CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning
CAS Collaborative Automation System
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
CBM Condition-Based Maintenance
AS/RS Automatic Storage & Retrieval System
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASM Abnormal Situation Management
ASN Advanced Ship Notice
DDL Device Description Language
DE Digitally Enhanced
DES Discrete Event Simulation
DFM Design for Manufacturing
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
5月 28, 2008 · Filed Under 技术文章 Technology Articles
AI 人工智能
ERP 企业资源规划
API 应用编程接口
HMI 人机界面
APS 先进规划与排程
IT 信息技术
B2B 企业对企业
LAN 局域网
BPM 商务过程管理
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APC Advanced Process Control
工业控制常用英语单词及缩写工业控制常用英语单词及缩写转帖]工业控制常用英语单词及缩写集散控制系统————Distributed Distributed Distributed Control Control Control System System (DCS ) 现场总线控制系统————Fieldbus Fieldbus Fieldbus Control Control Control System System (FCS ) 监控及数据采集系统————Supervisory Supervisory Supervisory Control Control Control And And And Data Data Data Acqusition Acqusition (SCADA ) 可编程序控制器————Programmable Programmable Programmable Logic Logic Logic Controller Controller (PLC ) 可编程计算机控制器————Programmable Programmable Programmable Computer Computer Computer Controller Controller (PCC ) 工厂自动化————Factory Factory Factory Automation Automation (FA )过程自动化————Process Process Process Automation Automation (PA )办公自动化————Office Office Office Automation Automation (OA )管理信息系统————Management Management Management Information Information Information System System (MIS ) 楼宇自动化系统————Building Building Building Automation Automation Automation System System 人机界面————Human Human Human Machine Machine Machine Interface Interface (HMI )工控机————Industrial Industrial Industrial Personal Personal Personal Computer Computer (IPC )单片机————Single Single Single Chip Chip Chip Microprocessor Microprocessor 计算机数控(CNC )远程测控终端————Remote Remote Remote Terminal Terminal Terminal Unit Unit (RTU )上位机————Supervisory Supervisory Supervisory Computer Computer 图形用户界面(GUI )人工智能————Artificial Artificial Artificial Intelligent Intelligent (AI )智能终端————Intelligent Intelligent Intelligent Terminal Terminal 模糊控制————Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy Control Control 组态————Configuration Configuration 仿真————Simulation Simulation 冗余————Redundant Redundant 客户/服务器————Client/Server Client/Server 网络————Network Network 设备网————DeviceNET DeviceNET 基金会现场总线————foundation foundation foundation fieldbus fieldbus (FF )现场总线————Fieldbus Fieldbus 以太网————Ethernet Ethernet 变频器————Inverter Inverter 脉宽调制————Pulse Pulse Pulse Width Width Width Modulation Modulation (PWM )伺服驱动器————Servo Servo Servo Driver Driver 软起动器————Soft Soft Soft Starter Starter 步进————Step-by-Step Step-by-Step 控制阀————Control Control Control Valver Valver 流量计————Flowmeter Flowmeter 仪表————Instrument Instrument 记录仪—— Recorder 传感器————Sensor Sensor 智能传感器————Smart Smart Smart Sensor Sensor 智能变送器————Smart Smart Smart Transducer Transducer 虚拟仪器虚拟仪器 ————Virtual Virtual Virtual Instrument Instrument 主站/从站————Master Master Master Station/Slave Station/Slave Station/Slave station station 操作员站/工程师站/管理员站————Operator Operator Operator Station/Engineer Station/Engineer Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station/Manager Station/Manager Station Station 。
工业控制常用英语单词及缩写(Industrial control commonly used English words and abbreviations)Industrial control common English words and abbreviations > >Distributed Control System (DCS)Fieldbus Control System -- Fieldbus Control System (FCS)Monitoring And Data acquisition system - Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition (SCADA)Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)Programmable Computer Controller (PCC)Factory Automation - Factory Automation (FA)Process Automation (PA)Office Automation (OA)Management Information System (MIS)Building Automation System - Building Automation System Human Machine Interface (HMI)Industrial Personal Computer (IPC)The single-chip microcomputer, Single Chip MicroprocessorComputer numerical control (CNC)Remote control Terminal Unit (RTU)Upper Computer - Supervisory ComputerGraphical user interface (GUI)Artificial intelligence -- Artificial Intelligent (AI) Intelligent Terminal - Intelligent TerminalFuzzy Control -- Fuzzy ControlConfiguration - a ConfigurationThe Simulation, SimulationRedundancy - the RedundantClient/Server - Client/ServerNetwork, NetworkPlant network - DeviceNETFoundation fieldbus -- foundation fieldbus (FF) Fieldbus - FieldbusEthernet, EthernetInverter - makesPulse Width Modulation - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Servo Driver - Servo DriverSoft Starter - Soft StarterStep by Step, Step - by - StepControl valve - Control ValverFlow meter, FlowmeterInstrument, InstrumentRecorder - RecorderSensors, SensorSmart Sensor - Smart SensorSmart Transducer - Smart phoneVirtual Instrument -- Virtual InstrumentMain Station/from Station - Master Station/Slave Station Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station, OperatorStation/Engineer Station/Manager StationZero: Fine zero: zeroStep span: Fine span: Fine tuning rangeElectrical signalElectrodynamic instrument electrical instrumentThe element electromagnetic element of the elementThe liquid flowmeter electromagnetic flowmeterExposed junction type sheathed thermocouple exposed end - type armor thermocoupleExternally - piloted the operating type of regulator combination command self-reliance type valveFahrenheit degrees FahrenheitFailure valve position valve locationFault faultFeed backFeedback compensationFeedback control feedback controlFeedback controller feedback controllerFeedback elements feedback elementsFeedback gain feedback loop feedback loopFeedback path feedback path feedforward feedforward Compensation feedforward compensationFeedforward control feedforward controlFeedforward path forward pathThe more feedover feedFiducial error reference errorFiducial value reference value, base valueThe field field; The sceneFieldbus fieldbusFieldbuscontrol system (FCS) fieldbus control system File documents; A rulerFile maintenance document maintenanceFieldbus fieldbusFinal element terminal control element; actuatorFixed (measuring) instrument fixed set point control value controlFixed set point control system fixed value control systemFlame proof (Ex d) enclosure (Ex d)Increased safety electrical apparatus (Ex e) electrical equipment (Ex e)Flame temperature detectorTake pressure flange pressure tappings flangeFlanged ends flange connection endFlangeless ends without flangesFlangeless valve has no flange valveFlicker, flickerFloat floatFloat level measuring device for measuring device floatFloat level reguator float type level control valveFloat level transducer [sensor] float - dry spring tube level sensorFlow chart flow chartFlow diagram flowchartFlow coefficient flow coefficient flow control flow controlFlow measuring device for measuring deviceThe flow nozzle flow nozzleFlow profile flow profileFlow rate of mobile phase flow velocityFlow sihnal flow signalFlow stabilizer flow stabilizerFlow switch flow switchFlow to close streamFlow to open flowFlow transducer [sensor] flow sensorFlowmeter flowmeterThe flow - rate flowFlow-rate range of flowFluctuation (degree)Fluid damping galvanometer liquid damping vibration Fluidic flowmeter jet flowmeterFlutter flutterFrequency frequencyGate valveGate - type lowmeter gate type flow meterGate valve gate valveGauge circuit strain gauge [chip] circuitThe gauge pressure gauge pressureGauge pressure transducer [sensor] table pressure sensor Gauge resistance strain gauge (sheet) resistance General purpose (pressure) gauge pressure gaugeGlobe valve ball valveHigh level languageHigh control upper controlHigh - low actionHigh - low signal selector high and low signal selector High - revovery valve high pressure recovery valve Historical trend panel historical trend pictureHit hitHost computer main computer, the back differenceError of hysteresis error; Lag errorHysteresis error plus dead band returnsI/O channel input outputs the channelIndicated valueA device indicating device; Indicating deviceThe instrument of the instrumentTo measure the value of the instrument (measuring instrument)The indication pointThe range of indication rangeIndicative markIndicator indicatorIndirect - ancting instrumentIndirect measurement (method of measurement) Industrial automation industry automationIndustrial control industrial controlIndustrial control system industrial control system Industrial data processing industrial data processing Industrial process industrial processInitial program loader (IPL) initial program loader Initial state initial stateInitialization initializationInitialize the initializationInitiator startupThe inlet filterInput/output operation input/output operationInput/output port input/output portInput - output channel input output channelInput - output device input output deviceInput - output unit input output deviceInput signal input signalInput terminalInput unit input deviceInsert length insertsinstabilityInstallation conditions of installation conditionsInstalled diaphragm pressure range installation flow characteristicsNstruction instructionInstrument constant meter constantInstrument front instrument panelInstrument lead instrument leadInstrument security factor meter security factor Instrument with contacts with contactsInstrument with a device with a locking device Instrument with optical index cursor instrument Instrument with suppressed zero zero meterInstrumental analysis instrument analysisInstrumental backgroundInstrumental error instrument errorInsulation material; Insulation materialsIntegral action. I-action integral action; I - role Integral action coefficient integral action coefficient Integral action time integral action timeIntegral control integral controlIntegral controller integral controller; The I controller Integral electric actuator integral electric actuator Integral feedback integral feedbackThe integrated instrument integral [calculation] instrument The instrument is measured by means of measurementThe software intelligent simulation software of the software Intelligent computer intelligent computerIntelligent control intelligent controlIntelligent control system intelligent control system Intelligent instrumentIntelligent deyboard system intelligent keyboard system Interaction of interconnected; associatedInteractive terminal interactive terminalInterchangeability interchangeabilityInterface interface; interfaceInterface echo interface echoInterface message processor interface communication processorInternally piloted the operating type of regulator overall command self-reliance type valveIntrinsic safety barriter is intrinsically safeSolated junction type sheathed thermocouple insulation type sheathed thermocoupleIsolating valve isolation valve。
工业英语常用缩写质量检测人员名称类QC quality control 质量管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理人员POC passage quality control 工段检验人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量检测保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供应商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式有效性分析AQL acceptable quality level 允收品质量水准S/S sample size 抽验检验样本大小ACC accept 允收REE reject 拒收CR critical 极严重的MAJ major 主要的MIN minor 轻微的Q/R/S quality/reliability/service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N part number 零件号L/N lot number 批号AOD accept on deviation 在误差范围内允收UAI use as itFPIR first piece inspection report 首件检验报告PPM percent per million 百万分之一制程统计质量管理类SPC statistical process control 统计制程管制SQC statistical quality control 统计质量管理GRR gauge reproductiveness& repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断两可靠与否DIM dimension 尺寸DIA diameter 直径N number 样品数其他质量术语类QIT quality improvement team 质量改善小组ZD zero defect 零缺点QI quality improvement 质量改善QP quality policy 质量方针TQM total quality management 全面质量管理RMA return material audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 quality control tools 质量控制7大手法通用件类ECN engineering change notice 工程变更通知ECO engineering change order 工程改变要求PCN process change notice 工序改动通知PMP product management plan 生产管理计划SIP standard inspection procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP standard operation procedure 制造作业规范BOM bill of material 物料清单PS package specification 包装规范SPEG specification 规格DWG drawing 图面系统文件类ES engineering standard 工程标准CGOO China GeneralIWS international workman standard 工艺标准ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织GS general specification 一般规格部件类PMC production &material control 生产和物料控制PCC product control center 生产控制中心MC material control 物料控制DC document center 资料中心QE quality engineering 质量工程QA quality assurance 质量保证QC quality control 质量控制PD product department 生产部LAB laboratory 实验室IE industrial engineering 工业工程R&D research&design 设计开发部。
