五行 英文释义
超实用高考英语复习:中医(主题书面表达写作素材 )
中医(一)常用词语:中医Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)五行five elements/phases《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《神农本草经》Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica必备句式:✧Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely used in China and is becoming increasinglypopular and recognized worldwide. 中医在中国运用广泛,并且在世界范围内受到越来越多的欢迎和认可。
✧The four diagnostic methods of TCM consist of observing, listening and smelling, inquiringand pulse taking."望""闻""问,' “切”是中医诊断的四种方法。
✧The concepts of yin-yang and five elements laid a theoretical foundation for TCM. Fiveelements refer to five basic substances in the nature, that is, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.阴阳和五行是中医的理论基础。
✧The major difference between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine is that theformer treats an illness or sickness as a component of the entire body's system, while the latter treats it as a single isolated component.中西医最大的不同是中医在治病的时候着眼于全身,而西医则专注于局部。
在英译中,可以使用“qi”或“vital energy”来表示。
例如,“气滞”可以翻译成“qi stagnation”,“气虚”可以翻译成“qi deficiency”。
在英译中,可以使用“yin and yang”来表示。
例如,“阴阳失调”可以翻译成“disruption of the balance between yin and yang”,“阴阳互根”可以翻译成“interdependence of yin and yang”.“五行”也是《黄帝内经》中常用的文化负载词。
在英译中,可以使用“five elements”来表示。
例如,“五行相生”可以翻译成“the interaction of the five elements”,“五行相克”可以翻译成“the opposition of the five elements”。
在英译中,可以使用“zang-fu organs”来表示。
例如,“心悸”可以翻译成“palpitations of the heart”,“腹痛”可以翻译成“abdominal pn”。
中医药名词英文翻译03(中医基础理论)03.001整体观念holism03.002天气celestial qi 03.003地气earth qi 03.004气立establishment of generalqi03.005天人相应correspondence of human body and naturalenvironment03.006辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation03.007理法方药principle-method-recipe- medicines03.008标本manifestation and rootcause03.009阴阳yin-yang03.010阴阳学说yin-yang theory03.011阳气yang qi03.012阴气yin qi03.013生之本root of life03.014阴阳对立opposition of yin-yang03.015阴静阳躁steady yin and vexedyang03.016阳化气yang transforming qi 03.017阴成形yin shaping up body03.018阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin- yang03.019阴阳消长waxing and waning of yin-yang03.021重阳必阴extreme yang changing into yin03.022重阴必阳extreme yin changing into yang03.023阴平阳秘relative equilibrium of yin-yang03.024阴阳自和natural harmony of yin- yang03.025五行five phases03.026五行学说five phases theory03.027木wood03.028火fire03.029土earth03.030金metal03.031水water03.032木曰曲直wood characterized by bending andstraightening03.033火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up03.034土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping03.035金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing03.036水曰润下water characterized by moistening anddescending03.037五时five seasons 03.038五方five orientations 03.039五行相生mutual generation offive phases03.040母气mother qi 03.041子气child qi03.042母病及子illness of motherviscera affecting thechild one03.043子病及母illness of child visceraaffecting the mother one03.044木生火wood generating fire03.046土生金earth generating metal 03.047金生水metal generating water 03.048水生木water generating wood03.049五行相克mutual restriction offive phases03.050所胜being restrained03.051所不胜restraining03.052木克土wood restricting earth 03.053火克金fire restricting metal 03.054土克水earth restricting water 03.055水克火water restricting fire 03.056金克木metal restricting wood03.057五行相乘over-restriction of five phases03.058五行相侮counter-restriction of five phases03.059亢害承制restraining excessiveness to acquireharmony03.060制化restriction and generation03.061运气学说doctrine of five evolutive phases and sixclimatic factors03.062干支heavenly stems and earthly branches03.063甲子sixty-year cycle03.064运气five evolutive phasesand six climatic factors03.065五运five evolutive phases03.066六气six climatic factors 03.067主气host climatic qi 03.068客气guest climatic qi 03.069司天celestial manager qi 03.070在泉qi in the earth03.071主运host evolutive phase 03.072客运guest evolutive phase 03.073岁运year evolutive phase03.074客主加临guest climatic qi addingto fixed host qi03.075运气相合combined analysis offive evolutive phasesand six climatic factors03.076运气盛衰rise and fall of five evolutive phases and sixclimatic factors03.077天符coincidence of heavenlyqi03.078岁会yearly weather03.079平气normal climatic factors03.080运气太过excess of five evolutive phases and six climaticfactors03.081运气不及deficiency of five evolutive phases and sixclimatic factors03.082标本中气manifestation, rootcause and medial qi03.083脏腑zang-fu viscera脏象visceral manifestations03.085脏象学说theory of visceral manifestations03.086五脏five zang viscera03.087藏精气而不泻storing essence without03.088五神five emotions03.089五华five lustre03.090五体five body constituents 03.091五志five minds 03.092七情seven emotions03.093五液five humors03.094心heart03.095心包络pericardium03.096心气heart qi03.097心血heart blood03.098心阴heart yin03.099心阳heart yang03.100君火sovereign fire03.101心藏神heart storing spirit03.102心主血脉heart governing bloodand vessels03.103心开窍于舌heart opening at tongue03.104心恶热heart being averse toheat肺lung 03.106肺气lung qi肺阴lung yin03.108肺阳lung yang03.109肺主气lung governing qi03.110肺藏魄lung storing inferior spirit03.111肺朝百脉lung connecting all vessels03.112肺主治节lung governing management andregulation03.113肺主宣发lung governing diffusion03.114肺主肃降lung governing purification anddescending03.115肺司呼吸lung controlling breathing03.116肺主通调水道lung governing regulation of waterpassages03.117肺主皮毛lung governing skin and hair03.118肺开窍于鼻lung opening at nose03.119肺恶寒lung being averse to cold脾spleen 03.121脾气spleen qi 03.122脾阴spleen yin 03.123脾阳spleen yang03.124脾主运化spleen governingtransportation andtransformation03.125脾为后天之本spleen being acquiredfoundation03.126脾主升清spleen governingascending clear03.128脾主四肢spleen governing limbs 03.129脾主肌肉spleen governing muscles 03.130脾藏营spleen storing nutrients 03.131脾藏意spleen storing idea 03.132脾开窍于口spleen opening at mouth03.133脾喜燥恶湿spleen liking drynessand disliking dampness03.134胰pancreas 03.135肝liver03.136肝气liver qi 03.137肝血liver blood 03.138肝阴liver yin 03.139肝阳liver yang03.140肝主疏泄liver controllingconveyance anddispersion03.141肝主升发liver governingascending and dredging03.142肝为刚脏liver being bold andfirm viscera03.143肝体阴用阳liver being substantialyin and functional yang03.144肝主筋liver governing tendons 03.145肝藏血liver storing blood 03.146肝藏魂liver storing soul 03.147肝开窍于目liver opening at eye肝恶风liver being averse towind03.149肾kidney03.150命门vital gate03.151命门之火vital gate fire 03.152精室essence chamber 03.153 肾精kidney essence 03.154肾气kidney qi03.155肾阴kidney yin03.156肾阳kidney yang 03.157天癸tian gui03.158相火ministerial fire03.159肾为先天之本kidney being congenitalorigin03.160肾主封藏kidney governing storage 03.161肾主生殖kidney governing reproduction03.162肾主水液kidney governing water metabolism03.163肾主纳气kidney governing inspiration03.164肾藏精kidney storing essence 03.165 肾藏志kidney storing will 03.166肾主骨kidney governing bones 03.167肾开窍于耳kidney opening at ear03.168肾恶燥kidney being averse to dryness03.169六腑six fu viscera03.170传化物而不藏digesting and transporting