三、页面设置:1.页边距设置为:上:2.5cm 下:2.5cm 左:2.8cm 右:2.8cm2.行间距设置为:1.5倍行距四、正文部分:1.目录及目录页所有内容要求用小四号、宋体完成,(单独一页)。
五、参考文献:书刊类参考资料格式:序号,作者,书名,出版地:出版社出版时间,如:[1] 江泽民,论“三个代表”.北京:中央文献出版社,2001。
[3] 刘智峰,中国政府机构存在的主要问题,战略与管理,1999(5),第10页六、论文装订顺序初稿:1.封面 2.目录 3.正文 4.参考文献 5.初审意见表正稿:1.封面 2.选题报告 3.初审意见表 4.目录 5.正文6.参考文献7.评审表(论文格式样本见附件)成人教育学院本科毕业论文(题 目:浅析领导者突出工作重点的方专 业:班 级:姓 名学 号:指导老师: 学员联系方式: 手机: Email: 完成日期:目录一、※※※※※※※※※※ (1)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (1)1.※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (1)2.※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (4)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (7)(三)※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (12)二、※※※※※※※※※※ (16)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (16)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (24)1.※※※※※※※※ (24)2.※※※※※※※※※※ (30)3.※※※※※※ (31)(三)※※※※※※※※※※ (33)三、※※※※※※ (36)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (38)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (43)四、※※※※※※※ (45)五、参考文献 (48)02计算机科学与技术(2)班 34 刘某某□□引言: □□(□[2] 毛寿龙,西方政府的治道变革北京:中国人民大学出版社,1978[3] 刘智峰,中国政府机构存在的主要问题,战略与管理,1999(5),第10页温州大学成人高等教育本科毕业论文(设计)初审意见表温州大学成人高等教育本科毕业论文(设计)评审表注:1、成绩按优、良、中、合格、不合格五级分制计。
毕业设计(论文)文献综述题目高层建筑结构探索—住宅3学院建工学院专业土木工程班级09土木本一学号09 (35)学生姓名……指导教师……温州大学教务处制高层建筑抗震结构设计概述摘要:随着城市空间的缩小,居住和办公建筑开始向着高层发展。
据统计,中国每年建成体型超限高层建筑达100 多栋,且数量会越来越多。
1抗震设防目标目前的抗震设计中, 有一个基本设计思路, 即:小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒的三阶段设防标准[1]。
2009.4――2009.5 修改论文,完成定稿
[20]Betty Ann Bowser.The Homework Burden.Online News Hour,19 December.2000.
[21]MA,ATM and NANAMIC.The Impact of Assessment on Learning and Teaching Mathematics,7January.2002.
题 目
学 院
专 业
班 级
学 号
王冲指导教师Βιβλιοθήκη 方均斌温州大学教务处制
P =100kN, 均布荷载 q =10 kN/m 2 。 按 Valzov 模型计算得出的结果比较文献[5]的精确解见表 1.1。表中第一行是本文的
结果,第二行是文献[5]的结果。从中可以看出,计算精度非常好。目前国内外对上部结 构、筏板基础和地基的共同作用的分析和研究中,对筏板基础宋的体非五号线性变形特性考虑得 较少,绝大多数都将筏板基础视为线弹性结构进行计算。而在筏板基础的受力过程中, 由于钢筋混凝土材料在受弯的过程中弹性阶段很短,一旦混凝土受拉开裂就进入非线性 的阶段,因而筏板基础会处于非线性的工作状态。对于地基土体,则常常处于非线性或 弹塑性工作状态。
2.基本解 ............................................................................................... 16
