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扎根理论 ppt课件
Juliet Corbin • 加州圣何塞州立大学护理系的讲师、加州大学旧金山
市分校社会及行为科学系的助理研究员、加拿大阿尔 伯塔大学客座教授。 • 1963年于亚历桑那州立大学取得护理学士学位;1972 年于圣何塞州立大学取得护理硕士学位;1981年于加 州大学旧金山市分校取得护理博士学位。
Байду номын сангаас
假如文艺工作者,不能在工作琢磨中,发展出 新的视野;那么,他不过只是在机械地活动,而 且只重复脑中定型的蓝图而已。
Anselm Strauss (1916-1996) • 加州大学旧金山市分校社会及行为科学系的荣誉退
休教授,曾是剑桥、巴黎、曼彻斯特、Constance、 Adelaide、Hagen等著名大学的访问学者。 • 研究兴趣:健康及疾病社会学、工作/专业社会学 • 研究方法:混和田野观察和访问,偶尔也用历史资 料作为原始资料来源
主要著作 • 《发现扎根理论》(The Discovery of Grounded Theory) (1967) • 《社会科学质化分析》(Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists) (1987) • 《察知死之将近》(Awareness of Dying) (1965) • 《医疗工作的社会组织》(The Social Organization of Medical Work) (1985) • 《照顾工作无止境》(Unending Work and Care) (1988)
introduction of qualitative research
Why use qualitative methods?
Quantitative analysis could tell you:
What is the aim of Qualitative Research?
To explore:
Identify patterns, themes, initiate models
To describe:
describe & convey phenomena under investigation
Master of Epidemiology, 2Ma
Introduction to qualitative research
Jessica Fraeyman, PhD Medical Sciences Master Social Work
Introduction to qualitative Research
• • • 25%: Assignment 1 25%: Assignment 2 50%: Oral exam
Community Health Centres in Flanders and Brussels
Accessible, affordable and sustainable health care for all
Week 1 Monday Week 2 Week 3 Week4
增进理 论触觉
• 一些人认为,研究者的责任只是去搜集资料,让资 料按其原貌呈现,“让被研究者自说自话”,研究 者不要分析所搜集来的资料。
– 原因一: – 原因二:
• 一些人认为,研究者的责任在于正确地描述,尤其 是在分析与呈现资料方面,因为不可能将所有的资 料呈现给读者看,所以删除资料是必须的。
Juliet Corbin • 加州圣何塞州立大学护理系的讲师、加州大学旧金山 市分校社会及行为科学系的助理研究员、加拿大阿尔 伯塔大学客座教授。 • 1963年于亚历桑那州立大学取得护理学士学位;1972 年于圣何塞州立大学取得护理硕士学位;1981年于加 州大学旧金山市分校取得护理博士学位。 • Email: rjcorbin@ 主要著作 • 《质性研究概论》(Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques) (1990) • 《实践中的扎根理论》(Grounded Theory in Practice) (1997) • 《质性研究概论(第二版)》(Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory) (1998) • 《照顾工作无止境》(Unending Work and Care) (1988)
管理研究方法论(南开大学,王迎军教授)Part 8-1
• 逻辑与观察是科学的支柱,科学的认识必须兼有 言之成理与符合观察这两个标准。
–逻辑:符合人们共同遵循的逻辑推理准则,从一些道理 推论出另外一些道理。
• 例:非逻辑推理,赌徒谬误
–观察:可被经验,复验;强调经验客观性的准则,知识 是来自人们的经验:强调科学知识应基于经验上可观察 的假设之上,没有不证自明(self-evidence)的事。
–例:当我们把优质资源定义为能够为企业带来超额收益 的资源,然后在论证优质资源能够提高企业收益时,就 步入了‚套套‛之中。
• 有人对一些上市和非上市公司的绩效进行对比, 得出我国建立现代企业制度可以提高企业经营绩 效的结论。 • 隐含的逻辑错误:
–化约论错误,上市公司与建立现代企业制度的企业是两 个概念,后者包括前者,不能‚以偏盖全‛; –虚假关系,上市前的资产重组未考虑在内; –没能对影响机理给出有深度的说明。
• 1987年10月15日,《自然》杂志刊登了一篇题为‚科学哪儿错了?‛ 的文章。在这篇文章中,两位英国物理学家西奥查里斯 (T.Theocharis)和皮莫波罗斯(M.Psimopoulos)严厉谴责了那 些批评科学能获得客观知识这一传统信念的怀疑论哲学家,指控他们 给科学带来了‚深重而又广泛的灾难‛。文章还特别登出了四位‚真 理的背叛者‛和‚科学的敌人‛的照片,他们是:卡尔•波普尔、伊 姆莱•拉卡托斯、托马斯•库恩和保罗•费耶阿本德。 • 1994 年,美国的约翰•霍普金斯大学出版社推出了另外两位物理学家 格罗斯(P.R.Gross)和勒维特(N.Levitt)的合著,名为《高级 迷信:学术左派及其与科学的争吵》。该书称,目前学术界盛行着一 种对自然科学的普遍敌视,这种敌视主要是由‚后现代左派‛ 的煽 动造成的。 摘自赵万里的博士论文《建构论与科学知识的社会建构》
扎根理论在营销研究中的应用探讨王汪帅;张新安;刘慧华【摘要】扎根理论是一种重要的定性研究方法,最早诞生于社会学,后在许多社会科学领域得到应用.使用扎根理论之前需要阅读大量文献以培养理论敏感度.而在数据处理方面,扎根理论主要依赖于编码技术,包括主轴编码、开放式编码以及选择性编码.需要注意的是扎根理论不等同于内容分析.在未来的营销学研究中,扎根理论应该更广泛地被应用于面对新话题时的理论构建、进行可重复性研究、过程模型问题以及涉及多变量的复杂问题.【期刊名称】《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(031)006【总页数】9页(P60-68)【关键词】扎根理论;定性研究法;理论构建;营销学;自然主义【作者】王汪帅;张新安;刘慧华【作者单位】上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海200030;上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海200030;上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,上海200030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】C93-03一、引言扎根理论(grounded theory)最早从社会学研究中发展出来,经过不断的演化,其应用范围已经扩展到社会学之外的诸多领域,成为一种非常重要的定性研究方法。
陈那波 博士 - 中山大学MPA教育中心
陈那波博士,副教授中山大学公共行政管理研究中心2011年秋Tel: (office):84038752 chennabo@《社会研究方法(定性部分)》课程大纲一、教学目标本课程将为学生介绍定性研究方法的主要知识,包括基础的方法论常识、研究设计和执行过程中所需要学到的各种方法、对结果的分析方法和学术文章的写作等内容。
其主要目的是让上过本门课的学生能够熟练掌握定性研究方法的基础知识,达到能够独立地使用定性研究方法进行社会研究的水平二、教学方法1. 教学方式:✧该课程为核心课程,内容多,而且只有六次课,因此主要以课堂教学为主;✧每节课为下节课布置有关的阅读材料,同学们应该跟进阅读进度;✧同学也可以跟随教学进度撰写文献回顾、研究计划,交给本人批改;2. 阅读和应试指南本课程的阅读材料分为个必读材料和选读材料,你可以根据以下原则选择:✧必读材料:必读材料覆盖了大部分本课程所讲到的内容,熟练地掌握必读材料能保证你学到研究法的基本的知识,在课程中取得及格以上的分数;✧选读材料:如果你打算很好地掌握定性研究法,并且对研究有着较为浓厚的兴趣,或有意从事学术研究的同学应可能地连选读材料也阅读。