food anddrink without storingessence03.171胆gallbladder 03.172胆气gallbladder qi 03.173胆汁bile03.174中清之腑fu-viscera with clearjuice03.175中正之官fu-viscera with decisive character03.176胃stomach03.177胃气stomach qi 03.178胃阴stomach yin 03.179胃阳stomach yang 03.180胃津stomach fluid 03.181水谷之海reservoir of food anddrink03.182胃主受纳stomach receiving food and drink03.183胃喜润恶燥spleen liking moistness and disliking dryness03.184小肠small intestine 03.185回肠ileum03.186受盛化物reservoir and transformation03.187分清泌浊separating clear and excreting turbid03.188大肠large intestine传导之官official of03.190膀胱bladder03.191膀胱气化functioning of bladder 03.192三焦sanjiao03.193上焦upper jiao03.194上焦如雾upper jiao being organof fogging03.195中焦middle jiao03.196中焦如沤middle jiao being organof soaking03.197下焦lower jiao03.198下焦如渎lower jiao being organof draining03.199奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-viscera 03.200脑brain03.201脑髓brain marrow03.202脑户door of brain03.203囟门fontanel03.204元神之府fu-viscera of mentalactivity03.205髓marrow03.206骨bone03.207髓之府fu-viscera of marrow 03.208骨度bone-length measurement 03.209脉vessel 03.210血之府house of blood03.211胞宫uterus; womb03.212胞脉uterine vessels03.213胞门uterine ostium03.214阴道vagina03.215月经menstruation胎衣placenta03.217脏腑相合interconnection of zang-fu viscera03.218心合小肠heart being connectedwith small intestine03.219肺合大肠lung being connectedwith large intestine03.220脾合胃spleen being connectedwith stomach03.221肝合胆liver being connectedwith gallbladder03.222肾合膀胱kidney being connectedwith bladder03.223心肾相交intercourse betweenheart and kidney03.224肝肾同源homogeny of liver andkidney03.225肺肾相生mutually promotion oflung and kidney03.226仓廪之本root of granary; spleenand stomach03.227经络channel; meridian经络学说channel theory03.229经脉channel03.230经气channel qi 03.231根结root and knot 03.232气街pathway of qi 03.233 四海four seas03.234十二经脉twelve regular channels;twelve regular meridians03.235手三阳经three yang channels of hand; three yangmeridians of hand03.236手三阴经three yin channels of hand; three yinmeridians of hand03.237足三阳经three yang channels of foot; three yinmeridians of foot03.238足三阴经three yin channels offoot; three yinmeridians of foot03.239手太阴肺经Taiyin Lung Channel of Hand; Taiyin LungMeridian of Hand03.240手阳明大肠经Yangming Large Intestine Channel of Hand;Yangming Large IntestineMeridian of Hand03.241足阳明胃经Yangming Stomach Channel of Foot; YangmingStomach Meridian ofFoot03.242足太阴脾经Taiyin Spleen Channel of Foot; Taiyin SpleenMeridian of Foot03.243手少阴心经Shaoyin Heart Channel of Hand; Shaoyin HeartMeridian of Hand03.244手太阳小肠经Taiyang Small IntestineChannel of Hand;Taiyang Small IntestineMeridian of Hand03.245足太阳膀胱经Taiyang Bladder Channel of Foot; TaiyangBladder Meridian ofFoot足少阴肾经Shaoyin Kidney Channelof Foot; Shaoyin KidneyMeridian of Foot03.247手厥阴心包经Jueyin Pericardium Channel of Hand; JueyinPericardium Meridian ofHand03.248手少阳三焦经Shaoyang Sanjiao Channel of Hand; ShaoyangSanjiao Meridian of Hand03.249足少阳胆经Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of Foot;Shaoyang GallbladderMeridian of Foot03.250足厥阴肝经Jueyin Liver Channel of Foot; Jueyin LiverMeridian of Foot03.251奇经八脉Eight Extraordinary Channels; EightExtraordinary Meridians03.252督脉Governor Channel;Governor Vessel03.253任脉Conception Channel;Conception Vessel03.255带脉Belt Channel; BeltVessel03.256阴跷脉Yin Heel Channel; YinHeel Vessel03.257阳跷脉Yang Heel Channel; YangHeel Vessel03.258阴维脉Yin Link Channel; YinLink Vessel03.259阳维脉Yang Link Channel; YangLink Vessel03.260十四经fourteen channels03.261经别branched channel03.262经筋aponeurotic system 03.263皮部dermal parts03.264络脉collaterals03.265孙络tertiary collaterals 03.266浮络superficial collaterals 03.267别络connecting collaterals 03.268形physique03.269皮毛skin and hair03.270腠理striae and interstitialspace03.271玄府sweat pore03.272肌肉muscle筋(1)soft tissue (2)tendon03.274膜membrane03.275关节joint03.276百骸bones03.277完骨mastoid process 03.278枕骨occipital bone 03.279头颅骨skull03.280曲牙mandibular angle 03.281眉棱骨supra-orbital bone03.282辅骨(1)condyle (2)fibula andradius03.283高骨protruding bones 03.284交骨pubis bone03.285颈骨cervical vertebra 03.286髋骨hip bone03.287髋hip03.288上横骨manubrium of sternum 03.289尾闾骨coccyx03.290腰骨lumbar bone03.291手骨hand bone03.292合骨medial malleolus 03.293跖plantar03.294头head03.295精明之府house of intelligence 03.296腰waist03.297肾之府house of kidney03.298膝knee03.299筋之府house of tendons03.300膜原mo yuan; interpleuro-diaphragmatic space03.301膏肓gao huang; intercardiodiaphragmatic part03.302膈diaphragm 03.303脊spine03.304背back03.305胁肋lateral thorax 03.306腹abdomen03.309少腹lateral lower abdomen 03.310四极four limbs; four poles 03.311五官five [sense]apertures 03.312七窍seven orifices03.313九窍nine orifices03.314目eye03.315目系eye connector03.316五轮八廓five wheels and eightregions03.317肉轮flesh wheel03.318血轮blood wheel03.319气轮qi wheel03.320风轮wind wheel03.321水轮water wheel03.322眦canthus03.323目内眦inner canthus 03.324目外眦outer canthus 03.325目窠eye socket03.326眼带ocular band03.327目眶ocular orbit 03.328眼睑eyelid03.329睑弦palpebral margin 03.330睫毛eyelash03.331泪tear03.332泪泉lachrymal spring 03.333泪窍lachrymal punctum03.334白睛white eye, bulbarconjunctiva and sclera03.335黑睛black eye ,cornea andiris03.336瞳神pupil03.337虹彩iris03.338神水spiritual water, aqueous03.339晶珠crystal pearl; lens 03.340神膏vitreum03.341视衣visual cloth03.342舌tongue03.343舌系tongue connector;sublingual vessels andligament03.344口mouth 03.345唇lip 03.346齿tooth 03.347真牙genuine tooth;wisdomtooth03.348龈gum03.349腭palate03.350硬腭hard palate03.351软腭soft palate03.352咽pharynx03.353喉throat03.354喉核node of throat; tonsil 03.355喉关throat bar03.356喉底bottom of throatposterior pharyngealwall03.357颃颡nasopharynx 03.358鼻nose03.359明堂(1)nose (2)acupointchart03.360鼻准nasal apex03.361頞nasal root03.362耳ear03.363耳郭auricle03.364前阴external genitalia03.365宗筋(1)penis and testes (2)convergent tendon03.366茎penis精窍seminal orifice;03.368睾testicle03.369阴户vaginal door 03.370阴门vaginal orifice 03.371后阴anus03.372魄门anus03.373气qi03.374气化qi transformation 03.375气机qi movement 03.376升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering03.377气主煦之qi warming body03.378元气primordial qi03.379真气genuine qi03.380宗气pectoral qi03.381中气middle qi03.382卫气defensive qi03.383营气nutrient qi03.384脏腑之气qi of zang-fu viscera 03.385血blood03.386营血nutrient-blood03.387血主濡之blood being responsiblefor nurturing body03.388津液fluid03.389津clear fluid03.390液turbid fluid精(1)essence (2)semen。
五行学说及应用五行(Five Phases ),指木、火、土、金、水,是中国古代的一种物质观,认为宇宙万物,都由木火土金水五种基本物质的运行和变化所构成。
五行学说的英语翻译问题一、五行学说的翻译“五行”一般有三种译法:five elements, five phases, wuxing。
从目前的使用情况来看,five elements 最为流行,且有约定俗成之势,值得采用。
“五行”中的“木、火、土、金、水”一般直译为wood, fire, earth, metal and water。
因为soil在英语中的含义是“the top covering of the earth in which plants grow”(植物赖以生长的地表之土),而earth的含义则较为宽泛和抽象。
常译作mutual promotion, mutual generation或inter-promotion, inter-generation。
mutual 和inter-都表示相互的意思,只是mutual可以作为一个独立的词语来使用,而inter-则不能作为独立词语使用,只能作为一个构词成分使用。
“相生”还有人译作engendering和generation in the five elements等。
2.相克:在“五行学说”中,“相克”指事物间具有相互制约、相互排斥的一面,常译作mutual restraint, mutual restriction, mutual inhibition或inter-restraint, inter-restriction, inter-inhibition。
