The Victorian Age英国文学维多利亚时期

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Utilitarianism and Jeremy Bentham Liberalism and Jean-Jacque Rousseau Socialism and Karl Marx Religious debate German Higher Criticism Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859) Oxford Movement led by Cardinal Newman The rapid growth of Evangelical Methodism(循道宗)
维多利亚女王性格鲜明,秉性真挚。她忠于职守,具有治国之才; 她不仅把时光消磨在工作上,也消磨在为家务操劳上;她忠于自己的丈 夫,对子女要求严格,成为一代楷模。她的不懈努力,不仅使英国的文 学,艺术、科学昌盛,经济繁荣,英国的生活方式(如英国贵族的下午 茶)也从那时候开始成为世界各国人民所追逐仿效的对象。“维多利亚 时代”被许多英国人所怀念。
1837年维多利亚女王即位时,英国已经完成了资本主义工业革命, 为了满足国家寻找原料地和销售市场的要求,英国开始在世界各地建立 殖民地和自治领。1840年英国占领了新西兰,这标志着英国在全世界的 殖民体系形成。英国对中国的野心由来已久。英国与中国的贸易最早始 于茶叶、丝绸的贸易;但是这些商品是英国市场上的奢侈品,而中国自 给自足的经济体制使得英国的工业革命的产品毫无用武之地。为了扭转 对华贸易逆差,英国商人开始在英国政府的支持下倾销鸦片。1839年, 林则徐在虎门销烟,极大程度上打击了英国政府的倾销政策,1840年初, 维多利亚女王在议会上发表了著名的演说,呼吁“为了大英帝国的利 益”,向中国发动战争。第一次鸦片战争遂始。
• The Chartist Movement (1836-1848 )was organized by the English workers in big cities and brought forth the People’s Charter, in which they demanded basic rights and better living and working conditions. The movement brought some improvement to the welfare of the working class. It was the first mass movement of the English working class and the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people.
The Victorian age (1832-1901)
Victorian temper
---Puritan morality: virtues of hard work; modesty and worldly success against seeking worldly pleasure
--- Victorian quality: the high standards of decency; earnest pursuit of morals vs. practices of prudery, false modesty, empty respectability
The Victorian age (1832-1901)
An Age of Expansion:
---British Empire at its highest point of development as a world power, or the largest nation on earth --- the largest exporter and importer of goods in the world; the primary manufacturer of goods and the wealthiest country
The Victorian Era
1)the early 30s of the 19th to the beginning years of the 20th century 2) the reign of Queen Victoria from 1832(1837) to 1901
the Reform Bill
--The 1st Reform Act of 1832 and the 2nd Reform act of 1867 : reform in the electoral system leading to a more democratic society
---,1830, 1850, 1900, Public railway across England and an underground rail system beneath London ---Great Exhibition of 1851 and Crystal Palace (locomotives, machine tools, power looms, reapers, steamboat engines and etc)
The Time
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
(英国历史上1832年 议会选举法修正法案)
The Background of the Time
rapid economic development serious social problems
the passage of the Reform Bill in 1832
Rapid Economic Development
decaying aristocratic
industrial capitalists
political power
steam powered engines
the Industrial revolution
amazing changes
Serious social problems
The Victorian age (1832-1901)
◆ Historical Situation Reign of Queen Victoria: 1837-1901
An Age of Expansion An Age of change and Improvement
An Age of Unrest and Dispute
---seeing it as their duty to bring English values, laws, customs, and religion to the “savage” races around the world (Missionaries)
The Victorian age (1832-1901) An Age of change and Improvement
她是第一个以“大不列颠和爱尔兰联合王国女王和印度女皇”名号称 呼的英国君主。她在位的64年期间(1837-1901年),是英国最强盛的所 谓“日不落帝国”时期。女王统治时期,在英国历史上被称为维多利亚时 代。她在位的60余年正值英国自由资本主义由方兴未艾到鼎盛、进而过渡 到垄断资本主义的转变时期,经济、文化空前繁荣,君主立宪制得到充分 发展,使维多利亚女王成了英国和平与繁荣的象征。
---avoidance of profanity and sex & exposure of the age’s hypocrisy in favor of sincerity and humanitarian love.
The Victorian period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. As a result of relative peace at home, national economy picked up at a high speed. The country changed from an agricultural to an industrialized nation. It became more urbanized, cities grew in size, and villages declined. Education became more general, and science and technology advanced. Despite the gaping extremes of wealth and poverty, life became visibly easier.
(English Literature of Critical Realism in England)
About Queen Victoria:
• Alexandrina Victoria 1819-1901
• At the age of 18 Victoria inherited the throne, she reigned for 64 years • “The sun never sets on the Queen’s empire” • the power and influence of Britain around the world • The Opium War • She died a lonely ruler
Queen Elizabeth & Queen Victoria
1st, on the throne for a long period of time 2nd, England developed rapidly both politically and economically 3rd, literature flourished
huge profit worse living condition workers long-hour working never-adequate food
the Chartist Movement
What is the Chartist Movement ? 宪章运动
1837年,18岁的女王维多利亚登基,新女王在继位之前的日记中写 道:既然上帝把我置于这个国家的王位上,我将尽力履行自己的职责。 我尚年轻,可能在许多方面缺乏经验,但我肯定,几乎无人像我这样怀 着为国为民的良好意愿和真切希望。女王充分实现了自己的诺言:她在 其一生中模范地履行了立宪君主的职责,因此深受国民的爱戴;她还是 那个时代道德风尚的典范,她是贤妻,又是良母,是典型的大家闺秀, 也是优秀的一家主妇。她自己生活严谨,工作刻苦,对别人又充满责任 感。在许多国人眼中,她就是那个时代的缩影,她漫长的63年在位时期 则是国家繁荣昌盛的顶峰。维多利亚在位时期,被称作“维多利亚时 代”,在英国所有国王中,她享有盛誉,这不是因为她做出了什么轰动 的事业,而是因为她什么都不做,而仅仅恪守立宪君主的本分,做她那 个时代的表率。
维多利亚女王的名字,象征着一个时代。在维多利亚统治期间,英 国国民空前团结,英国成为一个强大的帝国,并不断壮大发展。这是女 王给英国人留下的最好遗产,也是对她一生政绩最有力的评价。极少有 坐上帝位的女人,能像维多利亚一样,如此出色地完成了女王的职责, 同时又拥有如此平凡的作为女人的幸福。她统治的时期,特别是1851 年以后,在英国历史上被称为维多利亚时代。她在位的六十余年正值英 国自由资本主义由方兴未艾到鼎盛、进而过渡到垄断资本主义的转变时 期,英国极度强盛,经济、文化空前繁荣,科学、艺术都有很大的发展, 君主立宪制得到充分成熟,维多利亚女王的名字成了英国和平与繁荣的 象征。
The Victorian age (1832-1901)
◆ Historical Situation An Age of Unrest and Dispute
Social unrest unemployment, poverty, slums in large cites, terrible working conditions; Chartist Movement; petitions for women’s suffrage; the Married Women's Property Acts Intellectual diversity