3.纪律:✧不允许在课堂上使用手提电话,紧急情况可以步出课室外通话;三、教学内容和进度第一次课:基本方法论知识及定性研究的发展必读材料:✧陈向明,第1\2\27章✧诺曼.k.邓津,伊冯娜.k.林肯,第1卷第1\6章选读材料✧诺曼.k.邓津,伊冯娜.k.林肯,第1卷其他章节第二次课:文献回顾、研究问题的选择与设计必读材料:✧彭玉生,2010,《洋八股与社会科学规范》,《社会学研究》第2期✧约瑟夫.A.马克斯威尔,2007,《质的研究设计:一种互动的取向》,重庆大学出版社✧陈向明,78-84页选读材料:✧ C. 赖特. 米尔斯著(陈强、张永强译)《社会学的想象力》附录“论治学之道”✧Harris M. Cooper. 1989. Integrating Research: A Guide for Literature Reviews. Newbury Park:Sage Publication✧Victor Nee, 1996. “The Emergence of a Market Society: Changing Mechanisms of Stratificationin China”. American Journal of Sociology, 101:908-949第三次课:民族志方法与观察、深度访谈必读材料:✧大卫.费特曼,2007,《民族志:步步深入》,重庆大学出版社✧陈向明,第6-9章、10-13、15、16、17章✧潘绥铭,1999,《存在与荒谬》,群言出版社选读材料:✧Bayard de Volo, Lorraine, and Edward Scharts, “From the Inside Out: EthnographicMethods in Political Research”. Political Science and Politics 37 (2004):267-71 ✧Cassell,”Ethical Pricipals for Conducting Fieldwork,”82:AmericanAnthropologist 28(1980)✧Spencer, “Field Research on Human Service Encounters: Diverse Solutions to SomeCommon Problems”, Sociological Methods and Research 372 (1993)第四次课:焦点团体(座谈会)、文献法(documentary)必读材料:✧Jane Farley. 1994. The Focus Group: A Strategic Guide to Organizing, Conductingand Analyzing the Focus Group Interview. Chicago: Irwin✧Krueger, Richard A., Analyzing and Reporting Focus Group Results (Sage, 1997) ✧David L. Morgan, Focus Groups, Annual Review of Sociology 22(1996): 129-52选读材料:✧Claudia Puchta, Jonathan Potter, 2004, Focus Group Practice, London: SagePublications第五次课:个案研究、扎根理论必读材料:✧应国瑞,张梦中译,2003,《案例学习研究(设计与方法第2版)》,中山大学出版社✧王宁,2008,个案研究中的样本属性与外推逻辑,《公共行政评论》第3期✧徐宗国译,1998,《质性研究概论(Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded TheoryProcedures and Techniques)》,巨流图书公司第六次课:定性资料的分析使用和文章写作必读材料:✧陈向明,第18-21章✧诺曼.k.邓津,伊冯娜.k.林肯,2007,第3卷,第6、7、8章✧NVIVO使用手册选读材料:✧Annual Review of Political Science 2(1999): 369-404 Silverman, David,Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction,2nd (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2001)✧Emerson. Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw, Writing EthnographicFieldnotes (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)四、主要教学材料✧陈晓萍、徐淑英,樊景立,主编,2010,《组织与管理研究的实证方法》,北京大学出版社✧陈向明,2006,《质的研究方法与社会科学研究》,教育科学出版社✧诺曼.k.邓津,伊冯娜.k.林肯,2007,Handbook of Qualitative Research, 第1、2、3、4卷,重庆大学出版社✧约瑟夫.A.马克斯威尔,2007,《质的研究设计:一种互动的取向》,重庆大学出版社✧大卫.费特曼,2007,《民族志:步步深入》,重庆大学出版社✧胡幼慧,1998,质性研究:理论、方法及本土女性研究实例,台湾:巨流图书公司✧徐宗国译,1998,《质性研究概论(Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded TheoryProcedures and Techniques)》,巨流图书公司✧应国瑞,张梦中译,2003,《案例学习研究(设计与方法第2版)》,中山大学出版社✧ C. 赖特. 米尔斯著(陈强、张永强译)社会学的想象力,生活.读书.新知三联书店✧迈克尔.I.哈里森,2007 《组织诊断---方法、模型与过程》,重庆大学出版社✧潘绥铭,1999,《存在与荒谬》,群言出版社✧彭玉生,2010,《洋八股与社会科学规范》,《社会学研究》第2期✧------,2011,《社会科学中的因果分析》,《社会学研究》第3期✧陈那波,2006,《海外关于中国市场转型论争十五年文献述评》,《社会学研究》第6期✧陈那波,2009,《国家、市场和农民生活机遇—广东三镇的经验对比》,《社会学研究》第6期✧Silverman, David, Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk,Text and Interaction, 2nd (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2001)✧Emerson. Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw, Writing EthnographicFieldnotes (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)✧Krueger, Richard A., Analyzing and Reporting Focus Group Results (Sage, 1997) ✧David L. Morgan, Focus Groups, Annual Review of Sociology 22(1996): 129-52 ✧Bayard de Volo, Lorraine, and Edward Scharts, “From the Inside Out: EthnographicMethods in Political Research”. Political Science and Politics 37 (2004):267-71 ✧Lijphart, Arend, “The Comparable Case Strategy in Comparative Research”.Comparative Political Studies, 8 (1975):158-77✧Gerring John, “what is a Case Study and What Is It Good For” American PoliticalScience Review 98(2004): 341-54✧Theda Skocpol and Margaret Somers, “The Uses of Comparative History inMacrosocial Inquiry.” Comparative Social Research 9 (1986)187-94✧Thelen, Kathleen, “Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Perspective”,Annual Review of Political Science 2(1999): 369-404✧Cassell,”Ethical Pricipals for Conducting Fieldwork,”82:AmericanAnthropologist 28(1980)五、考试方式及评分标准《社会研究方法》为核心课程,规定需闭卷考试,定性部分总分60分(另有40分为定量部分)。
研究选题的七个原则1. 研究目标研究目标是明确研究的目的和预期结果,为研究提供指导和框架。
2. 研究方法选择合适的研究方法是保证研究质量和有效性的关键。
3. 研究发现与结论在研究过程中,通过数据收集、分析和解释等步骤获取相关发现,并得出相应结论。
参考文献:1.Yin, R. K. (2013). Case study research: Design and methods. Sagepublications.2.Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design:Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sagepublications.3.Neuman, W. L., & Robson, K. (2014). Basics of social research:Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson.4.Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods (4th ed.).Oxford University Press.。
課程名稱 課程編碼 系所代碼 開課班級 開課教師 學分 時數 上課節次地點 必選修 課程概述