“五行”比较常见的英语翻译是five elements,偶尔也有人将其译作fivephases,还有人干脆将其音译为Wuxing。
在有关方面所颁布的中医基本名词术语英语翻译标准化方案中,“五行”的翻译采用了five elements这一较为常见的译法。
而在去年世界卫生组织(WHO)亚太西区所颁布的传统医学名词术语国际标准中,“五行”的翻译则采用了five phases这一使用得并不普遍的译法。
天气celestial qi充满于空中的气。
地气earth qi弥漫于大地的气。
气立establishment of generalqi人体之气正常运行,生理功能正常发挥。
天人相应correspondence of humanbody and naturalenvironment强调人对自然的依存与适应关系。
辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation 中医临床诊断治疗疾病的思维方法和过程。
理法方药principle-method-recipe-medicines 将中医理论、诊法、治法在临床实践中综合应用的思维方法,涵盖诊治全过程的四个基本内容。
标本manifestation and rootcause 关于事物主次关系的相对概念,“本”指主要方面,“标”指次要方面。
阴阳学说yin-yang theory在阴阳概念基础上建立起来的中医学基本理论,认为阴阳对立统一、消长转化、相反相成的关系贯穿于自然与人体等一切事物之中,是人体生理和病理发生、发展、变化的根源及规律。
阳气yang qi事物及运动中具有外表的、向上的、亢盛的、轻清的、功能性的等具有阳属性的一面。
英语常见中医术语绪论introduction中医学traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)中医学理论体系theory system of TCM中医基础理论basic theory of TCM整体观念holism concept五脏一体观holism of five ogans形神一体观holism of body and spirit天人一体观holism of human beings and universe医学模式medical pattern辨证syndrome differentiation论治treatment variation疾病disease证候syndrome症状symptom体征physical sign辨病disease diagnosing同病异治different treament for the same disease异病同治the same treatment for the different disease第一章中医学的哲学基础Ancient philosophic basis of TCM精jing(as the world origin in ancient philosophy)气qi(as the world origin in the ancient philosophy)精气学说theory of jingqi生命life中介medium气机qi activity气化qi transformation感应induction水地说hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth 云气说hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air气一元论monism of qi元气一元论monism of qi阴阳yinyang; yin and yang阴阳学说theory of yinyang阴阳对立inter-opposition between yin and yang阴阳互根inter-dependence between yin and yang阴阳消长wane and wax between yin and yang阴阳交感inter-induction between yin and yang阴阳互藏inter-containing between yin and yang阴阳转化inter-transformation between yin and yang阴阳自和reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium阴阳平衡both yin and yang in equilibrium五行five elements五行学说theory of five elements五行相生inter-promotion of five elements五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements五行制化relationship of promotion and restriction of five elements 五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements母病及子mother-organ diorder involving its child-organ子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金reinforcing earth to generate metal益火补土tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土治水cultivating earth to control water佐金平木assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water)宏观观察obsevation on macroscopic level中和golden mean类比analogy第二章藏象Viscera state藏象viscera state藏象学说doctrine of viscera state脏腑viscera; zangfu organs五脏five zang organs心heart肺lung脾spleen肝liver肾kidney六腑six fu organs胆gall baldder胃stomach小肠small intestin大肠large intestine三焦tri-jiao; sanjiao膀胱urinary blader奇恒之腑extraordinary fu organs脑brain髓marrow骨bone脉vessel女子胞uterus满而不实full of essence without foodstuff实而不满full of foodstuff without essence 心主神明heart controlling mental activities心主血脉heart controlling blood circulation心藏神heart storing spirit肺主气lun governing qi肺主呼吸之气lung governing respiratory qi肺主一身之气lung governing physical qi肺朝百脉convergence of vessels in the lung肺主行水lung governing water metabolism肺主治节lung governing coordinative activities of viscera肺为华盖lung being the canopy肺为娇脏lung being the delicate organ肺主宣发肃降lung controlling dispersing outward and inwards气门pore后天之本source of acquired constitution脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation脾气主升spleen governing ascending脾主统血spleen governing blood脾喜燥恶湿spleen preferring dryness to dampness肝主疏泄liver govering regulating肝主藏血liver storing blood肝体因而用阳liver of yin nature with yang functioning肝为刚脏liver being the resolute viscera罢极之本source of endurance先天之本congenital foundation肾藏精kidney storing essence肾阴kidney yin肾阳kidney yang肾精kidney essence肾气kidney qi天癸tiangui肾主水液kidney governing water肾主纳气kidney receiving respiratory qi命门vital gate七冲门seven important portals胆主决断gallbladder governing deciding胃主通降stomach managing downward transportation of food喜润恶燥preferring moisture to dryness受盛化物containing and digesting泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid上焦如雾upper-jiao resembling mist中焦如沤middle-jiao resembling fermenter下焦如渎lower-jiao rezembling drainage元神之府mentality house脑为髓海brain being the marrow sea心肾相交coordination between heart and kidney水火相济regulation between water and fire肺为气之主lung being the governor of qi肾为气之根kidney being the root of qi肝肾同源liver and kidney sharing the same origin乙癸同源Yi and Gui sharing the same origin (liver and kidney sharing the same origin)精血同源essence and blood sharing the ame origin藏泄互用interdependence between storing and discharging纳运相得inter-promotion between containing and digestion升降相因inerdependence between ascending and descending燥湿相济interdependence between drying and moistening胃润喜恶燥stomach preferring moisture to dryness第三章精气血津液神Essence, qi, blood, body fluid and,spirit气qi元气primordial qi元阴primordial yin元阳primordial yang气机qi activity气化qi transformation气海qi sea卫气defensive qi宗气thoracic qi营气nutrient qi原气primordial qi气能生血qi promoting blood production气为血之帅qi being the governor of blood气主升之qi promoting气能生津qi promoting body fluid production气能行血qi promtoting blood circulation血为气之母blood being the mother of qi血主濡之blood nourishing气能行津qi promoting body fluid circulation气能摄血qi governing blood津能载气body fluid conveying qi血能载气blood conveying qi气能摄津qi governing body fluid津停气滞body fluid retention causing qi stagnation血blood精essence神spirit精能化气essence transforming into qi先天之精congenital essence后天之精acquired essence水谷之精foodstuff essence气能生精qi promoting esssence production津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same source血汗同源bloood and sweat sharing the same source膻中danzhong虚里heart apex津液body fluid第四章经络Meridians and collaterals经络meridians and collaterals经络学说theory of meridian and collateral; meridian doctrine 经气meridian qi经脉meridian; channel络脉collateral十二经脉twelve meridians十二正经twelve regular channels手太阴肺经lung channel of hand taiyin(L)手阳明大肠经large intestine channel of hand yangming(LI)足阳明胃经stomach channel of foot yangming(St)足太阴脾经spleen channel of foot tayin(Sp)手少阴心经heart channel of hand shaoyin(H)手太阳小肠经small intestine channel of hand taiyang(SI)足太阳膀胱经urinary bladder channel of foot taiyang(U足少阴肾经kidney channel of foot shaoyin(K)手厥阴心包经pericadium channel of hand jueyin(P)手少阳三焦经tri-jiao channel of hand shaoyang(TJ)足少阳胆经gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang(G足厥阴肝经liver channel of foot jueyin(Liv)奇经八脉eight extra channels督脉governor vesesl; Du meridian任脉conception vessel; Ren meridian冲脉flush vessel; Chong meridian带脉belt vessel; Dai meridian阴跷脉yinqiao meridian阳跷脉yangqiao meridian阴维脉yinwei meridian阳维脉yangwei meridan十二经别twelve divergent channels十五别络fifteen large collaterals孙络minute collateral浮络superficial collateral十二经筋twelve meridian musculatures十二皮部twelve cutaneous