fractus, Cu fra 碎积云stratocumulus, Sc 层积云stratus, St 层云nimbostratus, Ns 雨层云stratiform cloud 层状云cumuliform cloud 积状云cold cloud 冷云warm cloud 暖云ice cloud 冰云wind 风wind direction 风向wind speed, wind velocity 风速maximum wind speed 最大风速extreme wind speed 极大风速wind speed profile 风速廓线wind force 风力wind force scale 风级Beaufort [wind] scale 蒲福风级calm 0级风light air 1级风light breeze 2级风gentle breeze 3级风moderate breeze 4级风fresh breeze 5级风strong breeze 6级风near gale 7级风gale 8级风strong gale 9级风storm 10级风violent storm 11级风hurricane 12级风gust 阵风local wind 地方性风surface wind 地面风foehn 焚风mountain-valley breeze 山谷风sea-land breeze 海陆风on-shore wind 向岸风off-shore wind 离岸风gorge wind 峡谷风predominant wind direction 主导风向prevailing wind 盛行风wind pressure 风压wind energy 风能wind energy resources 风能资源wind energy rose 风能玫瑰[图] visibility 能见度clear sky 晴天partly cloudy 少云cloudy 多云overcast 阴天blue of the sky 天空蓝度sky condition 天空状况precipitation 降水amount of precipitation 降水量precipitation intensity 降水强度showery precipitation 阵性降水convective precipitation 对流性降水orographic precipitation 地形降水rain 雨rain drop 雨滴rain shadow 雨影glaze 雨凇rain day 雨日rainfall [amount] 雨量continuous precipitation 连续性降水intermittent precipitation 间歇性降水showery rain 阵雨freezing rain 冻雨drizzle 毛毛雨light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨torrential rain 暴雨local precipitation 地方性降水orographic rain 地形雨storm 风暴sandstorm, duststorm 沙[尘]暴hail storm 雹暴haze 霾dust 浮尘dew 露frost 霜frost point 霜点first frost 初霜latest frost 终霜tornado 龙卷dust devil 尘卷风snow 雪sleet 雨夹雪showery snow 阵雪snow crystal 雪晶snowflake 雪花snow grains 米雪snowstorm 雪暴snow cover 积雪snowfall [amount] 雪量snow depth 雪深snow day 雪日icing 积冰hail 冰雹thunder 雷thunderstorm 雷暴thunder shower 雷阵雨lightning 闪电fog 雾mist 轻雾wet fog 湿雾sea fog 海雾ice fog 冰雾frontal fog 锋面雾advection fog 平流雾radiation fog 辐射雾advection-radiation fog 平流辐射雾mixing fog 混合雾evaporation fog 蒸发雾supercooled fog 过冷却雾ground fog 地面雾upslope fog 上坡雾air-mass fog 气团雾tropical air fog 热带气团雾rime 雾凇graupel 霰percentage of sunshine 日照百分率sunshine duration 日照时数duration of possible sunshine 可照时数02. 大气探测atmospheric sounding and observing 大气探测meteorological observation 气象观测surface observation 地面观测visual observation 目测background pollution observation 本底污染观测field observation 外场观测conventional observation 常规观测sounding 探空upper air observation 高空观测aircraft sounding 飞机探测rocket sounding 火箭探测radio sounding 无线电探空surface data 地面资料upper air data 高空资料observation site 观测场meteorological platform 气象观测平台automatic meteorological station 自动气象站meteorological instrument 气象仪器screen,instrument shelter 百叶箱thermometer 温度表telethermometer 遥测温度表thermograph 温度计geothermometer 地温表surface geothermometer 地面温度表angle geothermometer 曲管地温表tube-typed geothermometer 直管地温表maximum thermometer 最高温度表minimum thermometer 最低温度表mercury thermometer 水银温度表Lyman-αhygrometer 莱曼-α湿度表bimetallic thermograph 双金属片温度计barograph 气压计aneroid barograph 空盒气压计mountain barograph 高山气压计barometer 气压表aneroid barometer 空盒气压表ship-barometer 船用气压表mountain barometer 高山气压表pressure altimeter 气压测高表normal barometer 标准气压表mercury barometer 水银气压表Fortin barometer 福丁气压表Kew pattern barometer 寇乌气压表hygrograph 湿度计hygrometer 湿度表psychrometer 干湿表aspirated psychrometer 通风干湿表Assmann psychrometer 阿斯曼干湿表dew-point hygrometer 露点湿度表hair hygrometer 毛发湿度表hair hygrograph 毛发湿度计black and white bulb thermometer 黑白球温度表barothermograph 气压温度计dry-bulb thermometer 干球温度表wet-bulb thermometer 湿球温度表sunshine recorder 日照计Jordan sunshine recorder 乔唐日照计Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder 康培尔-司托克日照计pyrheliometer 直接辐射表pyranometer 总辐射表sky radiometer diffusometer 天空辐射表albedometer 反照率表pyranometer 净辐射表evaporograph 蒸发计evaporation pan 小型蒸发器evaporation tank 大型蒸发器standard pan 标准蒸发器ceiling projector 云幂灯visibility meter,visiometer 能见度表raingauge 雨量器pluviograph,recording raingauge 雨量计accumulative raingauge 累计雨量器tilting bucket raingauge 翻斗[式]雨量计electric conductivity raingauge 水导[式]雨量计siphon rainfall recorder 虹吸[式]雨量计rainfall intensity recorder 雨强计telemetering pluviograph 遥测雨量计wind vane 风向标anemometer 风速表contact anemometer 电接风速表cup anemometer 转杯风速表propeller anemometer 螺旋桨[式]风速表anemorumbometer 风向风速表anemograph 风速计meteorological rocket 气象火箭sounding rocket 探空火箭weather radar 天气雷达meteorological radar 气象雷达lidar 激光雷达sodar, acoustic radar 声[雷]达Doppler radar 多普勒天气雷达atmospheric remote sensing 大气遥感meteorological satellite 气象卫星synoptic data 天气资料real time data 实时资料radiation transfer equation 辐射传输方程atmospheric transmission model 大气传输模式03. 大气物理学atmospheric physics 大气物理[学]cloud physics 云物理学advection 平流convection 对流aerosol 气溶胶cloud droplet-size distribution 云滴谱raindrop size distribution 雨滴谱fog-drop 雾滴cloud droplet 云滴supercooled cloud droplet 过冷云滴drop spectrum 滴谱collision 碰撞coagulation 碰并ice crystal 冰晶ice point 冰点condensation 凝结evaporation 蒸发solidification 凝固deposition 凝华sublimation 升华freezing 冻结condensation nucleus 凝结核salt nucleus 盐核weather modification 人工影响天气cloud dissipation 消云salt-seeding 盐粉播撒frost prevention 防霜artificial precipitation 人工降水cloud cluster 云团tropical cloud cluster 热带云团cloud system 云系comma cloud system 逗点云系banded cloud system 带状云系vortex cloud system 涡旋云系atmospheric radiation 大气辐射solar radiation 太阳辐射solar constant 太阳常数outgoing long-wave radiation, OLR 向外长波辐射visible light 可见光radiation balance 辐射平衡global radiation 总辐射direct radiation 直接辐射effective radiation 有效辐射scattered radiation 散射辐射diffuse radiation 漫射辐射sky radiation 天空辐射upward [tatal] radiation 向上[全]辐射downward [total] radiation 向下[全]辐射incoming radiation 入射辐射albedo of the earth-atmosphere system 地气系统反照率albedo of underlying surface 下垫面反照率atmospheric counter radiation 大气逆辐射radiance 辐射率albedo 反照率planetary temperature 行星温度atmospheric window 大气窗[atmospheric] absorptivity [大气]吸收率primary scattering 一次散射Mie scattering 米散射multiple scattering 多次散射Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射sky brightness, sky luminance 天空亮度atmospheric optical thickness, atmospheric optical depth 大气光学厚度[atmospheric] transparency [大气]透明度atmospheric optical phenomena 大气光学现象atmospheric turbidity 大气浑浊度mirage 蜃景twilight 曙暮光aurora australis 南极光aurora borealis 北极光halo 晕46°halo 46度晕22°halo 22度晕solar halo 日晕lunar halo 月晕solar corona 日华lunar corona 月华rainbow 虹secondary rainbow 霓corona 华twilight colors 霞aurora 极光glory 宝光[环]magnetic storm 磁暴04. 大气化学atmospheric chemistry 大气化学atmospheric photolysis 大气光解作用atmospheric ozone 大气臭氧atmospheric trace gas 大气痕量气体photochemical reaction 光化反应photochemical smog 光化烟雾precipitation chemistry 降水化学atmospheric background 大气本底[值] atmospheric pollution 大气污染air pollution 空气污染primary pollutant 原生污染物secondary pollutant 次生污染物atmospheric cleaning 大气净化floating dust 飘尘dustfall 降尘greenhouse gasses 温室气体atmospheric pollutant 大气污染物smog aerosol 烟雾气溶胶ash cloud 烟灰云smog 烟雾smoke screen 烟幕acid rain 酸雨smoke 烟smoke plume 烟羽plume rise 烟羽抬升fallout 沉降物05. 动力气象学dynamic meteorology 动力气象学atmospheric thermodynamics 大气热力学sensible heat 感热latent heat 潜热reversible adiabatic process 可逆绝热过程irreversible adiabatic process 不可逆绝热过程moisture inversion 逆湿thermodynamic equation 热力学方程temperature inversion 逆温turbulence inversion 湍流逆温surface inversion 地面逆温radiation inversion 辐射逆温capping inversion 覆盖逆温subsidence inversion 下沉逆温frontal inversion 锋面逆温inversion layer 逆温层temperature gradient 温度梯度temperature advection 温度平流adiabatic ascending 绝热上升adiabatic sinking 绝热下沉adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic heating 绝热增温pseudo-adiabatic process 假绝热过程diabatic process 非绝热过程convective condensation level, CCL 对流凝结高度mixing condensation level 混合凝结高度temperature lapse rate 气温直减率dry adiabatic lapse rate 干绝热直减率moist adiabatic lapse rate 湿绝热直减率condensation level, CL 凝结高度virtual temperature 虚温dry adiabatic process 干绝热过程moist adiabatic process 湿绝热过程potential temperature 位温equation of motion 运动方程continuity equation 连续方程equation of state 状态方程vorticity equation 涡度方程divergence equation 散度方程hydrostatic equation 流体静力方程ω-equation ω方程perturbation equation 扰动方程thermal wind equation 热成风方程advective equation 平流方程balance equation 平衡方程baroclinic process 斜压过程geostrophic adjustment 地转适应available potential energy 有效位能geopotential meter 位势米geopotential height 位势高度inertial instability 惯性不稳定free convection level 自由对流高度[atmospheric] stability [大气]稳定度static stability 静力稳定度absolute stability 绝对稳定absolute instability 绝对不稳定neutral stability 中性稳定conditional instability 条件[性]不稳定barotropic instability 正压不稳定baroclinic instability 斜压不稳定latent instability 潜在不稳定conservation of potential vorticity 位涡守恒z-coordinate z坐标p-coordinate p坐标σ-coordinate σ坐标θ-coordinate 位温坐标convergence 辐合divergence 辐散divergence 散度horizontal divergence 水平散度vorticity 涡度Rossby wave 罗斯贝波stationary wave 定常波cyclostrophic wind 旋衡风gradient wind 梯度风thermal wind 热成风veering wind 顺转风geostrophic wind 地转风antitriptic wind 摩擦风jet stream 急流northern branch jet stream 北支急流southern branch jet stream 南支急流basic flow 基本气流subtropical jet stream 副热带急流axis of jet stream 急流轴warm advection 暖平流cold advection 冷平流upward flow 上升气流downward flow 下沉气流geostrophic motion 地转运动quasi-geostrophic motion 准地转运动Ekman layer 埃克曼层Ekman spiral 埃克曼螺线atmospheric circulation 大气环流meridional circulation 经向环流zonal circulation 纬向环流Hadley cell 哈得来环流Walker cell 沃克环流direct circulation 直接环流indirect circulation 间接环流[圈]trade-wind circulation 信风环流circulation cell 环流圈local circulation 局地环流three-cell [meridional] circulation 三圈经向环流circulation index 环流指数high index 高指数low index 低指数index cycle 指数循环circulation theorem 环流定理Kelvin's theorem of circulation 开尔文环流定理Bjerknes circulation theorem 皮叶克尼斯环流定理cross-equatorial flow 越赤道气流atmospheric center of action 大气活动中心scaling 尺度分析synoptic scale 天气尺度planetary scale 行星尺度meso scale 中尺度mesoscale model 中尺度模式general circulation model, GCM 大气环流模式barotropic model 正压模式baroclinic model 斜压模式06. 天气学synoptic meteorology 天气学weather 天气synoptic chart 天气图weather symbol 天气符号barb 风速羽wind shaft 风矢杆wind arrow 风矢present weather 现在天气past weather 过去天气upper air chart 高空[天气]图surface chart 地面[天气]图isobaric surface 等压面standard isobaric surface, mandatory level 标准等压面contour chart 等压面图rainfall chart 雨量图isoline 等值线isotherm 等温线isodrosotherm 等露点线isallotherm 等变温线isobar 等压线topographic isobar 地形等压线isallobar 等变压线contour line 等高线shear line 切变线squall line 飑线pressure field 气压场wind field 风场allobaric field 变压场anallobaric center 正变压中心katallobaric center 负变压中心humidity field 湿度场wet tongue 湿舌dry tongue 干舌dry line 干线temperature field 温度场cold tongue 冷舌warm tongue 暖舌pressure system 气压系统low [pressure], depression 低[气]压deepening of a depression 低压加深cold low 冷低压warm low 暖低压mesoscale low 中尺度低压thermal low 热低压cut-off low 切断低压orographic depression 地形低压trough 低压槽trough line 槽线inverted trough 倒槽cold trough 冷槽long-wave trough 长波槽East Asia major trough 东亚大槽cyclone 气旋cyclonic circulation 气旋性环流cyclonic shear 气旋性切变extratropical cyclone 温带气旋cyclone family 气旋族occluded cyclone 锢囚气旋cyclogenesis 气旋生成cyclolysis 气旋消散cold vortex 冷涡warm vortex 暖涡permanent depression 永久性低压semi-permanent depression 半永久性低压Aleutian low 阿留申低压Icelandic low 冰岛低压Changjiang-Huaihe cyclone 江淮气旋Changjiang-Huaihe shear line 江淮切变线South China Sea depression 南海低压Mongolian low 蒙古低压Northeast China low 东北低压mid-tropospheric cyclone 对流层中层气旋Southwest China vortex 西南[低]涡high pressure 高[气]压cold high 冷高压warm high 暖高压ridge 高压脊ridge line 脊线warm ridge 暖脊col pressure field 鞍形气压场high pressure barrier 高压坝deformation field 变形场anticyclone 反气旋anticyclonic circulation 反气旋环流anticyclonic shear 反气旋切变anticyclogenesis 反气旋生成anticyclolysis 反气旋消散permanent high 永久性高压semi-permanent high 半永久性高压subtropical high 副热带高压Siberian high 西伯利亚高压South Asia high 南亚高压blocking high 阻塞高压blocking situation 阻塞形势Ural blocking high 乌拉尔山阻塞高压Okhotsk high 鄂霍次克海高压Pacific high 太平洋高压Azores high 亚速尔高压air mass 气团air-mass analysis 气团分析air-mass source 气团源地air-mass classification 气团分类air-mass property 气团属性air-mass transformation 气团变性conservative property of air mass 气团保守性transformed air mass 变性气团warm air mass 暖气团cold air mass 冷气团arctic air mass 北极气团polar air mass 极地气团tropical air mass 热带气团equatorial air mass 赤道气团continental air mass 大陆气团maritime air mass 海洋气团tropical marine air mass 热带海洋气团front 锋frontal surface 锋面frontal zone 锋区frontal slope 锋面坡度warm front 暖锋cold front 冷锋occluded front 锢囚锋cold occluded front 冷性锢囚锋warm occluded front 暖性锢囚锋neutral occluded front 中性锢囚锋rapidly moving cold front 快行冷锋slowly moving cold front 慢行冷锋stationary front 静止锋polar front 极锋arctic front 北极锋antarctic front 南极锋surface front 地面锋upper front 高空锋frontal analysis 锋面分析frontal weather 锋面天气warm front cloud system 暖锋云系cold front cloud system 冷锋云系frontal precipitation 锋面降水orographic occluded front 地形锢囚锋North China occluded front 华北锢囚锋orographic stationary front 地形静止锋South China quasi-stationary front 华南准静止锋Kunming quasi-stationary front 昆明准静止锋Tianshan quasi-stationary front 天山准静止锋synoptic analysis 天气分析synoptic situation 天气形势synoptic process 天气过程synoptic system 天气系统planetary scale system 行星尺度系统synoptic scale system 天气尺度系统subsynoptic scale system 次天气尺度系统mesoscale system 中尺度系统microscale system 小尺度系统cold wave 寒潮cold outburst 寒潮爆发intertropocal convergence zone, ITCZ 热带辐合带tropical easterlies jet 热带东风急流tropical high 热带高压tropical monsoon 热带季风easterly wave 东风波subtropical calms 副热带无风带tropical cyclone 热带气旋tropical depression 热带低压tropical storm 热带风暴severe tropical storm 强热带风暴typhoon 台风typhoon eye 台风眼storm center 风暴中心Meiyu, plum rain 梅雨Meiyu front 梅雨锋onset of Meiyu 入梅ending of Meiyu 出梅Meiyu period 梅雨期El Nino 厄尔尼诺ENSO 恩索La Nina 拉尼娜southern oscillation, SO 南方涛动sea surface temperature, SST 海面温度brave west wind 咆哮西风带quasi-biennial oscillation, QBO 准两年振荡equatorial low 赤道低压equatorial calms 赤道无风带polar vortex 极涡polar low 极地低压weather forecast 天气预报severe weather warning 危险天气警报urban weather 城市天气foehn effect 焚风效应heat wave 热浪Qinghai-Xizang high 青藏高压07. 气候学climatology 气候学climate 气候climatic element 气候要素factors for climatic formation 气候形成因子solar climate 太阳气候ideal climate 理想气候global climate 全球气候global climate system 全球气候系统urban climate 城市气候indoor climate 室内气候continental climate 大陆性气候marine climate 海洋性气候arid climate 干旱气候semi-arid climate 半干旱气候humid climate 湿润气候warm-wet climate 湿热气候mountain climate 山地气候plateau climate 高原气候vertical climatic zone 垂直气候带diurnal variation 日变化departure 距平diurnal range 日较差annual range 年较差annual mean 年平均annual amount 年总量season 季节seasonality 季节性frost peroid 霜期frost day 霜日rainy season 雨季hot season 热季cool season 凉季continentality 大陆度oceanity 海洋度air-sea interaction 海气相互作用water cycle 水循环dry season 干季dry spell 干期aridity 干燥度moisture index 湿润度greenhouse effect 温室效应heat island effect 热岛效应heat sink 热汇heat source 热源heat balance 热量平衡pentad 候wind rose 风玫瑰图wind vector 风矢量average wind velocity 平均风速resultant wind 合成风firn 永久积雪firn line 永久雪线isohel 等日照线planetary wind system 行星风系trade winds 信风temperate westerlies 温带西风带monsoon 季风summer monsoon 夏季风winter monsoon 冬季风East Asian monsoon 东亚季风plateau monsoon 高原季风monsoon burst 季风爆发monsoon onset 季风建立monsoon depression 季风低压monsoon circulation 季风环流monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon region 季风区monsoon index 季风指数break monsoon 季风中断climatic type 气候型climatic classification 气候分类climate regionalization 气候区划climatic region 气候区climatic belt, climaic zone 气候带polar climate 极地气候subarctic climate 副极地气候temperate climate 温带气候subtropical climate 副热带气候tropical climate 热带气候equatorial climate 赤道气候K?ppen's climate classification 柯本气候分类tropical climate A 热带气候类tropical rainy climate 热带常湿气候亚类tropical winter dry climate 热带冬干气候亚类tropical monsoon rain climate 热带季风雨气候亚类arid climate 干燥气候类steppe climate 草原气候亚类desert climate 沙漠气候亚类winter moderate climate 冬温气候类winter moderate and winter dry climate 冬温冬干气候亚类winter moderate and summer dry climate 冬温夏干气候亚类winter moderate and rainy climate 冬温常湿气候亚类winter cold climate 冬寒气候类winter cold and rainy climate 冬寒常湿气候亚类winter cold and winter dry climate 冬寒冬干气候亚类polar climate 极地气候类tundra climate 苔原气候亚类perpetual frost climate 永冻气候亚类Thornthwaite's climatic classification 桑思韦特气候分类climatic analysis 气候分析climatic data 气候资料climatic statistics 气候统计climate resources 气候资源climatic probability 气候概率climatic variability 气候变率interannual variability 年际变率nuclear winter 核冬天climatic variation 气候变迁climatic change 气候变化climatic oscillation 气候振荡climatic fluctuation 气候振动climatic revolution 气候演变climatic reconstruction 气候重建climate periodicity 气候周期性teleconnection 遥相关abrupt change of climate 气候突变climatic deterioration 气候恶化climatic trend 气候趋势climatic adaptation, acclimatization 气候适应climatic impact 气候影响climatic anomaly 气候异常climatic prediction 气候预测climate damage 气候灾害climatic feedback mechanism 气候反馈机制historical climate 历史气候ice age 冰期little ice age 小冰期interglacial period 间冰期post-glacial climate 冰后期气候Quaternary climate 第四纪气候climate modification 人工影响气候duration of frost-free period 无霜期08. 应用气象学evapotranspiration 蒸散transpiration 蒸腾potential evapotranspiration 潜在蒸散soil water balance 土壤水分平衡soil water content 土壤含水量surface temperature 地面温度ground temperature 地温soil temperature 土壤温度active temperature 活动温度effective temperature 有效温度optimum temperature 最适温度accumulated temperature 积温active accumulated temperature 活动积温effective accumulated temperature 有效积温agricultural threshold temperature 农业界限温度frozen soil 冻土light resources 光资源heat resources 热量资源agrometeorological model 农业气象模式twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气agrometeorological hazard 农业气象灾害dry hot wind 干热风late spring cold 倒春寒freezing injury 冻害frost injury 霜冻wet damage 湿害hot damage 热害cool damage 冷害wind damage 风害chilling injury 寒害snow damage 雪灾hail damage 雹灾drought damage 旱灾drought 干旱sensible temperature 感觉温度wind-chill index 风寒指数comfort index 舒适指数wind energy potential 风能潜力solar energy resources 太阳能资源。


