【精品原创资料】Beijing Opera (Peking Opera) 京剧 英语介绍 英语专业作业Presentation

以最好的北京戏作文Beijing opera, also known as Peking opera, is a traditional form of Chinese theatre that combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and acrobatics. It originated in the late 18th century in Beijing and has since become one of the most famous and influential forms of Chinese opera.北京戏,又称京剧,是中国传统戏曲的一种形式,它结合了音乐、声乐表演、默剧、舞蹈和杂技。
One of the most fascinating aspects of Beijing opera is its distinctive performance style, characterized by its elaborate costumes, vivid makeup, and unique vocal techniques. Each character in a Beijing opera is defined by its specific makeup and costume, enabling the audience to instantly recognize the role being portrayed.北京戏最迷人的一个方面是其独特的表演风格,其特点是精美的服装、生动的化妆和独特的声乐技巧。
Moreover, Beijing opera is renowned for its combination of singing, speaking, recitation, and acting, known as "cheng, shi, zhu, xing" in Chinese. This multifaceted art form requires performers to master a wide range of skills, from vocal control to martial arts techniques, making it a highly demanding and immersive art form.此外,京剧以其汇集了唱、念、做、表的表演方式而闻名,中国戏曲中称为“唱、念、做、表”。

京剧相关英语介绍BeijingOpera京剧相关英语介绍Beijing OperaFour Famous Dan Actors 四大名旦;Stage Props in Peking Opera 京剧道具Types of Facial Make-up in Beijing Opera 京剧脸谱Roles in Beijing Opera 京剧的角色;Xipi and Erhuang 西皮和二簧Wenchang and Wuchang 文场和武场;Piao You and Xia Hai 票友和下海Longtao and Figurant "龙套”和“跑龙套”;Qiba “起霸” ;Liangxiang “亮相”In 1927, an open selection of the top Dan actors, sponsored by the Shuntian Times newspaper, was launched. As a result, Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), Shang Xiaoyun (1900-1976), Cheng Yanqiu and Xun Huisheng (1900-1968) were the most outstanding in the selection, and were named the four most famous Dan actors of Peking Opera at this time, each having his own unique characteristics in regard to action, expression and music. In addition, each had his own special repertoire, and these have been handed down from generation to generation. Eventually, they formed the four main schools of Peking Opera.Later, groups of excellent young actors were active on the opera stages, among whom the most famous were: Li Shifang, Zhang Junqiu, Mao Shilai and Song Dezhu, selected by the Liyan Newspaper. Each of the four had his own special repertoire, and their wonderful performances were well received by the mass. Eventually, they were recognized as the four sub-leading Dan actors of Peking Opera.China entered the modern era amidst turbulence and changein the 20th century. The Revolution of 1911 put an end to the 2,000-year rule of the feudal dynasties. Thus there was a spate of famous actors and actresses and schools of Peking Opera in the early decades of this century.二十世纪20年代年京剧旦行先后成名的四位有代表性的演员:梅兰芳、尚小云、程砚秋、荀慧生。
Peking opera京剧英文介绍

1. In 1915, for the first time Mei used the spotlight 追光 in Peking Opera.
Beijing opera reached maturity between 1883 and
1918. This was partly because the Empress Dowager Cixi became a regular patron of it. In this period, the leading figures are Tan Xinpei , Wang Guifen and Sun Juxian who were called ”The three post giants of Housheng”.
•Peking Opera evolved from Kunqu Opera, an even more ancient art of drama listed by UNESCO in 2001 among the first group of works representing humankind through oral history.
2. In 1923, Mei was inspired to add erhu to the accompaniment of Peking opera, which enriched its background music.
主要用金、银色,或在辅色中添勾 金、银色线条和涂色块,以示神圣 威严。
中国文化英文PPT之京剧Peking opera

The role of jing
The role of chou
The schools and famous performers of Peking Opera
Whether of the warrior type or not, an actor must undergo years of fundamental training in martial skills so that every movement on the stage is gracefully and precisely executed and every pose assumed at the end of a movement makes the performer resemble a piece of well-executed sculpture, thereby increasing the aesthetic value of the acting.
The demands from various art forms call for versatility on the part of the performers.
An all-round top-notch Peking Opera performer, must be good-looking or attractive when appearing in make-up, of pleasing physical proportions, with a pair of expressive eyes and a rich variety of facial expressions.
Peking Opera 北京京剧ppt

There are four roles in general: the male, the female, the "painted face," and the clown, which are further classified by age and profession.
Sheng or male roles can be divided into three categories: the old, the young and the martial arts expert. Dan or female roles include the young and the middle-aged, the innocent and dissolute, girls with martial arts skills and old women. Jing or painted face roles are always played by frank and openminded men with brightly colored faces. Chou or clown roles are marked by a dab of white on the ridge of the nose. This character is sometimes positive, kindhearted and humorous, but sometimes negative, crafty, malicious or silly. Each role has its fixed singing
Opening a door, walking at night, rowing a boat, eating, drinking and the like are all demonstrated by the stylized movements of the actors and actresses.

