示波器基础知识 fluke
![示波器基础知识 fluke](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2941d3d9ad51f01dc281f12d.png)
图 2 模拟示波器方框图 示波管的垂直偏转系统包括: —输入衰减器(每通道一个) —前置放大器(每通道一个) —用来选择使用哪一个输入通道的电子开关 —偏转放大器 示波器的水平偏转系统包括:时基、触发电路和水平偏转放大器 辉度控制电路用电子学的方法在恰当的时刻点亮和熄灭扫迹。 为使所有这些电路工作,示波器需要有一个电源。此电源从交流市电或者从机内或外部的电 池获取能量,使示波器工作。任何示波器的基本性能都是由它的垂直偏转系统的特性来决定的, 所以我们首先来详细地考察这一部分。 1.3 垂直偏转 灵敏度 垂直偏转系统对输入信号进行比例变换,使之能在屏幕上表现出来。示波器可以显示峰峰值 电压为几毫伏到几十伏的信号。因此必须把不同幅度的信号进行变换以适应屏幕的显示范围,这 样就可以按照标尺刻度对波形进行测量。为此就要求对大信号进行衰减、对小信号进行放大。示 波器的灵敏度或衰减器控制就是为此而设置的。 灵敏度是以每格的伏特数来衡量的看一下图 3 可以知道其灵敏度设置为 1V/格。因此,峰峰 值为 6V 的信号使得扫迹在垂直方向的 6 个格内偏转变化。知道了示波器的灵敏度设置值和电子 束在垂直方向扫描的格数,我们就可以测量出信号的峰峰电压值。 在多数的示波器上,灵敏度控制都是按 1-2-5 的序列步进变化的。即灵敏度。设置颠倒为 10mV/格、20mV/格、50mV/、100mV/格等等。灵敏度通常是用幅度上升/下降钮来进行控制的,而 在有些示波器则是用转动垂直灵敏度旋钮来进行。 如果使用这些灵敏度步进不能调节信号使之能够准确的按照要求在屏幕上显示,那么就可以 使用可变(VAR)控制。在第 6 章我们将会看到,使用标尺刻度来进行信号上升时间的测量就是 一个很好的例子。可变控制能够在 1-2-5 的步进值之间对灵敏度进行连续调节。通常当使用可 变控制时 1-2-5 序列的两 个步进值之间的某个值。这时我们称该通道的 Y 偏转是未校准的或表示为"uncal"。这种未校准 的状态通常在示波器的前面板或屏幕上指示出来。 在更现代化的示波器,例如我们用作示例的示波器,由于彩用了现代先进的技术进行控制和 校准。因此示波器的灵敏度可以在最小值和最大值之间连续变化,而始终保持处于校准状态。 在老式的示波器上,通道灵敏度的设置值是从灵敏度控制旋钮周围的刻度上读出的。而在新 型的示波器上,通道灵敏度设置值清晰地显示在屏幕上,如图 3 所示,或者用一个单独的 CD 显 示器显示出来。
Simplified Chinese May 2012, Rev. 3 8/2015©2012-2015 Fluke Corporation All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.MultiFiber ™Pro 光功率仪及光纤测试套件入门指南有限担保和责任限制福禄克网络 (Fluke Networks) 公司保证其主机产品从购买之日起一年内,在材料和工艺均无任何缺陷,除非另有说明。
如无另外规定,部件、零配件、产品修理和服务的保证期为 90 天。
Ni-Cad(镍镉),Ni-MH(镍氢)和 Li-Ion(锂离子)电池、电缆或其它外围设备均被视作部件或零配件。
经销商无权以Fluke Networks的名义给予其它任何担保。
欲在保修期内取得保修服务,请与您最近的Fluke Networks授权服务中心联系,以获取有关产品退还的授权信息,并将有故障的产品连同故障说明寄至该服务中心。
如需获取授权经销商列表,请访问/ wheretobuy。
除此以外,Fluke Networks不做任何明示或隐含的保证(例如适用于特定目的的隐含保证)。
Fluke Networks对基于任何原因或推测的任何特别的、间接的、偶发的或后续的损坏或损失概不负责。
4/15Fluke NetworksPO Box 777Everett, WA 98206-0777USA目录使用用户手册 (1)安全须知 (1)联系 Fluke Networks (1)仪表及光源的功能 (2)电池的安装、寿命及状态 (3)仪表显示屏功能 (4)光源显示屏功能 (6)用户参数 (7)极性探测 (8)自动波长功能 (8)如何清洁 MTP/MPO 连接器 (9)如何测量光功率 (9)如何测量损耗 (10)设置基准 (10)设置极限值 (12)测量损耗 (12)内存功能 (14)iMultiFiber Pro 入门指南ii1使用用户手册本指南提供基本信息以帮助您开始使用MultiFiber ™ Pro 仪表和光源。
2011 年 5 月(Simplified Chinese)© 2011 Fluke Corporation. 版权所有。
ScopeMeter 190 Series IIFluke 190-062, -102, -104, -202, -204, -502用户手册上 册有限保修及服务范围在正常使用与维修情况下,Fluke 保证每一产品均无材料和工艺问题。
零配件及产品修理与维护的保修期为 90 天。
此保修仅限于原始购买者或 Fluke 指定经销商的产品使用客户;而不适用于保险丝和普通电池,或任何 Fluke 认为因错误使用、改装、疏忽或因事故或非正常条件下操作或处理而导致损坏的产品。
在 90 天内,Fluke 保证软件运行符合其功能规范,并且保证软件正确记录于完好无损的介质上。
Fluke 不保证软件毫无差错或无操作中断情况。
Fluke 指定经销商只能向产品使用客户对新的或未使用过的产品提供保修,而无权以 Fluke 的名义扩充或更改保修内容。
从 Fluke 指定的销售渠道或按相应国际价格购买的产品可以得到保修。
当产品在一个国家购买而要在另一个国家修理时,Fluke 保留向客户收取修理/更换零配件费用的权利。
对于在保修期内送回 Fluke 指定的维修中心,要求按原价退款或者免费维修或更换的有故障产品,Fluke 的保修义务是有限的。
要获得保修服务,请就近联系 Fluke 指定的维修中心,或在附上故障说明、邮费和预付保险(目的地交货价)后,将产品寄往最近的 Fluke 指定的维修中心。
Fluke 对运输中可能出现的损坏情况不承担责任。
如果 Fluke 确定产品故障是由于错误使用、改装、事故或非正常情况下使用或操作造成的,Fluke 将提供维修费用预算并在得到认可后方进行维修。
Fluke 19xC-2x5C ScopeMeter 用户操作指南说明书
![Fluke 19xC-2x5C ScopeMeter 用户操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa9754d6690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d26681.png)
Fluke 19xC-2x5CScopeMeterSoftware version 8.00 onwardsGetting StartedGBJun 2008, Rev. 1, 09/2009© 2008, 2009 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in the NetherlandsAll product names are trademarks of their respective companies.Table of ContentsPage TitleUnpacking the Test Tool Kit (ii)Introduction (1)Contacting Fluke (1)Safety Information: Read First (1)Preparing for Use (4)Powering/Resetting the Test Tool (4)How to Navigate a Menu (example) (4)Changing the Information Language (5)Adjusting Contrast and Brightness (5)Using the Scope (5)Multimeter (7)Recorder Functions (8)Fieldbus Measurements (Bushealth) (8)Replay (10)Zoom (10)Making Cursor Measurements (11)Triggering (11)Saving/Printing Screens and Setups (13)User Options (20)iFluke 19xC-2x5CGetting StartediiUnpacking the Test Tool KitThe following items are included in your test tool kit: 1. ScopeMeter Test Tool 2. Battery Charger3. 10:1 Voltage Probe Set (Red)4. 10:1 Voltage Probe Set (Gray)5. Test Lead Set (Red and Black)6. Bus Health Test adapter (2x5Conly)7. Safety Information + CD ROMwith complete Users Manual 8. Shipment box (basic versiononly) The -S versions also include: 9. Optically Isolated USBAdapter/Cable10. CD ROM with FlukeView ®Software 11. Hard CaseGetting StartedIntroductionThis Getting Started Manual provides basic information on Models 192C, 196C, 199C, 215C and 225C, software versions V08.00 and newer. Refer to the Users Manual on the accompanying CD-ROM for complete operating instructions.Contacting FlukeTo locate an authorized service center, visit us on the World Wide Web at: or call Fluke using any of the phone numbers listed below:+1-888-993-5853 in the U.S.A and Canada+31-40-2675200 in Europe+1-425-446-5500 from other countries. Safety Information: Read FirstThe Fluke Models 192C, 196C, 199C, 215C and 225C ScopeMeter test tools (hereafter referred to as “test tool”) comply with:• ANSI/ISAS82.01-1994•EN/IEC61010-1 : 2001• CAN/CSA-C22.2No.61010-1-04•1000 V Measurement Category II, 600 VMeasurement Category III, Pollution Degree 2• UL61010B-1Use the test tool only as specified in the Users Manual. Otherwise, the protection provided by the test tool might be impaired.A Warning identifies conditions and actions that pose hazard(s) to the user. A Caution identifies conditions and actions that may damage the test tool.1Fluke 19xC-2x5C Getting Started2 To avoid electrical shock or fire:•Use only the Fluke power supply, ModelBC190 (Battery Charger / Power Adapter).