工業常用的英文縮寫品質人員名稱類QC quality control 品質管理人員FQC final quality control 終點品質管制人員IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品質管制人員OQC output quality control 最終出貨品質管制人員IQC incoming quality control 進料品質管制人員TQC total quality control 全面質量管理POC passage quality control 段檢人員QA quality assurance 質量保證人員OQA output quality assurance 出貨質量保證人員QE quality engineering 品質工程人員新增:fool proof 防呆screen printing 網印品質保證類FAI first article inspection 新品首件檢查FAA first article assurance 首件確認CP capability index 能力指數CPK capability process index 模具製程能力參數SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供應商品質評估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC運作類AQL Acceptable Quality Level 運作類允收品質水準S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 極嚴重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 輕微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務P/N Part Number 料號L/N Lot Number 批號AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一制程統計品管專類SPC Statistical Process Control 統計製程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直徑N Number 樣品數其它品質術語類QIT Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組ZD Zero Defect 零缺點QI Quality Improvement 品質改善QP Quality Policy 目標方針TQM Total Quality Management 全面品質管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件類ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求(客戶)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知PMP Product Management Plan 生產管制計劃SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 製程檢驗標準程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 製造作業規範IS Inspection Specification 成品檢驗規範BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範SPEC Specification 規格DWG Drawing 圖面系統文件類ES Engineering Standard 工程標準CGOO China General PCE龍華廠文件IWS International Workman Standard 工藝標準ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準化組織GS General Specification 一般規格部類PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PCC Product control center 生產管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 資料中心QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)PD Product Department 生產部LAB Laboratory 實驗室IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程R&D Research & Design 設計開發部生產類PCs Pieces 個(根,塊等)PRS Pairs 雙(對等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 棧板PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單MO Manufacture Order 生產單D/C Date Code 生產日期碼ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批號P/N Part Number 料號OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備製造PC Personal Computer 個人電腦CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件N/A Not Applicable 不適用QTY Quantity 數量I/O input/output 輸入/輸出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許APP Approve 核準,認可,承認CHK Check 確認ASS'Y Assembly 裝配,組裝T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 電源箱DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃OS Operation System 作業系統TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 電子音樂工業Electrical Magnetic Interference 電子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 讀頻輸入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material Size LED lighting-emitting diode 發光二极管 QBR Quarter Business Record CIP Continuous improvement process FGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOPProcedure of packaging EOL End of life VDCSVender defect correcting sheet PDCSProcess defect correcting sheet GRN Goods receivingnote A/RAccounting receivable A/P Accounting payableMSN: modern@.twmodern@[楼 主] From: | Posted:2004-11-13 00:59|modern降龍十八掌级别: 论坛讲师精华: 0发帖: 1087威望: 39 点專業詞匯 通用類 president 董事長 operator 作業員 position 職務 general manager 總經理金钱: 0 RMB贡献值: 0 点注册时间:2004-10-20 最后登陆:2005-07-03 special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副課長group leader組長line leader線長supervisor 課長responsible department負責單位Human Resources Department人力資源部Head count 人頭數production department生產部門planning department企劃部QC Section品管課stamping factory沖壓廠painting factory烤漆廠molding factory成型廠administration/general affairs dept./總務部production unit生產單位meeting minutes會議記錄distribution department分發單位subject主題conclusion結論decision items決議事項pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日Color management 顏色管理Visual management 目視管理production capacity生產力first count初盤first check初盤復櫂second count 復盤second check復盤復核quantity of physical inventory second count 復盤點數量physical inventory盤點數量physical count quantity帳面數量difference quantity差異量spare parts physical inventory list備品盤點清單cause analysis原因分析waste materials廢料description品名specification 規格model機種work order工令revision版次remark備注registration登記registration card登記卡to control管制application form for purchase請購單consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填寫to collect, to gather收集statistics統計cosmetic inspection standard 外觀檢驗規範computer case 電腦外殼(組件)personal computer enclosure 電腦機箱產品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫æsi| 基座bezel panel面板Hood 上蓋 base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 擴充卡flat cable 排線TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 樹脂膜raw materials原料materials物料steel plate鋼板roll/coil material捲料spare parts =buffer備品plastic parts塑膠件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 沖件material check list物料檢查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods處理品warehouse/hub倉庫packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket膠筐flow chart流程表單production tempo生產進度現狀lots of production生產批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修訂to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切換engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶頸glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套Band-Aid創可貼Industrial alcohol工業酒精broom掃把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸塵器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison聯絡單rags抹布lamp holder燈架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 氣管delivery deadline交貨期die worker模工production, to produce生產equipment設備resistance電阻beacon警示燈coolant冷卻液crusher破碎機club car高爾夫球車plate電鍍power button電源按鍵reset button重置鍵forklift叉車Workshop traveler 天車trailer =long vehicle拖板車Hydraulic trolley手壓車hydraulic hand jack油壓板車casing = containerization裝箱velocity速度patent專利coordinate座標supply and demand供求career card履歷卡barricade隔板carton box紙箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作間sub-line支線bottleneck 瓶頸模具工程類plain die簡易模pierce die沖孔模forming die成型模progressive die連續模stage die工程模compound die復合模shearing die剪邊模riveting die鉚合模feature die公母模male die公模female die母模cavity型控母模core模心公模die change 換模to fix a die裝模to repair a die修模punch set上模座punch pad上墊板punch holder上夾板stripper pad脫料背板up stripper上脫料板upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下墊板die holder下夾板die set下模座bottom block下墊腳bottom plate下托板(底板) upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上墊板top plate上托板(頂板)top block上墊腳stripping plate內外打(脫料板) outer stripper外脫料板inner stripper內脫料板lower stripper下脫料板punch沖頭insert入塊(嵌入件)deburring punch壓毛邊沖子groove punch壓線沖子stamped punch字模沖子round punch圓沖子special shape punch異形沖子bending block折刀roller滾軸baffle plate擋塊located block定位塊supporting block for location定位支承塊air cushion plate氣墊板air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿trimming punch切邊沖子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加強筋衝子ribbon punch壓筋沖子reel-stretch punch卷圓壓平沖子guide plate定位板sliding block滑塊sliding dowel block滑塊固定塊die locker鎖模器pressure plate =plate pinch壓板thickness gauge厚薄規cutting die, blanking die沖裁模die block模塊folded block折彎塊sliding block滑塊location pin定位銷lifting pin頂料銷die plate, front board模板padding block墊塊stepping bar墊條panel board鑲塊to load a die裝上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate活動板lower sliding plate下滑塊板upper holder block上壓塊upper mid plate上中間板spring box彈簧箱spring-box eject-rod彈簧箱頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板bushing block襯套cover plate蓋板guide pad導料塊pilot導正筒trim剪外邊pierce剪內邊pocket for the punch head挂鉤槽slug hole廢料孔radius半徑shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺絲form block折刀round pierce punch =die button圓沖子shape punch =die insert異形子stock located block定位塊metal plate鈑金miller銑床grinder磨床tolerance公差score =groove壓線sliding block滑塊lathe車active plate活動板baffle plate擋塊cover plate蓋板groove punch壓線沖子air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板capability能力parameter參數factor系數driller鉆床set up die架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device類模器inner guiding post內導柱inner hexagon screw內六角螺釘dowel pin固定銷coil spring彈簧lifter pin頂料銷eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin銷lifter guide pin浮升導料銷guide pin導正銷wire spring圓線彈簧outer guiding post外導柱stop screw止付螺絲located pin定位銷outer bush外導套press specification沖床規格die height閉模高度flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺紋套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺絲stripper plate脫料板piston活塞handle mold手持式模具flash mold溢流式模具positive mold擠壓式模具split mold分割式模具die lifter舉模器top stop上死點bottom stop下死點one stroke一行程to continue, cont.連動to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block定位塊reset復位to file burr 銼毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| |l mp|鑲塊stamping-missing漏沖to tight a bolt擰緊螺栓to loosen a bolt擰鬆螺栓punched hole沖孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切邊to bending折彎to pull, to stretch拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印stamping 油印to stake鉚合designing, to design設計design modification 設計脩改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal踩踏板stopper阻擋器flow board流水板torque扭矩spline =the multiple keys花鍵quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel鎢高速的moly high speed steel鉬高速的forming成型(抽凸,沖凸)draw hole抽孔bending折彎emboss凸點dome凸圓semi-shearing半剪stamp mark沖記號deburr or coin壓毛邊punch riveting沖壓鉚合side stretch側沖壓平reel stretch卷圓壓平groove壓線stamp letter沖字(料號)tick-mark nearside正面壓印tick-mark farside反面壓印沖壓類punch, press沖punching machine 沖床hydraulic machine油壓機jack升降機decoiler整平機manufacture management製造管理stamping, press沖壓feeder送料機rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料機to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|報廢scrape ..v.刮;削robot機械手production line流水線packaging tool打包機packaging打包成型類well type蓄料井insulated runner絕緣澆道方式hot runner熱澆道runner plat澆道模塊valve gate閥門澆口band heater環帶狀的電熱器spindle閥針spear head鉋尖頭slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排氣道welding line熔合痕eject pin頂出針knock pin頂出銷return pin回位銷反頂針sleeve套筒stripper plate脫料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate澆道脫料板guide pin導銷eject rod (bar)(成型機)頂業捧subzero深冷處理three plate三極式模具runner system澆道系統stress crack應力電裂orientation定向sprue gate射料澆口,直澆口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料頭鉤銷(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate側澆口edge gate側緣澆口tab gate搭接澆口film gate薄膜澆口flash gate閘門澆口slit gate縫隙澆口fan gate扇形澆口dish gate因盤形澆口diaphragm gate隔膜澆口ring gate環形澆口submarine gate潛入式澆口tunnel gate隧道式澆口pin gate針點澆口runner less無澆道sprue less 無射料管方式long nozzle延長噴嘴方式spur澆口;溶waste廢料board看板sliding rack滑料架to impose lines壓線to compress, compressing壓縮character die字模to feed, feeding送料material change, stock change材料變更feature change 特性變更prepare for, make preparations for 準備rotating speed, revolution轉速abnormal handling異常處理組裝類Assembly line組裝線Layout布置圖Conveyer流水線運輸帶Rivet machine拉釘機Rivet gun拉釘槍Screw driver起子Electric screw driver電動起子Hydraulic machine 液壓機Pneumatic screw driver氣動起子automation自動化to stake, staking, riveting鉚合add lubricant oil加潤滑油argon welding氬焊cylinder油缸robot機械手conveying belt輸送帶transmission rack輸送架to draw holes抽孔bolt螺栓nut 螺母screw 螺絲identification tag標示單screwdriver plug起子插座automatic screwdriver電動啟子to move, to carry, to handle搬運be put in storage入庫packing包裝staker = riveting machine鉚合機fit together組裝在一起fasten鎖緊(螺絲)fixture 夾具(治具)pallet/skid棧板barcode條碼barcode scanner條碼掃描器fuse together熔合fuse machine/heat stake熱熔機processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交貨to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods退貨easily damaged parts易損件standard parts標準件to lubricate潤滑spring 彈簧spare tools location/buffer手工備品倉spare molds location模具備品倉tox machine自鉚機烤漆類phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脫脂main manifold主集流脈organic solvent有機溶劑demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速傳遞heat dissipation熱傳rack上料volatile揮發性degrease脫脂rinse水洗alkaline etch齡咬desmot剝黑膜D.I. rinse純水次Chromate鉻酸處理Anodize陽性處理seal封孔scraped products報放品disposed products處理品dismantle the die折模auxiliary function輔助功能heater band 加熱片thermocouple熱電偶derusting machine除銹機degate打澆口dryer烘干機induction感應induction light感應光response =reaction =interaction感應ram連杆edge finder巡邊器concave凸convex凹cold slug冷塊blush 導色gouge溝槽;鑿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line證示線grit沙礫granule =pellet =grain細粒sand blasting噴沙grit maker抽粒機cushion緩沖fillet鑲;嵌邊roller pin formality滾針形式cam driver鍘楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄軸品質類qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part來件不良exposed metal/bare metal金屬裸露excessive defect過多的缺陷critical defect極嚴重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合規格cosmetic defect外觀不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑絲missing part漏件wrong part錯件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking鉚合不良deficient purchase來料不良deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良cosmetic inspection外觀檢查inner parts inspection內部檢查blister 氣泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 壓痕scratch 刮傷deformation 變形filings 鐵削defective label 不良標簽abrasion 磨損Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 斷裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 銀紋gas mark焦痕delaminating起鱗speckle斑點mildewed =moldy = mouldy發霉deformation變形burr(金屬)flash(塑件)毛邊poor staking鉚合不良excessive gap間隙過大grease/oil stains油污inclusion雜質shrinking/shrinkage縮水mixed color雜色fold of packaging belt打包帶折皺painting make-up補漆discoloration羿色water spots水漬impurity 雜質Mismatch 錯位failure, trouble 故障deformation 變形rust 生銹peel 脫漆Shrink 縮水Contamination 臟污water spots 水漬Gap 間隙label error 標簽錯誤Missing label 漏貼rejection criteria 拒收標准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 損傷、磨損Texture surface 印花紋表面Streak 條紋stains 污點Blotch 斑點discoloration 脫色Inclusion 雜質slug mark 壓痕dirt grime 灰塵blush 毛邊薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 貼紙與商標Configuration labels 組合貼紙corrugated container 瓦擺紙箱Delaminating 脫層splattering 散點Gouge 銼孔puckering 折痕。
工业控制专用英语,缩写大全质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordCIP Continuous improvement processFGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheetPDCS Process defect correcting sheetGRN Goods receiving noteA/R Accounting receivableA/P Accounting payable通用类president董事长operator作业员position职务general manager总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副课长group leader组长line leader线长supervisor 课长responsible department负责单位Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人头数production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管课stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂administration/general affairs dept./总务部production unit生产单位meeting minutes会议记录distribution department分发单位subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日Color management 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理production capacity生产力first count初盘first check初盘复棹second count 复盘second check复盘复核quantity of physical inventory second count 复盘点数量physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity账面数量difference quantity差异量spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单cause analysis原因分析waste materials废料description品名specification 规格model机种work order工令revision版次remark备注registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填写to collect, to gather收集statistics统计cosmetic inspection standard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)personal computer enclosure 计算机机箱产品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫æsi| 基座bezel panel面板Hood 上盖base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 扩充卡flat cable 排线TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 树脂膜raw materials原料materials物料steel plate钢板roll/coil material卷料spare parts =buffer备品plastic parts塑料件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 冲件material check list物料检查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐flow chart流程窗体production tempo生产进度现状lots of production生产批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶颈glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套Band-Aid创可贴Industrial alcohol工业酒精broom扫把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison联络单rags抹布lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadline交货期die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备resistance电阻beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机club car高尔夫球车plate电镀power button电源按键reset button重置键forklift叉车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle拖板车Hydraulic trolley手压车hydraulic hand jack油压板车casing = containerization装箱velocity速度patent专利coordinate坐标supply and demand供求career card履历卡barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作间sub-line支线bottleneck 瓶颈模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模stage die工程模compound die复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模feature die公母模male die公模female