






















目 录第一章:概述 (5)第二章:功能特点及技术指标 (5)2.1功能特点 (5)2.2技术指标 (5)第三章:使用方法 (6)3.1结构示意说明 (6)3.2拆装、保养说明 (7)3.2.1充电保养 (7)3.2.2拆装保养说明 (7)3.3安装说明 (7)3.4卡电缆装置安装方法 (8)3.4.1安装 (8)3.4.2拆卸 (8)3.5刺扎操作说明 (8)第四章:使用注意事项 (9)第五章:装箱清单 (10)第一章:概述多年以来,电缆运行与维护部门对电缆的刺扎,均按照行业标准DL409-91《电业安全工作规程(电力线路部分)》第234条要求,采用人工刺扎,一旦电缆识别出错,误刺扎带电电缆将造成极大的危害。



4th International Conference on Mechatronics, Materials, Chemistry and Computer Engineering (ICMMCCE 2015)Study and Application of Cable Modeling Tools Yi Yongfei1,a, Zhu Yuanda1,a, Wang Lixia2,b, Zhang Zhen1,a, Xu DaHai1,a1Liaoning Skill Training Center2 Benxi Power Supply Company, State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd.a ***************,b*******************Keywords: cable; bending; toolAbstract. With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the continuous advancement of industrial technology, more and more CNC bending machines have been applied in modern production and the development has become more mature. This paper introduces briefly a cable bending tool with the following features: it consists of a left and a right support plate hinged together under which handles are fixed; on the left support plate are two parallel vertical plates and under the lower plate a adjusting screw is equipped, which then pierce through the lower plate and against the upper plate; on the point where the upper plate and the adjusting screw meet a curved upper jaw and a lower jaw are set against the buckle; on the upper left corner of the right support plate a pressure roller is set.IntroductionDuring the construction process of cable installing, cables need to be bent due to environment constraints. Currently, the common cable bending method is that operators stand on the bending part of cables and then bend the cable by hand. The absence of professional tools makes it difficult to bend cables and dissatisfying wiring technics can easily damage the cable sheath and cores, bringing safety risks.This paper focuses on a new cable bending tool that consists of a left and a right support plate hinged together under which handles are fixed; on the left support plate are two parallel vertical plates and under the lower plate a adjusting screw is equipped, which then pierce through the lower plate and against the upper plate; on the point where the upper plate and the adjusting screw meet a curved upper jaw and a lower jaw are set against the buckle; on the upper left corner of the right support plate a pressure roller is set.With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the continuous advancement of industrial technology, more and more CNC bending machines have been applied in modern production and the development has become more mature. as the second largest industry to automotive industry in China, product variety and domestic market share of wire and cable industry are both more than 90%. In the world market, total output value of China's wire and cable has surpassed that of United States and China has become the world's largest wire and cable producing country. Along with the rapid development of China's wire and cable industry, number of new enterprises continues to rise and overall technical level of the industry has been greatly improved. Technological ProcessWire and cable manufacturing is completely different with production of most electromechanical products. For the general production of the latter, parts are assembled into a component and then a plurality of components are assembled into a single product, which is measured by number of units or number of pieces. Wire and cable are measured by length. All wire and cable are processed from conductors with layers of insulation, shielding, cabling and sheathing in the outside. The more complicated the structure of the product is, the more superimposed layers are.Technological FeaturesCombined production mode of large length and superimposition has overall and controlling influence on the production of wire and cable, which involves(1) Production process and equipment layoutAll equipment in the production plant must be arranged reasonably according to the required technological process of products so as to make semi-finished products at various stages flow in sequence. Equipment layout should take into consideration the balance between production efficiency and production capacity, as some equipment may have to be two or more pieces to balance the manufacturing capacity of the production line. Therefore, reasonable match-making combination and arrangement of production site have to be considered from the perspective of balance between products and production capacity.(2) Production and organization managementProduction and organization management must be scientific and rational, careful and accurate, strict and meticulous; the operator must meticulously execute according to process requirements, or any problem in the production stages will affect the smoothness of production process and thus affect the product quality and delivering. Especially for multicore cable, insufficient length of a line couple or basic unit or any problem in quality can lead to the wasting of the whole cable. Vice versa, if a unit is too long, it must be sawn and abandoned.(3) Quality managementProduction method of superimposing continuously cables of great length makes it easily to affect quality of the whole cable by a trivial and instantaneous problem in any production stages. The more inner layer the quality defects are in, the more losses will be resulted in due to failure in stopping production in time. Different with production of assembled products, wire and cable cannot be reassembled or replaced with new parts; any quality problem of any parts or production process of wire and cable can lead to almost irreversible and irreparable outcomes for the cable. Post-processing is very negative, including sawing shorter, down grading or abandoning the entire cable, as it cannot be reassembled.Quality management of wire and cable must run through the entire production process. Quality management and inspection department should tour check the entire production process; operators should check on their own operations; mutual inspection between the upper and lower production stages. These are important means to ensure product quality and improve economic efficiency of enterprises.Production technology categories and large material flowWire and cable manufacturing process involves a wide range of technology categories, from the non-ferrous metal smelting and pressure processing to chemical technologies like plastics, rubber and painting, etc.; from textile techniques like lapping and weaving of fiber materials to processing technologies like lapping of metal materials, longitudinally covering of metal strips and welding and shaping of metal materials, etc..Wire and cable manufacturing involves many kinds of materials, with many categories, varieties, specifications and a large quantity. Therefore, the using amount, spare amount, batch cycle and batches of all kinds of materials must be audited and checked. Meanwhile, decomposition of waste treatment, recycling, reuse and waste disposal should be taken as an important part of management; do good material quota management and pay attention to conservation work.In wire and cable production, from the input and output and storage of raw materials and various auxiliary materials, transferring of semi-finished products to storage and distribution of products, material flow is too much and must be distributed rationally and managed dynamically. Construction StatusesDuring the construction process of cable installing, cables need to be bent due to environment constraints. Currently, the common cable bending method is that operators stand on the bending part of cables and then bend the cable by hand. The absence of professional tools makes it difficultto bend cables and dissatisfying wiring technics can easily damage the cable sheath and cores, bringing safety risks. The new cable bending tool proposed in this paper is designed to solve the above problems as the tool can make it easy to bend wires and reduce cable damages. The tool is unique in that: it consists of a left and a right support plate hinged together under which handles are fixed; on the left support plate are two parallel vertical plates and under the lower plate a adjusting screw is equipped, which then pierce through the lower plate and against the upper plate; on the point where the upper plate and the adjusting screw meet a curved upper jaw and a lower jaw are set against the buckle; on the upper left corner of the right support plate a pressure roller is set. On the bottom of the lower jaw groove pinches are set, through which the adjusting screw penetrates and then at the penetrated end a ring is fixed. There are corresponding connecting tendons secured between the upper and lower plates and the left upright support plate. By turning the adjusting screw, one can fix the left side of a cable between the upper and lower plates, preventing it from bulk movement. Place the right side of a cable under the pressure roller and bend the cable into certain angle by pulling the two opposing handles. It is simple in structure and easy to operate with less effort, and also can bend cables flexibly by the pressure roller and prevent cables from damages caused by concentrated pressures. As shown in Fig 1Brief DescriptionFigure 1 : Equipment structure1 - left support plate, 2- right support plate, 3- handles, 4- upper vertical plate, 5-lower vertical plate, 6-connecting bars, 7- adjusting screw, 8- upper jaw, 9-lower jaw, 10- gusset, 11- ring, 12- pressure roller.ConclusionThe proposed cable bending tool consists of a upper support plate 1 and a lower support plate 2 hinged together under which handles 3 are fixed; on the left support plate 1 two parallel vertical plates 4 and 5 are fixed by connecting bars 6. Under the lower vertical plate 5 an adjusting screw 7 is equipped, which then pierce through the lower vertical plate 5 and against the upper vertical plate 4; on the point where the upper vertical plate 4 and the adjusting screw 7 meet a curved upper jaw 6 and a lower jaw 9 are set against the buckle; On the bottom of the lower jaw 9 a groove pinch 10 is set, through which the adjusting screw penetrates and then at the penetrated end a ring 11 is fixed. Inside the groove pinch 10 corresponded with ring 11, a pressure roller 12 is equipped on the upper left corner of the right support plateIn operation, first fix one side of the cable between upper jaw 8 and lower jaw 9. By turning the adjusting screw 7, one can fix the cable and press the penetrated end of the cable under the pressure roller 12. By turning the opposite handles 3, the cable can be easily bended with less effort. It is simple in structure and also can bend cables flexibly by the pressure roller and prevent cables from damages caused by concentrated pressures.Reference[1] Zhao Wei, Yang Mei, Liu Hongbin, Wu Wei, Research and development of GIS based on component. Computer and modernization 2005. 06[2] Wang Ninghui Practical manual of electrical engineer (power supply), Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2006[3] Hu Jianxun, Liu Kai, Liu Ting, et al. Study on the live work test of 500kv high altitude compact transmission [J]. High voltage apparatus, 2010, 46 (4):35.39.[4] Zhang Jin, Ji Shengchang, Shen Qi, et al. Study on 35 kV insulator string flashover voltage washed by charged water vapor[J]. High voltage apparatus, 2010, 46 (7):61.65.[5] Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China GB 2006, 50016---2006 Fire proof code of building design [s], China Planning Press, 2006。





