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2. A. WI’dhlaikt'es rhiceelikaen?d soup. B. What does he like?
A. B.
4. A. What does your father do ? B. WIt’hsaMt'sonydoauyr.father?
_H_e__li_k_e_s_s_u_m__m__e_r _b_e_s_t.__B_e_c_a_u_s_e__h_e_c_a_n__s_w_i_m__i_n_t_h_e_s_e_a_.______ 5. Who is Mark’s music teacher? ___H_is__m_o_t_h_e_r_. ________________ 6. Whose father is a doctor? __M__a_r_k_’s_f_a_t_h_e_r.___________________ 7. What are they going to do next weekend?
Height 226cm
Weight 141kg
How far is America from China? It’s about _1_3_ hours by plane.
How does he go to America?
1.What _c_o_lo__u_r is this book ?
It's yellow.
2.What _t_im__e__ do you go to school?
At 7:30.
When do you ____?
When is ________? It’s JSuenpet.110sth. .
Who What Where When How Whose Which Why
什么时候 谁 什么 在哪里 谁的 如何,怎样 为什么 哪一个
1. What’s the weather like today?
what (什么)可用于对事或物的提问。
2. What can you do ?
what (什么)可用于对事或物的提问。
3. What’s your hobby?
what (什么)可用于对事或物的提问。
4. What’s the matter with…?
1. A. What do you like? B. What would you like for dinner?
特殊疑问句(Special Question)
以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某 一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句 。
常用的疑问词有: who whose what why how which where when
不用yes或no 回答。
Read and fill in the blanks 1. W__h_en_ are you going? -- I am going at 3 o’clock. 2. _H_o_w_ heavy are you? --I’m 48kg. 3.W_h_e_r_e does he come from? –It comes from the USA. 4. _W_h_y_ are you so happy? –Because I am going on a big trip. 5. W__h_ic_h subject do you like best? –I like math best. 6. _H_o_w_ can I get to the park? –You can go by the No.5 bus. 7. _W_h_a_t do you do on weekends? –I usually do my homework. 8. W__h_os_ecat is it? –It’s my grandma’s. 9. _W_h_o_ is the beautiful woman? – She is Wu Yifan’s aunt. 10. _H_ow__m_u_c_h is it ? –It’s 15 yuan. 11. _H_o_w_m_a_n_y friends do you have? –I have four.
Who is ____ ?
who's [ hu:z ]
whose 谁的
whose (谁的)询问主人。
who (谁) whose (谁的)
A.选用 ①who 、 ② who’s和 ③whose 填空。 ➢ _W__h_o_ has a birthday in May? ➢ W__h_o_s_e birthday is in May? ➢ W__h_o_’_s taller than you in your class?
1. Whose that woman? Who’s
2. Who basketball is it? Whose
She’s my teacher.
It's Yao Ming ball. Yao Ming’s
Name Yao Ming
Summer is hot, but it’s Mark’s favourite season. Because he can swim in the sea. Mark likes singing very much. His mother teach him music at school. And his father is a doctor. Next weekend, they are going on a trip. Mark is very happy.
√Teacher’s Day
New Year’s Day
Children’s Day
Which (哪一个)可用于对人、事或物的提问。
A: Which Season do you like best ? B: I like______ best. A: Why ? B: Because....
why o (谁)可用于对人物的提问。
Mark is from England. He is 14 years old. His birthday is June 5th. Usually He gets up at 6:30 . But yesterday he got up at 8:00, because he had a cold. Mark goes to school on foot, because it’s not far.
1. Where’s Mark from?_____H__e_’s__fr_o_m__E_n_g_l_a_n_d_.________________ 2. How can Mark go to school? ___H__e_g_o_e_s__to__s_c_h_o_o_l_o_n__f_o_o_t.____ 3. When did Mark get up yesterday? ___H_e__g_o_t_u_p__a_t_8_:_0_0_. _______ 4. Which season does Mark like best? Why?