M0M00301 0M 碩研餐旅一甲 黃旭怡 3.0 3 二 7 8 9 教室 T0307 必修 本課程旨在介紹各種質性研究方法,包含參與觀察法、深度訪談法、焦點團 體訪談法、個案研究法、行動研究法、民族誌、紮根理論、敘事分析透過閱 讀相關資料與實地練習以瞭解質性研究方法。 本課程旨在介紹各種質性研究方法,包含參與觀察法、深度訪談法、焦點團 體訪談法、個案研究法、行動研究法、名族誌、紮根理論、敘事分析透過閱 讀相關資料與實地練習以瞭解質性研究方法。課程中主要協助學生演練完整 的質性研究過程,包含文獻回顧、研究問題、撰寫研究計畫,運用所學設計 質性研究方法及進行資料分析與寫作。
繳交期末報告 0 華語
先修科目 教學資源 注意事項 全程外語授課 授課語Oaks, CA: Sage. 7. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (中譯:質性研究入門:紮根理論研究方 法,濤石) 7. 林本炫(2003)紮根理論研究法評介。齊力、林本炫編,質性研究方法與 資料分析(頁 171-200)。 8. 9.質性研究理論與運用 潘淑滿著, 心理出版社 9.質性研究資料分析 張芬芬 譯 雙業書廊
1 Introduction to Qualitative Research。 2 Introduction to Qualitative & Quantitative Research 3. Qualitative Article Review and Critique 4. Participatory Observation, Interview Methods 5. Focus Group Interviewing, Case Studies Observation 6 Action Research, Ethnographic Analysis, Grounded Theory 7 Data Collection Methods 8. An Introduction to ENDNOTE 9. Literature Review 10.Qualitative Research Design 11.Writing up Qualitative Research Proposal 12.Qualitative Data Analysis 13.Qualitative Research Report 14.Qualitative Research Oral Presentation
qualitative research 定义
qualitative research 定义题目:质性研究的定义及研究步骤引言:质性研究是一种研究方法,用于探索、解释和理解各种社会现象和现象背后的意义。
研究步骤:1. 问题提出与研究设计质性研究首先需要明确研究问题,该问题应在研究范围内具有一定的局限性。
2. 数据收集质性研究通过多种方式收集非数值数据。
3. 数据分析质性研究的数据分析主要包括数据整理、编码、分类和解释等步骤。
4. 结果呈现质性研究的结果呈现通常以论文、报告或演示形式进行。
5. 结果验证结果验证是质性研究的一个重要环节。
(一)四种不同概念的产生在有关社会研究方法的英文文献中,Qualitative Research和Quantitative Research是学者们经常使用的一对相关概念。
但近十几年以来,情况发生了变化,与Qualitative Research概念相对应的中文概念开始增多。
经过初步梳理,目前主要有四种不同的中文概念与英文中的Qualitative Research概念相对应。
社會科學研究方法論授課大綱授課老師:陳國華Office: Q205上課地點:T507 Phone: (02)26215656 ext. 2150上課時間:每週四上午9:10至12:00 E-mail: sochen@.tw課程背景此課程設計重點在於連結研究法運用的know-how,以及方法論探索的know-why。
每週要求a. 請盡全力閱讀指定材料,否則討論時便形同剽竊他人智慧,或是搭便車佔我們眾人便宜。
質性研究(紮根理論)知名學者Juliet Corbin教授來台系列演講12/13 台北大學社會系演講摘要This presentation focuses on the use of grounded theory method to develop a substantive theory of “protective governing.” It takes the listener from the beginning stages of the research on 20 pregnant women who had a chronic illness to an overview of the final theory. Aspects of the grounded theory method will be incorporated into the presentation to show how the researcher arrived at her findings.12/17 紮根理論與質性研究工作坊Doing Grounded Theory & Improving the Quality of Qualitative Research 【工作坊簡介】「紮根理論」(grounded theory)是近年來社會科學研究領域甚負盛名的質性研究方法論,主張「理論」必須紮根於實地中所蒐集和分析的「資料」之中,特別是有關人們的行動、互動和社會歷程。
台灣社會科學研究學者對於「紮根理論」的代表著作之ㄧ《質性研究概論》(Basic of Qualitative Research)一書應不陌生,該書作者之ㄧDr. Juliet Corbin應邀來台訪問,特別撥冗一天行程,與南台灣熱愛質性研究學者和研究生進行學術交流,親自主持這場「紮根理論與質性研究」工作坊,簡介如何奠基於「紮根理論」的理念與方法,進行系統性的質性資料蒐集和分析,以提升質性研究之品質。
Qualitative research methods 定性研究方法的基本知识 英语写作技巧
Basic things you should know about qualitative researchmethods定性研究方法的基本知识Hello readers! As you are reading you will get to know the basic things about qualitative research methods. From their definition to their importance and types, you will get to know everything about them.Moreover, you can get personalised assistance if you are a newbie to research or gathering information as it is not a topic over which you have mastered. You can go to research experts for assignment help and work in a better way.Qualitative research definitionQualitative research is defined as a research method that focuses on obtaining data through open-ended and conversational communication.This method is not only about “what” people think but also “why” they think so. F or example, consider a convenience store looking to improve its patronage. A systematic observation concludes that the number of men visiting this store are more. One good method to determine why women were not visiting the store is to conduct an in-depth interview of potential customers in the category.On successfully interviewing female customers, visiting the nearby stores and malls, and selecting them through random sampling, it wasknown that the store doesn’t have enough items for women and so there were fewer women visiting the store, which was understood only by personally interacting with them and understanding why they didn’t visit the store, because there were more male products than female ones.Therefore, the qualitative research methods allow for in-depth and further probing and questioning of respondents based on their responses, where the interviewer/researcher also tries to understand their motivation and feeling.How is qualitative research conducted?1. QuestionsQuantitative research method u tilises polls and surveys to gather information on a given subject. There is