

广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷 .doc

广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷 .doc

广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年考试科目代码及名称:F531-会计学综合(会计硕士) 适用专业:125300会计硕士[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、名词解释(5题,每题3分,共15分)1、会计要素2、非货币性交易3、财务杠杆4、变动制造费用效率差异5、实质性测试二、简答题(3题,每题5分,共15分)1、简述现金流量表中经营活动现金流的间接法。
















广东财经大学252法语2017年考研真题欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第1 页共4 页)广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年考试科目代码及名称:252-法语(自命题)适用专业:050201 英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、词语选择(10题,每题1分,共10分)1. Son mari prend souvent une heure de _____ à midi.A. batailleB. reposC. ch?mageD. retarite2. Nous mettons _____ lait dans le café.A. leB. duC. de laD. des3. Jean voudrait acheter ce manteau _____ neuf.A. tousB. touteC. toutD. toutes4. _____fleurs avez-vous choisies pour votre mère?A. QuelB. QuelleC. QuelsD. Quelles5. On se sent _____ après avoir pris une douche chaude.A. pireB. malC. mieuxD. pis6. Il habite dans un _____ appartement.A. belB. beauC. belleD. beaux7. Il est _____ ivre pour rentrer tout seul..A. beaucoupB. trèsC. tropD. bon8. J'ai demandé un sac plastique _____ j'ai mis des trucs.A. dansB. yC. ouD. dans lequel9. Si vous envoyez des cartes postales depuis T okyo, n'oubliez pas de_____ une.A. m'envoyerB. m'en envoyerC. envoyerD. me envoyer10. C'est inutile, ?a ne sert à _____.A. quoiB. quelque choseC. personneD. rien11. Les noms de stations de métro rappellent toute l'histore de Paris et de la France, le Chatelet, par exemple, savez-vous _____ c'est?A. ce quiB. ce queC. ce dontD. qui12.Beaucoup de gens _____ un régime végétarien.A. préfèrentB. suiventC. donnentD. adorent13. Elle m'a encouragé_____ poursuivre mes études.A. deB. àC. pourD. sans préposition14. A la gare de Marseilles, Pascal a eu la correpondance pour Lyon _____ retard de son train.A. malgré leB. à cause duC. pour leD. même le15. _____je travaillerais jour et nuit, je n'y arriverais pas.A. Même siB. Quand bien mêmeC. Bien queD. Encore que16. Elles _____ une belle chanson.A. se sont chantéB. se sont chantéeC. se sont chantéesD. se sont chantés17. Si elle avait re?u cette lettre, elle _____ contente.A. avait étéB. seraitC. aurait étéD. f?t18. Attendez-moi, s'il vous plait, j'en ai _____ cinq minutes.A. justeB. àC. pourD. par1。



广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年 考试科目代码及名称:F507-计量经济学 适用专业:020209计量经济学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、单项选择题(10题,每题2分,共20分) 1.计量经济模型分为单方程模型和( )。

A.随机方程模型 B.行为方程模型 C.联立方程模型 D.非随机方程模型 2.总体回归线是指:( )。

A.解释变量X 取给定值时,被解释变量Y 的样本均值的轨迹B.样本观测值拟合的最好的曲线C.使残差平方和最小的曲线D.解释变量X 取给定值时,被解释变量Y 的条件均值的轨迹 3.DW 的取值范围是:( )。

A.0≤DW ≤4B.-1≤DW ≤1C.-2≤DW ≤2D.-1≤DW ≤0 4.在具体运用加权最小二乘法时,如果变换的结果是it i i i i i X X X X X Y μββ++=101,则Var (i μ)是下列形式中的哪一种( )。

A .i X 2σ B .22i X σ C .i X 2σ D .i X log 2σ 5.根据判定系数R 2与F 统计量的关系可知,当R 2=1时,有( )。

A.F=1 B. F=0 C. F=-1 D. F=∞ 6.阿尔蒙变换适用于下列什么模型( )。

A.无限分布滞后模型 B. 有限分布滞后模型 C.无限自回归模型 D. 有限自回归模型7.对两个包含的解释变量个数不同的回归模型进行拟合优度比较时,应比较它们的( )。

A.判定系数B.调整后判定系数C.标准误差D.估计标准误差8.设个人消费函数i i i u X Y ++=21ββ中,消费支出Y 不仅与收入X 有关,而且与消费者的性别、年龄构成有关,年龄构成可以分为老、中、青、少四个层次,假定边际消费倾向不变,该消费函数引入虚拟变量的个数为( )。

A.1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个 9、关于计量经济模型变量的说法中正确的是( )。



考试年度:2017年考试科目代码及名称:801-经济学基础(自命题)适用专业:020201国民经济学、020202区域经济学、020203财政学、020204金融学、020205产业经济学、020206国际贸易学、020209 数量经济学、027000统计学




广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷()考试年度:年考试科目代码及名称:技术经济学适用专业:技术经济及管理[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]()名词解释(题,每题分,共分)1.协同创新2.技术学习.逻辑归纳推理.技术标准()简答题(题,每题分,共分)1.简述技术创新的基本特点2.如何对技术项目进行综合评价. 简述类比推理的主要步骤. 简述“技术经济及管理”学科的内涵(1)论述题(题,每题分)论述移动互联网对企业管理的影响。
















