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格式可能有问题。 There might be a problem with the format. 您上次发来的邮件是乱码。 Your last e-mail was unreadable. 请将附件解压。 说明 问题 Please expand the attachment. 我的电脑里没有装 Photoshop Photoshop isn’t installed in my computer. (图像处理软件) 。 You can download the software from the 您可以从网上下载需要的软 internet. 件。
邮件 常用语 Useful Phrases
How have you been lately? 最近怎么样? How are things going? 事情进展得怎么样? 开头 问候 How’s everything at your end? 您那边怎么样? What have you been up to recently? 您最近忙什么呢? How’s your school/university life going? 学校/大学生活怎么样? Regards, Sincerely, 信尾 祝福 Best regards, Best wishes, Keep in touch, Thanks and regards, Could you please resend the file? Please send the file in text format. The e-mail I sent you came back. 收发 Did you receiver the e-mail that sent a few 邮件 days ago? I just wanted to let you know that I switched to a new e-mail account. 了吗? 我就是想告诉您我换新邮箱 了。 我几天前发给您的邮件收到 此致, 您真诚的, 此致敬礼, 诚挚的祝福, 保持联系, 谢谢并致意, 能否再发一次文档? 请以文本格式发送。 我发给您的邮件被退回来了。
I have directed your inquiry to our technical 我已经把您的问题转给我妈 staff. 的技术人员了。
I will forward your e-mail to our sales 我将把您的邮件转发给我们 department. Thank you for your e-mail. Thank you for your reply. 回复 I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well. 邮件 It ’s good to know that everything is going well 得知您那边一切顺利,我很高 at your end. 兴。 知道您一切都好,我很高兴。 公司的销售部门。 谢谢您的来信/留言。 非常感谢您的回信。
Biblioteka Baidu
Attached is our latest catalog that you are 附件是您需要的我公司最新 required. 目录。 Please find attached a copy of the file you 请在附件中查收您要的文件。 发送 附件 requested. 我在该信息后附上文本文件。 I am attaching a text file to this message. 附件为压缩文件。 The attached file is compressed. 我无法打开附件的图像文档。 I can’t open the attached photo file. 您好像忘记添加附件了。 You may have forgotten to attach a file. Your e-mail has been forwarded to our 您的邮件已转发给我们的客 customer service. 转发 邮件 户服务部。