a varied range of survey questions based on a nature of the research study.For Example : If you want to conduct a customer satisfaction quantitative research, the Net Promoter Survey is one of the critically acclaimed survey questions for this purpose.2. DistributionQuantitative research uses email surveys as the primary mode of gathering responses to questions. Alternatively, technology has given rise to offline distribution methods for relatively remote locations using various mobile data capture apps available online. For social sciences and psychological quantitativeresearch, social media surveys are also used to gather data.3. Statistical AnalysisQuantitative research uses a wide range of data analysis techniques such as cross tabulation, trend analysis and conjoint analysis.Qualitative research methods with examplesQualitative research methods are designed in a manner that they help reveal the behavior and perception of a target audience with reference to a particular topic. There are different types of qualitative research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research, content analysis, case study research that are usually used.The results of qualitative methods are more descriptive and the inferences can be drawn quite easily from the data that is obtained.Qualitative research methods originated in the social and behavioral sciences. Today our world is more complicated and it is difficult to understand what people think and perceive. Qualitative research methods make it easier to understand that as it is more communicative and descriptive.If you want some more examples and understand it better, you can go for assignment help online and learn the techniques and tactics by experts.Types of qualitative research methods1. One-on-One InterviewConducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research methods. It is a personal interview that is carried out with one respondent at a time. This is purely a conversational method and invites opportunities to get details in depth from the respondent.One of the advantages of this method provides a great opportunity to gather precise data about what people believe and what their motivations are. If the researcher is well experienced asking the right questions can help him/her collect meaningful data. If they should need more information the researchers should ask suchfollow up questions that will help them collect more information.These interviews can be performed face-to-face or on phone and usually can last between half an hour to two hours or even more. When the in-depth interview is conducted face to face it gives a better opportunity to read the body language of the respondents and match the responses.2. Focus groupsFocus groups are one of the most commonly used qualitative research methods, practiced for A focus group usually includes a limited number of respondents from within your target market.The main aim of the focus group is to find answers to the why what and how questions.One advantage of focus groups is, you don’t necessarily need to interact with the group in person. Nowadays focus groups can be sent an survey online on various devices and responses can be collected at the click of a button.Focus groups are an expensive method as compared to the other qualitative research methods. Typically they are used to explain complex processes. This method is very useful when it comes to market research on new products.3. Ethnographic researchIt is the most in-depth observational method that studies people in their naturally occurring environment.This method requires the researchers to adapt to the target audiences’ environments which could be anywhere from an organization to a city or any remote location. Here geographical constraints can be an issue while collecting data.This research design aims to understand the cultures, challenges, motivations, and settings that occur. Instead of relying on interviews and discussions, you experience the natural settings first hand.This type of research method can last from a few days to a few years, as it involves in-depth observation and collecting data on those grounds. It’s a challenging and a time-consuming method and solely depends on the expertise of the researcher to be able to analyze, observe and infer the data.4. Case study researchThe case study method has evolved over