低空风切变:一般指高度在 500 米以下,风向/或风速在空间一定距离上的变化。 如发生在飞机的起降航径上,对飞行安全有很大的威胁。
低空重要气象情报(AIRMET):气象监视台发布的可能影响低空航空器飞行安全 的特定航路天气现象的发生或预期发生的情报。该情报中的天气现象未包含在为 有关的飞行情报区(或其分区)的低空飞行发布的预报中。
地面锢囚锋 地面准静止锋 对流层顶高
对流层顶高度层 最大风位置、速度 和高度层 辐合线
两短线表示高度层变化 3000 英尺(或以下)和/或风速变化 37 公里/小时(20 海里/小时),例中在两短划的风速是 259 公里/小时(140 海里/小时)。粗线 描绘的急流轴起始/终止在风速 150 公里/小时(80 海里/小时)那点上。
能见度:用距离来表示大气浑浊程度的量。 (1) 航空能见度:a 当在明亮的背景下观测时,能够看到和辨认出位于近 地面的一定范围内的黑色目标物的最大距离;b 在无光的背景下,使 用 1000 堪德拉左右德灯光能够看到和辨认出的最大距离。 (2) 有效能见度:指观测点四周一半以上的视野内都能达到的最大水平距 离。目前,中国民航观测和报告有效能见度。 (3) 主导能见度:指观测点四周一半或以上的视野内能达到的最大水平距 离。 (4) 跑道能见度:指从跑道的一端沿跑道方向可以辨认跑道本身或接近跑 道的目标物(夜间为指定的跑道边灯)的最大距离。
=标明飞行高度层的 0℃等温线高度
注:0℃高度层在 SWH 和 SWM 图上用 0°:120 表明 0℃高
度层在飞行高度层 120