die母模cavity型控母模core模心公模die change 换模to fix a die装模to repair a die修模punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚stripping plate内外打(脱料板) outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块die locker锁模器pressure plate =plate pinch压板thickness gauge厚薄规cutting die, blanking die冲裁模die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条panel board镶块to load a die装上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔radius半径shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀round pierce punch =die button圆冲子shape punch =die insert异形子stock located block定位块metal plate钣金miller铣床grinder磨床tolerance公差score =groove压线sliding block滑块lathe车active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板capability能力parameter参数factor系数driller钻床set up die架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device类模器inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套press specification冲床规格die height闭模高度flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝stripper plate脱料板piston活塞handle mold手持式模具flash mold溢流式模具positive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具die lifter举模器top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block定位块reset复位to file burr 锉毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| mp|镶块 |lstamping-missing漏冲to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to loosen a bolt拧松螺栓punched hole冲孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印stamping 油印to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification 设计修改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板torque扭矩spline =the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole抽孔bending折弯emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线stamp letter冲字(料号)tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压类punch, press冲punching machine 冲床hydraulic machine油压机jack升降机decoiler整平机manufacture management制造管理stamping, press冲压feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料机to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削robot机械手production line流水线packaging tool打包机packaging打包成型类well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道welding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleeve套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口diaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口submarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口runner less无浇道sprue less 无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式spur浇口;溶waste废料board广告牌sliding rack滑料架to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更prepare for, make preparations for 准备rotating speed, revolution转速abnormal handling异常处理组装类Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线运输带Rivet machine拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Hydraulic machine 液压机Pneumatic screw driver气动起子automation自动化to stake, staking, riveting铆合add lubricant oil加润滑油argon welding氩焊cylinder油缸robot机械手conveying belt输送带transmission rack输送架to draw holes抽孔bolt螺栓nut 螺母screw 螺丝identification tag标示单screwdriver plug起子插座automatic screwdriver电动启子to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库packing包装staker = riveting machine铆合机fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet/skid栈板barcode条形码barcode scanner条形码扫描仪fuse together熔合fuse machine/heat stake热熔机processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods退货easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件to lubricate润滑spring 弹簧spare tools location/buffer手工备品仓spare molds location模具备品仓tox machine自铆机烤漆类phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉organic solvent有机溶剂demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料volatile挥发性degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmot剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔scraped products报放品disposed products处理品dismantle the die折模auxiliary function辅助功能heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response =reaction =interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线grit沙砾granule =pellet =grain细粒sand blasting喷沙grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲fillet镶;嵌边roller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴品质类qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part来件不良exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露excessive defect过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格cosmetic defect外观不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑丝missing part漏件wrong part错件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking铆合不良deficient purchase来料不良deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良cosmetic inspection外观检查inner parts inspection内部检查blister 气泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 压痕scratch 刮伤deformation 变形filings 铁削defective label 不良标签abrasion 磨损Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delaminating起鳞speckle斑点mildewed =moldy = mouldy发霉deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excessive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色fold of packaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍impurity 杂质Mismatch 错位failure, trouble 故障deformation 变形rust 生锈peel 脱漆Shrink 缩水Contamination 脏污water spots 水渍Gap 间隙label error 标签错误Missing label 漏贴rejection criteria 拒收标准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 损伤、磨损Texture surface 印花纹表面Streak 条纹stains 污点Blotch 斑点discoloration 脱色Inclusion 杂质slug mark 压痕dirt grime 灰尘blush 毛边薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 贴纸与商标Configuration labels 组合贴纸corrugated container 瓦摆纸箱Delaminating 脱层splattering 散点Gouge 锉孔puckering 折痕。
工业常用的英文缩写 品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员TQC total quality control POC passage qualitycontrol 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC 运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/ 可靠度 / 服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量 可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点IPQC in process quality control OQC output quality control IQC incoming quality control 制程中的质量管理人员 最终出货质量管理人员进料质量管理人员全面质量管理QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可 7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知 PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划 SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序 ? SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范 IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范 BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单 PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawi ng 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制 PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造商ODM Original Design Manufacture 原始设计制造商PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的 E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/ 输出NG Not Good 不行 , 不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可, 承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配, 组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to 什么时候,什么地方,谁,社么事,为什么,什么方式6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message 人力,机台,物力,方法,规格,信息4MTHMan, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务, 技术, 时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率DVD Digital Video Disk 数字化视频光盘VCD Video Compact Disk 视频高密光盘LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定, 定缺D/C Drawing Change 图面切换P/P Plans & Procedure 计划程序EMI Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入LED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管CIP Continuous improvement process 连续改进过程FGI Forecasted Goal Inventory 预见目标记录CNC Computerized numeral controller 数控管理B2C Business to customer 企业对客户B2B Business to business 企业对企业AVL Approved vendor list 许可商清单POP Procedure of packaging 包装规范EOL End of life 寿命中止VDCS Vender defect correcting sheet 供应商缺点改进PDCS Process defect correcting sheet 加工过程缺点改进GRN Goods receiving note 接收货物记录A/R Accounting receivable 可接受帐目A/P Accounting payable 应付帐目。
工控常用英文单词集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control Valver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪——Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Stationabort 中断,停止abnormal 异常abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具absence 失去Absence of brush 无(碳)刷Absolute ABS 绝对的Absolute atmosphere ATA 绝对大气压AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵absorptance 吸收比,吸收率acceleration 加速accelerator 加速器accept 接受access 存取accomplish 完成,达到accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组accuracy 准确,精确acid 酸性,酸的Acid washing 酸洗acknowledge 确认,响应acquisition 发现,取得action 动作Active power 有功功率actuator 执行机构address 地址adequate 适当的,充分的adjust 调整,校正Admission mode 进汽方式Aerial line 天线after 以后air 风,空气Air compressor 空压机Air duct pressure 风管压力Air ejector 抽气器Air exhaust fan 排气扇Air heater 空气加热器Air preheater 空气预热器Air receiver 空气罐Alarm 报警algorithm 算法alphanumeric 字母数字Alternating current 交流电Altitude 高度,海拔Ambient 周围的,环境的Ambient temp 环境温度ammeter 电流表,安培计Ammonia tank 氨水箱Ampere 安培amplifier 放大器Analog 模拟Analog input 模拟输入Analog-to-digital A/D 模拟转换Analysis 分析Angle 角度Angle valve 角伐Angle of lag 滞后角Angle of lead 超前角anthracite 无烟煤Anion 阴离子Anionic exchanger 阴离子交换器Anode 阳极,正极announce 通知,宣布Annual 年的,年报Annual energy output 年发电量anticipate 预期,期望Aph slow motion motor 空预器低速马达Application program 应用程序approach 近似值,接近Arc 电弧,弧光architecture 建筑物结构Area 面积,区域armature 电枢,转子衔铁Arrester 避雷器Ash 灰烬,废墟Ash handling 除灰Ash settling pond 沉渣池Ash slurry pump 灰浆泵assemble 安装,组装Assume 假定,采取,担任Asynchronous motor 异步马达atmosphere 大气,大气压Atomizing 雾化Attempt 企图Attemperater 减温器,调温器Attention 注意Attenuation 衰減,减少,降低Auto reclose 自动重合闸Auto transfer 自动转移Autoformer 自耦变压器Automatic AUTO 自动Automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器Auxiliary AUX 辅助的Auxiliary power 厂用电Available 有效的,可用的Avoid 避免,回避Avometer 万用表,安伏欧表计Axial 轴向的Axis 轴,轴线Axis disp protection 轴向位移,保护Axle 轴,车轴,心捧BBack 背后,反向的Back pressure 背压Back wash 反冲洗Back up 支持,备用Back ward 向后Baffle 隔板Bag filter 除尘布袋Balance 平衡Ball 球Ball valve 球阀Bar 巴,条杆Bar screen materialclassifier栅形滤网base 基础、根据Base load 基本负荷Base mode 基本方式Batch processing unit 批处理单元Battery 电池Bearing BRG 轴承before 在…之前bell 铃Belt 带,皮带Bend 挠度,弯曲Besel 监视孔BLAS 偏置,偏压Binary 二进制,双Black 黑色Black out 大停电,全厂停电blade 叶片Bleed 放气,放水Blocking signal 闭锁信号Blow 吹Blow down 排污Blowlamp 喷灯blue 蓝色Bms watchdogBms 看门狗,bms 监视器boiler BLR 锅炉Boiler feedwater pump BFP 锅炉给水泵Boil-off 蒸发汽化bolt 螺栓bore 孔,腔boost BST 增压,提高Boost centrifugal pump BST CEP 凝升泵Boost pump BP 升压泵Boot strap 模拟线路,辅助程序bottom 底部Bowl mill 碗式磨brash 脆性,易脆的bracket 支架,托架,括号breadth 宽度break 断开,断路breaker 断路器,隔离开关Breaker coil 跳闸线路breeze 微风,煤粉Brens-chluss 熄火,燃烧终结bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络brigade 班,组,队,大队broadcast 广播brownout 节约用电brush 电刷,刷子Brush rocker 电刷摇环Brown coal 褐煤Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护bucket 斗,吊斗Buffer tank 缓冲箱built 建立bulletin 公告,公报bump 碰,撞击bunker 煤仓burner 燃烧器Burner management system 燃烧器管理系统Bus section 母线段busbar 母线Busbar frame 母线支架buscouple 母联button 按钮Bypass/by pass BYP 旁路Bypass valve 旁路阀Ccabinet 柜cable 电缆calculator 计算器caliber 管径、尺寸、大小calorie 卡caloric 热的、热量Caloric value 发热量、热值calorific 发热的、热量的Calorific efficiency 热效率cancel 取消、省略capacitance CAPAC 电容Capacitive reactance 容抗capacity 容量、出力、能量card (电子)板、卡carrier搬运机、载波、带电粒子Carrier protection 高频保护cascade CAS 串级Case pipe 套管casine 壳、箱casual偶然的、临时、不规则的Casual inspection 不定期检查、临时检查casualty 人身事故、伤亡、故障catastrophe 灾祸、事故Catastrophe failure 重大事故Cat-pad 猫爪cathode 阴板、负极Cathode ray tube CRT 显示器Cation exchanger 阳离子交换器caution 注意Center 中心centigrade 摄氏温标Central control room 中控室Central processing unit CPU 中央处理器Centrifugal 离心的Certificate 证明书、执照Centrifugal fan 离心风机Certification of fitness 合格证书、质量证书Chamber 办公室、会议室Change 改变Channel 通道、频道Character 字符Characteristics 特性、特性曲线Charge 负荷、充电、加注Charge indicator 验电器、带电指示器Chart 图、图线图chassis 底座、机壳Chassis earth 机壳接地Check 检查Check valve CK VLV 截止线、止回线Chemical 化学Chemical dosing 化学加药Chest 室Chief 主要的、首长、首领Chief engineer 总工程师Chief operator 值班长Chimney 烟囱、烟道Chlorine 氯Circuit 电路Circuit breaker 电路断路器Circuit diagram 电路图Circular current 环流Circulating 循环Circulating water pump 循环水泵Circulating cooling water 循环冷却水Clamp 夹具、钳Clarification 澄清Class 类、等级、程度Class of insulation 绝缘等级Clean 清洁的、纯净的Cleanse 净化、洗净、消毒Clear 清除CLEARING OF FAULT 故障清除Clock interface unit CIU 时钟接口单元Clockwise 顺时针、右旋的Close 关闭Closed cooling water 闭式冷却水Closed-loop 闭环Cluster 电池组、组、群Coal 煤Coal ash 煤灰Coal breaker 碎煤机Coal consumption 耗煤量、煤耗Coal crusher 碎煤机Coal handling 输煤设备、输煤装置Coal dust 煤粉Coal-fired power plant 燃煤发电厂Coal hopper 煤斗Coal yard 煤场Coarse 粗的、不精确的Coaxial cable 同轴电缆Code 代号、密码Coil 线圈Coil pipe 蛇形管Cold 冷Cold air 冷风Cold reheater CRH 再热器冷段Cold reserve 冷备用(锅炉)Cold start 冷态启动Cold test 冷态试验Collect 收集Collecting pipe 集水管Collector 收集器Colour 颜色Colour library 颜色库Combin 合并、联合Combustion 燃烧Command 命令、指挥Commission 使投入、使投产Common 共同的、普通的Communication 联系、通讯Commutator 换向器Compensation 补偿Company CO 公司Company limited CO LTD 有限公司Complexity 复杂Complete 完成Component 元件Compress 压缩Compress air 压缩空气Compresser 压缩机Computer 计算机Concrete 混凝土制的Concurrent 同时发生的、一致的Concurrent boiler 直流锅炉Cond press 凝结器压力Condensate 冷凝、使凝结Condensate extraction pump CEP 凝结水泵Condenser COND/CNDER 凝结器Condensive reactance 容抗Condition 条件、状况Conduct 传导Conductivity 导电率Conference 会议、商讨、谈判Congealer 冷却器、冷冻器Configure 组态Connection 联接Connector 联接器、接线盒Console 控制台Consult 商量、咨询、参考Consumption 消费、消耗Consumption steam 汽耗Constant 恒定的Contact 触点Contactor 接触器、触头Contact to earth 接地、触地、碰地Content 目录Contin blwdwn 连排Continuous 连续的Contract 合同Control CNTR/CNTPL 控制Control & instrument 仪控Control loop 控制环Control oil 控制油Control panel 控制盘Controller 控制器Control stage 调节级、控制级Control valve 调节阀Conve cton sh 低温过热器Convection 对流Convertor 运输机、传输机Cool 冷的Cooler 冷却器Cooling 冷却Cooling fan 冷却风机Cooling water pump 冷却水泵Cooling tower 冷却塔Coordinate COORD 协调Coordinate boiler followmode协调的锅炉跟随方式Coordinate control system 协调控制系统Coordinate turbine followmode协调的汽机跟随方式Copy 拷贝Core 铁心、核心、磁心Core loss 铁(芯损)耗Corner 角落Correction 修正、改正Corrosion 腐蚀Cost 价格、成本、费用Cost of fuel 燃料费用Cost of upkeep 日常费用、维护费用Coupler 联轴器Coupling 耦合、联轴Couple CPL 联轴器Crane 起重机Critical 临界的Critical speed 临界速度Crusher 碎渣机Current transformer CT 电流互感器Cube 立方(体)Cubicle illumination 箱内照明Curdle 凝固Current 电流、当前Cursor 光标Curve 曲线Custom 习惯、海关Custom keys 用户键Cutter 切削工具Cyanic 青色、深蓝色Cycle 循环、周期、周波Cymometer 频率表Cyclome classifier 旋风分离器Cylinder CYL 汽缸DDaily load curve 日负荷曲线Daily load 日负荷Damage 损坏、破坏Damper DMPR 阻尼器、挡板Danger 危险、危险物Dank 潮湿Danger zone 危险区Data 数据Data base 数据库Data acquisition system DAS 数据采集系统Data highway 数据高速公路Date 日期Data pool 数据库Dc lub oil pump 直流润滑油泵Dead band 死区DeaeratorDEA/DEAE/DEAER除氧器Decimeter 分米Decrease DEC 减少Deep 深度、深的、深Default 默认、缺席Degree 度、等级Demand 要求、查问Delay 延迟Delay time 延时Delete 删除Demineralized water 除盐水Demineralizer 除盐装置Deposit 沉积结垢Desalt 除盐设备Description 说明、描述Destination 目标、目的地Desuperheater 减温器Desuperheater water DSH WTE 减温水Detail 细节Detect 发现、检定Deviate 偏离、偏差Device 设备、仪器Diagnosis 诊断Diagram 图形、图表Diagram directory 图目录Diagram number 图形号Diameter 直径Diaphragm 膜片、隔板Dielectric 介质、绝缘的Diesel generator 柴油发电机Difference 差异、差别、差额Differential protection 差动保护Diff press 差压Diff expansion DIFF EXP 胀差Differential pressure DP/DSP 差压Digital 数字的Digital electric