广东财经大学 613-英语水平考试 2017年硕士研究生考研真题

广东财经大学 613-英语水平考试 2017年硕士研究生考研真题

广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年 考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试 适用专业:050201 英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]I. Cloze 完形填空(30题,每题1分,共30分)Direction : There are 3 passages below. Read each of them and choose the proper word from the word list to fill in each of the blanks in the passages. Each word can be used only once.Passage 1Two of the most frustrating things about driving a car are getting lost andgetting stuck in traffic. While the computer revolution is (1)_____to cure these problems, it will have a positive impact. Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from (2)____satellites can locate your car (3)_____at any moment and warn of traffic jams. We already have twenty-four Navstar satellites orbiting the earth, making up what is called the Global Positioning System. They make it possible to determine your(4)_______on the earth to within about a hundred feet. At any (5)______time, there are several GPS satellites orbiting overhead at a distance of about 11,000 miles. Each satellite cont ains four “atomic clocks,” which (6)_____ at a precise frequency, according to the laws of the quantum theory.As a satellite passes overhead, it sends out a radio (7)___that can be detected bya receiver in a car’s computer. The car’s computer can then (8)___how far the satellite is by (9)____how long it took for the signal to arrive. Since the speed of light is well known, any delay in receivin g the satellite’s signal can be (10)_____into a distance.Passage 2More than 30 million cars and trucks nationwide are (1) with dangerously(2)____air bags, congressional officials say, a number that raises questions about whether the US (3)____industry can handle what could become the largest recall in history.Federal safety (4)____have recalled only 7.8 million vehicles over the defect in afew states, a limited action that (5)____said Thursday was vastly insufficient to(6)____what they deemed “a public safety threat”.Two senators demanded a much (7)____recall that would cover everyaffectedvehicle nationwide. (8)_____a recall of that magnitude ---- including best-selling models from Honda, Toyota, GM, Chrysler and six other companies (9)____ 2002 to 2007 ---- could prove far (10)_____than the industry has ever managed.Passage 3Britain is not just one country and one people; even if some of its inhabitants think so. Britain is, in fact, a nation which can be divided into several (1) __ parts, each part being an individual country with its own language, character and cultural (2) __. Thus Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales do not claim to (3) __ to "England" because their inhabitants are not (4) __ "English". They are Scottish, Irish or Welsh and many of them prefer to speak their own native tongue, which in turn is (5) __ to the others.These cultural minorities(少数民族) have been Britain’s original inhabitants. In varying degrees they have managed to (6) __ their national characteristics, and their particular customs and way of life. This is probably even more true of the (7) __ areas where traditional life has not been so affected by the (8)__ of industrialism as the border areas have been. The Celtic races are said to be more emotional by nature than the English. An Irish temper is legendary. The Scots could rather (9) __ about their reputation for excessive thrift and prefer to be remembered for their folk songs and dances, while the Welsh are famous for their singing. The Celtic (10)__ as a whole produces humorous writers and artists, such as the Irish Bernard Shaw, the Scottish Robert Burns, and the Welsh Dylan Thomas, to mention but a few.II. Proofreading and error correction 改错题 (15题,每题2分,共30分)Directions:The following passage contains 15 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. Correct the errors and write the answers on your answer sheet.What is corporate culture? At its most basic, it’s described like (1) ____the personality of an organization, or simply as “how things aredone around here.” It guides what employees think, act, and feel. (2)_____ Corporate culture is a wide term used to define the unique (3) _____personality or character of a particular company or organization,and include such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate (4) _____ ethics, and rules of behavior. Corporate culture can express (5) _____in the company’s mission statement and other communications,in the architectural style or interior decoration, by what people wearto work, by how people address to each other, and in the titles given (6) _____ various employees. How do you uncover the corporate culture of (7) _____a potential employer? The truth is that you will never really knowthe corporate culture after you have worked at the company for a (8)______ number of months, but you can get close to them through research (9)______and observation. Understanding culture is a two-steps process, (10) _____ starting with the research before the interview and ending (11)______ with observation at the interview. The bottom line is thatyou are going to spend a lot of time on the work environment-(12)______ and to be happy, success, and productive, you will want to (13)______be in a place where you fit for the culture, a place where you (14)______ can have voice, be respected, and have opportunities for (15)______ growth.III. Gap-filling 选词填空题(15题,每题2分,共30分)Directions: Fill in the following blanks with the correct words given according to the meanings of the sentences.1. Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to ________ theimpact of the oil spill.A. minimizeB. belittleC. rejectD. reclaim2. T opics for conversation should be ________ to the experiences and interests of thestudents.A. satisfiedB. relevantC. concernedD. concentrated3. T hey said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to________.A. bring aboutB. pull throughC. carry onD. put up4. W e could tell that she was still ________ something and it was our job to find outwhat.A. cancelingB. shelteringC. concealingD. settling5. Y ou are legally ________ to take faulty goods back to the store where you boughtthem.A. assignedB. entitledC. acclaimedD. remained6. H is knowledge of English is ________ for the job, although he is not fluent in thelanguage.A. justifiedB. reliableC. adequateD. assured7. T he scientists have been ________ the necessary funds for their research program.A. desiredB. neglectedC. declinedD. denied8. T here is always a ________ that the legal system is designed to suit lawyers ratherthan to protect the public.A. confidenceB. faithC. deceptionD. suspicion9. A spokesman of Ministry of Agriculture said that a series of policies would beimplemented to ________ the development of agriculture.A. demoteB. promoteC. decreaseD. increase10. A dark suit is ________ to a light one for evening wear.A. favorableB. suitableC. properD. preferable11. The foreign company has been ________ running this factory for decades.A. enormouslyB. effectivelyC. infinitelyD. extremely12. I’m not sick; ________, I’m in the peak of health.A. to be honestB. on the contraryC. to my delightD. on all sides13. By a ________ of good luck, Gene, who had been buried in the rubble for morethan 26 hours, came out alive.A. strokeB. hitC. strikeD. blow14. A dvertising is an intensely ________ business.A. competitiveB. aggressiveC. adventurousD. lucrative15. She was _______ upset to find that she failed in the final examination.A. somehowB. somewayC. somewhatD. somewhereIV. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解(30题,每题2分,共60分)Directions: In this section, there six reading passages followed by a total of thirty multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then choose the correct answer.Passage 1 The Birth of Photography【1】Perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered by the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century. In particular, and quite logically, the art of painting was forever changed, though not always in the ways one might have expected. The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- and late-nineteenth century were all intently aware of photography—as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.【2】Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar—the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the "daguerreotype," was announced in 1839.【3】A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot (1800-1877) in 1841. Talbot's "calotype" was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image. This "negative," as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.【4】The two processes produced very different results. The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving. Its general effect was soft edged and tonal.【5】One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea of authenticity. Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference. The title Talbot chose for his book, The Pencil of Nature (the first part of which was published in 1844), reflected this feeling. Artists were fascinated by photography because it offered a way of examining the world in much greater detail. They were also afraid of it, because it seemed likely to make their own efforts unnecessary.【6】Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete—the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature. It also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.【7】In the long term, photography's impact on the visual arts was far from simple. Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor. Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case thiscompromised their professional standing.【8】The rapid technical development of photography—the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment, and of new emulsions that coated photographic plates, film, and paper and enabled images to be made at much faster speeds—had some unanticipated consequences. Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) and Etienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904) demonstrated that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art. Artists, often reluctantly, were forced to accept the evidence provided by the camera. The new candid photography—unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken—confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats. The accidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.1.What can be inferred from paragraphs 1 and 2 about the effect of photography on nineteenth-century painting?A. Photography did not significantly change the way people looked at reality.B. Most painters used the images of the camera obscura in preference to those of the daguerreotype.C. Painters who were concerned with realistic or naturalistic representation were particularly influenced by photography.D. Artists used the long-awaited invention of photography in just the ways they had expected to.2. According to paragraphs 2 and 3 which of the following did the daguerreotype and the calotype have in common?A. They were equally useful for artists.B. They could be reproduced.C. They produced a permanent imageD. They were produced on treated paper.3. The word "authenticity" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning toA. improvement.B. practicality.C. genuineness.D. repetition.4.What point does the author make in paragraph 6?A. Paintings became less expensive because of competition with photography.B. Photography, unlike painting, was a type of portraiture that even ordinary people could afford.C. Every style of painting was influenced by the invention of photography.D. The daguerreotype was more popular than the calotype.5.It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that one effect that photography had on painting was that itA.provided painters with new insights into how humans and animals actually move.B.showed that representing movement could be as interesting as portrait art.C.increased the appeal of painted portraiture among the wealthy.D.influenced artists to improve techniques for painting faster.Passage 2 Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia【1】The universal global warming at the end of the Ice Age had dramatic effects on temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America. Ice sheets retreated and sea levels rose. The climatic changes in southwestern Asia were more subtle, in that they involved shifts in mountain snow lines, rainfall patterns, and vegetation cover. However, these same cycles of change had momentous impacts on the sparse human populations of the region. At the end of the Ice Age, no more than a few thousand foragers lived along the eastern Mediterranean coast, in the Jordan and Euphrates valleys. Within 2,000 years, the human population of the region numbered in the tens of thousands, all as a result of village life and farming. Thanks to new environmental and archaeological discoveries, we now know something about this remarkable change in local life.