二、安全须知1. 在使用电缆工具之前,请仔细阅读并理解本说明书,并遵守相关安全操作规程。

2. 使用电缆工具时,请佩戴适当的防护装备,如安全帽、防护眼镜、防护手套等。

3. 严禁未经许可擅自修改、拆解电缆工具,任何故障需由专业维修人员检修。

4. 在使用电缆工具期间,如发现任何异常情况,请立即停止使用,并及时报修。

三、常见电缆工具及使用方法1. 剥线剪剥线剪是常用的电缆工具之一,用于剥离电缆绝缘层和护套层。


2. 铜铝焊接夹具铜铝焊接是电力工程中常见的连接方式,铜铝焊接夹具用于夹持铜铝焊接区域,确保焊接时的稳定性。


3. 电缆扳手电缆扳手用于紧固和拆卸电缆连接头。


4. 电缆剥皮钳电缆剥皮钳用于在电缆维护和故障排除过程中剥离电缆绝缘层和护套层。


5. 电缆检测仪电缆检测仪用于检测电缆的绝缘状态、电压和电阻等参数。


四、故障排除1. 若在使用电缆工具过程中发生电流泄漏、电缆断裂等故障,请立即停止使用,并报告维修人员进行维修。

2. 每次使用电缆工具后,请进行清洁、保养,确保工具的功能良好。

五、维修与保养1. 电缆工具的维修和保养应由专业人员进行,严禁未经训练的人员擅自进行修理。

2. 定期对电缆工具进行检查,确保工具的刀刃锐利、结构完整,并进行必要的润滑。




























2. 给挤压心轴的丝扣涂油,以其丝扣一端朝工具的上方插入十字键套筒(连接体)。






7.给活塞涂油,装上三个 O圈;将活塞装在活塞推杆上端;把销杆从活塞的侧孔拧进,穿过活塞推杆孔并上紧销杆与活塞侧孔上的丝扣。




10.给增压室下端丝扣涂油,装上 O圈,然后,给泄压接头涂油,装上O圈,让增压室、泄压接头、和一级缸安装在一起。


11.给浮动活塞涂油,装上三个 O圈。







如果大于3/8",则必须重新组装,并检查是否装机油太多;15.擦净增压室上边泄压阀的凹槽和放气孔,将 0圈涂油后放到凹槽底台阶上。




适用于外径4 1/2"-9 5/8"的套管。


注意:电缆坐封生产封隔器可用GO、BACKER和Gearhart压力坐封工具坐封, Nok-Out塞和旋塞适用于DGXL封隔器。

DGXL永久式封隔器性能参数性能参数零件号套管封隔器最大外径(英寸)最小光孔(英寸)坐封范围外径(英寸)重量(T&C)(磅)最小内径(英寸)最大内径(英寸)051-5849-001 4-1/2 11.6-16.6 3.5932.3903.7814.000051-5850-001 4-1/2 9.5-13.5 3.718 3.920 4.124051-5849-008 4-1/2 11.6-16.6 3.5932.5003.7814.000051-5850-008 4-1/2 9.5-13.5 3.718 3.920 4.124 051-5851-001 5 15.0-21.0 3.968 4.125 4.436051-5852-0015 11.5-13.04.250 4.437 4.670 5-1/2 23.0-26.0051-5848-001 4-1/2 9.5-13.5 3.7502.687*3.9204.124051-5848-006 5 15.0-21.0 3.968 4.154 4.408051-5848-0115 11.5-13.04.250 4.437 4.670 5-1/2 23.0-26.0051-5853-001 5-1/2 20.0-23.0 4.4373.0004.625 4.811051-5854-001 5-1/2 14.0-17.0 4.562 4.812 5.012 051-5855-001 5-1/2 13.0-14.0 4.750 4.976 5.124 051-5861-001 6 14.0-26.0 4.937 5.140 5.552051-5856-001 6-5/8 20.0-24.05.6874.0005.8756.094 7 32.0-38.0051-5857-001 6-5/8 17.05.8756.095 6.276 7 26.0-29.0051-5858-001 7 20.0-23.0 6.000 6.277 6.456051-5859-0017 17.0-20.06.250 6.456 6.765 7-5/8 33.7-39.0051-5860-001 7-5/8 20.0-29.7 6.625 6.875 7.125 051-5862-002 9-5/8 29.3-53.5 8.125 4.750 8.535 9.0635”DGXL永久式封隔器以下是5” 15-21#DGXL封隔器注:5” 15-21#只是5”DGXL封隔器中的一种,如需要其它型号请与我们联系。



MWBR 可取式桥塞使用说明书四机赛瓦公司生产的“MWBR”电缆坐封可取式桥塞是一种封隔器型桥塞,可用电缆压力或液压座封工具坐封,用油管、钢丝绳、连续油管上提回收。