hydraulic 电调Digital input/output 数字量输入/输出Digital-to-analog D/A 数/模转换Dioxde 二氧化碳Direct current DC 直流(电)Direct digital control DDC 直接数字控制Disassembly 拆卸Disaster 事故、故障Disc 叶轮Disaster shutdown 事故停机Discharge 排除、放电、卸载Discharge current 放电电流、泄漏电流Disconnector 隔离器、隔离开关Disconnect switch 隔离开关Discrete input/output 离散输入/输出Disk 磁盘Disk manage commands 磁盘管理命令Dispatch 调度、发送派遣Dispatcher 调度员Dispatching station 调度站(局)Disconnector 隔离器、隔离开关Discrete input/output 离散输入/输出Disk 磁盘Displacement 位移Displacement pump 活塞泵Display 显示、列屏Distance 距离Distilled water DISTL WTR 蒸馏水Distributed分布\分配\配电(水、汽)Distributed control system DCS 集散控制系统Distributed processing unit DPU 分布处理单元Distributing board 配电盘Distribution network 配电网络Distribution substation 二次变电站Disturbance 扰动Diverter vlv 切换线Divided by 除以Design 设计、发明Division 分界、部门Division wall 分割屏Documentation 文件Door 门Dosing pump 加药泵Dowel pin 定位销Down pipe 下降管Download 下载Downtime 停机时间Dozer 推土机Draft 通风、草图Drain DRN 疏水、排放Drain pump 疏水泵Drain tank 疏水箱Drawing 图样、牵引Drill 钻孔、钻头、钻床Drive 驱动、强迫Drn collector 疏水收集器Drop 站Drowned pump 潜水泵Drum 汽包Drum-type boiled 汽包式锅炉Dry 干、干燥Dual 双重的Duct 风道、管道Dust 灰尘Dust helmet 防尘罩Dust catcher 除尘器、吸尘器Duty 责任Dynamic 动态的Dynamometer 功率表EEarth 大地Earth fault 接地故障Earth connector 接地线、接地Earth lead 接地线、接地Eccentricity 偏心、扰度Econ recirc vlv 省煤器再循环线Economizer ECON 省煤器Edit 编辑Efficiency 效率Eject pump 射水泵Ejection 射出Ejector 抽气器Electric 电的Elbow 弯管、弯头Electric-hydraulic control 电/液控制Electrical 电的、电气的Electrical lockout solenoid 电磁阀锁阀vlvElectrical machine 电机Electrical service 供电Electric power industry 电力工业Electrode 电极Electric power company 电力公司Electric power system 电力系统Electronic 电子的、电子学的Electrotechnics 电工学、电工技术Electrostaic precipitator 静电除尘器Electrostatic 静电的Element 元件、零件、单元Elevation ELEV 标高Elevator 升降机Ellipse 椭圆Emergency decree 安规Emerg lub oil 事故润滑油Emerg off 事故停/关闭Emerg seal oil 事故密封油Emergency EMERG 紧急事故Emergency drain 事故疏水Emergency governet/intercepter危急遮断器Employee 雇员Empty 排空Enclosure 外壳、包围End 末端、终结End cover 端盖Energize 激励、加电Energy 能、能量Energy meter 电度表Energy source 能源Engineer keyboard 工程师键盘Engineer station 工程师站Engineer's console 工程师操作站Engineering 工程Enter 开始、使进入Entry 输入Equalizer valve 平衡线Equipment 设备Erase 删除Error 错误Escape valve 安全线Evaporate 蒸发、冷化Evaporating 蒸发量Event 事件Excess 超过、过度Excess combustion air 过剩燃烧空气Excitation 励磁Exciter 励磁机Exhaust EXH 排汽Exhaust portion 排汽段Exit 出口Expansion EXP 膨胀Expansion tank 扩容箱Expenditure 费用Expert 专家、能手Explosion 爆炸Exponent 指数幂External 外部的、表面的Extinguisher 灭火器Extinguishing medium灭弧介质Extraction check valve EXTR CHK 抽汽逆止阀VLVExtra-high voltage超高压Extend扩展、延伸Exteral外部的、表面的Extr press抽汽压力Extr temp抽汽温度Extraction EXTR抽汽FFactor因素、因数Fahrenheit华式温标Failure FAIL失败FALSE假的、错误的Fan风扇、风机Fan duty风机负荷Fast cut back FCB快速切回Fault故障Faulty operation误操作Features特点Feed馈、供给Feedback反馈Feed forward前馈Feed water给水Feed-water makeup补给水Fiber optic光纤Field磁场、现场Field operator现场运行人员Figure数字、图案File文件Filter 滤网、过滤器Filter differentialpressureFILTR DP 滤网压差Final 最后的Final super-heater FSH 末级过热器、高过Fine ash silo 细灰库Fire 燃烧、火焰Fire-proof 耐火的、防火的Fire-extinguisher 灭火器Fire-hose 消防水带Fire hydrant 消防栓Fire-fight 灭火Fireproof 防火的、阻燃的Fire pump 消防水泵First stage 第一级、首级First stage guide vane 第一级导叶Flame 火焰Flame check 火检Flame detect cable FLM DET CAB 火检电缆Flange 法兰Flange joint 法兰结合面Flank 侧翼、侧面Flash 闪光、闪烁、闪蒸Flash lamp 闪光灯Flash light 闪光Flasher 闪光装置Flexible 灵活的、柔性的Flexible joint 弹性联接器Flip-flop 触发器、双稳态电路Float-charge 浮充电Floppy disk 软磁盘Floppy driver 磁盘机Flow 流量、流动Flowmeter 流量计Flue 烟道Format 形式、格式Flue gas 烟气Fluid 液体Fly ash 飞灰Follow 跟随Forbid 禁止Force 强制Force circulation 强制循环Force draft fan 送风机Forney 福尼(公司)Forward 向前Free end 自由端Frequency 频率From 从、来自Front 前面的Fuel 燃料Fuel safety 燃料保护Full speed 额定频率Fully 充分的、完全的Function 功能Function group 功能组Furnace 炉膛Fuse 保险丝、熔断器Fuse holder 保险盒Fusible cutout 熔断开关Fw bypass 给水旁路GGAIN 增益Gang 班、组Gas 气体、烟气Gate 闸门Gate damper 闸门式挡板Gateway 入口、途径Gauge 仪表、标准Gauge float 水位、指示、浮标Gear 齿轮Gear pump 齿轮泵Gear shift housing 变速箱Gen main breaker 发电机出口总开关General control panel 总控制屏General vlv 总阀Generate 引起、产生Generator 发电机、发生器Gland 密封套Gland heater GLAND HTR 轴封加热器Gland seal 轴封Glass-paper 砂纸Goal 目的、目标Go on 继续Govern vlv GV 调速器、调节器Graphics 调节阀Grease 图形Green 绿色Grid 高压输电网、铅板Grid system 电网系统Gross rating 总出力、总额定值Ground/earth 地、大地Group 组、群Group library 组库HHalt instruction 停机指令Hangers 悬吊管Hardware 硬件Hardness 硬度、困难的Hazardous 危险的、冒险的Header 联箱Heat 热、加热Heater 加热器Heating 加热Heat rate 热效率Heat soak 暖机Hertz HZ 赫兹Hesitate HESI 暂停、犹豫High 高的、高等的、高大的High pressure HP 高压High pressure heater HPH 高压加热器History 历史Historical date reporter HDR 历史数据报告Historical storage &retrieval unitHSR历史数据报告存储与检索单元Hold 保持Home 家、处所Hopper 漏斗、料斗Hori vib(vibration) 水平振动Horizontal 水平的、横式Horse power 马力Hose 软管、水龙带Hot 热的Hot air 热风Hot rh 再热(器)热段Hot start 热态启动Hot well 热水井Hour 小时Hp cyl cross pipe 高压缸短管Hp turb exh press 高压缸排汽压力Hybrid 混合物Hydraulic 液压Hydrogen 氢(H)Hydrogen purity 氢气纯度Hydrobin/ dewatering bin 脱水仓IIdiostaic 同电位的Idle 空载的、无效的Ignition light oil 轻油点火Ignition 引燃、电火Ignitor 电火器Ignore 忽视Illustrate 说明Impeller 推进器、叶轮Impedance 阻抗Import 进口、引入Impulse 脉冲、冲击、冲量Inch IN 英寸Inching 缓动、点动Income 进线Increase INC 增加Index 索引、指示Indicator 指示器Individual 单个的、独立的Inductive reactance 感抗Input/output I/O 输入/输出Induced draft fan IDF 引风机Inductance 电感Induction motor 异步电动机Industrial water 工业水Industry 工业Inflatable seal 充气密封Inhibit 禁止Initial 最初的Inlet 入口Input group 输入组Insert 插入Inside 内侧、内部Inspection 观察、检查Install 安装Inspection hole 检查孔、人孔Installed capacity 装机容量Instantaneous 即时的、瞬时的Instantaneous power 瞬时功率Instruction 说明书、指南、指导Instrument 仪器Instrument panel 仪表盘Insulate 绝缘、绝热、隔离Insulator 绝缘子Intake 输入端、进线Integer 整数Integral 积分Intensity 强度Interpole 换向板Inter-stage extraction 中间抽头Interface 接口Interference 干扰、干涉Interlock 联锁Intermediate 中间的Internal 内部的Interrogation 质问、问号Interrupt 中断Interval 间隔Interlock auto on 联锁投自动Inverter 逆变器、反向器、非门Invoice INV 发票、发货单、托运Intermediate pressure IP 中压Intermediate relay 中间继电器Invalid 无效的、有病的Investment 投资Ion-exchange 离子交换器IP.cyl 中压缸Isolation 隔离Isolator 隔离、刀闸JJacking oil 顶轴油Jacking pump 顶轴泵Job 工作Jumper 跳线、跨接Junction box 接线盒KKey 键销、钥匙、键槽Keyboard 键盘Key library 键库Key switch 键开关Kilovolt-ampere KVA 千伏安Kink 弯曲、缠绕Knack 技巧、窍门、诀窍Knife-switch 闸刀开关LLabel 标号、标签Laboratory 实验室Labyrinth seal 迷宫密封Ladder 梯子、阶梯Ladder diagram 梯形图Lamp 灯、光源Large platen LARGE PLT 大屏Last 最后的Latch 止动销、挂闸、插锁Leak 泄漏(动词)Leakage 泄漏(名词)Left 左Length 长度Level 液位、水平Lifebelt 安全带、保险带Lift 提、升Light 光亮、点、点燃、照亮Lightning 雷电Light run 空转Lightning arrestor 避雷器Limit LMT 极限、限制Limiter 限制器、限位开关Line 线、直线Line impedance 线路阻抗Lining 衬层、内衬Linkage 连杆List 列表Liter 公升Ljungstrom trisector airpreheaters容克式空预器Load 负荷Load demand compute LDC 负荷指令计算Load impedance 负荷阻抗Load limit 负荷限制Load rejection 甩负荷Load shedding 甩负荷Loading 加负荷Load thrown on 带负荷Local 局部Local attendant 现场值班员Local repair 现场检修Local start 就地启动Local stop 就地停止Location 处所、位置Lock 闭锁、密封舱、固定Logger 记录器、拖车Logic 逻辑Long 长Loop 环、回路Loss 损失、减少Loss of excitation 励磁损失Loss of phase 失相Low 低Low press LP 低压Low press heater LPH 低压加热器Low-half 下半Lower 较低的、降低Lower heating value 低位发热量Low pressure cylinder LPC/LP CYL 低压缸Low temperature superheater LT SH 低温过热器Lub oil 润滑油Lub oil pump 润滑油泵Lubricate LUB 润滑MMagenta 品红色Magnet 磁Main主要的/主蒸汽的/电力网Main oil tank 主油箱Main screen 主屏Main steam 主蒸汽Main transformer 主变压器Maintenance 维护、检修、小修Maintenance manual 检修手册Major overhaul 大修Make up 补充(补给)Makers works 制造厂Malfunction 出错、误动、失灵Management 管理、控制、处理Manhole 人孔、检查孔、出入孔Manifold各式各样的联箱、集气管Manometer 压力表Man-machine interaction 人机对话Manual 手动、手册Manual reject MRE 手动切换Manual/Auto station M/A STATION 手动/自动切换站Mark型号、刻度、标志、特征Mass memory 大容量存储器Master 主要、控制者Master control room 主控室、中央控制室Master fuel trip MFT 主燃料跳闸Maximum 最高的、最大Maximum continue rate MCR 最大连续率Mechanocaloric 热机的Mean 平均值、中间的Mean water level 平均水位Measure 量度、测量Mechanical 机械的、力学的Mechanical trip vlv 机械跳闸阀Mechanism 机械、力学、方法Medial 中间的、平均的Mediate 间接的、调解Medium 装置、介质、工质Megawatt 兆瓦Memory 存储Metal 金属Meter 集量器、仪表、米Meter switch 仪表开关Method 方法、规律、程序Method of operation 运行方式Mica 云母Mica dielectric 云母电介质Microcallipers 千分尺Microphone 麦克风、话筒Middle MID 中间的Middle-temperature rh MT RH 中温再热器Mill 磨、磨煤机、铣刀Minimum 最小的Minor overhaul 小修Minus 减、负号Minus phase 负相位Minute 分钟Miss operation 误动作、误操作Miss trip 拒跳闸Mistake 错误、事故Mixed bed 混床Mixture 混合物Man-machine interface MMI 人机接口Modem 调制解调器Modify 修改Modulating control 调节控制Modulating valve 调节阀Module 模件Moisture 湿度、湿汽Monitor 监视器、监视Monoxide 一氧化物Month 目Motor MTR 马达Motor control center MCC 马达控制中心Motor winding 电动机组绕组Mouldproof 防霉的Mount 安装、固定Mountain cork 石棉Mouse 鼠标Move 移动Multidrop 多站Multispeed 多速Mult-multi 多、多倍Multimeter 万用表Multiplication 乘Multivibrator 多谐振荡器NName 名、名字Natural 自然的Naught line 零线Needlepoint vlv 针阀Negative 负的Negative pressure NEG PRESS 负压Neon tester 试电表Net ratine/net output 净出力Network 网络Neutral line 中性线Neutral 中性的Neutral point 中性点Next 其次的Night shift 夜班Nipper 钳子、镊子Noise 噪音No-loading 空载Nominal 标称的、额定的Nominal power 额定功率Nominal rating 标称出力、额定出力Non-return vlv 逆止线Non-work 非工作的Normal 正常的、常规的Normal closed contact 常闭触点Normal makeup wtr 正常补水Not available 无效、不能用No touch relay 无触点继电器Non-work pad / n-work pad 非工作瓦Nozzle 喷嘴Number 数字、号码、数目Number of turns 匝数Nut 螺母、螺帽OOccur 发生Odd 奇数Office 办公室Oil 油Oil breaker 油开关Oiler 注油器Oil fuel trip OFT 油燃料跳闸Oil gun 油枪Oil immersed natural 油浸自然冷却coolingOil purifier 油净化装置On-line 在线、联机的On-load test 带负荷试验On/off 开/关Onset 开始、发作Open 开、打开Open-air 露天的、开启的Open-loop 开环Open work 户外作业Operating panel 操作盘Operation 操作、运行Operational log 运行记录Operator 操作员Operator keyboard 操作员键盘Operator station 操作员站Operator's alarm console 操作员报警台Optimal 最优的、最佳的Optimal value 最佳值Optional 可选的Option switch 选择开关Orifice plate 孔板Original 初始的、原始的Oscillator 振荡器Oscilloscope 示波器Out 出、出口Outage 停用Out-of-service 为投入运行的Outlet 出口Output 产量、产品、输出Output group 输出组Outside 外边、外面Over current 过流Over load 过负荷Overload protection 过载保护Overall design 总体设计Over voltage 过压Overflow 溢流Overflow vlv station 溢流阀门站Overhaul 大修Overhaul life 大修间隙Overhead 顶部Overhead line 架空线Override 超越Overspeed 超速Overspeed trip 超速跳闸Overview 概述、总述Own demand 厂用电量Oxide film 氧化膜、氧化层Oxygen 氧PPackage 组件、包Packed group 组合组Pad 瓦、衬垫Page 页Panel 屏、盘Parameter 参数Part 部分、部件Part per million PPM 百万分率Password 口令Path 路线Peak 峰值Peak load 峰值负荷Pendant 悬吊Pendant pull switch 拉线开关Penthouse 顶棚Penumatics 汽动装置Percent PCT 百分数Percentage 百分比Perfect 完全的、理想的Perfect combustion 完全燃烧Performance 完成、执行、性能Performance calculation 性能计算Performance curve 性能曲线Periodic 周期的、循环的Periodic inspection 定期检查Peripheral 周围的Peripheral equipment 外围设备Permanent 永久的、持久的Permanent magneticgenerator永磁发电机Permit 允许Permit to work 允许开工Petrol 汽油Phase PH 阶段、状态、方面、相Phase angle 相角Phase-failure protection 断相保护Phase not together 缺相、失相Phase sequence 相序Phase-in 同步Piezometer 压力计Pitch coal 烟煤Pid drawing 流程图Pilot 导向、辅助的、控制的Pilot bearing 导向轴承Pipe 管、管道Pitch 投、掷、节距、螺距Plan 计划Plant 工场、车间Plant load factor 电厂负荷因数Plastics 塑料Platen 台板、屏式Platen superheater PLT SH 屏式过热器Plug 塞子、栓、插头Plug socket 插座Plunger 柱塞、滑阀Plunger pump 柱塞泵Plus 加Plyers 钳子、老虎钳Pneumatic 气动的Point 点Point database 测点数据库Point directory 测点目录Point name 测点名Point record 测点记录Point field 泡克区Phase voltage 相电压Pole 机、柱Policher 除盐装置Pollution 污染Pop valve 安全阀、突开阀Portion 一部分Position POS 位置Positive 确定的、正的、阳性的Potable water 饮用水Potential transformer PT 电压互感器Pound LB 磅Power PWR 功率、电源Power factor 功率因子Power plant 电厂Pre-alarm 预报警PrecipitatorPRECI/PRECIP除尘器Preheat 预热Pre light 预点火Preliminary 准备工作Present 出现Preset 预设、预置Pressure PRES 压力Primary 初级的、一次的Primary air 一次风Primary air fan PAF 一次风机Primary superheater 低温过热器Primary grid substation 主网变电站Prime 首要的Printer 打印机Principle 原理、原则Priority 优先级、优点Probe 探头Process 过程、方法Processing time 处理时间Program 程序Programmable 可编程的Programmable logicalcontrollerPLC 可编程逻辑控制器Prohibit 禁止Proportional / integral /derivativePID 比例/积分/微分Protection PROT 保护Protection bolt 危急遮断器飞锤Protection ring 危急遮断器飞环Protocol 规约(数据通信)Potential transformer PT 电压互感器Psig磅/平方英寸(表压力)Psia磅/平方英寸(绝对压力)Puffer breaker 压力式断路器Pulse 脉冲、脉动Pulverizer PULV 磨煤机Pump 泵Punch 冲床、冲压机Purge 净化、吹扫Purifier 净化器Purify 纯度Purpose 目的、用途Push and pull switch 推拉开关Push button 按钮Put into operation 投入运行Pyod 热电偶Pyrology 热工学QQ-line Q 线Quad 回芯组线Quality 质量Quartz 石英、水晶Query 询问、查询Quick 快Quicksilver 水银、汞Quick open 快开Quit 停止、离开、推出RRack earth 机壳接地Radial 径向的、半径的Radication 开方Radiator wall rh 壁式再热器Radiator 散热(辐射)器Radiation fin 散热片Raise 升高Range 范围、量程Rap 敲打Rap device (除尘器)振打装置Rapid charge 快速充电Rated 额定的、比率的Rated conditions 额定条件Rated power 额定功率Ratio 比率Raw material 原材料Ray 光线、射线Reactance 电抗、反作用Reactive capacity 无功容量Reactive power 无功功率Read out 读出、结果传达Ready 准备好Real power 有效功率Real time 实时的Rear 后面Recall 重新调用、重查Receive tank 回收箱、接收箱Recipe 处方、配方Recire/Recycle damper 再循环挡板Recirculate 再循环Reclaim 再生回收Reclosing 重合闸Recommend 介绍、建议Recording 记录、录音、唱片Recovery 恢复、再生Recovery time 恢复时间Rectification 整流、检波、调整Rectifier 整流器Red 红色Reduction 还原、缩小、降低Redundancy 冗余、多余Reference REF 参考、参照、证明书Reflux 倒流、回流Region 地域、领域Register 寄存器Regulate 调节、控制Regulating stage 调节级Regulating valve 调节阀Reheater RH 再热器Relative REL 相对的Relative expansion 相对膨胀Relay 继电器Relay panel 继电器屏Release 释放Reliability 可靠的、安全的Relief去载、卸载、释放、解除Relieve valve 安全阀、减压阀Remote 遥远的、远方的Remote select 遥控选择Remote technical center RTC 遥控技术中心Renewal 更新、更换Repair 修理Repairer 修理工、检修工Repeat 重复、反复Replacement parts 备件、替换零件Request REO 请求Require 要求Reserve parts 备件Reserved 备用的Reset 复位Resistance 阻力、电阻Resonate 谐振、调谐Response 响应Responsibility 责任Retract 可伸缩的、缩回Retractable thermoprobe 可伸缩的温度探头Retrieval 可检索的、可追忆的Return 返回Return oil 回油Reverse power 逆功率Reverse rotation 反转Review 检查Rig 安装、装配、调整Right 右Right-of-way 公用线路Ring 环Roller 辊子Roof 顶、炉顶Root 跟Rotary switch 转换开关Rotating 旋转Rotating joint 液压联轴器Rotor 转子Routine 例行的、日常的Routing inspection 日常检查、日常检测Routing maintenance 日常维护Run 运行Run back 返回Rundown 迫降Running conditions 运行情况Running current 工作电流Running in 试运行、试转Running/operation overhaul 临时检修SSafe安全的、可靠的、稳定的Safe potential 安全电压Safety 安全Safety cap 安全帽Safety measure 安全措施Safety rules 安全规程Safety valve 安全线Sample 取样、举例Sampler 取样器Saturate 饱和Saturate condition 饱和条件、饱和状态Saturated steam SAT STM 饱和蒸汽Scale 铁锈水垢Scan 扫描Schedule 时间表、计划表Schematic 图解的、简图Scoop 勺管Scr controller 屏幕控制器Screen 屏幕Screw 螺杆、螺丝Screwdriver 螺丝刀Scroll 滚屏Sea 海Seal 密封Seal air 密封风Sealing gland 密封盖Seal oil 密封油Seal steam SEAL STM 密封蒸汽Search 寻找、查找Seawater 海水Second 秒、第二Second air SEC AIR 二次风Secondary 二次的Seep 渗出、渗漏Seepage 渗漏现象Select 选择Self 自己、自我、本人Self-hold 自保持Self-running 自启动Sensor 传感器Sensitive 灵敏器Sensitiveness 灵敏性Separator 分离器Sequence 顺序、序列Sequence of emergence SOE 事故追忆Sequential control system SCS 顺序控制系统Series-longitudinal layout 串联纵向布置Service 服务、伺服Service power 厂用电Servomotor 伺服电机Set 设定Setpoint 设定点Set up 安装、调整、建立Severity 刚度、硬度、严重Sewage treatment 废水处理Shadow 影子、屏蔽Shaft 轴、烟囱Shaft seal 轴封Shake 摇动、振动Shakeproof 防振Shaft 轴、手柄、矿井Shaped 形状Share 共享、分配Share memory 共享存储器Sheet 表格、纸张Shell 壳Shield 屏蔽层Shift 值、替换Shift charge engineer 值班工程师Shoe 推力瓦Shortage of water 缺水Short circuit 短路Shot 发射、冲击、钢粒Shunt reactor 并联电抗器Shut off 关闭Shutdown 停止、停机Siccative 干燥剂Side 侧边Sidewall 侧墙Sifter 筛子、滤波器Signal 信号Signal lamp 信号等Sign 标记、注册Significance 意义、有效Silence 消音、沉寂Silicon SI 硅Silicon stack 硅堆Silo 灰库Single 单个的、个体的Station interface module SLM 站接口模件Simple 单纯的、简单的Similar 同样的、类似的Simulator 仿真机Single blade switch 单刀开关Sinusoid 正弦曲线Site 现场Site commissioning test 现场投运方式Size 尺寸、大小Size of memory 存储量Sketch 图纸、草图Skin effect 集肤效应Skip 空指令、跳跃Slag 结垢Sliding key 滑销Sliding press mode 消压方式Sluiceway 水沟Slurry 灰浆Smoke 烟、冒烟Smokes-stack 烟囱Smooth 平滑的、光滑的Socket 插座Soft 软的、柔软的Software 软件Solenoid SOLN 螺线圈Solid 固体Sootblower 吹灰、吹灰器Sound detection 声音探测Source 源、电源Spanner 扳手Spare 备用的、空余的Spare parts 备件、备品Specification 技术说明Specific weight 比重Speed 速度Speed protection 超速保护Spray 喷射。