3.边界积分方程..................................................................................... 21
论文题目: 论文作者: 指导教师: 学科专业: 研究方向: 提交论文日期:
中国•重庆 20 年 月
中文摘要 ..................................................................................................... III
三、页面设置:1.页边距设置为:上:2.5cm 下:2.5cm 左:2.8cm 右:2.8cm2.行间距设置为:1.5倍行距四、正文部分:1.目录及目录页所有内容要求用小四号、宋体完成,(单独一页)。
五、参考文献:书刊类参考资料格式:序号,作者,书名,出版地:出版社出版时间,如:[1] 江泽民,论“三个代表”.北京:中央文献出版社,2001。
[3] 刘智峰,中国政府机构存在的主要问题,战略与管理,1999(5),第10页六、论文装订顺序初稿:1.封面 2.目录 3.正文 4.参考文献 5.初审意见表正稿:1.封面 2.选题报告 3.初审意见表 4.目录 5.正文6.参考文献7.评审表(论文格式样本见附件)成人教育学院本科毕业论文(题 目:浅析领导者突出工作重点的方专 业:班 级:姓 名学 号:指导老师: 学员联系方式: 手机: Email: 完成日期:目录一、※※※※※※※※※※ (1)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (1)1.※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (1)2.※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (4)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (7)(三)※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ (12)二、※※※※※※※※※※ (16)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (16)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (24)1.※※※※※※※※ (24)2.※※※※※※※※※※ (30)3.※※※※※※ (31)(三)※※※※※※※※※※ (33)三、※※※※※※ (36)(一)※※※※※※※※※※ (38)(二)※※※※※※※※※※ (43)四、※※※※※※※ (45)五、参考文献 (48)02计算机科学与技术(2)班 34 刘某某□□引言: □□(□[2] 毛寿龙,西方政府的治道变革北京:中国人民大学出版社,1978[3] 刘智峰,中国政府机构存在的主要问题,战略与管理,1999(5),第10页温州大学成人高等教育本科毕业论文(设计)初审意见表温州大学成人高等教育本科毕业论文(设计)评审表注:1、成绩按优、良、中、合格、不合格五级分制计。
评定结果作为学生综合素质 评价的参考
评定结果作为教学改进的依 据
评定结果作为毕业审核的依 据
评定结果作为学生就业推荐 的重要参考
毕业设计是温州大学教学 计划的重要组成部分,旨 在培养学生综合运用所学 知识分析和解决实际问题 的能力。
通过毕业设计,学生可 以进一步加深对专业知 识的理解,提高实践操 作技能和创新意识。
毕业设计对于学生未来的 职业发展具有重要意义, 能够帮助学生更好地适应 社会需求和实现个人价值。
根据指导教师意见,对任务 书进行修改和完善
任务书需经过系主任或教研室 主任审批,方可提交给答辩委
任务书需经过指导教师审核, 确保符合学术规范和要求
在答辩过程中,任务书将作为 毕业设计成果的重要依据之一,
确定设计主题和目标 进行市场调研和分析 制定设计方案和计划 实施设计方案并进行调整
数据采集方式:问 卷调查、实地访谈、 网络爬虫等
数据清洗和处理: 去重、缺失值处理、 异常值检测等
数据分析方法:描 述性统计、因子分 析、回归分析等
数据可视化:图 表、地图、数据 挖掘等
实验操作:按 照实验步骤进 行操作,确保 实验过程准确
结果处理:对 实验结果进行 分析、整理和 归纳,得出结
美观大方:PPT的排版和设计要美观大方,字体、颜色、图片等要统一协调,给评委留下良好的 视觉印象。
3.0本科毕业设计(论文) 附件材料装订封面
本科毕业设计(论文)( 2019届)论文排版机器人PaperYes制作的本校论文模板学院:专业:班级:姓名:学号: 指导老师: 完成日期:论文排版机器人PaperYes制作的本校论文模板摘要:本论文主要内容是基于本高校的论文格式要求,利用论文排版机器人PaperYes的人工智能引擎排版出来的论文模板。