areas阳脉之海sea of yang meridian (governor vessel)阴脉之海sea of yin meridian (conception vessel)任主胞胎conception vessel govening uterus and gestation十二经脉之海sea of the twelve meridians (flush vessel)血海blood sea (flush vessel)第四章体质Body constitution体质body constitution形神合一harmonization between soma and spirit体格physique体型body type人格personality气质temperament性格character素质heredity理想体质ideal body constitutions病势disease tendency质化(从化)property transformation第六章病因Pathogeny病因pathogeny病因学说etiology辨症求因pathogeny differentiation from symptoms and signs 六淫six exopathogens六气six climates六邪six exopathogen*伤寒**ogenous febrile disease中寒cold stroke风性轻扬wind tending to drift善行数变migrant and variable风性主动wind tending to migrate百病之长guide of various disease寒性凝滞cold tending to coagulate and stagnate寒性收引cold tending to contract寒则气收cold retarding qi circulation暑性升散summer heat tending to ascend and disperse炅则气泄heat causing qi exhaustion暑多夹湿summer heat usually accompanied with dampness 湿性重浊dampness being heavy and turbid湿性黏滞dampneee being viscous and lingering湿性趋下sampness tending to descend燥性干涩dryness tending to desiccate火性趋上fire tending to flare up火易生风动血fire causing wind and bleeding疠气epidemic pathogens瘟疫pestilence七情seven emotions七情内伤inernal injuries caused by seven emotions怒则气上rage causing qi to flow upwards喜则气缓joy causing qi slack悲则气消grief causing qi depression思则气结contemplation causing qi stagnation惊则气乱terror causing qi disorder恐则气下fear causing qi collapse饮食不节improper diet饮食不洁dirty diet饮食偏嗜diet preference形劳physical overstrain劳则气耗overstrain causing qi exhausetion心劳heart overstrain神劳psychological ovrestrain肾劳kidney overstrain房劳***ual overstrain有形之痰visible phlegm无形之痰invisible phlegm瘀血blood stasis结石calculus药邪medicine abuse医过therapist fault胎弱congenital deficiency胎毒fetus toxin第七章发病Invasion正气healthy qi邪气pathogenic factors遗传病genetic disease感邪即发acute onset after affected徐发chronic onset伏而后发latent onset继发secondary onset合病simultaneous onset并病following onset复病recurrence后遗症sequela重感致复re-affected causing recurrence食复diet recurrence劳复overstrain recurrence药复medicine recurrence情志致复emotion recurrence第八章病机Pathogenesis病机pathogenesis病机学pathology病机层次pathological level基本病机basic pathogenesis实sthenia实证sthenic syndrome虚asthenia虚证asthenia syndrome虚实错杂mixture of asthenia and sthenia虚中夹实asthenia with sthenia实中夹虚sthenia with asthenia虚实转化inter-transformation between asthenia and sthenia由实转虚sthenia transforming into asthenia因虚致实sthenia symptoms caused by asthenia虚实真假pseudo or true manifestation of asthenia and sthenia 真实假虚sthenia with pseudo asthenia大实有羸状excessive sthenia manifesting a* **cessive asthenia 真虚假实asthenia with pseudo sthenia至虚有盛候excessive asthenia manifesting a* **cessive sthenia 正胜邪退healthy qi expelling pathogen邪去正虚pathogen retreating with asthenia healthy qi邪盛正衰prosperous pathogen with asthenia healthy qi 邪正相持struggle between healthy qi and pathogen正虚邪恋asthenic healthy qi with pathogen lingering 阴阳失调imbalance between yin and yang阴阳偏盛excess of yin or yang阳偏盛yang excess阳盛yang excess阴偏盛yin excess阴盛yin excess阴阳偏衰deficiency of yin or yang阳偏衰yang deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阴偏衰yin dificiency阴虚yin deficiency阴阳互损inter-impairment between yin and yang阴损及阳yin impairment involving yang阳损及阴yang impairment involving yin阴阳格拒repellence between yin and yang阴盛格阳predominant yin rejecting yang格阳rejecting yang阳盛格阴predominant yang rejecting yin格阴rejecting yin阴阳亡失exhaustion of yin or yang亡阴yin exhaustion亡阳阳yang exhaustion精虚essence asthenia精瘀essence stasis气虚qi asthenia气机失调disorder of qi activity气滞qi stagnation气逆qi adverseness气陷qi collapse上气不足qi failing to transport upward中气下陷qi failing to lift气闭qi blockage气脱qi exhaustion血虚blood asthenia血瘀blood stasis出血haemorrhage血寒blood cold血热blood heat精气两虚asthenia of essence and qi精血不足asthenia of essence and blood气滞精瘀qi stagnation and essence stasis血瘀精阻blood stasis and essence obstruction气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis气虚血瘀qi asthenia causing blood stasis气不摄血qi failing to control blood气随血脱qi exhaustion resulting from hemorrhage 气血两虚asthenia of qi and blood津液不足body fluid asthenia伤津body fluid impairment脱液body fluid exhausetion津液输布障碍dysfunction of body fluid distribution 津液排泄障碍dysfuncion of body fluid excretion水停气阻water retention causing qi stagnation气随津脱qi exhaustion resulting from body fluid loss 津枯血燥body fluid depletion causing blood stasis 津亏血瘀body fluid depletion causing blood stasis 血瘀水停blood stasis causing water retention内风endogenous wind风气内动disturbance of endogenous wind肝风liver wind肝阳化风liver yang causing wind热极生风extreme heat causing wind阴虚风动yin asthenia causing wind血虚生风blood asthenia causing wind寒从中生cold originating from interior内寒endogenous cold湿浊内生dampness originating from interior内湿endogenous dampness津伤化燥body fluid impairment causing dryness内燥endogenous dryness火热内生heat or fire originatin from interior内热endogenous heat内火endogenous fire少火junior fire壮火excessive fire阳亢化火excessive yang causing fire气有余便是火excessive qi causing fire邪郁化火pathogen accumulation causing fire五志化火five emotions causing fire阴虚火旺yin asthenia causing fire疾病传变pathogenesis transmission病位传变focus transmission表里传变transmission between interior and exterior表病入里exogenous disease invading interior里病出表endogenous disease retreating to exterior半表半里semi-interior and semi-exterior直中direct attack六经传变six merdians transmission 三焦传变tri-jiao transmission卫气营血传变transmission of wei, qi, ying and xue顺传sequential transmission逆传adverse transmission脏腑传变viscera transmission脏与脏的传变transmission among zang organs脏与腑的传变transmission among zang organs and fu organs 腑与腑的传变transmission among fu organs形脏内外传变transmission between interior and exterior寒热转化inter-transformation between cold and heat寒化热cold transforming into heat热化寒heat transforming into cold第九章防治原则Principle of prevention and therapy预防prevention养生health promotion未病先防prevention before disease onset既病防变preventing disease from exacerbating治则therapeutic principle治法therapeutic method治病求本treating disease from the root标本branch and root正治routine treatment反治contrary treatment寒者热之cold treated with warm热者寒之heat treated with cool虚则补之asthenia requiring tonification实则泻之sthenia requiring purgation热因热用heat treated with warm寒因寒用cold treated with cool通因通用diarrhea treated with purgation塞因塞用obstruction treated with tonification扶正strengthening healthy qi祛邪eliminating pathogens因时制宜climate-concerned treatment因地制宜environment-concerned treatment因人制宜individuality-concerned treatment中医诊断英语阴阳五行1 五行fie phases2 阴阳yin and yang;yin-yang3 五志fie minds4 五味fie flaors5 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment;identify patterns and determine treatment脏腑6 脏腑zang-fu organs; bowels and iscera7 心藏神The heart stores the spirit.8 神明spirit; mind; mental actiity9 肺主宣发The lung goerns diffusion.10 肺主肃降The lung goerns descent.The lung goerns purification and descent.11 通调水道regulate the waterways12 肺主行水The lung goerns the moement of water13 脾主运化The spleen goerns transportation and transformation.14 