工业常用的英文缩写品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序¬SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造商ODM Original Design Manufacture 原始设计制造商PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to 什么时候,什么地方,谁,社么事,为什么,什么方式6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message 人力,机台,物力,方法,规格,信息4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率DVD Digital Video Disk 数字化视频光盘VCD Video Compact Disk 视频高密光盘LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing Change 图面切换P/P Plans & Procedure 计划程序EMI Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入LED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管CIP Continuous improvement process 连续改进过程FGI Forecasted Goal Inventory 预见目标记录CNC Computerized numeral controller 数控管理B2C Business to customer 企业对客户B2B Business to business 企业对企业AVL Approved vendor list 许可商清单POP Procedure of packaging 包装规范EOL End of life 寿命中止VDCS Vender defect correcting sheet 供应商缺点改进PDCS Process defect correcting sheet 加工过程缺点改进GRN Goods receiving note 接收货物记录A/R Accounting receivable 可接受帐目A/P Accounting payable 应付帐目。
工控常用英文单词集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control Valver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪——Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Stationabort 中断,停止abnormal 异常abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具absence 失去Absence of brush 无(碳)刷Absolute ABS 绝对的Absolute atmosphere ATA 绝对大气压AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵absorptance 吸收比,吸收率acceleration 加速accelerator 加速器accept 接受access 存取accomplish 完成,达到accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组accuracy 准确,精确acid 酸性,酸的Acid washing 酸洗acknowledge 确认,响应acquisition 发现,取得action 动作Active power 有功功率actuator 执行机构address 地址adequate 适当的,充分的adjust 调整,校正Admission mode 进汽方式Aerial line 天线after 以后air 风,空气Air compressor 空压机Air duct pressure 风管压力Air ejector 抽气器Air exhaust fan 排气扇Air heater 空气加热器Air preheater 空气预热器Air receiver 空气罐Alarm 报警algorithm 算法alphanumeric 字母数字Alternating current 交流电Altitude 高度,海拔Ambient 周围的,环境的Ambient temp 环境温度ammeter 电流表,安培计Ammonia tank 氨水箱Ampere 安培amplifier 放大器Analog 模拟Analog input 模拟输入Analog-to-digital A/D 模拟转换Analysis 分析Angle 角度Angle valve 角伐Angle of lag 滞后角Angle of lead 超前角anthracite 无烟煤Anion 阴离子Anionic exchanger 阴离子交换器Anode 阳极,正极announce 通知,宣布Annual 年的,年报Annual energy output 年发电量anticipate 预期,期望Aph slow motion motor 空预器低速马达Application program 应用程序approach 近似值,接近Arc 电弧,弧光architecture 建筑物结构Area 面积,区域armature 电枢,转子衔铁Arrester 避雷器Ash 灰烬,废墟Ash handling 除灰Ash settling pond 沉渣池Ash slurry pump 灰浆泵assemble 安装,组装Assume 假定,采取,担任Asynchronous motor 异步马达atmosphere 大气,大气压Atomizing 雾化Attempt 企图Attemperater 减温器,调温器Attention 注意Attenuation 衰減,减少,降低Auto reclose 自动重合闸Auto transfer 自动转移Autoformer 自耦变压器Automatic AUTO 自动Automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器Auxiliary AUX 辅助的Auxiliary power 厂用电Available 有效的,可用的Avoid 避免,回避Avometer 万用表,安伏欧表计Axial 轴向的Axis 轴,轴线Axis disp protection 轴向位移,保护Axle 轴,车轴,心捧BBack 背后,反向的Back pressure 背压Back wash 反冲洗Back up 支持,备用Back ward 向后Baffle 隔板Bag filter 除尘布袋Balance 平衡Ball 球Ball valve 球阀Bar 巴,条杆Bar screen materialclassifier栅形滤网base 基础、根据Base load 基本负荷Base mode 基本方式Batch processing unit 批处理单元Battery 电池Bearing BRG 轴承before 在…之前bell 铃Belt 带,皮带Bend 挠度,弯曲Besel 监视孔BLAS 偏置,偏压Binary 二进制,双Black 黑色Black out 大停电,全厂停电blade 叶片Bleed 放气,放水Blocking signal 闭锁信号Blow 吹Blow down 排污Blowlamp 喷灯blue 蓝色Bms watchdogBms 看门狗,bms 监视器boiler BLR 锅炉Boiler feedwater pump BFP 锅炉给水泵Boil-off 蒸发汽化bolt 螺栓bore 孔,腔boost BST 增压,提高Boost centrifugal pump BST CEP 凝升泵Boost pump BP 升压泵Boot strap 模拟线路,辅助程序bottom 底部Bowl mill 碗式磨brash 脆性,易脆的bracket 支架,托架,括号breadth 宽度break 断开,断路breaker 断路器,隔离开关Breaker coil 跳闸线路breeze 微风,煤粉Brens-chluss 熄火,燃烧终结bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络brigade 班,组,队,大队broadcast 广播brownout 节约用电brush 电刷,刷子Brush rocker 电刷摇环Brown coal 褐煤Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护bucket 斗,吊斗Buffer tank 缓冲箱built 建立bulletin 公告,公报bump 碰,撞击bunker 煤仓burner 燃烧器Burner management system 燃烧器管理系统Bus section 母线段busbar 母线Busbar frame 母线支架buscouple 母联button 按钮Bypass/by pass BYP 旁路Bypass valve 旁路阀Ccabinet 柜cable 电缆calculator 计算器caliber 管径、尺寸、大小calorie 卡caloric 热的、热量Caloric value 发热量、热值calorific 发热的、热量的Calorific efficiency 热效率cancel 取消、省略capacitance CAPAC 电容Capacitive reactance 容抗capacity 容量、出力、能量card (电子)板、卡carrier搬运机、载波、带电粒子Carrier protection 高频保护cascade CAS 串级Case pipe 套管casine 壳、箱casual偶然的、临时、不规则的Casual inspection 不定期检查、临时检查casualty 人身事故、伤亡、故障catastrophe 灾祸、事故Catastrophe failure 重大事故Cat-pad 猫爪cathode 阴板、负极Cathode ray tube CRT 显示器Cation exchanger 阳离子交换器caution 注意Center 中心centigrade 摄氏温标Central control room 中控室Central processing unit CPU 中央处理器Centrifugal 离心的Certificate 证明书、执照Centrifugal fan 离心风机Certification of fitness 合格证书、质量证书Chamber 办公室、会议室Change 改变Channel 通道、频道Character 字符Characteristics 特性、特性曲线Charge 负荷、充电、加注Charge indicator 验电器、带电指示器Chart 图、图线图chassis 底座、机壳Chassis earth 机壳接地Check 检查Check valve CK VLV 截止线、止回线Chemical 化学Chemical dosing 化学加药Chest 室Chief 主要的、首长、首领Chief engineer 总工程师Chief operator 值班长Chimney 烟囱、烟道Chlorine 氯Circuit 电路Circuit breaker 电路断路器Circuit diagram 电路图Circular current 环流Circulating 循环Circulating water pump 循环水泵Circulating cooling water 循环冷却水Clamp 夹具、钳Clarification 澄清Class 类、等级、程度Class of insulation 绝缘等级Clean 清洁的、纯净的Cleanse 净化、洗净、消毒Clear 清除CLEARING OF FAULT 故障清除Clock interface unit CIU 时钟接口单元Clockwise 顺时针、右旋的Close 关闭Closed cooling water 闭式冷却水Closed-loop 闭环Cluster 电池组、组、群Coal 煤Coal ash 煤灰Coal breaker 碎煤机Coal consumption 耗煤量、煤耗Coal crusher 碎煤机Coal handling 输煤设备、输煤装置Coal dust 煤粉Coal-fired power plant 燃煤发电厂Coal hopper 煤斗Coal yard 煤场Coarse 粗的、不精确的Coaxial cable 同轴电缆Code 代号、密码Coil 线圈Coil pipe 蛇形管Cold 冷Cold air 冷风Cold reheater CRH 再热器冷段Cold reserve 冷备用(锅炉)Cold start 冷态启动Cold test 冷态试验Collect 收集Collecting pipe 集水管Collector 收集器Colour 颜色Colour library 颜色库Combin 合并、联合Combustion 燃烧Command 命令、指挥Commission 使投入、使投产Common 共同的、普通的Communication 联系、通讯Commutator 换向器Compensation 补偿Company CO 公司Company limited CO LTD 有限公司Complexity 复杂Complete 完成Component 元件Compress 压缩Compress air 压缩空气Compresser 压缩机Computer 计算机Concrete 混凝土制的Concurrent 同时发生的、一致的Concurrent boiler 直流锅炉Cond press 凝结器压力Condensate 冷凝、使凝结Condensate extraction pump CEP 凝结水泵Condenser COND/CNDER 凝结器Condensive reactance 容抗Condition 条件、状况Conduct 传导Conductivity 导电率Conference 会议、商讨、谈判Congealer 冷却器、冷冻器Configure 组态Connection 联接Connector 联接器、接线盒Console 控制台Consult 商量、咨询、参考Consumption 消费、消耗Consumption steam 汽耗Constant 恒定的Contact 触点Contactor 接触器、触头Contact to earth 接地、触地、碰地Content 目录Contin blwdwn 连排Continuous 连续的Contract 合同Control CNTR/CNTPL 控制Control & instrument 仪控Control loop 控制环Control oil 控制油Control panel 控制盘Controller 控制器Control stage 调节级、控制级Control valve 调节阀Conve cton sh 低温过热器Convection 对流Convertor 运输机、传输机Cool 冷的Cooler 冷却器Cooling 冷却Cooling fan 冷却风机Cooling water pump 冷却水泵Cooling tower 冷却塔Coordinate COORD 协调Coordinate boiler followmode协调的锅炉跟随方式Coordinate control system 协调控制系统Coordinate turbine followmode协调的汽机跟随方式Copy 拷贝Core 铁心、核心、磁心Core loss 铁(芯损)耗Corner 角落Correction 修正、改正Corrosion 腐蚀Cost 价格、成本、费用Cost of fuel 燃料费用Cost of upkeep 日常费用、维护费用Coupler 联轴器Coupling 耦合、联轴Couple CPL 联轴器Crane 起重机Critical 临界的Critical speed 临界速度Crusher 碎渣机Current transformer CT 电流互感器Cube 立方(体)Cubicle illumination 箱内照明Curdle 凝固Current 电流、当前Cursor 光标Curve 曲线Custom 习惯、海关Custom keys 用户键Cutter 切削工具Cyanic 青色、深蓝色Cycle 循环、周期、周波Cymometer 频率表Cyclome classifier 旋风分离器Cylinder CYL 汽缸DDaily load curve 日负荷曲线Daily load 日负荷Damage 损坏、破坏Damper DMPR 阻尼器、挡板Danger 危险、危险物Dank 潮湿Danger zone 危险区Data 数据Data base 数据库Data acquisition system DAS 数据采集系统Data highway 数据高速公路Date 日期Data pool 数据库Dc lub oil pump 直流润滑油泵Dead band 死区DeaeratorDEA/DEAE/DEAER除氧器Decimeter 分米Decrease DEC 减少Deep 深度、深的、深Default 默认、缺席Degree 度、等级Demand 要求、查问Delay 延迟Delay time 延时Delete 删除Demineralized water 除盐水Demineralizer 除盐装置Deposit 沉积结垢Desalt 除盐设备Description 说明、描述Destination 目标、目的地Desuperheater 减温器Desuperheater water DSH WTE 减温水Detail 细节Detect 发现、检定Deviate 偏离、偏差Device 设备、仪器Diagnosis 诊断Diagram 图形、图表Diagram directory 图目录Diagram number 图形号Diameter 直径Diaphragm 膜片、隔板Dielectric 介质、绝缘的Diesel generator 柴油发电机Difference 差异、差别、差额Differential protection 差动保护Diff press 差压Diff expansion DIFF EXP 胀差Differential pressure DP/DSP 差压Digital 数字的Digital electric hydraulic 电调Digital input/output 数字量输入/输出Digital-to-analog D/A 数/模转换Dioxde 二氧化碳Direct current DC 直流(电)Direct digital control DDC 直接数字控制Disassembly 拆卸Disaster 事故、故障Disc 叶轮Disaster shutdown 事故停机Discharge 排除、放电、卸载Discharge current 放电电流、泄漏电流Disconnector 隔离器、隔离开关Disconnect switch 隔离开关Discrete input/output 离散输入/输出Disk 磁盘Disk manage commands 磁盘管理命令Dispatch 调度、发送派遣Dispatcher 调度员Dispatching station 调度站(局)Disconnector 隔离器、隔离开关Discrete input/output 离散输入/输出Disk 磁盘Displacement 位移Displacement pump 活塞泵Display 显示、列屏Distance 距离Distilled water DISTL WTR 蒸馏水Distributed分布\分配\配电(水、汽)Distributed control system DCS 集散控制系统Distributed processing unit DPU 分布处理单元Distributing board 配电盘Distribution network 配电网络Distribution substation 二次变电站Disturbance 扰动Diverter vlv 切换线Divided by 除以Design 设计、发明Division 分界、部门Division wall 分割屏Documentation 文件Door 门Dosing pump 加药泵Dowel pin 定位销Down pipe 下降管Download 下载Downtime 停机时间Dozer 推土机Draft 通风、草图Drain DRN 疏水、排放Drain pump 疏水泵Drain tank 疏水箱Drawing 图样、牵引Drill 钻孔、钻头、钻床Drive 驱动、强迫Drn collector 疏水收集器Drop 站Drowned pump 潜水泵Drum 汽包Drum-type boiled 汽包式锅炉Dry 干、干燥Dual 双重的Duct 风道、管道Dust 灰尘Dust helmet 防尘罩Dust catcher 除尘器、吸尘器Duty 责任Dynamic 动态的Dynamometer 功率表EEarth 大地Earth fault 接地故障Earth connector 接地线、接地Earth lead 接地线、接地Eccentricity 偏心、扰度Econ recirc vlv 省煤器再循环线Economizer ECON 省煤器Edit 编辑Efficiency 效率Eject pump 射水泵Ejection 射出Ejector 抽气器Electric 电的Elbow 弯管、弯头Electric-hydraulic control 电/液控制Electrical 电的、电气的Electrical lockout solenoid 电磁阀锁阀vlvElectrical machine 电机Electrical service 供电Electric power industry 电力工业Electrode 电极Electric power company 电力公司Electric power system 电力系统Electronic 电子的、电子学的Electrotechnics 电工学、电工技术Electrostaic precipitator 静电除尘器Electrostatic 静电的Element 元件、零件、单元Elevation ELEV 标高Elevator 升降机Ellipse 椭圆Emergency decree 安规Emerg lub oil 事故润滑油Emerg off 事故停/关闭Emerg seal oil 事故密封油Emergency EMERG 紧急事故Emergency drain 事故疏水Emergency governet/intercepter危急遮断器Employee 雇员Empty 排空Enclosure 外壳、包围End 末端、终结End cover 端盖Energize 激励、加电Energy 能、能量Energy meter 电度表Energy source 能源Engineer keyboard 工程师键盘Engineer station 工程师站Engineer's console 工程师操作站Engineering 工程Enter 开始、使进入Entry 输入Equalizer valve 平衡线Equipment 设备Erase 删除Error 错误Escape valve 安全线Evaporate 蒸发、冷化Evaporating 蒸发量Event 事件Excess 超过、过度Excess combustion air 过剩燃烧空气Excitation 励磁Exciter 励磁机Exhaust EXH 排汽Exhaust portion 排汽段Exit 出口Expansion EXP 膨胀Expansion tank 扩容箱Expenditure 费用Expert 专家、能手Explosion 爆炸Exponent 指数幂External 外部的、表面的Extinguisher 灭火器Extinguishing medium灭弧介质Extraction check valve EXTR CHK 抽汽逆止阀VLVExtra-high voltage超高压Extend扩展、延伸Exteral外部的、表面的Extr press抽汽压力Extr temp抽汽温度Extraction EXTR抽汽FFactor因素、因数Fahrenheit华式温标Failure FAIL失败FALSE假的、错误的Fan风扇、风机Fan duty风机负荷Fast cut back FCB快速切回Fault故障Faulty operation误操作Features特点Feed馈、供给Feedback反馈Feed forward前馈Feed water给水Feed-water makeup补给水Fiber optic光纤Field磁场、现场Field operator现场运行人员Figure数字、图案File文件Filter 滤网、过滤器Filter differentialpressureFILTR DP 滤网压差Final 最后的Final super-heater FSH 末级过热器、高过Fine ash silo 细灰库Fire 燃烧、火焰Fire-proof 耐火的、防火的Fire-extinguisher 灭火器Fire-hose 消防水带Fire hydrant 消防栓Fire-fight 灭火Fireproof 防火的、阻燃的Fire pump 消防水泵First stage 第一级、首级First stage guide vane 第一级导叶Flame 火焰Flame check 火检Flame detect cable FLM DET CAB 火检电缆Flange 法兰Flange joint 法兰结合面Flank 侧翼、侧面Flash 闪光、闪烁、闪蒸Flash lamp 闪光灯Flash light 闪光Flasher 闪光装置Flexible 灵活的、柔性的Flexible joint 弹性联接器Flip-flop 触发器、双稳态电路Float-charge 浮充电Floppy disk 软磁盘Floppy driver 磁盘机Flow 流量、流动Flowmeter 流量计Flue 烟道Format 形式、格式Flue gas 烟气Fluid 液体Fly ash 飞灰Follow 跟随Forbid 禁止Force 强制Force circulation 强制循环Force draft fan 送风机Forney 福尼(公司)Forward 向前Free end 自由端Frequency 频率From 从、来自Front 前面的Fuel 燃料Fuel safety 燃料保护Full speed 额定频率Fully 充分的、完全的Function 功能Function group 功能组Furnace 炉膛Fuse 保险丝、熔断器Fuse holder 保险盒Fusible cutout 熔断开关Fw bypass 给水旁路GGAIN 增益Gang 班、组Gas 气体、烟气Gate 闸门Gate damper 闸门式挡板Gateway 入口、途径Gauge 仪表、标准Gauge float 水位、指示、浮标Gear 齿轮Gear pump 齿轮泵Gear shift housing 变速箱Gen main breaker 发电机出口总开关General control panel 总控制屏General vlv 总阀Generate 引起、产生Generator 发电机、发生器Gland 密封套Gland heater GLAND HTR 轴封加热器Gland seal 轴封Glass-paper 砂纸Goal 目的、目标Go on 继续Govern vlv GV 调速器、调节器Graphics 调节阀Grease 图形Green 绿色Grid 高压输电网、铅板Grid system 电网系统Gross rating 总出力、总额定值Ground/earth 地、大地Group 组、群Group library 组库HHalt instruction 停机指令Hangers 悬吊管Hardware 硬件Hardness 硬度、困难的Hazardous 危险的、冒险的Header 联箱Heat 热、加热Heater 加热器Heating 加热Heat rate 热效率Heat soak 暖机Hertz HZ 赫兹Hesitate HESI 暂停、犹豫High 高的、高等的、高大的High pressure HP 高压High pressure heater HPH 高压加热器History 历史Historical date reporter HDR 历史数据报告Historical storage &retrieval unitHSR历史数据报告存储与检索单元Hold 保持Home 家、处所Hopper 漏斗、料斗Hori vib(vibration) 水平振动Horizontal 水平的、横式Horse power 马力Hose 软管、水龙带Hot 热的Hot air 热风Hot rh 再热(器)热段Hot start 热态启动Hot well 热水井Hour 小时Hp cyl cross pipe 高压缸短管Hp turb exh press 高压缸排汽压力Hybrid 混合物Hydraulic 液压Hydrogen 氢(H)Hydrogen purity 氢气纯度Hydrobin/ dewatering bin 脱水仓IIdiostaic 同电位的Idle 空载的、无效的Ignition light oil 轻油点火Ignition 引燃、电火Ignitor 电火器Ignore 忽视Illustrate 说明Impeller 推进器、叶轮Impedance 阻抗Import 进口、引入Impulse 脉冲、冲击、冲量Inch IN 英寸Inching 缓动、点动Income 进线Increase INC 增加Index 索引、指示Indicator 指示器Individual 单个的、独立的Inductive reactance 感抗Input/output I/O 输入/输出Induced draft fan IDF 引风机Inductance 电感Induction motor 异步电动机Industrial water 工业水Industry 工业Inflatable seal 充气密封Inhibit 禁止Initial 最初的Inlet 入口Input group 输入组Insert 插入Inside 内侧、内部Inspection 观察、检查Install 安装Inspection hole 检查孔、人孔Installed capacity 装机容量Instantaneous 即时的、瞬时的Instantaneous power 瞬时功率Instruction 说明书、指南、指导Instrument 仪器Instrument panel 仪表盘Insulate 绝缘、绝热、隔离Insulator 绝缘子Intake 输入端、进线Integer 整数Integral 积分Intensity 强度Interpole 换向板Inter-stage extraction 中间抽头Interface 接口Interference 干扰、干涉Interlock 联锁Intermediate 中间的Internal 内部的Interrogation 质问、问号Interrupt 中断Interval 间隔Interlock auto on 联锁投自动Inverter 逆变器、反向器、非门Invoice INV 发票、发货单、托运Intermediate pressure IP 中压Intermediate relay 中间继电器Invalid 无效的、有病的Investment 投资Ion-exchange 离子交换器IP.cyl 中压缸Isolation 隔离Isolator 隔离、刀闸JJacking oil 顶轴油Jacking pump 顶轴泵Job 工作Jumper 跳线、跨接Junction box 接线盒KKey 键销、钥匙、键槽Keyboard 键盘Key library 键库Key switch 键开关Kilovolt-ampere KVA 千伏安Kink 弯曲、缠绕Knack 技巧、窍门、诀窍Knife-switch 闸刀开关LLabel 标号、标签Laboratory 实验室Labyrinth seal 迷宫密封Ladder 梯子、阶梯Ladder diagram 梯形图Lamp 灯、光源Large platen LARGE PLT 大屏Last 最后的Latch 止动销、挂闸、插锁Leak 泄漏(动词)Leakage 泄漏(名词)Left 左Length 长度Level 液位、水平Lifebelt 安全带、保险带Lift 提、升Light 光亮、点、点燃、照亮Lightning 雷电Light run 空转Lightning arrestor 避雷器Limit LMT 极限、限制Limiter 限制器、限位开关Line 线、直线Line impedance 线路阻抗Lining 衬层、内衬Linkage 连杆List 列表Liter 公升Ljungstrom trisector airpreheaters容克式空预器Load 负荷Load demand