• 主要天气图分为高、中、低三个层: • 高层重要天气预告图(SWH)应指明飞行高度大于FL (飞行高度层)250(7 500 m)的高空影响飞行的重要 天气现象。 • 中层重要天气预告图(SWM)应指明飞行高度小于等于 FL250(7 500 m),大于FL100(3 000 m)(在高原或 山区可达FL150(4 500 m),必要时可更高)的中空影 响飞行的重要天气现象。 • 低层重要天气预告图(SWL)应指明飞行高度小于等于 FL100(3 000 m)(在高原或山区可达FL150(4 500 m),必要时可更高)的低空影响飞行的重要天气现象。 • 重要天气预告图的发布间隔为6 h。我国中高空预告图 (SWH、SWM)有效时间为:0000、0600 、1200、 1800(UTC)
• 1.强度符号 : • -轻的、弱的 +重的、强的无 中度的 VC 附 近的 • 2.描述符 : • MI 浅BC碎片DR低吹BL 高吹SH 阵性FZ 冻结的过冷却)PR 部分的TS 雷暴 • 3.天气现象的缩写: • a降水现象: DZ毛毛雨RA 雨SN 雪SG 米雪 IC 冰晶PE 冰丸GR 冰雹GS 小雹/雪丸
• (b)视程障碍现象 :BR轻雾FG 雾FU 烟HZ 霾SA 沙DU 尘VA 火山灰 • (c)其他现象 :PO 尘卷风SQ 飑FC 漏斗云 SS 沙暴DS 尘暴 • 4.对部分重要天气代码的解释 • 强度符号中VC 附近的:表示不在机场,但 不超过距离机场8公里的范围,仅与沙/尘暴; 雾;漏斗云;阵性降水;高吹沙/雪连用 • 描述符中TS 雷暴的:常与降水现象连用。 但当在观测前10分钟内听到雷声, • 但在机场没有观测到降水时可以用TS编报



航空气象观测术语1、地面气象观测surface meteorological observation气象观测的重要组成部分,它是对地球表面一定范围内的气象状况及其变化过程进行系统地、连续地观察和测定,为天气、气候、气候变化、人工影响天气、生态气象等业务、科学研究和服务提供重要的依据。


2、气象要素 meteorological element表征大气状态的基本物理量和基本天气现象。

3、代表性 representative观测记录不仅要反映测点的气象状况,而且要反映测点周围一定范围内的平均气象状况。



4、准确性 accuracy观测记录要真实地反映实际气象状况。


5、比较性 comparative不同地方的地面气象观测站在同一时间观测的同一气象要素值,或同一个气象站在不同时间观测的同一气象要素值能进行比较,从而能分别表示出气象要素的地区分布特征和随时间的变化特点。