5 1/2”桥塞释放力为:30,000 LBS(13.6吨),7”桥塞释放力为:55,000 LBS(25吨)。







Rigging the Extension CableMake sure the kit is fully retracted. Locate the hole in Groove A of the winch pulley. Insert your cable from the outside of the pulley through the hole then tie a knot at the end. Make sure the knot is large enough that it cannot be pulled back through the hole.Wind a couple of rotations-worth of cable into Goove A in the counter-clockwise direction (relative to the views below). Ensure that the orientation of the winding is such that rotating the pulley clockwise draws the cable in.Route the cable through the v-groove bearing pulleys as shown. Tie off the cable to the extension cable tie-down stud. Install a locknut to keep the string in place. Cut off the excess cable to use in the next step.Rigging Guide forLow-Side Cascading Kit (Four Stage)SKU: 3210-0001-0003Extension CableTie-Down Stud Note: For clarity, the cable is red in the diagrams in this document.Rigging the Retraction CableFully extend the kit by rotating the winch pulley clockwise (relative to the full view below). Locate the hole in Groove B of the winch pulley. Insert a second cable through, from the outside of the pulley, and tie a large knot like you did for the extension cable.Pre-wind an extra rotation of cable into Groove B, but this time in the clockwise direction. Make sure the orientation is such that rotating the pulley counter-clockwise (relative to the full view below) draws the cable in.Locate the spring on the side of that last stage as shown. We are using the 9th hole from the end but you can select a different hole to get different levels of tautness. Tie the cable to the spring. Pro Tip: You can use a long hex key or screw to pin the spring to hole 9 while you tie the cable.Hook the loop on the other end of the spring to the spring stud and capture it with a locknut. The cable should be taut. Once you are happy with the tautness trim the excess cable.Spring Stud9th Hole。



Application Tooling SpecificationFEATURES▪ A full cycle ratcheting hand tool ensures complete crimps ▪ Ergonomically designed soft handles▪ Precisely designed crimping profiles with simple contact positioning ▪ Easy handling due to outstanding force ratio▪ Tool kits are easily installed into the hand crimp tool or the 63816-0300 power crimp head, which is installed into the 63816-0270 (110 V) or the 63816-0280 (220 V) battery powered tool ▪Many different tool kits can be used with a single battery powered toolSCOPEProducts: Perma-Seal Terminals and Butt Splices, 8 AWG.Wire Size: 8 AWG 8.50mm²Terminal No. Terminal Eng. No. (REF)Wire Strip Length Insulation Diameter MaximumIn. mm In. mm19164-0079 SD-8 .387 9.83 .370 9.40 19164-0080 SD-656-10 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0081 SD-651-14 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0082 SD-652-38 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0083 SD-651-56 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0457 SD-652-12 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0458 SD-653-58 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0459 SD-653-34 .300 7.60 .375 9.54 19164-0833SDC-354 .300 7.60 .375 9.54Testing: MechanicalThe tensile test or pull test is a means of evaluating the mechanical properties of the crimped connections. The following chart shows the UL specifications for various wire sizes. The tensile strength is shown in pounds and indicates the minimum acceptable force to break or separate the terminal from the conductor.Wire Size (AWG)*UL310890*UL310: Quick DisconnectsDEFINITION OF TERMSMAXIMUM INSULATIONDIAMETERWIRESTRIP LENGTHCONDUCTOR CRIMPTERMINALOrder Number 64001-8200TYPE 4CTERMINAL AGAINST LOCATORTOOL OPENFigure 1PUSH IN LOCATOR CLAMPFigure 2TO ADJUST SLIDE LOCATORLOCATOR KNOBLOCATOR CLAMP DOWNTERMINAL IN POSITIONWIRETERMINALFigure 3Figure 4TERMINAL BARRELCONDUCTOR ANVILTERMINALCONDUCTORPUNCHLOCATORWIRECAUTION: Install only Molex terminals listed above with this tool. Do not crimp hardened objects as damage can occur to the tool or die.OPERATIONOpen the tool by first closing the jaws sufficiently for the ratchet mechanism to release.Crimping Terminals1. Push in on the locator clamp to lift and position the nose of terminal under the clamp, andpush against the shoulder with the barrel facing up into the color-coded nest. Release the locator clamp to hold the terminal. See Figure 1.2. Loosen the locator knob and slide as required until the conductor barrel is centered over thecrimp pocket in the lower jaw, as shown in Figure 2. Tighten the locator knob to lock the locator assembly in position.3. Partially close the hand tool jaws until the terminal is held snugly in place.4. Insert the properly stripped wire into the terminal barrel. See Figures 3 and 4 below.5. Complete the crimp by closing the hand tool handles until they release.6. Remove the crimped terminal by pulling away from the locator. Inspect for proper crimplocation. Molex offers a Crimp Inspection Handbook for closed-barrel industrial products. Visit the Molex website or contact your Molex sales engineer. Note: The tamper-proof ratchet action will not release the tool until it has been fully closed.Crimping Butt SplicesWhen crimping one end of a butt splice, loosen the locator knob and slide the locator all the way out away from crimp jaws. When crimping the second end of a butt splice, the locator assembly must be removed. See Figure 5.1. Position the butt splice so that it is centered over the appropriate crimp pocket.2. Partially close the tool to hold the buttsplice in place.3. Insert the properly stripped wire intothe butt splice. The end of the wireshould butt against the wire stop in the butt splice. Cycle the tool.4. Remove the crimped butt splice andinspect for proper crimp location.5. To crimp the second end, remove thelocator assembly and rotate the buttsplice 180 degrees so the opposite endof the butt splice is centered over the appropriate crimp pocket. 6. Repeat steps 2–4. Note: Whenever crimping without the locator, make sure the seam of the terminal is oriented up or down in the tool if using unbrazed product because this will provide higher pull force values.For the Battery-Powered Tool1. Cycle the battery-powered tool to crimp the terminal to the wire.2. Remove the crimped terminal from the terminal locator by pulling away from the locator.3. Visually inspect the crimped terminal for proper crimp location.MAINTENANCEIt is recommended that each operator of the tool be made aware of and responsible for the following maintenance steps:1. Remove dust, moisture and othercontaminants with a clean brush or a soft, lint-free cloth.2. Do not use any abrasive materials thatcould damage the tool.3. Make certain all pins, pivot points andbearing surfaces in the tool head are protected with a thin coat of high-quality machine oil. Do not oil excessively. Thistool was engineered for durability, butlike any fine piece of equipment, it needs cleaning and lubrication for a maximumservice life of trouble-free crimping. The use of a light oil such as 30 weight automotive oil every 5,000 crimps ormonthly will significantly enhance the tool life and ensure a stable calibration.See Figures 6A and 6B for lubrication points.4. Store the tool in a clean and dry area when it is not in use. Figure 5 CONDUCTOR ANVILCONDUCTORPUNCH TERMINAL WIRE STOP BUTT SPLICETERMINAL SLIDE LOCATORAWAY FROM THE TERMINALWIRELUBRICATION POINTS(BOTH SIDES) LIGHT OIL (EVERY MONTHOR 5,000 CRIMPS)Figure 6AFigure 6BMiscrimps or Jams for Hand Crimp Tools Only (See Figure 9)Should this tool ever become stuck or jammed in a partially closed position, Do Not force the handles open or closed. The tool will open easily by rotating the small slotted screw marked with an arrow. See Figure 9.TOOL CALIBRATIONA certificate of calibration (see last page) was supplied with the tool. To recalibrate this tool, pin gauge measurements should be taken in each conductor nest and compared to this chart. The tool should be lubricated prior to recalibration to ensure consistent measurements. Handle preload is factory set to 25-45 pounds.Nest Color CodeWire Range “X” Dimension Conductor Crimp Crimp InspectionMarkingMean Go No-Go AWG mm 2 In. mm In. mm In. mm Red810.00.2045.17.2025.12.2065.22oWarrantyThis tool kit is for electrical terminal crimping purposes only. This tool kit is made of the best quality materials. All vital components are long-life tested. All tools are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects for a period of 30 days. Should such a defect occur, Molex will repair or exchange the tool kit free of charge. This repair or exchange will not be applicable to altered, misused or damaged tools.CAUTION: Molex crimp specifications are valid only when used with Molex terminals and tooling.CAUTIONS1. Manually powered hand tools are intended for low-volume use or field repair. This tool is NOTintended for production use. Repetitive use of this tool should be avoided. 2. Insulated rubber handles are not protection against electrical shock. 3. Wear eye protection at all times.4. Use only the Molex terminals specified for crimping with this tool.CAUTION: Repetitive use of this tool should be avoided.PIN GAUGE INCONDUCTOR CRIMP“Confining” Crimp“X ”CERTIFICATIONMolex does not certify or re-certify commercial grade hand tools but rather supplies the following guidelines for customers to re-certify hand tools:▪ This tool is qualified to pull force only. To re-certify, crimp a terminal to a wire that has beenstripped 12.7mm (.50”) long so there is no crimping of the insulation. Pull the terminal and wire at a rate no faster than 25mm (1.00”) per minute. See the Molex website for the Quality Crimp Handbook for more information on pull testing.▪ When the hand tool is no longer capable of achieving minimum pull force, it should be taken outof service and replaced.▪ This tool is very difficult to disassemble and reassemble. Customer repair is not recommended.The chart below shows all applications for this tool kit:Hand Crimp Tool Battery Powered ToolFigure 7Figure 8operate, service, install tool kits or adjust the power crimp head without proper instruction and without first reading and understanding the instructions in the proper manual or specification sheet. See chart above for the correct manual or specification sheet.install tooling or service this tool while it is connected to any power source.HAND CRIMP FRAME LONG AND SHORTTOOLING KITLOCKING PINSTOOLING KITBATTERY POWERED TOOLPOWERCRIMP HEADItem Order No. Engineering No. Description Quantity 1 63810-1000 63810-1000 Hand Crimp Frame (Long) 1 2 64001-8270 64001-8270 Tool Kit 1 3 64001-8275 64001-8275 Locator Assembly 1RATCHETRELEASE SCREWM4 X 30mm LONG SHCS13M4 X 10mm LONG BHCSFigure 92M4 X 18mm LONG BHCSItem Order No. Engineering No. DescriptionQuantity1 63816-0300 63816-0300 Power Crimp Head1 2 64001-8270 64001-8270 Tool Kit1 364001-8275 64001-8275Locator Assembly1Application Tooling SupportPhone: (402) 458-TOOL (8665) E-Mail:****************************Website: /applicationtoolingMolex is a registered trademark of Molex, LLC in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries; all other trademarks listed herein belong to their respective owners.1M4 by 18mm Long BHCSM4 by 10 Long BHCSFigure 102M4 by 30mm Long BHCS3Certificate of CalibrationTool Order Number: ___________________Tool Revision: ___________________Serial Number: ___________________Date of Manufacture: ___________________Pin Gauge of Conductor Nest/Nests or Slug height if the nest is the “F” Crimp style.Range, Conductor Nest = ____________ — Actual = ______________Technician: ______________Date of Calibration: ______________Calibration should be done every 5,000 cycles or monthly. Tools should be lubricated during this operation.Application Tooling SupportPhone: (402) 458-TOOL (8665) E-Mail:****************************Website: /applicationtoolingMolex is a registered trademark of Molex, LLC in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries; all other trademarks listed herein belong to their respective owners.Order Number 64001-8200TYPE 4C。