【2】Pollen samples from freshwater lakes in Syria and elsewhere tell us forest cover expanded rapidly at the end of the Ice Age, for the southwestern Asian climate was still cooler and considerably wetter than today. Many areas were richer in animal and plant species than they are now, making them highly favorable for human occupation. About 9000 B.C., most human settlements lay in the area along the Mediterranean coast and in the Zagros Mountains of Iran and their foothills. Some local areas, like the Jordan River valley, the middle Euphrates valley, and some Zagros valleys, were more densely populated than elsewhere. Here more sedentary and more complex societies flourished. These people exploited the landscape intensively, foraging on hill slopes for wild cereal grasses and nuts, while hunting gazelle and other game on grassy lowlands and in river valleys. Their settlements contain exotic objects such as seashells, stone bowls, and artifacts made of obsidian (volcanic glass), all traded from afar. This considerable volume of intercommunity exchange brought a degree of social complexity in its wake.【3】Thanks to extremely fine-grained excavation and extensive use of flotation methods (through which seeds are recovered from soil samples), we know a great deal about the foraging practices of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra in Syria's Euphrates valley. Abu Hureyra was founded about 9500B.C, a small village settlement of cramped pit dwellings (houses dug partially in the soil) with reed roofs supported by wooden uprights. For the next 1,500 years, its inhabitants enjoyed a somewhat warmer and damper climate than today, living in a well-wooded steppe area where wild cereal grasses were abundant. They subsisted off spring migrations of Persian gazelles from the south. With such a favorable location, about 300 to 400 people lived in a sizable, permanent settlement. They were no longer a series of small bands but lived in a large community with more elaborate social organization, probably grouped into clans of people of common descent.【4】The flotation samples from the excavations allowed botanists to study shifts in plant-collecting habits as if they were looking through a telescope at a changing landscape. Hundreds of tiny plant remains show how the inhabitants exploited nutharvests in nearby pistachio and oak forests. However, as the climate dried up, the forests retreated from the vicinity of the settlement. The inhabitants turned to wild cereal grasses instead, collecting them by the thousands, while the percentage of nuts in the diet fell. By 8200B.C., drought conditions were so severe that the people abandoned their long-established settlement, perhaps dispersing into smaller camps. 【5】Five centuries later, about 7700B.C., a new village rose on the mound. At first the inhabitants still hunted gazelle intensively. Then, about 7000 B.C., within the space of a few generations, they switched abruptly to herding domesticated goats and sheep and to growing einkorn, pulses, and other cereal grasses. Abu Hureyra grew rapidly until it covered nearly 30 acres. It was a close-knit community of rectangular, one-story mud-brick houses, joined by narrow lanes and courtyards, finally abandoned about 5000 B.C.. Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.6. The word "momentous" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA. numerous.B. regular.C. very important.D. very positive.7. Major climatic changes occurred by the end of the Ice Age in all of the following geographic areas EXCEPTA. temperate regions of Asia.B. southwestern Asia.C. North America.D. Europe.8. Why does the author mention "seashells, stone bowls, and artifacts made of obsidian" in paragraph 2?A. To give examples of objects obtained through trade with other societies.B. To illustrate the kinds of objects that are preserved in a cool climate.C. To provide evidence that the organization of work was specialized.D. To give examples of the artistic ability of local populations.9. Paragraph 4 suggests that the people of Abu Hureyra abandoned their long-established settlement becauseA. the inhabitants had cleared all the trees from the forests.B. wild cereal grasses took over pistachio and oak forests.C. people wanted to explore new areas.D. lack of rain caused food shortages.10. According to paragraph 5, after 7000 B.C. the settlement of Abu Hureyra differed from earlier settlements at that location in all of the following EXCEPTA. the domestication of animals.B. the intensive hunting of gazelle.C. the size of the settlement.D. the design of the dwellings.Passage 3 Children and Advertising【1】Young children are trusting of commercial advertisements in the media, and advertisers have sometimes been accused of taking advantage of this trusting outlook. The Independent Television Commission, regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom, has criticized advertisers for "misleadingness"—creating a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionally—in an effort to control advertisers' use of techniques that make it difficult for children to judge the true size, action, performance, or construction of a toy.【2】General concern about misleading tactics that advertisers employ is centered on the use of exaggeration. Consumer protection groups and parents believe that children are largely ill-equipped to recognize such techniques and that often exaggeration is used at the expense of product information. Claims such as "the best" or "better than" can be subjective and misleading; even adults may be unsure as to their meaning. They represent the advertiser's opinions about the qualities of their products or brand and, as a consequence, are difficult to verify. Advertisers sometimes offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim with a disclaimer—a qualification or condition on the claim. For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer "when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast." However, research has shown that children often have difficulty understanding disclaimers: children may interpret the phrase "when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast" to mean that the cereal is required as a necessary part of a balanced breakfast. The author George Comstock suggested that less than a quarter of children between the ages of six and eight years old understood standard disclaimers used in many toy advertisements and that disclaimers are more readily comprehended when presented in both audio and visual formats. Nevertheless, disclaimers are mainly presented in audio format only.【3】Fantasy is one of the more common techniques in advertising that could possibly mislead a young audience. Child-oriented advertisements are more likely to include magic and fantasy than advertisements aimed at adults. In a content analysis of Canadian television, the author Stephen Kline observed that nearly all commercials for character toys featured fantasy play. Children have strong imaginations and the use of fantasy brings their ideas to life, but children may not be adept enough to realize that what they are viewing is unreal. Fantasy situations and settings are frequently used to attract children's attention, particularly in food advertising. Advertisements for breakfast cereals have, for many years, been found to be especially fond of fantasy techniques, with almost nine out of ten including such content. Generally, there is uncertainty as to whether very young children can distinguish between fantasy and reality in advertising. Certainly, rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited, as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states or associations.【4】The use of celebrities such as singers and movie stars is common in advertising. The intention is for the positively perceived attributes of the celebrity to be transferred to the advertised product and for the two to become automatically linked in the audience's mind. In children's advertising, the "celebrities" are often animated figuresfrom popular cartoons. In the recent past, the role of celebrities in advertising to children has often been conflated with the concept of host selling. Host selling involves blending advertisements with regular programming in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish one from the other. Host selling occurs, for example, when a children's show about a cartoon lion contains an ad in which the same lion promotes a breakfast cereal. The psychologist Dale Kunkel showed that the practice of host selling reduced children's ability to distinguish between advertising and program material. It was also found that older children responded more positively to products in host selling advertisements.【5】Regarding the appearance of celebrities in advertisements that do not involve host selling, the evidence is mixed. Researcher Charles Atkin found that children believe that the characters used to advertise breakfast cereals are knowledgeable about cereals, and children accept such characters as credible sources of nutritional information. This finding was even more marked for heavy viewers of television. In addition, children feel validated in their choice of a product when a celebrity endorses that product. A study of children in Hong Kong, however, found that the presence of celebrities in advertisements could negatively affect the children's perceptions of a product if the children did not like the celebrity in question.11. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as being a difficult judgment for children to make about advertised toys?A. How big the toys are?B. How much the toys cost?C. What the toys can do?D. How the toys are made?12. The word “verify” in the passage is closest in meaning toA. establish the truth of.B. approve of.C. understand.D. criticize.13. Cereal advertisements that include the statement “when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast” are trying to suggest thatA. the cereal is a desirable part of a healthful, balanced breakfast.B. the cereal contains equal amounts of all nutrients.C. cereal is a healthier breakfast than other foods are.D. the cereal is the most nutritious part of the breakfast meal.14. The word “adept”(Paragraph 3)in the passage is cl osest in meaning toA. responsible.B. skillful.C. patient.D. curious.15. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention a show about a cartoon lion in which an advertisement appears featuring the same lion character?A. To help explain what is meant by th e term "host selling” and why it can be misleading to children.B. To explain why the role of celebrities in advertising aimed at children has often been confused with host selling.C. To compare the effectiveness of using animated figures with the effectiveness of using celebrities in advertisements aimed at children.D. To indicate how Kunkel first became interested in studying the effects of host selling on children.Passage 4 Methods of Studying Infant Perception In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli. Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, indirect techniques of naturalistic observation are used as the primary means of determining what infants can see, hear, feel, and so forth. Each of these methods compares an infant's state prior to the introduction of a stimulus with its state during or immediately following the stimulus. The difference between the two measures provides the researcher with an indication of the level and duration of the response to the stimulus. For example, if a uniformly moving pattern of some sort is passed across the visual field of a neonate (newborn), repetitive following movements of the eye occur. The occurrence of these eye movements provides evidence that the moving pattern is perceived at some level by the newborn. Similarly, changes in the infant's general level of motor activity —turning the head, blinking the eyes, crying, and so forth — have been used by researchers as visual indicators of the infant's perceptual abilities.Such techniques, however, have limitations. First, the observation may be unreliable in that two or more observers may not agree that the particular response occurred, or to what degree it occurred. Second, responses are difficult to quantify. Often the rapid and diffuse movements of the infant make it difficult to get an accurate record of the number of responses. The third, and most potent, limitation is that it is not possible to be certain that the infant's response was due to the stimulus presented or to a change from no stimulus to a stimulus. The infant may be responding to aspects of the stimulus different than those identified by the investigator. Therefore, when observational assessment is used as a technique for studying infant perceptual abilities, care must be taken not to over-generalize from the data or to rely on one or two studies as conclusive evidence of a particular perceptual ability of the infant.Observational assessment techniques have become much more sophisticated, reducing the limitations just presented. Film analysis of the infant's responses, heart and respiration rate monitors, and nonnutritive sucking devices are used as effective tools in understanding infant perception. Film analysis permits researchers to carefully study the infant's responses over and over and in slow motion. Precise measurements can be made of the length and frequency of the infant's attention between two stimuli. Heart and respiration monitors provide the investigator with the number of heartbeats or breaths taken when a new stimulus is presented. Numerical。