关键词:论文排版;机器人;PaperYes;论文模板Abstract:The main content of this paper is based on the requirement of paper format in our university, using the artificial intelligence engine of PaperYes, a paper typesetting robot, to compose the paper template. Students can use this template to write papers, just fill the content of the papers under the corresponding headings, to help students solve the problem of paper typesetting. If some students do not use this template to edit papers, you can choose PaperYes paper typesetting. According to the format requirements of your university, automatically generate directories and headers and footers, solve the odd and even page problems, intelligently arrange titles, graphs, tables and formulas, and adapt font size and paragraph, etc., 10 seconds to complete, safe and efficient.Key words:PaperYes; Layout Technology; AIrtificial Intelligence; Research; Based on;目录第1章引言 (4)1.1 关于目录修改后的排版技巧 (4)1.1.1 关于目录的制作和修改 (4)1.1.2 此处为三级标题 (5)1.1.3 此处为三级标题 (6)1.2 关于图片、表格、公式的解决 (6)1.2.1 表格的样式 (6)1.2.2 此处为三级标题 (7)1.2.3 此处为三级标题 (8)1.3 页眉和页码的设置 (8)1.3.1 页眉和页码的设置 (8)1.3.2 此处为三级标题 (8)1.3.3 此处为三级标题 (9)1.4 脚注和参考文献上标 (9)1.4.1 脚注和参考文献上标范例 (9)1.4.2 此处为三级标题 (9)1.4.3 此处为三级标题 (9)第2章PaperYes论文一键排版的概念 (11)2.1 一键排版的概念 (11)2.1.1 此处为三级标题 (11)2.1.2 此处为三级标题 (11)2.1.3 此处为三级标题 (11)2.2 一键排版的概念 (12)2.2.1 此处为三级标题 (12)2.2.2 此处为三级标题 (12)2.2.3 此处为三级标题 (12)2.3 一键排版的主要方法 (13)2.3.1 此处为三级标题 (13)2.3.2 此处为三级标题 (13)2.3.3 此处为三级标题 (13)第3章总结 (14)致谢 (15)参考文献 (16)第1章引言1.1 关于目录修改后的排版技巧1.1.1 关于目录的制作和修改由于每个同学写出的论文内容有一些差异,所以在使用本模板时候会有部分增加、减少标题或章节的情况。
具体要求完成以下任务:1. 设计要求①在充分理解设计任务要求的基础上,使建筑设计达到房间设置合理,使用方便,交通安全,设计方法正确,步骤清晰完整,并学会正确使用规范和标准图集。
2. 建筑设计说明书要完成一份设计说明书,具体内容提纲如下:①设计任务简介;②建筑设计依据;③平、立、剖设计说明;④承重结构的选择与布置;⑤围护结构的选择与布置;⑥主要节点构造说明;⑦其它说明。
(五)13-14学年第二学期,4.3-4.13 毕业设计(创作)的修改和定稿阶段
(六)13-14学年第二学期,4.16-4.30 毕业设计的成果制作完成阶段
(七)13-14学年第二学期,5.1-5.5 上交毕业设计报告书、作品实物阶段
5. 服装款式的设计:效果图,平面设计图以及细节图。
6. 服装实物的制版及制作。
7. 静态照片与动态整体照片的拍摄。
8. 毕业设计整体效果的调整。
2. 系列服装色彩搭配方案的确定:以酒红色调为基础色调,配合黑色。
[4]{日}小林重顺 《色彩形象坐标》 [M].人民美术出版社,2006.
[5]{美}唐纳德·阿·诺曼 《情感化设计》 [M].北京:电子工业出版社,2006.
[6] [英]维朗妮卡·琳,朱琳珺 《服装配色手册》 [M].济南:黄河出版社,1997.
[7]张予 靳李莉 张爽 《时尚服装与配饰设计》 [M].中国邮电出版社,2009.