•Before use check that the selected/indicatedvoltage range on the BC190 matches the localline power voltage and frequency.•For the BC190/808 universal BatteryCharger/Power Adapter use only line cordsthat comply with the local safety regulations.NoteTo accommodate connection to various linepower sockets, the BC190/808 universal BatteryCharger / Power Adapter is equipped with a maleplug that must be connected to a line cordappropriate for local use. Since the adapter isisolated, the line cord does not need to beequipped with a terminal for connection toprotective ground. Since line cords with aprotective grounding terminal are morecommonly available you might consider usingthese anyhow.To avoid electrical shock or fire if a test toolinput is connected to more than 42 V peak (30Vrms) or on circuits of more than 4800 VA:•Use only insulated voltage probes, test leadsand adapters supplied with the test tool, orindicated by Fluke as suitable for the Fluke19xC-2x5C ScopeMeter series.•Before use, inspect voltage probes, test leadsand accessories for mechanical damage andreplace when damaged.•Remove all probes, test leads andaccessories that are not in use.•Always connect the battery charger first tothe ac outlet before connecting it to the testtool.•Do not connect the ground spring (Figure 1,item f) to voltages higher than 42 V peak (30Vrms) from earth ground.•Do not apply input voltages above the ratingof the instrument. Use caution when using 1:1test leads because the probe tip voltage willbe directly transmitted to the test tool.•Do not use exposed metal BNC or bananaplug connectors.Getting StartedSafety Information: Read First3• Do not insert metal objects into connectors. • Always use the test tool only in the manner specified.Max. Input VoltagesInput A and B directly...............................300 V CAT III Input A and B via 10:1 probe...................1000 V CAT II 600 V CAT III METER/EXT TRIG inputs........................1000 V CAT II 600 V CAT IIIMax. Floating Voltage From any terminal to earth ground..........1000 V CAT II 600 V CAT III Between any terminal..............................1000 V CAT II600 V CAT IIIVoltage ratings are given as “working voltage”. They should be read as Vac-rms (50-60 Hz) for AC sinewave applications and as Vdc for DC applications. Measurement Category III refers to distribution level and fixed installation circuits inside a building.Measurement Category II refers to local level, which is applicable for appliances and portable equipment. The terms ‘Isolated’ or ‘Electrically floating’ are used in this manual to indicate a measurement in which the test tool input BNC or banana jack is connected to a voltage different from earth ground.The isolated input connectors have no exposed metal and are fully insulated to protect against electrical shock. The red and gray BNC jacks, and the red and black4-mm banana jacks can independently be connected to a voltage above earth ground for isolated (electrically floating) measurements and are rated up to 1000 Vrms CAT II and 600 Vrms CAT III above earth ground.If Safety Features are ImpairedUse of the test tool in a manner not specified may impair the protection provided by the equipment.Before use, inspect the test leads for mechanical damage and replace damaged test leads!Whenever it is likely that safety has been impaired, the test tool must be turned off and disconnected from the line power. The matter should then be referred to qualified personnel. Safety is likely to be impaired if, for example, the test tool fails to perform the intended measurements or shows visible damage.Fluke 19xC-2x5C Getting Started4Preparing for UseAt delivery, the installed NiMH batteries may be empty and must be charged for 4 hours (with the test tool turned off) to reach full charge:• use only the Fluke Battery Charger/Power Adaptermodel BC190• before use check that the BC190 voltage andfrequency range match the local line power range • connect the battery charger to the ac outlet• connect the battery charger to the appropriate input onthe test tool near Input B. CautionTo prevent decrease of the battery capacity, you must charge the batteries at least once a year.Powering/Resetting the Test ToolTurning power on/off:The test tool powers up in its last setup configuration.Resetting the test tool to the factory settings:+Turn power off, then press and hold the USER key and turn on. You should hear a double beep.How to Navigate a Menu (example)Display the input A function key labels.Show the Input A (input A) menu.The menu example shows that