瑙珊电缆工具 Cable Tools 产品说明书

瑙珊电缆工具 Cable Tools 产品说明书

'URS Cable ToolsORDERING GUIDE FOR CR TOOLSCRHex Crimp Tool• F or CATV, MATV and STV type cable hex crimp connectors • P recision quality alloysteel jaws are self-bottoming and will not over-crimp • T oggle action delivers correct crimping force • R ugged components for long, trouble-free performance • S tar wheel permits precise, easy compression adjustment • E asy-to-read hex sizes stamped on frame • F ull-cushion handles will not slide off • R ugged steel frame with heat treated pins for maximum strength and operating life • Made in the U.S.A.• L ength: 9.00 in. (229 mm) • Weight: 1 lb 9 oz (708 g)C.A.T .-AS “All Series”Compression Assembly Tool• U nique C.A.T. allows assembly of Series 59/6, 7, and 11 drop connectors in one versatile tool • T wo sets of jaws, precision designed – one set for 59 & 6 connectors, and another set for 7 & 11 connectors • F ield proven design based on original Cablematic ® C.A.T. design with high strength cast aluminum body • S pring loaded, split jaws position the cable and connector for easy insertion and removal • A vailable in a “fixed” model (C.A.T.-AS-FX) with a fixed, factory set plunger tip that is non-adjustable.• Made in the U.S.A.• U .S. Patent Nos.: 5,934,137; 5,647,119 and 6,820,326• L ength: 7.4 in. (187 mm) • Weight: 1.1 lb (500 g)For 6/59, 7 and 11 cablesC.A.T.-ASSDT-TXFF-250Flexible Feeder Single Drop Trimmer• S ingle Drop Trimmer for Times Fiber Communications (TFC) “Flexible Feeder” (TX10-15 Low Loss Drop Feeder) Cable and F50 CommScope ® cable • O NE STEP cable preparation for smooth, precise cuts removing both the jacket and the dielectric • P repares cable for all major connector manufacturers to 1/2 in. or 1 in. (12.7 or 25.4 mm) center conductor length and 1/4” (6.35 mm) braid preparation • E r gonomic, lightweight design • Made in the U.S.A.• U .S. Patent Nos.: 6,128,976 and 6,253,641• R eplacement blade cartridge: RC-TXFF 250 (Part No.: 36880)• L ength: 4.6 in. (119 mm)• W eight: 1.9 oz (54 g)• Part No.: 37460TXFF, TXFF-QFlexible Feeder Stripping Tools• F or Times Fiber Communications (TFC) “Flexible Feeder” (TX10-15 Low Loss Drop Feeder) Cable and F50 CommScope ® cable • C olor coded and labeled for ease of proper tool identification Green - for Standard cable constructionBlue - for Quad Shield cable construction • T he first cut (1st cut) will prepare cable to proper center conductor length. The second cut (2nd cut) will remove the proper length of outer jacket exposing the braid • Made in the U.S.A.• Replacement Blades — 1st cut: CB 26 (Part No.: 14403)2nd cut: CB 60 (Part No.: 14907)• Length: 5-3/8 in. (137 mm)• W eight: 1 lb. 12 oz. (795 g)Note: Please call our Customer Service Department for connector manufacturers not listed above. U.S: 860-635-2200 U.K: +44-1384-400070SDTSingle Drop Trimmer• O NE STEP cable preparation for ALL 59, 6, N48 drop cableconstructions as per SCTE and Bellcore specifications • A lso available with a built-in strip stop — see model SDT596-250SS (SDT596-250 is standard tool)• E RGONOMIC BODY DESIGN fits into your hand and tool pouch for ease of use and comfort • T ool body constructed of LIGHTWEIGHT , impact resistant “Hi-Visibility Red” polymer • N o adjustments or extra tools required • N OTE: Tool is not intended for Plenum Series Cable construction • S uperior quality tool steel blade cassettes will perform 3500+ preparations under normal use • T ool supplied with model specified cassette assembled in tool and one spare cassette • U nique “Cassette Ejector” provides quick blade cassette removal • R eplaceable blade cassettes are color-coded and marked with cable series type and braid preparation dimensions for easy identification • M ade in the U.S.A.• U .S. Patent Nos.: 6,128,976 and 6,253,641• Length: 4.6 in. (119 mm)• Weight: 1.6 oz (45 g)CT2-ASCompression Assembly Tool• T he CT2-AS assembles 59,6,7 and 11 “F” compression type connectors • A ssembles most RCA and IEC connectors • S pring loaded handle with push button handle lock to keep tool compact and pouch friendly • N ew ergonomic design with premium quality construction • E asy to use around and in wall boxes where space and cable length may be limited • S pring loaded split jaws position cable and connector for easy insertion and removal • T ool requires no special adjustment or adapters and can be kept in calibration with a supplied guage block • C T2-AS has a blue color coded body for universal type connectors; CT2-AS-EX has a red colored body for PPC-EX and PCT-TRS compression connectors • U S Patent Nos.: 5,934,137; 5,647,119; 6,820,326• L ength: 8-1/4 in. (210 mm) • W eight: 14.4 oz (408 g)• P art No. CT2-AS: 42080; Part No. CT2-AS-EX: 42090CW-1Multi-Socket Can Wrench• W rench has reversible double sockets on each end• I mpact resistant polymer handle also provides a storage compartment for additional sockets • W rench is supplied with hex sockets 7/16 in., 3/8 in., 5/16 in., 1/2 in., 1/4 in., and 5/32 in. Security Hex • S ockets are all clearly stamped with hex size • R eplaces the need to have 5 separate Nut Drivers • U nique lightweight design that offers multiple tools in one handle • C ost and application efficient • L ength: 7.75 in. (197 mm)• W eight: 10.4 oz (294 g)• Part No.: 38521All sockets are stored inside the tool body.SMART-STRIPData Cable Stripper• V ersatile and compact tool suitable for all types of standard insulation • S mart-Strip produces an accurate depth of cut to any standard insulated size of wire or cable in the 0.03 