6、时制 time system以一定的时间间隔作为时间单位,并以一定的起始瞬时计量时间的系统。


7、日界 day boundary地面气象观测中划定一日开始和结束的时间界限。


8、天气现象 weather phenomenon发生在大气中、地面上的一些物理现象。


9、地面凝结现象surface Coagulatephenomenon在地面或地物上产生水汽凝结或凝华的天气现象。






1. 气象气象是研究大气现象和过程的科学。



2. 风切变风切变指的是相邻空间或高度上的风速和方向之间的急剧变化。



3. 湍流湍流是一种空气运动的不稳定表现,它表现为气流中的旋转或波动。



4. 雷暴雷暴是大气中的一种强烈天气现象,通常伴随着闪电、雷鸣和强风等。



5. 降水降水指空气中悬浮物质沉降到地面的过程,包括雨、雪、冰雹等。


6. 霜冻霜冻是指水汽直接由气态转变为固态而结晶形成的薄冰层。



7. 红外遥感红外遥感是通过探测地球大气层红外辐射来获取气象信息的方法。






航空技术术语中英文对照precision recovery including maneuverable re-entry 包含可操纵重返之精确回收precision spin 準确螺旋precision spin 準确螺旋precision turn 準确转弯precision very high frequency omni direction range 精确极高频全向导航台precision-drop glider 精确空投滑翔机precision-guided munition 精确导引弹药preconscious level 前意识层次precooling 预冷precursor 母材predicted speed 计算速率prediction angle 预测角predictor 预测器preferential routes 优先使用航道preferential runway 优先使用的跑道pre-flight adaptation 飞行前适应preflight check 飞行前检查pre-flight inspection 飞行前检查prefragmented warhead 预成破片弹头pre-front squall line 锋前颮线preheating 预热pre-ignition 提前点火pre-launch console 发射前控制台preliminary design phase 初步设计阶段preliminary design review 初步设计审查preliminary estimation 初步估计preliminary flight qualification test 基础飞行资格考试preliminary flight rating test 基础飞行等级测试preliminary orbit determination 初步轨道决定preliminary performance estimation 初步性能估计preliminary weight estimation 初步重量估计premature detonation 过早爆震premature ventricular contraction 心室性早期收缩premixed laminar flame 预混层燄prepreg 预浸布prepreg material 预浸材料preprogrammed guidance 预置导引presbycusis 老年失聪presbyopia 老花眼presented target area 显示目标区preservative 防腐剂preset guidance 预置导引press roller 镇压轮,滚子press wheel 镇压轮pressive gradient 压力梯度pressurant gas 挤压气体pressure 压力pressure altitude 压力高度pressure altitude variation 压力高度差pressure anemomete 压力风速表pressure angle 压力角pressure anomaly 压力递减差距pressure breathing 加压呼吸pressure coefficient 压力係数pressure contour 等压线pressure demand oxygen equipment 压力需求式供氧装备pressure drag 压力阻力pressure drag 压力阻力pressure drag coefficient 压力阻力係数pressure fall center 降压中心pressure filler inlet 压力加油口pressure flap 均压阀pressure foredrag 头部压差阻力pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure head 压力落差,压头pressure head 压力头pressure instrument 压力式仪表pressure lapse rate 压力直减率pressure lubrication system 压力润滑系pressure nozzle 压力喷嘴pressure nozzle 压力喷嘴pressure pattern 气压型pressure pattern flight 气压型飞行pressure pattern flying 气压型飞行pressure plate anemometer 压板风速表pressure probe 压力探测器pressure pump 压力泵pressure pump 压力泵pressure recovery 压力復原pressure regulation 压力调节pressure rigid airship 压力硬式飞船pressure rise center 升压中心pressure suit 加压衣pressure system 气压系统,压力系统pressure tendency 压力趋势pressure transmission 压力传输pressure tube anemometer 压管风速表pressure warning unit 压力警告器pressure wave 压力波pressure-bag molding 压力袋成形pressure-fed 压馈pressure-volume diagram 压容图pressurized cabin 加压舱pressurized cabin 压力舱pressurized construction 加压结构pressurized tank 加压箱prestall buffet 失速前抖震pretest simulation 试验前模拟prevailing visibility 盛行能见度prevailing visibility 盛行能见度dymodel2007-12-7 11:12:14prevailing winds 盛行风preventive medicine 预防医学prima facie evidence 表见证据primacord 爆炸导火线primaquine 抗疟药物primary aerodynamic characteristics 主要气动特性primary circulation 主环流primary control surface 主要控制面primary cyclone 主气旋primary flight control 基本飞行控制primary flight control system 基本飞行控制系统primary flying training 初级飞行训练primary front 主锋primary instability 主要不稳定性primary instrument 主要仪器primary modulus of elasticity 基本弹性模数primary radar 初级雷达primary structure 主要结构primary surface 主平面primary surveillance radar 主搜索雷达primary target 主要目标primary training aircraft 初级教练机prime 注油prime meridian 原始子午线,本初子午线prime valve 注油阀priming device 气动注油装置,气爆装置principal axis 主轴principal moment of inertia 主惯性矩principal restraint 主限制principal strain 主应变principal stress 主应力principle axis 主轴线principle of superposition 叠加原理prior notice required 需事先通知prioritized significant events and conditions 重大事件优先顺序prior-to-flare speed 拉平前飞行速率private aircraft 私人飞机private glider pilot certificate 私人滑翔机驾驶员证书private pilot certificate 私人驾驶员证书probability 或然率,机率probability forecast 机率预报probability of hit 命中机率probability of kill 击落机率probable cause 可能原因probable error 概差,可能误差probable maximum precipitation 最大可降水量procedural knowledge 程序知识procedure turn 程序转弯procedures for air navigation services 飞航业务程序procedures inadequacy 程序不当processing speed 数据处理速率processing tomato harvester 加工用番茄收穫机processor 处理机,处理程式procurement 採购,购料,购置procurement specification 採购规范product certificate 產品证书product of inertia 惯性积product of inertia 惯性积product sample 產品样本production test flight 量產试飞proficiency check 熟练测验proficiency flight 熟练飞行profile drawing 剖面图profile grinding 轮廓轮磨,轮廓磨光profile line 剖面线profilometer 测面仪,测平仪prognostic chart 预测图prograde orbit 顺行轨道programmed roll 预定滚转programmed turn 预定转弯progress 进度,进行,进步progress chart 工作进度表progress report 进度报告progressive burning 增面燃烧progressive propellant 增面燃烧推进剂progressive schedule 进度时程progressive stall 渐进失速prohibited area 禁航区prohibited area 禁航区project design 方案设计project manager 专案主持人projected area 投影面积projected planform 投影平面形projected propeller area 螺旋桨投影面积projectile 射弹,拋射体projectile trajectory 拋射体弹道projection chart 投影图projection chart 地图投影法prolate ellipsoid 长椭球proliferation 核子扩散prone position 俯卧姿势proof strength 保证强度propaganda balloon 宣传气球propaganda balloon 宣传气球propagation constant 传播常数propagation error 传播误差propagation speed 传播速率propagation velocity 传播速度propane 丙烷propellant 推进剂dymodelpropellant tanks 推进剂箱propellant charge 推进剂药柱propellant charge 推进剂装药propellant loading ratio 推进剂装载比propellant outage 推进剂的储运损耗量propellant utilization system 推进剂利用系统propeller aerodynamic balance test 螺旋桨气动力平衡试验propeller airplane 螺旋桨飞机propeller anti icer 螺旋桨防冰器propeller axis of rotation 螺桨转轴(线)propeller balance 螺旋桨平衡propeller balance 螺旋桨平衡propeller balancing stand 螺旋桨平衡台propeller bar 螺桨閂propeller blade angle 桨叶角propeller blade aspect ratio 桨叶展弦比propeller blade element theory 螺旋桨叶素理论propeller blade shank 螺旋桨叶柄propeller brake 螺旋桨制动器propeller camber ratio 螺旋桨弧度比propeller cuffs 螺旋桨护甲propeller disc 螺旋桨盘propeller disk area 螺旋桨盘形面积propeller effective thrust 螺旋桨有效推力propeller feathering 螺旋桨顺桨propeller flutter 螺旋桨颤振propeller governor 螺旋桨调速器propeller horsepower 螺旋桨马力propeller hub 螺旋桨轂propeller interference 螺旋桨干扰propeller left-hand 左转螺旋桨propeller load 螺旋桨负载propeller load 螺旋桨负载propeller load curve 螺旋桨负载曲线propeller master blade 螺旋桨主叶propeller pump 旋叶泵propeller radius 螺旋桨半径propeller rake 螺旋桨倾角propeller reduction gear 螺旋桨减速齿轮propeller reinforcing girder 螺旋桨增强樑propeller root 螺旋桨叶根propeller section 螺旋桨剖面propeller slip function 螺旋桨滑流函数propeller speed 螺旋浆转速propeller static balance test 螺旋桨静力平衡试验propeller thrust 螺旋桨推力propeller tip speed 桨叶尖端速率propeller tipping 螺旋桨包梢propeller torque 螺旋桨转矩,螺旋桨扭力propeller wash 螺旋桨洗流propeller width ratio 螺旋桨宽度比propeller-blade speed 桨叶周围速率propelling nozzle 推进喷嘴proportional navigation 比例导航proportional navigation 比例接近法导航proprioceptor 本体感受器propulsion efficiency 推进效率propulsion efficiency 推进效率propulsion module 动力装置舱propulsion system 推进系统propulsion vehicle 运载火箭propulsion wind tunnel 发动机风洞propulsive duct 脉冲喷射发动机propulsive efficiency 推进效率propulsive unit 推进器组propulsive unit 推进器组propulsor 推进器protein 蛋白质proteinuria 蛋白尿prototype aircraft 原型飞机prototype construction 原型机结构prototype test flight 原型试飞prototyping 原型机製造protractor 分度规,量角器proving flight 验证试飞proving ground 试验场Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization 临时国际民航组织provisional weight 暂时重量proximate analysis 近似分析proximity fuze 近发引信proximity warning instrument 接近警告仪器proximityfuze 近发引信prudent limit of endurance 精确续航极限prudent limit of patrol 精确巡逻极限pseudo adiabat 假绝热线pseudo adiabatic lapse rate 假绝热直减率pseudo fly-by-wire 假电传飞控pseudo front 假锋pseudopursuit navigation 假追踪导航psychiatric evaluations 精神状况评估psychiatrist 精神病医师psychic evaluations 精神评估psychologic disorder 精神官能症psychological warfare 心理战psychologist 心理学家psychology 心理学psychophysiologic false myopia 身心性假性近视psychosis 精神病psychosomatic disorder 精神官能症psychotherapy 心理治疗dymodel2007-12-7 11:13:02psychotic disorder 精神性失常psy-chrometer 乾湿表public aircraft 勤务飞机public announcement 机上广播puddling furnace 搅练炉pull ring 拉环pull up 拉起puller 拉拔器pulley block 滑车组,滑轮组pull-out 拉平pull-up 拉升pulmonary bulla 肺大气泡pulmonary ventilation 肺通气量pulpitis 齿髓炎pulsating current 脉动电流,脉动气流pulsating direct current 脉动直流电pulsation 脉动pulse altimeter 脉波高度计pulse code 脉波密码pulse duration 脉波宽度pulse jet intermittent duct 脉冲喷射发动机pulse modulation 脉波调制pulse modulation 脉波调变pulse noise jamming 脉冲噪音干扰pulse radar 脉冲雷达pulse repetition rate 脉波重现率pulse spacing 脉波间隔pulse-code modulation 脉波电码调变pulsed plasma accelerator 脉冲电浆加速器pulse-frequency modulation 脉波频率调变pulsejet 脉冲喷射发动机pulsejet missile 脉冲喷射飞弹pulse-time modulation 脉波时间调变pulse-width modulation 脉波宽度调变pultrusion 拉挤成形pump 泵pump efficiency 泵效率pump speed 泵转速pump-fed 泵馈pumping 泵作用pumping frequency 泵频pumping friction 排吸摩擦pumping speed 泵压速率punch press 压孔机pundit 海岸光灯pure helicopter 纯直升机pure helicopter 纯直升机pure pursuit course lead 纯追击航线前置量purge 冲洗,排净purple 可能携带核弹pursuit 追踪,追击,驱逐pursuit airplane 驱逐机pursuit course 追击航线pursuit missile 尾追飞弹pursuit navigation 追击导航pursuit navigation 追逐航行pursuit-type aircraft 驱逐机push button indicator 按钮指示器push down 推头下降push forward 前推push plate conveyor 推板运送机push/pull microphone 推拉式传话筒push/pull rod 推拉桿pushback 后推,拖机作业pusher airplane 推式飞机pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher-type aircraft 推进式飞机pushing over 进入俯冲pushrod 推桿pylon eight 目标8字pyranometer 天空辐射表pyrgeometer 地面辐射表pyrheliometer 日射强度表pyroelectric detector 热电检知器pyrogen 烟火產生器pyrolysis products 解热生成物pyrometer 高温计pyrotechnic shock 烟火冲击pyrotechnics 烟火製造术pyroxylin primer 硝基纤维性底漆Q factor Q值Q-aerial Q型天线Q-band Q频带Q-code Q代码Q-corner (coffin corner) Q角落Q-fan 低噪音风扇Q-series propellants Q系列推进剂quad 四蕊导线quadrantal altitude 象限高度quadrantal deviation 象限罗差quadrantal error 象限误差quadrantal heading 象限航向quadrantal points 象限点quadrantal separation 象限隔离quadrantal signal 区信号quadruplane 四翼飞机quadruple register 四用记录器quality assurance 品质保证quality control 品质管制dymodel2007-12-7 11:13:54psychotic disorder 精神性失常psy-chrometer 乾湿表public aircraft 勤务飞机public announcement 机上广播puddling furnace 搅练炉pull ring 拉环pull up 拉起puller 拉拔器pulley block 滑车组,滑轮组pull-out 拉平pull-up 拉升pulmonary bulla 肺大气泡pulmonary ventilation 肺通气量pulpitis 齿髓炎pulsating current 脉动电流,脉动气流pulsating direct current 脉动直流电pulsation 脉动pulse altimeter 脉波高度计pulse code 脉波密码pulse duration 脉波宽度pulse jet intermittent duct 脉冲喷射发动机pulse modulation 脉波调制pulse modulation 脉波调变pulse noise jamming 脉冲噪音干扰pulse radar 脉冲雷达pulse repetition rate 脉波重现率pulse spacing 脉波间隔pulse-code modulation 脉波电码调变pulsed plasma accelerator 脉冲电浆加速器pulse-frequency modulation 脉波频率调变pulsejet 脉冲喷射发动机pulsejet missile 脉冲喷射飞弹pulse-time modulation 脉波时间调变pulse-width modulation 脉波宽度调变pultrusion 拉挤成形pump 泵pump efficiency 泵效率pump speed 泵转速pump-fed 泵馈pumping 泵作用pumping frequency 泵频pumping friction 排吸摩擦pumping speed 泵压速率punch press 压孔机pundit 海岸光灯pure helicopter 纯直升机pure helicopter 纯直升机pure pursuit course lead 纯追击航线前置量purge 冲洗,排净purple 可能携带核弹pursuit 追踪,追击,驱逐pursuit airplane 驱逐机pursuit course 追击航线pursuit missile 尾追飞弹pursuit navigation 追击导航pursuit navigation 追逐航行pursuit-type aircraft 驱逐机push button indicator 按钮指示器push down 推头下降push forward 前推push plate conveyor 推板运送机push/pull microphone 推拉式传话筒push/pull rod 推拉桿pushback 后推,拖机作业pusher airplane 推式飞机pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher-type aircraft 推进式飞机pushing over 进入俯冲pushrod 推桿pylon eight 目标8字pyranometer 天空辐射表pyrgeometer 地面辐射表pyrheliometer 日射强度表pyroelectric detector 热电检知器pyrogen 烟火產生器pyrolysis products 解热生成物pyrometer 高温计pyrotechnic shock 烟火冲击pyrotechnics 烟火製造术pyroxylin primer 硝基纤维性底漆Q factor Q值Q-aerial Q型天线Q-band Q频带Q-code Q代码Q-corner (coffin corner) Q角落Q-fan 低噪音风扇Q-series propellants Q系列推进剂quad 四蕊导线quadrantal altitude 象限高度quadrantal deviation 象限罗差quadrantal error 象限误差quadrantal heading 象限航向quadrantal points 象限点quadrantal separation 象限隔离quadrantal signal 区信号quadruplane 四翼飞机quadruple register 四用记录器quality assurance 品质保证quality control 品质管制dymodel2007-12-7 11:14:40psychotic disorder 精神性失常psy-chrometer 乾湿表public aircraft 勤务飞机public announcement 机上广播puddling furnace 搅练炉pull ring 拉环pull up 拉起puller 拉拔器pulley block 滑车组,滑轮组pull-out 拉平pull-up 拉升pulmonary bulla 肺大气泡pulmonary ventilation 肺通气量pulpitis 齿髓炎pulsating current 脉动电流,脉动气流pulsating direct current 脉动直流电pulsation 脉动pulse altimeter 脉波高度计pulse code 脉波密码pulse duration 脉波宽度pulse jet intermittent duct 脉冲喷射发动机pulse modulation 脉波调制pulse modulation 脉波调变pulse noise jamming 脉冲噪音干扰pulse radar 脉冲雷达pulse repetition rate 脉波重现率pulse spacing 脉波间隔pulse-code modulation 脉波电码调变pulsed plasma accelerator 脉冲电浆加速器pulse-frequency modulation 脉波频率调变pulsejet 脉冲喷射发动机pulsejet missile 脉冲喷射飞弹pulse-time modulation 脉波时间调变pulse-width modulation 脉波宽度调变pultrusion 拉挤成形pump 泵pump efficiency 泵效率pump speed 泵转速pump-fed 泵馈pumping 泵作用pumping frequency 泵频pumping friction 排吸摩擦pumping speed 泵压速率punch press 压孔机pundit 海岸光灯pure helicopter 纯直升机pure helicopter 纯直升机pure pursuit course lead 纯追击航线前置量purge 