此次设计,旨在打造视觉宴飨的同时,也同样关注其设计内涵。以美国电视剧《TRUE BLOOD》的血液与玫瑰为灵感,以其中一句不断的被重复的台词作为思路:
You are mine(你是我的)
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本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目高层建筑结构探索—住宅3学院建工学院专业土木工程班级09土木本一学号09 (35)学生姓名……指导教师……温州大学教务处制外文原文Building Materials Selection and SpecificationFae'q A. A. RadwanFaculty of Engineering, Near East University, KKTC, Lefkosa, Mersin 10, TurkeyAbstract:The limitations in the selection of the building materials and to the sustainability of any building construction materials that can be used are presented. The practices and techniques that can be used in reducing and minimizing the environmental impacts of building are discussed. Recommendations of using secondary and recycled materials in the construction of buildings are given. Framework for methods of assessment of the sustainability in building construction for environmental performance is presented.Key Words:Limitations, sustainability, environmental impacts, framework, climate.1.IntroductionThere is an apparently unbounded range of possibilities for the selection of building materials for the construction of structures of almost any shape or stature. Its quality will affect the structure function and long life, and requirements may differ with climate, soil, site size, and with the experience and knowledge of the designer. The factors that have the most outstanding solutions are impermeability, control of heat, air, and water flow, and the stability of the structure [1-3]. Raw materials extraction, manufacturing processes, and the transportation of the materials to the project site have a multitude of impacts on the environment. These include the disruption of habitats and ecological systems, use of water, and, through energy use, the emissions of air pollutants and climate change gases. Building materials also have major impacts on the building occupants manufacture, construction of buildings and the use of building materials make a significant environmental impact internally, locally and globally. But it is not easy to deliver information to make adequate inclusion decisions considering the whole life cycle of a building. Decisions on sustainable building integrate a number of strategies during the design, construction and operation of building projects. Selection of sustainable building materials represents an important strategy in the design of a building.2. SustainabilityIn recent years, the concept of sustainability has been the subject of much disputation by academics and professionals alike. In 1987, the World Conference on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED, 1987).Sustainability must address ecological impacts, regardless of conflicting interpretations of the WCED definition.A good sustainable product must give as much satisfaction as possible for the user. If not, itwill be unsuccessful on the market and an economic failure.It is also important to inform people as to what basis a certain product is considered to be sustainable or not and why they should buy it [4- 5].When developing a new product, it is illustrative to move between the three corners Ecology, Equity and Economy in order to obtain a suitable balance so that each category can be fulfilled in the best way.·Ecology (environmental protection).·Equity (social equity).·Economy (economic growth).2.1 Materials Selection and SustainabilityAmong the notable technological developments of the 20th century has been the development of tens of thousands of new materials for use in construction and engineering. The construction industry has also grown to the point where it is a very large consumer of energy and materials. Concern for the environment and the impact of human activity on the Earth's ecological systems has now become clear sighted.We are faced with the problems of material selection and the environmental consequences of their use. Environmentalists have proposed various methods for assessing the impact of materials and energy use, these include ecological foot printing, ecological rucksacks, embodied energy and carbon dioxide values, and so on. Engineers have put forward rational selection methods for the choice of materials. These techniques will be reviewed and explored in an attempt to provide an environmentally-aware, materials selection method- logy for use in construction.Strictly, the term sustainable means that something is capable of being sustained not for an hour, or a day, or a week, month or year, but indefinitely.The implication is that if some process which uses materials and energy is described as sustainable, then the materials and energy which are consumed are capable of being replaced by natural or other processes as fast as they are consumed. In many cases materials and energy appear to be consumed at a faster rate than they are being replaced. However, to make a judgment, we would need to know what the respective supply and consumption rates are in other words we need some quantitative or numerical index to help us [2].2.2 Environmental CriteriaSince construction uses such large quantities of materials, it has a major impact on the environment. In order to assess and evaluate such impact, a number of criteria or indices have been devised by economists, engineers and environmentalists, and the more important of these are the following [2].2.2.1 Embodied EnergyThis is quite simply the amount of energy consumed in manufacturing a unit quantity of a material, and it is usually expressed in kJ/kg. Its value is determined by the efficiency of the manufacturing plant. Values range