to 0.39 in. (0.75 - 10 mm) range • S trips UTP & STP data network cable • D etailed depth adjustment mechanism allows the operator to change settings across standard insulations and a variety of delicate and irregular shielded multicore cables • S pring loaded action • F ixed depth version also available • W eight: 1.4 oz (40 g)• D imensions: 3.8 x 0.75 x 1.5 in. (97 x 19 x 38 mm)• Part No.: 39470INTEGRATION / SECURITY RJCRJ Crimping Tool• C rimps RJ10, RJ11, RJ12, RJ22 and RJ45 modular RJ connectors (4P, 6P, 8P)• C omfortable and ergonomicplastic grips • W ire cutter and Jacket stripper built into tool body • E asy release ratcheting mechanism for ease of assembly • R atchet mechanism can be released mid-cycle • R eplacement Blades (package of 2) Part No: 80575• L ength: 7-3/4 in. (197 mm)• W eight: 12 oz (340 g)• P art No.: 80756RT-F716N, RT-BNCRemoval Tool• Provides easy access to connectors in high-density locations such as cable racks • Socket extends 8 in. from handle • N ut on bottom of handle grip for torquing applications with 7/16 in. TW torque wrench• RT-F716N has 7/16 in. head for “F” Connectors • Length: 11.75 in. (298 mm) • Weight: 3.4 oz (88 g) • Part No.: 38360• RT-BNC has formed head specifically for BNC connectors• Length: 11.75 in. (298 mm) • Weight: 3.1 oz (88 g) • Part No.: 38355CC, CCSCable Cutters / Strippers• D esigned to cut and strip solid & stranded copper and aluminum conductor • C CS-22 designed to cut steel conductors • D esigned to minimizeflattening of the cable end andcenter conductor • C CS-22 ideal for cutting 59, 6, 7 and 11 series coax cables (copper claddedsteel center conductors) as well as N48,5C and 9 Coax cables (copper center conductors)up to .400 in. (10.16 mm) O.D. cables • P reformed rounded jaws automatically position the cable for optimum cutting • P recise, high quality carbon steel construction • D urable, dipped non-slip handlesCCS-22CC38*CCS = Copper cladded steelCC SERIESCenter Conductor Cleaners / Scrapers• F or removing residual dielectric from the conductor of all sizes of trunk and distribution cables (without scratching or nicking)• C C-100 has clear Plexiglas ® multiple size V-shaped cleaning notches (Part No.: 16710)• C C-200 is supplied with clear Plexiglas ® straight edged scraping blades (Part No.: 16730)• C C-200 EUR is supplied with inverted clear Plexiglas ® straight edged scraping blades. Removes dielectric close to aluminum sheath (Part No.: 42000)• “High visibility” red (CC-100) and yellow (CC-200) tool bodies • R eplacement cleaning blades fit either tool Part No.: 16722, multiple “V” notched blade kit Part No.: 16725, clear Plexiglas ® scraping blade kit Part No.: 42003, clear Plexiglas ® EUR scraping blade kit • Made in the U.S.A.• L ength: 4.25 in. (108 mm) • Weight: 2.26 oz (64 g)CC-100CC-200 EURCT 375Carpet Cutter & Drill Guide• F or making fast and precise holes in carpeting • C T-375 is for wood underfloors (scalloped edge cutter) Part No.: 33480• C T-375C is for concrete and other underflooring (smooth cutter) Part No.: 33485•R eplacement Blades: Scalloped Part No.: 33483 Smooth Part No.: 33482• Made in the U.S.A.• L ength: 3.0 x 6.375 in (76 x 162 mm)• Weight: 15 oz (426 g)'URSCable ToolsIT-F59, 6, 11“F” Connector Insertion andFlaring Tool Combo• F or insertion of 59, 6, 7, & 11 series “F” connectors• M akes “F” connector insertion fast and easy even incold temperatures• F laring end of tool allows flaring or expansion of thecable providing easier insertion of “F” connectors• R ecommended for polyethylene jacketed cables and plenum cables• E specially useful when using tri-shield and quad-shield cables• I nsures proper connector and cable interface• L arge plastic screwdriver-type handle provides leverage when inserting “F” connector to the drop cable• H eat treated shank• M ade in the U.S.A.• Length: 5.00 in (127 mm)• Weight: 3.5 oz (99 g)DCSDrop Cable Slitter• Designed to slit the web on 59, 6, 7,& 11 series messengered anddual cables in the followingcable configurations:-Messengeredcoaxial drop cable- D ual coaxialdrop cable- D ual coaxialmessengered drop cable- D ual coaxial and twisted pair cable- D ual messengered coaxial and twisted pair cable- Will also slit various messengered fiber drop cables• Provides a clear view of slitting action• Works on PVC and Polyethylene jackets• B uilt-in saddle and spring loaded jaw permits easypositioning of cable• B uilt-in shaving blade removes residual ridge material allowing easy connectorization• N o blade adjustments required• Ergonomic, user-friendly design• L ightweight and compact, fits in the palm of your handfor easy one hand operation• High visibility red color• Made in the U.S.A.• R eplacement Blades —Slitting: CB 209 (Part No.: 36343)Shaving: CB 210 (Part No.: 36344)• Length: 2.75 in. (70 mm)• Weight: 5 oz (140 g)• U.S. Patent No.: 6,131,289• Part No.: 36340RLNLong Nose Pliers• D esigned forgeneral-purposeelectrical, communicationsand construction applications• D rop-forged, hardened and temperedsteel alloy, designedto stand up to rugged use• S oft ribbed molded grips formaximum comfort and durability• U nique torsion spring for one handed operation(spring can be easilyremoved if preferred)• T ool halves are perfectly matched and hotriveted providing smooth handle operation• I deal for cutting and working with small soft-corewire gauges in small confined areas• Length: 8.5 in. (216 mm)• W eight: 8oz (227 g)• P art No.: 35489Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice Rev -1 ©Toner Cable Equipment, Inc.。