冲洗,排净purple 可能携带核弹pursuit 追踪,追击,驱逐pursuit airplane 驱逐机pursuit course 追击航线pursuit missile 尾追飞弹pursuit navigation 追击导航pursuit navigation 追逐航行pursuit-type aircraft 驱逐机push button indicator 按钮指示器push down 推头下降push forward 前推push plate conveyor 推板运送机push/pull microphone 推拉式传话筒push/pull rod 推拉桿pushback 后推,拖机作业pusher airplane 推式飞机pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher propeller 推式螺旋桨pusher-type aircraft 推进式飞机pushing over 进入俯冲pushrod 推桿pylon eight 目标8字pyranometer 天空辐射表pyrgeometer 地面辐射表pyrheliometer 日射强度表pyroelectric detector 热电检知器pyrogen 烟火產生器pyrolysis products 解热生成物pyrometer 高温计pyrotechnic shock 烟火冲击pyrotechnics 烟火製造术pyroxylin primer 硝基纤维性底漆Q factor Q值Q-aerial Q型天线Q-band Q频带Q-code Q代码Q-corner (coffin corner) Q角落Q-fan 低噪音风扇Q-series propellants Q系列推进剂quad 四蕊导线quadrantal altitude 象限高度quadrantal deviation 象限罗差quadrantal error 象限误差quadrantal heading 象限航向quadrantal points 象限点quadrantal separation 象限隔离quadrantal signal 区信号quadruplane 四翼飞机quadruple register 四用记录器quality assurance 品质保证quality control 品质管制dymodel2007-12-7 11:15:05radar navigation chart 雷达航图radar navigation guidance 雷达导航radar navigator 雷达领航员radar netting 雷达网radar netting station 雷达网中心站radar netting unit 雷达网装备radar picket 雷达哨radar picket escort 雷达哨护航radar pilotage 雷达地标航行radar plot 雷达标示radar position symbol 雷达位置符号radar prediction 雷达预测radar pulse 雷达脉波radar range marker 雷达距离标尺radar ranging 雷达测距radar rating 雷达检定radar receiver 雷达接收机radar reconnaissance 雷达侦察radar reflectivity 雷达反射率radar repeat-back guidance 雷达回报导引radar report 雷达报告radar resolution 雷达解析度radar response 雷达反应radar return 雷达回波radar separation standards 雷达隔离标準radar service 雷达服务radar signal film 雷达讯号影片radar signature 雷达特徵radar silence 雷达静默radar storm detection 雷达风暴侦测radar surveillance 雷达监视radar target 雷达目标radar target 雷达目标radar target designation 雷达目标标示器radar target designation control 雷达目标标定控制radar target marker 雷达目标标示器radar target simulator 雷达目标模拟器radar track position 雷达追踪位置radar track speed 雷达测定的地速radar tracking station 雷达追踪站radar vector 雷达导引航向radar wind 雷达测风radar wind system 雷达测风系统radar-equipped inertial navigation system 雷达惯性导航系统radar-guided missile 雷达导向飞弹radar-guided weapon system 雷达导向武器系统radarscope 雷达幕,雷达显示器radarscope overlay 雷达幕重叠radarscope photography 雷达幕录影radial acceleration 径向加速度radial bearing 径向轴承radial bearing 径向轴承radial diffuser 径向扩散器radial displacement 径向位移radial drill 旋臂钻床radial fan 辐流式风扇radial flow 径向流动radial flow 辐射流,径向流radial G 径向重力radial heading 辐射航向radial jet 横向推进器radial load 径向负载radial load 径向负载radial search 辐射式搜索radial spar 辐射樑radial stress 径向应力radial turbine 径流式涡轮radial unbalance torque 辐向不均衡扭矩radial velocity 径向速度radial wing configuration 辐射翼外形radial wire 辐射金属线radial(flow) compressor 径流式压缩机radially expanding clutch 辐张离合器radian 弳,弧度radiance 辐射量radiant energy 辐射能radiant heat 辐射热radiant heat 辐射热radiation 辐射radiation aid 辐射辅助设备radiation belt 辐射带radiation dosage 辐射剂量radiation fog 辐射雾radiation heat transfer 辐射热传递radiation pressure 辐射压力radiation scattering 辐射散射radiational cooling 辐射冷却radiatus 辐状(云)radio 无线电radio aid 无线电辅助设施radio antenna 无线电天线radio approach aid 无线电进场辅助radio astronomy 射电天文学radio beacon 无线电信标radio beacon 无线电信标radio beacon marker 无线电信标标誌radio beam 无线电波束radio beam 无线电波束radio beam coupler 无线电波束耦合器radio bearing 无线电方位dymodel2007-12-7 11:15:41radio bearing deviation 无线电方位差radio biology 放射线生物学radio channel 无线电频道radio communication failure message 无线电通信失效电报radio countermeasure 无线电反制radio detection and ranging 雷达radio determination satellite 无线电定位卫星radio directional beacon 无线电方向信标radio direction-finding 无线电定向radio direction-finding chart 无线电定向航图radio direction-finding net 无线电定向网radio direction-finding station 无线电定向电台radio directive device 无线电定向装置radio distortion 无线电失真radio facility 无线电设备radio failure procedure 无线电失效程序radio fan-marker beacon 无线电扇形标誌信标radio fix 无线电定位radio fix 无线电定位radio frequency 无线电频率,射频radio frequency 无线电频率radio frequency oscillator 无线电频率振盪器radio guidance system 无线电导引系统radio homing beacon 无线电归向信标radio humidity test 无线电湿度试验radio inertial guidance system 无线电惯性导引系统radio interference 无线电干扰radio line of position 无线电位置线radio log 无线电记录簿radio loop 无线电环形天线radio loop nacelle 无线电环形天线罩radio loop nacelle 无线电环形天线盒radio magnetic indicator 无线电磁向仪radio marker 无线电标誌radio marker beacon 无线电标誌信标radio marker transmitter 无线电标誌发射机radio mast 无线电柱radio meteorograph 无线电气象计radio meteorology 无线电气象学radio navigation 无线电导航radio navigation 无线电导航radio navigational aid 无线电助航设备radio orientation 无线电定向radio pressure test 无线电压力试验radio range beacon 无线电导航信标radio range leg 无线电导航航道radio range orientation 无线电导航定向radio range orientation 无线电导航定向radio range receiver 无线电导航接收机radio range station 无线电导航台Radio Technical Commission For Aeronautics 航空无线电技术委员会(美)radio telephony network 无线电网radio telescope 无线电望远镜radio transmitter receiver 无线电收发报机radio vibration test 无线电振动试验radio wave 无线电波radio wave 无线电波radioactive iodinated serum albumin 放射碘血清蛋白radioactivity 放射性radio-chemistry 放射化学radioecology 辐射生态学radiograph 放射线照相radioisotope 放射性同位素radiolocation 无线电电台定位radiological defense 放射防卫radiological weapon 放射性武器radiometry 放射量测学radiosonde 雷送,无线电探空仪radiosonde balloon 雷送气球radiosonde observation 雷送观测radiotelegraph 无线电报radiotelephone 无线电话radish harvester 萝卜收穫机radius of action 作用半径,活动半径radius of damage 损坏半径(核爆)radius of gyration 迴转半径radius of gyration 迴转半径radius of navigation 航行半径radius of operation 作战半径radius of turn 转弯半径radius vector 径向量,向径rail type launcher 滑轨式发射器rail type launcher 滑轨式发射架rain climate 多雨气候rain cloud 雨云rain day 雨日rain drop 雨滴rain forest 雨林rain removal system 除雨系统rain repellent 排雨剂rain shadow 雨荫rain shower 阵雨rain stage 雨阶段raincrust 雨雪壳raininess 雨量强度,雨量特性rake of wingtip 翼尖斜削rake-up finger 耙草爪rake-up wheel 耙草轮rally point 返航集合点ram air turbine 冲压气涡轮dymodel2007-12-7 11:16:07ram drag 冲压阻力ram pressure 冲压力ram rocket 冲压火箭ram rocket 冲压火箭ram wing 冲翼(气垫船)ramjet 冲压喷射发动机ramjet missile 冲压喷射飞弹ramjet speed 冲压喷气发动机打开时之速率ramp weight 机坪重量ramshorn airfoil 翘尾翼形random access memory 随机存取记忆体random drift rate 随机漂移率random error 随机误差random vibration 随机振动range analog bar 射程相似标range angle 射程角range attenuation 距离衰减range corection 射程修正range correction 射程修正量range error probable 射程误差概率range gating 距离栅range light 跑道距离灯range lights 跑道头灯range octagon 射程八角形显示range of action 活动范围range of propeller 螺距范围range of target 目标距离range panel 靶场标板range rate 接近率range resolution 距离解析度range station 导航台range to target 目标距离range tracking 距离追踪range/azimuth display unit 射程方位显示器Rankine cycle 郎肯循环Rankine oval 郎肯椭圆体Rankine thermometric scale 兰氏温标RAPCON facility 雷达进场管制设施rapid decompression 急速减压rapid decompression 快速减压rapid eye movements 眼球快速移动rapid-extraction parachute 快速张开降落伞rapid-reload capability 快速再装载能力rare gas 稀有气体rare gas 稀有气体rarefied gasdynamics 稀薄气体动力学rate damping 速率阻尼rate gyro 速率陀螺仪rate integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺仪rate of ascent 上升率rate of closure 接近率rate of descent 下降率rate of heat release 释热率rate of roll 滚转率rate of sink 下沉率rate receiver 速率接收机rate transmitter 速率发射机rated altitude 额定高度rated brake horsepower 额定制动马力rated engine speed 发动机额定速率rated engine speed 发动机额定速率rated horsepower 额定马力rated horsepower 额定马力rated load 额定负载rated load 额定负载rated power output 额定动力输出rated revolution 额定转速rated thrust 额定推力rate-integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺仪ratiometer 比率计raw material 原料rawin 雷文,雷达测风rawinsonde 雷文送Rayleigh atmosphere 雷莱大气Rayleigh flow 雷莱流Rayleigh formula 雷莱公式Rayleigh line 雷莱线Rayleigh number 雷莱数Rayleigh process 雷莱过程Rayleigh scattering 雷莱散射razor-thin wing 特薄机翼reaching cruising altitude 到达巡航高度reactant 反应物reacted pressure 失速压力reaction control jet 反应控制喷流reaction control system 喷气操纵系统reaction engine 反应式发动机reaction time 反应时间reaction wheels 反作用轮read only memory 唯读记忆体readback 覆诵readout 读出readout station 读站ready room 準备室real basis 真实基準real fluid 真实流体real fuselage upsweep 后机身上掠real passenger compartment 后客舱real time 即时real time reconnaissance 即时侦察dymodel2007-12-7 11:16:32real time reconnaissance cockpit display system 即时侦察座舱显示系统rear furrow wheel 尾轮rear seat 后座rear wheel drive tractor 后轮驱动式曳引机rearward c.g. stalling speed 后重心失速速率rearward speed 后飞速率reattached flow 再附著流reattachment point 再附著点Reaumur thermometric scale 列氏温标reburn 再燃recalescent point 再炽点receiving only 仅可收报receptor 感受器reciprocal bearing 反向方位reciprocating compressor 往復式压缩机reciprocating motion 往復运动reciprocating pump 往復泵reciprocating sieve 往復式筛reciprocating type supercharger 往復式增压机reclamating hoe 开垦锄recognition light 识别灯recommended dietary allowances 营养摄取建议表recommended practice 建议措施recommended speed 建议速率recommit 重标战术行动recompression 再加压recon reconnaissance 侦察reconnaissance aircraft 侦察机reconnaissance airplane 侦察机reconnaissance missile 侦察飞弹reconnaissance satellite 侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite 侦察卫星record observation 记录观测recording airspeed indicator recording 自记空速表recording altimeter 自记高度表recording anemomete 自记风速表recording barometer 自记气压表recording optical tracking instrument 光学追踪记录仪recovery capsule 回收舱recovery factor 回收因数recovery footprint 回收地点recovery net 回收网recovery of spacecraft 太空航具回收recovery percentage 回收率recovery speed 改出速率recovery temperature 恢復温度recovery time 恢復时间recovery voltage 恢復电压recreational mode 休閒方式rectal fistula 直肠廔管rectangular aperture 矩形口径rectangular coordinate system 直角座标系rectangular spar 匣形樑rectangular wing 长方形机翼rectenna 校正天线rectification 整流,检波,校正rectification error 校正误差rectified air speed 修正表速rectified airspeed 校正空速rectified altitude 校正高度rectilinear flow 直线流rectilinear flow 直线流动rectilinear flying 直线飞行recurvature 转向red alert 紧急警戒red bug 设定红标red cell mass 红血球量red civil airway 红色民用航路red line 红线标誌red out 红视,红昏red snow 红雪red warning 红色警报red zone of intersection 红色交叉区redstone rocket 红石火箭reduced comfort boundary 降低舒适度reduced mass 折合质量reduced modulus 折合模数reduced modulus of elasticity 弹性折减模数reduced pressure 订正压力reduced take-off and landing 缩短起降reduced temperature 订正温度reduced thrust 减推力reduced volume 订正容积reducing flame 还原燄reducing gear 减速齿轮redundant design 餘赘设计redundant structure 静不定结构reel antenna 捲盘式天线reentrant angle 凹角re-entry 重返大气层,重返re-entry body 重返物体re-entry corridor 重返走廊re-entry plasma 重返电桨re-entry profile 重返剖面re-entry speed 再入速率re-entry trajectory 重返弹道re-entry vehicle 重返载具reference area 参考面积reference axis 参考轴reference frame 参考座标dymodel2007-12-7 11:16:53reference frame 基準座标系reference landing distance 参考著陆距离reference orbit 参考轨道reference pressure 参考压力reference speed 标準速率,稳定速率reference temperature 参考温度,基準温度reference trajectory 参考弹道refire time 再发射时间reflection 反射reflection rainbow 反射虹reflection suppression 反射消除reflection-interference wave 反射干涉波reflectivity 反射性,反射率reflex angle 反射角reflex circuit arrangement 反射电路配置reflex curvature airfoil 反翘翼形reflexed trailing edge airfoil 翘后缘翼形reflexed wing 上挠翼reflexed wing 反挠翼reflux 回流refraction 折射refraction dome 折光罩refractive index 折射率refrigeration cycle 冷冻循环refrigeration tunnel 结冰测试风洞refrigerator 冷冻机,冰箱refueling 再加油refueling flight 空中加油飞行refueling probe 受油探管refueling speed 空中加油飞行速率refurbishment 整修refusal speed 中断起飞极限速率refusal speed 放弃起飞极限速率regelation 再冻regenerative cooling 再生冷却regenerative cycle 再生循环regenerative detector 再生检波器regenerative gas turbine cycle 再生气涡轮循环regenerative reheating cycle 再生重热循环regime 工作状态region of influence 影响区region of normal command 正常飞行状态范围region of reversed command 反常飞行状态范围regional airport 区域性机场regional flight surgeon 区域性航空医官regional OPMET bulletin exchange 区域气象运用公告交换regional supplementary procedures 地区补充程序registered horse power 登记马力registered thrust 登记推力regression analysis 迴归分析regression of nodes 交点退行(天文)regressive burning 减面燃烧regressive orbit 逆行轨道regular sleep period 规律睡眠期间regulated take-off weight 规定起飞重量reheat effect 再热效应reheating 重热reheating cycle 重热循环rehydrated food 加水食物reinforced carbon/carbon 加强碳碳复合材料reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced fiber composite 纤维加强复合材料reinforced plastics 强化塑胶reinforced plywood 加强层板reinforced shell fuselage 硬壳机身reinforcing 加强,补强reinforcing tape 加强带rejected item 剔退件rejected take off 拒绝起飞rejected take-off 放弃起飞relapsing fever 回归热relateral tell 中继同级传送relative airflow 相对气流relative azimuth angle 相对方位角relative bearing 相对方位relative displacement 相对位移relative efficiency 相对效率relative efficiency of biplane 双翼相对效率relative humidity 相对溼度relative humidity 相对溼度relative inclinometer 相对倾斜仪relative parallax 相对视差relative pitch 相对螺矩relative speed 相对速率relative target altitude 相对目标高度relative target bearing 相对目标方位relative target speed 目标相对速率relative velocity 相对速度relative vorticity 相对涡度relative wind 相对风relativity 相对性,相对论relaxation 鬆弛relaxation method 鬆弛法relaxation of stress 应力鬆弛relaxation time 鬆弛时间relaxed static stability 缓和静态稳定性relay aircraft 中继飞机relay station 中继站release agents 离型剂release altitude 投射高度dymodel2007-12-7 11:17:13release device 释放装置release hand 释放手柄release hook 释放鉤release mechanism 释放机构release pressure 释放压力release process 释放过程release shackle 释放掛鉤release speed 投放飞行速率release spring 放鬆弹簧release time 放行时间,释放时间relief crew 备勤组员relief map 地势图relief valve 排气阀relight 重新起动reluctance 磁阻。