from 275 GJ/tonne for aluminum (a high value) to 0.1 GJ/tonne for gravel aggregates (a low value) [2].2.2.2 Embodied Carbon DioxideEmbodied C02 is similar to embodied energy. It is the weight of C02 emitted during manufacture of unit weight of the material, and is usually expressed as kg of C02 per ton.Again, the value will depend upon the efficiency of the manufacturing plant [2].2.2.3 Ecological RucksackThe ecological rucksack concept was devised as a way of assessing material efficiency by F. Schmidt一Bleek [6]. He recognized that many tonnes of raw material could be extracted and processed to make just one kilogram of material. For example, the environmental rucksack for the precious metal platinum is 250,000:1.2.3 Rational Selection MethodThere are various approaches to the problem of selecting materials from the huge numbers now available. Designers can have recourse to materials property charts and data books. Alternatively, they can talk to their colleagues, hoping that by widening the knowledge circle, they will not omit a significant group of materials. Another strategy is simply to specify the same or a similar material to those used in previous, similar designs. All these are valid approaches, but they may result in the specification of a less than ideal material and overall, a less than optimal solution to the problem [3-5].The basis of the rational selection methods devised to date is a recognition that the performance of a component, artifact or structure is limited by the properties of the materials from which it is made. It will be rare for the performance of the item to depend solely on onematerial property; in nearly all cases, it is a combination of properties, which is important. To give an example, in lightweight design, strength to weight ratio of, and stiffness to weight ratio E/pwill be important. Ref. [3] has put forward the idea of plotting material properties against each other to produce material property maps. On these maps, each class of material occupies a field in material property space, and sub-fields map the space occupied by individual materials.These materials property charts are very information-rich they carry a large amount of information in a compact but accessible form. Interestingly, they reveal correlations between material properties, which can help in checking and estimating data, and they can also be used in performance optimization, in a manner such as that set out as follow.If we consider the complete range of materials, it immediately becomes apparent that for each property of an engineering material there is a characteristic range of values, and this range can be very large. For example, consider stiffness (Young's Modulus E). Materials range from jelly (very low stiffness) up to diamond (very high stiffness). The properties can span five decades (orders of magnitude),A number of conclusions can be drawn, including:(1) A rational selection method such the one put forward by Ashby is capable of incorporating environmental parameters such as embodied energy and C02 or the environmental rucksack concepts, thereby making possible rational selections based on environmental considerations.(2) This method is not as simple to use as the environmental preference method or the environmental profiles method. However, this rational method could be used to generate data for the environmental profiles and preference methods.(3) The construction industry needs to take steps to better integrate itself into the materials cycle. The quantity of demolition waste needs to be reduced, and more of it should be recycled. To this end, the building designers need to keep full records of materials of construction, and buildings need to be designed for easy dismantling at the end of their useful lives.3. Foundations and Construction ComponentIn any consideration of which building materials and alternatives can feasibly be integrated into the foundations of a large-scale development there are several limitations that must beconsidered.In terms of the actual materials that may be used, there are three main limitations. First, because of the large scale and heavy loads that the foundations must support, strength is imperative. Any materials must be consistently strong and able to effectively distribute the weight of the structure. The second major limitation is climate. In areas with sub-zero winter conditions, frost heave is a major consideration. For this reason, foundations must be deep enough to support the structure despite any changes in near-surface volume; shallow foundations will be insufficient unless certain innovative steps are taken. The limitation of climate also influences any decision on insulating foundations. Finally, there is the consideration of cost. This consideration is reliant on material availability, cost per unit, and building techniques and associated labor. For these reasons, the only materials that can feasibly be used are concrete and steel. Therefore, the alternatives for minimizing impact lie more in the methods of construction and any realistic structural changes that can be made.The three main foundation components of concrete, steel, and insulation will be examined as the only reasonable materials for the construction of a building with limitations such as the foundations [1].3.1 ConcreteIt is the fundamental component of the foundation construction, receiving the building loads through walls or posts and distributes them down and outwards through the footings. Concrete and cement have ecological advantages which include durability, long life, heat