⼴东财经⼤学参考答案及评分标准(A卷)⼴东商学院试题参考答案及评分标准2006-2007学年第⼀学期课程名称概率论与数理统计课程代码课程负责⼈ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------⼀、填空题(每⼩题2分,共20分)1、以A 表⽰事件“甲种产品畅销,⼄种产品滞销”,其对⽴事件A 表⽰甲种产品滞销,⼄种产品畅销2、概率具备⾮负性、完备性和可列可加性3、假设事件A 和B 满⾜(|)1P B A =,则A 与B 的关系是 A B ?4、如果事件A 和B 是互不相容的,且()0.3,()0.4P A P B ==,则()P A B += 0.75、 0-1分布的分布律{}P X k == 1(1)0,1k kp p k --=6、⼆项分布(,)B n p 的分布律{}P X k == (1)0,1,2,,k k nkn C p p k n --=7、正态分布2(,)N u σ的⽅差为 2σ8、设随机变量X 的期望()E X u =,⽅差2()D X σ=,则对任意给定的正数ε,有{}P X u ε-≥≤ 22σε9、历史上最早的中⼼极限定理是棣莫拂—拉普拉斯定理 10、设(,)X Y 为⼆维连续型随机变量,(,)f x y 为其联合概率密度,(), ()X Y f x f y 分别为X 与Y 的边缘密度,若对任意,x y ,有 (,)()()X Y f x y f x f y = 则称,X Y 相互独⽴。