程砚秋(1904—1958),自幼学戏,演青衣,受师于梅兰芳。他在艺术上勇于 革新创造,讲究音韵,注重四声,追求“声、情、美、水”的高度结合,并根据 自己的嗓音特点,创造出一种幽咽婉转、起伏跌宕、若断若续、节奏多变的唱腔, 形成独特的艺术风格,世称“程派”。程砚秋擅长演悲剧,编演过《鸳鸯冢》、 《荒山泪》、《青霜剑》、《英台抗婚》、《窦娥冤》等戏,大多表演封建社会 妇女的悲惨命运。 尚小云(1900—1976),幼入科班学艺,14岁时被评为“第一童伶”。初习武生, 后改正旦,兼演刀马旦。他功底深厚,嗓音宽亮,唱腔以刚劲著称,世称“尚 派”。代表作有《二进宫》、《祭塔》、《昭君出塞》、《梁红玉》等,塑造了 一批巾帼英雄和侠女烈妇。
A Lao Dan is simply an old woman, but great skill is A Lao Dan isthis simply an required for old woman, part. but great skill specialized The Lao is required for this Dan actress cleverly specialized part. The Lao portrays in her bent back Dan actress cleverly movements. She is often portrays in her bent back seen carrying a staff. movements. Shefemale is often Unlike the other seen staff. roles,carrying the Lao a Dan wears Unlike the other female no make-up and her roles, theis Lao Dan wears costume more subdued no make-up and her Her in color and design. costume is more voice tends to besubdued slightly in color and design. Her deeper. voice tends to be slightly deeper.
Beijing opera

尚小云(1899—1976),原名德泉,字绮霞。出生于 河北省南宫县。汉军旗籍人,为清平南王后裔。 1914年12月,孙菊仙与尚小云配戏,自此尚小云声 名大彰。主演《苏三起解》《玉堂春》《祭江》 《孝义节》《宇宙锋》《彩楼酣》《探寒窑》《昭 君出塞》《醉酒》等,还与杨小楼合演《长坂坡》 《八蜡庙》《红鬃烈马》《楚汉争》。与谭小培合 演《汾河湾》《打渔杀家》《南天门》等。其中以 《武家坡》与《玉堂春》最受欢迎。1924年1月25日, 在北京广德楼首次演出了《张敞画眉》。1924年5月 15日,在北京广德楼首次演出了《秦良玉》,这出 戏文武带打,唱做兼重,受到欢迎。
The four men
梅兰芳 程砚秋
荀慧生 尚小云
梅兰芳(1894—1961),字畹华。原籍江苏泰州,长期 寓居北京。他在50余年的舞台生活中,精心钻研,勇 于革新,创造了众多优美的艺术形象,积累了大量优 秀剧目,发展和提高了京剧旦角的演唱和表演艺术, 形成一个具有独特风格的艺术流派,世称“梅派”, 深受国内广大群众的喜爱,并在国际上享有盛誉。梅 兰芳的艺术成就,对现代中国戏曲艺术的发展起了承 前启后的作用。
京剧至今已有将近二百年的历史。它是在徽调和汉戏 的基础上,吸收了昆曲、秦腔等一些戏曲剧种的优点和特长逐渐演变而形成的。 京剧音乐属于板腔体,主要唱腔有二黄、西皮两个系统, 京剧角色的行当划分比较严格,早期分为生、旦、净、末、丑、武行、流行(龙套) 七行,以后归为生、旦、净、丑四大行
Development : 一、Incubation period :1640s—1820s清初至道光年间; 二、formation :1840—1860(道光二十年至咸丰十年); 三、The mature stage :1883—1918 四、 peak :1917—
京剧beijing opera 历史 服装 乐器 帽子 经典桥段 英文介绍

太监帽 for eunuch
Snakes, especially pythons, through practice or self-learning , can become a dragon.
皇帝的礼服ceremonial robe ---蟒袍python-embroidered robe
It was after 1840 that Peking Opera formally took shape, growing even faster during the reign of the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), who was an opera aficionado. Classic Peking Opera repertoires and the names of the first-generation masters were on the lips of the people in Beijing, and eventually prevalent around the country.
凤(phoenix)冠fènɡ ɡuàn : for queen, imperial concubine and noblewoman
《 贵 妃 醉 酒 》
《 卿 饰 《 四 郎 探 母 之 》 萧 太 后
For General
皇帝的便服 (bià nfú) informal dress ----黄帔
寓意性yùyìxì nɡ implied meaning
Beijing Opera(京剧)