脾为后天之本The spleen is the root of acquired constitution.15 脾主升清The spleen goerns ascent of the clear.16 脾统血The spleen controls the blood.17 脾恶湿The spleen is aerse to dampness.18 肝主疏泄The lier goerns free coursing.19 肝主升发The lier goerns ascent and dispersion20 肝主身之筋膜The lier goerns the body’s sinews.21 命门①ming men; life gate ②ming men (DU 4)22 肾精kidney essence23 天癸tian gui24 肾为先天之本The kidney is the root of congenital constitution.25 泌别清浊separation of the clear and turbid26 三焦triple burner27 心肾不交failure of the heart and kidney to communicate形体官窍28 筋sinew29 脉①essel;②pulse30 七窍seen orifices气血津液精神31 气机qi dynamic32 正气right qi33 邪气eil qi34气分qi leel35 原气source qi36 元气original qi37 宗气gathering qi38 中气middle qi39 卫气defensie qi40 营气nutritie qi41 营血nutrient-blood42 津液fluid43 精①essence ②semen44 精气essential qi45 神spirit46 气为血帅qi as commander of blood经络47 经络channels and collaterals48 经脉channel49 穴位acupuncture point; point50 背俞穴back-shu point51 耳穴ear point; auricular point52 手太阴肺经The hand greater yin lung channel; LU (WHO)53 手阳明大肠经The hand yang brightness large intestine channel; LI (WHO)54 足阳明胃经The foot yang brightness stomach channel; ST (WHO)55 足太阴脾经The foot greater yin spleen channel; SP (WHO)56 手少阴心经The hand lesser yin heart channel; HT (WHO)57 手太阳小肠经The hand greater yang small intestine channel; SI (WHO)58 足太阳膀胱经The foot greater yang bladder channel; BL (WHO)59 足少阴肾经The foot lesser yin kidney channel; KI (WHO)60 手厥阴心包经The hand reerting yin pericardium channel; PC (WHO)61 手少阳三焦经The hand lesser yang triple burner channel; TB (WHO)62 足少阳胆经The foot lesser yang gallbladder channel; GB (WHO)63 足厥阴肝经The foot reerting yin lier channel; L (WHO)病因64 病因etiology;etiologic factor;cause of disease65 实邪excess eil66 表邪exterior eil67 外感external contraction68 七情seen affects69 痰phlegm70 饮①rheum ;fluid retention ②drink③decoction71 瘀血static blood72 血瘀blood stasis病机73 病机pathomechanism74 虚deficiency75 实excess76 亏虚,亏损depletion77 不足insufficient78 阴虚火旺hyperactiity of fire due to yin deficiency79 气滞qi stagnation80 气郁qi constraint81 气逆qi counterflow82 气陷sinking of qi83 气闭qi blockage84 气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis85 内风internal wind86 寒凝气滞qi stagnation due to congealing cold87 心火上扰flaring up of heart fire88 痰火扰心phlegm-fire disturbing the heart89 痰蒙心包phlegm clouding the pericardium90 痰浊阻肺turbid phlegm obstructing the lung91 脾虚湿困spleen deficiency leading to damp encumbrance ; damp encumbrance due to spleen deficiency92 脾失健运spleen failing to transform and transport; failure of the spleen to transform and transport93 肝阳上亢ascendant hyperactiity of lier yang94 肝郁lier constraint95 肝气郁结binding constraint of lier qi96 肝风内动lier wind stirring internally97 肾不纳气kidney failing to grasp qi98 胃纳呆滞poor appetite and digestion99 热入心包heat entering the pericardium诊法100 四诊four examinations101 舌象tongue manifestation; tongue appearance102 舌神tongue spirit103 舌色tongue color104 淡红舌light red tongue105 淡白舌pale tongue106 红舌red tongue107 绛舌crimson tongue108 紫舌purple tongue109 青舌blue tongue110 舌形tongue shape111 舌质tongue body112 胖大舌enlarged tongue113 齿痕舌tooth-marked tongue114 肿胀舌swollen tongue115 瘦薄舌thin tongue116 点刺舌spotted tongue117 芒刺舌prickly tongue118 裂纹舌cracked tongue119 (舌上)瘀斑stasis maculae120 (舌上)瘀点stasis spots121 舌态tongue condition122 痿软舌flaccid tongue123 强硬舌stiff tongue124 吐舌protruding tongue125 弄舌waggling tongue126 舌苔tongue coating127 厚苔thick coating128 薄苔thin coating129 润苔moist coating130 燥苔dry coating131 糙苔rough coating132 燥裂苔dry cracked coating133 瓣晕苔petalled coating134 滑苔glossy coating135 腻苔greasy coating136 腐苔curd-like coating137 粘腻苔sticky greasy coating138 剥苔peeled coating139 类剥苔peeled-like coating140 地图舌geographic tongue141 镜面舌mirror-like coating142 无根苔rootless coating143 有根苔rooted coating144 苔色color of coating145 脉诊pulse examination; pulse diagnosis 146 切脉,把脉pulse taking147 平脉normal pulse148 寸口radial pulse; cun kou149 寸关尺cun, guan and chi; inch, bar and cubit150 浮脉floating pulse151 散脉scattered pulse152 芤脉hollow pulse153 伏脉hidden pulse154 牢脉firm pulse155 迟脉slow pulse156 缓脉moderate pulse157 数脉rapid pulse158 疾脉racing pulse159 沉脉deep pulse160 细脉thready pulse161 长脉long pulse162 短脉short pulse163 虚脉deficient pulse164 实脉excess pulse165 弱脉weak pulse166 微脉faint pulse167 洪脉surging pulse168 滑脉slippery pulse169 涩脉rough pulse170 弦脉wiry pulse171 动脉bouncing pulse172 紧脉tight pulse173 革脉drumskin pulse174 濡脉soggy pulse175 歇止脉pausing pulse176 结脉knotted pulse; irregularly intermittent pulse 177 代脉intermittent pulse ; regularly intermittent pulse 178 促脉hasty pulse; rapid-irregular pulse179 恶寒aersion to cold180 畏寒fear to cold181 潮热tidal feer182 五心烦热exing heat in the fie hearts183 骨蒸steaming bone184 寒战shiering中药185 性nature186 味flaour187 性味nature and flaour188 四气four nature189 寒cold190 热hot191 温warm192 凉cool193 平neutral194 五味fie flaours195 辛acrid196 甘sweet197 酸sour198 苦bitter199 咸salty200 淡bland201 涩astringent202 升降浮沉ascending and descending, floating and sinking203 归经channel entered204 功能actions205 主治indications206 用量dosage207 使用注意caution208 禁忌症contraindication表寒里热biao han li re exterior cold ,interior heat表热里寒biao re li han exterior heat,interior cold冲任不补chong ren bu bu chong&ren not securing冲任不调chong ren bu tiao chong&ren not regulated 冲任失调chong ren shi tiao loss of regulation of the chong&ren冲任损伤chong ren sun shang chong&ren detriment and damage大肠寒结da chang han jie large intestine cold binding大肠湿热da chang shi re large intestine damp heat大肠虚da chang xu large intestine vacuity大肠虚寒da chang xu han large intestine vacuity cold大肠液亏da chang ye kui large intestine humor depletion胆热dan re gallbladder heat胆虚dan xu gallbladder vacuity肺火fei huo lung fire肺津不布fei jin bu bu lung fluids not distributed肺络损伤fei luo sun shang lung network vessel detriment&damage肺气不利fei qi bu li inhibition of the lung qi肺气不宣fei qi bu xuan lung qi not diffusing肺气虚fei qi xu lung qi vacuity肺热fei re lung heat肺肾两虚fei shen liang xu lung-kidney dual vacuity肺肾气虚fei shen qi xu lung-kidney qi vacuity肺肾阴虚fei shen yin xu lung-kidney yin vacuity肺实fei shi lung repletion肺失清肃fei shi qing su lung loss of clearing &depurating肺虚fei xu lung vacuity肺阴虚fei yin xu lung yin vacuity肺阴虚燥feiyin xu zao lung yin vacuity dryness肺燥fei zao lung dryness伏热在里fu re zai li deep-lying heat in the interior肝胆气虚gan dan qi xu liver-gallbladder qi vacuity肝胆湿热gan dan shi re liver-gallbladder damp heat肝风内动gan feng nei dong liver wind stirring internally肝寒gan han liver cold肝火gan huo liver fire肝火上炎gan huo shang yan liver fire flaring upward肝气犯脾gan qi fan pi liver qi assails the spleen肝气犯胃fan qi fan wei liver qi assails the stomach肝气上逆gan qi shang ni liver qi counterflowing upward肝热gan re liver fire肝肾亏损gan shen kui sun liver-kidney depletion&detriment肝肾两虚gan shen liang xu liver-kidney dual vacuity肝血虚gan xue xu liver blood vacuity肝阳上亢gang yang shang kang ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang 肝阴虚gan yin xu liver yin vacuity肝郁脾虚gan yu pi xu liver depression,spleen vacuity肝郁气滞gan yu qi