• 1、对于您在使用、安装过程中遇到的问题,我公司皆有专业的 技术人员为您答疑解惑,确保您使用安全、放心使用! • 2、若河北五星电缆固定夹(电缆固定夹具、电缆夹具)出现质 量问题,属非外力损伤或人为原因造成的质量问题,经双方确认, 确属我公司原因,我方负责及时免费更换。但因特定灾害(水灾、 火灾、地震或其他灾害)而导致的损坏,不在保修范围内。
• 1、表中的河北五星电缆固定夹(电缆固定夹具、电缆夹具)适 用截面积是以常规低压电缆外径为依据标注的, • 2、河北五星电缆固定夹(电缆固定夹具、电缆夹具)同样适用 于固定10kV及以上同样外径的电缆,因此在订货时请告知您所需 固定的电缆外径,以方便为您提供最合适的电缆夹具! • 3、表中的河北五星电缆固定夹(电缆固定夹具、电缆夹具)尺 寸为标准尺寸, • 4、订购时请注明是否需要电缆支架! • 5、为了使您订购的各种电缆固定夹完全符合使用要求,河北五 星电力设备有限公司会在双方签订合同 贵方预付货款后,会根据 您所提供的电缆外径尺寸为您快递一套免费样品,待您确认无误 后,货款到账后按照合同约定期限为您发货!
• 单孔电缆固定夹规格型号
• 多孔电缆固定夹规格型号
• 1、河北五星电力设备有限公司为您提供的电缆固定夹(电缆固 定夹具、电缆夹具),保证采用合格的原材料和优异的加工工艺 生产,且产品出厂前经过严格的检验,确保交给您完全合格的产 品在正确安装、使用的前提下,产品保质期为五年。 • 2,您所购买的河北五星电缆固定夹(电缆固定夹具、电缆夹具), 只适用于固定电缆外径小于或等于该电级固定夹孔径大小的电缆, 如您所固定电缆外径超出该电缆固定夹孔径范围,则不属于产品 质量问牌! • 3、为方便您安装、使用,供给您的每一套电缆固定夹均配有合 适的螺杆、螺丝、平垫片及弹簧垫片等,为了保证固定效果,请 务必在固定时加装平垫片及弹簧垫片!



编号:A08010240C修改号: B编制日期:2000/08/03MHSB、MHSG液压坐封工具使用说明书四机赛瓦石油钻采设备有限公司MHSB、MHSG型液压坐封工具中美合资四机塞瓦公司生产的MHSB和MHSG型液压坐封工具具有上下活塞平衡的特点,从而避免了桥塞、水泥承留器或封隔器的提前坐封。



主要参数液压坐封工具的技术参数:a)工具承受液体最大压力:6000PSI(42Mpa);b)最高工作温度:275°F(135°C);c)最大液体牵引力:75,000#(34020Kg);d)最大机械拉力:78,000#(35380Kg);e)最大工具外径:3.875”(98.43mm);f)工具上端接2 7/8”-8RD EUE.油管扣;g)MHSB液压座封工具下端接BACKER #20配套接头。


上提拉力与打压配合表上提管柱拉力 (LBS)液体压力 (PSI)最大剪切力 (LBS) 04600 (32.2 Mpa)60,000 10,0003820 (26.7 Mpa)60,00020,0003050 (21.4 Mpa)60,00030,0002290 (16.0 Mpa)60,00040,0001525 (10.7 Mpa)60,000操作方法将液压坐封工具连同水泥承留器或桥塞随油管一起缓慢下入井中(25根/小时),至预定坐封深度后,投入钢球(不可泵送,由其自由下落)。





(注意:观察压力变化值以及按照上表所列有关数据值进行作业)MHSB 型 液 压 坐 封 工 具066-0020-001MHSB 型序号数量零件号名称11066-0020-051上接头21066-0020-052T 型阀31066-0020-053活塞堵套41066-0020-054上套筒51066-0020-055中间接头61066-0020-056下套筒71066-0020-057下接头81066-0020-058拉伸套91066-0020-059十字头连杆接头101066-0020-060十字头连杆推杆111066-0020-061十字头连杆护套121066-0020-062十字头连杆131066-0020-063上压缩杆141066-0020-064上活塞151066-0020-065下活塞162066-0020-066剪切销钉171054-5602-100内六角螺钉182066-0020-068剪切销钉192000-P569-231O 型密封圈203000-P569-223O 型密封圈214000-P569-333O 型密封圈221000-P569-320O 型密封圈231000-P569-214O 型密封圈241066-0020-150钢球2510-08-615六角螺栓件16、18、19、20、21、22、23总成号修理包0066-0020-050*件25(钢制销钉)仅在装配时使用;*在每次拆卸工具后,必须更换新的修理包。






2 、功能与特点






KHR97-A 电缆桥塞坐封总成






MMR机械式水泥承留器使用说明书四机赛瓦石油钻采设备有限公司MMR水泥承留器使用说明书机械式水泥承留器简介(中美合资)四机赛瓦石油钻采设备有限公司生产的 "MMR"型水泥承留器是结构紧凑,外表面平滑的水泥承留器,适用于多种规格的套管。

