“(CC)”为云状,只需编报积雨云(cb)和浓积云(TCU)的 云状,但积雨云与浓积云同高时,只需编报积雨云的云状。 “VV”为垂直能见度的指示码。 当天空被天气现象所遮蔽而模糊不清时,须报 VVhshshs,而其中 “hshshs”为垂直能见度,编报标准与云底高相同。 “SKC”为碧空(skyclear)。 表示天空无云或不足 1 成云,且无积雨云,无浓积云。 注:当积雨云(cb),浓积云(TCU)的云量为微量时,其云量 必须编报“SCT”。 i.T’T’/T’dT’d 为温度/露点组。 T’T’– 气温以摄氏度为单位。 T’dT’d – 露点温度,以摄氏度为单位。 注:○1 0℃以上时,小数四舍五入,不足十位前补“0”编报。 ○2 低于 0℃时,必须在数值前用“M”以表示 0℃以下,小数五舍 六入编报。 例如:温度 8.5℃,露点 5.4℃报“09/05”。 温度-5.5℃,露点-13.6℃报 M05/M14。 j.QPhPhPhPh 为高度表拔正值组(QNH) “Q”为高度表拔正值码。 “PhPhPhPh”以百帕为单位编报,小数舍去。 例如:高度表拔正值为 989.9 时,报“Q989” 高度表拔正值为 1008.9 时,报“Q1008”。 如果 QNH 的单位采用英寸汞柱,则需用“A”代替“Q”,如“A3027” 表示 QNH 为 30.27 英寸汞柱。 k.REW’W’为近时天气现象。
以下将对各种天气报告电码作详细分析,其中省略高空天 气,VOLMET 采用中文广播,也不作介绍。
一、日常航空天气报告(Surface Aviation Weather Reports)
是指机场气象台对天气进行定时观测的报告和发布。一般每 小时进行一次。内容包括:站名、时间(世界时)、风向、风速、 能见度/RVR(跑道视程)、天气现象、云、温度/露点、气压值及 补充说明等。这种报告一般以填图和电码二种格式提供,下面主 要讨论电码格式。