compute LDC 负荷指令计算Load impedance 负荷阻抗Load limit 负荷限制Load rejection 甩负荷Load shedding 甩负荷Loading 加负荷Load thrown on 带负荷Local 局部Local attendant 现场值班员Local repair 现场检修Local start 就地启动Local stop 就地停止Location 处所、位置Lock 闭锁、密封舱、固定Logger 记录器、拖车Logic 逻辑Long 长Loop 环、回路Loss 损失、减少Loss of excitation 励磁损失Loss of phase 失相Low 低Low press LP 低压Low press heater LPH 低压加热器Low-half 下半Lower 较低的、降低Lower heating value 低位发热量Low pressure cylinder LPC/LP CYL 低压缸Low temperature superheater LT SH 低温过热器Lub oil 润滑油Lub oil pump 润滑油泵Lubricate LUB 润滑MMagenta 品红色Magnet 磁Main主要的/主蒸汽的/电力网Main oil tank 主油箱Main screen 主屏Main steam 主蒸汽Main transformer 主变压器Maintenance 维护、检修、小修Maintenance manual 检修手册Major overhaul 大修Make up 补充(补给)Makers works 制造厂Malfunction 出错、误动、失灵Management 管理、控制、处理Manhole 人孔、检查孔、出入孔Manifold各式各样的联箱、集气管Manometer 压力表Man-machine interaction 人机对话Manual 手动、手册Manual reject MRE 手动切换Manual/Auto station M/A STATION 手动/自动切换站Mark型号、刻度、标志、特征Mass memory 大容量存储器Master 主要、控制者Master control room 主控室、中央控制室Master fuel trip MFT 主燃料跳闸Maximum 最高的、最大Maximum continue rate MCR 最大连续率Mechanocaloric 热机的Mean 平均值、中间的Mean water level 平均水位Measure 量度、测量Mechanical 机械的、力学的Mechanical trip vlv 机械跳闸阀Mechanism 机械、力学、方法Medial 中间的、平均的Mediate 间接的、调解Medium 装置、介质、工质Megawatt 兆瓦Memory 存储Metal 金属Meter 集量器、仪表、米Meter switch 仪表开关Method 方法、规律、程序Method of operation 运行方式Mica 云母Mica dielectric 云母电介质Microcallipers 千分尺Microphone 麦克风、话筒Middle MID 中间的Middle-temperature rh MT RH 中温再热器Mill 磨、磨煤机、铣刀Minimum 最小的Minor overhaul 小修Minus 减、负号Minus phase 负相位Minute 分钟Miss operation 误动作、误操作Miss trip 拒跳闸Mistake 错误、事故Mixed bed 混床Mixture 混合物Man-machine interface MMI 人机接口Modem 调制解调器Modify 修改Modulating control 调节控制Modulating valve 调节阀Module 模件Moisture 湿度、湿汽Monitor 监视器、监视Monoxide 一氧化物Month 目Motor MTR 马达Motor control center MCC 马达控制中心Motor winding 电动机组绕组Mouldproof 防霉的Mount 安装、固定Mountain cork 石棉Mouse 鼠标Move 移动Multidrop 多站Multispeed 多速Mult-multi 多、多倍Multimeter 万用表Multiplication 乘Multivibrator 多谐振荡器NName 名、名字Natural 自然的Naught line 零线Needlepoint vlv 针阀Negative 负的Negative pressure NEG PRESS 负压Neon tester 试电表Net ratine/net output 净出力Network 网络Neutral line 中性线Neutral 中性的Neutral point 中性点Next 其次的Night shift 夜班Nipper 钳子、镊子Noise 噪音No-loading 空载Nominal 标称的、额定的Nominal power 额定功率Nominal rating 标称出力、额定出力Non-return vlv 逆止线Non-work 非工作的Normal 正常的、常规的Normal closed contact 常闭触点Normal makeup wtr 正常补水Not available 无效、不能用No touch relay 无触点继电器Non-work pad / n-work pad 非工作瓦Nozzle 喷嘴Number 数字、号码、数目Number of turns 匝数Nut 螺母、螺帽OOccur 发生Odd 奇数Office 办公室Oil 油Oil breaker 油开关Oiler 注油器Oil fuel trip OFT 油燃料跳闸Oil gun 油枪Oil immersed natural 油浸自然冷却coolingOil purifier 油净化装置On-line 在线、联机的On-load test 带负荷试验On/off 开/关Onset 开始、发作Open 开、打开Open-air 露天的、开启的Open-loop 开环Open work 户外作业Operating panel 操作盘Operation 操作、运行Operational log 运行记录Operator 操作员Operator keyboard 操作员键盘Operator station 操作员站Operator's alarm console 操作员报警台Optimal 最优的、最佳的Optimal value 最佳值Optional 可选的Option switch 选择开关Orifice plate 孔板Original 初始的、原始的Oscillator 振荡器Oscilloscope 示波器Out 出、出口Outage 停用Out-of-service 为投入运行的Outlet 出口Output 产量、产品、输出Output group 输出组Outside 外边、外面Over current 过流Over load 过负荷Overload protection 过载保护Overall design 总体设计Over voltage 过压Overflow 溢流Overflow vlv station 溢流阀门站Overhaul 大修Overhaul life 大修间隙Overhead 顶部Overhead line 架空线Override 超越Overspeed 超速Overspeed trip 超速跳闸Overview 概述、总述Own demand 厂用电量Oxide film 氧化膜、氧化层Oxygen 氧PPackage 组件、包Packed group 组合组Pad 瓦、衬垫Page 页Panel 屏、盘Parameter 参数Part 部分、部件Part per million PPM 百万分率Password 口令Path 路线Peak 峰值Peak load 峰值负荷Pendant 悬吊Pendant pull switch 拉线开关Penthouse 顶棚Penumatics 汽动装置Percent PCT 百分数Percentage 百分比Perfect 完全的、理想的Perfect combustion 完全燃烧Performance 完成、执行、性能Performance calculation 性能计算Performance curve 性能曲线Periodic 周期的、循环的Periodic inspection 定期检查Peripheral 周围的Peripheral equipment 外围设备Permanent 永久的、持久的Permanent magneticgenerator永磁发电机Permit 允许Permit to work 允许开工Petrol 汽油Phase PH 阶段、状态、方面、相Phase angle 相角Phase-failure protection 断相保护Phase not together 缺相、失相Phase sequence 相序Phase-in 同步Piezometer 压力计Pitch coal 烟煤Pid drawing 流程图Pilot 导向、辅助的、控制的Pilot bearing 导向轴承Pipe 管、管道Pitch 投、掷、节距、螺距Plan 计划Plant 工场、车间Plant load factor 电厂负荷因数Plastics 塑料Platen 台板、屏式Platen superheater PLT SH 屏式过热器Plug 塞子、栓、插头Plug socket 插座Plunger 柱塞、滑阀Plunger pump 柱塞泵Plus 加Plyers 钳子、老虎钳Pneumatic 气动的Point 点Point database 测点数据库Point directory 测点目录Point name 测点名Point record 测点记录Point field 泡克区Phase voltage 相电压Pole 机、柱Policher 除盐装置Pollution 污染Pop valve 安全阀、突开阀Portion 一部分Position POS 位置Positive 确定的、正的、阳性的Potable water 饮用水Potential transformer PT 电压互感器Pound LB 磅Power PWR 功率、电源Power factor 功率因子Power plant 电厂Pre-alarm 预报警PrecipitatorPRECI/PRECIP除尘器Preheat 预热Pre light 预点火Preliminary 准备工作Present 出现Preset 预设、预置Pressure PRES 压力Primary 初级的、一次的Primary air 一次风Primary air fan PAF 一次风机Primary superheater 低温过热器Primary grid substation 主网变电站Prime 首要的Printer 打印机Principle 原理、原则Priority 优先级、优点Probe 探头Process 过程、方法Processing time 处理时间Program 程序Programmable 可编程的Programmable logicalcontrollerPLC 可编程逻辑控制器Prohibit 禁止Proportional / integral /derivativePID 比例/积分/微分Protection PROT 保护Protection bolt 危急遮断器飞锤Protection ring 危急遮断器飞环Protocol 规约(数据通信)Potential transformer PT 电压互感器Psig磅/平方英寸(表压力)Psia磅/平方英寸(绝对压力)Puffer breaker 压力式断路器Pulse 脉冲、脉动Pulverizer PULV 磨煤机Pump 泵Punch 冲床、冲压机Purge 净化、吹扫Purifier 净化器Purify 纯度Purpose 目的、用途Push and pull switch 推拉开关Push button 按钮Put into operation 投入运行Pyod 热电偶Pyrology 热工学QQ-line Q 线Quad 回芯组线Quality 质量Quartz 石英、水晶Query 询问、查询Quick 快Quicksilver 水银、汞Quick open 快开Quit 停止、离开、推出RRack earth 机壳接地Radial 径向的、半径的Radication 开方Radiator wall rh 壁式再热器Radiator 散热(辐射)器Radiation fin 散热片Raise 升高Range 范围、量程Rap 敲打Rap device (除尘器)振打装置Rapid charge 快速充电Rated 额定的、比率的Rated conditions 额定条件Rated power 额定功率Ratio 比率Raw material 原材料Ray 光线、射线Reactance 电抗、反作用Reactive capacity 无功容量Reactive power 无功功率Read out 读出、结果传达Ready 准备好Real power 有效功率Real time 实时的Rear 后面Recall 重新调用、重查Receive tank 回收箱、接收箱Recipe 处方、配方Recire/Recycle damper 再循环挡板Recirculate 再循环Reclaim 再生回收Reclosing 重合闸Recommend 介绍、建议Recording 记录、录音、唱片Recovery 恢复、再生Recovery time 恢复时间Rectification 整流、检波、调整Rectifier 整流器Red 红色Reduction 还原、缩小、降低Redundancy 冗余、多余Reference REF 参考、参照、证明书Reflux 倒流、回流Region 地域、领域Register 寄存器Regulate 调节、控制Regulating stage 调节级Regulating valve 调节阀Reheater RH 再热器Relative REL 相对的Relative expansion 相对膨胀Relay 继电器Relay panel 继电器屏Release 释放Reliability 可靠的、安全的Relief去载、卸载、释放、解除Relieve valve 安全阀、减压阀Remote 遥远的、远方的Remote select 遥控选择Remote technical center RTC 遥控技术中心Renewal 更新、更换Repair 修理Repairer 修理工、检修工Repeat 重复、反复Replacement parts 备件、替换零件Request REO 请求Require 要求Reserve parts 备件Reserved 备用的Reset 复位Resistance 阻力、电阻Resonate 谐振、调谐Response 响应Responsibility 责任Retract 可伸缩的、缩回Retractable thermoprobe 可伸缩的温度探头Retrieval 可检索的、可追忆的Return 返回Return oil 回油Reverse power 逆功率Reverse rotation 反转Review 检查Rig 安装、装配、调整Right 右Right-of-way 公用线路Ring 环Roller 辊子Roof 顶、炉顶Root 跟Rotary switch 转换开关Rotating 旋转Rotating joint 液压联轴器Rotor 转子Routine 例行的、日常的Routing inspection 日常检查、日常检测Routing maintenance 日常维护Run 运行Run back 返回Rundown 迫降Running conditions 运行情况Running current 工作电流Running in 试运行、试转Running/operation overhaul 临时检修SSafe安全的、可靠的、稳定的Safe potential 安全电压Safety 安全Safety cap 安全帽Safety measure 安全措施Safety rules 安全规程Safety valve 安全线Sample 取样、举例Sampler 取样器Saturate 饱和Saturate condition 饱和条件、饱和状态Saturated steam SAT STM 饱和蒸汽Scale 铁锈水垢Scan 扫描Schedule 时间表、计划表Schematic 图解的、简图Scoop 勺管Scr controller 屏幕控制器Screen 屏幕Screw 螺杆、螺丝Screwdriver 螺丝刀Scroll 滚屏Sea 海Seal 密封Seal air 密封风Sealing gland 密封盖Seal oil 密封油Seal steam SEAL STM 密封蒸汽Search 寻找、查找Seawater 海水Second 秒、第二Second air SEC AIR 二次风Secondary 二次的Seep 渗出、渗漏Seepage 渗漏现象Select 选择Self 自己、自我、本人Self-hold 自保持Self-running 自启动Sensor 传感器Sensitive 灵敏器Sensitiveness 灵敏性Separator 分离器Sequence 顺序、序列Sequence of emergence SOE 事故追忆Sequential control system SCS 顺序控制系统Series-longitudinal layout 串联纵向布置Service 服务、伺服Service power 厂用电Servomotor 伺服电机Set 设定Setpoint 设定点Set up 安装、调整、建立Severity 刚度、硬度、严重Sewage treatment 废水处理Shadow 影子、屏蔽Shaft 轴、烟囱Shaft seal 轴封Shake 摇动、振动Shakeproof 防振Shaft 轴、手柄、矿井Shaped 形状Share 共享、分配Share memory 共享存储器Sheet 表格、纸张Shell 壳Shield 屏蔽层Shift 值、替换Shift charge engineer 值班工程师Shoe 推力瓦Shortage of water 缺水Short circuit 短路Shot 发射、冲击、钢粒Shunt reactor 并联电抗器Shut off 关闭Shutdown 停止、停机Siccative 干燥剂Side 侧边Sidewall 侧墙Sifter 筛子、滤波器Signal 信号Signal lamp 信号等Sign 标记、注册Significance 意义、有效Silence 消音、沉寂Silicon SI 硅Silicon stack 硅堆Silo 灰库Single 单个的、个体的Station interface module SLM 站接口模件Simple 单纯的、简单的Similar 同样的、类似的Simulator 仿真机Single blade switch 单刀开关Sinusoid 正弦曲线Site 现场Site commissioning test 现场投运方式Size 尺寸、大小Size of memory 存储量Sketch 图纸、草图Skin effect 集肤效应Skip 空指令、跳跃Slag 结垢Sliding key 滑销Sliding press mode 消压方式Sluiceway 水沟Slurry 灰浆Smoke 烟、冒烟Smokes-stack 烟囱Smooth 平滑的、光滑的Socket 插座Soft 软的、柔软的Software 软件Solenoid SOLN 螺线圈Solid 固体Sootblower 吹灰、吹灰器Sound detection 声音探测Source 源、电源Spanner 扳手Spare 备用的、空余的Spare parts 备件、备品Specification 技术说明Specific weight 比重Speed 速度Speed protection 超速保护Spray 喷射。
工業常用的英文縮寫2010/02/06 10:24:12瀏覽6631|回應1|推薦3品質人員名稱類QC quality control 品質管理人員FQC final quality control 終點品質管制人員IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品質管制人員OQC output quality control 最終出貨品質管制人員IQC incoming quality control 進料品質管制人員TQC total quality control 全面質量管理POC passage quality control 段檢人員QA quality assurance 質量保證人員OQA output quality assurance 出貨質量保證人員QE quality engineering 品質工程人員品質保證類FAI first article inspection 新品首件檢查FAA first article assurance 首件確認CP capability index 能力指數CPK capability process index 模具製程能力參數SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供應商品質評估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC運作類AQL Acceptable Quality Level 運作類允收品質水準S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 極嚴重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 輕微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務P/N Part Number 料號L/N Lot Number 批號AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一制程統計品管專類SPC Statistical Process Control 統計製程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直徑N Number 樣品數其它品質術語類QIT Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組ZD Zero Defect 零缺點QI Quality Improvement 品質改善QP Quality Policy 目標方針TQM Total Quality Management 全面品質管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件類ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求(客戶)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知PMP Product Management Plan 生產管制計劃SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 製程檢驗標準程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 製造作業規範IS Inspection Specification 成品檢驗規範BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範SPEC Specification 規格DWG Drawing 圖面系統文件類ES Engineering Standard 工程標準CGOO China General PCE龍華廠文件IWS International Workman Standard 工藝標準ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準化組織GS General Specification 一般規格部類PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PCC Product control center 生產管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 資料中心QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)PD Product Department 生產部LAB Laboratory 實驗室IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程R&D Research & Design 設計開發部生產類PCs Pieces 個(根,塊等)PRS Pairs 雙(對等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 棧板PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單MO Manufacture Order 生產單D/C Date Code 生產日期碼ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批號P/N Part Number 料號OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備製造PC Personal Computer 個人電腦CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件N/A Not Applicable 不適用QTY Quantity 數量I/O input/output 輸入/輸出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許APP Approve 核準,認可,承認CHK Check 確認ASS'Y Assembly 裝配,組裝T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 電源箱DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃OS Operation System 作業系統TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 電子音樂工業Electrical Magnetic Interference 電子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 讀頻輸入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 發光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordCIP Continuous improvement process FGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controller B2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessA VL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheet PDCS Process defect correcting sheet GRN Goods receiving noteA/R Accounting receivableA/P Accounting payable專業詞匯通用類president董事長operator作業員position職務general manager總經理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副課長group leader組長line leader線長supervisor 課長responsible department負責單位Human Resources Department人力資源部Head count 人頭數production department生產部門planning department企劃部QC Section品管課stamping factory沖壓廠painting factory烤漆廠molding factory成型廠administration/general affairs dept./總務部production unit生產單位meeting minutes會議記錄distribution department分發單位subject主題conclusion結論decision items決議事項pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日Color management 顏色管理Visual management 目視管理production capacity生產力first count初盤first check初盤復櫂second count 復盤second check復盤復核quantity of physical inventory second count 復盤點數量physical inventory盤點數量physical count quantity帳面數量difference quantity差異量spare parts physical inventory list備品盤點清單cause analysis原因分析waste materials廢料description品名specification 規格model機種work order工令revision版次remark備注registration登記registration card登記卡to control管制application form for purchase請購單consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填寫to collect, to gather收集statistics統計cosmetic inspection standard 外觀檢驗規範computer case 電腦外殼(組件)personal computer enclosure 電腦機箱產品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫?si| 基座bezel panel面板Hood 上蓋?base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 擴充卡flat cable 排線TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 樹脂膜raw materials原料materials物料steel plate鋼板roll/coil material捲料spare parts =buffer備品plastic parts塑膠件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 沖件material check list物料檢查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods處理品warehouse/hub倉庫packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket膠筐flow chart流程表單production tempo生產進度現狀lots of production生產批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修訂to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切換engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶頸glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套Band-Aid創可貼Industrial alcohol工業酒精broom掃把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸塵器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison聯絡單rags抹布lamp holder燈架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 氣管delivery deadline交貨期die worker模工production, to produce生產equipment設備resistance電阻beacon警示燈coolant冷卻液crusher破碎機club car高爾夫球車plate電鍍power button電源按鍵reset button重置鍵forklift叉車Workshop traveler 天車trailer =long vehicle拖板車Hydraulic trolley手壓車hydraulic hand jack油壓板車casing = containerization裝箱velocity速度patent專利coordinate座標supply and demand供求career card履歷卡barricade隔板carton box紙箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作間sub-line支線bottleneck 