⼆、选择题(每⼩题2分,共10分)1.在下列四个条件中,能使)()()(B P A P B A P -=-⼀定成⽴是() A 、B A ? B 、A 、B 独⽴ C 、A 、B 互不相容 D 、A B ?2.设在每次试验中,事件A 发⽣的概率为)10(<A 、np B 、nq C 、np -1 D 、nq -13.设C B A ,,三个事件两两独⽴,则C B A ,,相互独⽴的充分必要条件是() A 、A 与BC 独⽴ B 、AB 与C A 独⽴ C 、AB 与BC 独⽴ D 、B A 与C A 独⽴4.设随机变量ξ服从正态分布),(2σµN ,则随σ的增⼤,概率{}σµξ<-PA 、单调增⼤C 、保持不变D 、⾮单调变化5.将⼀枚硬币重复掷n 次,以ξ和η分别表⽰正⾯向上和反⾯向上的次数,则ξ和η的相关系数等于 A 、-1 B 、0 C 、21D 、1 答案:DDACA三、计算题(每⼩题6分,共24分)1、⼀个袋⼦装有10个⼤⼩相同的球,其中3个⿊球,7个⽩球,求:从袋⼦中任取两个球,刚好⼀个⽩球⼀个⿊球的概率。



广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年考试科目代码及名称:805-管理信息系统(自命题)适用专业:087100 管理科学与工程[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、名词解释(6题,每题5分,共30分)1、管理信息系统(MIS,Management Information Systems)2、数据库(DB ,Data Base)3、数据库管理系统(DBMS,Data Base Management System)4、数据仓库(DW,Data Warehouse)5、数据挖掘(DM,Data Mining)6、决策支持系统(DSS,Decision Support System)二、简答题(8题,每题5分,共40分)1、请简要说明管理信息系统的主要功能。





四、案例分析题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1、红星公司是一家航空公司,近年来不断加强企业信息化建设,以适应信息时代和日益增长的业务需求,建设了机票控制信息系统,完成如下业务:(1)管理每日打进的85000个电话, 40000个预定信息, 20000张机票;(2)制定飞行计划, 搜寻空闲部件, 安排机组人员时间表;(3)预定宾馆, 出租车等。




3.厂商的生产函数为:{}32442(,,)min /,,()/f x y z x y y z x y =-,对于该厂商而言,它具有怎样的规模报酬特征?4.中国的货币层次如何划分?5.影响基础货币的主要因素有哪些?6.风险管理的损后目标包括哪些?7.可保利益构成的条件有哪些?8.什么是保险展业及其核心问题?9.保险合同条款解释的方式有哪些?三、论述题(4题,每题15分,共60分)1.假定企业F 是追求利润最大化的企业,它的生产技术为:12(,)y f x x =,其中1x 和2x 是F 所采用的两种要素投入,我们假定这两种要素所处的市场是完全竞争的,它们的价格分别为1w 和2w 。