the past few years and developed as into a valuable qualitative research method. As the name suggests it is used for explaining an organization or an entity.This type of research method is used within a number of areas like education, social sciences and similar. This method may look difficult to operate, however, it is one of the simplest ways of conducting research as it involves a deep dive and thorough understanding of the data collection methods and inferring the data.5. Record keepingThis method makes use of the already existing reliable documents and similar sources of information as the data source. This data can be used in a new research. This is similar to going to a library. There one can go over books and other reference material to collect relevant data that can likely be used in the research.6. Process of observationIt is a process of research that uses subjective methodologies to gather systematic information or data. Since, the focus on qualitative observation is the research process of using subjective methodologies to gather information or data. The qualitative observation is primarily used to equate quality differences.Qualitative observation deals with the 5 major sensory organs and their functioning –sight, smell, t ouch, taste, and hearing. This doesn’t involve measurements or numbers but instead characteristics.Data and analysisA. Qualitative Data CollectionQualitative data collection allows collecting data that is non-numeric and helps us to explore how decisions are made and provide us with detailed insight. For reaching such conclusions the data that is collected should be holistic, rich and nuanced and findings to emerge through careful analysis.1. Whatever method a researcher chooses for collecting qualitative data one aspect is very clear the process will generate a large amount of data. In addition to the variety of methods available, there are also different methods of collecting and recording the data.For example, if the qualitative data is collected through focus group or one-to-one discussion, there will be handwritten notes or video recorded tapes. If there are recording they should be transcribed and before the process of data analysis can begin.2. As a rough guide, it can take a seasoned researcher 8-10 hours to transcribe the recordings of an interview, which can generate roughly 20-30 pages of dialogues. Many researchers also like to maintain separatefolders to maintain the recording collected from the different focus group. This helps them compartmentalise the data collected.3. In case there are running notes taken, which are also known as field notes, they are helpful in maintaining comments, environmental contexts, nonverbal cues etc. These filed notes are helpful and can be compared while transcribing audio recorded data. Such notes are usually informal but should be secured in a similar manner as the video recordings or the audio tapes.B. Qualitative Data AnalysisQualitative data analysis such as notes, videos, audio recordings images, and text documents. One of the most used methods for qualitative data analysis is text analysis.Text analysis is a data analysis method that is distinctly different from all other qualitative research methods, where researchers analyze the social life of the participants in the research study and decode the words, actions etc.There are images also that are used in this research study and the researchers analyze the context in which the images are used and draw inferences from them. In the last decade, text analysis through what is shared on social media platform has gained supreme popularity.Characteristics of Qualitative research methods1. Qualitative research methods usually collect data at the sight, where the participants are experiencing issues or problems. These arereal-time data and rarely bring the participants out of the geographic locations to collect information.2. Qualitative researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as interviews, observations, and documents, rather than rely on a single data source.3. This type of research method works towards solving complex issues by breaking down into meaningful inferences, that is easily readable and understood by all.4. Since its a more communicative method, people can build their trust on the researcher and the information thus obtained is raw