瓶頸模具工程類plain die簡易模pierce die沖孔模forming die成型模progressive die連續模stage die工程模compound die復合模shearing die剪邊模riveting die鉚合模feature die公母模male die公模female die母模cavity型控母模core模心公模die change 換模to fix a die裝模to repair a die修模punch set上模座punch pad上墊板punch holder上夾板stripper pad脫料背板up stripper上脫料板upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下墊板die holder下夾板die set下模座bottom block下墊腳bottom plate下托板(底板)upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上墊板top plate上托板(頂板)top block上墊腳stripping plate內外打(脫料板)outer stripper外脫料板inner stripper內脫料板lower stripper下脫料板punch沖頭insert入塊(嵌入件)deburring punch壓毛邊沖子groove punch壓線沖子stamped punch字模沖子round punch圓沖子special shape punch異形沖子bending block折刀roller滾軸baffle plate擋塊located block定位塊supporting block for location定位支承塊air cushion plate氣墊板air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿trimming punch切邊沖子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加強筋衝子ribbon punch壓筋沖子reel-stretch punch卷圓壓平沖子guide plate定位板sliding block滑塊sliding dowel block滑塊固定塊die locker鎖模器pressure plate =plate pinch壓板thickness gauge厚薄規cutting die, blanking die沖裁模die block模塊folded block折彎塊sliding block滑塊location pin定位銷lifting pin頂料銷die plate, front board模板padding block墊塊stepping bar墊條panel board鑲塊to load a die裝上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate活動板lower sliding plate下滑塊板upper holder block上壓塊upper mid plate上中間板spring box彈簧箱spring-box eject-rod彈簧箱頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板bushing block襯套cover plate蓋板guide pad導料塊pilot導正筒trim剪外邊pierce剪內邊pocket for the punch head挂鉤槽slug hole廢料孔radius半徑shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺絲form block折刀round pierce punch =die button圓沖子shape punch =die insert異形子stock located block定位塊metal plate鈑金miller銑床grinder磨床tolerance公差score =groove壓線sliding block滑塊lathe車active plate活動板baffle plate擋塊cover plate蓋板groove punch壓線沖子air-cushion eject-rod氣墊頂桿spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板capability能力parameter參數factor系數driller鉆床set up die架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device類模器inner guiding post內導柱inner hexagon screw內六角螺釘dowel pin固定銷coil spring彈簧lifter pin頂料銷eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin銷lifter guide pin浮升導料銷guide pin導正銷wire spring圓線彈簧outer guiding post外導柱stop screw止付螺絲located pin定位銷outer bush外導套press specification沖床規格die height閉模高度flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺紋套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺絲stripper plate脫料板piston活塞handle mold手持式模具flash mold溢流式模具positive mold擠壓式模具split mold分割式模具die lifter舉模器top stop上死點bottom stop下死點one stroke一行程to continue, cont.連動to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block定位塊reset復位to file burr 銼毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| |l?mp|鑲塊stamping-missing漏沖to tight a bolt擰緊螺栓to loosen a bolt擰鬆螺栓punched hole沖孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切邊to bending折彎to pull, to stretch拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印stamping 油印to stake鉚合designing, to design設計design modification 設計脩改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal踩踏板stopper阻擋器flow board流水板torque扭矩spline =the multiple keys花鍵quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel鎢高速的moly high speed steel鉬高速的forming成型(抽击,沖击)draw hole抽孔bending折彎emboss击點dome击圓semi-shearing半剪stamp mark沖記號deburr or coin壓毛邊punch riveting沖壓鉚合side stretch側沖壓平reel stretch卷圓壓平groove壓線stamp letter沖字(料號)tick-mark nearside正面壓印tick-mark farside反面壓印沖壓類punch, press沖punching machine 沖床hydraulic machine油壓機jack升降機decoiler整平機manufacture management製造管理stamping, press沖壓feeder送料機rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料機to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skr?pid|報廢scrape ..v.刮;削robot機械手production line流水線packaging tool打包機packaging打包成型類well type蓄料井insulated runner絕緣澆道方式hot runner熱澆道runner plat澆道模塊valve gate閥門澆口band heater環帶狀的電熱器spindle閥針spear head鉋尖頭slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排氣道welding line熔合痕eject pin頂出針knock pin頂出銷return pin回位銷反頂針sleeve套筒stripper plate脫料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate澆道脫料板guide pin導銷eject rod (bar)(成型機)頂業捧subzero深冷處理three plate三極式模具runner system澆道系統stress crack應力電裂orientation定向sprue gate射料澆口,直澆口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料頭鉤銷(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate側澆口edge gate側緣澆口tab gate搭接澆口film gate薄膜澆口flash gate閘門澆口slit gate縫隙澆口fan gate扇形澆口dish gate因盤形澆口diaphragm gate隔膜澆口ring gate環形澆口submarine gate潛入式澆口tunnel gate隧道式澆口pin gate針點澆口runner less無澆道sprue less 無射料管方式long nozzle延長噴嘴方式spur澆口;溶waste廢料board看板sliding rack滑料架to impose lines壓線to compress, compressing壓縮character die字模to feed, feeding送料material change, stock change材料變更feature change 特性變更prepare for, make preparations for 準備rotating speed, revolution轉速abnormal handling異常處理組裝類Assembly line組裝線Layout布置圖Conveyer流水線運輸帶Rivet machine拉釘機Rivet gun拉釘槍Screw driver起子Electric screw driver電動起子Hydraulic machine 液壓機Pneumatic screw driver氣動起子automation自動化to stake, staking, riveting鉚合add lubricant oil加潤滑油argon welding氬焊cylinder油缸robot機械手conveying belt輸送帶transmission rack輸送架to draw holes抽孔bolt螺栓nut 螺母screw 螺絲identification tag標示單screwdriver plug起子插座automatic screwdriver電動啟子to move, to carry, to handle搬運be put in storage入庫packing包裝staker = riveting machine鉚合機fit together組裝在一起fasten鎖緊(螺絲)fixture 夾具(治具)pallet/skid棧板barcode條碼barcode scanner條碼掃描器fuse together熔合fuse machine/heat stake熱熔機processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交貨to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods退貨easily damaged parts易損件standard parts標準件to lubricate潤滑spring 彈簧spare tools location/buffer手工備品倉spare molds location模具備品倉tox machine自鉚機烤漆類phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脫脂main manifold主集流脈organic solvent有機溶劑demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速傳遞heat dissipation熱傳rack上料volatile揮發性degrease脫脂rinse水洗alkaline etch齡咬desmot剝黑膜D.I. rinse純水次Chromate鉻酸處理Anodize陽性處理seal封孔scraped products報放品disposed products處理品dismantle the die折模auxiliary function輔助功能heater band 加熱片thermocouple熱電偶derusting machine除銹機degate打澆口dryer烘干機induction感應induction light感應光response =reaction =interaction感應ram連杆edge finder巡邊器concave击convex凹cold slug冷塊blush 導色gouge溝槽;鑿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line證示線grit沙礫granule =pellet =grain細粒sand blasting噴沙grit maker抽粒機cushion緩沖fillet鑲;嵌邊roller pin formality滾針形式cam driver鍘楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄軸品質類qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part來件不良exposed metal/bare metal金屬裸露excessive defect過多的缺陷critical defect極嚴重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合規格cosmetic defect外觀不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑絲missing part漏件wrong part錯件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking鉚合不良deficient purchase來料不良deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良cosmetic inspection外觀檢查inner parts inspection內部檢查blister 氣泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 壓痕scratch 刮傷deformation 變形filings 鐵削defective label 不良標簽abrasion 磨損Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 斷裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 銀紋gas mark焦痕delaminating起鱗speckle斑點mildewed =moldy = mouldy發霉deformation變形burr(金屬)flash(塑件)毛邊poor staking鉚合不良excessive gap間隙過大grease/oil stains油污inclusion雜質shrinking/shrinkage縮水mixed color雜色fold of packaging belt打包帶折皺painting make-up補漆discoloration羿色water spots水漬impurity 雜質Mismatch 錯位failure, trouble 故障deformation 變形rust 生銹peel 脫漆Shrink 縮水Contamination 臟污water spots 水漬Gap 間隙label error 標簽錯誤Missing label 漏貼rejection criteria 拒收標准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 損傷、磨損Texture surface 印花紋表面Streak 條紋stains 污點Blotch 斑點discoloration 脫色Inclusion 雜質slug mark 壓痕dirt grime 灰塵blush 毛邊薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 貼紙與商標Configuration labels 組合貼紙corrugated container 瓦擺紙箱Delaminating 脫層splattering 散點Gouge 銼孔puckering 折痕。
工业控制常用英语单词及缩写集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(R TU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control V alver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪—— Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station。
Engineering 工程 / Process 工序(制程)4M&1E Man, Machine, Method, Material, Environment 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导致或造成问题的根本原因AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机ASSY Assembly 制品装配ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备BL Baseline 参照点BM Benchmark 参照点BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单C&ED/CAED Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施CAD Computer-aided Design 电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体的软件CCB Change Control Board 对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改的小组CI Continuous Improvement 依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续改善COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法.CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间DFM Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性DFMEA Design Failure Mode and EffectAnalysis 设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施DFSS Design for Six Sigma 六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性DFT Design for Test 产品的设计对测试的适合性DOE Design of Experiment 实验设计-- 用于证明某种情况是真实的DPPM Defective Part Per Million 根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良品的标准DV Design Verification / Design Validation 设计确认ECN Engineering Change Notice 客户要求的工程更改或内部所发出的工程更改文件ECO Engineering Change Order 客户要求的工程更改ESD Electrostatic Discharge 静电发放-由两种不导电的物品一起摩擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备FI Final Inspection 在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产品作最后检查F/T Functional Test 测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分析FCT Functional Test 功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设计的一样FFF Fit Form Function 符合产品的装配,形状和外观及功能要求FFT Final Functional Test 包装之前,在生产线上最后的功能测试FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 失效模式与后果分析-- 预测问题的发生可能性并且对之采取措施FPY First Pass Yield 首次检查合格率FTY First Test Yield 首次测试合格率FW Firmware 韧体(软件硬化)-控制产品功能的软件HL Handload 在波峰焊接之前,将PTH元件用手贴装到PCB上,和手插机相同I/O Input / Output 输入 / 输出iBOM Indented Bill of Material 内部发出的BOM(依照客户的BOM)ICT In-circuit Test 线路测试-- 用电气和电子测试来检查PCBA短路,开路,少件,多件和错件等等不良IFF Information Feedback Form 情报联络书-反馈信息所使用的一种表格IR Infra-red 红外线KPIV Key Process Input Variable 主要制程输入可变因素-在加工过程中,所有输入的参数/元素,将影响制成品的质量的可变因素KPOV Key Process Output Variable 主要制程输出可变因素-在加工过程中,所有输出的结果,所呈现的产品品质特征。
工业控制常用英语单词及缩写集散控制系统——Distributed Control System(DCS)现场总线控制系统——Fieldbus Control System(FCS)监控及数据采集系统——Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition(SCADA)可编程序控制器——Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)楼宇自动化系统——Building Automation System人机界面——Human Machine Interface(HMI)工控机——Industrial Personal Computer(IPC)单片机——Single Chip Microprocessor计算机数控(CNC)远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)上位机——Supervisory Computer图形用户界面(GUI)人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)智能终端——Intelligent Terminal模糊控制——Fuzzy Control组态——Configuration仿真——Simulation冗余——Redundant客户/服务器——Client/Server网络——Network设备网——DeviceNET基金会现场总线——foundation fieldbus(FF)现场总线——Fieldbus以太网——Ethernet变频器——Inverter脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)伺服驱动器——Servo Driver软起动器——Soft Starter步进——Step-by-Step控制阀——Control Valver流量计——Flowmeter仪表——Instrument记录仪——Recorder传感器——Sensor智能传感器——Smart Sensor智能变送器——Smart Transducer虚拟仪器——Virtual Instrument主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station。
远程测控终端——Remote Terminal Unit(RTU)
上位机——Supervisory Computer
人工智能——Artificial Intelligent(AI)
智能终端——Intelligent Terminal
脉宽调制——Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)
伺服驱动器——Servo Driver
软起动器——Soft Starter
控制阀——Control Valver
可编程计算机控制器——Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)
工厂自动化——Factory Automation(FA)
过程自动化——Process Automation(PA)
办公自动化——Office Automation(OA)
管理信息系统——Management Information System(MIS)
记录仪—— Recorder
智能传感器——Smart Sensor
智能变送器——Smart Transducer
虚拟仪器 ——Virtual Instrument
主站/从站——Master Station/Slave station
操作员站/工程师站/管理员站——Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station
工业控制专用英语,缩写大全质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordCIP Continuous improvement processFGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheetPDCS Process defect correcting sheetGRN Goods receiving noteA/R Accounting receivableA/P Accounting payable通用类president董事长operator作业员position职务general manager总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副课长group leader组长line leader线长supervisor 课长responsible department负责单位Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人头数production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管课stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂administration/general affairs dept./总务部production unit生产单位meeting minutes会议记录distribution department分发单位subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日Color management 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理production capacity生产力first count初盘first check初盘复棹second count 复盘second check复盘复核quantity of physical inventory second count 复盘点数量physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity账面数量difference quantity差异量spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单cause analysis原因分析waste materials废料description品名specification 规格model机种work order工令revision版次remark备注registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填写to collect, to gather收集statistics统计cosmetic inspection standard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)personal computer enclosure 计算机机箱产品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫æsi| 基座bezel panel面板Hood 上盖base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 扩充卡flat cable 排线TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 树脂膜raw materials原料materials物料steel plate钢板roll/coil material卷料spare parts =buffer备品plastic parts塑料件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 冲件material check list物料检查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐flow chart流程窗体production tempo生产进度现状lots of production生产批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶颈glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套Band-Aid创可贴Industrial alcohol工业酒精broom扫把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison联络单rags抹布lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadline交货期die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备resistance电阻beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机club car高尔夫球车plate电镀power button电源按键reset button重置键forklift叉车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle拖板车Hydraulic trolley手压车hydraulic hand jack油压板车casing = containerization装箱velocity速度patent专利coordinate坐标supply and demand供求career card履历卡barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作间sub-line支线bottleneck 瓶颈模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模stage die工程模compound die复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模feature die公母模male die公模female die母模cavity型控母模core模心公模die change 换模to fix a die装模to repair a die修模punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板) upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚stripping plate内外打(脱料板) outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块die locker锁模器pressure plate =plate pinch压板thickness gauge厚薄规cutting die, blanking die冲裁模die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条panel board镶块to load a die装上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔radius半径shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀round pierce punch =die button圆冲子shape punch =die insert异形子stock located block定位块metal plate钣金miller铣床grinder磨床tolerance公差score =groove压线sliding block滑块lathe车active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板capability能力parameter参数factor系数driller钻床set up die架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device类模器inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套press specification冲床规格die height闭模高度flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝stripper plate脱料板piston活塞handle mold手持式模具flash mold溢流式模具positive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具die lifter举模器top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block定位块reset复位to file burr 锉毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| mp|镶块 |lstamping-missing漏冲to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to loosen a bolt拧松螺栓punched hole冲孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印stamping 油印to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification 设计修改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板torque扭矩spline =the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole抽孔bending折弯emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线stamp letter冲字(料号)tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压类punch, press冲punching machine 冲床hydraulic machine油压机jack升降机decoiler整平机manufacture management制造管理stamping, press冲压feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料机to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削robot机械手production line流水线。