zhi liver depression qi stagnation寒极生热han ji sheng re extreme cold engenders heat寒凝肝脉han ning gan mai cold congelation in the liver vessel寒凝气滞han ning qi zhi cold congelation qi stagnation寒痰阻肺han tan zu fei cold phlegm obstructing the lungs久热伤阴jiu re shang yin enduring heat damages yin龙火内燔long huo nei fan dragon fire internally blazing命门火旺ming men huo wang life gate fire effulgence膀胱气闭pang guang qi bi bladder qi block膀胱湿热pang guang shi re bladder damp heat膀胱虚寒pang gang xu han bladder vacuity cold脬气不固pao qi bu gu bladder qi not securing脾不统血pi bu tong xue spleen not managing(i.e.,restraining)the blood 脾肺两虚pi fei liang xu spleen-lung dual vacuity脾气不升pi qi bu sheng spleen qi not upbearing脾气虚pi qu xu spleen qi vacuity脾热pi re spleen heat脾肾阳虚pi shen yang xu spleen-kidney yang vacuity脾失健运pi shi jian yun spleen loss of fortification &movement脾失运化pi shi yun hua spleen loss of movement&transformation脾胃湿热pi wei shi re spleen-stomach damp heat脾胃虚弱pi we xu ruo spleen-stomach vacuity weakness脾虚pi xu spleen vacuity脾虚湿困pi xu shi kun spleen vacuity,damp encumbrance脾阳虚pi yang xu spleen yang vacuity脾阴虚pi yin xu spleen yin vacuiry气化不利qi hua bu li inhibition of qi transformation气机不利qi ji bu li inhibition of the qi mechanism气髓血脱qi sui xue tuo qi follows blood desertion气虚中满qi xu zhong man qi vacuity central fullness气血两虚qi xue liang xu qi&blood dual vacuity气血失调qi xue shi tiao qi&blood loss of regulation气阴两虚qi yin liang xu qi &yin dual vacuiry气滞血瘀qi zhi xue yu qi stagnation &blood stasis热伏冲任re fu chong ren heat deep-lying or hidden in the chong &ren热极生寒re ji sheng han extreme heat engenders cold热结膀胱re jie pang guang heat bound in the bladder热入心包re ru xin bao heat entering the pericardium热入血分re ru xue fen heat entering the blood phase热入血室re ru xin shi heat entering the blood chamber热伤肺络re shang fei luo heat damaging the lung network vessels热伤筋脉re shang jin mai heat damaging the sinews and vessles(or sinew vessels)热伤神明re shang shen ming heat damaging the spirit brightness热盛气分re sheng qi fen heat exuberance in the qi division热邪阻肺re xie zu fei heat evils obstructing the lungs热灼肾阴re zhuo shen yin heat buring kidney yin三蕉湿热san jiao shi re triple burner damp heat三蕉虚寒san jiao xu han triple burner vacuity cold上寒下热shang han xia re above cold ,below heat上热下寒shang re xia han above heat ,below cold伤损及下shang sun ji xia detriment above reaching below少阴寒化shao yin han hua shao yin cold transformation少阴热化shao yin re hua shao yin heat transformation肾气不固shen qi bu gu kidney qi not securing肾虚shen xu kidney vacuity肾溆水泛shen xu shui fan kidney vacuity,water flooding肾阳虚shen yang xu kidney yang vacuity肾阳虚衰shen yang xu shuai kidney yang vacuity and debility肾阴虚shen yin xu kidney yin vacuity升降失常sheng jiang shi chang upbearing&downbearing lose their normalcy湿热内熏shi re nei xun dampness&heat internally brewing湿热小蕉shi re xiao jiao damp heat in the lower burner湿热瘀滞shi re yu zhi damp heat stasis&stagnation湿胜阳微shi sheng yang wei dampness prevailing ,yang becoming slight湿郁热伏shi yu re fu damp depression,heat deeply lying食滞胃腕shi zhi wei wan food stagnating in the stomach venter湿阻气分shi zu qi fen dampness obstructing the qi division湿阻中蕉shi zu zhong jiao dampness obstructing the middle burner水不化气shui bu hua qi water not transforming the qi痰火扰心tan huo rao xin phlegm fire harassing the heart痰密心窍tan mi xin qiao phlegm confounding ghe portals of the heart痰热阻肺tan re zu fei phlegm heat obstructs the lungs痰湿阻肺tan shi zu fei phlegm dampness obstructing the lungs痰阻肺络tan zu fei luo phlegm obstructing the lung network vessels胃寒wei han stomach cold胃火上升we huo shang sheng stomach fire borne upward胃气不固wei qi bu gu defensive qi not securing胃气不和wei qi bu he stomach qi disharmony胃气虚wei qi xu stomach qi vacuity胃热wei re stomach heat胃热壅盛wei re yong sheng stomach heat congesting&exuberant胃失和降wei shi he jiang stomach loss of harmony&downbearing胃虚wei xu stomach vacuity胃阴虚wei yin xu stomach yin vacuity温邪犯肺wen xie fan fei warm evils assailing the lungs温邪上受wen xie shang shou warm evils affect above下损及上xia sun ji shang lower detriment reaches above相火妄动xiang huo wang dong ministerial fire frenetically stirring小肠湿热xiao chang shi re small intestine damp heat小肠虚寒xiao chang xu han small intestine vacuity cold邪留三蕉xie liu san jiao evils retained in the three burners心火亢盛xin huo kang sheng heart fire hyperactivity &exuberance心火内炽xin huo nei chi heart fire blazing internally心火上炎xin huo shang yan heart fire flares upward心脾两虚xin pi liang xu heart-spleen dual vacuity心气不宁xin qi bu ning heart qi not quiet心气不绶xin qi bu shou heart qi not restraining心肾不交xin shen bu jiao heart&kidneys not interacting心虚胆怯xin xu dan qie heart vacuity ,gallbladder timidity心血虚xin xue xu heart blood vacuity心阳虚xin yang xu heart yang vacuity心阴虚xin yin xu heart yin vacuity虚风内动xu feng nei dong vacuity wind stirring internally虚热上炎xu re shang yan vacuity heat flares upward虚阳上浮xu yang shang fu vacuous yang floats upward血不归经xue bu gui jing blood not returning to the channels血分热毒xue fen re du blood division heat toxins血分瘀热xue fen yu re blood division static heat血随气陷xue sui qi xian blood follows qi fall阳盛阴伤yang sheng yin shang yang exuberance damages yin阴虚肺燥yin xu fei zao yin vacuity lung dryness阴虚阳亢yin xu yang kang yin vacuity yang hyperactivity阴虚阳旺yin xu yang wang yin vacuity yang effulgence阴阳两虚yin yang liang xu yin&yang dual vacuity荥卫不和ying wei bu he constructive &defensive disharmony瘀热在里yu re zai li stasis&heat located in the interior燥气伤肺zao qi shang fei dry qi damaging the lungs中气不足zhong qi bu zu central qi insufficiency中气下陷zhong qi xia xian central qi downward fall中阳不振zhong yang bu zhen central yang devitalized壮热食气zhuang re shi qi strong fire eats the qi中医英语笔画查找一阳"frist yang, Shaoyang Channel"一阴"frist yin, Jreyin Channel"一逆one mista ade in treatment一息respiration一侧的unilateral一日量daily dose一服药a dose of medicine一夫法finger breadth measurement一身痛重general pain and heaviness乙癸同源Yi(the live) and Gui)the Kidney) bejing the same source二阴"two lower orifices, ie, the external urethral orifice and the anus"二浊reddish and whitish turbid urine二十八脉twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition二阳并病Shaoyang syndrome complicated by Taiyang syndrome二便不利difficulty in urination and defecation。
3 The combinations of the Five Elements and five viscera are liver-wood, heart-fire, spleen-earth, lung-metal and kidney-water. Based on the theory of the five viscera, by combining the meridian system and five orientations and four seasons in medical practice, and clarifying the body’s holism, the unity of man and nature is perfected. 4 The Five Elements generate one another in the order of wood, fire, earth, metal, water and wood again. Each has dual identities: mother and child, meaning they are in a mother-child relationship. For example, wood gives birth to fire, fire gives birth to earth, in that way wood is the “mother” of fire, fire is the “child” of wood; meanwhile, fire is the “mother” of earth, earth is the “child” of fire. Consequently, wood and fire, fire and earth form mother-child relationships. As far as fire is concerned, wood is the creator and earth is the product. 5 In terms of their mutual restrictions, the order is as follows: wood—earth, earth—water, water—fire, fire—metal, metal—wood, in which every single one is twofold—both restricting and under restriction. The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor defines these relations as those of the “conqueror” and the “conquered”. Taking wood as the ex-