SR-CS-RACK-12U SR-CS-RACK-16U SR-CS-RACK-21Upg.2SR-CS-RACK-12,16, & 21U Installation and Users ManualStrong™ CONTRACTOR SERIES RACKSStrong ™ equipment racks are solid steel and feature fully enclosed steel side panels. They are available in three sizes: 12-space, 16-space and 21-space. The racks are set upon 4 heavy-duty, 3-inch (75 mm) rubber casters with locking fronts. Each equipment rack includes a 1U blank panel for support on the back side of rack.RACK SIZE OPTIONSEquipment racks are available in three sizes:• 12 space • 16 space • 21 spaceMODELA Racking Height BOverall HeightC Height (w/ Casters)DOverall DepthOverall WidthSR-CS-RACK-12U 21"23.8"27.8"18.2"20"SR-CS-RACK-16U 28"30.9"34.8"18.2"20"SR-CS-RACK-21U37"39.6"43.5"18.2"20"SR-CS-RACK-12USR-CS-RACK-16USR-CS-RACK-21USR-CS-RACK-12,16, & 21U Installation and Users Manualpg.3PARTS INCLUDED1. Top Plate2. Side Plate3. Front Pillar4. Back Pillar5. Base Plate6. Casters (4)7. Rack Assembly Screws 8. 1U Blank PlateRACK ASSEMBLYLock the casters before starting assembly.1. Ensure that the four pillars are arranged with threaded screw holes facing outwards. With the base plate (5) flat on the ground, use three of the supplied rack assembly screws (7) to attach each side plate 2 so that the inner flange is flat against the base plate.2. On either side of each side plate, screw in the bottom of the pillars using two rack assem-bly screws (7) per pillar parts (3, 4) with the inner flange sitting flat against the base. One side of the threaded screw holes in each pillar should be facing outwards, either Metric or English Standard.3. Place the top plate (1) over the sides of the rack so that the four pillars and side plates fit inside the top plate and attach using eighteen supplied rack assembly screws. For extra stability,install 1U Blank Plate (8) to upper-most position on back side of the rack.CAUTION:This rack is intended for use only with shelf models SR-SHELF-2U,-3U,-4U, and -5U with a maximum combined load of 600 pounds. Use with heavier than the maximum load indicated may result ininstability causing possible injury.Part Number: SR-CSRACK-Hardware12U 16U 21U Rack Assembly Screw (M5 x 8)323232Screw Driver 111Rubber Feet444Screw for Rubber Feet (M5 x 10)444Screw (10-32) w/ pre-installed washer486484KNOCK-OUTSTo accommodate fans or wire pass through, there are (2) 120mm-diameter cut hole patterns in both the top and bottom plates of the rack. To remove, simply use a hammer to knock the plates out. Do not remove more than one knockout from each plate.* If running wires through holes is needed when stacking two racks together, remove the same knockout from both the top and bottom plates.OPTIONAL FEET (Included with Rack Hardware)Also included are 4 hard plastic, stationary feet. If casters are not desired, simply unscrew casters and use stationary feet instead.CAUTION - feet may damage flooring if rack is moved when loaded with equipment. ACCESSORY INSTALLATION1. Determine the layout of your components, their space requirements and where you will place vents or blanks.2. Unbox your first shelf, starting with the one you will place at the bottom of the rack. The heaviest components should be placed as low as possible.3. Unfold shelf side panels and mount in desired rack location using four Strong™ rack screws. Accessory mounting screws are not included with shelves, vents or blanks (only with racks).4. Install component onto shelf.5. Unbox and install the next shelf, vent or blank following the above steps.A vent should be placed above components that generate excessive heat, such as surround receivers, amplifiers, satellite receivers, DVR’s, cable boxes and media servers.NEED RACK SCREWS?Screws are not included with our rack accessories, but extra screws are available (SR-SCREWS-200JAR). One no-roll jar includes 200 black 10/32 screws featuring #2 Phillips heads and captive nylon washers.Lifetime Limited Warrantyparts and labor repairs on all components found to be defective in material orworkmanship under normal conditions of use. This warranty shall not applyto products which have been abused, modified or disassembled. Products tobe repaired under this warranty must be returned to SnapAV or a designated servicecenter with prior notification and an assigned return authorization number (RA).For Techincal Support : 1.866.838.5052121113-1000。

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MP 格式10软盘编号密 别阶段标记SCADKHR97-B电缆桥塞座封工具使用说明书KHR97-B SM编写: 校对: 审核: 会签:标审: 批准:中国航天科技集团公司 川南机械厂会 签描 图 描 校 旧底图登记号底图登记号KHR97-B电缆桥塞座封工具使用说明书(在使用产品前请仔细阅读本说明书)1 原理电缆桥塞坐封工具用于电缆桥塞作业中,连接桥塞与电缆,地面通电,经电缆引爆坐封工具内的点火器,并点燃主装药柱,主装药柱燃烧产生的燃气压力推动坐封工具产生相对运动,实现桥塞的坐封、丢手等动作。

2 产品结构及技术参数 2.1 产品结构序号 名称 数量 1点火组件 1 2 药筒外壳 1 3 泄压组件 4O 形圈φ76.71×5.3314 5 上活塞 1 6 活塞筒 2 7 中间接头 1 8 下活塞 1 9 螺销1 10 O 形圈φ35.23×3.532 11 堵头 1 12 止动螺钉Ⅱ 1 13 止动螺钉Ⅰ 1 14 护键环 1 15 板键 1 16 活塞杆 1 17 上推力筒 1 18 活塞杆导筒11234567891011121314151718162.2 点火组件结构1-11-21-31-41-51-6大电阻桥塞点火器2.3 泄压组件结构2-12-22-32-42-52.4 技术参数 产品代号KHR97-B 联接 扣形上端点火药室 2-12UN-LH (P ) 药筒外壳 2 7/8-6Acme(B) 下端上推力筒3 1/2-6Acme(P) 活塞杆导筒 2-6Acme(P)耐压 105MPa15225psi外形尺寸 ф97mm ×1900mm ф3.82in ×74.8in序号 名称 数量 1-1 压 帽1 1-2 O 形圈φ17.6×2.62 1 1-3 O 形圈φ48.13×5.332 1-4 点火药室 1 1-5 挡圈20 1 1-6O 形圈φ57.66×5.332序号 名称 数量 2-1 泄压螺栓 1 2-2 压紧螺母 1 2-3 O 形圈φ12.8×1.781 2-4 阀座1 2-5O 形圈φ30.45×3.5313 仪器设备以及工具准备使用本产品时所需的仪器设备及工具包括:管钳、起子、专用扳手。

4 产品包装状态及使用前的检测4.1 产品包装状态4.1.1 产品出厂时点火组件、上活塞及所有O形圈均未装配,液压油在作业前注入。


4.2 使用前的检测按照《产品使用前检查记录表》的要求对产品进行检测,详细填写表内的各项内容。

5 产品装配方法5.1 坐封工具的装配5.1.1 坐封工具主体的装配5.1.1.1 将两件0形圈φ76.71×5.33(4)装入药筒外壳(2)的密封槽中,涂上润滑脂,并将药筒外壳(2)拧入活塞筒(6)。

2465.1.1.2 将三件0形圈φ76.71×5.33(4)装入上活塞(5)的密封槽中,涂上润滑脂。

用Φ20mm 的铝棒将浮动活塞推入活塞筒(6)底部(注意:有锥面的一端向内,同时必须保证活塞筒端面与浮动活塞距离为362mm)。

6455.1.1.3 将干净的10~40号机油灌入活塞筒(6),液面距活塞筒端面距离见下表。 将四件O 形圈φ0形圈φ76.71×5.33(4)装入中间接头(7)两端的密封槽中,涂上润滑脂,再将中间接头(7)拧入活塞筒(6)。

