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关键词:PLC ;城市污水处理;MCGS组态软件;SBR

The Wastewater Treatment System Based on

Configuration Software Design

Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy, environmental protection has been a prominent need attaches great importance to the problem. Sewage treatment in the environmental protection is one of the most important link. At the same time, along with the rapid development of computer technology and sewage treatment engineering in our country, constantly improve the degree of automation requirements, the process of wastewater treatment by using advanced control technology and equipment to monitor the process of sewage treatment is very necessary.

This topic describes about the technology of sewage treatment and sewage treatment system composition and configuration of the control system design, and introduces in detail the SBR sewage treatment automatic control system of the design process. This system includes monitoring configuration design and ladder diagram design two aspects, realized the small and medium-sized city sewage treatment automatic control and remote monitoring. System is mainly composed of PLC, liquid level sensor, into the water pump, water decanter, into the mud and mud pump, is divided into two kinds of control mode, manual and automatic use ladder diagram language to complete the system control of the scene; Use the MCGS monitoring configuration software design the monitoring interface, not only can simulate the demo system work condition, on the basis of working condition on site and can be real-time monitoring, and the system of remote control, complete the automatic operation of the SBR sewage treatment method. When the system status, can be found in time, and stop the system, for maintenance, reduce sewage treatment process in the accident.

Keywords: PLC , city sewage treatment,MCGS configuration software,SBR


第1章绪论 (5)

1.1设计背景 (5)

1.2研究的目的和意义 (6)

1.3污水处理系统的国内外现状 (6)

1.4主要设计内容 (7)

第2章污水处理工艺流程 (8)

2.1常用的污水处理工艺 (8)

2.1.1传统活性污泥法 (8)

2.1.2A/O法 (9)

2.1.3A/A/O法 (9)

2.1.4A/B法 (10)

2.1.5SBR法 (10)

2.2SBR法过程介绍 (11)

2.2.1进水 (11)

2.2.2反应 (11)

2.2.3沉淀 (11)

2.2.4排水 (11)

第3章硬件设计 (13)

3.1PLC的介绍 (13)

3.1.1PLC的结构 (13)

3.1.2PLC的工作原理 (14)

3.1.3PLCI/O口分配 (15)

3.2SBR法的总体设计 (17)

3.2.1方案设计 (17)

3.2.2硬件电路设计 (18)

3.3 其他资源配置 (20)

3.3.1接触器选型 (20)

3.3.2液位计选型 (20)

3.3.3滗水器选型 (21)