and unadulterated.Qualitative research methods exampleLet’s take the example of a bookstore owner who is looking for ways to improve their sales and customer outreach. An online community of members who were the loyal patrons of the bookstore were interviewed and related questions were asked and the questions were answered by them.At the end of the interview, it was realized that most of the books in the stores were suitable for adults and there were not enough options for children or teenagers.By conducting this qualitative research the bookstore owner realized what the shortcomings were and what were the feelings of the readers. Through this research now the bookstore ownercan now keep books for different age categories and can improve his sales and customer outreach.Such qualitative research method example can serve as the basis to indulge in further quantitative research which provides remedies.Difference between quantitative and qualitative research methodsQuantitative Research vs Qualitative Research Now let’s compare the two research methods : 1. Objective and flow of researchQuantitative research is used in data-oriented research where the objective of research is to derive “measurable empirical evidence” based on fixed and pre-determined questions. The flow of research, is therefore, decided before the research is conducted.Where as, qualitative research is used where the objective is research is to keep probing the respondents based on previous answers under the complete discretion of the interviewer. The flow of research is not determined and the researcher / interviewer has the liberty to frame and ask new questions.2. Respondent sample sizeRespondent s of a particular panel is much larger for quantitative research such that enoughverifiable information is gather to reach a conclusion without opinion bias. In large scale quantitative research, sample size can be in thousands.Where as, qualitative research inherently uses less sample size because a large sample size makes it difficult of the research to probe respondents. For instance, a typical political focus group study evaluating election candidates involves no more than 5-10 panelists.3. Information gatheringQuantitative research uses information gathering methods that can be quantified and processed for statistical analysis techniques. Simply put –quantitative research is heavily dependent on “numbers”, data and stats.Where as, qualitative research uses conversational methods to gather relevant information on a given subject.4. Post-research response analysis and conclusionsQuantitative research uses a variety of statistical analysis methods to derive quantifiable research conclusions. These are based on mathematical processes applied on the gather data.Where as, qualitative researc h depends on the interviewer to derive research conclusions based on qualitative conversations held with the respondents. This conclusion is effectively subjective in nature. This is why quantitative research recordings are often reviewed bysenior researchers before the final research conclusion is drawn.Let’s know a little more:It’s well-established that all forms of research come with their own theories and implementation methods, qualitative research is much the same. Qualitative research is conducted to understand the thought process of both, the respondents as well as researchers. It usually is conducted in a natural setup where respondents will be their true selves and would respond transparently. Results achieved from this research will not be generalized to be the representation of the entire population but asked questions and their vocabulary gives away the motive of research which makes it easier forrespondents to participate in qualitative market research.Qualitative research methods survey questions are created to have a better understanding of a particular topic or to inspect a new subject to understand the nerve of respondent experiences.