中国传统文化专用词汇英文翻译常见中国传统文化专用词汇英文翻译1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦trigram阴、阳yin, yang道Dao(cf. logo)江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world)e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖,身不由己)道Daoism(Taoism)上火excessive internal heat儒学Confucianism红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology世外桃源Shangri-la or Arcadia开放kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭getting an equal share regardless of the work done伤痕文学scar literature or the literature of the wounded 不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on …合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge铁交椅iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post脱贫to shake off poverty; anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline2 、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节National Day中秋节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival 春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon Boat Festival妇女节Women’s Day泼水节Water-Splashing Day教师节Teachers’ Day五四青年节Youth Day3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨wonton锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi)花卷steamed twisted rolls套餐set meal盒饭box lunch; Chinese take-away 米豆腐rice tofu魔芋豆腐konjak tofu米粉rice noodles 冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.) 火锅chafing dish八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding粉丝glass noodles豆腐脑jellied bean curd4 、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信China Telecom中国移动China Mobile十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan中国电脑联网Chinanet 三峡工程the Three Gorges Project希望工程Project Hope京九铁路Beijing CKowloon Railway扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程Decent-Life Project安居工程Economy Housing Project扫黄Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发Go-West Campaign5 、特有的一些汉语词汇禅宗Zen Buddhism禅dhyana; dhgaya混沌chaos道Daosim, the way and its power四谛Four Noble Truth 八正道Eightfold Path无常anity五行说Theory of Five Elements无我anatman坐禅metta or transcendental meditation空sunyata虚无nothingness双喜double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)小品witty skits相声cross-talk噱头;掉包袱gimmick, stunt夜猫子night people; night-owls本命年this animal year of sb.处世之道philosophy of life姻缘yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿redeem a wish (vows)6 、具有文化特色的现代表述大陆中国Mainland China红宝书little red book红色中国socialist China四化Four Modernizations终生职业job-for-life铁饭碗iron rice bowl大锅饭communal pot关系户closely-related units外出打工人员migrant workers关系网personal nets, closely-knitted guild五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment7 、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸rice paper衙门yamen叩头kowtow孔子Confucius 牌楼pailou;pai-loo武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts) 功夫kungfu ;kung fu中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)中和harmony (zhonghe)孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son家长family head三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity 八股文eight-legged essays多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age8、近一季度见诸报端的中国现代特色词汇翻译基层监督grass-roots supervision基础税率base tariff level婚介所matrimonial agency婚外恋extramarital love婚纱摄影bride photo黑心棉shoddy cotton机器阅卷machine scoring即开型奖券scratch-open ticket/lottery 集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic development价格听证会public price hearings甲A球队Division A Soccer Team家政服务household management service加强舆论监督ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion假帐accounting fraud叫板challenge; pick a quarrel矫情use lame arguments渐进式台独gradual Taiwan independence借调temporarily transfer扩大中等收入者比重Raise the proportion of the middle-income group.扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption“民族传统”的必背考点一、对龙图腾他的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。
大学英语四六级翻译考试常用的100个文化类表达1. 金metal2.木wood3.水water4.火fire5. 土earth6. 五行five elements7. 风水Fengshui;geomanticomen8.炎黄子孙Chinese descent9. 阳历solar calendar10.阴历lunar calendar11.闰年leap year12.十二生肖twelve zodiac13. 财神爷the God of Wealth14.阎王爷King of Hell15.玉皇大帝the Jade Emperor16. 儒家文化Confucian Culture17.刺绣embroidery18.剪纸paper cutting19.书法calligraphy20.象形文字pictograms21.《西游记》Journey to the West22.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms23.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)24.《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes25.《论语》Analects of Confucius26.《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals27.《史记》Historical Records28.《孟子》The Mencius29.《诗经》The Book of Odes30.国庆节National Day31. 中秋节Mid-Autumn Day/Festival32. 春节Spring Festival33.元宵节the Lantern Festival33. 除夕Chinese New Year's Eve34. 清明节the Qing Ming Festival35. 端午节the Dragon-Boat Festival37.重阳节the Double Ninth Festival38.植树节Arbor Day39.劳动节Labor Day40.中国青年节Chinese Youth Day41.七夕节Chinese Valentine's Day42.春联spring couplets43.春运the Spring Festival travel rush44.国画Chinese painting45.豆腐tofu46.火锅hot pot47.八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding48.粽子rice dumpling49.月饼moon cake50.爆竹firecracker51.年画(traditional)New Year pictures52.压岁钱New Year gift-money53.守岁staying-up54.拜年pay new year's call55.禁忌taboo56.去晦气get rid of the ill- fortune57.祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one's ancestors58.辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year59.扫房general house-cleaning60.年糕rice cake/new year cake61. 团圆饭family reunion dinner62. 舞龙dragon dance63.舞狮lion dance64.元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings65.灯谜lantern riddle66.宣纸rice paper67.武术Chinese martial arts68.功夫kung fu69.中庸the way of medium70.中和harmony71.火药gunpowder72.印/玺seal/stamp73.京剧Beijing Opera/Peking Opera74.二十四节气the Twenty-Four Solar Terms75.世界记忆名录Memory of the World Register76. 文献遗产documentary heritage77.《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica78.秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb79.南京大屠杀档案Documents of the Nanjing Massacre80.人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes81、非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage82.中国特(te)色社(she)会主义文化socialist culture with Chinese characteristics83.工匠精神craftsmanship84.全国重点文物保护单位major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level85.传统工艺traditional crafts86.重要文化遗产major cultural heritage87.民间艺术outstanding folk arts88.历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage89.美丽宜居乡村a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in90.厕所革命toilet revolution91.美丽中国Beautiful China92.巴黎圣母院修复工作the restoration work of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris93.文化多样性cultural diversity94.世界遗产名录World Heritage List95.申遗bid for the World Heritage List96.国粹the quintessence of Chinese culture97.传统文化教育traditional culture education98.国家级非物质文化遗产继承人inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage99.文化资源整合integration of cultural resources100. 保护世界文化和自然遗产公约Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage。