另外,企业F 的产品所处的市场也是竞争性的,F 只能以市场所确定的价格P 进行销售。

(1)写出利润最大化企业F 的目标函数。



2.假定GDP 是6000元,个人可支配收入DPI 是5100元,政府的预算赤字G-T 是200元,消费C 是3800元,对外贸易赤字M-X 是100元。





广东财经大学2021年研究生招生初试自命题807高等数学 - 副本

广东财经大学2021年研究生招生初试自命题807高等数学 - 副本

二、计算题 (6 题,每题 10 分,共 60 分)
1. 已知 f (x) = x4 + x3 − 3x2 − 5x − 2, g(x) = x3 + x2 − x − 1, (f (x), g(x)) 表示 f (x), g(x) 的 首项系数等于 1 的最大公因式. 计算 (f (x), g(x)), 并求 u(x), v(x) 使得 (f (x), g(x)) = u(x)f (x) + v(x)g(x).
α1, α2, α3, α4 的秩等于
10. 设 A =大学aa121
a2 a22
a3 a23
aa424, ai ̸= aj, (i ̸= j, i, j = 1, 2, 3, 4),x = xx23,B = 11, 则线性方
经 财
程组广东 AT
a31 x=
a32 a33 a34 B 的解用向量表示为
1. 计算:0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0
122 001
x1 + x2 + x3 = 4
+ +
bx2 2bx2
+ x3 + x3
=3 =4
(1) 确定 b 的值;
(2) 计算方程组的通解.
3.Βιβλιοθήκη 已知二次型学f (x1, x2, x3) = x21 + ax22 + x23 + 2x1x2 + 2ax1x3 + 2x2x3











广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2019年 考试科目代码及名称:601-数学分析(自命题) 适用专业:071400 统计学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、计算题(6题,每题10分,共60分)1.求数列极限();!)!2(!)!22(lim 1n n n n n -+++∞→2.求函数极限();sin 1ln sin tan lim 20x x x x x +-→3.设是可微函数,由所确定函数.求φ0),=--bz cy az cx (φ),(y x f z =.yz b x z a ∂∂+∂∂4.求函数级数的和函数和收敛域.∑+∞=-12n nx xe5.设,确定使得满足方程y x ex y x f 42),(-=ααf .122⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂∂∂=∂∂x f x x x y f 6.设.求全微分xyz u =.3u d 二、应用题(4题,每题15分,共60分)1.已知满足求的取值范围.,x y ()22+2 1.x y-=w =2.曲线在点处得切线与⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+=4222y y x z )5,4,2(x 轴得正向所夹得角度是多少?3.求由方程确定的隐函数的二阶导数012=-+y x e xy )(x y y =).(''x y 4.求不定积分.⎰xdx e x sin 三、证明题(2题,每题15分,共30分)1.已知在区间上连续. 求证)(x f ],[b a ().)()()(2122⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎰⎰-b a n n b a dx x f a b dx x f n 2.已知证明存在唯一使得.,0为自然数n x >),(10∈θ.11lim 00+==+→⎰n xe dt e x x x t n n θθ且。

广东财经大学 431-金融学综合 2017年硕士研究生考研真题

广东财经大学 431-金融学综合 2017年硕士研究生考研真题

广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年考试科目代码及名称:431-金融学综合(自命题)适用专业:025100 金融硕士[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、名词解释(6题,每题5分,共30分)1.货币的时间价值2.系统性风险3.马歇尔-勒纳条件4.内部报酬率5.利益相关者6.可持续增长率二、判断题(10题,每题2分,共20分)1. 开放式基金均可以在交易所上市交易2. 中国人民银行开始了利率走廊调节机制3. 政策性银行是贯彻国家产业政策和区域发展政策为目标,不以盈利为目标的金融机构4. 现金股利越多越好5. 贷款专业化是应对信用风险的一种手段6. 净现值法是判断项目投资的可靠方法7. 企业的财务杠杆越高越好8. 金融危机发生会影响货币乘数9. 盯住汇率制更容易引发资本外逃10. 信用债券是一种无担保债券三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1. 恶性通货膨胀对经济生活有什么影响?2. 试述在无公司税条件下MM第一定理与第二定理及其含义。

3. 制约派生存款的因素有哪些?4. 简述蒙代尔的“政策搭配理论”。

5. 简述利率期限结构理论。

四、计算题(2题,每题10分,共20分)1. 债券的息票利率为8%,面值为1000元,距离到期日还有5年,到期收益率为10%,如果每半年支付一次利息,求债券的现值。

2. 假定某银行从中央银行获得了80000元的贴现贷款,且活期存款的法定准备金率为8%,那么在简单存款创造条件下,银行体系最终将创造出多少存款?如果每家银行都希望持有2%的超额准备金,情形又将如何呢?如果现金漏损率为20%,定期存款与活期存款比率为0.5,且定期存款的法定准备金率为4%,则银行体系最终将创造出多少活期存款,多少流通中现金,多少定期存款?五、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1. 试评述中国人民币汇率形成机制的市场化进程。

2. 论述净现值法则、回收期法则、内含报酬率法则等三个投资准绳,并比较三者之间的优劣。



广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年 考试科目代码及名称:807-概率论与数理统计(自命题)适用专业:071400 统计学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、填空题(10题,每题2分,共20分)1. 已知P (A )=a , P (B )=b , P (A +B )=c ,则P ( )= 。