AWC ContractionsSorted by Word/Meaningword/meaning contraction useage 1 or 2 octas (eighths) cloud coverage FEW METAR abandon ABND GEN abbreviate ABBR GEN Abbreviated precision approach path indicator APAPI ICAO abeam ABM GEN abnormal ABNML GEN aboard ABD GEN about ABT GEN above ABV GEN above aerodrome level AAL ICAO above clouds ACLD GEN above ground level AGL GEN above mean sea level AMSL GEN above mountains MON ICAO above sea level ASL GEN above transmitted as received ATAR GEN absolute (temperature)A NWS abundant ABNDT GEN accelerate ACLT GEN accelerate-stop distance available ASDA GEN accept ACPT GEN acceptance (message type designator)ACP ICAO access ACES GEN accident ACDNT GEN accident notice ACNOT GEN accompany ACPY GEN account ACCT GEN account mechanical AMECH GEN account traffic ATFC GEN account weather AWX GEN accumulate ACCUM GEN acknowledge ACK GEN Acknowledgement of receipt (message handling)R GEN across ACRS GEN acting ACTG GEN activate ACTVT GEN active ACTV GEN active or activated or activity ACT ICAO actual wind factor ALWF NWS addition ADDN GEN address ADS GEN adequate ADQT GEN adirondack ADRNDCK NWS adjacent ADJ GEN administration ADMIN GEN administrative ADMIV GEN administrator ADMIR GENadvance ADVN GEN Advance boundary information ABI ICAO advection ADVCTN NWS advice ADVC GEN advise ADZ GEN advise ADV NWS advise at what time able AAWTA ICAO advise by air mail as soon as possible ADMAP GEN advise customs ADCUS GEN advise disposition ADSPN GEN advise or issue instructions to all concerned ADCON GEN advise this office ADZOF GEN advisory ADZY GEN advisory ADVY NWS Advisory Circular AC GEN aerodrome AD ICAO aerodrome beacon ABN ICAO Aerodrome chart ADC ICAO aerodrome control tower TWR ICAO aerodrome flight information service AFIS ICAO aerodrome forcast TAF ICAO aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by type & name/title)AOC ICAO Aerodrome office (specify service)ADO ICAO aerodrome reference point ARP ICAO aerodrome traffic zone ATZ ICAO aerodromes- air routes and ground aids AGA ICAO aeronautical AERO GEN Aeronautical Center, FAA AAC GEN Aeronautical chart 1:500 000 (followed by name/title)ANC ICAO aeronautical fixed service AFS GEN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network AFTN GEN Aeronautical Information Circular AIC GEN Aeronautical Information Manual AIM GEN aeronautical information publications (In General)AIP GEN aeronautical information regulation and control AIRAC GEN aeronautical information service AIS GEN aeronautical information specialist AIS GEN aeronautical maps and charts MAP ICAO aeronautical mobile satellite service AMSS ICAO aeronautical mobile service AMS GEN Aeronautical navigation chart small scale (followed byname/title scale)ANCS ICAO Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated ARINC GEN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATN ICAO aeronautical telecommunications operator ATO GEN affect AFCT GEN affirmative AFIRM GEN affirmative AFM ICAO after AFT GEN after dark AFDK NWS after passing APSG ICAOafternoon AFTN GEN again AGN GEN agree AGR GEN agreement AGRMT GEN ahead AHD GEN air carrier ACR GEN Air Carrier District Office ACDO GEN Air Defense Control Facility ADCF GEN Air Defense Emergency ADE GEN air defense identification zone ADIZ GEN Air Defense Liaision Officer ADLO GEN Air Defense Sector ADS GEN air defense warning ADW GEN air express AXPS GEN Air Force Base AFB GEN Air Force Communications Network AIRCOMNET GEN Air Force NOTAM Exchange Area AFNEA GEN Air Force NOTAM Exchange Office AFNEO GEN Air Force Representative to the FAA AFREP GEN air freight AFRT GEN Air Line Dispatchers Association ALDA GEN Air Line Pilots Association ALPA GEN air mass AMS NWS Air National Guard ANG GEN air navigation facility ANF GEN air navigation radio aids ANRA GEN air operations network AIROPNET GEN air report AIREP GEN Air Rescue Service (USAF)ARS GEN Air Reserve Base ARB GEN air route surveillance radar ARSR GEN air route traffic control ARTC GEN Air Route Traffic Control Center ARTCC GEN air traffic control ATC GEN Air Traffic Control Association ATCA GEN air traffic division ATD GEN air traffic flow management ATFM ICAO air traffic management ATM ICAO air traffic procedures ATP GEN Air Traffic Procedures Advisory Committee ATPAC GEN air traffic representative ATREP GEN air traffic service ATS GEN Air Traffic Service Contingency Command Post ATSCCP GEN Air traffic services inter-facility data communication AIDC ICAO air traffic services reporting office ARO GEN Air Transport Association of America ATA GEN air transport pulse radar navigation aid CPN GEN air transport pulse radar search CPS GEN air transport rating ATR GEN air weather service (USAF)AWS GEN airborne collision avoidance system ACAS ICAOairborne early warning AEW GEN airborne pulse search radar APS GEN Airborne Radar Unit ARU GEN aircraft ACFT GEN aircraft and engine mechanic AEM GEN aircraft classification number ACN ICAO Aircraft communication addressing & reporting system ACARS ICAO aircraft control and warning ACW GEN aircraft earth station AES ICAO aircraft movement information services AMIS GEN aircraft out of commission for parts AOCP GEN Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association AOPA GEN Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title)APDC ICAO airmail ARML GEN Airmen's Meteorological Information AIRMET GEN AIRMET WA NWS airport ARPT GEN airport AP ICAO Airport Development Aid Program ADAP GEN Airport District Office ADO GEN airport in sight AIS GEN airport information desk AID GEN airport layout plan ALP GEN airport lights APL GEN airport manager AMGR GEN airport of entry AOE GEN airport operating certificate AOC GEN airport reference point ARP GEN airport reservation position ARP GEN Airport Reservations Office ARO GEN airport surface detection equipment ASDE GEN airport surveillance radar ASR GEN airport system plan ASP GEN Airport Traffic Control Tower ATCT GEN Airport/Facility Directory AFD GEN airports program report APR GEN air-report ARP GEN airspace ASP GEN airspace docket ASD GEN airspace flight inspection pilot ASIP GEN Airspace Reservation Unit (Canadian)ARU GEN airway AWY GEN airways engineer AENG GEN airways facilities sector AFS GEN airways facilities sector field office AFSFO GEN airways facilities sector field office plus unit AFSFOU GEN airways facilities sector office AFSO GEN airways technical district office ATDO GEN Alaskan Air Command AAC GEN Alaskan Region- FAA AAL GEN Alaskan Standard Time (time groups only)A NWSAlberta ALTA NWS alert notice ALNOT GEN alerting ALR ICAO Aleutian ALUTN NWS alighting area ALA GEN alignment ALNMT GEN all (when used as prefix)AL GEN all accident notice offices ALANO GEN all air carrier field offices ALACFO GEN all air defense liaison officers in region ALADLO GEN all air route traffic control centers in region ALARTC GEN all air traffic (area) supervisors in region ALATAS GEN all air traffic field facilities ALATF GEN all air traffic field offices ALATFO GEN all air traffic service personnel in region ALAT GEN all airway facilities sector and field offices ALAFFO GEN all AT combined station/centers in region ALCS/C GEN all AT combined station/towers in region ALCS/T GEN all ATC towers in region ALTWR GEN all concerned notified ACN GEN all FAA field offices and personnel ALFAA GEN all FAA offices on Service B ALFAB GEN all flight service stations in region ALFSS GEN all flight standards field offices ALFSFO GEN all international aeronautical telecommunication switchingcenters ALIATSC GEN all international air traffic switching centers AIATSC GEN all international field offices ALIFO GEN all international flight service stations in region ALIFSS GEN all offices having send-receive teletypewriter service oncircuit ALCKT GEN all quadrants ALQDS NWS all radar ATC facilities in region ALRAFAC GEN all regional offices ALRGN GEN all sectors ALSEC NWS all up weight (gross weight)AUW GEN Allegheny ALGHNY NWS allotment advice ADVALT GEN allowable take-off gross weight ATOG GEN aloft ALF NWS along ALG GEN alternate ALTN GEN alternate (aerodrome)ALTN ICAO alternate airport ALTPT GEN altimeter ALTM GEN altimeter setting ALSTG GEN altimeter setting indicator ASI GEN altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on theground QNH ICAO Altimetry system error ASE ICAO altitude ALT GENaltitude reservation ALTRV GEN altocumulus AC NWS altocumulus castellanus ACCAS NWS altostratus AS NWS amber A GEN ambiguity AMB GEN amend / amended forecast AMD GEN/ amendment AMDT GEN American Meteorological Society AMS NWS American Telephone and Telegraph Company ATT GEN amount AMT GEN amplifier or amplify AMP GEN amplitude AMPLTD NWS analysis ANLYS NWS announce ANNC GEN annual leave AL GEN answer ANS GEN ante meridiem AM NWS antenna ANT GEN anticipate ANCPT GEN anticyclonic ACYC NWS Appalachian APLCN NWS apparent APRNT GEN appear APPR GEN appoint APNT GEN approach APCH GEN approach control or approach control office APP ICAO approach end runway AER GEN approach light system ALS GEN approach path alignment panel APAP GEN appropriate APROP GEN approval APVL GEN approval request APREQ GEN approve APV GEN approximate APRX GEN Apron APN ICAO arctic (air mass)A NWS Area chart ARC ICAO area command post ACP GEN area forecast ARFOR GEN area forecast FA NWS area forecast center AFC NWS area minimum altitude AMA ICAO area navigation RNAV GEN area notice ARNOT GEN area supervisor ARSUP GEN Army Air Field AAF GEN Army Liaison Officer ARLO GEN Army National Guard RNG GEN Army radar approach control facility ARAC GEN around ARND GENarrange ARNG GEN arrest ARST GEN arresting gear A-GEAR GEN arrival or arrive ARR GEN as soon as possible ASAP GEN as soon as possible SAP ICAO ascend ASND GEN ascent to ASC GEN ASOS automated observation with precipitationdiscriminator (rain/snow)AO2NWS ASOS automated observation without recipitationdiscriminator (rain/snow)AO1METAR asphalt ASPH GEN assign ASGN GEN Assigned altitude deviation AAD ICAO assistant ASST GEN assistant chief AC GEN associate ASSOC GENat all times AATM GENat or above AOA GENat or below AOB GENat sea MAR ICAO at the coast COT ICAO at this time ATTM GEN ATC beacon interrogator ATCBI GEN ATC facility ATCF GEN ATC operations representative ATCOR GEN ATC radar beacon system ATCRBS GEN ATC specialist ATCS GEN ATC Systems Command Center ATCSCC GEN Atlantic ATLC NWS atmospheric pressure at airport elevation QFE ICAO atmospherics XS ICAO atmospherics SFERICS NWS ATS/MET reporting point MRP ICAO attach ATCH GEN attempt ATMT GEN attempt to locate ALCT GEN attend ATND GEN attention ATTN GEN Aurora Borealis AURBO NWS authority AUTH GEN authority granted AUGRA GEN authority is requested AUREQ GEN authorize AUZ GEN authorized AUTH ICAO automated flight information service FISA ICAO Automated Flight Service Station AFSS GEN Automated Radar Terminal Sytems ARTS GEN automated surface observing system ASOS NWS automatic AUTO GENautomatic broadcast ABCST GEN automatic carrier landing system ACLS GEN automatic data processing ADP GEN automatic data processing equipment ADPE GEN automatic data processing systems ADPS GEN automatic dependent surveillance ADS ICAO automatic dependent surveillance unit ADSU ICAO automatic direction finder ADF GEN automatic error correction equipment ARQ GEN automatic ground air/ground communication system AGACS GEN automatic instrument landing system AILS GEN Automatic Meteorological Observing System AMOS GEN Automatic Network Management System ANMS GEN automatic scanning control unit ASCU GEN automatic scanning unit out of service SCANO GEN automatic scanning unit returned to service SCAOK GEN automatic send/receive AS/R GEN automatic terminal information service ATIS GEN automatic weather broadcast equipment AWBE GEN automatic weather observing/reporting system AWOS GEN automatic weather reporting system AUTOB GEN auxiliary AUX GEN Auxiliary Aviation Weather Facility AAWF NWS auxiliary report XREP GEN available AVBL GEN average AVG GEN aviation AVN GEN Aviation Area Forecast Center FA CENTER GEN aviation gasoline AVGAS GEN aviation routine weather report METAR ICAO aviation selected special weather report SPECI METAR Aviation Weather and NOTAM System AWANS GEN aviation weather processors AWP NWS await or awaiting AWT GEN azimuth AZM GEN back course BC GEN back course marker BCM GEN backing BCKG NWS backup emergency communication BUEC GEN balance BAL GEN balloon BLN GEN baroclinic or baroclinic prognosis BACLIN NWS barometer BRM NWS barotropic or barotropic prognosis BATROP NWS base of overcast BOVC NWS Base Operations Office BASOPS GEN basic meteorological services BMS NWS beach BCH NWS beacon BCN GEN bearing BRG GEN become BCM GENbecoming (expected between 2 digit beginning hour and 2digit ending hour)BECMG TAF before BFR GEN before dark BFDK NWS began or begin BGN GEN beginning of precipitation (time in minutes) (weatherreports only)B NWS behind BHND GEN below BLO GEN below BLW ICAO below clouds BLO ICAO beneath BNTH GEN Bering Standard Time (time groups only)B NWS Berkshire BRKSHR NWS Bermuda BDA NWS better BTR GEN between BTN GEN between BTWN NWS between layers BTL ICAO beyond BYD GEN bids accepted for the following vacancies BAFVC GEN bids solicited BDSLD GEN bids solicited as follows BSAF GEN Black Hills BLKHLS NWS blanket BLKT NWS blizzard BLZD NWS blowing BL METAR blowing dust BLDU METAR blowing sand BLSA METAR blowing snow BLSN METAR blowing spray (weather reports only)BY METAR blue B GEN bomber BMBR GEN bombimg BOMB GEN border BDR GEN bound BND GEN boundary BNDRY NWS braking BRKG ICAO braking action BA GEN braking action fair BRAF GEN braking action good BRAG GEN braking action nil BRAN GEN braking action poor BRAP GEN branch BR GEN break BRK NWS breaks in higher overcast BRKHIC NWS breaks in overcast BINOVC NWS brief BRF NWS bright BRGT GEN bright radar indicator tower equipment BRITE GEN British Columbia BC NWSbroadcast BCST GEN broadcast station BCSTN GEN broken BKN METAR build BLD NWS building BLDG ICAO buildup BLDUP NWS bulletin BUL GEN bureau BUR GEN business BUS GEN buzzer (radar)BZR GEN by visual reference to the ground VSA ICAO by way of VIA GEN bytes per second BPS GEN calibration CLBR GEN calibration performance monitoring equipment CPME GEN Call sign CS ICAO calling CLG ICAO Canada CAN NWS Canadian CNDN NWS Canadian Airspace Reservation Unit CARU GEN Canadian Armed Force CANFORCE GEN Canadian Armed Forces Transport Command CAM GEN Canadian Forces Air Defense Command CFADC GEN Canadian NORAD Region CANR GEN Canadian NOTAM CANOT GEN cancel CNL GEN cancel CNCL NWS candela CD ICAO capable CPBL GEN capacity CPTY GEN captain CAPT GEN carbon copy CC GEN Caribbean CARIB NWS cascades CASCDS NWS catalogue number CANO GEN category CAT GEN category CTGY NWS cathode ray tube CRT GEN Catskills CTSKLS NWS caution CTN GEN caution advised until further notice CAUFN GEN ceiling CIG NWS celestial navigation CELNAV GEN celsius C GEN center CNTR GEN centerline CNTRLN GEN centimeter CM ICAO central CNTRL GEN central altitude reservation function CARF GEN Central Computer Complex CCC GEN central flow control function CFCF GENcentral flow weather service unit CFWSU GEN Central Region- FAA ACE GEN Central Standard Time (time groups only)C NWS central weather service unit CWSU GEN centre (runway ID)C ICAO centre line CL ICAO certificate CERT GEN certification CERTIF GEN certify CRTFY GEN chance CHC NWS change CHG GEN change frequency to CF ICAO change of appointing office CAO GEN change weight manifest CWM GEN changeover point COP GEN channel CHNL GEN channel CH ICAO chapter CHAP GEN characteristic CHARC GEN charge CHRG GEN charter CHTR GEN check CK ICAO check area airports CARA GEN check okay CHOK GEN chemicals CHM GEN Chesapeake CHSPK NWS Chief Airport District Office CADO GEN chief controller CCTLR GEN circle CRC GEN circling guidance light CGL ICAO circuit CKT GEN circuit line up CLU GEN circuit notice CIRNOT GEN circular polarization CP GEN circulate CRLC GEN cirrocumulus CC NWS cirrostratus CS NWS cirrus CI NWS City (or County) Civil Defense Director at____CCD GEN civil CIV ICAO Civil Aeronautics Board CAB GEN civil air carrier turbojet CACT GEN Civil Air Patrol CAP GEN civil defense CD GEN civil engineer CENGR GEN civil reserve air fleet CRAF GEN clarify CFY GEN clear CLR NWS clear air turbulence CAT GEN clear and smooth CLRS NWSclear or scattered clouds and visibility greater than tenmiles CAVU NWS clear or scattered clouds and visibility greater than tenremainder of report missing (weather reports only)DCAVU NWS clear type of ice formation CLA ICAO clearance CLNC GEN clearance delivery CD GEN cleared Customs CCUS GEN clearway CWY ICAO climb to or climbing to CMB ICAO clockwise CLKWS GEN close of business COB GEN close this office CLOTO GEN closed CLSD GEN closing date CLODA GEN closing station CL GEN cloud CLD NWS cloud and visiblity OK CAVOK NWS cloud base BASE GEN cloud top TOP NWS coast CST NWS Coast Guard CG GEN Coast Guard Air Station CGAS GEN Coast Guard LORAN Station CGLS GEN coastal zone management CZM GEN Cockpit voice recorder CVR ICAO Cold (air mass)K NWS cold front CDFNT NWS cold front passage CFP NWS collect COLL GEN collision avoidance system CAS GEN colon CLN GEN combine COMB GEN combined approach control/international station CAP/IS GEN combined center/RAPCON CERAP GEN combined station/center CS/C GEN combined station/tower CS/T GEN comma CMA GEN Commander in Chief- North American Aerospace Defense-Command CINCNORAD GEN commence CMNC GEN commercial COML GEN commercial broadcasting station BS ICAO commission CMSN GEN common aviation weather subsystem CAWS NWS common ICAO data interchange network CIDIN ICAO Common IFR Room CIFRR GEN common terminal radar approach control CTRAC GEN communication COM GEN communications duty officer CDO GEN communications equipment CE GENcommunications, navigation and surveillance CNS ICAO compact CMPCT GEN company CO GEN compare COMPR GEN compartment COMPRT GEN compass locator COMLO GEN compass locator at ILS middle marker LMM GEN compass locator at ILS outer marker LOM GEN complete CMPLT GEN complete crew CCRU GEN complete or completed or completion CMPL ICAO complete power failure CPF GEN complex CMPLX GEN component CMPT GEN composite flight data processing CFAD GEN composite radar data processing CRAD GEN composition CMPSN GEN computer display channel CDC GEN concrete CONC GEN concurrently CNCNT GEN condensation trails CONTRAILS NWS condition COND GEN confidence CONFDC NWS confidential CONF GEN configuration CONFIGN GEN confine CFN GEN confirm CFM GEN Confirm or I confirm CFM ICAO confirming requisition follows COREQ GEN congestion CGSTN GEN connect CNCT GEN consider CSDR GEN considerable CSDRBL GEN consistent CNSTNT GEN consol beacon CONSOL GEN CONSOLAN Facility CONSO GEN consolidate CSLDT GEN construction CONST GEN construction maintenance supervisor CMS GEN contact CTC GEN continental (air mass)C NWS continental control area CCA GEN Continental Divide CONTDVD NWS Continental NORAD Region CONR GEN continue or continuously CONT GEN continues CONS ICAO continuous 24-hour service H24ICAO continuous wave CW ICAO contract CONTR GEN control CTL GEN control area CTLA GENcontrol area CTA ICAO control boundary CTLB GEN control zone CTLZ GEN control zone CTR ICAO controller CTLR GEN controller in charge CIC GEN Controller-pilot data link communications CPDLC ICAO Controllers’ Operations and Procedures Committee COPCOM GEN convective CNVTV NWS convene CVN GEN converge CNVG GEN conversion CNVSN GEN convert CNVRT GEN coordinate COORD GEN Coordinated Universal Time UTC GEN Coordinated Universal Time Coordinate Check Completed UTCOK GEN Coordinates COORD ICAO coordination CDN ICAO correct or corrected or correction COR GEN counterclockwise CCLKWS NWS county CO GEN coupled CPD GEN course CRS GEN cover CVR GEN cover COV ICAO crash locator beacon CLBN GEN crash phone activated CPA GEN crew chief CRCHF GEN Cross X ICAO crossbar XBAR ICAO crossing XNG ICAO cruise CRZ ICAO cryptographic CRYPTO GEN crystal XTAL GEN cumuliform CUF ICAO cumulonimbus CB NWS cumulonimbus mamma CBMAM NWS cumulus CU NWS cumulus fractus CUFRA NWS current flight plan CPL ICAO customs CUST ICAO customs has been notified CUSNO GEN Cyclic redundancy check CRC ICAO cyclogenesis CYCLGN NWS cyclonic CYC NWS cylinder CYL GEN daily DLY GEN Daily DLY ICAO daily flight log DFL GEN Dakotas DKTS NWSdamage DMG GEN danger DGR GEN danger DNG ICAO danger area D ICAO dangerous cargo DGCGO GEN data link DOLLY GEN Data link automatic terminal information service D-ATIS ICAO Data link initiation capability DLIC ICAO Data link VOLMET D-VOLMET ICAO data terminal equipment DTE GEN data transmission feature DTF GEN data transmission request DTR GEN date of birth DOB GEN date time group DTG GEN daybreak DABRK NWS daylight DALGT GEN decibel DB GEN decision altitude DA ICAO decision height DH GEN decommission DCMSN GEN decrease DCR GEN deep DP NWS deepening DPNG NWS defense DEF GEN Defense Commercial Communications Office DECCO GEN Defense Communications Agency DCA GEN defense communications system DCS GEN Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center DMAAC GEN Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center DMAHC GEN Defense Nuclear Agency DNA GEN Defense Readiness Conditions DEFCON GEN Defense Switching Network DSN GEN defense VFR DVFR GEN definite DFNT GEN degree DEG GEN delay DLA GEN delayed RTD ICAO delete DLT GEN deliver DLVR GEN deliver by telephone DELPHO GEN delivery DLVY GEN demolition DEMOL GEN demonstration DMSTN GEN dense DNS NWS dense upper cloud DUC ICAO department DEPT GEN Department of Commerce DOC GEN Department of Defense DOD GEN Department of Energy DOE GEN Department of Transportation DOT GEN departure DEP GENdepth DPT ICAO depth DPTH NWS deputy chief DCF GEN Deputy Commander for Operations DO GEN descend to or descending to DES ICAO describe DB GEN designate a friction value representing runway surfaceconditions (Greek letter)MU GEN designated DSGND GEN desire DSR GEN destination DESTN GEN detail DTL GEN deteriorate DTRT NWS determine DTRM GEN develop DVLP GEN dew point DWPNT NWS dew point temperature DP ICAO diagonal DGNL GEN diameter DIAM GEN difference in depth of modulation DDM GEN differs DFRS GEN difficult DFCLT GEN diffuse DFUS GEN diffuse DIF ICAO digital altimeter setting indicator DASI GEN digital barometer altimeter setting indicator DBASI GEN Digital flight data recorder DFDR ICAO diminish DMSH NWS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service DTS GEN direct DRCT GEN direct DCT ICAO direct altitude and identification readout equipment DAIRE GEN Direct conroller-pilot communications DCPC ICAO direct current DC GEN direct readout infrared DRIR GEN direct route DR GEN direct user access terminal system DUATS GEN direction DRCTN GEN direction finder DF GEN direction finding station DFSTN GEN Directives Management Officer, FAA DMO GEN director DIR GEN disabled DISABLD GEN discontinue DISC GEN dispersal DSPRL GEN displace DSPLC GEN Displaced runway threshold DTHR ICAO display DSPL GEN disposition DSPN GEN disregard DSRGD GEN disseminate DISEM GENdissipate DSIPT NWS distance DSTC GEN distance DIST ICAO distance from touchdown indicator DFTI GEN distance measuring equipment DME GEN distant DSNT GEN distant early warning DEW GEN distant early warning identification zone DEWIZ GEN distinguished visitors DV GEN distort DST GEN distribute DISTR GEN district DIST GEN district airport engineer DAE GEN ditto DO GEN diverge DVRG GEN diversion DVRSN GEN divert DIV ICAO division DIV GEN DME-collocated with glide slope DMEG GEN DME-collocated with localizer DMEL GEN DME-collocated with VOR DMEV GEN DME-tactical air navigation with DME only commissioned DMER GEN do all possible DAP GEN docking DCKG ICAO document DCMT GEN doing business as DBA GEN domestic DOM ICAO domestic services (island operations)DS GEN dominant DMNT GEN doppler VHF omni-directional radio range DVOR ICAO double DBL GEN double channel duplex DCD ICAO double channel simplex DCS GEN double sideband DSB ICAO doubtful DBTF GEN downdrafts DWNDFTS NWS downslope DNSLP NWS downstream DNSTRM NWS downward vertical velocity DVV NWS drawing DWG GEN drift DRFT NWS drizzle DZ ICAO drizzle DRZL NWS dual tandem wheels DTW ICAO dual wheels DW ICAO duplex DX GEN duplicate DUPE GEN duration DURN GEN duration DUR ICAO during DURG GEN during DRG ICAOdust devils PO METAR dust storm DS METAR duststorm, sandstorm, rising dust or sand SA METAR early ERY GEN early departure authorized EDA GEN east or eastern longitude E ICAO eastbound EBND GEN eastbound EB ICAO Eastern Region- FAA AEA GEN Eastern Standard Time (time groups only)E NWS east-north east ENE ICAO east-northeastern (weather reports only)ENERN NWS east-northeastward (weather reports only)ENEWD NWS east-south east ESE ICAO east-southeastern (weather reports only)ESERN NWS east-southeastward (weather reports only)ESEWD NWS eference datum height (ILS)RDH ICAO effect EFCT GEN effective EFF GEN electric ELEC GEN electrical engineer EENGR GEN electrician ELECN GEN electronic counter measures ECM GEN electronic equipment modification EEM GEN electronic geographic coordinator navigation system EGECON GEN electronic installation technician EIT GEN electronic maintenance inspector EMI GEN electronic maintenance technician EMT GEN electronic mechanic technician ELMT GEN electronic specialist ECSP GEN electronic technician ET GEN electronic unit EU GEN electronic voice switching system EVS GEN elevate or elevation ELEV GEN elliptical ELIP GEN elongate ELNGT NWS elsewhere ELSW GEN embedded EMBDD NWS embedded (in cloud layer)EMBD ICAO emergency EMERG GEN emergency gear EG GEN emergency location beacon - aircraft ELBA ICAO emergency locator transmitter ELT GEN emergency security control of air traffic ESCAT GEN emergency use only EUO GEN emission EM ICAO en route ENRT GEN en route automated radar tracking system EARTS GEN en route communications ECOM GEN en route communications RCOM GEN en route flight advisory service EFAS GENen route radar (broadband)ERAD GEN en route secondary radar beacon (broadband)ESEC GEN en route surveillance radar RSR ICAO encounter ENCTR GEN encrypt for transmission only EFTO GEN end exercise point EEP GEN ending ENDG GEN ending of precipitation (time in minutes) (weather reportsonly)E NWS endurance ENDCE GEN engine ENG GEN engineer ENGR GEN Engineering and Manufacturing District Office EMDO GEN engine-generator E/G GEN enhanced ENHNCD GEN enhancement ENHNCMNT GEN en-route ENR ICAO Enroute chart (followed by name/title)ENRC ICAO entered on duty EOD GEN entire ENTR GEN entire field available EFA GEN environment meteorological support unit EMSU NWS equatorial (air mass)E NWS equipment EQUIP GEN equipment EQPT ICAO equipment certified EQCRT GEN Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)EEE ICAO especially SPCLY GEN essential ESNTL GEN establish ESTAB GEN estimate or estimation EST GEN estimated elapsed time EET ICAO estimated latitude ELAT GEN estimated longitude ELONG GEN estimated off-block time EOBT ICAO estimated time en route ETE GEN estimated time of arrival ETA GEN estimated time of departure ETD GEN estimated time over significant point ETO ICAO et cetera ETC GEN Europe- Africa- and Middle East Office- FAA AEU GEN evacuation EVAC GEN evaluate or evaluation EVAL GEN evening EVE GEN every EV ICAO examination EXAM GEN except EXCP GEN except EXC ICAO except XCP NWS exchange EXCH GEN exchange and repair E/R GENexclude EXCLD GEN exclusive EXCLV GEN execute EXCT GEN executive EXEC GEN exercise EXER ICAO expanded service volume ESV GEN expect EXPC GEN expect EXP ICAO expect XPC NWS expected operations forecast EOF NWS expedite EXPED GEN expedite delivery EXDLVY GEN expedite delivery by telephone EXPHO GEN expedite mail reply EXREP GEN expedite shipment EXSHI GEN explosive XPLOS GEN express EXPS GEN extend EXTD GEN extension EXTN GEN extensive EXTSV GEN extra long range ELR ICAO extra section EXSEC GEN extrapolate EXTRAP NWS extreme EXTRM NWS extremely high frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz)EHF ICAO FAA Contract Weather Observing Station FCWOS GEN FAA requirements FAAR GEN facilitation of international air transport FAL ICAO facility FAC GEN facility chief FACF GEN facility coordination officer FCO GEN facsimile FAX GEN fahrenheit F GEN fahrenheit FAH NWS falling FLG NWS familiar or familiarization FAM GEN familiarization flight FFLT GEN fan marker FM GEN fan marker located with radio beacon FMH GEN farther or further FTHR GEN federal aid to airports program FAAP GEN Federal Aviation Administration FAA GEN Federal Aviation Regulations FAR GEN Federal Communications Commission FCC GEN Federal Telecommunications System FTS GEN feet FT GEN feet per minute FPM GEN field FLD ICAO figure FIG GEN filament FIL GEN filed but impracticable to transmit FIBI NWS。