<h2 >What should be the process of forming Qualitative research questions and questionnaires?1. Mention the purpose of conducting qualitative research. It can be in form of either of these sentencesThis study will be on the topic of ….Reason for conducting this research is ….2. Create qualitative statements with a defined objective that can be easily communicated to the targeted audienceKeep these pointers in mind while designing this statement:Try and form single sentence statements. Single statements can be much more effective than elaborate ones as they help in communicating important messages in an impactful manner in a short and succinct sentence.Clarify the purpose of conducting qualitative research in clear words so that respondents understand their contribution towards this research.Mention the main topic of research that would prompt respondents to have a clearer idea about what they’re getting into.It’s the words that make all the difference. Use qualitative words that demonstrate quality or feeling behind your purpose, such as understanding, describe, explore.Specify details that you would want to communicate to your respondents.Mention the name of the research website.3. Other than the primary qualitative question, you must create sub-questions so that the purpose is executed in a better mannerThe main question might be –“What is the state of illiteracy in your state?”You can create sub-questions s uch as: “How does illiteracy hamper progress in your state?” or “How would you best describe your feelings about illiteracy?”4. Highlight these questions using ‘qualitative’ wordsStart the questions with “What” or “How” to make sure the respondents provide details about their feelings.Communicate on what you’re trying to “understand”, “explore” or “identify” using this Qualitative research online survey questionnaire.Questions such as “what happened” can be asked to develop a description of the topic.Questions about “how did respondents interpret the what happened question” can be asked to examine the outcome.Understand the entire qualitative research process by asking questions about “what happened to you with time?”Why qualitative research methods are useful?Develop hypotheses for further testing and for quantitative questionnaire development,Understand the feelings, values, and perceptions that underlie and influence behaviorIdentify customer needsCapture the language and imagery customers use to describe and relate to a product, service, brand, etc.Perceptions of marketing/communication messagesInformation obtained in quantitative study and to better understand the context/meaning of the dataGenerate ideas for improvements and/or extensions of a product, line, or brandUncover potential strategic directions for branding or communications programsUnderstand how people perceive a marketing message or communication pieceDevelop parameters (i.e., relevant questions, range of responses) for a quantitative studyWhen you should use qualitative research methods?New product idea generation and developmentInvestigating current or potential product/service/brand positioning and marketing strategyStrengths and weaknesses of products/brandsUnderstanding dynamics of purchase decision dynamicsStudying reactions to advertising and public relations campaigns, other marketing communications, graphic identity/branding, package design, etc.Exploring market segments, such as demographic and customer groupsStudying emotions and attitudes on societal and public affairs issuesAssessing the usability of websites or other interactive products or servicesUnderstanding perceptions of a company, brand, category and productDetermining consumer language as a preliminary step to develop a quantitative surveyWhen you should not use qualitative research methods?Count, measure or offer statistical validationDetermine the best product concept or price point; or establish the importance of specific customer needs or satisfaction criteriaBe a substitute for quantitative research because of time and/or budgetary constraints when quantitative evaluation is criticalConclusionIn this blog we dealt with mutiple aspects of a qualitative research methods. Starting from the Qualtitative research definition we moved to know How is Quantitative research conducted.In order to understand it better we discussed qualitative research methods with examples. Thereafter, came the six types of qualitative research methods, which are as follows: one -on-one interview, Focus groups, Ethnographic research, Case study research, record keeping and process of observation.After these basics we read a little about data collection and analysis. The next was the process of forming Qualitative research questions and questionnaires.。