Lao sheng
The laosheng is dignified(庄严地;高贵 的) older role .These characters have a gentle and cultivated (有教养的) disposition(性情) and wear sensible(明 智的) costumes
Wu sheng
The wusheng is a martial character for roles involving combat(战斗). They are highly trained in acrobatics(杂 技), and have a natural voice when singing

Peking Opera: A Vibrant Embodiment ofBeijing's Cultural HeritagePeking Opera, also known as Pingju in Chinese, is a unique theatrical genre that originated in Beijing, China. It is considered one of the most influential andsignificant forms of performing arts in the country, blending music, dance, acting, and acrobatics into a rich tapestry of visual and auditory experiences. The history of Peking Opera dates back to the 18th century, evolving from various local operatic traditions and eventually becoming a national phenomenon.The allure of Peking Opera lies in its intricate costumes, vivid facial makeup, and the elaborate staging that transports the audience to a world of grandeur and splendor. The costumes, often brightly colored and adorned with intricate embroidery, reflect the status and personality of the characters. The facial makeup, particularly the colorful patterns on the faces of the performers, symbolizes their roles and emotional states, making each character instantly recognizable.The music and singing in Peking Opera are also distinctive, featuring a unique blend of traditional instruments like the gongs and cymbals, the erhu, and the pipa. The melodies are often melodic and harmonious, complementing the emotional depth of the performances. The singing, known as "chanting," requires exceptional breath control and skillful modulation of voice, making it both powerful and expressive.The acting in Peking Opera is renowned for its physicality and exaggeration, with performers often employing gestures and movements that are both highly stylized and deeply emotional. This style of acting, known as "performing with gestures," allows the performers to convey complex emotional states and storylines with remarkable clarity and depth.The acrobatics and martial arts elements in Peking Opera further enhance the visual appeal of the performances. Performers engage in feats of flexibility, balance, and strength, often incorporating martial arts moves into their routines. These acrobatic displays not only amaze theaudience but also serve to emphasize the emotional and narrative arcs of the plays.Peking Opera's repertoire is vast and diverse, covering a wide range of subjects and genres. From historical epics and legends to comic sketches and folk tales, these plays are rich in storytelling and character development. The plots often revolve around themes of love, loyalty, vengeance, and moral dilemmas, reflecting the values and beliefs of Chinese society.Peking Opera is not just a form of entertainment; it is a cultural phenomenon thatreflects the rich history, traditions, and values of the Chinese people. It is a testament to the creativity and genius of generations of performers, composers, writers, and designers who have dedicated their lives to preserving and enhancing this unique theatrical genre.Today, Peking Opera remains a vibrant and relevant part of Chinese culture, attracting both domestic and international audiences. With its enchanting performances and profound narratives, it continues to captivate andinspire people from all over the world, serving as a powerful ambassador for China's rich cultural heritage.**京剧:北京文化遗产的生动体现**京剧,在中国也称为平剧,是一种起源于北京的独特戏剧形式。
Beijing Opera

• Kids wait on the backstage at the National Beijing Opera Theatre of China during a summer camp Featuring Beijing Opera in Beijing
Ornaments in Beijing Opera
• ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้飞
Types of Facial Make-up in Beijing Opera 京剧脸谱
• Blue and green faces also have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero of the bush, with the former also hinting at strength and intrepidity. • 程咬金
performers can control their centers of gravity.
• 毯子功 • Tanzi (carpet) skills are needed to make all kinds of somersaults, leaps, jumps, and falls.
• 把子功
• 翎子功
• Lingze skills involve the manipulation of the two long pheasant tail feathers worn on warriors' helmets. They include shaking and swinging.
Beijing Opera

The chou characters are sharpwitted,humorous,honest ,clever and kind men.The clown characters are easy to distinguish by a white "triangle" or “square” painted on the middle of the face.
Qingyi characters are generally young or middle-aged women of strong character and refined(举止优雅) disposition.Most of them are faithful wives,loving mothers,and pure women from feudal society.
The History of Beijing Opera
Originally Beijing Opera was a form of local theatre.It then spread across the country and became the national opera of China.
Xiao Sheng
Xiaosheng are clean-shaven and handsome.The most distinctive feature of xiaosheng performance is the combination of real and falsetto(假音) voices in singing and speaking.The falsetto voice is sharp,thin and high-pitched(尖锐) in order to sound young.