the input A signal isdisplayed non-inverted (Normal ) with full bandwidth (Full ). To let input A invert the input signal, and to limit the bandwidth to 20 MHz do the following:Hiding a menu or key label:Press the CLEAR MENU key.Getting StartedChanging the Information Language5Changing the Information LanguageDuring operation of the test tool messages may appear on the screen (for instance if you select a recorder function). You can select the language in which messages will be displayed.Display the USER key labels.Open the LANGUAGE menu to select a language.Adjusting Contrast and BrightnessUsing the ScopeConnect the probe(s) as shown in figure 2.Figure 2. Scope ConnectionsAUTO- MANUAL rangingAfter an Auto Set the trace position, range, time base and triggering will be automatically adjusted to assure a stable display of virtually any waveform.Perform an Auto Set or select Manualranging (toggle). AUTO or MANUAL appears at the top right of the screen.Use the light-gray RANGE , TIME and MOVE keys to change the view of the waveform manually.Fluke 19xC-2x5C Getting Started6Scope Readings and WaveformsAutomatic scope measurement results are shown asReading 1 (READING 1) and Reading 2 (READING 2) at the upper left and right display edge.Scope readings on (ON ) or off (OFF ).on A : Reading 1 (2) is input A result. on B : Reading 1 (2) is input B result. V ac ...dB : measurement function.Glitch Detect: glitch capture on or off. Average: waveform averaging on or off. Waveform:Normal : normal waveform display. Persistence... : waveform persistence.□ Digital Persistence: persistence off,short, medium, long, infinite. □ Envelope: envelope on, off. □ Dot-join : dot join on or offMathematics... : A+B, A-B, AxB, A vs B (XY mode), Spectrum (frequency spectrum FFT).Reference... : compare waveforms, pass/fail testing.MultimeterInput A and Input B SettingsInput A (B) on or off. Input coupling AC or DC.Probe Type: voltage, current or temperatureprobe.Attenuation: probe attenuation. Probe Cal...: calibration of 10:1 /100:1probe.Polarity: input polarity normal or inverted;variable input sensitivity.Bandwidth: bandwidth full, 10 kHz, 20 MHz.MultimeterConnect the test leads (Figure 1, item 5) to the 4-mmsafety banana jack METER input.Relative measurements on or off.Getting StartedRecorder FunctionsFirst, choose a measurement in Scope or Meter mode.RECORDER ANALYZEShow the recorder functions. Select arecorder function (Scope Trendplot, Scope Record, or Meter Trendplot), then pressto display the recorder key labels:Start (RUN ) or stop (STOP ) recording.Show the recorder options.Reference: time reference is time of day (Time of Day ) or time from start (From Start ).In Scope Record:Display Glitches: glitch detection on, or 10 kHz filter on.Mode: Single Sweep : stores samples until memory is full, then stops.Mode: Continuous : stores samples continuously; deletes first samples if memory is full.Mode: on Ext. ... : start (Start ), stop (Stop ) or continue (Run ) recording if triggered via the meter input (Ext.). Run requires one trigger per division in VIEW ALL mode.In Trend Plot:Reading 1 (2)... (Scope) or Measurement... (Meter) show the measurement functionmenu.VIEW ALL : see all stored samples.NORMAL: see the most recent 9 divisions.EXIT : exit the recorder mode.Fieldbus Measurements (Bushealth)The Bushealth function is standard available in the Fluke 215C-225C.Selecting the Bus TypeFieldbus Measurements (Bushealth) Toggle between scope screen (OFF) andbushealth screen (ON).Bushealth ScreenThe following icons are used to indicate the bus measurement status:bus activity indicators:Q (filled) : voltage measured{ (open) : no voltage measuredÑÑ(blinking) : activity{{ (both open) : no activityBusy, the tester is measuring/processing data.No reading available.Result OK .Warning. Result on edge of limitsResult not OK.Setting up the LimitsTo set up the test limits of the current bus type, do thefollowing:Note: Changed limits are marked by a * (asterisk).Getting StartedReplayIn scope mode, the test tool automatically stores the 100most recent screens. Use REPLAY to review these screens.From Scope mode show the REPLAY keylabels.Step through the previous screen. Step through the next screens. Continuously play the stored screens.Exit the REPLAY mode.ZoomUse the zoom function to obtain a more detailed view of a waveform.Making Cursor MeasurementsMaking Cursor MeasurementsCursors allow you to make precise digital measurements on live, on recorded, and on saved waveforms.Display the CURSOR key labels.Select cursor measurement type:measure signal height at one point of time. measure signal height difference of two points of time, and measure the time or the trace RMS value between the cursors. measure signal height at the cursor positions and between cursor positions.measure rise time and fall time.Select the cursor to be moved. Use the blue arrow keys to move.Depending on cursor measurement type: Automatic or manual risetime measurement on a single channel.Reading 2 is time (T ), frequency (1/T ) , or RMS value.Cursor measurements on trace A , B or M if A and B are on; M if Mathematics ... is on, see ScopeReadings and Waveforms on page 6. OFF : Switch cursor measurements off.TriggeringTriggering tells the test tool when to begin displaying the waveform.Automatic triggering assures a stable display of virtually any signal:Perform an auto set. AUTO appears at the top right of the screen. Input A is the default trigger source.Now you can take over basic trigger controls such as source, level, slope and delay:Display the trigger key labelsA B : trigger on input A or B waveform Ext : trigger on the meter-input signal.Select the trigger slope.Getting Started□Single Shot : the test tool waits for atrigger. After receiving a trigger, thewaveform is displayed and theinstrument is set to HOLD.Press to arm for a new trigger.Noise reject Filter: the noise reject filterreduces jitter on the screen whentriggering on noisy waveforms.NCycle: Each N th trigger results in a traceupdate.Video on A... : enables triggering on videosignals (input A only).Pulse Width on A... : enables triggering onqualified pulses (input A only).Trigger Point, Trigger DelayThe trigger icon shows the trigger point. Initially youhave two divisions of pre-trigger view (negative delay).To change the trigger delay, do the following:Hold down to adjust the trigger delay.If you move the trigger icon to the left of the screen, itchanges to . The status at the bottom of the screenshows for example:The 500ms indicates the (positive) delay between thetrigger point and the waveform display.Saving/Printing Screens and SetupsSaving/Printing Screens and SetupsYou can save screens, recordings and setups to memory, and recall them again from memory. You can print actual or recalled screens.Display the SAVE PRINT key labels.SAVE: save a screen + setup (Screen +Setup), or a record/replay/trendplot + setup(Record + Setup, Replay+Setup,TrendPlot+Setup) in a memory location.The Edit Name menu allows you to changethe name for the saved item:- press to select the characterto be changed.- press the arrow keys to select a character.- press to set default name.- press to save.RECALL : open the Recall (recall) menu.RECALL FOR REFERENCE: recall a screenas a reference waveform.RECALL SETUP: recall a setup. Test tool isin run mode.RECALL: recall a screen + setup, or arecord + setup. Test tool is in hold mode.CANCEL: Close menuPRINT: Print the displayed screen. Refer tothe User Options below for printer setupinformation.VIEW DELETE : open the View/Delete menu.DELETE: clear the selected memory.RENAME… : rename a saved item.VIEW : view and/or print a saved item.CANCEL: Close menu.NoteWhen saving a screen the most recently acquired waveform will be stored. Persistence waveforms will not be stored.Getting StartedUser OptionsDisplay the USER key labels.Open the options menu.Auto Set Adjust...Select how auto set (AUTO key) behaves:auto set on signals >15 Hz (fast response) or >1 Hz (slower response).set input coupling to DC (Set to DC ) or don’t change the input coupling setting.set glitch detection on (Set to On ) or don’t change the glitch detection setting.Battery Save Options...When powered on the battery only, the test tool initially shuts itself down 30 minutes after you pressed a key (not in Trend Plot or Scope Record).You can set the automatic power shutdown time to 5 minutes and to 30 minutes, or you can disable the automatic power shutdown (Disabled ).Battery refreshStart a battery refresh about four times a year to keep the batteries in optimal condition. The batteries will be fully discharged and charged again.Date adjust...Set the date (Year: Month: Day: ) and the date format (DD/MM/YY is day- month-year, MM/DD/YY is month-day-year).Time Adjust...Set the time clock (Hours - Minutes - Seconds).Printer Setup...Select a printer type and select the baud rate.Factory defaultClears all memories and sets the test tool to factory defaults.Display Options...Set the display to color (Color ) or black and white (Black and White ).。
即电压变比应为实测电网电压除以100,电流变比应为用户提供的CT 变比的比值。
Fluke199XRAY 医用示波器用户手册说明书
![Fluke199XRAY 医用示波器用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bdebf12ca55177232f60ddccda38376bae1fe057.png)
About this Manual
This manual provides information on the X-RAY kVp measurement function of the Fluke 199XRAY Medical ScopeMeter. It also describes user interface differences between the Fluke 190B/C and the Fluke 199XRAY.
Safety Information
Read and comply with the safety instructions that you find in the ScopeMeter 190B/C Series Getting Started manual and in the Fluke 190B/C Users Manual .
Fluke199XRAY Medical ScopeMeter
4822 872 30791 August 2006
© 2006 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Fluke 199XRAY Users Manual
About the X-RAY kVp Function
The 199XRAY Medical Scopemeter, when used with Fluke Biomedical kVp Divider, automatically measure kVp average and kV peak. In the radiographic measurement mode, exposure time is also measured in milliseconds or pulses.