storage capability, and (in general) chemical inertness [8]. The life cycle concerns of concrete are as follows. First, there is land and habitat loss from mining activities. Furthermore, the quality of both air and water quality suffer from the acquisition, transportation, and manufacture. Carbon dioxide emissions are also a negative environmental impact accrued through the production and use of concrete. Similarly, dust and particulate are emitted at most stages of the concrete life-cycle. $oth carbon dioxide and particulate matter have negative impacts on air quality [1]. Water pollution is also another concern associated with the production of concrete at the production phase. Fly ash is by-product of the energy production from coal-fired plants and increasing its proportion in cement is environmentally beneficial in two ways. First, it helps inreducing the amount of solid waste which requires disposal. As well, fly ash in the cement mixture reduced the overall energy use by changing the consistency of the concrete. Fly ash, increases concrete strength, improves sulfate foundation, decreases permeability, reduced the water ratio required, and improves the pump ability and workability of the concrete [9]. Now in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency requires that all buildings that receive federa funding contain fly ash and most concrete producer: have access to this industrial waste [9].There are alternative methods of both making concrete and building foundations with this concrete that have environmental benefits, no matter the structure scale or climate. These include Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, the increased integration of fly ash into the cement mixture, and the use of pre-cast foundation systems to reduce resource use. Through consideration and possible integration of these alternatives, impacts could potentially be reduced.3.2 SteelAs wood resources are becoming limited, steel is increasingly popular with builders. In the case of a large-scale building, steel reinforcement is basically a necessity for overall strength and weight distribution.The initial life cycle impacts of steel use are similar to those of concrete. These include land and habitat loss from mining activities, and air and water quality degradation from materials acquisition and manufacture [1]. However, the largest proportion of steel used nowadays contains a percentage of recycled materials. In terms of improving environmental conditions by reducing impacts, this is the only real recommendation for the use of steel in building foundations; to purchase recycled steel products. Not only would this reduce industrial and commercial solid waste, such a decision would also reward the manufacturers of such products.3. 3 InsulationNew and innovative pre-cast building foundations are becoming increasingly available and feasible for implementation. These new systems can reduce the overall raw material use, as well as conserve energy through the creation of an efficient building envelope. A further used of this rigid insulation as a skirt around the building foundations helps to eliminate any potential frost problems, improve drainage, and help further reduce heat loss. A polyethylene air and watervapor barrier is applied above the insulating layer, as is a three to four inch layer of sand. These shallow foundation systems have excellent insulating properties, decreased use of raw materials for concrete, and comparatively low demands for labor. However, the use of rigid insulation is increased. Also, in soils where frost and drainage is a consideration additional piles in the centre of the foundation may be required to prevent movement. This increases the relative land disturbance, although it remains still much less than that of deep foundation systems. Shallow foundations are structurally sound and are becoming increasingly common in colder climates. There are strength considerations associated with these new techniques which must be addressed by someone with the technical ability to do so, before they can be feasibly recommended for the building of the new residence.As discussed above, there are limitations to the sustainability of any foundation construction materials used. In other words, there are environmental impacts associated with all types of foundations. For these reasons, a primary recommendation is the use of secondary materials (fly ash and recycled steel) in the construction of foundations.4. FrameworkThe material components of the building envelope, that is, the foundation, wall construction, insulation and roof, have been analyzed within a framework of primarily qualitative criteria that aim to evaluate the sustainability of alternate materials relative to the materials cited in the current foundation design. This analytical process has enabled the identification of several construction materials that can be feasibly integrated into current design and construction standards of the building envelope.The tools and strategies described below are useful in analyzing the relative benefits of different materials[9-14].Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA). LCA is a comprehensive analysis that takes into consideration all aspects of a material over its entire lifetime: raw materials extraction; manufacturing and processing; transport; use; and post-use recycling, reuse, or disposal. This approach enables a true "apples to apples" comparison between materials.The BEES system (Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability) developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is the most widely used methodology. BEES provides materials with ascore that can be compared to other similar products. At this time, however, a fairly limited number of materials have completed the BEES analysis.Life-Cycle Costing. Life-Cycle Costing is an analysis of the short- and long-term costs associated with a material, from purchase to ultimate recycling or disposal. This includes frequency of replacement, maintenance costs, and costs that are avoided through use of the material (or system). LCC is useful in looking beyond a comparison based solely on first costs. Similar to LCA, this type of analysis is not available for all materials, but a back-of-the-envelope calculation is usually fairly easy to work up.Certification. Many conventional building products are approved or certified by independent third party or government groups. The Forest Stewardship Council certifies the certifiers (Smart Wood and SCS) that assess whether forestry companies are using sustainable management practices to harvest wood. The Carpet and Rug Institute provides a Green Label for carpets that meet certain low-VOC criteria. Green Guard certifies products that meet strict indoor air quality criteria. The Department of Energy's Energy Star label identifies equipment and appliances that meet or exceed standards for energy efficiency. Scientific Certification Systems and Green Seal certify recycled-content claims and other green product claims made by manufacturers.5. ConclusionOver-consumption, resource utilization, pollution and over-population are examples of the perhaps most basic problems for the environment in the future. A more sustainable future can be achieved by producing more sustainable products causing less environmental impact. Materials and design are and will always be very important areas when developing more sustainable products.The Life Cycle Assessment concept might be the most effective way of determining the environmental impacts for all product stages from extract of material to the product disposal stage. A price must be set for restoration on every environmental impact. Information can be received from official authorities pertaining to the environment in different countries. Renewable and easy recyclable materials are preferably used together with a design for easy recycling and repair of the products. Minimization of the energy connected to the product is also important. Full sustainability can never be achieved for products according to thermodynamic laws.However, the attempt to achieve more sustainability is a requisite if we want to preserve the earth for the coming generations. Education, research and spreading of information will be very important for the future in order to receive more sustainable products especially because the market demand is important in order to develop successful sustainable products.References[1] M. Davison, J. Persmann, J. Reid, J. Stange and T. Weins, Green Building Materials Residence, A WATgreen/ERS 285 study.[2] J. L. Sturges, Construction Materials Selection and Sustainability, School of the Built Environment, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.[3] M. F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Pergamon, Oxford, 1992.[4] M. F. Ashby and K. Johnson, Materials and Design: The Art And Science of Materials Selection in Product Design, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002[5] L. Y. Ljungberg, Materials selection and design for development of sustainable products, Materials and Design 28(2007)466-479.[6] F. Berkhout and D. Smith, Products and the environment: an integrated approach to policy, Eur. Environ 9 (1999)174-185.[7] F. Schmidt-Bleek, Carnoules Declaration of the FactorTen Club, Wuppertal Institute, Germany, 1994.[8] A.Wilson,Building green on a budget,Environmental Building News8(5)(1999).[9] G.E.Dieter,Engineering Design,McGraw-Hill,New York,l991.[10] Sandy Patience (Ed.),The Role of Evidence in The Selection of Building Products and Materials,Constructing Excellence in The Built Environment.[11] M.D.Bovea and R.Vidal,Increasing product value by integrating environmental impacts costs and customer valuation,J Resour Conserv Recycling 41(2004) 133-145.[12] N.S.Ermolaeva,M.B.G.Castro and P.V.Kandachar, Materials selection for an automotive structure by integrating structural optimization with environmental impact assessment,Materials and Design 25 (2004) 689.698.[13] M.Goedkoop and R.Spiensma,The Eco-Indicator 99:A Dam age Oriented Method for Life Cycle Impact Assessment,Amersfooft:PRe consultant B.V.,2000.中文翻译建筑材料的选择和规格Fae'q A. A. RadwanFaculty of Engineering, Near East University, KKTC, Lefkosa, Mersin 10, Turkey 摘要:建筑材料选择的局限性和可利用的建筑建设材料的可持续发展问题已经呈现出来,可以减少和降低建筑对坏境影响的实践经验和技术已经给出。
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温州大学2010届本科毕业设计(论文) 温州大学2010届本科毕业设计(论文)抽查外审结果清单 2010届本科毕业设计
序号 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 专业 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 国际贸易 平均 值 59 60 61 62 商学院 商学院 商学院 商学院 经济本 经济本 经济本 经济本 经济本 平均值 63 64 商学院 商学院 市场营销 市场营销 陈帆 妙桥快乐购超市竞争力分析 论文 论文 良好 及格 中等 中等 白植彬 农民工医疗保险的研究 陆雪梅 FDI对嘉兴产业结构影响的实证分析 张鲁 宁波外来务工人员社会保障情况分析 论文 论文 论文 论文 中等 良好 良好 优秀 中等 良好 良好 良好 姓名 毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文)题目 类型 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 校外评审成 校内评审成 绩 绩 及格 中等 良好 良好 及格 良好 中等 良好 良好 良好 良好 中等 优秀 良好 中等 中等 良好 中等 吻合度 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 0.97 0 0 0 1 0.25 1 1 都焕焕 日本的环境政策及其对中国的启示 冯雪琴 云南边境贸易发展研究 胡龙飞 中国文化产业“走出去”存在的问题与对 策研究 宁波国际服务贸易的影响因素及竞争力提 孙冬冬 升研究 吴颖 温州鞋业品牌国际化发展研究