2. 设有10个零件,其中3个是次品,任取2个,2个中至少有1个是正品的概率为 。

3. 如果每次实验的成功率都是p ,并且已知在三次独立重复试验中至少成功一次的概率为26/27,则p = 。

4. 设连续型随机变量X 的分布函数为⎩⎨⎧≤>-=-0,00,1)(3x x e x F x ,则当0>x 时,X 的概率密度=)(x p 。

5. 设二维随机变量(X , Y )的概率密度函数为()()203,01,0 c x y x y p x y ⎧+<<<<⎪=⎨⎪⎩其他则c= 。

6. 若D (X )=0.009,利用契比雪夫不等式知 。

7. 设总体X 的方差为1,从中抽取一个容量为100的简单随机样本,测得样本均值为5。

则X 的数学期望的置信度为0.95的置信区间为 。

(u 0.95=1.65, u 0.975=1.96)8. 设 和 是未知参数的两个无偏估计,如果 ,则更为有效的估计是 。

9. 设0.01是假设检验中犯第一类错误的概率,H 0为原假设,则{}00P H H 拒绝真= 。

10. 已知一元线性回归方程为 ,且 =2, =8,则=______。

二、选择题(5题,每题2分,共10分)1. 设随机变量X 服从参数λ=2的指数分布,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A ., B ., C .,D .2)(=XE ,2)(=X D2. 下列函数中,可以作为某一随机变量的概率密度函数的是( )A. ()[]1cos , 0,0, x x p x π⎧∈⎪=⎨⎪⎩其它B. ()23cos , 0,20, x x p x π⎧⎡⎤∈⎪⎢⎥=⎣⎦⎨⎪⎩其它5.0)(=X E 5.0)(=X D 5.0)(=X E 25.0)(=X D 2)(=X E 4)(=X DC. ()3cos , ,220, x x p x ππ⎧⎡⎤∈-⎪⎢⎥=⎣⎦⎨⎪⎩其它D. ()4cos , 0,20, x x p x π⎧⎡⎤∈⎪⎢⎥=⎣⎦⎨⎪⎩其它 3. 设随机变量X 与Y 相互独立,且X ~B (16,0.5),Y 服从参数为9的泊松分布,则D (X -2Y +3)=( )A . -14B . -11C . 40D . 434. 设随机变量X 服从正态分布N (μ, σ2),则随σ的增大,概率 ( ) A. 单调增大 B. 单调减小 C. 保持不变 D. 非单调变化5. 设总体X 和Y 都服从正态分布N (0,32),而x 1, x 2, ... , x 9和y 1, y 2, ... , y 9分别是来自总体X和Y 的简单随机样本,则统计量服从( )A. t (9)B. t (8)C. χ2(9) D. χ2(8)三、计算题(6题,每题10分,共60分)1. 设随机变量X 的概率密度函数为()()241 010 x x x p x ⎧-<<⎪=⎨⎪⎩其他求:(1)X 的分布函数;(7分) (2)X 的取值落在区间[]的概率。