12E 用户手册
测试保险丝 ................................................................................................................ 9 更换电池和保险丝 ..................................................................................................... 10 保养和零件..................................................................................................................... 10 一般规格 ........................................................................................................................ 11 精确度规格..................................................................................................................... 12
Fluke 公司保证本产品从购买之日起三年内,其材料和工艺均无任何缺陷。本项担保不包括保险丝、可弃置的电池或者因意 外、疏忽、误用或非正常情况下的使用或处理而损坏的产品。Fluke 也未曾授权予经销商将本保证期延长。保证期间如果需要 维修,请将测试仪表附上故障说明送到购买仪表的分销商处。
使用FLUKE199C示波表说明书网址:/pages/16357.shtml 打开测试仪套件箱在测试仪套件箱中包括以下各部件:新的可充电镍氢电池没有完全充足电源。
现在再查看显示屏,就可以看到如图3 所示的屏幕。
逐步执行第1 步到第4 步以打开示波器菜单并选择项目。
要在全屏视图中隐藏标签,再按一下scope 键。
隐藏按键标签和菜单您可以随时隐藏菜单或按键标签:要显示菜单或按键标签,按任意一个黄色菜单键,例如:scope 键。
FLUKE 199C/668万用示波表 相关内容:报价 | 参数 | 图片 | 论坛 | 评测输入端口连接请注意测试仪的顶部。
测试仪有四个信号输入端口:两个安全bnc 插口输入端(红色的输入端口a 和灰色的输入端口b)和两个安全4-mm 香蕉插口输入端(红色和黑色)。
两个bnc 插口输入端用于示波器测量,而两个香蕉插口输入端则用于仪表测量。
(参见图6)要充分利用独立的隔离悬浮输入端口,以及避免因使用不当而引起的问题,请阅读第7 章:“提示”。
使用Connect-and-View 显示不明信号即连即现(connect-and-view) 功能使测试仪得以自动显示复杂的不明信号。
有效值:RMS,平均值:Mean。 (MEAN:传统的整流型平均值测量原理,有效值为平均值的1.11倍)
两种测量原理所得结果的差别与意义 ★ 正弦波测量,有效值计算结果相同。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
标准 电压
通信设备 受电端子
上电压变动范围 衡重杂音 峰一峰值
– 有些因素是与设备相关,比如电路缺陷、焊接点质量、灰尘、腐 蚀、震动、过热等。
– 其他因素例如电压波动、电源的突变等。
– F190有一个FIFO寄存器,可以连续记录100个过去的屏幕,一旦发 现间歇性故障信号,按一下Replay(回放)功率键,就可以连续滚 动播放也可以一屏一屏地仔细观察和分析,从而发现异常的信号。
f ,U 可变
整流部分 输入为恒定电压与恒定频率
逆变部分 输出为可变电压与可变频率
调速电机(电网侧): 有功功率按需调节 基波功率因数高 5次、7次谐波电流
福禄克F430系列三相电能质量分析仪更快、更安全、更详细地定位和诊断的电能质量故障技术参数福禄克公司的F434 和F433三相电能质量分析仪可以帮助用户定位、预测、防止和诊断配电系统的故障。
CAT IV 600 V 和CAT III 1000 V的安全等级在设计时就考虑了保护用户和设备免受高压电击,福禄克F430系列电能质量分析仪、附件和充电器都经过验证,满足CAT IV 600 V和CAT III 1000 V环境下使用的严格的安全标准。
它们是同类别中第一款符合CAT IV安全等级的工具,所以可以被用于低压配电系统中所有的电气连接和插座。
福禄克FLUKE过程校准仪中文说明书一,测量和信号输出功能一览表热电阻2,3,4线测量2线输出100ΩPlatinum(3926)100ΩPlatinum(385)120ΩNickel(672)200ΩPlatinum(385)500ΩPlatinum(385)1000ΩPlatinum(385)10ΩCopper(427)100ΩPlatinum(3916)压力27种压力模块从2.5kPa至69,000kPa *回路电压24或28V(22mA最大)*对于压力输出功能,是指由外部手动压力泵或其它压力源作为压力信号二、初识校准仪1.当你第一次取出校准仪,你需要将电池充电见图9,给电池充电2小时。
图3 跨接线连接图4 输入输出的例子4.开机按⊙,按▲,▼以调整对比度。
表2 输入/输出插孔和连接器7,8!SOURCE(输出)mA测量mAΩRTD插孔输出或测量电流、电阻和RTDS插孔,并提供回路电源9,10!SOURE(输出)V ΩRTD插孔输出电压、电阻、频率、和模拟RTDS输出插孔图5 输入/输出插孔和连接2.按键校准仪按键如图6所示,表3解释它们的功能,有4个未带标记的兰色按键,在显示屏幕下面称之为功能键。
功能键和其显示内部在本手册中用黑体字标明,例如:Choices图6 按键表3 键的功能序号性能说明15 V-键测量方式中选择直流电压,输出方式中选择直流电压16 开关键电源开关3.显示屏幕图7为典型的显示屏幕。
此保修是买方唯一的索取补偿的权益。在多种其它明示或默示保修,包括但不只限于那些为推销产品或与特殊目的相配合的默示的保证,同时存在的情况下,应以 此保修为准。对于在违反保修条例、合同、条约、承诺或任何其它条文时发生的例外的、间接的、偶然的及随之引起的损坏或损失,其中包括数据的遗失,FLUKE 不承担任何责任。 由于某些国家(洲)不承认默示保修的界限或不容许有对例外或相应损失的排除,故此保修中的限制条例与例外处理并不适用于任何买方。若保修条款中任一条被法 院裁决无效,这一裁决将不影响其它条款的有效实施。
Fluke Corporation, P.O. Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206-9090 USA(美国)或 Fluke Industrial B.V., P.O. Box90, 7600 AB, Almelo, The Netherlands(荷兰)
欲安排一家授权的服务中心,请与我们在全球网(tçêäÇ=táÇÉ=tÉÄ)上的地址联络: 或者与下列任何电话联系: 在美国与加拿大:HNJUUUJVVPJRURP 在欧洲:HPNJQMOJSTRJOMM 从其它国家:HNJQORJQQSJRRMM
Fluke 123/124
`e OMMO=年=V=月
«=OMMO=cäìâÉ=`çêéçê~íáçåK=版权所有。 所有产品名称均为其所属公司的商标。
在正常使用与维修情况下,cäìâÉ 保证每一个产品无质地及工艺问题。自发货之日算起,测试工具保修期为三年,附件保修期为一年。零配件及产品修理与维护的 保修期为 VM 天。此保修只限于原始购买者和 cäìâÉ 指定经销商的产品使用客户保修不适用于保险丝和普通电池,亦不适用于任何 cäìâÉ 认为因错误使用、改装、疏 忽或因事故或非正常条件下操作或处置而导致损坏之产品。在 VM 天内,cäìâÉ 保证软件运转符合功能规范,且保证软件正确录制于完好无损的介质上。cäìâÉ 不保 证软件毫无差错或无操作中断情况。 Fluke 指定经销商只能向客户对新的和未使用过的产品提供保修,而无权以 Fluke 名义扩充或更改保修内容。以 Fluke 指定的销售渠道购买的产品或按相应国际价格购 买的产品可以得到保修。当产品在一个国家购买而要送到另外一个国家去修理时,Fluke 保留收取修理/更换零件的权利。 对于在保修期内将有故障的产品送回维修中心,要求按原价退款、免费修理或更换,Fluke 的保修义务是有限的。 在需要获得保修服务时,请与就近的 Fluke 指定的维修中心联系,或在附上故障说明、邮费及预付保险(目的地交货价)后,将产品寄往就近的 Fluke 指定的维修中 心。对于运输中可能出现的损坏情况,Fluke 不承担任何风险。产品维修后,将寄回给客户,邮费预付(目的地交货价)。如果 Fluke 认为出现故障的原因是由于错误 使用、改装、事故或非正常情况下使用或操作,Fluke 将提供维修的估价并在得到认可后才进行维修。维修后,产品在由 Fluke 预付邮费后寄回给客户,客户须支付维 修和运输费用(起运点交货价)。
福禄克FLUKE DTX系列(Dtx-1800,Dtx-1200,Dtx-lt)简单操作步骤说明:一、福禄克测试仪初始化步骤:1、充电:产品主机、辅机分别用电源适配器充电,直至电池显示灯转为绿色;2、设置语言:操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,按右下角绿色按钮开机;使用↓箭头;选中第三条“Instrument setting ”(本机设置)按“ENTER”进入参数设置,首先使用→箭头,按一下;进入第二个页面,↓箭头选择最后一项Language按“ENTER”进入; ↓箭头选择最后一项 Chinese 按“ENTER”选择。
3、自校准:取fluke dtx系列产品Cat 6A/Class EA 永久链路适配器,装在主机上,辅机装上Cat6A/Class EA 通道适配器。