五行学说的英语翻译问题一、五行学说的翻译“五行”一般有三种译法:five elements, five phases, wuxing。
从目前的使用情况来看,five elements 最为流行,且有约定俗成之势,值得采用。
“五行”中的“木、火、土、金、水”一般直译为wood, fire, earth, metal and water。
因为soil在英语中的含义是“the top covering of the earth in which plants grow”(植物赖以生长的地表之土),而earth的含义则较为宽泛和抽象。
常译作mutual promotion, mutual generation或inter-promotion, inter-generation。
mutual 和inter-都表示相互的意思,只是mutual可以作为一个独立的词语来使用,而inter-则不能作为独立词语使用,只能作为一个构词成分使用。
“相生”还有人译作engendering和generation in the five elements等。
2.相克:在“五行学说”中,“相克”指事物间具有相互制约、相互排斥的一面,常译作mutual restraint, mutual restriction, mutual inhibition或inter-restraint, inter-restriction, inter-inhibition。
浅论中医“五行”的英语翻译【关键词】中国传统[关键词]医学,中国传统; 英语; 翻译; 中医名词; 五行Brief discussion on English translation of the term “five elements” in traditional Chinese medicine五行是早期阴阳家的创说,其来源众说纷纭,目前主要认为以其与生产实践的关系考察五行的起源较为科学,即《尚书・洪范》云:“五行:一曰水,二曰火,三曰木,四曰金,五曰土。
目前,“五行”的英语译法主要有三种:“five elements”,“five phases”及音译“wuxing”[3]。
“element”在词典中的意思是“a fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity”。
其在数学上是指“a member of a set”;在化学和物理学上指“a substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus”,“elements cannot be reduce d to simpler substances by normal chemical means”,“one of four substances, earth, air, fire,or water, formerly regarded as a fundamental constituent of the universe”;在电学上指“the resistance wire in an electrical appliance”。
五行用英语怎么说:Your Chinese Name编者按:五行中用金木水火土怎么说呢?这些特殊的文字在英语中的解释是怎么样的呢?作者教我们来学着五行知识。
Do you know these characters, especially the last one?I guess your face might be >_< or 囧(jiǒng/embarrassed)How about these: 金, 木, 水, 火, 土? ( jīn, mù, shuǐ, huǒ, tǔ )It's a piece of cake, right? Even if you are a Chinese beginner, the last row of characters is easy.When you live in China for some time and make friends with Chinese, it's not difficult for you to find that the first five words are a common component of Chinese names. My eleven year-old cousin's nickname is "Triple Gold" (三金sān jīn) as his name is Xin (鑫xīn). This word’s structure is rather special: it consists of a triplet of the character 金(jīn). A college roommate's given name was also Xin (鑫xīn). They both carry this second name "Xin" according to the traditional Wu Xing theory.What is "Wu Xing"?The Wu Xing, (五行wŭxíng) –also known as the “Five Phases”, the “Five Agents” or the “Five Movements”– are Wood (木mù), Fire (火huǒ), Earth (土tǔ), Metal (金jīn) and Water (水shuǐ).In Chinese geomancy (divination practices such as "FengShui" ), if your destiny lacks either of these five elements, you might want to consider simply adding it, and enhancing your name with these words is a useful method. That's why the "Xin (鑫xīn)" appears in my cousin and roommate's names.The words at the beginning of this article are the triple structures of the five elements:Sen (森sēn) mea ns forest and is the triplet of Mu (木);Miao (淼miǎo) has the meaning of "wide expanse of water" and is the triplet ofShui (水);Xin (鑫xīn) goes "prosperous or good profit" especially in business as the triplet ofJin (金);Yan (焱yàn) is a formal usage of "spark" or "flame" and is the triplet of huo (火)Yao (垚yáo) built up of three tu (土) describes a very high mountain.Once you understand the meaning and the structure of these words, they are not only as easy as ABC, but with their fortune-enhancing properties also very powerful tools for streamlining those elements in your Chinese name! Hey, it's your destiny after all.公众号:HanFan汉风。
(TCM) health cultivation(养生) 养生) -——Food
TCM health cultivation Food are believed to help improve health on a regular basis, prevent seasonal climate related problems, fight early symptoms of health problems. we can keep healthy during the daily life.
Dredge the Jingluo(通络) 通络) 通络 点击添加标题 Resolve phlegm(化痰) 化痰) 化痰
Chen pi(陈皮) 陈皮) 陈皮
Which color of the food is good for kidney?
Thank you!
The black food
Black bean
black sesame seeds
(黑芝麻) 黑芝麻)
The black food
Laver(紫菜) (紫菜
Kelp(海带) 海带) 海带
What’s the name of orange’s skin in TCM?
The red food
haw apple(山楂) 山楂) 山楂
Carrot(胡萝卜) (胡萝卜)
The yellow food
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In traditional Chinese philosophy, natural phenomena can be classified into the Wu Xing (Chinese: 五行; Pinyin: wǔxíng), or the Five Elements: metal (Chinese: 金; Pinyin: jīn), wood (Chinese: 木; Pinyin: mù), water (Chinese: 水; Pinyin: shuǐ), fire (Chinese: 火; Pinyin: huǒ), and earth (Chinese: 土; Pinyin: tǔ). These elements were used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. Five Phases is the more appropriate way of translating wǔxíng — literally, "five goings". Traditional Taijiquan schools relate them to footwork and refer to them as five "steps". The original foundation is based on the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.
The doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an over coming or destruction (克, kè) cycle of interactions between the phases.
[edit] Generating
Wood feeds Fire;
Fire creates Earth (ash);
Earth bears Metal;
Metal collects Water and
Water nourishes Wood.
[edit] Overcoming
wood parts earth;
earth absorbs water;
water quenches fire;
fire melts metal and
metal chops wood
There are also two Cycles of Imbalance, an overacting cycle (cheng) and an insulting cycle (wu).
Five Chinese Elements - Diurnal Cycle
[edit] Circadian or Diurnal Cycle and other cycles
According to Chinese medical theory, each organ is associated with one of the Five Phases. It is believed to be more efficacious to treat an organ during a particular time period appropriate to it. The citation order of the Five Phases, i.e., the order in which they are cited in the Bo Hu Tong and other Han dynasty texts, is Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. The organs are most effectively treated, according to theory, in the following four-hour periods throughout the day, beginning with the 3 a.m. to 7 a. m. period: Metal organs (see the list below), Earth organs, Fire1 organs, Water organs, Fire2 (the "non-empirical" Pericardium and Triple Burner organs), and Wood organs, which is the reverse of the citation order (plus an extra use of Fire and the non-empirical organs to take care of the sixth four-hour period of the day). These two orders are further related to the sequence of the planets going outward from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, or Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, and Earth) by a star diagram similar to the one shown above.。