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B.4 Gear reducer data sheet 加速器数据表

Manufacturers are recommended to use this form below when providing gear reducer information. 在提供减速器信息的时候,推荐制造商采用如下的表格

Manufactured by制造商: Date submitted提交日期

Nominal reducer size额定减速器尺寸

Calculated Values 计算值

Pitting resistance torque抗孔蚀性扭Units单位: Static torque矩静态扭矩Units:

First reduction一级减速First reduction:一级减速

Second reduction二级减速Gear大齿轮Pinion小齿轮

Third reduction三级减速Second reduction: 二级减速

Bending strength torque弯曲强度扭矩Units: Gear Pinion

First reduction一级减速: Third reduction:三级减速

Gear Pinion Gear Pinion

Second reduction:

Gear Pinion

Third reduction:

Gear Pinion


1. First reduction is high-speed reduction.


2. Second reduction is slow-speed reduction on double reduction gear reducers and the intermediate reduction on triple reduction gear reducers.


3. Third reduction is the slow-speed reduction on triple reduction reducers and is not applicable on double reduction reducers.


Construction Features 结构数据

Type of reducer (Cross out if not applicable)减速器的类型(不接受交叉式)

(Single) 单级(Double) 双级(Triple) Reduction 三级(Single) (Double) Helical gearing 螺线


Number of teeth and normal diametral pitch or transverse diametral pitch:


First reduction一级减速N p N g P nd P d

Second reduction 二级减速N p N g P nd P d

Third reduction 三级减速N p N g P nd P d

Center distance and net face width:中心距和净面宽度

First reduction C s, W f

Second reduction C s, W f

Third reduction C s, W f

Figure B.3 - Manufacturer’s gear reducer data sheet

Helix angle and normal pressure angle or transverse pressure angle (degrees):


First reduction ψ, φn, φ


Second reduction ψ, φn, φ


Third reduction ψ, φn, φ


Geometry factors, I and J (for pinion and gear) 几何因数I和J(对于小齿轮和齿轮)

First reduction geometry factor 一级减速几何因数I C J,P C J,G

Second reduction geometry factor二级减速几何因数I C J,P C J,G

Third reduction geometry factor 三级减速几何因数I C J,P C J,G Manufacturing methods制造方法

Teeth generated by齿轮齿生产process程序Teeth finished by齿轮齿抛光process Tooth hardening method齿轮齿的硬化方法

Gear and pinion materials and hardness齿轮和小齿的材料和硬度

First reduction一级减速

Gear material 齿轮材料Surface BHC/Rc 表面Core核心BNH a Pinion material Surface BHC/Rc Core BNH a

Second reduction二级减速

Gear material Surface BHC/Rc Core BNH a

Pinion material Surface BHC/Rc Core BNH a

Third reduction

Gear material Surface BHC/Rc Core BNH a

Pinion material Surface BHC/Rc Core BNH a

Other components其他部件

Crankshaft material 曲轴材料Hardness

Housing material箱体材料

Housing type (Check ): 箱体类型Split 裂口One piece单片Bearing sizes b轴承尺寸Bearing loading d轴承载荷

High speed pinion高速小齿轮High speed pinion高速小齿轮

Intermediate speed pinionc 中速小齿轮Intermediate speed pinionc中速齿轮

Low speed pinion 低速小齿轮Low speed pinion

Low speed gear 低速齿轮Low speed gear

a Core hardness required for surface hardened gears and pinions only.


b For journal bearings indicate projected area; for roller bearings indicate the American Bearing Manufacturer’s Association (or equivalent)


size. List all bearings on each shaft. (State if bearings are mounted in carriers or directly in gear housing.)列出每一个轴的轴承。

c Not applicable on double reduction reducers.


d For journal bearings, list loading on each bearing. For roller bearings, list L-10 lif

e as calculated in