然后将永久链路适配器末端插在Cat 6A/Class EA 通道适配器上;打开辅机电源,辅机自检后,“PASS”灯亮后熄灭,显示辅机正常。
“SPECIAL FUNCTIONS”档位,打开主机电源,显示主机、辅机软件、硬件和测试标准的版本(辅机信息只有当辅机开机并和主机连接时才显示),自测后显示操作界面,选择第一项“设置基准”后(如选错用“EXIT”退出重复),按“ENTER”键和“TEST”键开始自校准,显示“设置基准已完成”说明自校准成功完成。
二、设置福禄克测试仪基本参数操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,使用“↑↓”来选择第三条“仪器值设置”,按“ENTER”进入参数设置,可以按“←→”翻页,用“↑↓”选择你所需设置的参数,按ENTER进入参数修改,用“↑↓”选择你所需采用的参数设置,选好后按ENTER 选定并完成参数设置。
(将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,使用↓箭头;选中第三条:仪器设置值按ENTER进入如果返回上一级请按EXIT):1) 线缆标识码来源:(一般使用自动递增,会使电缆标识的最后一个字符在每一次保存测试时递增一般不用更改)2) 图形数据存储:(是)(否)通常情况下选择(是)3) 当前文件夹: DEFAULT 可以按ENTER进入修改其名称(你想要的名字)4) 结果存放位置:(使用默认值“内部存储器”假如有内存卡的话也可以选择“内存卡”)5) 按→进入第2个设置页面,操作员:You Name 按ENTER 进入按F3删除原来的字符“←→↑↓”来选择你要的字符选好后按ENTER确定6) 地点: Client Name,是你所测试的地点可以依照地e)小点进行修改7) 公司:You Company Name,你公司的名字8) 语言:Language,默认是英文9) 日期:输入现在日期10) 时间:输入现在时间11) 长度单位:通常情况下选择米(m)2、新机不需设置采用原机器默认值的参数:1) 电源关闭超时:默认30分钟2) 背光超时:默认1分钟3) 可听音:默认是4) 电源线频率:默认50Hz5) 数字格式:默认是6) 将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位选择双绞线按ENTER 进入后 NVP 不用修改7) 光纤里面的设置,在测试双绞线是不须修改3、使用过程中经常需要改动的参数:将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,选择双绞线,按ENTER进入:线缆类型:按ENTER进入后按↑↓选择你要测试的线缆类型例如我要测试超5类的双绞线在按ENTER进入后选择UTP 按ENTER ↑↓选择“Cat 5e UTP ” 按ENTER 返回。
Fluke ScopeMeter 190C和190B系列高性能波形仪说明书
![Fluke ScopeMeter 190C和190B系列高性能波形仪说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c01387a14128915f804d2b160b4e767f5acf80dd.png)
Powerful ScopeMeter ® test capabilities:• From 20 to 200 MHz bandwidth and up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling • Up to seven hours operating time• Now with FFT Analysis, advanced triggering and 3k memory lengthOscilloscopes for field applicationsFluke 196B SpecsProvided by High sampling rates give you the requiredresolution for detailed signal analysis.ScopeMeter ®190C and 190B Series:Speed, performance and analysis powerFor the more demanding applications, the ScopeMeter 190 Series high-performance oscilloscopes offer specifications usually found on top-end bench instruments. With up to 200 MHz bandwidth, 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling and a deep memory of 27,500 points per input, they’re ideal for engineers who need the full capabilities of a high-performance oscilloscope in a handheld, battery powered instrument.• Dual-input – 200, 100 or 60 MHzbandwidth• Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input•Choice between a high-resolution color display (190C Series) or black-and-white display (190B Series)•Connect-and-View ™ automatic trig-gering and a full range of manual trigger modes•Digital Persistence mode for analyz-ing complex dynamic waveforms like on an analog scope•Fast display update rate for seeing dynamic behavior instantaneously •Automatic capture and replay of 100 screens•27,500 points per input record length using ScopeRecord ™ mode •TrendPlot ™ paperless chart recorder for trend analysis up to 22 days •Waveform reference for visual comparisons and automatic pass/failtesting of waveforms•V pwm function for motor drive and frequency inverter applications • Up to 1000 V independently floating isolated inputs for1000 V CAT II and 600 V CAT III safety certification• Four hours rechargeable NiMH battery packSee an on-line demonstration,go to /scopemeterSee what’s really happeningWith a maximum real-time sampling rate of 2.5 GS/s per input, you can see what really happens, with 400 ps resolution. Both inputs have their own digitizer, so you can simultaneously acquire two waveforms and analyze them with the highest resolution and detail. If an anomaly flashesby on the screen, just press the Replay button to see it again. And thanks to the wider screen, you will always see a 12 divisions time window giving a far better overview of what’s happening both before and after the trigger event!Thanks to the deeper memory, very small parts of the waveform can be studied in full detail using “zoom”.Deeper waveform acquisition memoryThe waveform memory of all oscillo-scopes in both the 190B and 190C Series has been enlarged to allow asmany as 3000 samples per channel to be acquired. You can use the ZOOM function to find tiny details in a long waveform, for example, the color burst in a video signal or a single impulse in a complex data-stream. All models also allow the high-resolution waveforms to be transferred