京剧(Beijing Opera)又称平剧、京戏,是中国影响最大的戏曲剧种,分布地以北京为中心,遍及全国。

介绍北京戏曲的英语作文Introduction to Beijing OperaBeijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional Chinese art form that has been popular for over two hundred years. It is a vibrant and colorful combination of music, dance, martial arts, and acting. With its distinctive style and unique features, Beijing Opera has become one of the most famous forms of Chinese opera.HistoryBeijing Opera originated in the late 18th century during the reign of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong. It was created by combining various regional opera styles with elements of local folk music and dance. Over time, Beijing Opera evolved into a sophisticated art form with its own distinct characteristics and performance techniques.CharacteristicsOne of the most striking features of Beijing Opera is its elaborate costumes and makeup. Performers wear brightly colored costumes that represent different characters, such as warriors, princesses, and gods. The makeup, known as "jing," iscarefully applied to create exaggerated facial expressions that convey the emotions and personalities of the characters.Another important aspect of Beijing Opera is its use of traditional Chinese musical instruments, such as the erhu (atwo-stringed fiddle) and the pipa (a pear-shaped lute). The music is accompanied by percussion instruments, such as drums and gongs, which help to create a dynamic and rhythmic sound.PerformanceBeijing Opera performances are a spectacle of sight and sound, with performers showcasing their skills in singing, acting, and acrobatics. The actors use a combination of gestures, movements, and facial expressions to convey the emotions and actions of the characters. The performers also engage in martial arts sequences, known as "fighting scenes," which showcase their agility and strength.Audiences are captivated by the dramatic storytelling, colorful costumes, and high-energy performances of Beijing Opera. The traditional stories often revolve around themes of loyalty, honor, and sacrifice, making them both entertaining and thought-provoking.LegacyBeijing Opera has had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and has influenced other forms of art, such as Chinese cinema and theater. It has also gained international recognition and has been performed in countries around the world. Despite the challenges of modernization and changing tastes, Beijing Opera continues to thrive as a cherished cultural heritage of China.In conclusion, Beijing Opera is a captivating art form that showcases the rich traditions and history of Chinese culture. With its vibrant costumes, dynamic performances, and timeless stories, it continues to enchant audiences and inspire artists around the world.。

Peking Opera: A Vibrant Embodiment ofBeijing's Cultural HeritagePeking Opera, also known as Beijing Opera, is a unique form of traditional Chinese theatre that has been a cherished part of Beijing's cultural identity for centuries. Originating in the late 18th century, it has since evolved into a highly stylized and intricate performance art, blending music, dance, acrobatics, and drama into a captivating display.The essence of Peking Opera lies in its blend of visual and auditory artistry. The costumes, which are brightly colored and elaborately designed, reflect the status and personality of each character. The facial paintings, known as "face谱," are an intricate form of symbolism, communicating the character's moral traits and emotional states. The music, with its distinctive melodies and rhythmic patterns, complements the drama, creating a harmonious symphony of sound and movement.The performances are centered around a group of actors, known as the "four major roles": Sheng (male lead), Dan (female lead), Jing (painted face male roles), and Chou(clownish roles). Each role requires a unique set of skills and talents, from the delicate singing and dancing of the Dans to the powerful acrobatics and vocalizations of the Jings.Peking Opera's narratives are typically drawn from historical and mythical sources, offering a window into ancient Chinese culture and values. These stories, often with moral lessons and themes of good versus evil, are presented in a highly stylized format, with actors delivering their lines in a rhythmic and melodic cadence known as "sing-speaking."In recent years, Peking Opera has faced challenges from modern entertainment forms, but it remains a vibrant and relevant part of Beijing's cultural landscape. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the power of traditional art forms in connecting people to their heritage and cultural identity.Peking Opera is not just a form of entertainment; it is a living testament to Beijing's rich cultural history. Itis a powerful reminder of the city's past, a vibrant celebration of its present, and an inspiring vision of itsfuture. As Beijing continues to evolve and modernize, sotoo does Peking Opera, adapting and innovating while remaining true to its core values and traditions.**京剧:北京文化遗产的生动体现**京剧,也称为北京歌剧,是一种独特的中国传统戏剧形式,几百年来一直是北京文化身份的重要组成部分。

■ 文 艾怡良京剧(Beijing Opera)又称平剧、京戏,是中国影响最大的戏曲剧种,分布地以北京为中心,遍及全国。
北京大剧院Peking Opera

生sheng main male role
young and beautiful female
painted faced male
末mo the older male
丑chou clown,male or female
The status of Beijing Opera
• During the second half of the 20th century, Beijing opera witnessed a steady declining in audience numbers.
• This has been attributed both to a decrease in performance quality and an inability of the traditional opera form to capture modern
• The influence of Western culture has also left the younger generations impatient with the slow pacing of Beijing Opera.
• In response, Beijing opera began to see reform starting in the 1990s. • Such reforms have taken the form of creating a school of performance quality, utilizing modern elements to attract new audiences, and performing new plays outside of the traditional canon.