(注意:将小孔端对着油面拧入) 用虎钳将上推力筒(17)夹紧,用润滑脂涂抹在活塞杆导筒(18)外表面,并将活塞杆导筒(18)插入上推力筒(17)。

(注意:坐封芯轴扣长端向外)1718温 度 距 离 200℉以下 93° 102mm 200℉~275℉ 135° 114mm 275℉~350℉ 177° 127mm 350℉~400℉ 205°140mm4675.1.1.6 插入活塞杆(16),转动活塞杆导筒(18)和活塞杆(16),使上推力筒(17)、活塞杆导筒(18)、活塞杆(16)上的键槽对齐,再将板键(15)插入键槽中。

151716185.1.1.7 将护键环(14)从右端套入上推力筒(17),并将护键环(14)上的孔和上推力筒(17)上的螺纹孔对齐,再将止动螺钉Ⅰ(13)拧入。

13141718165.1.1.8 将0形圈φ35.23×3.53(10)装入堵头(11)的内密封槽中,同时将0形圈φ76.71×5.33(4)装入堵头(11)的外密封槽中,并涂上润滑脂。


1741011165.1.1.9 将三件0形圈φ76.71×5.33(4)装在下活塞(8)的密封槽中,涂上润滑脂,将下活塞(8)套在活塞杆(16)上,转动下活塞(8),使下活塞(8)上的螺纹孔,正对活塞杆(16)上的孔,并将螺销(9)拧入。

164895.1.1.10 将活塞筒(6)套入下活塞(8),并往堵头方向用力推活塞筒(6),将活塞筒(6)拧紧在堵头(11)上。

11865.1.1.11 按图示方向用力推活塞杆导筒(18),使护键环(14)与堵头(1)接触(注意:应无间隙)。

1814115.1.1.12 将活塞筒(6)的另一端拧紧在中间接头(7)上。

765.1.2 泄压组件的装配5.1.2.1 将0形圈φ30.45×3.53(2-5)装在阀座(2-4)上,压入药筒外壳(2)的泄压孔中。

2-42-525.1.2.2 将0形圈φ12.8×1.78装入泄压螺栓(19)的密封槽中,并旋入压紧螺母(18)。

2-12- 将压紧螺母(2-2)旋入药筒外壳(1)(注意:压紧螺母为左旋螺纹),用内六方扳手旋转泄压螺栓(19)进入阀座(20),保证密封,用专用扳手,反向将压紧螺母(18)压紧在药筒外壳(1)。

2-12-22-32-42-525.2 桥塞连接组件及桥塞的装配如果选用的是哈里巴顿系列的桥塞连接组件,则按 5.2.1条进行装配;如果选用的是Baker 系列的桥塞连接组件则按照5.2.2条进行装配。

5.2.1 哈里伯顿桥塞连接组件的装配5.2.1.1 将哈里巴顿桥塞推筒及哈里巴顿桥塞内转接头分别安装到电缆桥塞坐封工具的上推力筒(17)和活塞杆导筒(18)上;并将内转接头上的止动螺钉上紧。

哈里巴顿桥塞内转接头1817哈里巴顿桥塞推筒5.2.1.2 将哈里巴顿桥塞上的释放环对准哈里巴顿桥塞内转接头后拧紧,如果哈里巴顿桥塞推筒与桥塞之间有间隙,将哈里巴顿桥塞推筒向外拧,使推筒压紧桥塞; 将推筒上的止动螺钉上紧。

5.2.2 贝克桥塞连接组件的装配5.2.2.1 将贝克桥塞连接组件中的推筒和转接头分别与电缆桥塞坐封工具的上推力筒(17)和活塞杆导筒(18)相连。

共15页 第11 页 通讯地址Add :四川省泸州市四号信箱No4 Box Luzhou Sichuan China. 电话Tel :86-0830-******* 传真Fax :86-0830-******* 转接头推筒18175.2.2.2 将Baker 桥塞连接组件中的锁紧弹簧上的拉力轴上,并将拉力轴与桥塞上的拉断螺栓相连。

桥塞锁紧弹簧拉力轴5.2.2.3 将锁紧弹簧对准转接头的缺口,旋转电缆桥塞坐封工具,使推筒压紧桥塞的上卡瓦。

拧紧桥塞转接头拉力轴锁紧弹簧推力筒5.3 点火组件的装配5.3.1 将2件0形圈φ48.13×5.33(1-3)装入点火药室(1-4)右端密封槽中,将两件0形圈φ57.66×5.33(1-6)装入点火药室(1-4)左端密封槽中,并涂上润滑脂,将1件0形圈φ17.6×2.62(1-2)装入点火药室(1-4)右端面密封槽中。

将桥塞点火器装在点火药室(1-4)右端,压住O 形圈φ17.6×2.62(1-2)。

桥塞点火器1-21-31-41-55.3.2 将压帽(1-1)拧紧在点火药室(1-4)上。

1-11-45.3.3 将传火药柱从药室座的左端装入,并将挡圈20(1-5)从左端卡入点火药室(1-4)的卡圈槽中。

1-41-5桥塞二级火药5.3.4 将组装好的点火组件装入快换接头。

快换接头点火组件5.3.5 去掉主装药上的橡胶密封盖后,将主装药装入药筒外壳(注意:有绿色传火药柱的一端朝向图示左方)。

主装药药筒外壳5.3.6 将快换接头装到电缆桥塞坐封工具的药筒外壳(2)上。

药筒外壳点火组件快换接头5.4 按以上步骤组装完成后,将快换接头与CCL 连接。

6 维护要求6.1 产品开箱后若不能及时使用,应保护好两端的螺纹不被碰伤,同时在螺纹上涂防锈油脂。

6.2 桥塞坐封作业完成后,将所有零部件拆开,清洗干净,金属件浸油。

6.3 将药筒外壳(2)中的火药残渣清理干净,并用汽油清洗干净。

6.3 重复使用时,按照第5条重新组装,并更换所有O形圈。

7 使用注意事项7.1使用时应先检查产品合格证、说明书、备件。



产品使用前检查记录表井号:日期:检查者(签名):产品代号KHR97-B 产品批次号产品编号井垂直深度井温井液密度检查项目检查内容检查结果(是否合格)不合格情况下的解决措施及预防措施包装箱包装箱是否完好如包装箱损坏而产品未损坏,则进行以下检查,否则停止使用该套产品开箱后产品状态产品包装是否完好请将信息反馈厂家产品合格证、装箱清单、使用说明书等是否齐全请将信息反馈厂家产品数量与装箱清单数量是否一致请将信息反馈厂家产品外观螺纹是否有明显损伤如产品螺纹不能正常连接,则停止使用该套产品产品内部是否有锈蚀或异物清除异物O形圈是否有划伤、断裂、凹陷等缺陷用备件进行更换泄压组件检查泄压组件是否完好用备件进行更换若方便,请将此表填好后寄回川南机械厂。