to a PC for later detailed analysis using FlukeView ® ScopeMeter software.Easier identification of traces, everywhereThe full-color display makes identifica-tion of individual waveforms easier, particularly when displaying largeamplitude or multiple overlapping wave-forms on screen. On-screen color labels, measurements and warnings are clearly linked to specific waveforms.See dynamic signal behavior instantaneouslyThe Digital Persistence mode (Fluke 190C) helps to find anomalies and to analyze complex dynamic signals by showing the waveforms amplitude distribution over time. Digital Persis-tence uses multiple intensity levels and user selectable decay time—it’s as if you’re looking at the display of an analog, real-time oscilloscope! The fast display update rate that’s standard on all models reveals signal changes instantaneously, useful for instance when making adjustments to a system under test.Frequency Spectrum shows an overview of frequencies contained in a signal.Frequency spectrum analysisAll 190C color ScopeMeter models now include Frequency Spectrum Analy-sis functionality based on Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis as a standard feature. This enables you to identify the individual frequency components contained in a signal. The spectrum analysis function is also handy for revealing the effects of vibration, signal interference or crosstalk. An automatic window function assures optimal window-ing, although you may manually select your preferred time window.Dual-slope triggering used to capture the eye-pattern on a digital datastream.Advanced trigger modesThe ScopeMeter 190 Series simplifies triggering with Connect-and-View ™ automatic triggering. Two new modes —“n-cycle triggering” and “dual-slope triggering”—have been added to the Fluke 190C Series to help you isolate the phenomena of interest. N-cycle triggering ensures you get a stable live image of a signal, for example, in-frequency dividers and clocked (synchronous) digital systems, or to synchronize on bursts of pulses. Dual-slope triggering enables the oscil-loscopes to trigger on both rising and falling edges alike. This means that any edge in the signal will act as a trig-ger event and initiate a new waveform acquisition, a most useful capabil-ity when making eye-patterns from digital data-streams, or in conjunction with single-shot phenomena. Manual modes include edge, delay, video and pulse width triggering. A fully isolated external trigger input is included for troubleshooting time relationships between two input signals synchro-nized to a third signal.Digital Persistence mode gives analog scope-like display of complex and modulated signals.Protective Hard-Shell Carrying Case (C190 or C120) SCC120 KitPass/Fail testing of actual signal against a reference templateWaveform Pass/Fail Testing“Waveform reference” allows an acquired Use the 27,500 points memory of ScopeRecord and zoom in for maximum detail. Deep memory for high-resolution ScopeRecord™Vpwm measures effective voltage on motor drive and frequency inverter outputs.Cursors and zoom featured by the 190 Series help you to analyze the captured TrendPlot. Use TrendPlot ™ to helpfind intermittents, fastConnect-and-View captures even the most complex motor drive signals.Connect-and-View ™ triggering for anFlukeView ®Software for documenting, archiving andScopeMeter® 120 Series:As simple as one-two-threeThe compact ScopeMeter 120 Series is the rugged solution for industrial trou-bleshooting and installation applications. It’s a truly integrated test tool, with oscilloscope, multimeter and “paperless” recorder in one affordable, easy-to-use instrument. Find answers fast to problems in machinery, instrumentation, control and power systems.