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樣本選擇(又稱為抽樣方法)成為調查法研究 的重要工作。調查法的樣本必須具有隨機性、 代表性與足夠大小。 形式上分为结构性与非结构性问题。 内容分为事实性与态度性问题。
相关研究法(Correlational research)
讨论两个或多个变项之 间关联性之方法 关联性之强度可以藉由相关系数来表示,正 相关代表变项间具有相同之变动方向,负相 关代表变项间变动方向相反。 此类研究仅能说明变项间之相关性,无法推 断因果关系与影响方向。因此有时需进行预 测或因果性分析(如回归分析或路径分析等)
由测量尺度区分变项: 1. 名义变项(nominal)或类别变项(categorical):将对 象分类为间断类别,以属性来辨识或表示事物类别, 如年龄、种族、婚姻状况等。 2. 次序变项(ordinal variable) :变项除具有分类特 性外,又具备等级排序关系。主要属性在于表示对象 间优劣、多少、高低、次序等,如教育程度变项:研 究所以上、大学、专科、高中职以下等四种水平。 3. 等距变项(interval variable):针对被观察者之某 种现象或特质,依特定之标准化单位测定程度上的特 性。
假设乃是在描述变项与变项之间的关系 研究者对于待解决之问题所提出之暂时的或尝试的答 案
个人的目的 A
实用的目的 B
科学的目的 C
Defining the Background Knowledge of Research
• 研究者目前对将要研究的现象和问题所了解的情况。
• 前人有关的研究成果(概貌简单勾勒,发掘存在的漏洞和空白;“预研究”) • 研究者个人的经验性知识(个人经历、自己对问题的了解和看法) • 研究者自己有关该研究问题的概念框架
① 进入现场的方式 ② 收集资料的方法 ③ 整理和分析资料的方式 ④ 建立结论和初步理论的方式 ⑤ 研究结果的成文方式
Determine the means of testing the results of the study
① 讨论效度问题 ② 讨论信度问题 ③ 讨论推论问题 ④ 讨论伦理道德问题
• ②确定了研究问题的范围之后,我们需要对其进行语言表述,由于语言具有形成现实的作 用,研究问题的语言表述,直接影响到研究的焦点和覆盖范围。
• ③对研究的问题进行表述之后,我们还需要对该表述中重要的概念进行定义,使这些概念 在研究中具有可操作性。
The purpose and significance of discussing research
• 概率抽样:在被限定的研究对象中每一个单位都具有同样的被抽 中的概率。
• 非概率抽样:按照其他非概率标准进行抽样的方式。质的研究中 使用得最多的“非概率抽样”方式是“目的性抽样”,即按照研 究的目的抽取能够为研究问题提供最大信息量的研究对象。
紮根理論(Grounded Theory)的目的在發現和 產生理論(潘慧玲,2003),又稱為基礎理論或 簡稱GT理論,被視為是質性研究方法中最科學的 一種方法(Hammersley, 1989)。主要代表人 物更Bamey G. Glaser(1930-1952)、 Anselm L. Strauss(1916-1996)與J. Corbin 等人,Glaser與Strauss在1967年尌提出此概念 ,建議以系統化歸納的方式分析具更微觀、行動等 特色的社會脈絡,透過原始資料的設計、收集、編 排、分析、及比較等方式整理,並反映社會的現象 。
紮根理論以系統化歸納的方式分析具更微觀 、行動等特色的社會脈絡,透過原始資料的 設計、收集、編排、分析、及比較等方式整 理,並反映社會的現象。這種由下紮根、逐 步向上歸納的歷程,提供明確、系統的策略 ,幫助研究者思考、分析、整理資料以逐步 形成理論(劉世閔,2003b)。
紮根理論系統化的資料登錄分析歷程,包括 「開放譯碼」、「主軸譯碼」及「選擇譯碼 」三個步驟(Strauss & Corbin, 1990; 1998)︰
圖 4-1 質性分析技巧拓樸圖
自由表單(Free lists) 類別(pile sorts) 成對比較(paired com parisons) 三面檢測(triad tests) 架構替代任務(fram e substitution tasks)
字 (W ords)
譯碼 (C odes)
表現(Perform ance)
國立高雄師範大學 教育學系 劉世閔主講
質性資料(Q ualitative D ata)
音本資料 (A udio)
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elements Foundation of communication and thought Two distinct parts
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Context is critical In depth, detailed Researcher immerses self in data (nonobjective) Researcher integrity Bias recognized Use of grounded theory Can detect process and sequence Data are interpreted rather than analyzed
Basics of Qualitative Research Design
Berg Ch. 2 Leedy and Ormrod Ch. 3 - 5
Three General Approaches to Research
USUAL TYPE OF RESEARCH experiment, survey, cont. anal. technocratic historicalcomparative
“a statement of relationships between concepts” “a roadmap for organizing ideas and knowledge about the social world”
Theory Parts
Ideas and Theory
The Deductive (Quantitative) Process Ideas and theory come before empirical research Ideas lead to refutation through research
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2010
the criteria for measuring a concept What, specifically, will you be observing? Often continues throughout the research process
The Inductive (Qualitative) Process o Research leads to theory development o Research initiates, reformulates, deflects and clarifies theory
What is Theory?
clusters Classification concepts (ideal types)
Assumptions Typology or Taxonomy Relationships
The Measurement Process
Quantitative = deductive
Qualitative = inductive
elements (word, symbol, term) Definitional element
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2010
Operationalization of a Concept
a working definition of a concept Use theory and research
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2010
Process of Qualitative Operationalization:
Empirical Observations
Working Ideas
Concepts GenerHale Waihona Puke lizations/Theories
Berg’s Blended Model
non-linear /cyclical
Qualitative methodology
Data in words rather than numbers Non-positivistic orientation Includes:
research and ethnography Observation, case studies Qualitative interviewing Action research Historical comparative analysis
Spiraling Research Approach
Begin with a rough idea Gather theoretical information Reconsider and redefine Process: Idea -- Lit. Review (involves Theory) -- Design -- Data Collection/Organization -- Analysis/Findings --Dissemination Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2010
field research, interviews
reconstructed logic-in-practice logic-in-practice
non-linear /cyclical