广东财经大学概率论期中试卷一、 填空题(每小题3分,共30分)1. 事件A B C 、、中至少有一个发生,可表示为______________ .2. 已知()0.7,()0.5,P A P B ==且A 与B 相互独立,则()P A B -=____________.3. 设三次独立试验中,事件A 出现的概率相等,如果已知A 至少出现一次的概率等于1927,则事件A 在一次试验中出现的概率为______.4. 设随机变量X 的概率分布为{},1,2,3,4,5,15kP X k k ===则{3}P X >=___________.5. 设随机变量X 的概率密度函数为,02()0kx x f x ≤≤⎧=⎨⎩其它,则{12}P x ≤≤=________.6. 设随机变量~(,9)X N μ,则___~(0,1)N .7. 若随机变量X 服从区间(1, 6)上的均匀分布,则方程012=++Xx x 有实根的概率是______________.8. 已知~(2),X P ~(2,1)Y N , 且X 、Y 相互独立,则(2)D X Y -=_________________.9. 随机变量),1,0(~U X )43(~P Y ,相关系数,41),(=Y X Corr 则_________),(=Y X Cov _.10. 二维随机变量),(Y X 的联合密度函数,其它⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≤≤≤=010,2043),(2y x xyy x p 则=YE ______.二、 单项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1. B A 、为随机事件,且,A B ⊂ 则下列式子正确的是( ) (A)、)()(A P B A P =⋃ (B)、)()()(A P B P A B P -=- (C)、)()(A P AB P = (D)、)()(B P A B P =2.某型号洗衣机使用3年无故障的概率为0.9,使用5年无故障的概率为0.6,一台该型号的洗衣机已使用了3年无故障,则这台洗衣机使用5年无故障的概率为( )(A)、 32 (B)、21 (C)、43 (D)、543. 设随机变量X 表示100次独立重复射击命中目标的次数,每次命中目标的概率是0.2,则2X 的数学期望是( ) (A)、 20 (B)、16 (C)、400 (D)、4164.设随机变量Y X ,相互独立,其概率分布分别为⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛323121~X ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛323121~Y 则下列命题正确的是( )(A)、31}{==Y X P (B)、32}{==Y X P (C)、1}{==Y X P (D)、95}{==Y X P 5. 二维随机变量),(Y X 的相关系数,0),(=Y X Cov 则下面结论错误的是( )(A)、EY EX XY E ⋅=)( (B)、X 与Y 相互独立(C)、DY DX Y X D +=-)( (D)、DY DX Y X D +=+)( 三、计算题(每小题8分,共32分)1. 某人考公务员接连参加同一课程的笔试和口试,笔试及格的概率为p , 若笔试及格则口试及格的概率也为p , 若笔试不及格则口试及格的概率为.2p(1)如果笔试和口试中至少有一个及格,则他能取得某种资格,求他能取得该资格的概率;(2)如果已知他口试已经及格,求他笔试及格的概率.2. 设随机变量X 的密度函数为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥=-0,00,)(2x x Ae x p x求: (1)常数;A (2)分布函数);(x F (3)12+=X Y 的概率密度.3. 已知随机变量YX ,的概率分布列分别为⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-613261101PX,⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛313210P Y ,且1)0(==XY P . 求:(1) ),(Y X 的联合概率分布列;(2) Y X ,是否相互独立.4.设随机变量),(Y X 的联合密度函数为⎩⎨⎧<≤<-=其它,,010)1(6),(y x y y x p (1)求边缘密度函数,并判断Y X ,是否相互独立. (2)求概率};1{<+Y X P三、 应用题(每小题9分,共18分)1. 假设一部机器在一天内发生故障的概率为0.2,机器发生故障时全天停止工作,若一周5个工作日里无故障,可获利润10万元;发生一次故障可获利润5万元;发生二次故障所获利润0元;发生3次及3次以上故障就要亏损2万元,求一周内期望利润是多少?2. 某网站的电子邮件系统有100个用户,在同一时刻每个邮箱的使用率为0.2,以X 表示在同一时刻被使用的该系统的邮箱的个数.(1)写出X 的概率分布;(2)试求在同一时刻有30~14个邮箱被使用的概率(利用中心极限定理).)(x Φ是标准正态分布函数,.999.0)3(;944.0)5.2(;977.0)2(;933.0)5.1(;841.0)1(=Φ=Φ=Φ=Φ=Φ五、证明题(每小题5分,共5分)设事件C B A ,,相互独立,证明:B A ⋃与C 相互独立.概率论试题答案一、 填空题(每小题3分,共30分)1. C B A ⋃⋃2. 0.353. 23 4. 35 5.34 6. X-3μ 7. 548. 6 9. 161 10.83二、 单选题(每小题3分,共15分) 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B三、 计算题(每题8分,共32分)1. 解:,笔试及格}{=A }{口试及格=B ,则由题意知:2)(,)(,)(p A B P p A B P p A P ===;)()()()(AB P B P A P B A P -+=⋃2)()()(p p p A B P A P AB P =⨯==由全概率公式22)1()()()()()(22p p p p p A B P A P A B P A P B P +=-+=+=232)()()()(222pp p p p p AB P B p A P B A P -=-++=-+=⋃(2)由Bayes 公式有:p ppp p B P A B p A P B A P +=+==122)()()()(222. 解:2,21)(102=∴===⎰⎰+∞-+∞∞-A A dx Ae dx x p x(2)xxt e dt e x F x x F x 20212)(,0;0)(,0---==≥=<⎰;则分布函数为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥-=-0001)(2x x e x F x(3)由于X 仅在),0[+∞上取值,则12+=X Y 只能在),1[+∞上取值.;0)(,1=<y F y Y所以,Y 的密度函数为⎩⎨⎧≥<=-110)(1y ey y p y3. 解:根据已知条件,1)0(==XY P 得到0)0(=≠XY P 则)1,1()1,1(====-=Y X P Y X P =0再根据边缘分布得到61)0,1(,61)0,1(=====-=Y X P Y X P同理得到.31)1,0(,31)0,0(======Y X P Y X P 所以X 和Y 的联合概率分布为⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-061131310061110\Y X(2)因为,61)0,1(===Y X P 但,91)32)(61()0()1(====Y P X P 所以X 与Y 不相互独立4. 解:(1),)1(3)1(6),()(21-=-==⎰⎰+∞∞-x dy y dy y x p x p xX10<<x)1(6)1(6),()(0y y dx y dx y x p y p yY -=-==⎰⎰+∞∞-,.10<<y所以,,其它⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<<-=010)1(3)(2x x x p X。

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欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 3 页)
考试年度:2017年 考试科目代码及名称:807-概率论与数理统计(自命题) 适用专业:071400 统计学
1. 已知P (A )=a , P (B )=b , P (A +B )=c ,则P ()= 。

2. 设有10个零件,其中3个是次品,任取2个,2个中至少有1个是正品的概率为 。

3. 如果每次实验的成功率都是p ,并且已知在三次独立重复试验中至少成功一次的概率为26/27,则p = 。

4. 设连续型随机变量X 的分布函数为,则当时,X 的概率密度⎩
⎨⎧≤>-=-0,00,1)(3x x e x F x 0>x 。

=)(x p 5. 设二维随机变量(X , Y )的概率密度函数为
()()2 03,01,0 c x y x y p x y ⎧+<<<<⎪=⎨⎪⎩其他
则c= 。

6. 若D (X )=0.009,利用契比雪夫不等式知 。

P {|X -E (X )|<0.3}≥7. 设总体X 的方差为1,从中抽取一个容量为100的简单随机样本,测得样本均值为5。

则X 的数学期望的置信度为0.95的置信区间为 。

(u 0.95=1.65, u 0.975=1.96)
8. 设和是未知参数的两个无偏估计,如果,则更为有效的估计θ1θ2D (θ1)<D (θ2)是 。

9. 设0.01是假设检验中犯第一类错误的概率,H 0为原假设,则{}00P H H 拒绝真= 。

10. 已知一元线性回归方程为,且=2, =8,则=______。

y =β0+3x x y β0二、选择题(5题,每题2分,共10分)
1. 设随机变量X 服从参数λ=2的指数分布,则下列结论中正确的是( )
A .5.0)(=X E ,5.0)(=X D
B .5.0)(=X E ,25.0)(=X D
C .2)(=X E ,4)(=X
D D .,2)(=X
E 2
)(=X D 2. 下列函数中,可以作为某一随机变量的概率密度函数的是( )
A. B. ()[]1cos , 0,0, x x p x π⎧∈⎪=⎨⎪⎩其它()23cos , 0,20, x x p x π⎧⎡⎤∈⎪⎢⎥=⎣⎦⎨⎪⎩