常用缩写及解释AMS Alarm Management System报警管理系统APC Advanced Process Control高级过程控制BEM Battery Extension Module电源扩展模块BOG Boil Off Gas气体蒸发C&E Cause and Effect起因和影响CAS Cascade级联CAT5 Category 5 type cable 5类线CCB Central Control Building中心控制大楼CCR Central Control Room中心控制室CCTV Closed Circuit Television闭路电视CP Control Panel控制面板CPM DCS Controller (C200)DCS 控制器(C200)CPU Central Processing Unit中央处理器CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波监听多路访问/冲突检测CV Control Valve控制阀DCS Distributed Control System集散控制系统DIN Deutsche Industries Norm (German Industrial Standard) Deutsche工业标准(德国工业标准)DP Differential Pressure微分压力EEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users Association 工程设备和材料用户协会EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility电磁兼容性ESD Emergency Shutdown紧急停车EWS Engineering WorkStation工程工作站F&G Fire And Gas火气FAT Factory Acceptance Test工厂验收测试FB Functional Block功能模块FGS Fire And Gas System火气系统FIM Field Information Management现场信息管理FIR Field Instrument Room现场设备室FSC Shielded twisted pair故障安全控制器FTA Field Terminal Assembly现场集线端子FTB Field Terminal Block现场模块端子FTE Fault Tolerant Ethernet容错以太网FTEB FTE Bridge Module FTE 网桥模块GPS Global Positioning System全球定位系统GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic玻璃钢HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer高速可编址远程传感器HEC Honk Kong Electric香港电气HKCG Hong Kong China Gas中国香港燃气HMI Human Machine Interface人机界面HVAC Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning暖通和空调I/O Input /Output输入/输出IEC International Electro-technical Commission国际电工委员会IOLIM IO Link Interface Module IO 接口模块IOLIM IOs – IO link Interface Module IOs – IO 接口模块IP Ingress Protection入口保护IR Infra-red红外IRP Interposing Relay Panel插入式继电器盘IS Intrinsically Safe本质安全JCR Jetty Control Room码头控制室LAN Local Area Network本地网络LFAP Local Fire Alarm Panel本地火警面版LNG Liquefied Natural Gas液化天然气LTD Level, Temperature, Density combined measurement of LNG tanks LNG罐的液位,温度,密度综合测量MAC Manual Alarm Call point手动报警点MAN Manual手动MC Marshalling Cabinet集线柜MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker小型回路断路器MCC Motor Control Centre电机控制中心MFAP Main Fire Alarm Panel主火警面版MIS Management Information System信息管理系统MMS Maintenance Management System维护管理系统MOS Maintenance Override Switch维护超控开关MOV Motor Operated Valve电机操作阀MTBF Mean Time Between Failures平均故障间隔时间MTO Material Take Off材料提取MTTR Mean Time To Repair平均修复时间MV Measured Value测量值NG Natural Gas天然气NIS Non Intrinsically Safe非本质安全NPS Nominal Pipe Size标定管道尺寸NTP Net Time Protocol网络时间协议OOS Operational Override Switch可操超控开关OP Output输出OPC Object Linking And Embedding For Process Control基于过程控制的嵌入式对象连接ORV Open Rack Vaporizer开架蒸馏器OTS Operator Training Simulator操作员培训模拟器P&ID Process And Instrument Diagram过程和仪表图PCN Plant Control Network工厂控制网络PIN Plant Information Network工厂信息网络PKS Process knowledge system (Honeywell control system)过程知识系统(Honeywell 控制系统)PLC Programmable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器PRT Printer打印机PSU Power Supply Unit电源单元PTFE Polytetrafluoroethane聚四氟乙烯PV Process Value过程阀RM Redundancy Module冗余模块RM Redundancy Module冗余模块RPS Rack Power Supply机架电源RTD Resistance Temperature Detector电阻温度探测器RTIS Real Time Information System实时信息系统RTU Remote Transmission Unit远程传送单元SAT Site Acceptance Test现场验收测试SCADA System of Control And Data Acquisition监视控制与数据采集系统SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporiser水下燃烧蒸馏器SER Sequence Of Event Recorder事件记录序列SIGTTO Society Of International Gas Tanker And Terminal Operators国际液化气船及码头经营人协会SIL Safety Integrity Level安全整合等级SIS Safety Instrumented System安全仪表化系统SP Set Point设置点SS Stainless Steel不锈钢STP Shielded Twisted Pair屏蔽双绞线TC Thermocouple热电偶TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol传输控制协议/网际协议TDAS Tank Data Acquisition System罐数据采集系统TFT Thin Film Technology薄膜技术UCP Unit Control Panel (Packaged Equipment)单元控制面板(打包设备) UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply不间断电源VAC Volts Alternating Current交流电压VCB Vaccum Control Breaker真空控制断路器VDC Volts – Direct Current直流电压VDU Visual Display Unit视频显示装置VESDA Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus烟尘预报侦测仪VFC Volt Free Contact电压自由触点VSD Variable Speed Drive变速驱动器WAN Wide Area Network广域网。
品质人员名称类 QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员 IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员 OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员 IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员 TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 POC passage quality control 段检人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类 FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查 FAA first article assurance 首件确认 CP capability index 能力指数 SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估 FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 FQC运作类 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准 S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小 ACC Accept 允收 REE Reject 拒收 CR Critical 极严重的 MAJ Major 主要的 MIN Minor 轻微的 Q/R/SQuality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务 P/N Part Number 料号 L/N Lot Number 批号 AOD Accept On Deviation 特采 UAI Use As It 特采 FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告 PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制 SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 N Number 样品数其它品质术语类 QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组 ZD Zero Defect 零缺点 QI Quality Improvement 品质改善 QP Quality Policy 目标方针 TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理 RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可 7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类 ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户 PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知 PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划 SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序? SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范 IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范 BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单 PS Package Specification 包装规范 SPEC Specification 规格 DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类 ES Engineering Standard 工程标准 IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织 GS General Specification 一般规格部类 PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制 PCC Product control center 生产管制中心 PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制 MC Material Control 物料控制 DC Document Center 资料中心 QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部 QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处 QC Quality Control 质量管理(课 PD Product Department 生产部 LAB Laboratory 实验室 IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程 R&D Research & Design设计开发部生产类 PCs Pieces 个(根,块等 PRS Pairs 双(对等 CTN Carton 卡通箱 PAL Pallet/skid 栈板 PO Purchasing Order 采购订单 MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码 ID/C Identification Code (供货商识别码 SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求 L/N Lot Number 批号 P/N Part Number 料号 OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造商 ODM Original Design Manufacture 原始设计制造商 PC Personal Computer 个人计算机 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器 A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的 E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件 N/A Not Applicable 不适用 QTY Quantity 数量 I/O input/output 输入/输出 NG Not Good 不行,不合格 C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许 APP Approve 核准,认可,承认 CHK Check 确认 ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装 T/P True Position 真位度 5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to 什么时候,什么地方,谁,社么事,为什么,什么方式 6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message 人力,机台,物力,方法,规格,信息 4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源 SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证 DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证 SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证 LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率DVD Digital Video Disk 数字化视频光盘 VCD Video Compact Disk 视频高密光盘LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造 CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程 PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板 CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告 NG Not Good 不良 WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求 PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养 MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划 OS Operation System 操作系统 TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺 D/C Drawing Change 图面切换 P/P Plans & Procedure 计划程序 EMI Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰 RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入 LED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管 CIP Continuous improvement process 连续改进过程 FGI Forecasted Goal Inventory 预见目标记录CNC Computerized numeral controller 数控管理 B2C Business to customer 企业对客户B2B Business to business 企业对企业 AVL Approved vendor list 许可商清单 POP Procedure of packaging 包装规范 EOL End of life 寿命中止 VDCS Vender defect correcting sheet 供应商缺点改进 PDCS Process defect correcting sheet 加工过程缺点改进 GRN Goods receiving note 接收货物记录 A/R Accounting receivable 可接受帐目A/P Accounting payable 应付帐目。
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integral control 积分控制
integral controller 积分控制器;I控制器
integral electric actuator 积分式电动执行机构
integral feedback 积分反馈
伺服驱动器――Servo Driver
软起动器――Soft Starter
控制阀――Control Valver
记录仪―― Recorder
智能传感器――Smart Sensor
可编程序控制器――Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)
可编程计算机控制器――Programmable Computer Controller(PCC)
工厂自动化――Factory Automation(FA)
过程自动化――Process Automation(PA)
Step zero:粗调零点 Fine zero:细调零点
Step span:粗调量程 Fine span:细调量程
electrical signal 电信号
electrodynamic instrument 电动系仪表
electromagnetic element 电磁元件
input-output device 输入输出设备
input-output unit 输入输出设备
input signal 输入信号
input terminal 输入端
input unit 输入设备
insert length 插入长度
instability 不稳定性
installation conditions 安装条件
flow chart 流程图表
flow diagram 流程图
flow coefficient 流量系数 flow control 流量控制
flow measuring device 流量测量装置
flow nozzle 流量喷嘴
flow profile 流动剖面
flow rate of mobile phase 流动相流速
flangeless valve 无法兰阀
flicker 闪烁
float 浮子
float level measuring device 浮子液位测量装置
float level reguator 浮子型液位调节阀
float level transducer[sensor] 浮子―干簧管液位传感器
installed diaphragm pressure range 安装流量特性
nstruction 指令
instrument constant 仪表常数
instrument front 仪表面板
instrument lead 仪表导线
instrument security factor 仪表的安全因数
globe valve 球形阀
high-level language 高级语言
high limiting control 上限控制
high-low action 高低作用
high-low signal selector 高低信号选择器
high-revovery valve 高压力恢复阀
failure valve position 阀断源位置
fault 故障
feedback 反馈
feedback compensation 反馈补偿
feedback control 反馈控制
feedback controller 反馈控制器
feedback elements 反馈元件
instrumental background 仪器本底
instrumental error 仪器误差
insulation material 绝缘物;绝缘材料
integral action;I-action 积分作用;I-作用
integral action coefficient 积分作用系数
客户/服务器――Client / Server
基金会现场总线―― foundation fieldbus(FF)
脉宽调制――Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
final controlling element 终端控制元件;执行器
fixed(measuring)instrument 固定式(测量)仪表fixed set point control 定值控制
fixed set point control system 定值控制系统
flame proof enclsoure(Ex d) 隔爆外壳(Ex d)
electromagnetic flowmeter 电磁流量计
exposed junction type sheathed thermocouple 露端型铠装热电偶
externally---piloted regulator 组合指挥器操作型自力式调节阀
Fahrenheit 华氏度
feedback gain 反馈增益 feedback loop 反馈回路
feedback path 反馈通路 feedforward 前馈
compensation 前馈补偿
feedforward control 前馈控制下
feedforward path 前馈通路
feedover 馈越
industrial control system 工业控制系统
industrial data processing 工业数据处理
industrial process 工业过程
initial program loader(IPL) 初始程序的装入程序
initial state 初(始状)态
indicated value 指示值
indicating device 指示装置;指示机构
indicating instrument 指示仪器仪表
indicating(measuring)instrument (测量仪器仪表)的示值
indication point 指示点
indication range 示值范围
initialization 初始化
initialize 初始化
initiator 启动站
inlet filter (减压器的)过滤器
input/output operation 输入/输出操作
input/output port 输入/输出端口
input-output channel 输入输出通道
智能变送器――Smart Transducer
虚拟仪器 ―― Virtual Instrument
主站/从站――Master Station / Slave station
操作员站/工程师站/管理员站―― Operator Station / Engineer Station / Manager Station
historical trend panel 历史趋势画面
hit 命中
host computer 主计算机hystersis 回差
hysteresis error 滞环误差;滞后误差
hysteresis error plus dead band 回差
I/O channel 输入输出出通道
flow-rate range 流量范围
fluctuation 波动(度)
fluid damping galvanometer 液体阻尼振动子
fluidic flowmeter 射流流量计
flutter 颤振
frequency 频率
gate 闸门
gate-type lowmeter 闸门式流量计
indicative mark 指示标志
indicator 指示仪
indirect ancting instrument 间接作用仪表
indirect(method of )measurement 间接测量(法)
industrial automation 工业自动化
industrial control 工业控制
人工智能――Artificial Intelligent(AI)
智能终端――Intelligent Terminal
模糊控制――Fuzzy Control
fiducial error 引用误差
fiducial value 引用值,基值
field 字段;现场
fieldbus 现场总线
fieldbuscontrol system(FCS) 现场总线控制系统
file 文件;文卷
file maintenance 文卷维护
fieldbus 现场总线
instrument with contacts 带触点仪表
instrument with locking device 带有锁定装置的仪表