•Dual-input 40 MHz or 20 MHz digital oscilloscope•Two 5,000-count true-rms digital multimeters•Automatic measurements•A dual-input TrendPlot™ recorder •Connect-and-View™ trigger simplicity for hands-off operation •Shielded test leads for oscillo- scope, resistance and continuity measurements •10:1 Voltage Probe included withFluke 124 and 125 for reducedcircuit loading•Up to seven hours battery operation•600 V CAT III safety certified•Optically isolated interface•Rugged compact case•New Fluke 125 gives bus health andpower measurementsBus Health modeallows for ananalysis of thesignal qualityon industrialnetwork,comparingmeasuredsignals to thestandards’signalrequirements.Selection TableFluke 199C Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz / 2.5 GS/s)Fluke 199C/S Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz / 2.5 GS/s) + SCC190Fluke 196C Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz / 1 GS/s)Fluke 196C/S Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz / 1 GS/s) + SCC190Fluke 199B ScopeMeter (200 MHz / 2.5 GS/s)Fluke 199B/S ScopeMeter (200 MHz / 2.5 GS/s) + SCC190Fluke 196B ScopeMeter (100 MHz / 1 GS/s)Fluke 196B/S ScopeMeter (100 MHz / 1 GS/s) + SCC190Fluke 192B ScopeMeter (60 MHz / 500 MS/s)Fluke 192B/S ScopeMeter (60 MHz / 500 MS/s) + SCC190Fluke 125 Industrial ScopeMeter (40 MHz, with Bus Health)Fluke 125/S Industrial ScopeMeter (40 MHz, Bus Health) + SCC120 kit)Fluke 124 Industrial ScopeMeter (40 MHz)Fluke 124/S Industrial ScopeMeter (40 MHz) + SCC120 kit Fluke 123 Industrial ScopeMeter (20 MHz)Fluke 123/S Industrial ScopeMeter (20 MHz) + SCC120 kit SCC190 FlukeView Software + Cable + Case (190 Series)SCC120 FlukeView Software + Cable + Case (120 Series)OC4USB Optically-isolated USB-interface cable PM9080 Optically-isolated RS-232 adapter/cableSW90WFlukeView ScopeMeter Software for Windows • ScopeMeter test tools come standard with a complete accessory package including line voltage adapter and battery pack (installed). ScopeMeter 190B and 190C Series come with probes, probe accessories and multimeter test leads.• Optional accessories ordering information can be found in the technical datasheet or on the Fluke web site.Ordering informationMaximum input voltage 1000 V CAT II with VPS40, 40 MHz, 10:1 Voltage Probe (standard included with Fluke 125 and Fluke 124)Detailed technical specifications and optional accessories can be found in the technical datasheet and on the Fluke web site.1 0 and 190 Series ScopeMeter ® Test ToolsFluke Corporation PO Box 9090,Everett, WA USA 98206Fluke. Keeping your world up and running.™Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116 Web access: ©2004, 2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 2/2007 1629090 B-EN-N Rev E。
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使用FLUKE199C示波表说明书网址:/pages/16357.shtml 打开测试仪套件箱在测试仪套件箱中包括以下各部件:新的可充电镍氢电池没有完全充足电源。
现在再查看显示屏,就可以看到如图3 所示的屏幕。
逐步执行第1 步到第4 步以打开示波器菜单并选择项目。
要在全屏视图中隐藏标签,再按一下scope 键。
隐藏按键标签和菜单您可以随时隐藏菜单或按键标签:要显示菜单或按键标签,按任意一个黄色菜单键,例如:scope 键。
FLUKE 199C/668万用示波表 相关内容:报价 | 参数 | 图片 | 论坛 | 评测输入端口连接请注意测试仪的顶部。
测试仪有四个信号输入端口:两个安全bnc 插口输入端(红色的输入端口a 和灰色的输入端口b)和两个安全4-mm 香蕉插口输入端(红色和黑色)。
两个bnc 插口输入端用于示波器测量,而两个香蕉插口输入端则用于仪表测量。
(参见图6)要充分利用独立的隔离悬浮输入端口,以及避免因使用不当而引起的问题,请阅读第7 章:“提示”。
使用Connect-and-View 显示不明信号即连即现(connect-and-view) 功能使测试仪得以自动显示复杂的不明信号。
使用键盘下方的浅灰色range、time 和move 键手动改变波形的显示。
可以显示两个数字读数:reading 1 和reading 2。
这些读数可以单独选择,并且可以在输入端口a 或输入端口b 的波形上进行测量。
要选择输入端口a 的频率测量,执行下列步骤:可观察到屏幕的左上方显示hz 测量。
要选择输入端口b 的peak-peak (峰峰值) 测量作为第二个读数,执行下列步骤:图8显示了屏幕的一个示例。
图9 中显示了经过平滑处理和未经过平滑处理的波形示例。
选择dot-join: on 或off,挑选你所需的波形显示。
显示尖峰脉冲要捕获波形上的尖峰脉冲,执行下列步骤:您可以使用该功能显示50 ns (纳秒)或更宽的结果(尖峰脉冲或其它异步波形),也可以显示hf 已调制波形。
当你选择2 mv/div 范围时,尖峰脉冲显示器将会关闭。
在2 mv/div 范围以内,你可以再打开尖峰脉冲显示器。
抑制高频噪声将glitch detect 设置为off可抑制波形上的高频噪声。
参见第1 章:“处理噪声波形”。
当希望观测一个加载在直流信号上的交流小信号时, 使用交流耦合。
要选择交流耦合,执行下列步骤:翻转所显示波形的极性要反向显示输入端口a波形,执行下列步骤:变数输入端口灵敏度变数输入端口灵敏度可以不断调整input a灵敏度,譬如设置一个参照信号的波幅至刚好6个格。
可以调高一个量程的输入端口灵敏度为2.5倍,譬如在10 mv/div量程的10 mv/div到4 mv/div之间若要使用变数输入端口灵敏度,执行下列步骤:1 应用输入端口信号自动设置将会关闭变数输入端口灵敏度。
屏幕左下方会显示a var文本。
处理噪声波形要抑制波形上的高频噪声,可以将工作带宽限制为10 khz或20 mhz。
要选择hf reject(hf 去除),执行下列步骤:要抑制噪声而又不损失带宽,使用平均处理功能或关闭display glitches。
使用数学计算函数a±b、axb、a比b对输入波形a和b 进行加法(a+b)、减法(a-b) 或乘法(a*b) 运算时,测试工具将显示数学结果波形及输入波形a 和b。
使用数学计算函数频谱(fft,c 版本)spectrum(频谱)函数可显示输入波形a 或输入波形b 的频谱内容。
若显示low ampl,表示由于波形振幅过低而无法进行频谱测量。
若显示wrong tb,则表示时基设置无法令测试工具显示fft结果。
带有一个±2像素波形包的参照波形范例:黑像素: 基本波形灰像素: ± 2像素波形包显示上一个单位的垂直像素是0.04x量程/格。
当内存用完时, 第一屏将被删除,以存入新屏。
测量电阻值要测量电阻,执行下列步骤:电阻器值以欧姆(ohm) 为单位显示。
要设置测试仪,执行下列步骤:现在,您将看到如图15 所示的屏幕。
有关将屏幕显示保存到存储器的方法,参见第6 章。
所存储的基准值在屏幕的右下方、文字reference 的后面以小号数字显示。
4 测量要与基准值进行比较的电压。
要打开主菜单,执行下列步骤:按时间绘制测量曲线(TrendPlot)使用趋势曲线(trendplot) 功能将示波器或仪表测量结果绘制为时间的函数图。
启动趋势曲线功能要开始按时间绘制读数图,执行下列步骤:1 向红色的bnc 输入端口a 应用一个信号, 并打开示波器方式中的reading 1。
测试仪将连续记录输入端口a 测量的数字读数,并将其显示为曲线图。
显示记录的数据在标准视图中(normal), 屏幕上只显示最近记录的十二个格。
view all 将显示存储器中的所有数据:当记录器的存储器已满时,即会使用自动压缩算法将所有样本压缩到存储器空间的一半且无瞬变损失。