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Chapter 1
clear air 干洁空气water vapor 水汽aerosol 大气杂质carbon dioxide 二氧化碳ozone 臭氧
inversion layer 逆温层isothermal layer 等温层
Coriolis (Geostrophic) Force 地转偏向力(科氏力)
Pressure Gradient Force 气压梯度力
Northern/Southern Hemisphere 北/南半球
clockwise 顺时针counterclockwise 逆时针
low 低压high 高压trough 槽ridge 脊col 鞍型场dewpoint 露点
Chapter 2
cumulus 积云stratus 层云cirrus 卷云ceiling 云底高
freezing precipitation 冻雨virga 雨幡shower 阵雨drizzle 毛毛雨hail 冰雹
intermittent 间歇性continuous 连续性showery 阵性evaporate (n. evaporation) 蒸发condense (n. condensation) 凝结
Chapter 3
visibility 能见度runway visual range (RVR) 跑道视程
fog 雾shallow fog 浅雾mist 轻雾radiation fog 辐射雾advection fog 平流雾haze 霾
dust storm / sand storm 沙尘暴
Chapter 4
air mass 气团warm air mass 暖气团cold air mass 冷气团convection 对流stable / unstable 稳定/ 不稳定
front 锋
warm front 暖锋quasi-stationary front (准)静止锋
(fast) cold front (急行)冷锋occluded front 锢囚锋
Chapter 5
thunderstorm 雷暴
cumulus stage 积云阶段updraft 上升气流
mature stage 成熟阶段precipitation 降水
dissipating stage 消散阶段downdraft 下沉气流
downburst 下击暴流macroburst 宏下击暴microburst 微下击暴流
Chapter 6~Chapter 7
wind shear 风切变headwind shear 逆风切变calm 静风tailwind shear 顺风切变crosswind shear 侧风切变
vertical wind shear 垂直风切变
supercooled water droplets 过冷水滴airframe icing 飞机积冰
clear ice 明冰rime ice 雾淞mixed ice 毛冰(混合冰)frost 霜
turbulence 湍流(颠簸)clear air turbulence (CAT) 晴空湍流(晴空颠簸)mountain wave (MTW) 山地背风波
Chapter 9~Chapter10
visible 可见光的infrared 红外的
Chapter 11~Chapter12
weather chart 天气图sea level pressure 海平面气压
sky condition 天空状况(指云)
CA VOK:cloud and visibility is ok.
NSW:no significant weather
NSC:no significant cloud
